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The Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney’s Animal Kingdom (A Resorts Gal Guide)

The Maharajah Jungle Trek is a walking trail through the mythical Anandapur Royal Forest, which is most commonly known for its Sumatran Tiger habitat. In addition to the tigers, guests will have the opportunity to see a variety of other wild animals and over 50 species of birds. You might even encounter a few bats in their open air habitat. However, you’ll have the opportunity to skip that area if you prefer.

We’ve walked through the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney’s Animal Kingdom countless times. Below, we’ll take you on a virtual walk through the ancient ruins and discuss the animal encounters you’ll find. We’ll also discuss the aviary with exotic birds at the end of the trail. Like the bat habitat, this area is skippable, but we think it’s worth the walk-through.

As you probably know, a visit to Disney’s Animal Kingdom is about so much more than hitting a few thrill rides and bouncing to the next park. When it comes to theming, the park is a work of art with plenty of places to explore.

signage for the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Before we get into the specifics of the trail, here are a few references for this attraction.

Accessibility: Maharajah Jungle Trek is a self-guided walking tour. Guests can remain in a wheelchair or ECV for this attraction. However, due to the nature of the experience, service animals are not allowed in some areas of the trail. An audio description is available for this attraction.

Maharajah Jungle Trek’s entrance is toward the back of the Asia section of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. It sits directly behind Kali River Rapids , a water raft attraction. While the Sumatran tigers are the biggest draw for the trail, several other unique species call Maharajah Jungle Trek home. For instance, there’s a Komodo Dragon, Malayan Flying Fox (bats), Water Buffalo, Lion Tailed Macaque, and various birds. The trail was originally home to Malayan Tapirs, an endangered species. However, they have been absent for some time.

A sign at the trail’s entrance shares part of the fictional backstory of the Anandapur Royal Forest, where the trail resides.

“Since very ancient times, the Rajahs of Anandapur have hunted tigers in this forest. In A.D. 1544, King Bhima Disampati decreed the forest a royal preserve closed to all save his guests and built a royal hunting lodge whose ruins lie nearby. After 1948, the Royal Forest was given to the people of Anandapur. Today the forest protects not only the remaining tigers and other wildlife but is a valuable watershed of the Chakranadi River and some of the last remaining virgin forest in this region.”

a sign near the trail's entrance that tells the Anandapur Royal Forest story

Maharajah Jungle Trek usually opens with the park. However, it closes based on what time the sun sets. For instance, on the day I took this photo, it was open through 6:30 p.m. When it gets dark earlier, the trail usually closes by 5:00 p.m.

a sign that tells what time the Maharajah Jungle Trek closes each day

It’s difficult to say when is the best time to walk the trail. The tigers are often more active in the morning until about lunchtime. However, I have found the trail pleasant and less busy during the latter part of the day. That’s usually when the tigers are napping, which can make them difficult to see. A digital guide map is available by scanning the QR code past the trail’s entrance.

a QR code and digital map that shows the layout of the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Since the trail is self-guided, you might enjoy having the trail map as a reference. When glancing at the map, the trail might appear to be a pretty lengthy walk. However, it’s only about 1/3 of a mile long, and plenty of benches are available if anyone needs a break.

You will encounter a few Wilderness Explorer stops along the trail. If your children are participating in the program, keep your eyes peeled for the WE signs.

a map that shows the animal habitats on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

As we start down the trail, we run into the first habitat. This area is home to the Komodo Dragon, the world’s largest lizard. She is usually lying on a large rock, taking in a little sunshine.

the Komodo Dragon on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

However, if you visit on a cooler day, you might not see her. Like most Floridians, they don’t care for cooler weather.

the Komodo Dragon taking a nap on a rock at Maharajah Jungle Trek

Next, we come across the home of the Lion-Tailed Macaque.

a lion-tailed macaque painted on a sign

Typically, we see two to three of these guys hanging out. It’s fun to stop and watch them for a bit. A cast member is often available at this habitat. They will answer questions and share fun facts about these old-world monkeys.

two lion-tailed Macaque's at the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Immediately past the Lion-tailed macaques, you’ll enter a smaller building. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to continue into an exhibit with bats, or you can bypass this area and continue toward the tiger enclosures.

the area where you walk through if you do not wish to see the bats on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

The enclosure is home to Giant Flying Fox and Rodrigues Fruit Bats. Inside, you’ll find information about bats and how they contribute to life in the forest. Did you know that bats are pollinators?

a chalkboard that shares facts about the two types of bats on the tiger trail at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Toward the back of the room, you can see you can see the bats hanging from the trees. Unfortunately, they tend to blend in with the trees. But you can see one hanging below toward the center of the picture.

a fruit bat folded in a tree on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Another display in this area has a Tree Monitor.

a tree monitor at Disney's Animal Kingdom

A Prehensile Tailed Skink is on the opposite side of the room.

a Prehensile Tailed Skink at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Sumatran Tigers at Maharajah Jungle Trek

As we continue along the Maharajah Jungle Trek, it’s time to be on the lookout for a few tigers.

a sign that says Tigers are frequently encountered in the ruins ahead on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Typically, the male tiger is housed in the first large habitat. If you look closely at the photo below, he’s in front of the pair of double doors.

a tiger near the entrance to its habitat

Sometimes the tigers are moving around, and you can easily spot them. Other times, they are challenging to locate. As mentioned earlier, the tigers tend to be more active earlier. On a recent visit, we caught this tiger playing with a toy designed to look like a carcass. The cast member at the exhibit said they spray it with meat and give it to the tiger as a treat.

a tiger with a toy carcass that the cast members spray with meat

On another visit, I saw him playing with what looked like a ball. However, as you can imagine, a tiger could quickly destroy a ball. This was some sort of metal object.

A Sumatran tiger playing with a small tank at Disney's Animal Kingdom

A few years back, the male and female tigers that live here gave birth to twins. It was thrilling to have the opportunity to see them. However, the cubs were eventually separated and moved to other zoos. In addition to the tigers, the scenery in this area is stunning. Beautiful ruins are painted with murals portraying a sad story of the hunter and the hunted.

Legend has it that the Anandapur Royal Forest was once the hunting ground of wealthy maharajahs; today it’s a lush tropical paradise you can explore on a self-guided tour. Per Disney

a mural on the Maharajah Jungle Trek with a tiger

Fun fact: Each of the four Maharajah murals has a hidden Mickey!

a hunter holding a bow and arrow mural

After the first tiger habitat, we continue into a large open area. It is somewhat similar to the savanna on Kilimanjaro Safaris . Animals are often grazing nearby. You might see Water Buffalo, Blackbuck, or Elds Deer in this area. Sometimes, you might see a cast member feeding them. If so, you’ll get to see a good deal of activity. The Blackbuck have unique horns and are the fastest antelopes in the world.

a water buffalo grazing

This is also an excellent spot to take a break.

benches where guests can stop to rest along the Maharajah Jungle Trek

A few water fountains are nearby.

a themed area on the Maharajah Jungle Trek with an old car and stone walls

As we continue our journey through the forest, we come across a bridge with viewing areas on each side. The bridge itself is a showpiece.

prayer flags strung over a bridge on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

To the right side, you’ll look into the other tiger viewing area. This is usually where the female tiger is located.

a scenic setting with tiger murals on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Prayer flags are strung overhead, and ties are woven into the fencing.

ribbons tied to the chain link fence

Sometimes you might see a few water buffalo on the opposite side of the bridge.

water buffalo cooling off in the water at Maharajah Jungle Trek

If you see a cast member in the area, they will typically point out hard-to-see animals. Animal Kingdom cast members are very knowledgeable about the animals and encourage questions.

a tiger in the weeks with something in his mouth at Disney's Animal Kingdom

As we near the trail’s end, we come across another wall of murals.

ancient ruins theming on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Here, we enter a smaller building, which is home to the last tiger viewing area.

the entrance to the secondary tiger viewing area on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

This is usually the best place to see the tiger we looked for from the bridge. Often she’s against a wall in a striped pile, taking a nap.

a tiger taking a nap as seen through a glass enclosure

Birds on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

So at this point, you can continue through the building into the bird aviary. This is one of the best parts of the trail. However, if you don’t care for birds, you can walk back out the same way you entered. The pathway outside bypasses the aviary and continues to the exit.

If you continue, you’ll walk through a set of plastic chains and enter the aviary. These chains keep the birds from flying into them like they might a glass window. It’s gorgeous inside.

a pathway through the bird aviary

Bird guides are available if you need help identifying them. While it’s not an ample space, the aviary is packed with birds. Some of the birds you’ll see include Palawan Peacock Pheasants, White-Rumped Shamas, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, King Parrots, Fruit Doves, Plovers and Indian Rollers.

a guide that shows the birds you might find in the aviary of the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Unfortunately, you won’t see many birds if you walk through quickly. However, if you pause and take the time to look a little closer, you’ll start to see them.

a tree sitting on top of a statue in the aviary on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

No worries, these birds were sunbathing!

two pigeons sunning with their wings spread on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

A fountain sits in the center of the bird sanctuary. It has an Arcadian feel.

a fountain in the center of the aviary on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

Many birdhouses are scattered throughout.

a bird's next in ancient ruins

Here is a close-up of a rather colorful bird.

a colorful bird sitting on a rope in the aviary on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

You might even see the Malaysian Great Argus, a great bird indeed. A cast member told me whatever you do, don’t stand underneath it!

Malaysian Great Argus sitting in a tree

Here is another picture of it. Just look at those tail feathers!

Malaysian Great Argus at Disney's Animal Kingdom's Tiger Trail

As you exit, you’ll walk through another chain partition. Sadly, we have reached the end of our journey on the Maharajah Jungle Trek.

chains that prevent birds from escaping the aviary on the Maharajah Jungle Trek

The Resorts Gal Spin on Maharajah Jungle Trek

We give Maharajah Jungle Trek the green light! This is an anytime attraction that you can do at your leisure. If you want to see the tigers active, your best bet would be to visit earlier in the day than later. We recommend getting one or two major attractions out of the way and then taking a stroll through the trek. However, if you have other priorities, it can wait until later in the day.

Overall, the Maharajah Jungle Trek is a must-do on our visits to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. This attraction will truly enhance your park visit in the most unexpected way.

You never know what kind of positive impact this type of experience might have on your children. It’s also a place where you can slow down and enjoy things at your own pace. You’ll want to remember that this trail closes earlier than the rest of the park.

Our Traffic Signal Guidelines

Green Light:

We give an attraction the green light if it’s something we consider a must-do, regardless of the posted wait. We also green light any attractions we deem suitable to experience anytime because of a high-load capacity.

We recommend checking the posted wait times for red light attractions. Then, make a quick judgment call on whether to wait, skip it, or return later.

For more on the park, you might enjoy our Animal Kingdom planning guide . You might also like the following:

  • Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
  • Discovery Island Trails
  • The Oasis Exhibits at Animal Kingdom
  • Rafiki’s Planet Watch

Or you might like some of these others:

  • Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom
  • Dinosaur Ride at Animal Kingdom
  • Finding Nemo: The Big Blue…and Beyond
  • Flight of Passage

For more of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, try these:

  • List of Characters at Disney’s Animal Kingdom
  • The Best Quick Service at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

In the Comments

What are your thoughts on the Maharajah Jungle Trek? Will you plan this trail into your day? Leave us a comment below and share your thoughts.

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Complete Guide to Maharajah Jungle Trek at Animal Kingdom

Complete Guide to Maharajah Jungle Trek at Animal Kingdom

At Animal Kingdom, there are a lot of different ways to see animals — it is called Animal Kingdom for a reason, after all.

Along with Kilimanjaro Safaris , you can hang out and observe creatures big and small all over the park, and one of the easiest ways to do this is on one of the trails offered here.

One of the most popular trails is the Maharajah Jungle Trek, which you can find in the Asia area of the park. Here, you’ll get to see tigers interacting with each other (or, during certain parts of the day, adorably napping), along with birds, buffalo, and plenty of other animals.

But before you visit, there are a few things you need to know to make the most of your experience on the trail. Join us for our complete guide to Maharajah Jungle Trek.

In this article

Maharajah Jungle Trek Quick Facts

  • Location: Animal Kingdom, in Asia
  • Height requirement: None
  • Suitable for: Everyone
  • Attraction length: Self-guided
  • Do we recommend? As a solid time-filler, especially for animal lovers
  • When to visit: Anytime
  • Scheduled Refurbishments
  • Tip(s): If you love tigers, visit early in the morning when they’re the most active.

Description: The Maharajah Jungle Trek is a self-guided, adventurous trail to explore and see animals up close and personal. Though the tigers are definitely the star of the show here, you’ll also see 50 species of birds, along with animals including buffalo, deer, and gibbons as you walk across bridges and see beautiful waterfalls.

Maharajah Jungle Trek is located in the Asia area of Animal Kingdom. Take the path on the left of Kali River Rapids , and follow it back to find the entrance to the trail.

maharajah jungle trek location

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AK Map Front Mar2023

How to Experience Maharajah Jungle Trek

Since it’s a self-guided attraction, Maharajah Jungle Trek doesn’t have a Standby Line, Lightning Lane, or Single Rider Line .

Maharajah Jungle Trek

No matter what time of day it is, you will be able to walk up and start exploring without a wait, making this a great time-filler attraction for when you find a bit of downtime while waiting for a dining reservation or Lightning Lane time slot.

The best times of the day to visit depend on what you’re hoping to get out of the experience. Though the trek isn’t typically ever too crowded, it will always be at its busiest (and hottest) during the afternoons, like many other attractions.

tigers maharajah jungle trek animal kingdom

But if you’re hoping to see the tigers at their most active, you’ll want to visit first thing in the morning (and crowds should be lower then, too).

Keep in mind that Maharajah Jungle Trek typically opens a bit later than the rest of the park and closes a bit earlier, so you may want to check the hours for the day you plan to visit before you head over.

Do I Need To Use Genie+ at Maharajah Jungle Trek?

Genie+ isn’t offered at Maharajah Jungle Trek, but that’s okay; you’ll be able to experience the trail at any time during the day without a wait. And don’t worry — you’ll find plenty of other experiences to use those Lightning Lanes for, like Expedition Everest .

maharajah jungle trek animal kingdom

Since it’s self-guided, you can expect to spend anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour here. If you want to hang out and watch the tigers for hours, there’s no one to stop you —  live your best animal loving life here!

For more Genie+ advice during your trip, don’t forget to check out our touring strategies for Animal Kingdom.

What To Expect When You Visit

There’s no queue at this attraction. You should be able to walk right onto the trail when you arrive and start exploring right away, which is one of the reasons this is a good spontaneous activity to add into your park day.

Accessibility Information

Like the other trails at Animal Kingdom, Maharajah Jungle Trek is fully accessible. Those who are using ECVs and wheelchairs will be able to remain in them while exploring this attraction.

Maharajah Jungle Trek Accessibility Information

Audio description is also available to guests with hearing disabilities.

During the Experience

Like many other attractions at Animal Kingdom, the Maharajah Jungle Trek isn’t just a trail where you can see animals — it’s also got a storyline of its own.

Here, you’re visiting a wildlife preserve that was reclaimed from a dynasty of wealthy princes who wanted to use the land to hunt. Now, there’s far more harmony among the villagers and the animals who inhabit the area.

Along the way, the trail tells the story of what happened here through imagery on the buildings and structures along the path, and even a tomb that is supposed to be for Anantah, the founder of Anandapur.

Maharajah Jungle Trek

As you explore, you’ll travel through the Royal Anadapur Forest on winding, paved pathways featuring several different species of animals and birds including:

  • Komodo dragons
  • Sumatran tigers
  • Water buffalo
  • Malayan flying fox
  • Black tree monitor
  • Eld’s deer
  • Cotton pigmy goose
  • Asian fairy-bluebird

At one point during the trail, you’ll reach an open air bat habitat, meaning there’s no glass — you’ll be able to see these little creatures flying around you (and yes, there’s a way to bypass this habitat if you feel a bit squeamish about that idea).

Maharajah Jungle Trek

The trail itself is quite beautiful and includes some areas with awesome theming that fans of the parks will really enjoy, along with waterfalls, fountains, and other scenery.

Is Maharajah Jungle Trek Kid-Friendly?

Maharajah Jungle Trek has plenty of things kids love: the chance to see animals up close, and plenty of room (and freedom) to run around and explore. In fact, you may find that it’s a great place for them to use up some energy while also learning about different animals.

wilderness explorers clubhouse booklet animal kingdom

And for the Wilderness Explorers out there, the trek does include a stop to grab a sticker badge for your handbook.

There’s nothing on the trail that should scare little ones, unless they’re afraid of certain animals, but be sure to check out our guide to things that may be scary at WDW while planning your trip.

Since this is a fully accessible trail, strollers are allowed at Maharajah Jungle Trek. This makes it a great place for the adults to walk around while little ones are napping or taking a break from all that walking, especially with a cold drink or snack in hand.

Maharajah Jungle Trek opened on March 1, 1999, a little less than a year after Animal Kingdom’s grand opening on April 22, 1998.

Maharajah Jungle Trek

Through the years, there have been a few notable animals who called the trek home, including the first Sumatran tiger cubs ever born at Animal Kingdom, Anala and Jeda.

In 2015, three water buffalo joined the trek, named Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose after characters from The Golden Girls. This also marked the addition of a pool for the buffalo on the trail.

Other Fun Details

  • While exploring this attraction, you can use the Play Disney Parks app to play a game alone or with up to five people while learning more about animals and conservation.
  • “Maharajah” is an Indian word for “prince,” nodding to the royal theming of the attraction.
  • The trek is still open when it’s raining, which can be a great time to spot animals who will come out to enjoy a break from the Florida sun.

Other Attractions in Asia

  • Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain
  • Feathered Friends in Flight!
  • Kali River Rapids
  • Maharajah Jungle Trek
  • Wildlife Express Train

Maharajah Jungle Trek

  • The Boneyard
  • Finding Nemo: The Musical
  • TriceraTop Spin
  • Discovery Island Trails
  • It’s Tough To Be a Bug
  • Tree of Life
  • Flight of Passage
  • Na’Vi River Journey

This self-guided walking tour will take you through the ancient ruins of India, where you will see tapirs, gibbons, and other exotic creatures.

Quick Links:

As you make your way down the jungle path, you’ll soon come across the Bat Community, a self-contained exhibit that is home to the Rodrigues Fruit Bat and the Malayan Flying Fox.

Crumbling walls adorned with beautifully detailed murals usher in the next area of the trek, the Tiger Forest. Here, you’ll walk through the habitat of six female tigers, who can usually be found napping on a hill or frolicking by the water. A bridge near the end of Tiger Forest provides an excellent viewing area.

Besides the rare and beautiful animals, you’ll find a number of quiet paths, exotic fountains and tucked away sitting areas providing a peaceful place to relax.

Magical Moments

  • This is a wonderful place to find a peaceful spot and relax. Parts of the Maharajah Jungle Trek are very secluded and tranquil; it’s a great way to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the park.
  • In particular, look for the jade fountain in the center of its own little courtyard. You’ll also find several beautifully detailed murals amongst the ancient ruins.
  • The Bat Community is the exotic home to (naturally) a variety of large winged bats. You’ll likely get an up close look at the bats as they hang from the vines and trees inside their habitat.

Hidden Mickeys & Other Secrets

  • Your journey starts in the land of Anandupar. There are lots of Hidden Mickeys in the many murals here. For example, look at the stream underneath the tiger to the right of the first arch. You’ll see a Mickey formed in the swirls of water.
  • In the left mural, the king’s golden earring forms a Hidden Mickey. Additionally, three leaves underneath his extended arm form another Hidden Mickey.
  • Inside the second arch, the right mural contains a Hidden Mickey in the clouds towards the left.

Did You Know...?

  • Just before entering the aviary you can find a Bird Identification Sheet to help you identify your feathered friends.
  • The architecture, animal carvings and ruins are representative of the cultures of Nepal, India, Thailand and Indonesia.

Touring Tips

  • This is a walking tour that takes about a half an hour to complete. Crowds are rarely a problem so you can visit any time of day.
  • You will also see gibbons, a Komodo dragon, tapirs, elds deer and the blackbuck (one of the fastest antelopes in the world).
  • The Maharajah Jungle Trek is filled with quiet, out of the way retreats. It’s a great place to go if you want to escape the crowds and enjoy some peaceful moments.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Maharajah Jungle Trek

You’re going on vacation to Walt Disney World! The only problem? You’re not sure which attractions are right for you and your kiddos and you have questions. Which attractions are too intense for little ones? What rides do I really need a FastPass+ reservation for? What’s the disability access like for certain attractions? We’re answering all those questions and more in our Everything You Need to Know attraction series with today’s focus on the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney’s Animal Kingdom!

What is the Maharajah Jungle Trek?

maharajah jungle trek cost

Where is the Maharajah Jungle Trek?

Maharajah Jungle Trek is located next to Kali River Rapids in the Asia section of Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

What is the History of Maharajah Jungle Trek?

While Disney’s Animal Kingdom opened April 22, 1998, the Asia section of the park didn’t open to guests until 1999, serving as Animal Kingdom’s first expansion. The Maharajah Jungle Trek specifically opened on March 1, 1999.

What You Need to Know About the Queue

maharajah jungle trek cost

There is no queue for the Maharajah Jungle Trek since its a self-guided walking tour. However, guests might encounter crowds around certain animal viewing areas and may need to wait for their turn for a good view.

What You Need to Know About the Experience

maharajah jungle trek cost

Tucked towards the rear of Asia, the Maharajah Jungle Trek allows guests to discover viewing areas for Asian animals at their own speed. The areas guests trek through are designed to resemble ruins of an Indian hunting lodge now reclaimed by nature. Just like everything at Animal Kingdom, there’s a message in there…

maharajah jungle trek cost

Guests may find water buffalo, a variety of birds, Blackbuck, Gibbons, tigers, Komodo dragons, and more! Cast Members are often stationed along the paths to answer guests’ questions about the animals and to point out where they are.

What You Need to Know About Accessibility

Guests may remain in a wheelchair/ECV to experience the Maharajah Jungle Trek. Due to the nature of the experience, service animals are not permitted in some areas of this attraction. Please see a Cast Member for additional information.

What You Need to Know About Health and Safety Advisories

There are no health or safety advisories for this attraction! It’s an experience everyone in the family can enjoy together.

What are the Height Requirements?

There is no height requirement for the Maharajah Jungle Trek!

Does the Maharajah Jungle Trek Offer FastPass+?

No. The Maharajah Jungle Trek does not offer FastPass+. Since this is a self-guided attraction, there is no wait to experience it.

Does Weather Affect the Maharajah Jungle Trek?

A June storm pops over World Drive as a rainy afternoon gets started.

The Maharajah Jungle Trek is located outdoors and guests will be exposed to inclement weather.

What’s the Best Time of Day to Experience the Maharajah Jungle Trek?

The Maharajah Jungle Trek typically opens to guests about 30 minutes after the park opens for the day and tends to close early. While you never know when the animals might make their appearance, the coolest part of the day is often your best bet. The trek also serves as a great retreat from the crowds and long lines during the busiest parts of the day.

Did I answer all of your questions about the Maharajah Jungle Trek? Is this attraction at the top of your family’s vacation to-do list? Let us know in the comments.

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Savannah Sanders

Savannah has been visiting Disney World since she was a year old and has gone back almost every year since. In the real world, she teaches high school history and government and enjoys writing about all things Disney. Savannah can be reached on Twitter @DisneyParkSavvy.

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2 thoughts on “ Everything You Need to Know About the Maharajah Jungle Trek ”

I stumbled across this on a 2000 trip while the rest of my party went off to do something else, and it was genuine magic. I happened to be at a viewing area for the tigers in the early evening, just before feeding time. No one was near me. I saw five adolescent female tigers frolicking close to my viewing area like overgrown house cats! As a lifelong cat lover it was hilarious and thrilling. One of my most indelible WDW memories.

Does anyone know if there are benches around throughout the trek? Since the last time we visited, both of us now need to sit and rest more than we used to! I honestly don’t remember if there are any. Thanks

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A Deeper Look at Maharajah Jungle Trek in Animal Kingdom

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maharajah trek sign

In my last post, we took a deeper look at Pangani Exploration Trail in Animal Kingdom.  Today we’ll explore the sunny trails of Maharajah Jungle Trek.  Maharajah Jungle Trek is a 1/3 mile long, self guided tour in the Asia section of Animal Kingdom.  The path features foot bridges, waterfalls, a bird aviary and houses many threatened and endangered animals.  The Jungle Trek is heavily themed with an elaborate back story.

maharajah waterfall

Disney invites you to “venture into the mystical Anandapur Royal Forest, a tropical paradise of trees, ruins, and wild animals.  Legend has it the area was at one time a hunting ground of wealthy maharajahs; today it exists as a preserve that you can explore.”   Some of the animals you may come across include: Asian tiger, Gibbons, Elds deer, Blackbuck, Rodrigues fruit bat, Malayan flying fox, Banteng, and over 50 species of birds.

Before you even embark on the trail, you will encounter the Gibbons and Siamangs near the Maharajah Jungle Trek entrance.

Animal Kingdom Gibbons

Gibbons are a member of the ape family. If you watch long enough, you will notice their acrobatic skills.  The siamangs are the loudest land mammal.  Their vocal sacs can inflate to the size of their head and be heard up to 2 miles away.

Entering the trail, the first animal you encounter will be the Komodo Dragon which is the largest living species of lizard.

komodo dragon

Researchers believe these dragons produce a toxic venom that causes its prey to go into shock.

Next is the area that houses the Malayan tapir, the largest of all tapir and native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia.

maharajah foliage 2

Despite the fact that  tapirs  have poor vision, they are most active at night.  The tapirs were not present on my visit,  so I’m not sure if they are still part of the trail.

Meandering on…

maharajah foliage

Always be on the look out as some animals blend in very well like these birds.

maharajah trail 3

The Sarus crane is the world’s tallest flying bird, has a wingspan of 8-9 feet, and can live to be 80 years old.

Next you will have to make an important decision.

maharajah bat sign

Even the Maharajah Jungle Trek has a chicken exit!  Should you be brave enough to enter, you will meet the Rodrigues fruit bat and Malayan flying fox.

maharajah fruit bats 5

The Rodrigues fruit bat is golden in color and drinks the juice and nectar from fruit and spits out the pulp. The Malayan flying fox is among the largest of bats with a wingspan of 6 feet.  Unlike most bats, they use vision instead of echolocation when flying.

As you disembark from the bat cave, the theming becomes more detailed for the stars of the trail, the Asian tiger.

tiger forest sign 2

There are several viewing opportunities in the Tiger Forest that afford good vantage points to observe these amazing animals.

maharajah tiger water

These strong swimmers are a little more active in the morning.  Sadly, humans are their only predator.

Making your way over the bridge, on the left you will notice the Blackbuck and Elds Deer.

elds deer 2

The Blackbuck have corkscrew twisted horns and are one of the fastest antelopes in the world clocking in at 50mph.  Elds deer are very social animals with extremely powerful legs.

Make sure you grab an identification chart on your way into the bird sanctuary.

maharajah aviary 8

See how many birds you can spot like the Masked Plovers, Indian Pygmy Geese, Arges Pheasant, and King Parrots.  Notice all the ornate bird houses.

maharajah aviary 4

The Maharajah Jungle Trek is another attraction that should not be rushed through and should take about 20 minutes at a leisurely pace.  You can experience this at any time; however the animals are a little less active in the heat of the day. Maharajah is so beautiful and elaborately themed, you almost don’t need animals to make it an attraction.  I hope you enjoy Maharajah Jungle Trek on your next trip to Animal Kingdom and leave with some animal knowledge, new memories, and hopefully a picture or two to remember them by.

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Maharajah Jungle Trek

A tiger lounges in high grass next to a wall

Explore a Mystical Forest

Cross towering footbridges, roam around jungle bends, behold cascading waterfalls and stand in the shadow of a palace frozen in time. Hop into a chirping aviary where over 50 species of birds soar free.

In addition to the graceful Asian tigers, you may encounter:

  • Komodo dragon
  • Malayan flying fox
  • Water buffalo
  • Over 50 species of birds

Legend has it that the Anandapur Royal Forest was once the hunting ground of wealthy maharajahs; today it’s a lush tropical paradise you can explore on a self-guided tour.

Beware—it’s a jungle out there!

maharajah jungle trek cost

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Attraction Stats

Type: Walking Tour

Length: Enjoy At Your Leisure

Audience: All Ages

Open since March 18, 1999

4.5 Stars Out of 5 Rating

Excellent. This is a Must Do

Themed after a mystical Anandapur Royal Forest, the Maharajah Jungle Trek offers guests a chance to see some animals native to Southeast Asia. While the tour offers views of giant bats and a komodo dragon, the stars of the trek are the Asian tigers. Maharajah Jungle trek provides three different viewing areas for guests to watch the amazing tigers, at a safe distance of course. The trail also includes many exotic birds, including parrots and fruit doves.

Tips and Trivia

  • Maharajah is a sanskrit title meaning “great king.”
  • Disney World guests may remain in their wheelchair or scooter on this attraction.
  • As with the other walking trails of Animal Kingdom, this is a nice change of pace from the usual wait in line experience offered by most Walt Disney World attractions.
  • The trek is about 2000 feet long.

Maharajah Jungle Trek Images

Map - Maharajah Jungle Trek - Animal Kingdom Attraction

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Maharajah Jungle Trek

A tiger lounges in high grass next to a wall

Explore a Mystical Forest

Cross towering footbridges, roam around jungle bends, behold cascading waterfalls and stand in the shadow of a palace frozen in time. Hop into a chirping aviary where over 50 species of birds soar free.

In addition to the graceful Asian tigers, you may encounter:

  • Komodo dragon
  • Malayan flying fox
  • Water buffalo
  • Over 50 species of birds

Legend has it that the Anandapur Royal Forest was once the hunting ground of wealthy maharajahs; today it’s a lush tropical paradise you can explore on a self-guided tour.

Beware—it’s a jungle out there!

maharajah jungle trek cost

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Disney animals at walt disney world resort, safety, accessibility and guest policies, times for maharajah jungle trek.

maharajah jungle trek cost

  • Attractions / Walt Disney World

Exploring the Beauty of Animal Kingdom’s Maharajah Jungle Trek

by Lauren Shahan · August 25, 2023

Maharajah Jungle Trek

The Maharajah Jungle Trek takes visitors on a journey through the heart of Southeast Asia. This trail allows guests to witness the beauty of diverse animal species and immerse themselves in the wonder of the natural world. 

Maharajah Jungle Trek

Let’s embark on a virtual exploration together of the mesmerizing Maharajah Jungle Trek.

A Journey into Southeast Asia

As you step foot onto the Maharajah Jungle Trek, you’re instantly transported to the mystical landscapes of Southeast Asia.

Maharajah Jungle Trek

The trail is adorned with intricate details that recreate the atmosphere of an ancient palace and its surrounding wilderness. From the moment you enter, the air is filled with the sounds of the jungle, setting the stage for a fun-filled adventure.

Exotic Wildlife Encounters

The true allure of the Maharajah Jungle Trek lies in the incredible encounters with a diverse array of wildlife. 

maharajah jungle trek animal kingdom birds return aviary

The trail winds through lush forests and serene gardens, offering glimpses of animals that call this recreated habitat home. Guests have the opportunity to observe and learn about various species, from grand tigers to graceful Asian birds.

Among the most captivating inhabitants of the trek are the regal Bengal tigers. Through carefully designed viewing areas, guests can watch these magnificent creatures lounging amidst the foliage or swimming in their pools. 

Maharajah Jungle Trek tiger

The experience offers an up-close look at their behaviors and stunning beauty, all while respecting their natural habitats.

Komodo Dragons

As you continue along the trail, you’ll encounter the fierce yet fascinating Komodo dragons. These ancient reptiles are known for their imposing presence and are often referred to as living dinosaurs. 

Maharajah Jungle Trek Komodo dragon

The trek provides insights into their behavior, habitat, and the importance of their conservation.

Exotic Birds

Throughout the trek, the vibrant colors and melodious calls of exotic birds fill the air. This enclosure allows guests to get up close and personal with some of the most beautiful creatures.

maharajah jungle trek animal kingdom birds return aviary

This part of the Maharajah Jungle Trek has always been a favorite of mine. From the dazzling Golden Pheasant to the strikingly colorful Plum-Headed Parakeet, each species showcases the incredible diversity of life in the jungle.

maharajah jungle trek animal kingdom birds return aviary

Cultural Immersion

Beyond the captivating animal encounters, the Maharajah Jungle Trek seamlessly weaves in cultural elements that add depth to the experience. 

Maharajah Jungle Trek

Intricate carvings, weathered statues, and architectural details help to visually transport guests into another world.

Maharajah Jungle Trek

Photo: Disney

This fusion of wildlife and cultural immersion creates a multi-dimensional journey that stimulates the senses and sparks curiosity.

Conservation and Education

As with every facet of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, the Maharajah Jungle Trek is also a platform for education and conservation . Informative signage and trained cast members provide valuable insights into the challenges these animals face in the wild and the efforts being made to protect their habitats. 

Disney Conservation Fund

The in-depth experience of the Maharajah Jungle Trek bridges the gap between the natural world and our own understanding of it. 

Maharajah Jungle Trek

It’s a journey that immerses us in the wonders of Southeast Asia’s diverse ecosystems and helps us to connect with the world around us. 

What’s your favorite part of the Maharajah Jungle Trek? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to follow  to stay updated on your favorite Disney park news!

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Maharajah Jungle Trek

  • 1 Storyline
  • 4 References

Storyline [ ]

Maharajah Jungle Trek is a trail through the Royal Anandapur Forest. Since ancient times, the rajahs of Anandapur hunted tigers in the forest. In 1544, King Bhima Disampati decreed the forest as a royal preserve only open to the royal family and their invited guests and built a Royal Hunting Lodge in the forest. Enclosing portions of the forest in walls, he would use these spaces to lure and trap the tigers, which proved to be his downfall, when he was killed during a tiger hunt. Afterwards, his successors would focus more on protecting wildlife and living in balance with nature, before the palace was eventually abandoned. In 1948, after the end of British colonial rule, the Royal Forest was given to the people of Anandapur, who turned the ruins of the old complex into a nature preserve to protect the remaining tigers and wildlife as well as a key watershed for the Chakranadi River.

Summary [ ]

After passing through the guardhouse at the entrance to the trail, a Komodo Dragon can be found lurking on the rocks by a stream, with Lion Tailed Macaques living in the shadow of cliffs nearby. The macaques were added in 2016, as the habitat originally hosted Malayan Tapirs until 2010. [1]

Built onto the side of the cliffs is Atavika Station #12 [2] , a local community center located next to a habitat for Rodrigues Fruit Bats and giant Malayan Flying Foxes. The center is dressed to host lectures on the center's resident bats and terrariums containing small animals can also be found within the space. The viewing area for the Bat Cliff is open air and the building is divided in such a way that visitors can bypass the bats.

Leaving the station, the trail continues through the ruins of the royal hunting lodge. Amidst the crumbling ruins and mosaics of the past kings of Anandapur, tigers have become the palace's new reigning royalty, with pools and fountains for the cats to play in addition to whatever enrichment activities are introduced to their three different habitat locations. When the attraction opened, Bengal Tigers were the main inhabitants, though as of 2016, endangered Sumatran Tigers have become the main focus. Near a local drinking water station that hosts a set of drinking fountains, various herbivores can be found grazing in the fields just out of the reach of the tigers. Inhabitants in this exhibit have included Elds Deer, Blackbuck, Water Buffalo, Banteng, Indian peafowl, Sarus cranes, ruddy shelducks and bar-headed geese.

Crossing a bridge over the third of the tiger habitats, the trail passes by the ruins of the Tomb of Anantah, the founding ruler of Anandapur, with bas reliefs telling the foundational myth of Anandapur, with Anantah upsetting the balance of nature after cutting down a sacred tree, and after being plagued by natural disasters, replanting and learning to live in harmony with nature [3] . A nearby Red Temple, built by one of Bhima's successors, holds the relocated sacrophagus of Anantah [4] as well as the entrance to the Aviary, the last exhibit area of the trail.

The Aviary is hosted in the ruins of the palace's Great Hall, a walled garden built by Bhima's brother [5] . Mostly reclaimed by nature, the ballroom is now host to small shrines and feeders for the palace's resident birds. Among the 50 species found within the Great Hall are:

  • Palawan Peacock Pheasants
  • White-rumped Shamas
  • Fruit Doves
  • Indian Rollers
  • Masked Plovers
  • King Parrots

Gallery [ ]

Bengal Tiger

References [ ]

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  1. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call. Embark on a self-guided tour of Southeast Asia, home to the Asian Tiger, at the Maharajah Jungle Trek in Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park at Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida.

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    The Maharajah Jungle Trek is a walking trail through the mythical Anandapur Royal Forest, which is most commonly known for its Sumatran Tiger habitat. In addition to the tigers, guests will have the opportunity to see a variety of other wild animals and over 50 species of birds. You might even encounter a few bats in their open air habitat.

  3. Complete Guide To Maharajah Jungle Trek

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  4. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Marvel at elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers and more—and learn about Disney's commitment to conservation. For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time.

  5. Animal Kingdom

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  7. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Maharajah Jungle Trek is set in the fictitious Anandapur Royal Forest, which has been converted from a royal hunting ground that was founded by King Bhima Disampati in 1544 to a public nature preserve. Maharajah Jungle Trek incorporates a plethora of animals from Southeast Asia, including Malayan Tapirs, bats, White-lipped Tree Frogs, Blood ...

  8. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Explore a Mystical Forest. Cross towering footbridges, roam around jungle bends, behold cascading waterfalls and stand in the shadow of a palace frozen in time. Hop into a chirping aviary where over 50 species of birds soar free. In addition to the graceful Asian tigers, you may encounter: Legend has it that the Anandapur Royal Forest was once ...

  9. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Overview of Maharajah Jungle Trek in Animal Kingdom. This major attraction has some of the most fascinating and exotic animals you'll see at Animal Kingdom, including tigers, Komodo dragons, tapirs, gibbons, water buffalo, a bird sanctuary and the surprisingly fascinating fruit bats and very large flying fox bats.

  10. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    This is a walking tour that takes about a half an hour to complete. Crowds are rarely a problem so you can visit any time of day. You will also see gibbons, a Komodo dragon, tapirs, elds deer and the blackbuck (one of the fastest antelopes in the world). The Maharajah Jungle Trek is filled with quiet, out of the way retreats.

  11. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Maharajah Jungle Trek is a self-guided walking tour in Asia at Disney's Animal Kingdom. The average duration of the tour is 20-25 minutes, but you can take as little or as much time as you like. Cast Members are available to answer questions and point out animals you may not see. In addition to the exotic wildlife, Maharajah Jungle Trek ...

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    The Maharajah Jungle Trek typically opens to guests about 30 minutes after the park opens for the day and tends to close early. While you never know when the animals might make their appearance, the coolest part of the day is often your best bet. The trek also serves as a great retreat from the crowds and long lines during the busiest parts of ...

  13. 3 Reasons Why I Love the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney ...

    The Maharajah Jungle Trek at Animal Kingdom is one of my favorite trails and animal experiences in the park. It is located in the Asia section of the park, and it's a beautiful jungle trek that is close to Kali River Rapids. This trail is a must-do for me at Animal Kingdom, especially during the fall and winter months, because the experience is more bearable.

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    Maharajah Jungle Trek is a 1/3 mile long, self guided tour in the Asia section of Animal Kingdom. The path features foot bridges, waterfalls, a bird aviary and houses many threatened and endangered animals. The Jungle Trek is heavily themed with an elaborate back story. Disney invites you to "venture into the mystical Anandapur Royal Forest ...

  15. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Maharajah Jungle Trek. 1 / 5. Turn a corner on the Maharajah Jungle Trek and you might come across a tiger ready for a cat nap. Wander into palaces and temples whose ruins are overgrown by the Anandapur Royal Forest. Wander through paths and be awed by brilliantly colored birds found in Anandapur Royal Forest.


    15 reviews and 393 photos of MAHARAJAH JUNGLE TREK "Beautiful trail with lots of photo ops. Cast members are friendly and full of information. Look for the elusive tigers-the trail is the closest you can get to them without being in the circus!"

  17. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Open since March 18, 1999. Excellent. This is a Must Do. Themed after a mystical Anandapur Royal Forest, the Maharajah Jungle Trek offers guests a chance to see some animals native to Southeast Asia. While the tour offers views of giant bats and a komodo dragon, the stars of the trek are the Asian tigers. Maharajah Jungle trek provides three ...

  18. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    About 10:00. The Maharajah Jungle Trek is a themed wildlife trail attraction at Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. It is in the Asia themed land, the Kingdom of Anandapur. It shares this area with the Kali River Rapids white water raft ride and the Expedition Everest runaway train ...

  19. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Marvel at elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers and more—and learn about Disney's commitment to conservation. For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time.

  20. Exploring the Beauty of Animal Kingdom's Maharajah Jungle Trek

    The true allure of the Maharajah Jungle Trek lies in the incredible encounters with a diverse array of wildlife. The trail winds through lush forests and serene gardens, offering glimpses of animals that call this recreated habitat home. Guests have the opportunity to observe and learn about various species, from grand tigers to graceful Asian ...

  21. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Nestled deep in the wild heart of Disney's Animal Kingdom, the Maharajah Jungle Trek is a spiritual journey into the mythical and magical world of Asia and i...

  22. Fodor's Expert Review Maharajah Jungle Trek

    At the end of the trek, you walk through an aviary with a lotus pool. Disney animal experts are on hand to answer questions. For people with disabilities: Wheelchair accessible; equipped for audio ...

  23. Maharajah Jungle Trek

    Maharajah Jungle Trek is a self-guided walking tour of native Asian wildlife in Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park. The exhibit's design resembles that of Indian and Southeast Asian ruins. Maharajah Jungle Trek is a trail through the Royal Anandapur Forest. Since ancient times, the rajahs of Anandapur hunted tigers in the forest. In 1544, King Bhima Disampati decreed the forest as a royal ...