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Russian Company "ATLAS" LLC

Brief profile.

active Commercial

Facts to Consider

5 more firms are registered at the address of the organization.

The manager is also a CEO in 1 organization.

A significant amount of the taxes paid (10,029 mln. RUB.).

Complete Profile

  • 1. General Information
  • 2. Registration in the Russian Federation
  • 3. Company's Activities
  • 4. Legal Address
  • 5. Owners, Founders of the Entity
  • 6. "ATLAS" LLC CEO
  • 7. Entities Founded by Company
  • 8. Number of Employees
  • 9. Company Finance
  • 10. Timeline of key events
  • 11. Latest Changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE)

General Information

Full name of the organization: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "ATLAS"

TIN: 2543069263

KPP: 254301001

PSRN: 1152543007715

Location: 690068, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, pr-kt 100-letiia Vladivostoka, 155 korp. 3, of. 5

Line of business: Wholesale of computers, peripheral devices for computers and software (OKVED code 46.51)

Organization status: Commercial, active

Form of incorporation: Limited liability companies (code 12300 according to OKOPF)

Registration in the Russian Federation

The organization LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "ATLAS" was registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 9 years 5 months ago 23 April 2015.

The average age of legal entities for the type of activity 46.51 "Wholesale of computers, peripheral devices for computers and software" is 9 years. The age of this organization is approximately equal to the industry average.

The tax authority where the legal entity is registered: Mezhraionnaia inspektsiia Federalnoi nalogovoi sluzhby № 12 po Primorskomu kraiu (inspection code – 2543).

Registration with the Pension Fund: registration number 035007061646 dated 27 April 2015.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund: registration number 250343750625031 dated 27 April 2015.

Company's Activities

The main activity of the organization is Wholesale of computers, peripheral devices for computers and software (OKVED code 46.51).

Additionally, the organization listed the following activities:

Legal Address

"ATLAS" LLC is registered at 690068, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, pr-kt 100-letiia Vladivostoka, 155 korp. 3, of. 5. ( show on a map )

The following organization are also registered at the following address (including liquidated organizations):


The tax authority may consider such an address as the address of mass registration of legal entities.

Owners, Founders of the Entity

The founder of "ATLAS" LLC is


The head of the organization (a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney) since 16 March 2017 is director Kitaev Vitalii Viktorovich (TIN: 253810591795).

Entities Founded by Company

"ATLAS" LLC is not listed as a founder in any Russian legal entities.

Number of Employees

In 2023, the average number of employees of "ATLAS" LLC was 209 people. This is 37 people more than in 2022.

Company Finance

The Authorized capital of "ATLAS" LLC is 1 million RUB. This is significantly higher than the minimum authorized capital established by law for LTD (10 thousand RUB).

Until 08/10/2018 the authorized capital was 10 thousand RUB.

In 2023, the organization received the revenue of 363 billion RUB, which is 205 billion RUB, or by 130.5 %, more than a year ago.

As of December 31, 2023, the organization's total assets were 35.4 billion RUB This is 8.5 billion RUB (by 19.3 %) less than a year earlier.

The net assets of "ATLAS" LLC as of 12/31/2023 totaled 19.1 billion RUB.

The "ATLAS" LLC’s operation in 2023 resulted in the profit of 10.6 billion RUB. This is by 10.4 times more than in 2022.

The organization is not subject to special taxation regimes (operates under a common regime).

Information about the taxes and fees paid by the organization for 2022

The organization had no tax arrears as of 08/10/2024.

Timeline of key events

Latest changes in the unified state register of legal entities (usrle).

  • 01/22/2024 . Submission of information on the issuance or replacement of documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 11/10/2023 . Submission of information about the registration of an individual at the place of residence.
  • 11/17/2021 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • 06/09/2021 . State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.
  • 06/04/2020 . Changes to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the renaming (resubordination) of address objects.
  • 04/12/2020 . Changes to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the renaming (resubordination) of address objects.
  • 04/10/2020 . Changes to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the renaming (resubordination) of address objects.
  • 05/22/2019 . Submission of information on the issuance or replacement of documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 08/10/2018 . State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.
  • 03/16/2017 . Change of information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The data presented on this page have been obtained from official sources: the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), the State Information Resource for Financial Statements, the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), the Ministry of Finance and the Federal State Statistics Service.

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VAT Record: GB998015579

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Trafalgar Tours Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise

Court of Appeal (Civil Division).

Slade, Balcombe and Farquharson LJJ.

Mr Frederic Reynold QC and Mr Roderick Cordara (instructed by H H Mainprice) for the taxpayer.

Mr Guy Sankey (instructed by the Solicitor for Customs and Excise) for the Crown.

The following cases were referred to in the judgment of the court:

Apple and Pear Development Council v C & E Commrs ( Case 102/86) VAT (1988) 3 BVC 274

C & E Commrs v Apple and Pear Development Council VAT (1986) 2 BVC 200,198

Value added tax - Supply for consideration - Taxpayer organised coach tours in UK - Parent company marketed tours overseas through other subsidiaries and travel agents - Taxpayer received 80 per cent of advertised price - Whether consideration received by taxpayer was amount paid by passengers, amount received by parent company or net amount received by taxpayer - Second EC Directive (67/228), eu-directive 67/228 article 8(a)art. 8(a) , annex A, para. 13; Sixth EC Directive (77/388), eu-directive 77/388 article 11(A)(1) article 11(A)(2)art. 11A(1)(a), (2)(b) .

This was an appeal by the taxpayer, a tour operator, against the decision of Popplewell J ( (1989) 4 BVC 44 ) upholding a decision of the VAT Tribunal ( (1987) 3 BVC 617 ) that VAT was chargeable on the full amount paid by the tourists who travelled on the tours.

The taxpayer company ("the operator"), which organised coach tours in the UK, was a subsidiary of Trafalgar Tours International Ltd based in Bermuda. The parent company arranged for brochures describing the tours to be published in the countries where other members of the group operated and determined the price. The overseas companies distributed brochures to local travel agents who obtained bookings from the customers. At the end of a tour the parent company paid the sterling equivalent of an agreed percentage of the advertised price, usually 80 per cent.

From 1973 the operator accounted for VAT by reference to the amount received from the parent company ("the net price") but in August 1985 the Commissioners of Customs and Excise wrote to the taxpayer stating that from March 1986 tax should be accounted for by reference to the advertised price.

In November 1985 an agreement headed "Purchase Agreement" was made between the operator and the parent company describing the operator as "vendor" and the parent company as "purchaser" of the tours, but the brochures published for 1986 set out the terms on which the tours were sold and included a statement that the operator was to be responsible to the tourists for the conduct of the tours and for the services and accommodation supplied.

The tribunal found that the difference between the amount paid by the tourists and the percentage of the brochure price received by the operator from the parent company was commission for the services supplied by the parent company, the overseas subsidiaries and the travel agents in marketing the tours and that the "purchase agreement" was merely a facade designed to conceal the true nature of the arrangements with a view to the avoidance of tax.

The VAT tribunal and the High Court decided that the tours were supplied by the operator to the passengers who took the tour and the consideration for that supply was the total amount paid by the passengers to the travel agents with whom they booked a tour. The consideration was therefore the advertised price (or possibly a smaller amount if a discount was offered) and the value of the supply of the services provided by the operator was to be taken to be that amount by virtue of the Value Added Tax Act 1983, Value Added Tax Act 1983 section 10 subsec-or-para (2)sec. 10(2) .

Before the Court of Appeal the operator contended that, since there was no statutory definition of "consideration" in the Value Added Tax Act 1983, the expression fell to be construed in the light of eu-directive 67/228 article 8(a) article annex A, para. 13art. 8(a) and annex A, para. 13 , of the Second EC Directive and eu-directive 77/388 article 11(A)(1)art. 11A(1)(a) of the Sixth EC Directive: i.e. everything which a taxpayer "received" or "obtained" including incidental expenses. All that had to be decided was, what did the operator receive? What the operator received was the net price. The contractual relationship between the operator and the parent company and the misleading form of the "purchase agreement" were irrelevant.

Held , dismissing the operator's appeal:

1. The brochure stated that the operator was the principal responsible to the tourists for supplying the services and accommodation. The operator was the person with whom the passengers contracted and any sums paid by the tourists to the travel agents or overseas subsidiaries were accordingly received for and on behalf of the operator through a chain of agency arrangements.

2. eu-directive 77/388 article 11(A)(2)Article 11A (2)(b) made it clear that sums charged by a supplier to a purchaser or customer in respect of commission were to be treated as part of the consideration received or obtained by the supplier for the supplies. But even without para. (2)(b), the words of eu-directive 77/388 article 11(A)(1)art. 11A(1)(a) would be wide enough to include commission. The concept of receipt was not to be confined to mere physical receipt. Anything received by an agent or nominee for and on behalf of a supplier of goods or services must be treated as received by the supplier himself.

3. It followed that for the purpose of determining the amount of VAT payable by the operator, the consideration was to be treated as the total amount paid by the passengers who travelled on the tour.

Trafalgar Tours Ltd ("the operator") appealed against a decision of Popplewell J (VAT (1989) 4 BVC 44 ) given on 23 January 1989 dismissing the operator's appeal from a decision of the VAT tribunal. The grounds of the appeal were:

1. The judge erred in law in concluding that for the purposes of the Value Added Tax Act 1983, Value Added Tax Act 1983 section 10sec . 10 the consideration for the supply of the operator's services was the price paid by each prospective passenger on purchasing a ticket for the "British Highlights" tour in March 1986.

2. The judge erred in law in treating the questions of to whom the supply of services was made and whether a contractual relationship existed between the customer and the operator as determinative of the issue raised on appeal before him.

3. The judge either misdirected himself as to, or simply misunderstood, the clear effect of the Second EC Directive (67/228), eu-directive 67/228 article 8(a) article para. 13 annex Aart. 8(a), annex A para. 13 and the Sixth EC Directive (77/388), eu-directive 77/388 article 11(A)(1)art. 11A(1)(a) .

This is a judgment of the court on an appeal by Trafalgar Tours Ltd ("the operator") brought with the leave of the judge from a judgment of Popplewell J given on 23 January 1989 ( (1989) 4 BVC 44 ) whereby the operator's appeal from the decision of a VAT Tribunal dated 15 July 1987 ( (1987) 3 BVC 617 ) was dismissed.

The operator carries on a business of providing motor coach tours in Europe. It does so from 15 Grosvenor Place in London. It is a subsidiary of Trafalgar Tours International Ltd ("the parent company") of 73 Front Street, Hamilton in Bermuda. Other subsidiaries of the parent company ("the overseas subsidiaries") carry on business in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the USA.

The way in which the tours are organised within the group is briefly as follows. The operator organises the tours for a coming season and provides the costings to the parent company. The parent company arranges for brochures describing such tours to be published in the countries in which the overseas subsidiaries operate and determines the prices in the local currencies at which the tours are to be so advertised. The overseas subsidiaries distribute copies of the brochures to travel agents who obtain the customers for the tours and notify their names to the overseas subsidiary concerned for transmission to the operator. The operator itself provides the tours for such customers.

Following a tour the parent company pays to the operator the sterling equivalent of an agreed percentage of the prices at which that tour was advertised in the brochures published in the countries in which the customers were obtained. In this judgment, following the terminology used by the tribunal and the judge, we will use the phrase "brochure prices" to refer to the advertised prices for the operator's tours as appearing in the relevant brochures for the season and the...

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  • United Kingdom
  • Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
  • 18 July 2005
  • 9 June 1997
  • First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber)
  • 1 August 2014
  • VAT Tribunal (UK)
  • 15 April 1997

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Tour Scoop

The Scoop: What to Know About Trafalgar Tours

With 300 itineraries in 72 countries, trafalgar tours casts a wide net..

Christine Sarkis

The Scoop: What to Know About EF Go Ahead Tours

Here at TourScoop, we’re all about using our real-world, real-person travel expertise—honed over decades of travel—to help travelers make great decisions about travel. Today we’re going deep on Trafalgar Tours, a tour company that’s been around for nearly a century. In this article, we’ve gathered up everything we think you might need to know to decide if Trafalgar is going to be the right tour operator for your next trip.

Trafalgar Tours is one of the grande dames of the tour world, one that has escorted five million guests on trips around the world over the last century and has a solid track record. Today, it has 300 itineraries in 72 countries. Its strength lies in its ability to deliver both standard coach tours and also small group tours and specialized tours that highlight nature, history, food, and other specific areas of interest.

TourScoop Takeaways : Trafalgar

  • Countries: 72 countries on six continents
  • Tour Size Average: The standard group size is about 40 guests. Trafalgar also offers Small Group Active Tours that have no more than 17 guests. 
  • Tour Type: Coach

How to Book

To book a Trafalgar tour, you can go a few different routes. The easiest is to book through Trafalgar ; but you can also opt for a tour-specialist online travel agent like Travelstride , Tourhub , or TourRadar .

Credibility Check

Trafalgar has a Feefo rating of 4.6/5 and received the company’s Platinum Trusted Service Award for 2022. On TourRadar , Trafalgar has a rating of 4.5/5 and is a gold partner, meaning the brand has a high rating and is recognized to promptly respond to queries. According to Trafalgar, it has a repeat guest rating of 53% with a 97% satisfaction rate.

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The brand has won over 80 awards including Travel Weekly’s Readers’ Choice Awards and USA Today’s 10Best Tour Company. It also hosts unedited reviews from its customers on its site. 

Tour Destinations

Badlands of South Dakota

Trafalgar offers trips to 72 countries across six continents, with over 300 itineraries . Among its most popular tour destinations are England, Italy, the Iberian Peninsula, Egypt, Ireland, Argentina, the United States, and Thailand.

Trafalgar offers both general guided vacations and special interest tours. Its special interest tours include food and wine tours such as Taste and Sound of the South , family tours including Pioneer Adventures of the Old West , religious tours such as Land of the Gods , battlefield tours including WWI and WWII Battlefields , safaris such as Wonders of Kenya , and women’s only tours in destinations such as Turkey and Egypt .

Trafalgar also offers active travel tours with options for more rigorous hiking and biking activities than the average tour. These trips include Trafalgar’s new Small Group Active Tours that include itineraries such as Yellowstone, The Tetons and Glacier National Park and California Coast Food and Wine Trail .

Tour Guides

Tour directors come onto the job with three to five years of road experience, and receive a ton of training including diversity and inclusion training, well-being training, customer service instruction, and administration. All of this is geared to help these tour guides be as professional, organized, helpful, and personable as possible.

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In addition to all that training, each year, travel directors also receive a week-long professional development program in which they are placed in the position of the guest for a week of touring and training on the ground and in the classroom. Trafalgar has travel directors who have been with the company for 30 years; the longest serving Travel Director has been with Trafalgar for 45 years .


Trafalgar trips include all accommodations and transportation during the trip plus most meals. Most activities are included in the itinerary, though Trafalgar also offers optional experiences for additional fees. Transfers to and from the airport are offered in the majority of overseas countries free of charge. Trafalgar can help arrange flights (not included in the base price) at the beginning and end of a trip.

TOURS FOR SENIORS: 8 Best Companies for Senior Tours

On select trips featuring Be My Guest experiences, Trafalgar includes one-of-a-kind experiences such as meeting with locals for lunch and learning about their way of life, staying in accommodations such as castles or historical hotels, or gaining early entry into bucket list attractions such as the Vatican.

Typical Travelers

An older couple take a break from hiking to enjoy coffee on a Utah outlook overlooking a canyon.They are sitting on camp stools close to the edge. They are both holding coffee mugs and she is smiling at the camera.

The majority of Trafalgar guests are 50 and up, though on family tours children as young as five participate. Trafalgar has a robust solo travel program with free or reduced single supplement prices for tours in Europe, North and South America, Australia, and New Zealand. Travelers come from all over the world, and in recent years, post-trip guest-managed Facebook groups have cropped up, allowing guests (and their travel director) to stay in touch. 


After booking a Trafalgar tour, guests get access to MyTrafalgar , a gated part of the Trafalgar website where guests can provide details about any dietary restrictions, upload emergency contact information, and connect with their Travel Director. About a week before the departure date, guests receive access to all travel documents for the trip plus instructions for joining a group chat with Travel Directors and other guests.

Loyalty Program

Trafalgar has switched from its former VIT loyalty program to the Global Tour Rewards program, which allows guests to collect and spend rewards across all the TTC tour companies, including Trafalgar, Insight Vacations, Luxury Gold, Costsaver, Brendan Vacations, and Contiki.

Private Options

Groups of 10 or more can work with the Trafalgar team to create customized private itineraries that cater to specific budget and interests.  

Sustainability Efforts

Trafalgar works with the TreadRight Foundation on projects focused on conserving the planet, preserving cultures throughout the world, and protecting wildlife. In 2020, Trafalgar, along with TreadRight, launched the How We Tread Right (HWTR) sustainability strategy that the brand is hoping to achieve by 2025. These goals are in line with the UN’s Global Goals and address climate change, sustainable food production, waste reduction, travel experiences, diversity and inclusion and wildlife. 

Trafalgar offers opportunities on trip for guests to work towards those sustainable goals through its MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experiences. These experiences are meant to leave a more positive social or environmental impact on the communities they visit.

Trafalgar (and the other TTC companies)  recently became the first global tour operator to “secure validated short and long-term net zero targets through the Science Based Target Initiative – SBTi, a partnership with CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature.”

Health and Safety Practices

Trafalgar’s teams offer always-on support and are always up to date on the latest regulations. Should any issues arise, there’s 24/7 incident response that means the Trafalgar team can and will assist and work directly with local medical support and local authorities. Trafalgar updates its health and safety practices regularly, so check the website for the latest policies.

Family Companies

Trafalgar is a part of The Travel Corporation’s family of brands, which also includes Insight Vacations , Contiki , Uniworld , and about a dozen other brands.

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Vladivostok (Russia, Primorsky Krai)

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Vladivostok cruise port

Region Asia

Local Time 2024-09-28 07:50

Vladivostok is a port city located in Russia (northeastern Asia), and on Golden Horn Bay (Sea of Japan). The city covers a total area of approx 331 km2 (128 mi2) and has population around 0,6 million.

The port city is the terminus of Russia's largest Pacific railway system (Trans-Siberian Railroad) and also the main naval base of Russia's Pacific fleet. The harbor is being kept open by icebreakers during winter months and serves as base for whaling and fishing vessels. Far Eastern State University is also here. The city is a major center of scientific research.

After the port city is named the 2015-built icebreaker Vladivostok .

The town was founded in 1860 as a military outpost and grew rapidly after 1903 when the Trans-Siberian railway was completed. During 1918-1922, Vladivostok was occupied by Japanese and Allied forces.

Port Vladivostok is ice-free the whole year-round. In 2002, the port had a foreign shipping trade turnover worth USD 275 million. In 2015, a special economic zone was established within the free port.

The city's main industries/employers are the Russian naval base, cargo shipping, commercial fishing. Fishing accounts for about 4/5 of the commercial production. A major source of revenue is the Japanese cars import.

In 2012, the city hosted the 24th Summit of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum on Russky Island. In preparation for the event, the city's infrastructure was improved and two giant cable-stayed bridges were built - Zolotoy Rog Bridge (over Golden Horn Bay, city center) and Russky Bridge (connecting with Russky Island).

The 4-lane Russky Bridge (across Eastern Bosphorus strait) is the world's longest cable-stayed bridge ever constructed -(length 3,1 km / 10,200 ft). Its longest span is 1,1 km (3622 ft). The bridge's clearance above is 70 m (230 ft). The construction cost around USD 1,1 billion.

In August 2016, the Chinese ship Chinese Taishan (former Costa Voyager) made a maiden port call. Liner's operator (Bohai Cruises) soon announced the company's decision to include Vladivostok in its regularly scheduled roundtrip itineraries.

On July 31, 2017, the Peace Boat-chartered cruise ship Ocean Dream made a maiden port call in Vladivostok, with around 1200 tourists from Japan and South Korea. The voyage departed Port Kobe (Japan) on July 27th and visited Yeosu (Korea) , Vladivostok, Hakodate (Japan) , Sakaiminato-Matsue (Japan) and Busan (Korea) .

In 2017, cruise ships managed by Costa Asia ( Carnival Corporation 's subsidiary) visited Port Vladivostok 6 times. The first vessel ( Costa Victoria - max capacity 2314 passengers) docked here in May 2016. In 2017, the cruise port handled 13 ship calls. In 2016, their number was 6.

In 2018, the area near the cruise berth was dredged to allow docking of bigger vessels. On February 26 was opened port's season 2018 with Amadea ( Phoenix Reisen ) carrying over 500 passengers. Among 2018's highlights were the maiden calls by the large liners MSC Splendida (3900 pax), Costa Serena (3600 pax) and Costa Fortuna (3250 pax). On May 12, 2018, Costa Serena became the ever-largest cruise ship docking in Vladivostok. The liner carried over 3000 passengers and crew. It arrived from South Korea (roundtrip Busan itinerary) being chartered by Lotte Tours. Tourists were greeted with a live performance by Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University students (drummers, singers, dancers). The seaport and Vladivostok tour operators arranged a total of 79 buses each with a Korean-speaking tour guide.

In 2019 (March through October) were booked for berthing a total of 16 ships, among which the RCI-Royal Caribbean 's Quantum and Spectrum . Other large-sized liners were Costa Serena (5 times), Costa neoRomantica (3 times), Diamond Princess , Holland America 's Maasdam and Westerdam , Ocean Dream .

Season 2019 started on March 20 with MS Albatros (Phoenix Reisen), with estimated nearly 30,000 cruise passengers (plus ~70,000 ferry passengers) to be handled at Vladivostok Sea Terminal. In 2019, Vladivostok also restarted its homeport operations with locals and tourists able to book cruises leaving from Vladivostok (mainly to ports in Korea and Japan) and fly-cruise deals (via air/sea programs). There are plans for establishing a local (Russian) cruise line to operate itineraries to other Russian Far East destinations.

On Sept 9, 2019, Spectrum OTS became the ever-largest passenger ship to visit a Russian Federation port. The vessel docked in Vladivostok and was boarded by 200+ Russian VIP guests. Next is listed the 8-day "Russia and Japan Cruise" itinerary roundtrip from China.

Via Vladivostok, the Russian cargo shipping company FESCO serves three express routes connecting Russia with South Korea, China and Japan - Busan to Moscow (15-days transit launched June 2018), Shanghai to Moscow (20-days transit launched January 2017) and Toyama to Moscow (15-days transit launched April 2018). The new services allow delivery time reduction achieved by implementing new pass-through technology (port-railway). Busan to Vladivostok transit time is 2 days.

In January 2021, FESCO for the first time exported containerized grain delivered from Khabarovsk. The TEU-containers were shipped to China's Qingdao and Chiwan ports. FESCO's Russia-China service is 2-week (transit time 14 days). FESCO started bulk shipping of gran (from Krasnoyarsk) to China in 2018 with the new Siberia-to-Far East (Kamchatka and Magadan) service via FESCO-owned trains.

In December 2021, FESCO acquired JSC Port Gaydamak (FEMSTA containership terminal) which was planned for modernization and expansion in 2024. The facility is used mainly for transshipment (400,000+ tons of grain annually) and general cargoes. Also in December was inaugurated the "FESCO West Gate Bridge" (2-4-times a month intermodal containership service on the route Vladivostok- Kaliningrad/Baltiysk ) linking the Asia-Pacific countries with Europe. With an estimated transit time of 36 days, the Vladivostok-Kaliningrad service is nearly 1,5 times faster than the Suez Canal alternative.

Vladivostok cruise terminal

Cruise ships dock at Vladivostok Sea Terminal where their passengers are welcomed with a ceremony that includes live performances of traditional Russian dances, folklore songs and drummers. The event is organized by the company Vladivostok Sea Terminal, LLC.

To all passengers are given free city maps and tour guides, provided by Primorsky Region's Tourist Information Center. Traditionally, an outdoor market with Russian souvenirs is also organized for the disembarking tourists.

Vladivostok tours, shore excursions, hotels

City tours and shore excursions.

  • In Olga Bay is located the port town Olga (population around 4,000) -  the administrative center of Olginsky District (Primorsky Krai, Russia). The St Olga military post was established in 1860.
  • Lazovsky Nature Reserve is accessed through the port town Preobrazhina (aka Preobrazhenie).

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    Valid VAT Number. Address on VAT Registration: 90 JERMYN STREET, LONDON, SW1Y 6JD. Period when VAT number issued: Issued before November 2009. Last checked by us: 2023-09-15. TRAFALGAR 1805's VAT Number is GB702141886. Share on LinkedIn.

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  7. Trafalgar Tours Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise

    The Operator [Trafalgar Tours Ltd.] was registered as a taxable person with effect from 1 April 1973. On 4 May 1973 its Accountant wrote to the Commissioners stating (inter alia)-. The majority of our sales are made overseas by Agents and we have to cost any commission which is deducted from the gross amount paid to them by the passenger.

  8. LITTLE TRAFALGAR LTD VAT Registration Information for GB390836471

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  9. Trafalgar Tours Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise

    This was an appeal by the taxpayer company from a decision of the London VAT Tribunal (1987) 3 BVC 617) that tax should be calculated on the full advertised price of coach tours provided by the taxpayer. The taxpayer company, which organised coach tours of the UK, was a subsidiary of Trafalgar Tours International Ltd based in Bermuda.

  10. "ATLAS" LLC: owners, founders, management, details(TIN 2543069263)

    Full name of the organization: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "ATLAS" TIN: 2543069263 KPP: 254301001 PSRN: 1152543007715 Location: 690068, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, pr-kt 100-letiia Vladivostoka, 155 korp. 3, of. 5 Line of business: Wholesale of computers, peripheral devices for computers and software (OKVED code 46.51) Organization status: Commercial, active Form of incorporation: Limited ...

  11. Trafalgar Tours International Limited :: Guernsey

    TRAFALGAR United States Patent and Trademark Office 16, 39, 43 2009-07-28 details: TRAVEL TALK BY TRAFALGAR United States Patent and Trademark Office 41 2014-06-10 2021-01-15 historic: details: THE INSIDER BY TRAFALGAR United States Patent and Trademark Office 16 2012-11-20 2019-06-21 historic: details: SEE THE WORLD FROM THE INSIDE

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  13. Trafalgar Tours Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise

    Trafalgar Tours Ltd ("the operator") appealed against a decision of Popplewell J (VAT (1989) 4 BVC 44) given on 23 January 1989 dismissing the operator's appeal from a decision of the VAT tribunal.The grounds of the appeal were: 1. The judge erred in law in concluding that for the purposes of theValue Added Tax Act 1983, Value Added Tax Act 1983 section 10sec. 10 the consideration for the ...

  14. The Scoop: What to Know About Trafalgar Tours

    Trafalgar has a Feefo rating of 4.6/5 and received the company's Platinum Trusted Service Award for 2022. On TourRadar, Trafalgar has a rating of 4.5/5 and is a gold partner, meaning the brand has a high rating and is recognized to promptly respond to queries. According to Trafalgar, it has a repeat guest rating of 53% with a 97% satisfaction ...


    TRAFALGAR TOURS (AUST.) PTY LTD Australia company, Company number: 73000717715, Address: NSW 2022. Pricing API Export data About. Login Sign up. Overview. Summary. Contact details. Tax information. Related companies 1. FAQ. ... VAT. Pays VAT Yes; Registration date 01 Jul 2000; Related companies by address.

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    From Europe tours to USA trips, travel with confidence with Trafalgar. A small deposit secures your vacation. Receive a full refund upon cancellation within 60 days. TTC family of brands. FAQs Get a Quote Agents Login. My Trafalgar. ... Trafalgar Tours Limited is a proud member of ...


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  18. «VAT»

    «VAT» Address: 690065, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Strelnikova str., 9, Phone number: +7(423)249-74-06 - reception; Cash register: Monday-Friday from 8:00 till 20:00; No lunch break; Saturday from 8:00 till 20:00, Lunch break from 12:00 till 13:00; Sunday-day off; Warehouse for cargo issuance A1 (MF) ( A1 area , entrance from Strelnikova str ...

  19. Vladivostok (Russia, Primorsky Krai) cruise port schedule

    Vladivostok tours, shore excursions, hotels City Tours and Shore Excursions. In Olga Bay is located the port town Olga (population around 4,000) - the administrative center of Olginsky District (Primorsky Krai, Russia). The St Olga military post was established in 1860. Lazovsky Nature Reserve is accessed through the port town Preobrazhina (aka ...

  20. Primorsky Krai

    Primorsky krai (Primorye) is located in the south of the Far East. It is bordered by Khabarovsk krai in the north, China in the west, North Korea in the south-west, and is washed by the Japan Sea in the south and east.. The maximum extent of the region makes about 900 km. The greatest width is about 280 km.