Vous cherchez un club de boxe pieds-poings sur la Métropole de Tours pour découvrir ou pratiquer en compétition un sport de combat ? Ecole de boxe, boxe loisir, fitness ou compétiteur, ne cherchez plus, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Choisissez une de nos trois salles dont les horaires vous conviennent et venez partager avec nous les valeurs des sports de combat. Le Boxing Club Tours Métropole, c'est aussi une équipe de coachs qui saura vous motiver et vous aider à progresser pour atteindre vos objectifs (kickboxing, k1 rules, Muay-thai, boxe française, boxe anglaise, chass'fight, full contact, cardio, step, renforcement musculaire, perte de poids…).

Boxing Club La Riche BCLR, Tours Nord BCTN & Tours Métropole BCTM

Ville de Tours

record fitness

salle de sport tours centre

Bootcamp boxe yoga pilates lift run opengym coaching, record fitness, offre du moment.


Une expérience immersive

Accessible à tous les niveaux.

RECORD révolutionne l’entraînement en groupe en proposant des cours complets dans un environnement sonore et lumineux hyper qualitatif. Notre salle de sport à Tours Centre s’inspire des meilleures Boutiques Gym New Yorkaises et Londoniennes.

Les meilleurs coachs sont sélectionnés pour vous faire suer et passer un moment fun et divertissant.

45 minutes pour vous dépasser, vous transcender, vous inspirer, et vous faire transpirer au rythme de la musique.


Du matériel technogym.

Les meilleurs appareils de fitness sur le marché, mondialement reconnus


Experts chacun dans leur discipline, vous adorerez les détester !


Bootcamp, Boxe, Yoga, Pilates, Run et Lift, inspirés des meilleures salles de sport du monde

accès flexible

Du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 21h. Le samedi de 9h à 18h

Record Fitness - salle de sport musique et néons à Tours Centre

et pour les plus jeunes :

Une nouvelle salle de sport peut parfois paraître assez intimidante. Pas d’inquiétude !

Inscris toi dans une salle nouvelle génération où tu es coaché systématiquement. Et tout cela à un prix immanquable : 

Ton abonnement pour 39,99€/mois

(au lieu de 49,99€/mois)

Et pour que tu n’aies aucune excuse, on t’ offre aussi ton Starter Pack à 49€ .

Pour ta première séance, nous te conseillons de venir 15 minutes avant le début de votre cours, pour prendre le temps de t’installer et recevoir les premières consignes des coachs.

Pense simplement à apporter ta tenue de sport et de quoi t’hydrater : on s’occupe du reste !

Si tu viens boxer pour la première fois, on te prête tes sous-gants à l’accueil du club.


du 26/08 au 14/09

INCLUS Accès tous concepts Séances illimitées Invitations illimitées* Suivi personnalisé Produits d’hygiène Engagement 12 mois

STARTER PACK (0€ au lieu de 49€) Application mobile Bilan individualisé

OPTION FREE (10€/mois) Formule sans engagement

*Voir conditions au club

INCLUS Accès tous concepts Séances illimitées Invitations illimitées* Suivi personnalisé Produits d’hygiène inclus Engagement 12 mois

boxe fitness tours

les dernières nouvelles

boxe fitness tours


boxe fitness tours


boxe fitness tours


Comment choisir la meilleure salle de sport à tours centre .

Vous vous demandez comment choisir la meilleure salle de sport à Tours Centre ?

Aujourd’hui, le bien-être et la forme physique sont au premier plan. Trouver la salle de sport parfaite à Tours centre est essentiel pour atteindre vos objectifs de condition physique. Vous recherchez une salle de sport où vous vous sentez bien ? Bienvenue chez Record Fitness, un studio de cours collectifs où le plaisir et la motivation sont nos priorités. 

À Propos de Record Fitness

1. l’inspiration derrière record fitness.

Chez Record Fitness, nous nous sommes inspirés des légendaires boutiques de gym anglo-saxonnes telles que Barry’s Bootcamp et 1Rebel. Notre objectif est de vous offrir une expérience de fitness inégalée, dans un club de sport combinant le HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), le Boxing, le Yoga et le Pilates.

2. Notre Mission

Notre mission est de transformer la vie de nos adhérents en leur offrant un environnement stimulant pour atteindre leurs objectifs de forme physique. À Record Fitness, nous croyons en la puissance de l’entraînement en groupe et de la communauté pour vous aider à atteindre vos rêves de condition physique. Le Bodysummer c’est avec nous que vous l’aurez.

Les Avantages de l’Entraînement en Groupe

1. motivation et plaisir.

L’une des principales raisons pour lesquelles tant de gens optent pour l’entraînement en groupe est la motivation. Dans notre studio, vous serez entouré de personnes partageant les mêmes objectifs, ce qui vous poussera à vous surpasser. Le tout, en prenant un maximum de plaisir.

2. Variété d’Entraînements

Chez Record Fitness, nous proposons une variété de cours. De la musculation au cardio, en passant par le yoga, la boxe et le Pilates, vous n’aurez pas le temps de vous ennuyer avec la même routine d’entraînement.

Pourquoi Choisir Record Fitness

1. instructeurs qualifiés.

Nos instructeurs sont des professionnels qualifiés qui vous guideront à chaque étape de votre parcours de fitness. Ils sont là pour s’assurer que vous exécutez les exercices correctement et en toute sécurité. Nos coachs sont tous diplômés d’état.

2. Atmosphère Positive

Notre salle de sport située à Tours Centre, dans la Galerie du Passage du Palais (à côté de la grande récré), est conçue pour vous offrir une expérience immersive. La musique, l’éclairage et l’ambiance créent une atmosphère positive qui vous aidera à rester motivé.

3. Équipement de Pointe

Nos équipements sont à la pointe du fitness. Le club est entièrement équipé de matériel Technogym pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience d’entraînement possible. 

Comment Nous Rejoindre

1. adhésion.

L’adhésion à Record Fitness est facile. Soit par abonnement mensuel, soit par carnet de séances si l’engagement n’est pas fait pour vous. Voir les prix dans l’onglet Tarifs.

2. Emplacement

Notre studio est idéalement situé au cœur de Tours centre, au niveau de la place Jean Jaurès, dans le Centre Commercial « Passage du Palais ». Vous pouvez aisément stationner dans les rues adjacentes, ou bien tout simplement en vous garant dans le parking sous-terrain qui offre un accès direct à la galerie et donc au studio. 

De l’extérieur, l’accès à Record Fitness se fait par l’entrée de la galerie au niveau de la La Grande Récrée.

Si vous recherchez une salle de sport d’un nouveau genre à Tours centre, ne cherchez pas plus loin que Record Fitness. Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre pour vivre une expérience de fitness exceptionnelle dans un cadre qui saura vous booster, pour vous rapprocher de vos objectifs de condition physique. Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir dans notre studio ! 

  • 19 place Jean Jaurès - Centre Commercial Passage du Palais 37000 TOURS
  • 06 74 39 86 76

Lundi au Jeudi : 10h – 21h

Vendredi : 10h – 20h

Samedi : 10h – 18h

  • Entraînements

Liens utiles

  • Mentions légales
  • Politique de confidentialité

® Record Fitness – 2023 – Tous droits réservés

  • Une création Studio Limonade
  • Your First TITLE Boxing Class
  • Own a Franchise
  • Find A Club

Take it out on the bag

Authentic heavy bag workouts, nearest club, find other clubs near you, show up and sweat, your first class.

Let’s make it happen together. We welcome boxers of all fitness levels and are in your corner to make your first-class experience easy and fun.

boxe fitness tours

The Workout

Every TITLE workout has one goal: to make sure you leave empowered and equipped with a new, better, more powerful skillset.

boxe fitness tours

Take TITLE Home

Take our boxing fitness class experience anywhere in the world. Gain unlimited access to boxing and more with TITLE Boxing Club On Demand so you can train hard and have fun anytime, anywhere.

boxe fitness tours

Club Finder

Become part of the TITLE family today and experience for yourself what makes us different. Our clubs are expanding across the United States – so there’s probably one by you!

boxe fitness tours


boxe fitness tours

Member spotlight

I cannot recommend TITLE enough! The classes are fast, and fun and they play great music. Stop by to try a class and you’ll see why so many people love TITLE Boxing Club!

I joined TITLE Boxing Club because I wanted to gain confidence. Now, I feel powerful and it’s a blast learning to throw a punch. This has been so much more than just a boxing class.

Kathleen I.

Great workout head to toe – cardio, muscle building, losing weight…it’s all right here. And the camaraderie you build with other members is second to none.

Workouts are fun and taking your stress out by hitting a heavy bag is awesome.

I love this place! I had wanted to try boxing workouts for a while, but I was intimidated. I finally checked it out and I’ve been going ever since! Super fun and engaging workouts.

Recent TITLE Boxing Club Blogs

TITLE blog posting image

5 Benefits of Group Fitness

Group fitness is more than just a trend—it’s a powerful way to enhance your workout routine and achieve your fitness goals. At TITLE Boxing Club, we believe in the transformative power of working out with others. Here’s why you should consider incorporating group fitness into your regimen. Motivation and Accountability One of the biggest advantages…

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Busy Adults

Maintaining a healthy diet while juggling a hectic schedule can be challenging, but with a little planning, you can fuel your body with nutritious meals even on the busiest days. Here are some delicious and easy-to-prepare lunchbox ideas that are perfect for busy adults: Quinoa Salad with Chickpeas and Vegetables Cook quinoa ahead of time…

Centre One

Boxe Pratique multi Boxe

La pratique multi boxe est l’addition des différentes disciplines de boxe.

Chez Centre One nous adorons la boxe et mêmes les boxes. Elles sont assurées par Jérémy Ouanna, ancien boxeur professionnel et champion de France en 2007, 2012 et 2013, le tout dans un décor pugilistique et atypique.


boxe fitness tours

Boxe Française

Inities toi à la savate, cours de pieds/poings.

Le cours idéal pour affiner les cuisses et le fessier et améliorer ta souplesse.

Boxe anglaise

Boxe Anglaise

Le Noble Art : développes tes capacités physiques et psychiques, souplesse et agilité.

boxe fitness tours

Amateur de sensations, tu veux passer sur le Ring : mets en place tes enchaînements lors d’assauts encadrés.


Tu vas bientôt enfiler les gants ? Voici nos conseils en amont pour te mettre dans les meilleures conditions pour ta séance.

Avant la séance

Nos recommandations :

  • Bien dormir la veille
  • Bien s’alimenter et s’hydrater au cours de la journée

Pensez à votre matériel gourde, serviette et chaussures de type Running. 

Pour les gants pas d’inquiétude nous en disposons si besoin…. 

Arrivée au Centre

Présentez-vous une quinzaine de minutes avant le début de la séance.

Il est important d’être en conditions pour vous et le bon déroulement du cours.

Pendant la séance

Rassures-toi, l’état d’esprit des adhérents est convivial chez Centre One, les plus expérimentés te guideront au cours de la séance !

Nos cours small group (max 8 pers) sont préparés chaque séance par nos coachs.

Les séances sont préparées selon les niveaux et pathologies des adhérents.

Fin de séance

Racontes nous !

NOUVEAU... Réservez vos cours en ligne !

Visite virtuelle

Visite virtuelle du centre

Centre One

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Annuaire des

Clubs de FRANCE

  • Indre-et-Loire
  • Club de boxe

Boxing Club Tours Nord


Ce numéro valable 5 minutes n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Ce service est édité par le site mon-club.tel. Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Club de boxe Boxing Club Tours Nord Tours

C'est votre fiche ? Modifier la fiche. / Supprimer la fiche.

A propos de : Club de boxe Boxing Club Tours Nord à Tours

"Super Club, bien acceuili les enfants se sentent de suite à l'aise."

Accessibilité :

Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant

Adhésion obligatoire

Tags: Club de boxe , Association ou organisation ,

Les derniers avis :


Les cours étaient souvent annulés sans avoir été prévenu mais ils sont très complets et on combat beaucoup.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURPOXM2S1hBEAE - 0 --------------


Excellent club je vous le recommande vivement

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNHaXJPUG53RRAB - 0 --------------


Super Club, bien acceuili les enfants se sentent de suite à l'aise. Je recommande

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ2cF9MMUhnEAE - 0 --------------


Entraîneur très gentil salle arrangeante pr les paiements rien à dire

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURDdE5lN25BRRAB - 0 --------------


Excellente équipe je vous l'a recommande

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURzbnFpMktnEAE - 0 --------------


Club de boxe dans un quartier pour les jeunes, c'est super !

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQwOU4tUnFBRRAB - 0 --------------


------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURVbjRUdHB3RRAB - 0 --------------


Pour le sport

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURVNmIyZUZBEAE - 0 --------------


Club parfait

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURVMU9MUzhnRRAB - 0 --------------


Club mentalité "familiale" pour se dépasser quel que soit le niveau

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNVOXR1YnhBRRAB - 0 --------------

Ajouter un avis

  • 81 Av. de l'Europe
  • boxingtoursmetropole.fr

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Les autres Club de boxe

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First Contact Club

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Boxing Club La Riche

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Valhalla Boxing Amboise

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Bavy Boxing Montlouis sur Loire

Professionnel et rigoureux. Très sympathique, je vous le recommande pour tous les publics...

Aussi à Tours

  • Toutes les thématiques > Cardio >

Fit Boxing : toutes les informations sur les clubs, les tarifs, les horaires, les avis.

Le Fit Boxing, c'est l'alliance parfaite entre le fitness et la boxe. Sur une musique rythmée, vous apprenez à enchaîner coups droits, uppercuts et crochets, mais aussi coups de pieds, de genoux, et de coudes, tout en y associant des mouvements d'aérobic classiques au cours de chorégraphies “warrior".

Vous ne verrez vraiment pas l'heure de cours passer ! Vous vous défoulez, tout en renforçant votre coeur, ainsi que vos capacités pulmonaires. Ce cours est également idéal pour puiser dans les graisses et tonifier l'ensemble de la silhouette.

Vous vous sentez l'âme conquérante, et ressortez du cours aussi vidé qu'enthousiaste !

Fit Boxing

Voir les activités associées


Biking / Cycling

Biking / Cycling

Cardio Attack

Cardio Attack

Cardio Combat

Cardio Combat

Cardio Funk

Cardio Funk



Circuit Minceur Femme

Circuit Minceur Femme

High Impact Aerobic (HIA)

High Impact Aerobic (HIA)

Hi low Impact Aerobic (Hi-Lo)

Hi low Impact Aerobic (Hi-Lo)

Low Impact Aerobic (LIA)

Low Impact Aerobic (LIA)

Tennis de Table

Tennis de Table

Total Body Conditionning (TBC)

Total Body Conditionning (TBC)

Jukari Fit to Flex™

Jukari Fit to Flex™

Zumba Fitness®

Zumba Fitness®

Urban Training

Urban Training



Où pratiquer l'activité Fit Boxing ?

  • Fit Boxing à Paris
  • Fit Boxing à Montpellier
  • Fit Boxing à Marseille
  • Fit Boxing à Lyon
  • Fit Boxing à Toulouse
  • Fit Boxing à Nimes
  • Fit Boxing à Aix-en-Provence
  • Fit Boxing à Clermont-Ferrand
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Maur-Des-Fosses
  • Fit Boxing à Nice
  • Fit Boxing à Bordeaux
  • Fit Boxing à Geneve
  • Fit Boxing à Chambéry
  • Fit Boxing à Limoges
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Jean-de-Védas
  • Fit Boxing à Amiens
  • Fit Boxing à Tours
  • Fit Boxing à Nantes
  • Fit Boxing à Boulogne-Billancourt
  • Fit Boxing à Avignon
  • Fit Boxing à Cannes
  • Fit Boxing à Melle
  • Fit Boxing à Sedan
  • Fit Boxing à Rambouillet
  • Fit Boxing à Angers
  • Fit Boxing à Quincy-Sous-Senart
  • Fit Boxing à Lille
  • Fit Boxing à Serris
  • Fit Boxing à Palaiseau
  • Fit Boxing à Orléans
  • Fit Boxing à Brive-la-Gaillarde
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Die-Des-Vosges
  • Fit Boxing à Chelles
  • Fit Boxing à Rennes
  • Fit Boxing à Claye-Souilly
  • Fit Boxing à Chalon-sur-Saone
  • Fit Boxing à Dijon
  • Fit Boxing à Montlhéry
  • Fit Boxing à Thiais
  • Fit Boxing à Lunel
  • Fit Boxing à St-Raphael
  • Fit Boxing à Vaison-La-Romaine
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Laurent-du-Var
  • Fit Boxing à Clichy
  • Fit Boxing à Issy-Les-Moulineaux
  • Fit Boxing à Casablanca
  • Fit Boxing à Nancy
  • Fit Boxing à Aurillac
  • Fit Boxing à Argenteuil
  • Fit Boxing à Neuilly-sur-Marne
  • Fit Boxing à Ollioules
  • Fit Boxing à Bois-d'arcy
  • Fit Boxing à Morangis
  • Fit Boxing à Anglet
  • Fit Boxing à La-Ville-du-bois
  • Fit Boxing à Épinay-sur-Seine
  • Fit Boxing à Thones
  • Fit Boxing à Thonon-les-Bains
  • Fit Boxing à Octeville-Sur-Mer
  • Fit Boxing à Puiseux-Pontoise
  • Fit Boxing à Aubagne
  • Fit Boxing à Meximieux
  • Fit Boxing à Six-Fours-Les-Plages
  • Fit Boxing à Talence
  • Fit Boxing à Courbevoie
  • Fit Boxing à Schweighouse-sur-Moder
  • Fit Boxing à Alfortville
  • Fit Boxing à Fresnes
  • Fit Boxing à Arles
  • Fit Boxing à Cachan
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Césaire-De-Gauzignan
  • Fit Boxing à Le-Grau-Du-Roi
  • Fit Boxing à Houilles
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Priest
  • Fit Boxing à Magnanville
  • Fit Boxing à La-Garde
  • Fit Boxing à Puteaux
  • Fit Boxing à Capbreton
  • Fit Boxing à Amboise
  • Fit Boxing à mery-sur-oise
  • Fit Boxing à Charbonnieres-Les-Bains
  • Fit Boxing à Le Cannet
  • Fit Boxing à Massy
  • Fit Boxing à Rezé
  • Fit Boxing à Marly
  • Fit Boxing à Seynod
  • Fit Boxing à Barberey-Saint-Sulpice
  • Fit Boxing à Briey
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Pierre
  • Fit Boxing à Champigny-sur-Marne
  • Fit Boxing à Mauguio
  • Fit Boxing à Villiers-sur-Marne
  • Fit Boxing à Montélimar
  • Fit Boxing à Beaulieu-Sur-Mer
  • Fit Boxing à Ecully
  • Fit Boxing à Neuilly-sur-Seine
  • Fit Boxing à Saint-Genis-Laval
  • Fit Boxing à Chatellerault
  • Fit Boxing à Cergy
  • Fit Boxing à Chatuzange-le-Goubet

Cali Boxing and Fitness - The #1 Boxing In San Jose, California

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Kids / Youth Boxing

Cardio boxing, personal training, boxing bootcamp, view all services, what do people say about us.

I really like this gym – there’s a legit neighborly vibe there. The coaches are solid and really push you. They’ve made accommodations in classes for my knee injury, which I appreciate. I’m leaner, more muscular and have more confidence since I joined up.

This gym is an awesome place where you get to meet nice helpful teachers and learn with nice helpful people around you. Learned new things and tried things that kept making me want to go back everyday. All around I will keep going here.

I’ve been coming here for years.. And I absolutely love it! From the staff to the facility to the workouts, this place is top notch! I’m proud to be part of a community of professional, fun, and awesome people.

Great gym, has everything you need to get in shape and the classes and coaches are awesome! Always positive and encouraging folks here.

Love the positive and encouragement that the facility provides… Great positive people who care for you… I love going there and the encouragement.

I have been a member for over a year and I love it. The coaches are top notch and the people are great. You get the best workouts here. Highly recommend.


Google Map

3469 McKee Rd, San Jose, CA 95127

Call us: 408-729-5269, where do you want us to send our membership pricing information, sends instantly via text.


boxe fitness tours

Train like A champion

Delray Beach boxing was built to bring the old school boxing club vibe while adding the upscale look. From our premium sound system, lighting, world class trainers, state of the art equipment, we pride ourselves on giving you a unforgettable experience.


Boxing Conditioning

Stay motivated and build strength with conditioning based classes. Focusing primarily on bag work, this style class improves strength, stamina and improves bag technique.

Competitive boxing

Work in the ring on competitive techniques with professional boxers, and spar with similar level competitors.

Boxing Techniques

Combining fitness with the art of boxing by demonstration and working with each student one on one, with partners, or as a group. This style trains and conditions the body for optimal results.

Boxing Fitness

Our classes teach the fundamentals of boxing combined with an intense workout style. From jab, cross, and hook to technical footwork, you’ll learn it all.

boxe fitness tours

Delray Beach boxing was built to bring the old-school boxing club vibe while adding an upscale look. From our premium sound system, lighting, world-class trainers, state of the art equipment, we pride ourselves on giving you an unforgettable experience.

Joe Samara | Owner

Joe began boxing in 2017 as a member of Delray Beach Boxing just to pick up a new hobby with no thought to compete or fight on any level. In 2020 he decided to make his dream a reality and buy the gym and eventually turn pro.


Stop by today to tour our facility and talk with one of our trainers, or reach out for more information regarding a membership. Interested in joining?  Fill out the details below.

boxe fitness tours

I have never boxed before. Will I be able to join class?

What sets you apart from other other boxing gyms in palm beach, do you offer military or student discounts, i don’t own a pair of boxing gloves or wraps. do you have any that i can use.

We have boxing gloves and wraps available for purchase.

I want to cancel my membership. How do I do that?

Oh no, we’re sorry to see you go 🙁 If you would like to cancel, please give us a 30-day cancellation notice and fill out a cancellation request form on our website. Visit the front desk if you have any questions!

Opening time

  • Open M, W, F, 5:30am
  • Open T, TR, 6:30am
  • Open Sat, Sun 8:00am

Stay connected

Get in on the action today

Considering membership? Give us your email and we’ll send you a voucher for a complimentary class. The first one is on the house!

Signup for a free class

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Home » Budget Travel » fitness retreats

34 Top Fitness and Wellness Resorts in the World • 2024

Life is a special gift. Within that there’s no better gift than good health; physical and mental. 

But we love to travel – and when you’re on the move, it can be hard to prioritise health. When we discovered fitness resorts and wellness programmes, it completely changed the game. 

So we have reviewed some of the best fitness retreats in the WORLD. Not only will I cover gruelling, heart-pumping health and fitness holidays, but yoga, meditation, and wellness retreats, surf camps, nature immersive escapes, and more!

The concept of wellness travel is simple: take time off to restore your vitality and your sanity, to build connections, and take a skill or passion to the next level. Your vacation can truly change your life. 

If you’ve ever gone on vacation to hike, surf, practice yoga, or immerse in nature, then you’ve experienced wellness travel. The programs below have put together incredible programs in exotic locations with health professionals and other like-minded people to help you create a sustainable lifestyle for the mind, body, and spirit.

So let me give you a low down on our favourite fitness retreats!

yoga and best fitness retreats

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Finding a Fitness Retreat for You

Top fitness retreats in the world, best fitness resorts in the outdoors, best surf retreats, meditation and yoga retreats, best wellness retreats, best fitness retreat for you bad folks, best affordable fitness retreats, best luxurious fitness retreats, faqs about the best fitness retreats, final thoughts on the best fitness retreats in the world.

The days of MTV girls’ gone wild beach resorts are behind us. Wellness travel is now one of the fastest-growing sectors in tourism because people are tired of needing a vacation from their vacation.

People are looking to detox on holiday, not to destroy their livers in the process. People are looking for ways to get away from the stress, not deplete their adrenals faster than their bank account.

Don’t get me wrong: there are times and places for partying and letting loose (this is a backpacker blog, after all), but there is also a time and place for staying fit on the road and fitness classes that are actually restorative and rejuvenating.

Although there are some expensive retreats out there, I’ve hand-picked the getaways and fitness resorts that are worth your money. I’ve also included many affordable getaways so even we backpackers can take a break from the crazy hostel life once and a while.

surfing fitness retreats

As someone who personally likes to work out hard, hit the gym, and go on adventures, I also appreciate   working inwards through yoga and meditation, digital detoxes, and nature immersion. I always ensure my backpack is equipped with light and reliable travel workout gear to stay fit on the roads.

You can trust that I’ve covered a solid variety of wellness and fitness getaways that encompass my passion for health and travel.

I’d like to point out that wellness and fitness are not interchangeable, and sometimes athletes sacrifice health and longevity to achieve maximal physical fitness and performance, but the two can go hand in hand. Many of the fitness and wellness retreats I cover below incorporate healthy food, restorative rest, digital detoxes, mobility, and recovery in balance with intensive workouts and adventures.

Some of the best fitness retreats in the world include surf and yoga retreats, outdoor escapes, adventurous locations, luxurious getaways, and more. As mentioned, I’ve included a few amazing surf and fitness camps for those of us on a budget.

I am going to cover a few fitness retreats that focus on your physical fitness as well as particular skill sets like martial arts and CrossFit. Some will focus more on group settings, while others on silent meditation.

Whatever your health goals are, it’s likely there’s a wellness holiday out there for you. Let’s dig in, shall we?

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Before signing up for a fitness retreat, you should think about what you want to get out of your ultimate fitness vacation. Do you want a holistic vacation or one that just hits you hard with HIIT (high-intensity interval training), boot camps, and long runs?

Are you interested in yoga and meditation? Surf? Martial arts?

Are you simply looking at getting into hiking or exclusively time to relax at the spa?

best wellness and fitness retreats Aro Ha Retreat

1. WanderFit Retreats

Where: Bali, Costa Rica, and Portugal

WanderFit Retreats is a travel and tour company that aims to be more than the world’s best boot camp. Their mantra is to incorporate healthy living, fitness, and adventure throughout the trip.

Balangan Beach Bali

Bali retreat spends 8 days on the “Island of the Gods,” combining fitness and active adventures for each day. These include a hike up Mt. Batur, functional fitness and HIIT workouts, sightseeing, snorkeling, and spa days. Get excited about the unlimited access you get to Amo Spa’s sauna and amenities with this package! (I’ve spent quite a bit of time at Amo while visiting Bali .)

These incredible fitness vacations don’t stop in Bali either. They’ve recently added trips to Portugal and also a fitness retreat in Costa Rica. While great for couples or solo fitness enthusiasts, this is a fantastic fitness retreat for singles!

2. Extreme Fitness Camps

Where: Caraberete, Dominican Republic

If you are searching for the best fitness vacations in the Caribbean , then this eco-adventure paradise is the retreat for you. Set in the Dominican Republic, this is one of the best active retreats, designed to get you healthy and energized.

Their fitness retreats include personal training sessions, twice-daily small group workouts, and yoga. (They also have a kiteboarding program, as Caraberate is one of the best kiteboarding locations in the world!)

Dominican Republic 5

This is the world’s best boot camp, working with everyone from professional athletes to top executives to fitness enthusiasts.

Food includes a daily protein smoothie, organic breakfast, and dinner at the hotel’s farm-to-table restaurant. You even get to tour their organic farm. An onsite nutritionist will help you figure out how to continue your healthy eating once you’re at home.

Their gym is also one of the leading ecologically sustainable small hotels in the Caribbean. Extreme Fitness Camps is more than just an adventure sports and fitness retreat, but a place that values sustainable and ecological tourism and community.

3. Kung Fu Retreat

Are you looking for a unique and life-changing fitness retreat? Do you want to experience the body, mind, and spirit shift of a yoga retreat… but yoga isn’t for you? Kung Fu Retreat takes you in deep adventures in Thailand in the northern mountains of Pai. Destress and immerse in daily Kung Fu, tai chi, and meditation practices.

boxe fitness tours

Experience an incredible well-being holiday in paradise with a combination of physical exercise, guided meditations, delicious healthy food, accommodations with beautiful views in the hillside, and a feeling of community unlike anywhere else. Kung Fu retreat is a place to build strength, heal, and find peace all in one.

The program packs a punch with the best elements of Chinese Kung Fu, Chi Kung, meditation, and tai chi. You can sign up for the week, a month, 3 months, or even stay for multiple years.

4. 38 Degrees North

Where:  Marbella, Spain

Alright, this is one of the more extreme fitness camps for adults. With retreats in both Ibiza and Marbella, the four-day retreats include a sunrise fasted HIIT session, breakfast, lunch, and dinner intermixed with outdoor functional training, stretching, kettlebell training, boxing, yoga, and nutritional workshops.

Ultimate Fitness Holiday

38 Degrees North has been running since 2012 and each retreat is hosted by owners Claire and James. They offer a holistic lifestyle retreat that gives you a paradisal location, space, and support to recharge, make changes, and improve your health!

The retreats also include beachside accommodation, habit change coaching and a four-week training plan. What I dig about this fitness retreat is how they focus on creating sustainable programs for busy people. Their goal is to educate people on how to incorporate fitness into ‘real’ life – in a holistic way, so they can get short and effective workouts and routines to weave into normal life.

5. Ultimate Fitness Holiday

Where:  Thailand, Bali, Spain, Sri Lanka and Australia

Want to join an all-service experience retreat in paradise-like destinations? Do you want to get the healthiest you’ve ever been with the support of experts and become the world’s fittest You?

Ultimate Fitness Holiday offers customized fitness retreats for you to get YOUR perfect fitness retreat. With over 10,000 meters of fitness space spread out over all their locations, you will have space and the facilities to deepen your practice while strengthening your body and mind.

Balancing out hard work and relaxation, Ultimate Fitness Holiday makes sure that you also have some downtime and some fun. In your free time, take your healthy body on an adventure and engage in fun activities such as kiting.

While I do love hitting a good workout class or WOD at Crossfit – I’m a firm believer that the best functional fitness and overall health are found in nature. Studies show nature is vital to optimum health.

So let’s use the great outdoors to get healthy, connect with nature, and reconnect with ourselves. These are my favorite outdoor fitness retreats.

6. Red Mountain Resort

Where:  St. George, Utah

Set along the inspiring Southwest’s red rock cliffs and canyons, and a stone’s throw away from Red Rocks, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon National Park, Red Mountain Resort is one of the top fitness resorts in the USA. It offers the perfect location to improve your fitness and wellness in the great outdoors.

St. George, Utah is one of the outdoor adventure capitals of the world, Red Mountain Resort offers a variety of unique fitness-related experiences and outdoor experiences. You’re within driving distance of the greatest national parks in the USA !

angels rest things to do in utah

Red Mountain fitness Resort includes three healthy meals per day, guided hiking and biking, and yoga and fitness classes. There’s even a lap pool for water workouts!

If you want to take it slow, relax at the Sagestone spa, inspired by ancient health and beauty rituals practiced throughout the world. If you want more of an adventure, they customize trips for rock climbing, canyoneering, and hiking trips in the parks and wilderness.

A typical day goes like this: early morning breakfast and a hike, an afternoon kayaking trip, and an evening winding down at the spa. The southwest, USA is one of the most beautiful places in the world, so you can’t go wrong with this fitness getaway.

7. Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat in British Columbia, Canada

Where: BC, Canada

I can’t think of a better place to reset your health than the exquisite and beautiful mountains of British Colombia. Each day features sunrise yoga, Nordic-style hikes through the mountains, chef-prepared cuisine, and time to unwind in a state-of-the-art spa at their beautiful lodge that Kootenay Lake and the Purcell Mountains.

The concept is to reclaim your functional movement and natural health through balancing key hormones and boosting your metabolism. This is the perfect wellness retreat for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in nature.

Bonus point: Mountain Trek’s spa has been named as one of the best destination spas in the world.

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8. Moab Mindful Running Retreat

Where:  Moab, Utah

Moab is home to the ultra-ultra marathons… (We’re talking 250-mile races!) The concept is to build a sustainable running practice that avoids injury and burnout while meeting other like-minded runners.

one of the most beautiful Utah national parks

This fitness retreat is intended for runners who can keep up with four-to nine-mile daily workouts through the red rock canyons. That said, Moab Mindful Running Retreat is about more than just running: set among the sheer beauty of Moab, you have the opportunity to do restorative yoga, join mindful running workshops and natural form clinics to mitigate the stress of running, and improve posture, efficiency, and flow.

The retreat leader Charlotte was once a professional sprinter and Denmark’s fastest woman. Afterwards, she combined her sports science degree with a new interest in mindfulness and yoga and then spent a decade using sports as a tool to create peaceful co-existence and social cohesion in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

9. New Life Hiking Spa

New Life Hiking Spa is an all-inclusive fitness retreat in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Its affordable rates include three healthy meals a day, guided hikes along the Appalachian Trail, yoga, wellness lectures, and one massage per three-night stay.

campground new england with fall folaige and mountains

New Life has emphasized cleansing by using the freshest, most wholesome foods available – no lose weight quick schemes. Their schedule is somewhat flexible depending on your fitness level, and the hikes can be customized to your needs.

10. Fitness Adventure Travel

Where: Worldwide

Fitness Adventure Travel trips go to various exotic locations to get you fit while still enjoying what the country has to offer. You go on a wonderful group tour with an emphasis on fitness.

They go everywhere from Morocco and the Mediterranean to a Costa Rica fitness retreat and Barbados boot camp vacation. On their Ecuador trip , for example, they take you to Quito, the world’s highest capital city to trek around the area with experts for your personal training sessions. You get to explore hot thermal baths, volcanoes, rivers, lakes, and beaches.

What makes this a great fitness retreat is their focus on your fitness and nutrition needs, while simultaneously exploring the historic town and indigenous markets. Plus, this program also serves as a digital detox as many destinations are remote, like the top of a mountain or a fishing village.

11. The Big Blue Swim in Greece

Where: Santorini, Lefkada, and Crete, Greece

Long loved as a honeymoon destination for travelling lovebirds , why not experience Santorini in a different light by swimming along the coastline, or visit the large island of Crete and swim its alluring waters? How about exploring the lush island of Lefkada from land and then sea?

Start each day with a buffet-style breakfast before heading to the first swimming location and jumping into the alluring Greek waters. The concept behind this fitness resort is to swim in a different location each day. Boat transfers will take you to harbours for lunch.

12. Cycle Retreats in Costa Blanca, Spain

Where: Costa Blanca, Spain

Another one of the more extreme fitness camps for adults, get ready to cycle along the sunny coast of Spain. With 325 days of sun a year, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better cycle retreat in winter!

They offer routes for every level, including the cycling novice too. What sets Cycle Retreat from other cycle tours? I’m a big fan of Costa Blanca’s incredible views and their relaxing villa with home-cooked food made using locally-sourced ingredients and wines. Moreover, you can schedule trips to the ocean, wine tastings, and massages.

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These are a few of the best surf retreats in the world. Between Morocco, Costa Rica and Central America, and South East Astia, there are so many potential options, but in terms of fitness retreats, these are some of the best.

best surf retreats

13. SurfMaroc

Where: Morocco

They offer packages for beginners (Surf Coaching) and intermediate and advanced surfers (Guiding). This surf retreat includes hearty breakfast and dinner, picnic lunches, beachfront accommodation, sunset yoga, and of course, surf lessons with good-quality boards and gear.

As for the coaching, they go above and beyond, with two hours a day of daily surf lessons and video analysis for intermediate and level 5 surfers. This program aims to take your surfing to the next level as quickly as possible with hands-on instruction.

14. Mad to Live

Where: Faro, Portugal

This epic surf retreat offers 7 days of surfing, sunset beach yoga sessions, and sunrise trail running. They also lead beach circuit sessions, and one-on-one PT sessions, so this is just as much a fitness retreat as just surf! All meals are included except for two nights, which are spent out on the town.

15. Point Break Retreats

Where:  Sayulita, Mexico (+ Costa Rica and Portugal destinations)

Their mantra is “find your balance” and that’s exactly what you’ll find. Find your balance on the board, in the studio, and life. They help you go deep into the movement. Point Break is unique as they blend the art of ballet with the athleticism of surfing. The trip is sprinkled with a handful of fun excursions around town, yoga classes, beach time, salsa lessons, and plenty of time to lounge and decompress. I believe they also host women fitness retreats too!

16. Safari Surf School

Where: Nosara , Costa Rica

They have tons of curated packages and some you can design on your own. This program is unique because a percentage of all their proceeds go to a local non-profit – Refuge for Wildlife. Enjoy your vacation, learn to surf all while helping the local community! (They also have a camp in Panama!)


You’ll be getting in the water in the morning and afternoon for lessons, but also have time to explore in between! You can find anything from waterfall hikes to horseback tours! Or just read a book by the pool or beach, take a yoga class, or get a rejuvenating massage.

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While a lot of the best fitness resorts include yoga classes, this section focuses on ashrams, all-inclusive yoga retreats, and meditation retreats, specifically. I have listed some of the most popular yoga retreats, but generally included many of the best retreats and shalas offered in India and across the world.

I have excluded obscenely priced retreats from this section. Please see my luxurious fitness retreat section below for those. Most of these the best yoga retreats in the world reside in yoga’s birthplace of India, though not all, and I added a couple of different retreats elsewhere.

Keep in mind, you can show up to travel India or Asia and find a retreat that speaks to you, but if you want to book everything ahead of time, then these suggestions are a great place to start.

Young Girl Yoga, Nusa Lembongan

17. Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Light of BKS Iyengar

Where: Puna, India

This might be one of the most popular yoga retreats in the world, as it is the heart and soul of Iyengar Yoga. There is a great significance behind the unique design of RIMYI. The three floors represent the body, mind, and soul. Its height is 71 feet and has 8 columns which represent the eight limbs of ashtanga yoga i.e.yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The institute conducts regular classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced yogis.

18. Samma Karuna

Where: Koh Phangan, Thailand

Looking for a meditation trip? One of the best yoga retreats in the world? A place to meet like-minded people? Samma Karuna is located amongst the palm trees, beautiful beaches, and jungle landscapes of Koh Phangan, and this place is more like a community than a retreat.

They offer various packages, teacher training courses, a unique 1-month Awakening and Healing program, and shorter stays too. My friend has raved about how incredible this yoga getaway is.

Don’t be alarmed that Koh Phangan is the infamous Full Moon Party island because there are many lowkey spots on the island as well, and I’ve heard the yoga on Koh Phangan is overall incredible at many studios and retreat centers.

best yoga retreats on Koh Phangan

19. Mysore Mandala

Where: Mysore, India (Ashtanga’s birthplace)

If you are looking for an Ashtanga-style yoga and meditation retreat in India , this is one of the best Yoga retreats in India. Mysore Mandala Yoga Shala is a Yoga and Cultural Centre located in charming Heritage House with a cafe supplied by the owners’ organic farm on-site.

It’s closer to a western-style studio than traditional ashram but remains authentic. They mainly teach Ashtanga, Mysore Style, but also offer Hatha, shatkriya (cleansing), back bending, and pranayama as well as instruction in Sanskrit, in the yoga sutras, and Ayurveda, the Vedic medical system. The personal training sessions are highly regarded here.

best yoga retreats in India

20. Sagrada Wellness Retreat

Where: Santa Margarita, California

Right in my backyard of California’s Central Coast, The Sagrada Wellness retreat is nestled amongst the quiet hilltops of Santa Margarita, California. I love that there is no internet, and you can fully disconnect from technology to practice yoga, eat farm-to-table organic foods, meditate, journal, and spa in peace.

As someone who lives around here, it’s hard not to eat and feel well among the California hilltops!  Bonus points for their 100% solar-powered home, saltwater pool, Jacuzzi, and nearby hiking spots. They also run “Singlehood Retreat” making them one of the best spiritual retreats for singles. Considering the location, there are wine and yoga retreats, too because of wine not?

21. Ana Maya Resort

Where: Montezuma, Costa Rica

More than just a yoga retreat, Ana Maya is a paradise nestled in the Costa Rican jungle overlooking the ocean. They do all-inclusive yoga retreats ranging from a few days to weeks. You’ll get nothing less than all organic, healthy meals – gourmet style, yoga packages, spa services, and specialized workshops.

Ana Maya Resort works with the neighbouring Rancho Delicioso to do yoga packages with their permaculture courses, scuba and surf camps, aerial silk, and archery. Rancho Delicioso is just a few miles away. It’s more affordable but not as luxurious as Ana Maya, and so many guests do one week at Anamaya and one at Rancho Delicioso.

backpacking Costa Rica

22. Yoga Goa Purple Valley

With access to the world’s best Ashtanga teachers (John Scott, Petri Raisanen, Alexander Medin), Goa’s Purple Valley one of the best yoga retreats in the world to practice Mysore-style yogic living.

The yoga retreat is spread over two Portuguese-style houses and landscaped gardens with a tropical forest feel. Two international and one Ayurvedic chef prepare delicious, healthy meals.

You may also meet with Ayurvedic doctors and massage therapists. We consider this one of the best spiritual retreats in India for singles, though couples you are welcome too.

23. Sleep YourSelf Awake Retreat

When: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Located between the jungle and a private beach, this is one of the best meditation and yoga retreats in the world. I love their focus on yoga nidra sessions to work through the stages of sleep and get restorative sleep.

Yoga Nidra brings the nervous system into a coherent state, resting in a place where healing can occur on all levels. You can also expect body mapping and dream mapping workshops, and the option to participate in a traditional  temazcal  (Mayan sweat lodge) ceremony.

24. Aro Ha in the Southern Alps of New Zealand

Where: Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand

Aro Ha is a multi-award-winning retreat where wellness traditions meet luxury. Each retreat aims to achieve that by focusing on the BREATH acronym: Being, Relating, Eating, Activity, Toxicity, and Healing.

Salute the rising sun with vinyasa yoga, be immersed in nature, and use a variety of practices to elevate your body and mind. The accommodation features a range of eco suites in a home with a shared foyer with communal space to sit and share tea. From the hydrotherapy spas set into the mountainous earth to the yoga studio with panoramic views of Lake Wakatipu, you’ll find peace everywhere you turn.

The all-inclusive program serves up vegetarian, paleo-friendly, gluten-free, and dairy-free cuisine to help reset your eating habits; and fitness classes, spa therapy, and mindfulness practices take care of the rest of the body and mind. This will translate nicely into all your mindful training in the gym, on the mat and elsewhere.

Aro Ha is a self-sustaining retreat that merges ancient traditions with modern technology. From the organic produce grown onsite and stored in ambient, earth-cooled cellars, to our state-of-the-art solar and hydro energy system, each wellness journey leaves no trace.

25. Akasha Wellness Retreat

Akasha Wellness Retreat combines some of the best hiking in the world with a yoga retreat. It is in a quaint village in the mountains of Transylvania close to the city of Brasov. It is the perfect wellness retreat getaway from Western Europe, as it’s – as they say – “remote and rural on purpose.” You’ll practice yoga and hike amongst pure mountain air and nature, and eat some of the best homemade food.

You’ll have unlimited access to Swedish & infrared sauna, and outdoor jacuzzi hot tub, both with views of the mountains. Body therapies, energy healing, and massages can be booked on arrival.

26. Seven Senses

Where:  Todos Santos, Mexico

Throughout this week-long retreat, holistic naturopath, Dr. Erica Matluck and sound practitioner, Paul Kuhn will lead you through a series of exercises, ranging from breathwork and sound therapy to yoga and empowering purpose-driven workshops, to optimize your seven chakra centers.

At the end of this transformative journey, you will have the access to and understanding of powerful physical and metaphysical tools to unblock, strategize and manifest boundless success and happiness back at home.

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Are you looking for an extreme fitness retreat for adults? You know, the drinking kind? Check out these fitness vacations that may or may not serve beer too.

27. Surf Yoga Beer

Where: Italy, Belize, NYC, and Beyond

No, this surf camp and fitness vacation is not just about beer. They offer salsa dancing, sailing, surfing, HIIT workouts, kayaking, and fitness retreats around the world. There are also smaller exercise and yoga retreats around New York City .

28. Yoga for Bad People

Where:  Multiple locations like Cuba and Tanzania.

So what’s up with Yoga for bad people? From their site: “In a classic text on yoga, the “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, it is stated that one of the obstacles to yoga is “adhering too strictly to rules”, hence the slang term “bad”. BAD, essentially meaning good, but with a little spice and an element of being unconventional and eccentric.” They do adhere to some traditional yoga but are not afraid to throw on some bumping music and dance.

Yoga for bad people leads fitness retreats around the world that allow for quiet reflection intense physical athleticism. Unlike the other fitness resorts above, they focus on nightlife too.

We’re not all made of money. But it doesn’t matter anyway. Your ideal wellness retreat doesn’t have to cost the Earth.

Yes, you can still experience health spa services, fun activities, and weight loss boot camps on a budget. Here are some top picks that the world has to offer in affordable fitness retreats.

29. Soul & Surf

Where: India, Sri Lanka, Portugal

With shallow, uncrowded waves, Kerala could never rival surf hot spots like Indonesia and Hawaii, but it’s perfect for learning how to surf in a tropical, exotic place. They were one of the country’s first surf camps to offer classes from professional teachers. Get to know this beautiful place in India, and learn to surf with daily rooftop yoga.

Another excellent option is to go surfing in Sri Lanka with Soul & Surf. Although they’re affordable, they set their standards high with brilliant, down-to-earth staff, surf, yoga, pranayama, meditation, therapies, cafe, and music programs. I’m a huge fan. 

30. Free Spirit Hostel, Nicaragua and Ecuador

surfing in Nicaragua

Surf and yoga package holidays do not have to be expensive. At Free Spirit, the owners believe surf and yoga should be for everyone. The package includes six nights of accommodation in a shared dorm, six breakfasts, six dinners, three surf lessons, one surf theory lesson, board rental, and five yoga lessons. El Transito’s break offers the best intermediate-advanced waves in March-August.

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While we love to backpack and travel on a dime , we also love to dream about luxurious fitness retreat vacations once and a while. If you come across a winning lottery ticket or inheritance, maybe you should book yourself a spot at a luxury boot camp.

31. The Ranch

Where: Malibu, California

The Ranch is one of the best luxury fitness retreats in the world, where wealthy A-listers go to get in shape. Choose from the Ranch (a seven-day stay), the Ranch 4.0 (a four-day weekend), or the Ranch 10.0 (an intense 10-day program). A typical day includes long hikes, strength training, and yoga, accompanied by an organic plant-based meal plan.

malibu pink sunset on ocean

32. Canyon Ranch

Where: Tuscon, Arizona

One of the most famous luxury fitness resorts in the US, Canyon Ranch offers everything you can imagine in the name of wellness. They have experts in medicine, exercise physiology, nutrition, life management, spirituality and other wellness specialities onsite. From their Life Enhancement Center to their Spa, wellness programs, and incredible dining experience (organic and beyond), no one does luxurious wellness better.

During your stay, you are encouraged to set an intention for each visit. From there, you get over 40 classes and activities to choose from, like forest bathing and yoga, HIIT training, and creative art classes. You also get $160 per day to use for massages, facials, and one-on-one with fitness pros, exercise physiologists, nutritionists, spiritual guides, physicians and more.

Canyon Ranch has a 100,000-square-foot spa and fitness facility with indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, steam rooms, an indoor running track, cycling studio, and more.

33. The Body Holiday

Where: St Lucia, Caribbean

If you are looking for one of the best luxury fitness retreats on a beautiful, tropical island, then this fitness resort is for you. You have several activities to choose from, like archery, Zumba, morning runs, snorkeling , and sunset yoga. Plus, five restaurants cater to any type of diet.

They host weight loss retreats, yoga retreats and beyond. The Body Holiday is both a great fitness vacation for singles but also couples fitness retreat too. Moreover, they use technology, ancient Ayurvedic principles, and a range of non-invasive diagnostics to assess your nutrient, hormone and stress levels, heart health and more.

34. Ananda Spa Wellness Retreat

Where: Narendranagar, India

Ananda Spa is one of the best wellness retreats and most famous Ashrams in India. It’s quite pricy for India, but their detox program is supposed to be one of the best. You’ll experience a variety of yoga, Ayurvedic, meditation, and cleansing spa remedies.

Still have some questions? No problem! We’ve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. Here’s what people usually want to know:

What are the best luxury fitness retreats in the world?

If you’re not worried about money, joining The Ranch retreat will be a blast. Other great luxury options are The Canyon Ranch and The Body Holiday Retreat .

How fit do you have to be for a fitness retreat?

As long as you can move consistently for a couple of hours during the day, your fitness level should be fine. However, reserach the retreat you want to join for any fitness requirements beforehand.

What are the best fitness retreats in Europe?

Check out these cool Europe fitness retreats: – 38 Degrees North – The Big Blue Swim in Greece – Mad to Live

What is the best all-inclusive wellness retreat?

The best all-inclusive wellness retreat in the world is Ana Maya Resort in Costa Rica. As well as offering all the best healthy food and luxury experience, they just have an incredible all-rounder experiences.

Fitness and wellness is way more than just weight loss or dropping dress sizes. It truly should be about how happy you are in your skin. That is way off from anything you’re going to just see in the mirror. 

That’s why these are some of the best opportunities in the world to improve your life. Make yourself proud of what you achieve, and you can also be somewhere incredible while you do it!

From luxurious adventure retreats to mind-body yoga, for fitness and wellness to extreme fitness getaways, I aimed to cover the best wellness getaways in the world. Whether you want to surf, greet the sun with salutations, or get your butt whipped, there’s a retreat listed for you.

In the process of improving your physical and mental health, push yourself to make friends. These people are in the same place as you for a reason. So open up your heart to get to know these people around you. If you’ve had amazing experiences in a fitness or wellness retreat anywhere in the world, tell us about it in the comments!

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Ana Pereira

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We partner with experienced and reputable instructors to support them in the delivery of their Fitness tours and retreats, whether they are looking for a bootcamp style trip or a wellness retreat we have locations around the world to suit. We provide the marketing resources and support for each instructor, as well as take care of all of the administration connected to the booking. This then allows the instructor to focus delivering the best possible sessions to the group. Instructors can choose whether to host a private group of clients or open to all.

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Our fitness tours and retreats are all about the location coupled together with the best quality instructors.

A Retreat is the best way to immerse yourself in the experience alongside fresh and healthy foods and relaxing or invigorating activities in between your sessions, depending on what you want. Whereas our fitness tours focus more on improving your specific fitness goals whether that be through Bootcamps, detox or tailored fitness programs.

We can tailor the fitness retreats to include other activities such as Golf, Tennis, Mountain Biking, Road Biking, Spa treatments, Stand Up Paddling Boarding, Kayaking, Sailing and many more.

Having delivered fitness tours for a number of years, we understand what makes the best fitness experience for both instructors and their clients.


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Sportch La Manga Tour


  1. Boxing Club (BCTM, BCLR, BCTN)

    Vous cherchez un club de boxe pieds-poings sur la Métropole de Tours pour découvrir ou pratiquer en compétition un sport de combat ? Ecole de boxe, boxe loisir, fitness ou compétiteur, ne cherchez plus, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Choisissez une de nos trois salles dont les horaires vous conviennent et venez partager avec nous les valeurs des sports de combat. Le Boxing Club Tours ...

  2. Salle de sport Tours Centre

    Notre salle de sport à Tours Centre s'inspire des meilleures Boutiques Gym New Yorkaises et Londoniennes. Les meilleurs coachs sont sélectionnés pour vous faire suer et passer un moment fun et divertissant. 45 minutes pour vous dépasser, vous transcender, vous inspirer, et vous faire transpirer au rythme de la musique.

  3. Record Fitness

    Record Fitness, Tours. 63 likes · 3 talking about this. ESSAI GRATUIT Bootcamp • Boxe • Pilates • Yoga • Run • Lift 19 place Jean Jaurès, Tours (Grande Récré) Planning et Tarifs ⤵️...

  4. TITLE Boxing Club

    Fall in love with fitness by taking the ultimate mind-body challenge! Our boxing-inspired exercise classes give people of all ages the most empowering workout of their lives. Find a club near you.

  5. Boxe training et préparation physique

    Vous souhaitez retrouver votre forme physique d'antan. Vous avez besoin d'une préparation physique en plus de votre discipline habituelle. Découvrez la discipline de boxe training : des enchainements d'exercices physiques basés sur la pratique de la boxe. Défoulement et résultat garanti.

  6. Boxing Club La Riche BCLR, Tours Nord BCTN & Tours Métropole BCTM

    Boxing Club La Riche BCLR, Tours Nord BCTN & Tours Métropole BCTM. 2,776 likes · 3 talking about this. Force et honneur. Petits et grands, enfilez vos gants et venez partager ces valeurs avec nous.

  7. Elbaja Boxing Academy à Tours

    Club de boxe Elbaja Boxing Academy Tours. Découvrez le numéro de téléphone, les avis clients (18), l'adresse, les horaires d'ouverture et les photos du Club de boxe.

  8. ElBaja Boxing Academy

    ElBaja Boxing Academy, Tours, France. 1,001 likes · 2 talking about this · 135 were here. ElBaja Boxing Academy

  9. Boxing Club Tours Nord à Tours

    Club de boxe Boxing Club Tours Nord Tours. Découvrez le numéro de téléphone, les avis clients (33), l'adresse, les horaires d'ouverture et les photos du Club de boxe.

  10. THE BEST 10 Boxing in SANTA CLARA, CA

    Best Boxing in Santa Clara, CA - Relentless Boxing, TITLE Boxing Club, The Contenders Gym, Rumble Boxing, Milpitas Boxing & Fitness, YBX Fitness, Dark Horse Gym, Rumble City Boxing, Rolls Martial Arts Training, Punch King Fitness.

  11. Club de Boxe Anglaise à Tours

    ll Trouvez où prendre des cours de Boxe Anglaise à Tours Essai GRATUIT et PROMOS exclusives dans les clubs à proximité de Tours. Découvrez les tarifs, les horaires et les avis des salles de Boxe Anglaise dans votre ville.

  12. Où pratiquer l'activité Fit Boxing

    Le Fit Boxing, c'est l'alliance parfaite entre le fitness et la boxe. Sur une musique rythmée, vous apprenez à enchaîner coups droits, uppercuts et crochets, mais aussi coups de pieds, de genoux, et de coudes, tout en y associant des mouvements d'aérobic classiques au cours de chorégraphies "warrior".


    Specialties: Classes are one hour in duration. Each class caters to all fitness and skill levels, focusing on a full body workout and conditioning. Train like an athlete at your own pace with challenging and fun workouts that always change. Learn proper boxing form, technique, foot work, correct punching and good defense with a combined fighter's workout and standard fitness workouts to get ...

  14. Top 10 Best boxing classes Near Santa Clara, California

    Top 10 Best Boxing Classes in Santa Clara, CA - August 2024 - Yelp - TITLE Boxing Club, Relentless Boxing, YBX Fitness, The Contenders Gym, Smash Gyms Sunnyvale, Milpitas Boxing & Fitness, KravZone, Rumble Boxing, UFC GYM Sunnyvale, Academy Of Self Defense.

  15. Rumble Boxing Group Fitness

    Boxing-inspired, full-body strength and conditioning group fitness classes. 10 rounds, 2 fists, 0 experience necessary.

  16. Boxing Classes

    RockBox offers boxing-based fitness classes that incorporate boxing, kickboxing, and functional training. Lose weight, build muscle, and find your community. Try us free!

  17. Cali Boxing and Fitness

    Welcome to Cali Boxing and Fitness - The premier boxing gym in San Jose, California and best boxing in San Jose. Our gym in San Jose is the top source...

  18. Delray Boxing

    If you are looking for a boxing gym in Delray Beach, come join Delray Boxing Club and checkout our schedule along with upcoming events.

  19. 34 Best Fitness Retreats in the World! • (2024 BUDGET Guide)

    Nurturing body and soul. Visit the BEST fitness resorts, wellness retreats, yoga classes, and surf camps in the world!

  20. Luxury Gym Tour: Crew Boxe's Unbelievable Setup

    Welcome to the stunning Crew Boxe in Chambly, Quebec—a place where boxing, functional fitness, and traditional gym machines coalesce in a mesmerizing black-o...

  21. Fit & Fly: Fitness, Wellness, and Cultural Retreats

    Fit & Fly Hosts Retreats to Costa Rica, Ibiza, Tulum, Bali, Morocco, Mykonos, Buenos Aires, and the French Riviera. Experience Fitness, Wellness, and Culture in an All-Inclusive Women's Retreat. Travel the World in Style!

  22. Fitness, Pilates & Yoga Retreats

    Our fitness tours and retreats are all about the location coupled together with the best quality instructors.

  23. Fitness International Travel

    Fitness International Travel. Fitness International Travel specializes in one of a kind, expert marathon travel packages designed by marathoners for marathoners. As the largest US owned travel provider with over 20 years in customized travel, we are driven by a passion for running the world, especially with you!