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Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

  • 1 Ride synopsis
  • 2 Differences between the Original and Current versions

Ride synopsis [ ]

The boat exits the station and passes Sindbad's Arabian home village in Baghdad. Everyone in the village wishes Sindbad and his tiger Chandu a safe journey. Just before entering a tunnel, three wise men give warning to dangerous weather. After passing through the tunnel, the boat takes you into a "rainstorm" at Mermaid Rocks with some light rain mist to add to the effect. On the left is Sindbad's broken ship which has been destroyed by the storm. Mermaids rescue Sindbad and Chandu and he is very grateful for his new friends that have saved them.

Sindbad gets a new ship and continues with Chandu on his journey. The next room has pirates that are are attacking the magical roc birds of Rukh Island. The feathers of these birds act as a key to open the room of treasures. Sindbad and Chandu try to stop the pirates from harming the birds. Riders then enter the Cave of the Giant, a room of treasures to find that Sindbad and Chandu have stopped the pirates and have taken one of the roc's feathers and put it into the lock of the prison that holds the Giant who was trying to guard the treasure. Instead of taking the treasure, Sindbad takes the magic feather and unlocks the cell to free the Giant, where Sindbad sings, "More than gems... more than gold... one good deed's worth more than wealth untold..."

Leaving the treasure room, the boat passes the Giant as he sings with Sindbad, celebrating his new freedom with him. The Giant gives the gold to Sindbad and sends Sindbad and Chandu on their way. Sindbad then sails into the Palace of the Sultan, a land in India that has been overtaken by monkeys. The Sultan asks Sindbad to use his magic drum to help them calm the monkeys causing trouble in the area. In the next room, Sindbad has befriended the monkeys in the Land of the Monkeys and has everyone at peace, telling the monkeys that he's had fun with them, but he and Chandu must leave for home as he bids farewell to the monkeys. At the end of the room Sindbad's baby tiger Chandu can be seen peeking out from under a pile of bananas. Having made many friends along the way, Sindbad and Chandu receive help from one more new friend... a giant whale called the "Whale Straits" that picks up their ship and helps them cross the rough seas.

Having arrived safely home, Sindbad takes the treasures and everything else that has been given to him from his journey and he shares it with his village. Everyone celebrates his safe return as the ride ends. The lyrics from the song "Compass of Your Heart" are the theme to the entire ride which says that more than any material things, more than wealth, the most important thing to life and your heart are Friends, and the friendships you encounter through your life.

Differences between the Original and Current versions [ ]


A Sindbad figure with his original facial hair

When the attraction was retooled, there were many alterations to shift the attraction's tone with most scenes being restaged and figures being altered, generally to present Sindbad in a more noble and active light, give the ride's story more focus and add Chandu and the new song. Elements and sequences from the original version that were changed in the new version included:

  • Sindbad originally had facial hair and narrated the story in a more conventional fashion. Paintings in the original queue illustrated the beginning of the story as a merchant's son wanting to seek adventure and treasure.
  • The opening marketplace scene was more of a general busy day rather then Sindbad getting a grand send-off with flags and banners.
  • The mermaid scene had them depicted as sinister sirens playing an enchanting but haunting song. Sindbad does not appear here, but picks up his story crashed on the shores of the Rukh Island and holding aloft assorted treasures, a figure set-up which would be moved to the start of the finale.
  • Figures that were re-dressed as villainous pirates were originally members of Sindbad's crew being undone by their own greed. Sindbad is not present during the Rukh Island scene.
  • The Giant is not imprisoned and his introduction is him angrily watching Sindbad's crewmates playing with his treasure through a gap in the cave wall, while Sindbad watches and narrates from a distance.
  • With the Giant being a more antagonistic force, his next appearance has him holding two of Sindbad's crewmates aloft, while Sindbad raises his sword in an attempt to rescue them, though others are scrambling to escape with what they have.
  • The scene at the Sultan's palace is more about being warned of more dangers ahead. The retool's focus on music and collecting instruments gave this scene more of a narrative purpose.
  • All the monkeys on the Land of the Monkeys are angry and threatening to attack the guests with spears and rocks. Two of Sindbad's fellow crewmates are hiding on a boat that's run aground on the shore where Chandu now sits covered with bananas.
  • Sindbad appears next sailing alongside the enormous whale, the Whale Straits, who had a much more sinister appearance and is carrying three panicking crewmates, one being held aloft by a waterspout and the other two who are thrashing about on top of the whale.
  • The finale has Sindbad unloading his treasure at the docks without any "Welcome Back Sindbad" banners and sitting at a place of honor in fine clothes watching the dancers and fireworks, where some of the treasure is now placed. Before guests arrive at unload, a bearded salesman (actually one of Sindbad's crewmen) is selling Sindbad's boat.
  • In the current version of the attraction, Aladdin and Jasmine make a cameo on a map found in the opening village sequence.
  • The original score from the original incarnation of the attraction can still be heard in the Arabian Coast area as area music, despite being retooled in 2007.

Gallery [ ]

Attraction poster for the original "Seven Voyages" version

Also See [ ]

  • Compass of Your Heart
  • 2 Disney Villains
  • 3 The Emotions


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  • Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

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Set sail for adventure with Sindbad and Chandu!

To find the greatest treasure of all, join Sindbad the sailor and his loyal tiger cub, Chandu. Believe and follow the "compass of your heart" and your journey will be true. The music was written by Disney songwriting legend Alan Menken.

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Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage (Tokyo).

sindbad storybook voyage tokyo disneyland

Fiche technique.

Lieu : Tokyo DisneySea (Japon). Land : Arabian Coast . Date d’ouverture : 4 Septembre 2001. Concepteur : Walt Disney Imagineering. Durée : 10 minutes. Type d’attraction : parcours scénique en bateau. Vitesse : Inconnue. Nombre de véhicules : 24 véhicules. Nombre de passagers par véhicule : 24 passagers. Capacité horaire : Inconnue. Restriction de taille : Aucune. Sensation : Aucune. Femmes enceintes : Autorisé. Single rider : Non. FastPass : Non.

Suivez Sindbad à la recherche du fameux trésor, en compagnie de son tigre Chandu.


Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage prend place dans une forteresse en pierre et son entrée se fait via une tour en forme pyramidale se terminant par un dôme. Sindbad et Chandu sont représentés sur une plaque dorée présente au niveau de la porte.

L’embarquement se fait au coeur d’un village du désert avec des petites maisons, ses tours et ses dômes. Sur le ciel se trouve quelques nuages et des oiseaux passent régulièrement pour lui donner vie.

Vous passez sous un pont et vous êtes dans le village de Sindbad. Celui-ci est sur son bateau avec son tigre et ils vous expliquent l’objet de leur convoitise. Vous découvrez les habitants et le marché : le berger, les musiciens, le vendeur de tapis, la danseuse, des chameaux… Des hommes vous avertissent des dangers de la météo et vous pénétrez dans un tunnel. Par un jeu d’éclairage, vous êtes pris dans une tempête. Vous découvrez le bateau de Sindbad échoué et son ami et lui sont secourus par des sirènes.

Le voyage se poursuit avec des pirates qui tentent d’ouvrir un oeuf afin de récupérer la plume de l’oiseau qui donnera accès à la salle aux trésors. Sindbad vient défendre les oeufs et un des oiseaux pointent le bout de sa tête. Au-dessus de vos têtes, vous verrez un grand oiseau tenant dans ses serres un pirate.

Vous entrez dans la grotte où se trouve le trésor et les pirates surveillés par Chandu. Sindbad détient la grande plume et s’apprête à ouvrir la cellule où était enfermé le Géant. La pièce suivante vous montre le Géant vert dans sa tenue rouge libéré en train de jouer de la musique. Sindbad a obtenu en récompense le trésor qu’il a stocké dans son bateau. Vous arrivez dans un village où les habitants se déplacent à dos d’éléphant. Sindbad chante au milieu des gens et Chandu est porté en honneur sur un socle.

Vous vous retrouvez dans un environnement rocheux avec un ciel nocturne en compagnie de singes jouant de la musique avec Sindbad tandis que d’autres singes s’occupent avec des bananes. Nous passons près du bateau du marin recouvert de bananes. Chandu fait son apparition en en soulevant une pile. Dans une autre scène nocturne, vous voyez le bateau s’éloigner à dos de baleine avec la Lune en arrière-plan. Vous vous retrouvez enfin tout près de la baleine avec Sindbad sur son dos.

Sindbad et Chandu sont de retour chez eux accueillis en héros. Des chameaux passent au-dessus de vos têtes sur un pont portant le fameux trésor. Un feu d’artifice éclate dans le ciel.

En savoir plus.

Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage s’inspire des Contes des Mille et Une Nuits .

A l’origine, l’attraction avait pour nom Sinbad Seven’s Voyages  jusqu’en Septembre 2006. Elle suivait plus fidèlement le conte mais se voulait donc plus sombre : les sirènes attiraient les marins imprudents, les pirates n’existaient pas et c’était l’équipage de Sindbad qui voulait les oeufs, les marins devenaient fous au contact du trésor et le Géant emprisonnait des marins. La nouvelle version de l’attraction arrive le 29 Mars 2007 et est devenue plus douce en offrant une nouvelle adaptation du conte et en ajoutant Chandu comme ami de Sindbad.

L’attraction possède un peu plus de 160 audio-animatronics avec des mouvements pour la plupart élaborés.

La musique et la chanson (« The Compass Of Your Heart ») sont composées par Alan Menken.

Les paroles de la chanson.

La version de « The Compass Of Your Heart » qui suit est une adaptation en anglais.

Lift your sails to the heavens and fly on the breeze ! Steer straight toward the horizon and seek brand new seas ! Life’s awaiting you out there and if you sail true, you may find a priceless treasure waiting too!

Tides may turn you and toss you and storms may arise ! Harm may stand in the path where your destiny lies ! Just reach out for a friend when you’re lost and astray let the compass of your heart show you the way ! As the winds of your fortune propel you along,always steer to the right or you’ll drift to the wrong. Help all those who need helping, no matter their size for the compass of your heart leads to your prize ! Life is the greatest adventure! There is no map, there’s no chart! But if you seek life’s great treasure follow the compass of your heart ! More then gems, more then gold, one good deed’s worth more than wealth untold…

Life is the greatest adventure! There is no map, there’s no chart! But if you seek life’s great treasure follow the compass of your heart ! More then gems, more then gold, one good deed’s worth more than wealth untold…

Lift your sails to the heavens and fly on the breeze ! Steer straight to the horizon and seek brand new seas ! Life’s awaiting you out there and if you sail true, you will find a priceless treasure waiting too ! Life is the greatest adventure ! There is no map, there’s no chart ! But if you seek life’s great treasure follow the compass of your heart !

Life is the greatest adventure ! There is no map, there’s no chart ! But if you seek life’s great treasure follow the compass of your heart !

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Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Giant Free

Guide to the Geography & Story of Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage

Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage is an attraction in the port of Arabian Coast at Tokyo DisneySea. For newcomers to DisneySea, this 13-minute boat ride based on “The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor” from Arabian Nights , might be one of the park’s best-kept secrets. Disney Tourist Blog has even suggested that Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage is a viable contender for the title of “Disney’s Best Modern Dark Ride.”

While it lacks the brand-name recognition of some of the other attractions based on well-known Disney cartoons, Sindbad’s certainly belongs in the upper echelon of rides at Tokyo Disney Resort, right alongside Fastpass favorites like Pooh’s Hunny Hunt and Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek. Tucked away in a building at the back of DisneySea, you could be forgiven for walking right past it, but this is one ride that should not be missed.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Part of what makes Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage so great is that it functions as a world unto itself, within the larger world of Tokyo DisneySea. In the same way that DisneySea is a park made up of seven ports, Sindbad’s is a ride made up of seven rooms. As you enter the queue, you can see paintings on the wall depicting scenes from these rooms.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Before boarding your boat, you can also see a map that plots out the voyage you have ahead of you. Each room in the ride is shown as a spot on the map, giving Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage a real sense of geography, which only adds to the feeling of immersion.

Let’s take a quick look at each map spot, and how it fits into the overall ride story.

Sindbad’s Home Port

Here you meet Sindbad and his loveable sidekick, the tiger cub Chandu.

sinbad's storybook voyage

As you pass through the port, you then encounter an impressive array of other audio-animatronic figures: belly dancers, carpet sellers, shepherds and shadow puppeteers. This port is a hub of great activity. Banners reading, “Farewell, Sindbad!” and “Safe Journey, Sindbad!” help convey that Sinbad is getting a hero’s send-off from his home port.

Alan Menken, the composer responsible for some of Disney’s most memorable songs (he wrote the music for The Little Mermaid , Beauty and the Beast , and Aladdin , to name a few), collaborated with lyricist Glenn Slater on the theme song for Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage. That song, “Compass of Your Heart,” is the very definition of an earworm: starting with Sindbad’s Home Port, the tune will wiggle its way into your head and get stuck there. You might even find yourself humming it for the remainder of your day at DisneySea.

Soon your boat passes through a dark tunnel, but not before one of three wise men—a white-bearded elder in a turban, holding a glowing orb—warns you about the dangerous weather ahead, saying, Ki wo tsukero, Sindbad! Or, “Beware, Sindbad!”

Mermaid Rocks

sinbad's storybook voyage

As you enter this dark room, you can feel some light raindrops sprinkling down on you, simulating the effects of a storm. Photographers might want to shield the top of their camera lens. Sindbad has already ship-wrecked his boat on the rocks in the middle of the storm, but the mermaids rescue him, and he sails off in a new boat to his next destination.

The English translation of the lyrics for this part of the theme song reveals a moving metaphor about overcoming obstacles in life:

“Tides may turn you and toss you / And storms may arise / Harm may stand in the path / Where your destiny lies / Just reach out for a friend / When you’re lost and astray / Let the compass of your heart / Show you the way.”

Rukh Island

sinbad's storybook voyage

In the next room, a band of pirates is attempting to poach the feathers of the magical birds of Rukh Island. The pirates can be seen trying to hack into the giant eggs of these birds with their blades. Nearby there is a cave of treasure; the birds’ feathers can be used to open locks and gain access to the treasure.

Sindbad and Chandu try to thwart the pirates. They are aided by a full-grown bird, perhaps the mother who laid these eggs. The sight of this huge, winged animatronic figure, screeching as it carries off one of the pirates overhead, is the last thing you see before your boat enters the next room. That is unless of course, you get lucky enough to have the boat to yourself … which is a distinct possibility on this ride.

Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage never usually has more than a 5-minute wait, and if you go on a slow night, when everyone else is up at the front of the park watching Fantasmic! , it should not be too hard to walk right on and have your own private boat, giving you the freedom to slide over or even turn around in your seat.

Cave of the Giant

sinbad's storybook voyage

Cave of the Giant is actually two rooms. The first is more like a tunnel, where you can see Sindbad freeing the Giant from his dungeon cell by unlocking it with one of the Rukh feathers.

Outside the cell, the cave is overflowing with treasure. Chandu helps subdue the pirates atop a mountain of gold coins.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Soon the tunnel opens out into a more expansive room, where the Giant sits free among the treasure hoard, playing a bowed lute.  The pirates are all tied up now, and Sindbad is back in his boat, ready to carry off some Rukh feathers and bags of gold as a reward.  He stares up at the Giant, seemingly as wowed as the park guests to see this gigantic, show-stopping animatronic figure.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Throughout this room and the tunnel, the Giant’s deep voice joins in the song. He and Sindbad have a nice harmony going. And again, the lyrics impart a meaningful message.

“More than gems / More than gold / One good deed’s worth more / Than wealth untold.”

Palace of the Sultan

Sailing through a large entrance gate, you next enter a palace where people sit in palanquins on the backs of elephants. Here Sindbad receives some enchanted musical instruments from the sultan of a land that has been overrun by wild monkeys.

The Sultan explains that Sindbad can use these instruments to charm the monkeys. His singing voice also harmonizes with Sindbad’s in a nice way.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Before you leave, Chandu can be seen bouncing up and down on top of a big drum, in time with the music.

Land of the Monkeys

This room has a different feel to it, in that the singing drops out and the music changes, as the gibbering and whooping of the monkeys, take over, along with a new backing track from those enchanted musical instruments.

First, you pass the Monkey King, crowned with an elaborate headdress. Then you round the bend to a formation of red rocks, where Sindbad and the monkeys are in the middle of a jam session on the instruments.

Sindbad says Min’na enso ga sugoku jozuda ne. Tomodachi ni narete hontoni yokatta yo.

Translation: “Everyone is very good at playing music. It was really nice to be friends.”

sinbad's storybook voyage

The monkeys lower bananas into Sindbad’s boat via a pulley system. As you leave the room, Chandu can be seen peeking out from under the banana pile.

Whale Straits

The final room before Sindbad returns home sees him on the open seas again, where he and Chandu encounter a friendly whale. The whale is first glimpsed coming up out of the water with the moon shining behind it in a blue shadow screen.

Then you turn the corner and see the real whale, yet another massive animatronic figure.  It is giving Sindbad and Chandu a ride across the rough waves.  The voyage is almost over.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Sindbad’s Home Port (Return)

A jubilant night atmosphere awaits Sindbad on his return. In his home port, treasure chests have their contents appraised and inventoried, while camels get loaded with the other souvenirs he picked up on his journey. All those Rukh feathers, bags of gold, enchanted instruments, and bananas make their way across a bridge with a banner reading, “Welcome home, Sindbad!”

Characters we met in the first room, like the belly dancer and three wise men, gather to celebrate Sindbad’s homecoming as fireworks go off in the background.

sinbad's storybook voyage

At the end, Sindbad waves goodbye, as Chandu drifts in and out of sleep, having earned the right to rest after a long adventure.

If they see that you are a foreigner, the Cast Member at the entrance to Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage might offer you an English story card, giving a bare-bones outline of what happens on the ride. Or you can ask for one. The cards are double-sided; here is a look at the front and back.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Hopefully, this post will give fans new and old more of an appreciation for Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage. Like a more adventurous version of It’s a Small World, this attraction ferries guests into a world of wonder, exclusively at Tokyo DisneySea.

Photos by The Gaijin Ghost. Follow him on Twitter,  and check out this gallery for more pics of Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage at Tokyo DisneySea.

sinbad's storybook voyage

Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage: Still Awesome.

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In breaking news out of Japan, Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage is still awesome. Yep. Stop the presses. I hype this attraction up a lot, and for good reason: it is epic in scale with a ton of Audio Animatronics…and unfortunately feels like the kind of original, non-IP attraction we are unlikely get in the US parks.

I already have a huge post that goes into excruciating detail as to why I think Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage is one of the best modern Disney dark rides anywhere , so I won’t rehash that. What I do want to reiterate is general “awareness” that something of this caliber exists.

So, for anyone who has gone on the Little Mermaid dark ride and thought it was “good enough,” here’s the type of dark ride Walt Disney Imagineering could create if given the budget and creative latitude. Even if you’ll never visit any park besides the ones in Florida for whatever reason, I think basic awareness of what else is out there is a good thing.

Unfortunately, none of the ride-through videos I’ve seen really do justice to the scale and scope of the attraction–understandably so given the sheer number of Audio Animatronics on both sides of the boat in many scenes. So, to draw the attention of more Disney fans to the excellence of this attraction, I decided to do a 180-degree fisheye ride-through video. Shooting video is absolutely not my thing so the quality and camera work is a bit suspect in places, but I hope it is at least a little more demonstrative of what this attraction has to offer.


It’s tough to convey the full experience of any attraction via video (hence why we all go to the parks instead of just sitting on YouTube), but I hope that at least gives you an idea of what makes this attraction special.

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If you’re thinking of visiting Japan for the first time and are overwhelmed with planning, definitely check out our Tokyo Disney Resort Planning Guide . It covers much more than the parks, from getting there to WiFi to currency and much, much more. To save money on a visit to Japan, read our Tokyo Disney on a Budget article. For more photos and an idea of what we did day-by-day during our first visit, read our Tokyo Disney Resort Trip Report .

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Your Thoughts…

Regardless of whether you’ve had the chance to experience Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage, what do you think of it? Would you like to see unique, original attractions like this in Walt Disney World or Disneyland? Hearing from readers is half the fun, so share your take in the comments!

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Written by Tom Bricker

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It looks for a updated dark/river ride. But there’s one that just bothers me; the scenes around 3min and 5min. It’s daylight in the backdrop paintings and there’s a very visable wall there…with a obvious molding between the ‘wall paper’ and the ceiling.

It’s jarring. Day time on the wall scene..and above night time clouds and above it’s nighttime..with more clouds in the same room and the trim molding separating the two elements.

That kills some of the magic for me because it throws you out of experience and into—oh…trim molding on a wall; it’s like paying attention to visible wiring or can lights in a attraction.

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I think that might be something that’s more pronounced on video than it is in person? It’s never really bugged me…

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You are right Tom in that no video can do this ride justice. The detail is amazing. If one ride was cloned from Tokyo I would choose this one, even over Honey Hunt and Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Same here. I doubt that will ever happen, though.

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In my opinion, the first version (without the Menken song) was much better. The song (which is´nt even great, imo) plays from beginning to end. The first version had a real soundtrack, that worked like a good movie soundtrack – now it feels more like Small World… I´m also not a big fan of the other changes made. (And why they moved the most incredible animatronics, the female dancers on the bridge, to the background is still beyond my comprehension.) Don´t get me wrong, it is still an absolutely great attraction that blows The Little Mermaid out of – oops, almost violated my “no cheap puns” rule… – that is in a completely different league than that ride with the 5 fish on a stick moving back and forth… I just don´t get why they tampered with it – that there are no long lines was never the attractions fault, it had always more to do with its location, and that it is almost hidden. (But then again, i think this is part of its appeal – there is no huge sign, no billboards along the streets of tokyo – when you walk in, it almost feels as if you have discovered sth hidden, you expect a modest, old-fashioned boat tide – and what you get is one of the best attractions of the entire resort.)

A couple of friends and I have gone back and forth on this, and, while I never experienced it in person, I disagree. The old incarnation definitely had a more ‘adult’ tone, but in retrospect, it feels incomplete. I think the Menken song gives it a grandiose, almost epic feel to the story being told, and Chandu works well as a kawaii sidekick who broadens the appeal of the attraction.

It definitely wasn’t (and isn’t) the attraction’s fault that it doesn’t draw huge lines, but that doesn’t matter. An attraction with that many AAs to maintain drawing small crowds is just begging to be replaced. I only hope that the new ‘Frozen’ additions will draw more people to the back part of the park, and give Sindbad an even greater boost. It would be awful to lose this attraction.

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I went on this ride 4 times in my recent TDL trip. I knew i would love it after reading your posts but my mum who was with me loved it as well. She had no idea what to expect which is testament to how good this ride is.

As always – thanks for the blog, love it, keep it up!

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Totally agree with you! This ride is just pure awesomeness. It is beyond me that there are hardly any lines for this ride. It is one of my favorites in the Disneyverse. I am just fascinated by the fluid movements of those mini-animatronics. Last May me and my wife rode Little Mermaid for the first time in MK but I have to say that we loved it. We have no problems with that ride, but that is our opinion. Hope to be in Tokyo again soon!!

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The little bounce that Chandu does on the drum is one of those subtly perfect bits of Imagineering where music, sound design, and character come together for perfect moment of charm and cuteness.

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Planning a trip this November. Hotel is booked! Your trip reports are fantastic! Keep up the great work!!

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That was awesome. Hopefully someday I can see it in person.

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Description And Comments

This epic boat ride lets you experience the adventure of Sindbad, and his tiger cub friend, Chandu, as they sail on an adventure. Along the way you'll encounter mermaids, elephants, a singing giant, a whale, and even a group of monkeys that join Sindbad for a jam session. The art style of the ride makes you feel like you're riding through the pages of a storybook. It's a cross between "it’s a small world" and Pirates of the Caribbean, and we absolutely love it. The ride has more animatronics than any other Disney ride on the planet, 163 to be exact. If Sindbad's Storybook Voyage was in one of the American Disney parks it would be regarded as a modern classic. The ride's song, "Compass of Your Heart," was written by Disney Legend, Alan Menken.

Touring Tips

Ride any time. Sindbad can handle huge numbers of people so there is rarely ever a wait.

How's It Different From the Walt Disney World and Disneyland Versions?

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage is exclusive to Tokyo DisneySea.

Is it English Friendly?

All songs and dialogue is in Japanese. But thankfully the visuals are good enough that you don't really need to know the language to enjoy the ride.

Ride Through Video

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sinbad's storybook voyage


Tokyo DisneySea – Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - entrance

Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage is perhaps the most overlooked and underrated attraction at Tokyo DisneySea . Placed at a quiet corner of Arabian Coast , this dark ride portrays Sindbad’s exciting voyages with music by Alan Menken. The ride is also well known for its number of incredibly life-like (and yet cartoon) animatronics.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Queue

The attraction was revamped in 2007. The first iteration opened along with Tokyo DisneySea in 2011. Known back then as Sindbad’s Seven Voyages , it wasn’t a grand celebration of Sindbad’s tour of the world in song. Instead, it was a loose adaptation of the seven voyages, which includes Sindbad slaying creatures and stealing treasure. Perhaps the overall message wasn’t well received by the Japanese audience – Sindbad always had a very short wait, rarely above 25 minutes.

The reworking of this attraction kept the general scheme of scenes and characters, but all of them turned into Sindbad’s friends; and the treasures became “gifts” instead. Sindbad was also given a makeover (which looks very odd, compared to the original look) and a tiger cub companion called Chandu .

As I’ve visited Tokyo DisneySea over a decade ago, I enjoyed the first version of this attraction very much. There was a greater sense of mystery, violence and dark humour that is subtly masked by the ride’s cartoon look. Many people said that the ride is Pirates of the Caribbean meets it’s a small world .

I still enjoy the ride now, it’s just that much of the ride’s unique concept was lost with the changes.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Queue 2

The map of Sindbad’s voyage, as well as his “new friends” met along the way.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Loading

Amazing amount of detail at the loading platform.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - The River

Looking back at the river. This is also one of those very rare slow river rides that attempts to mask the water channel. The water extends into the set design – it’s not like sitting in a boat that’s moving along a concrete canal with things on both sides. You do feel like you’re floating through the rivers and seas.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage -Sindbad and Chandu

Sindbad and Chandu .

The catchy song that accompanied the revamp, “Compass of Your Heart” by Alan Menken, is incredibly well executed in this attraction. While different verses are looped in each scene, the transition is fluid, even shifting into perfect counterpoint at some moments. The song also pauses at some lines so that Sindbad can talk. And all of this doesn’t just happening as “background music” – the animatronic figures portray singing movements very expressively.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Farewell!

Fluffy sheep – not just static decoration.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - The Village

It is amazing how many animatronics are in this ride (Let’s not forget that every one of them is individually programmed to work with the song). The first scene probably has over 20 figures scattered all over. There are so many figures that it’s not possible to see them all in one sitting. Some dark rides don’t even have 10 animatronics throughout the entire ride.

With new attractions increasingly relying on projection effects, I won’t be surprised if Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage has more animated figures than some entire theme parks (i.e. Universal Studios). It is even more amazing that they are smaller than the usual humanoid fare, but yet still capable of life-like, fluid movement. And that is for a ride that opened in 2001.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Shadow Puppets

Shadow Puppetry – not a video projection! The animatronic puppeteer is behind the screen.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Giant Eggs

After the first scene is where most of the changes took place. The mermaids did not cause the shipwreck; Sindbad rescued the Rukh (or Roc) hatchlings from bandits…

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Freeing the Giant

He also freed the giant with a giant feather, possibly a gift from the Rukh (not pictured, but it flies above guests in a previous scene!)

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Freeing the Giant 2

There is now a happy Giant in Sindbad’s voyage, who graciously gave away treasure and musical instruments.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Giant's Treasure

The new Sultan, who has a new-found interest in music.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Land of the Monkeys

Those who’ve seen the original ride will know that the Monkeys were not giving away baskets of bananas.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Whale

The Whale also became Sindbad’s friend, giving him and Chandu a lift around the seas.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Back Home

Sindbad finally returns home!

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Celebrations

The last scene is a grand celebration for Sindbad’s safe return. Lots of animatronics and a really nice firework effect.

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage - Celebrations 2

Next stop in the Grand Photo Tour: A walk around the majestic and beautiful Arabian Coast .

sinbad's storybook voyage

Tokyo DisneySea

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Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage

  • J. Jeff Kober
  • August 19, 2019
  • Tokyo Disney Resort

Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage

This week’s podcast we are talking about Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage and why it’s such a favorite of those visiting Tokyo Disney Sea. You may want to see the show notes for part of the podcast on Disney at Work . We also study the attraction’s anthem, Compass of Your Heart, and looks at the personal meaning one can draw not only from the song, but from changes made to the attraction after it opened. You can find the podcast to this episode here on Podbean  and  here at iTunes .

Who is Sinbad?

Not everyone has a chance to visit Disney’s amazing theme parks located in Tokyo, but those who do often claim that Tokyo DisneySea is the best of the Disney theme parks worldwide. And often visitors report that one of their favorite attractions is Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage.

sinbad's storybook voyage

There are three reasons why this attraction should not work:

#1. Location. This attraction is stuffed in the back of the park almost hidden from Guests. It is in the Arabian Coast section, a land with two courtyards, separated by intimate alleys. If you didn’t know what you were looking for, you could conceivably walk past it.

#2. Language/Culture. It’s a Middle Eastern story sung in Japanese. I don’t know that the Japanese embrace the Middle East in the same way they embrace the American West. Certainly those who don’t know Japanese don’t have the benefit of knowing the words to the story due to language limitations.

#3. Not Disney IP. It’s not Aladdin . It’s not from a film you’ve seen before. It’s not an official Disney intellectual property. Therefore, it doesn’t call out to you because of its familiarity.

With all there is to see at Tokyo DisneySea–and there’s a lot–you would easily miss this attraction. And yet, those who see it find one of Disney’s great treasures. You can watch it below:

So Why Is It Great?

So here are five reasons that I think this is one of my favorite attractions in all Disney parks around the world:

#5. How Cool–No Wait. During summer months it can be really hot and humid in Tokyo. Moving inside a building with great air conditioning is a big blessing. Added to that, there is usually little wait. I think that’s because the attraction is so far in the corner of the park. And, it is capable of moving over 3,000 people an hour. I’ve never waited more than 5 minutes in the middle of the day, and with the attraction as long as it is, you feel refreshed by the time you disembark.

#4. It’s Beautiful. This ride has almost as much color and beauty as “it’s a small world”. There are plenty of details to enjoy as you ride through the experience. I particularly love the fireworks at the conclusion, which are fiber optics in the shape of mosaic designs.

#3. Chandu! You have to love this tiger! He’s so darn cute! Added to this attraction as Sinbad’s wing man when the second version was created, you can’t help but want to go out and buy a plush when the show is over. You can also get a “Chandu Tail” to snack on at the nearby Sultan’s Oasis.

#2 . Terrific Animatronics. And lots of them. Not as many as in “it’s a small world”, but a number not too far from that. They are larger than the dolls in that attraction, perhaps by a fourth or a third. And they are much more animatronic, more fluid in their movement. And then there’s the bird, the giant and the whale. All huge. All seemingly bigger than a Yeti in Disney’s Animal Kingdom–and they all work! The crew a Tokyo Disney maintain animatronics–and everything else for that matter–at a level so much better than anywhere else.

sinbad's storybook voyage

#1 Best Song Ever! Compass of Your Heart is to Sinbad’s what it’s a small world is to its namesake. Written by Alan Menken with English Lyrics by Glen Slater, this tune is arguably as compelling as the Sherman brother’s song. You would be singing along by the end of the voyage if you only knew the words. Unfortunately, the entire attraction is sung in Japanese. But the score is still dead drop gorgeous.

I’ve paid homage to this song alone. Visit Disney at Work where you’ll learn that there were two versions of this show, and how the song emphasizes a very different message than what was originally in the attraction.

Is it Popular in Japan?

I’m not sure. The lines are never long, but again, that’s because it’s in the corner of the park, and because the attraction easily swallows up a lot of guests at any time. In the following video you’ll see the song performed live. Look at the faces of the Japanese. They are not only thrilled–they are moved. And it’s not because it’s Menken’s best performance:

But would it be popular in the United States?

If you want to reinvent Epcot, this attraction should be placed in Morocco. And Disney should do a film based on this character. Just because Imagineering came up with the concept, doesn’t mean that these characters and stories couldn’t come to life on the big screen. This is a missed opportunity! If you ever have a chance to see it, visit Sinbad’s Storybook Voyage.

If you love to learn more about Tokyo DisneySea you can visit our comparison of Mysterious Island at Tokyo DisneySea and Galaxy’s edge. You can also find that here at Disney at Play .

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Sinbad's Storybook Voyage

Sinbad's Storybook Voyage , formerly known as Sinbad's Seven Voyages, is a boat ride at  Tokyo DisneySea . The attraction is located in the Arabian Coast port-of-call. The ride first opened to guests on September 4 , 2001 and being much darker in tone, underwent a significant overhaul in 2006, re-opening as Storybook Voyage on March 29, 2007. The ride neighbors  Jasmine's Flying Carpets , an aerial carousel attraction. 

Ride synopsis [ ]

The boat exits the station and passes a small, dainty Arabian village. The boat turns to the right and passes Sinbad's village in which the riders were greeted by Sinbad and his pet tiger Chandu. Riders are than taken to other parts of the village and are warned by three wise men telling that your journey will be dangerous and that you should follow the compass of your heart. Riders then enter a tunnel with a sign above saying "SAFE JOURNEY, SINBAD!". The tunnel leads to a scene with Sinbad and Chandu singing with mermaids while trying to escape a thunder storm. The boat then turns to the right near several boats with evil pirates trying to kidnap the magical roc birds which were popping out of eggs along with Sinbad and Chandu tying them up and fighting against them. Riders pass under a giant flying roc bird carrying away one of the pirates and enter another cave with a scene with Chandu tying up a pirate in beads along with two other pirates (one with a large trophy on his head and another with his legs sticking out of tons of gold) while Sinbad is releasing a giant from his prison cell by using a magic feather. Riders then enter another room with the giant singing with Sinbad while the pirates have been tied up. The boat then enters a room with Sinbad being told by a sultan that he must calm the rutty monkeys down by playing music as they sing along together with Chandu banging on top of a large drum to the rhythm. The boat then enters another cave with Sinbad and the monkeys dancing, drumming, and chattering. The riders pass Sinbad's boat loaded with bananas in it with Chandu popping out of it. The boat enters a cave with a scene of Sinbad's boat in the ocean as a whale rises up underneath it. The boats then enter a room with Sinbad and Chandu, alive and well with food, standing on top of a gigantic animatronic whale. Then riders are taken to a scene with all of the villagers singing a "WELCOME BACK" song to Sinbad, who gleefully returns to his Arabian village. Riders pass under a bridge with camels walking on top of it that says "WELCOME HOME, SINBAD!" The boat then passes more of Sinbad's village, and then pass Sinbad wishing the riders a goodbye while Chandu drifts off to sleep, before heading back to the station.

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A map featured in the queue of Sinbad's Storybook Voyage.

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Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

sinbad's storybook voyage

I couldn't get that song out of my head either. It amazes me that this ride even exists. How it didn't wind up Aladdin's voyage, I'll never know.

Well, I'm thankful that it is what it is! lol

Without a doubt this is one of the finest attractions at any Disney park in the world. Sinbad's Storybook Voyage is a hidden gem. Every aspect is superbly executed...and that song, I couldn't stop hearing it either. The various figures have amazing personalities and are reminiscient of the work of legendary puppeteer Bill Baird. This is one ride not to miss.

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Attraction of the week: Sindbad's Storybook Voyage at Tokyo DisneySea

October 8, 2012, 4:07 PM · Now this is what I love in a theme park attraction: Great storytelling, a lively, original musical score I'll be humming for the rest of the day, and 10+ minutes riding through in a dark, air-conditioned show building. Why can't theme park companies build rides like that anymore?

Well, they can, and they do. You just have to fly to Asia to ride them. :^(

Our Attraction of the Week this week is Sindbad's Storybook Voyage from Tokyo DisneySea. You'll follow Sindbad the sailor and his tiger cub, Chandu, as they sail from their home port to Mermaid Rocks, then on to Rukh Island, the Cave of the Giant, the Palace of the Sultan, the Land of the Monkeys, and finally to Whale Straits, before returning home. Along the way, you'll find some of the largest animatronic figures anywhere, creating an awe-inspiring scale that's unmatched in any other dark ride, including Pirates of the Caribbean.

Like Pirates, Sindbad's Storybook Voyage is built around an original song, this time by Alan Menken. The ride's "The Compass of Your Heart" will burrow into your ear and stick there long after the flight home. Have a listen:

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage debuted in Spring 2007, replacing the original Sindbad's Seven Voyages ride that opened with the park in 2001. (The song premiered in the 2007 revamp.) Found in the Arabian Coast land of Tokyo DisneySea, Sindbad's Storybook Voyage does not appear at any other Disney theme park, and along with other unique attractions such as Journey to the Center of the Earth and Aquatopia, has helped push Tokyo DisneySea to the title of World's Best Theme Park in this year's Theme Park Insider Awards .

While that shows Sindbad's got some fans, I don't think this ride yet has enough. I know it's based on a public-domain character, and not a trademarked Disney princess, but I wish that Disney could find a home for Sindbad at Walt Disney World. Or, at least, for a ride of the same scale and ambition.

Replies (17)


Attraction of the week looks like a fun weekly article! I love it!


Sindbad's Storybook Voyage fills me with a mix of hope (that such an attraction can still be produced by WDI) and sadness (that such an attraction will likely never surface in the American parks). Why can't Disney trust that American audiences will respond to this sort of thing?


I couldn't agree more with that last paragraph, Robert. Little less Princesses little more something else...

Those larger animatronic figures look nice and pretty interesting. I'm sure they do impact positively the scale as you mention. But my favorites are the previous to last scene, what looks like a "Dancing, Harem". Ha,ha! It's also nice that is named "Simbad", while not unheard of, at least is not like some of the other repetitive names around.

So Robert, that would be a pretty welcomed addition, it doesn't even have to be Simbad. It could be a new character, with his/her own new music! Why do you think they don't do that? Merchandising purposes, trademarks? Maybe something like, the American crowd/visitors won't really identify with a "No" name (compare to Disney's famous princesses), like Simbad?


Lets face it, Asia is the next America, and America is getting cheaper by the day.

They get DisneySea, and we get meet and greets.

I'm Daniel Etcheberry and I approve this message.


Silly question..is this based on Sinbad the Sailor? If yes, then why the extra "d?" Or was this just a misprint throughout the article? Maybe the name "Sinbad" is trademarked by the comedian of the same name, necessitating the alteration? This is not a joke post, I'm seriously asking.

Daniel that's funny, and true. But like Tim says, it's also sad...


I think the perception is that American audiences most likely WON'T accept a non Disney property like Sinbad, but I don't think that's true.

If a detailed attraction like Sinbad came to the parks, I think most (general) theme park guest would welcome it.

I think though when you have groups that are against any sort of change.....they simply are more vocal & it's assumed that's the consensus.

Look at the alcohol debate about the new fantasyland.....not saying either party is right or wrong, but it just comes across as that any new move that is made, that might not be traditional, may cause controversy......i.e bringing something like Sinbad here, when you have plenty of disney properties to use!! How could they!

Something like the disney princesses is simply a franchise that makes a ton of money & the target demo for that will buy the merchandise regardless of an attraction. A couple of meet n greets and their demo is fine.

Mike I don't think that is a silly question. I assumed the same thing! I honestly didn't pay that much attention to the name. Now I'm curious too...


The Sinbad/Sindbad thing is straight outta copy-editing hell. Some use one way; some use the other. TDS uses the extra D.

In Spanish it's: Simbad el marino.

Well Asia is a continent and America is a country so that comment is extremely vague. Japan is the worlds 3rd largest economy with high per capita income compared to the west, and a population that embraces American and Disney culture overwhelmingly and thats why they have an ecxellent disneyland. Thats an assertion based on fact. Now about the sinbad ride, looks like an excellent attraction however I prefer the realism of pirates of the Caribbean to the cartoony look of sinbad any day. In my opinion the original POTC in Disneyland has still to this day not been surpassed in terms of story, immersion, and rerideability even after 43 years!


Why must flight tickets be so expensive?!?! :(


An amazing attraction and exactly the kind of ride they should be building at WDW to get rid of its staleness. Why doesn't Disney make an animated film of Sinbad? They already have a song and a ride. If Disney doesn't believe American audiences would react well to a non-Disney character ride, then give us a dark ride of this caliber themed to Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast. No more spinners, 3D movies or meet 'n greets.

In English, it's Sinbad The Annoying Comedian.

Somewhere on the annoying scale behind Gallagher (the watermelon smashing one, not the TPI one.)

I could imagine Sinbad's Storybook Voyage...


I couldn't really tell the scale in the video, but it seems to me like it has a Mary Blair/small world (sic) look to it. As far as any other Disney park getting a ride like this, or at least of this quality, I wouldn't hold my breath. Disney holds the Oriental Land Co. to a standard that Disney doesn't hold themselves to.


It's attractions like this that are the main reason I want to visit the Tokyo parks. I couldn't care less about riding cloned rides (one of the main reasons I haven't visited WDW yet), but the Tokyo parks seem to have a number of unique attractions that aren't found anywhere else. One day, hopefully, I'll get over there, but not likely within this decade.

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Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage (anciennement Sinbad Seven's Voyages ) est une attraction du parc Tokyo DisneySea à Tokyo Disney Resort au Japon . Elle appartient à la zone appelée Arabian Coast thématisée sur les Mille et Une Nuits .

Sindbad's Storybook Voyage est une croisière scénique à travers différents tableaux animés par des audio-animatronics. L'histoire et le thème reposent sur les aventures de Sinbad le Marin , légende appartenant aux Contes des Mille et Une Nuits . Elle utilise une mise en scène semblable à un mélange entre les attractions It's a Small World et Pirates des Caraïbes avec ses décors, ses personnages stylisés et sa bande-son en boucle.


  • Sinbad Seven's Voyages de septembre 2001 à septembre 2006
  • Sindbad's Storybook Voyage depuis le 29 mars 2007
  • Rénovation : 29 mars 2007
  • Durée : 7 min 30 s
  • Audio-animatronics : 127 personnages et 36 animaux
  • Nombre de bateaux : 24
  • Capacité des bateaux : 24 passagers
  • Longueur du canal : 320 m.
  • Type d'attraction : croisière scénique
  • Situation : 35° 37′ 43″ N 139° 52′ 53″ E / 35.628499 , 139.881442
  • Sindbad's Seven Voyages

C'est la version d'origine de cette attraction. Elle offrait aux visiteurs la possibilité de revivre les aventures de Sindbad le Marin, telles qu'elles se déroulent dans le conte.

Le voyage débute dans le port de Bagdad , cité florissante animée de nombreuses activités de rues. Les visiteurs suivent Sindbad prêt à partir pour un voyage commercial. De vieux sages les mettent en garde contre les dangers de l'océan.

Puis, les voyageurs se retrouvent dans la nuit, au beau milieu des récifs des Sirènes . Celles-ci, entourées d'épaves fracassées contre les rochers, délivrent leur chant envoûtant à l'intention des imprudents, très certainement en vue d'une issue fatale. Les bateaux, s'écartant de ce danger, rejoignent Sindbad sur la côte alors qu'il tente de sauver sa marchandise. L'expédition s'étant échouée sur une île inconnue, les marins cherchent de la nourriture. Après avoir trouvé des oeufs gigantesques, ils entreprenent de les casser et de cuisiner les poussins géants à l'intérieur. Mais ceci ne peut qu'irriter l'Oiseau Roc, la mère des poussins, qui s'abat subitement sur les marins.

Après avoir échappé à ce danger, le groupe découvre une caverne abritant un fabuleux trésor. Cette masse d'or fait perdre la tête, et la plupart des marins, malgré les avertissements de Sindbad, se ruent dessus. Les visiteurs aperçoivent alors un Géant monstrueux surveillant les imprudents au fond de la caverne. La scène suivante montre ce même Géant ayant attrapé deux des marins (certainement pour les dévorer), alors que les autres lèvent l'ancre dans l'urgence, tout en emportant le plus d'or possible.

La scène suivante s'avère plus tranquille. Sindbad vient de faire escale dans une riche cité, où ses affaires vont visiblement fleurir. Puis commence le retour vers Bagdad. Il faut franchir un détroit peuplé d' Hommes-Singes particulièrement hostiles. Au passage des voyageurs, ils se mettent à les lapider. L'expédition se réduisant de plus en plus, Sindbad et ses deux derniers camarades se retrouvent perdus en pleine nuit sur l'océan, et ils accostent sur un îlot abandonné. Mais cet îlot s'avère être en réalité une baleine monstrueuse, dont seul le dos émergeait, et cet animal les entraîne dangereusement vers la côte.

Finalement, Sindbad est capable de rejoindre Bagdad, où il est accueilli triomphalement par la population. Là s'achève ce voyage mouvementé.

La décision fut prise de modifier cette attraction en 2006, ce qui déboucha sur Sindbad's Storybook Voyage .

Il s'agit de la nouvelle version de l'attraction, avec une révision de l'histoire (cette fois-ci il s'agit plus d'une nouvelle aventure de Sindbad que de celles du conte). L'enchaînement général des scènes est le même, bien que ces scènes soient modifiées. On notera l'introduction d'une nouvelle piste musicale avec chanson, intitulée The Compass of Your Heart , composée par Alan Menken (compositeur des musiques de nombreux films Disney, notamment Aladdin ), ainsi que l'ajout d'un petit tigre, Chandu, pour accompagner le héros.

Le voyage débute dans le port de Bagdad comme auparavant. Sindbad et Chandu s'apprêtent à partir pour un voyage commercial, en compagnie des visiteurs. Très vite, Sindbad s'échoue sur un récif au beau milieu d'une mer déchaînée. Des Sirènes lui portent alors secours, et le conduisent sur la terre la plus proche.

Sur cette île inconnue, les voyageurs croisent la route de Pirates habillés de noir, entreprenant de voler les oeufs de l'Oiseau Roc. Sindbad et Chandu offrent leur aide à l'Oiseau, et mettent en déroute les Pirates Noirs. Plus loin, en suivant la trace des forbans, Sindbad déjoue leur plan consistant à dérober l'or d'un Géant. Après les avoir neutralisés et libéré le Géant, il repart vers la destination de son voyage.

Au retour, les voyageurs empruntent un détroit peuplé d' Hommes-Singes amicaux, les accueillant chaleureusement. Puis, Sindbad, se retrouvant sur le dos d'une baleine, qu'il avait pris au départ pour un îlot, retourne vers Bagdad, où la population lui réserve un accueil triomphal.

Liens externes

  • Sindbad's Seven Voyages & Sindbad's Storybook Voyage
  • Tokyo DisneySea
  • Attraction d'un parc Disney
  • Parcours scénique

Wikimedia Foundation . 2010 .

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA . Source : Article Sindbad's Storybook Voyage de Wikipédia en français ( auteurs )

  • Sindbad (service de reference)

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  1. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

    Sindbad's Storybook Voyage est une croisière scénique à travers différents tableaux animés par des audio-animatronics. L'histoire et le thème reposent sur les aventures de Sinbad le marin, légende appartenant aux contes des Mille et Une Nuits.

  2. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

    Sindbad's Storybook Voyage is a musical boat cruise dark ride at Tokyo DisneySea, inspired by the story of Sindbad the Sailor. The attraction features the song " Compass of Your Heart " composed by Alan Menken [1] and sung by Kenji Sakamoto.

  3. [4K] Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

    [4K] Sindbad's Storybook Voyage Ride at Tokyo DisneySeaFilmed 1/28/2016

  4. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

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  5. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

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  13. Tokyo DisneySea

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  14. シンドバッド・ストーリーブック・ヴォヤッジ / Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

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  19. Category : Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

    Sinbad's Storybook Voyage 02.jpg 1,024 × 768; 383 KB Sinbad's Storybook Voyage 03.jpg 1,024 × 768; 449 KB Sindbad's Storybook Voyage scene.JPG 4,896 × 3,672; 3.6 MB

  20. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage POV Tokyo DisneySea Japan Dark ...

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  21. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

    Sindbad's Storybook Voyage est une croisière scénique à travers différents tableaux animés par des audio-animatronics. L'histoire et le thème reposent sur les aventures de Sinbad le marin, légende appartenant aux contes des Mille et Une Nuits.

  22. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage

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  23. Tokyo DisneySea

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