16 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Honduras

Written by Karen Hastings Updated Sep 26, 2022 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

A diamond in the rough, Honduras, Central America's second-largest country, dazzles visitors with its natural beauty and diverse wildlife. Nature lovers can explore idyllic Caribbean beaches, bird-rich lakes and jungles, and the undeveloped tropical rainforest of the Mosquito Coast, among many other attractions.

Coral reef in Utila, Honduras

But the country's prized jewels are the beautiful Bay Islands. Ringed by thriving coral reefs – part of the world's second biggest barrier reef , which stretches north to Mexico – these laid-back islands lure many divers, snorkelers, and travelers seeking a relaxed tropical vibe.

Rich in culture, Honduras is also home to the archeological treasures of Copán , one of the finest Maya sites in the world. Other adventures include dolphin encounters, birding tours, rafting trips, and the chance to swim with gentle whale sharks.

Discover a world of wonder in this diverse country, with our list of the top attractions and places to visit in Honduras.

1. Roatán, Bay Islands

2. copán ruins archeological site, 3. utila, bay islands, 4. dolphin encounter, roatán institute for marine sciences, 5. museum of mayan sculpture, copán, 6. la tigra national park, 7. lake yojoa (lago de yojoa), 8. parque nacional jeanette kawas, 9. cayos cochinos, 10. lancetilla botanical gardens, 11. río plátano biosphere reserve, mosquito coast, 12. museum of national identity, tegucigalpa, 13. cusuco national park, 14. carambola botanical gardens & trails, roatán, 15. little french key, bay islands, 16. pico bonito national park.

Roatán, Bay Islands

Roatán is the largest and most developed of the Bay Islands. Once a well-kept secret, it is now a cruise ship port and a popular vacation destination – especially for avid divers and snorkelers.

A mountainous backbone undulates through the island's center, and flourishing coral reefs fringe its shores, offering superb opportunities for diving and deep-sea fishing .

Even with the influx of travelers, Roatán's beaches are beautiful. One of the best strands is West Bay Beach. Although packed on cruise ship days, it ticks all the boxes, with clear waters, snorkeling, swaying palms, and plenty of shops and restaurants nearby.

The small community of Sandy Bay is the cultural center of Roatán. Top tourist attractions here include the Roatán Institute of Marine Sciences with its popular dolphin encounters; Roatán Museum ; the Carambola Gardens, a favorite with nature lovers; and the Roatán Marine Park , with excellent snorkeling.

Craving a cute animal encounter? Head to Manawakie Park , where you can cuddle sloths and get up close to capuchin monkeys, as well as soak up a dose of Honduran culture. Gumbalimba Park is another haven for wildlife lovers with sloths and monkeys. You can also pose for a photo with colorful macaws and soar through the jungle on an exhilarating zipline.

Other top things to do in Roatan include visiting the environmentally friendly Blue Harbor Tropical Arboretum and the Butterfly Gardens. Tucked in tropical fruit trees, the garden spotlights butterfly species native to Honduras and the Bay Islands.

French Harbour is Roatán's biggest fishing port and the economic engine of the island. A popular attraction here is Arch's Iguana and Marine Park .

Copán Ruins Archeological Site

Copán Ruins Archeological Site (Copán Ruinas Sitio Arqueológico) is the most studied Maya city in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site . Dating back nearly 2,000 years, the society that lived here was highly stratified, deeply symbolic, and focused on tradition.

You will find plenty to appreciate here. The site is famous for the stelae and altars that are scattered around the immense plaza, most of which were erected during the years 711 and 736. Other highlights include the ball court; the Hieroglyphic Stairway, a unique temple, which holds the longest known Mayan text; and the Acropolis featuring superb carved reliefs of the 16 kings of Copán.

About 1.6 kilometers from the central acropolis, Las Sepulturas archaeological site forms part of the "PAC" (Proyecto Arqueológico Copán) and provides valuable insight into how the Mayan elite lived during the days before the collapse of Copán. While you're exploring the site, keep an eye out for the spectacular scarlet macaws flying among the ruins.

After touring the ruins, don't miss the Museum of Mayan Sculpture , which displays impressive artifacts recovered from the site. Many visitors also like to stroll along the well-signed nature trails , where birds and butterflies dart among the thick foliage.

Not far from Copán, El Puente is a smaller Mayan archaeological site on the Chinamito River with several pyramids that have been partially restored.

Utila, Bay Islands

About 32 kilometers from the west coast of Roatán , Utila is the most budget-friendly of the Bay Islands. Backpackers flock to this small, 13-kilometer-long-island, and many visitors come here on affordable dive vacations.

Presiding over an arching bay, Utila Town is the main settlement, where locals compete fiercely over domino games and tourist shops and dive centers dot the streets. Save time to enjoy some fresh seafood and traditional Honduras cuisine at one of the funky waterfront restaurants here.

Besides diving, most visitors bide their time basking on the two slivers of beach, snorkeling in the lagoon, zipping out to a sprinkling of cays off the island's southwest coast, and soaking up the rustic tropical vibe. You can also get up close to some of the island's wildlife at the Iguana Research & Breeding Station .

Dive operators also offer the chance to dive or swim with whale sharks . These gentle giants are frequently spotted in the waters around the island - especially during March to April and August to September.

Dolphin Encounter, Roatán Institute for Marine Sciences

On the northwest coast of Roatán at Anthony's Key Resort , the Roatán Institute of Marine Sciences offers an unforgettable dolphin experience. Best of all, it takes place in a natural lagoon, where the dolphins are free to swim around in a large area like they do in the wild. The center also educates locals and visitors about marine ecology.

Besotted animal lovers can swim and snorkel with the dolphins, play simple games with them, participate in a dolphin specialty course, or enjoy a dolphin dive experience. Budding marine biologists can also sign up for the "Dolphin Trainer for a Day" program and perform their own dolphin show for their proud parents at the end.

Artwork on the Rosalila Temple replica at the Museum of Mayan Sculpture

At the Copán Ruins Archeological Site, the superb Museum of Mayan Sculpture is an essential stop on any visit to the ruins. It displays a series of original pieces of sculpture, stelae, and altars recovered from the site.

The museum, which tunnels through a hillside before opening out into a vast sunlit open space, is best visited after touring the ruins to understand where the pieces on display originally belonged.

The collection has a total of over 3,000 pieces of original Maya sculpture and carvings depicting spiritual entities, people, and sacred animals like macaws and bats. There are also several buildings on-site that were rebuilt from the pieces found in the nearby dig site.

Undoubtedly, the masterpiece here is the full-sized replica of the ornate Rosalila Temple , discovered intact under structure 16 in the acropolis.

La Tigra National Park

About 20 kilometers from Tegucigalpa, La Tigra National Park (Parque Nacional La Tigra) is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Honduras. Perched at an altitude of 2,270 meters, this unspoiled park preserves a lush cloud forest that is home to ocelots , pumas , and monkeys , although it's rare to see these larger mammals.

This is one of the most visited parks in Honduras and offers a vision of how the area looked long before logging claimed much of the surrounding forests.

The park is also a haven for birds - more than 200 species flit within its borders, including toucans, trogons, and the elusive quetzal. Well-marked hiking trails wind through the thick forest, where bromeliads and orchids flourish.

Stop by the visitor's center at each entrance for maps and park information and to pay the admission fee. Guides can also be arranged here.

Lake Yojoa

Along the main road between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, Lago de Yojoa is the largest natural lake in Honduras and a haven for birders . More than 480 species have been spotted here, including whistling ducks, northern jacanas, and crakes.

You can explore this shallow lake from shore, or glide through the reeds in a canoe or kayak. Two mountainous national parks border the lake: Santa Bárbara National Park on the northern shore and Cerro Azul Meambar National Park to the south.

Other popular things to do in the area include hikes to waterfalls, exploring an underground cave system, and tours of coffee plantations and archeological sites.

Boat anchored at Parque Nacional Jeanette Kawas

Formerly known as the Punta Sal National Park , this beautiful wilderness area is now named after the environmental activist, Jeanette Kawas, who fought passionately during her life to preserve its rich ecosystems.

The park stretches along a peninsula at the western end of the Bay of Tela and supports diverse habitats, from tropical jungle, mangroves, and wetlands to sparkling beaches and coral reefs.

Wildlife is abundant and includes many rare species. Visitors may encounter dolphins; howler monkeys; and a large variety of tropical birds, including toucans, quetzals, and motmots. The Micos Lagoon has the highest population of birds in the area, with up to 350 different species.

Tour operators run day trips to the park from Tela, which typically include a hike across the peninsula to a pretty beach, swimming, snorkeling, or diving and an optional visit to the traditional Garifuna village of Miami on a picturesque beach and lagoon.

Cayos Cochinos

Also known as the Hog Islands, the archipelago of Cayos Cochinos is an undeveloped, quintessential tropical paradise. This group of small, privately-owned islands and cays lies 17 kilometers off the coast near the old banana port of La Ceiba .

The islands and the black coral reefs that surround them are a Marine Biological Reserve and remain pristine due to their remote location and difficult access. A true back-to-nature experience, Cayos Cochinos offer excellent snorkeling, diving, hiking, and bird-watching.

Accommodation options include rustic eco resorts, as well as hammocks or huts at local Garifuna villages . The islands are accessible only by boat from La Ceiba, Roatán, or Utila.

Brilliant red flower at Lancetilla Botanical Gardens

About five kilometers from the city of Tela , Lancetilla Botanical Gardens are the second largest tropical botanical gardens in the world .

In 1926, the United Fruit Company established the gardens as an experimental site to test the economic viability of various fruit and hardwood trees. Today, the magnificent groves of trees from Central America and other tropical regions comprise part of a protected wildlife corridor along the country's north coast.

More than 200 species of tropical birds have also made the garden home due to the abundance of fruit trees. Birders will be rewarded with many sightings as they wander along the well-marked trails through profuse plantings of palms, orchids, and mango trees, among others.

One particularly beautiful path leads through a tunnel of bamboo trees to a swimming hole in the Lancetilla River, a refreshing place for a cool dip after a long, hot walk.

This is a place where it's definitely worth organizing a guided tour, so you can learn interesting facts about all the different trees and plants in the gardens.

Village in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve

In 2011, UNESCO placed this massive swath of jungle along the remote Mosquito Coast on the World Heritage in Danger list . It is one of the few remaining tropical rainforests in Central America.

The reserve lies in the watershed of the Río Plátano and forms a mosaic of lowland tropical rainforest, coastal lagoons, undisturbed beaches, mangroves, grasslands, and patches of pine savannah.

Steeped in tropical humidity, this important wilderness area harbors a rich diversity of wildlife, including howler monkeys, scarlet macaws, giant leatherback turtles, toucans, and tapirs. Sadly, reports of logging and hunting continue to threaten the reserve's fragile habitats.

Sloping down to the Caribbean Sea, the mountainous landscape is also home to more than 2,000 indigenous people of the Miskito and Pech tribes, as well as the Garífuna, who continue to live their traditional lifestyle. Archaeological sites also lie within its borders.

The best way to explore the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve is on an organized tour. Experienced guides can take you to the safe places to visit in this remote area of Honduras, away from drug smugglers and illegal loggers who often venture deep into the reserve. Ecotourism companies offer wilderness adventures and rafting trips down the Río Plátano.

El Christo del Picacho statue in Tegucigalpa

For a dose of Honduras culture and a journey through the country's history, visitors should stop by the excellent Museum of National Identity (Museo para la Identidad Nacional). This is one of the top things to do in Tegucigalpa, the country's capital.

Occupying a beautiful National Heritage building known as Palacio de los Ministerios , the museum also displays an impressive collection of Honduran and international art. Historic exhibits unveil the country's fascinating past, from pre-Hispanic times to the present day.

A highlight here is the virtual tour of the Mayan Acropolis of Copan, which provides a great primer for those who haven't yet visited the attraction and a welcome recap for those who have. Parking is scarce in this central city location, but taxis will take visitors directly to the door.

Another top place to visit in Tegucigalpa is the Parque Naciones Unidas El Picacho . Drive or catch a taxi to the park, which lies about six kilometers outside the city, and hike the trails to one of the city's iconic landmarks: the 20-meter-high statue of El Christo del Picacho , which towers over the capital. Best of all, you can enjoy panoramic views over the city to the mountains beyond.

Flower in Cusuco National Park

Located in Corinto, just west of San Pedro Sula in the Merendon Mountain Range, Cusuco National Park (Parque Nacional El Cusuco ) is famous for its enigmatic quetzal, one of the loveliest of all tropical birds. Sadly, habitat loss and unsustainable hunting for its beautiful long tail feather have pushed it to the brink of extinction.

The park's exceptional biodiversity also includes threatened species of frogs and salamander, jewel scarab beetles, Baird's tapir, and more than 260 species of birds. The reserve is also home to several species of wild cats, including the ocelot, margay, and jaguar.

The park's frogs are among its most important residents, playing a vital role in controlling the insect population. They also perform other important functions within the ecosystem which, in turn, influences the health of the residents of San Pedro Sula.

Hikers can enjoy some challenging trails here – the park's highest point rises to 2,200 meters above sea level. Local guides can provide access details and share information about the rich flora and fauna.

View from Carambola Mountain

Beautiful Carambola Botanical Gardens & Trails offers a tranquil island nature experience. Trails wind through forests of fruit trees, palms, ferns, orchids, spices, and mahogany.

For breathtaking views, follow the mountain path to the top of the ridge, where a lookout peers out over the azure Caribbean, the adjacent barrier reef, and for those who time it well, dolphins leaping from the water at Anthony's Key Resort.

Along the way, keep an eye out for some of the tropical wildlife. Colorful birds dart throughout the foliage, and you might also spot Roatan Anoli lizards and entertaining parades of leafcutter ants.

Also in the gardens, Iguana Wall is a sheer section of cliff that offers a breeding area for iguanas and parrots.

Official site:

Little French Key, Bay Islands

A popular day trip from Roatán , Little French Key is an eco-friendly tropical paradise off the island's south shore. Anyone seeking a tranquil tropical experience in manicured surrounds will enjoy it here. Imagine hammocks slung between coconut palms, sparkling clear waters with fantastic snorkeling, and a pretty white-sand beach with kayaks and chaises loungues.

After a few hours of beach fun, you can dine on fresh seafood at the restaurant or head to the wildlife sanctuary for close-up animal encounters. Sanctuary residents include rescue animals such as monkeys, deer, and toucans.

Feel like some more pampering to go with your beach basking? Sign up for a massage, manicure, or pedicure while you're here.

Official site:

Bejuco Falls in Pico Bonito National Park

Pico Bonito National Park is a nature lover's paradise and one of the most popular hiking areas in Honduras . Located near the northern coastal city of La Ceiba, the 2,480-meter summit of Pico Bonito is a landmark visible from the Bay Islands.

In addition to the park's lush green rainforests and diverse wildlife, the park is full of dramatic waterfalls , some of which can be viewed from the road.

The park offers a variety of hiking trails, including the moderate one-hour La Roca loop that offers thrilling views from a swing bridge that crosses the Cangrejal River . There are also longer, more challenging trails that visit waterfalls and swimming holes, as well as scenic vistas.

Most of the trailheads are located at the park's visitor center, located only a few kilometers from La Ceiba.

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Andy Turner

written by Andy Turner

updated 31.03.2023


Rainforests, cloud forests, beaches, jungles, lakes, islands, Mayan ruins, colonial cities, and buzzing metropolises come together in Central America’s least discovered country. Here is our pick of the best things to do in Honduras .

1. See the extraordinary Copan Ruins

2. lago de yojoa for birdwatching and more, 3. see the 500-year-old churches of gracias, 4. relax by the crystal clear waters of roatan island, bay islands, 5. visiting gumbalimba park - one of the best things to do in honduras with kids, 6. explore la mosquita, 7. olancho for the most stunning and challenging terrain, 8. punta sal national park for stunning beaches and more, 9. take a tour of a coffee plantation, 10. bird watching for rare birds, 11. rio platano biosphere reserve, 12. exploring la tigra national park - one of the best things to do in honduras for hiking, 13. comayagua for colonial architechture, 14. rio cangrejal for whitewater rafting and more, 15. try honduran cuisine.

This article is inspired by our Rough Guides guidebooks — your essential guides for travelling the world.

Near the Guatemalan border is the Maya ceremonial city of Copán. The area around the ruins has been inhabited since at least 1400 BC. The town of Copán Ruínas is about 1km (0.6 miles) from the archaeological site. Tourism runs the town and within a few blocks of the cobblestone plaza are dozens of small hotels, ex-pat restaurants, and handicraft shops.

On entering the grounds of the archaeological site, a path leads to the claustrophobic Rosalia and Jaguar tunnels. The tunnels give an idea of how the Maya layered construction, building one temple over another. The trail continues to the Acropolis and Temple of Inscriptions. On the Great Plaza, diagonal from the Temple of Inscriptions, the city’s most important symbol is the Hieroglyphic Stairway.

If you are planning a backpacking trip to Honduras, check out our list of tips for backpacking in Central America .


Exploring the Mayan ruins in Copan is one of the most exciting things to do in Honduras © Inspired By Maps/Shutterstock

Surrounded by misty pine-covered mountains and coffee fincas, the 89 sq km (55 sq mile) Lago de Yojoa is a premier eco-destination that somehow isn’t swarming with tourists. It’s the country’s largest natural lake and a hotspot for birders who come from around the world hoping to glimpse some of the 400 or so species that have been identified here.

Along the lakeshore are several fine hotels, which mostly attract Honduran families, and even a small craft brewery. The American-owned D&D also runs guided boat excursions on the lake.


Lake Yojoa, Honduras © Jpiks/Shutterstock

For a short time, the sleepy colonial village of Gracias a Dios – named after conquistador Juan de Chavez’s reaction after finding flat land after weeks in the mountains – was the capital of all of Central America. Today, with nearby Lenca villages and national parks luring visitors, the town has been capitalizing on its stock of 500-year-old churches and cobblestone plazas.

Much of the original Spanish grid, topped by a small fortification on a hillside called El Fuerte de San Cristóbal, has been reconstructed, with boutique hotels and cafés filling the whitewashed houses. Once the home of a wealthy colonial family, Museo Casa Galeano is a restored colonial house stocked with artefacts, old photographs, and a folk art collection. It’s adjoined by a botanical garden, one of the oldest in the region.

Where to stay in Gracias:

  • For spectacular views: Hotel and Restaurant Guancascos
  • For natural surroundings: Hotel de Campo Villa de Ada

Things not to miss in Honduras: Iglesia Las Mercedes - Catholic church in Gracias, Honduras.

Church Iglesia Las Mercedes, Gracias, Honduras © Milosz Maslanka/Shutterstock

Most tourism to the islands rotates around Roatán, the largest of the Bay Islands at 64km long (40 miles). It’s here that the cruise industry has sunk about $100 million into modern ports. Mahogany Bay and the Port of Roatán’s Town Center have attracted waves of oversized cruise ships.

Most development has taken place on the Western half of the island. The crystal clear waters of West Bay Beach, the best in Honduras, has seen a surge in development over the past decade. Resorts and condo projects have bought up every last hectare. In the hills above West Bay is Gumbalimba Park an island adventure park with watersports, a monkey island, and a canopy tour that cruise travellers often visit.

Where to stay on Roatan Island:

  • For the white sandy beach: Infinity Bay, Spa & Beach Resort
  • For high quality: Naboo Resort & Dive Center - Adults Only

Find more accommodation options to stay on Roatan Island


Roatan Island, Honduras © John A. Anderson/Shutterstock

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One of the best things to do in Honduras while travelling with kids is to visit Gumbalimba Park. The park is located in the West Bay of Roatan Island and can be reached by car or taxi from other parts of the island. In the park you can explore the rich flora represented by the lush gardens, featuring a variety of tropical plants. There are also several animals, including macaws, parrots, monkeys, iguanas and sloths.

The Gumbalimba park also houses a museum with artefacts from Honduras' pre-Columbian heritage, as well as examples of traditional Honduran houses and other cultural artefacts. In addition to all the above, one of the main attractions of the park is its popular swimming area, which includes a natural swimming pool with a waterfall and a beach. Here you can enjoy snorkelling and diving in the nearby coral reefs.

Iguana in Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica © Shutterstock

Visiting Gumbalimba Park - one of the best things to do in Honduras with kids © Shutterstock

The largest tract of virgin tropical rainforest in Central America remains almost entirely unexplored. Only recently have archaeologists and explorers uncovered stone cities, revealing a lost civilization that remains a mystery. Covering the entire northeastern part of the country, La Mosquitia is sparsely populated, except for a few small towns and isolated Pech, Tawahka, Garífuna, and Miskitos villages.

It should be noted that apart from its exotic beauty Central America is also one of the cheapest destinations to travel to. Read our guide to budget trips around the world and find more places that combine excellent leisure activities with accessibility.

Aerial View of Amazon Rainforest, South America © Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock

La Mosquita, Honduras © Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock

Tackle Honduras’s most stunning and challenging terrain. Despite Olancho’s size – it makes up a fifth of Honduras’s total territory – tourist attractions are few, and its high, forested mountain ranges interspersed with broad valleys make getting from place to place difficult and slow.

However, these same ranges harbour some of the country’s last untouched expanses of tropical forest and cloud forest. The national parks of El Boquerón and Sierra de Agalta are awe-inspiring. Along the valleys, now given over to pastureland for cattle, are scattered villages and towns. Both Juticalpa, the department capital, and Catacamas, at the eastern end of the paved road, are good bases for exploring the region.

Olancho Honduras © JSerrano/Shutterstock

Olancho, Honduras © JSerrano/Shutterstock

Originally called Punta Sal, the 782km (484 miles) Parque Nacional Jeannette Kawas was renamed after the environmental activist Jeannette Kawas Fernández, who was killed after establishing the park. Two distinct ecosystems are found here: the lagoon and the peninsula. Protecting the bay from strong winds called nortes, the peninsula is home to a combination of unspoiled coral reefs, dense jungle and stunning beaches.

Los Micos Lagoon is separated by a small sandbar near Miami, and canals here weave through the rich landscape where hundreds of species of migratory birds can be seen. Outside of driving to Miami and hiring a boat to enter the lagoon, private transportation here is difficult. We recommend to use Tela-based tour operators like Garífuna Tours , which have regular trips to the lagoon and peninsula.

Punta Sal National Park in Honduras © Shutterstock

Punta Sal National Park in Honduras © Shutterstock

Honduras, like all Central American countries, is a significant coffee producer, with many coffee plantations located throughout the country. Coffee production is one of the most important parts of the Honduran economy, and the country is known for producing high-quality Arabica coffee.

Some coffee plantations are open for guided tours where you can get an insight into coffee production. During the tour, you can see coffee plants, learn about the harvesting and processing of coffee beans, and taste different types of coffee. Some coffee plantations also offer accommodation for visitors wishing to experience life on a coffee farm.

Coffee beans, Guatemala

Honduras is known for high-quality Arabica coffee © Shutterstock

Thanks to its rainforests, swamps and cloud forests, Honduras is a popular place for bird watching. The country is home to more than 700 species of birds, making it a birdwatcher's paradise.

One of the best things to do in Honduras for bird watching is to choose one of the popular destinations such as Pico Bonito National Park, La Tigra National Park, Selache National Park, or Copán Archaeological Reserve. All of these sites offer guided birdwatching tours and hikes led by local guides who will help visitors see rare and endemic species.


Scarlet macaw © Shutterstock

Named a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1980, the 525,000 hectares (1.3 million acres) Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve is home to a diverse set of rare ecosystems including wetlands, pine savannas, and tropical forest. The only inhabitants are a few Pech and Miskito communities who live in much the same way as they have for hundreds of years.

The array of flora and fauna is dazzling, with bucket list species after bucket list species: jaguars, harpy eagles, Baird’s tapirs, and many others. Despite its natural wonders, most of the park is almost inaccessible. For much of the rainy season, travel here is impossible, while during the dry seasons, running from February to May and August to November, it requires a series of air, boat, and overland connections to get into the interior.

Parque Nacional La Tigra is a 238 sq km (92 sq miles) tract of cloud forest that has been a national park since 1982. While much of the forest was cut down by loggers and the El Rosario Mining Company, it is slowly being recovered. Hiking trails run through the park, mostly from the western entrance at Jutiapa, where there is a small campground, cabins, and a visitor centre.

The 6km (3.7 miles) Sendero Principal is the primary route across La Tigra, though a handful of other trails in various states of maintenance branch off it. Even though the park is so close to Tegucigalpa, it has a surprisingly rich collection of flora and fauna. Mammals like pumas and armadillos are rare, though more than 350 species of birds have been identified, including the resplendent quetzal and wine-throated hummingbird.

Old Mine Building El Rosario San Juancito La Tigra National Park near San JuancitoTegucigalpa Honduras © Shutterstock

Old Mine Building El Rosario San Juancito La Tigra National Park © Shutterstock

The capital of Honduras for more than three centuries before being moved to Tegucigalpa, Comayagua, 71km (45 miles) south of Lago de Yojoa, has the best-preserved colonial architecture in the country. Founded in 1537 by the Spanish explorer Alonso de Cáceres, much of the original city grid remains, along with palaces, churches, and squares.

At the north end of Parque Central, the Catedral de Santa María dates to the late 17th century and is a masterpiece of colonial architecture. Four of the original 16 hand-carved wooden altars have been immaculately maintained. Outside in the tower, the clock dates to around 1100 and was built for the Alhambra in Granada. Iglesia La Merced, four blocks to the south, is the oldest church in Comayagua.

Where to stay in Comayagua:

  • For central location: Hotel Antigua Comayagua
  • For a charming atmosphere: Apartamentos Casco Historico Comayagua

Honduras Comayagua city © Shutterstock

Honduras, Comayagua city © Shutterstock

Whitewater rafting (also known as river running) and kayaking are one of the best things to do in Honduras to observe the scenery and wildlife of the country. Dozens of professional outfitters around the region will provide all of the necessities. You can be assured that you are in good hands: guides have been through training in the classroom and on the rivers.

In Honduras, the Cangrejal River, on the border of Pico Bonito National Park, has Class III-IV rapids in turquoise water, dodging giant boulders as toucans fly overhead. The region’s longest rafting experience is in La Mosquitia, however, where 13-day expeditions run through the remote Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, giving spectacular views of rare wildlife.

Cangrejal river in Honduras © Shutterstock

Cangrejal river in Honduras © Shutterstock

Honduran cuisine is influenced by Spanish, African and indigenous cuisines. A distinctive feature of the cuisine is the variety of ingredients such as seafood, beans, plantain, maize and tropical fruits. The most popular Honduran dishes are:

  • Baleadas: a popular street food dish consisting of a flour tortilla filled with fried beans, cheese and sometimes meat or avocado.
  • Plátanos Maduros: ripe plantain that is fried and served as a side dish or appetizer.
  • Carne Asada: grilled or roasted beef served with rice, beans and salad.

baleadas honduras © Shutterstock

Honduran baleadas© Shutterstock

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Top image © John A. Anderson/Shutterstock

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24 Best Places To Visit in Honduras in 2024

honduras tourist attractions

Planning a trip to Honduras in 2024? Prepare yourself for this tropical paradise and Central America’s second-largest country. Honduras is full of hidden gems like gorgeous pristine islands, ancient ruins, lush rainforests, and picturesque mountains that attract about 2 million tourists annually.

Unfortunately the vast majority only set foot on the gorgeous Caribbean islands in North Honduras, but there are so many more beautiful places to see in Honduras.

All the recommendations, travel tips, things to do and places to visit in Honduras are based on my own experiences extensively traveling in Honduras. On my multiple trips I have seen a fair share about the good, the bad and the ugly which you will all discover in this travel blog.

places to visit in honduras

Please let me inspire you to see a whole different world beyond the Bay Islands. However, when you travel to Honduras don’t skip these pristine tourist destinations either. Honduras has immediate access to the world’s second-largest barrier reef and, therefore, offers one of the best diving and snorkeling experience in the Caribbean.

The beauty of the magnificent landscapes in Honduras and the potential for limitless adventures have proven to be irresistible for the adventure traveler. But it is hard to spread the word about a country that has a pretty unstable image to those that have been fed with negative stories about traveling in Honduras.

Stay connected when traveling to Honduras and get yourself an e-sim card or a local prepaid sim card. Read everything about buying a sim card for Honduras in 2024  in my extensive guide.

gracias honduras

More about safety issues in Honduras later. Lets start with this little video about all my recent adventures and latest Honduras travel tips to see with your own eyes how amazing it can be to travel to Honduras.

Now let’s look into all those amazing Honduras tourist attractions.

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1. Roatan - Caribbean Island Vibes

No introduction needed Roatan, one of the Bay Islands, is without a doubt among the most beautiful places to visit in Honduras. It is the largest and most developed of all Caribbean islands belonging to Honduras.

This long, slim bay is a popular tourist place and a major port-of-call for cruise ships.

The gradual blossom in tourism is of course attributed to the Bay Island’s pituresque scenery and varied water activities such as diving, snorkeling, and swimming in crystal clear waters. Other places to go in Roatan are the Carambola Gardens and the Roatan Butterfly Garden .

West Bay Beach, one of the best beaches in Roatan, is a beloved place for tourists to stay. The main reason why it gets quite packed is that it ticks all the boxes – has crystal clear waters, swaying palm trees, pristine beaches for Instagram photos and plenty of shops, bars and restaurants. This place offers a complete Caribbean experience. This is the place to get find those laid-back island vibes when traveling to Honduras.

The eastern side of Roatan island is relatively distant and much more unexplored. If you want to get away from the touristy side than this is your best bid.

Where to stay in Roatan

Hotels in Roatan are not among the cheapest places to stay in Honduras. For the 5-star Ibagari Boutique Hotel you can easily pay $500 per night. But there are plenty of hotels with a 9+ review for under $100 per night: West Bay B&B , Pirate’s Den Hotel , Hotel Posada Las Orquideas .

On the East side of the island I can highly recommend you the following Roatan hotels: Marble Hill Farms and Camp Bay Lodge .

2. Utila - Picture Perfect Beaches

Welcome to one of the best places to go scuba diving in the world . Utila has a reputation of being much more moderately priced than Roatan and in fact it is one of the cheapest destination to get your scuba diving certification.

For this reason, Utila has gained popularity amongst young backpackers who are traveling the world on a budget. Finding cheap accommodation in Roatan is not that hard therefore. Utila is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Honduras especially those that are looking for great nightlife.

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On top of that Roatan is simply a top attraction because of its world class white sand beaches. There are very few designated roads on the island and most of the areas aren’t developed. Access to some gorgeous bays and villages is by sea only.

Needless to say that diving and other water activities like swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, and paddle-boarding are among the top things to do in Utila, but there is more. Visitors also come here for hiking and horse riding.

However the number one reason people visit Utila is to enjoy the slow paced life on the island!

Where to stay in Utila

Accommodation is clustered around the much more developed east side of the island. This is also where you will find the boats coming in and the Utila Airport. The Mango Inn Resort and the Sea Eye Hotel - Tropical Building has good reviews and are under $100 per night.

3. Cayos Cochinos - Tiny Island Atolls

Cayos Cochinos, also known as Hog Islands, is a group of privately-owned islands, atolls and coral reefs that sits just 17km offshore from the Honduras mainland. It consists of two main islands and several smaller cays.

The two islands and the coral reefs that encompass them are part of a Marine Biological Reserve since 1994. They remain pristine thanks to their far-away positioning and troublesome access.

Cayos Cochinos is not the easiest place to visit in Honduras, but it is well worth the effort on a beautiful day.

There are no roads or automobiles on these gorgeous islands. They are only accessible by boat from La Ceiba, Roatan or Utila. This quintessential tropical haven provides a peaceful retreat for tourists who want to experience the natural beauty of Honduras without the disturbance of crowds.

There are plenty opportunities for snorkeling, diving, swimming and even some birdwatching activities for tourists. Most Cayos Cochinos day trips start from Nueva Armenia, about 1 hour East of La Ceiba.

Where to stay in Cay Cochinos

Most people visit Cayo Cochinos on a day trip as accommodation is very limited and expensive. It is hard to find a hotel online, but there are some Cayo Cochinos Airbnb’s available.

4. Copan Ruins - Ancient Maya Archeological Site

copan ruins honduras 1

Dating back to 427 AD, the Copan Ruins are the most famous place in to see in Honduras after the Bay Islands. If you love history and nature then this is a must-see place for you. Copan Ruins is an ancient Mayan city discovered by Diego Garcia de Palacio in 1570. The ruins are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1980 as they’re deeply symbolic and very important as a civil, political and religious epicenter of the Mayan history.

For more than 2,000 years, the town was occupied and controlled by the Mayan people but was later mysteriously deserted in the 10th-century. It wasn’t until the 19th-century that the site was dug up and still hasn’t completely been discovered.

Visitors today can explore the area and learn about the history of an ancient civilization. On-site is the Maya citadel that has portrait-style stone rocky monuments known as stellar, overlapping step-pyramids, and many numerous wrecked structures.

Hiring a guide is highly recommended as compared to Tikal in Guatemala, Copan Ruins is very detailed and there are many mystery to be explained and unfolded right in front of you.

copan ruins honduras

When visiting Copan Ruins you can not miss the Cafe Via Via , a popular joint in the center of this laid-back town. Sample a bunch of craft beers and mingle with locals in this popular backpacker bar.

Another Honduras travel tip is to head up to one of the haciendas in the hills above Copan Ruins. Hacienda San Lucas , a 100 year old property converted into an Eco Lodge, is not only a place that serves delicious local food and has great views over the hilly countryside, it also offers accommodation.

One more thing to do when visiting Copan Ruins is to head over to Finca Santa Isabel - Welchez Coffee Farm . It is about 30 kilometer east of Copan Ruins on your way to Santa Rosa de Copan.

finca santa isabel welchez coffee farm

Where to stay in Copan Ruins

Right in the heart of this tranquil village you will find Hotel Marina Copan , in the corner of the main square. It has a lovely courtyard with a big swimming pool and attached bar, a great place to stay in Copan Ruins.

5. Macaw Mountain Bird Park - Honduras' National Bird

macaw mountain bird park copan honduras

I wouldn't normally send you to a zoo or anything like that. No one wants to see caged animals, but visiting the Maca Mountain Bird Park in Copan Ruins is different. Straight in the beginning you get explained why you are looking at mostly caged birds and then you will understand.

The owner of the bird park an older American came here many years ago and dedicated his life to the utterly beautiful Scarlet Macaw, Honduras National Bird. The Macaw Mountain Bird Park is basically a rehabilitation and breeding centre to save this endangered bird specie. Hundreds of birds from all over the country are brought in and as much as they can they are released back into the wild.

scarlet macaws honduras

It is extremely hard to breed some of the birds but they are some major success. When visiting Copan Ruins you will see with your own eyes why the Macaw Mountain Bird Park is such a major success, as the Scarlet Macaw is all over this ancient Maya city and these ones are wild.

See all my videos of my Copan Ruins adventures in my Instagram Highlights: Honduras 1 & Honduras 2 .

6. Santa Rosa de Copan - Coffee Plantations

santa rosa copan coffee tour

Santa Rosa de Copan looks like an old Spanish colonial town, but it is only a little more than 100 year old and flourished because of the Tobacco Industry. Therefore visiting Flor de Copan Cigar Factory is one of the best things to do in Santa Rosa de Copan.

Other things worth visiting Santa Rosa de Copan are the surrounding coffee plantations and the agritourism opportunities. A great place to visit for a coffee plantation tour in Santa Rosa de Copan is Finca Seis Valles , they also serve great breakfast.

For a cool agriculture experience head over to Hacienda Montecristo . Fee baby cows, collect eggs between hundreds of chickens, ride horses, etc.

honduras tourism

One of the cool places to visit in Santa Rosa de Copan is the local market. Go here for breakfast and try things like Atol Chuco, fermented corn or the local Tamales. Not my preferred breakfast but I recommend you to give it a go. Souvenir shopping in the local market in Santa Rosa de Copan is on point!

When visiting Santa Rosa de Copan you also have to try Madrasso, a sweet drink with alcohol. It is a kind of fruit punch / margarita, so sweet you can hardly taste the alcohol! :)

7. Mosquito Coast - Last Frontier: Jungle Meets Caribbean Coast

La Mosquitia is among other things home to the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve and is one of Honduras’ least developed areas. Only the bravest, most adventurous, and most daring tourists visit the Mosquito Coast due to the harsh living conditions and lack of proper transportation in this very rural location.

Unfortunately on my last trip to Honduras I was unable to visit this almost impossible to travel last frontier. But because of its uniqueness I put it high on the list of best places to see in Honduras. Next trip I will definitely give it another try.

This area of swampy mangroves, unblemished rainforests, and virgin shorelines makes up almost a fifth of the entire country but is almost impossible to travel around. There are basically no roads and 99% of the area consists of dense jungle.

Visiting the Mosquitia is a good way to get away from the savage modern world and enjoy incredible natural sights, fantastic wildlife, and a thriving native culture. There is no phone reception and zero signs of the modern world. When visiting the Mosquito Coast you go into survival mode, but visiting isolated villages in this part of the world must be one of the coolest travel adventures ever.

The Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve located on the Mosquito Coast is the largest protected area in Honduras with more than 5,250 square kilometers. It is one of the few tropical rainforests left in Central America.

In 2011, UNESCO listed this massive jungle land on their list of World Heritage in danger. Sadly, activities like logging, illegal hunting as well as drugs trafficking continues to threaten the reserve’s fragile inhabitants. The reserve is home to a rich diversity of wildlife including howler monkeys, scarlet macaws, toucans, giant leather turtles, and tapirs.

The most famous thing to do in La Mosquitia is a multi day rafting trip down the Rio Platano and with multi-day trips I mean 8 to 12 days! Are you ready for an adventure then the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve is one of the best places to go when visiting Honduras.

A company that organizes adventures trips to the Mosquito Coast is Omega Tours .

8. Rio Cangrejal - La Ceiba's Outdoor Heaven

rio cangrejal rafting honduras

Among Honduras’ top destinations for adventurous thrill-seekers is Rio Cangrejal. It’s a prime spot for kayaking and rafting regardless which month you visit Honduras. It is located only about 20 minutes away from La Ceiba. 

The long extensions of white water rapids race around the boulders and plunge over drop-offs providing lots of adrenaline rushes for tourists who enjoy water activities. Four different sections of the river are marked depending on the skill level. They range from amateur to experienced.

Various tour companies operating in the area offer organized tours with guides to help beginners learn all the necessary basics of kayaking and rafting.

I went rafting with Omega Tours and had a blast. Despite the heavy rains we went out with the team to make the most of the day and it was absolutely epic rafting down Rio Cangrejal.

Where to stay in Rio Cangrejal

I recommend you to stay around the river, in the middle of the jungle. Omega Tours Eco-Jungle Lodge scores a 9.5/10 out of more than 70 reviews and I personally gave them a 10/10 as well. Their restaurant serves delicious organic and healthy food. I was not only a big fan of their remote location, also of their meals!

9. Pico Bonito National Park - Hiking & Waterfalls

The Pico Bonito National Park is also located just right outside La Ceiba in the Nobre de Dios mountain range. If you want to visit Pico Bonito I recommend you to combine it with visiting Rio Cangrejal.

Surrounded by Dole pineapple plantations, cattle farms, and the Rio Santiago and Cangrejal rivers there is an iconic mountain peak where the national park is named after. The peak of the mountain inside the Pico Bonito National Park goes up to a height of 2,435m above sea level.

Thanks to its lush plant-life and varied wildlife, Pico Bonito is considered to be one of the best spots to go in Honduras for (multi-day) hiking trips. Climbing Pico Bonito is very though as it will lead you through very thick vegetation. Always wanna wander through the jungle with a machete, arrange a tour into Pico Bonita National Park and make your way up to the top.

Tours into Pico Bonito National Park can also be arranged through Omega Tours.

10. Villa Soleada - Volunteering in Honduras

villa soleada volunteering honduras

This is not a standard place to visit, but only for those travelers who like to give back when visiting Honduras. If you are looking to volunteer in Honduras then keep on reading.

Villa Soleada is a charity project run by a Japanese American that 15 years ago came to a no name village near El Progresso to volunteer. After staying for 1 month he decided to dedicate his life to these people and turned one of the most violent villages of the country into the most educated one in Honduras.

I volunteered here for 1 week with the Students Helping Honduras organization. There is a bilingual school and an orphanage. Every helping hand is welcome and it would be an honor if after reading this Honduras travel blog you decide to look into this project.

Volunteering one week at Villa Soleada left a deep impression and made me even more grateful for the thing I have in life. Growing up in a village in Honduras is hard and we mostly don’t realize how fortunate our lives are until we see the opposite.

The project is run by @shinfujiama , check out his Instagram and be inspired by his amazing story changing his life drastically moving into the slumps of Honduras dedicating his life building a new village with over 40 homes and takes care about 25 orphans at the same time.

For more heartbreaking videos of the people of Villa Soleada I invite you to look at my Instagram highlights: Honduras 3 and learn even more about this amazing project.

11. Cusuco National Park - Off The Beaten Path Hiking

The Cusuco National Park is yet another well-conserved remote area of Honduras that’s located east of San Pedro Sula. The park covers an area of about 243 square kilometers on the border with Guatemala. Most of the roads leading to the park are pretty inaccessible making it challenging for tourists to get here.

If you’re looking to make the most out of visiting Cusuco National Park, hire a local guide to help with navigating the forest and see the wildlife here. The best time to visit is between April and June, early in the mornings, to spot wildlife.

A trek up the mountain peaks gives stunning views of the surrounding areas. Some of the mountain peaks are above 2,000m and if you are looking for a place to walk above the clouds this is one of them. These are the coordinates of the Cusuco National Park visitor center: 15°29'46.0"N 88°12’42.0”W. It takes a little less than 2 hours to get here from San Pedro Sula, but if you are looking to go off the beaten path in Honduras this is your destination.

Bird watching is one of the main tourist attractions here. There are more than 260 bird species in this park including parrots, toucans, and enigmatic quetzals. The quetzals are some of the loveliest tropical birds. The park’s exceptional biodiversity also includes threatened species of frogs and salamander, jewel scarab beetles, and Baird’s Tapir.

12. Jeannette Kawas National Park - The Lagoon of Playa Miami

jeannette kawas national park honduras

Jeanette Kawas National Park was initially known as Punta Sal National Park. It was later renamed Jeanette Kawas after an environmentalist who fought passionately during her life to preserve the rich ecosystems of Punta Sal.

This beautiful wilderness area is accessible from land and sea. It stretches along the Caribbean coast west of the Garifuna beach town of Tela. Wildlife is abundant and includes numerous rare species. Visitors may encounter dolphins, howler monkeys, and a large variety of tropical birds. The park also supports diverse habitats from ranging tropical jungle, mangroves, wetlands, to pristine beaches and coral reefs.

The two best places to visit in Jeannette Kawas National Park are Playa Miami and Punta Sal. Miami is a  sandy bar peninsula that is less than 100 meters (300 ft) wide. On one side there is the Caribbean sea and flanked on the other side by a tropical lagoon with rainforests and mangroves.

The best thing to do in Playa Miami, Honduras is to watch the sunset from a boat tour on the lagoon after you enjoyed delicious fresh seafood for late lunch.

Where to stay in Tela

tela honduras

Tela is the nearest town to Playa Miami and Punta Sal. It is a popular and vibrant holiday destination in Honduras due to its endless Caribbean beaches. There are two popular hotels in Tela with good reviews: Hotel Bahia and Hotel y Cabanas Playa Caribe . There is a 5-star in this area too:  Indura Beach & Golf Resort Curio Collection by Hilton .

I recommend you to go off the beaten path and stay at Playa Miami at the end of peninsula. There is basically nothing around there apart from a couple huts on the beach. Imagine waking up to the sunrise over the Caribbean Sea with the chirping birds from the lagoon behind you.

Life is all about making memories, make sure your trip to Honduras becomes one of them!

13. Punta Sal - Remote Beaches

punta sal honduras

Punta Sal is also part of the Jeannette Kawas National Park and was once a paradise for pirates. Today, the area is a protected territory thanks to its wildlife and natural charm.

Punta Sal can only be reach by boat. Its remote location guarantees you deserted untouched beaches. It is one of the best places in Honduras to go snorkeling, but hiking and wildlife are popular activities too.

On your way to Punta Sal by boat from the Bay of Tela you will very likely encounter dolphins, then drive through the mangroves to spot sea turtles and end up on the stunning beach of Cocalito.

You can also opt to visit one of the remote living traditional Garifuna villages made up of thatched huts and learn more about the local culture.

14. Comayagua - Colonial village Former Capital

comayagua honduras

Welcome to the former capital city of Honduras: Comayagua.

This town sits at a height of 594m above sea level and is situated along the main road between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. It’s one of the most prettiest towns in Honduras and is well known for its Spanish colonial architecture.

The best places to visit in Comayagua are all downtown and include the Spanish Baroque Cathedral, the first university in Central America, and several churches. Most of these were constructed in the 16th-century but have been repurposed to their original state.

In the Comayagua cathedral you will find one of world’s oldest still working clock. It is located in the Cathedral clock tower nowadays and was brought to Central America as a gift by the king of Spain in 1620, but was constructed somewhere around 1100. When visiting Comayagua this is a must-see place. Visitors can go up to clocktower, ask inside the cathedral.

The quiet colonial village of Comayagua once played a very significant role in politics and religion. Nowadays it is mainly one of the tourist attractions in Honduras where tourists come to see the beautiful architecture and partake in the catholic heritages.

Comayagua is one of the best places to visit to enjoy the Easter celebrations. During the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, the town bursts into a flurry of activity and color with its street carpet tradition. The carpets are made with colored sawdust and other natural materials like rice and flower petals. The elaborately designed artistic carpets depict Biblical figures and events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus.

If you are looking for a local restaurant in Comayagua I can recommend you Carnitas Schole #2, located close to the main square. It serve delicious mixed grill barbecue. A simple restaurant with great food for a good price.

For more videos of my adventures in and around Comayagua have a look at the last part of my Honduras 3 Instagram highlights .

Where to stay in Comayagua

I stayed in the Hotel Antigua Comayagua for around $80 per night. It has a lovely courtyard with a swimming pool, although I didn’t make use of it as I only slept here. The WiFi was good. Hotel Antigua Comayagua has the highest rating: 8.5/10 out of all the hotels in Comayagua.

15. Ajuterique - Charming Village With Amazing Murals

ajuterique honduras

A sleepy but lovely village only about 20 minutes away from Comayagua. Come here to unwind in the rolling hills around the town. There is a Instagrammable plaza with an umbrella street and plenty of coffee places.

But the number one reason why Ajuterique is listed as one of the Honduras tourists destinations are the numerous murals. They are scattered all around town and pretty impressive. Also take a photo with the Ajuterique sign of course.

murals ajuterique

When visiting Ajuterique you must try the local drink XXX. It looks like a nice mango juice, but it does not taste anything like that. It is a fermented drink and a weird experience in your mouth I can tell you.

My Instagram highlight Honduras 4 starts with travel videos from Ajuterique.

16. La Esperanza - Traditional Mountain Village

lenca honduras traditional clothing

This mountain village is a famous Honduras tourist attraction because it has the coolest climate in the country. Obviously it is not only the moderate temperatures that lure a lot of tourists to La Esperanza.

There are a lot of cool things to do in La Esperanza apart from scrolling through this typical charming and colorful Central American village and visiting the cathedral. Walk up to La Gruta, a shrine/cave with great views overlooking the village.

La Esperanza is the national capital of Honduran Folklore and is where the El Grande de Grandes festival is organized every year. If you miss this festival then I recommend you to visit a show performed by Oro Lenca. Have a look at the Oro Lenca website to see where they perform.

Also when visiting La Esperanza make sure you eat at La Hacienda Lenca and try their special mushrooms. The only grow a couple days a year after heavy rainfall on high altitudes. A dish truly worth trying when visiting Honduras.

Where to stay in La Esperanza

One of the best places I stayed on my trip to Honduras was at Las Cabañas de Carlos. Tucked away in the forest about 5 minutes out of town you will find 4 wooden cabins. A perfect romantic getaway for a couple traveling to Honduras. The best way to make a reservation is to contact them through their Instagram account .

Sip wine next to the campfire in a sweater and covered by a blanket and have your breakfast surrounded by chirping birds. Los Cabañas de Carlos is the best place to stay in La Esperanza. It sincerely is one of my best Honduras travel tips.

17. El Mirador Waterfalls - Rappelling, ATV, Dirt Bike

rappelling la esperanza honduras

The adventure traveler needs to stay an extra day in La Esperanza because they can not miss the El Mirador waterfalls and all the cool adventures around.

There are multiple activities here like: hiking, MTB tracks, dirt bike, ATV riding. The best activity here though is rappelling down the more than 70 meters high El Mirador waterfall. Definitely one of the coolest things to do in Honduras for me.

See the video for more about this crazy adventure. My tour was organized by Mitos Hostal. For more videos about La Esperanza and the El Mirador Waterfall check out my Instagram highlights Honduras 4 and Honduras 5 .

18. La Campa - Highest Zip Line In Central America

la campa zip lining canopy honduras

La Campa itself is a sleepy village in the highlands of Western Honduras, not far from the city of Gracias. There is very little action going on, but the number one reason you are visiting La Campa must be the amazing zip lines.

There are 6 zip lines across a deep canyon and the highest zip line is almost 400 meters above the ground. It was an amazing adventure and definitely among the most epic things to do in Honduras. To get to La Campa it is best to take a taxi from Gracias, but prepare yourself for a bumpy ride on unpaved roads through remote highlands.

The nearby biggest town Gracias is a pretty developed village with hot springs. When visiting Gracias make sure to visit the Fortaleza San Cristobal, a fort on top of a hill with amazing views over the town. From here you can also see the highest mountain in Honduras: Cerro Las Minas.

Don't miss out the videos of this amazing adventure in Honduras on my Instagram highlights.

Where to stay in Gracias

I stayed at Hotel Villa de Ada in the countryside. They have two swimming pools and 2 huge ponds full of fish and turtles, it was a very nice place. If you have a little more budget then definitely stay at Casa Hotel Celaque, a stunning place in the hilly countryside with lovely rooms and amazing food. One of my favorite places to stay in Honduras. You can also come here for dinner. Contact them through their Facebook Page .

19. Lake Yojoa - Beautiful Scenery

lake yojoa honduras

Lago de Yojoa is the largest natural lake in Honduras, covering an area of 79 square kilometers. It’s found in a cavity that was formed by volcanoes a long time ago. The strategic location of the lake along the highway between San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa makes accessing the lake easy and therefore it is a popular tourist attraction in Honduras.

Lake Yojoa is a perfectly located pitstop for people traveling between the two largest cities in Honduras.

The lake is a hot spot for many tourists, especially birders. There are about 480 bird species spotted here including whistling ducks, northern jacanas, and cranes.

Apart from birdwatching and fishing, there’s so much to do and see at Lake Yojoa. Tourists may also enjoy taking dips in the nearby hot springs, hikes along the shore line, exploring the underground cave system, hiking up to the stunning waterfalls, and touring the nearby coffee plantations.

Where to stay in Lake Yojoa

agualpa domos hotel lake yojoa

If you are looking for unique places to stay in Honduras I can recommend you the Agualpa Domos & Cabanas . The hotel consists of little white dome shaped bubbles and is located on the waterfront of Lake Yojoa. There is the opportunity to eat in an old airplane that is located in the garden and there is a big outdoor pool.

20. Pulhapanzak Waterfall - Amazing Outdoor Adventures

Often rated as the best waterfall to visit in Honduras and I must say it didn’t disappoint. The Pulhapanzak waterfall is near Lake Yojoa and is enormous. Its surrounding scenery is beautiful too. On top of the waterfall the water is calm, you can swim, sunbath and have drinks and food at restaurants along the river side.

If you are up for an adventure then don’t miss the ziplines that cross the waterfalls several times. Of course the La Campa zip line is unbeatable, but this one is good fun too.

What makes Pulhapanzak one of the most adventurous places to visit in Honduras is the special bottom of the waterfall tour. Highly recommended if you are looking for the ultimate adrenaline rush. Accompanied by a guide you go to the bottom of the waterfall and walk behind it. The power of the water is unfathomable.

Truly the one of the craziest things to do in Honduras. I was stunned an pumped with excitement after the tour. You can arrange this tour and the ziplines on the spot. Wanna see all the videos of this amazing place to visit in Honduras then head over to my Instagram Highlights Honduras 7 .

21. Celaque National Park - Highest Mountain in Honduras

Looking for the highest mountain in Honduras? Cerro Las Minas is located in Celaque National Park, nearby Santa Rosa de Copan in the Lempira department.

Hiking up Cerro Las Minas is not easy and will take up to 5 hours. A popular thing to do in Celaque National Park is to camp above the clouds, just underneath the summit of Honduras’ highest mountain.

celaque national park honduras

Even if you are not ready to hike up to Cerro Las Minas it is worth visiting Celaque National Park. There are numerous moderate hiking trails through the forest, hidden waterfalls and lookout towers.

22. Museum of National Identity - Tegucigalpa

Traveling in Honduras is amazing, but let me be very honest with you: Tegucigalpa is probably my least favorite city in Latin America. I spent about a week there and could NOT find the charm, cool things to do or fun places to visit. However may you end up in Tegucigalpa I recommend you to visit the Museum of National Identity.

For a trip down Honduran history, make a stop by the Museum of National Identity. This fantastic museum showcases an excellent collection of Honduran and international art. The fascinating art found here tells a lot about the country’s captivating history. The museum is also home to the Palacio De Los Ministerios which is a comprehensive National Heritage building.

A major interesting attraction at the museum is the virtual tour of the Mayan Acropolis of Copan. This has proven to offer a great primer for tourists who are yet to visit the site and a great recap for those who have already been to the Mayan Acropolis of Copan.

Where to stay in Tegucigalpa

If you are looking for comfort try these 5 star hotels: Hotel Real Intercontinental Tegucigalpa , Clarion Hotel Real . For more moderately priced hotels with great reviews have a look at: Hotel Plaza San Martin  or Casa Sur for only around $40 per night.

23. La Tigra National Park - Jungle Vibes

La Tigra National Park is perched at an altitude of 2,270 meters about 20km from Tegucigalpa. The park is one of the few cloud forests in the world (only 1% of the forests in the world are considered cloud forests).

This immaculate national park is home to monkeys, pumas, and ocelots. If you’re lucky enough you’ll catch a glimpse of these mammals although they can be quite hard to see. The park is also a haven for more than 200 bird species including trogons, toucans, and elusive quetzal.

There are well-marked serpentine trails throughout the dense jungle where bromeliads and orchids thrive. Because of its proximity to the capital it is one of the most popular tourist places in Honduras.

24. Guanaja - Secret Island Escape

The last place on this list of the most beautiful places to see in Honduras is one of my secret travel trips: Guanaja.

Guanaja is the most remote Caribbean island in Honduras, a delightfully charming spot that offers its visitors an idyllic escape away from the mainland. Travel to Guanaja to either relax or engage in fun outdoor activities.

The island’s temperatures remains warm all through the year so tourists can visit any time of the year. The levels of visibility of the ocean waters surrounding the island and the presence of the coral reef make Guanaja an ideal tourist destination in Honduras for snorkeling and diving.

Other fun activities that that tourists can take part in include hiking, jungle trekking, exploring the lovely on-site waterfall, souvenir shopping, eating fresh seafood, and visiting local villages.

I would be proud if you decide to travel to Guanaja after reading this blog, it is a truly hidden gem in Honduras.

Is Honduras safe for tourists?

Therefore let’s quickly chat how safe Honduras is for tourists. Despite all the stories you will find on the internet I am going to say: YES, it is safe to travel to Honduras in 2024.

Recently I drove more than 3,000 kilometer through this relatively little country and did not come across anything that made me feel uncomfortable. I visited some standard tourist attractions in Honduras, but also went off the beaten path. Visited cities like San Pedro Sula, rented an apartment for a week in Tegucigalpa and volunteered in a poor neighborhood near El Progresso.

honduras coffee plantation tour

So all my impressions are based on my OWN EXPERIENCES, conversations with locals and the advice of travel agencies.

So will visiting Honduras put your life at risk? You gotta be kidding me! :)

is it safe to visit honduras

Honduras has a bad reputation when it comes to political unrest, petty crime, violent crimes, and a very high homicide rate. Despite all this, the majority of the locals are very laidback and friendly. But just like anywhere else in the world, there are some shady areas that you should avoid on your trip to Honduras.

Some people might be tempted to stay away from Honduras because of its reputation as a dangerous country. It‘s definitely not the safest country in the world but it’s totally okay for tourists. Just make sure that you always keep your valuables concealed and beware of your surroundings at all times, just like in other places.

If you use common sense and aren’t that ignorant tourist, visiting Honduras will be pure joy!

Things to eat in Honduras

The most typical local dish in Honduras is Baleada which is a decent-sized wheat flour tortilla that’s folded and filled with beans. Some chefs may incorporate cream, cheese, and scrambles eggs into it. Others customize them with meat, plantain, avocado, hot sauce, etc. Freshly fried plantains, chicharrones (fried pork) and pupusas (thick corn tortillas with different fillings) are other common things to eat in Honduras.

Best time to visit Honduras

The best time to plan your trip is between November and March because then it is dry season. It can get quite hot, but not uncomfortably. On the other hand, the cheapest time to travel is during the rainy season which is usually between May and October. Generally, Honduras is quite affordable as compared to other tourist destinations in other parts of the world.

agritourism honduras

Honduras is truly a diamond in the rough. It’s bound to dazzle you with its natural beauty, diverse wildlife and amazing travel adventures. From whitewater rafting to hiking and exotic wildlife viewing to ancient Maya ruins there’s no end to the history, beauty, fun and adventure in Honduras. You will love this wonderful Central American country after exploring the amazing places listed above.

Honduras has a diverse landscape with forested hills, lowland marshes, and untouched jungles rich with howler monkeys, bats, armadillos and uncountable bird species. The beautiful Caribbean Sea gives tourists a chance to swim with dolphins, whale sharks and manatees.

macaw mountain bird park copan honduras 1

I hope all the above Honduras travel tips were helpful and you will be able to get to see some of these amazing places to go. Let me know if you have any more questions by leaving me a comment below.

Curious what it looks like trying to visit every country in the world ? Go check out my Instagram account @traveltomtom and follow along. As of January 2024 I have visited more than 155 countries, so still a long way to go.

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Enjoy your trip to Honduras!

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Trip and Wellness

Destinations, 12 top tourist attractions & things to do in the honduras.

Honduras flag in Tegucigalpa

Situated in the heart of Central America, Honduras beckons travelers with its captivating landscapes, inviting them to explore its stunning islands, vibrant rainforests, and majestic mountains. Honduras offers unparalleled diving and snorkeling experiences in the Caribbean, thanks to its proximity to the world’s second-largest barrier reef. Moreover, this enchanting destination boasts a plethora of captivating sights such as ancient Mayan ruins, charming colonial villages, and vibrant festive celebrations. 

Embark on thrilling whitewater rafting expeditions, explore scenic hiking trails, and witness captivating exotic wildlife encounters – the possibilities for fun and adventure are endless in this travel destination. Discover the top tourist attractions in Honduras with Trip & Wellness.

Heaven in Roatan

Located in the Caribbean Sea is a captivating destination that belongs to the beautiful Bay Islands of Honduras. Roatan, a sought-after destination for travelers, is a captivating island that beckons cruise ships to its shores. Situated in Honduras, this enchanting locale entices visitors with its breathtaking landscapes and an array of thrilling adventures. 

Roatan offers a plethora of travel experiences, including the chance to explore its stunning beaches and vibrant coral reefs. Visitors can indulge in thrilling activities like diving, snorkeling, and swimming, immersing themselves in the beauty of this tropical paradise. While exploring the island, you will come across various captivating attractions such as the renowned Iguana Farm, the enchanting Carambola Gardens, and the mesmerizing Roatan Butterfly Garden.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Roatan : Best Areas & Hotels

2. Copan Ruins

the Copan Ruinas temples

Located near the Guatemalan border lies the captivating Maya ceremonial city of Copán. Travelers have been drawn to the captivating region surrounding the ancient ruins for over 3,400 years, with evidence of human habitation dating back to 1400 BC. The charming town of Copán Ruínas is conveniently located just 1km (0.6 miles) away from the mesmerizing archaeological site. Travelers flock to this charming town, where tourism thrives, and the cobblestone plaza serves as the heart of the bustling activity. Within a short distance, there are numerous boutique hotels, delightful expat eateries, and charming handicraft stores, all waiting to be explored.

Upon arriving at the enchanting travel destination, one can explore the captivating archaeological site. The journey begins with a scenic pathway that guides visitors towards the intriguing Rosalia and Jaguar tunnels, offering an immersive experience. As you explore the tunnels, you will gain insight into the fascinating architectural techniques of the Maya civilization. 

Witness firsthand how they skillfully constructed temples upon temples, creating a mesmerizing, layered effect. The journey leads to the majestic Acropolis and the awe-inspiring Temple of Inscriptions. In the heart of the Great Plaza, situated across from the Temple of Inscriptions, lies the Hieroglyphic Stairway, a significant emblem of the city.

ent on deserted island off the coast of Utila

Utila, located among the Bay Islands, stands out as an exceptional travel spot for diving enthusiasts in the Caribbean. Utila, located in the beautiful Caribbean, is renowned for offering the most affordable Open Water courses. It holds the impressive distinction of certifying a greater number of new divers than any other destination on the globe. 

However, exploring the vibrant underwater world is not the sole reason why Utila is a renowned travel destination. Alongside various water activities such as swimming, snorkeling, paddle-boarding, and kayaking, travelers have the opportunity to embark on jungle hikes or horseback rides, discover hidden caves, and ascend Pumpkin Hill for breathtaking panoramic vistas.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Utila : Best Areas & Hotels

4. Lago de Yojoa

Lago de Yojoa

Traveling along the scenic route from Tegucigalpa to San Pedro Sula, you will come across Lago de Yojoa, the magnificent natural lake that graces Honduras. This enchanting destination is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, offering a haven for those seeking to observe a diverse array of avian species. This destination is home to over 480 species of birds, such as whistling ducks, northern jacanas, and crakes.

You have the opportunity to embark on a travel adventure in this picturesque lake. Discover the wonders of this serene destination by either strolling along the shore or gracefully navigating through the reeds in a canoe or kayak. Nestled by the lake’s shores, you’ll find two magnificent national parks adorned with majestic mountains. Santa Bárbara National Park graces the northern side, while Cerro Azul Meambar National Park enchants the southern region.

Other popular travel activities in the area include embarking on scenic hikes to discover breathtaking waterfalls, venturing into an enchanting underground cave system, and indulging in captivating tours of aromatic coffee plantations and fascinating archaeological sites.

5. Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve

Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve

For avid travelers who appreciate the wonders of nature, the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve is an absolute must-visit destination. This remarkable reserve safeguards Honduras’s expansive and pristine ecosystems, offering a haven for numerous endangered species. Travelers have the opportunity to embark on thrilling adventures such as hiking, fishing, and rafting in this destination. 

Additionally, they can partake in guided tours that take them through the lush tropical rainforests, allowing them to witness the beauty of exotic birds, monkeys, jaguars, crocodiles, and iguanas. Moreover, this destination boasts a multitude of travel-worthy attractions, including an abundance of archaeological sites like ancient Mayan ruins and a renowned spot that was once graced by the presence of the legendary explorer, Christopher Columbus.

6. Punta Sal

Rocky Shores of Punta Sal National Park

Once frequented by adventurous travelers seeking refuge from the high seas, the enchanting region surrounding Punta Sal now stands as a sought-after destination to immerse oneself in the awe-inspiring wonders of Honduras. In the midst of captivating travel destinations, travelers can explore a range of breathtaking landscapes including sandy beaches, enchanting mangrove swamps, lush rainforests, and picturesque coastal lagoons. 

Amidst these natural wonders, visitors have the opportunity to witness a rich diversity of wildlife species such as vibrant tropical birds, graceful sea turtles, playful dolphins, gentle manatees, elusive crocodiles, mischievous monkeys, and majestic boas. The destination also offers a traditional village with charming, thatched huts, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture.

7. Gumbalimba Park

Gumbalimba Insectarium Sign located at Gumbalimba Park

When embarking on a family adventure in Honduras, a must-visit destination is Gumbalimba Park. The travel destination is situated in the West Bay of Roatan Island, and it can be easily accessed by car or taxi from various locations on the island. While traveling in the park, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant flora that is showcased through the magnificent gardens, which boast an array of tropical plants. In addition to that, you can also encounter various animals such as macaws, parrots, monkeys, iguanas, and sloths during your travels.

Located within the enchanting Gumbalimba Park, travelers can explore a captivating museum showcasing the rich pre-Columbian heritage of Honduras. This cultural haven also offers a glimpse into traditional Honduran houses and various other fascinating artifacts, immersing visitors in the vibrant tapestry of the country’s history. Furthermore, among all the features, a major highlight of the park is its renowned swimming spot. This includes a picturesque natural swimming pool adorned with a cascading waterfall and a pristine beach. In this destination, you can experience the thrill of exploring the vibrant coral reefs through snorkeling and diving activities.

8. Rio Cangrejal

Rio Cangrejal

Rio Cangrejal stands as a must-visit destination for adventure enthusiasts seeking an adrenaline rush. This renowned site offers unparalleled opportunities for kayaking and rafting, making it the ultimate playground for thrill-seekers. As you embark on your travel adventure, imagine the exhilarating experience of navigating through the river’s extensive stretches of white-water rapids, where the rushing currents gracefully maneuver around majestic boulders and cascade over breathtaking drop-offs. 

Prepare yourself for an abundance of adrenaline-inducing moments that await you along this remarkable waterway. There are four distinct sections of the river that have been classified based on skill levels, catering to individuals with varying levels of experience, from beginners to experts. In the area, you can find numerous travel agencies that specialize in organizing exciting tours, along with experienced guides who can assist beginners in acquiring the fundamental skills of rafting and kayaking.

9. Comayagua Street Carpets

Comayagua Street Carpets

10. Cayos Cochinos

Cayos Cochinos

Cayos Cochinos is a captivating travel destination that offers a serene escape for those seeking to immerse themselves in the country’s breathtaking natural wonders. Comprising of two primary islands and a collection of smaller cays, this hidden gem promises a tranquil retreat away from the bustling tourist hotspots. In this travel destination, you won’t find any roads or automobiles. However, there are scenic hiking trails that connect the beautiful beaches to the peaceful villages.

One of the popular travel destinations here is a journey to the lighthouse to experience breathtaking views of the surrounding region. Moreover, the destination boasts breathtaking coastlines that offer perfect opportunities for swimming and snorkeling.

11. La Tigra National Park

La Tigra National Park

Located approximately 20 kilometers away from Tegucigalpa, La Tigra National Park (Parque Nacional La Tigra) stands as a captivating destination to explore in Honduras. Nestled high at an elevation of 2,270 meters, this pristine park safeguards a vibrant cloud forest teeming with ocelots, pumas, and monkeys, although spotting these magnificent creatures is a rare occurrence.

One of the most popular travel destinations in Honduras, this park provides a glimpse into the past, showcasing the natural beauty of the region before deforestation took its toll on the surrounding forests.

The park is a popular destination for bird enthusiasts, as it is home to over 200 species of birds. Visitors can spot a variety of colorful and unique birds such as toucans, trogons, and the rare quetzal. Scenic hiking trails meander through the lush forest, adorned with thriving bromeliads and orchids.

12. Guanaja


Guanaja, a charming island destination, beckons travelers with its breathtaking landscapes and promises of a tranquil getaway. Visitors can unwind amidst the serene surroundings or partake in thrilling outdoor adventures. Guanaja is a perfect destination for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts due to its consistent warm temperatures, excellent visibility, and stunning coral reef. 

Other travel activities to consider include embarking on a thrilling adventure through the lush jungles, embarking on a scenic hike to reach the breathtaking Grant’s Peak, marveling at the beauty of a picturesque waterfall, and immersing yourself in the vibrant local villages to discover their unique shopping experiences, delectable cuisine, and rich cultural heritage.

Q: Is Honduras safe for tourists?

A: Honduras has areas that are safe for tourists, but like any other destination, it’s essential to stay informed about the local situation and exercise caution, especially in certain regions.

Q: What is the best time to visit Honduras?

A: The dry season from November to April is the best time to visit Honduras, as the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities.

Q: Do I need a visa to visit Honduras?

A: Most tourists from North America and Europe can enter Honduras for up to 90 days without a visa. However, it’s essential to check visa requirements based on your nationality.

Q: What is the currency in Honduras?

A: The currency in Honduras is the Honduran lempira (HNL).

Q: Are there opportunities for volunteering in Honduras?

A: Yes, there are various volunteer opportunities in Honduras, especially in conservation and community development projects. Research and connect with reputable organizations for volunteering options.

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Scarlet macaws fly through Copan, where the ruins of a long-abandoned Mayan city are one of the biggest attractions in Honduras

Whether you are interested in the ancient Mayan ruins at Copán , hiking through the Pico Bonito National Park or freediving in the Bay Islands, these are Culture Trip’s pick of the best things to do in Honduras .

While Honduras’ crime stats are frequently published all over the media, those that venture to Central America’s second largest country will be pleasantly surprised. Friendly locals, diverse wildlife and pristine scuba diving in Utila await, plus there are far fewer touts swarming around tourist attractions in Honduras.

Copán ruins

Central Plaza, Copan, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Honduras, Central America

The Copán ruins are an ancient Mayan site, discovered in 1570 by Diego García de Palacio. This area was deeply important as a political, civil and religious center of the Copan Valley. The city was occupied by the Maya for around 2,000 years, and it was abandoned in the 10th century. It’s now a Unesco World Heritage site, and you can wander at will through the vast area and learn about the history of the ancient civilization. Explore the Maya citadel, where you’ll see portrait-style stone monuments called stelae , overlapping step-pyramids, and many ruined buildings.

Pico Bonito National Park

Park, Natural Feature

La Ceiba, Honduras: kayaker on the Canrejal river in the pico Bonito national park

Pico Bonito National Park is located in the Nobre de Dios mountain range, bordered in by pineapple plantations, cattle farms and the Rio Santiago and Cangrejal rivers. Inside the park is a mountain peak that reaches up to 2,435m (7,988ft) above sea level. Pico Bonito’s plant and wildlife vary from tropical forests in its valleys to high-elevation cloud forests on the peaks. A popular destination within the park is The Lodge at Pico Bonito, a privately owned ecolodge that is surrounded by lush wildlife and forestry. Pico Bonito is regarded as one of the best parks for outdoor activities in Honduras, and there are tours and other outdoor adventures such as kayaking or whitewater rafting.

Natural Feature

A boat is suspended above the Caribbean Sea on the island of Utila in Honduras

Jeannette Kawas National Park

White Faced Monkey,

This park is named after the environmental activist Jeannette Kawas who was murdered in 1995 after fighting to get this land protected status as a national park. It’s bursting with wildlife, from howler and white-faced monkeys on land to manatees and marine turtles in the sea, plus more than 100 species of birds in the air. The surroundings are just as varied, with lagoons, coral reefs, tropical rainforests, swamps and wetlands, making it a key tourist attraction in Honduras. Boat trips along the Río Ulúa are available to give travelers a chance to see the wildlife close up. Extreme adventurers might want to rent their own boat or hike solo, but more relaxed travelers can stick to an organized tour or ramble along the beautiful sandy beaches.

people cheering on a mountain

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Roatan Island, Honduras. Panoramic view of the island.

Roatán is a long, thin Bay Island that has become a popular Honduras tourist attraction in recent years. Diving and snorkeling among the abundant coral reefs attract most visitors, while West Bay is a popular place for travelers to stay – hotels range from budget options to more exclusive pricey stays. Although its beaches are the main draw, Roatán also has pine-forested mountainous areas, and the east side of the island is still relatively remote and unexplored.

Lake Yojioa

Lake Yojoa, located in a cavity formed by volcanoes long ago, is the largest lake in Honduras, with a surface area of 79sq km (30sq mi). It is one of Honduras’ major tourist attractions. The lake is conveniently located along a highway that travels between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, two of the country’s largest cities. Sadly, the lush landscape is threatened by deforestation, cattle ranching and development. From here, you can hike to a remote waterfall and visit nearby coffee plantations. Keep your eyes peeled for rare birds (nearly 500 species have seen around the shoreline).

Architectural Landmark

Cathedral of Comayagua, Honduras

The former capital of Honduras, Comayagua is a high elevation city found along the highway between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, and famous for its Spanish colonial architecture. The city was an important place for politics and religion until it lost its title as the capital in 1880. Wander through the small city to view the stunning architecture; the cathedral has the oldest clock in the Americas, and the 16th-century neoclassical city hall is also impressive. During Easter, it is a great place to watch the traditional Catholic celebrations.

Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve

green iguana, common iguana (Iguana iguana), sitting on a tree, Honduras

This Unesco World Heritage site is one of the best places to see the plants and animals of Central America’s tropical rainforest. Along with thick rainforests, open savannahs and mountainous regions, Río Plátano is home to more than 2,000 indigenous people and many important archeological sites. The best way to explore is on foot – book a guided hiking tour along the mountain trails and you might spot harpy eagles, colorful macaws, sloths and maybe even a jaguar hiding in the undergrowth. River rafting tours are also available for adrenaline seekers.

The Mosquitia (or Moskitia)

children of Miskito people at a river bank, Honduras, La Mosquitia, Las Marias

The Mosquitia biosphere reserve is one of the country’s last fully undeveloped areas. This area of swampy mangroves, untouched rainforests, and wild coastlines makes up almost a fifth of the entire country, and yet it only has two real roads and a modest population of indigenous peoples. You’ll find incredible wildlife, fantastic views and a thriving local culture. Far from your regular Honduras tourist attraction, a stay in Mosquitia is extremely basic – with no electricity or toilets – but it is an eye-opening experience for those with an adventurous spirit.

Cusuco National Park

Natural Feature, Park

An emerald toucanet, Aulacorhynchus prasinus, in a cloud forest tree.

This national park is another well-conserved area of Honduras, located behind the city of San Pedro Sula. It’s no easy task getting into the park, because many roads can be inaccessible, but you can get the most out of your trip by hiring a local guide to help you navigate the forest as well as find tropical birds and other wildlife. More than 260 species of bird have been spotted in the park. The best time to see them is early morning; if you visit between April and June, you’re more likely to catch sight of parrots, toucans, and quetzals.

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10 Very Best Things To Do In Honduras

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (14)

There are so many incredible and a hoard of the best things to do in Honduras when you visit. Now. Honduras itself is an intriguing Central American country that’s is pretty off the radar of most travellers.

Yes, it’s home to some of the most amazing Mayan ruins, beautiful beaches and absolutely fascinating wildlife yet it’s one of the lesser-visited countries in Central America. This isn’t without reason, Honduras has had (and till date, in certain spots, still has) a violent reputation.

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (1)

Truthfully, it’s a country that none but the most intrepid of traveller would typically have considered visiting in the past. That being said, with beautiful hotspots like The Bay Islands and the introduction of tourism police, is slowly becoming slightly easier to visit. 

This is exactly why I wanted to share some of the best things to do in Honduras on your next trip.

So, If you do find yourself with a fascination with Honduras, first thing first – check out the travel advice.

Honduras Things To See

Most visits to Honduras will probably be more centred around its Bay Island, which seem relatively untouched by most of what is going on in the mainland but if (or when) you do decide to visit Honduras, I wanted to share some other places you might love. Take a look at the best things to do in Honduras on your trip. Have the best time. 

1.) Copan Ruins

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (12)

So, Copan is one of the most important Mayan sites in the region and the ruins make a great place to indulge in some Indiana-Jones inspired trekking and adventuring. It’s totally beautiful and easily one of the best things to do in Honduras if you love ancient history. 

Experts are still trying to understand what it was that lead to the ultimate collapse of this once prosperous nation while the hieroglyphics and sculptures act as the sentinels of the ruins – closely guarding centuries of ancient secrets.

Whatever the case, it’s incredible to see.

2.) Rio Cangrejal

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (8)

If you love an adventure, you’ll easily find this spot as one of the very best things to do in Honduras. You see, Rio Cangrejal is one of the most scenic rivers in Central America and makes a perfect place to go swimming and white water rafting.

Plus, the area surrounding the river is staggeringly beautiful with options to go hiking, horseback riding and cycling. Alternatively, you may simply want to lounge by the riverbank, taking in all that the fresh mountain air.

After all, it’s your holiday so it’s totally up to you.

3.) Trujillo

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (6)

Trujillo is Honduras’ most beautiful colonial town and a gorgeous spot to see. With cobblestone streets, an old fort and Caribbean-style wooden houses, it’s one of the best things to do in Honduras if you want to explore more of the country.

Also, the towering peaks of distant mountains loom over the town, which also makes a great base from which to explore nearby beaches.

The chilled-out Caribbean vibe mixed in with Spanish influence makes it unlike any other town in Honduras, making Trujillo a truly unique destination.

4.) Bay Islands

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (14)

Voted as one of the top beaches in the world, there is always world-class diving snorkelling up for grabs on the Bay Islands.

The reefs that hem the islands are the second largest in the world and are home to abundant sea life like fish, turtles, sponges and perhaps most interesting of them all…whale sharks.

Just make sure to take your GoPro and enjoy the waters! It’s easily one of the best things to do in Honduras if you love the sea. 

5.) The Moskitia

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (7)

A vast, largely roadless expanse of lush rainforest, the Moskitia isn’t known as “the Amazon of Central America” for nothing.

If wildlife is your thing, this is one of the best places to come to in the region for spotting crocodiles, myriads of birdlife (e.g. those really colourful macaws) and provides miles of raw, unspoiled nature for you to explore. It really is one of the best things to do in Honduras. 

Just be sure to do this with an expert guide! Never venture into the wilderness here on your own. No one likes a careless hiker.

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (5)

One of the aforementioned Bay Islands, Utila Island stands out due to its beautiful white sandy beaches but especially due to its pristine snorkelling and diving conditions making it one of the most popular places to get your dive license. 🐠

If diving isn’t high on your agenda, the island is also famous for its laid-back vibe. Whatever the case, it’s certainly one of the awesome experiences and best things to do in Honduras when you visit. 

At only 13km long and 5km wide, Utila is flanked by impenetrable wilderness with only a handful of dirt roads that get you from A to B.

7.) Lago de Yojoa

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (9)

If you’re drawn to Honduras to explore “the great outdoors,” you could do a lot worse than heading to Lago de Yojoa where rolling green hills, verdant fields and rushing rivers will keep you busy for days.

With multiple national parks dotting the region, waterfalls to splash around in and archaeological sites to explore you won’t ever want to leave. It’s truly gorgeous and totally up there as one of the best things to do in Honduras. That being said, if it’s beach time you’re after, you might wanna give this a miss. 

8.) Gracias

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (11)

It’s hard to believe that this tranquil, unassuming little colonial town was once the capital of Spanish-conquered Central America (albeit briefly).

Come and enjoy the pretty cobblestone streets, colonial churches, impressively imposing fort and the slow and laid-back way of life that feels like it belongs to an older time.

9.) Comayagua

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (13)

Comayagua was the first capital of Honduras and a prime religious and political centre in the country.

It has all the trappings of the region’s most beautiful colonial towns, with a faded grandeur that only adds to its appeal. It is the place to visit at Easter thanks to its lavish processions and fun-filled celebrations.

It’s one of the best things to do in Honduras, especially if you want to see an authentic and gorgeous city. Also, for a gorgeous and intimate hotel, check into the Antigua Comayagua that’s near the Museo de Antropologia. Rooms are comfortable and relatively cheap too. 

10.) Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve

10 Amazing Places to Visit In Honduras (10)

If you’re not too keen on throwing yourself right into the thick of things in Moskitia, then head here! The Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve makes for a nice alternative and certainly much easier to see. 

Bursting at the seams with rich plant and animal life, it contains one of the most beautiful stretches of Central American rainforest in the entire region. It really is one of the best things to do in Honduras. 

Again, this is another spot you should only visit with a guide for safety and navigation. Usually, these can be booked with your hotel, but just make sure you work with someone reputable and safe. As I said before, no one likes a reckless hiker. 

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White beaches fringed by the world's second-largest barrier reef, jungle-covered mountains cut by raftable white-water rivers and home to an astounding number of bird species, exquisite Maya ruins, colonial, cobblestone villages, fresh seafood grilled on the beach…Yes, all this is found in Honduras, a country often hurried through or avoided entirely due to its dangerous image.

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Visitors learn about the Mayas at the Museum of National Identity in Tegucigalpa on December 14, 2012. The beginning of a new Mayan era on December 21 will be marked with celebrations throughout southern Mexico and Central America. Honduras is one of five countries preparing to observe the date, which marks the end of a more than 5,000-year era, according to the Mayan "Long Count" calendar, which began in 3114 BC.  AFP PHOTO/Orlando SIERRA        (Photo credit should read ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/Getty Images)

Museo para la Identidad Nacional


If you hit only one sight in Tegus, head here. The museum is housed in the gorgeously renovated 19th-century former Palace of Ministries. It's a superb…

View of a cruise ship through the Santa Barbara fortress while she heads to Trujillo, 600km north of Tegucigalpa on October 15, 2014.    AFP PHOTO / Orlando SIERRA        (Photo credit should read ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/Getty Images)

Fortaleza Santa Bárbara de Trujillo

High above the waves, gazing over the Caribbean toward the European motherland, this 17th-century Spanish fortress could not have a more evocative…

Coral reefs off the coast of Roatan,Honduras; Shutterstock ID 63362152; Your name (First / Last): William Broich; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial ; Full Product or Project name including edition: Honduras

Roatán Marine Park

Originally set up in 2005 with the aim of protecting the reef system around the West End and Sandy Bay, the Roatán Marine Park now covers the whole island…

Mountains of National Park Montana de Celaque, Honduras; Shutterstock ID 551391514; Your name (First / Last): William Broich; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial ; Full Product or Project name including edition: Honduras

Parque Nacional Montaña de Celaque

Western Honduras

Parque Nacional Celaque is one of Honduras’ most impressive national parks and boasts El Cerro de las Minas, the country’s highest peak (2849m), which is…

Pulhapanzak waterfall, Honduras, Central America; Shutterstock ID 316349681; Your name (First / Last): William Broich; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial ; Full Product or Project name including edition: Honduras


This magnificent 43m waterfall on the Río Lindo is 17km north of Lago de Yojoa (and also an easy day trip from San Pedro Sula). Surrounded by lush forest,…

Cascada Zacate

Cascada Zacate

The park’s first trail is still a favorite, with a moderately difficult three-hour hike to Cascada Zacate. You’ll hear the falls before you see them; they…

Cold rain forest

Parque Nacional La Tigra

A short distance northeast of the capital, Parque Nacional La Tigra covers 238 sq km of rugged forest, with cloud forest and dry pine forest, numerous…

Lancetilla Botanical Garden & Research Center

Lancetilla Botanical Garden & Research Center

One of the largest tropical botanical gardens in the world, the Lancetilla Botanical Garden & Research Center spans 1680 hectares and has 1200 species of…

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Dive into Honduras and explore its preserved Maya sites, incredible wildlife, culture and nightlife with our guide to getting the best out of your trip.

Things to Know

Honduras is a place of immense beauty and diversity, but traveling here does require some forethought and on-the-ground know-how.


The second-largest country in Central America, Honduras is a sprawl of mountains, islands, coastal plains and tropical lowlands. Here's how to get around.

Visa Requirements

Honduras has a wealth of attractions awaiting you, so don't allow visa drama to delay your trip. Find out if you need one and how to get it.

Money and Costs

Wonderfully intact Maya ruins and reef-fringed tropical islands are just two of the many attractions in Honduras. Here's how to enjoy it all on a budget.

Traveling with Kids

Discover the top 6 things to do in Honduras with kids, from exploring ancient ruins to beach adventures. Here's how to visit with tots in tow.

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Rugged and raw Honduras has incredible landscapes and vibrant cities waiting to be discovered on a road trip. Start planning now with our 5 favorites.

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A mother and her toddler son on the beach in La Ceiba, Honduras

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Young couple underwater snorkelling with starfish all over the seabed in Roatan, Honduras

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Tourist in a hat in the port of the city of La Ceiba, Honduras

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Thatched boathouse, Lake Yojoa, Honduras

What to see in Moscow

What to see in Moscow

Red Square, the Kremlin, Saint Basil's Cathedral... Discover the most important monuments , churches, parks and palaces in Moscow: what, where, when and how to visit them!

Kremlin The Kremlin - a historical fortified citadel - is at the heart of Moscow and is one of Russia's most emblematic sights.

Red Square Known for its striking buildings - as large as they are elegant - Red Square is the heart and soul not just of Moscow but of Russia as a whole.

Pushkin Museum Moscow's Pushkin State Museum of Fine Art is one of the most important in Russia. Its huge collection ranges from paintings to archaeological objects.

Saint Basil's Cathedral St Basil's Cathedral is the symbol of Moscow. Its iconic brightly coloured, exquisitely carved architecture is the stuff of fairytales.

Tretyakov Gallery Founded by a Muscovite merchant in the mid 19th century, the State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest collections of Russian fine art in the world.

Kazan Cathedral A small but perfectly formed Orthodox church on Red Square, Kazan Cathedral radiates charm from its fairytale architecture.

All-Russia Exhibition Centre Built in 1939, the All-Russia Exhibition Centre, or VDNKh, is a leisure park designed to showcase the socialist economy and lifestyle.

Museum of Cosmonautics Moscow's Cosmonautics Museum is dedicated to showcasing the important role Russia played in the space race during the 20th century.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow is a majestic Orthodox church with a legendary history full of stories.

GUM Galleries Located in the mythical Red Square, the GUM department store is the most important shopping centre in Moscow and throughout Russia.

Monuments and tourist attractions

Bolshoi Theatre Built in 1825, the mythical Bolshoi Theatre is Russia's best-known ballet and opera house and one of the most important in the world.

Novodevichy Convent Founded in 1524, the Novodevichy Convent remains a functioning monastery. In the past, it housed many women of the Russian nobility.

Ostankino Tower Moscow's Ostankino Tower is a TV and radio tower with an observation deck that for years was the tallest building in the world.

Bunker 42 Built as a command post for the Soviet Union's nuclear forces, Bunker 42 displays one of the USSR's best-kept secrets.

Lenin's Mausoleum Built during the Soviet era, Lenin's Mausoleum is a monument located in Red Square showing Lenin's embalmed body.

Spasskaya Tower Spasskaya Tower is the tallest and most striking tower in the Kremlin in Moscow. Its enormous clock marks the official time of the city.

Peter the Great Statue Loved by some and hated by others, the statue of Peter the Great is one of Moscow's most controversial monuments and one of the world's tallest statues.

Tverskaya Street Lively throughout the day and night, Tverskaya Street is Moscow's most emblematic avenue and one of the city's most popular shopping areas.

Victory Park Created as an important outdoor monument, Moscow's Victory Park pays tribute to the triumph of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

State Historical Museum Housed in one of the main buildings on Red Square, the State Historical Museum in Moscow was opened in 1872 to showcase Russian history.

Kremlin Armoury The Kremlin Armoury is one of the oldest museums in Moscow, home to priceless treasures, weapons and armours from Russian history.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War The Museum of the Great Patriotic War, located in Victory Park, is a history museum showcasing Russia's participation in World War II.

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See Ireland’s Tourist Attractions Like a Pro in 7 Steps

Updated September 17, 2023

Between the Cliffs of Moher , Trinity College Library , and castles for days , Ireland’s tourist attractions are among the world’s best. But therein lies the problem. How do you narrow things down and see the best of the best—without getting stuck on the tourist track? To help out, check out these 7 easy steps to seeing Ireland’s best tourist attractions like a pro.

Step #1: Make a bucket list

Cliffs of Moher are a top Ireland tourist attraction

What’s on your Ireland bucket list? The Cliffs of Moher? Trinity College Library? The Titanic Museum in Belfast? (These are all great choices.) Whatever it is, sit down and decide which places to visit in Ireland are musts —and from there, you can start crafting the perfect Ireland itinerary. (It’s also helpful to jot down a few you don’t want to see.) With a few clear priorities in mind, the rest of it can get a lot easier. 

Step #2: Decide when you want to travel 

Ireland is wonderful all year round, but it’s no stranger to gray skies, misty days, and rain. If you’re hoping to explore tourist attractions like Killarney National Park or if you’re dying for that Instagram-perfect picture of the Cliffs of Moher, you may want to plan a trip for the summer. Just keep in mind that everyone loves Ireland in the summer . So hotels will be pricier, and you may face more crowds at popular spots.

Fortunately, many of Ireland's best things to do are indoors (hey, the Irish have been living with the rain for a long time). You can visit every castle and pub in the country without worrying about the weather. And some of the best things to do in Dublin stay forever cozy and dry—think the Trinity College Library, Dublin Castle , and the Guinness Storehouse .

Step #3: Pick a couple of cities to explore in-depth

Dublin is a top Ireland tourist attraction

You can’t go wrong when it comes to visiting Ireland’s best cities. From Dublin to Galway , they’re incredible hubs of good food, culture, and (of course) pubs. Plus, many of Ireland’s top tourist attractions are either clustered in cities or are nearby—for example, one of the best things to do in Cork is just a short hop from the town itself: the world-famous Blarney Stone . 

But if you’re averse to renting a car, it’s totally possible to spend a trip enjoying the tourist attractions within city limits.

Step #4: ...or rent a car to see them all!

Of course, it’s really fun to visit Ireland’s small towns too—they’re so wonderful—and the best way to do that is with a car. Irish towns like Kinsale and Dingle are tourist attractions themselves and offer visitors a unique look at Irish life. Plus, having a car makes it easier to get off the beaten Irish path and discover some of the country’s hidden gems.

If you have a car, you can think about focusing your trip around a region rather than a city. There are so many great things to do in the west of Ireland, and Northern Ireland bursts with exciting sites. 

Step #5: Plan to explore more than Dublin

Kilkenny Castle is one of Ireland's top tourist attractions

That’s right, folks—there’s way more to Ireland than Dublin. Yes, the capital is one of the best places to visit in Ireland, but you’re missing out if it’s all you see. And Ireland makes it easy! Even if you want to start in Dublin, it’s easy to explore all the cool things to do in Kilkenny, for example—it’s just about 90 minutes away. And Kilkenny is home to one of Ireland’s top tourist attractions—the impressive Kilkenny Castle . 

Step #6: Consider crossing the border

Don’t let a border crossing deter you! Although most travelers focus on the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland is really fantastic— Belfast has some amazing stuff to do. So does Derry .

While you’re in the north, it’s also easy to visit cities like Donegal or Carlingford; back in the Republic of Ireland, Donegal is about an hour south of Derry and Carlingford is an hour south of Belfast.

TL;DR: some of Ireland’s coolest places to visit are up north, and you shouldn’t let a border crossing deter you. Just remember to bring your passport!

Ask a local about Ireland tourist attractions

Whether you want to see Ireland’s tourist attractions or are hoping to discover hidden gems, we can assist to plan your trip. Take a look through our extensive catalogue of tours to discover Ireland your way!

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5 must-see attractions in Moscow you’ve (probably) NEVER heard of before (PHOTOS)

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We’ve written many times about your ultimate must-do things and must-see places in Moscow. Of course, they are the Red Square, the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Bolshoi Theater, as well as the many other iconic venues. But, what if you’ve done and seen it all? Well, we’ve picked some activities that are relatively new and which you probably haven’t heard of (until now!), so you can get the maximum out of the Russian capital!

1. Zaryadye Park

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This incredible landscape park right next to the Red Square feels as if you switched from buzzy city center to nature with a flick of a button. And there, you can explore all the natural zones that Russia has at once – from the Arctic to the subtropical climate – and their flora. 

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The main attraction in Zaryadye is considered to be the “floating” bridge suspended over the Moskva River. It is made of glass so it almost feels as if you are flying over the river. Don’t forget to take a selfie there (and it’s best to go early in the morning before it gets too overcrowded).

2. Moscow Cable Car 

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The 720-meter-long cable car over the Moskva River was opened in 2018. The cable car connects Vorobyovy Gory (‘Sparrow Hills’) and the other side of the Moskva River, where the Luzhniki stadium is situated.

Tickets for the cable car cost just 140 rubles (approx. $1.55) one-way on weekdays and up to 750 rubles (approx. $8.20) for a round trip on weekends and holidays. On the approximately 10-minute ride, you will be able to enjoy Moscow’s most picturesque natural views, as well as a panorama of the Moscow City business district and the MSU university building, one of the seven Stalin skyscrapers. 

3. Brand new pedestrian bridge 

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In July 2024, downtown Moscow got an absolutely new pedestrian bridge. It runs over the Vodootvodny Canal and connects Bolotny Ostrov (Island) with the Krymskaya Embankment and Muzeon Park. 

Crossing it, you will find yourself right near the giant monument of Peter the Great (one of the most unpopular statues in the city) and walk along the Bolotnaya Embankment to another controversial sculpture – the ‘Big Clay No. 4’ by famous Swiss visual artist Urs Fischer. It stands in front of GES-2, a new public and art space in Moscow, which also totally deserves your attention. And, if you are not a fan of art, at least take a walk in its birch grove! 

Actually, this bridge (which still doesn’t have an official name) provides a long pedestrian or cycle route from Vorobyovy Gory and up to Bolotny Island.

4. House of Russian Cuisine

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A giant food hall which bears the name ‘House of Russian Cuisine’ is a new space that was erected specially for the large-scale ‘Russia EXPO’ that took place from the late 2023 up until summer of 2024. There, in one place, you can taste the ethnic dishes of no less than 15 Russian regions.

‘Chebureki’ with Far Eastern seafood, Siberian ‘pelmeni’, Buryat soups, northern pike cutlets, Dagestani pies, Karelian mushrooms and many many other specialities. 

Another reason to visit the House of Russian Cuisine is that it’s located in the Soviet era-built VDNKh exhibition park, where you can walk for hours exploring Stalin’s architecture and traditions of Soviet republics, as well as space museums and many other great activities.  

5. Moscow City observation decks

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The Moscow City business district accumulates not only Moscow’s, but most of Russia’s tallest buildings in one complex. And, obviously, its skyscrapers have several observation decks from which you can see the entire Moscow as if it were your own backyard. 

The ‘OKO Tower’ has a 354-meter tall open observation deck, while the Federation Tower ‘Vostok’ (‘East’) has a 327-meter high panoramic observation deck with glass windows. Choose which one to go up and then have a fancy lunch in one of multiple restaurants in the complex. 

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Home » Travel Guides » United States » Idaho (ID) » 15 Best Things to Do in Moscow (Idaho)

15 Best Things to Do in Moscow (Idaho)

In a landscape of fertile rolling hills on the Idaho-Washington boundary, Moscow is the county seat of Latah County and the home of the University of Idaho, founded in the early 1890s.

The city has a cozy downtown with historic brick buildings from the turn of the 20th century and lots of community events, like a weekly farmers’ market spring through fall, and a bustling artwalk in June.

As you would expect, the University of Idaho plays an important role in the city’s cultural, social and sporting life, and many of the attractions in this list are connected to this institution in some way.

The surrounding Palouse landscape of rambling hills decked with wheat fields, can be explored on two paved rail trails, heading out east and west of the city.

1. University of Idaho Arboretum & Botanical Garden

University of Idaho Arboretum & Botanical Garden

The loveliest feature of the university campus’ verdant grounds is the UI Arboretum & Botanical Garden.

You’ll find it in 63 acres, just south of the President’s Residence and the university’s golf course, with undulating Palouse hills in the background.

Open to the public with free admission, the arboretum was laid out on a former hayfield in the early-1980s, although its origins go back way before, to the early 20th century.

In fact you can check out the site of the first arboretum, planted in the 1910s with majestic specimen trees, including a giant sequoia, on the north side of the President’s Residence.

As for the “new” arboretum, this counts more than 17,000 plants from over 2,400 taxa, mostly organized into geographical regions, including Europe, Asia and Eastern and Western North America.

On the south end are exquisite display gardens for xerophytes, ornamental willows, irises and heather, as well as a butterfly garden, magical in summer.

2. Latah Trail

Latah Trail

Twelve miles long, this paved trail will take you east from Moscow all the way to the neighboring city of Troy.

The Latah Trail was completed in 2008 and is on the course of a dismantled BNSF railroad line that junctioned at Arrow, some 30 miles to the southeast.

The path is ten feet wide, allowing plenty of space for walkers and cyclists in summer, and snowshoers and cross-country skiers after snowfall in winter.

As this is a rail trail there are no difficult slopes but you’ll be guaranteed breathtaking panoramas of the Palouse, with tilled slopes interspersed with sweeps of coniferous forest.

In Moscow the Latah Trail merges seamlessly with the Paradise Path, in turn connecting with the Bill Chipman Palouse Trail, which we’ll talk about below.

3. Appaloosa Museum and Heritage Center

Appaloosa Museum and Heritage Center

The Appaloosa, identified by its colorful spotted coat, is a horse breed synonymous with the Palouse region, so it’s fitting that there should be a museum for it, right on the Idaho-Washington state line.

The museum shines a light on a variety of topics, like the history of spotted horses in art and literature, Appaloosas’ various coat patterns, and the importance of Appaloosas to the native Nez Perce people.

Display cases are loaded with interesting objects, from saddles to black and white photography and Native American artifacts. There’s also a hands-on area to keep children engaged, as well as a theater and an extensive library.

4. Moscow Farmers’ Market

Moscow Farmers' Market

Taking place on Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm, May through October, Moscow Farmers’ Market is now well into its fifth decade.

Right on Main Street, this is a celebration of the Moscow area’s farmers, artisans and musicians, giving them an opportunity to connect with the city’s residents and visitors.

For shoppers interested in food provenance the market is a chance to find out where your produce comes from and pick up tips about storage and preparation.

There’s a wide range of vendors for vegetables, fruit, plants, flowers, local grass-fed meat, pastries, honey, jams, cosmetics, home decorations, hand-forged knives and much more.

The market has live music most weeks, as well as freshly prepared food, from tacos to samosas.

5. Bill Chipman Palouse Trail

Bill Chipman Palouse Trail

Following the right of way of the old Union Pacific Railroad, the Bill Chipman Palouse Trail runs west from Moscow, crossing the state line and taking you to Pullman, Washington.

Pullman is the home of the flagship campus for Washington State University, the second-largest institution of higher education in the state.

Seven miles long, the trail, paved all the way, carries you through bucolic Palouse scenery, parallel to State Route 270.

There’s a shallow gradient, and you’ll come across rest areas and interpretive signs along the route. And while the landscapes are gorgeous, the trail also has an important practical use as a commuter route for cyclists between the two university campuses.

6. Prichard Art Gallery

Prichard Art Gallery

This outreach facility for the University of Idaho is located in downtown Moscow, and moved to its current location on Main Street in 1986.

The Prichard Art Gallery has a lively schedule of exhibitions, events and educational programming, receiving upwards of 17,000 visitors a year.

You can check out the creativity of members of the Idaho College of Art and Architecture, as well as temporary exhibits for local, regional, national and international artists in a whole spectrum of media.

The exhibits rotate at short intervals, so there’s always something fresh to see, while the gift shop sells unique pieces by artists and craftspeople from the area.

7. McConnell Mansion

McConnell Mansion

On leafy Adams Street, a couple of blocks east of Main Street, stands the palatial W. J. McConnell House.

In a Stick/Eastlake style, this elegant residence was built in 1886 for William J. McConnell (1839-1925), who served as Governor of Idaho from 1893 to 1897, after previously representing the young state as one of its first United States Senators.

The mansion is the headquarters of the Latah County Historical Society, and you can take a look around a series of themed period rooms, featuring authentic furnishings and appliances.

The society also puts on fascinating exhibits and learning events, often in partnership with the University of Idaho and always well worth attending.

8. Colter’s Creek Winery

Colter's Creek Winery

The rolling country south of Moscow has everything you need to make great wine, and in 2016 the Lewis-Clark Valley gained official AVA (American Viticultural Area) designation.

Colter’s Creek has a storefront and tasting room in Moscow, growing its grapes on the sunny slopes where the Potlatch flows into the Clearwater River.

Planted between the 1980s and 2010s these vineyards produce a wide variety of grapes, running the gamut from Riesling to Cabernet Sauvignon, for local handcrafted wines that have earned widespread acclaim.

The stylish Moscow tasting room is in Main Street’s Hattabaugh building, constructed in 1890, and has a choice of estate wines on tap. Wine tasting classes take place regularly, to help you tell a Sangiovese from a Tempranillo.

9. Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre

Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre

On the National Register of Historic Places, this fine old Spanish Revival cinema has a history going back to 1926, and was founded as a vaudeville stage and silent movie house.

The current tiled facade, in a pared-down Art Deco style, has been in place since 1949, and up to the late-1980s this was downtown Moscow’s main movie theater.

Since 2000, the venue has belonged to the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, which carried out thorough renovations in the 2010s. Come for classic, independent and foreign films, as well as a variety of community stage performances and other events.

10. Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center


Summers in Moscow wouldn’t be the same without this public outdoor pool, splash pad and water park, open June through September.

If you want to get your laps in, the Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center has a 25-yard, six-lane pool.

Meanwhile parents can bring children to the extensive play area, which features a toddler-friendly slide, tumble buckets, interactive equipment, slides for bigger kids and a small lazy river.

The center also has picnic tables, barbecues, lounge chairs and free Wi-Fi, as well as a full-service concession area, though you’re free to bring your own food.

11. Idaho Vandals

Kibbie Dome

The 16,000-seater multipurpose arena, Kibbie Dome is home field for several of the University of Idaho’s sports teams, all called the Idaho Vandals.

So depending on the time of year you can catch pulsating football, basketball (men and women), soccer (women), tennis and indoor track and field at this venue.

The Kibbie Dome was completed in 1971 as an open-air stadium, and was given its barrel-vaulted roof in 1975.

The football team competes in the Big Sky Conference in the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS), returning in 2016 after 20 years bouncing around the Big West, Sun Belt and Western Athletic Conferences.

The Vandals’ golden age came between 1985 and 1995 when it reached the I-AA playoffs in ten out of 11 seasons.

If you’re wondering about the name, “Vandals”, it goes back more than a century, when UI’s feared basketball team played defense with such ferocity that they were dubbed the Vandals by the famous coach Hec Edmundson (1886-1964).

12. Ghormley Park

Ghormley Park

Bordered on the south side by Paradise Creek, Ghormley Park is the favorite destination for family fun and outdoor recreation in summer.

The park covers just over ten acres, a large section of which is in the shade of tall, mature trees.

This is where you’ll find the picnic shelter, fitted with BBQ grills, as well as a children’s playground.

Elsewhere there are amenities for baseball/softball, basketball and horseshoes. You can use the Paradise Trail, which traces the creek and connects a number of green spaces in Moscow, to get onto the Latah Trail on the east side of the city and the Bill Chipman Trail in the west.

13. Palouse Ice Rink

Ice Skating

You can hit the ice at this popular local rink on the southeast side of town. Resembling an aircraft hangar, the Palouse Ice Rink has a temporary look about it, and when we wrote this article was making strides raising money for a permanent complex.

There are regular public skate sessions early in the day, after school and in the evening, and skate rental is reasonably priced.

Also on the schedule are casual stick-n-puck sessions, pick-up hockey, drop-in late-night curling, league curling, Palouse Adult League Hockey and much more. Check the calendar for learn-to-skate sessions.

14. Moscow Artwalk

Street Performers

Beginning back in 2004, the Moscow Artwalk is a landmark on the Palouse calendar. On one Friday evening in June, more than 60 businesses and 100 artists around downtown participate in a vibrant cultural and artistic event.

Moscow Artwalk brings exhibitions of a wide variety, as well as live demonstrations by artists, workshops, live music, dance performances and food vendors, on Main Street and its intersecting streets.

You can take in this cultural feast on a self-guided trail, and there’s a passport system, with six stamps making you eligible for a prize draw. And if you miss something, many of the participating businesses also have Saturday hours.

15. Fondo on the Palouse

Fondo on the Palouse

The foundation responsible for the Latah Trail organizes this cycling event, normally staged on the last Saturday in June.

Fondo on the Palouse takes you out into the beautiful rolling Palouse landscape on a variety of group bike rides, all setting off from Moscow.

The Family Fondo is a 15-mile route from Moscow to Troy. If you want something longer but want to stay away from road traffic, there’s a 50-mile ride along the Latah and Bill Chipman Palouse Trails.

And finally the grand Moscow Fondo is a 100-mile tour of the region, passing through Troy, Deary, Princeton and Potlatch, crossing the state line to Pullman and Colfax, WA, before returning to Moscow.

15 Best Things to Do in Moscow (Idaho):

  • University of Idaho Arboretum & Botanical Garden
  • Latah Trail
  • Appaloosa Museum and Heritage Center
  • Moscow Farmers' Market
  • Bill Chipman Palouse Trail
  • Prichard Art Gallery
  • McConnell Mansion
  • Colter's Creek Winery
  • Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre
  • Hamilton-Lowe Aquatics Center
  • Idaho Vandals
  • Ghormley Park
  • Palouse Ice Rink
  • Moscow Artwalk
  • Fondo on the Palouse

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17 Top Tourist Attractions in Moscow

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on May 4, 2024

The capital of Russia is an incredible place to explore. Visitors to Moscow come away spellbound at all the amazing sights, impressed at the sheer size and grandeur of the city. Lying at the heart of Moscow, the Red Square and the Kremlin are just two of the must-see tourist attractions; they are the historical, political and spiritual heart of the city – and indeed Russia itself.

A fascinating city to wander around, stunning cathedrals, churches, and palaces lie side-by-side with bleak grey monuments and remains from the Soviet state. In addition to its plethora of historical and cultural tourist attractions, Moscow is home to world-class museums, theaters and art galleries.

Renowned for its performing arts, fantastic ballets and amazing circus acts, catching a show while in Moscow is a must. The wealth of brilliant restaurants, trendy bars, and lively nightlife means there is something for everyone to enjoy.

See also: Where to Stay in Moscow

17. Tsaritsyno Palace

Tsaritsyno Palace

Once the summer residence of Catherine the Great, the stunning Tsaritsyno Palace is now a museum-reserve. The architecture is magnificent and there is a lovely park surrounding it for visitors to explore.

Located in the south of Moscow, the palace was commissioned in 1775 and recent renovations mean its lavish interior looks better than ever before with its elegant halls and beautiful staircases.

The exhibits on display look at the life of the empress as well as the history of Tsaritsyno itself. The huge palace grounds are also home to some other delightful buildings with the elegant opera house and wonderful brickwork of the Small Palace being particularly impressive to gaze upon.


Starting out in 1935 as the ‘All-Union Agricultural Exhibition’, VDNKh has slowly morphed over the years into the fascinating open-air museum of today. Remarkably, over 400 buildings can now be found within its confines.

The huge park complex has numerous pavilions representing former Soviet republics on show, such as those of Armenia and Turkmenistan and the distinctive architecture of each of the buildings is always interesting to gaze upon. In addition to this there is the fascinating Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics which is dedicated to space exploration and the fun Moskvarium aquarium even offers you the chance to swim with dolphins.

With lots of eateries scattered about and numerous entertainment options such as horse-riding and zip-lining, there is something for everyone to enjoy; the Friendship of Nations fountain truly is wonderful.

15. Kremlin Armoury

Kremlin Armoury

One of the oldest museums in the city, the Kremlin Armoury has a wealth of treasures; highlights include the ornate Grand Siberian Railway egg, the historic Cap of Monomakh and the stunning Imperial Crown of Russia which often has a crowd of tourists around it, jostling to take a photo.

Once the royal armory, there are loads of fascinating objects on display. Perusing the many sabers, jewelry, armor and more is as interesting as it is educational and entertaining and the swords are so finely crafted that you’ll almost wish you could pick up one and wield if yourself.

Established in 1851, the museum is situated in the Moscow Kremlin.

14. GUM Department Store

GUM Department Store

Standing for ‘Main Universal Store’ in Russian, GUM is stunning. Its wonderful skylights and beautiful facades mean it doesn’t look out of place alongside its illustrious neighbors on Red Square.

With over 200 shops, boutiques and upmarket eateries inside, it is a shopaholic’s heaven and concerned partners will be glad to find more affordable options alongside luxury brands such as Dior and Prada.

The main department store in the city, GUM was opened in 1893. The stunning architecture makes it well worth a visit even if shopping isn’t your thing.

13. Moscow Metro

Moscow Metro

It’s not often that public transport looks like a work of art. So many stops on the Moscow Metro will astound visitors with their beauty and elegance.

Decked in marble and with frescoes covering the walls, the stations are amazing to gaze upon and are part of one of the longest metro systems in the world, with the first stations opened in 1935.

Using the metro is the quickest and easiest way to get around Moscow and braving the crowds of commuters is well worth it for the beauty all around you.

12. Arbat Street

Arbat Street

An elegant yet lively street, Arbat is full of impressive architecture and was once a popular place to live for aristocrats, artists, and academics.

A historic place, it is down Arbat Street that Napoleon’s troops are said to have headed on their way to capture the Kremlin.

Nowadays, there are many cafes, restaurants, and shops, as well as various monuments and statues to former residents such as Alexander Pushkin who was reputed to be a lover of the Russian Empress due to his massive influence in court.

11. Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

Drenched in history, the Novodevichy Convent is located in a striking building that was once a fortress. This captivating place is well worth visiting when in Moscow.

Founded in 1524, the convent houses four cathedrals; Smolensk Cathedral is the undoubted highlight due to its delightful 16th-century frescoes.

Wandering around the grounds is like stepping back in time. The Novodevichy Cemetery is where many famous leaders of the Soviet Union are buried, such as Yeltsin and Khrushchev.

10. Pushkin Museum

Pushkin Museum

Despite its name, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts actually has no connection at all to the famous poet other than that it was named in his honor after his death. A delight to visit, its extensive collection focuses on European art with masterpieces by Botticelli, Rembrandt, and van Gogh all featuring.

Sculptures, graphic art, paintings and more can be found in its beautiful galleries; various sections look at themes and epochs such as the Renaissance, the Dutch Golden Age, and Byzantine art.

Among the many highlights are the clownish characters which can be found in Cezanne’s Fastnacht (Mardi Gras) and the twirling ballerinas who look so elegant in Degas’ Blue Dancers. Picasso’s Young acrobat on a Ball is also well worth checking out for its interesting use of shapes and colors.

9. Christ The Savior Cathedral

Christ The Savior Cathedral

This gorgeous Russian Orthodox cathedral is located on the banks of the Moskva River, just a stone’s throw away from the Kremlin.

The church as it stands today was consecrated in 2000, as the original church that stood here was destroyed on the command of Josef Stalin in 1931 due to the anti-religious campaign.

With its delightful golden dome, spires and dazzling white facades, the Christ the Savior Cathedral is stunning. The interior is just as captivating to wander around, with its beautifully tiled floors and impressive altar.

8. Lenin Mausoleum

Lenin Mausoleum

Opened to the public in 1924, Lenin’s Mausoleum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Moscow. The red granite structure is located at the heart of the city in Red Square.

Lenin’s embalmed body lies in a glass sarcophagus; it is a somewhat eerie experience walking past the former leader of the Soviet Union but is well worth doing as you understandably can’t do it anywhere else in the world.

After visiting the mausoleum, head to the Kremlin wall right next to it for more graves of important communist figures such as Stalin and Brezhnev.

7. Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery

Home to the most extensive and impressive collection of Russian fine art in the world, the State Tretyakov Gallery is definitely worth visiting when in Moscow for the wealth of amazing art pieces that it has on display.

Having started out as the private art collection of the Tretyakov brothers, there are now over 130,000 exhibits. Highlights include the iconic Theotokos of Vladimir which you will almost certainly recognise despite probably not knowing the name and Rublev’s Trinity which is considered to be one of highest achievements in Russian art.

An absolute must for art lovers, the State Tretyakov Gallery will delight visitors with all that is has to offer.

6. Kolomenskoye


Once a royal estate, Kolomenskoye is now a museum-reserve and lies a few kilometers outside of the city center. A captivating place to visit, there is a plethora of history on show and the site overlooks the Moskva River.

Consisting of four historical sites, there are extensive gardens for visitors to explore, as well as loads of interesting old buildings, the former village of Kolomenskoye itself and the impressive Palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich – once considered the Eighth Wonder of the World by contemporaries.

Among the many stunning sights, it is the brilliantly white Ascension Church that is the undoubted highlight – dating back to 1532.

5. Gorky Park

Gorky Park

Lying alongside the Moskva River, the huge Gorky Park is a lovely place to visit. Its extensive gardens are home to numerous cultural institutions and visitors should definitely check out the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and while the eclectic exhibits may not always feature such incredible sights as a balloon-covered rider on a zebra; they certainly always succeed in pushing back the boundaries of art.

Pop-up exhibitions and festivals can be found from time to time in the park itself and there is an open-air theatre and numerous eateries alongside a plethora of leisure activities.

Whether it’s cycling, table tennis or yoga that you are after or beach volleyball and rowing, Gorky Park certainly has it. In winter, there is a huge ice rink for visitors to enjoy.

4. Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the main theater in the country. The amazing opera and ballet performances it has put on over the centuries go a long way in explaining Russia’s rich history of performing arts.

While the Bolshoi Ballet Company was established in 1776, the theater itself was opened in 1825. The glittering, six-tier auditorium is lavishly and decadently decorated; it is a fitting setting for the world-class performances that take place on its stage.

Spending a night watching a performance of such classics as The Nutcracker or Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theatre is sure to be a memorable experience and the beauty all around you only adds to the sense of occasion.

3. Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin

This famously fortified complex is remarkably home to five palaces and four cathedrals and is the historic, political and spiritual center of the city. The Kremlin serves as the residence for the country’s president. It has been used as a fort, and this fact is made clear by its sheer size. The Kremlin’s outer walls were built in the late 1400s.

Under Ivan III, better known as Ivan the Great, the Kremlin became the center of a unified Russian state, and was extensively remodeled. Three of the Kremlin’s cathedrals date to his reign that lasted from 1462-1505. The Deposition Church and the Palace of Facets were also constructed during this time. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower was built in 1508. It is the tallest tower at the Kremlin with a height of 266 feet (81 meters).

Joseph Stalin removed many of the relics from the tsarist regimes. However, the Tsar Bell, the world’s largest bell, and the Tsar Cannon, the largest bombard by caliber in the world, are among the remaining items from that era. The Kremlin Armory is one of Moscow’s oldest museums as it was established more than 200 years ago. Its diamond collection is impressive.

The Kremlin’s gardens – Taynitsky, Grand Kremlin Public and Alexander – are beautiful. The Kremlin has also served as the religious center of the country, and there is a tremendous number of preserved churches and cathedrals here. The collections contained within the museums include more than 60,000 historical, cultural and artistic monuments. Those who enjoy the performing arts will want to consider attending a ballet or concert at the State Kremlin Palace. Completed in 1961, it is the only modern building in the Kremlin.

2. Red Square

Red Square

Lying at the heart of Moscow, Red Square is the most important and impressive square in the city. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions due to its wealth of historical sights and cultural landmarks.

Drenched in history, the huge square is home to incredible sights such as the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral and Lenin’s Mausoleum, among others. Consequently, it is not to be missed when in Moscow as it really is home to the city’s most stunning monuments.

It is here that many important moments in Russian history took place; the former marketplace has hosted everything from Tsar’s coronations and public ceremonies to rock concerts and Soviet military parades. Wandering around the massive square is a humbling experience and undoubtedly one of the highlights the city has to offer.

1. Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Located in the impressive Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral is gorgeous; its delightful spires appear as if out of a fairytale. The most recognizable building in the country, the cathedral is very much a symbol of Russia. No visit to Moscow is complete without having taken in its unique and distinctive features.

Ivan the Terrible ordered the cathedral’s construction in the mid-16th century, and legend holds that Ivan put out the architect’s eyes so that he would be unable to build another cathedral more glorious than St. Basil’s. Designed to resemble the shape of a bonfire in full flame, the architecture is not only unique to the period in which it was built but to any subsequent period. For various reasons, both Napoleon and Stalin wanted to destroy the cathedral but fortunately did not succeed.

Known for its various colors, shapes and geometric patterns, St. Basil’s Cathedral houses nine different chapels that are all connected by a winding labyrinth of corridors and stairways. On the lower floor, St. Basil’s Chapel contains a silver casket bearing the body of St. Basil the Blessed.

Throughout the cathedral are many beautiful murals, frescoes, wooden icons and other art works and artifacts. Outside the cathedral is a lovely garden with the bronze Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, who rallied an all-volunteer Russian army against Polish invaders during a period of the late 16th century known as the Times of Troubles.

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