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Mammon x Gn MC

➼ Your road trip in the human world may not have a destination, but that doesn’t mean Mammon can’t help out with the Directions.

This little drabble is a part of my “I Want to Getaway Event”   Check it out if you want to!


There is nothing quite like a summer road trip, the windows are down and the music is up as you drive and drive along roads that lead to everywhere and nowhere.

After a movie night in the Devildom, Mammon was intrigued by the idea of an epic road trip and practically begged you to take him on one when you get to the human world. Not finding yourself strong enough to say no to the hopeful eyes of your First Demon you agreed and talked to Diavolo into sending you back to the human world with enough money to rent a car and get everything you need to make Mammon’s first road trip a success.

With your rented convertible fully loaded with snacks and supplies, the two of you began your journey. ready to drive to your heart’s content.

Mammon in the passenger seat looks especially good with his designer shades and windswept locks. Every time you glance in his direction you see he has shifted positions once again, it’s hard to tell whether he is just feeling stir crazy or he’s changing up his pose to get your attention.

It’s cute, but Mammon insisted that he would be your right-hand man and help you out with navigating the both of you to where you need to go. But aside from stopping at a roadside outlet mall to pick up some new designer sunglasses, he has been neglecting his navigation duties.

“Mammon, how long do we stay on this road?” you ask passing an off-ramp leading towards some sort of civilization.

“Don’t worry MC,” he says lazily checking his phone, “The Great Mammon would tell you if we…” he trails off “If we.”

“That was our exit, wasn’t it?” you say glancing over at him and lowering your sunglasses, and sending him a teasing look of disapproval.

“Y-yes, but it’s not my fault all roads in the human world look the same,” he says raising his hands up defensively.

You laugh and turn the car back in the other direction “That’s what navigation is for.”

“M’ sorry I got us lost.” he says jutting out his bottom lip “…again.”

You can’t stay mad at him when he looks at you like that. With a shake of your head, you give him a smile

You can’t stay mad at him when he looks at you like that. With a shake of your head, you give him a smile. “It’s okay Mammon, if I have to get lost with anyone, I’m glad it’s with you.” His face burns a deep red color as he turns to hide it from you.

It’s quiet for a while as mammon stares out at the scenery you are passing completely enraptured by the beautiful natural scenery. It’s not often the time spent with the Avatar of greed is shrouded in silence but you understand this one.\

It’s moments like these that make you miss the feeling of waking up with the light of day rather than the eternal midnight of the Devildom.

“Woah, look at that big rock Mc!” Mammon says pointing out in the distance, “That’s pretty cool.”

But your not looking at the rock, the sky, or even the road. All you are paying attention to is Mammon. Seeing him smile like that makes you feel a bit more at ease, you don’t need the sun if you get to see that every day in the Devildom. With a small smile, you continue down the road.

Off in the distance, you see the next stop on your trip to nowhere in particular.

road trip tumblr text post

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road trip tumblr text post

Road Tripping At Its Finest

It’s day 6, and so far our CRX American Road Trip has been a whirlwind, a marathon, and a blast! So far, we’ve driven up the California coast from L.A. to San Francisco, trekked East to enjoy the wonders of Yosemite National Park, driven the barren journey from Yosemite to Vegas through the night, toured an Arizona slot canyon, wandered the winding streets of Santa Fe, and encountered extraterrestrials in Roswell.


Not only have Phil and I seen more of the country than we ever have, but we’ve also grown a lot. And we’re just halfway through! Thus is the beauty of road trips, where lengthy drives lead to great conversations! 

Phil and I have always prided ourselves on being good travelers, but this trip has really taught us a lot about travel, time management, and rolling with the punches. I spent a lot of time before the trip carefully planning our days, and I’ve come to learn that you really can’t create too many expectations when you travel.  Of course it’s important to have some ideas and points of interest in mind, but too much of that can take away spontaneity! Not only that, but when your original expectations don’t quite pan out, it can kill your mood for a little while. I found that out within the first couple days of the trip. One of the most exciting parts of the trip so far was completely unexpected; a 9 hour drive to Vegas from Yosemite that was originally set to start around 3 didn’t get started ‘til 8. Yes, that meant power-driving through the night, and rolling into Vegas at 6am.

But it was aaaall worth it. We even got to ride the roller coaster at New York, New York! 


At first, as the day’s plans changed the longer we stayed in Yosemite, the more anxious I became. And that killed my enjoyment of Yosemite for a little while! After a point, I just realized we were having a great time in a beautiful national park, and we should stay there longer, even if that meant shifting our plans (and admittedly, in a pretty crazy way). I mean, you can’t just drive past something as breath-taking as El Capitan and not stop for pictures!


People always say it’s not the destination, but the journey that really matters, and I don’t think I really believed that until this trip. Some of the most fun memories are our spur-of-the moment stops, such as deciding to photograph all the cool retro motel signs we pass, or stopping at the hokey gas station near Area 51 at 3 in the morning. 


Phil and I are extraordinarily grateful for the experience that CRX has given us to see so much of this beautiful country. We’re pumped to continue on our great American Road Trip, and make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Phil and I have a special relationship with Hannibal, Missouri that began in June 2011. I’d heard the sleepy river town was a great day-trip location; only 2 hours away, the birth-place of Mark Twain, quaint–our type of place! We arrived, and immediately saw how at-odds with itself Hannibal is. A lot of the town is low-income, and many houses are pretty run-down. At the same time, there are many wealthy families that own (and have restored) the old Victorian mansions that remain downtown from it’s glory days in the 1800s. The town attracts many intelligent people because of it’s history and architecture, so there is a small, but vibrant, art scene. Unfortunately, there is a roughness to some (certainly not all!) of the locals who were simply born in the town, and do not appreciate its background. Main Street is really the only busy, functioning part of the downtown.


On this street, there is the Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum , the stairs that lead to the memorial lighthouse, pathways along the riverfront, restaurants, antique shops, the town’s incredible one and only coffee shop, Java Jive , the Hannibal History Museum (more about that later), and more.


If you saw just the Main Street, you’d think Hannibal was pretty hoppin’. But here’s Broadway, the large road perpendicular to Main Street.


When Phil and I visited, we spent a lot of time seeing the attractions on Main Street, went to the Mark Twain Cave , and spur of the moment, took the Haunted Hannibal Ghost Tour . This is where I get back to that Hannibal History Museum! Ken and Lisa Marks are a couple from St. Louis that visited Hannibal a few years ago, and were taken by its history. They moved to the town, started their own free museum, and have written two books since. Pretty intimidating self-starters if you ask me! Haha. They were never into ghost hunting, but after they moved to Hannibal, they began hearing from just about everyone that the town was haunted. Their tour is a blast! Lisa’s a wonderful story-teller, and we got to see a lot of the town and hear its unique history. The tour ended at Old Baptist Cemetery (which is likely the cemetery mentioned in  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ), where we were given dousing rods to see if we were attracted to any particular graves. It sounds a little nuts, but I’ve gone on the tour multiple times since, and I’m definitely becoming a believer.


Why have I been on the ghost tour so much, you ask? Well, after the tour was over, Phil and I had a long chat with Ken and Lisa. We really hit it off, and at the time, Phil wanted to start a video project focusing on small towns. He thought Hannibal would be a great start, so we visited a few times since for various events, and Phil did some video work for Ken and Lisa, including filming a couple ghost tours. Now we’re good friends with Ken and Lisa! We certainly didn’t think our little day trip over a year ago would lead to so much. Sometimes places surprise you, and Hannibal was definitely one of those for me and Phil.

Hannibal is DEFINITELY worth a visit (or 4, if you’re us). All in all, the town is just  interesting . There is so much history that I’m still learning, even after going there so many times!  

So, what seems to good to be true has finally happened. Phil and I won Car Rental Express’s American Road Trip Contest! Well, he was the entrant, I’m the travel partner. We decided to submit just one entry and use both of our efforts to garner as many votes as possible! We swarmed Twitter and created a new account we can use hand-in-hand with this Tumblr. Filled with travel info, updates on our trip, and more, we hope to make it useful for all travelers out there! Also, Phil utilized our great prairie dog footage and created a commercial for CRX .

So what exactly is this American Road Trip contest? On August 10th, Phil and I will embark on a two-week road trip from L.A. to New York. Our car, lodging and food will be funded by CRX. Our job is to promote their brand during our travels, and update often with pictures, tweets, videos and blogs. All of this comes second-nature to Phil and I, so we can’t wait to get started. Right now, we’re figuring out the best possible route to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

And don’t worry–we’ll try to make this blog about more than our upcoming trip, too. There’s still so much from South Dakota, as well as our many other past trips we’d love to share. 

Here’s our winning contest picture. Nothing more appropriate than our road-tripping car in front of the most notable landmark in our fair city of St. Louis!


Thanks, Erin! :) 

Well, we’ve done a lot of traveling, and although we’ve always been big picture-takers, we hadn’t really written much down until now! A picture  does  say a lot, but we love the idea of blog posts that capture the finer details of the trip. AND, hopefully our experiences can inspire other travelers!

Our detour to the Ranch Store outside the Badlands was an unexpected treasure. What was especially great is that it cost near to nothing! Free entry, and only $2 for 2 bags of unsalted peanuts. Frugal travelers like us were THRILLED. 

Who could blame us for spending 2 hours (in the hot, hot sun mind you) at this place. Just look at this little guy!


There were big ones, small ones, round ones, scraggly ones–and even white ones! South Dakota is one of the only homes of white prairie dogs. 




What was really great is we didn’t even plan to stop at the Ranch Store! We were on our way to The Badlands, and happened to drive by. We saw “Free prairie dog ranch” and we were sold! Spontaneous detours like this are what make road trips so great.

The Black Hills is one of those places you really have to see to understand why it’s so special. However, I’m going to do my best to sum up my favorite parts of this beautiful area! 

Initially for me and Phil, the lure of South Dakota began with Mount Rushmore, located just north of Custer State Park. The size! The scope! The patriotism! We couldn’t help ourselves.


All and all, Mount Rushmore was pretty great (note: our excited faces), but to be honest wasn’t one of our favorite things we saw in comparison to other attractions in South Dakota. 

What could be cooler that Mount Rushmore you ask? I think I can answer for both Phil and myself when I say Needles Highway! This twisty turny road that goes through Custer State park seemed pretty intimidating on paper; Reading some online posts and reviews of the attraction, I saw mention of narrow roads carved under the mountainside that barely fit one car. The highway is a two-lane road! I had visions of me backing out of a narrow mountain-locked road, scraping off my paint in the process. 

That didn’t happen. Not even close! Although the reviewers sure weren’t kidding when they said there was only room for one car.


Yes, there were some sharp turns and lots of hills, but that’s the best way to experience the beautiful landscape! There are vantage points spotted across the highway, and many places to get out and start climbing. And climb we did!


You might even encounter wild animals, like I did with this bison. And by encounter, I mean drive by within the safety of your car. Don’t worry–this isn’t the part of the highway where you’re supposed to get out and climb around ;)


All in all, the road takes about 45 minutes to drive, but if you stop, explore and take pictures, it can easily take 3+ hours. And it should! There are so many wonderful little pockets to see. The Black Hills have beautiful rock formations, trees and, well, hills. Who knew! 


Hey, everybody! This one’s from Cat. Last week Phil and I went on an out-of-this world trip to South Dakota, which, we discovered, has just about everything: offbeat landmarks (Corn Palace, Wall Drug, hi), very  very  Badlands, Mount Rushmore, sweeping landscapes, charming towns–the list continues. I can’t believe that before the trip all I knew about South Dakota was Mount Rushmore. We took far too many pictures, as usual, so the next several posts will be detailing the trip, including several stops along the way, like Kansas City, Omaha, and an unexpected stint in Wyoming. Stay tuned!


Howdy guys! My name is Phil Diehl, and I’m the other half of this travel-blogging duo.

(Hangin’ out at the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX)

  • I’m a 24 year old freelance video professional from St. Louis, Missouri.
  • I work for a traveling production company that streams music festivals held all across the nation live, over the internet. They’re a bunch of amazing guys, and you can check them out here!
  • I spent the last year or so helping adults labeled as developmentally disabled express themselves via the audio/visual arts at RHD-MO’s Blank Canvas Studios.
  • My great-grandpa invented microwavable pretzels.
  • I’m obsessed with old buildings and urban renewal. Nothing thrills me more than seeing a formerly abandoned structure experience new life via renovation!
  • I love creating videos and interactive content about the unforgettable places I’ve visited, especially if they’re off the beaten path! Here’s a perfect example.
  • I once got beaten up by a few dozen live-action-roleplayers (LARP'ers) at a local park. Click the link above for evidence of this encounter!
  • My spirit animal is the red panda. Or maybe the lobster. Can I have two?
  • I can’t wait to share all sorts of sweet, unique content with you, right here, on this very Tumblr!

That’s all I’ve got for now. I hope you’re as excited as we are!

The closest thing I’ve come to a UFO sighting! In middle-a-nowhere Illinois, outside The Pink Elephant Antique Mall.

The closest thing I’ve come to a UFO sighting! In middle-a-nowhere Illinois, outside The Pink Elephant Antique Mall.

So, first of all, who’s running the show here? Second, what’s this blog all about?

We are Phil Diehl and Cat Hendel: St. Louis natives, media junkies, and traveling fiends. In our nearly two years together, we’ve traveled lots of places–some near, some far. We are drawn to places that are off the beaten path, unusual, and often nostalgic. Our favorite way to travel is by car; seeing the many landscapes of our huge nation is exciting, and we love being able to stop at the drop of a hat at anywhere we find interesting. We gravitate towards kitsch, tourist traps, and diner food–Lucky for us there’s LOTS of that in the US!

This blog is dedicated to documenting our many road trips! Let’s drop this whole “our” business and get a little more personal. Shall we?

It’s bio time!



  • I’m a 21 year old college senior at Webster University. I graduate in December, y'all!
  • I’m studying Media Communications and Advertising, and I want to go into Social Media Management.
  • I have 2 middle names, Ann and America, which is named after my grandma
  • There are few things I enjoy more than a good meal. 
  • I am very level-headed and rational, which I sometimes worry about being boring, but they’re actually good traits to have.
  • My father was a Catholic priest for 36 years, and my mom was a Catholic nun.
  • …I’m agnostic.
  • I’m easily fed up with ignorant and close-minded people.
  • I’m am very introspective, and know myself well.
  • Studying abroad has made me evaluate my life and what I want out of it a lot more than I thought it would.
  • I love antiques and flea markets. I could look at them all day.
  • I have lots of interests but not one passion
  • I want to travel as much as I can while I’m young.
  • I’m increasingly fascinated by my family history. See other blagh:

road trip tumblr text post

Hearts Lost in Dark Poisonous Love — any tips for writing road trips?

See, that’s what the app is perfect for..


Hearts Lost in Dark Poisonous Love

Maria | 24 | fanfic writer (MASTERLIST) | video maker | creative soul

here to analyze the tiniest details to death and spend 90% of my time thinking about fictional characters

Anonymous asked:

any tips for writing road trips?

creativepromptsforwriting answered:

How to write a road trip

For a road trip there are a few things to consider that change how you go about it:

  • Just wanting to have a road trip
  • Is there a specific place they need to go to?
  • What is going to wait for them at the end?
  • If there is a specific place, they need to be at they should take the direct route there
  • If it’s just for fun they can go and stop in any direction whenever they want
  • You can include some obstacles, like road blocks, traffic jams, construction sites, getting lost, etc.
  • If you use actual places, try to figure out the time it takes to get from point A to point B

Sleeping arrangements

  • A few options: in the car, in a tent, in a motel
  • Depends on where they are, their budget and the weather
  • How many people are in the car?
  • What is their relationship?
  • Are they carefree and happy or is there tension between them?

Plot points

  • The plot is like a road trip itself - it moves from one point to another and then ends at a point you choose
  • So, you can choose different stations during the trip to include different plot points and further the plot
  • Maybe something major always happens when they have to stay in the car with nowhere else to go
  • Maybe they only have important conversations at night

End of the trip

  • You should interconnect the end of the trip with the end of the plot you wanted to get across
  • It’s like reaching the destination in both aspects
  • That makes for the most satisfying end for the reader

Road Trip Ideas

  • picnic at the side of the road
  • quick bathroom breaks
  • having a snack stock pile
  • homemade sandwiches
  • getting lost
  • fights about which way to go
  • being stuck in traffic
  • the perfect road trip playlist
  • and still fighting over the music
  • phone batteries being dangerously low and no way to charge them
  • trying to read an actual paper map
  • packing too many useless things
  • while forgetting something important
  • looking out for places to sleep
  • contemplating if the creepy motel is worth it
  • sleeping in the car, uncomfortable in all the wrong places
  • sleeping under the starry sky
  • not seeing a single soul for miles
  • randomly stopping at interesting things
  • watching the sun set and rise again
  • measuring time with McDonald’s signs they see
  • visiting small towns
  • coming across ghost towns
  • exploring the remnants of civilization
  • arriving at their destination feeling either more connected to each other or farther away from each other

I hope you enjoy this and have fun writing it!

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⭐Stella⭐ 1/3


Y'all! Chapter 4 has officially been started!

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Come join the club...

Keep reading

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Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena

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invented a chess opening called the lovers gambit where you toss the pieces aside and start kissing your opponent on the table

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terrific-togekiss — any tips for writing road trips?

See, that’s what the app is perfect for..



Anonymous asked:

any tips for writing road trips?

creativepromptsforwriting answered:

How to write a road trip

For a road trip there are a few things to consider that change how you go about it:

  • Just wanting to have a road trip
  • Is there a specific place they need to go to?
  • What is going to wait for them at the end?
  • If there is a specific place, they need to be at they should take the direct route there
  • If it’s just for fun they can go and stop in any direction whenever they want
  • You can include some obstacles, like road blocks, traffic jams, construction sites, getting lost, etc.
  • If you use actual places, try to figure out the time it takes to get from point A to point B

Sleeping arrangements

  • A few options: in the car, in a tent, in a motel
  • Depends on where they are, their budget and the weather
  • How many people are in the car?
  • What is their relationship?
  • Are they carefree and happy or is there tension between them?

Plot points

  • The plot is like a road trip itself - it moves from one point to another and then ends at a point you choose
  • So, you can choose different stations during the trip to include different plot points and further the plot
  • Maybe something major always happens when they have to stay in the car with nowhere else to go
  • Maybe they only have important conversations at night

End of the trip

  • You should interconnect the end of the trip with the end of the plot you wanted to get across
  • It’s like reaching the destination in both aspects
  • That makes for the most satisfying end for the reader

Road Trip Ideas

  • picnic at the side of the road
  • quick bathroom breaks
  • having a snack stock pile
  • homemade sandwiches
  • getting lost
  • fights about which way to go
  • being stuck in traffic
  • the perfect road trip playlist
  • and still fighting over the music
  • phone batteries being dangerously low and no way to charge them
  • trying to read an actual paper map
  • packing too many useless things
  • while forgetting something important
  • looking out for places to sleep
  • contemplating if the creepy motel is worth it
  • sleeping in the car, uncomfortable in all the wrong places
  • sleeping under the starry sky
  • not seeing a single soul for miles
  • randomly stopping at interesting things
  • watching the sun set and rise again
  • measuring time with McDonald’s signs they see
  • visiting small towns
  • coming across ghost towns
  • exploring the remnants of civilization
  • arriving at their destination feeling either more connected to each other or farther away from each other

I hope you enjoy this and have fun writing it!

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Fandom Problem #5609:

Very big pet peeves when you find a fanfiction with a very cool plot but the poor formating (forgotten caps, one block text, a lot of space between each sentence, etc..) makes it unreadable

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an encounter

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Angus McKie


Fandom Problem #5506:

thanks to radfems I can't write female characters without feeling some measure of guilt for not making them "empowering" enough. If I write a woman who receives emotional or any other kind of support from a man, I'm portraying her as weak and needing a man to save her. If I write a woman supporting a man, I'm portraying her as nothing but a tool in his story. If I write a scene where a man empathizes with a woman's struggles, I'm making it all about him.

I'm always second guessing myself every time I try to write a female character, and it's so exhausting when there are so many male-female relationships I would love to write about, platonic OR romantic. I get afraid of posting anything about female characters because someone might interpret it badly. There's no way to win with this radfem mindset that men are inherently bad and that we (I'm a woman myself) should have nothing to do with them.

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I find it very amusing how the “all fictional women need no man and are simultaneously little girls who need to be infantilized/flawless girlbosses devoid of any flaws; depending on what the narrative of the day is,” mentality is not fought back against, often defended and more only concern themselves with other things.

Then they reap what they sow for focusing elsewhere.

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Sinnoh region Champion Cynthia 😍

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reblog and put any Pokémon ideas for unused dual types in the tags.

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Fics Written in the Stars — any tips for writing road trips?

See, that’s what the app is perfect for..


Fics Written in the Stars

Anonymous asked:

any tips for writing road trips?

creativepromptsforwriting answered:

How to write a road trip

For a road trip there are a few things to consider that change how you go about it:

  • Just wanting to have a road trip
  • Is there a specific place they need to go to?
  • What is going to wait for them at the end?
  • If there is a specific place, they need to be at they should take the direct route there
  • If it’s just for fun they can go and stop in any direction whenever they want
  • You can include some obstacles, like road blocks, traffic jams, construction sites, getting lost, etc.
  • If you use actual places, try to figure out the time it takes to get from point A to point B

Sleeping arrangements

  • A few options: in the car, in a tent, in a motel
  • Depends on where they are, their budget and the weather
  • How many people are in the car?
  • What is their relationship?
  • Are they carefree and happy or is there tension between them?

Plot points

  • The plot is like a road trip itself - it moves from one point to another and then ends at a point you choose
  • So, you can choose different stations during the trip to include different plot points and further the plot
  • Maybe something major always happens when they have to stay in the car with nowhere else to go
  • Maybe they only have important conversations at night

End of the trip

  • You should interconnect the end of the trip with the end of the plot you wanted to get across
  • It’s like reaching the destination in both aspects
  • That makes for the most satisfying end for the reader

Road Trip Ideas

  • picnic at the side of the road
  • quick bathroom breaks
  • having a snack stock pile
  • homemade sandwiches
  • getting lost
  • fights about which way to go
  • being stuck in traffic
  • the perfect road trip playlist
  • and still fighting over the music
  • phone batteries being dangerously low and no way to charge them
  • trying to read an actual paper map
  • packing too many useless things
  • while forgetting something important
  • looking out for places to sleep
  • contemplating if the creepy motel is worth it
  • sleeping in the car, uncomfortable in all the wrong places
  • sleeping under the starry sky
  • not seeing a single soul for miles
  • randomly stopping at interesting things
  • watching the sun set and rise again
  • measuring time with McDonald’s signs they see
  • visiting small towns
  • coming across ghost towns
  • exploring the remnants of civilization
  • arriving at their destination feeling either more connected to each other or farther away from each other

I hope you enjoy this and have fun writing it!

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B plot where Mabel joins the fireside girls

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they are siblings, your honour 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

i LOOOVE eri and her big bros (i rlly gotta draw mirio one of these days), they are so cute!!

heres an old ink sketch of them too!!


Making up my own One For All users headcanons because we still know little to nothing abt them

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fruit snake


Last one from the archives


List of 120 unique fantasy jobs to give to your fantasy characters. Writers save this!

1. Spellscribe: Weaves magic into ink, creating enchanted scrolls and spellbooks.

2. Dreamweaver: Shapes dreams, ensuring a peaceful slumber for all.

3. Star Cartographer: Maps constellations and celestial paths.

4. Potion Alchemist: Brews elixirs, love potions, and invisibility brews.

5. Whispering Wind Courier: Carries messages on ethereal zephyrs.

6. Crystal Harmonist: Plays melodies on gemstone xylophones.

7. Arcane Librarian: Guards forbidden tomes and ancient grimoires.

8. Stormcaller: Commands lightning and tempests.

9. Shadow Weaver: Manipulates shadows for stealth or illusion.

10. Fey Ambassador: Bridges the gap between humans and fae.

11. Time Tinkerer: Repairs temporal rifts and broken clocks.

12. Soul Gardener: Tends to souls in the afterlife.

13. Dragon Whisperer: Communicates with fire-breathing beasts.

14. Labyrinth Architect: Designs mazes with shifting walls.

15. Aetheronaut: Pilots airships through the skies.

16. Cauldron Chef: Cooks magical stews and enchanted pastries.

17. Goblin Negotiator: Haggles with mischievous goblins over stolen treasures.

18. Wisp Shepherd: Herds glowing wisps across moonlit meadows.

19. Constellation Painter: Dips brushes in stardust to create cosmic art.

20. Swordsmith of Destiny: Forges blades with prophetic properties.

21. Oracle of Riddles: Answers questions through cryptic puzzles.

22. Moss Whisperer: Encourages moss-covered stones to share their secrets.

23. Harvest Moon Dancer: Leads celestial dances during lunar eclipses.

24. Chimera Veterinarian: Cares for mythical hybrid creatures.

25. Lore Bard: Sings epic sagas of forgotten heroes.

26. Stardust Prospector: Mines cosmic minerals from fallen meteors.

27. Mistwalker: Guides lost souls through foggy moors.

28. Enchanted Cobbler: Crafts shoes that grant extraordinary abilities.

29. Celestial Clockmaker: Constructs timepieces powered by starlight.

30. Gargoyle Sculptor: Carves stone guardians with hidden sentience.

31. Wandmaker: Whittles wands from ancient tree branches.

32. Mermaid Translator: Deciphers underwater songs and sea whispers.

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I had a vision

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Marcus S. Sanderson

Marcus S. Sanderson

120 adventure quotes to inspire world travel.

Looking for inspirational adventure quotes about traveling around the world? These quotes about adventure and travel will stir the wanderlust in you.

Are you tired of the same old, day to day? Are you looking for more adventure in your life? Do you have a whispering voice that encourages you to go, see and do!

Yes, it’s easy to silence that voice. It’s easy to get distracted by the day and just get right back into your routine. But, what’s really holding you back from traveling? Why can’t you buy the plane ticket? If you’re being honest with yourself: have you just settled? Have you talked yourself out of it? Think about that.

Travel is undeniably the one constant item you’ll find in everybody’s bucket list. It doesn’t matter if you plan on venturing out nationally or internationally . Travel is being done for the sake of experience and memories, not just to escape. It’s more than just a trend; it has become a lifestyle.

According to Trip Barometer, travelers are likely to spend more on sightseeing than on shopping, souvenirs and nightlife combined. So don’t just lounge for hours on a local beach . Splurge on that trip instead of material acquisitions.

Below you’ll find our collection of inspirational, wise, and cool adventure quotes, adventure sayings, and adventure proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.

Best  Adventure  Quotes For A Journey Around The World

1.) “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” ―  Anita Desai

2.) “ Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”  ―  David Mitchell , Cloud Atlas

3.) “Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures .” – Lewis Carroll

4.) “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” ―  Gustave Flaubert

adventure quotes no place is as bad

5.) “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”  – Jennifer Lee

6.) “ To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice.”  ―  Elizabeth Gilbert

7.) “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

8.) “Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.”  – Asian  proverb

9.) “It’s funny . When you leave your home and wander really far, you always think, ‘I want to go home.’ But then you come home, and of course it’s not the same. You can’t live with it, you can’t live away from it. And it seems like from then on there’s always this yearning for someplace that doesn’t exist. I felt that. Still do. I’m never completely at home anywhere.” ―  Danzy Senna

10.) “Travel is never a matter of money, but of courage .” – Paulo Coelho

11.) “Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ―  Terry Pratchett

12.) “Travel makes you realize that no matter how much you know, there’s always more to learn .” – Nyssa P. Chopra

adventure quotes bout trying new things and travel

13.) “I heard an airplane passing overhead. I wished I was on it.” ―  Charles Bukowski

14.) “When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable . It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” –  Clifton Fadiman

Adventure  Quotes about Exploration and Fun

15.) “If you think adventure us dangerous, try routine; it’s lethal.” – Paulo Coelho

16.) “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Unknown

17.) “It is not down in any map; true places never are.” – Herman Melville

18.) “The journey , not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot

19.) “For an occurrence to become an adventure, it is necessary and sufficient for one to recount it.”  ―  Jean-Paul Sartre

20.) “A ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.”  – Gael Attal

adventure quotes about flying anywhere

21.) “Not I, not anyone else, can travel that road for you. You must travel it for yourself.”  – Walt Whitman

22.) “We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” – Hilaire Belloc

23.) “Please understand, I have been waiting to leave ever since I figured out there were roads willing to take me anywhere I wanted to go.”  – Unknown

24.) “Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in 10 seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.”  – Ray Bradbury

25.) “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” — T.S Eliot

Inspirational Travel Adventure Quotes about Life

26.) “If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and avoid the people, you might better stay home.” – James Michener

27.) “ Adventure , yeah. I guess that’s what you call it when everybody comes back alive.” ―  Mercedes Lackey

adventure quotes about the world

28.) “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” –   Aldous Huxley

29.) “…adventures don’t come calling like unexpected cousins calling from out of town. You have to go looking for them.” — Unknown

30.) “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you’ve traveled.” – Mohammed

31.) “If you can’t live longer, live deeper.”  – Italian proverb

32.) “My heart swings back and forth between the need for routine and the urge to run.” – Unknown

33.) “Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s life.” – Mark Twain

34.) “Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions .” – Peter Hoeg

35.) “I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” –  Diane Ackerman

adventure quotes about the journey of life

36.) “Traveling is like flirting with life. It’s like saying, ‘I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station.’” – Lisa St. Aubin de Teran

Best Adventure quotes about seeing the world

37.)  “Always there has been an adventure just around the corner–and the world is still full of corners.” ―  Roy Chapman Andrews

38.)  “Maybe you had to leave in order to miss a place; maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.” ―  Jodi Picoult

39.)  “And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” — Kahlil Gibran

40.)  “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” – Seth Godin

41.) “I would rather own a little and see the world than own the world and see a little.”  – Alexander Sattler

42.)  “Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul.”  – Jaime Lyn Beatty

43.) “No reason to stay is a good reason to go.” – Unknown

adventure quotes about seeing the world

44.) “Let your boys test their wings. They may not be eagles, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t soar free.” ― C.J. Milbrandt

45.) “Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.” –  Irving Wallace

46.)  “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

47.)  “The purpose of life , after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

48.) “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather

49.) “For my part, I travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” –  Robert Louis Stevenson

Adventure quotes for couples

50.) “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

51.) I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. — Mark Twain

52.) “Love is the food of life, travel is dessert.” – Annonymous

53.) “As soon as I saw you, I knew you would be an adventure of a lifetime.” – Winnie the Pooh

54.) “I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.” – Anon

55.) “A couple who travel together grow together.” – Ahmad Fuadi

56.) “It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding themselves.” – Andre Gide

57.) “He who does not travel does not know the value of men.” – Moorish proverb

58.) “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

59.) “If happiness is the goal – and it should be, then adventure should be top priority.” – R ichard Branson

60.) ”Don’t die without embracing the daring adventure your life was meant to be.” – Steve Pavlina

Adventure quotes that inspire you to tackle the world

61.) “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” ~ Susan Sontag

62.) “And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.” – Unknown

63.) “Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.” – Ernest Hemingway

64.) ‘’Adventure isn’t hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain . Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles in life.’’ – John Amatt

65.) “Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure and go ever upward.” – Drew Houston

66.) “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

67.)  “Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” – J.K. Rowling

68.) “I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.” – Rosalia de Castro

69.) “An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.” – G. K. Chesterton

70.) “I’ll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it.” – Unknown

Motivational quotes about adventure and living life to the fullest

71.) “I do not have the slightest clue what I am doing…that’s the adventure…I stopped worrying about it…that’s the beauty.” – Jason King

72.)“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart

73.) “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

74.) ”Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure” – Bob Bitchin

75.) ” If we do not find anything very pleasant, at least we shall find something new. ” – Johann Friedrick von Schiller

76.) ”Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show.” – Unknown

77.) “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discoverthat I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau

78.) “Life is full of adventure. There’s no such thing as a clear pathway.” – Guy Laliberte

79.) “There is no certainty; there is only adventure.” – Roberto Assagioli

80.) ’The only question in life is whether or not you are going to answer a hearty ‘YES!’ to your adventure.’’ – Joseph Campbell

Adventure quotes to inspire you to live the life of your dreams

81.) “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.” ~ Louisa May Alcott 

82.) “If it’s both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.” – Erada

83.) ‘’Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry.’’ – Jack Kerouac

84.) “Anytime I feel lost, I pull out a map and stare. I stare until I have reminded myself that life is a giant adventure, so much to do, to see.” – Angelina Jolie

85.) “I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.” – Herman Melville

86.) “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” – Alan Cohen

87.) ” We’re not home-and-hearth people. We’re the adventurers, the buccaneers, the blockade runners. Without challenge, we’re only alive.” – Alexander Eliot

88.) “If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul.” – Drew Barrymore

89.) “Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.” – Roy T. Bennett

Inspirational adventure quotes

90.) “Life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.” – Danny Kaye

91.) “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”- Michael Althsuler

92.) ‘’A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books , traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.’’ – Willfred Peterson

93.) “Adventure is not outside man; it is within.” – George Eliot

94.) “We love because it’s the only true adventure.” – Nikki Giovanni

95.) “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” – John Steinbeck

96.) “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

97.) “Here’s to freedom, cheers to art . Here’s to having an excellent adventure and may the stopping never start.” – Jason Mraz

98.) “Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to face many a danger, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle.” – Annie Besant

99.) “Make your life a mission – not an intermission.” – Unknown

100.) “May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” – Trenton Lee Stewart

Adventure quotes to ignite your wanderlust

101.) “You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” – Karen Blixen

102.) “I’m still a kid inside, and adventure is adventure wherever you find it.” – Jim Dale

103.) “One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” ― André Gide

104.) “Adventure is worthwhile.” – Aesop

105.) “Life is an adventure, it’s not a package tour.” – Eckhart Tolle

106.) “A man on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle will see more, feel more, enjoy more in one mile than the motori

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Traveller's Elixir

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151 Road Trip Captions For Instagram – Puns, Quotes & Short Captions

Road trip Instagram captions - featured image

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of setting out on a road trip, the wind in your hair and the miles stretching out before you.

Whether you’re cruising down Route 66 or simply taking a weekend trip to the beach, finding the perfect caption for your road trip pics can be a challenge.

Fear not dear reader, as I’ve scoured the internet to bring you the best road trip Instagram captions around.

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram (@travellerselixir) and tag me in your photo for a share!

Click For Table of Contents

Best Road Trip Instagram Captions

Funny road trip captions & road trip puns.

  • Are we there yet?
  • The destination isn’t actually the best part of a road trip. It’s the fast food pit stops along the way!
  • Having a wheel -y nice time!
  • We’re going on an ad- van -ture!
  • Been driving all day. I need a brake !
  • Lets be gear , I’m always up for an adventure!
  • RV there yet?
  • Ad- van -ture awaits!
  • The only thing better than a road trip is a road trip with snacks
  • That’s a driven
  • Drive never been on a road trip before
  • I have a feeling that today is going to be wheel -y good
  • Loving this road trip, but all this driving is tire -ing!
  • Road trips are an af- Ford -able way to see the world

Road trip pun - Lets be gear, I'm always up for an adventure.

  • We Audi here!
  • It’s been a wheel…
  • I think we van make it there tonight
  • Road trips wheel -y are the best kind of trips!
  • I’m auto- ly delighted to be on this road trip
  • We can’t a- Ford to stop here!
  • A road trip is the ultimate test of friendship. If you can survive hours in a car together, you can survive anything

Up Next: Sunset Instagram Captions

Cute Road Trip Captions For Instagram

  • On a road trip, be back never
  • Life’s a journey, so why not make it a road trip?
  • I followed my heart and it led me to the open road
  • A road trip with your favorite people is like therapy on wheels
  • Life is short, but the highway is long. Let’s make the most of it
  • Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the stuff in-between
  • Sometimes, all you need is a good friend and a full tank of gas
  • Happiness is a road trip with a good playlist

Funny road trip Instagram caption - Road trips wheel-y are the best kind of trips.

  • The only bad thing about a road trip is when it comes to an end
  • Road trips: because sometimes you just need to get away from it all and blast some tunes
  • Making memories, one road trip at a time
  • Who needs a plane ticket when you can have a tank of gas and a sense of adventure?
  • Sorry, can’t hear you over the sound of my car stereo and the wind in my hair
  • People don’t take road trips, road trips take people
  • Life is a highway and I’m just trying to hit every exit
  • It feels good to be lost in the right direction
  • Life is short but the road is long. Time to make some memories
  • It’s not a road trip without a few detours, wrong turns and questionable food choices
  • Really in the mood for a long drive with no destination
  • The only trip I want to take is one on the open road
  • The only thing better than a road trip is a spontaneous road trip. Let’s go!
  • The four wheels move the body but the road trip moves the soul
  • Life is too short to not go on a spontaneous road trip

Road trip Instagram caption - Life's a journey so why not make it a road trip?

  • Me, you, the radio, and the highway. Let’s go.
  • The best therapy is a long drive and good music
  • Singing at the top of my lungs on the open road
  • Always say yes to a road trip
  • I don’t need a map, I’ve got my gut instinct and a full tank of gas
  • It’s not about the destination, it’s about the detours along the way
  • All I need is one wheel in hand and four wheels on the road
  • Driving on the highway, listening to the radio, rolling the windows down, and breathing the wild air. What a great time to be alive!
  • Every now and then, I take to the road looking for adventure
  • Get in loser, we’re going on a road trip 
  • Going places that I’ve never been
  • I’ve always wanted to see what’s at the end of the road
  • Turns out, I just needed a day off and a dirt road
  • Ultimately, every road leads to the whole world
  • Followed my heart and it made me follow the road

Road trip caption for Instagram - People don't take road trips, road trips take people.

  • Being on the road is bliss. I love traveling from city to city, chilling out, and moving on to the next destination
  • I need the curving, winding, twisting, dusty path to nowhere
  • Speeding into a new sunrise
  • Sometimes, all you need is a car and a tank of gas
  • Strangely, I’m on the road yet I feel at home
  • People having babies and getting married…and I’m like: where am I road tripping to next?

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Inspirational & Beautiful Road Trip Captions

  • No road trip is long with good company
  • Always take the scenic route
  • Any road will take you wherever you want to go. Just pick one and go
  • A bend in the road is not the end of the road
  • The road is there, it will always be there. You just have to decide when to take it
  • A road trip is not just about the destination but the journey itself
  • Extraordinary things happen when you don’t know where you’re going
  • There’s a whole world out there waiting to be explored. Let’s go find it
  • Never underestimate the therapeutic power of driving and listening to loud music

Road trip Instagram caption - It feels good to be lost in the right direction.

  • I don’t care how long it takes, but I’m going somewhere beautiful
  • The beauty of a road trip is that you never know what’s waiting around the next bend
  • Little by little, one travels far
  • Traveling by car is the perfect way to slow down and enjoy the ride
  • Keep moving forward and don’t look back
  • Don’t wait for the perfect moment to take a road trip. The perfect moment is now
  • Life is fleeting, and so is time. Take that spontaneous road trip while you still can
  • My real home is on the road
  • The best adventures are the ones that take us out of our comfort zones and into the unknown
  • Somewhere along the road, I’ve discovered how beautiful life is indeed
  • I see the road, but I don’t know where it leads. Onward to a new adventure!
  • Life is a journey and a road trip is the perfect way to make the most of it
  • I’ll meet you when the road decides that it’s time for our paths to cross again
  • Road trips aren’t measured by mile markers, but by moments
  • Travel teaches you a little about the world and a lot about yourself. Getting lost is the best way to find ourselves

Beautiful road trip caption - I need the curving, winding, twisting, dusty path to nowhere.

  • Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself
  • The road less traveled is the road to adventure

Up Next: Mountain Instagram Captions

Short Road Trip Captions

  • Life is a highway
  • On the road again
  • On your mark, get set, go!
  • Let’s go on a road trip
  • Thrills & grills
  • Let’s get lost
  • Finding Route 66
  • Come along and take a ride
  • Endless horizons
  • Wanderlust and highway dust
  • Get in the car!

Road trip quote - A road trip is not just about the destination but the journey itself.

  • Hit the road
  • Racing with the wind
  • Jump in and let’s go!
  • Where to next?
  • The open road calls
  • Let’s take it one mile at a time
  • Living life by the steering wheel
  • Wind in my hair
  • Out of mind, out of town
  • There are no wrong turns
  • Friends, tunes and the open road
  • Chilling on a dirt road
  • Take the long way home
  • Ready, set, road trip!

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Road Trip Quotes For Instagram Captions

  • “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” – Erol Ozan

Road trip Instagram caption - The best adventures are the ones that take us out of our comfort zones and into the unknown.

  • “A road trip is not just a trip, it’s a life lesson in letting go and living in the moment.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman
  • “The open road is a canvas, and every mile traveled is a stroke of pure freedom.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Look for chances to take the less-traveled roads. There are no wrong turns.” – Susan Magsamen
  • “It’s a road trip! It’s about adventure! . . . It’s not like we have somewhere to go.” – John Green
  • “A road trip is not just about discovering new places, but also discovering a new part of yourself.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “The road is there, it will always be there. You just have to decide when to take it.” – Chris Humphrey
  • “I love road trips. You get into this Zen rhythm; throw the sense of time out the window.” – Miriam Toews
  • “The rhythm of the road has a way of syncing with the rhythm of the soul.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” – Douglas Adams

Road trip quote - Somewhere along the road, I've discovered how beautiful life is indeed.

  • “Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase
  • “Every road trip is a story waiting to be written, an adventure waiting to unfold.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “I climb behind the steering wheel… I drive off immediately without once looking back; it’s a long journey but it leads to freedom.” – Corinne Hofmann
  • “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.” – Yogi Berra
  • “A road trip is a chance to unplug from the chaos of daily life and reconnect with the beauty of the world.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road.” – Walt Whitman
  • “I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me.” – Walt Whitman
  • “On a road trip, the journey is the destination, and every moment is an opportunity for magic.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” – Jack Kerouac
  • “Sometimes the most scenic roads in life are the detours you didn’t mean to take.” – Angela N. Blount
  • “The beauty of a road trip is that you never know what’s waiting around the next bend, but you go anyway, because that’s where the adventure is.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers.” – George Carlin
  • “And just like that, we’re on our way to everywhere.” – Emery Lord

Road trip quote - The open road is a canvas, and every mile traveled is a stroke of pure freedom.

  • “A road trip is not just a physical journey, but a mental and emotional one as well.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “There is nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac
  • “The open road is a beckoning, a strangeness, a place where a man can lose himself.” – William Least Heat-Moon
  • “There’s nothing quite like the freedom and exhilaration of hitting the open road and seeing where it takes you.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Adventure is out there.” – Up
  • “A road trip is like a reset button for the soul. You come back refreshed, renewed and ready for anything.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road.” – The Goofy Movie
  • “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “The best journeys are the ones that take you off the beaten path and into the unknown.” – Traveller’s Elixir
  • “The road goes on forever and the party never ends.” – Robert Earl Keen

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Road Trip Hashtags For Instagram Likes

  • #roadtrippin
  • #roadtripusa
  • #roadtripping
  • #roadtrippers
  • #roadtriplife
  • #fallroadtrip
  • #spontaneousroadtrip
  • #usaroadtrip
  • #sundayroadtrip
  • #roadtripper
  • #bestroadtripever
  • #roadtripedits
  • #openroadlife

Up Next: Santa Monica Instagram Captions

And there you have it, fellow travelers! A collection of the best road trip Instagram captions to make your journey even more memorable.

I hope these captions have inspired you to hit the road and capture your adventures in all their glory.

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50+ Perfect Road Trip Captions for your Instagram Photos

2023-04-24 by Lindsay Nieminen

Is there anything better than a road trip these days? If you are looking for the most comprehensive list of road trip captions for Instagram then you are in the right place! I have put together 100 captions for road trips, from inspirational quotes to short quotes, and even some funny ones to help you find the perfect caption for your road trip photos.

No two days on a road trip are ever the same and each of your road trip photos deserves its own special caption. Whether it is a car crammed with everything you need, a crazy family photo, a road trip pit stop, mountain roads, or beautiful road trip lookouts will find plenty of ideas and the perfect fit for your photos!

road trip tumblr text post

Best Road Trip Instagram Captions

Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.

Look at life through a windshield, not through the rear view mirror.

Making memories one road trip at a time.

Roads were made for journeys, not destinations.

Related: Attitude quotes

Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before.

Take vacations, and go as many places as you can. You can always make money, but you can’t always make memories.

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

There’s this thing about road trips that throws our sense of time out of the window.

Related: Sky Captions for Instagram

A great road adventure is measured in friends rather than kilometers.

All I need is one wheel in hand and four wheels on the road.

Any road will take you wherever you want to go. Just pick one and go.

Arriving isn’t everything. It’s the wild stuff that happens along the way that makes up everything.

Communing with the open road. It listens, feels, and understands.

Drifting on the road is my favorite mood.

The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.

Going places that I’ve never been.

I’ve always wanted to see what’s at the end of the road.

Just like roads, life has roadblocks. The only way to reach your destination is to adapt to the situation by going around them and looking for other paths.

It is actually the interruptions that happen along the way that makes up the whole journey.

It may be a long journey, but it will take you to freedom.

Keep moving forward and don’t look back.

Have you ever thought that you haven’t captured the perfect photo with you in it?

Some trips deserve more than selfies! Occasions like honeymoons, anniversaries, family holidays, solo adventures and even surprise proposals are perfect moments to capture with a Flytographer shoot — or simply because you believe that memories are the best souvenir.

Find a photographer near you here! Also if you use the code LINDSAY on your booking you will get $25 off!

Short Road Trip Captions for Instagram

Start the car!

Hit the road!

To travel is to live.

Adventure awaits.

Better to travel than to arrive.

Choose the scenic route.

Come along and take a ride.

Vacation mood: ON

Life is short and the world is wide.

Collect moments not things.

Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.

Travel with curiosity.

Turns out, I just needed a day off and a dirt road.

Ultimately, every road leads to the whole world.

Wanderlust and highway dust.

Windows down, music up.

Are we there yet?

Want more generic travel quotes? Read these travel captions.

Popular Quotes about Road Trips for Instagram

Take only memories, leave only footprints. – Chief Seattle

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. – Hellen Keller

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by. – Robert Frost

Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey. – Babs Hoffman

Find what brings you joy and go there! – Jan Phillips

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams! – Oprah Winfrey

Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures. – Lovelle Drachman

Related: Nature captions

Don’t Count The Days. Make The Days Count. – Muhammad Ali

Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost. – Erol Ozan

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. – Lewis Carroll

Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation. – Leo Tolstoy

The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories – Og Mandino

RELATED: Family Trip Quotes for Instagram

To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure. You have no idea of what is in store for you, but you will, if you are wise and know the art of travel, let yourself go on the stream of the unknown. – Freya Stark

And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want, on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. – Randy Komisar

The last quote above is my absolute favorite and what this website is all about. So many times we think we have so much time, but the future is not guaranteed. I hope you read that quote a few times and let it sink in. Tomorrow is never promised. Do not put off that road trip or not bother snapping that photo! Carpe Diem (Seize the Day) and get out there! If you read more posts on this site, I promise I will make it as easy as possible!

I hope these road trip Instagram captions have given you plenty of ideas for your photos. You can use these quotes on Instagram, Facebook, or when making photo books to share your memories. You can even use them for your latest Whats App status. Did you wake up in the desert on your road trip? I have a post dedicated to desert captions. Maybe you woke up at the beach? Check out these sea captions or lake captions . Or perhaps you want to use these  good morning captions  for the morning photos with your cup of coffee on your road trip. If you are camping on your road trip, check out these perfect camping captions and this kid’s camping checklist.

You may also want to have a read of these popular  vacation quotes , airplane captions  and  tropical quotes depending on where your road trip has taken you! If you are lucky to be on the Road to Hana in Hawaii, the tropical quotes will be perfect, as will these Hawaii captions. 

Road trip quotes for Instagram.

Lindsay Nieminen hails from Vancouver, Canada and shares her love of travel on this website. She is passionate about showing others that they should not put off traveling the world just because they have young children or are single parents. She aims to encourage them to seek out adventure, whether it is at home or abroad by providing information on how just about everywhere can be a destination to explore as a family.

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There are thousands of travel websites on the internet. Lindsay is an accredited travel professional and a member of SATW, TMAC and the ATTA.

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OTP PROMPTS — Assorted OTP Questions

See, that’s what the app is perfect for..



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Assorted OTP Questions

  • What is each member’s love language?
  • What would they describe as their perfect date?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who is more sentimental?
  • Which member calls the other in to kill the spiders?
  • Who falls asleep first?
  • Who wakes up first?
  • Who is more more relaxed/carefree?
  • What’s one way their personalities compliment one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?)
  • Who is always cold?
  • Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?
  • Who worries more?
  • What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
  • Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
  • Who is the better cook?
  • What are some things they don’t agree on?
  • Which member is more physically affectionate?
  • Which member is more verbally affectionate?
  • How does each member feel about PDA?
  • Who’s the safer driver?
  • What’s each member flirting style?
  • Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
  • Who is the cuddle initiator?
  • Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
  • Who is the big/little spoon?
  • Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
  • Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
  • Who takes longer showers?
  • Who is “more loved” by the in-laws?
  • Who is more likely to get jealous?
  • What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
  • Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
  • Who’s messier?
  • Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?
  • Who wanted/would want kids first?
  • Who gives piggy back rides to the other?
  • Who fell in love first?

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🍊 road trip prompts 🍊.

  • Imagine your OTP going on a roadtrip. Who usually drives and who is the passenger princess?
  • Person A and Person B are about to set out on a long roadtrip. Person A shows off all the practical things they packed such as tissues, phone chargers, water, etc. while Person B eagerly shows that the only things they packed are bags full of snacks.
  • Imagine your OTP blasting 2000s pop songs and singing loudly with the windows down as they drive.
  • Who has to stop to pee every hour and who has a bladder of steel?
  • Imagine your OTP late into a long drive. The sun has set and the only lights are those on the highway and the soft glow of the moon. Person B tried to stay awake to keep Person A company as they drove, but the lull of the road quickly pulled them into sleep. Person A periodically glances over, smiling every time they see Person B scrunched up and sleeping peacefully in the dark.

🌸🌷 Spring Prompts🌷🌸

  • Imagine your OTP having a picnic on the first warm day of spring. The sun is shining and they walk to a grassy spot where small flowers are beginning to show their faces. The air smells like spring and a soft breeze blows around them. They lay a blanket down and enjoy the snacks they packed while they bask in the beauty of the day. Afterwards, they lay back and watch the puffy clouds slowly move across the pale blue sky. All is well.
  • Person A sets about picking fresh blossoms to make a lovely bouquet. They wander around gathering tulips, hyacinths, lilacs, blue bells, lily of the valley, and more until they have a wonderful arrangement of spring blooms. As they do this, they place the flowers that fall out into their hair. Once they’re done, they promptly present the spring bouquet to person B who is left a blushing mess at both the sweetness of the gesture and how adorable person A looks with a mess of flowers in their hair.
  • Imagine your OTP gardening together. Do they have a green thumb or are they just winging it? Imagine they get sidetracked and end up both laughing at one another as they look at the ridiculous smudges of dirt they’ve smeared on each other’s faces.
  • Imagine your OTP baking spring treats together. Who’s the better baker and who just follows the other’s instructions? Bonus points if one of them bakes and the other just watches, occasionally trying to steal a taste before being playfully swatted away.

Random Summer OTP Prompts

  • Your OTP sitting on a balcony or patio on a warm summers evening as the sun sets, sharing dinner and laughs as soft music plays in the background and the soft breeze blows through their hair
  • Imagine your OTP sitting in peace, basking in the silent comfort of one another’s company. Suddenly, they both hear a faint, yet unmistakable tune, causing them to whip their heads around to look at each other. Wordless, wide-eyed glances are exchanged before the scene cuts to them chasing down the ice cream truck
  • Your OTP playing a little game where they both put on different flavored chapstick throughout the day (flavors like cherry, watermelon, coconut, etc.) and then surprising their partner with a little kiss. The object of the game is for their partner to guess the flavor. Most correct guesses at the end of the day wins
  • Your OTP goes swimming (in a river, at a pool, at the beach, etc.) The day ends with Person A getting gloriously tan while Person B is sunburnt to a crisp (despite using a whole bottle of sunblock). Cue Person A taking care of them and putting aloe on the burns while apologizing for keeping them out in the sun so long
  • Your OTP snuggling!!! In bed!!! On a summer night!!! With the windows open!! And the curtains gently blowing!! And all is right in the word

Anonymous asked:

Hi there, kinda nervous.. But do you have any prompts that would be scary/terrifying to hear when in a hug?(ex. "I know what you did.")

Woah! Me? Alive? No freaking way!!

Anyways, here’s wonderwall!!

(Aka Not quite otp prompts per say, but yall can get creative)

“Terrifying things to hear whispered in a seemingly casual hug” prompts

  • “It knows you’re here”
  • “Whatever you do, don’t look up”
  • “Tag, you’re it”
  • “It’s such a shame it has to end like this”
  • “Please don’t let it get me”
  • “I wouldn’t move if I were you”
  • “I’m so sorry, he made me do it”
  • “You always were a terrible judge of character, weren’t you…”
  • “I’ll be sure to take care of them while you’re gone”
  • “You should have stayed home”

Can we get some more fluff prompts?

Fluff Prompts

  • Person A teaching Person B to dance on a dock by the water as the sun sets. Both are giggling and enjoying the closeness
  • Person A laughing into a kiss with Person B as they cuddle
  • Person A and B snuggling under one large blanket on a cold day
  • On their first date, Person A asking permission to kiss Person B
  • Person A mindlessly playing with Person B’s hair, braiding it and unbraiding it as they talk about anything and everything
  • Person A randomly bringing home something small from the store for Person B just because it “reminded me of you”
  • Eskimo kisses followed by giggles and then a sweet kiss to the lips
  • Person A giving Person B a shoulder massage after a stressful day as they talk about things they’re looking forward to
  • Forehead kisses
  • Person A is struggling/having a tough day and Person B just wordlessly hugs them tightly. Both of them just stay there hugging in comforting silence for a few minutes
  • Person A and B are out on a walk when it starts pouring. Both of them start laughing and take one another’s hand, running through the streets back home as they splash in puddles and twirl about in the storm

domestic prompts? :)

Domestic Prompts

  • Person A and B baking bread together for the first time. It’s quite messy and flour gets everywhere but they’re giggling through it all, even if it turns out a bit lumpy looking.
  • Person A leaving sweet love notes around the house for Person B when they go away.
  • Person A and B spending the entire afternoon in bed cuddling and laughing about little things.
  • Person A playing with Person B’s hair as they tell them about their day
  • Person A is reading in bed. Person B is resting their head against their shoulder, looking down at the pages and trying to read along until they fall asleep on Person A.
  • Person A and B getting ready in the morning together, freshly showered, brushing their teeth/shaving/etc. They make eye contact in the mirror and smile.
  • Person B making Person A’s tea/coffee just how they like it without needing to ask.
  • Person A keeps stealing the blankets at night. This leads to Person B waking up freezing and cuddling right up against Person A for warmth.
  • Person A going through Person B’s clothing and borrowing what they want.
  • Person A and B staying up way too late watching a movie/binge watching a show but having no regrets.
  • Person A brining Person B’s forgotten lunch to work for them.
  • Person A and B cleaning the house together and turning it in to a game. Things get competitive.
  • Person A slipping their cold hands under Person B’s shirt.
  • Person A catches a nasty cold. Person B runs out to the pharmacy to pick up medicine, cough drops, and tissues for them.
  • Person A and B getting ready for bed with each other. Person B’s in bed with a book, listening happily as Person A changes into PJs and tells them all about their day.
  • Person A and B grocery shopping together. Which one follows the list and which one wants to buy way too many snack foods?

Spring OTP Prompts

  • Making flower crowns and weaving flowers into one another’s hair
  • Jars of fresh jam
  • Dinner with friends
  • Listening to the sound of thunder with a cup of tea in hand
  • Morning sun
  • “What are you staring at?”
  • Thrift shopping
  • Afternoon picnic by a stream
  • Lavender kiss
  • Freshly baked bread
  • Walk through the woods
  • A new pair of boots
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Working in the garden all day and curling up together that night on the couch
  • Caught in a sudden rainstorm
  • Sleeping with the windows open
  • A warm plate of cookies
  • Jumping in puddles
  • Spring cleaning
  • “I didn’t mean it like that”
  • A yellow balloon
  • Cherry blossoms
  • Spring cottage
  • A bike ride down the lane
  • “I really missed this”


January OTP Prompts

  • New beginnings
  • “I love you, but that’s a terrible idea”
  • Shooting star
  • “I wish everyday could be like this”
  • Diamond ring
  • Warm soup and fresh bread
  • Old bookstore on a cold day
  • Snowball fight
  • Forbidden love AU
  • Surprise hug
  • “You’re up early”
  • Walking through the park
  • Snow angels
  • Café on a snowy day
  • Ringing bells
  • All night movie marathon
  • Peaceful kiss
  • Catching snowflakes on tongue
  • “The safest place is in your arms”


December OTP Prompts

  • Ice skating
  • “You shouldn’t have”
  • Kissing cold noses
  • Family gathering
  • Hot chocolate with marshmallows
  • Silver and gold
  • “We have to hurry”
  • Day spent baking cookies
  • Wrapping paper
  • Evergreen tree
  • Decorations
  • Frosted windows
  • The best present
  • “Here, take my scarf”
  • Twinkling lights
  • The night before
  • Holiday music
  • Sweet kisses
  • Sugar and spice
  • Late mornings
  • “May I have this dance?”


Do you think I could get some funny dialogues? Maybe between two best friends or lovers?

Take care <33

Funny Dialogue Prompts

⊛ “Can you keep a secret?”

“Being honest…no I can’t—but because I really want to know what it is you’re about to tell me, let’s pretend I can”

⊛ “I’m almost afraid to ask why there’s 30 sheep on our front lawn”

⊛ “Hi darling~ have I told you lately how much I love you? You’re such a beautiful person, I could stare at your face all day! And you’re always so understanding and kind !

“Ok, what did you do…”

⊛ “if I was a worm in a top hat who could only communicate with you telepathically, would you still love me?”

“If you don’t go to sleep right now I swear—“

⊛ “Ok so dinner didn’t quite go as planned so instead of tacos we’ll be eating green jello in the shape of the brain mold I bought for Halloween”

⊛ (jokingly) “gosh you’re so annoying”

“You know that’s an insult to your taste in partner don’t you?”

⊛ *running towards person B* “CATCH ME!!”


⊛ “it’s ok, don’t blame yourself”

“I’m not!! I’m blaming you!!”

⊛ “…what is that?”

“My new hamster”

“I don’t know how to tell you this but hamsters don’t have 4 eyes”

⊛ *peeling a banana* “may I take your coat, madam?”

“Do you ever think before you speak?”

road trip tumblr text post

Inside the Travel Lab

150+ Best Short Travel Quotes for Your Instagram Captions

September 5, 2023

65 Inspiring Travel Quotes

If you love travel photography and sharing ideas, then you’ll love this collection of the best short travel quotes for instagram. Why struggle with captions when we can help you out?

The best short travel quotes for instagram

I get it. Sometimes the words flow when you’re writing. And sometimes you’re stuck. Happens to us all. And the only thing to do is to look for inspiration elsewhere.

So when you’re looking for the best travel instagram captions or other pithy sayings for social media, here’s a collection to help you on your way.

Travel quotes bring out the best and the worst in us. Some make us cringe. But others whisper to that part of our soul that looks to the stars and dreams of more. A good travel quote taps into our shared human history. Our literature. Our thoughts. Our outlooks. Our worlds.

And on a more practical level, a good instagram caption is short and snappy, direct yet atmospheric.

So, here’s a list of the best, most inspiring short travel quotes for instagram thatI’ve found after more than a decade on the open road. Many, I’m sure you’ve heard before.

Others, I’ve gathered from new writers.

Happy reading. Happy travelling. And I hope you find your happy place.

And looking for help with your writing? Check out our free writing resources over here.

Best short Travel Quotes for instagram - as long as we don't die this is going to be one hell of a story

150+ Inspiring Travel Quotes and Instagram Captions

Simply pair with a gorgeous travel photo for a show-stopping instagram post.

The Best Travel Quotes: The Top 10 Classics

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world” – Freya Stark

 “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” – Jack Kerouac

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” -Gustav Flaubert

 “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St Augustine

 “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret” – Oscar Wilde

“Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” – Dalai Lama 

 “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

Birds fascinate me - short travel quote for instagram from Lola Akinmade

Travel Quotes with a Nautical Theme

Because we all need some Vitamin Sea…

“A ship in a harbor is safe, but it not what ships are built for.” -John A. Shedd

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”― Mark Twain

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide - short travel quote image

Inspirational Travel Quotes

Perfectly written to make you want to run and buy a plane ticket.

 “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends” – Maya Angelou

“We wander for distraction but we travel for fulfilment.” – Hilaire Belloc

 “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

“The sky is big enough for birds to fly without touching themselves.” -Yoruba proverb.

“You develop a sympathy for all human beings when you travel a lot. “ – Shakuntala Devi.

“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote, To travel is to live.” Hans Christian Andersen.

Arctic landscape travel quote for instagram from Abigail King

Quotes about Travelling Alone

Beyond the perfect instagram travel captions, these ones make you think.

“Birds fascinate me. The sense of community they share when they fly together and yet that sense of scarcity they feel when they flock onto the very same branch, leaving several empty branches free. 

Individually, they fly with purpose. When it’s time to stake claim, they sit on the very same spot.” Lola Akinmade. What drives you?

“Who you travel with matters more than where,” Abigail King (ahem, me.)

“In Life, It’s Not Where You Go, It’s Who You Travel With” –  Charles Schulz short travel quote image

Love Travel Quotes

Bring a sense of romance to your instagram posts…

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” — Mark Twain

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

“In Life, It’s Not Where You Go, It’s Who You Travel With” –  Charles Schulz

“Travel is like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.” — Pico Iyer

Quotes About Travelling with Friends

From best friends to strangers you haven’t got to know yet…

“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

“When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.” –  Helen Hayes

“One moment, Nick is sitting opposite me, gasping like a beached fish, and the next he’s gone. It’s not a dignified exit.” Adrian Phillips, Rafting and the Waffle-Maker.  

“Why do we travel? Is it to look out longingly over great landscapes and feel our hearts and minds clear? Is it to meet new people, different people with a secret hope that we’ll connect and discover that, actually, they’re just like us? “

Travel quote travel gives freedom by Abigail King

 “Feel the heartbeat of our wilderness and learn the secret of patience.” Found in a viewing platform in Finland’s Arctic Circle.

“The earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry

“The antidote to exhaustion isn’t rest; it’s nature.” – Shikoba

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” –  John Muir.

“Responsible travel is not only better for our world, it’s also more interesting and memorable.” – Simon Reeve.

Travel Quips: Funny Travel Quotes

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag 

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries” – Aldous Huxley

Which kind of relates to…

“The pleasure we derive from journeys is perhaps dependent more on the mindset with which we travel than on the destination we travel to” – Alain de Botton

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.” – Rachel Wolchin

“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life.” – Michael Palin

“Explore the world with an open mind, a sturdy carry-on, and clothes that don’t wrinkle.” – Madeleine Albright

“As long as we don’t die, this is going to be one hell of a story.” John Green.

That which does not kill you makes you stronger…

After all, travel isn’t just about good vibes.

“Travel is only glamorous in retrospect” – Paul Theroux

“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things: air, sleep, dreams, sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.” – Cesare Pavese

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; NEVER stop fighting.” – E.E. Cummi ngs

“I have always been an advocate for the “Go hard, or go home” way of living.  I don’t like being a parked car , instead opting for a fifth gear kind of life. This philosophy works, except sometimes I’m driving too many roads in fifth gear which later converge into an intersection of carnage.” Caz Makepeace, Living Life Unplugged.

Travel Misquotes

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference” – Robert Frost. 

Like many, I studied this poem years ago at school and felt moved by the words. Later, I found an interview in which Robert Frost revealed his surprise at the way his work had been interpreted. He began by writing about an acquaintance, one who frequently bragged about his experiences. And with that, I see these words in a completely different light. I wonder how much that applies to these other quotes?!

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”― David Mitchell

In this case, I thought the quote came from the British comedian David Mitchell and therefore it was a tongue-in-cheek reference to a lot of the “finding yourself” fluff you hear about travel. In researching this, apparently not. A different David Mitchell. So maybe he meant it on a deeper level after all?

Looking Inside

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes” – Marcel Proust. 

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign” – Robert Louis Stevenson

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”  – Anita Desai

“I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then I ask myself the same question.” –Harun Yahya

“You don’t choose the day you enter the world and you don’t choose the day you leave. It’s what you do in between that makes all the difference.” – Anita Septimus

“Travel gives freedom. It gives the permission to rest and to breathe and to think – at least for some of the time. And that time, of course, is precious: we can’t know how much we will have.” The Importance of Doing Nothing.

Who you travel with matters more than where travel quote for an instagram caption

Family Travel Quotes

The perfect instagram captions for when the whole gang travel with you.

“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.” – A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

“Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion” – Leigh Hunt

“Oh, the places you’ll go!” – Dr. Seuss

“And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.” – Shanti

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it” – Peter Pan J.M. Barrie

“Take the scenic route to a beautiful place alone. New destinations make for great company. ” – Abigail King

Great travel quotes -

Educational Travel Quotes

“I want to focus on themes and on topics that I can really learn about. I want to be able to have a discussion about St Francis – or Buddhism or Gothic architecture or modern Japan or conservation or whatever – where I can challenge your views and you can challenge mine and I don’t just end up shrugging because I don’t know what I’m really talking about.” Michael Turtle.

“ Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.“ Francis Bacon

On the Run?

“What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to do — especially in other people’s minds. When you’re traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.” – William Least Heat Moon

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Caz Makepeace Parked Car Travel Quote

Coming Back from New Adventures and New Places

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” – Terry Pratchett

“Home is where the heart is, and my heart is wherever I am at the moment.” – Lily Leung

The Travel Quote that Speaks to Me the Most

“We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T. S. Eliot.

Of all the travel quotes, this one reaches into me the most. While I admire the achievements of Helen Keller, laugh at the “one hell of a story” and feel moved by the words of Maya Angelou, I prefer the word “exploring” in this idea.

Many of the quotes talk about courage and introspection but here, we have the idea of exploring.

That can be inside your head. Travel may not be necessary at all. Which brings me to this final short travel quote:

“How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” Henry David Thoreau.

What do you think? Which of these quotes about travel speaks to you? How do you feel about leaving your comfort zone? Or should we just aim to live life, whether we travel on the road or in our minds? And how can we combine all of this into the best short travel quotes for instagram?!

Abi King signature

More Inspiring Travel Quotes

Looking for more than simply short travel quotes for instagram?

  • 41 Powerful quotes for travelling alone
  • Moving Alhambra quotes from Granada, Spain
  • The best road trip quotes for long journeys (and short.)

2 thoughts on “150+ Best Short Travel Quotes for Your Instagram Captions”

Thank you so much for including mine in this amazing list of quotes!

You’re very welcome – it’s right where it deserves to be! Really spoke to me – for travel, for creative work, for finding your place within your family and community. Love it.

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July 29th, 2022

July 6th, 2021, recommendations.

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Weekend road trip from Dubai - 5 places to visit by car

Weekend road trip from Dubai – 5 places to visit by car

Dubai is a dynamic city full of amazing attractions, but its location also makes it an ideal starting point for exploring other fascinating places in the United Arab Emirates. Renting a car gives you the opportunity to plan unforgettable weekend trips where you can explore scenic landscapes, historical landmarks and hidden gems beyond Dubai’s borders. Here are five places to visit on a weekend road trip from Dubai.

Hatta – a picturesque oasis in the Hajar Mountains

Route description: Hatta is a charming mountain village located about 130 kilometers from Dubai, which translates to about 1.5 hours by car. The route passes through scenic desert areas that gradually give way to the Hajar Mountains. The road to Hatta is well-marked and the drive is extremely pleasant, especially for scenic lovers.

What to see: Hatta Dam – one of the most photogenic places in Hatta, with turquoise water surrounded by rocky mountains. It is worth taking a canoe trip on the lake to enjoy the views from a different perspective. Hatta Heritage Village – a traditional village that allows you to step back in time and learn about the region’s history. It features reconstructed houses, mosques and fortified towers that showcase the lives of residents from centuries ago. Hiking trails – Hatta offers many hiking trails of varying difficulty, making it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Ras Al Khaimah – beaches, mountains and history

Route description: Ras Al Khaimah, the northernmost emirate of the UAE, is located about 1.5 hours’ drive from Dubai. The route passes through desert areas and then along the coast, offering beautiful views of the Persian Gulf.

What to see: Jebel Jais – the highest peak in the UAE, which offers spectacular views of the Hajar Mountains. The summit also features the world’s longest zipline, which is sure to provide an adrenaline rush. Dhayah Fort – a historic fort located on a hilltop, offering spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and bay. It is a place with a rich history that is worth a visit. Ras Al Khaimah Beaches – The clean and tranquil beaches of Ras Al Khaimah are ideal for relaxation and sunbathing, away from the hustle and bustle of Dubai.

Al Ain – the city of gardens

Route Description: Al Ain, known as the “city of gardens,” is located about 150 km from Dubai, which means a 1.5-2 hour drive. The route passes through desert areas that gradually turn into green oases.

What to see: Al Ain Oasis – a huge oasis full of date palms that offers cool shade and a peaceful place to walk. It’s a great place to relax surrounded by nature. Jebel Hafeet – the second-highest mountain in the UAE, offering panoramic views of Al Ain and the surrounding deserts. A winding road leads to the top, ideal for driving enthusiasts. Al Ain Zoo – a popular zoo that is home to a wide range of animal species. An ideal place for a visit with the family, where you will spend the whole day learning about the diversity of fauna from different corners of the world.

Fujairah – east coast of the UAE

Tour Description: Fujairah, the only emirate located on the Gulf of Oman, is about a 2-hour drive from Dubai. The route passes through the scenic Hajar Mountains, making it described as one of the most spectacular routes in the region.

What to see: Fujairah Fort – the oldest fort in the UAE, which played a key role in the region’s history. The fort offers a magnificent view of the city and the surrounding mountains. Snoopy Island – a popular diving and snorkeling spot, located just off Sandy Beach. The water around the island is crystal clear and the underwater world is full of colorful fish and coral. Fujairah Beaches – Fujairah’s tranquil and picturesque beaches are perfect for relaxing and swimming. It is worth spending an afternoon here enjoying the sun and sea.

Abu Dhabi – discovering the capital of the Emirates

Tour Description: Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, is located about 140 km from Dubai, which translates into a 1.5-2 hour drive on the E11 highway along the coast.

What to see: Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque – one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in the world, which is a symbol of Abu Dhabi. The mosque impresses with its architecture, huge domes and rich decorations. Louvre Abu Dhabi – a modern museum that showcases art from around the world. The collection includes works from ancient to modern times, and the museum’s architecture itself is as impressive as the exhibits. Yas Island – an amusement island with theme parks such as Ferrari World and Yas Waterworld, as well as the Formula One Yas Marina Circuit. It’s the perfect place for a day of excitement and fun.

Dubai is not only a fascinating city, but also an excellent base for exploring other parts of the United Arab Emirates. A weekend road trip allows you to explore a variety of landscapes, from mountain trails to historic forts to tranquil beaches. Renting a car is the best way to travel freely and make the most of your time in the region. Use the services of car rental in Dubai and enjoy freedom and comfort as you explore this remarkable country.

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Words and pictures are intense. They have the ability to move points of view and touch off change. Here is a gathering of the 100 best travel quotes to move and rouse you to gather your packs and begin investigating! From exceptionally old pilgrims to cutting edge truisms, let these words move you to carry on with the life you've generally needed.

Who doesn't love travel cites?! They're a little cut of motivation ideal for any circumstance. Regardless of whether you're getting ready for an outing, recuperating from a trek, engaging post-trip blues or are simply searching for a touch of a comment you a lift, there's a statement out there that can address whatever you require. There are travel quotes about excursions, travel cites about self-disclosure, experience cites, and – my top pick – travel cites that rouse you to live without bounds – with two or three travel tips tossed in for good measure! Prepared for a little hunger for new experiences moving lift me up? Obviously, you are


1."The gladdest minute in human life, methinks, is a takeoff into obscure terrains." – Sir Richard Burton

2. "Be valiant in the quest for what sets your spirit ablaze." – Jennifer Lee

3. "Travel makes one unobtrusive. You see what a small place you possess on the planet." - Gustav Flaubert

The second travel quote by Jennifer Lee is one of my untouched most loved expressions. What I adore about it is that it applies to everything-not simply travel. It instructs you to be intense in seeking after your interests and the things you are keen on. For me, it's movement. For others, it might be a business wander, a way of life change, or even only a major life choice. Whatever you are energetic about, seek after it persistently.

4. "Voyaging – it abandons you stunned, at that point transforms you into a storyteller." – Ibn Battuta

5. "Preferred to see something once over catch wind of it a thousand times"

6." Adventure may hurt you however dullness will execute you."

When I was a youngster, I used to peruse books insatiably. I would read page after page and fixate on faraway terrains. Just when I began voyaging did I understand what the movement quote "it's smarter to see something once than find out about it a thousand times." As a movement author, I attempt my hardest to depict spots and goals of my perusers. In any case, there are only a few things and encounters that are excessively wonderful, making it impossible to place down in words.

7. "Our battered bags were heaped on the walkway once more; we had longer approaches. Be that as it may, regardless, the street is life." - Jack Kerouac

8."All you have to know is that it's conceivable." - Wolf, an Appalachian Trail Hiker

9. "To Travel is to Live" – Hans Christian Andersen

10. "The life you have driven doesn't should be the main life you have." – Anna Quindlen

11. "The most excellent on the planet is, obviously, the world itself." - Wallace Stevens

12. "Work, Travel, Save, Repeat"

13. "The voyage not the landing matters." – T.S. Eliot

14. "What you've done turns into the judge of what you will do — particularly in other individuals' psyches. When you're voyaging, you are what you are in that spot and after that. Individuals don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays out and about." - William Least Heat-Moon

15. "Set out to carry on with the life you've generally needed."

16. "Travel and change of place give new life to the psyche." – Seneca

17. "We live in a superb world that is brimming with excellence, appeal, and experience. There is no conclusion to the enterprises we can have if just we look for them with our eyes open." – Jawaharial Nehru

18. "And after that there is the most unsafe danger of all — the danger of spending your life not doing what you need on the wager you can get yourself the flexibility to do it later." – Randy Komisar

19. Nobody acknowledges that it is so excellent to movement until the point when he gets back home and lays his head on his old, recognizable pad." – Lin Yutang

20. "Try not to tune in to what they say. Go see."

21. "Life is either a challenging enterprise or nothing by any stretch of the imagination." - Helen Keller

22. "One's goal is never a place, however another method for seeing things." - Henry Miller

23. "On the off chance that you dismiss the nourishment, overlook the traditions, fear the religion and maintain a strategic distance from the general population, you may better remain home." - James Michener

24. "Go, fly, wander, travel, voyage, investigate, travel, find, enterprise."

25. "All adventures have mystery goals of which the voyager is ignorant." - Martin Buber

26. " Travel improves a savvy man yet a trick more terrible." – Thomas Fuller

27. "The world is a book and the individuals who don't travel read just a single page." - Agustine of Hippo

28. "To my psyche, the best reward and extravagance of movement is to have the capacity to encounter regular things as though out of the blue, to be in a situation in which nothing is so recognizable it is underestimated." - Bill Bryson

29. "Not every one of the individuals who meander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

30. "Our most joyful minutes as visitors dependably appear to come when we discover a certain something while in quest for something unique." - Lawrence Block

31. "Try not to take after where the way may lead. Go rather where there is no way and leave a trail" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

32. "Voyaging is a ruthlessness. It constrains you to put stock in outsiders and to dismiss all that natural solaces of home and companions. You are always shaky. Nothing is yours with the exception of the fundamental things. - air, rest, dreams, the ocean, the sky. - everything tending towards the unceasing or what we envision of it." – Cesare Pavese

If you want know more info about travel quotes then visit our new site

33. "Each man can change the world from one of dreariness and dullness to one of energy and experience." - Irving Wallace

34. "Life is short and the world is wide"

35."We travel, a few of us perpetually, to look for different states, different lives, different souls."- Anaïs Nin

36. "A decent voyager has no settled plans and isn't determined to arriving." - Lao Tzu

37. "Life is a voyage. Make its best."

38. "He who might travel joyfully should travel light." - Antoine de St. Exupery

39. "I have discovered that there ain't no surer method to see if you like individuals or abhor them than to movement with them."- Mark Twain

40. "Travel is the main thing you purchase that makes you wealthier"

41. "A trip is best estimated in companions, as opposed to miles." - Tim Cahill

42. "Man can't find new seas unless he has the valor to dismiss the shore." – Andre Gide

43. "Like every awesome voyager, I have seen more than I recollect, and recall more than I have seen." - Benjamin Disraeli

44. "Expectation is the main thing more grounded than fear." - Suzanne Collins

45. "Since at last, you won't recollect the time you spent working in the workplace or cutting your yard. Climb that goddamn mountain."― Jack Kerouac

46. "To go is to find that everybody isn't right about different nations." - Aldous Huxley

47. "Favored are interested for they will have experiences."

48. "Keep in mind that bliss is a method for movement – not a goal." - Roy M. Goodman

49. "You can shake the sand from your shoes, yet it will never leave your spirit."

50. "The greatest enterprise you can ever take is to carry on with the life you had always wanted."

so these are the top 100 travel quotes i hope you will love this article if do you have any suggestions then feel free to ask

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@ ayoungsummersyouth


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    1."The gladdest minute in human life, methinks, is a takeoff into obscure terrains." - Sir Richard Burton. 2. "Be valiant in the quest for what sets your spirit ablaze." - Jennifer Lee. 3. "Travel makes one unobtrusive. You see what a small place you possess on the planet." - Gustav Flaubert.