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Complete List of Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Ship Customization and Weapons

Complete List of Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Ship Customization and Weapons

Most people who have played Star Trek Online would agree that the game’s major draw is the large selection of ships. From lowly Miranda-class Light Cruisers to the mighty Sovereign-Class Assault Cruiser, you can captain practically any of the most memorable ships in the Star Trek universe.

Our guides cover all aspects of ship selection, with detailed stats and analysis of each tier of ships. We also have comprehensive information on ship weapons and STO’s in-depth ship customization system.

Check out our full listing of ship-related guides for Star Trek Online.

Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online Tier 1-5

In the beginning, most Star Trek Online captains will find themselves in charge of a Light Cruiser. This lightly-armed vessel is a jack of all trades, allowing you to equip all Mark I and II weapons. Players can use the time spent piloting their Miranda, ShiKhar, or Centaur class vessel to get a better handle on what type of ship they are going to want at Tier II.

  • Guide to the Tier 1 Light Cruiser

Tier II is where each class of ship really comes into its own. Players can choose from the heavily-armed Escort, the versatile Science Vessel, or the behemoth Cruiser.

  • Guide to Tier 2 Ships in Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online Research Science Vessel

Upon reaching the rank of Commander, Star Trek Online players gain access to the mighty tier 3 ships, including the Heavy Cruiser, Research Science Vessel, and Heavy Escort. Find details in our complete guide:

  • Guide to Tier 3 Ships in Star Trek Online

The rank of Captain is where the truly recognizable (and desirable) ship designs come into play. Finally, players can boldly go in their own personal version of the Next Generation Enterprise D, The U.S.S Voyager, or the U.S.S. Defiant of Deep Space 9 fame. Find full stats and info on each in our guide.

  • Guide to Tier 4 Ships in Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online Sovereign Class

The pinnacle of any Starfleet officer’s career is the rank of Rear Admiral. This prestigious level of achievement gives you access to the most powerful ships in Starfleet. There are six different ships to choose from at level 40+, including the Assault Cruiser, Star Cruiser, Advanced Escort, Fleet Escort, Deep Space Science Vessel, and Reconnaissance Science Vessel.

  • Guide to Tier 5 Ships in Star Trek Online

Ship Customization in Star Trek Online

Fully Customized Miranda Class Ship

Nobody wants a ship that looks just like hundreds of others buzzing around the Alpha Quadrant, and Cryptic’s ship customization system is in-depth enough that with some skill, you can create a truly unique-looking vessel.

Our guide to customizing the Light Cruiser will get you started.

  • Star Trek Online Ship Customization: The Light Cruiser

This basic guide will give you a good grasp of customization in the game. These prinicples can be applied to any ship.

Star Trek Online Ship Weaponry

Find the Best STO Weapons for Situations Like These

Of course, a good-looking ship is pretty worthless if it can’t defend itself. Our guide to STO ship weaponry will help you ensure you’re packing the right kind of armament when the time comes to take on those pesky Klingons or the Borg.

  • Guide to Star Trek Online Ship Weapons

Hopefully, with a little help from our guide, you won’t find yourself overwhelmed while exploring the unknown reaches of deep space.

Our complete guide to Ships in STO is only getting started. These great articles and guides are just the beginning of our coverage of the game. Be sure to check back often for updates, as new guides should be added regularly.

This post is part of the series: Star Trek Online Guide to Ships

Whether you’re looking for information on tier 2, 3, 4, or 5 ships in Star Trek Online, our complete guide has got you covered. Check out full ship stats, and see which ships are available at Lt. Commander, Commander, Captain, and Admiral Ranks.

  • Ultimate Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: The Tier 1 Light Cruiser
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 2 Vessels
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 3 Vessels
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 4 Vessels
  • Complete Guide to Tier 5 Vessels in Star Trek: Online
  • Star Trek Online Ship Customization Guide: Light Cruiser

star trek online ships ranked

Star Trek Online Starship Comparison

By @dabelgrave.

You can easily compare ships. Filter by Tier and Faction, and select which group of stats you wish to see. By default, all tiers for all factions are shown. You can also filter by category, and compare up to four of categories at a time.

These results are queried directly from this Google spreadsheet (which contains additional info and formatting): .

Have you found missing or incorrect stats? Tell me about it on the STO Forums .

Join 'The Phoenix Division' today. Contact @daBelgrave in Star Trek Online.

  • 1 Ship Overview
  • 2 Advanced Hull Editing
  • 3.1.1 Non-playable Federation Ships
  • 3.2.1 Non-playable Klingon Empire Ships
  • 3.2.2 Gorn Hegemony
  • 3.2.3 Orion Syndicate
  • 3.2.4 Nausicaan Mercenaries
  • 3.3 Romulan Star Empire
  • 3.4 Cardassian Union
  • 3.5 The Dominion
  • 3.6 Borg Collective
  • 3.7 Privateer Ships

Ship Overview [ ]

Star Trek Online provides the player with command of a starship which is to some degree customizable. Each new rank will reward the player with access to a new vessel. Players also have the option of purchasing additional ships with either energy credits or dilithium. It is possible to purchase each type of ship available to each rank. There are three categories of vessel for ranks up to Admiral and specialized vessels at the rank of Admiral. These ships are often referred to by tier, a Lieutenant's vessel is a Tier I, a Lieutenant Commander vessel is a Tier II, etc. STO provides a free ship for each 10 levels advanced up to Rear Admiral. There are no free Vice Admiral ships currently available, but are purchasable with Zen from the C-Store Ships category.

Access to a vessel gives you access to all 3 hull types, purchasing a Lieutenant Commander Science Vessel will allow you to render your ship as a Nova hull, Aurora hull, or Quasar hull. Additional modifications can be purchased with Zen from the C-Store and applied in ship customization.

Advanced Hull Editing [ ]

At various stations you may speak to an officer to customize your ship's appearance.

Current ships [ ]

United federation of planets [ ].

  • Danube Class Runabout
  • Captain's Yacht
  • Class F Shuttle
  • Delta Class Shuttle
  • Yellowstone Runabout
  • Peregrine Attack Fighter
  • Stalker Stealth Fighter
  • Constitution
  • Constitution (Refit)
  • Prototype Dreadnaught Cruiser
  • Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser
  • Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnaught Cruiser

Non-playable Federation Ships [ ]

Klingon empire [ ], non-playable klingon empire ships [ ].

  • D7 Battlecruiser

Gorn Hegemony [ ]

  • Varanus support vessel

Orion Syndicate [ ]

  • Orion Raider

Nausicaan Mercenaries [ ]

  • Siphon Frigate

Romulan Star Empire [ ]

  • Bird of Prey

Cardassian Union [ ]

  • Groumall freighter

The Dominion [ ]

  • Jem'Hadar Attackship
  • Jem'Hadar Battleship

Borg Collective [ ]

  • Borg Sphere

Privateer Ships [ ]

  • Type VII Commercial Laboratory
  • 3 United Federation of Planets
  • Level up. Earn rewards.
  • Rank: Nooblet
  • Sign in to level up now.


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[Top 10] Star Trek Online Best Ships

Star Trek Online Best Ship

How do you decide which ships will benefit your fleet?

Whether you are a free-to-play expert, grinding away throughout the galaxy to earn the perfect ship, a c-store fan or lockbox hopeful, there is a whole universe of ships out there to make or break your game.

Depending on your faction and your gaming goals, there are hundreds of ships to choose from.

However, only a few of these will deliver the best DPS, maneuverability and available weapon and console slots to ensure that you are a formidable match for your enemies.

Let’s have a look at the top ten ships and how they can put you in the best captain’s chairs in the game.

10. NX Class Escort Refit

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NX Class Escort Refit deals incredible strength and damage

  • Leveling up to an impressive 50,625 hull strength when you reach level 65, the Federation based NX Class Escort Refit has what it takes to get in and out of a sticky situation, while leaving its mark behind. 
  • Comes loaded with the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console, which will place a cache of micro-torpedoes in your target area and deals devastating damage on impact to your enemies. 
  • With a turn rate of 16, you will have the advantage of making your way to every defense point possible, taking advantage of your enemy and showing up where they least expect. 
  • For the smaller escort class, the NX Class Escort Refit is a solid choice. 
  • This ship may be obtained from the Lobi store for 900 lobi. 

9. Ty'Gokor Command Battlecruiser

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Ty'Gokor Command for weapon storage and damage

  • If you’re looking to take your chances at Qapla' (success) with your Klingon character, the Ty’Gokor is a great tactical upgrade in the Command Battlecruiser class. 
  • With four tactical console slots and an impressive list of included consoles, you can create a DPS ship to be reckoned with. 
  • Possessing a dedicated tactical bridge officer seat as well as a universal one, you can beef up your advantages easily. 
  • The Universal Defense Platform and included hangar bay significantly beefs up your armament with a deployed weapons beam array and a cache of mines, along with a hangar bay assist for added damage. 
  • This ship can be purchased in the Zen store for 3,000 Zen.

8. D'Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser

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D'Khellha Warbird's damage resistance increases as damage to enemies increases

  • Making sure that we don’t incur the wrath of the Romulan Empire, it is wise to include the formidable D’Khellra Warbird Battlecruiser. 
  • As with all Romulan warbirds, this heavily armed ship is equipped with the standard singularity abilities expected in all Romulan vessels. Utilizing the right choice based on the severity of the core buildup can be a large added boost during battle.  
  • The addition of the included Molecular Cohesion Nullifier Field console, which injects physical damage into enemies while increasing your own damage resistance, far than makes up for the slower turn rate of 5, one of the only downsides to these massive ships. 
  • The lack of turning speed can be easily rectified by adding a Conductive RCS console to give an added boost to the turn rate, making this a ship to consider for your Romulan collection.

7. Federation Heavy Battlecruiser

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Federation Heavy Battlecruiser's heavy weapons will blow away your enemies

  • Heading back into Federation territory, let’s look at the Federation Heavy Battlecruiser. Compact, yet formidable, this heavy battlecruiser is made to rid yourself of your enemies swiftly and efficiently. 
  • Its widely sought-after ability to mount heavy cannons, in addition to the five forward and three aft weapons configuration, makes this ship a force to be reckoned with. 
  • The ability to equip five engineering consoles is not lost to anyone, which can add significant power to your defenses. 
  • In addition to the included cruiser command abilities, the universal Overloaded SIF Linkage console increases power settings and hull capacity along with an added survival ability shared from your team to you. 
  • Don’t overlook this compact battlecruiser for your active ship roster. 
  • This ship is available in the Zen store for 3,000 Zen.

6. Odyssey Science Cruiser

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The Odyssey's worker repair bees can have you back to scientific exploration in no time!

  • Not everyone in the game is just into DPS. For many, the thrill of a science exploration vessel is real. 
  • The Odyssey Science Cruiser, shown here with the Aquarius skin, is an excellent choice for the science captain who also finds themselves in an occasional (or regular!) battle amongst the stars. 
  • The U.S.S. Enterprise is the most famous ship in this class. However, the Odyssey boasts the ability to deploy worker bees, where the included console deploys a set of four Work Bee CMUs that will repair your ship, or an ally’s, which is a highly desirable effect when your hull dips below 75% in battle. 
  • While certainly not the most powerful ship in the game by any means, this is a solid choice for a science captain wishing to have the ability to hold their own in battle. 
  • This ship can be purchased in the Zen store for 2,500 Zen.

5. Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut

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The Vaadwaur Juggernaut isn't named "Miracle Worker" for nothing!

  • If you are lucky enough to own the Juggernaut or find one on the Exchange, this is not a ship to miss out on. 
  • This Vaadwaur vessel is packed with features designed to intimidate the enemy. 
  • The unique innovation effect provides rare mechanics that invoke powerful bridge officer abilities including: Instinctive Rerouting, Containment Layering, Heisenberg Decoupling, Plasma Conduit Purge, Ingenious Solutions and the Barclay Maneuver. 
  • These randomly selected effects will add unexpected and powerful solutions in battle. 
  • Also, the Juggernaut Array will extend a powerful blast of polaron energy from the front of your ship, annihilating almost everything in your forward path. 
  • This is a fun ship packed with vicious weaponry and effects to add to your ship arsenal.
  • This ship, originally available through the Tier 6 Ship Choice from the Research and Development Pack, can now be found on the Exchange.

4. Jem'Hadar Strike Ship

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Jem'Hadar Strike Ship is great for frontline defense and attack

  • Considering the diminutive size of the Jem’Hadar Strike Ship, one would need to look at the stats to see the advantage of owning this quick but deadly option. 
  • As an upgraded Tier 6 version of the intimidating Jem’Hadar Attack Ship, this ship allows for the slotting of an experimental weapon, the advantage being that this weapon is not affected by standard weapon firing modes, which is an advantage during battle. 
  • Also possessing the Dominion Defense Screen, this console provides powerful protection in the form of a 95% reduction in shield damage for a full 20 seconds along with significant shield regeneration, as well. 
  • With a turn rate of 20 and the advantage of the powerful abilities of the Jem’Hadar, this is an escort to highly consider for your shipyard. 
  • This ship is available from the Special Requisition Choice Pack offered during promotional events. Unbound while boxed, it can be sold and found on the Exchange.

3. Sarcophagus Dreadnought Carrier

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Just the name alone sounds powerful...wait until you see it in battle!

  • Cruising back into the Empire, we now come across one of the most powerful of all the Klingon Dreadnoughts, the Sarcophagus. 
  • Coming in at an impressive 75,000 HP at level 65, this ship is packed with features that will carry you on to many glorious victories for the Empire. 
  • From Multi-Target Tractor Arrays, to the Cloak of T'Kuvma (seen on Star Trek: Discovery only) and the ability to launch the House of Mo’Kai Raiders. 
  • Two hangar bays capable of powerful hangar pets only add to the damage potential of this flying beast. 
  • It would be considered wise to add this carrier to your Klingon fleet. You will toast with the finest blood wine over the many victories you will see in the Sarcophagus. 
  • This ship can be won by opening the Discovery Lock Box or on the Exchange.

2. Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird

star trek online ships ranked

Big Boy Warbird is a must-have in battle

  • The Valkis is the largest class of Romulan ships ever built. One can consider it as a mobile starbase due to its monstrous size, but also as quite a dangerous dreadnought to encounter in battle. 
  • Unmatched survivability, as well as powerful weapon systems, provide this vessel with a strong presence in any combat situation. 
  • To boost its slow turn rate of 5, adding a console with the ability to increase this turn rate will help provide better positioning during battles. 
  • The Energy Distribution Accelerator significantly improves such options as the Gravitic Lance as well as the chance of lessening the recharge time of this ability. 
  • The built-in cloaking ability and the available Craeul Frigates in two hangar bays increase an already powerful fighting ship into even more damage potential.

1. Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser

star trek online ships ranked

This cruiser is a one-of-a-kind in stealth, weapons, and damage

  • Considered among the most vicious and deadly of all Federation vessels available, the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser is a must-have ship for any Federation captain. 
  • One-of-a-kind weapons, including the deadly assault drones and broadside cannon barrage, will tear into your enemies like no other ship can. 
  • To further its ability to win, this ship can cloak, providing stealth as well as bonus damage at decloaking. 
  • Scaling to almost 70,000 HP before the addition of consoles and other weapons, the four tactical and five engineering consoles will further boost your ability to arm this ship to the teeth. 
  • This ship is available from the Lobi store for 900 Lobi. It can sometimes be found on the Exchange, so keep an eye out for this one!

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Star Trek: 8 Most Powerful Federation Starships, Ranked


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Star Trek: Best Movie Villains, Ranked

Star trek: most iconic klingons, ranked, star trek: 10 starfleet admirals who went rogue.

The Star Trek franchise is an extremely long-running one, with so many shows and movies that it can be hard for fans to keep track of everything that has happened. This becomes even truer when trying to discuss the most powerful ships that have been seen in the franchise.

The Star Trek movies have quite a few great villains, but which one is the best?

Between different timelines, leaps into the past and future, and mysterious vessels like the Borg cube, the Star Trek franchise has portrayed some incredible space-faring vessels. But the Federation starships are almost always the ones that triumph in the end. These ships have gotten pretty powerful over time, showing that no matter how much things change , they stay the same.

Updated on March 9, 2024, by Chris Harkin: The Star Trek franchise is ever-growing, despite there being a cinematic lull, several shows continue onwards as the franchise continues exploring many new eras and re-treading ground on some old ones. As such, the Federation is likely to continue releasing new ship brands, continuing to boldly go where no man has gone before. As the franchise continues to update, particularly with more futuristic capabilities attached to new classes of Starship, this article will continue updating and growing to signify the changes in the long-running franchise.

8 Inquiry Class

Active from the 2390s onward.

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Picard (6 Episodes)

Heavy cruiser ships that were introduced only recently in Star Trek: Picard, the Inquiry Class are one of the newer brands of Federation Starship. Considered the new cream of the crop, these ships were the fastest available to Starfleet at the conclusion of the 24th Century.

Coming with a generally similar design to many previous classes of Starfleet class ships, the Inquiry Class contained the USS Zheng He and other ships that opposed a Borg Cube in 2401 and were shown at other points throughout Picard , proving them to be the main body of Starfleet's major active ships at that time.

7 Prometheus Class

Active from 2370s to 2380s.

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Voyager (2 Episodes)

One of the strangest designs seen in a Starfleet vessel, the Prometheus Class ship, was seen in Voyager as a highly classified experimental ship that only four people in all of Starfleet knew how to command and control. Not only was this ship brutally fast, but it could also split into pieces.

The Prometheus Class, though it doesn't seem to have become common, was capable of splitting into three pieces, each capable of attacking enemies independently. Capable of surpassing speeds of warp 9.9 and featuring regenerative shielding, this class was highly unusual but also incredibly useful.

6 Akira Class

Active from 2370s to 2400s.

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (9 Episodes)
  • Appeared In Star Trek: First Contact

The Akira Class of Federation Starships is a mighty one, and unlike most starships under Federation control, it was made with the thought of war in mind. During production, the hostilities with the Cardassian Union prompted the creation of a speedy battleship. However, during the creation of the Akira Class, the Federation became more aware of a potential Borg invasion and sped things up.

Brought into service in 2368, the Akira Class has been seen in Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: First Contact . Examples of this ship type include the USS Akira, USS Geronimo, and even the USS James T. Kirk. Major differences from other Federation ships include a high number of torpedo bays and a large shuttle bay, which enabled the Akira Class ships to be fighter carriers.

5 Defiant Class

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (68 Episodes)

The Defiant Class and the USS Defiant also had an intriguing build history. Initially, these ships began construction during the Borg threat, but when this was lessened, they were put away until the Dominion threat became a fresh problem for Starfleet. Despite initial design flaws, DS9 ’s Miles O’Brien was able to fix the USS Defiant enough to make it ready on a high level.

This caused the Federation to start building more ships to follow the USS Defiant, and thus the Defiant Class was born. These ships are small, highly powered, and heavily armed. They remain warships, the first ones ever created by Starfleet, and were introduced in the year 2371.

4 Galaxy Class

Active from 2360s to 2400s.

  • Appeared In Star Trek: The Next Generation (All Episodes)
  • Appeared In Star Trek Generations

As if the Galaxy Class needed any more praise, the USS Enterprise-D ship flown by Captain Picard and his amazing crew throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation was a member of this class. The many achievements of Picard and his crew boil down to their tenacity, but the strength of the Galaxy Class Federation starships is not to be ignored.

A well-used ship by the Federation during the heavy losses of the Dominion War , the Galaxy Class is a heavy capital ship class that came into being in the mid-2360s. Unlike some of the Federation’s other most impressive and powerful ships, the Galaxy Class managed to be an all-in-one, with the capability to wage war, but a crew tasked with preventing it. Discovery and war, speed and majesty, the Galaxy Class has it all.

3 Sovereign Class

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Picard (5 Episodes)
  • Appeared In Star Trek: Insurrection & Star Trek: Nemesis

The Sovereign Class was a follow-up to the Galaxy Class in many ways. This includes the fact that Picard’s follow-up ship, the USS Enterprise-E, was a member of the Sovereign Class. Judging solely from the ability of the Enterprise-E to take down the Borg Cube it destroyed in Star Trek: First Contact , it is safe to say the Sovereign Class was a worthy update to the Galaxy Class.

Star Trek introduced fans to some fascinating alien species, but the Klingons are one of the most popular with viewers

Smaller in design and released in the early 2370s, the Sovereign Class was a major upgrade from previous classes in terms of warfare, including photon and quantum torpedoes as well as a large volume of phaser banks.

2 Curiosity Class

Active from the 2390s onwards.

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Picard (4 Episodes)

This ship has only recently made its entrance into the Star Trek universe. The Curiosity Class was introduced in Star Trek: Picard as the new wave of Federation starships. Released initially in 2389, ships such as the USS Curiosity and the USS ibn Majid are included in this class, which was primarily meant to replace the aging Galaxy Class vessels.

A mix between a heavy cruiser and an explorer ship, the Curiosity Class will be able to do everything that the previous main Enterprise ships were. Ready for diplomatic missions, discovery missions, and if all else fails, combat missions as well, the Curiosity Class is the next generation of Starfleet technology, which pushes beyond anything seen in Star Trek outside the new seasons of Discovery .

1 USS Vengeance (Dreadnought Class)

Active 2259 (alternate timeline only).

  • Appeared In Star Trek: Into Darkness

The USS Vengeance, seen in Star Trek: Into Darkness , is a very special case. Despite the technology being old in comparison to many ships in The Next Generation and other shows , this was one of the few Federation ships ever made purely for war. With the unholy pact that Khan made, helping to design this ship, and his heightened intellect, Starfleet was able to secretly create one of the largest and the single most destructive forces in Starfleet's history .

Whether this is actually more powerful than the starships created over a hundred years later is hard to say for certain, but Starfleet has yet to put any ship together that is so brutally focused on combat. The capability of this ship to be armed and operated by a single man is also a terrifying notion. It enables one person to go rogue and operate one of the more deadly forces in the universe alone. If not for the quick thinking that enabled the crew of the rebooted Enterprise to destroy it from within with a huge payload of torpedoes teleported to the inside, this ship might never have been beaten .

The higher-ups of Starfleet command often pose a challenge to Star Trek's main characters. Not all the series' admirals play by the rules.

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25 Best Star Trek Ships, Ranked


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One of the most popular sci-fi television shows of all time, Star Trek , has been enthralling fans for decades. In recent years, the property has come back with a vengeance. The Prime timeline is in full effect, and multiple spinoffs have made their way to Paramount+.

While Star Trek is known for its big idea sci-fi, it also features some great space battles. The starships of Star Trek are some of the most powerful in all sci-fi, armed with powerful weapons and great designs. From the well-known vessels like the USS Enterprise to the lesser-known ships that appeared for an episode or two, these ships are as powerful as they are cool.

Updated January 22, 2024, by Joshua M. Patton: The Star Trek universe is vast, with nearly 60 years of history behind it, and with that longevity comes dozens or hundreds of vessels. From the physical filming models used through the 20th century to the all-digital models used in the 21st, these ships are basically characters themselves. If the ships don't "feel" real, then Star Trek doesn't work. This article has been updated to match CBR's current formatting standards and include more information about Star Trek's best ships.

25 The Krenim Time Ship Is a Unique Vessel in Star Trek Lore

Starship details at a glance, star trek: prodigy's connection to voyager, explained.

Star Trek: Prodigy is a new series with new characters in the universe, but the series is directly connected to Voyager through characters and ships.

Star Trek captains go too far at times , something Voyager' s Captain Janeway was known for. However, there was sometimes good reason for that. The Delta Quadrant was a dangerous place, and Janeway dealt with amazing threats. The most dangerous, even more powerful than the Borg or Species 8472, was the Krenim Time Ship.

The vessel was out of synch with time, which kept the crew from aging while also making the ship itself invulnerable to attack. The Krenim Time Ship's main weapon didn't destroy planets; it erased them from the timeline. On top of that, it was armed with powerful chronometric torpedoes and energy weapons. The Krenim Time Ship was a nearly unstoppable weapon made to change history.

24 The Species 8472 Bioship Was Unlike Any Ship That Came Before It

Since their introduction into Star Trek canon, the Borg have had their run over the galaxy, able to destroy entire Federation armadas with only one ship. That is until they opened a portal into fluidic space and met Species 8472. This alien race proved a threat unlike any other to the cybernetic collective, as they could destroy Borg ships with relative ease. Biogenetic in nature, the ships of Species 8472 were as resistant to technological attack as the individuals themselves — rendering conventional weapons, transporters, and force fields useless against them.

The Species 8472 bioships could also emit incredible energies in tandem, destroying Borg ships as easily as the Borg destroyed others. When the crew of the USS Voyager formed an alliance with the Borg to fight them, Command Chakotay said he believed the ship itself might be alive. The ship was designed by Steve Burg and was one of the earliest fully computer-generated models used in Star Trek .

23 The Galor Class Warship Was the Face of the Cardassian Fleet

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's Sisko and Gul Dukat for one of sci-fi's greatest rivalries . The Cardassians were the show's main villains for much of its run and fans got used to seeing their mainline battleship, the Galor class. This vessel was the backbone of Cardassia's fleet, spearheading its conquest of worlds throughout the Alpha Quadrant after it aligned with the dreaded Dominion.

The Galor wasn't a new ship, but she was a powerful one. The ship wasn't heavily armed compared to something like a Galaxy -class, but its forward disruptor array was extremely powerful. A Galor could do massive damage to targets and could take a beating like few other ships.

22 The Jem'Hadar Fighter Was a Scarab-Like Fighter That Packed a Wallop

Jem'Hadar Fighters were the mainline vessel of the Dominion Fleet. The Jem'Hadar were a very powerful Star Trek race , and their ships matched their might. Extremely sturdy, their ships could survive a crash landing on a planet and still be flyable with minimal repairs. Armed with phased polaron disruptors, the Jem'Hadar Fighter 's weapons could easily pierce the shields of Starfleet vessels in the early days after their first confrontation.

Over time, the efficacy of the ship's weapons and shields went down after Sisko and his crew captured one to be studied. Still, a group of Jem'Hadar Fighters was still dangerous to just about any single ship in the allies' repertoire. The ship was designed by Jim Martin, influenced by Rick Sternbach's Egyptian-scarab flavored designs. John Eaves also did the mockup of the full ship that appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5, Episode 2 "The Ship."

21 The D'deridex Class Warbird Revealed How the Romulans Upped Their Game

Star trek: insurrection's first villains help the movie make better sense.

Star Trek: Insurrection failed to land like the filmmakers wanted, but the inclusion of regular The Next Generation villains would've helped it soar.

Star Trek: The Next Generation showcased powerful threats , including the return of the Romulans. The main vessel of the Romulan Star Empire's fleet, D'deridex-class Warbirds were massive vessels that dwarfed some of the largest ships the Federation put to space. Powered by a forced quantum singularity, these battlecruisers were armed to the teeth with multiple disruptor arrays and photon torpedo tubes.

Like most Romulan vessels, D'deridex-class Warbirds were equipped with cloaking devices, which was a pretty scary proposition — a vessel with the size and power of a D'deridex being able to sneak behind enemy lines undetected and wreak havoc is something any good commander would fear.

20 The Narada Is a Mining Vessel That Doubles as a Warship

As seen in the first of three Star Trek reboot movies starring Chris Pine in 2009, The Narada is a Romulan vessel from the late-24th century. After pursuing Ambassador Spock through a black hole, it arrives in the middle of the 23rd century and continues its relentless vengeance mission against the Federation and its allies.

Though it's a fairly safe bet that in its own time, The Narada is not an exceptionally powerful ship when compared to its peers, that's not the case in the 23rd century. Shortly after its arrival it destroys an entire planet (as well as a starship or two) and it's more than deserving of a place on this list. While not mentioned in the film, subsequent materials and the novelization revealed this ship was made from repurposed Borg technology, which is why it was so powerful.

19 The Excelsior Class Eventually Replaced the Original Constitution Class

Ship design was always important to Star Trek 's success , and Connie set up the most common design: primary saucer hull connected to the secondary hull, which contained the engines and power systems. The Excelsior was designed to replace the Connie , taking advantage of years of research and development. The Excelsior was built around the new transwarp drive, dubbed "the Great Experiment" by Starfleet, but the project's failure meant it would be years before the Excelsior replaced the reliable Constitution Class.

The Excelsior was an improvement on the Connie in every way — better sensors, better computers, and better defenses. The ship was armed with multiple phaser batteries and torpedo launcher, allowing the ship to cover itself with 3-D firing arcs at nearly every angle. The Excelsior would eventually fulfill its destiny of becoming the main heavy cruiser of Starfleet. It remained in use for over a hundred years, forming the backbone of Starfleet through the Dominion War and beyond, as the class got another refit in the late 2390s/early 2400s.

18 The Miranda Class Starship Was a Versatile Vessel for Starfleet

The Miranda Class starship is the backbone of the Federation fleet for a reason. First introduced in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , it has since appeared in many movies and television series tied to the franchise. The ship itself has a solid array of weaponry, if nothing truly out of the ordinary, and it can more than hold its own against standard classes of enemy ship.

A fun fact about the ship's design is that it was actually meant to be the other way round, but Wrath of Khan producers looked at it upside down. When the error became clear, they decided they preferred it that way. The repurposed Constitution class design was used to save money since the film had a slim budget.

17 The Sarcophagus Was a Klingon Ship of the Dead

Why klingons look different from discovery to strange new worlds.

Strange New Worlds revisits Starfleet's aversion to genetic modification, but the Klingons in the series may be a product of that outlawed science.

The terrifyingly named Ship of the Dead or the Sarcophagus is actually used to transport the preeminent Klingon House of T'Kuvma. The ship was more than 200 years old, and the bodies of slain Klingon warriors are entombed on its hull. It serves as the main ship for their forces during the Federation-Klingon War depicted in Star Trek: Discovery .

The ship packs a heck of a punch and has guns capable of turning the entire surface of a mid-sized, habitable planet into a barren wasteland. It also has spectacular cloaking abilities and is around three times bigger than even the biggest ships in the Federation fleet. It's a truly intimidating leviathan to come up against.

16 The Jem'Hadar Battleship Was Larger Than the USS Enterprise-D

The Jem'Hadar Battleship was the largest vessel in the Dominion fleet and the most feared, which is saying something considering just how powerful Jem'Hadar vessels are. Armed with multiple polaron disruptor batteries and torpedo launchers, the Jem'Hadar Battleship was not just one of the most powerful Dominion vessels but one of the most powerful vessels in the galaxy.

Extremely hard to damage, a Jem'Hadar Battleship taking the field was met with apprehension. Twice the size of a Galaxy- class and three times as powerful, no ship that any of the allies fielded could hurt it in a one-on-one battle.

15 The Curiosity Class Was a Small, but Mighty, Advanced Starfleet Vessel

Star Trek: Picard was chock-full of nostalgic moments and exciting developments as it charted new territory in the 24th century. Without a doubt, the arrival of William Riker and the USS Zheng He at the head of a Federation fleet was one of those pulse-pounding moments viewers cheered for. It also was one of the most massive assemblage of vessels seen in Star Trek .

Primed to save Captain Picard from a Romulan fleet that was threatening to destroy him, the USS Zheng He had an imposing appearance. A new, Curiosity class vessel, Riker touted the Zheng He as “the toughest, fastest, most powerful ship Starfleet ever put into service.” Although it was never seen in action, it’s reasonable to assume it’d be more advanced than any ship that came before it.

14 The Akira Class Vessels Were Fast, Sleek Fighters

The Akira Class was commissioned in the 2370s and was part of the Federation's initiative to field more ships with the main purpose was fighting. It was basically a torpedo boat that had its dorsal weapons pod armed with a large amount of fore and aft torpedo tubes.

The Akira Class even has port and starboard tubes, almost unheard of on Starfleet ships. Like most Starfleet vessels, it also is armed with phasers. The Akira also had fore and aft launch bays, making it an ideal launch platform for Starfleet attack ships. Fast and maneuverable, it could bring a disproportionate amount of power to bear for its size. The ship got its name from the anime film, Akira .

13 The Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser Was a Near Unbeatable Ship

Why 'in the pale moonlight' is an important ds9 episode.

There are many wonderful episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but Season 6's 'In the Pale Moonlight' is perhaps the most important one in the show.

The Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser was the larger cousin of the Jem'Hadar Fighter and a formidable vessel in its own right. Not seen until after the Cardassian-Dominion alliance, these large cruisers were armed with the standard polaron beam disruptor batteries that made Dominion ships so powerful, as well as multiple torpedo tubes.

Extremely durable vessels, even one Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser was considered a substantial threat to Deep Space Nine even after its massive weapons upgrade. They often anchored Dominion lines in battle and could take down even the most powerful allied vessels single-handedly.

12 The Reman Warbird Was a Nemesis to the USS Enterprise-E

Star Trek: Nemesis was a divisive film to fans of The Next Generation , but one thing that was undeniably awe-inspiring was the power of the Reman warbird, the Scimitar . Armed to the teeth, the ship had fifty-two disruptor banks and twenty-seven photon torpedo bays, which allowed it to lay waste to the Enterprise-E and several other ships with ease.

The Scimitar was also heavily armored, able to withstand double the damage other ships could. Its cloaking technology has Geordi LaForge’s stamp of approval as “perfect,” and its thalaron radiation weapon could strip a planet of life in seconds.

11 32nd Century Federation Fleet Is Sleek and Near Magical

Star Trek: Discovery turned its narrative on a dime at the end of Season 2 by transporting its crew from the Kirk era to almost one thousand years in the future. Here, the Federation has been decimated by a phenomenon called “The Burn,” during which all dilithium in the galaxy grew inert and devastated the ships that used them. Using "programmable matter" the nacelles and some saucer sections could appear detached from the main hull.

However, the crew of the Discovery was treated to a tour of a shipyard filled with ships of the 32nd century, including the USS Nog and the USS Voyager-J . Although these ships weren't seen in action, it can be assumed nine hundred years of technological advancement would make them the most sophisticated and powerful ships on this list.

10 The Prometheus-Class Was a Multi-Attack Vessel

How a set fire led to star trek: voyager's funniest episode.

A fire damaged the bridge set on Star Trek: Voyager, the writers went to the holodeck for 'The Bride of Chaotica,' one of series' funniest episodes.

Starfleet's subtle change into a more war oriented power was heralded by multiple new warship designs. This war fleet was first meant to defend against the Borg, but the Dominion's threat kept them making ships made for war, including the Prometheus class. However, this ship wasn't just kitted out with the latest in weapons and shield technology.

The Prometheus class was created around multi-vector attack formation. The ship split into three, and was suddenly three times the threat it was before. The USS Prometheus could single-handedly destroy a D'deridex class ship with multi-vector attack mode, using only phasers. That's a powerful ship and a great weapon in Starfleet's arsenal.

9 The Defiant Class Was Starfleet's First Warship

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is amazing , and it got better when the USS Defiant arrived. The Defiant class was originally designed to fight the Borg and was brought out of mothballs to counter the Dominion threat. Armed with four phaser cannons, three phaser banks, and four forward and two aft quantum torpedo launchers, the Defiant packs a tremendous wallop for a ship of its size.

The Defiant Class had powerful deflectors and ablative armor to make them extremely hard to damage, but their speed and maneuverability also make them very hard to hit. Able to destroy smaller vessels with a few shots with phaser cannons, the Defiant Class turned the tide of the war with the Dominion.

8 The Sovereign Class Signified Starfleet's Turn Towards the Militaristic

The most powerful vessel in Starfleet, the Sovereign class takes all the lessons Starfleet learned and puts them into practice. More powerful after a class-wide refit, the Sovereign class boasted sixteen phaser arrays, a forward quantum torpedo launcher, three forward photon torpedo launchers, and six aft photon launchers.

The Sovereign class was built for a wide variety of missions, like the Galaxy before it, but Starfleet made sure to arm it with the latest in weaponry, allowing it to hold its own against even the most powerful enemy vessels without needing reinforcements.

7 The Borg Cube Is Simplistic and Terrifying

The Borg cube is easily the most powerful ship encountered by any of the Alpha Quadrant powers. Armed with a variety of powerful beam weapons, torpedo launchers, and tractor beams, a Borg cube was more than a match for fleets of ships. In fact, it could destroy multiple ships before they could even scratch it. As the Borg assimilated new species and technology, their vessels were consistently being updated but the basic shape stayed the same.

Equipped with regenerative shielding and the adaptive technology that make the Borg so formidable, the only way Borg cubes have ever been defeated was with computer-based trickery, knowledge from when Captain Picard was assimilated, or future technology. Much from Star Trek' s past holds up , including the power of a Borg Cube.

6 The Shrike Was a Sinister Vessel for Even More Sinister Villains

Star Trek: Picard gave viewers several amazing ships, and one that grabbed fans' attention was the Shrike. Commanded by the changeling Vadic, this warship had an eye-catching design, with four claw-like protrusions extending forward from its body, giving it a fierce, insectoid look. It was also armed to the teeth.

Vadic allowed the Titan to scan them, revealing the Shrike 's armament comprising forty isolytic burst warheads, eighty-eight plasma torpedoes, two hundred thirty-six photon torpedoes, eighteen anti-matter missiles, twenty pulse wave torpedoes, and an unknown number of directed energy weapons. On top of that, the Shrike was equipped with a portal weapon, which could transport ships it engaged through space into more vulnerable positions.

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Most Powerful Star Trek Ships, Ranked

What is the most feared ship in the entire galaxy?

How do you quantify starship power in the Star Trek universe ?

Is it the armament? The speed? The shields? The sheer size of a vessel? Or perhaps it’s the captain and crew at the helm?

We believe it’s all of those things and more, so we took 46 of the most noteworthy Star Trek starships and placed them in a head-to-head battle.

Which iconic ship came out on top? Find out below.

Warp ahead for our rankings of the most powerful Star Trek ships ever.

An illustrated starship flies past a nebula that looks like a jack-o-lantern.

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The 7 best Star Trek ships ranked from worst to best

I n the vast universe of Star Trek , spaceships are as iconic and diverse as the characters themselves, each with its own story, technology, and purpose. Among these, the Starfleet vessels, with their sleek designs and advanced capabilities, stand out as the heroes of the cosmos, with the most famous of them all being the USS Enterprise - a name shared by multiple ships across the series, symbolizing exploration, diplomacy, and sometimes, thrilling battles.

These ships are equipped with warp drives for faster-than-light travel, deflector shields for protection, and transporters that can beam crew members instantly across space. Imagine zipping across galaxies in a ship that's part luxury cruiser, part advanced research lab, and part peacekeeping force. That ship is working overtime at all times!

But Star Trek isn't just about the good guys' shiny vessels - it also gives us a peek into the fascinating designs of alien fleets, each reflecting the culture and values of their civilizations. Take the Klingon Warbirds, for example, with their aggressive, bird-of-prey appearance, symbolizing the warrior spirit of their people. Their ships are armed to the teeth, ready for battle at a moment's notice. On the other hand, the Borg Cube, a massive, cube-shaped ship, represents the Borg Collective's relentless pursuit of perfection through assimilation. Imagine a giant, space-faring beehive, with drones working in unison to achieve a common goal - a terrifying sight for everyone else.

Then there are the special ships, the ones that defy norms and bring a touch of mystery and magic to space travel. The USS Voyager, with its sleek, aerodynamic design, stands out for its epic journey home from the far-flung Delta Quadrant, displaying the resilience and ingenuity of its crew. And let's not forget the Romulan Warbirds with their cloaking devices, making them the ultimate space ninjas, lurking in the shadows before striking.

Why don't we take a look at the 7 best ships in the Star Trek universe and see where they rank against each other?

7. USS Defiant (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

Kicking off our stellar lineup at number seven is the mighty USS Defiant, a real little powerhouse that punched well above its weight class. Unlike the sprawling, floating cities we're used to in the Star Trek universe, the Defiant was more like that scrappy underdog in the movies who's small but surprisingly tough. It came onto the scene in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and quickly turned heads because, let's face it, we hadn't seen anything quite like it in Starfleet's repertoire.

This ship wasn't built for leisurely cruises across the galaxy or making friends with new alien species - it was designed with one thing in mind: punching enemy ships in the face... with their phasers and photon torpedoes. What makes the USS Defiant stand out, besides its knack for getting into interstellar scuffles, is how it showed us a different flavor of Starfleet.

Typically, we see Starfleet as the spacefaring equivalent of explorers and diplomats, but with the Defiant, we got a glimpse of their "don't mess with us" side. It was the go-to ship when the Federation needed to flex its muscles, especially during the tense moments of the Dominion War. The Defiant was like that one friend you call when you're in a pinch and need to get out of trouble - reliable, tough, and always ready for action.

So, while it might not have the size or the iconic status of some of the other ships in our lineup, the USS Defiant earns its spot for showing us that sometimes, being small and feisty is just as important as being big and bold.

6. Klingon Bird-of-Prey

Imagine a ship that looks like it's ready to pick a fight just sitting there, and that's before anyone even hits the cloaking button. This feisty ship in the Klingon fleet swoops into the sixth spot on our list, and here's the lowdown on why it's perched right there.

First off, the Bird-of-Prey is like that one friend we all have who's always ready to jump into adventure (or mischief) at a moment's notice. It's not the biggest or the fanciest ship zipping around the galaxy by any means, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for with pure attitude and a sneaky trick up its sleeve: the cloaking device. This gadget lets the Bird-of-Prey play intergalactic hide-and-seek like a pro, popping out of nowhere and giving everyone a good scare. It's the ship's party trick and, let's be honest, it never gets old.

But, despite its swagger and sneakiness, the Bird-of-Prey is a bit like a one-trick pony. It's got the surprise attack down and can do it effectively almost every time, but in the grander scheme of things, it's a bit of a supporting character in the star-studded saga that is Star Trek. It's essential, no doubt, showing us the rough and tough side of the various species in space and teaching us a thing or two about the Klingon way of life (which, spoiler alert, involves a lot of honor and a healthy dose of good old-fashioned boldness).

In the vast expanse of space opera that is Star Trek, the Bird-of-Prey flaps its wings with gusto but ultimately flies in the mid-range, making it a memorable yet not the top-tier starship in the franchise.

5. USS Voyager (Star Trek: Voyager), Intrepid Class

Imagine being stranded 70,000 light-years away from home, in a part of the galaxy where no one knows your name, and your only ride is the USS Voyager. That's exactly what happened to Captain Janeway and her crew in Star Trek: Voyager , and boy, did it make for one wild space road trip. Voyager isn't just a ship - it's the little spacecraft that could, zipping across the Delta Quadrant and proving that with a bit of Federation ingenuity and a lot of coffee, you can face anything.

Now, why does Voyager sit at number 5 on our star-studded list of ships? For starters, this intrepid vessel was a blend of a science lab on steroids and a cozy home for its diverse crew. It wasn't the biggest or the toughest kid on the block, but it packed a punch with tech like the Emergency Medical Hologram (aka the sassiest doctor in space) and those nifty bio-neural gel packs.

But what really sets Voyager apart is its spirit. Stranded far from the safety of Starfleet, the crew didn't just survive; they thrived, embracing the true spirit of exploration. They encountered strange new worlds and civilizations, all while keeping a steady course for home. It's that blend of high-tech wizardry, unwavering determination, and a dash of homesickness that makes Voyager not just a ship but a testament to the human (and Vulcan, and Talaxian, and Ocampa...) spirit.

So, while it might not top the list, Voyager earns its stripes as the little ship that took a 75-year journey and turned it into one of the greatest adventures in the final frontier.

4. Borg Cube

Picture a giant, flying metal Rubik's Cube in space that doesn't want to play games but instead assimilates entire civilizations. Yep, terrifying - and that's the Borg Cube for you. Ranked at number 4 in our Star Trek ship lineup, this hulking mass of technology is the stuff of sci-fi nightmares, and here's why it's more than just a big, scary box.

The Borg Cube isn't your typical, sleek spaceship with flashy lights and a fancy paint job. It's a massive, utilitarian cube that means business – the business of turning everyone and everything into Borg. It's a spaceship so big and powerful that it doesn't bother dodging attacks - it just plows through space, assimilating advanced technologies and civilizations like a cosmic vacuum cleaner. Its sheer size and the fact that it can repair itself mid-battle make it a formidable and terrifying foe. The Borg Cube isn't just a ship - it's a floating fortress of doom that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "resistance is futile."

But here's the real kicker: the Borg Cube is a collective of minds. Think of the scariest group project you've ever been part of, but instead of sharing Google Docs, you're sharing thoughts, feelings, and strategies with thousands of others. This collective intelligence makes the Borg Cube not just a tough nut to crack in a space battle but also a fascinating symbol of Star Trek's exploration of identity, community, and the loss of individuality.

It's not just its size or firepower that puts the Borg Cube at number 4 - it's the terrifying efficiency and unity with which it operates, challenging the very ideals of freedom and individuality that the Federation holds dear.

The Borg Cube stands out as a chilling reminder of what could be if unity and technology were to take a dark turn.

3. USS Enterprise-D ( The Next Generation ), Constitution class

The USS Enterprise-D is not just a starship that's more than a vessel zipping through space - it's also a cozy, floating high-tech home and it's the Star Trek ship I grew up gawking over on the TV. Thank you, dad! It's the pride and joy of Star Trek: The Next Generation .

This isn't your typical cramped and clunky spaceship. The Enterprise-D is like the luxury cruise liner of the galaxy, complete with spacious living quarters where you can stretch your legs, holodecks for virtual vacations (because who doesn't want to escape to a tropical beach or a snowy mountain during a long space voyage?), and all the cutting-edge scientific gadgets you could dream of. It's the kind of place where you'd love to live, not just work.

There are plenty of reasons for the Enterprise-D to sit cozily in our 3rd spot in this ranking. For starters, it's a symbol of peace and exploration, embodying the very essence of Starfleet's mission. The Enterprise-D isn't just about showing off Starfleet's military might; it's about building bridges, discovering new worlds, and spreading good old human (and alien) values.

Plus, under the command of the impeccable Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the ship and its crew tackled some of the most thought-provoking and complex issues in the galaxy, all while making it look easy. It's like the ship had a knack for making the vast, mysterious universe feel a little more like home, and we viewers definitely felt that while watching TNG . Among all of the amazingly schemed and thought-up Star Trek ships, the Enterprise-D stands out as a beacon of what the future could hold - a place where adventure and comfort go hand in hand.

2. USS Enterprise ( Strange New Worlds ), Constitution class

Oh, the USS Enterprise from Strange New Worlds is a ship with quite the story to tell, and it lands at number 2 on our list, as it should. This version of the Enterprise is not your granddad's starship, but she's got that classic vibe with a modern twist, making her a standout star in the Star Trek universe.

Let's talk about why this beauty holds such a prestigious spot. Strange New Worlds t akes us back to the roots of Star Trek, blending the old-school charm with shiny new tech, and the Enterprise is at the heart of it all. She's sleek, she's got lines that could make a comet blush, and she's packed with the kind of gadgets that would make even the most seasoned space explorer go "whoa."

But it's not just her looks or tech; it's the spirit of adventure she embodies, the promise of new horizons, and the thrill of the unknown. This Enterprise doesn't just travel through space - she sails through adventures, weaving through star-studded storylines with the elegance of a ballet dancer in zero gravity.

And then there's the crew, the lifeblood of the ship. They're a mix of fresh faces and familiar names, each adding their own flavor to the legacy of the Enterprise. Under the command of the ever-so-unfairly-handsome Captain Pike, this ship and her crew tackle the unknown with a kind of optimistic attitude that's as refreshing as an ice-cold drink on a hot summer day. They face moral dilemmas, cosmic mysteries, and the occasional space anomaly with a blend of courage, humor, and a dash of that good ol' Starfleet diplomacy.

In Strange New Worlds , the Enterprise isn't just a ship - she's a character, full of heart and soul, representing the very essence of exploration and the enduring spirit of Star Trek. And that, my friends, is why she's cruising at the impressive number 2 spot.

1) USS Discovery ( Discovery ), Crossfield class

And here we have the USS Discovery taking the top spot in our Star Trek ship showdown.

What makes this starship stand out from the rest, you ask? Well, for starters, it's like the Swiss Army knife of spacecraft in the Star Trek universe. Introduced in Star Trek: Discovery, this ship isn't just another floating piece of metal - it's packed with some of the most jaw-dropping tech you'll see this side of the Milky Way.

First off, let's talk about the spore drive – Discovery's pièce de résistance . This isn't your grandma's warp drive - it's a game-changer that lets the ship jump across vast stretches of space in a literal blink of an eye. Imagine you could teleport from your couch to your favorite pizza place in seconds, but instead of pizza, it's galaxies. This tech alone puts the Discovery in a league of its own, allowing it to zip around like no other ship in the fleet, dodging danger and exploring the unknown at a pace that would make even the Enterprise jealous.

But it's not just the fancy tech that gives the USS Discovery its charm. It's also about the crew and their adventures, giving us a fresh take on the Star Trek saga. The ship and its team are at the heart of some pretty intense space drama, dealing with everything from intergalactic wars to complex moral dilemmas. It's this blend of cutting-edge science fiction and compelling storytelling that makes the Discovery not just a ship, but a character in its own right, leading the charge into new territories both literally and figuratively.

So, when you think about it, it's no wonder the USS Discovery takes the top spot – it's bold, it's brave, and it's a bit of a show-off, but we love it for that.

Each of these ships holds a unique place in the Star Trek universe, contributing to its rich narrative and the exploration of philosophical and moral dilemmas. They are all so much more than just vessels - they are characters in their own right, representing the hopes, fears, and aspirations of both their fictional creators and the fans who follow their journeys.

As Star Trek continues to evolve, these ships remain timeless icons of a future where humanity reaches for the stars.

This article was originally published on as The 7 best Star Trek ships ranked from worst to best .

The 7 best Star Trek ships ranked from worst to best

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Interview: ‘Prodigy’ Showrunners On Giving Wesley Crusher Closure And Sitting At Star Trek’s “Adult Table”

star trek online ships ranked

| July 16, 2024 | By: Anthony Pascale 45 comments so far

The second season of Star Trek: Prodigy arrived on Netflix at the beginning of the month and it still has fans buzzing. TrekMovie has been binging the new season over the few last weeks and has already covered the mid-season finale reveal of the return of Wesley Crusher from  Star Trek: The Next Generation . In a spoilery interview with Prodigy series co-creators and executive producers Kevin and Dan Hageman, we talk about Wesley’s return, how the show connects to Star Trek canon, setting the series up for the future, and more.

The season picks up with the gang as Academy trainees. Would you say there is an attempt to make the show more grounded for the target audience, putting the characters into a more school-like setting?

Dan Hageman: Yeah, we are looking at these are kids moving into the adult world after having a ship of their own. And we felt like that was a thing where it actually would be kind of boring if they were just on a Starfleet ship. They wouldn’t have much to do. And how do we bring their shenanigans in?

Kevin Hageman: It would be just like Lower Decks all of a sudden. I love how Dal, as exciting as it is to be on the new Voyager. They’re yearning for the old days of having their own ship and flying by the seat of their pants and being in charge.

The show is now set back with Starfleet around the time of Lower Decks and even around elements of Picard . For season 2, was it important to include those connections to make the show feel more part of this new Star Trek Universe of shows? And can you talk about how you coordinated that?

Kevin Hageman: Yeah, we wanted to be at the adult table. We didn’t want our show to be some separate thing. We knew we were in the same timeline window as these other shows. And so it was wonderful. Like, we had already written the character of Wesley Crusher into our series, and then with Picard , Terry [Matalas] and Akiva [Goldsman] reached out to us because they wanted to do something with him. And we were already in the pipeline with him and so we got in sync on how we can each serve each other’s shows.

Dan Hageman: I would say they did Wesley Crusher wrong–how they finished Wesley Crusher on TNG–and we are making up for it. TNG just had him like stop the frame and walk off and never gave him any closure. We’re taking that baton and doing something with it.

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Wesley Crusher arrives as a pivotal character halfway through Prodigy season 2.

Kevin Hageman: We also wanted—you know, our show is not just a Voyager sequel. We are celebrating and introducing new people to everything about Star Trek. So yeah, there should be some Lower Decks , there should be some TOS in there. We wanted Tribbles in an episode, Klingons, The Mirror Universe —all these things that make Trek wonderful.

Dan Hageman: I think fans feel like the Trek world is real. And we think it’s real. too. So we are treating it as like this is all at one time. This is what’s going on in the year 2385.

You say you are not Voyager season 8, but you have three major characters with Janeway, Chakotay, and now The Doctor. Garrett Wang and Terry Matalas said they wanted Harry Kim on Picard but were told you guys “owned” Voyager . So, did you feel like you needed Voyager fans to know where all their favorite characters were in 2385?

Dan Hageman: No, there was never ever any declarations that we are the Voyager show. And I feel bad that Garrett Wang didn’t get his pips.

Kevin Hageman: Maybe that was in reference to what we’re doing with Admiral Janeway. Like it would be a shame if Picard did something to totally break what we’re doing with our show.

Dan Hageman: Season 3 is called “The Kim Collective,” so we’ll see. [laughs]

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Robert Picardo’s Doctor from  Star Trek: Voyager is a big part of Prodigy season 2.

There is a big story with the time paradox and Janeway’s goal of getting Chakotay back. But can you talk about how each of the kids has their own personal goals for the season?

Dan Hageman: I think we started with: Where would they be at Starfleet Academy? What type of hopefuls would they be? We knew right off the bat that Rok would be a bookworm, she would know everything. Straight As. We knew Dal would not be doing the reading, he would be very bored, struggling in school. We knew Jankom, he would see his cantankerous Tellarite ways would rub people the wrong way, so we’d love the idea of the combed-down nerd just trying to fit in. And Zero would see young love and what does that feel like? We started with that position and just kind of grew out oh, yeah, and zero would see young love and and what does that feel like? So we kind of started with that position, and then just kind of grew their characters and their arcs from that.

Can you talk about developing Maj’el and why add a new character to the mix? And, was this young Vulcan character developed before T’Lyn on Lower Decks ?

Dan Hageman: Yes, it came up before T’Lyn was created. But we were always like, imagine you’re someone who’s never seen Star Trek and this is your first experience. Who represents it more than Vulcans? And so we really wanted to introduce a Vulcan character. Plus, even a Klingon, which is why there is an episode with a Klingon. So that was the inspiration.

Kevin Hageman: We were inspired by seeing a teenage Vulcan, which we thought was really interesting. And on top of that, our kids going on to Voyager, we love this idea that they’re the misfit students. Ma’jel is a part of Nova Squadron, which is like Top Gun . She’s like Iceman to Maverick.

Dan Hageman: We just thought it would be nice to bring someone else new to the group so it wasn’t like our group is closed, our clubhouse is closed, no more. We want to be able to grow this group because I feel like at season 6 they may have a full crew. Let’s see what’s the whole swath of what Gwyn’s crew looks like.

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The new character Maj’el shakes things up for the gang in season 2 of  Prodigy

Check out our earlier interview with Dan and Kevin for more about the second season and their thoughts on a potential third season.

Season 2 of  Prodigy is available to stream on Netflix globally (excluding Canada, Nordics, CEE, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Mainland China) and season one is currently available on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe with season two coming soon. Season two has launched in France on France Televisions channels and Okoo.

Keep up with news about the  Star Trek Universe

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Six seasons and a movie! Sounds pretty official to me.

Not until someone pays for it.

I appreciate how they developed Wesley in this season. Such fun! Wil Wheaton’s voice acting was excellent.

Wil Wheaton’s voice acting was excellent.

I was quite surprised! Damned good work. Dude’s a natural. Wasn’t expecting that. :)

“I would say they did Wesley Crusher wrong–how they finished Wesley Crusher on TNG”

On the contrary, I thought how they wrapped up Wesley’s character was perfect.

I haven’t watched the new season of Prodigy yet, but this makes me think that it’s going to be more amateurish, fannish writing along the lines of the comics we see discussed here.

If you liked season one, you should enjoy season two.

It’s not, really. The teen characters are still sometimes written and acted to be more broad (Dal and Jankom are the hardest for me to watch), but the story is very smart and would fit in on any of the other shows past or present.

Not gotten to the Wesley reveal yet. This screenshot is a little terrifying, but I have no doubt Wheaton is fantastic and they will bridge the sizeable gap between TNG and Picard. I don’t hate the reason why he left the show in Journey’s End, but it did feel very abrupt and the emotional aspect paled in comparison with Final Mission. His appearance in Nemesis just raised more questions too. I dont know if Prodigy deals with it, but I wish he could get better closure with his mother, that relationship was such a missed opportunity.

I wish he could get better closure with his mother, that relationship was such a missed opportunity.

Up to which episode have you watched so far?

Now up to 13. I hope there’s a little more to come, but appreciated what they’ve done on that front so far.

“I haven’t watched the new season yet, but…”

Proceeds to complain about things that don’t happen.

How can anyone have an opinion of something they haven’t seen?

I mean, have you met a Star Trek fan?

Well played my friend!

This series truly is how trek should move forward. The writing is so good, it works for children and adults. It respects it’s target audience = kids, treats them as developing human beings as opposed to some shows which treat kids as if their stupid and gives them dumbed down content.

agree. I don’t love Prodigy but I love the clear heart they have for Trek. Fan service to a degree yes, but fan service very very well done.

Apart from Discovery, every show is basically just relying on fan service to gain fan appreciation at the moment, it’s a little sad.

I’m halfway through this second season, and while I’m enjoying it, I certainly don’t want all Trek moving forward to take its cues from this show. That’s the beauty of the format they have set up for the franchise now. Every show can be different and that’s a good thing IMO. I love SNW and DIS but glad there are other options and tones available too.

Agree 100%!

This show is so fantastic and just represents Star Trek in all the best ways. I also love that it doesn’t talk down to the kids either and let them firmly know this is what Star Trek is in all its weird, complicated and clever ways .

Please, no Harry Kim! If you have to bring in another Voyager character, then how about Tuvok?

How about both!?

How about modern day Star Trek shows (and fans) abandon this *obsession* with legacy characters showing up all the time for easy fan service wins. DEVELOP NEW CHARACTERS.

There are lots of new characters.

And yet no one cares about any of them, because they’re too focused on the legacy ones that end up taking episodes over.

Plenty of people care about them Harry. You know how I know, because I along with others here talk about them week in and week out for about seven years now.

No offense, it’s very eye rolling that you to want to complain people only care about ‘legacy characters’ but seem to have missed the multiple discussions and fan favorites of new characters from Lorca to Saru, Hemmer, Rios, T’Lyn, Tendi and Shaw. Maj’el seems to be the new fan favorite as everyone is now talking about her. And TM is not the only Trek site out there. Seriously.

They are all discussed quite a bit everywhere online. There have been countless fan-made Youtube videos created around them. However, since the majority have been around less than five seasons (and in many cases like Lorca, Hemmer and Shaw only in one season) you’re not going to have the same level of discussion for characters who has been around for 25+ years and in over a hundred episodes. That’s just reality.

And maybe instead of spending all your time discussing how no one cares about new characters, maybe you should actually discuss some of them yourself as you spent zero time here so far doing that. Start a discussion here and tell us a few of your favorites. Who do you like and why? Let’s go!

But It’s no different than people who complain that fans just come here to put down modern Trek but yet doesn’t take any effort to discuss what they actually like about it themselves. They just come to complain about everyone else and those people get annoying…fast.

And I suspect you’re just Emily under a new handle. Because it’s literally the same broken record and repeated diatribe as it was with her over and over and over again.

I don’t like Harry Kim, plus I’d rather see new characters.

I don’t think GW would have been able to keep his mouth shut on Delta Flyers podcast (which is infinitely better for having Armin and Terry on there) if he were showing up. He’d be acting coy and dropping hints all the time

I don’t listen to his podcast, since I don’t like him, but I agree with you that he’d be showing the behavior you describe if he had a role on one of the new Treks.

What’s wrong with GW? Hes great on the podcast. Him and RDM play off each other amazingly. You can tell they’re friends.

Absolutely love The Delta Flyers and in fact listening to the latest episode today. Both Wang and RDM did a deep dive into Voyager in both how the show was made and their analysis of each episode I greatly appreciated. After so many decades you think you know pretty much everything about these shows only to learn not even close lol. And you just learn a lot about TV production in general; especially from RDM since he’s a director too.

Really enjoying their run through of DS9 as well with Armin Shimmerman and Terry Ferrell.

I couldn’t take more than a couple of seasons of Delta Flyers because of GW. It’s only my love for DS9, Armin and Terry that have brought me back. Yes, you can tell that GW and RDM are good friends, but GW is so annoying. He’s just a huge dork with no sense of timing, volume, how to not interput, adding valuable information, etc…

(yes, I acknowledge the irony of calling somebody a work via a post on a Star Trek fan site….;)

OK fair enough but I really like GW on it personally. To be honest, the person I didn’t really love being there was Terry. I feel bad for saying this but she felt a little annoying to me the same way you feel about Wang. Just something about her. But now I totally love her being there; it just took a little more time for me. But I love listening to Armin the most every time he shows up.

And I had no idea his wife appeared in an episode on the show until they discussed it on Delta Flyers. As said, you’re constantly learning new things about all of them.

Also just hit me for the first time today Robert Duncan McNeil and Ronald D. Moore has the same initials. ;)

There are a lot of behind-the-scenes anecdotes about how badly he treated his co-stars and how unprofessionally he behaved, because he thought he was oh-so-special.

Wow, uhhh… still working our way through the season, thanks for the massive spoiler… :-(

Blame Netflix. This is what happens with binge models, and TrekMovie warned us a few times things could get spoilery.

I will say of all the new shows, Prodigy does lend itself best to a binge. Still there is the issue of how to be on the same page as everyone else and the fan discussions aren’t going to last 20 weeks like they would have in a weekly release, but all the cliffhangers and short runtimes make this a breezy watch.

I hear you but the entire season has been out two weeks already. I get articles about Wheaton being on the show popping up on my phone every few days in the last week.

There is no hard set rules when it’s ok to openly discuss this stuff. Is it a week, two weeks, a month, 6 months? But it’s always been accepted once an episode has aired it’s pretty much open game. Some may wait a few days not to spoil any huge reveals but that’s usually it and as said its been out a few weeks now.

And this is exactly why people like me binged it in two days lol. Because I knew after a week all bets were off.

Love this show. So much heart into it. Truly enjoying this season. Watching it together with my family.

Would have loved a line like, “I haven’t seen such a celebration since Harry Kim became captain of the [ship name] ” Just ANY canon statement that he got promoted. I wouldn’t consider this fan service; I would consider it about time — Poor guy deserves it!

For me it’s the opposite, they’re doing fan service by withholding any mention of any promotion ever – keep him an Ensign for eternity! ;)

Harry has been promoted in every beta canon story from novels to video games. And people seem to constantly forget he was promoted to captain in Endgame as well. And thanks to all these new shows we seen promotions of every Voyager character so far: Janeway, Chakotay, Seven, Paris and Tuvok. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think even the Doctor now has an official rank this season. I’m not sure why Harry wouldn’t be promoted with all the others. If a former Maquis member is now a starfleet captain, pretty sure Kim would be a captain by Picard’s timeline which funny enough Picard season 3 is around the same year we saw him as captain in Endgame.

You really have to give the Hageman brothers so much credit in terms of what fantastic story tellers they are. They managed to give every major character a great arc and wrapped up the story in a beautiful way without any lingering questions (take notes Picard and Discovery). And I really thought it was great that they manage to still give the kid characters their own personal adventures just like season one. Most of us assumed they were just going to be lower deckers hanging out on Voyager the whole time to find Chakotay. But they were smart to set them up on their own quests away from the Voyager crew for half the season and then basically set up the show for season 3 just as it was in season 1. These guys truly understand their show.

And I totally loved seeing Wesley on this show. He’s a lot of fun and amazing in it. And also liked how his character basically represents all of Star Trek canon. They even threw the Kelvin movies a bone with a reference by Wesley. Who thought that would ever happen lol.

Unfortunately I think Wheaton must be a little disappointed that the show is no longer on Paramount+ and hence no discussions about it on The Ready Room. This is the first show since TNG he’s officially apart of and through the entire season and it would’ve been fun to hear his thoughts on his episodes; especially a few other neat little things that shows up in the season. Oh well.

And lastly while I know this isn’t exactly a Voyager sequel, I still love how much we got to see those characters again and how much or their lives have progressed. A lot of fans wanted to know what happen to them after they made it back to Earth and thanks to all these shows, from Picard to Prodigy we are getting a lot of their backstories filled in. It’s really fun for huge Voyager fans like myself. :)

I hope we see a few more of them on LDS next season and still have my fingers crossed that Legacy will happen and we can have Captain Seven bump into more of her Voyager family and say hello from time to time.

At first I found Wheaton’s reprisal of Wesley sounding a bit manic. Then I remembered Wheaton’s over-the-top deliveries during his post-show series on Paramount+. This isn’t mocking folk who have navigate manic incidents (I do, actually) or am I slamming Wheaton and his enthusiasm… just remarking that Wesley seemed a bit manic at first.

Has anyone else drawn an overly eager-to-find-easter-eggs connection between Wesley’s outfit on “Prodigy” and one of the turtlenecks he wore early on in TNG?

Romulan playable starship

  • VisualEditor

ROM Size Chart

Some of the Warbirds available to Romulan Republic players

There is a variety of Romulan playable starships currently available in Star Trek Online . Although Warbirds form the backbone of the Romulan military, there are other ships which behave more like their Federation and Klingon Defense Force counterparts. Romulan players can also fly almost any ship of their respective ally - the Federation or the Klingon Empire . Players of other factions can also fly almost any Romulan starship.

  • 2.1 Temporal Science Vessel
  • 2.2 Temporal Destroyer
  • 2.3 Suliban Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser
  • 2.4 Dewan Allied Pilot Escort
  • 3 Small Craft
  • 4 Romulan Republic-exclusive starships

Warbirds [ | ]

Warbirds – the most iconic of Romulan vessels – have formed the backbone of the Romulan military for centuries. With the destruction of Romulus, these Warbirds have become a lasting symbol of the once mighty empire’s strength – as well as a new home for some of the many refugees in the wake of their planet’s destruction.

To see which rank and profession of Bridge Officers you can have hover your mouse over the icons in the Bridge Officer column of the table. See the shields guide for details on shield capacity.

Non-Warbirds [ | ]

While Warbirds make up the majority of the Romulan fleet, there are several non-Warbird starships available to Romulan captains. Powered by a Matter Anti-Matter Warp Core , these ships behave more like their Federation and Klingon Defense Force counterparts. Generally, these ships lack Singularity abilities and Battle Cloak , but gain access to other abilities, such as Cruiser Command Array .

Temporal Science Vessel [ | ]

Like Starfleet 's Verne -class and Klingon Qul'poH -class , the Sui'Mor -class Temporal Science Vessel (T6) is a Romulan timeship from the 29th century . Vessels of this class have been stolen by the Tholian Assembly and stripped of most of their advanced technology, only to be stolen again by the Ferengi Lobi Crystal Consortium . The Ferengi have been repairing and refitting them for use in modern-day warfare – and then selling them for a modest fee.

This ship is available to Romulan Republic players as a rare drop from the [ Infinity Lock Box ] and comes with the following:

Ship Variant - ROM - Sui'Mor Temporal Science Vessel (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Sui'Mor -class

  • Scaling Starship
  • Enhanced Tipler Cylinder universal console
  • Out of Time starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Science-Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
  • a Secondary Deflector slot
  • built-in Sensor Analysis
  • built-in Subsystem Targeting
  • Sui'Mor and R'Mor ship costume variants
  • Sui'Mor and R'Mor ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ROMULAN TEMPORAL SHIPS)
  • Romulan Temporal Bridge

Temporal Destroyer [ | ]

Like Starfleet 's Klein -class and Klingon Chargh'poH -class , the Tal'aura -class Temporal Destroyer (T6) is a Mirror universe version of the Sui'Mor -class Romulan timeship from the 29th century . Vessels of this class have been stolen by the Tholian Assembly and stripped of most of their advanced technology, only to be stolen again by the Ferengi Lobi Crystal Consortium . The Ferengi have been repairing and refitting them for use in modern-day warfare – and then selling them for a modest fee.

Lobi Crystal icon

SKIN VARIANT: Tal'aura -class

  • Enhanced Manheim Device universal console
  • 1.21 Terrawatts starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Tactical-Temporal Operative bridge officer seating
  • Tal'aura and Talvath ship costume variants
  • Tal'aura and Talvath ship materials (UNLOCKS FOR ALL ROMULAN TEMPORAL SHIPS)
  • A.R.W. registry name prefix option

Suliban Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser [ | ]

The Suliban Silik Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser (T6) has been built in cooperation with the Suliban . Based on a stealth cruiser utilized by the Suliban Cabal in the 22nd century , the Silik -class combines the latest advances in Romulan Republic technology with traditional Suliban engineering ingenuity.

Zen small icon

SKIN VARIANT: Silik -class

  • I.F.F. Manipulator universal console
  • Majority/Minority starship trait
  • Lieutenant Commander Tactical-Command bridge officer seating
  • a built-in Battle Cloak
  • built-in Flight-Deck Cruiser commands
  • 2 Hangar Bay slots (equipped with Suliban Veil Fighters )
  • Silik ship costume & ship material
  • standard Romulan Warbird interior
  • S.C.S. registry name prefix option

The Fleet Suliban Silik Flight-Deck Assault Cruiser (T6) is an improved variant obtainable from the player 's Fleet . The ship lacks the Universal Console and 5th Starship Trait, but comes with an additional console slot, increased Hull Hit Points and Shield Strength.

Dewan Allied Pilot Escort [ | ]

Built as part of a joint project between the Federation , Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic , Dewan pilot starships have been primarily based on technological marvels found within archeological sites on Mol'Rihan , but also incorporate latest technological achievements made by the Andorians and Letheans . Three slightly different ship classes are available, each one adapted for a player of a different career.

Ship Variant - ROM - Dewan Vandros Pilot Escort (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Vandros -class

Ship Variant - ROM - Dewan Dynnasia Pilot Escort (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Dynnasia -class

Ship Variant - ROM - Dewan Ikkabar Pilot Escort (T6)

SKIN VARIANT: Ikkabar -class

  • Commander Tactical/Pilot bridge officer seating
  • built-in Pilot Maneuvers
  • Alliance Hypercannon experimental weapon
  • unlock Dewan Plasma Space Weapons for purchase in the Dilithium Store
  • Dewan Type 1 and Type 2 ship materials
  • D.W.S. registry name prefix option

The Vandros -class Pilot Escort (T6) is tactical -oriented. It also comes with the following:

  • Neurophasic Disruption Field universal console
  • Promise Of Ferocity starship trait
  • Vandros ship costume (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DEWAN PILOT ESCORTS)

The Dynnasia -class Pilot Escort (T6) is engineering -oriented. It also comes with the following:

  • Wing Torpedo Platforms universal console
  • Painful Memories starship trait
  • Dynnasia ship costume (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DEWAN PILOT ESCORTS)

The Ikkabar -class Pilot Escort (T6) is science -oriented. It also comes with the following:

  • Gateway Trap Spawner universal console
  • Improved Gravity Well starship trait
  • Ikkabar ship costume (UNLOCKS FOR ALL DEWAN PILOT ESCORTS)

Small Craft [ | ]

Compared to full-sized starships, Small Craft such as shuttlecraft and fighters have significantly less hull, shields, weapons, bridge officers, consoles, and crew. However, these craft have very high maneuverability and turn rate.

Small Craft are automatically used, when a mission requiring the player to be in such a vessel is launched. Alternatively, it is possible to always fly your small craft by selecting it as your "active" ship.

Romulan Republic-exclusive starships [ | ]

Nearly all the starships above are cross-faction, able to be flown by all Starfleet , Klingon Defense Force and Dominion characters. The following starships can be flown only by Romulan Republic captains:

See also [ | ]

  • Federation playable starship
  • Klingon playable starship
  • Dominion playable starship
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Phoenix Prize Pack


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  4. Playable starship

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    by @daBelgrave. You can easily compare ships. Filter by Tier and Faction, and select which group of stats you wish to see. By default, all tiers for all factions are shown. You can also filter by category, and compare up to four of categories at a time. These results are queried directly from this Google spreadsheet (which contains additional ...

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    The TOS D7 sacrifices a bit in maneuverability and exotic damage shenanigans for increased durability, Cruiser Commands, and an extra aft weapon compared to the T'liss. Also like the T'liss, the TOS D7 is a full Temporal ship and has 3 Lt. Commander BOff stations, though it uses a slightly less powerful Battle Cloak.

  8. Ships

    Star Trek Online provides the player with command of a starship which is to some degree customizable. Each new rank will reward the player with access to a new vessel. Players also have the option of purchasing additional ships with either energy credits or dilithium. It is possible to purchase each type of ship available to each rank. There are three categories of vessel for ranks up to ...

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  10. Tier 6 Fleet Ships

    Below is a list of the Fleet Tier 6 Ships available to each faction with the release of Season 10: Starfleet. Fleet Experimental Science Vessel [T6] - Dauntless Class. Fleet Long Range Science Vessel [T6]- Pathfinder Class. Fleet Guardian Cruiser [T6] Fleet Intel Cruiser [T6] - Eclipse Class. Fleet Intel Escort [T6] - Phantom Class.

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    9. Parting Gift. The mic drop of parting gifts! Originally part of the Privateer Lockbox, the starship trait Parting Gift gives you two gifts for the price of one. Slotting this as one of your starship traits is an excellent endgame strategy as well as an in-battle advantage. What Parting Gift Adds to your Build.

  12. STO Ship DB

    Filter ships by attributes and bridge officer abilities to find your perfect ship in the Star Trek Online game.. Created by Reddit user u/wkrick using data from the Sortable/Filterable T6 Ship List by Reddit user u/Fleffle.. Note: The total number of ships in this app is higher than the source data because Science Destroyers with Tactical/Science modes are each treated as two distinct ships ...

  13. Star Trek Online

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  14. Rank

    In Star Trek Online, ranks denote the level of a character or NPC. Ranks are taken from those ranks used in Star Trek which they themselves, in the case of Starfleet are derived from the U.S. Navy. Higher ranks denote more powerful NPCs and unlock new abilities and systems to the player. A player's character progress through various ranks, comprised of between 5 and 10 levels. The character ...

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    1. Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser. This cruiser is a one-of-a-kind in stealth, weapons, and damage. Considered among the most vicious and deadly of all Federation vessels available, the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser is a must-have ship for any Federation captain.

  16. What's a good ship set from Reps or missions? : r/sto

    If you are just looking for a good general purpose 4 piece ship set, the Preeminent Set from the Lukari Colony mission Melting Pot is decent. Quantum phase set. The torpedo 2 piece with torp spread creates insane aoe shield drain. Quantum Phase Applications is a fantastic starting set.

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    There is a wide variety of Federation playable starships currently available in Star Trek Online for Starfleet, DSC Starfleet and TOS Starfleet characters. Most Federation ships are also available to Starfleet-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. There are three specific types of starship (if carriers are attributed to one of the pre-existing types), and each starship has multiple ...

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    24th. Jim Martin, John Eaves and Rick Sternbach (influences) Jem'Hadar Fighters were the mainline vessel of the Dominion Fleet. The Jem'Hadar were a very powerful Star Trek race, and their ships matched their might. Extremely sturdy, their ships could survive a crash landing on a planet and still be flyable with minimal repairs.

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  24. Romulan playable starship

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