Gulfstream G650 - Price, Speed, Fuel Burn & Specs
December 20, 2022
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Key Takeaways
- The G650 is a transcontinental luxury business jet that has a 7000-nm range. It is a popular choice for transatlantic flight for those who value speed and comfort.
- A brand new G650 currently costs in the region of $65 million depending on the options and furnishings. Sellers for the 2018 model are currently asking for $55 million.
- The G650, which almost broke the sound barrier during its flight tests, has a maximum speed of M 0.92 and a ceiling of 51,000 feet.
- The G650 uses two Rolls Royce BR725 engines that consume a total of 409 gallons, or 2800 lbs, of fuel per hour.
This is a comprehensive guide to the ultra-long distance, super fast, luxurious 19-passenger Gulfstream G650 business jet.
The G650 has a 7000-nautical-mile range, flying at FL510 at Mach 0.925. Its twin Rolls Royce BR725 produces a total of 33,800 lb f of thrust at take-off and gives it 3,570 feet per minute climb rate. The latest model costs $75 million while a used 2015 model averages between $60 and $65 million.
As a corporate pilot, my aircraft of choice is actually the Gulfstream G650, the aircraft I’ve used to fly hundreds of the world’s rich and famous to their destinations. There’s a reason this jet’s as popular with passengers as it is with pilots…
Table of contents
The G650, designated as the GVI in its type certification, is designed and manufactured by Savannah-based Gulfstream Aerospace. The company began the development of the G650 in May 2005 and announced it to the world at large in March 2008. At that time, it was the company's largest, most ambitious undertaking.
With ambitious speed and service ceiling targets, the plane had to be built from the ground up, which required extensive wind tunnel and static testing. By the time Gulfstream rolled out the first model, it was 2009. It then made its maiden flight that November. The G650 achieved its highest speed of M 0.995 during one of its test flights.
The G650 was eventually type-certified in September 2012. Its first delivery was made that December. As of the fourth quarter of 2022, Gulfstream has sold 500 G650 aircraft, grossing over $32 billion in sales.
The G650 holds a rare honor among business jets. It is the recipient of the prestigious Collier Trophy for the advances in technology it made in pursuit of such an ambitious undertaking.
Flying the G650
From the moment it comes into view on the tarmac to the point I ascend the airstairs, it is not lost on me that this is the most elegant, the most luxurious, and the most sophisticated aircraft in the world. It has always been a privilege I cherish.
The G560 goes a few steps beyond seat-of-your-pants flying. It’s a cerebral affair with more systems to think about as the aircraft defies gravity to fly in rarefied air at FL510 while keeping the cabin at a comfortable 4100 feet. It has the most robust systems, from pressurization to water recycling, and from engine monitoring to automated collision avoidance.
It takes just under seven hours after launching from Teterboro to arrive at Le Bourget, just north of Paris. That’s about the time it takes us to drive from White Plains to Buffalo. With full fuel and MTOW of 99,600 pounds, we are just below Teterboro’s weight restriction of 100,000 pounds, but we almost never launch with that weight.
With 40,000 pounds of fuel and four passengers we typically launch with 95,000 pounds at take-off.
Our G650 has a full HUD, a feature most G650 owners opt for. Until I flew the G650, I had never experienced flying with one, and never knew what I was missing. Every aircraft should have it, not because it's a cool gadget, but because it reduces fatigue considerably while increasing precision and accuracy.
Being a full fly-by-wire flight deck, one would think that the plane had a mind of its own or that it was controlled via a sidestick. Neither is true. It does exactly what you ask it to do, and does that every time. And, it’s flown with a yoke that is interlinked between the left and right seats. What the pilot on the left does, the pilot on the right can feel, and vice versa.
It can be confusing to think that the G650 has a yoke especially since it s fly by wire. Then you get to the cockpit and see that there is a sidestick as well on the left. But no, it's not one of those things where you can choose which one you use to fly the plane.
The yoke still controls the three axes of the aircraft, or rather how you interface with the FCC and tell it what you want, while the sidestick is how you control the cursor and interface with the avionics suite.
Think of it this way, you’re not really flying the plane. One of the multiple computers on board is.
At the heart of the G650's flight deck is a quadruplex digital system that is DO-178b-certified . It consists of two primary flight computers and one backup that controls the aircraft on all three axes. Every input the pilots make goes through this system which runs the calculations and then sends the signals to the actuators and servos to move the control surfaces.
The primary control surfaces - ailerons, elevators, and rudder, are operated by a pair of hydraulic actuators that are powered by both the 650's hydraulic systems. The 650 also has an electrical backup hydraulic actuator (EBHA, for short.) So if you have a dual engine failure, you won't lose control of the aircraft as the EBHA kicks in to provide the hydraulic pressure needed to control the three axes of flight.
The EBHA operates off of dedicated batteries that are charged by the engines' generators or the APU, in case of dual generator failure. In the event of an engine and APU failure, the batteries to power the system can be charged using a 14 kVA RAT ( Ram Air Turbine ), that hangs from beneath the fuselage.
These are just examples of the philosophy of having multiple redundancies designers of this aircraft put in place.
The G650 occupies a square of almost one hundred feet by one hundred feet on the tarmac. An imposing structure with symmetry and heft. Engineers deviated from the typical tubular structure when creating the fuselage and cabin which resulted in a more oval cross-section than the typical circular one. Wider than it is tall, it can easily accommodate anyone standing 6 feet 3 inches, while having
From side to side, the 98-inch width allows for some creative interior decoration ideas. The G650 I fly has three zones with a bedroom in the back, a family zone in the middle, and four club seats in the forward area. All this is separated for passenger privacy with a soundproof door to the galley.
The almost five-foot galley occupies both sides of the center aisle and is fully equipped for hot meals. If you’re wondering if the cabin ends up smelling like food after every meal, let me assure you that it doesn’t.
The 650 has a powerful pressurization system that aside from keeping the cabin at a comfortable altitude also cycles the entire cabin every two minutes. The air that comes into the cabin is superheated and then cooled.
The exit velocity of the cabin air pressurization valve in the 650 produces 30 pounds of thrust. All that means that occupants are treated to clean, sterilized air constantly.
Ahead of the galley, is the forward lav, typically for the crew. It is located across the crew rest area where the sole flight attendant is stationed on every flight.
Further ahead of that is the flight deck that includes a pull-out jump seat.
Gulfstream decided to innovate the way they manufactured the hull, using thermoplastics wherever it could and bonding the skin instead of using rivets. The empennage, for instance, is made of thermoplastic skin bonded to an aluminum frame. The internal flooring is also made from thermoplastics, providing strength and reducing weight considerably.
The bonding process is also part of how Gulfstream engineers were able to create increased pressurization differentials since the new method of binding created stronger structures. You can see it during a walk around. Unlike other planes that have lines of fasteners scouring the fuselage, there are almost none on the 650.
When Gulfstream began thinking about the G650, they first went to customers, past and future, and wanted to know what they wanted. Two things came out of their consultation, both at odds with each other. First potential customers who were already used to the GV now wanted a longer range. Second, they wanted to be able to get in and out of the same airports the GV could.
That’s what the engineers focused on, good take-off performance with increased range. The structure that they ended up with did more than that though. It also went a long way in being able to keep the cabin relatively quiet. Is the quietest flight deck I have ever been in.
Measuring just 47 decibels, the sound is no more than an afterthought. Just for comparison, a dishwasher makes more noise at 50 decibels while a whisper is 30 dB and a quiet library is 40.
The wing is a new design from earlier models and went through more than 1500 hours of testing. There are no leading-edge devices like slats on the G650, which is common for some of the heavier jets to be able to alter the camber of the wing for better Ref speeds.
Instead, the leading edge is polished stainless steel that is as aesthetic as its functional. Inside the leading edge are titanium piccolo tubes that carry the hot bleed air from the Rolls Royce engines to heat the leading edge.
The G650 is clean - that's kind of the theme of this aircraft. Even the flap tracks are buried inside the structure of the wing and tuck in seamlessly when not in use. The sleek nature of the laminar flow wing can be seen on the ground and felt in flight. With insufficient planning, the plane can slip away from you and not slow down in time or speed up too much and bust speed limits.
The laminar flow wing which features variable airfoil along the length of the span provides an aerodynamic twist that increases the efficiency of the wing. On high-performance take-offs, it’s not uncommon to look back from the cockpit and see the wing flex up a little.
Wing loading is at a gentle 77.7 lbs per square foot, absorbing the minor bumps in the air without a single complaint and giving the passengers in the cabin a smooth flight.
The G650’s single Fowler flap surface is electrically controlled, hydraulically powered by a redundant hydraulic system that generates 300 psi, and mechanically actuated by dual links.
The flaps move gently once engaged. There are multiple reasons for this, but mostly, it allows for better comfort during the phase transition for passengers. Once the first ten degrees are out, further activation extends the flaps out, considerably increasing the wing area and allowing for a much lower approach speed.
By the way, once you extend the flaps, the fly-by-wire switches modes and gets to TOL (Take Off and Landing) mode, and the input feedback you get from your yoke will feel different.
With all the avionics that support every flight, the one that makes it all come together is the HUD. Having the fly-by-wire, the autothrottles, and the HUD together, I can hand fly the plane up to FL490 without batting an eyelid. That’s how well integrated the hardware and software are in the loop between person and machine.
The 650 I fly comes with a single HUD on the left -the Rockwell Collins HGS-6350 that is certified for all phases of flight. Although, we are reminded to not get too dependent on it.
This HUD is part of EVS-II, an enhanced vision system that also includes synthetic vision that appears on the PFD and the HUD, as well as the Runway Awareness and Advisory System. The EVS and RAAS, as they are called, can overlay terrain, weather, and, just as importantly, the approach path in bad weather. The H650, however, is still only certified for CAT I approaches.
There is a FLIR - Forward Looking Infra-Red camera which feeds the HUD to overlay obstacles in real-time even when they are obscured by precipitation or mist.
When coupled to the autopilot, the TCAS will plot a solution for traffic collision avoidance and maneuver the aircraft out of harm’s way. I have not personally had any experience of this in real life but have seen what it’s like in the sim.
A pair of Rolls-Royce BR725A1-12 turbofan engines power the G650. These generate a take-off thrust of 33,800 lb f during take-off. The BR725A1-12 engines are manufactured in Germany specifically for use in the G650 and a number of other ultra-long-range jets.
Part of the high thrust-low nose-low consumption trifecta of requirements the G650 had in the design stage was made possible by the 50-in swept fan design employed in the Rolls Royce engine. The twenty-four blades made of titanium enhance better flow resulting in better noise levels as well as reduced emissions.
Even with Vref at 118 KIAS and an approach speed of 123 KIAS, landing distances are not as long as you would think. And this is primarily because of the reverse thrusters that do most of the heaving lifting with it comes to deceleration.
Additionally, the braking with the automatic anti-lock brakes on the G650 also dissipates a lot of the approach energy, and together they usually get us off the first turn-off.
The G650 may not be the fastest plane on the planet, but sure seems like it when you’re in one. Maxing out at M 0.92, you can tell that there is more than the engine could give if you needed it, but with every parameter being logged and analyzed by the maintenance department, we never intentionally go past MMO.
With the autothrottle and flight on autopilot engaged below 10,000 feet, the flight computers manage everything for us so there has never been a time we have busted speeds or gone past MMO.
To fly transatlantic, we typically set the flight for M0.9 and that gets us there pretty quickly with a considerable amount of fuel saved compared to flying it at 0.92.
On transatlantic flights, which we typically fly from Teterboro to Le Bourget, which is about 4000 nautical miles, we burn 16,000 pounds of fuel flying at Mach 0.85. That’s a sweet spot when flying east in the winter and flying at or above FL450.
Typically fuel burn is about 480 gallons per hour or 3100 pounds per hour at FL450. The first hour includes launch and second stage climb, and ascent to altitude which happens in just over 22 minutes will consume 800 gallons, making the first-hour fuel burn approximately 1100 gallons for the first hour.
Thereafter, the higher you fly the better you are in the G650/ Especially with the lower cabin pressure there is no reason not to take advantage of the lower fuel burn and almost-guaranteed “direct destination” clearance that you won’t typically get while you're messing around at FL350.
A brand new G540 averages $65 million for one that just rolled off the factory floor. At least that’s what the office in Savannah is selling them for. But that’s not the true cost of acquiring a G650. At least not while there is still a three-year wait for one.
The G650 has turned aviation economics on its head as there are more buyers who want the aircraft right away than there are those willing to let go of one.
With those kinds of supply and demand environments, it's no wonder that a used G650 can actually cost more than a zero TT unregistered one.
There is also another way to get a brand new aircraft and that is to make an offer to someone who is about to take delivery of theirs, and make them an offer they can't refuse. That’s what’s been happening in the market and there are some truly exorbitant prices that are being transacted for the 650 and its long-legged sibling, the G650ER.
Fixed annual costs for the G650 average about $1.2 million a year. Its Direct Operating Cost, assuming fuel to be $7.50 per gallon works out to be $2.8 million per year. This is assuming 450 hours flown per year which is $8,888 per hour.
A good option for getting a G650 right away without paying a premium is to choose one that is slightly older. There are 208 G650s as of the end of the third quarter of 2022 currently in operation. Less than 15% are on the secondary market
A 2014 G650 should have, on average, a Total Time of about 3,000 hours and about 900 landing cycles. Under these conditions, and seated for 13 passengers, the galley and a private crew rest area, the average asking price would be $51 million.
A G650 from 2015 can be found between $52 and $54 million. Most of these aircraft unlike the lighter jets will have average airframe TT but low cycles since they are typically used for the long haul.
A similarly configured 2016 model, by comparison, with just under 2,300 hours on the airframe averages $55.5 million.
The price jumps once you start looking into 2018 models and later. 12-passenger, low-time models, climbed to $60 million. This is primarily due to time on the airframe and engines for models beginning in 2018 and 2019.
Price for the G650 will come under a little pressure beginning in 2023 as those with older G650s begin to upgrade to the comparable G800 which begins delivery by the end of the first quarter.
Considering that the G650s are predominantly professionally managed and mostly have service program contracts that transfer to new buyers this will result in a fairly large saving for those looking to get into a transatlantic aircraft.
It’s always a good idea to get a 2013-2017 model and then have the interior refurbished and the avionics upgraded where necessary. Especially for those who have never owned a G before, stepping into a G650, refurbishing it, then stepping up into the next offering - perhaps a G900 that Savannah will come up with in the future.
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Gulfstream G-650ER
Gulfstream G-650ER provides the longest range with high comfort for global travel.
Gulfstream G-650ER Specifications
Gulfstream G-650ER provides the longest range with high comfort.
The Gulfstream G-650ER is an upgraded version of the G-550, offering even better performance and comfort. With its impressive speed and range, it's often chosen for transcontinental journeys, providing a luxurious and efficient option for corporate travel.
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Ultimate luxury: a look at the unique gulfstream g650 interior.
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- Gulfstream's G650 has a 7,000 nautical mile range at a top speed of 0.925 Mach.
- Over 500 examples of the type have been produced, and popular demand led to a 3-year waiting list upon its entry to the market.
- Innovative features like clean air circulation, low noise levels, and jet lag-reducing tech enhance passenger comfort.
Private jets are known for their comfort and luxury, and their interiors are always aimed at being the very best they can be. Passenger comfort is everything, but with new innovative technology, it is even possible to reduce jet lag. The G650 is a top-rated aircraft and one that has led the way in improving business jet interior features. So, what makes the Gulfstream G650 stand out among the rest?
An introduction to the G650
The Gulfstream G650, designed by Savannah, Georgia-based Gulfstream Aerospace, is a twin-engine business jet with a 7,000 nautical mile range, equating to 8,100 miles or 13,000 kilometers. This means you could fly from Beijing to Capetown or Los Angeles to Dubai without needing to refuel.
The aircraft has a maximum top speed of 0.925 Mach or 983 kilometers per hour. The G650 has Rolls-Royce BR725 turbofan engines that produce 16,900 pounds of thrust.
A popular and super fast private jet
The aircraft was first introduced in 2005 but didn't fly until 2009. It received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification in 2012. Over 500 of the G650 and G650ER have been produced.
It was so popular that there was a three-year waiting list when aircraft sales began; it is prevalent among celebrities and business leaders alike. The G650 holds the record for the longest and farthest flight in business aviation history, says Gulfstream . In 2015, the G650 flew 8,010 nautical miles or 14,835 kilometers from Singapore to Las Vegas.
A look at the interior
The spacious interior can seat up to 19 and sleep up to 10 passengers. The cabin is one of the largest for similar aircraft in its class, and handcrafted leather seats can be turned into lie-flat beds. There is also a divan, which can be turned into a bed. The aircraft is designed for both productivity and comfort. Four main living areas can be adapted for dining, entertainment, business, or relaxing. Every seat has a window so that the cabin is flooded with natural light.
The cabin can be configured with a full-size galley either at the front or the rear. The galley includes an espresso maker, microwave, oven, and chiller. There are two lavatories, one at the front and one at the rear of the aircraft. There is a small compartment that can be used as a crew rest area for those ultra-long-range flights.
The G650 has the Airshow system for the moving map and inflight entertainment. Ka-band high-speed Wi-Fi is fitted onboard. There are flat-screen TVs and video monitors and a cabin management system that allows clients to control temperature, window blinds, and lights. The baggage compartment can be accessed directly from the cabin.
Innovative features
The cabin is innovative in that it has a clean air system that uses 100% fresh air and changes it every two to three minutes. Air ionizing technology neutralizes any hint of allergens and viruses. The cabin altitude is set at 4,850 feet instead of the usual 8,000 feet, the lowest cabin altitude of any business jet, which ensures that passengers are jet lag-free.
The aircraft has one of the quietest cabins in its class at just 47 decibels of noise. The aircraft project was named the 2014 winner of the Collier Trophy for having "strengthened business aviation through significant technological advancements in aircraft performance, cabin comfort, and safety.
Cockpit features
The cockpit has a heads-up display and enhanced vision system, which increase situational awareness in low-visibility conditions. A predictive landing performance system helps prevent runway overruns. Auto-throttles reduce pilot workload, and the TCAS II system offers enhanced collision avoidance.
Aircraft specifications
- Exterior Height: 25 ft 8 in
- Wing Span: 99 ft 7 in
- Length: 93 ft 8 in
- Cabin Height: 6 ft 5 In
- Cabin Width: 8 ft 6 In
- Cabin Length: 53 ft 7 In
- Cabin Volume: 2138 cu ft
- Internal Baggage: 195 cu ft
- Passengers: 13-19
Operating Weights
- Max T/O Weight: 99600 Lb
- Max Landing Weight: 83500 Lb
- Operating Weight: 54000 Lb
- Fuel Capacity: 44200 lbs Lb
- Payload W/Full Fuel: 1800 Lb
- Max Payload: 6500 Lb
- Normal Range: 6820 nm
- Max Range: 7130 nm
- Service Ceiling: 51000 ft
- Takeoff Distance: 5858 ft
- Balanced Field Length: 6285 ft
- Landing Distance: 4167 ft
- Rate of Climb: 3570 fpm
- Climb Rate One Engine Inop: 467 fpm
- Max Speed: 516 kts
- Normal Cruise: 500 kts
- Economy Cruise: 488 kts
- Cost per Hour: $ 5,373.54
- 2019 List Price: $68,150,000
- Avionics:: PlaneView II Flight Deck
Power Plant
- Engine Mfg: Rolls Royce
- Engine Model: BR 725 A1-12
Read More: What Is The Gulfstream G650's Top Speed?
The price of a Gulfstream G650
The ultra-long-range private jet can be bought new from the assembly line for around $65 million, but according to Aircraft Bluebook , a preowned model could cost from $35 million for an early model to $60 million for a more recent model. For those not interested in the extra costs associated with owning a business jet, a G650 can be chartered for around $10,500 per hour.
Related: Gulfstream G650: The Celebrity Private Jet Of Choice
- Private Aviation
Gulfstream G650ER
2014 – Present
- 100 percent fresh air is replenished throughout the quietest cabin in business aviation.
- The Gulfstream G650ER has space for up to 10 passengers to sleep.
- Handcrafted seats and divans offer the utmost in passenger comfort.
- The cabin of the Gulfstream G650ER is designed to allow passengers to intuitively interact with their environment.
- The Gulfstream-designed CabinView lets passengers track flight progress, displays points of interest and provides passenger briefings.
- Enhanced Vision System (EVS) II, a nose-mounted infrared camera allows pilots to see more than the human eye can.
Overview & History
The Gulfstream G650ER is the ultra long range variant of the standard G650 . The original G650 was launched in 2005. At the time the G650 was the largest aircraft that Gulfstream had ever built. However, in 2019 the Gulfstream G700 took the crown for the largest aircraft Gulfstream has ever built.
Nine years later in 2014, the G650ER was certified. The G650ER is able to achieve a greater range than the G650 thanks to an increased 4,000 lb (1,814 kg) fuel capacity.
The G650ER is capable of carrying up to 19 passengers on flights of up to 7,500 nautical miles (8,630 miles / 13,890 KM). This makes the G650ER capable of flying non-stop from London to southern tip of South America. Additionally, the G650ER can easily fly non-stop from New York to Delhi.
In total, the G650 and G650ER have earned over 110 speed records. Roughly half of these records are held just by the G650ER.
Gulfstream G650ER Performance
The G650ER is powered by two rear mounted Rolls-Royce BR725 engines. Each engine is rated for 16,900 lbs of thrust each. This enables the G650ER to take off in just 6,299 feet. The minimum landing distance for the G650ER is 3,000 feet.
When configured for a long range cruise the G650ER can fly up to 7,500 nautical miles without needing a fuel stop. The G650ER can achieve a maximum cruise speed of 516 knots at a maximum altitude of 51,000 feet.
A maximum take off weight (MTOW) of 103,600 lbs is exactly 4,000 lbs greater than the standard G650. This extra 4,000 lbs is the additional fuel required for the increase in range.
Gulfstream G650ER Interior
Of course, the G650ER has a fantastic interior as expected with a Gulfstream. The interior is identical to that of the standard G650.
The G650ER boasts a spacious interior – described as “a refined getaway above the clouds”. The cabin can have up to four living areas, enough to work, dine, entertain and relax.
With one of the quietest cabins in business aviation, the G650ER is the perfect place to relax. The G650ER has a cabin noise level of just 47 decibels. A cabin altitude of 4,100 feet is the lowest in business aviation. 4,100 feet is the cabin altitude when cruising at 51,000 feet. However, it is important to note that when cruising below 51,000 feet the cabin altitude is even lower.
These two factors combine guarantee that the G650ER is supremely comfortable. Additionally, low cabin noise and 100% fresh air ensure that you will arrive at your destination with minimal jet lag.
Matti Blume , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
With 16 of the trademark Gulfstream large, oval windows provide the cabin with an abundance of natural light.
Providing both comfort and productivity, Gulfstream’s handcrafted seats allow you to settle in and enjoy the journey. Each seat is positioned next to a window.
When circumnavigating the globe, as expected, the G650ER is able to provide fully flat beds for the passengers. All single seats and divan convert to beds, providing you with a good nights sleep.
Flying on the G650ER entitles you to the top-of-the-range cabin amenities. Expect WiFi connectivity, a 42-inch flatscreen TV, video monitors, extensive galley facilities.
All G650ERs come equipped with Gulfstream’s PlaneView™ II flight deck. This technology reduces pilot workload and increases safety .
Additionally, Gulfstream are continually developing their cockpits and technology. The latest safety and performance upgrades include steep-approach certification and Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS). This allows authorized pilots to land without natural vision in low-visibility conditions.
Future enhancements include their award-winning Predictive Landing Performance System, which is designed to help pilots avoid runway overruns.
Gulfstream G650ER Charter Cost
If chartering the Gulfstream G650ER expect to pay approximately $11,000 per flight hour.
Naturally, prices will vary depending on aircraft availability, positioning, fuel prices, ground fees and more. This is not significantly more than you would be paying with a standard G650.
Purchase Price
Prices for a new Gulfstream G650ER start around the low $70 million mark.
If you are looking for a pre-owned example then expect to pay mid $30 million for an early production model.
A three year old aircraft will likely be priced at the low $40 million mark.
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June 18, 2021
Gulfstream G650ER Overview (2013-Present)
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Product Overview
The Gulfstream G650ER is the extended range version of the G650 model. It features larger fuel tanks allowing a maximum gross weight that is 4,000 pounds/1,814 kilograms greater than the G650, and providing flexibility to fly longer routes at higher cruise speeds.
The G650/G650ER fuselage cross section is a unique oval shape with 8 large (28 inch) cabin windows on each side. The wing uses greater sweep (36 degrees) than previous Gulfstream models and no leading-edge high-lift devices. Aircraft controls are completely fly-by-wire. The construction is metal for the fuselage and composite materials for the empennage, winglets and engine cowlings.
As of March 2021, 20% of the Gulfstream G650ER aircraft were purchased pre-owned by their current owners, the other 80% new. 1.5% are for sale with the majority of those (75%) under an exclusive broker agreement. When for sale the average time on the market is 264 days.
Brief History
The Gulfstream G650 began production in 2012 and the G650ER model entered production in 2013. In 2014 four of the 2012 G650’s were upgraded to G650ER models. A total of 266 Gulfstream G650ER aircraft have been produced/modified with one retired and one at the manufacturer.
Worldwide Appeal
There are 264 Gulfstream G650ER aircraft in operation today. The majority of these (262) are wholly owned with 2 in shared ownership. 14% are currently leased. North America has the largest percentage of wholly owned Gulfstream G650ER aircraft (58%), followed by Asia (29%) and Europe (8%).
Two Rolls Royce BR700-725A1-12 engines power the Gulfstream G650ER each offering 16,900 pounds of thrust and using a combined 415 gallons per hour (GPH). The range of the Gulfstream G650ER is 7,437 nm operating under NBAA IFR 8 passengers with available fuel.
The cabin volume for the Gulfstream G650ER is 2,421 cubic feet. Typical configuration features 16 passenger and 4 crew seat.
Airfield Performance
Operating altitude, noise level (epndb).
The Gulfstream G650ER has a PlaneView II cockpit with Gulfstream Enhanced Vision System (EVS), Rockwell Collins Head-up display, ACARS, and Enhanced GPWS with windshear protection.
ADS-B Out and In
Of the 264 Gulfstream G650ER in operation 100% have ADS-B OUT and IN installed.
Range Report
Click here to view the online range map. To receive a more detailed custom range report including detailed aircraft comparisons, contact us at +1 919 941 8400 or [email protected] .
Aircraft For Sale
Click here to view all Gulfstream aircraft for sale by Jetcraft.
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Gulfstream G650 Guide : Is This $65 Million Aircraft Worth It?
Table of Contents
The Gulfstream G650 family has two models: the G650 and the G650ER, which ER version offer increased range. Gulfstream began planning this family in 2005 and made it public in March 2008.
The first prototype was released on September 29, 2009, and it is manufactured in Gulfstream’s plant in Georgia, USA. The FAA issued the airplane a type certificate in 2012, and following that airplane took a type certificate from EASA as well.
This ultra-high-speed business aircraft can travel ultra-long distances and is one of the costliest on the market. The G650 is a Gulfstream aircraft that was designed with input from its customers.
The Advanced Technology Customer Advisory Team (ATCAT) played a key part in these procedures, as the company talked with its customers about how they could design the new jetliner.
Customers are heard by this advisory committee, which has a direct influence on cabin design and other plane features. Gulfstream aimed for a jetliner with more room, longer range, and faster speeds than the G550, based on client feedback.
Customers can expect elegance and comfort from the G650, as well as speed and long-range capabilities. With up to four living spaces, the interior of the G650 reaches a high degree of luxury, allowing passengers to work, dine, entertain, and relax in the spacious sumptuous cabin.
Gulfstream also provides a variety of cabin configurations that may accommodate up to 16 people and provide views from 16 panoramic oval windows.
Even at greater altitudes, the aircraft achieves low cabin altitude and fresh air. It provides pleasant, quick, and efficient flying above turbulence thanks to improved wings.
Honeywell’s Gulfstream PlaneView II avionics increases the plane’s capability while also enhancing safety on board. Enhanced navigation, synthetic vision systems, XM weather, ADB-S, and FANS are among the features that will be thoroughly explained.
It’s also worth noting that the G650 includes fly-by-wire technology, which improves comfort and makes controlling the plane easier for pilots.
G650ER, which is announced in May 2014, holds the record for the farthest fastest flight in aviation history. They have more than 50 city-pair records between them and their sister as of 2016. More than 400 G650 family aircraft are in operation today, demonstrating Gulfstream’s success in the business jet sector.
The National Aeronautic Association awarded the G650 the Collier Trophy in 2014, and it continues to fly with all its grandeur as one of the greatest jetliners in the sky. The G700, the descendant of the G650, is now the company’s most costly business jet. (Aerospace Technology Website) (Goyer, 2013) ( Gulfstream , 2021) (Pope, 2015)
Gulfstream G650 Specifications
G650 was created utilizing engineering tools that bring technological advancements to reality. It has a very long range and stands out in the market due to its much bigger cabin. The G650 is designed to fly from smaller airports while providing everything needed for a pleasant, high-quality trip.
Because of its unique design, it features a bigger cabin. It also has cutting-edge technology, including satellite phones, wireless internet, and even a water treatment plant. Like G650 much other high-end business aircraft use the IWG A6 water purification technology as standard.
Figure 1:G650 Specifications – Source: Gulfstream G650 Spec Sheet
The Gulfstream G650 is powered by two Rolls-Royce BR725 engines, each of which produces 16,900 lb. / 75.20 kN of rated takeoff thrust. Rolls-Royce produces this engine for the top-end market of business jets, with a maximum cruising speed of 0.925 NM and a range of 7,500 NM, allowing a G650 to fly from New York to Beijing or Washington to Qatar on one trip.
This high-performance engine borrows features from the BR 700 and Trent families, and it is powered by a three-stage, low-pressure turbine that improves flow, efficiency, and noise while lowering emissions. It also boosts the aircraft’s high-altitude capability to 51,000 feet.
The G650 features a metal fuselage, but composite materials are used for the tail, winglets, rear pressure bulkhead, and cabin floor construction. The assembly time is also reduced thanks to current production processes.
Gulfstream was the first OEM to receive FAA approval for synthetic vision in 2008, and the Gulfstream’s improved navigation system was certified in 2010. PlaneView II is also installed on the Gulfstream G650. It has Honeywell Primus Epic avionic, which shows information in a user-friendly style on big screens and with simple software.
The Cursor Control Device (CCD) allows pilots to obtain flight plans, maps, charts, and checklists using point-and-click, scrolling, and push-button operations.
By producing a three-dimensional view of the environment outside the cockpit, the Synthetic Vision-Primary Flight Display (SV-PFD), which is also incorporated in PlaneView, enhances situational awareness and safety.
Its wings play a significant role in the comfort and efficiency of the aircraft. It boasts an impressive 36-degree sweep angle. The swept wing is intended to delay shock waves and the resulting aerodynamic rise, and it is reasonable to see such high angles on this aircraft given its Mach 0.925 speed.
To summarize, this high-end business jet is meticulously built to provide the finest possible service to its passengers. (Rolls-Royce) (Gulfstream, 2011) (Aerospace Technology Website) (Goyer, 2013)
Gulfstream G650 Performance and Handling
The G650 includes fly-by-wire technology, which makes it easier to handle than earlier Gulfstream hydraulic control planes. The cockpit is similar to that of the G450 and G550.
The plane employs a mechanically linked yoke mechanism to receive pilot input. The Gulfstream’s fly-by-wire technology is similar to Boeing’s in that the pilot must manage the G650 as if it were a jet without fly-by-wire.
FBW allows the airplane to perform considerably better and be adjusted for passenger comfort. Computers can modify flight control surfaces to continuously optimize aerodynamics for the lowest drag, which in the case of the G650 equates to a 1% drag reduction. There are two hydraulic systems in the FBW system.
Pilots do not need to learn a new method to fly, but they may put their previous experience to good use. Pilots do not need to learn a new method to fly, but they may apply their knowledge from earlier Gulfstream models to enjoy extremely responsive FBW.
The BR725 engines on the plane allow it to cruise at near-sound speeds across long distances. With each engine providing 16,900 lbs. of thrust, the GL650 has no trouble. It can reach a top speed of 0.925 NM. It’s also equally comfortable at any speed. It operates with precision at all speeds and in all combinations, ensuring consistent performance. (Thurber, 2017)
And if you’re a passenger, you can be assured that you’ll be traveling on one of the greatest aircraft available.
Figure 2: Gulfstream G650 Family Performance – Source: G650 Spec Sheet
Gulfstream g650 modifications and upgrades.
For the G650 and G650ER internet systems, Gulfstream provides a high-speed, dual-connection upgrade. Viasat is the provider of the new system, which provides users with access to some of the industry’s fastest internet connections.
Gulfstream aircraft are equipped with a specially engineered, space-saving radome to accommodate the option. This service is available through company-owned service centers. (Gulfstream, 2020)
Gulfstream also offers an aircraft redesign program, which offers owners a variety of interior improvements as well as the expertise of a professional designer. The new Gulfstream program offers a variety of options:
- “The Refresh: In a few 30 working days, aircraft receive recovered seats as well as upper and sidewalls, fresh carpeting, and exterior paint.
- The Premium: In addition to the offerings of the Refresh, aircraft are outfitted with new veneers and countertops.
- The Custom: Aircraft is reimagined with all the benefits of the Premium as well as a new floorplan.” (Gulfstream, 2021)
Owners can contact Gulfstream or another General Dynamics-owned business, Jet Aviation, for a variety of additional modifications. For business aircraft, Jet Aviation offers refurbishment, modification, and upgrade services.
Gulfstream G650 Prices
The projected hourly charter price for G650 is $10,500. The advertised price of ownership when it first began to be delivered was $65 million. However, secondhand aircraft may be found for approximately $40 million.
Because the G650 Family is a high-end business jet, high numbers are expected, and significant running costs will be added in addition to the purchase price.
In addition to the purchase price, considerable operating expenditures will be spent.
Fixed costs, there will be charges for crew salaries, hangar, insurance, and management. Variable expenses, on the other hand, will affect the bid since they include gasoline expenditures, maintenance, engine repair, and so on.
According to “Compare Private Planes,” total fixed expenses will be approximately $773,810 per year, and expenditure variables would be around $826,200 per year. This indicates that G650 will have an annual operating cost of around $1,600,000. (Compare Private Plans)
Gulfstream G650 Maintenance Schedule
Gulfstream has several service centers throughout the world, and Jet Aviation, which is also owned by General Dynamics, provides business jet maintenance. Apart from the owners of these firms, numerous more companies provide maintenance services, particularly at large hub airports in nations.
Gulfstream requires the G650 to be accessible for 99 percent of the time due to scheduled maintenance, which includes airworthiness instructions and warnings.
However, under the MSG-3 program, the company aims for a 97 percent availability in scheduled maintenance zones, which is four points higher than the G550. Scheduled maintenance includes things like line inspections and A and C maintenance. (Croft, 2008). The MG-3 (Maintenance Steering Group) maintenance program is provided by Gulfstream.
Gulfstream G650 Where to Find Replacement Parts
Gulfstream components that need to be replaced can be replaced by certified maintenance facilities after purchasing the parts from Gulfstream, the G650’s original equipment manufacturer. Aside from that, owners may discover a variety of businesses that can improve the plane’s interior.
Gulfstream G650 Cons
The Gulfstream G650 line of aircraft is a high-end aircraft in every sense; they are fast, comfortable, long-range, and equipped with all modern amenities. The aircraft’s main disadvantage is its high cost of ownership and operation. Although this is logical for such a high-end business jet, it may be a disadvantage for you.
Gulfstream G650 Insurance Options
For the G650 Family, there are two options of insurance. The first is liability insurance, which protects you from third-party loss, damage, or harm. Passengers, freight, and luggage are all included. The damage to the aircraft is not covered by this insurance. This leads to the second form of private jet insurance, hull coverage.
While these are the two most common forms of aircraft insurance, private jet owners should also consider other types of insurance.
The cost of insurance is determined by the kind of plane, its worth, the pilot’s expertise, and the aircraft’s safety record. (Compare Private Plans)
Private jet insurance may cost anywhere from $10,000 to $500,000 per year, depending on the liability limits and hull coverage required, according to BWI. (BWI FLY)
Gulfstream G650 Resale Value
Because the G650 Family is a high-end business jet with various variants and has been in production for a few years, the resale price might vary greatly. However, you may expect to sell it for $30 million to $40 million.
Gulfstream G650 Owner Reviews
Pilots, passengers, and owners all agree that flying with this aircraft is comfortable, flying to its unique design, quiet interior, and high-tech equipment. It has a very high performance, making it one of the market leaders.
Gulfstream G650 Similar Aircraft
The competing and similar aircraft models on the market include the Bombardier Global 7500, Cessna Citation X, and Dassault Falcon 8X. The Gulfstream G700 is a descendant of the G650 and has many similarities with it as well.
Gulfstream G650 Clubs You Can Join
Gulfstream itself has hosts Customer Support organizations which you can follow from their website and use their “MyGulfstream” system.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Question: how fast is the gulfstream g650er.
Answer: It has a top speed of 0.925 Mach, which is extremely fast, and it can cruise at Mach 0.9 and achieve the maximum range at Mach 0.85.
Question: Who Makes Gulfstream G650?
Answer: The Gulfstream Aircraft Company is based in Savannah, Georgia, and is owned by General Dynamics.
Question: How Much does it Cost to Rent a Gulfstream G650?
Answer: G650 rents for about $10,350 per hour on average. (Paramount Business Jets)
Question: How Many Gallons of Fuel does a G650 Hold?
Answer: The G650ER has a maximum fuel capacity of 48,200 lb., which is about 7,193 gallons, whereas the G650 has a maximum fuel capacity of 44,200 lb., which is approximately 6,597 gallons. (6.71 pounds per gallon of jet fuel).
Question: How Can the Gulfstream G650 Go Go?
Answer: While the G650ER, which has a greater range, can fly up to 7,500 nautical miles (13,890 kilometers), the G650 can fly up to 7,000 nautical miles (12,964 km)
Question: What’s the Fastest Private Jet in the World?
Answer: Based on designed flight speed, the Gulfstream G650 or G700 can reach Mach 0.925, whereas the Cessna Citation X+ has a design speed of Mach 0.935, making it the fastest private aircraft based on design flight speed.
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Meet the strongest and most advanced fleet in Gulfstream history. With an aircraft for every mission, our portfolio is shaping the future of business aviation. Built on next-generation technology and specialized to keep pace with your changing needs, the new Gulfstream fleet is an investment in your success.
Gulfstream G800
Fly farther faster in the world’s longest-range business aircraft.
Gulfstream G700
Live life to the fullest in the most spacious, innovative and flexible cabin in the industry.
Gulfstream G650 and G650ER
Redefine expectations for performance with record-breaking high-speed range.
Gulfstream G600
Leverage tomorrow’s technology today in sophisticated, award-winning style.
Gulfstream G500
Seize the future of flight powered by ultraefficient aerodynamic innovations.
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Reinvent 21st-century business success with a breakthrough combination of speed, efficiency and cabin size.
Gulfstream G280
Achieve bold pursuits with trans-Atlantic range and short-field agility.
Fleet Overview
Please reload the page to display the specifications., maximum range 1, high-speed cruise, long-range cruise, maximum range 2, maximum range 3, maximum range 4, living areas, gulfstream panoramic oval windows, total interior length, number of large oval windows.
Gulfstream Symmetry Flight Deck™
Two Rolls-Royce Pearl 700
Gulfstream PlaneView™ II
Two Rolls-Royce BR725
Two Pratt & Whitney PW815GA
Two Pratt & Whitney PW814GA
Two Pratt & Whitney PW812GA
Gulfstream PlaneView280™
Two Honeywell HTF7250G
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1 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.85 with 8 passengers, 4 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. All G800 performance is based on preliminary data and subject to change. 2 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.85 with 8 passengers, 3 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. 3 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.85 with 8 passengers, 3 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. All performance is based on preliminary data and subject to change. 4 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.80 with 4 passengers, 2 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. 5 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.90 with 8 passengers, 4 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. All G800 performance is based on preliminary data and subject to change. 6 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.90 with 8 passengers, 3 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. 7 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.88 with 8 passengers, 3 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors. All performance is based on preliminary data and subject to change. 8 NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.84 with 4 passengers, 2 crew and NBAA IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed, weather, outfitting options and other factors.
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- Private Jet Charter
- Gulfstream G650
Gulfstream G650 Private Jet Charter
The G650 is the flagship of the Gulfstream fleet, developed to serve customers who want more cabin space, longer range, and more cruise speed. Choose a plane that can fly faster and farther than any traditional business aircraft.
Aircraft category
Ultra Long Range
Typical Seating
Price per hour, nautical miles.
Get a quick Gulfstream G650 Charter Price Estimate
Gulfstream G650 Private Jet Charter Flights and Prices
The average hourly rental rate of the Gulfstream G650 is around 13,000 USD per hour.
The average purchase price of a new Gulfstream G650 is 78,000,000 USD.
The average purchase price of a pre-owned Gulfstream G650 is 46,000,000 USD.
Aircraft Size
Aircraft seats, average prices, performance specifications, more about the gulfstream g650.
The Gulfstream G650 project was first launched in 2005, and the concept was first introduced to the public in 2008. Gulfstream executives stated that the G650 would be the largest and fastest business jet on entry to the market. Over the next few years, the design was tested and perfected, and in September of 2012, the G650 received type certification from the Federal Aviation Administration. The Gulfstream G650’s design features many upgrades and improvements, such as its unfettered wing design, featuring a highly efficient airfoil that reduces drag while increasing speed and range capabilities, allowing for both higher cruise speeds and a smoother flight. Amenities featured on this aircraft include a forward or aft galley, forward and aft lavatories, and flexible cabin design.
The Gulfstream G650’s design features a highly efficient airfoil that reduces drag while increasing speed and range capabilities, allowing for both higher cruise speeds and a smoother flight.
With a range of 7000 nautical miles and a top speed of 610 mph, the G650, is truly in a class all by itself. This high-flying aircraft is also in high demand. With a price tag of $65 million USD, wait time from order to delivery is 4+ years. Entering charter service in 2013, there are currently a handful of G650s available for charter in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia/New Zealand.
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Key Features of the Gulfstream G650
The roomy cabin of the G650 measures 46.83 feet in length, reaches 6.42 feet in height, and stretches 8.5 feet in width, allowing for a total cabin volume of 2,138 cubic feet. The cabin of the Gulfstream G650 features both sleeping and seating configurations. For maximum passenger accommodation, the cabin of this private business jet can be arranged to seat as many as nineteen. In a maximum sleeping passenger arrangement, the cabin may be configured to accommodate ten passengers. The baggage compartment allows for 195 cubic feet of luggage storage, providing plenty of room to accommodate your passenger’s needs. Sixteen 28 inches by 20.5 inches Gulfstream signature windows surround the cabin, providing an airy atmosphere that is perfect for business or relaxation.
At a cruising altitude of 41,000 feet, the Gulfstream G650 is capable of maintaining a cabin altitude of just 3,000 feet. In addition to this impressive capability, this private business jet replenishes 100 percent fresh air every two minutes for passenger comfort.
In addition to the extra-large oval windows, the G650 includes such luxurious amenities such as extra-high air pressure to ease jet lag, and polished wood tables and trim.
The G650 also provides the latest in in-cabin technology. The touch-control entertainment system features a BluRay/DVD/CD player, two large HD LCD monitors, and a stereo speaker system. With the G650 cabin control app, downloadable from the Apple iTunes store, passengers can control cabin features such as shades and temperature, as well as being able to get flight information such as flight time remaining and outside temperature.
The G650’s environmental control system delivers extra-high pressure air. This allows passengers to feel as if they are breathing air at no more than 4,000 feet, versus the 8,000 feet of a typical business jet cabin. This results in passengers feeling less tired after flights and arriving at their destination refreshed, mentally alert, and ready to conquer the world. The G650’s quiet cabin interior allows for productive conversations and business meetings.
Capabilities of the Gulfstream G650
The Gulfstream G650 is powered by two Rolls-Royce BR725 A1-12 engines. Each engine is rated for 16,900 pounds of takeoff thrust. The range of the G650 spans an impressive 7,000 nautical miles, allowing for many destination options for your business venture. With a maximum certified altitude of 51,000 feet, the G650 is capable of delivering you to your destination while flying above most aviation traffic.
The avionics suite utilized on the G650 is the Gulfstream PlaneView II. Incorporated in this system is a nose-mounted IR camera, which is part of Gulfstream’s Enhanced Vision System (EVS), allowing the pilots better visibility of airport conditions and terrain in low visibility conditions. This EVS system can be routed to a heads up display (HUD), allowing the pilot to view data on a transparent screen without looking down at the instruments. The Synthetic Vision system takes three-dimensional color images of terrain, obstacles, and the runway environment by utilizing the instrument readings on the primary flight display (PFD), allowing the pilot to much more easily visualize both potential obstructions and landing approaches. Additionally, Gulfstream outfitted the G650 with a redundant computer-controlled fly by wire system. This system provides small adjustment inputs, allowing for a smoother flight and more enjoyable experience for passengers.
With a top speed of 610 mph (Mach 0.925), 41,000-51,000 cruise altitude, and an impressive range 7000 nm range, the G650 can fly non-stop on such routes as New York to Dubai , London to Buenos Aires , New York to Beijing , Los Angeles to London , or Tokyo to Los Angeles . Even with these impressive performance figures, the amenity-laden cabin may be where this speedy bird really shines. In G650’s currently available for charter, the roomy cabin accommodates between 13-16 passengers in handcrafted, swiveling, fully-reclining leather seats with footrests. In addition to the extra-large oval windows, the G650 includes such luxurious amenities such as extra-high air pressure to ease jet lag, and polished wood tables and trim. The G650 cabin is longer, taller and wider than any other aircraft’s cabin in its class.
Picture Credits:
The Gulfstream G650 and modified G650ER are popular business jet models, with over 500 delivered. They are among the largest and longest-range dedicated private jets today, able to fly over 7,500 nautical miles. This range allows non-stop flights on some of the longest international routes, but the American business jet producer will go further ...
The Gulfstream G650 is a large business jet produced by Gulfstream Aerospace. [3] ... New Jersey in the United States, a distance of 7,494 nautical miles (13,879 km; 8,624 mi); it had also flown non-stop from Los Angeles to Melbourne in Australia. ... "Latest Business Jet Offering Raises The Bar − Gulfstream's new way to travel fast, far and ...
Innovation powers the G650 family. Gulfstream's aerodynamic wing increases speed, range and efficiency. Fly-by-wire technology creates a comfortable flight. The streamlined displays of the PlaneView™ II flight deck increase safety and reduce pilot workload. ... G650ER Takeoff Distance (SL, ISA, MTOW) 1,920 m 6,299 ft G650 Takeoff Distance ...
Mach 0.87. It's worth noting that for the Singapore-Tuscon flight that was flown using a Gulfstream G650ER, the aircraft not only beat the speed record previously set a month before by a Bombardier Global 7500 - which was introduced in 2010 and has a maximum range of 7,700 nautical miles, a high-speed cruise range of Mach 0.85, and a maximum ...
The G650 uses two Rolls Royce BR725 engines that consume a total of 409 gallons, or 2800 lbs, of fuel per hour. This is a comprehensive guide to the ultra-long distance, super fast, luxurious 19-passenger Gulfstream G650 business jet. The G650 has a 7000-nautical-mile range, flying at FL510 at Mach 0.925. Its twin Rolls Royce BR725 produces ...
Gulfstream G650 the fastest long range private Charter Jet. ... Travel range: 7,000 Nautical Miles 12,964 Kilometers Fuel Economy: ... claims the empty weight of the G650 to be less than 10,000 pounds with a take off distance of 6000 ft and landing distance of 3000 ft. This makes G650 capable of operating from the smaller (not so busy) airports ...
Gulfstream G-650ER provides the longest range with high comfort. The Gulfstream G-650ER is an upgraded version of the G-550, offering even better performance and comfort. With its impressive speed and range, it's often chosen for transcontinental journeys, providing a luxurious and efficient option for corporate travel. Aircraft Manufacturer.
For instance, the Gulfstream G650 boasts a substantial range of 7,000 nautical miles, equivalent to 8,055 miles or 12,964 kilometers. This impressive reach makes it a highly capable jet for long-distance travel.
The Gulfstream G650ER is an extended-range version of the G650, produced by Gulfstream Aerospace. It is one of the world's longest-range business jet capable of flying with a maximum operating speed of Mach 0.925, built with a cabin that complements its flight capabilities. ... Travel range: 7,500 Nautical Miles 13,890 Kilometers Fuel Economy ...
SAVANNAH, Georgia, February 19, 2015 — Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced today that the Gulfstream G650ER has once again demonstrated its ability to go the distance by completing the farthest flight in its history.. On January 22, a G650ER, owned by Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts Limited, flew 8,010 nautical miles/14,835 kilometers nonstop, traveling from Singapore Changi Airport to ...
Takeoff Distance (SL, ISA, MTOW) 6,299 ft | 1,920 m Initial Cruise Altitude 41,000 ft | 12,497 m Maximum Cruise Altitude 51,000 ft | 15,545 m SYSTEMS Avionics Gulfstream PlaneViewTM II Engines Two Rolls-Royce BR725 Rated Takeoff Thrust (each) 16,900 lb | 75.20 kN MEASUREMENTS Finished Cabin Height 6 ft 3 in | 1.91 m Finished Cabin Width 8 ft 2 ...
The Gulfstream G650, designed by Savannah, Georgia-based Gulfstream Aerospace, is a twin-engine business jet with a 7,000 nautical mile range, equating to 8,100 miles or 13,000 kilometers. ... Distances Takeoff Distance: 5858 ft Balanced Field Length: 6285 ft Landing Distance: 4167 ft ... 6 Unique Trips On The TCS World Travel Private Jet fly ...
Despite its prestigious status, the Gulfstream G650ER offers an efficient choice for global travel, commanding a price tag of approximately $70,500,000 in 2023, with an average hourly operating cost of $3,662. Furthermore, Gulfstream offers an upgrade to Honeywell's Primus Epic avionics for the G650ER, enhancing both safety and efficiency.
The Gulfstream G650ER is the ultra long range variant of the standard G650. The original G650 was launched in 2005. At the time the G650 was the largest aircraft that Gulfstream had ever built. However, in 2019 the Gulfstream G700 took the crown for the largest aircraft Gulfstream has ever built. Nine years later in 2014, the G650ER was certified.
Product Overview. The Gulfstream G650ER is the extended range version of the G650 model. It features larger fuel tanks allowing a maximum gross weight that is 4,000 pounds/1,814 kilograms greater than the G650, and providing flexibility to fly longer routes at higher cruise speeds. The G650/G650ER fuselage cross section is a unique oval shape ...
GULFSTREAM G650 manufactured by Gulfstream Aerospace. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the GULFSTREAM G650 here ... Distances. Takeoff Distance: 5858 ft; Balanced Field Length: 6285 ft; Landing Distance: 4167 ft; ... while Wi-Fi connectivity and a spacious private entertainment area provide a luxurious travel ...
The Gulfstream G650 is designed to fly from smaller airports while providing everything needed for a pleasant, high-quality trip. ... This ultra-high-speed business aircraft can travel ultra-long distances and is one of the costliest on the market. ... The BR725 engines on the plane allow it to cruise at near-sound speeds across long distances ...
The Gulfstream G650 is a high-performance, ultra-long-range business jet capable of flying over 7,000 nautical miles without refuelling. It is the flagship model of Gulfstream Aerospace and is one of the most advanced and luxurious private jets available. The G650 features cutting-edge technology, including a fly-by-wire flight control system ...
You will have to consult the airplane flight manual and performance tables specifically approved by Gulfstream for use in the particular G650 in question for required runway length. Typical takeoff lengths are therefore going to vary between about 3000 - 8000 feet depending on the variables listed above with a quoted metric at 5858 feet at MSL ...
Gulfstream G650 Specifications. Carrying up to 4 pilots for international and long-distance flights, this luxury private jet has a seating capacity of 8 to 18 passengers. Gulfstream's G650 corporate jet has an airspeed of 594 miles per hour and a range of 7,000 nautical miles (nm). The baggage capacity in a G650 is a generous 195 cubic feet.
Gulfstream G650 and G650ER. Redefine expectations for performance with record-breaking high-speed range. Gulfstream G600. Leverage tomorrow's technology today in sophisticated, award-winning style. Gulfstream G500. Seize the future of flight powered by ultraefficient aerodynamic innovations.
Bombardier's new Global 7500 private jet is about to challenge the Gulfstream G650's position as the world's largest, fastest and most expensive purpose-built business jet
Choose a plane that can fly faster and farther than any traditional business aircraft. 01 / 02. The average hourly rental rate of the Gulfstream G650 is around 13,000 USD per hour. The average purchase price of a new Gulfstream G650 is 78,000,000 USD. The average purchase price of a pre-owned Gulfstream G650 is 46,000,000 USD.