Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek is a hidden gem for the dedicated trekkers and backpackers.

Located eastwards of the classic Annapurna Base Camp , this trekking route is yet to witness a large crowd like other commercial treks in Nepal though it officially opened for all in 2012.

The richly diverse terrains of Mardi Himal takes you across the densely forested areas leading to the high rocky mountain trails. Although considered as a short trek, the path of Mardi Himal is well-decorated with stone-built villages, terraced fields, rhododendron forests, along with extraordinary spectacles of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and Machhapuchhre peaks.

Mardi Himal Trek is an excellent choice for travelers who have limited time to spend but are looking for a quaint trekking experience in Nepal. This trek provides an opportunity to appreciate the solitary walk in the remote trails of Annapurna region. Short and moderate, Mardi Himal Trek is an excellent option for both novice travelers as well as experienced trekkers.

Table of Content

Mardi Himal Trek Facts

Highlights of mardi himal trek.

  • Remote and less travelled trail in one of the most popular trekking regions in Nepal.
  • The magnificent scenes of giant Himalayas — Machhapuchhre, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and Dhaulagiri.
  • Indulge in the rich cultures of Gurungs and their local hospitality.
  • Traverse through the ever-changing landscape with the narrow winding paths, rhododendron forests, high valleys, and rugged Himalayan terrain.

Getting There and Away

Start of the trek:.

There are different alternatives to start this adventure — the most popular ones are from Kande and Landruk.

Kande: You can find plenty of buses from Pokhara to Kande. The drive takes approximately one and a half hours from Pokhara and costs you about US$ 2-3 per person. It is important to remember the roads to Kande get muddy and slippery during the monsoon. Therefore, it may take 4-5 hours for the same road trip during the rainy season.

Landruk: You can find a few buses and jeeps from Pokhara to Landruk. However, it is difficult to find transportation service during the monsoon. A local bus charges about US$ 5 per person, and a jeep travel costs about US$ 9 every individual.

End of the Trek:

The endpoint for Mardi Himal Trek is at Siding. Taking a jeep from Siding village is the only available option to drive to Pokhara. The charge of the vehicle mostly depends on the season, the number of people, and your negotiating skills. It usually costs around US$ 9 to 10  per person for 5 to 9 people.

Mardi Himal Trek

Alternative Route Options for Mardi Himal Trek

Standard route (kande – siding) – 42 km.

Kande to Siding is the most popular route options to trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp. This standard route begins with a short drive to Kande. On the first day, the trekkers either walk to Deurali or Forest Camp.

Traversing through the dense forests, villages, diverse terrains, all the way to Mardi Himal Base Camp, the trek ends at Siding village. You can catch a jeep directly from Siding to Pokhara for about US$ 9 to $10. The entire standard trail covers a total of 42 km with 5-7 hours of walking each day.

Connection Route (Ghandruk/Kyumi – Siding) – 35/31 km

Trekkers who decide to extend their trek after Annapurna Base Camp or Poonhill Trek usually prefer this option. It is possible to start the extension either from Ghandruk or from Kyumi.

Once you diverge from the routes of Annapurna Base Camp, the trail to Mardi Himal connects at Forest Camp. After Forest Camp, you will follow a similar path as the standard route until the end of the trek.

If you start the trek from Ghandruk, the entire trek will cover a total distance of 35 km. However, if you start the trek from Kyumi, the whole length of the trek will be 31 km.

Short Route (Landruk – Siding) – 30.5 km

The route is the shortest possible one to trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp. If you do have a short time but want to trek to Mardi Himal, this is the best route options for you. However, it is essential to remember this is a high altitude trek. Making hasty itinerary is not a sensible decision while trekking in such altitude.

Finishing the trek in Siding village means you’ll have to hire a jeep to Pokhara. However, the road is rough and bumpy until you reach the Pokhara-Baglung Highway.

Long Route (Ghandruk – Kande) – 52 km

This one is the longest route to Mardi Himal Trek, covering a total distance of 52km. If you don’t have to worry about an extended schedule for the trek, this is the ideal route option to Mardi Himal.

The route provides an opportunity to explore more by avoiding the rough roads of Siding. Although the way from Kande may not be the most comfortable one, it is far better than that of Siding.

6 Days Mardi Himal Trek Outline Itinerary

Mardi himal trek detailed 6 days itinerary, day 1: drive from pokhara (900m) to kande (1,770m) and trek to deurali (2,200m).


Your adventure to Mardi Himal Trek begins with an hour-long drive from Pokhara to Kande. Upon reaching Kande, you’ll start trekking uphill towards the beautiful hamlet of Australian Camp. On a clear day, Australian Camp offers a panoramic view of the Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, and Manaslu.

After enjoying your time at the Australian Camp, you walk for another two hours on a pleasant trail to reach Deurali.

Day 2: Trek from Deurali (2,200m) to Low Camp (2,900m)

Low Camp Mardi Himal

Today, you leave the crowded trails of Annapurna Sanctuary behind and take a solitary path towards the Forest Camp. The dense forest of rhododendron, maple, oak, and hemlock surrounds the entire trail. It takes about 4 to 5 hours to reach the Forest Camp.

The trail continues through the forest area. However, the vegetation varies as rhododendron trees become densely populated in this area. Ferns, lichens, and moss cover the trees dominantly. You’ll reach Low Camp late in the afternoon.

Day 3: Trek from Low Camp (2,900m) to High Camp (3,585m)

High Camp Mardi Himal

The trek continues gradually uphill into the rhododendron forests towards the Middle Camp, and then to Badal Danda. Badal Danda offers a marvelous sight of Annapurna South, Hiuchuli, Machhapuchhre, and Mardi Himal.

After walking for another hour above Badal Danda, the trail leaves the treeline behind. Mountain view of Annapurna South and Hiunchuli accompanies the path towards the west. The trail keeps on along the ridge covered with grasses and bushes until the High Camp.

There are a few lodges at the High Camp, and the view from the lodge points to Machhapuchhre, Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli visible on a clear day.

Day 4: Hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500m) and Trek to High Camp (3,585m)

Mardi Himal Base Camp

The day begins walking on a steep climb through the ridge towards Mardi Himal Base Camp. Since the trail is rocky, uneven and slippery, this section is the most tricky and challenging part of the trek.

Along the way, the fantastic views of Annapurna, Hiunchuli, and Machhapuchhre start unfolding in the backdrop. The trail passes through the pasture lands, then leads to the narrow ridges before reaching the Upper Viewpoint, and then to the Mardi Himal Base Camp. The mountain scenery from the base camp is exceptional.

After spending some time at the base camp, you retrace your route back to the High Camp.

Day 5: Trek from High Camp (3,585m) to Siding Village (1,750m)

From the High Camp, you’ll retrace the route until Low Camp, then take a different path that leads to Siding village. Most of the trail on this day is gradual downhill under the shades of dense forests.

Siding is a traditional Gurung village with a quiet and ambient atmosphere. The settlement is less busy even during the peak trekking seasons.

Day 6: Drive from Siding Village (1,750m) to Pokhara (900m)


On the final day of the adventure, you’ll hire a jeep and drive to Pokhara. You can also trek to Lumre and then hire a vehicle if you want to hike on the final day.

The road is graveled and rough from Siding until you reach the highway. It takes about 2-3 hours from Siding to reach Pokhara.

Best Time to Travel to Mardi Himal

Best Time to Travel to Mardi Himal

Unlike most of the treks in Nepal, trekking to Mardi Himal is possible throughout the year. However, Autumn (September to November) and Spring (March to May) are two most favorable seasons to trek to Mardi Himal.

The temperature in Autumn is usually moderate and stable with a clear sky, which means the scenery of the mountains and landscapes is incredible throughout the trek. You also get to relish an exceptional sunrise and sunset during this period. However, the trekking trail is slightly more crowded in Autumn.

Spring is considered the second-best time for trekking in Nepal. The temperature is a bit warmer and stable during this time of the year. However, the sky can be slightly vague and hazy at times, which means the scenery may not be as exceptional as the Autumn.

Winter brings cold and harsh weather, especially at the higher elevations. Most of the time, snow covers the upper reaches of the trail. Therefore, in case of excessive snow, the trails may be more challenging to walk. However, the skies are unclouded and rewarding with magnificent sights. If you’re planning to trek to Mardi Himal during the winter, make sure to pack warm clothes and high-quality sleeping bags.

Monsoon is the least favorable time to go trekking in Mardi Himal. The temperature and weather are far too unstable with wet and slippery trails. Since dense forests dominate this region, the risk of leeches increases extensively. Trekking in monsoon demands proper preparation and packing for the wet weather.

Here’s a table indicating the details of average temperature and rainfall of different places en-route to Mardi Himal Trek:

How Difficult is Mardi Himal Trek?

Mardi Himal Trek Difficulty

Mardi Himal Trek is a relatively shorter and moderate trek that does not demand any technical skills. Lush green forests dominate the lower region of the trek while the trail in upper levels becomes slightly rough with naked and rocky terrains.

The most challenging section of this trek is to hike from the High Camp to the Mardi Himal Base Camp. The route becomes much steeper and slippery on this day. However, most of the trek is comfortable for an enjoyable and pleasant walk.

The entire trek covers roughly 50-65km depending upon which itinerary you choose. You can complete the trek from 5 to 8 days averaging 5 to 6 hours of a daily walk. The risk of Acute Mountain Sickness is minimum as the highest elevation point of this trek stands 4,500m at the Mardi Himal Base Camp. However, it is essential to stay hydrated and take the necessary precautions to prevent altitude sickness.

Since the weather conditions of the mountains change quickly, it is vital to pack all the essential gear for the trek. It is better to invest in high-quality waterproof boots and carry all the essentials for cold and wet weather.

Although experienced trekkers consider this Mardi Himal as an easy trek, it demands a certain level of physical fitness. You do not have to be an athlete to trek in this region, but we recommend you to do the necessary preparation, and cardio-related workout.

Mardi Himal Trek is an ideal destination for novice trekkers who are keen to experience the Himalayan adventure.

What Permits are Required for Mardi Himal Trekking?

Mardi Himal Trekking Permits

While trekking to Mardi Himal Base Camp, you will require two different permits — TIMS Card (Trekking Information Management System) and the ACAP permit (Annapurna Conservation Area Project). You do not need any other special authorization to enter this area.

If you’re trekking with an authorized trekking company, they will take care of this hassle for you. However, if you’re planning to travel individually, you can acquire both of these permits from Nepal Tourism Board offices in Kathmandu as well as in Pokhara.

To acquire the TIMS Card and ACAP permits, you’ll require your passport, insurance details, four passport size photos, and contact details of a person in Nepal. If you do not have printed photos, you can take one at the office free of charge.

To receive the TIMS Card:

  • You must first fill up the form you get from the counter of the Tourist Information Center in Kathmandu or Pokhara.
  • Take a photo, if you haven’t brought it with you. You can take a photograph in the office without any charge.
  • Submit the filled out form along with two passport size photos and NPR. 2000/$18 per person to the counter. Remember they only accept Nepalese Rupees, so make sure to exchange your dollars to NPR.
  • Finally, get your TIMS Card.

To receive the ACAP Permit:

  • After receiving your TIMS Card, walk to the next door, and get another form.
  • Fill the necessary details in the form.
  • Submit the filled form, your passport, and two photos with NPR. 3000/$27 per person (payable in Nepalese Rupees only).
  • Get your ACAP Permit.

As of 2018, the province of Gandaki announced to charge a levy of US$10 per tourists to enter the area. But, it has not come into effect till now. However, it is handy to keep this in mind as it may be practiced any day.

Insurance for the Trek

It is essential to have travel insurance while trekking in the high Himalayas. The circumstances at such high elevation are unpredictable. Therefore, we highly recommend you to get the travel insurance for Mardi Himal Trek.

Make sure your insurance comprises all the essential costs like helicopter rescue, medical charges, natural disasters, trip cancelation, and theft. Since there is no reliable insurance company in Nepal, we recommend you to do it from World Nomads.

Guided VS Independent Trek

Mardi Himal Trek

It is possible to do the Mardi Himal Trek both independently or with a guide. Despite being less commercial trekking route in the Annapurna region, the entire trail to Mardi Himal is well-marked with blue and white stripes. Additionally, the trek is relatively short and less challenging compared to other popular treks.

So, if you’re willing to trek solo in the Himalayas of Nepal, Mardi Himal is an ideal option for you. However, it is essential to have prior experience to do the trek independently. Trekking independently is comparatively cheaper than hiring a guide, but it also means you’ll have to tackle all the hassles by yourself.

Having an experienced guide can come in handy while trekking at high altitudes. Although hiring a guide may add your expense slightly, it is far safer than traveling solo. The guide will assist you throughout the entire trail and provide detailed insights into the place. If you hire a guide, you do not have to worry about the hassles. The guide will take care of the bus, jeep, permits, and hotels for the trip.

Accommodation and Food

Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek was widely popular among the campers for over a decade. The trek officially opened in 2012 with teahouse services throughout the entire trail.

Teahouses along the  Mardi Himal Trek have necessary facilities or minimal amenities and services. Most of the rooms consist of two single beds with thin mattresses and do not provide the attached toilet. The toilets are mostly shared, and running hot water is not available throughout the trek. However, some teahouses offer buckets of warm water with an additional charge. If you like, you can have it.

Although the teahouses do not offer a variety of food choices as other commercial treks do, they provide enough menu to have well. One impressive thing about the food in this trek is that the locals themselves produce the majority of the crops.

Dal Bhat is the most common meal, followed by pancakes, pasta, and chop suey. Since you’ll be burning a lot of calories while trekking, Dal Bhat is healthy and filled with proper calories to keep you going. Chocolate bars and treats are also widely available throughout the route. It is important to remember that the foods are more expensive in the higher reaches of the trek.

For extra amenities like hot showers, boiled water, wifi, and charging services, most of the teahouses charge you an additional amount.

Mardi Himal Trek Cost

Mardi Himal Trek

Various factors, such as the number of days, mode of transportation, route, and season, will determine the cost of the trek. Mardi Himal is a short trek, so it is relatively cheaper compared to other treks in Nepal. On average, for a 6-day itinerary, the total cost can be around US$ 300-400.

You need to get TIMS Card, and ACAP permits to trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp. The cost of the TIMS Card is US$18 for an individual trekker and US$ 9 for group travelers. Additionally, the value of the ACAP permit is US$ 27 per person.

The price of the teahouses changes according to season. On average, the rooms will cost you approximately US$ 4 to 10 per night with an additional US$ 4 to 6 per meal.

If you travel by a local bus from Pokhara, it may cost you from US$ 2 to 6 per person depending upon where you want to start your trek (Kande or Landruk). However, if you choose to drive by a jeep, it’ll cost you around US$ 9 to 10.

If you do not want to travel solo, the cost of hiring a licensed guide is $20 to $25 per day. The cost of hiring a porter is $16 to $20. If you want to hire a porter cum guide, they’ll charge you US$ 18 to 20 per day.

Packing Lists for Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek

Although Mardi Himal Trek is not as demanding as other popular treks in Nepal, you still have to pack the right gears before heading off to the trails. The majority of the packing things depend on when and how you’re planning to trek.

Since Mardi Himal is a relatively comfortable trek, you do not need to hire a porter to carry your things. Traveling solo means you’ll be taking all the stuff by yourself. So, you need to pack your bags lightly yet sufficiently.

Here are some of the essential gears you need to pack while trekking to Mardi Himal:

  • Backpack: A 45-65L with a top opening backpack is highly advisable for this trek.
  • Trekking Shirt: 3-4 shirts, please balance both long and short shirts.
  • Trekking Trousers: Pack 1 trekking trouser and 1 trekking short.
  • Base Layer: Pack a pair of wool base layers to keep yourself warm.
  • Insulation Layer: Carry a high-quality fleece jacket to protect yourself from the cold.
  • Waterproof Shell Jacket: A pair of waterproof jackets to stay protected from the rain.
  • Breathable Underwear: It is advisable to pack a couple of pairs of underwear.
  • Hiking Boots: Buy waterproof hiking boots with sturdy soles.
  • Sandals: It is always handy to carry a pair of slippers to wear around the teahouses.
  • Hiking Socks: Pack 2-3 pairs of breathable hiking socks.

Head Wears:

  • Sun Protection Hat: Do not forget to pack a sun protection hat to protect your face from the harsh sun.
  • Beanie: Beanies come in handy during the evenings to keep yourself warm.

Gloves: Pack warm and light gloves as they can be useful when the temperature gets cold.

Sleeping Bags:

Although sleeping bags are not an absolute must for Mardi Himal Trek, we recommend you to carry one, especially if you’re trekking in the winter. The lodges provide a small blanket which may not be sufficient during the cold winter nights.

Also, the blankets of the teahouses may not be clean all the time. So, if you carry a sleeping bag, you no longer have to worry about the dirty and smelly blankets!

Other Important Accessories:

  • Trekking Poles
  • UV Protection Sunglasses
  • Water Bottle
  • Basic Medical Kits
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Sunscreen/Lip Balm
  • Trekking Towels
  • Portable Chargers

Network Information

When it comes to telecommunication services, both NTC and Ncell works decently in the Mardi Himal Trek. However, the functions may not be available throughout the trail, especially in the higher elevations.

It is important to remember that cell phone services may not be consistent in all parts of the region. You may have to wander around to find decent network coverage in some remote villages.

Mobile internet services are not pretty stable and reliable due to inconsistent network coverage. But when the networks are decent, you can use the 3G services in both NTC and Ncell.

The majority of teahouses also provide WiFi services, but they might charge you a few extra bucks for it. WiFi is the most preferred way to stay connected with your friends and family despite the high number of users. In this case, the connection can get slower.

Useful Tips for Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek

  • Since Mardi Himal Trek is not as commercial as other treks in the Annapurna region, the number of teahouses are very limited. Make sure to pre-book your hotels to avoid the risk of accommodations filled to capacity.
  • Although the possibility of altitude sickness is relatively lower in this trek, it is crucial to stay hydrated and stay cautious of the symptoms.
  • Buying bottled waters might be slightly expensive and are not advisable as they create more trash in the trekking trail. The best idea is to carry a bottle and fill the water in the teahouses.
  • It is essential to pack right gears while trekking to Mardi Himal. However, if you do not want to buy the trekking gear, renting the equipment in Kathmandu or Pokhara is highly advisable.
  • If you’re trekking in monsoon or winter, the trails may be wet and slippery. We highly recommend you to buy waterproof hiking boots with sturdy soles for the trek.
  • Mardi Himal Trek is relatively not as challenging as other trekking trails in Nepal. However, it does demand a certain level of physical fitness to do the trek. We recommend you to indulge in cardio-oriented activities a month before the trek.
  • It is essential to carry enough cash on the trek since the ATMs are not available after Pokhara.
  • Get proper travel insurance before trekking to Mardi Himal.

Accommodation in Pokhara

Recommended travel agencies.

There are thousands of trekking agencies in Nepal that operate Mardi Himal Trek. However, make sure you’re traveling with a reliable company while trekking in Nepal.

Some of the best trekking companies in Nepal for Manaslu Circuit Trek are:

  • Himalayas on Foot
  • Magical Nepal
  • Mosaic Adventure
  • Nepal Eco Adventure

Recommended Books and Guidebooks

  • Annapurna: A Trekker’s Guide
  • Lonely Planet – Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya
  • The Rough Guide to Nepal
  • Into Thin Air
  • High Adventure

1.   Can I do the Mardi Himal Trek solo/independently?

Yes, it is possible to trek to Mardi Himal independently. This trek is relatively short and less demanding. The entire trail of Mardi Himal is marked, and most of the time the path is solitary. Therefore, this is an excellent choice for independent trekkers. However, if you’re a novice trekker, we recommend you to hire a guide.

2.   Is it safe to drink water in Mardi Himal Trek?

It is not advisable to drink directly from the tap or local streams along the trail. Water from the local sources is not safe to drink. Bottled water is available to buy throughout the trail. However, bottled water is slightly expensive and makes trash in the path. Therefore, we highly suggest you carry water purifiers, tablets, or SteriPen purifiers.

3.   Am I at risk of suffering from altitude sickness in Mardi Himal Trek?

Altitude sickness usually occurs above 3,000m from the sea level. Since the maximum elevation of this trek is 4,500m at Mardi Himal Base Camp, you’re always at risk of suffering from altitude sickness. Therefore, it is essential to take safety precautions and stay hydrated while trekking.

4.   Do I need travel insurance before trekking to Mardi Himal?

Despite being a moderate trek, we highly recommend you to have travel insurance before trekking to Mardi Himal. It is advisable to get the insurance that covers helicopter evacuation, medical charges, theft, and so forth.

5.   What is the standard of accommodation in Mardi Himal Trek?

The teahouses and lodges of Mardi Himal Trek provide basic amenities and services. They offer common rooms with two single beds and the toilets in sharing-basis. The rooms also do not have heating facilities. WiFi, hot shower, boiled water, and charging facilities are available in the teahouses but will cost you extra money.

Mardi Himal is a short and remote trek ideal for trekkers who have limited time in Nepal and prefer to avoid the crowd. The trek is one of the most affordable alternatives to the popular trekking destinations across the country.

Trekking to Mardi Himal is an adventure that takes you through the diverse landscape, remote villages, and enchanting forests. You get to relish the close-up view of Machhapuchhre, Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli.

The trek also provides an excellent opportunity for professional photographers and photo enthusiasts for incredible spectacles of the mountains. On a lucky day, you most probably will get to photograph the night sky and celestial events.

While trekking to Mardi Himal, you’ll also get a more in-depth insight into the lifestyles and cultures of the local people when enjoying their hospitality.

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Shishir Banjara

  • The Complete Guide for Mardi Himal Trek

Jyoti Karki

  • Aug 22nd 2022
  • Trekking in Nepal Trekking in Annapurna Region

The Complete Guide for Mardi Himal Trek

Annapurna region is always taken as the best trekking and travel destination for travel enthusiasts around the globe. There are a lot of different trekking trails in this region, and among all those trekking trails Mardi Himal is also another of the most beautiful and popular trekking trails nowadays. It lies in the eastern part of Annapurna, and this trek is outstandingly positioned at the base of the Mardi Himal and Mt. Machhapuchhre , another iconic mountain. This is a recently opened trekking trail because it’s an unrevealed natural beauty, and a majestic and gorgeous view of mountains can be easily experienced from this trail. 

mardi himal trek permit

Trekking through the traditional mountain settlements, lush green forest , and mind-blowing, unrevealed natural beauty along with gorgeous mountains is the major attraction of the Mardi Himal trek . The landscape changes unexpectedly into the rugged mountain terrain once you cross above 3000m altitude. If you plan to do this trek in the off-season (winter season) , the trail is completely filled with snow and will be more fun for the snow lover. Here, we’ve collected some useful guides regarding this trekking trail.

Highlights of Mardi Himal Trek

The Mardi Himal Trek is a captivating adventure that offers a range of highlights, combining natural beauty, cultural experiences, and trekking challenges. Here are some of the key highlights of the Mardi Himal Trek:

  • Stunning Mountain Views: The trek provides panoramic views of some of the most iconic Himalayan peaks, including Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Machapuchare (Fishtail), Dhaulagiri, and Manaslu . The Mardi Himal Base Camp, in particular, offers an up-close and mesmerizing perspective of these majestic mountains.
  • Off-the-Beaten Path: Compared to more popular trekking routes in Nepal, Mardi Himal sees significantly fewer trekkers, creating a quieter and more intimate experience with the natural surroundings. You'll often find yourself trekking through pristine landscapes without the crowds.
  • Rich Cultural Encounters: Along the trail, you'll pass through traditional villages inhabited by Gurung and Magar communities. This provides an opportunity to interact with the locals, learn about their customs, and experience the warmth of Nepalese hospitality.
  • Lush Rhododendron Forests: During the spring (March to May), the trekking route is adorned with vibrant rhododendron blooms, creating a colorful and enchanting atmosphere in the forests. This is a unique and beautiful aspect of the trek.
  • Alpine Meadows: As you ascend higher, you'll trek through alpine meadows adorned with various wildflowers. The contrast between the lush lower regions and the alpine landscapes is a visual treat.
  • Mardi Himal Base Camp: The high point of the trek is the Mardi Himal Base Camp at an elevation of approximately 4,500 meters (14,764 feet). Here, you'll find yourself surrounded by towering peaks and a serene, snowy landscape.
  • Peaceful Environment: The tranquility of the Mardi Himal region allows trekkers to connect with nature on a deep level. The serene atmosphere and lack of commercialization make it an ideal place for reflection and relaxation.
  • Moderate Trekking Difficulty: While the trek involves steep ascents and descents, it is considered moderately challenging, making it accessible to trekkers with varying levels of experience. Trekkers do not need technical climbing skills to complete this route.
  • Close Proximity to Pokhara: The Mardi Himal Trek starts and ends near the lakeside city of Pokhara , which is a popular destination in Nepal. After the trek, you can relax by Phewa Lake or explore Pokhara's attractions.
  • Natural Diversity: The trek takes you through a range of ecological zones , from lush subtropical forests to alpine tundra, providing an opportunity to witness diverse flora and fauna .

Mardi Himal Trekking in Summary

  • Maximum elevation: 4200m, Mardi Base Camp 
  • Trekking Grade: Moderate 
  • Duration: 4-5 days 
  • Best seasons: Spring and Autumn 
  • Permit & Entrance: ACAP + TIMS Card 
  • Total Distance: 42km (mostly preferred route)
  • Accommodations: Teahouse and Lodges 
  • Meals: Local Nepali Food, Indian, Italian, Tibetian, and common continental meal

Reach Mardi Himal Base Camp

Normally, Mardi Himal Trek starts from the drive or flies from Kathmandu to Pokhara and starts trekking from there. There are multiple options for trekking in the Mardi Himal. One is the most chosen route, which starts from Kande and finishes in Siding . Another is the connecting route, which starts from Ghandruk and ends in Siding as well. This is the route for those who came from the ABC or Poonhill trek .

mardi himal trek permit

There is another shortest route as well, which starts from Landruk and ends at Siding. If you have less time for trekking, you can choose this option. Also, the longest one starts from either Ghandruk or Kyumi and ends at Kande. 

Best Season to Trek in the Mardi Himal

Mardi Himal Trek can be done around the year since the altitude is quite normal as compared to other high mountain treks . Mardi Himal Trek is also graded as a moderate trek in terms of difficulty. Despite this, there is always favorable weather for the amazing views of mountains and landscapes. Spring and Autumn are the best seasons to trek in all the Himalayan regions of Nepal , including Mardi as well. 

Spring (March to May)

  • Rhododendron Blooms: Spring is famous for the vibrant rhododendron blooms that cover the hillsides, creating a colorful and picturesque landscape.
  • Moderate Temperatures: Daytime temperatures in the lower elevations are comfortable, ranging from 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F).
  • Clear Skies: Spring typically brings clear skies, offering excellent mountain views, including Annapurna and Machapuchare.
  • Moderate Crowds: While it's a popular season, Mardi Himal sees fewer trekkers compared to more established routes like the Annapurna Circuit .
  • Possibility of Rain: There may be occasional showers in lower elevations, so be prepared for rain.

Summer (June to August)

  • Lush Greenery: The monsoon season brings lush greenery to the region, making it a great time for botany enthusiasts.
  • Fewer Crowds: This is the least crowded season for trekking in the Mardi Himal area.
  • Lower Costs: Accommodation and services may be more affordable during this season.
  • Monsoon Rains: Heavy rainfall, landslides, and leeches can be common during the monsoon, making trekking challenging and potentially dangerous.
  • Limited Mountain Views: Cloud cover and mist may obstruct mountain views, so you might not get the iconic Himalayan vistas.

mardi himal trek permit

Autumn (September to November)

  • Clear Skies: Autumn offers clear skies and excellent visibility, ensuring breathtaking mountain views. Moderate Temperatures: Daytime temperatures range from 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F) in the lower regions.
  • Cultural Festivals: September and October coincide with several Nepalese festivals, providing opportunities to witness local celebrations.
  • Moderate Crowds: While autumn is the peak season in Nepal, Mardi Himal is less crowded than some other treks.
  • Peak Season: Expect more trekkers on the trail compared to other times of the year.

Winter (December to February)

  • Peaceful Trekking: Winter is the quietest season for trekking in the Mardi Himal region, and you'll often have the trails to yourself.
  • Snow-Covered Landscapes: The higher elevations are blanketed in snow, creating a serene and beautiful winter wonderland.
  • Clear Skies: When the skies are clear, you can enjoy stunning views without obstruction.
  • Cold Temperatures: Winter temperatures can drop significantly, especially at higher elevations, with daytime temperatures ranging from 0°C to 10°C (32°F to 50°F). You'll need to be well-prepared for the cold.
  • Limited Teahouse Availability: Some teahouses along the trail may be closed due to the off-peak season, so you'll need to plan your accommodation carefully.

Each season has its unique charm and challenges, so your choice should align with your preferences and tolerance for different weather conditions and trekking experiences.

Food and Accommodation during Mardi Himal Trek

Since the route is newly opened, you might not get all the continental and international tastes in Mardi Himal, but the taste and proper diet will be enough for this trail. Basically, they serve typical Nepali food (Dal Bhat) , some Indian cuisine , common international tastes , and Italian and Tibetan foods . Most of the vegetables and rice are grown in nearby fields, so they are healthy and organic as well. 

During breakfast, you will get pancakes , bread items, noodle soup , local cornbread, and Chapati with tea and coffee. You will get ginger lemon honey , soda, coke, and some other soft drinks on the way. You will find some hard drinks also, but it's better not to take them while trekking in high mountains . Instead of this, drink more and more water and keep your body hydrated .

mardi himal trek permit

During lunch , the teahouse and lodges offer Nepali Dal Bhat, pasta, fried noodles, MOMOs , and some other flavors. Dinner will be mostly similar to lunch, but it depends on what to eat for your dinner. If you are trekking through a travel agency, they will get some dessert (mostly fruits) during your dinner. 

Also, sometimes you might get hungry while hiking, So, it's better to bring some chocolate, dry fruits, and nuts with you. When you get tired and hungry, it always helps you. 

Accommodation on Mardi Himal Trek

Accommodation will be normal as in all the mountain regions . If you are familiar with the other high-mountain accommodations, then it will be almost similar. For the first few days, you will get comfortable accommodations like an attached bathroom . But once you cross the forest camp or low camp, you will get normal rooms with a shared bathroom in the teahouse . During prime trekking season , sometimes you might share your room with fellow trekkers as well. Though the trail is getting more popular day by day, as a result, the food and accommodation facilities are improving. 

mardi himal trek permit

The accommodation facilities are fewer as you ascend to higher altitudes. The options for food also become fewer as compared to the low altitude. Since most of the trail is filled with forest, they have limited lodges and tea houses in major camp areas . 

Trekking Grade in Mardi Himal Trek

Normally, Mardi Himal is considered an easy to moderate-level hiking trail. The walking distance is shorter and easier, and you won’t gain much altitude in a single day. Also, the maximum altitude is nearly 4200m, so this altitude is common for high-mountain trekking. The longest day will be hiking from high camp to base camp and back to high camp . The risk of altitude sickness will be less as we won’t spend much time at higher altitudes. Still, plenty of water, proper rest, and sufficient food will take you easily to the most famous and beautiful trekking trail in Nepal. However, a narrow path with Steep slopes might be a problem while trekking, so it’s better to be aware of it.

Trekking Permits and Entrance for Mardi Himal Trek

Permits Required:

  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): Essential for entering the Annapurna Conservation Area, including the Mardi Himal Trek.
  • Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) card: A database of foreign trekkers' information, documenting their visits to specific regions in Nepal.

Issuing Authorities:

  • Nepal Tourism Board.
  • Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN) Office in Kathmandu
  • TAAN Office in Pokhara

Documents Needed:

  • A photocopy of your passport
  • Two passport-sized photographs

Permit Costs (for foreigners):

  • ACAP: NPR 3,000 (approximately USD 26)
  • TIMS card: NPR 2,000 (approximately USD 18)
  • ACAP permits support conservation efforts, trail maintenance, and local community projects in the Annapurna region.
  • TIMS cards serve as a record of foreign trekkers' visits to Nepal and provide information about their destinations and duration of stay.

Please note that permit fees and regulations can change, so it's advisable to verify the current requirements with the authorities or a reliable trekking agency in Nepal before embarking on the Mardi Himal Trek.

Solo trekking in Mardi Himal Trek

As we know, some travelers love to explore solo without any disturbance from other fellow travelers and trekkers. In such a case, yes, Mardi Himal is the best option for solo travelers as well. You will get the proper directions on the way, and the Nepalese locals , as well as guides and travelers, are always helpful to you. 

However, it depends on person to person. If you are traveling in Nepal for the first time and even you never traveled to high mountains, then solo travel will not be a good option for you. Because this is the newly opened trail, it's a hidden valley that is untouched and virgin land . The human settlements are too far from one another. In such a bad moment, you may be lost, and you may not find anyone to help you there. 

mardi himal trek permit

So, if you know everything and you have experience of trekking in high mountains before then just collect all the necessary information, get enough cash to spend while trekking and get in touch with some travel agency or some reliable person, so that you can contact them if you will find some trouble on the way while doing solo trekking in Mardi Himal. 

Electricity & Internet facility in Mardi Himal Trek

After Ghandruk, you won't find electricity in your own room. They will provide that facility in either the dining room or the reception area. Because they don’t have normal electricity and they depend on sunlight for electricity. They charge Rs 100-150 per hour for the charging of your phone. You will get wifi in almost all the hotels as well. They charge a certain amount for it as well. 

Guide and Porter on Mardi Himal Trek

Trekking in the mountain region is not easy, but with the help of experienced guiding team members, proper food, drink, and rest can take you to your dream destination. We recommend travelers to travel with a guide and porter (if you have heavy luggage), because most of the time, we’ve to travel through dense forests and narrow trails. Where it's very hard to find the locals and other people always while trekking. Guides provide the essential information and take care of all the accommodation, safety measures, flights, transportation, and entry and exit at all the entrance points. 

mardi himal trek permit

One thing you need to keep in mind is that, at the end of the trek, the guide and porter expect good tips from you. These people are hardworking, and they put in all the effort to take you and your staff to your dream destinations in an extreme mountain environment .

Drinking water and toilet facilities on Mardi Himal Trek

In the mountain usually, the bathroom was made outside the teahouse or sometimes attached to the house but in one corner. In Mardi Himal Trek , the toilets are shared basis and you’ve to use a bucket to carry water and your own toilet paper while trekking. 

The drinking water tab is available almost everywhere on this trekking trail but all are not safe to drink directly. So, carry your own bottle and water purifier along with you. Also, the teahouse and lodges sell bottled water which you can directly use without a purifier. But we do not recommend this one, because it will make the trail trash and using plastic things in high mountains is against the conservation of nature. 

Pre-trekking Preparation for Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal trekking is not that so much easy also. You need some warm-up, little practice, discipline, early preparation, and the best guidance that can easily take you to the most beautiful trekking destination in Nepal. It means not that you have to work as a professional trekker. Anyone can go on this trekking but, good health, physical fitness, and self-motivation are indeed required. There are a few things that you can do as naive trekkers before the commencement of the trek: 

  • Do some short hikes and walk around 6-8 hours a day both uphill and downhill. 
  • If you do have no habit of doing exercise , restart that habit at least a month before the trek.
  • Running , Summing , Cycling , and some other cardio exercises can boost your stamina, which helps you during your trekking.
  • Try some Yoga steps that directly help in your respiration drink more water and keep your body hydrated even before the trek.

Another important and essential thing is your trekking equipment and gear. Proper equipment includes a sleeping bag , a pair of high mountain trekking boots , poles, a duffle bag, essential warm and hiking comfortable clothes , warm socks , gloves , sunglasses , sunscreen , and so on. Another major thing that we should keep in mind is, that comfortable and warm but light things are best for high mountain trekking. Make sure all the necessary papers, documents , and ideas about restricted and non-restricted things are in that zone.

Itinerary for Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal has a few different options to start trekking. Normally, we start at 3-4hr driving from Pokhara to Kande and start our hiking from there. The landscape, terrain, people, culture, and everything look so different from Kathmandu. Dense rhododendron forests, wide-range valleys, diverse terrain, waterfalls, and rivers are the major attractions on the way. Here is the most popular itinerary for the Mardi Himal Trek:

Day1: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara 

Day2: Drive from Pokhara to Kande and trek to Deurali 

Day3: Trek to Low camp 

Day4: Trek to High camp 

Day5: Explore Mardi Base Camp and back to Middle Camp 

Day6: Trek to Siding and drive back to Pokhara 

Day7: Drive to Kathmandu 

Here, we tried to collect some essential information for the Mardi Himal trek , which you must know before departing to the Mardi Himal. We hope that it will be helpful for you.

If you need any further information, please  contact us, Email: at  [email protected] , Phone: +977- 985 100 5129 ( WhatsApp )

  • Mardi Himal
  • Annapurna region trekking
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Jyoti Karki

Ms. Jyoti Karki

Jyoti Karki is an expert travel blogger. She has been writing blogs for a long time. Along with writing about diverse locations. She personally travels to many different places, went hiking and trekking in Nepal, and has also visited several areas of India and enjoys writing on her blogs about them.

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Mardi Himal Trek : Difficulty, Cost and Itinerary 2024

We offer group discount, destination, accomodation, lodge and tea house, walking distance, 4 nights 5 days, max. elevation, meals included, best season, march-may / august-november.

The Mardi Himal Trek is a short trek of 7 days, a newly opened route in 2012 that quickly grew in popularity. The reason for its popularity is the crystal clear, short easy trek with scenic landscape throughout including an up-close view of Mt. Fishtail, Hiunchuli, and Annapurna South. On top of that, this is a customizable trek that can be shortened as well; a 4-day and 5-day itinerary, covering the major attractions of the trails, is detailed below.

Even though it is a less popular trekking route compared to destinations like Annapurna Circuit , Annapurna Base Camp , and Everest Base Camp Trek , this trek is highly sought after by those who are looking for something serene and easy. The Mardi Himal Trek offers spectacular views of the Machhapuchre (6,997 m) in addition to other gorgeous peaks like ), Mardi Himal (5,587 m), Gandharba Chuli (6,248 m) Hiunchuli (6,441 m), Annapurna South (7,219 m), and Gangapurna Himal (7,454 m), which makes this trek worth the time and effort. This trek takes you through the most popular hiking destination near Pokhara. Furthermore, hikers will enjoy the small aesthetic settlements including Astam, Dhampus, Australian Camp, Pothana, and the little tea houses they house.

Moreover, this trek goes through villages like Forest Camp, Low Camp, High Camp, Badal Danda, Kalimati, Lwang, and Lumre, which are rooted in tradition and have been there for centuries. Depending upon the number of days you choose to trek, and the alternative itineraries available. Since 2012, these villages have come a long way. The growing number of tea houses along the route has made this short trek easier for people with different fitness levels, as options for meals with suitable accommodation are readily available.

Additionally, the Mardi Himal trek mostly passes through forests covered with oaks and rhododendrons, so wildlife such as Musk deer, Langurs (grey monkeys), Danfe (Lophophorus), and porcupines might be seen during the trek . You should be on the lookout for these as they can pop up at any given time, so have your camera gear ready for action.

This trek is truly a great experience where one can take in the majestic mountain panoramas, encounter wildlife in verdant forests, and traverse rivers and ridges within a single hike. The initial phase of the trek has us passing through the forests and finally climbing out of the woods to witness mesmerizing views of surrounding peaks. Following that, we will get on the way to Mardi Himal Base Camp, our main destination.

  • Astonishing views of the mountain ranges covered with snow like Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Machhapuchre, and Gangapurna Himal, and of course Mardi Himal is the main attraction.
  • 70% of the hike takes us through lush rhododendron and oak forests. So, Mardi Himal Trek is not only for mountain lovers but also those who love to immerse themselves in lush nature.
  • Panoramic views from beginning to end of the trails; scenic views from Pokhara all the way to the base camp including authentic Gurung and Tamang villages.
  • Passing beautiful villages including Astam, Dhampus, Australian camp, Kalimati, Lumre, and Lwang in a single short 5-day trek.
  • 30 % of the trek consists of hiking through ridges that offer a specular up-close view of giant Annapurna south and Hiunchuli on the left side and Mt. Fishtail aka Machhapuchhre, Mardi peak, Gandarbachuli, and Gangapurna in front makes you feel like you are too close to the mountains than you are.
  • The Mardi Himal Trek itinerary can be customized depending on the trekker’s limited time and fitness level. You can experience all this goodness in just 4 to 5 days.
  • Mardi Himal trek is a budget trekking destination where you don’t have to spend a lot to experience the highlands of Nepal and mountain hiking.
  • Mardi Himal base camp trails are accessible all around the year.
  • Mardi Trek is perfect for beginners and families with kids since there are enough teahouses on the way for food, and water and offers cozy accommodation.
  • Fast elevation gain in 4-5 days without getting altitude sickness. The Mardi Himal region has a treeline up to 3600 meters which helps in increasing the oxygen content in the air but, at such an altitude, it is still comparatively less than what we are used to.
  • You can combine Mardi Himal with Annapurna base camp, Khopra Danda Trek, Hidden Lake Trek, and Poonhill Trek.

Trekkers Information for Mardi Himal Trek:

Mardi Himal Trek, Trekkers Information

Location and Geography of Mardi Himal Trek Nepal

The Mardi Himal Trek is situated inside the Annapurna region of Nepal. It is on the east-south side of the Annapurna Base Camp, east of Modi Khola, and west of the iconic Machhapuchre Himal (Fishtail) . The trek starts and ends at Pokhara, Kaski passing through various picturesque locations such as High Camp, Badal Danda, Mardi Himal viewpoint, and Lwang village . The highest altitude of this trek is at the Mardi Himal Base Camp, situated at an elevation of 4,500 meters.

This trek inside Nepal's Annapurna region is a mesmerizing journey through diverse, stunning landscapes. Subsequently, The trail goes through ancient forests of huge rhododendrons, oaks, and Maple trees, starting from the green lowlands and ending with rocky ridges. Additionally, you can witness many varieties of wild animals and species of birds making this trail even more appealing. The tranquil feeling of traveling through centuries-old rhododendron and oak forests provides a peaceful escape from the noise of city life, making this trek truly isolated.

Moreover, as you ascend to higher altitudes, the scenery changes from forests filled with tall trees to beautiful meadows filled with colorful wildflowers. Consequently, the summer season offers the best scenery for wildflowers that can’t be witnessed in any other season. The landscape becomes more challenging as you ascend toward the rocky and rugged paths, with glacial moraines - rocky ridges formed by glaciers making the trek more enjoyable as it, too, adds to the trek's allure. 

Why choose the Mardi Himal Trek?

You will also hike through lush rhododendron forests that are incredibly vibrant during springtime (March to April). You will also visit small villages, and walk beneath shades of forests, where different wildlife thrive. In addition to that, you will also witness the raging Seti River and beautiful Lwang waterfalls.

This trek offers you a chance to immerse yourself in local culture, taste the local cuisine, and experience their warm hospitality while interacting with the native Gurung, Chhetri, Brahmin, and, Tamang communities.

The opportunity to interact with friendly domestic cattle during the early summer seasons is a plus point you will receive. Our Mardi Himal trek itinerary offers a more peaceful and personal trekking experience compared to other popular routes such as Poonhill and Annapurna Base Camp.

One of the best things about this trek is that you walk through diverse landmarks from forests to grasslands, terraced fields to rocky ridges, and finally to the Mardi Himal Base Camp. It is suitable for beginners but experienced trekkers can equally enjoy the trek as it offers a unique scenic viewpoint.

The Mardi Himal Trek is situated in the central-west part of Nepal. It is on the east-south side of the Annapurna Base Camp, east of Modi Khola, and west of the iconic Machhapuchre Himal (Fishtail). The trek starts and ends at Pokhara, also known as the gateway to the Annapurna highlands.

Starting the trek from the Annapurna lowlands, the trail goes through ancient forests of huge rhododendrons, oaks, and maple trees, and ends with rocky ridges near the Mardi Himal base camp.

Additionally, you can witness many varieties of wild animals and species of birds making this trail even more appealing. The tranquil feeling of traveling through centuries-old rhododendrons and oak forests provides a peaceful escape from the noise of city life, making this trek truly isolated.

Moreover, as you ascend to higher altitudes, the scenery changes from forests filled with tall trees to beautiful meadows filled with colorful wildflowers. Consequently, the summer season offers the best scenery for wildflowers that can’t be witnessed in any other season.

As you ascend further into the region, you will notice the change in vegetation and a lot fewer trees on either side of the trekking trail. Nevertheless, the scenes will only keep getting better.

In the heart of the Annapurna Region, aside from the well-known Annapurna Base Camp Trek and Annapurna Circuit Trek, you'll find the hidden gem called the Mardi Himal Trek.

What's unique about the Mardi Himal trekking adventure?

Well within just 4-5 days of the trek , it takes you to an impressive height of 4500m, a feat not achieved by other trails in the Annapurna region. Moreover, It's a trek that's both beginner-friendly and gives a great sense of accomplishment.

Furthermore, unlike the busier treks in the Annapurna region, the Mardi trek is peaceful and less crowded, giving you a chance to appreciate nature without too much distraction . Additionally, the true spectacle of this trek reveals itself as the sun breaks the horizon. You'll witness a sunrise like no other, bathing Mount Fishtail (Machhapuchhre), Annapurna South, and Hiuchuli in glorious crimson sunlight. These grand peaks stand majestically before your eyes, an unforgettable sight that will surely take your breath away.

During March and April, the Mardi Himal trek transforms into a snow wonderland . A fresh layer of snow even at a lower altitude in the Mardi Region, gives you the feeling of truly climbing a mountain even though you are not. The breathtaking scenery around you feels almost unbelievable, we are sure you will snap a ton of pics during this journey.

Despite being a relatively short trek, the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek is brimming with picturesque moments and comfortable amenities. There's a range of welcoming tea houses and lodges along the path, complete with wifi, hot showers, and phone charging points, ensuring a comfortable journey without the need for camping.

What is the Best Time For Mardi Himal Trek?

Like any other Nepali Himalayan Trek, the best season for this trek is also the Spring Season (Mid-February to May) and the Autumn Season (September to mid-December). However, the more isolated and pristine trek would be possible during the winter season as many trekkers don’t usually travel to this destination during this period.

Monsoon view of Mardi Himal and surround greenery, clicked by North Nepal Trek.

The Spring season brings moderate temperatures ranging from 11 to 20 degrees Celsius at the lower altitudes and it may be cooler in higher altitudes. The clear skies provide excellent visibility for mountain views and the blooming rhododendrons throughout the trek decorate the path with vibrant hues of red and pink. Even during the peak season of Spring, the Mardi Himal Trek will not be as crowded as the other popular treks like Annapurna Base Camp and Everest Base Camp Trek.

Furthermore, during the Spring season, even the lower altitude of the Mardi Himal Trek is covered with snow, so you get the feeling of climbing the mountain itself, in this trek . Additionally, due to clear weather the sunrise views during this trek, as the sunrises over the Mardi Himal truly create an awe-inspiring sight.

During the Autumn season, the temperature ranges from 8 to 15 degrees making trekking ever so comfortable. Due to the stable weather, suitable for both trekking and observing the views, Autumn season is considered the best overall season for trekking in Nepal, not just for the Mardi Himal Trek but for the other treks of the Himalayan Region.

The clear weather with minimal rainfall offers you clear mountain views of Annapurna and Machhapuchere and many other mountains which is truly a sight to behold. You may expect hikers on the trails from different countries during this season so prepare yourself to make new friends along the way.

The Summer season brings rainfall which hinders the trek routes as it makes some parts of the trails muddy, with hungry leeches in the path making the trek exciting. Some trekkers avoid treks during this season, but some experienced trekkers go for an adrenaline-pumping adventure, for sceneries that can only be experienced in summer. The trek also rewards these courageous trekkers with lush greenery and wildflowers that bloom only during the summer season.

Mardi Himal Trek Cost:

Here is a detailed cost breakdown for the 4-night 5-day Mardi Himal Trek, so you can select the plan that best suits your needs and budget.

Mardi Himal Trek Cost for Full Board Package:

While the cost of the Mardi Himal Trek listed above is the full board package including Transportation, Guide, TIMS, Permits, 3 times meals, and accommodation, you can choose the half board package or the guide service.

Mardi Himal Trek Cost for Half Board Package:

The half-board package cost for the Mardi Himal trek is per person and includes your transportation, Guide, TIMS, Permits, and accommodation with Breakfast as per the BB plan.

Guide or Porter Service for Mardi Himal Trek:

The guide for Mardi Himal Trek costs US$ 30 per day and the porter costs US$25 per day. Note: You need to understand that your guide isn’t your porter, so they can’t help you carry your big bags. Also, the porter can only have 20 kg and if the bag is heavier than 20 kg additional charges may occur without any further notice. 

4 days Mardi Himal Trekking Itinerary (Recommended only to professional hikers)

Day 1: Drive from Pokhara to Kande to Forest Camp(Kokar):

We drive towards Kande for about 1 hour. After we arrive at Kande, we take a short break to prepare and start trekking toward Forest Camp, which takes nearly 7 hours in total.

We arrive at Australian Camp after trekking for 1.5 hours from Kande, mainly through the forests uphill. After a short break, we continue our hike towards Forest Camp; the total distance is approximately 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) which takes about 4 to 5 hours. With steep climbs, we reach Forest Camp, in the middle of the woods, surrounded by forest from all sides, where we will spend the night.

Day 2: Forest Camp to High Camp:

Our trek today consists of stone steps to Badal Danda and 2-3 hours of trek from Forest Camp. We will take a lunch break there, relaxing for an hour or so. Following rest, we resume our trek toward the High Camp, which takes nearly 3 to 4 hours of hiking a plain trekking trail that steeps upward shortly. We will stay the night there and you can enjoy scenes of the Himalayas from the camp.

Day 3: High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp and back to Badal Danda:

We start our day early at 5:00 am for the Mardi Himal Base Camp; the round trip duration will be about 2 -3 hours of walking, taking you to and from the Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m).

Before reaching the base camp, we will stop at the Mardi Himal viewpoint (4200m) to take in the breathtaking views of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Annapurna III, Macchapuchre, and Gandarva Chuli. After some rest, we continue the trek to reach Mardi Himal Base Camp in 1.5 hours. After we are done visiting the base camp, we will get back to Badal Danda for an overnight stay.

Day 4: Badal Danda to Sidhing to Lumre then drive to Pokhara (off-road drive):

Following the steep descent trail, we reach the low camp in 45 minutes. After 4-5 hrs of the trek, we reach the Sidhing village. After 2 hours of driving from Sidhing, we will go back to Pokhara.

Is Mardi Himal trek for beginners?

Mardi Himal Trekking  is  considered to be  of moderate difficulty,  suitable for beginners and trekkers of all ages who are physically fit and capable of 5-6 hours of easy walks in cold mountain regions . The trail is covered with tea houses and lodges everywhere, eliminating the need to camp outside furthermore allowing beginners and children to enjoy the trek without a slight worry.  The rare chance of altitude sickness can be further diminished with the help of an experienced guide and well-planned itinerary, so the Mardi Himal trek is moderately challenging and safe for beginners and children.

How long is the Mardi Himal Trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek Nepal offers panoramic views of the mountain ranges of the Annapurna region, like Machhapuchre. The trail spans approximately 45 kilometers , welcoming beginners and experienced trekkers alike. The trek starts and ends in Pokhara, a popular gateway for various treks in the Annapurna region , and passes through different teahouse lodges or campsites, providing accommodation and food for trekkers along the way.

Being one of the most flexible treks in terms of duration, you can trek up to Mardi Himal Base Camp at (4500 m) in 4 days, 5 days, or 7 days with a moderate level of fitness. However, you need to push yourself with 6 to 7 hours of trekking every day and 7-8 hrs on the final day of Mardi Himal BaseCamp if you plan this trek for 4 days and 3 nights.

Nonetheless, the best possible itinerary excluding trips to cultural villages like Lwang Ghalel is 5 days and 4 nights . This itinerary is the best because you don't need to push yourself for 7-8 hours of trek. This well-planned itinerary is suitable for people with moderate fitness levels and total beginners in trekking. 

Furthermore, this 7 days itinerary takes you through the culturally rich Lwang Ghalel, which offers unique insights into the Gurung communities of the region. The hospitality of the Gurung inhabitants , the picturesque sceneries of the surroundings, and the pristine waterfalls, famous for the canyoning in Lwang Ghalel , in addition to sunrise views and the bird watching along the way truly makes the trip to Lwang Ghalel a must-visit destination.

Recently Opened Trekking Route

The Mardi Himal Trekking route is a recently opened trekking route that is gaining popularity as one of the best short treks in Nepal. For a long time, this trek was done by only a few trekking groups managing tents and food themselves. However, the trekking route officially opened in 2012 and has boomed in popularity since then.  Moreover, the Mardi Himal Trek provides a short yet sweet refreshment in 4 days, 5 days, or a week for trekkers with a shortage of time. Subsequently, with the panoramic view from the base camp and the rural community in this region, this is a must-trek destination.

Furthermore, this short trek has everything to offer, from the stone-made stairs made by carving the hills  to the hike through forests with rare floras and incredible wildlife, scenic valleys, and breathtaking mountain vistas . Additionally, hike the adrenaline-pumping trails through the ridges witnessing the views along the way, and even trek on the snowy slopes. The breathtaking views of the Mardi Himal and the surrounding mountains are an experience you will remember forever. So, it is an all-around trekking experience along the best birdwatching routes as well as culturally and naturally rich Nepali Villages . Additionally, you can incorporate this trek with several other treks, like Annapurna Base Camp Trek , Poonhill Trek , and Khopra Trek .

Mardi Himal Trek Nepal elevation gain:

Many trekkers trekking the Himalayas of Nepal always check the elevation of different places and plan their overnight stay accordingly. Everybody loves to follow the climb high sleep low principle, however, it is not possible during the Mardi Himal trekking. Trekkers will climb up continuously, so the altitude the next day will always be higher than the previous day. The recommended altitude gain per day is 800 meters maximum. However, the itinerary becomes lengthy if we follow the recommended altitude gain every day. Moreover, the Mardi Himal Trek is filled with vegetation and tree lines to an altitude of 3,000 m. So, we have made the itinerary with a safe level of altitude gain in mind gain.

Taking into account the different needs of our clients, we've made three distinct itineraries.

Altitude Table for 5 day Mardi Himal Trekking Itinerary: 

The standard five-day itinerary of the Mardi Himal trek is perfect for beginners and pro-hikers who want to enjoy the trek without rushing. The elevation gain while following this itinerary is given below:

Altitude Table for 4-day Mardi Himal Trek Itinerary:

The four-day Mardi Himal Trek itinerary is only recommended to pro hikers. The trek will be rushed and you will not be able to enjoy the views to your heart's content. Moreover, it will be a race to Mardi Himal Base camp and back to Pokhara, rather than being your ideal holiday. If you already have experience trekking the Himalayas of Nepal and have limited time in Nepal then we recommend the four-day trek to Mardi Himal, else there is no need to make a beginner-friendly trek like Mardi Himal a challenging one. The elevation gain while following this itinerary is given below:

Altitude Table for 7-day Mardi Himal Trek Itinerary: 

The seven-day Mardi Himal trek is perfect for trekkers who want to explore all the villages in the lower Mardi Himal region. The small villages like Aastam, Sidhing, Kalimati, Lwang, and Lumre offer the typical Nepali cultures and days of the villagers in the semi-rural lifestyle.

5-Days Mardi Himal Trek Itinerary:

Day 01: pokhara to phedi by car and trek to pitam deurali via dhampus and australian camp .

We drive from Lakeside, Pokhara at an altitude of 800 m to Phedi a settlement on the side of Ghatte Khola, which is at 1,130 meters. The drive from Pokhara to Phedi takes 45 min by car or jeep covering a distance of 19 km. 

From here, we trek to Dhampus Village which takes 2 hours along the stairways mostly uphill. We have our lunch at Dhampus Village at an altitude of 1,694 m and trek towards Pothana. From Dhampus the trek to Pothana takes about 2 - 3 hours, as we pass along the Dhampus Jungle.

Pothana is situated at an altitude of 2,005 m and we can enjoy the views of Annapurna range closely from here. After quickly grabbing tea/coffee we will trek to Pitam Deurali. The trek from Pothana to Pitam Deurali takes 2 hours. Pitam Deurali is situated at an altitude of 2,100 m, a small settlement with Gurung Community. From here we can enjoy the views of Annapurna Mountain Range and the up-close view of Mt. Machhapuchhre ( Fishtail). Day 2: Pitam Deurali to Low camp:

After breakfast, we start our trek to Low Camp. It is situated at an altitude of 3,050 m and it takes 6 hours of trekking from here. We trek along the rhododendron forest, which gradually ascends uphill for a few hours. After trekking for 1 and ½  hours we reach Forest camp. It hosts a beautiful settlement, in the middle of the woods. We will have our lunch at the Forest Camp and trek towards the Low Camp. 

The trek from Forest Camp to Low Camp takes 4 hours of trekking, and we trek along more dense rhododendron forests and cross small streams on the way. If you are lucky, you will also witness wildlife like Himalayan Thar, Langur Monkeys, and Musk Deer. Low Camp is a beautiful place that provides picturesque views of Mt. Machhapuchhre (6,993 m). Overnight stay at Low Camp. 

Day 3: Low Camp to High Camp:

After breakfast, we start our third day of 5 days Mardi Himal Trek. The trek from Low Camp to High Camp offers many mountain views as well. We start trekking along the quiet, and dense rhododendron forest, maple and oak trees, with some sightings of wildlife. We reach Badal Danda after 1 hour of trekking from Low Camp. We will have our lunch here and take some rest. From Badal Danda, we will walk along the ridges covered with grass to High Camp. Further up, we will walk a short section with some rhododendron bushes along the way. After 4 hours of trekking from Badal Danda, we reach High Camp. From here, we can witness the mesmerizing views of many Himalayas like South Annapurna, Machhapuchre, and Hiunchuli. Overnight stay at High Camp.

Day 4: High Camp to Mardi BaseCamp, Back to Badal Danda

Today is the day we summit to the Mardi Himal Base Camp. We start our trek very early at 4 am from High Camp and ascend to Mardi Himal Base Camp. After two hours of trekking, we reach the Mardi Himal Lower View Point, situated at an altitude of 4,000 m. From here, the Mardi Himal Base Camp is 2 hours of trekking.

The trail passes through grassy patches and some steeper sections, but nothing too hard. Along the way, the impressive views of snow-covered mountains and glaciers will surely keep you in awe. Finally, we reach Mardi Himal Base Camp, situated at 4,500m, it offers panoramic views of Mardi, Machapuchhre, South Annapurna, and Hiunchuli. Just make sure you take enough snaps of this rare scenery before hiking back down to High Camp for lunch.  After lunch, we trek down to Badal Danda. Overnight stay at Badal Danda. 

Day 5: Badal Danda to Sidhing village to Lumre and drive back to Pokhara.

The last day of our Mardi Hiam Trek starts with an incredible sunrise view over the Annapurna range, at the Badal Dada. After breakfast, we trek towards Sidhing Village down from Badal Danda. As we are taking a different path, the scenery is new and refreshing. After trekking 4 hours downhill we will reach Sidhing, where we will have our lunch. It is a beautiful village situated at an altitude of 1,945 m. From here, we trek to Lumre, which takes about 2 hours of trekking. The path is easy, and we will cover it faster, as we walk after having lunch. From Lumre, we take a drive back to Pokhara, which takes 2 hours. Our trek ends here at Pokhara.

Mardi Himal Trek | North Nepal Trek

A group of male trekkers clicking photo with background of Mardi Himal while holding a banner of North Nepal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek - Itinerary

Drive to hemja and trek to the australian camp via astam.

( To reach Pokhara city from Kathmandu, you must take a 25-minute flight or a 7-hour Jeep/bus drive. )

We drive from Pokhara to Hemja (30 min) by car and trek to Astam village situated at 1520 m altitude . After about 3 hours of hiking  through the beautiful forest trail, we reach Astam village. Astam translates to set (meaning the village of sunset) , after our lunch and brief sightseeing here, we trek towards the Dhampus Village through the forests on stairs but 30 minutes of off-track motor road cannot be avoided .  After 2 hours of trekking to Dhampus at an altitude of 1650m, we take a tea/coffee break and enjoy the Annapurna Mountain Range .  We start our trek toward the Australian Base Camp  and enjoy the small villages on the way, where animals are domesticated, and fields are filled with crops according to the season. Dhampus to Australian Camp is about 1 hour through the forests with stairs. Australian Camp at an elevation of 2060m boasts the scenes of the Annapurna mountain range and also views of the sunrise and sunset on the Annapurna  from here are extraordinary. The Australian Camp provides basic tea houses and lodges for accommodation and food, so overnight stay at Australian Camp.

Trekkers from north nepal trek having lunch during mardi himal trek with backdrop of mount machhapuchre

  • Overnight stay in a Lodge
  • Includes Breakfast

Trek to Forest Camp

We start the day with breakfast and trek towards  Forest Camp(2500m) which is a beautiful journey through the dense forests of rhododendron and bamboo while keeping keen lookout for wildlife and birds in this region. The trail takes you through small villages and small water streams with breathtaking views of the snow-capped mountains. 

 At the start of the trek, we pass through popular places like Pothana (1,890) and Pitam Deurali( 2100m), which also offer accommodation for trekkers. The initially descending trail takes you through several natural streams and the peaceful environment of the forest accompanies you throughout the trek. 

We take our lunch and rest for a bit at Rest Camp , and we trek towards the Forest Camp at a height of 2500m, also known as Kokar. The path gradually becomes steeper and steeper until the flat path at the start changes to a steeper climb requiring more physical effort. After steep climbing up along the rhododendrons forest with the chirping sound of birds, we reach Forest Camp  in the middle of dense woodlands within 5 -6 hours of trekking .

View from Low Camp during Mardi Himal Trek clicked by North Nepal Trek.

Trek Forest Camp to High Camp

Starting our day with breakfast, we start our trek toward High Camp at an altitude of 3,550m via Badal Danda . The route to Badal Danda (3210 m) is mostly through the rhododendron forest , but you need to walk on the stairs. After a 3 hour trek, we reach Badal Danda. A 10 min detour from the trail will offer you a chance to witness the Baraha Temple of the Gurung community, this sacred temple dedicated to Lord Baraha (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) holds religious significance for the locals. Take a moment to appreciate the cultural and spiritual aspects of the area.

The Badal Danda hosts hotels and lodges so we have our lunch here enjoying the view of Mount Machhapuchhre (6,993m).  The name of this place originated to be Badal Danda, as it is always covered with Badal i.e. Cloud , Badal Danda meaning Cloudy Hill . The weather here is unpredictable so, after lunch and a bit of rest we hurry our way toward the Highcamp. 

The path from Badal Danda to High Camp changes the forests to pasture grassland which is covered with snow during the snowfall and is pasture grassland during the Monsoon season. The path is steep upward and takes about 3 to 4 hours of trekking to reach the High Camp(3,580 m). The path is mostly covered with stairways replacing the natural challenging paths which lead to the High Camp. Interact with friendly domesticated yaks and calves and witness the Himalayas along the way. The decrease in oxygen level along with fatigue is replaced by th e breathtaking mountain views along the way . We will stay overnight at the high camp, but before bed, we will make sure to be well-prepared for the base camp trek tomorrow. 

Trekkers from North Nepal Trek enjoying the view of the Mardi Himal from High Camp during the Mardi Himal Trek.

Explore Mardi Himal Base Camp and Back to Badal Danda

We start our day early at 4:00 am for the Mardi Himal Base Camp ; we can pack and take our breakfast or have breakfast after returning to the High Camp. Moreover, the round trip duration will be about 4 -5 hours of walking, taking you to and fro from the Mardi Himal Base Camp at an altitude of (4500m).  

Before reaching the basecamp, the Mardi Himal viewpoint at 4200m offers breathtaking views, similar to the base camp if not even better than the base camp of the Himalayas such as Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Annapurna III, Machhapuchhre, and Gandarva Chuli. The trek to base camp from here is 2 hours.

You will cherish this extraordinary lifetime experience, at an altitude of 4500m in Mardi Himal Base Camp. The trek is challenging as it is filled with narrow, rocky trails, and the air gets thinner and thinner as you climb up. However, all the challenges and hardships during this trek are forgotten when you reach the base camp, which blesses with stunning mountain views of the pristine surroundings at the Mardi Himal Base Camp. After enjoying the magnificent views from the Base Camp, we retrace our steps back to the High Camp and have breakfast.

After breakfast, follow the same path we took yesterday to reach the High Camp enjoying the Yaks and beautiful environments; we reach Badal Danda and have lunch. After some rest, explore the Badal Danda. Stay overnight in Badal Danda.

Trekkers from North Nepal Trek posing on Mardi Himal Base Camp with the backdrop of Mardi Himal during Mardi Himal Trek.

Trek from Badal danda to Kalimati

After our breakfast, we trek gently through the shade of the forest and out onto terraced fields, descending to Kalimati (1600 m). The path from Badal Danda to Low Camp(3000m)   takes nearly 30 min which is all the way downhill. 

We trek from low camp towards Kalimati which is also all the way downhill through the rhododendron forests. After about 3-4 hours of trek , the path through the forest takes you to the organic and scenic Kalimati Village . The altitude of Kalimati village is about 1600m and it is famous for servings of organic fruits and vegetables produced locally by the Bharmin and Chhetri Communities . 

Moreover, we can offer you the opportunity to indulge in the cooking of organic vegetables in the Kitchen of the famous Mardi Himal Eco-village Hotel and Restaurant. Enjoy your stay at Kalmati among the greenery with terraced fields in the village. The eco-friendly village of Kalimati also offers scenic views of the Himalayas and you can interact with the friendly locals. Stay overnight at Kalimati at the Mardi Himal Eco-Village Hotel and Restaurant. 

Kalimati to Lwang village (via Pokhara canyoning and Lwang homestay)

After early breakfast, we trek towards Lwang Village leaving behind the simple, traditional, and eco-friendly village of Kalimati . The path from this village has some small restaurants and some dotted facilities of Homestays for the tourist. Past this beautiful village, we march towards the destination for today, Lwang Village . 

After a 6 km hike we will reach Lwang Village , but before that we will travel through the Pokhara Canyoning spot on the Kudi waterfall in the village of Ghalel , not only that, we can also witness the Lumre Waterfall from here, enjoy the views of the waterfalls and trace our steps toward the Lwang Village.Lwang Village is a traditional old Gurung Village which hosts the ACAP office where your permits will be checked. 

Lwang Village offers visitors a traditional Nepali Village experience with a rich Gurung culture . Lwang village is also one of the top destinations for homestay worldwide , where you can even enjoy the delightful tea gardens . In Lwang Ghalel Village the Gurung Community continues to live a rather conventional way of life so you can experience the traditional Nepali community. The hospitable Gurung inhabitants, the picturesque sceneries of the surroundings, and the pristine waterfalls, famous for the canyoning in Lwang Ghalel, in addition to sunrise views, views of a tea garden, and the bird watching along the way truly make the trip to Lwang Ghalel a must-visit destination. 

  • Overnight stay in a Homestay

Lwang to Lumre and drive back to Pokhara

We wake up early to witness the sunrise in Lwang Ghalel , the sun gradually illuminates the Annapurna Range and the view of Annapurna Range sunbathing is just spectacular. After the sunrise, we take a hearty breakfast and start our final day of the trek. The up-and-downhill path from Lwang to Lumre is about 10 to 12 kilometers and takes you to Lumre in about 5-6 hours depending on your pace. You will also pass through small settlements of Gurung Inhabitants during this trail. We will take our Lunch at Lumre situated at an altitude of 1200m and wait for our vehicle. The drive from Lumre to Pokhara is 60 minutes covering about 20 km distance following the Prithiv Highway or Pokhara-Baglung Highway. You will enjoy some scenic views of hills and ever white seti river during this trail. While most of the road sections are in the best condition, some sections of the drive will be through bumpy roads. Stay overnight at Pokhara.

Mardi Himal Trek Map and Altitude Graph

everest base camp trek map


The included sections refer to details for all itineraries mentioned above:

  • All ground transfers in private/sharing vehicles as per availability, for every itinerary
  • Tea house accommodation during the trek ( Private room )
  • One highly experienced, helpful, and friendly guide, and his food, accommodation, salary, equipment, and accidental insurance.
  • Breakfast:  Cereal, Porridge, Rice pudding, Egg dishes, Toast and bread with jam or honey, Pancakes with jam and honey, with tea or coffee.
  • Lunch and Dinner items:  Dal Bhat (mostly recommended), noodles soup, fried noodles, momo, spaghetti chapati, Spring roll, sizzlers, Pizza, Veg curry with plain rice, Tibetan Momo, Thukpa, French fries, Fried potato, Boiled potato and much more.
  • ( Note: The menu varies with the different camps so, the food items may get changed.  )
  • All the necessary paperwork and Annapurna conservation entry permit ( ACAP permit & TIMS card etc.)
  • Fresh/Dry fruits along the trek.
  • Additional assistant guide if the group is above 7 pax.
  • First Aid Medical Kit Box with an oximeter.
  • Government taxes, TDS, VAT & other legal documents.


  • Anything related to International flight airfares such as Nepal entry visa fees, excess baggage charges, International flight tickets, and so on.
  • Supporter/porter to carry your duffle bags during the trekking. ( One porter carries up to 25 kg of 2 pax )
  • All accommodations and meals before the trek, extra night accommodations due to early arrival in Nepal late departure, or early return from the trek.
  • Personal expenses before the trek such as (renting sleeping bags, buying trekking shoes, and so on), during the trek (any shopping, boiled water, tea coffee ( if more than 3 times ), cold drinks, alcoholic beverages, hot showers, telephone call, Wifi, cell-phone, camera battery recharges and so on).
  • Travel insurance covers high-altitude helicopter rescue and evacuation along with medical costs.
  • Tips and gratitudes for guides and porters.
  • Additional costs, such as additional days due to delays caused by natural/uncontrollable phenomena such as bad weather, landslides, and change of plans (itinerary modifications) due to safety concerns, illness, and so on.
  • Lastly, all of the costs and expenses that aren’t listed in the “What’s Included?” section.

Note:  You can include a porter (carries up to 20 kg ), with an extra cost of $ 25 per day.

Do you need permits for Mardi Himal Trekking?

As with any other treks inside the  Annapurna Conservation , you will need a  TIMS card  and  ACAP  (Annapurna Conservation Area Permit), which you can receive at  Tourism Information Center in Pokhara . The required documents to get the Permits and TIMS card are

  • Four photos

Note:  If you are planning your trek with a Travel Agency in Pokhara, they will manage the permits for you.

Mardi Himal Trek from Kathmandu

The Mardi Himal Trek starts from Pokhara. If you want to start the trek from Kathmandu, you will have to buy a flight or tourist bus ticket to Pokhara. If you are planning the Mardi Himal Trekking directly from Kathmandu, we [North Nepal Travel and Treks] can manage your flight booking or any other means of transport. Simply contact us and send us your location details, and we will reach you as soon as possible. Contact Details: (+977) 61-464885, 9846816904 Email: [email protected]

Trekking equipments for Mardi Himal Trek

While Mardi Himal is a short trek in the Annapurna Region of Nepal, it still takes you to the base camp of Mardi Himal. So, you need to make careful decisions while packing for the Mardi Himal Trek. The section from high camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp is through ridges so you need shoes with better grip. We have prepared a comprehensive packing list click here for trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal, so check the list and prepare accordingly based on the number of days you plan to trek Mardi Himal Trek.

Written by: Mohan Bhandari

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Frequently Asked Question

1 : is the mardi himal trek suitable for beginners.

Yes, the Mardi Himal Trek is considered moderately easy and is suitable for beginners. However, it's important to be in good physical condition as the trek reaches an altitude of 4,500 meters at Mardi Himal Base Camp, which requires gradual acclimatization.

2 : How long is the Mardi Himal Trek?

The trek can be completed in 5 to 7 days, depending on your pace and the specific route chosen. There are variations in the itinerary that can accommodate different schedules and levels of experience.

3 : Can I combine the Mardi Himal Trek with other treks?

Yes, the Mardi Himal Trek can be combined with other popular routes such as the Annapurna Base Camp Trek or the Poon Hill Trek , allowing for an extended exploration of the Annapurna region.  

4 : What is the highest point of the Mardi Himal Trek?

The highest point is the Mardi Himal Base Camp, which is at an elevation of 4,500 meters. This vantage point offers breathtaking views of the Annapurna range, including Mardi Himal and Machhapuchhre.

5 : What is the best season to trek Mardi Himal?

The best times to undertake the Mardi Himal Trek are during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). These seasons provide the most favorable weather conditions and clear views of the Himalayas.

6 : What should I expect in terms of accommodation?

Accommodation on the Mardi Himal Trek is provided by tea houses along the route. These offer basic but comfortable lodging and meals, helping trekkers to rest and refuel during their journey.

7 : Is the Mardi Himal Trek safe?

The trek is generally safe with a well-marked trail. It is always recommended to trek with a guide, especially if you are unfamiliar with the region or high-altitude trekking. Guides ensure safety and enhance the trekking experience with local knowledge.

8:What is the best time of year to go trekking in Mardi Himal?

The best time of year to go trekking in Mardi Himal is during the pre-monsoon (spring) and post-monsoon (autumn) seasons, and the Summer season (July, August, and September). Specifically, March to May and September to November offer the most stable weather conditions and clear skies compared to summer. However, summer scenery is the best for those who love clouds, bright mountains, and green landscapes.

9:What types of trekking packages are available in Mardi Himal?

We offer a variety of packages, including guided group treks, and private treks. The cost depends on the group size and the services you purchase from North Nepal Trek. Our basic package is available from 50 USD per day per person.

10:How physically demanding Mardi Himal base camp trek?

This trek is suitable for all kinds of age groups and of course for beginners. Since there are plenty of tea houses on the way, you have the option to call it a day, if you can’t walk long duration like 5-6 hours a day. Another good part of this trek is most of the route goes through forests so there is little chance of altitude sickness, however, your fitness level is a key factor to consider.

11: Do I need prior trekking experience?

Prior trekking experience is not required for Mardi Himal treks, however, if you wish to climb the Mardi Himal peak you will need prior trekking experience since the route is technical, and walking through the small ridge in the mountain is required experience if you are doing without a guide.

12: What equipment do I need for trekking?

Essential equipment includes proper trekking boots, warm clothing, a backpack, a water bottle, and trekking poles. We provide a detailed packing list based on each season.

How are accommodations arranged during the trek?

Accommodations typically include teahouses or lodges along the trail. Our Mardi Himal trek package includes accommodation and the details of it are specific to each trek as we offer a custom trekking experience.

13: What is the food like on the Mardi trek?

Meals are typically provided by teahouses, offering basic local dishes and some international dishes. We can accommodate you if you are vegetarian or have specific requirements for meals.

14: What permits are required for Mardi Himal base camp trekking?

Trekkers are required to have a TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) card and a relevant area permit such as the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP). We assist in obtaining these permits.

15: How can I prepare physically for a trek?

Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises, hiking, and strength training can help prepare you for the physical demands of trekking.

16: Can I join a group trek if I’m traveling solo?

Yes, we welcome solo travelers to join our group treks, which is a great way to meet new people and share the experience.

17: What is the group size for treks?

Our group sizes typically range from 2 to 12 people, ensuring a more personalized experience and a better guide-to-trekker ratio.

18:How do I handle money and currency during the trek?

It’s advisable to carry enough Nepalese Rupees for personal expenses during the trek. ATMs are scarce along trekking routes, some tea houses accept card payments, however, the network in the mountains is not stable all the time so plan accordingly.

19: What is the cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy varies by trek and package. Please refer to our terms and conditions for detailed information.

20 : What type of bag will the porters carry?

Our porters will carry a complimentary 70-80 liter duffel bag for you. Each porter, assigned to two trekkers, can safely transport up to 30kg of gear.

Mardi Himal Trek : Difficulty, Cost and Itinerary 2024 Company Reviews

Discovery world trekking, amazing mardi himal trek .

Amazing Mardi Himal trek ! Our first trek in Nepal, Mohan gave us great advice and guidance, Zeewan our guide was great and kind, he did everything he could to make it work for us! As a bonus we got some great photos and videos of our experience. Thanks again, we will be back!

Maryam Kairouz

Beautiful Mardi Himal trek

I did a five day trek to Mardi Himal together with guide Jun. Great guide; very cordial and knowledgeable about the area. North Nepal Travel and Treks provided excellent, personal service. All was organised smoothly and flexibly. Excellent experience.

Track to Mardi Himal

Our track to Mardi Himal passed just great! Our guide - B Peen did everything so that we would get a lot of pleasures and memories. Very experienced and enjoyable guide. And of course, a great photographer, as he captured all the bright moments from our trip.

Great agency in Pokhara!!

這是一間專業友善態度良好的Travel agency ,Mohan在博卡拉協助我們很多。 我們在這裏參與了高空飛索,滑翔傘以及高山遠足,Mohan也為我們安排了回加德滿都的巴士。 Jun Tamang 是我們的嚮導,我們本來的行程是到ABC以及poon hill觀看日出,但是前往abc的路上發生了雪崩,Jun考慮到我們的安全,決定更改到madi himal。在旅途期間,Jun給予我們專業的意見及協助, 讓我們得以順利完成旅程,亦為我們帶來歡樂,十分感激他! Mohan 和 Jun 帶給我們極大的鼓勵, 讓我們得以在博卡拉愉快地渡過了十一天,我們也覺得很愉快!這絕對是博卡拉的最好選擇,可以放心地讓他們為你安排行程! Thank you for all the help Mohan and Jun!!

Mardi Himal Trek

We recently did a 4 day trek to Mardi Himal base camp with north Nepal. The services of North Nepal far exceeded our expectations. Balram was an amazing guide - very caring and always so upbeat!! After having gone on multiple treks with several other trek operators, I feel the experience with north Nepal was the best so far. We are looking forward to doing our next trek with them very soon!

Fantastic experience overall!

I did two treks with B Peen in November 2021 (Kopra Ridge and Mardi Himal). The experience could not have been better from start to finish! Moane (the owner) spent a lot of time carefully designing the route based on my interests and the weather forecast. Then I was superbly guided by B Peen. He clearly loves guiding tourists and knows everything and everyone in the region. We had the most friendly welcome in each logde thanks to B Peen friendly and super positive demeanor! At the end of my trip, Moane also booked air tickets back to Kathmandu for me at a significant discount vs. internet prices. Highly highly recommended! Thanks for everything guys!

Super adventure thanks to North Nepal Travels!

Oct 2018 • Couples

Thanks to Mohan and the team we were able to experience and unforgettable, amazing 5 days trek on Mardi Himal while keeping with our reatricted budget. Mohan was super helpful in guiding us on choosing the best route and options.... and surely with no dissapointment! Our guide, Bharat, was super excelent and we experienced the unexpected, even sleeping at 4300m on Mardi to wait for perfect sunrise views.... THANK YOUUUU you guys are amazing! We truly hope we will have another chance to visit 😊😊

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Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek 2024: Ultimate Guide to Nepal’s Hidden Gem

Mardi Himal Trek is an extraordinary journey that promises to unveil Nepal’s hidden gem! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a fictitious excursion to the stunning Mardi Himal Trek and give you all the information you need to set off on this exhilarating journey. Get ready to explore the Himalayan splendor firsthand, learn about the local culture, and make lifelong memories.

Table of Contents

Mardi Himal Trek: Introduction

Overview of the mardi himal trek.

The Mardi Himal Trek takes you on a magical journey through the Annapurna region of Nepal. At an elevation of approximately 5,587 meters (18,330 feet), Mardi Himal stands tall as a lesser-known gem in the Himalayan crown. Rhododendron woods, a variety of fauna, and breathtaking mountain panoramas will enthrall you as you go over the challenging terrain.

Why Choose Mardi Himal Trek for Your Next Adventure?

The allure of Mardi Himal lies not only in its natural splendor but also in the sense of tranquility it offers. Unlike some of the more popular treks like Annapurna Circuit Trek , Everest Base Camp Trek, and Everest Three High Passes Trek, Mardi Himal Trek allows you to connect intimately with nature, away from the crowds. It’s a trek that caters to both seasoned adventurers and first-time trekkers, offering a perfect blend of challenge and enchantment.

Whether you seek solace amidst the serene wilderness or wish to be immersed in the rich culture of Himalayan communities, the Mardi Himal Trek has something for everyone. This undiscovered gem guarantees a sensory awakening experience that will leave you with lifelong memories. Therefore, the Mardi Himal Trek is without a doubt the finest option for your upcoming expedition if you’re seeking an off-the-beaten-path trip that highlights the best of Nepal’s natural and cultural legacy.

Understanding Mardi Himal Trek Geography

Geographical location and altitude.

Nestled in the Annapurna region of Nepal, Mardi Himal boasts a strategic geographical location that offers trekkers an extraordinary experience. This hidden treasure offers amazing views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks and is located at an extraordinary altitude of around 5,587 meters (18,330 feet). The journey takes you past verdant woods, endearing towns, and breathtaking mountains, providing a varied and stunning panorama that will take your breath away.

Biodiversity and Conservation Efforts

Mardi Himal Trek is not only a visual feast for trekkers but also a sanctuary of biodiversity. There are many different types of plants and animals in the area, including the elusive snow leopard and the colorful Himalayan monal, Nepal’s national bird. For the sake of future generations, conservation efforts are being made to maintain this pristine habitat. As you trek through the wilderness, you will witness the conservation initiatives undertaken by local communities and organizations to protect the natural wonders of Mardi Himal.

Mardi Himal Trek: Getting to Trek Starting Point

Arrival in kathmandu, nepal.

Your journey to the Mardi Himal Trek begins with a thrilling arrival in Kathmandu, the vibrant capital city of Nepal. Ancient traditions and cutting-edge energy will meet you as soon as you set foot in this buzzing metropolis. Your senses will be captivated by Kathmandu’s rich cultural legacy, which serves as the entrance to the Himalayas.

Spend some time touring the city’s famous sites, including the Swayambhunath Stupa (commonly called the Monkey Temple) and the historic Durbar Square. Engage with friendly locals, savor delicious Nepali cuisine, and soak in the vibrant atmosphere that sets the tone for your upcoming adventure.

Transportation Options to the Trek Starting Point

From Kathmandu, your trek to the Mardi Himal Trek starting point commences with an exciting journey to the beautiful village of Kande via Pokhara Valley. There are several modes of transportation, each with a distinctive experience to offer.

  • Private Vehicle: Travel in comfort and convenience by hiring a private vehicle, which allows you to enjoy the scenic drive at your own pace. Private vehicles offer flexibility and are ideal for small groups or solo travelers seeking personalized travel arrangements.
  • Local Bus: For a more authentic Nepali experience, opt for a local bus ride from Kathmandu to Pokhara, then to Kande. Buses are a popular choice among budget travelers and offer a chance to mingle with fellow adventurers and locals along the way.
  • Shared Jeep: Shared jeeps are a popular mode of transport for trekkers, as they strike a balance between comfort and cost-effectiveness. Join other trekkers in a shared jeep, where you will share stories and camaraderie en route to Kande.

As you journey from Kathmandu to Kande, you will witness the landscape transition from the bustling city to the peaceful countryside. The drive offers breathtaking views of lush valleys, terraced fields, and charming villages that give you a taste of rural Nepal.

Who is Suitable for the Mardi Himal Trek?

Mardi Himal Trek is for those who seek to embrace the beauty of nature, immerse themselves in the rich culture of the Himalayas, and create unforgettable memories. With proper preparation, a sense of adventure, and a passion for exploration, you will find yourself perfectly suited for this enchanting journey to Nepal’s hidden gem. Here are some factors to consider when determining if the Mardi Himal Trek is suitable for you:

  • Fitness Level: The Mardi Himal Trek involves moderate to challenging terrains and daily trekking durations. While you don’t need to be an elite athlete, having a reasonable level of physical fitness will enhance your trekking experience. Regular exercise and cardiovascular endurance preparation will help you tackle the ascents and descents with greater ease.
  • Trekking Experience: Although prior trekking experience is not mandatory, it can boost your confidence on the trail. If you have trekked at high altitudes before, you may find the Mardi Himal Trek more manageable. However, even if you’re a novice trekker, with determination and proper preparation, you can complete the trek.
  • Altitude Adaptation: As the trek involves gaining altitude, it’s essential to be mindful of potential altitude-related challenges. Acclimatization days are built into the itinerary to help your body adjust to higher elevations gradually.
  • Adventure Enthusiasts: If you have a sense of adventure and a thirst for exploring new landscapes and cultures, the Mardi Himal Trek offers an unforgettable journey. It’s a chance to stretch yourself and take in the splendor of the Himalayas.
  • Positive Attitude: A positive attitude and mental preparedness are essential for any trek. Embrace the challenges that come your way, enjoy the journey, and savor the little moments that make the Mardi Himal Trek a life-changing experience.
  • Group or Solo Trekkers: Both group trekkers and solo travelers can enjoy the Mardi Himal Trek. Joining a group can provide camaraderie and a shared experience, while solo trekkers can immerse themselves in self-discovery amidst the mountains.
  • Age Consideration: While there is no specific age limit for the Mardi Himal Trek, it’s essential to be in good health and consult with a healthcare professional, especially for elderly trekkers.

Mardi Himal Trek: Cost Estimation for 2023/2024

Embarking on the Mardi Himal Trek is a rewarding adventure, but it’s essential to plan your budget carefully to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. A reasonable estimate for the journey as of 2023/2024 is from $600 to $1200 per person. The following is a summary of costs and helpful advice for cutting costs while on your trek:

Breakdown of Expenses

  • Permits and Fees: The first item on your expense list will be trekking permits . For the Mardi Himal Trek, you’ll need the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card. The combined cost of these permits may vary depending on the season, but the budget is around USD 50 to USD 60.
  • Accommodation: During the trek, you’ll stay in tea houses or lodges along the trail. Accommodation costs vary based on the level of comfort and facilities offered. On average, expect to spend approximately USD 20 to USD 30 per night for a basic room with shared facilities.
  • Meals: The tea houses are relatively affordable, with traditional Nepali dishes and international options available. Budget around USD 15 to USD 25 per day for three meals.
  • Transportation: The cost of transportation to and from Kathmandu will depend on your chosen mode of travel. Consider the expenses for flights or bus fares to reach the trek starting point and return to Kathmandu after completing the trek.
  • Guide and Porter (Optional): Hiring a local guide and/or porter can enhance your trekking experience, especially if you prefer additional assistance or want to learn more about the region’s culture and nature. The cost of a guide is around USD 25 to USD 30 per day, while a porter may charge USD 20 to USD 25 per day.
  • Trekking Gear: If you don’t have all the necessary trekking gear, you might need to rent or purchase equipment in Kathmandu. Budget between $10 and $15 per day to hire trekking equipment.
  • Miscellaneous: Factor in some extra money for unforeseen expenses, souvenirs, snacks, and personal expenses.

Note: The cost mentioned above is estimated, so while deciding on Mardi Himal Trek it is better to consult with a local travel agency.

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Tips for Saving Money

  • Travel during Off-Peak Seasons: Consider trekking during the off-peak seasons (spring and autumn) to take advantage of lower permit costs and accommodation rates. The weather is still favorable, and the trails are less crowded.
  • Avoid Booking Through Middlemen: Book permits and accommodations directly to avoid extra charges from middlemen or brokers.
  • Travel in Groups: Traveling in a group can help reduce costs by sharing accommodation and transportation expenses.
  • Bring Snacks and Water Purification: Carry some snacks from Kathmandu to avoid higher costs at tea houses. Additionally, purifying water instead of buying bottled water can save money and reduce plastic waste.
  • Negotiate Guide and Porter Fees: If you hire a guide or porter, negotiate their fees to get a fair price.
  • Pack Light: Avoid excess baggage as you may have to pay extra for porterage.

Mardi Himal Trek Itinerary 2024/2025

Day 1: arrival in kathmandu (1400m).

You can simply get a cab from the airport when you arrive in Kathmandu, or you may utilize services like Pathao and Indriver to go to your accommodation. Choosing a hotel in Thamel is beneficial because it offers you to browse shops for any missing trekking gear. This guarantees a relaxed and well-prepared start to your Mardi Himal Trek.

Day 2: Flight to Pokhara (827m) then Drive to Kande (1706m) - Trek to Pitam Deurali (2142m)

After an early breakfast, take a scenic flight to Pokhara, a picturesque lakeside city nestled in the lap of the Annapurna range. From Pokhara, drive to Kande, the starting point of the trek. Begin your trek through lush forests and rhododendron trails, ascending to Pitam Deurali, where you will spend the night.

  • Trekking Distance: Approximately 6 km
  • Trekking Duration: 5-6 hours

Day 3: Trek from Pitam Deurali (2142m) to Low Camp (3050m)

Today's trek takes you through serene forests, offering glimpses of the Annapurna and Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) peaks. As you ascend, the landscape changes, and you'll arrive at Low Camp, a peaceful stopover for the night.

  • Trekking Distance: Approximately 7 km

Day 4: Trek from Low Camp (3050m) to High Camp (3600m)

Ascending further, the trail leads to High Camp, offering stunning views of Mardi Himal and its neighboring peaks. The crisp mountain air and breathtaking panoramas make this day's trek truly rewarding.

  • Trekking Duration: 4-5 hours

Day 5: Trek from High Camp (3600m) to Mardi Base Camp (4500m) - Trek Down to Badal Danda (3250m)

Today is the highlight of the trek as you trek to the majestic Mardi Base Camp. The awe-inspiring vistas of the Annapurna range and the Mardi Himal massif surround you. After spending some time at the base camp, descend to Badal Danda for a night's rest.

  • Trekking Distance: Approximately 14 km (including Base Camp)
  • Trekking Duration: 8-9 hours

Day 6: Trek Down from Badal Danda (3250m) to Siding (1700m) - Shared Jeep to Pokhara (827m)

Leaving the mountains behind, trek down to Siding, a charming village nestled in the lush hills. From Siding, take a shared jeep to Pokhara. Enjoy the comforts of the lakeside city and reflect on your journey.

  • Trekking Distance: Approximately 10 km

Day 7: Take Deluxe Tourist Bus from Pokhara (827m) to Kathmandu (1400m)

Board a deluxe tourist bus for a scenic drive back to Kathmandu, enjoying the picturesque landscapes along the Prithvi Highway. Upon reaching Kathmandu, you can explore the city's cultural heritage or indulge in some souvenir shopping.

Day 8: Final Departure

Your memorable Mardi Himal Trek comes to an end. After breakfast, our representative will transfer you to the airport for your onward journey.

Note: The approximate walking lengths and times might change according to each hiker’s speed and the state of the trails. The schedule might be altered as a result of unanticipated events like bad weather and aircraft delays.

Mardi Himal Trek: Best Time to Trek

For trek and adventure enthusiasts planning to embark on the Mardi Himal Trek, choosing the best time to set foot on this enchanting trail is crucial for a remarkable experience. The trek’s seasonal variation and weather conditions play a significant role in shaping the journey’s overall vibe, making each season unique in its own way.

Seasonal Variation and Weather Conditions

  • Bursting with blooming rhododendron forests, spring is one of the most favored seasons for the Mardi Himal Trek.
  • The weather is generally mild, with clear skies offering splendid mountain vistas.
  • The temperatures gradually rise, making it comfortable for trekking during the daytime.
  • The trails are vibrant with colorful wildflowers, creating a picturesque ambiance.
  • Considered the peak trekking season, autumn attracts a large number of adventurers to the Mardi Himal Trail.
  • The weather remains stable with dry conditions, ensuring unobstructed views of the magnificent Himalayan peaks.
  • The skies are usually clear, allowing for breathtaking sunrises and sunsets over the mountains.
  • Mild temperatures during the day and cool nights make for comfortable trekking.
  • The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall to the region, resulting in lush and verdant landscapes.
  • Trekking during monsoon can be challenging due to slippery trails and occasional landslides.
  • However, the region’s natural beauty is at its peak during this season, with cascading waterfalls and fresh greenery.
  • The advantage of fewer trekkers on the trail allows for a more serene and intimate experience with nature.
  • Winter offers a unique trekking experience, with the landscape blanketed in snow, creating a magical winter wonderland.
  • The trekking trails are less crowded during this season, providing a quieter atmosphere.
  • The temperatures can drop significantly, especially at higher altitudes, so be prepared for cold weather conditions.
  • Crystal-clear skies and stunning mountain panoramas make winter trekking truly unforgettable.

Pros and Cons of Trekking in Different Seasons

Spring and Autumn (High Season) :

  • Pros: Mild weather, clear skies, vibrant landscapes, ideal for photography, bustling trekking atmosphere, well-established teahouses.
  • Cons: Crowded trails, higher permit, and accommodation costs, advanced booking required for popular teahouses.

Monsoon (Low Season):

  • Pros: Lush greenery, fewer trekkers, quiet and peaceful trails, and a chance to experience authentic local culture.
  • Cons: Heavy rainfall, slippery and muddy trails, limited mountain views, and potential flight cancellations.

Winter (Low Season):

  • Pros: Snow-covered landscapes, fewer trekkers, serene environment, stunning mountain vistas.
  • Cons: Cold temperatures, limited teahouse availability in higher elevations, possible trail closures due to snow.

Mardi Himal Trek: Food and Accommodation

Food along the trail.

  • Nepali Delights : As you traverse the scenic trails, you’ll have the opportunity to savor authentic Nepali dishes that warm both the heart and soul. From hearty dal bhat (rice with lentil soup) to mouthwatering momos (dumplings), the local cuisine offers a delightful blend of flavors.
  • International Fare : Alongside Nepali dishes, most tea houses and lodges also serve international cuisine to cater to diverse palates. Enjoy pasta, noodles, pancakes, and even a cup of hot chocolate to replenish your energy after a day of trekking.
  • Hydration and Warmth : Staying hydrated is essential during the trek. The tea houses offer a variety of beverages, including herbal teas, hot lemon, and ginger tea, which not only keep you warm but also provide medicinal benefits.

Accommodation on the Trail

  • Cozy Tea Houses : Tea houses are the primary form of accommodation along the Mardi Himal Trail. These charming lodges offer trekkers a comfortable respite after a day’s trek. The tea houses provide basic amenities such as clean beds with blankets, common dining areas, and shared bathrooms.
  • Local Hospitality : The tea house owners extend genuine warmth and hospitality, making you feel at home during your stay. Engage in friendly conversations with fellow trekkers and the local hosts, fostering a sense of camaraderie.
  • Panoramic Views : Many tea houses boast picturesque mountain views, allowing you to wake up to awe-inspiring landscapes right outside your window.

Tips for Food and Accommodation

  • Meal Timing : It’s essential to maintain a regular eating schedule during the trek to keep your energy levels up. Opt for early dinners to rest well before the next day’s trek.
  • Hydration : Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, and consider using water purification tablets or filters to minimize plastic bottle waste.
  • Warmth : Nights can get chilly in higher altitudes, so dressing in layers and having a warm sleeping bag will ensure a comfortable night’s sleep.
  • Trekking Poles : Trekking poles can ease the strain on your knees during descents and provide stability on uneven terrain.
  • Accommodation Choices : While basic tea houses are prevalent, some lodges offer more luxurious amenities for those seeking a more comfortable experience.

Indulging in the local cuisine and immersing yourself in the warm hospitality of the tea houses along the Mardi Himal Trek is an integral part of the journey. Cherish the culinary delights and cozy accommodations, as they add an extra layer of charm to your unforgettable adventure in the Himalayas.

Mardi Himal Trek: Preparation for the Adventure

Permits and legal requirements.

  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) : All trekkers must obtain the ACAP, which permits entry into the Annapurna Conservation Area. This permit contributes to conservation efforts and costs around USD 30.
  • Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card : The TIMS card is mandatory for all trekkers and helps track and manage trekkers information and safety. The cost for foreign trekkers is around USD 20.
  • Trekking Agency : If you prefer a hassle-free experience, consider arranging your trek through a reputable trekking agency in Kathmandu. They will take care of all necessary permits and logistics, allowing you to focus on the adventure.

Physical Fitness and Health Considerations

  • Pre-Trek Fitness Training : Preparing physically for the trek is crucial. Engage in regular cardio exercises, such as hiking, running, or cycling, to build endurance and stamina.
  • Consult Your Doctor : If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, consult your doctor to ensure you are fit for high-altitude trekking. Discuss any necessary medications and preventive measures.
  • Altitude Acclimatization : Acclimatization is essential for safe trekking at higher altitudes. Schedule rest days during the trek to allow your body to adjust to the changing elevation.
  • Hydration and Nutrition : Stay hydrated and nourished throughout the trek. Carry water bottles or a hydration pack and opt for nutritious meals to maintain energy levels.

Essential Gear and Equipment for Mardi Himal Trek

  • Trekking Boots : Invest in sturdy and comfortable trekking boots with good ankle support for varying terrains.
  • Clothing Layers : Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions. Include moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a waterproof and windproof outer shell.
  • Sleeping Bag : Carry a good-quality sleeping bag suitable for colder temperatures in higher altitudes.
  • Daypack : A reliable daypack to carry essentials, such as water, snacks, a camera, and extra layers, is essential during daily treks.
  • Trekking Poles : Trekking poles can provide stability and reduce strain on your knees during descents.
  • Sun Protection : Pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to shield yourself from the strong mountain sun.
  • First Aid Kit : Carry a basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic cream, pain relievers, and any personal medications.
  • Headlamp or Flashlight : A headlamp or flashlight will be useful for navigating in the dark, especially during early morning treks.

Mardi Himal Trek: Experiencing Local Culture

Interacting with local communities.

  • Warm Hospitality : As you traverse through picturesque villages, you’ll be warmly welcomed by the locals. Engage in friendly conversations with them, and you’ll witness firsthand their kindness and hospitality.
  • Learn the Language : Embrace the chance to learn some basic Nepali phrases. Greetings like “Namaste” and “Dhanyabad” (thank you) will surely bring smiles to the faces of the locals.
  • Cultural Exchange : Take part in cultural exchanges by sharing your own stories and experiences with the locals. Respectfully learn about their customs, daily lives, and the challenges they face living in the remote Himalayas.

Unique Traditions and Festivals

  • Explore Ancient Customs : The villages along the Mardi Himal Trail still hold onto ancient customs and practices. Observe traditional ceremonies and rituals that are integral to their way of life.
  • Festivals : If your trek coincides with a local festival, consider yourself lucky! Participate in the festivities, which often include vibrant processions, music, dancing, and religious ceremonies.
  • Mardi Himal Base Camp Festival : The annual Mardi Himal Base Camp Festival is a joyous occasion celebrated by local communities. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the beauty of nature and showcase their cultural heritage.

Tasting Local Cuisine

  • Dal Bhat : Don’t miss the chance to savor the famous Nepali dish, dal bhat. This hearty meal of rice, lentil soup, vegetables, and often some meat, provides the perfect fuel for trekkers.
  • Momos : Treat yourself to the delectable momos, dumplings filled with meat or vegetables, served with spicy dipping sauce.
  • Thukpa : Enjoy a bowl of thukpa, a hearty noodle soup with vegetables or meat, perfect for warming up on chilly mountain evenings.
  • Local Delicacies : Keep an eye out for local delicacies unique to each village, as the cuisine may vary along the trail.

Mardi Himal Trek: Immersing in Nature’s Beauty

Highlights of flora and fauna.

  • Rhododendron Forests : Trekking through vibrant rhododendron forests is a highlight of the Mardi Himal Trek, especially during the spring season when these flowers burst into a riot of colors.
  • Biodiversity : Keep an eye out for the region’s diverse wildlife, including various bird species, pheasants, and, if you’re lucky, glimpses of the elusive snow leopard and other Himalayan fauna.
  • Botanical Wonders : Discover the incredible variety of alpine plants and herbs that thrive in the pristine Himalayan environment.

Majestic Mountain Views and Scenic Landscapes

  • Mardi Himal Base Camp : The trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp rewards you with breathtaking views of Mardi Himal, Machapuchare (Fishtail), Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli, among other majestic peaks.
  • Annapurna Massif : Embrace the sweeping panoramas of the Annapurna Massif, showcasing the beauty of Annapurna I, Annapurna II, Annapurna III, and Annapurna IV.
  • Mardi Himal High Camp : From the high camp, soak in the stunning sunrise and sunset views over the snow-capped peaks, painting the skies with a palette of colors.
  • Peaceful Meadows : Traverse through tranquil meadows adorned with wildflowers, offering an idyllic escape into nature’s serenity.

Capturing Memorable Moments: Photography Tips

  • Golden Hours : Make the most of the golden hours during sunrise and sunset when the mountains are bathed in soft, warm light, creating stunning photo opportunities.
  • Panoramic Shots : Use wide-angle lenses to capture the vastness of the landscapes and the grandeur of the mountains.
  • Macro Photography : Don’t forget to capture the intricate details of flora and fauna with macro photography for a closer look at nature’s wonders.
  • Human Element : Incorporate fellow trekkers or locals into your photographs to add a human element and tell a story of the trekking experience.
  • Time-Lapse Photography : Consider creating time-lapse videos to capture the changing colors of the mountains and the movement of clouds.
  • Starry Nights : If you have a passion for astrophotography, take advantage of the clear Himalayan skies for capturing stunning nightscapes and star trails.

Note: Remember to respect the environment and wildlife during photography sessions, and avoid disturbing the natural habitat.

Mardi Himal Trek: Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness , also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a common concern for trekkers venturing into higher elevations, such as during the Mardi Himal Trek. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and taking preventive measures are essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable trekking experience:

Causes of Altitude Sickness

  • Decreased Oxygen Levels : As you ascend to higher altitudes, the air becomes thinner, resulting in reduced oxygen levels. This decrease in oxygen availability can lead to altitude sickness.
  • Rapid Ascent : Climbing to higher altitudes too quickly without giving your body enough time to acclimatize can increase the risk of altitude sickness.
  • Individual Susceptibility : Altitude sickness can affect anyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or prior trekking experience. Each individual’s response to higher altitudes varies.

Symptoms of Altitude Sickness

  • Headache : Persistent headache, especially when coupled with other symptoms, is a common sign of altitude sickness.
  • Nausea and Vomiting : Feeling nauseous and experiencing vomiting may indicate altitude sickness.
  • Fatigue : Unusual tiredness and fatigue, even after mild physical exertion, can be a symptom of AMS.
  • Dizziness and Lightheadedness : Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, especially when standing up, can be a warning sign.
  • Shortness of Breath : Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, especially at rest, is a significant symptom of altitude sickness.
  • Loss of Appetite : A decreased desire to eat or loss of appetite is a common symptom at higher altitudes.

Prevention of Altitude Sickness

  • Gradual Ascent : Ascend slowly and gradually, allowing your body time to acclimatize to the increasing altitude. Spend a few days at intermediate elevations to adapt before ascending higher.
  • Stay Hydrated : Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine, as they can contribute to dehydration.
  • Adequate Rest : Ensure you get sufficient rest and sleep during the trek, especially during acclimatization days.
  • Medication : Consider using medications like acetazolamide (Diamox) under the guidance of a healthcare professional to aid acclimatization.
  • Proper Nutrition : Maintain a balanced diet with sufficient calories to fuel your body for the trek.
  • Avoid Overexertion : Pace yourself and avoid overexertion during the trek. Listen to your body and take breaks as needed.
  • Descend if Symptoms Worsen : If symptoms of altitude sickness persist or worsen, it’s essential to descend to lower elevations immediately.

Altitude sickness should not be taken lightly, as it can lead to more severe conditions if left untreated. Prioritize safety during the Mardi Himal Trek by recognizing the symptoms, following preventive measures, and being prepared to respond promptly to any signs of altitude sickness. A cautious and well-informed approach will help ensure a successful and enjoyable trekking experience in the Himalayas.

Mardi Himal Treks: Challenges and Safety Measures

Navigating difficult terrain.

  • Steep Ascents and Descents : The Mardi Himal Trek involves steep and rugged trails, demanding both physical strength and balance during ascents and descents.
  • Narrow Paths and Drop-offs : Some sections of the trail may have narrow paths with steep drop-offs. Pay close attention to your footing and remain cautious.
  • Changing Weather Conditions : Weather in the mountains can be unpredictable. Be prepared for sudden weather changes and ensure you have appropriate gear for various conditions.
  • Altitude Variations : The trek involves significant altitude variations, which can challenge your body’s ability to acclimatize properly.

Travel Insurance and Emergency Protocols

  • Comprehensive Travel Insurance : Prior to embarking on the trek, obtain comprehensive travel insurance that covers trekking at high altitudes and includes emergency medical evacuation.
  • Emergency Contacts : Carry a list of emergency contacts, including the nearest medical facilities and trekking agencies, in case of any unforeseen situations.
  • Local Guides and Porters : Hiring a local guide and/or porter is highly recommended for safety and assistance during the trek. They possess valuable knowledge of the terrain and can provide essential guidance.
  • Medical Kit : Carry a basic medical kit with essentials such as bandages, antiseptic cream, pain relievers, and any personal medications.
  • Weather Updates : Stay informed about weather forecasts and updates regularly to prepare for changing conditions.
  • Hydration and Nutrition : Stay well-hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to ensure your body is fueled for the trek.
  • Trekking Poles : Trekking poles can provide stability and support during challenging sections of the trail.
  • Emergency Evacuation Plan : Familiarize yourself with the emergency evacuation protocols and procedures in case of severe injuries or altitude sickness.

Mardi Himal Trek: Responsible Trekking and Sustainability

As adventurers exploring the pristine beauty of the Mardi Himal Trek, it is our responsibility to practice responsible trekking and adopt sustainable practices to preserve the environment and support the local communities.

Leave No Trace Principles

  • Pack Out What You Pack In : Carry all your trash back with you and dispose of it properly in designated waste bins in the towns.
  • Minimize Campfire Impact : Avoid making campfires to preserve the fragile ecosystem and use a camping stove instead for cooking.
  • Respect Wildlife : Observe wildlife from a distance and avoid disturbing their natural behavior. Do not feed wild animals.
  • Stay on Designated Trails : Stick to established trekking trails to prevent erosion and minimize the impact on the surrounding flora and fauna.
  • Properly Dispose of Human Waste : Use designated toilet facilities when available or follow the “Leave No Trace” principles for responsible waste disposal outdoors.

Supporting Local Initiatives and Eco-Tourism

  • Local Lodges and Homestays : Opt for staying in locally-owned lodges and homestays, which not only offer authentic cultural experiences but also support the livelihoods of the local communities.
  • Buy Local Products : Purchase souvenirs and handicrafts directly from local artisans to contribute to the local economy.
  • Community-Based Tourism : Engage in community-based tourism initiatives that empower local communities and ensure they benefit from tourism.

Minimizing Environmental Impact

  • Refill Water Bottles : Instead of buying bottled water, carry a reusable water bottle and refill it at tea houses with purified water to reduce plastic waste.
  • Reduce Single-Use Plastics : Avoid single-use plastics, such as straws and plastic bags, and bring reusable alternatives.
  • Energy Conservation : Conserve electricity by turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use.
  • Responsible Photography : Be respectful when taking photographs, especially of local people. Always ask for permission and be mindful of their cultural sensitivities.
  • Follow Local Guidelines : Respect local customs, traditions, and guidelines while trekking in the region.

Mardi Himal Trek: Tips for a Successful Trek

Packing light and smart.

  • Essentials Only : Pack only the essentials and avoid unnecessary items. Choose lightweight and multipurpose gear to minimize the weight of your backpack.
  • Layering Clothing : Opt for clothing layers that can be easily added or removed according to weather changes, allowing you to adapt to varying temperatures.
  • Weatherproof Gear : Pack a waterproof and windproof outer shell to stay dry during unexpected rain or snow.
  • Comfortable Footwear : Invest in sturdy and comfortable trekking boots with good ankle support to navigate the diverse terrain.
  • Daypack : Carry a lightweight daypack for daily essentials, such as water, snacks, a camera, and extra layers.

Staying Hydrated and Nourished

  • Hydration : Drink plenty of water throughout the trek to stay hydrated, especially in higher altitudes where dehydration can occur more quickly.
  • Water Purification : Carry a water purification system to treat water from local sources, reducing the need for single-use plastic bottles.
  • Balanced Diet : Maintain a balanced diet, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fresh fruits to keep your energy levels up.
  • Trail Snacks : Carry trail snacks like nuts, energy bars, and chocolates for quick energy boosts during the trek.

Mental Preparation and Mindfulness

  • Acclimatization : Listen to your body and take acclimatization seriously. Allow ample time for your body to adjust to higher altitudes.
  • Positive Mindset : Approach the trek with a positive mindset, embracing challenges as part of the adventure.
  • Mindfulness : Be present and mindful of the stunning surroundings. Take moments to appreciate the beauty of nature along the trail.
  • Safety First : Prioritize safety over speed. If you experience any signs of altitude sickness or exhaustion, communicate with your trekking companions and guide.
  • Enjoy the Journey : Remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Savor each moment and the camaraderie with fellow trekkers.

Trekking with Respect and Gratitude

  • Respect Nature : Follow the principles of responsible trekking, leaving no trace, and preserving the natural environment.
  • Local Culture : Respect the local culture and traditions. Learn some basic Nepali phrases to engage with the locals respectfully.
  • Gratitude : Express gratitude to your guides, porters, and the local communities for their hospitality and assistance.

Mardi Himal Trek: Side Trips and Optional Activities

Annapurna base camp (abc) trek.

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a popular extension of the Mardi Himal Trek, offering trekkers an opportunity to venture deeper into the Annapurna Sanctuary. The trek takes you to the base camp of the majestic Annapurna I, surrounded by a natural amphitheater of towering peaks.

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is a delightful short trek that offers breathtaking sunrise views over the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. The trail takes you through lush rhododendron forests and charming villages, providing a taste of the diverse landscapes of the region.

Kori Himal Trek

The Kori Himal Trek is a less-frequented gem, offering trekkers a chance to immerse in the tranquility of the Himalayas. The trail takes you through remote villages, rhododendron forests, and pristine alpine landscapes, with stunning views of Kori Himal and other peaks.

Khopra Ridge Trek

The Khopra Ridge Trek is a hidden gem, known for its panoramic views of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna mountain ranges. The highlight of this trek is reaching Khopra Ridge and visiting the sacred Khayer Lake, a place of spiritual significance.

Machhapuchhre Model Trek

The Machhapuchhre Model Trek is a community-based trekking route that offers a unique cultural experience. This trek takes you through villages inhabited by the Gurung and Magar communities, providing insight into their rich traditions and way of life.

Note : Before embarking on any side trips or optional activities, ensure that you have sufficient time, physical fitness, and necessary permits. Consider hiring local guides for these excursions to enrich your experience and support local communities.

Adding these side trips and optional activities to your Mardi Himal Trek itinerary will allow you to discover more of the breathtaking beauty and diverse culture of the Annapurna region, creating an unforgettable trekking experience in the heart of the Himalayas.

The Mardi Himal Trek is more than just a journey through the Himalayas; it’s an opportunity to embrace the adventure of a lifetime. With its stunning vistas, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality of the local communities, this trek captivates the hearts of all trekking enthusiasts. Navigating the challenging terrain and overcoming altitude sickness requires preparation, determination, and a positive mindset.

As trekkers venture along the Mardi Himal Trail, they find themselves reflecting on the wonders of nature, the resilience of the human spirit, and the cultural richness of the region. The memories of witnessing glorious sunrises over snow-capped peaks, exploring ancient traditions, and savoring local delicacies linger long after the journey ends.

The Mardi Himal Trek is more than just a personal quest; it becomes an inspiration for others to explore Nepal’s hidden gem. As we tread mindfully, practice responsible trekking, and support sustainable initiatives, we ensure that this pristine sanctuary remains intact for generations to come. Let the allure of the Mardi Himal Trek beckon you to embark on this transformative expedition and share the magic of Nepal’s hidden gem with the world.

Mardi Himal Trek: FAQs

  • What is the best time to Mardi Himal Trek?

The best time for the Mardi Himal Trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. These months offer stable weather, clear skies, and pleasant temperatures, providing optimal conditions for trekking and spectacular mountain views.

  • How difficult is the Mardi Himal Trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek is considered moderately challenging. While it does not involve technical climbing, trekkers should be prepared for steep ascents and descents, as well as varying trail conditions. Proper physical fitness and acclimatization are essential for a successful trek.

  • Do I need prior trekking experience for Mardi Himal Trek?

While prior trekking experience is beneficial, it is not a prerequisite for the Mardi Himal Trek. However, being in good physical condition and having some hiking experience can enhance your overall trekking experience.

  • What permits do I need for the Mardi Himal trek?

For the Mardi Himal Trek, you will need two permits: the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card. These permits can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara.

  • Are there tea houses and lodges along the Mardi Himal Trek route?

Yes, there are tea houses and lodges along the Mardi Himal Trek route, providing accommodation and meals for trekkers. These lodges offer basic facilities, making the trek more accessible and comfortable.

  • Is it safe for solo trekkers to do Mardi Himal Trek?

Yes, the Mardi Himal Trek is generally safe for solo trekkers. However, it is advisable to trek with a guide or join a trekking group for added safety, especially in case of emergencies.

  • Can I do the Mardi Himal trek in the monsoon season?

While the monsoon season (June to August) brings heavy rainfall to the region, it is still possible to trek the Mardi Himal route. However, the trails can be slippery, and mountain views may be obscured by clouds. Proper gear and caution are essential during the monsoon.

  • Are there any age restrictions for the Mardi Himal Trek?

There are no official age restrictions for the Mardi Himal Trek. However, trekkers should be in good physical health and capable of enduring moderate to challenging trekking conditions.

  • How much does it cost to do the Mardi Himal trek with a guide?

The cost of the Mardi Himal Trek with a guide can vary depending on factors such as trek duration, group size, and services included. On average, the cost can range from USD 1000 to USD 1500 per person.

  • What wildlife can be spotted in the Mardi Himal Trek area?

The Mardi Himal region is home to various wildlife, including Himalayan pheasants, colorful birds, and occasional sightings of the elusive snow leopard, Himalayan tahr, and red panda.

  • Are there any emergency rescue services available on the trail?

Yes, emergency rescue services are available on the Mardi Himal Trail. Trekking agencies and lodges have communication systems to arrange helicopter evacuations in case of serious injuries or emergencies. However, having travel insurance that covers emergency evacuation is highly recommended for added security.

  Quick Overview

Trip duration.

4 to 8 Days

Trip Distance

41 Kilometers


4500m at Mardi Base Camp

$400 to $700 per person


Tea House or Guest House

Best Season

Spring and Autumn

Trip Permits



Public or Private Vehicle

Compulsory to Have a Licensed Guide

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Mardi himal trek guide 2024 | popular trek itinerary.

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Are you planning a Mardi Himal this year? If Yes, here is the Mardi Himal trek guide 2023. The Trek is a relatively new and less crowded trekking route than the most famous trek Annapurna base camp or Everest base camp trek .

The Mardi Himal Trek typically takes 4-10 days to complete from Kathmandu( Get Tourist bus ticket from Kathmandu to Pokhara ), and the trail covers a distance of about 64 kilometers (40 miles).

The trek starts and ends in the picturesque city of Pokhara , which is easily accessible from Kathmandu by bus or domestic flight. Pokhara is a gateway for so many trekking routes including Poon Hill, ABC Trek, Khopra Trek, and Poon Hill trek. You can also join the Mardi Himal trekking route after finishing the Annapurna base camp trek, Poon Hill trek, and Khopra Danda trek .

The trail leads through dense forests of rhododendron, oak, and bamboo, and passes by traditional Gurung and Magar villages, offering trekkers an opportunity to experience the local culture and way of life.

The Mardi Himal Trek is a moderate-level trek and is suitable for trekkers of all ages and fitness levels.

However, it is recommended that trekkers have some prior trekking experience and be in good physical condition to complete the trek comfortably. The trek involves some steep ascents and descents, and trekkers will need to carry their own gear.

During the trek, trekkers will stay in teahouses or lodges along the trail. These accommodations provide basic facilities such as food, hot showers, and comfortable beds.

The trail offers several vantage points from where trekkers can catch stunning views of the Annapurna range, including the famous peaks of Machhapuchhre (Fishtail), Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli.

The best time to go on This Trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is clear and mild.

The trail can be challenging during the monsoon season (June to August) when the trail is slippery and muddy. The winter season (December to February) is also possible, but the trek can be cold and snow-covered in higher elevations. This awesome video of Mardi Himal is For those who want to see the actual landscape of Mardi Himal.

Table of Contents

how difficult is Mardi Himal trek?

The difficulty level of trek is considered to be a moderately challenging trek that requires a moderate level of fitness and some previous trekking experience. This trek is a relatively new trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal. The trek starts from the village of Kande, which is a short drive from the city of Pokhara, and takes you to the base camp of Mardi Himal , which stands at an altitude of 4,500 meters.

Trek Overview – Mardi Himal Trek Guide 2023

  • Location: This trekking route is located in the Annapurna region of Nepal, to the east of the popular Annapurna Base Camp Trek. The trek takes place in the Annapurna Conservation Area, which is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna.
  • Duration: Trekking route typically takes between 7-10 days to complete, depending on the itinerary and pace of the trekker. The trek can be customized to fit different schedules and fitness levels.
  • Difficulty level: The Mardi Himalis considered a moderate trek, suitable for trekkers with some prior experience of hiking or trekking. The trek reaches a maximum altitude of 4,500 meters (14,764 feet) and involves some steep ascents and descents.
  • Highlights: This trekking route is known for its stunning views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, as well as the beautiful forested landscapes and traditional Gurung and Magar villages that it passes through. Trekkers can also enjoy panoramic views of Mardi Himal, Hiunchuli, and Machhapuchhre (also known as Fish Tail).
  • Accommodation: This trek is a teahouse trek, there are guesthouses and lodges along the route where trekkers can stay and eat. Accommodation is basic but comfortable, with private rooms or dormitory-style accommodation available.
  • Best time to go : The best time to go on the Mardi Himal Trek is from March to May and from September to November when the weather is generally clear and dry. During the winter months (December to February), the trail can be snowy and difficult to navigate, while during the summer months (June to August), the trail can be muddy and slippery due to monsoon rains.
  • Trek Permit for Mardi Himal Trek : To trek on the Mardi Himal Trail, trekkers must obtain a TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) card and an Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP). These can be obtained from the Nepal Tourism Board or from a trekking agency in Kathmandu or Pokhara.
  • Mardi Himal Trekking route: Trek typically starts and ends in the town of Kande(if can be different as per your itinerary and duration of the Trek), which is located about an hour’s drive from the city of Pokhara. From Kande, trekkers follow a well-marked trail through forests, villages, and alpine meadows, reaching the highest point of the trek at the Mardi Himal Base Camp. The trek then descends back down to the Sidhing or other exist points.

Overall, Trek is a beautiful and rewarding trekking route that offers stunning views, cultural experiences, and a sense of adventure. It is a great option for those looking for a less crowded trekking experience in Nepal.

Facts of trek

  • Trek is a relatively new trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal, first opened to trekkers in 2012.
  • The trek takes its name from Mardi Himal, a peak in the Annapurna range that stands at 5,587 meters (18,330 feet).
  • Trek is considered a moderate trek, with a maximum altitude of 4,500 meters (14,764 feet).
  • The trail is known for its scenic beauty, including stunning views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, as well as picturesque villages and forests.
  • The trek typically takes between 7-10 days, depending on the itinerary and pace of the trekker.
  • The trail is relatively uncrowded compared to other popular trekking routes in Nepal, making it an ideal option for those looking to get off the beaten path.
  • The best time to go on the Mardi Himal is from March to May and from September to November when the weather is generally clear and dry.
  • The trek passes through several traditional Gurung and Magar villages, allowing trekkers to experience the local culture and way of life.
  • The Mardi Himal is a teahouse trek, meaning that there are guesthouses and lodges along the route where trekkers can stay and eat.
  • The Mardi Himal Trekking route is a sustainable trekking route, with efforts being made to minimize the environmental impact of trekking and support local communities through tourism.

how long is Mardi Himal trek?

The trek duration depends on which itinerary you are using. I am giving below 4 different trekking itineraries for Mardi Himal please read the following itineraries with all the details and information.

Mardi Himal Trek 4 Days itinerary

  • Day 1: Drive to siding and trek to Low camp
  • Day 2: Trek to High camp
  • Day 3: Hike upto View Point and trek back to Badal Danda
  • Day 4: Trek back to siding and drive to Pokhara

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Mardi Himal Trek 5 Days Itinerary

  • Day 1: Drive from Pokhara to Kande and trek to Deurali
  • Day 2: Trek from Deurali to Rest Camp
  • Day 3: Trek from Rest Camp to High Camp
  • Day 4: Hike from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp and back to High Camp, and then trek down to Badal danda
  • Day5: Trek down to Siding and drive back to Pokhara

Mardi Himal trek 7 Days Itinerary

  • Day 4: Hike from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp and back to High Camp
  • Day 5: Trek from High Camp to Siding homestay
  • Day 6: Trek from Siding to Lumre and drive back to Pokhara

Mardi Himal trek 8 Days itinerary

  • Day 1: Drive from Pokhara to Kande and trek to Australian camp
  • Day 2: Trek from Australian camp to Forest Camp
  • Day 3: Trek from Forest Camp to High Camp
  • Day 5: Trek from High Camp to Siding Home Stay
  • Day 6: Trek from Siding Home Stay to Ghalel homestay
  • Day 7: Trek from Ghalel homestay to Lwang homestay
  • Day 8: Drive back to Pokhara

Mardi Himal 14 Days itinerary with homestay

  • Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu
  • Day 2: Drive to Pokhara
  • Day 3: Drive to Kande and trek to Deurali
  • Day 4: Trek to Rest camp
  • Day 5: Trek to High camp
  • Day 6: Morning hike to a viewpoint and Trek back to Badal danda
  • Day 7: Trek to Siding homestay
  • Day 8: Trek to Ghalel homestay
  • Day 9: Trek to Lwang homestay
  • Day 10: Trek to Dhampus homestay
  • Day 11: Trek to Astam village eco-lodge
  • Day 12: Drive to Pokhara
  • Day 13: Drive to Kathmandu
  • Day 14: Fly back home

Permits requirements And Cost Details

Mardi Himal Trek is a popular trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal, offering stunning views of the Himalayan mountains and the surrounding landscapes. To trek in the Mardi Himal area, trekkers are required to obtain two permits 1) Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) 2) Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card.

Here’s a breakdown of the permit requirements for the Trek

  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) : The ACAP is a mandatory permit for all trekkers traveling in the Annapurna region. The permit is issued by the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office and costs NPR 3,000 (approximately USD 26) per person. Trekkers can obtain the permit in Kathmandu or Pokhara or at the ACAP office in Besisahar .
  • Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card : The TIMS Card is a mandatory permit for all individual trekkers in Nepal. It is issued by the Trekking Agency Association of Nepal(TAAN) and Nepal Tourism Board and costs NPR 2,000 (approximately USD 17) per person. Trekkers can obtain the TIMS card in Kathmandu or Pokhara or at the Nepal Tourism Board office in Kathmandu.

Mardi Himal Trek Map

The trek starts from the village of Kande, which is located about 30 minutes drive from Pokhara. From Kande, the trail leads to Australian Camp, then to Forest Camp and Low Camp. From Low Camp, the trail goes through the forest and reaches High Camp, which offers stunning views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges.

The final destination of the trek is Mardi Himal Base Camp , which is located at an altitude of 4,500 meters. From the base camp, trekkers can enjoy breathtaking views of the Mardi Himal, Machhapuchhre (Fishtail), Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli mountains.

Some FAQs of trek

What is the cost of the mardi himal trek.

On average, the Trek can cost anywhere between USD 150 to USD 1000 per person. But the cost of the Trek can vary depending on several factors, such as the season, the duration of the trek, the accommodation, and the services of the guide and porter.

Is it possible to do the Mardi Himal Trek independently?

Yes, it is possible to do this trek independently. However, it is recommended to hire a local guide or porter to help with navigation and to ensure your safety during the trek. Guides can also provide valuable information about the local culture and customs.

How long is the Mardi Himal Trek?

Trek usually takes 7 to 10 days(Kathmandu to Kathmandu), depending on the route and the pace of the trekker.

What is the best time to do the Mardi Himal Trek?

The best time to do the Trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. The weather is usually clear, and the views of the Himalayas are spectacular during these months.

Is the Mardi Himal Trek difficult?

Trek is considered a moderate trek. It is suitable for trekkers with a good level of fitness and some previous trekking experience. The trail can be steep at times, but it is not overly challenging.

What are the highlights of the Mardi Himal Trek?

Trek offers stunning views of the Himalayas, including Mount Machhapuchhre (Fishtail), Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli. Trekkers also get chances to explore beautiful forests, charming villages, and terraced fields. The trek offers a chance to experience the local culture and traditions of the Nepalese people.

What is the altitude of the highest point of trek?

The highest point on the Trek is Mardi Himal Base Camp , which is at an altitude of 4,500 meters (14,763 feet) above sea level.

What kind of accommodation is available during the Trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek offers a range of accommodation options, including teahouses, Homestay, and lodges. These provide basic facilities such as a bed, blanket, and food. However, it is recommended to bring a sleeping bag and other personal items for a more comfortable experience.

What is the route of the Trek?

Trek usually starts from the village of Kande or Phedi and passes through forests, streams, and traditional villages like Pothana and Deurali. The trail then leads to the Mardi Himal Base Camp, from where trekkers can enjoy panoramic views of the Himalayas.

Do I need a permit to do the Mardi Himal Trek?

Yes, trekkers need a permit to do the Trek. The permit can be obtained from the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) office in Pokhara or Kathmandu.

What kind of physical fitness is required for the Trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek requires a good level of physical fitness. Trekkers should be able to walk for 5-7 hours a day on a steep and rocky trail. It is recommended to start preparing for the trek at least a month in advance with cardio exercises, hiking, and walking.

Can I rent trekking equipment in Nepal for the Trek?

Yes, trekking equipment can be rented in Nepal for the Mardi Himal Trek. There are several shops in Kathmandu and Pokhara that rent trekking gear such as sleeping bags, down jackets, and hiking boots.

What kind of food is available during the Trek?

The teahouses and lodges along the Mardi Himal Trek offer a range of Nepalese and Western dishes such as dal bhat (rice and lentils), momos (dumplings), noodles, and soups. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian options are available, but the availability of meat can be limited at higher altitudes.

Is altitude sickness a concern on the Trek?

Altitude sickness can be a concern on the Mardi Himal Trek as it involves trekking at high altitudes. It is recommended to take necessary precautions such as acclimatization, staying hydrated, and following a gradual ascent. In case of any symptoms of altitude sickness such as headaches, nausea, or dizziness, trekkers should inform their guide and descend to a lower altitude.

What kind of wildlife can be seen during the Trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek passes through forests that are home to a variety of wildlife, including Himalayan pheasants, musk deer, and langur monkeys. However, sightings of these animals are rare and dependent on several factors such as the season, time of day, and trekking route.

Is it safe to drink tap water during the Trek?

It is not recommended to drink tap water or untreated water during the Mardi Himal Trek as it can cause waterborne illnesses. Trekkers should either carry their own water filter or purification tablets or purchase bottled water at the teahouses and lodges along the way.

What kind of weather can be expected during the Trek?

The weather on the Trek can vary depending on the season. During the spring (March to May), the weather is usually clear with warm temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night. The autumn season (September to November) is also characterized by clear skies and mild temperatures. However, trekkers should be prepared for sudden changes in weather and carry appropriate gear.

What kind of gear is recommended for the Trek?

Trekkers are recommended to carry lightweight, breathable clothing, sturdy hiking boots, a warm jacket, a raincoat or poncho, a sleeping bag, a daypack, and sunglasses. It is also important to carry a first aid kit, sunscreen, insect repellent, and any necessary medications.

Can the Mardi Himal Trek be combined with other treks in the Annapurna region?

Yes, the Mardi Himal Trek can be combined with other treks in the Annapurna region such as the Annapurna Base Camp Trek or the Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek. This allows trekkers to explore more of the region and experience its natural beauty and cultural diversity.

What kind of cultural experiences can be expected during the Mardi Himal Trek?

Trek offers several opportunities to experience the local culture and traditions of the Nepalese people. Trekkers can visit traditional villages, interact with the locals, and learn about their customs and way of life. They can also visit monasteries and temples that are integral to the religious and cultural fabric of the region.

Mardi Himal is a nice place. I’ve spend there a very good time :). Hope will visit again

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Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi himal trek overview.

The Mardi Himal Trek takes you to Nepal’s western location, an affluent and environmentally diversified nation. Trek there is a reasonably simple adventure trail in the Annapurna region that is frequently chosen by novice hikers.

It’s challenging to find stunning mountain views. Such a vista can only be seen by ascending to a high observation point. Most of these vantage locations are uncommon in the spring and summer. This is why the Mardi Himal Trek is so special to us at Mission Himalaya Treks.

The peak of Mardi Base Camp offers a view that is unmatched throughout your adventures. Probably the best viewpoints of our Nepalese Himalayas can be seen from the peak. There is so much to delight in that you please can’t possibly take it all in, similar to a large feast. The majority of hikers will always cherish their adventure.

However, the incredible vistas throughout the path draw serious hikers from all over the globe. As one of the most fascinating hiking destinations, Mardi Trek has gained popularity in recent years.

Throughout this trip, you will go to a height of about 4500 meters and be enchanted by stunning scenery. The great locations of these hikes include the Mardi Himal Base Camp, Forest Camp, and High Camp.

From Phedi, a hiking trail leads to the village of Deurali. It finally arrives at Forest Camp. The trail ascends to the High Camp and declines to the Low Camp through a luxuriantly lush woodland filled with wildlife.

The Mardi Himal viewpoint, which is the trek’s primary high point, arrives after that. Following a stop to take in the magnificent views, the path returns to High Camp before entering Siding Hamlet. You continue from Siding to Lumre before taking a beautiful trip towards Pokhara.

The vistas from the 4100m-high Mardi Himal Base Camp are the main draw. The Mardi Himal viewpoint also provides views of the snow-covered Annapurna Massif, Mount Macchapuchre, and Mardi Himal.

Mardi Himal Trek in winters that are chilly, but the majority of the season is peaceful. Treks are spectacles in and of themselves, from hiking across the fast-moving streams to seeing vistas of waterfalls, highland pastures, and the peaks of the Himalayas.

Do you observe anything? The Dhaulagiri range of peaks, Annapurna South , and Hiunchuli are visible to your left. Bashikher and Annapurna Fang. Right ahead is the towering Fishtail. They average approximately 7,000 meters in height.

The Mardi Himal may be seen to your right. And then Mt. Manaslu, one of Nepal’s tallest mountains, will be observed rising above the town’s panorama. Trekkers find it difficult to comprehend what a beautiful sight Fishtail is.

In addition to the expansive viewpoints, either. The hike itself is wonderful in springtime. It nearly seems such a nightmare as the hiking path winds across the oak and rhododendron tree canopy. This walk is idyllic, and in March and April, the surrounding hills are blazing with color from one of the finest rhododendron woodlands.

For all, the journey itself is worthwhile only to see Mt. Fishtail from the Annapurna shoreline. Green fields surround the sparkling Mardi Gras. but overshadowing and dominating the Mardi Base Camp.

Aside from Fishtail, a treat is spending time in Mardi Himal’s teahouse. We don’t experience this on other treks—the deep woodlands that surround the campground. With the white canopy covering anything, everything also evolves.

After all a component of the climb from High Camp to the peak of Mardi Himal Base Camp must be the most exciting part of the expedition. Individuals will never discard their adventure of reaching the pinnacle of their lifetime. At the summit, due to emotions like joy and success, we have seen hikers break down in tears.

One of the best options on our list for novices would be Mardi Himal. Don’t let this chance pass you by.

Annapurna Himalayan Ranges View in Mardi Himal Trek

Trip Highlights:

  • Walk through the thick forest and rocky trails of the Forest Camp, High Camp, Low Camp, and Badal Danda.
  • Walk beside the Mardi Khola.
  • Reach the highest point of 4500m at the High Camp.
  • Views of the majestic Mardi Himal(5587m) from the Mardi Himal viewpoint.
  • Witness the panoramic views of the Annapurna Massif, Dhaulagiri, Mt. Macchauchre, and Manaslu.
  • One of the most accessible and affordable trekking experiences in the Annapurna Region.
  • Get in touch with the lifestyle, culture, and traditions of the Ethnic groups of Gurungs and Magar.
  • Walk past the villages of Siding, Lumre, Potana, and Phedi.

Mardi Himal trek location

The Mardi Himal Trek is located in the Annapurna region of Nepal, and the adventure is within the Annapurna Conservation Area. The trailhead for this trek typically starts from the village of Kande, which is about an hour’s drive from the popular lakeside city of Pokhara.

What Trekkers Like About Mardi Himal Trek?

1. from high camp, the ascent to mardi himal base camp is anything but a stroll..

I’m not suggesting it’s challenging; rather, reaching the pinnacle is an enjoyable rush. I needed some time to process the sight of the summit.

Not a single, not a couple, but all the prominent mountains of our Higher Himalayan appeared directly in front of You, within reaching accessible.

They were annoyed by hikers.Mt. Fishtail, Mt. Annapurna, Hiunchuli and the Glacier Dome, Annapurna Fang, and of course, Mt. Annapurna II. Several of them were over 7,000 meters high!

You were unable to move for a considerable amount of time.

You have seen beautiful mountain panoramas on prior trips. But never before were they so numerous, so near, and so clearly visible.

2. Hikers recall the occasion. They were just entering Mardi Base Camp’s perimeter.

And the entire massif of Mt. Fishtail was immediately in front of us, seemingly emerging from the Base Camp’s boundaries. They scanned the area. The same object was the focus of everyone’s attention. Nobody could take their eyes off Fishtail and the magnificent Annapurna Ranges .

You can request a number of treks from tourists. However, they would not trade the view of Mt. Fishtail from Base Camp’s shoreline for any other scenery.

3. The Mardi Himal Trek’s birdlife

Many of our birder trekkers participated in this hike, during which we discussed extensively about the species. Regarding this journey, they just have one thing to say. The journey to view birds is this one. One of the most rewarding hikes in the Himalayas for viewing birds is this one.

A different journey has birds. However, none of them will compare to what you’ll view while hiking the Mardi Himal. On this walk, there are at least 30 to 40 different species to witness.

We plan this excursion throughout the year. Each time, they have observed Monals passing by the trail very quickly. They believe that Monals, the national bird of Nepal , are more colorful and more attractive than peacocks.

I would embark on the walk once more if I had the opportunity to see Monals. On other excursions, I have seldom ever encountered Monals.

4. A pathway lined alongside rhododendrons in Mardi Himal Trek

When they initially completed the Mardi Himal trek, many trekkers timed the journey for spring. We could tell they were onto something unique the moment they set out on the adventure. Here, the Annapurna sunrise walk was the Mardi Himal. Along the trail, Rhododendrons in vibrant shades of pink, crimson, and scarlet were in bloom. The quantity of rhododendrons along the trail somewhat astounded them. A large portion of the mountainside was crimson in certain places at Forest camp, Low camp, and Badal Danda. We have conducted wonderful treks in the Himalayas. However, none of them even approached the number of rhodos I saw on my walk. A great time was had!

5. Trekkers’ Initial Surprising Encounter with Mardi Himal

You could have heard a few trek blogs on the trek before we started Mission Himalaya Treks. Many hikers think it is a pilgrimage trail.

People would spend the night at the High camp, as we had read. They would travel to Base Camp early in the morning to view the dawn without bringing any meat with them.

There were some beautiful vistas, but that was it in the eyes of the locals. Yes, I had heard a lot about the lovely meadows that surrounded the Annapurna valley. I was unclear as to how this constituted a journey.

I believe that I was too young to understand what was written in these notebooks before the Mission Himalayan Treks. Considering that none of them accurately depicted the route. And none of them mentioned how the round trek—which combines the Landruk, the Mardi, and the Sidding—creates one of the best treks in our nation when combined.

We now profanely condemn myself and these journals. We wish you had completed this expedition much sooner.

What Trekkers Do Not Like About Mardi Himal Trek?

1. mission himalaya treks’ thoughts regarding the trail’s crowds are conflicted..

To be honest, we have mixed thoughts regarding the trail’s multitude of hikers heading towards Mardi. We anticipated that they would be a nuisance. Being the trekker in this eclectic group, though, surprisingly, felt good. I was frequently questioned about the distance and travel time to High Camp. That part of the voyage was a lot of fun because of those casual talks.

Even though we dislike crowds on trails, here we managed to be cool with them.

2. Teahouses on the journey were superior earlier:

When we were able to stay on the grounds of Low camp and High camp. Making at any of our lovely and fantastic teahouses is currently prohibited due to government rules and ACAP Projects . We are missing something on our journey. The new Lodges at Lowcamp, however, are not awful.

Short Itinerary of Mardi Himal Trek Journey:

Day 1. Arrival Kathmandu.

Day 2. Flight from Kathmandu towards Pokhara (905m) and Trek to Deurali (2060m).

Day 3. Trek from Deurali to Forest camp (2500m above sea level).

Day 4. Trek from Forest Camp to Low Camp (2970m above sea level).

Day 5. Hike from Low Camp to High Camp (3550m).

Day 6. Trek from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) and back to High Camp.

Day 7. Trek from Sidding to Lwong(1460m).

Day 8. Trek from Lwong to Pokhara.

Day 9. Sightseeing in Kathmandu and final departure.

Mardi Himal Treks Difficulty:

A simple moderately difficult trek is the Mardi Himal trek. Honestly, Mardi Himal is the most secure of any of our high-altitude excursions. It increases in elevation gradually to give the organism an opportunity to acclimate. Throughout our trek, we have hardly ever encountered any incidences of sickness at high elevations. However, it is a strenuous trip that ascends to a height of 4500m. Regardless of whatever the elevation, we at Mission Himalaya Treks never let ourselves down till now.

While we do everything we can to protect hikers’ safety, we additionally desire everyone registering through us to be aware of potential problems along with how to handle them if they arise. If you’ve signed up to undertake this trek, there are a few things you must be aware of in order to have a safe journey. We at MissionHimalaya Treks think that if you are knowledgeable and equipped, you may endure in higher elevations with ease.

The hike up Mardi Himal is typically rated as simple to intermediate. Getting there from Pokhara, the closest major attraction to tourists, also indicates the challenges of this journey.

It takes a week to finish the journey. It doesn’t call for a lot of bodily stamina and endurance. The walk is appropriate for people of all ages, between 10 to 50. A constant leisurely speed is ideal for the walk.

To participate in the hike, no previous walking expertise is necessary. There aren’t many ascents and descents along the trail.

At the Mardi Himal View Points, rises to its highest elevation of 4500 meters. As they ascend over 3000m, some people may start to experience the effects of sickness at high elevations.

However, the discomfort can be reduced if you move slowly, give yourself time to adjust, or utilize medication. You don’t have to walk for a maximum of six hours each day on normal, making for a moderately challenging hiking trip.

Additionally, the route only lately gained attention. The journey path is ultimately becoming more well-known. In several areas of the path, tea houses and guest homes were constructed. It won’t be too tough to locate housing.

For equally novice and experienced hikers, this hike is undoubtedly among the greatest in the nation’s Annapurna region. The ideal time of year for this walk is typically Autumn, which runs from September through November. The Nepali Himalayas are at their most beautiful in the springtime.

There are few possibilities of a rapid shift in the climate, and the vistas are unimpeded. Trekking in December is just as exciting. Higher elevations have snow covering the route.

The Mardi Himal and Mt. Macchapuchre’s frontal faces are magnificently visible from the Mardi Himal Base Camp Height, which is located at 4500 meters.

Additionally, you may decide to travel with our companions to additional trekking locations in the Annapurna region, such as the Ghorepani Poon Hill walk, the Annapurna Circuit walk, and the Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

Mardi Himal Trekking permits:

This hiking path is inside the Annapurna Conservation Area project, so identical permission from the Nepal Tourism Board is required for this journey as well.

ACAP issues licenses known as ACAP permits, which cost about US$30 for tourists from other nations and NPR1500 from SAARC nations.

The Adventure Agencies Association of Nepal(TAAN) charges US$20 for TIMS for individual trekkers and US$20 for office-organized tourists for this trip.

Mission Himalaya Treks and Expeditions You must submit us a copy of your passport, two recent pictures, and firm dates of departure in order for the appropriate office to issue your permissions prior to your arrival in Nepal. All of the permissions will be beforehand verified.

Mardi Treks Insurance:

Mardi trekking is a somewhat challenging and isolated adventure package, and it is situated at a greater height than Nepal trekking.

All of our trekkers were advised by Mission Himalaya Treks and Expeditions to purchase insurance before traveling to Nepal.

In the city or the highlands, there are no insurance checkpoints, but for your protection, we strongly advise purchasing trekking insurance from a reputable organization.

Ask your agent whether your insurance covers high-altitude rescue before purchasing it because some policies do not.

During the day your adventure begins through the day your itinerary trekking finishes, and you can get high altitude assurance.

Mardi Himal Trek Itinerary

Day 1. arrival kathmandu.

Walking Hours: 30 Min Drive

Meals Included: Breakfast

Accommodation: 3 Star Category Hotel

Max. Altitude: 1350 Meter

Patan Durbar Square View

After receiving your entry authorization at the Kathmandu airport, an employee from the company or your tour leader will meet you there and drive you to Thamel.

You can relax for a while after checking in at your hotel while taking a shower. Then we’ll explore the area around Thamel where people trade money. Based on when you arrive, you are able to stroll about the city.

Discover the city’s winding streets. The nation’s capital city is a fusion of new and old interesting design, which is filled with throngs of people.

Day 2. Flight from Kathmandu towards Pokhara (905m) and Trek to Deurali

Walking Hours: 30 Min Flight/ 40 Min Drive And 3 Hours Trek

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner

Max. Altitude: 2060M

Sunrise View From Pitam Deurali-Mardi Himal Trek

We’ll hop on the first-morning flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara that’s offered. Then the journey will begin when we have driven from Pokhara to Kande.

Today’s hiking routes are initially fairly easy, but get a little steeper until you reach Australian Camp (2060 meters).

After eating here and taking a little break for relaxation, we will hike downhill to Potana and then gently ascend to Deurali. Stay the night in Deurali.

Day 3. Trek from Deurali to Forest camp

Walking Hours: 6 Hours Trek

Accommodation: Tea Houses/ Lodge

Max. Altitude: 2500M

Teahouses During Mardi Himal Trekking Route

You’ll be prepared to climb from Deurali to Forest Camp after a substantial mountainous meal. Today, I spent about 6 hours trekking.

Today’s trip begins on a level path that passes through coniferous forests before entering a vibrant rhododendron woodland. Red, white, and pink were just a few of the 32 colors that this blossom flew in.

Today Most likely, we ate lunch with one another or outside. If not, you can have lunch right after finishing. At the tea house or lodge in the forest camp, you stayed tonight.

Day 4. Trek from Forest Camp to Low Camp

Walking Hours: 4 Hours Trek

Accommodation: Tea House / Lodge

Max. Altitude: 2970M

View Of Forest Camp-Mardi Himal Treks

Given that we hiked until 3000 feet today to acclimate, the distance traveled today was likely reduced. After breakfast today, go hiking in a mixed woodland.

We’ll have lunch in Low Camp and spend the night there as well. This afternoon, we will relax and take in the surroundings.

You can now enjoy Machhapuchhre’s magnificent perspective, also known as the fishtail in English. The best times to view this holy peak are at daybreak and dusk.

Day 5. Hike from Low camp to High Camp

Accommodation: Tea House/Lodge

Max. Altitude: 3550M

Rhododendron Flower in Mardi Himal Trek Route

You’ll be doing some short trekking to the present day, and that’s great because you’re over 3000 meters above sea level.

To avoid altitude sickness, we kindly ask our hikers to consume more water and fluids. Snow-capped Mountain ranges, including Annapurna Himchuli and Fishtail, are all around you right now.

Today, take a trek through various quaint towns. If the temperature is fine, after arriving at your hotels at High Camp, take a moment to relax and take in the stunning alpine sunsets.

Day 6. Trek from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) and back to High Camp

Walking Hours: 7 Hours Trek

Sunrise Hiking From High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp

You begin your trek through Mardi Himal base camp after a full breakfast in the Himalayan front.

We pass a viewpoint while trekking today from which you can see the breathtaking Himalayan peaks.

Due to a lack of places along our trekking trails, lunch was eaten today outside. Due to the high altitude, hiking today is more difficult than earlier day treks or the entire hike we will undertake.

Moves are taken into a rocky glacier environment encircled by beautiful Himalayan mountains as we depart the gentle, meadow roadways.

After that, hike back down to the high camp, where we spent the previous night traveling.

Day 7. Hike from Highcamp to Sidding

Max. Altitude: 1700M

Top View Point In Mardi Himal Trek

Today’s walk begins with a tasty alpine breakfast at a higher elevation before descending to Sidding.

The initial pathways through Rhododendron and pine trees. Based on the time, we eat at low camp. After that, we travel to Mother Sidding and spend the night there.

Day 8. Trek from Sidding to Lwong

Max. Altitude: 1460M

Porters For Mardi Himal Trek

Today’s hike is arguably the nicest trekking on a beautiful, mostly flat track. We hike first to Lwong, a gorgeous village with old, lovely ancestral houses and where you can eat lunch.

This evening, you can engage in traditional dances and listen to melodious folk melodies. Today’s overnight was a wonderful memory.

Day 9. Trek from Lwong to Pokhara

Walking Hours: 2 Hours Trek And 1 Hour Drive

Meals Included: Breakfast And Lunch

Max. Altitude: 920M

Barahi Temple Aarati-Mardi Himal Trek

Get up earlier morning and stroll through the lovely tea gardens that surround the Lwong while taking in the magnificent sunrise.

After that, return to the guesthouse and take pleasure in your final Himalayan breakfast.

Finally, make a quick climb to Khoramukh where we will pick up our own vehicle and proceed to the lovely city of Pokhara.

Day 10. Pokhara sightseeing till afternoon and fly back to Kathmandu

Walking Hours: 5 Hours Tour And 25 Min. Flight

Max. Altitude: 1360M

Pokhara Tour-Mardi Himal Trekking

Your chance to discover Pokhara’s splendor after an excellent breakfast in a popular lakeside location.

We provide touring excursions to places like the Davis Waterfall, the Gupteswor Mahadev Cave, the International Mountain Museum, the World Peace Pagoda, and others.

You are also able to take a boat ride to Phewa Lake in the late morning and take a lovely lakeside stroll. Next, we’ll take a car to the airport to catch our trip back to Kathmandu.

We’ll reward you with a goodbye meal with your guide in the evening. We’ll talk about your trekking adventure.

Day 11. Sightseeing in Kathmandu and final departure

Walking Hours: 6 Hours Tour

Accommodation: None

Max. Altitude: 1350M/4,430FT

Bhaktapur Sightseeing Tour

Currently, we spend the entirety of our waking hours discovering the fascinating culture and heritage of Kathmandu.

Our town guide leads you to all the popular spots like local marketplaces, and Kathmandu Durbar Square, which remains on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites regardless of being devastated by the 2015 earthquake.

The living divinity Kumari is one of the many attractions in this region. It’s one of the best places to study for both amazing wooden carvings and Nepalese cultural traditions.

Finally, according to the moment that is scheduled for departure, you can leave for the airport to begin your return trip.

Mardi Himal Trek Cost

  • International and Domestic Airport pick up and drop by deluxe private vehicle.
  • Deluxe accommodation with Free breakfast, Wifi, Hot shower in Kathmandu.
  • Transportation from Kathmandu to Pokhara and Pokhara to Kathmandu on an air-conditioned tourist bus.
  • Deluxe accommodation with Free breakfast, Wifi, Hot shower in Pokhara.
  • Pokhara-Phedi(trek start point) and Siprung {Trek end point} to Pokhara drive on a private vehicle.
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Project( ACAP Entry permit) and Trekkers Information management permits (TIMS information permit).
  • 3 Main course meals { Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner} and 3-4 hot drinks per day during trekking.
  • Accommodations in Tea houses/lodges during the trekking.
  • English speaking guide 10+ years experienced (with their salary, accommodation, meals, transportation, and insurance).
  • Assistant guide if the group has more than 6 people (with their salary, accommodation, meal, transportation, and insurance).
  • Strong Porters for the trek - 1 porter will carry 2 guests' baggage. (with their salary, food, accommodation, Insurance, and transportation).
  • Equipment for trekking such as a down jacket, sleeping bag, and a duffel bag ( Duffel Bag, down jacket, and sleeping bag, must be returned after the trek).
  • First aid kit bag with a guide.
  • Government taxes, paper works, and company service charges for the trek.
  • A complimentary traditional welcome or farewell Nepali dinner in a typical Nepali traditional Restaurant with a cultural dance show.
  • Certificate of achievement with the signature of the company director and your trekking guide.
  • Nepal visa fees ($25 for 15 days, $40 for 30 days, and $ 100 for 90 days ) and International Airfare.
  • Travel, emergency rescue, and insurance cost.
  • Sightseeing entrance fees in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
  • Food other than mentioned above, telephone bills, laundry charges, and shower fees during trekking.
  • WiFi or internet cost and battery charging bill during the trek.
  • Extra porter and activities rather than an itinerary.
  • Lunch & dinner costs during Kathmandu and Pokhara stay.
  • Other costs caused by a natural disaster, flight delay, early arrival from the trek, etc.
  • Tips or gifts for the guides and porters.
  • Other costs not mentioned in the cost includes section.

Mardi Himal Trek Map

Mardi Himal Trek Map

Mardi Himal Trek Support

Mardi trek best time.

Despite being a high-altitude hike, Mardi Himal or Mardi Base Camp is accessible for roughly 8 to 9 months out of the year. With the exception of July and August (the peak rainfall period on the Pokhara Side), the trek is feasible for the entirety of the year.

Without rainfall, Mardi Himal can be experienced in four different seasons: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Each time of year is unique and beautiful in its own way.

Mardi Trek in Winter:

People make the journey to Mardi Himal in wintertime to enjoy snowfall and take in the trek’s breathtaking sights. When covered in white snow, the scenery transforms color once more. A hint of the festive season is present as translucent, powdered snowfall dangling limply from the pine trees. Ideal for making snowballs and, with any hope, seeing snowfall. Snow, on the other hand, ups the level of complexity of the walk. So, if you’re traveling in the winter, be sure to get ready.

Mardi Trek in Spring:

Beginning March marks the beginning of springtime in Mardi Himal , which lasts through the last week of May. While the greenery starts to grow green in the bottom grasslands, the snow starts to melt in the upper reaches. Although rhododendrons blossom on the branches of trees, little flowers poke their heads out of the grass. Up through mid-April, the top portions of the trek are typically covered in little snow.

An excellent time to see color contrasts in the meadows is in the spring. You simultaneously perceive snow, vegetation, and the hue of flowers.

Mardi Trek in Summer is not the best time:

On this voyage, summertime brings forth a green color pallet that you could not expect in every other period.

In May and June, the forests and pastures appear sunny and brilliant. The flora becomes luxuriant in early June, and mountains may get moderate summer rainfall. Leech is the main problem of the trek. Many trekkers Do not like it.

The hike is at its most straightforward and provides a fantastic escape from the plains’ summer heat. Additionally, the summer break is the ideal time for introducing adolescents to the Himalayas. Many days we are not able to see snow Himalayas so Mission Himalaya Treks does not suggest trekking Mardi during this period.

Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek in Autumn is the best time of the year:

September, October, and November after the rainy season represent another ideal period to complete the journey. The fog is completely removed from the environment after the monsoon.

The Mardi Himal Base Camp climb, which is renowned for offering breathtaking vistas of the Annapurna Himalayas, is also in the optimum season at the moment. The best time to see these majestic mountains is in the autumn when they are most clearly visible.

Mardi Himal Trek without a guide. Is it possible?

Trekking independently in Nepal is no longer allowed as of 2023. The Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) has implemented a rule that requires all trekkers, whether solo or in a group, to be accompanied by a licensed guide. This regulation is designed to ensure the safety of trekkers, especially in remote areas where navigation can be challenging and help is not readily available. Therefore, while the Mardi Himal Trek is relatively straightforward, you would need to hire a guide to comply with the new regulations.

Is Mardi Himal Trek Safe?

The Mardi Himal Trek is generally considered safe, especially for those with a moderate level of fitness and trekking experience. The trail is well-marked, and the altitude is manageable compared to other high-altitude treks in Nepal. However, as with any trek in the Himalayas, there are inherent risks, such as altitude sickness, weather changes, and challenging terrain. The trek involves some steep ascents and descents, particularly near the Mardi Himal Base Camp, where the path can be rocky and narrow.

Therefore, to ensure safety, it’s important to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and monitor your body’s response to the altitude.

Read an article Mardi Himal trek difficulty .

Mardi Himal Trek FAQ'S

In 5 days, the Mardi Himal travels about 41 kilometres. (Seven days, not counting travel time to and from the journey). Pokhara is at an elevation of 823 meters, and Mardi Base Camp is at a height of 4500 meters.

The Mardi Himal trek is easy with a moderate level in difficulty. Except for that final effort to Mardi Himal Base Camp, there are not a lot of difficult climbs. There are not many long days in it. This might be the simplest trek we’ve taken in the Himalayas. novices families, and young children should all enjoy this excursion. Despite that, it is still a challenging walk in the Himalayas due to the landscape, conditions, and climate.

Any time of year is a fantastic time to hike the Mardi Himal. But without a doubt, the months of March and April are ideal for the walk. On the journey during this time, you’ll continue to observe snow, but you’ll additionally see Himalayan rhododendrons in bloom.

The post-monsoon months of September, October, and November represent the next ideal time to complete the walk. The Annapurna Himalayas are visible from the Mardi Himal hike, and after the monsoon, when the sky is bright and clear without any haze or clouds, you’ll enjoy the best vistas of these massive peaks.

The month of December is another excellent time to walk the Mardi Himal in the snow. When it first starts falling snow, wintertime has officially begun. The trail is not completely blocked by the snowfall. It also isn’t so thin that it vanishes after a few days.

It’s a great time to go snow camping and snowshoeing. Ideal for battling snowballs and, with any hope, seeing snowfall.

From December through the end of April, the Mardi Himal walk is covered with snow. By mid-December, the first winter snowflakes start to fall, and the trail is typically still usable through the end of the month.

The routes become challenging to access between January and February, which are the busiest winter months, due to extremely high snowfall. If snow is what you’re after during these months, we’d advise going on the Mardi journey. One of the finest times to make the trek is around the beginning of March, when the snow begins to melt a little. The spring months of March, as well as April, are ideal for the Mardi-Himal journey because there is still a lot of snow, plenty of lush vegetation, and blossoming rhododendron woods.

An Average physical condition is required for a trek like Mardi Himal. Every single day, 5 to 6 hours are spent climbing uphill and uphill to the top. We want to gauge your level of fitness by having you:

Prior to your excursion, run for a minimum of 5 kilometers in 60 minutes. It’s important to be consistent with your exercise, so try to jog 20 km per week or 80 km per month. It’s a criteria we have as a minimum.

We will carefully monitor your exercise regimen after you are certified for your expedition. Additionally, our team will help you develop a workout program. In the end, it will contribute to your having a secure voyage.

Visitors and backpackers can feel comfortable in Mardi. With its guesthouses and residences, it is extremely trekker-friendly. Because of its distant position, only the most minimal amenities are available.

Having said that, given of the presence of wild creatures, hikers are concerned for the security of Mardi. The Annapurna Conservation National Area includes Mardi. Leopards, Foxes and jackals have both been observed in the past and in the present. However, they rarely enter when there is a high volume of tourists.

Since 2008, Mission Himalaya Treks has been leading treks from Pokhara to Mardi Base Camp, and during that time, we have not seen any hazards for hikers. Since Sidding is where the road comes to an end, it is a heavily inhabited area with few wild animals.

The mardi-Himal trip is something we definitely advise if your child is over the age of 8. There will be a combination of simple and difficult trails.

On the other side, stay away from this walk if your child is younger than 8. The highest day and the subsequent day are both extremely long. Very young kids under the age of eight have struggled or failed to finish the walk as a result of the effort.

On the Mardi Himal Trek, we typically accept a total of 10 to 25 travelers.

European restrooms will be available at our Australian Camp near Pokhara. Squat-style restrooms will be located next every Lodges on excursion Periods. You can use toilet paper or water as you choose on these wet toilets. There will also be a deodorizer in the bathroom.

Wet tissues should not be used as they are not recyclable; instead, use ordinary toilet roll.

You’ll encounter Normal networks along your journey when it involves a mobile phone network and a link to the internet. At a place like the top of Mardi Himal Base Camp, you can get a 3G connection! But not stable and strong.

Rest Camp is the final location that has electricity. There are no plug spots in any of the rooms at the Mardi Himal High Camp for trekkers to use to recharge their electronics. They must therefore use solar power to recharge in the dining room.

However, there is no electricity when you leave the rest camp. We advise you to include extra batteries for your cameras and a power bank with enough capacity to last you the entire trek—at least 20,000 mAh.

You are welcome to leave your additional bags at the City. You can pick up the luggage whenever the journey is over. We’ll make the necessary arrangements.

Don’t store anything expensive at the Bag, please. You cannot keep here anything vital stuff like computers, cellphones, money, or valuables.

It takes 6 to 7 days to climb Mardi Himal. You will spend the nights before and after the trek in luxurious hotels in addition to our lodges for trekking. Each has space for two hikers.

You can, definitely!

Within one week of finishing your trip authorization, anyone higher than a certain age of 60 requires a Treadmill Test that is no older than twelve months. You ought to be prepared to jog 5 km in 60 min in addition to this.

If you are well fit for walking you can take your own risk for any registration.

The trekkers benefit from additional foot traffic on any trail from mules, horses, and porters. This is why offloading is encouraged at Mission Himalaya Treks. In the real spirit of trekking, a trekker does not necessarily carry his or her own bag.

However, you cannot remove your bag if you are able to handle it owing to a health issue.

Transferring Backpack for porters costs $20 per day for the trek on the Mardi Himal hike.

Mardi Himal Trek Reviews


Mystery woodlands, one of the country’s most stunning hikes

An approachable and welcoming hike. The steps are slightly painful at the initial moment, but you grow used to it. I need to say that the final week of February is a little soon to accomplish this. Beyond 3000 meters, there’s a lot of snowfall that necessitates the use of microspikes, and reaching base camp from the summit camp is difficult and not advised without assistance. Additionally, in February, the haze builds up swiftly and is completely obscured by 3 o’clock.

  • Nice welcome in Arrival Arrival
  • Trekkers Care And Safety in Trekking
  • Strong Porter and Wellknown Guides
  • Worth of money
  • Best airconditioned transportations
  • Flexible Departure Dates
  • Different Group Sizes
  • High Successful Rate/Safety
  • Stress & Worry Free Travel
  • Staffs Welfare

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Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek: Detailed Itinerary and Best Season To Travel

Hayden Rue

  • June 22, 2023

Tucked away amidst the majestic peaks of the Annapurna region, a hidden treasure waits for those daring enough to embark on an awe-inspiring adventure. A booming trail in the recent years, the Mardi Himal Trek offers a unique experience to immerse yourself in the raw beauty of Machhapuchhre and Annapurna Range. 

The trail is vibrant with rhododendron forests, snow-capped peaks, and the air filled with a sense of tranquility that can only be experienced in the lap of the mountains. The Mardi Himal Trek offers just that and more, promising an unforgettable expedition through unspoiled landscapes, rich biodiversity, and the warm embrace of local hospitality.

The Mardi Trek presents a myriad of experiences for adventure seekers. Whether you are an experienced trekker or a novice venturing into the world of mountain exploration, this extraordinary route caters to all levels of expertise.

As one of the best treks in Nepal , we have provided a detailed summary of our trek, challenges, and tried to answer all the burning trekking questions!

Mardi Himal Trek Detail Summary

  • District: Kaski
  • Elevation: 4100 meters
  • Difficulty: Moderate (Depending on your physical ability)
  • Days: 3 days from and to Pokhara 
  • Cost: 7,000 NPR to 15,000 NPR (Depends on how much you spend)
  • Best Season To Trek Mardi Himal: March-May, October-November
  • The season when we traveled: October
  • How to go to Mardi Himal Trek: You can take a taxi from Lakeside, Pokhara to Kande. Then you can start the trek from Australian Base Camp. There are sufficient teahouses on the way and you can refill your bottles! We encourage all trekkers to carry their own bottle, to help keep the trails clean and reduce the usage of plastics [:

Mardi Himal Trek Personal Itinerary

Machhapuchare Mardi Himal Trek

There are several routes to start the trek, however, we started our trek from Australian Base Camp. Another route you can opt for is drive till Landruk and start the trekking from there (a much shorter trek, we also did it from here in 2 days!) 

Here’s a detailed itinerary for the Mardi Himal Trek starting from Pokhara and starting at Australian Base Camp:

Day 1: Pokhara to Kande and Trek to Australian Base Camp 

By the time we left Pokhara, it was already late afternoon and we took the drive to Kande from Lakeside, which takes around an hour. If you’ve not eaten your lunch, there is a nice small restaurant that will serve a decent thali.  

Then from Kande, start your trek towards Australian Base Camp. The trail is easier compared to the ascends that you will encounter during the trek. However, there are a lot of stairs to start off walk! The hike to the base camp is approximately 2 hours, and you can either rest, get your cup of hot tea and leave, or spend a night there. We chose the former and continued our trek to Pitam Deurali to spend the night there.

Day 2: Pitam Deurali to Badal Danda

View of Machhapuchare from Badal Danda

After our breakfast, we started our trek to Badal Danda. Honestly, we didn’t know how far we were capable of walking. So, we decided to walk to the furthest point and spend the night at the location. 

The entire trail is walking through enchanting forests of oak, maple, and rhododendron ( Nepal’s national flower ). Though we were a tad bit too late to see the rhododendrons blooming as many of them had been picked or fallen to the ground. As you trek higher on the trials, you’ll be witness breathtaking views of Mt. Machhapuchhre and the Annapurna range. 

After 3-4 hours of walking we took a short break at Forest Camp for tea. The hotel served us really good lemon tea! Then we continued our trek towards Low Camp. After Forest Camp, the trail starts to gradually become more difficult, with never-ending stairs and panoramic views of the mountains and the valley. 

We took frequent rests on the way and did not over exert ourselves. The trek is a bit challenging, so take rests when needed and there are several resting places on the trail. We reached Low Camp around 4pm and the view of the Machhapuchare was amazing. We were tempted to stay there but figured that Badal Danda was only a 2 hour walk away. And, let me tell you this, staying at Badal Danda was the best decision we made. 

View from Badal Danda

Annapurna Range Mardi Himal Trek

A panoramic view of the Annapurna Range to your left and a full view of the Machhapuchare to your right was absolutely breathtaking. We reached Badal Danda at sunset and the golden hues of daylight gradually gave way to a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors painting the horizon. 

The colors intensify, transforming the sky into a masterpiece of pinks, oranges, and purples. The ever-changing canvas seems to breathe with life as wisps of clouds dance around the peaks, adding an element of mystique to the scene.

There are few teahouses at Badal Danda situated around different parts of hill. We stayed on the first hotel we reached at Badal Danda. They offered us a package deal for 1800 NPR/per person. It included breakfast, dinner, room and unlimited black tea. If you want hot water, you will have to pay an extra charge. 

Day 3: Badal Danda to Mardi Himal Viewpoint

Mardi Himal ViewPoint

We woke up around 3am to get ready and leave for High Camp. It was super dark (which made us realize that we forgot to pack a flashlight) though the moon was shining bright! And the mountains looked like a poster – crystal clear and so grandeur. 

The walk to the viewpoint is straight uphill, and offers continuous views of the mountains. We took a break in one of the resting points between Badal Danda and High Point to view the sunrise. We have no regrets of not being able to make it to High Camp for the sunrise. The sunrise looked stunning from our viewpoint as the rays touched the Himalayas

The mountains from High Camp definitely look much bigger and closer, however, every individual has their own preferences, and we were okay being in Badal Danda. We reached the Mardi Himal Viewpoint really late. By the time we reached the top, the clouds had already covered the mountains. But we really enjoyed being up there at 4,100 meters with our hot black teas. 

It would’ve been impossible to get back to Pokhara on the same day, so we spent one more night at Badal Danda.  

Day 4: Badal Danda to Pokhara

Sheeps on the way to Mardi Trek

Let me tell you this, it wasn’t an easy downhill walk. We left Badal Danda around 9am and started our journey to Pokhara. We could either follow the same route or take the route from Siding.

So from Low Camp, we decided to go towards Siding. It was a non-stop downhill walk and felt like forever. There are several parts on the way that are very difficult to maneuver. It is a steep nonstop downhill route – when we say steep, it is really steep! It is not a road rather like a pathway for the rain water to flow. Also, it rained the night before and some parts of the trail were super muddy and slippery.

After walking for 5 hours, we came across a small village and rested for 30 mins. After being re-energized with a cup of delicious lemon tea, it took us another hour to reach Siding. We took adequate rest on the way and stopped 30 mins for lunch. From Siding you will get a jeep (you will have to wait in line for the jeep) that will take you till Hemja. Then from Hemja bazaar you can easily get a bus or cab to drive you to Lakeside, Pokhara. 

Permits for Mardi Himal Trek

It is important to obtain the necessary permits to ensure a smooth and legal journey. Here are the permits typically required for the Mardi Himal Trek:

1. TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) Card: 

The TIMS card is a mandatory permit for all trekkers in Nepal. It helps to ensure the safety and security of trekkers by maintaining a database of trekking activities. There are two types of TIMS cards: the TIMS Green Card for independent trekkers and the TIMS Blue Card for trekkers traveling with a registered trekking agency.

It is important to note that in order to get your passes to trek in Nepal, you will need trekking insurance – check out my guide to the best trekking and hiking insurance !

2. Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): 

The ACAP is required as the Mardi Himal Trek falls within the Annapurna Conservation Area. The permit fee goes towards the conservation and preservation of the area’s unique biodiversity and cultural heritage. You can obtain the ACAP either in Kathmandu or Pokhara, providing the necessary information and paying the required fee.

It is recommended to carry multiple copies of your permits and keep them easily accessible throughout the trek. Trekking agencies or guides can assist you in obtaining the necessary permits, ensuring a hassle-free process. Remember to bring your original passport and necessary passport-sized photographs for permit applications.

Please note that permit requirements and fees may change, so it is advisable to check with reliable sources or local authorities for the most up-to-date information before starting your trek. Adhering to the permit regulations not only ensures a legal journey but also contributes to the conservation efforts of the region, preserving its natural beauty for future generations to enjoy.

Essential Packing List for Mardi Himal Trek: 

When venturing into the mountains, the gear you pack becomes your reliable companion. It can make all the difference between a successful and enjoyable trek or a miserable experience. As you prepare for the Mardi Himal Trek, it’s crucial to pack the right equipment to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the journey. Here’s a comprehensive packing list to guide you:

  • Trekking Bag: A sturdy trekking bag to carry your belongings during the trek. It should be durable and weather-resistant. Check out my blog about the best trekking Backpacks (and buyers guide)
  • Rucksack with Rain Cover Daypack: A comfortable and well-fitting rucksack with a rain cover to carry your essentials during the day’s trek (especially for guides).
  • Hiking Boots: High-quality hiking boots with ankle support and sturdy soles for excellent traction on varied terrains.
  • Sandals or Shoes: Lightweight and comfortable sandals or shoes for relaxation and easy movement around the teahouses.
  • Hiking Socks: Moisture-wicking and cushioned hiking socks to keep your feet dry, comfortable, and blister-free.
  • Trekking Poles: Adjustable trekking poles to provide stability, support, and reduce strain on your joints while ascending or descending.
  • T-Shirts: Lightweight and breathable t-shirts for comfortable trekking during the day.
  • Fleece Pullover or Jacket: A warm and cozy fleece pullover or jacket to layer up during colder evenings and higher altitudes.
  • Lightweight Thermal Tops: Thin and insulating thermal tops for layering and added warmth.
  • Waterproof Jacket: A waterproof and windproof jacket to protect you from rain, wind, and sudden weather changes.
  • Sports Bra (for women): Supportive and comfortable sports bras designed for trekking and outdoor activities.
  • Hiking Shorts/ Pants: Quick-drying and comfortable hiking shorts and pants for versatility in different weather conditions.
  • Waterproof Pants: Waterproof and breathable pants to keep you dry during heavy rain or snowfall.

This list provides a general overview of the essential packing list. I also have a blog on my go to packing list for Nepal!

Just keep in mind that you can adapt the list according to your personal preferences, the season, and the weather conditions during your trek. Always prioritize comfort, functionality, and weather protection when selecting your gear to make the most of your Mardi Himal Trek adventure.

Which Month is Best for Mardi Himal?

Annapurna Range Mardi Himal Trek

The best month to trek Mardi Himal is between March to May and October to November. These months have the best weather and views on the Mardi Himal trekking route.

The enchanting Annapurna Region, like the entirety of Nepal, experiences four distinct and captivating seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season holds its own allure, creating a unique atmosphere for trekkers to embrace. 

How Safe is Mardi Himal Trekking?

On the way to Mardi Himal Trek

The safety of the Mardi Himal Trek largely depends on various factors, including weather conditions, individual preparation, and adherence to safety guidelines. Here are some key points to consider regarding the safety of the Mardi Himal Trek:

  • Well-Defined Trail: The Mardi Himal Trek follows a well-defined trail, making navigation relatively straightforward. This reduces the risk of getting lost or disoriented.
  • Experienced Guides and Porters: Hiring an experienced guide or porter can enhance safety during the trek. 
  • Altitude Acclimatization: Adequate acclimatization is essential to minimize the risks of altitude sickness. It is recommended to ascend gradually, take rest days, stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s signals.
  • Weather Awareness: The weather in the Himalayas can be unpredictable. It’s crucial to stay informed about the weather conditions before and during the trek. Be prepared for potential changes and carry appropriate clothing and gear.
  • Proper Equipment: Having the right gear and equipment, such as sturdy hiking boots, proper clothing layers, and trekking poles, can improve safety and comfort during the trek.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Carry a basic first aid kit and be aware of emergency procedures. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of altitude sickness and other common trekking-related ailments.
  • Local Regulations and Permits: Ensure that you have obtained the necessary permits, such as the TIMS card and Annapurna Conservation Area Permit, and follow local regulations and guidelines.
  • Travel Insurance: It is highly recommended to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, evacuation, and trekking-related activities.

A Journey To Remember: Mardi Himal Trek

machhapuchare badal danda mardi trek

From the mesmerizing sunrise vistas at High Camp to the serene beauty of Mardi Himal Base Camp, this trek has offered a gateway to untouched natural wonders and the local culture of the Annapurna region.

From the awe-inspiring mountain vistas to the serene trails, this trek offers a remarkable journey filled with unforgettable moments. Whether it’s the sense of accomplishment upon reaching the Mardi Himal Viewpoint or the warm interactions with local communities along the way, this trek leaves a lasting impression. Embrace the magic of the Mardi Himal Trek and treasure the memories of this remarkable experience.

FAQs: Mardi Himal Trek

The Mardi Himal trek covers a total distance of 40 km (25 mi) and typically takes around 3-5 days to complete. If you choose to combine it with another route like Poon Hill or Annapurna Base Camp, you should allocate an additional 3-5 days for the extended journey.

The Mardi Himal Trek is classified as a moderate difficulty trek. Although it is a relatively new trek, it offers breathtaking beauty that will leave you in awe. The Mardi Himal Trek is suitable for people of all age groups, making it accessible for a wide range of adventurers.

Mardi Himal Trek will take you through the Annapurna region of Nepal, to the highest point of your journey which is the Mardi Himal View Point at 4100m.

Autumn is the best time of the year for Mardi Himal Trek. It falls in September, October and November. This period stands as one of the peak seasons for trekking in Nepal. The post-monsoon autumn months bring clarity to the Annapurna region. The summer rainfall washes away the mist, revealing crystal-clear surroundings that enhance the allure of your trekking experience.

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Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi himal trek highlights.

  • The less-known trekking destination of the Annapurna Region which offers a beautiful view of the Annapurna ranges,
  • The summit of Mardi  Base Camp at an elevation of 4,500 M
  • Mesmerizing sunrise and sunset view from the View Point
  • The trek is short and sweet to trek during the whole year
  • Typically the trek starts from Pokhara with an hour’s drive to Kande and also ends in the magical city of Pokhara
  • Along the trail, we pass the different species of birds and animals found in the Annapurna region,
  • Opportunity to explore the typical traditional lifestyle of the people during the trek to Mardi Himal
  • The Mardi Himal Trek is the best trekking destination for those who are looking for a less crowded trail
  • The trek offers the best mixture of Adventure thrilling experience, diverse culture, and natural beauty

Mardi Himal Trek Overview

A lesser-known hiking route in Nepal’s Annapurna region , the Mardi Himal trek gives magnificent views of Mt. Annapurn a, Mt. Dhaulagiri , Mt. Fishtail and Mt. Himchuli along with the typical local traditions of the communities.

The Mardi Himal Trek is popular among the young generation of the modern world while a huge number of domestic and international trekkers love to trek to the destination. The trail to the Mardi Himal is moderate and every age group of trekkers can trek to the Mardi Himal.

The Mardi Himal Trek typically starts from the Magical city of Pokhara. where you can explore boating in the Phew Lake along the city with the beautiful views of the Himalayas such as Annapurna , Fishtail and Dhaulagiri ranges from the city.

Reaching the beautiful and most famous city, the hub for Tourist-Pokhara, we drive to the starting point of our trek at Kande Nepal and the trail passes via the beautiful panoramic view of Pokhara city .

As we keep on gaining a high altitude towards the Mardi Himal, the Panoramic view of the Himalayas seems more mesmerizing. Along the trail, we will be crossing the villages of Forest Camp, Deurali, Low Camp, Badal Danda, and High Camp, exploring the traditional villages and interacting with the local people of the villages while passing via.

The major highlights of the summit of Mardi Himal Base Camp at an elevation of 4,500 M above sea level which offers the beautiful panoramic views of Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Himchuli, and the beautiful sunrise from the base camp. The trail to reach the summit is more challenging to climb the hills but it is worth it when you reach the Mardi Himal Base camp for beautiful views.

The Mardi Himal Trek can be completed in 5-7 days depending on your Itinerary and the way of walking to the high elevation in the Himalayas. The best time to trek Mardi Himal is the Spring and Autumn seasons. You may also explore the Mardi Himal Trek during the winter season as well with the beautiful snow-covered Himalayas and the hilltop While trekking in the winter season you need good fit physical fitness and a good mentality.

Along the trail to the Mardi Himal, we encounter a dense forest of Rhododendrons and a lush forest beside the trail with different species of birds and animals found in the Annapurna Region .

Itinerary of Mardi Himal Trek

Drive to pokhara(830m)  from kathmandu(1400m), drive about 7/8 hours..

Kathmandu(1400M), Drive about 7/8 hours. This morning we will drive to Pokhara-the magical city around 200 KM from Kathmandu.

Along the way to Pokhara, we get an opportunity to explore the beautiful panoramic views of the hills and the white water-Trishuli. As the road takes you like from the top of the hill to the base of the river following the Trishuli river beside we head towards the Pokhara city for our overnight stay.

Drive to Kande and trek to Deurali (2200m), approx. 4 hour Trek

After breakfast, we will drive to Kande which is an hour’s drive from Pokhara. Reaching Kande we commence our trek climbing up the hills with beautiful panoramic views of the Himalayas which leads to the Australian Base camp at an altitude of 2100M above sea level.

The trail from the Australia Base camp is easier and wider till Pothana from here the trail leads us to ascend for a few hours leading us to Deurali(2200m) for our overnight stay.

Trek to Low Camp (2,900m) approx 7 hours Trek

After breakfast this morning, we will depart the Annapurna Sanctuary Trail in favor of the busiest and least congested route to the Mardi Himal Trek.Oak trees, rhododendron blooms, and a thick canopy of flora and fauna along our trail.

After a few hours of forest trekking, we reach Forest Camp and proceed up some stairs through a thick rhododendron forest, which leads to Low Camp, where we will spend the night.

Trek to High Camp (3,150m), approx 5-6 hours Trek

Today’s trail starts with passing through the forest of Oak and Rhododendrons beside the trails and leading us to Badal Danda. It offers beautiful majestic views of the Himalayas such as Machapuchre, Annapurna South, Himchuli, and Mardi Himal.

After walking for a few hours from Badal Danda the tree lines start to disappear and the Himalayan small herbs and shrubs start to appear along the trail. The trail passes on the top of the hills with wide paths and crosses the trekkers along the way.

Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) approx 5-6 hours Trek

Early this morning we will wake up around 4 AM and will hike to the ViewPoint for the sunrise view. To reach the viewpoint the trails are a bit challenging as we need to hike in the early morning with our torch light.

Reaching the viewpoint of Mardi Himal Trek it offers a good majestic view of the snow-capped Himalayas such as Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre, and Mardi Himal. Sunrise from the viewpoint seems mesmerizing as while it hits the face of Mt.Machhapuchhre directly with red sun rays the mountains look like gold plated on the snow from itself. After exploring the viewpoint and Mardi Himal Base Camp we descend down to the Tea House for an overnight stay.

Trek to Siding village 1,750 m, approx 6 hours Trek

After a pleasant night at High camp, after our breakfast in the morning with our heavy hearts we descend down to Low camp and change our trail which leads us to the village of siding. Along the trail to the siding, we follow the dense forest of Rhododendron flowers and the Oak beside the trail leading us to the Siding Village for overnight.

Trek a little bit and catch transport back to Pokhara,approx.3 hours a trek  and 2 hour's drive back to Pokhara

Today our trail leads us to the Village of Kalimati and Ghalel which is mainly the Gurung and Brahmins community. After crossing via the Kalimati village we head to the Lumre to meet up with our transportation to drive us back to Pokhara city for our overnight stay . And also to spend the successful trek party with our guide and fellow team members in the city witnessing the fresh air of Phewa Lake in the nighttime.

What is Included in the Mardi Himal Trek ?

What's included.

  • Airport Pick up
  • Kathmandu –Pokhara by Tourist Bus with A/C
  • Pokhara to Kande by Private Car
  • Siding to Pokhara by Private Car
  • All standard meals full board with tea/ coffee (Lunches, Dinners, and Breakfasts) during the trek
  • Best available lodge accommodation during the trek twin sharing government licensed holder Blue Lake
  • Adventure experienced trek Guide and porter ( Every two trekkers 1 Porter Carry 12 kg Baggage Guide and porter include their salary, meals, lodging, and insurance
  • Water purification tablets for safe drinking water during the trek
  • (ACAP) Permit Annapurna Conservation area
  • (TIMS) card Trekkers Information Management System
  • Everyday Seasonal Fruits
  • Down Jackets, Sleeping Bag, Blue Lake Adventure T-Shirt, and Annapurna Base camp map ( Down jacket and Sleeping bag to be returned after the trek )
  • Medical Kits
  • All Nepal Government taxes and office expenses
  • Rescue operations in case of complicated in funded by travel insurance
  • Blue Lake Adventure Certificate after the successful trek
  • Farewell Dinner in Kathmandu
  • Airport drop

What's Excluded?

  • International Flights ticket
  • Nepal Entry visa fee
  • Visa Cost on Arrival in International Airport Kathmandu (15 Days, $ 25- $30 30 Days – $40-50, and 90 days- $100-110)
  • Extra luggage (limit is 12 kg per trekker)
  • All Accommodation and meals before and after the journey in Kathmandu
  • Lunch and dinner in Pokhara and Kathmandu
  • Personal Expenses (Snacks, ( tea/ Coffee) cold drinks, Alcohol, Boil water Wi-Fi, hot shower, battery re-Charge, telephone call, and extra porter
  • Personal Gear and clothes
  • Personal Trekking equipment
  • Tips, Guide, Porter, restaurant, Driver
  • Additional Costs like delays caused due to circumstances beyond our control, for example- itinerary modification, change of government policy, Strikes, illness landslide, etc

Additional Information

Mardi Himal Trek organized by Blue Lake Adventure lets you explore the Annapurna Region of Nepal. You can discover different scenic beauties throughout the trek. Also, there are several factors that need to be considered during the Mardi Himal Trek. In general, the accommodation, food, and several facilities are included in the package offered by us.

Also, all the permit fees are provided by the team of Blue Lake Adventure. For basic information, having knowledge about the climate, and temperature during the seasons is crucial in trekking.

Accommodation during the Mardi Himal Trek

In the Annapurna region, the Mardi Himal Trek is a less popular trekking destination or trail. Accommodations for the trek to Mardi Himal are typically located in the tea houses and lodges that may be found along the way.

The Tea House and Lodges on the route to Mardi Himal Trek offer cozy and comfortable bedrooms to all trekkers with a shared bathroom. while some lodges and tea houses might provide attached bathrooms as well.

While trekking, the accommodation, and accessibility vary depending on the elevation, altitude, and terrain of the tea house located in the Himalayas. The first stop where accessibility is easier does provide good and comfortable with more services and good food to the trekkers.

The more the good access to transportation the more the good service they offer to the guest. The Tea house offers the guest with good Wi-Fi connection, Hot showers, and good views of the Himalayas from the balcony of the tea house. The connection of Wi-Fi speed depends on the weather conditions in the high elevation.

You may also get the chance to chit-chat with fellow trekkers from different nations inside the dining hall with the Himalayan heater in the middle which makes the whole dining hall cozy and warm to stay in.

Cultural Diversity

The Mardi Himal Trek provides trekkers with spectacular panoramic views of the Himalayas as well as the distinct culture, traditions, and faiths of the Himalayan locals.

The local communities in the Annapurna Region are rich in culture, the friendliness of the people, and the history that is connected with the Himalayas.

The Indigenous community such as Gurung and Rai follow different religions and traditions with different cultures of their own. The trekkers will get an opportunity to explore the diverse cultures of the Gurung and Rai communities.

In every religion, people do have their festivals and their kind of celebrating the festivals with the people within the community. You will get in-depth to know more about the history of the culture and the civilization of the people during the Mardi Himal Trek.

Wearing the typical local dress of the Himalayan people while trekking to Mardi Himal Trek will make you feel the good vibes of being Himalayan People. Trying the traditional dress in the gurung and rai community you feel like you are in a new mode with shiny faces, you may capture pictures and videos to share happiness with friends and loved ones.

While passing through the local communities and villages we see the people going for their day-to-day activities like going to the field, cultivating vegetables, spinning the wool, and children playing in the street of the village with their friends.

Altitudes Coverage during Mardi Himal Trek

The Mardi Himal Trek is the most famous trekking spot for all age group people. The trekking route reaches the max altitude of 4,500 M above sea level which is Mardi Base Camp. As to summit the Mardi Base Camp ascending is more challenging and obstacles to summit MBC with a narrow path on the top of the hills.

During the trekking to Mardi Himal, the path goes steeply climbing and hiking within the forest to crossing the Forest camp and Potana on the trail.

The more altitude we gain we follow the good and beautiful scenery of the Himalayas and the chance of being affected via AMS(Acute Mountain Sickness) which normally gets active from the height of 2,500 M. While it is important to become familiar with the Himalayan environment.

Best Time To Trek for Mardi Himal

The Mardi Himal trek can be done the whole year while the best time to trek in the Annapurna region is September to November and March to May is considered the peak trekking season in Nepal. With a huge number of trekkers moving towards the dream destination in the Himalayas. The season and the weather will be clean and cozy with warm sun and beautiful views of the Himalayas. The mountains will open up with great views and spread good vibes to trekkers for their good and happy trekking in the Himalayas.

While April May is the month of climbing the mountains and pushing for the summits. There will be lots of expedition lovers getting ready and preparing the gears and equipment for the summit push from Base camp to camp 1 or more in the high altitude of the Himalayas.

During the month the snowfall does not occur in the Himalayas and different types of flowers will bloom in the forest which attracts the trekkers to join the next trekking destination as well. The clean weather with greenery and beautiful forest beside the trail takes your breath for a while.

Trekking to Mardi Himal, during the winter is also a good time for the person willing to witness the snowfall in the Himalayas. you can explore more good snow-capped Himalayas vistas from the trail of Mardi Himal Trek. While trekking in the winter season you need to be in good physical fitness and a professional guide to instruct you during your trek to Mardi Himal.

Permits During the Trek

While trekking to the Mardi Himal in the Annapurna Region, certain permits should be issued before the trek. The permits collected will be used for the conservation of the Annapurna region and the reconstruction of the Trekking route and trail for the ease of trekkers. Additionally, it works to preserve many animal and bird species that can be found in the Annapurna region.

The following Permits entrance should be issued before commencing the trek:

ACAP(Annapurna Conservation Area Permit)

The Annapurna Conservation Area Permit should be issued to enter the conservation area in the Annapurna region of Nepal. The permit entrance is available in the office of the Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu and also in Pokhara.

TIMS Card (Trekker’s Information Management System)

The TIMS card is mandatory for all trekkers while commencing the trek in different destinations within Nepal. The TIMS should be shown to the officials at the checkpost during the trial. The TIMS cards are available at the office of the Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu.

Mardi Himal Trek Cost

The  Mardi Himal  Trek cost mainly depends upon the number of trekking days and the time of the trekking season, the type of accommodation and services you choose, and whether you are hiring a porter and guide or not to assist you in the Himalayas to achieve the dream destination successfully.

The following are the main costs during your trek in Mardi Himal Trek:

Permits : During your trek to Mardi Himal, TIMS card and ACAP permits are mandatory to trek in the Annapurna region which costs around USD 20-30 per person. If you are trekking to restricted areas in the Annapurna region then Special Permits for restricted areas should be issued which cost around USD 500-1000, such as Thorong La Pass, Upper Mustang, and Nar Phu.

Guide or Porter : Hiring of Guide is more important while trekking to high altitudes in the Annapurna region. Hiring a guide and porter will make your trekking journey more reliable and comfortable which only costs around USD 25-30 per day to guide and hiring Porter costs around USD 20-25 per day.

Transportation : Trekking to Mardi HimalTrek, you may go via flight or roadways to Pokhara from Kathmandu. So while planning the trek, make bookings of flights and all the roadways vehicles for the smooth operation of the trek to Mardi Himal Trek. The cost of a vehicle increases as the mode of transport you choose while trekking to Mardi Himal in the Annapurna region.

By this, you might have come up with an idea for the Mardi Himal Trek and its package offered by Blue Lake Adventure. Booking this package is easier and more trustworthy with us because we are a government-registered company with more than 10+ years of experience.

If trekking in Nepal excites you then you should definitely try trekking to Mardi Himal. You can easily book with us by going through the booking section and choosing a fixed departure effective for you. Also, you can send us an email at [email protected] or contact us through the contact page .

FAQ of Mardi Himal Trek

The height of the Mardi Himal Base Camp trek is 4,500 M above sea level.

Mardi Himal Trek typically 5-7 days to complete the whole trek.

The best time for Mardi Himal Trek is September to November and March to May.

Mardi Himal Trek is a moderate trekking destination where people of every age group can join the trek in a group.

During the trek to Mardi Himal Deurali and siding do have shower facilities while others don’t. If you are willing to java shower then you may have a bucket shower.

The WI-FI is available at every tea house and lodge they do charge a small amount of cash to use it.

Yes, you may change your accessories with solar power in low camp and high camp. The electricity is available only at Deurali and Siding.

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  • 15 Years of Experinces in Himalayas trekking and tours
  • Owner operated trekking company
  • Easy and secure online booking
  • Best price guaranteed
  • Private trip departures everyday

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Mardi Himal Trek - 5 Days

Mardi Himal Trek 5 Days

  • Duration 5 Days
  • Trip Grade Moderate
  • Trip Destination Mardi Himal
  • Starts at Kathmandu/Pokhara
  • Ends at Pokhara
  • Max. Altitude 4500 M
  • Trip Type Tea house trek
  • Transport Public Vehicle
  • Accommodation Teahouse and Camping
  • A short and moderate trek to the base camp of Mardi Himal
  • Beautiful flora and fauna cover the trekking trail.
  • Stunning views of the Mardi Himal along with Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and many more
  • Moderate level of trekking, suitable for trekkers of all age groups.
  • The best alternative to peaceful and private trekking experience.
  • Less crowded trekking trail in Annapura Conservation Area.

The Mardi Himal Trek is a popular trekking destination in Nepal . It offering a unique and enchanting experience for trekkers. It is located in the Annapurna region Kaski District  of Nepal. 

Mardi Himal Trekking is known for its stunning landscapes and breathtaking views of the Annapurna range Himayas, including the majestic Machapuchare peak (also known as Fish Tail Mountain) .

Mardi Himal Trek is a 5 days moderate trekking trip to the base camp of Mardi Himal in the Annapurna region of Nepal .

Since its opening in 2012, this trekking route has grown increasingly popular every year. Due to its popularity, this trek is considered a 5 star trek for beginners globally.

This 5 day Madi Himal hike is the best alternative for beginners. Before attempting the Everest base camp trek or the Annapura base camp trek .  The trekking trail is less crowded than other treks in Nepal. 

You will have a peaceful and private trekking experience throughout your journey. During your 5 day trek to Mardi Himal, you will cover a total distance of approximately 60 to 65 km .

This trek, you will hike through the Annapurna Sanctuay , start at 820 meters (Pokahara) and reach 4500 meters ( Mardi Himal Base Camp ).

The experince of trekking in Mardi Himal trail is exceptional. You will hike through rhododendron forests, across suspension bridges, and through small streams. The beautiful views of the Himalayas are one of the best parts of the 5 days trek.

This trek also takes you through dense forests of rhododendron, oak, and pine, which are home to a variety of flora and fauna. You can spot various species of birds, including the Himalayan Monal, which is Nepal's national bird. 

This trekking journey to Mardi Himal offers an exceptional blend of breathtaking vistas, difficult terrain, and cultural immersion. It is an excellent chance to explore the natural beauty of Nepal in a short time.

Short Itinerary of Mardi Himal Trek in 5 Days

Day 1:  Drive from Pokhara (820 m) to Kande (1770 m) and trek to Deurali (2100m) via Pothana( 1,890 m)

Day 2:  Trek to Low Camp (2970 m) from Pittam Deurali (2100m)

Day 3:  Trek to High Camp (3,580 m) from Low Camp (2970 m)

Day 4:  Hike to Mardi Base Camp (4500 m) and trek down to Sidding (1750 m)

Day 5:  Drive Back to Pokhara (820 m) from Siding (1,750 m)

Mardi Himal Trekking Route

Pokhara > Kande > Deurali > Low Camp > Deurali > High Camp > Mardi Base Camp > Mardi View Point > Sidding > Pokhara

Our Mardi Himal Trekking route starts with an hour-long drive from Pokhara (820 meters) to Kande (1770 meters) . The hike begins at Kande with a moderate ascent to Deurali (2,100 meters) via Pothana (1,950 meters) .

You will cover a distance of approximately 12 km , which will take around 6 to 7 hours . You will see amazing views of the Annapurna range as you walk through beautiful rhododendron forests.

On the second day , you will trek from Deurali to Low Camp (2,970 meters) . It will takes approx. 5 to 6 hours to cover a distance of roughly 6 km .

The scenery changes as you go up. The forests get thinner, and the views become more open. Low Camp provides a closer look at Machapuchare (Fishtail Mountain) and the Annapurna range.

You will be trekking from Low Camp to High Camp (3,580 meters). It is about 5 km away and takes about 4 to 5 hours.

Although the path gets steeper and harder, the views of Mardi Himal , Machapuchare , and the Annapurna range are breathtaking as seen in cover image.

The highlight of your trek is reaching Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500 meters) . You will trek for about 3–4 hours to cover the 4 km distance to the base camp.

The trekking trail is steep and can be challenging. However, the breathtaking views from the top are memorable.

After some time you'll return to High Camp before continuing on to Siding (1,750 meters) . You will cover a total of about 15 km over 4 to 5 hours . The descent takes you through lush forests and diverse landscapes.

On the final day, you'll take a drive back to Pokhara. The distance from Siding to Pokhara is around 44km , which will take approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete.

Here's the detailed Places during you adventure trekking to Mardi Himal along with distance, duration and elevation. 

Trek Duration and Difficulty 

You can complete the Mardi Himal Trek in as little as five days. One can do this trek for varying lengths depending on their preference and availability of time.

Hence, it is a perfect choice for people who may have only a short period available in Nepal.

This trek is moderately hard . The Mardi Himal trek is doable for beginners as well as experienced trekkers . Anyone can do this trek with minimal physical exertion.

Note: You can also complete the Mardi Himal Trek in 3 or 4 days. If you want to complete the trek in less than 5 days, then you can contact us, as we offer a customizable itinerary that fits your requirements.

Best Time to Trek

The best time to do the Mardi Himal Trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (October to early December) seasons.

During these months, the weather is usually clear and pleasant, providing optimal conditions for trekking. It is important to note that the summer months (June to mid-September) are the monsoon season in Nepal. Due to increase in rainfall and the risk of leeches. We do not recommend to do this trek in Monsoon seson. 

Why book this journey with us?

  • We are 5-star leading trekking company in Nepal with 100% trek success rate and customer satisfaction rate. 
  • Our package is customizable to align with your holiday schedule, budget, and capabilities.
  • We provide experienced and knowledgeable guides who speak fluent English.
  • Our guide will assist you throughout the trek.
  • We provide emergency evacuation service in case of emergency.
  • We offer a short trekking package at the best guaranteed price.
  • Our package includes a full trip with a three-time meal plan and fine accommodations.
  • We offer airport pick-up and drop-off service before and after the trek.
  • We have the easiest and fastest booking portal.
  • We have easy and secure booking and payment system

Mardi Himal Trek Cost for Group Joining and Solo Trek

The Mardi Himal Trek for 5 days costs $450 per person for the years 2024, 2025, and 2026 on a group basis from Pokhara to Pokhara.

Our Mardi Trek price includes airport transfer, food and accommodation during the trek, guide and porter, permits, and much more. For more details, visit our cost include and exclude section. 

If you are a single individual booking a group trip, then you will have to pay a single supplement of $100 while booking the trek. You can add a single supplement through our add-on section.

We have both cost for all kind of travelers; you can check them out in our cost section

Private Mardi Himal Costs for 2024, 2025 and 2026

The cost for private trekking on the Mardi Himal Trek. We provide the advantage of every-day departure for private trekking, so you can book the trek for any date. The higher the number of trekkers you have, the lesser the cost you will have to pay.

Note: This trek starts and ends in Pokhara. In addition to starting this trip from Kathmandu, please apply for add-ons for the following additional services. Contact us if you are above are in gorup of 15 Person

  • Flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara
  • Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara
  • Hotels in Kathmandu

Upon adding the additional services through our add-on section, you will be given domestic airport transfer services at the same cost . If you need any kind of assistance while booking these services, kindly contact us; we will be happy to help.

Book now and get free t-shirts, caps, and stickers.

Mardi Himal Trek Nepal

Day 1: Drive from Pokhara (820 m) to Kande (1770 m) and trek to Deurali (2100m) via Pothana( 1,890 m)

  • Duration Driving Time- 1 Hours & Trekking Time- 4 Hours
  • Highest Altitude 2,125m/69,72 ft
  • Accommodation Lodges

Your journey to Mardi Himal Base Camp starts early in the morning at your hotel. After breakfast, you will pack your bags and hand them over to your guide. After checking out of our hotel, you will carry your daypack and head toward Kande.

The guide will manage your luggage and you will drive from Pokhara to Kande, which is about a 45-minute drive. The drive provides you with beautiful views of the farmland and hills nearby. When you get to Kande (1,770 meters), the hike starts. The first part of the trek goes up slowly through dense woods and small towns.

To get to Pothana (1,890 meters), you will have to hike for about two to three hours and cover approximately 4 kilometers. Pothana is a picturesque town with breathtaking views of the Annapurna Range. You can take a short break here, drink some water, and enjoy the view.

After Pothana, the path goes on to Deurali, which is 2,100 meters above sea level. It takes an additional 4 to 5 hours of hiking to reach Deurali, which is an extra 7 km away. The path goes through rhododendron forests, and you can see the mountains from time to time. From Kande to Deurali, the total distance traveled today is about 12 km, and the elevation gain is about 330 meters.

When you get to Deurali, you'll spend the night in your teahouse. The small village of Deurali has simple services and a place to rest after the first day of trekking. You can have a filling dinner here, tell stories to other trekkers, and get ready for the next part of your trip.

  • Drive: Pokhara to Kande (45 minutes)
  • Trek Distance: 8 km
  • Trek Duration: 6 to 7 hours
  • Starting Elevation: 1,770 meters (Kande)
  • Ending Elevation: 2,100 meters (Deurali)
  • Elevation Gain: 330 meters

Day 2: Trek to Low Camp (2970 m) from Pittam Deurali (2100m)

  • Duration Trekking time: 7 hours
  • Highest Altitude 3,150m/ 10335ft

On the second day of Mradi Tre, you will wake up early, freshen up, and do some stretching for your day hike. Then you will have a hearty breakfast with a stunning view of Annapurna Himalaya in front. We recommend drinking a lot of water and making sure to pack your bags and hand them over to your guide before breakfast. This will simplify the process, as the guide will arrange your luggage accordingly. Also, we suggest keeping all the necessary belongings in your day bag.

Today, you will cover a distance of around 6 km, which will take around 5 to 6 hours, depending on your pace. During your journey from Pittam Deurali to Low Camp, our altitude gain will be around 870 meters.

After finishing breakfast at the Deurali camp, we will start our trekking adventure towards Low Camp. You'll gradually ascend through lush rhododendron and oak forests, taking in the peacefulness and natural beauty of the Annapurna region. The route is well-marked and quite straightforward at first, allowing you to fully enjoy the breathtaking views and natural mountain air.

As you progress, the trail grows steeper and the forest thins out, providing more breathtaking views of the neighboring peaks, especially Machapuchare (Fishtail Mountain). You'll take small breaks along the way to relax and hydrate, ensuring you have enough energy for the day ahead.

Around halfway along the trip, you'll reach a magnificent viewpoint with panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges. This is an excellent location to take photos and get some food before continuing your adventure.

The final part of the journey to Low Camp includes a higher elevation, but the effort is rewarded with even more stunning views. As you reach Low Camp, the terrain opens up, revealing a stunning backdrop of snow-capped peaks and lush valleys.

When you arrive at Low Camp (2970 meters), you will check into your teahouses and have some free time to relax and explore the region. After settling in, you'll enjoy a delicious dinner and can spend the evening telling stories with other hikers or simply relaxing in the peaceful mountain setting.

Trek Distance: 6 km

Trek Duration: 5-6 hours

Starting Elevation: 2,100 meters (Deurali)

Ending Elevation: 2,970 meters (Low Camp)

Elevation Gain: 870 meters

Day 3: Trek to High Camp (3,580 m) from Low Camp (2970 m)

  • Duration Trekking Time 4 Hours
  • Highest Altitude 3700m / 12,140ft

On the third day of the Mardi Himal Trek, you'll wake up early at Low Camp to fresh mountain air and breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks. After freshening up and stretching in the morning, you will eat a delicious breakfast to fuel your day's adventure. Drink plenty of water and prepare your day bag with essentials before handing over the rest of your belongings to your guide for porters to carry.

Today, you will cover a distance of around 5 km, which will take around 4 to 5 hours, depending on your pace. During your journey from Low Camp to High Camp, our altitude gain will be around 610 meters.

After breakfast, we will begin our trek to High Camp. The trail today is steeper and more difficult than the previous days, but the spectacular view makes every step worthwhile. As you leave Low Camp, you will continue your journey through stunning rhododendron and oak woodlands. The higher elevation and less dense forest will let you see the beautiful mountains better.

As you ascend, the trail gradually becomes steeper, and the landscape changes from alpine meadows to rocky terrain. 

About halfway through the trek, you'll reach a ridge with panoramic views of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and Machapuchare (Fishtail Mountain). This is a fantastic place to take a breather, take photos, and admire the beauty of the Himalayas.

As you continue, the trail to High Camp narrows and becomes more rugged. The extra altitude may slow you down, but it's critical to take your time and acclimate correctly. 

When you arrive at High Camp (3,580 meters), you will check into your teahouses and have some free time to explore the region. In the evening, you will have a nice dinner and the opportunity to share tales with other hikers or simply relax in the mountains. 

Distance: Approximately 5 km

Duration: 4–5 hours

Starting Elevation: 2,970 meters (Low Camp)

Ending Elevation: 3,580 meters (High Camp)

Elevation Gain: 610 meters

Day 4: Hike to Mardi Base Camp (4500 m) and trek down to Sidding (1750 m)

  • Duration Trekking Time: 7-8 Hours
  • Highest Altitude 4500m / 14,764ft

On the fourth day of the Mardi Himal Trek, you'll wake up early at High Camp, ready for the most exciting part of your adventure. After getting cleaned up and stretching, you'll have a filling breakfast with stunning views of the peaks nearby. Drink plenty of water and pack only the basics in your daypack, leaving the rest with your guide for the porters.

Today, you will cover a distance of around 15 km (4 km to Base Camp and 11 km to Siding), which will take around 9 to 10 hours (3-4 hours to Base Camp and 6-7 hours to Siding), depending on your pace. During your journey from High Camp to Mardi Base camp and Back to Siding via High Camp, our altitude gain will be around 920 meters (High camp to Base Camp).

After breakfast, you'll start your journey to Mardi Himal Base Camp. The journey today is difficult, with steep ascents and rough terrain, but the breathtaking scenery will keep you going. As you travel higher, the scenery becomes more alpine, with limited greenery and panoramic views of snow-capped peaks.

The hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500 meters) takes 3–4 hours and covers around 4 kilometers. As you climb, you'll be rewarded with panoramic vistas of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and Machapuchare (Fishtail Mountain). The last part of the trail to base camp is steep, so be careful where you step. But you'll never forget the thrill of reaching the top.

When you get at Mardi Himal Base Camp, you will have some time to relax, take photos, and enjoy the amazing views. The base camp provides a 360-degree panorama of the spectacular Himalayan peaks, making the effort worthwhile.

After spending some time at the base camp, you'll start your descent back to High Camp. The downhill trek is easier, but requires careful footing. After returning to High Camp, you will have a little rest before completing your descent to Siding.

The trip down to Siding (1,750 meters) is around 15 kilometers long and takes about 7-8 hours in total, including the descent from the base camp. The route leads you through beautiful woodlands, terraced fields, and picturesque villages. The view changes dramatically as you descend, transitioning from alpine to lush forests and farmed areas. Upon arrival, you will check into your lodge, where you can rest and enjoy a warm meal. 

Distance: Approximately 19 km (4 km to Base Camp + 15 km to Siding)

Duration: 10–12 hours (3–4 hours to Base Camp, 7-8 hours to Siding)

Starting Point: 3,580 meters (High Camp)

Ending Point: 1,750 meters (Siding)

Elevation Gain: 920 meters ascent, 2,750 meters descent

Day 5: Drive Back to Pokhara (820 m) from Siding (1,750 m)

  • Duration Drive: 2 to 3 Hours
  • Highest Altitude 822m / 2695ft
  • Accommodation Hotel

After breakfast, it's time to say goodbye to Siding and begin your journey back to Pokhara. The journey from Siding to Pokhara is around 44 kilometers and takes about 2–3 hours, depending on road conditions. You'll journey through stunning rural landscapes, terraced farms, and attractive towns, catching one last sight of the Annapurna region's magnificence. The drive is pretty simple and gives a smooth transition back to Pokhara's vibrant city life.

Upon arrival in Pokhara, you'll check into your hotel and spend the rest of the day relaxing and recharging. You can also use this opportunity to visit Pokhara's various attractions, including Phewa Lake, the World Peace Pagoda, and the lively Lakeside neighborhood. Enjoy a fantastic supper at one of the numerous local eateries while reflecting on the incredible journey you've just completed.

Distance: Around 44 Km

Duration: 2 to 3 hours (drive)

Starting Point:  1,750 meters (Siding)

Ending Point: 820 meter (Pokhara)

Our team guides, porters and accompanying staff are locals with a broad knowledge about each and every location that we travel through.

Mardi Himal Trek - 5 Days map

What's Included

Domestic & international airport pickup and drop-off services.

  • International arrival pickup
  • International drop-off on your final departure day


  • Kande from Pokhara by local transportation
  • Mardipul to Pokhara by local transportation


4 nights at local teahouses or lodges

Trekking Permit

  • Local Government Entry Permit (Trek Card)
  • Trekkers Information Management Systems Card (TIMS)
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Entry Permit (ACAP)

Food During the trek

  • 4 Breakfast: Local and continental choices from tea house Menu
  • 5 Lunch: Simple and light lunch in lunch camp tea houses 
  • 4 Dinner: Veg and Non-Veg Meals of your Choice: domestic and continental foods from the local tea house Menu

Includes Guide/Porter Services & Their Liabilities

  • English-speaking government trekking guide with a minimum of 10 years experience
  • All meals for Guide/Porter
  • Insurances for Guide & Porter (Emergency evacuation and accidental medical expenses)
  • Salary as per the company standard rate (which is recommended by the concerned association of the tourism industry)
  • A first-aid kit box carried by our team
  • Local sherpa (1 porter for 2 trekkers). If you book the trip solo, then you will need single supplement

What's Excluded

  • International flight fares
  • Nepal entry visa fees
  • Kathmandu to Pokhara transportation( you can apply for an add-on service whike booking)
  • Hotels in Pokhara (if you want the service, then you can use our addon service)
  • Any kind of drinks (tea, coffee, water, hot water, etc) and bar bills (alcoholic beverages)
  • Hot shower, WIFI, any electronic battery charges during only in trekking  
  • Tips and gratitude to your guides, porters, and drivers
  • Extra night accommodation or meals in Pokhara or Kathmandu because of early arrival, late departure, or early return from trekking (due to any reason) than the scheduled itinerary
  • Your travel insurance (Covering both medical & emergency evacuation with a minimum of USD 100,000)

Boutique Hotel in Kathmandu (USD 50 per night)

If you want us to arrange a hotel in Kathmandu, you can simply book the service through our add-on section, and we will book it on your behalf. The cost of a hotel in Kathmandu is $50 per night.

Kathmandu to Pokhara Flight (USD 106 Per Person)

If you want to fly from Kathmandu to Pokhara, you can book it through us for $106 per person. We'll arrange everything for you, so you can have a smooth trip.

Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Buses (USD 30)

For a cheaper option, you can take a tourist bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara. It costs $30 per person, and we'll reserve your seat for you.

Kathmandu to Pokhara by Private Car (USD 150)

If you prefer a more comfortable ride, you can hire a private vehicle for $150 for up 3 people. We'll organize it for you, and you can enjoy a flexible and convenient journey.

Kathmandu to Pokhara by Private Jeep (USD 250)

If you prefer a more comfortable ride, you can hire a private vehicle for $250 for up to pax. We'll organize it for you, and you can enjoy a flexible and convenient journey.

Boutique Hotel in Pokhara (USD 50 per night)

To stay in Pokhara, you can book a hotel through us starting at $50 per night. We'll find a suitable accommodation for you, ensuring you have a pleasant stay in Pokhara.

Private Porter for Single Traveler Booking (USD 100)

We only provide porter service for bookings of at least two individuals. If you are booking a single trip, whether private or group, you can use our add-on service for porters. This will cost $100 per person

Availability & Private Trip

For those interested in  joining a group tour , we offer a  fixed departure date . However, if you prefer to choose your  own date  for the trip, we encourage you to explore our  Book a Private Trip  section, which provides the flexibility of booking on any day of your choice, as private trips offer  daily availability .

We provide Porter services only for a minimum booking of  2 or more people . If you are traveling alone, the cost of  Porter services is extra . Please apply add-ons to get Porter services for carrying your luggage on a  Private Trek  or in a  Group Joining Trek.

Pick Your Suitable Date

Packing lists.

  • Trekking pants (convertible pants are versatile)
  • Trekking T-shirts
  • Moisture-wicking base layers
  • Insulating layers (fleece jacket or down jacket)
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket
  • Underwear and socks (moisture-wicking)
  • Warm hat and gloves
  • Sun hat or cap
  • Bandana or scarf
  • Hiking boots (broken-in and waterproof)
  • Comfortable trekking socks (wool or synthetic)
  • Backpack (25-40 liters)
  • Sleeping bag (3-season rated)
  • Trekking poles (optional but helpful)
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Sunscreen (SPF 30+)
  • Lip balm with SPF
  • Personal first aid kit (band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, blister treatment)
  • Insect repellent

Hydration and Nutrition:

  • Water bottles or hydration system (2-3 liters capacity)
  • Water purification tablets or filter
  • High-energy snacks (trail mix, energy bars, chocolate)
  • Electrolyte powder or sports drinks


  • Lightweight towel
  • Toilet paper and hand sanitizer
  • Personal toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, biodegradable soap)
  • Multi-tool or knife
  • Camera or smartphone for photos
  • Notebook and pen
  • Cash (Nepali rupees) for purchases and tips

Optional Items:

  • Portable solar charger
  • Lightweight camp shoes or sandals
  • Book or e-reader
  • Deck of cards or travel games

Permits for the Mardi Himal Short Trek.

The permits required for Mardi HImal Trek are included included in the trekking package. Before the trek begins, we will secure the ACAP and TIMS cards on your behalf. This means you can enjoy the trip without worrying about paperwork. Just make sure you provide us with the appropriate information and documents, and we will handle the rest.

There are two permits you need to hike the Mardi Himal route. They are the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP), the Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) card and local area permits. These permits are necessary to enter the Annapurna region, which helps to assure the area's safety and preservation.

Food During Mardi Himal Trek

Mardi Himal Trek offers a variety of food options to cater to all types of dietary requirements. our trekking package includes food expenses during the trek, so you don't have to worry about it.

The food in the Mardi Himal area is full of flavour and gives you a taste of the area's traditional food culture. Dal bhat, a staple dish in the Himalayan region, is a combination of lentil soup and rice, served with vegetables and pickles.

It is an excellent source of carbohydrates and proteins, making it a popular choice for trekkers. Additionally, the local tea, known as Masala Chai, is a popular beverage that can be enjoyed with snacks like biscuits and noodles.

Along the trail, there are numerous tea houses that offer a variety of international cuisine. For those who prefer a Western-style breakfast, options like pancakes, omelettes, and toast are readily available.

Similarly, for lunch and dinner, one can find a range of options like pizza, pasta, sandwiches, and burgers. These dishes are ideal for those who are not used to the local food or who have specific dietary requirements.

It is essential to stay hydrated during the trek, and therefore, it is recommended to drink at least three litres of water per day. Bottled water is available at tea houses and shops along the trail. Additionally, there are several options for hot drinks like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate that can help keep you warm in the cold weather.

Mardi Himal Trek Accommodation

Mardi Himal trekking route in Nepal offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels and tea houses, which provide basic necessities for day-to-day life. These accommodations are equipped with necessary equipment and facilities, such as single beds, thin mattresses, sockets for charging mobile phones, and shared bathrooms.

Accommodation expenses throughout the journey are included in the package cost, so you don't have to worry about them as we will arrange them throughout the trek.

It is worth noting that there are no separate toilets available on this route, so trekkers should be prepared to share the bathroom facilities with others. In addition, hot water for showers may not be available in all tea houses, but some may offer a bucket of hot water at an extra charge.

It is important to note that the availability of hot water may not be guaranteed in higher altitude locations such as high camp and base camp, as the weather conditions can be harsh and it may be difficult to maintain a steady supply of hot water.

Despite these basic facilities, the tea houses and hotels along the Mardi Himal route provide a comfortable and safe place for trekkers to rest and recharge after a long day of trekking.

The accommodation options are affordable and provide an opportunity for travelers to connect with the local culture and experience the hospitality of the Nepalese people.

Mardi Himal Trek Difficulty

The 5 Days Mardi Himal Trekking is considered a moderate trek. It involves daily hikes of 4 to 6 hours, with some steep ascents and descents. The highest point of the trek is Mardi Himal Base Camp, at 4,500 meters, which can be challenging due to the thinner air at high altitude. However, the trail is well-marked and doesn't require technical climbing skills. Trekkers should be in good physical condition and prepared for changing weather. Proper acclimatization, staying hydrated, and pacing yourself will help manage the trek's difficulty. 

Extra Cost for Kathmandu To Pokhara

Travel insurance for mardi himal trek 5 days.

If you're planning on going on a Mardi Himal 5-day trek, it's important to consider getting travel insurance to protect yourself in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Trekking can involve a certain amount of risk, and it's important to have peace of mind while you're out exploring the stunning Himalayan scenery.

With travel insurance, you can be covered for a range of issues, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost or stolen luggage, and more. Be sure to carefully read and understand the policy you choose, as some insurance providers may have restrictions or exclusions for high-altitude activities like trekking.

It's always better to be safe than sorry, so consider investing in travel insurance before you set off on your Mardi Himal adventure.

Temperature and Weather during Mardi Himal trek

Safety tips for mardi himal trek.

The 5 days trek to Mardi Himal  is relatively short and easy compared to other treks in the region. It's important to take safety precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trekking experience. Here are some safety tips for the short Mardi Himal trek:

  • Hire an experienced and licensed guide for the trek. A local guide knows the trails well, the weather conditions, and how to deal with altitude sickness.
  • Train for the trek by doing cardio exercises and walking on uneven terrain. 
  • Get a medical checkup to ensure you're fit to trek. 
  • Bring proper clothing and gear like trekking shoes, warm clothing, and a rain jacket.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can cause altitude sickness.
  • Know the symptoms of altitude sickness, which include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms, descend to a lower altitude immediately.
  • The trail can be rocky and uneven, so watch your step to avoid tripping or falling. Use trekking poles for added stability.
  • Keep a safe distance from animals like yaks and donkeys, which are common on the trail.
  • Be respectful of the local culture and customs. 
  • Dress modestly and ask for permission before taking photos of people or religious sites.
  • Don't venture off the trail, as it can be dangerous and damage the fragile ecosystem.
  • Bring a first-aid kit and know how to use it in case of emergencies.
  • Check the weather forecast before heading out and be prepared for changes in weather conditions. Don't trek in extreme weather conditions.

Simialr Trip

Apart from the 5-day trek to Mardi Himal, we do have many other similar treks in Annapurna region of Nepal. We offer short to long treks that showcase the exceptional beauty of Nepal. Here is a list of some similar treks, ranging from short to long.

Annapurna Short Trek

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek: 3 days

Annapurna Luxury Trek 

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Circuit Trek

Similarly, if you want to explore the Everest region of Nepal, you can choose from the following Everest trekking packages :

Everest Base Camp Trek  5-Day 

Short Everest Base Camp Trek 

Everes base camp Trek with Helicopter Return

Everest Luxury Trek 

Everest Base Camp Trek 

Everest Circuit Trek

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. what kinds of food do we get during mardi himal trekking.

Delicious typical Dal, Bhat, Tarkari, and some international cuisines like Tibetan, Chinese, Indian, etc. are available during Mardi himal Trekking. In beverages, you can get tea, coffee, flavored drinks, beer, vodka, etc.

Q2. What is the height of Mardi himal, and up to what height we will reach?

Mardi himal is raised up in an altitude of 5,587 meters. We will trek up to base camp of Mardi himal and its altitude is 4,500meters. But, we are staying at High Camp and High Camp is elevated at 3,900 meters from sea level.

Q3. Is there any age limit for Mardi himal Trek?

No, there is no age limit for Mardi himal trek. Individuals of any age group, any background, and any trekking level can do this 5 days Mardi himal trek. But be careful about your physical fitness and acclimatization.

Q4. What are the main views on Mardi himal Trek?

Mardi himal trek offers an amazing perspective on Annapurna massifs, Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchre (Fishtail Mountain), Manaslu ranges and Mardi himal itself. Other major attractions during trek remain the forest camp, high Camp, Mardi himal view point, Badal danda (Cloud Hill), traditional village - sidding, forest of rhododendron magnolia, and oak, suspension bridge, wooden bridge, terrace field, cascades, and river.

Q5. Is drinking water available and safe during the trek?

Nepal is the second richest country in water resources. You can find streams, ponds, and taps all over the place throughout the trek. But, drinking water directly from natural sources might not be safe. It would be better for you to carry water purifier tablets. You can pour water in a bottle with a tablet and after some time drink it. In this way, you can enjoy water directly coming from natural sources. Mineral water and bottled water are also available on trail-side hotels and tea houses.

Q6. It is my first trek, what I need to focus more on?

Mardi himal trek is an easy to moderate level trek. So, it won’t be difficult for those who are trekking for the first time. We have to cross a nasty trail for this trek, so it would be better to do some short trek or walk a nearby rocky way. Cardio practice like running, jogging, swimming are plus points for this trek.

Q7. How will I contact my family during the trek?

There is access to landline phones with ISD services or you can get a network in some places. You can directly contact me from your own phone, whenever there is network access. Also, some hotels have Wi-Fi service. You need to pay an extra charge for using the internet service.

Q8. Are there any luxury options for Mardi himal Trek?

If you want to explore Mardi himal but are not able to walk then we also operate the  Mardi himal helicopter tour . You can choose either a private helicopter tour or a group-joining tour depending upon your group size and comfort level.

Q9. What should I do if I become sick in the mid of the trek?

Don’t panic, just don’t hesitate to inform guide about your problem. Our guide will take action according to the level of your sickness. If there are minor problems, then the guide will look after you and take you to the near hospital.

Q10. What permits are required for Mardi himal 5 days trek?

The permits required for Mardi himal 5 days trek are TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) worth USD 20 and ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Permit) worth USD 20. These permits are made available from Tourism Board Offices in Kathmandu and Pokhara.

Q11. How difficult is 5 days' Mardi himal trek?

The highest point we reach during Mardi himal trek is 4,500 meters, which is the height of the base camp itself. Per-day walking distance is shorter as well. The height won't be problematic as we stand there for some time only. But the steep ascent and descent, narrow and edged path, remains difficult to cover. This is leveled as a moderate level of trekking in Nepal, despite steeps. 

Q12. Is solo Mardi himal trek available?

Yes, of course. You can do a solo trek to Mardi himal. But with a guided trek, there will be no problem in finding rooms, track, and direction.

Q13. What are the hardest days on Mardi himal trek?

The fourth day of the trek is the hardest day at Mardi himal trek. This day, we trek from high camp (3,580 meters) to Base Camp of Mardi (4,500 meters). Then trek down direct to Siding (1,750 meters). This day we have about 9 to 10 hours of walking; 4 hours of ascent (from high camp to base camp) and 5 to 6 hours of descent (from Base Camp to Sidding). Steep uphill and downhill trails with edges make the day the hardest of all.

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binod sapkota

Binod Sapkota

What our clients say, my 5 days photography expedition to mardi himal.

I undertook the Mardi Himal Trek specially for photography, and it was an extraordinary experience. The ever-changing landscapes provided endless opportunities for stunning shots. From the vibrant rhododendron forests to the majestic snow-capped peaks, every moment was picture-perfect. Nepal Trek Adventure was incredibly supportive, ensuring we were at the right spots at the right times for the best light. Their expertise made a significant difference in my photography expedition. Grateful for their outstanding service!


Mardi Himal Adventure Trek with Colleagues

Embarking on the Mardi Himal Trek as a team-building exercise with Nepal Trek Adventure was a decision that exceeded all expectations. As we ventured into the pristine Himalayan landscape, we discovered that this trek was not just about physical endurance, but a journey that fostered deep bonds among our team members outside the confines of the office.

The trek unfolded with awe-inspiring scenery at every turn, offering moments of tranquility and inspiration against the backdrop of majestic peaks. These vistas became the perfect canvas for us to reflect, recharge, and forge stronger connections as a team.

Nepal Trek Adventure's meticulous planning and the expertise of their guides were instrumental in making our experience seamless and enjoyable. From navigating the trails to ensuring our comfort and safety, their attention to detail ensured that we could focus on the journey and the shared experiences it brought.

This trek not only tested our individual limits but also reinforced our collective spirit and camaraderie. It was a journey where challenges turned into triumphs, and every step brought us closer together. Thank you, Nepal Trek Adventure, for orchestrating a memorable team adventure that will undoubtedly be cherished by each of us for years to come.

Overall Rating


Why travel with Nepal Trek Adventure?

Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition is one of the best local travel companies based in Kathmandu with leading adventures.

Our experienced guides have extensive knowledge of the local area and culture, ensuring a safe and authentic adventure.

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, from personalized trip planning to attentive support throughout your journey.

We understand that travel plans can change, which is why we offer flexible itineraries and customizable tours to meet your specific needs and preferences.

We strive to provide the best value for your money, with competitive pricing and transparent, all-inclusive pricing that eliminates hidden fees.

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  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek 4 Days
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek 5 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek 7 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Short Trek
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek 10 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek Solo
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek
  • Mardi Himal Trek 5 Days
  • Mardi Himal Trek
  • Khopra Ridge Trek 
  • Annapurna Tilicho Lake Trek
  • Jomsom Muktinath Trek
  • Australian Camp Pokhara
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  • Nar Phu Valley Trek
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  • Langtang Valley Trek
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  • Manaslu Circuit Trek
  • Short Manaslu Circuit Trek
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  • Everest View Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek 10 Days
  • Everest Gokyo Lake Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek 12 Days
  • Everest Cho la Pass Trek
  • Everest Three Passes Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek 14 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek Budget
  • Everest base Camp Trek With Helicopter Return
  • Phaplu to Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Upper Mustang Trek
  • Upper Mustang Jeep Tour
  • Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek
  • Ruby Valley Trek
  • Rara Lake Trek
  • Lower Dolpo Trek
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  • Kathmandu Chitwan Lumbini Tour
  • Kathmandu Pokhara Bandipur Tour
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  • Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour
  • Pokhara Muktinath overland tour
  • Bungee Jumping in Nepal
  • Dhorpatan Hunting Tour
  • Family Tour in Nepal
  • Helicopter Tour in Nepal
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Unveiling the Beauty of Mardi Himal Trek

The Mardi Himal Trek 5 Days  is a relatively new and less crowded trekking route located in the Annapurna region of Nepal. It is an excellent choice for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure with stunning scenery, cultural experiences, and a moderate level of difficulty.

The trek usually starts from Kande, passing through Australian Camp, Forest Camp, Low Camp, High Camp, and finally reaching Mardi Himal Base Camp. Each stop offers unique views and experiences, with High Camp providing an especially stunning panorama of the surrounding peaks.

The Mardi Himal Trek map outlines the route taken by trekkers through the Annapurna region, offering a visual guide to the key points and stops along the way.

The Mardi Himal Short Trek is a condensed version of the standard Mardi Himal Trek, designed for trekkers with limited time but who still want to experience the stunning landscapes and views of the Annapurna region. This trek can typically be completed in 5 days.

The Mardi Himal Trek 5 Days is perfect for trekkers looking for a quick yet fulfilling adventure in the Himalayas. It offers a blend of scenic beauty, cultural experiences, and a moderate challenge, all within a concise timeframe.

The Mardi Himal Trekking features a range of altitudes , starting from the lower foothills of the Annapurna region and ascending to the Mardi Himal Base Camp . Here’s a brief description of the key altitude points along the trek:

The Mardi Himal Trek elevation ascends from around 1,770 meters at Kande to a maximum altitude of 4,500 meters at Mardi Himal Base Camp. This gradual ascent allows trekkers to acclimatize properly while enjoying diverse landscapes and stunning mountain vistas.

The Mardi Himal Trek distance covers a total distance of approximately 40-50 kilometers (25-31 miles), depending on the exact route taken and starting/ending points. Here’s a brief description of the key segments of the trek.

The Mardi Himal Trek elevation is a gradual ascent through diverse landscapes in the Annapurna region, culminating in panoramic views from Mardi Himal Base Camp. Here’s a brief description of the key elevation points along the trek.

The Mardi Himal Trek Route:

  • Starting from Kande , the trail ascends gradually, passing through villages and forested areas, leading to Australian Camp.
  • From the Australian Camp , the path continues through dense forests to reach Forest Camp, where trekkers can rest and acclimatize.
  • Climbing higher to Low Camp , the vegetation changes to more alpine, and the views of the surrounding mountains become more prominent.
  • High Camp is the next stop , which provides breathtaking panoramic views and is a common spot for acclimatization.
  • Finally, the trek reaches Mardi Himal Base Camp , the ultimate destination, offering spectacular close-up views of Mardi Himal and other peaks.

How long is the Mardi Himal trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek typically takes 5 days to complete, depending on the chosen route and trekking pace. Here’s a brief breakdown of the standard itinerary:

The Mardi Himal Trek is a week-long adventure, ideal for those looking for a moderate trek with stunning views and cultural experiences in the Annapurna region.

Trip Highlights

  • Spectacular Views : The trek offers breathtaking views of the Annapurna range, including Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Machapuchare (Fishtail), and Mardi Himal itself.
  • Varied Landscapes : Trekkers can enjoy a diverse range of landscapes, from lush rhododendron forests to alpine meadows and rocky terrain.
  • Cultural Experience : The trail passes through traditional Gurung and Magar villages, allowing trekkers to experience local culture and hospitality.
  • Less Crowded : Compared to other popular treks in the Annapurna region, the Mardi Himal Trek is less crowded, providing a more peaceful and intimate trekking experience.

The Mardi Himal Trek Cost can vary depending on several factors, including the duration of the trek, type of accommodation, whether you hire a guide or porter, and personal spending habits. Here’s a brief description of the typical expenses:

Trekking Permits :

  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) : NPR 3,000 (approx. USD 25)
  • Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card : NPR 2,000 (approx. USD 15)

Tea House Accommodation :

  • Teahouses/Lodges : USD 5-10 per night (basic rooms)
  • Prices may be higher at higher altitudes due to limited availability.

Food and Drinks :

  • Meals : USD 5-10 per meal
  • Bottled Water/Boiled Water : USD 1-3 per bottle
  • Hot drinks and snacks may add to daily costs.

Guide and Porter :

  • Guide : USD 25 per day
  • Porter : USD 20 per day
  • Hiring both is recommended for safety and support.

Transportation :

  • Pokhara to Kande (starting point) : USD 25 by private vehicle
  • Return trip from Siding/Lumre to Pokhara : USD 60 by private vehicle

Estimated Total Cost

  • Budget Trekkers : USD 390-500 for a 5-day trek
  • Mid-Range Trekkers : USD 500-800 for additional comfort and services

The cost of the Mardi Himal Trek can range from approximately USD 390 to USD 700, depending on various factors. Planning and budgeting according to personal preferences and requirements can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable trekking experience.

Mardi Himal Trek Difficulty

The Mardi Himal Trek difficulty is considered a moderate trek, making it accessible to a wide range of trekkers, including beginners with a reasonable level of fitness. Here’s a brief description of the difficult aspects.

The Mardi Himal Trek is a moderate trek, suitable for trekkers with a reasonable level of fitness and some trekking experience. While it involves varied terrain, steep sections, and significant altitude, it is manageable with proper preparation, acclimatization, and determination. The trek offers a rewarding experience with stunning views and diverse landscapes.

Here are some factors that contribute to the moderate difficulty level of the Mardi Himal trek:

  • Altitude : The trek involves gaining altitude, especially when ascending to High Camp and Mardi Himal Base Camp. Proper acclimatization is crucial to prevent altitude sickness.
  • Terrain : The trail includes both uphill and downhill sections, with some steep and rocky paths. Trekking poles can be helpful, especially on the descent.
  • Duration : The standard duration of the Mardi Himal trek is 5 days, which means you’ll be walking for several hours each day. Stamina and endurance are necessary to complete the trek comfortably.
  • Weather : Weather conditions can be unpredictable in the mountains, and you might encounter rain or snow during the trek. Being prepared for varying weather is essential.
  • Basic facilities : While the trail is well-defined, some areas might have basic teahouses and lodges for accommodation and food. The facilities might not be as luxurious as in the more popular trekking routes.

Best Season for Mardi Himal Trek

The best season for the Mardi Himal trek is during the spring (March to June) and autumn (September to December) months. These seasons offer the most favorable weather conditions, making the trek more enjoyable and offering the best views of the mountains.

  • Spring (March to June): Spring is one of the most popular times for trekking in Nepal, including the Mardi Himal trek . During this season, the weather is relatively stable with mild temperatures during the day and cool nights. The rhododendron forests along the trail are in full bloom, adding vibrant colors to the landscape. The clear skies provide excellent visibility of the snow-capped peaks, making it an ideal time for photography and enjoying panoramic views.
  • Autumn (September to December): Autumn is another peak season for trekking in Nepal . The weather remains dry and stable, with clear skies and excellent visibility of the mountains. The temperatures are moderate, making trekking during the day comfortable. Autumn offers stunning views of the mountains, and the trail is not as crowded as during the spring season.

Both spring and autumn are suitable for the Mardi Himal trek due to the following reasons:

  • Favorable weather conditions with minimal chances of rain or snowfall.
  • Comfortable temperatures during the day for trekking, and relatively mild temperatures at higher altitudes.
  • The trekking trails are well-defined and accessible.
  • You’ll have a chance to witness the beautiful blooming rhododendron forests in spring.
  • The mountain views are at their best during these seasons.

While spring and autumn are the best times for the Mardi Himal , it is possible to trek during other seasons as well, such as in the winter (December to February) and monsoon (June to August) . However, there are some considerations to keep in mind for these off-seasons. Winter brings colder temperatures and occasional snow, while the monsoon season brings heavy rainfall and increased risks of landslides. Trekking during these times requires extra preparation and caution. If you’re not comfortable with extreme weather conditions, it’s best to stick to spring or autumn for a more enjoyable and safer trekking experience.

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mardi himal trek permit

Trip Itinerary

Outline itinerary, day 01: pokhara to deurali (2100m). 4 hour, day 02: trek to low camp or badal dada (2970m) 5-6 hour, day 03: trek to high camp (3550m) average 5-6hrs, day 04: hike to mardi himal viewpoint (4000m.) and return to low camp 8 hrs, day 05: low camp to siding and drive to pokhara 4-5 hour trek, details itinerary.

The Everest Trekking Routes team will meet you at your hotel before the departure trek. Your guide will pick up you and drive you to Kande, which takes 40 minutes from Pokhara. after the drive continue trek to Deurali takes approximately three hours. during the daytime you have enjoyed with beautiful Annapurna Himalayan range and evergreen forest. overnight stay at Tea house.

Start from Deurali and follow the trail towards the north. Cross the stream using the wooden bridge and continue on the trail. The trail starts to ascend steeply after crossing the stream. As you continue walking, you will come across some tea houses and small shops. After walking for around 2 kilometers, you will reach a small village called Dovan. From here, the trail becomes steeper and more challenging. Keep walking uphill until you reach the Low Camp or Badal Danda.

The trail from Low Camp to High Camp is a well-trodden path that winds through rhododendron forests and alpine meadows, with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The trail is generally well-marked and easy to follow, although it can be steep and rocky in places. It is a rewarding experience for those who are prepared for the altitude and enjoy the stunning mountain scenery.

Very early in the morning, we will start our trekking towards Mardi Himal. The trek offers stunning views of the Himalayas, including Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) and Annapurna South. You’ll also pass through traditional Nepalese villages and see the local culture and lifestyle. Once you reach Mardi Himal, we will take some rest and we will back to Low Camp.

After breakfast continue the hike to Siddhing and massive step downhill and a beautiful evergreen forest. 2-3 hours takes to Siddhing village from low camp. The village is situated on the banks of the Modi Khola River and is surrounded by terraced fields and lush green forests. after Siddin driving to Pokhara takes around 2 to 3 hours.

Say good bye to our team and have a wonder timing spent with us. Hope to see you again Namaste!

Cost Details

Cost includes.

  • Pokhara to Kande by Private Car or Van
  • Siding to Pokhara by Sharing a Jeep or Local bus
  • Your Meal During the Trekking is Your standard meal (3 times a day Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner with a Cup of tea or Coffee).
  • All Trekking Permit and Paperwork as Annapurna conservation entry permits (ACAP) and Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Permit.
  • 4-night Lodge Accommodation/tea houses during the treks.
  • Trekking Guide:  Government License Holder Trekking Guide An experienced, helpful, friendly, and English speaking. His well-paid salary, meals, accommodation insurance, etc.
  • Trekking Porter:  porters (1 porter for 2 people)  No Porter for Solo Trekkers
  • After the successful trip, Everest Trekking Routes will Provide an Adventure Certificate.
  • Arrangement of Emergency Helicopter service which will be paid for by your Travel insurance company.
  • All government taxes and Service charges.

Cost Excludes

  • All Meals & Hotel in Kathmandu and Pokhara  (If you need we arrange you)
  • Kathmandu Pokhara and Return to Kathmandu transportation  (If you need we arrange for you)
  • Internal & Domestic Flight fare
  • Personal Expenses (Hot Shower, bar bills, beer, coke, a bottle of water, hot water, phone call, laundry service, Helicopter rescue, Electronic device recharge such as Mobile, Camera, etc.)
  • Tips for guide, porters, and driver.

Mardi Himal Trek map

1. What is the Mardi Himal Trek?

The Mardi Himal Trek is relatively short in the Annapurna region of Nepal. It offers stunning views of the Annapurna, Machapuchare, and Hiunchuli mountains. The trek takes you through picturesque villages, lush forests, and alpine meadows.

2. How long does the Mardi Himal Trek take?

The trek typically takes 5 days mardi himal trek, depending on the starting and ending points, as well as the chosen itinerary. It can be customized to suit different timeframes and preferences.

3. What is the best time to do the Mardi Himal Trek?

The best time to trek Mardi Himal is during the spring (March to June) and autumn (September to December) seasons when the weather is clear, and the views are spectacular. These months offer a comfortable temperature and stable weather conditions.

Do they serve a hot shower and wifi?

As of my last knowledge update in January 2024, facilities during treks, including the Mardi Himal Trek, can vary, and it’s advisable to check with Everest Trekking Routes for the most up-to-date information. Here are some general considerations:

Hot Shower:

Tea houses and lodges along the trekking routes typically provide basic amenities. However, the availability of hot showers might vary from one lodge to another. In more remote or higher-altitude areas, the facilities may be more basic, and hot water might be limited or not available.

Similarly, the availability of WiFi can vary. Lower-altitude and more popular trekking routes may have lodges with WiFi facilities, while higher-altitude and more remote areas may not have reliable internet access. Even if WiFi is available, the connection may be slow and may not support heavy data usage.

4. Is a permit required for the Mardi Himal Trek?

Yes, trekkers need permits to enter the Annapurna Conservation Area . The required permits include the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card. These can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara.

5. What is the level of difficulty for the Mardi Himal Trek?

The trek is considered moderate in difficulty, making it suitable for trekkers with a reasonable level of fitness. The trail involves some steep ascents and descents, but it doesn’t require technical climbing skills.

6. What is the maximum altitude reached during the Mardi Himal Trek?

The highest point of the Mardi Himal Trek is the Mardi Himal Base Camp, which is situated at an altitude of around 4,500 meters (14,763 feet).

7. Are teahouses available along the Mardi Himal Trek?

Yes, there are teahouses and lodges along the trail where trekkers can find accommodation and meals. These provide a basic level of comfort, and you don’t need to carry camping equipment.

8. What should I pack for the Mardi Himal Trek?

Essential items include trekking boots, warm clothing, a good backpack, a sleeping bag, and personal hygiene items. It’s advisable to pack layers, as temperatures can vary throughout the trek.

9. Do I need a guide and porter for the Mardi Himal Trek?

While it’s not mandatory to have a guide and porter, many trekkers choose to hire them for convenience and to enhance their trekking experience. A guide can provide valuable insights, and a porter can help lighten the load.

10. Can I trek Mardi Himal independently?

Yes, the Mardi Himal Trek can be done independently, and many trekkers choose to go without a guide or porter. However, a good level of trekking experience and navigation skills are necessary if you opt for an independent trek.

Why should I choose Everest Trekking Routes?

Local Expertise:

Everest Trekking Routes are often run by individuals with extensive knowledge of the region. They understand the local culture, terrain, and weather conditions, providing you with valuable insights and a more authentic experience.

Cultural Interaction:

Everest Trekking Routes can facilitate meaningful interactions with local communities. This allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the culture, traditions, and lifestyle of the people in the area.

Support Local Economy:

By choosing Everest Trekking Routes, you contribute directly to the local economy. This helps support the livelihoods of the people in the region and promotes sustainable tourism practices.

Tailored Itineraries:

Everest Trekking Routes are often more flexible in customizing itineraries to suit your preferences. Whether you want a shorter or longer trek, additional cultural experiences, or specific accommodations, a local agency can better accommodate your needs.


Everest Trekking Routes may offer competitive prices for their services. Since they have local connections and resources, they can often provide cost-effective packages without compromising on the quality of the trek.

Responsibility and Sustainability:

Everest Trekking Routes are more likely to be committed to responsible and sustainable tourism practices. They are often deeply connected to the local environment and have a vested interest in preserving the natural beauty of the region for future generations.

Personalized Service:

Everest Trekking Routes typically provide more personalized and attentive service. You may have direct communication with the people organizing your trek, making it easier to address any concerns or make adjustments to your plans.

Safety and Support:

Everest Trekking Routes are familiar with the terrain and weather conditions, enhancing their ability to ensure your safety during the trek. They can provide timely assistance in case of emergencies and are often well-prepared to handle unforeseen circumstances.

Community Involvement:

Everest Trekking Routes actively engage in community projects, contributing to the well-being of residents. Choosing such agencies allows you to indirectly support these community initiatives.


Everest Trekking Routes are generally more adaptable to changes in plans, whether due to weather conditions or personal preferences. This flexibility can enhance your overall trekking experience.

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Latest customer reviews.

mardi himal trek permit

Stritaw Chotisros

Bangkok, thailand,, my wonderful first time marid himal trekking.

My family and I have just achieved our first time trekking through Mardi Himal route in 17-21 May 2024 with Everest Trekking Routes Ltd. Before trekking I did some Google searches and their website just popped up and impressed me with all the detailed information, clearly described everything I needed. Once I contacted them, I got speedy responses to all my questions and special requests on tourist bus booking. So, impressive… During trekking, we have Sandesh as our guide. He is a nice and cheerful young guy. We looked at him like our son as he has about same age as our son and he called us uncle and aunty, we are like family. He took very good care of us in every detail. He mostly walked ahead of us but always stopped and waited for us when reached at junction to make sure we would not go to the wrong way while giving private space and time for us to enjoy photo and vdo taking. He well aware of our first time trekking, so no rush or no pressure from him, to make us felt comfortable. We are a group of three but he did not try to compose us in the same bedroom but let us select whether we could go with one or two rooms. He and our porter (Mr. Sanzy) built a fun atmosphere with their music and dance at the night camps. This is so fun. Even we trekked at the beginning of raining season, but we could capture a beautiful clear view when we reached the viewpoint. The last day he rescheduled a bit to make sure we could get a car back to Pokhara on time, good adjustment. After trekking, we also spent a few days in Kathmandu for sightseeing and the company also provided complimentary airport pick up and delivery for us. This is so nice and impressive. In overall, I’m very happy to select Everest Trekking Routes Ltd. for our trekking and THANK all of them to make our trip so wonderful and will be in our beautiful memory forever…

Source by: TripAdvisor

Mardi Himal Trek Reviews

Wu Cheng Tsung

Absolutely outstanding tour company (mardi himal trek).

Mardi Himal Trek Reviews

James Edward

Mardi himal trek - april 2024.

This trek was a first for us and everything we hoped it would be. The hike itself is strenuous but doable for most, most days were finished by early afternoon which allowed time to relax and rest a little. The Rhododendrons were in full bloom as we got higher which made for a magical view. We woke at 4 am on the 4th day to make it to the summit for sunrise, it was awe-inspiring, we couldn’t have done it without the encouragement of our guide and porter too, if you have the time and resources, this is an incredible trip. Bring a sleeping bag as nights are frozen and wet toilet tissue will be your friend. Som and Bipin worked tirelessly to make sure we had a safe and adventurous time, we will certainly be back again.

Mardi Himal Trek

Tanarat Boonsut

The best trekking tour guide you can find in nepal.

We were lucky to have Karma as our tour guide. A cheerful person who organized everything for us on-site and fulfilled every wish for us. He guided us competently through the trekking tour with motivating and entertaining conversations and brought us closer to the Nepalese culture in song and dance. He is special to us because he respects our safe space and boundaries and knows exactly when it is time to guide us or allow us to be alone. Karna is a problem solver and tackles problems when necessary. He took care of us when we were not feeling well due to altitude sickness, for example. Honesty and openness were there from the beginning and were communicated openly, so we had no hidden costs at all. So if you want to have an incredible and unforgettable trek we can only recommend Karna 100%. He deserves all the happiness in this world. May he give you as much joy and experiences on the trip as he gave us! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this unique experience!

Mardi Himal Trekking

Balamurungan Nallapan

Kuala lumpur, malaysia ,, highly recommended mardi himal trek.

During the last days, I had the pleasure of trekking with Bale who is a very experienced, friendly, and attentive guide. He had a very good feeling for the right pace during the whole Trek. I felt safe at all times and so he made it a perfect experience for me. When I first had contact with Mr Sushil Gurung, he answered my questions quickly and kindly, offered me a pickup from the airport, and had good recommendations for getting the missing equipment. In the end, I can’t imagine a better guide and trekking agency in Nepal’s Everest Trekking Routes . Thank you very much for making my first Himalayan experience perfect.

Mardi Himal Trek

Very good experience Mardi Himal Trek

Very amazing trip. The organizer ( Rabin) was very helpful in planning the whole trip. Our guide Phul Bahadur Gurung and porter Aaita Bahadur Gurung were amazing. They made the trip very enjoyable and comfortable as best as it could be despite the off-season.

Mardi Himal Trek Nepal

Genevieve Peck Jing

5 days mardi himal trek.

Our guide and porter (Som & Sandesh) were really friendly and fun to be with during the entire trek. It made the hike more endurable and enjoyable. They were also helpful during the entire hike, checking in on us etc. The early 5 am morning hike up to the viewpoint was not the easiest as it was steps for close to 2 hours but our guide was patient and told us slowly, one step at a time which was comforting to hear. But the view at the top was really worth it.

One small note though was that we signed up for 5 day Mardi Himal trek but based on our fitness level (realizing we hike quite fast and relatively experienced), our guide decided to compress it to 4 day hike (after day 1 of the hike) which we only realized through our conversations with him. Would have appreciated him informing us. Not much major impact as the guide booked a hotel for us in Pokhara on the last day anyway. We now gained an extra day in the city! It is also a good thing for us now to explore more things but sad to leave the mountains earlier!

3-4 day hike is manageable for most people with average fitness level. We hiked about an average 6-7 hours for first 2 days with it stretching to about 8-9 hours on the last day at an average speed for relatively experienced hikers. 5 days will be recommended for those who want to take it really slow.

Otherwise, great experience with our guide and porter and the tour company. Thank you!

Mardi Himal Trek

NG Wai Phng

Mardi himal with awesome experience.

With little to no knowledge or experience in trekking, Rabin Grung and his team provided me with great patience and support. Special thanks to my brother, Som  Gurung who made my trek so much more. comfortable and keeping me safe when ascending and descending. The whole experience is totally awesome and truly recommended to trekking newbies

Mardi Himal Trek

Gabriela Das

Newzee land ,, mardi himal trek - excellent service guide and porter.

Mardi Himal is a relatively new trek opened in Annapurna Sanctuary . Although it came as a backup solution for another trek we could not take because of bad weather, we had a great time. The views of Machhapuchhre in between the clouds were amazing and even though it did rain quite a bit the entire atmosphere was unforgettable. For all this, we have to thank Dhansing Gurung, our guide, and the entire team from Everest Trekking Routes . Dhansing took very good care of us and throughout the entire trek was a very trusty, pleasant, and reliable presence. Looking forward to our next trek in Nepal – for sure will be with Dhansing and the Everest Trekking Routes .

Source by: Tripadvisor

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4 Days Mardi Himal Trek

  • Destination Nepal
  • Region Annapurna
  • Transportation Drive
  • Max Height 4500m
  • Activities Trekking
  • Trip Grade Moderate
  • Accomodation Hotel/Guest Houses
  • Group Size 1
  • Best Season Sep - Dec & Feb- June
  • Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Hot Drinks
  • Start / End Point Kande and Sidhing

Trip Overview

Are you searching for a quieter and serene ridge walking trekking route to trek in Nepal? If yes, in the heart of the Annapurna region of Nepal, 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek is an ideal choice. Get one of the most thrilling experiences of trekking through forests and splendid scenery of mountains. Moreover, the trekking route is one of the most popular trekking routes of Nepal even though it is opened recently. With Nepal High Trek, trekkers can choose to do the trek either 10 days’ itinerary or 4 days’ itinerary! Contact our travel planners and make a reservation as per your requirements.

Why you must do 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek?

Trekkers reach the maximum altitude of 4500 m from sea level. It is probably the most scenic place in Nepal that is in such an altitude. The scenery seen on the trekking trail of Mardi Himal trekking is surreal and enticing. The cascading hills and green lush forests make the trek splendidly momentous. Most of the commercial trekking routes of the Annapurna region of Nepal are crowded during the peak trekking season. Therefore, people were searching for more tranquil walking experience while gazing at the beautiful snowy mountains. Nepal Government has introduced this trekking route for such people. Yes, you must do 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek to quench your thirst of witnessing mountains and spending a quality as well as tranquil time in nature.

Comparison of Poon Hill Trek and Mardi Himal Trek

In the Annapurna region, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is the most popular and short trekking route that falls within the trekking route of Annapurna Base Camp Trek. Therefore, many trekkers spend the overnight in Ghorepani including a short hike to the top of Poon Hill for surreal sunrise or sunset experiences. However, the trail has shortened significantly due to the construction of road. Normally, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek before the construction of the road required more than 5 days. Nowadays, it is possible to do this trek in just 3 days. In near future the trail will no longer become the trekking destination rather it would become the touring destination.

Short Mardi Himal Trek is new and still lack the road network. There are no densely populated villages on the trekking route of Mardi. Therefore, there is no necessity of road construction. It results in the sustainable trekking route in Nepal. Besides its sustainability the view of mountains and the natural attractions of the trekking trail is unmatched. If you would like to get the best and close up view of Mt. Fishtail (Machhapuchhre), the trail is an ideal route to trek on.

Is it possible to reach Annapurna Base Camp from the Mardi Himal Trek route?

Yes, it is possible to reach Annapurna Base Camp from the Mardi Himal Trek route. Trekkers can reach the original Annapurna Base Camp Trek route in Jhinu via Landruk from Low Camp. You can combine both the most popular destinations of the region Ghorepani Poon Hill and Mardi Himal in one single trip. If you want to do both treks more than 10 days are required to complete the trip from Pokhara.

Trekking Route of 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek

The trekking trail of 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek is nice and clear. Trekkers can reach the trek starting point in Kande after about an hour of drive from Pokhara. On the same day trekkers trek up to Low Camp via Australian Camp and Pothana. The second day of the trek takes trekkers to High Camp via Forests Camp. The more you trek high the scarce the human settlement becomes. There are only teahouses and lodges on the trekking trail. Green lush forests of different species of vegetation make the trip surreal. From High Camp (3580 m), trekkers hike up to Mardi Himal Base Camp or also famously known as the Upper View Point. The final altitude on this trekking trail is 4500 m. After visiting the base camp, trekkers return back to Badal Danda (Cloudy Hill). The last day’s trek is up to Sidding from where trekkers take the bus or jeep ride back to Pokhara.

Best Season for Mardi Himal Trek

The best time to do 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek in Nepal is during the spring season. During this time of the year, the forests on the trekking trail of Mardi Himal blooms with different colors of rhododendron trees. Therefore, in this time of the year you can experience the blissful creations of Mother Nature. Moreover, the view is clear and you can enjoy the majestic views of mountains and cascading hills. However, the trekking trail is possible to do throughout the year.

Cost of 4 Days Mardi Himal Trekking

There will be 3 nights and 4 days of trekking trip on this package. If you wish to do the Pokhara to Pokhara trip, you can get a guide, porter, full board meals during the trek and jeep ride to Kande and Sidding to Pokhara jeep ride in about 350 $ to 650 $. It depends upon your preferences.

How Difficult is 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek?

The trekking in Mardi Himal is relatively easier than most of the long detour trekking trip in Nepal. However, don’t get mistaken about its difficulty level. You will have to walk uphill almost throughout the trekking journey up to the Mardi Himal Base Camp. Therefore, you must have stamina and physical endurance. Walking uphill is not an easy task. Despite all the tiredness, you will be amazed to see the gorgeous cascading hills scenery and close up view of mountains.  4 Days Mardi Himal Trek in Nepal is a comparatively easy trekking route if you are familiar with uphill walking.

What is an altitude of Mardi Himal?

The highest altitude that is possible to reach during 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek trip is 4500 m. At this altitude, you can experience the feel of mountaineering as well if it is in the winter season. The exact altitude of Mardi Himal is 5587 m. You need a climbing permit to climb the mountain but trekking to Mardi Himal Base Camp or Upper View Point doesn’t require a climbing permit.

List of Routes to trek in Less than a week’s Trek from Pokhara

Pokhara is a major holiday destination for both foreigners and Nepalese. Therefore, many trekkers visit the city and try to do trekking. Many people don’t have enough time to do illustrious trekking like Annapurna Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit Trek. In less than a week’s holiday in Nepal, there are many trekking routes that are possible to trek from Pokhara.

Here is the list of the trekking routes to trek in less than a week’s trek from Pokhara:

  •   3 Days Short Poon Hill Trek
  •  Annapurna Royal Trek
  •  Dhampus Sarangkot Trek
  •  Mardi Himal Trek
  • Ghandruk Landruk Trek

Book the 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek in Nepal with us. Enjoy the magnificently tranquil and serene trekking route of Nepal.

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Details itinerary, day 1: drive to kande from pokhara - 1 hrs then trek to low camp (2995 m)- 6/7 hrs.

Early in the morning, we will take a private vehicle to Kande. The drive is about 1.5 hours. The trek start point is a small town on the side of a road. We will immediately start the trek as we trek uphill for about an hour and reach Australian Camp. The trail is easy as we will trek on well paved way up to Pothana. From Pothana the trail gradually inclines uphill. It is not tough vertical uphill. We will have lunch at Forest Camp and continue our trek uphill to Low Camp. Overnight at teahouse

Day 2: Trek from Lo Camp to High Camp (3555 m) - 6/7 hrs

Today is a tiring day than yesterday. After breakfast, we will continue our trek to High Camp through green lush forests. The trail passes through a ridge line. Due to dense and green lush forests, you will not get much of the view of mountains for half of the time during the trek. Once you have reached High Camp, you will be blessed by the panoramic view of mountains and hills below the cloud level. The place is truly magnificent for overnight sleep as you can enjoy the magnificent scenery as well as the cool weather. Overnight at teahouse

Day 3: Trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp (4500m) then Trek back to Badal Danda (3210 m) - 7/8 hrs

Today is a tiring day as we will start the trek before sunrise to Upper View Point. We will take the packed breakfast and hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp. You can enjoy the splendid sunrise and 360 degree view of mountains. The most beautiful and close up view is of Mt. Machhapuchhre. After spending about an hour at the top, we will descend back to Badal Danda. The trail is completely downhill. Overnight at teahouse.

Day 4: Trek from Badal Danda to Sidding (1240 m) - 2 hrs then Drive to Pokhara - 3 hrs

Early in the morning after breakfast, we will trek to Sidding village. It is a small village from where we will hop onto the jeep and drive to Pokhara.

Cost Includes

  • Government license holder mountain guide.
  • Full board meals during the trek (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Project Permit.
  • Pokhara to Kande by private vehicle and Siding to Pokhara by sharing a local jeep.
  • 3 Night accommodation during the trek
  • Fresh fruit during the trek
  • Medical kit bag.

Cost Excludes

  • Your Travel and rescue insurance.
  • Personal porter.
  • All personal expenses throughout the trip.

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  • Annapurna Base Camp


Mardi Himal Base Camp Trekking-11 Days



Mardi Himal Base Camp is a hidden treasure nestled in the Annapurna region of Nepal, offering trekkers a serene and less crowded alternative to the popular Annapurna Circuit. Located at an elevation of approximately 4,500 meters (14,763 feet), this base camp provides breathtaking panoramic views of the majestic Annapurna range, including the towering peaks of Machapuchare (Fishtail), Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli.

The trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp is a journey through diverse landscapes, from lush rhododendron forests and terraced fields to rugged alpine terrain. As you ascend, the scenery changes dramatically, offering a unique blend of natural beauty, from dense forests to open ridges and high-altitude pastures. Along the way, you'll encounter traditional Gurung and Magar villages, where the warmth and hospitality of the local people add a cultural richness to the experience.

The trek is relatively short compared to other Himalayan routes, typically taking around 5 to 7 days, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a high-altitude adventure without the longer commitment. The trail is well-marked and accessible, yet it retains a sense of solitude and tranquility, allowing trekkers to immerse themselves in the peaceful surroundings.

At Mardi Himal Base Camp, you'll be rewarded with awe-inspiring vistas that feel close enough to touch the heavens. The experience is both humbling and exhilarating, as the sheer grandeur of the Himalayas unfolds before your eyes. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a first-time adventurer, Mardi Himal Base Camp offers a perfect blend of challenge, beauty, and cultural immersion, making it a must-visit destination for anyone looking to explore the pristine heart of the Himalayas

  • Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu
  • Day 02: Kathmandu to Pokhara
  • Day 03: Drive to Kande and Trekking to Deurali (2232m)
  • Day 04: Deurali to Forest Camp (2600m) about 5 hours walking
  • Day 05: Forest Camp to Low Camp (2990) about 4 hours walking
  • Day 06: Low Camp to High Camp (3550m) about 5 hours walking
  • Day 07: Hike up to Upper Viewpoint (4,200m) & back to High Camp (3,590m)
  • Day 08: High Camp to Sidding (1700m) about 6 hours walking
  • Day 09: Siding Village to Lumre and drive back to Pokhara 2.5 hours walking and 1 hour drive
  • Day 10: Pokhara to Kathmandu
  • Day 11: Final Departure

Meet at Tribhuwan International airport, Kathmandu and transferred to the hotel, after your freshness briefing program for your trekking, overnight at hotel.

In the morning, drive or fly to Pokhara, which takes about 30 minutes by flight and 6-7 hours by bus. Today you'll be free in Pokhara you'll visit yourself. Pokhara is gorgeous lake town that offers broad views of Mt. Machapuchre, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt Annapurna and Mt. Manaslu.

After breakfast at Pokhara hotel, drive to Kande which takes about 30 minutes by private vehicle. Then we continue our walking through local villages and beautiful forest to reach Deurali. Overnight in deurali

After breakfast, our day walk starts from Deurali to and ends at Forest Camp. First we walk through plain way and then we continue our walking through beautiful pine forest. We will take a packing lunch because there is not any hotel/restaurant on the way. Overnight in Forest Camp

The day walk is pleasant walk for us that we walking inside the forest. We will experience the thrill of walking in the wilderness rhododendron forest. The mountain views from low camp terrific. Overnight in Low Camp

Today the trail goes out of forest, so we can enjoy the astonishing views Mount Annapurna South & Hinchuli Himal. We continue our walking to High camp for our overnight stay, from where we will have some incredible Himalayan views. Overnight in High Camp

Early morning sunrise view and take a breakfast, then hike up to upper view point to get fantastic views Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and surrounding peaks of the Himalayas. After spending some time back to lodge, overnight in High Camp

Take a breakfast at High Camp and descend down towards Sidding village. We continue our walking through beautiful rhododendron forest to reach Low Camp. Take a lunch at Low Camp and we further walk to beautiful traditional Sidding village.

Today is final day of our Mardi Himal trekking. We descend down to Lumre walking through the beautiful village of Tamang and Gurung. When we reach to Lumre, catch a vehicle and drive back to Pokhara. Overnight in Pokhara

Drive or fly to Kathmandu, which takes 30 minutes by flight and 6-7 hours by bus. Overnight at Kathmandu hotel

Flight back to your home.


The Mardi Himal Base Camp trek is considered a moderate trek, suitable for trekkers with a reasonable level of fitness. While it involves some steep ascents and high-altitude hiking, it is shorter and less strenuous than other popular treks in Nepal, such as the Annapurna Circuit or Everest Base Camp. Trekkers should be prepared for varying weather conditions and be mindful of altitude sickness as they approach the higher elevations.

The best time to trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During these periods, the weather is generally stable, and the skies are clear, offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks. Spring also brings blooming rhododendron forests, adding vibrant colors to the landscape. The winter months (December to February) can be cold and snowy, while the monsoon season (June to August) often brings heavy rain and slippery trails.

While the Mardi Himal trek can be done independently, hiring a guide or porter is recommended, especially for those unfamiliar with the terrain or trekking in high altitudes. A guide can provide valuable insights into the local culture, ensure you stay on the correct path, and assist in case of emergencies. A porter can help carry your gear, making the trek less physically demanding and allowing you to enjoy the experience more fully.

To trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp, you will need two permits: the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) card. These permits can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara before starting the trek. The ACAP helps fund conservation efforts in the region, while the TIMS card ensures the safety and security of trekkers by keeping a record of their journey.

Cost Inclusion

  • Airport pick up and drop by private vehicle
  •   All Hotel/Accommodation in Kathmandu twin sharing on Bed and Breakfast 
  •   All Hotel/Accommodation in Pokhara twin sharing on Bed and Breakfast 
  •   All accommodation and meals during the trek (Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner).
  •   An experienced trekking guide including salary, insurance, flight, food and lodging
  •   Trekking porter 
  •   All necessary paper works, trekking permits and TIMS card.
  •   A comprehensive medical kit
  •   All trekking equipment for trekking staff
  •   All government and local taxes
  •   All land transportation by private vehicle

Cost Exclusion

  • Personal expenses
  • Drinks, beverages, hot shower,
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips for Guide and porter (trekking staff)

Related Trips

  • Font Awesome --> Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek
  • Font Awesome --> Annapurna Base Camp

Price based on 2 Cost per person $ 705

$ 705 / Person

Trip information.

Trip Style : Trekking

Trip Duration : 11days

Accomodation : Hotel stay/Camping

Package : Trekking/Hiking/Walking

Note : Altitude Awareness

Destination : Nepal

Hotel Category : Home-stay/Camping/tea-houses & Hotel

Max Altitude : 4200-4500

Min Pax : Any

Travel Mode : Moderate to Strenuous

Trek Type : Trekking

Meals : Nepali, Cotinental

Total Trip : 15

Trip Type : MH

Grade : Moderate

Highest Altitude : 4500

Trip Code : Mardi

Duration : 11

Primary Activities : Trekking, Hiking, Cultural Observation

Arrival City : Kathmandu

Departure City : kathmandu

Transportation : Private van or bus as per group size

Best Season : Autumn and Spring


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The Mardi Himal Trek Guide 2024-2025

The Mardi Himal Trek is popular among Nepali people but not yet well-known among foreign trekkers in the Annapurna region. This trek opened in 2012. Because it is new, fewer foreign trekkers come here compared to the Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Base Camp.

It takes about 3-4 hours to reach Mardi Himal Base Camp from the high camp (3700 meters). This trek is a great option for trekkers with limited time. The four-day short trek from Pokhara offers some of the most mesmerizing views of the Himalayas. The walk to Mardi Himal is short and moderate, making it a good choice for both beginners and experienced trekkers.

The Mardi Himal Trek is beautiful and offers breathtaking views of mountain ranges like Machhapuchhre, Nilgiri, Hiunchuli , the Annapurnas, and Lamjung Himal. The trails also take trekkers through lovely villages where they can meet indigenous tribes and see their daily lifestyles, which are very different from the modern world. The local people are friendly and hospitable, welcoming travelers warmly and treating them like family.

If you have enough time, you can combine this trek with others in the Annapurna region, such as the Annapurna Base Camp or Poonhill Trek . If you are looking for more off-the-beaten-path treks besides Mardi Himal, consider the Khopra Trek and Nar Phu Valley Trek.

mardi himal trek permit

Reasons to trek to Mardi Himal

Off the beaten trail, affordable trekking.

One of the main reasons for trekking to Mardi Himal is due to its newness and off the beaten trail, which will be less crowed than other trekking trails.

As Mardi Himal trek can be done in as short as 4 days  starting from Pokhara. Trekkers can fully enjoy the magnificent mountain ranges in short span of time. The journey takes you through the beautiful rhododendron forest, terraced farming’s and river crossing.

This trek is ideal for everyone and is a short holiday, which rejuvenates your mind and body, and helps you connect through nature and yourself.

Price varies purely according to the trekking season. Since this is a new walking trail there are less tea houses and lodges compared to the other trekking areas in Annapurna. Having said that Mardi Himal trek is quite affordable for all. If you have a budget of $25-$30 USD for food and accommodation per day, this is enough but for the other expenses such as government permit, transportation and guide or porter fee, you need to allocate separately. For the government permit it will cost US$50, transportation to and from trekking point it will cost about US$90 if you want the private transport. Or if you want a local bus, it will cost less than US$40. Now talking about the extra cost of the guide and porter fee, it will cost US$30 to US$30 for guide per day and US$20- US$25 for porter per day.

Trekking Map on the way to Forest Camp from Kade

Best short Itinerary of Mardi himal trek

Itinerary starts from Pokhara and end at Pokhara

Day 1: Pokhara to Kande to Forest Camp (2520 m/8268 ft.)

Distance: 14.5 km / 9 miles

Time:1.5 hrs drive , 07-08 hrs walk

Day 2: Forest camp to Low camp to High camp (3540 m/11614 ft.)

Distance: 8 km / 5 miles

Time: 07:00 hrs walk

Day 3: High camp to Mardi base camp (4500 m/14764 ft.) and back to High camp

Distance: 10 km / 6.23 miles ( Both way)

Time: 07- 08 hrs walk

Day 4 :High camp to Sidhing village and drive to Pokhara (1700 m/5578 ft)

Distance: 8.5 km / 130 miles

Time: 04-05 hrs OR 06-07 hrs walk and 2 hrs drive.

Note: If you choose the alternative route to come back from high camp through jungle then it takes 2 hrs. more where you will witness a beautiful waterfall on the way back. This route must only be taken in the Spring and Autumn season and guide is recommended for this route.

How to reach Kade (Trekking start point) from Pokhara ?

Kade is a starting point of this trek and can be reached by local buse and jeep from Pokhara. It takes about 1.5 hours drive from Pokhara lake side.

How to reach Pokhara from Sidhing village (Trekking end point)?

After completing the trek of about 4-6 hours you will reach Sidhing village where you will find local jeeps that will take you to Milan chowk (Hemja highway) or Hari chowk via Lwangghale, Kalimati where you will find the place for canyoning.

From Milan or Hari chwok you can take taxi to drop you to Pokhara lake side. The total journey will be about 1.5 to 2 hrs. depending upon the season since the road is quite rough from Sidhing village to Lwangghale, Kalimati and after 1 hour of driving you will get to the blacktopped road, a place called Lumre. It will take another 45 mins to 1 hour to reach the lakeside.

Best time of the year for trekking around Mardi himal.

As the climate changes according to the season, the difficulty and challenges also depends on the season. If the trekker chooses the right time of the year then this trip can be a lifetime memory but if they choose wrong season then this trip can turn into hazard making your trip into a nightmare. Choosing the best time creates a harmony between the traveler and the weather.

As there are basically four seasons in Nepal.

  • Spring (March- May)
  • Autumn (September to November)
  • Summer (June-August)
  • Winter (December to February)

View from badal dada on Autum Season

March to May weather in Mardi Himal trek

The most ideal season for trekking around Mardi Himal is spring. The spring season is the season of the flowers, the trails are filled with different species of Rhododendron in red and pink color, the wildflowers, ferns and the green forest makes the trail more colorful. The temperature is favorable in spring season and the days are warm with cool evenings, opening the best view of the mountains.

September to November weather in Mardi Himal trek

After Spring, Autumn is the best season to trek around Mardi as the sky will be clearer and the weather will be favorable. The days are warm and nights slightly cooler than spring. During the Autumn the trekkers can have the best view of the sunrise and sunset.

December to February weather in Mardi Himal trek

Trekking in winter around Mardi is not ideally recommended as the trails will be filled with thick snows and high wind pressure. Most of the accommodation facilities will be closed during Winter, The trekkers will have poor visibility and might lost their way while trekking. The difficulty and risk is high during the winter season.

Trail towards High Camp from Badal dada on the month of January 2022

June to August weather in Mardi Himal trek

Another season is the Monsoon season which is not meant for trekking, the heavy rain and hailstorm makes the trails slippery and difficult. The weather will not be clear during these seasons blocking the views of the mountains. Most of the accommodation facilities will also remain closed during this season.

What can be expected in Mardi Himal trek.

Mardi Himal trekking is a simple and short trek compared to other trekking regions of Annapurna. This trek is less challenging and meant for every one. Anyone with good physical and mental condition can complete this trek. Even if the trekker has no experience of previous trekking, they can attempt Mardi Himal trekking. The challenging part of this trek would be the altitude where the trekker will Reach up to 4200m above the sea level. But with proper acclimatization, right food and water the altitude won’t be a problem.

The trekker will not be walking more than 6-7 hours per day and the trails are well maintained and easy. But the difficulty and challenge also depend from person to person, as for some people coping with the new culture and community may be a challenge, for some the new foods and accommodations may be a challenge. And for some the altitude and long hikes may be a challenge but if you love to get out from your comfort zone and love to face challenges then Mardi Himal is your Cup of Tea.

Typical bed room during Mardi Trek

Accommodations, Toilet and Showers during Mardi Himal trek


The accommodations on Mardi Base Camp Trek are basic tea houses and lodges. The lodges and tea houses are not luxurious with outside bathroom and the houses are made with local woods and stones but the construction is quite unique and eye catching.  The tea houses and lodges offers the trekkers with the facility of food, water, shower and charging for the mobile phones and camera. The basic comforts such as blankets, pillows and mattress are provided. But during the peak season these are limited so carrying sleeping bag is recommended. But if the trekkers choose the non-season for the Mardi Himal Trek, then they will have enough of blankets, pillows and mattress since there will be less trekkers. The rooms could be shared with your friend as there are twin beds. To give the trekkers maximum comfort some rooms have attached bathroom in lower altitude. The staff of the Tea houses are very hospitable and welcome the trekkers with their warm heart.

Tea Houses at Forest Camp 2022

Toilet and Showers

In the Lower zones some of the tea houses have attached bathroom. Most of the toilet are Asian style squat toilet and few of them are western toilet. The toilet is clean and hygienic, if the tea houses don’t have attached bathroom, then they have common bathroom outside the room where one can also get hot water for shower on request with the extra payment.

When you move to higher altitude showering will be much more difficult because there is scarcity of water in Mardi and the tea house owner have to walk miles to get the water.

Typical Toilet during trek on Mardi Himal

Food on Mardi Himal trekking route.

The foods are simple compared to Annapurna circuit and Base camp, the tea house offers both typical Nepali dishes and western foods. You can choose the food according to menu and some of the common meals are:

  • For Breakfast (Eggs, Porridge, Bread, Chapati, Tibetan bread, Curry etc.)
  • For Lunch and Dinner (Pizza, Momo, Dal bhat, Variety of noodles, Pasta etc.)
  • For beverage (Tea, Coffee, Hot chocolate, Hot water and Soups)

The pro tip for trekking is not to be afraid of carbs because after the long walk you need carbs. Carbs and Spinach always makes you full. The taste of food may vary from place to place where you may not get the same taste of food in every tea house and that will also be a good experience. All the foods meet the hygiene standard and are prepared by cooks who have years of experience in cooking. You can always pack your favorite snack if you want.

Typical Beakfast at High Camp during Mardi Trek

Water resource during Mardi Himal trek

Since we will be trekking in high altitude our body dehydrates fast losing the amount of water, so we recommend the trekkers to drink at least 3 liters of water every day. The water helps to heal the body fast and give you energy. We do not recommend you to drink unfiltered water as they are not hygienic. You can get the mineral water at tea houses but it will cost you more. So, you can bring your own life straw or purification tablets this will save huge amount of money. The tea houses also offers normal hot water.

Surrounded by sugar snow on the month of December 2022 at high camp

Mobile Network, Internet and Electricity on the Mardi himal trekking route.

In the lower zones the tea houses provide the facility of Wi-Fi and electricity. The Trekkers can recharge their batteries and be active in their social media also. The Tea houses may charge extra for charging facility and Wi-Fi but it will not be more than $3. The speed of the internet may not be the best compared to city areas.

When you reach higher altitudes, it will be difficult to get the mobile network, Wi-Fi and electricity, so there will be disruption in mobile network for 2 days when you are in the higher altitude. We recommend you to bring your power banks for backup.

Permits required for Mardi Himal trek

Since Mardi Himal lies inside the Annapurna Conservation Area the trekkers are required two different kinds of Permits, ACAP permit and TIMS card (trekkers Information Management System). Our company will help you to arrange both of these permits.

 Mardi Himal trek with Guide or without Guide

Before taking the major decision on whether to do the trek with guide or without guide, you need you be clear what trekking with guide offers you on the trek. A Trekking Guide is someone who are certified by the Government and licensed to guide the client. A Guide is not just someone who will show you path and take you to your destinations but they will be with you throughout the trek, who will assist you in every difficulty. They have received trainings on first Aid, Navigation, Conflict management, Risk assessment, and have years of experience in trekking. The weather and trails high in the mountains sometimes become unpredictable, so the guide will always be there to lead you and take the major decisions. Incase of emergency and accidents the guides will provide you the basic first aid and if that treatment doesn’t ease the symptoms, then they call for emergency rescue which could be a helicopter and transfer you to the nearest hospital. Guides are prepared for any consequences.

Trekking without a Guide means you are on your own. Mardi Himal trekking is not so risky and the trails are also not confusing but you can never predict the Mountains. So the choice completely depends upon the trekker.

Packing Guideline

One of the most important part of the trekking is packing the right thing for your journey, and sometimes with little knowledge packing can be really confusing. The trekkers might feel like they will need everything for the trek and just end up using only few items from their rucksack. And sometimes the trekkers forget small things in their backpack and later regret that they should have brought that item with them. Below are the items that you should not miss on your Rucksack.

  • Trekking clothes: 2 pairs of hiking pants, Quick dry synthetic t-shirts. Sports bra and underpants.
  • Base layers: Warm inner thermal
  • Mid layer: Fleeced jacket, woolen sweaters or shelled vest.
  • Shell jacket: Waterproof breathable jacket. Jacket is highly recommended.
  • Insulation: Down or synthetic jacket.
  • Gloves: 1pair of inner gloves and 1 pair of waterproof gloves.
  • Hats or caps: For a sunny day caps works like a miracle. A woolen hat will always keep your ears head warm and protect from cold.

Other essential items

  • Books or kindle
  • Basic First Aid Kit and personal medication
  • Extra batteries for your camera and gadgets
  • Cables and chargers
  • Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitizer, etc.


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  • Expedition / Climbing
  • Jungle Safari
  • Heli Tour / Mountain Flight
  • Local Experience
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  • Responsible Tourism
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  • Sightseeing
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  • Everest Region
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  • Langtang Region
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Travel Guide

  • Guide to Manaslu Trek
  • Guide to Mardi Himal Trek
  • Guide to Narphu Valley Trek
  • Guide to Langtang Valley Trek
  • Guide to Annapurna Circuit Trek

Trekking Maps

  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek Map
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek Map
  • Khopra Danda Trek
  • Mardi Himal Trek Map
  • Nar Phu Valley Trek Map
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek Map
  • EBC and Gokyo Trek Map
  • Everest Base Camp Trek Map
  • Everest Cho La Pass Trek Map
  • Everest Panorama View Trek Map
  • Everest Three High Pass Trek Map
  • Classic Everest Base Camp Trek Map

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Mardi Himal Trek , Base Camp Hike

Mardi Himal Trekking

Day 1: Drive to Dhampus & Trekking to Forest Camp

100 % Satisfaction GUARANTEED for Mardi Himal Trek

We at Base Camp Hike are pleased to present our well-crafted 5 DAYS Mardi Himal SHORT ITINERARY, which will give you experience of lifetime. Booking options are now open for 2024 and 2025, featuring affordable prices along with several itineraries. You can book Mardi Trip in less than 5 minutes. Our team is more than willing to customize this package to align with your holiday schedule, budget scale, and physical capabilities. When it comes to a reliable Trekking company for your MARDI HIMAL TREKKING , look no further and Contact BASE CAMP HIKE COMPANY now .


Cost of Mardi Himal Trek by Group size

According to our 5-day plans, the cost of the Mardi Himal Trek is USD 398 per person , based on 2 participants. This price covers most trekking-related expenses, making it an all-inclusive best price . As the group size increases, the cost of the trip decreases. Therefore, we can offer group discounts .

The cost of the trip depends on the itinerary. Please refer to the above itineraries for pricing details.

CHEAPEST PACKAGE PRICES for Mardi Himal Trek (Group Rates)

Note on Discount: Base Camp Hike offers group discounts for the MARDI HIMAL TREKKING, based on the SIZE OF YOUR GROUP. These discounts apply only to groups you form , not to groups we ( Base Camp Hike ) create.

Book your Mardi Himal Trekking within 5 minutes

Mardi Himal Trek 3 Days with Helicopter Return to Pokhara via Annapurna Base Camp

Price: Just USD 1450 USD per person ( based on 2 person )

Availability: We can departure on your requested date for Mardi Trek ( 3 days ) with helicopter return to Pokhara via Annapurna Base Camp.

Mardi Himal Comfort/Premium Trek Package Cost/Price

We completely understand that not everyone prefers the economy package. Some may opt for a premium trekking package that encompasses nearly all aspects of the Mardi Himal Trekking experience, from transportation to and from Kathmandu/Pokhara. With our premium/comfort package , you’ll get many additional amenities that are not available in the economy package .

This premium package includes a Kathmandu-Pokhara-Kathmandu flight, a one-night stay in a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu with breakfast, another one-night stay in a 3-star hotel in Pokhara, unlimited meals throughout the trek, three cups of tea or coffee daily, access to safe drinking water, Wi-Fi and phone services, battery charging facilities, hot showers, and the assistance of a guide for groups of six or more during the trek. While all teahouses on the Mardi Himal Trek offer similar amenities , we ensure you receive the best within the same category. Below are the prices for the Mardi Himal premium/comfort trekking package , which vary based on the size of your group.

Group Rates for Premium Mardi Himal Trekking Package

Best itinerary ( recommended itinerary ).

Among the short days to long days plan, 5 days Mardi Himal Trek is best for entry-level trekkers including experienced hikers. If you want to do five days duration Mardi Himal Trekking from Pokhara or from Kathmandu with local agency in Nepal, we’re here for your trip.

In our 5 days plan, we can start our trip from Pokhara and ends in Pokhara as well as from and to Kathmandu.  In order to start and ends  in Kathmandu, we have to take Kathmandu to Pokhara flight.

Is the Mardi Trek Right for You?

While the Mardi Himal Trek is considered a moderately challenging trek, its difficulty depends on your physical fitness level. However, it is one of the best treks for beginners due to the lack of challenging terrain. Trekking up to Mardi Himal High Camp is easy and suitable for those new to trekking.

If you’re looking for a more challenging experience, you can hike to Mardi Himal View Point or even all the way up to Mardi Himal Base Camp.

5 Days Mardi Himal Trek

ITINERARY of 5 Days Mardi Himal Trek from Pokhara

Day 1: drive to dhampus, trek to forest camp.

You will be picked up by your guide at your hotel in Pokhara to start the Mardi Trek. We will then drive to Dhampus Village and start our trekking.

On this day, we will have lunch at Pittam Deurali, a beautiful village from where we can see the Annapurna range if the weather is clear. After lunch, we will walk most of the day inside the forest, where we can see oak, maple, rhododendron, and hemlock trees. If we are lucky, we may catch glimpses of deer, monkeys, and other animals. The total distance from Dhampus Village to Forest Camp is 12 kilometers (7.46 miles), and it takes approximately 6 to 7 hours to walk. Stay overnight at a teahouse in Forest Camp. 

  • Drive duration: 1 hour
  • Trek duration: 6 to 7 hours
  • Trek Distance: 12 km ( 7.5 miles )
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Accommodation: Teahouse in Forest Camp
  • Altitude: 2600m/8530ft

Day 2: Forest Camp to High Camp

On the second day of our trek, we will trek from Forest Camp to High Camp. The trail from Forest Camp to Low Camp is quite easy, taking only about two and a half hours. From Low Camp, you’ll be rewarded with stunning views of Mount Fishtail. Low Camp is the junction of two trails: one from Forest Camp and the other from Siding. Those who want to finish the Mardi Himal trek within 4 days follow the Siding to Low Camp trail.

We can have lunch at Low Camp or Badal Danda, depending on your preference. In one and a half hours of walking from Low Camp, we will reach Badal Danda. From Badal Danda, you will have magical mountain views (360-degree views).

Beyond Badal Danda, we will have a great view of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and Fishtail. The trail will also be treeless due to the high elevation. The trail continues to High Camp through the grassland with some isolated Rhododendron bushes along the way. You may see the colorful Danphe pheasant on this section of the trail. After walking for another 2-3 hours from Badal Danda, we will reach High Camp. High Camp offers superb views of Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, Machhapuchhre (Fishtail), and Mardi Himal. High Camp is the last camp of the Mardi Himal Trekking. Stay overnight at a teahouse in High Camp.

  • Trek Distance: 8.5 km ( 5.3 miles )
  • Accommodation: Teahouse in High Camp
  • Altitude: 3560m/11680ft

Day 3: Hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp ( 4,500m ) or View Point ( 4200m ) and retrace to Badal Danda

On the third day, we will hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp or Viewpoint (depending on your preference). This is the most challenging day of our 5-day Mardi Trek. We’ll wake up around 3:40 AM and start our hike around 4 AM. We’ll hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp with just a daypack, as we’ll be returning to High Camp afterwards. An early wake-up is crucial to catch the sunrise from the viewpoint, or potentially along the way depending on your pace. If we start late morning, we’ll miss the beautiful sunrise views as well as the eye-catching mountain vistas due to clouds/fog. Clouds generally roll in by late morning.

Around 2 hours of walking from High Camp, we will reach the viewpoint station with three teashops where you can enjoy tea or coffee with amazing mountain views. Pack breakfast to eat along the way, as the kitchen won’t be ready when we start hiking.

We will hike through a narrow path from the lower viewpoint before reaching the upper viewpoint. However, the breathtaking view at the end of the trek makes all the hard work worthwhile. Machhapuchhre is a sacred mountain in Nepal that no one has ever climbed due to its religious significance. To this day, Machhapuchhre remains unclimbed.

On the way to Mardi Himal Base Camp, we can see Mardi Himal (5587m), Machhapuchhre (6993m), Annapurna South (7219m), Hiunchuli (6441m), Annapurna I (8091m), Baraha Shikhar (Annapurna Fang) (7647m), Tent Peak (5695m), Singha Chuli (6501m), and more. After reaching Mardi Himal Base Camp, we will retrace our steps back to High Camp and have lunch. After lunch, we will trek down to Badal Danda, which is about a one-and-a-half-hour walk. The total distance from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp and back to Badal Danda is 11.8 kilometers (7.3 miles), and it takes approximately 7 to 8 hours to complete. Stay overnight at a teahouse in Badal Danda.

  • Trek duration: 7 to 8 hours
  • Trek Distance: 11.8km ( 7.3 miles )
  • Accommodation: Teahouse in Badal Danda
  • Altitude: 3230m/10597ft

Day 4: Badal Danda to Landruk

On the fourth day of our trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp, we will make the journey to Landruk from Badal Danda. From Badal Danda, we will descend down to Forest Camp using the same way that we used before. However, from Forest Camp, we will follow a different route to go to Landruk. We will have lunch at Rest Camp or Forest Camp. The total distance between Badal Danda and Landruk is 9.2 kilometers ( 5.7 miles ), and it takes approximately 6 to 7 hours to walk. Stay overnight at a teahouse in Landruk.

  • Trek Distance: 9.2 km ( 5.7 miles )
  • Accommodation: Teahouse in Landruk
  • Altitude: 1600m/5250ft

Day 5: Trek to Siwai and drive to Pokhara

Day 5 marks the end of our short trek to Mardi Himal. On this day, we will make a short trek to Siwai, which will be a 1.5 to 2-hour walk. The total distance between Landruk and Siwai is 1.7 kilometers (1 mile), and it takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours to walk. From Siwai, we will take a private taxi or jeep (depending on group size) to drive to Pokhara. Upon reaching your hotel in Pokhara, our trekking will be finished.

  • Trek duration: 1.5 to 2 hours
  • Trek Distance: 1.7 km ( 1 miles )
  • Drive duration: 2.5 to 3 hour
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
  • Accommodation: Not Included
  • Altitude: 822m/2697ft

Inclusion and Exclusion in our 5 DAYS PACKAGE

Cost inclusion:.

  • Your Hotel in Pokhara to Dhampus ( Trekking Starting Point ) by Cab/Jeep ( depending on group size ) 
  • Siwai ( Trekking Ending Point ) to Your Hotel in Pokhara by Cab/Jeep ( depending on group size ) 
  • Meals on Trekking (5 X Breakfast, 5 X Lunch, 4 X Dinner) during trek days
  • Best available TWIN SHARING TEAHOUSE ACCOMMODATION during the Trekking
  • All required Trekking Permits
  • An Experienced License Holder Local Guide for 5 days trek
  • 1 Strong Porter ( 2 Guest = 1 Porter, carries maximum 20kg )
  • All expenses of Guide & Porter  Including their Insurance, transportation, and Foods
  • First Aid Kit with an Oximeter 
  • Trekking Achievement Certificate 
  • Duffel Bag ( Should return after Trekking )
  • Seasonal Fruits and Cookies after dinner ( each trekking day )
  • Nepal Government Tax,  VAT, and Company Service charge
  • Accommodation and Meal during staying in Kathmandu as well as in Pokhara
  • Any types of Drinks and Dessert foods
  • All types of Personal Nature Expenses such as snacks, laundry, telephone, WIFI, and Hot Shower during the Trekking
  • Additional costs incurs from out of management control due to weather conditions, illness, changes in government policies, strikes, physical condition, etc.
  • Trekking equipment and clothing for the trekking 
  • Tip for Guide and Porter ( Tipping is expected but not Compulsory )
  • Any other things which are not specified in INCLUDED

Why Mardi Himal Trekking with us?

  • Local Specialist
  • Has a Very Reasonable Package Price
  • Safety and Satisfaction
  • Keep Your Plans Flexible(Custom-made Trip)
  • Has 8 different Mardi Trekking itineraries
  • BOOK Your Trip with just TINY DEPOSIT ( 10 percent of Trip Price )
  • Quick & Easy Booking
  • Flexibility to Cancel up to 7 Days Before the Tours Starts

Get QUOTE For Mardi Himal Trekking

Available itinerary .

There are many route options to get to Mardi Base Camp. Depending on the available time and preference of the trekkers, we can make it very short to long. We can do it in 3 days to 14 days depending on the route. The following are some of the popular routes related to Mardi Trekking:

3 Days Mardi Himal Trek

3 Days Mardi Himal Trek (Best for EXPERIENCED HIKERS)

3 Nights 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek

4 Days Mardi Himal Trek(Very DEMANDED)

7 Days Mardi Trekking

7 Days Mardi Himal Trek From and to Kathmandu

Annapurna Base Camp with Mardi Himal

Annapurna Base Camp Trekking with Mardi Base Camp

Ghorepani With Mardi Himal Trek

Ghorepani Poon Hill with Mardi Himal Trekking

Khopra Ridge with Mardi Himal

Khopra Ridge Trek with Mardi Himal – 14 Days

Frequently asked questions.

Is prior hiking experience necessary for this adventure? Can beginners in hiking participate in this activity?

No, it is not necessary. This is an easy to moderate difficulty trek. If you can walk for around 5-6 hours a day, that is sufficient. Therefore, it is  suitable for beginner trekkers (novice hikers).

Are there any age restrictions for the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek?

There are no official age restrictions for the Mardi Himal Trekking. However, due to the nature of the trek and the physical demands involved, it is generally recommended for individuals aged 12 and above . It is important to be in good health and have a reasonable level of fitness .

How long is the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek?

The duration of the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek can vary from 3 to 7 days depending on the itinerary and trekking pace.

Can you provide me with a 5-day itinerary for the Mardi Trek starting from Pokhara or Kathmandu?

In the 5-day itinerary, we will fly to Pokhara, drive to Dhampus, and trek to Forest Camp if you are coming from Kathmandu. However, if you are already in Pokhara, we will first drive to Dhampus and then trek to Forest Camp. On the second day, we will trek from Forest Camp to High Camp and stay overnight at High Camp.

On the third day, you will hike to Mardi Himal Base Camp and back to High Camp. Likewise, on the second-to-last day (the 4th day), we will trek to Landruk and stay overnight there. On the 5th day, we will trek to Siwai and drive to Pokhara. You can even reach Kathmandu on that day by flight or by road transfer. This is how we can do the Mardi Himal Trekking within 5 days from Pokhara as well as from Kathmandu.

It is much easier to do the 5-day Mardi Trek than the 2-night/3-day trek to Mardi Himal . However, if you don’t have 5 days for trekking, we also have a 4-day itinerary for the Mardi Trekking . To get to the trekking starting point (Dhampus), we can take a cab or jeep from Pokhara (depending on the size of the group). To reach Pokhara, we can fly or drive. From Landruk (the trekking closing point), we can drive to Pokhara by jeep/cab.

What is the difficulty level of the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek?

Trekking to Mardi Himal Base Camp is considered an easy to moderate difficulty trek . If you want to complete this trek in 5 days, you will need to walk for 6 to 7 hours per day. It involves walking on steep and uneven terrain, but it does not require any technical climbing skills.

Do I need a permit for the Mardi Himal Trek?

Yes, you need a permit to trek in the Mardi Himal area . You need 2 permits: the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card. These permits can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara.

What is the best time to do?

For the optimal experience on the Mardi Himal Trail , it is recommended to visit during the Spring season (March to May) or Autumn season (September to November). These seasons provide stable weather conditions, clear skies, and breathtaking views of the Himalayas. However, it is important to note that these seasons are typically crowded. If you wish to avoid large crowds, consider visiting slightly before or after these peak seasons.

What are the accommodation options during the trek?

There are Basic Guesthouses along the Mardi Trail for trekkers to stay safely, comfortably, and enjoy fresh meals. The guesthouses provide beds, blankets, meals as ordered, and WIFI.

Is it necessary to hire a guide for the Mardi Himal Trail?

Hiring a guide is not compulsory for the Mardi Himal Trek, but it is highly recommended, especially for novice trekkers. A guide can assist with navigation, provide valuable insights, and ensure your safety throughout the journey. Even for experienced hikers, a guide can make their trip more enjoyable and safe. So, we suggest hiring a guide for trekking.

Can I trek this route independently?

Yes, you can do this route independently, but it is not advisable. We strongly recommend going with a registered trekking company so that you will have a comfortable and safe journey.

What should I pack for Trekking to Mardi Himal Base Camp?

Trekking essentials for Mardi Himal Base Camp include boots, jacket, pants, thermal layers, thick socks, gloves, and sunglasses. For a detailed packing list, visit the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek Packing List .

How high is the highest point of the Mardi Himal Trek?

The highest point of the Mardi Himal Trekking is Mardi Himal Base Camp, which stands at an elevation of approximately 4,500 meters ( 14,764 feet ) above sea level.

Are there any altitude-related risks on this trail?

While the maximum altitude that you will stay overnight is 3550 meters (High Camp), it is not that risky in terms of high altitude sickness. However, some tourists experience high altitude sickness symptoms while hiking from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp.

Where is the Mardi Himal located?

The Mardi Himal Trek is located in the Annapurna region of Nepal, near Pokhara. The distance from Pokhara to Mardi Himal Base Camp is 31 kilometers (19 miles) in a straight line. However, the total hiking distance is around 57 kilometers (35 miles).

How can I get to the starting point of the Mardi trek? What are my transportation options?

The starting point of the Mardi Himal Trek is usually Kande or Dhampus Phedi, which are easily accessible from Pokhara. We can reach Pokhara either by domestic flight or by surface transfer from Kathmandu. From Pokhara to the starting point of the trek and from the ending point back to Pokhara, we can hire a private taxi/jeep or take a shared jeep/local bus.

Is it possible to extend or modify the Itinerary?

Yes, it is possible to extend or shorten the itinerary. This means we can modify the Mardi Himal trekking itinerary according to your preferences. To extend the trek, you can choose to add side trips, such as the Annapurna Base Camp Trek , the Khopra Ridge Trek , or the Poon Hill Trek . We can also shorten the trek to 3 days, which is a very short itinerary.

Can I buy or rent trekking gear and equipment in Kathmandu, or do I need to do it in Pokhara?

Yes, you can buy or rent trekking gear in Kathmandu as well as in Pokhara. There are several trekking gear and clothing shops in Kathmandu/Pokhara where you can buy or rent trekking gear and clothing, such as sleeping bags, down jackets, trekking pants, trekking poles, and other items needed for a successful mountain trip. However, it is advisable to bring your own well-fitted and comfortable hiking boots.

Is it possible to do the Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek during the monsoon season?

While it is possible to trek the Mardi Himal route during the monsoon season (June to August), it is not advisable due to slippery, muddy trails, heavy rainfall, and the possibility of landslides too at lower parts of the trail. Mainly, the visibility of the mountains may also be limited (covered by clouds) during the monsoon season.

Are there any ATMs available on the Mardi Himal trekking route?

There are no ATMs available on the trekking route to Mardi Himal Base Camp. It is advisable to prepare local cash (NPR) in Kathmandu or Pokhara before starting the trek.

How far in advance should I book this trip?

It is recommended to book your trek to Mardi in advance, especially during the peak trekking seasons (spring and autumn). Booking a few months in advance will ensure the availability of a professional guide, proper accommodations, and other necessary things. It takes less than 5 minutes to book your trip with our company, Base Camp Hike Pvt. Ltd .

Are there any water sources available along the trail?

Yes, there are limited water sources along the trail where you can refill your water bottles. However, it is suggested to buy safe drinking water from teahouses or use water purification tablets to avoid the risk of waterborne diseases.


Top videos for mardi trekking.

  • Hiking the Mardi Himal in Nepal by Kraig Adams
  • The Best Trek in Nepal Under 7 days, Mardi Himal Review by Chase Mountains
  • Trekking to Mardi Himal in Nepal by Nepal 360 Youtube Chanel
  • MARDI VIDEO by Nepal 8th wonder of the World

Cost and Date for Group Join Mardi Himal Trek - 2024

💡 Exciting News! 🚶‍ Discover the Mardi Himal Trek in this March to September with our exclusive SPECAIL DISCOUNTS! 🌄 Limited time offer, BOOK NOW and save YOUR BUDGET. 🌟 Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!

TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice 2024 Base Camp Hike

mardi himal trek permit

1 Arena Khimki

mardi himal trek permit

2 Kinogorod Piligrim Porto

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mardi himal trek permit

3 Protivotankovyye Yezhi

4 museum and exhibition center, 5 maria rubtsova park, 6 art gallery "the bridge", 7 st. peter and paul orthodox church, 9 sheremetyevo history museum, 10 eko-bereg, 11 a bench of reconciliation, 12 city beach club, 13 smotrovaya ploshchadka, dlya sozertsaniya, korabley i parokhodov., what's the weather like in khimki.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Khimki for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Khimki in January
  • Weather in Khimki in February
  • Weather in Khimki in March
  • Weather in Khimki in April
  • Weather in Khimki in May
  • Weather in Khimki in June
  • Weather in Khimki in July
  • Weather in Khimki in August
  • Weather in Khimki in September
  • Weather in Khimki in October
  • Weather in Khimki in November
  • Weather in Khimki in December

Explore nearby places

  • Dolgoprudny
  • Krasnogorsk
  • Chyornaya Gryaz
  • Canatoriya Mtsyri
  • Ptitsefabriki
  • Myshetskoye
  • Nikolo-Uryupino
  • Likino-Dulevo

All related maps of Khimki

  • Map of Khimki
  • Map of Putilkovo
  • Map of Bratsevo
  • Map of Maryino
  • Map of Otradnoye
  • Map of Dolgoprudny
  • Map of Angelovo
  • Map of Krasnogorsk
  • Map of Saburovo
  • Map of Podolino
  • Map of Chyornaya Gryaz
  • Map of Nagornoye
  • Map of Canatoriya Mtsyri
  • Map of Novyy
  • Map of Lobnya
  • Map of Ptitsefabriki
  • Map of Povedniki
  • Map of Pogorelki
  • Map of Poyarkovo
  • Map of Rzhavki
  • Map of Myshetskoye
  • Map of Boltino
  • Map of Nikolo-Uryupino
  • Map of Glukhovo
  • Map of Ostashkovo
  • Map of Sorokino
  • Map of Danki
  • Map of Shatura
  • Map of Likino-Dulevo
  • Map of Uspenskoye
  • Map of Gorskoye

Khimki throughout the year

  • Khimki in January
  • Khimki in February
  • Khimki in March
  • Khimki in April
  • Khimki in May
  • Khimki in June
  • Khimki in July
  • Khimki in August
  • Khimki in September
  • Khimki in October
  • Khimki in November
  • Khimki in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Khimki?

Get inspired for your trip to Khimki with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Khimki Itinerary

Best attractions in nearby cities

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Best restaurants in nearby cities

  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in St. Petersburg
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Yaroslavl
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Tula
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Tver
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Ivanovo
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Kolomna
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Suzdal
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Mytishchi
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Dmitrov
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Sergiyev Posad
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Serpukhov
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Torzhok
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Dubna
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Rostov
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Istra

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Nicest Suburbs

By public transport

By suburban train from Leningradskii station to Khimki station or Levoberegnaya platform (a district on the left bank of Moscow channel).

A lot of buses and marshrutkas run from Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, at the north end of the Green Line. You can also reach Khimki by marshrutka, bus or trolleybus from Planernaya metro station.

The most comfortable way to explore the city is to bike or take a car .

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  1. Permits for Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek

    mardi himal trek permit

  2. Mardi Himal Trek

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  3. Mardi Himal Trek Permit » Info Nepal Tours And Treks

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  4. Mardi Himal Trek Permit

    mardi himal trek permit

  5. A Complete Travel Guide to Mardi Himal Trekking

    mardi himal trek permit

  6. Mardi Himal Trek 4 days in November

    mardi himal trek permit


  1. Mardi Himal Trek: Cost, Difficulty, Itinerary, Permits & Weather

    On average, for a 6-day itinerary, the total cost can be around US$ 300-400. You need to get TIMS Card, and ACAP permits to trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp. The cost of the TIMS Card is US$18 for an individual trekker and US$ 9 for group travelers. Additionally, the value of the ACAP permit is US$ 27 per person.

  2. The Complete Guide for Mardi Himal Trek

    Plan your Mardi Himal Trek with this complete guide! Learn about the necessary permits, itinerary, difficulty level, altitude sickness, packing list, accommodation and food options. Discover stunning views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, and experience the local culture along the way. Get ready for an unforgettable trek in Nepal!

  3. Mardi Himal Trek itinerary, Cost, route and trek difficulty

    11 - 25 Paxes. US $ 320. While the cost of the Mardi Himal Trek listed above is the full board package including Transportation, Guide, TIMS, Permits, 3 times meals, and accommodation, you can choose the half board package or the guide service. Mardi Himal Trek Cost for Half Board Package: Group. Cost per pax. 1 Pax.

  4. Mardi Himal Trek 2024: Ultimate Guide to Nepal's Hidden Gem

    Mardi Himal Trek: Cost Estimation for 2023/2024. Embarking on the Mardi Himal Trek is a rewarding adventure, but it's essential to plan your budget carefully to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. A reasonable estimate for the journey as of 2023/2024 is from $600 to $1200 per person.

  5. Most Popular Mardi Himal Trek Cost

    The altitude of Mardi Himal Trek. The highest point on the Mardi Himal Trek is Mardi Himal Base Camp, which is situated at an altitude of approximately 4,500 meters (14,763 feet) above sea level. This is the ultimate destination of the trek offering stunning views of Mardi Himal, as well as panoramic vistas of the surrounding Annapurna mountain ...

  6. Mardi Himal Trek Guide 2024

    Mardi Himal Trek is a popular trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal, offering stunning views of the Himalayan mountains and the surrounding landscapes. To trek in the Mardi Himal area, trekkers are required to obtain two permits 1) Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) 2) Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) Card.

  7. The Mardi Himal trek

    The Mardi Himal trek is a challenging and beautiful 4-day route in the Annapurna region that offers breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountain range. It's a lesser-known route compared to the famous Everest Base Camp trek or Annapurna Circuit trek. We started the Mardi Himal trek in Ghandruk after finishing the Poon Hill trek. Mardi Himal ...

  8. Mardi Himal Trek

    The trek starts from Pokhara and takes you through fields, hills, and forests with stunning views. As you move up, the terrain changes to a rugged mountain landscape. From the High Camp, you will need to climb up for about 3/4 hour to reach the Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500 m).

  9. Mardi Himal Trek 2024 and 2025

    Mardi Himal trek 2024 Information on the hike, lessons, maps, and pictures, as well as information about the time to travel which items to bring, and how challenging the trek really is. ... ( ACAP Entry permit) and Trekkers Information management permits (TIMS information permit). 3 Main course meals { Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner} and 3-4 hot ...

  10. Mardi Himal Trek: Detailed Itinerary and Best Season To Travel

    The Mardi Himal trek is a stunning 4-day trek in the Annapurna region. Experience breathtaking views of the mountains and local villages. ... advisable to check with reliable sources or local authorities for the most up-to-date information before starting your trek. Adhering to the permit regulations not only ensures a legal journey but also ...

  11. A guide to the Mardi Himal Trek: Travel Guides to Nepal

    Daily costs of the Mardi Himal Trek. The cost of an average teahouse with shared bathroom is 150 rupees in the off season and 250-400 rupees in peak season (USD $2-$4.50). The cost of one liter of water reaches a maximum of 150 rupees at high camp. It starts at around 40-80 rupees (USD $.50-$1).

  12. Mardi Himal Trek, Cost, Itinerary, Accommodation, Permits

    The following are the main costs during your trek in Mardi Himal Trek: Permits: During your trek to Mardi Himal, TIMS card and ACAP permits are mandatory to trek in the Annapurna region which costs around USD 20-30 per person. If you are trekking to restricted areas in the Annapurna region then Special Permits for restricted areas should be ...

  13. Mardi Himal Trek

    The Mardi Himal Trek for 5 days costs $450 per person for the years 2024, 2025, and 2026 on a group basis from Pokhara to Pokhara. Our Mardi Trek price includes airport transfer, food and accommodation during the trek, guide and porter, permits, and much more. For more details, visit our cost include and exclude section.

  14. Mardi Himal Trek: Best Trekking Route In Annapurna

    Yes, you need a permit to trek in the Annapurna region, including the Mardi Himal Trek. The permit required is the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP), which costs USD 30. Additionally, if you plan to trek beyond Forest Camp (Low Camp, High Camp, and Mardi Himal Base Camp), you will also need the TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management ...

  15. Mardi Himal Trek 5 Days

    Mid-Range Trekkers: USD 500-800 for additional comfort and services. The cost of the Mardi Himal Trek can range from approximately USD 390 to USD 700, depending on various factors. Planning and budgeting according to personal preferences and requirements can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable trekking experience.

  16. Permits for Mardi Himal Base Camp Trek

    Regarding Mardi Himal Trekking permits cost, for ACAP permits, it cost NPR 3000 and for TIMS Permit, it cost NPR 2000. But for the SAARC countries, the cost is different. It cost NPR 1000 for an ACAP permit and NPR for 300 TIMS Permits (through an agency) and NPR 600 per person without an agency.

  17. 4 Days Mardi Himal Trek: Short Mardi Himal Trek Cost & Itinerary

    Cost of 4 Days Mardi Himal Trekking. There will be 3 nights and 4 days of trekking trip on this package. If you wish to do the Pokhara to Pokhara trip, you can get a guide, porter, full board meals during the trek and jeep ride to Kande and Sidding to Pokhara jeep ride in about 350 $ to 650 $. It depends upon your preferences.

  18. Himalaya Kailash| Best Trekking Agency in Nepal

    While the Mardi Himal trek can be done independently, hiring a guide or porter is recommended, especially for those unfamiliar with the terrain or trekking in high altitudes. ... To trek to Mardi Himal Base Camp, you will need two permits: the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) card ...

  19. The Mardi Himal Trek Guide 2024-2025

    Best short Itinerary of Mardi himal trek. Itinerary starts from Pokhara and end at Pokhara. Day 1: Pokhara to Kande to Forest Camp (2520 m/8268 ft.) Distance: 14.5 km / 9 miles. Time:1.5 hrs drive , 07-08 hrs walk. Day 2: Forest camp to Low camp to High camp (3540 m/11614 ft.) Distance: 8 km / 5 miles. Time: 07:00 hrs walk.

  20. Mardi Himal Trek

    If you have more than 5 days, we can combine the Mardi Himal Trek with another trek and explore side trips using the same trekking permit. The Mardi Himal trail is highly demanded for short-day hiking, as it is enriched with amazing mountain views. If you are searching for the best package for trekking to Mardi Himal, you are in the right place ...

  21. Annapurna Base Camp Trek

    During the Annapurna Base Camp Trek, the highest point you'll reach (and sleep at) is 4,100 m - unless you decide to visit Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,220 m) or Khayer Lake (4,660 m). This altitude is more than 1,000 m lower than Everest Base Camp , making it an ideal first-time trek in Nepal.

  22. Top 13 things to do and attractions in Khimki

    We've collected the most-often-mentioned 13 places from other articles, including favorites like Kinogorod Piligrim Porto, Protivotankovyye Yezhi, and Arena Khimki

  23. Khimki Map

    Khimki. Khimki is a mid-sized city in North Moscow Oblast, adjacent to Moscow, with a prominent historical role in the Soviet aerospace industry, some very large upscale shopping malls, and fast-growing residential districts for Muscovite commuters. Photo: Alexander0807, Public domain. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive.

  24. Nicest Suburbs

    Khimki is a city located in Moscow Oblast, Russia, which is situated about 23 kilometers northwest of Moscow. It is one of the most significant industrial centers in the region and has a population of approximately 253,000 inhabitants as of 2021. The city is connected to Moscow by the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway and the Moscow Central Circle ...

  25. Khimki

    Khimki is part of the Moscow conurbation, on the banks of the Moscow channel and the Klyazma river, and one of the highest density rate in the region.. Before the city, there were several noble lands, which villages are still exist. During the late 19th century, the site of Khimki station became (and remains) the place of Muscovite dachas. Khimki was granted city status, and the Stariye Khimki ...