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Riding the Bernina Express Train as a Day Trip from Milan

red and white Bernina Express train near green field viewing mountain and green trees in The Swiss Alps

Milan is one of Italy’s most legendary cities. While there are many incredible  things to do in Milan , there are also some stunning day trips within a few hours of the city. In our experience, one of the best day trips from Milan is a ride on the Bernina Express train to St. Moritz, Switzerland. The Bernina Express route, complete with panoramic windows and several stops, is absolutely stunning. 

This entire European train ride is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its stunning beauty, ingenuity, and history. On our most recent trip to Milan, we decided to spend our wedding anniversary up in the Swiss Alps on this beautiful train, and we had an absolutely fantastic time. I mean, we  love  Milan and we chose to leave for a day to take this train. 

Needless to say, we didn’t regret it! If you’re on the fence, thinking “is Bernina Express worth it?” you can hop right off of it, because the answer is a resounding yes.

Is the Bernina Express worth it? The answer is a resounding yes.

red and white Bernina Express train viewing mountain and green trees in The Swiss Alps

This post is not about the Bernina Express itself, but rather how to ride the Bernina Express as a day trip from Milan. So, if you are wondering “Can you do Bernina Express in one day?” the answer is definitely yes! 

For more information on the Bernina Express itself, including how to book tickets, check out my  informational blog post on the Bernina Express .  If you’re asking yourself “How do I take Bernina Express from Milan?” this post was written just for you.

Note: This post contains affiliate links that may earn a commission from purchases at no additional cost to you.

Family riding Bernina Express Train through the Swiss Alps Youtube Thumbnail

Follow us along in our vlog from our amazing time on The Bernina Express and in St. Moritz!

Can You Do the Bernina Express in One Day?

The Bernina Express is about a three-hour train ride. This is pretty short, all things considered, and it can definitely be done in one day. The thing that you need to consider is where you are starting from. 

The Bernina Express train ride itself may only be three hours, but the transportation from your accommodation to the stop where you get on and then the transportation back to your accommodation from where you get off can add significant time to your day.

If you follow the steps in this post, you will absolutely be able to do the Bernina Express in one day from Milan. It just takes some coordination on your part! I think it is well worth the time, and I even included the Bernina Express on  my list of the best day trips from Milan.

Happy mom with a baby exploring the swiss alps on the bernina express train

How Do I Take Bernina Express from Milan?

To take the Bernina Express from Milan, you will first need to get to St. Moritz, Switzerland. While the train does run in both directions, it is best to take the train from St. Moritz, Switzerland to Tirano, Italy if you want to do it as a day trip from Milan. 

This is because the trains do not run very late in the evening or early in the morning, and taking the train from Tirano to St. Moritz doesn’t leave you much free time at all in St. Moritz. St. Moritz is a beautiful town, and you should try to maximize your time there. The most up-to-date train times can be seen directly on  the Bernina Express’ website.

View of swiss alps from panoramic windown in Bernina Express Train

How to Get to St. Moritz from Milan

Since you will be taking the train from St. Moritz to Tirano, driving to St. Moritz makes no sense. Your car would be left sitting in Switzerland! Taxis are also not a viable option, as the drive is several hours. 

The best way to get from Milan to St. Moritz is via a combination of train and bus, which takes about 4.5 hours when it is all said and done. You can take a train from Milano Centrale station to Chiavenna, and then switch onto the route 4 bus to St. Moritz Bahnhof.

I recommend taking the earliest possible train from Milano Centrale to Chiavenna, as the buses only leave once per hour and you will want to get to St. Moritz as early as possible to explore. While an early morning might not sound worth it, the latest Bernina Express train from St. Moritz to Tirano leaves at 4:14pm. 

The Earliest Possible Itinerary Arrives in St. Moritz in the Late Morning

If you take the earliest possible train and bus combination, you will get to St. Moritz around 10:45am, which leaves you approximately 5.5 hours to explore.

We took a 6:20am train from Milano Centrale to Colico, then after a 24-minute layover switched onto an 8:10am train to Chiavenna that arrived at 8:35am. We then had 30 minutes until the bus departed at 9:06am, and it arrived in St. Moritz at 10:41am. This information is all also available on Google Maps, and they do a great job of showing you timetables and routes.

Tickets for the train should be bought in advance at the station or online at  Trenitalia’s website , and tickets for the bus can either be bough  in cash  on the bus, or online in advance on  PostBus’ website . 

For more information on using the train system in Italy,  check out my post on using Trenitalia.

bernina express day trip

– R E A D –

How to Get to Milan from Tirano

The Bernina Express train will take you through the Swiss Alps and leave you in the northern Italian town of Tirano. Tirano (not the big city of  Torino , by the way) is a cute little town with some nice shops and restaurants, but not much more going on. 

This is a good thing, because you won’t really have any time here! The Bernina Express train arrives at 6:39pm, and the last train (as of current timetables) departs Tirano at 7:08pm.

This leaves you about 30 minutes to switch onto your train. If all things are running on time, this is plenty of time to switch, as the Bernina Express station is no more than a two-minute walk to the regular train station. The train from Tirano to Milan doesn’t require any switches, and after a scenic ride along the shores of Lake Como, you should arrive in Milan by 9:40pm.

Stay a Night in Tirano

If you are worried that the timing is too tight, you can plan to spend a night in Tirano. It is a charming town, and staying a night is a great idea! I recommend staying at  Hotel Bernina  if you decide to do this. 

Hotel Bernina is perfectly located near the train station, so you can easily check in when you arrive in Tirano and check out the next morning before heading back to Milan.

Other Things to Know About Riding the Bernina Express

The Bernina Express is a unique experience that belongs on any traveler’s bucket list. However, there are some things you should know as you plan your trip, especially if you opt not to book a guided tour.

​1. Prepare for the High Altitude

​While the Bernina Express isn’t the highest railway in Europe, it’s still way up in the Swiss Alps. The highest point of the journey is at Ospizio Bernina, which is 7,391 feet above sea level.

While you likely won’t experience any altitude sickness from such a short time at this height, you do need to prepare for the weather. Milan can get pretty hot in the summer, but temperatures are much milder in the Swiss Alps. In the winter, you can expect a lot of snow!

There are a couple of opportunities to hop off the train and soak in the views. In the colder months, you’ll want to bundle up.

2. Best Time to Ride the Bernina Express

The Bernina Express is open all year. The landscapes are drastically different between summer and winter, and both seasons are beautiful in their own right! 

Personally, I prefer the views in the summer. The mountains are still snowcapped, but the valleys are filled with bright green grass and the lakes and rivers flow a fluorescent blue. When this is all covered with snow, some of the vibrant colors get muted.

​Still, the winter season is a great time to ride the Bernina Express. If you’re a fan of the Polar Express, this is as close as you’ll get to it in real life!

​3. One Side of the Train Is Better Than the Other

If you book your Bernina Express tickets in advance, you’ll need to select a seat. For the best views, you should sit on the right side of the train if departing from St Moritz. If you’re departing from Tirano, the best experience is on the left side.

At the end of the day, this is an incredibly scenic train journey. You will have breathtaking views on either side, as long as you reserve window seats. These train tickets often sell out months in advance, and if you’re stuck choosing either an interior seat on the best side or a window seat on the other side, I’d recommend the window seat.

4. The Alps Aren’t the Only Stunning Views on the Route

Don’t get me wrong. The Engadin Valley and its snow-capped peaked are beautiful, and they’re the main highlight of the Bernina Express day trip from Milan. But they’re not the only wonders you’ll see! The Bernina Express’ scenic route passes along the steep-declining Landwasser Viaduct as well as the sharp-turning Brusio Spiral Viaduct.

Both of these bridges are incredibly unique. In addition to them, you can expect quaint, cow-filled villages, picturesque lakes and rivers, and sweeping valleys below the rails.

​While the Rhaetian Railway wasn’t designed to be a tourist attraction, Switzerland’s natural beauty and striking landscapes have turned it into one.

​5. You Can Ride a Cheaper Train Along the Same Route or Use a Rail Pass

The panoramic train is truly special, and I recommend ponying up for first class seats if you can afford them. However, if you’re looking to save some money, you can book a ticket on one of the regular regional trains that use this same track. These trains stop at more stations along the route, but are significantly cheaper.

While they do not offer panoramic windows, they still provide great views of the mountains and scenery. You can also use a Swiss Travel Pass or Eurail Pass to ride along this route, but if you want to use it to ride on the panoramic trains you will have to pay an additional fee.

6. For a Longer Trip, Add the Glacier Express Segment

The Bernina Express route takes about three hours from start to finish. For most travelers, this is sufficient. However, if you want more time riding through the Alps, you can book further travel on the Glacier Express. 

The Glacier Express is a sort of sister route to the Bernina Express. The Bernina Express connects St. Moritz south to Tirano, Italy, and the Glacier Express connects St. Moritz west to the resort city of Zermatt. Zermatt is located about 60 miles north of Turin, Italy, and 50 miles south of Bern, Switzerland. 

Much like St. Moritz, Zermatt is known for its great skiing and winter sports activities. Both cities are among the best skiing destinations in Europe.

Hopefully this post answered any questions you have about doing the Bernina Express as a day trip from Milan. While it is undoubtedly a long day, it is worth every second of traveling and is a really stunning journey. If you have any questions about doing the Bernina Express as a day trip from Milan, reach out by dropping a comment below! Otherwise, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.

cute sleeping baby on train

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.


Hello! Just a question, I have been tossing up booking a ‘Swiss Alps Bernina Express Rail tour from Milan’ or to do the day trip on our own as you have described. Whilst a tour will be less stress on us, I’m worried that we will have very limited time in St Moritz to explore. Would love your opinion.

Hey Nicole! My answer highly depends on your situation. If you have a large group (like a family with kids) or you are less comfortable navigating around Italian/Swiss transportation, I’d recommend the tour. You will have very little time in St. Moritz this way, but at least you get the views from the train. If you are a bit more flexible and able to get around various means of transportation, I HIGHLY recommend getting there yourself. By taking the earliest possible route to St. Moritz (which includes 2-3 different trains AND a bus), you can have about 5-6 hours in the city before boarding the Bernina Express to head back to Milan. This is what we did (with a 6-month-old, I’ll add – so it is doable!) and we wouldn’t do it any other way. But we are also professional travelers, so our comfort level could be different. Please feel free to either send me an email or Instagram message if you have any more questions!

Helen Dickenson

Hi Greg, I am nearly 70 and was wanting to do the Bernina Express but was wondering if the train from Milan to Tirano and then St Moritz would be better than Train and Bus before taking the Bernina Express back from St Moritz to Tirano and then on to Milan. Bus travel is not kind to older knees and sitting for long periods whereas by train at least you can stand in the aisle and walk along the corridors kind regards Helen

I absolutely understand that concern. The timetables make this very complicated to do in one day, as you’d only have a couple of hours to actually experience St. Moritz. However, it can be doable if that is what you prefer! The bus ride isn’t very long and it is very spacious, so even with older knees, I recommend it. You can always stand if you need!

Hi, We are a couple with 3 kids. Can we park at Tirano and get on the train there? Obviously would need to return to Tirano as well. Thank you

You can absolutely park in Tirano and catch the train there. It is a lovely little town with plenty of places to park. Just try to catch the earliest possible train if you plan to return on the same day, as you probably won’t get much time in St. Moritz otherwise!

I have been trying to find trains from Milan to Tirano so that I can take the Bernina pass that way as we plan to stay some days in the St moritz area, is that possible?

Hi! Yes it is. You can take a train from Milano Centrale straight to Tirano.

Ann Marie Palumbo

Hello, This blog is very helpful. My question is when taking Bernina express to St Mortiz can we stay over night and then take Bernina express train back to Torino? Thank you.

Hi Ann Marie! You absolutely can. You can book the Bernina Express tickets as one-way trips, which gives you the opportunity to schedule as long of a stay in St. Moritz as you want. I’d definitely recommend it, too!

Thanks heaps Greg for the tips in this blog. Did this day trip a few days ago. Forgot to consider the winter sunset time when I booked months ago, so it was dark by the time we were around Poschiavo. Still, it was a fantastic trip!

Hey Leila, I’m happy you had a great time! I hope my post was helpful for you!

Hello is it possible to buy tickets directly at bernina express office in tirano train station?

This is super helpful – I was entertaining the idea of booking a guided tour, but I want to ride the Bernina Express in first class. I didn’t see that option on any of the paid tours, so I got my first-class ticket for the red train, and I’ll figure out the rest based on this great guidance. Thank you!!!

Hi Greg thanks for your blog. Just a question please. I want to do the bernina express from Tirano as we will be based in Venice. Maybe a day or 2 if need be as you mentioned overnight in Tirano. your thoughts please. from South Africa and this would be the first time. thanking you in advance.

Hi Greg, Your post has been really helpful. I was wondering if you know the policy regarding luggage on the Bernina Express? We are starting our trip in Milan before heading to Lake Como however we are wondering if we could head from Milan to St Moritz, stay overnight and then travel on the Bernina Express to Tirano and then on to Como.

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Milan to Bernina Express Day Trip: Everything You Need to Know

Almost Ginger blog owner and friend riding the Bernina Express in Switzerland on a Milan Day Trip

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the disclaimer here .

No offence to Milan, but one of the best things about this city is leaving it. Seriously. There are  so  many great potential day trips! Lake Como, Bergamo, Brescia… Taking a Milan to Bernina Express day trip on this historic railway wasn’t even on my radar.

Cut to January 2023 when I was skiing in the Swiss Alps . I received a message from my Mexican pal telling me that he was taking a spontaneous trip to Italy the following week. We decided to meet in Milan because it was an easy place for me to reach from Geneva.

But Carlos had never been to Switzerland before and this seemed like a great opportunity. So, he planned a day trip (I was happy to follow his lead!) on the Bernina Express train to St Moritz, Switzerland from Milan, Italy.

Bernina Express train riding through the Swiss Alps in snow

It’s such an impressive, scenic train journey with incredible views . I’m grateful we travelled in winter with snow glistening on the mountaintops and glühwein in our bellies. Taking a Bernina Express day trip from Milan is doable and easy, but only if you alight halfway at St Moritz in Switzerland.

If you also want to ride the UNESCO-certified train journey in one day, I’m sharing my experience travelling to St Moritz on the Bernina Express from Milan and back . This guide includes everything you need to know, and my insider tips, about taking a Milan Bernina Express day trip on this iconic red train!

What Is the Bernina Express? History of the UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Bernina Express is a train on the Rhaetian Railway network crossing the Swiss Engadin Alps . The route of the Bernina Express travels from the town of Tirano, Italy on the southern end to Chur, Switzerland on the northern end.

This entire journey takes about four hours to travel 144 km/90 miles. It can be part of a slower, much more scenic route between Milan and Zurich . It passes 55 tunnels, 196 bridges, several glaciers, and a few mountains calling at 25 stations along the route. 

Just looking at a Bernina Express map, you might not appreciate the twists, turns and climbs it has to face during that 144 km journey which explains the slow speed. Not that the slow speed is a problem! There are so many amazing views, you wouldn’t want to miss them.

The Bernina Express train is so noteworthy, it’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Construction started on the railway in 1896 and was finally completed in 1904. Not only did it succeed in connecting the remote communities high in the mountains, but it was a bloody impressive bit of engineering.

The Bernina train climbs 2,253 metres/7,391 ft above sea level when it reaches Ospizio Bernina station, the route’s highest point. It travels along circular bridges like the Brusio Spiral Viaduct  and over 65 metre-drops when crossing the Landwasser Viaduct .

Town in the Swiss Alps from the Bernina Express train in Switzerland

How to Ride the Bernina Express from Milan to St Moritz on a Day Trip

There are two clear options when planning a day trip to travel on the Bernina Express to St Moritz. You can DIY the entire trip by booking your train tickets on the regular rail network. Or, you can book an organised tour.

Option 1: Independent Train Travel

To travel independently on the train from Milan to St Moritz, buy a regional Trenord train ticket from Milano Centrale Railway Station to Tirano . These trains leave every two hours and the journey takes around two and a half hours, so you will need to leave early.

You don’t need a seat reservation and you can buy a return ticket at the station.

Once you arrive in Tirano , you will need to leave the station where you arrived and head to the Rhätische Bahn station across the plaza. This is the Tirano Bernina Express station. If you can see lots of red trains on the platforms outside the station then you’re in the right spot.

You can either book a regular, regional train that travels along the Bernina Express route or the official Bernina Express train to St Moritz. You could also book one type of train there and a different train for your return journey. I’ll talk more about the different Bernina Express tickets further down.

Tirano Station in Italy with Bernina Express Trains

Option 2: Organised Bus Tour

Carlos and I didn’t travel the whole journey by train from Milan to St Moritz , we opted for an organized bus tour instead. My friend booked this Bernina Express day trip through Get Your Guide . It was a Spanish and English tour, which as you can imagine, was essential for us!

A tour guide and coach picked us up outside Milano Centrale  at around 7:15 and drove us along the banks of  Lake Como  to  Tirano . We had roughly one hour to buy food to eat on the train (we went to El Trigo Pasta Fresca  which was like a deli and it was bloody delicious). 

Afterwards, we boarded a 2nd class carriage on a regular, regional Bernina Express train to St Moritz . The journey took just over two hours. After a couple of hours exploring St Moritz , the coach met us in St Moritz  and drove us all the way back to  Milan .

So, we didn’t ride the Bernina Express to Milan for the return journey but we didn’t need to. It was a long day and I was happy to get back on the bus and head straight to Milan. Everyone on our tour fit inside one train carriage and it was honestly such a lovely experience.

Tirano in Italy

Bernina Express to St Moritz Price & Train Ticket Options

So, let’s compare a regular regional train vs the Bernina Express train. In terms of the style of the train, there’s virtually no difference except for the windows. On regional trains, the windows are not ‘panoramic’ meaning they aren’t as big. However, on a regional train, you can open them.

While this made the train quite cold since we were travelling in January (though we shut them now and again), we didn’t get any glare on our photos. On the official trains, the panoramic windows stay closed.

On a regional train, I don’t think you need seat reservations, especially if you’re not travelling 2nd class. But on the official train, you need a regular ticket and  a separate seat reservation for a particular service no matter which class you are travelling on.

Here’s a rough idea of ticket prices based on current (March 2023) information:

  • Milan to Tirano Single Ticket – €11.50 in 2nd class or €17.50 in 1st class
  • Tirano to St Moritz Return Single Ticket – CHF 64 (around €64.50) in 2nd class or CHF 112 (around €113) in 1st class

You can buy seat reservations up to six months in advance. Prices for a seat reservation are around CHF 20 (around €19) and CHF 26 (around €25)  depending on the season. Then , you can buy regular train tickets which are available six weeks in advance. These don’t sell out.

Find up-to-date ticket prices and timetable information on the Bernina Express website .

Taking a Milan to Bernina Express Day Trip through the Swiss Alps

Things To Do in St Moritz: Switzerland’s First Resort Town

St Moritz is in the German-speaking Swiss Canton of Grisons. According to our tour guide, it was one of the first winter ski resort towns in the world. It’s an expensive, luxurious resort dotted with designer stores, upmarket restaurants, and English toffs comparing Range Rovers (in my personal experience).

We didn’t have a lot of time in St Moritz on this Milan to Bernina Express day trip, but we made the most of it. We visited the Hauser Confiserie  chocolate shop where I bought chocolate in the shape of skis. I ate them the next day waiting to board my plane home at 4:00 in the morning because I am feral.

We walked along Via Maistra , drank glühwein in one of the town squares, and wandered down a small lane to see beautiful views across St Moritzersee lake. It’s completely frozen solid in winter so they had tents set up and were preparing for an ice polo game. Rich people and their horses, eh? 

Other things to do in St Moritz include the Segantini Museum which is an art museum dedicated to an Alpine painter and the Engadiner Museum  with alpine culture exhibits. There are lots of sun symbols dotted around the town which must be an emblem of St Moritz.

Almost Ginger blog owner in St Moritz, Switzerland

Milan to Bernina Express Day Trip FAQs

What months does the bernina express run.

The Bernina Express train journey is open year-round. You’re able to experience the landscapes surrounding the train line in all seasons and weather.

How often does the Bernina Express run?

The Bernina Express train runs between Chur and Tirano twice during the summer months and once during the winter months. The summer season is from around May to October, and the winter season is the rest of the year.

There’s usually one extra service between Tirano and St Moritz in the winter season, and two extra in the summer season. This is for the official Bernina Express trains, anyway. There are probably more regional services.

When is the best time to ride the Bernina Express?

Well, what’s your favourite season? You can ride the Bernina Express year-round so take your pick!

I’m biased because there’s nothing like witnessing the Swiss Alps in their natural state, covered in snow. I’m sure spring would be beautiful with the flowers and lush green fields. Obviously, I’ve never travelled on the Bernina Express in summer but I would imagine it’s busy.

What are the Bernina Express trains like?

Bernina Express trains all have a uniform ruby-red sheen. It makes them stand out against the snowy mountainous landscapes in winter and the meadows in summer.

There are 1st and 2nd class carriages on the Bernina Express. There isn’t much difference except 1st class carriages have slightly fewer seats than in 2nd class and they are covered in leather. Both carriage classes have windows, small tables, electrical sockets, and luggage compartments.

Official Bernina Express trains and the regional services that follow the same route have very few differences. Official trains have panoramic windows that don’t open and refreshment trolleys. Regional services have windows you can open (no glare on your photos!) and you can bring your own food and drink.

Which side of the Bernina Express train is better?

Most passengers agree that if you are travelling from south to north from Tirano to St Moritz, sit on the left side. But if you are travelling from north to south from St Moritz to Tirano, sit on the right. 

Bear in mind that you can move around the cabin to take photos! You aren’t glued to your seats.

Almost Ginger blog owner and friend on the Bernina Express train on a day trip from Milan

Milan to Bernina Express Day Trip: That’s a Wrap!

That’s how I travelled on a Milan to Bernina Express day trip! I hope you found it useful and feel inspired to take the train journey yourself.

Are you currently planning a trip to Milan and thinking about booking tickets on the Bernina Express? Let me know in the comments below!

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bernina express day trip

Hey! I wrote this. And I'm the human (and hair) behind Almost Ginger. I live for visiting filming locations, attending top film festivals and binge-watching travel inspiring films. I'm here to inspire you to do the same! Get in touch by leaving a comment or contacting me directly: [email protected] .

18 thoughts on “ Milan to Bernina Express Day Trip: Everything You Need to Know ”

bernina express day trip

Hi, Loved your post, it was quiet insightful. We are planning a trip to italy from Australia in September and want to do the Bernina express. We were initially planning to go to Tirano from Venice but then saw your post and are now planning to take train from Venice to Milan and then goto Tirano. However the part I am confused is that, some sites say that the Bernina express runs between Tirano and Chur while some state Tirano and St Moritz. are you able to clarify?

Thanks, Laksh

bernina express day trip

Hello, thank you for your comment! Yes, I can absolutely clarify and completely understand why it’s confusing – the entire Bernina Express route is from Tirano and Chur, you are correct. However, people only travel from Tirano to Chur when they are not returning on the same day as it’s a four-hour and 31-minute journey (one way!). Most people only want to ride on the Bernina Express as a day trip. So, many people prefer to travel only as far as St. Moritz. It’s a popular place to stop purely because it’s a pretty ski town. I imagine that some Bernina Express trains do not run the whole route because most of the demand is for this section. I hope that helps and have a fantastic trip!

bernina express day trip

Hi There. Heading to Milan this week. I will be leaving near Milan central railway. On trenitalia web site ( https://www.trenitalia.com/it.html ) I don’t see any direct train from Milan to Tirano. How do I go from Milan to Tirano bernine express station

Hello! My apologies for the late response. As I said in the blog post, I travelled from Milan to Tirano by bus, so I’m unsure of the train connections from Milan to Tirano.

bernina express day trip

Amazing guide. would you recommend a round trip Bernina express ride in 1 day back to Milan? is it doable? What about riding the Bernina Express and returning on regular train?

Thank you! I only travelled as far as St. Moritz on the Bernina Express via Tirano from Milan (and returned on the Bernina Express) and I thought this was doable in one day, I think any further and you are spending all day on trains. Unfortunately, since I returned on the Bernina Express, I can’t offer you clear advice on returning via a regular train. If the train timetable matches up, I don’t see why not!

bernina express day trip

I’ve never been to Europe. One of my fascinations is to visit the Swiss Alps via Bernina Express. Do the Regional trains take the same route? Where is the best place to stay to get the Bernina Train?

Thanks for your comment, Margaret! I can only speak to my experience and I stayed in Milan, which was ideal for our day trip. Regional trains might take a similar route or part of it, I’d look into Swiss rail timetables.

bernina express day trip

Hi, is it worth spending 1 night in St-Moritz in June? or 1-day trip back and forth is enough?

Hi JP! Personally, I’d say a one day trip back and forth is enough because it’s a very expensive town. However, if you have the cash to splash you might enjoy staying overnight for one night.

bernina express day trip

Hi Rebecca, I will be looking to do a return day trip from Milan to St Moritz via the Bernina train. There appears to be a plethora of different tours/operators all with the main attraction of the Bernina train and time at St Moritz but with slightly different routes and stops. When choosing one of these trips have you heard of any bad experiences or just choose the trip with the itinerary that suits you best and chances are it will be OK. Thanks, John

Hi John! I cannot speak to different operators but I can tell you which one I went with: (this is an affiliate link) https://www.getyourguide.com/milan-l139/bernina-express-stmoritz-day-tour-from-milan-t6401/?partner_id=3MCH8KJ&utm_medium=online_publisher

We chose this one primarily because I went with my Mexican friend and we wanted a Spanish and English tour guide. I could not fault this tour and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I’d recommend it to anyone! The tour guide was friendly and professional, the tour ran on time, but nothing was too rushed. When you book with Get Your Guide, every single tour has free cancellation up until 24 hours before the start time so you can always book it and then change your mind later.

I hope you have a fantastic time, John! And let me know if you have any more questions, I’d be happy to help!

bernina express day trip

How to figure out which is right side and left side when booking your seats?

Thanks for your comment, Nat! I booked a ticket on a carriage with unassigned seating, so unfortunately I won’t be able to help you with this question!

bernina express day trip

I read that there’s an escalator from the train station at st moritz to go up towards the town . Is this correct ? And from there , are all these sights you shared walkable from the station ?

That is correct! Everywhere is walkable in St Moritz, it’s a very small town 🙂

bernina express day trip

Very helpful post, thank you

You’re very welcome! 😀

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Grounded Life Travel

Bernina Express: 14 Things You Need To Know Before Riding

Robert Marmion

The Bernina Express in Switzerland is one of the best train rides in the world! On this magical ride you’ll traverse 2 countries, Switzerland and Italy, while seeing some of the most scenic vistas you can imagine.

  • 1 Is the Bernina Express Worth It
  • 2 Where Does the Bernina Express Start and End
  • 3 How Long is the Bernina Express
  • 4 Can You Do Bernina Express In One Day
  • 5 What Is The Difference Between the Bernina Express and the Glacier Express
  • 6 Can You Get On and Off the Bernina Express
  • 7 Which is More Scenic between the Glacier Express and Bernina Express
  • 8 Is the Bernina Express Worth It In Winter
  • 9 Can You Take Luggage on the Bernina Express
  • 10 Is There Food on the Bernina Express
  • 11 What is the Difference Between First and Second Class on the Bernina Express
  • 12 Which Side of the Bernina Express is Better
  • 13 What is the Best Time to Take the Bernina Express
  • 14 What is the Best Section of the Bernina Express

Is the Bernina Express Worth It

As one of the most inexpensive scenic train rides in Switzerland , the Bernina Express is completely worth the cost of riding. There is no question if you are visiting Switzerland you should plan to include the Bernina Express in your travel plans. The views and cost make the Bernina Express a better bargain than the more famous Glacier Express.

bernina express day trip

Where Does the Bernina Express Start and End

The Bernina Express starts in the beautiful Swiss town of Chur. From Chur you’ll ride south to Tirano, Italy where the Bernina Express ends. You could also ride in the opposite direction if you want to get back to Chur, or ride regional trains with the same views back.

Chur Switzerland train station

How Long is the Bernina Express

The Bernina Express is a 4 hour trip between Switzerland and Italy that covers 90 miles. On this thrilling journey you’ll be exposed to 196 bridges and 55 tunnels including the world famous Landwasser Viaduct and the exciting Bruso Viaduct that turns the train 360 degrees.

Can You Do Bernina Express In One Day

The Bernina Express can easily be done in one day. The ride is 4 hours from Chur, Switzerland to Tirano, Italy. Many passengers who do not wish to leave Switzerland ride it both ways in the same day, round trip from Chur.

What Is The Difference Between the Bernina Express and the Glacier Express

The difference between the Bernina Express and the Glacier Express is comfort and service. The Bernina Express is more of a bare bones scenic train ride than a luxury experience. On the Glacier Express you are paying for upgraded seating, more staff, and better food options. The 2 routes overlap part of the way, going south from Chur, Switzerland.

Can You Get On and Off the Bernina Express

Seat reservations are required to ride the Bernina Express, so you cannot hop on and hop off whenever you want. You’ll need a ticket or a Swiss Travel Pass, as well as a seat reservation every time you want to get on and ride the Bernina Express. There is a stop in Alp Grum where passengers can get off to stretch their legs and take in the views for about 10 minutes.

bernina express day trip

Which is More Scenic between the Glacier Express and Bernina Express

The Glacier Express is slightly more scenic than the Bernina Express. The  best section of the Glacier Express  is from Andermatt to Disentis, while the best section of the Bernina Express is in southern Switzerland from Alp Grum to the Brusio Viaduct. The two routes share the middle section of track from Chur through the Landwasser Viaduct.

Is the Bernina Express Worth It In Winter

The Bernina Express is absolutely worth riding in winter. In fact, it is the best season to ride through Switzerland on trains as you’ll get less crowds, cheaper prices, and snow covered landscapes on the entire trip.

Can You Take Luggage on the Bernina Express

Luggage racks are available on the Bernina Express. There is more space on the luggage racks in second class than in first class, as in first class some of the space is taken up by a library. If you are traveling with large amounts of luggage, second class might be the best choice for you.

Bernina Express Luggage

Is There Food on the Bernina Express

Food is available on the Bernina Express, but it is just basic food bought from a cart than comes through the car a few times. You are allowed to bring your own food on board, so we recommend you pack a lunch to bring with you on the trip.

Bernina Express Food

What is the Difference Between First and Second Class on the Bernina Express

There is very little difference between first class and second class on the Bernina Express. The main difference is that in first class you can get a seat for 2 facing each other with nobody beside you. In second class the seats are situated in groups of 4. Due to their being 1 less seat in first class the seats are slightly bigger. Both classes have amazing picture windows to view the landscape.

bernina express day trip

Which Side of the Bernina Express is Better

Traveling south from Chur to Tirano, you ‘ll want to be on the right side of the train. Going north you’ll want to be on the left side of the train.

What is the Best Time to Take the Bernina Express

The best time of year to ride the Bernina Express is in winter, when the views are all spectacular because of the landscape being covered in snow. During winter you’ll also have less crowds and cheaper prices, making it an ideal time to ride the Bernina Express.

Bernina Express

What is the Best Section of the Bernina Express

The best section of the Bernina Express is from Alp Grum to the Brusio Viaduct. The famous Landwasser Viaduct is in the Albula area, so make sure you have your camera ready as you pass over. Ospizio Bernina is also beautiful.

Bernina Express

Robert Marmion

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Europe , Switzerland , Travel

Riding the bernina express train in switzerland – tips for your journey.

Riding the Bernina Express Train in Switzerland and Italy

Discover the most beautiful train ride in the world, the Bernina Express Train. Learn the best tips for your journey through the Swiss and Italian Alps. Learn where the Bernina Express goes, how to purchase tickets, how to reserve seats, and the most beautiful stretches of the route.

bernina express day trip

Is there a journey you can take that is more romantic and adventurous than a train ride in Europe? You can cross multiple borders with ease and watch the wonderful scenery change from palm trees and lakes to snowy mountains and glaciers before your eyes.

Riding the Bernina Express scenic train route between Switzerland and Italy offers all of that and more.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site runs between Chur in the Graubünden canton of Switzerland and Tirano, an Italian town in Valle d’Aosta. It offers beautiful scenery, the chance to ride a historic railway line, and a novel way to explore these two countries. The ride through the Alps is truly one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland .

This guide includes absolutely everything you need to know about traveling on the Bernina Express from first-hand experience. It includes how to get to the Bernina line from Zurich or Milan, how to travel part of the Bernina Express route or the entire route, and how to make a reservation and book tickets.

Hop on board and discover the magic of the Bernina Express route for yourself!

Don’t have time to read a bunch of reviews and blog posts? Here are our top picks for visiting Switzerland:

Wanderlust switzerland guide.

Need a quick day-by-day, open-and-go itinerary for Switzerland? Get my guide and let me do the work for you!

bernina express day trip

Our favorite Hotels in Switzerland

  • Zurich : Baur Au Lac
  • Lucerne : Burgenstock Alpine Hotel & Spa
  • Zermatt: The Omnia
  • Interlaken : Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel
  • Bern : Hotel Schweiserhof
  • Geneva : Swiss Luxury Apartments
  • Montreaux : Eurotel Montreaux

Getting Around Switzerland

  • Unlimited Train Rides : Swiss Pass
  • Renting a Car : Cheap Rental Cars or Expedia Cars

Our favorite activities and tours in Switzerland

  • Paragliding
  • Lindt Chocolate Tour
  • Lake Lucerne Cruise

Bernina Express from Switzerland to Italy. A red train riding on the shore of a blue lake.

What Is the Bernina Express?

The Bernina Express is a four-hour train route on the Rhaetian Railway. It covers 25 stations between the mountains of the Swiss Alps and the picturesque villages of northern Italy.

The train negotiates a 144 km/90-mile journey over 196 bridges and viaducts and through 55 tunnels. It’s certainly not a high-speed train but rather a scenic train route with spectacular views and a fantastic alternative to other routes between Zurich and Milan.

This incredible train climbs 7,392 feet/2,253 m above sea level with Alpine gradients as steep as 1 in 7. If you don’t know anything about Alpine gradients (and no one would expect you to!) then all you need to know is that 1 in 7 is pretty steep.

History of the Bernina Express UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Bernina Pass section of the Rhaetian Railway line was built between 1896 – 1904. The Bernina Railway line, along with the Albula Railway line which is part of the Bernina Express route, became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.

UNESCO state that not only is the structure an outstanding example of architecture and civil engineering but it also works beautifully within the landscape. It also had a socio-economic impact in the early 20th century when it was built. The Bernina Express helped connect isolated and remote towns in the Central Alps with the wider region.

Overall, the Bernina Express route was a win-win for everyone! It’s still impressive over 100 years later.

bernina express day trip

Where Does the Bernina Express Route Go?

The Bernina Express route map is like a who’s who of gorgeous Swiss landscapes. Only a very, very small section of the route is in Italy.

Where the Bernina Express ends and starts depends on your perspective, but let’s start at the most northerly point on the Bernina Express map. The first of the 25 stations is Chur in the Alpine city of Switzerland.

Then, the train passes through the Albula Valley on the Albula Railway and along the famous Landwasser Viaduct. It travels through the Albula Tunnel before reaching the luxurious ski resort town of St Moritz. After St Moritz, the train passes through Pontresina before reaching Ospizio Bernina which is the tallest point of the route.

Afterward, it continues chugging past the Morteratsch Glacier and the Palü Glacier to Alp Grüm Train Station. Getting closer to the Italian border, the Bernina Express route runs past Bernina Massif then Lake Poschiavo in the Poschiavo Valley. Just before reaching the last stop of Tirano town, it winds down the famous Brusio Circular Viaduct.

Bernina Express Train Map

This Bernina Express Map will show you the stops and points of interest along the Bernina Express route. There will be several opportunities to stop and explore, but make sure you reserve your tickets and that you’re able to get where you need to be on time. Some people make many stops and some people just ride the train all the way through without stopping. It just depends on what you’d rather do.

How to Ride the Bernina Express from Milan

bernina express day trip

The Bernina Express makes a great day trip from Milan or a day trip from Lake Como . If you’re starting in Milan Italy, you can hop on a regional Trenord train from Milano Centrale Station to Tirano Station . There is a direct train every two hours and you don’t need to book ahead as there is unreserved seating in 2nd class on local trains in Italy. You can buy a ticket at the station, stamp it, and hop on board.

This train route is also beautiful as it runs along the east banks of Lake Como! This journey takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes.

You switch trains in the town of Tirano but note that the Bernina Express departs from a different station. Walk across the courtyard (literally, the two stations are next door to each other) from the Tirano RFI Station to the Tirano RHB Station to change trains for the Bernina line.

How to Ride the Bernina Express from Zurich

bernina express day trip

Alternatively, if you are starting your journey in Zurich Switzerland, you can get a direct train from Zurich HB Station to Chur Station via an SBB InterCity or InterRegional train. There is a direct train every 60 minutes and you also don’t need a reservation for these trains. Just hop on board and sit where you like!

This journey is only around 75 minutes long and offers beautiful views of Zurichsee and Walensee lakes.

Chur is a terminus which means that no trains pass through, they always either start or end here. You will change trains here for the Bernina Express and there are only six platforms so it won’t be difficult to locate.

Buying Bernina Express Tickets & Prices

Seat reservations.

It’s essential to have two pieces of documentation (either electronic or physical) to travel in the panoramic cars of the Bernina Express: a valid ticket and a seat reservation. You can buy a seat reservation up to six months in advance and you should buy this first.

It’s no use having a train ticket if all the seats are sold out! It’s a reservation-required service. The extra fee for reservation costs between CHF 20 (around €19) and CHF 26 (around €25) depending on the month. There are also price differences between the 1st class and second-class carriages.

There aren’t too many benefits to 1st class, so don’t worry about having to ride in 2nd class if the seats in 1st class are sold out. Try and book seats opposite your travel partner so you both get a window view. You can book seat reservations on the Rhätische Bahn website.

Train Tickets

All you need after your seat reservation is a standard ticket! These are on sale six weeks in advance and are included in most Eurail passes , the GA travelcard, and the Swiss travel pass.

If you’re booking a journey that is slightly longer than the Bernina Express, make sure the times correspond with the Bernina Express timetable. You can buy tickets from Rail Europe or The Trainline . If the booking platform suggests buying a Swiss Saver Day Pass, buy it because this is valid for the Bernina Express route.

To give you an idea of prices, the cost of a ticket from Zurich to Tirano starts from CHF 92 (around €87) for 2nd class. Saver Day Passes start from CHF 52 (around €50).

How Often Does the Bernina Express Run?

During the summer months (which is usually from mid-May to mid-October), there are two services between Chur and Tirano. In the winter months (which is the rest of the year!) there’s only one.

There’s also an extra service between St Moritz and Tirano if you only want to do half of the journey. Again, there are two of these services per day during summer and one during winter.

There are also hourly local trains that travel between Tirano and Chur on the Bernina Express route. They typically aren’t direct trains so you will probably need to change trains in St Moritz.

What Are the Bernina Express Trains Like?

Bernina trains are a vision of royal red steaming through the glistening white snowy landscapes or vibrant green fields. Not literally steaming, of course! Like all trains in Switzerland, this narrow gauge train runs on electricity.

There are 2nd class and 1st class carriages on every Bernina Express train. The 2nd class carriages have fabric seats and there are more seats in every carriage whereas 1st class has leather seats, more space, and fewer seats.

Both classes have the same panoramic windows, power sockets, and free WiFi. You can purchase refreshing beverages and delicious snacks from the trolley or you are welcome to bring your own food and drink . In the summer, there are panoramic cars with open roofs and windows.

Luggage compartments are available on the train and these tend to have windows that you’re able to open. You cannot open the panoramic windows on the official Bernina Express carriages, only the regional train carriages.

bernina express day trip

Regular Train Travel Vs Bernina Express Train

There are lots of pros and cons to booking a regional train on the Bernina Railway over the official Bernina Express train.

Local trains are a little bit cheaper because you don’t need a reservation. They run more often and they also stop at every station so you can get off halfway at St Moritz on a regular train if you’d prefer. The windows on the Bernina Express are much taller and wider than on regional trains, but you can open the windows on local trains.

However, you cannot make a seat reservation on regional trains, there is only one class, and there are no opportunities to buy refreshments on board. So, if you’re looking for a once-in-a-lifetime, luxury train experience then you should book a 1st class reservation on the official Bernina Express service.

10 Highlights of the Bernina Express Route

These are just some of the spectacular sights you can expect to see outside the panoramic cars along the Bernina Pass. All highlights are listed in order of traveling north from Tirano Italy to Chur Switzerland.

1. Brusio Spiral Viaduct

bernina express day trip

If you are starting the Bernina Express route in Tirano, this will be the first attraction you see! The Brusio Viaduct is a single-track, nine-arch stone spiral railway viaduct that curves 360 degrees around itself.

This viaduct opened in 1908 to reduce the steep gradient in this part of the track. It looks like a work of engineering you might find in a toy set, but not real life!

2. Poschiavo Valley & Lake Poschiavo

Soon, you’ll be chugging through the Poschiavo Valley and passing Lake Poschiavo. It’s a natural reservoir just into the Swiss border around 3,156 feet/962 meters above sea level.

Surrounded by mountains, it looks beautiful in every season!

3. Bernina Massif

bernina express day trip

Also known as Piz Bernina depending on the country, this is the highest mountain in the eastern Alps. It’s also the tallest part of the Bernina Range and the Rhaetian Alps.

You can easily witness this impressive mountain just south of Pontresina as it has an elevation of 13,283 feet/4,049 meters!

4. Alp Grüm Station

Alp Grüm is a popular place for hikes in the summer and Nordic skiing and snowshoeing in the winter months. It’s a charming station with an onsite restaurant.

It offers stunning views of the Palü Glacier and Lagh da Palü lake.

5. Morteratsch Glacier

bernina express day trip

This is the largest glacier in the Bernina Range of the Bündner Alps in Switzerland. It’s a typical valley glacier and is a fantastic hike during the summer and fall months.

6. Ospizio Bernina

bernina express day trip

Once you reach this station, you’ve reached the highest point on the Bernina Express route and also the Rhaetian Railway network! The Ospizio Bernina station is 7,392 feet/2,253 meters above sea level.

7. Pontresina

This mountain village has incredible architecture including lovely churches and historic hotels. It’s also known for its hiking trails and fragrant pine tree forest.

8. St Moritz

bernina express day trip

The luxury resort town of St Moritz is the oldest winter resort in the world. St Moritz has had the privilege of hosting the Winter Olympics twice, plus, it’s just a lovely (if a bit expensive – even for Switzerland!) town to explore.

9. Albula Tunnel

bernina express day trip

Another amazing feat of engineering on the Albula Railway line, the Albula Tunnel is one of the highest in the alps. It’s currently being completely rebuilt. After over 100 years, it seems about time.

10. Landwasser Viaduct

bernina express day trip

Just before you arrive in Chur, you’ll cross over the Landwasser Viaduct. It’s a 65-meter-high, six-arch bridge (don’t look down if you’re scared of heights!) and one of the icons of the Bernina Express route.

How to Ride the Bernina Express Bus

bernina express day trip

Yes, there is also a Bernina Express bus route, if for whatever reason you cannot take the trains or would just prefer to travel by bus.

The bus is a relatively recent addition to the Bernina Express family run by the Rhaetian Railway. The Bernina Express bus does not quite operate on the same route as the trains (that would be pretty impossible) but the bus does travel through the Bernina Pass from Lugano Switzerland to the town of Tirano Italy and back.

The Bernina Express Bus journey is around 90 km/56 miles and takes around three hours. It usually operates from the end of February to the end of November, shutting up shop to avoid the worst of the winter weather.

While not as historic or as impressive as the train, the Bernina Express bus still offers incredible lakeside views. But why choose between the bus and the train?! You could take the bus from Lugano to Tirano and then hop on board a train from Tirano to St Moritz or Chur for the full experience!

What Should I wear on the Bernina Express?

The Bernina Express is a beautiful train journey that travels through the Swiss Alps, so it’s important to dress appropriately for the climate and environment. Here are some recommendations on what to wear :

  • Dress in layers: The temperature can vary greatly depending on the altitude and weather conditions, so it’s best to wear layers that you can easily add or remove as needed.
  • Comfortable footwear: You’ll likely be doing some walking and standing, so it’s important to wear comfortable shoes with good grip. Avoid high heels or sandals as they may not provide enough support or traction.
  • Warm jacket: Even in the summer months, it can get chilly at higher altitudes, so a warm jacket or coat is recommended.
  • Hat and sunglasses: The sun can be intense at high altitudes, so a hat and sunglasses can protect you from the glare and UV rays.
  • Rain gear: Switzerland is known for its unpredictable weather, so it’s a good idea to bring a raincoat or poncho just in case.

Overall, dress comfortably and be prepared for changes in weather conditions. You can explore more options for Switzerland clothing and gear in my Switzerland packing list.

Other Beautiful Train Journeys in Switzerland

The Bernina Express route isn’t the only epic train journey in Switzerland. Oh no, no! Far from it.

The Glacier Express runs along the same route as the Bernina Express from St Moritz to Chur, but then it continues onto Zermatt. The entire journey from St Moritz to Zermatt is 290 km/180 miles and takes seven hours.

Jungfrau Railway transports passengers to the highest train station in Europe , also known as the Jungfrau Railway Station. It’s an eyewatering 11,332 feet/3,454 meters above sea level in the Bernese Alps.

There are also two spectacular cogwheel railways, the Gornergrat Cog Railway and the Cogwheel Railway to Mount Pilatus. They are both marvels of modern engineering but, more importantly, they travel through incredibly beautiful parts of Switzerland!

bernina express day trip

FAQs for Riding the Bernina Express Train

The Bernina Express starts in Chur, Switzerland, and the Bernina Express ends in Tirano, Italy.The train travels in both directions on the route, so the opposite is also true. It is easy to travel to Chur from Zurich and it’s easy to travel to Tirano from Milan via a regional train.

Yes, it is 100% possible to do the Bernina Express in one day! The entire journey is 144 km/90 miles and takes only four hours to travel. It’s also possible to ride the Bernina Express bus and then ride at least part of the train route after finishing the bus journey.You could easily start or end your journey in either Chur or Tirano or even the major cities closest to the stations, Zurich and Milan.

If you board the official Bernina Express train, it is a non-stop, direct train between Chur and Tirano. The short answer is no, you cannot usually get on and off. However, if you book a ticket for a regional train on the Bernina line, you are welcome to board and alight the Bernina Express train at any station on the route. You don’t have to stay on the train for the entire trip. As with any other regional train, you can’t hop off a random station for a second and then hop back on! No matter how beautiful the scenery is and how good your photos would look. There’s a high chance the train will leave without you.

The Bernina Express operates year-round, but the timetable varies depending on the season. From early April to late October, the Bernina Express runs a daily service. During this time, you can enjoy the beautiful spring and summer scenery, as well as the autumn foliage. From November to early April, the Bernina Express operates on a reduced schedule, with fewer trains running each day. However, the winter months offer a unique and magical experience as the landscape is covered in snow and ice. It’s worth noting that some sections of the Bernina Express route may be closed during the winter months due to snowfall or adverse weather conditions. However, the train still runs on most days, and passengers can enjoy the winter scenery from the comfort of the panoramic train carriages.

The main differences between 1st class and 2nd class on the Bernina Express are as follows:Comfort: The seats in 1st class are generally more spacious and comfortable than those in 2nd class. They may also have additional features such as footrests and adjustable headrests. The panoramic windows in both classes provide excellent views, but 1st class may have slightly larger windows. Amenities: 1st class carriages usually have fewer seats than 2nd class, providing a quieter and more exclusive environment. Additionally, 1st class passengers are often offered complimentary drinks and snacks during the journey. Cost: As expected, 1st class tickets are more expensive than 2nd class tickets. However, the difference in price can vary depending on the time of year and demand. Overall, both classes provide a great experience on the Bernina Express, with stunning views of the Swiss and Italian Alps. The choice between 1st and 2nd class ultimately depends on your budget and personal preferences for comfort and amenities.

Choosing the best time ride the Bernina Express train journey is so tough! The Bernina Express is an epic, scenic train route every season. Board the Bernina Express in winter for snowy mountain peaks, St Moritz’s frozen lakes, and glühwein in ski resorts. Spring brings colorful flowers and thawed-out glacial lakes. Summer offers lush green hills and some trains even have even open-air carriages in July and August! The fall season doesn’t disappoint either with vistas covered with the burnt oranges and vibrant reds of harvest time. If you’re desperate for a real answer and you have the option to visit Switzerland in any season, choose winter. You’ll have the quintessential Swiss Alps experience.

If you are traveling on the Bernina Express from Chur to Tirano, sit on the right side. But if you are traveling from south to north, sit on the left side.Keep in mind that both sides offer amazing views and you can move freely around the trains. So, it doesn’t matter too much!

Enjoy an Unforgettable Trip on the Bernina Express Switzerland Train

If you love sensational panoramic vistas, the romance of train travel, and unique experiences then you will love traveling on the Bernina Express route. No matter when you are visiting Switzerland or Italy, traveling along the Bernina Pass via bus or train is worth it in all seasons.

With this guide, you’ll know exactly how to book your trains and all the logistical details to make the most of your train journey. All aboard for an epic adventure in Switzerland and Italy!

How to Ride the Bernina Express

Wanderlust Crew

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Logo Bellagio Travel Guide

Bernina Express and St Moritz tour from Lake Como

bernina express day trip

How to experience the Bernina Express tour from Lake Como

Choose to experience this wonderful adventure with a personalised tour or a “do it yourself” tour 

Map of the stops of the Benina Express


Using this guide, you will discover how to reach Tirano to live the unforgettable experience of the Bernina Express tour!

We suggest you to take the ferry that leaves at 6:15 AM*   (Arrival in  Varenna at 6:45 – this ferry stops first in Menaggio – )

  • Check the ferry schedules: click here
  • NB ferry schedules is different on weekdays and on Sundays/Festive days and also it depends on the time of year.

Ferry from Bellagio to Varenna (€ 4,60 p.p.)

Walk from the pier of Varenna to the train station (10 min).

Catch the train to Tirano around 7 am (1h28min € 8pp approx.) – always check the timetables and if there are strikes –  

Get off the train in Tirano and catch the Bernina Express (Look for the Bernina Express station on the left side when you exit the regional train station) We advise you to buy train tickets in advance: You can buy them online  www.rhb.ch (approx. €28 second class or €50 first class ONE WAY)

Get off the train in St Moritz (2 hours and 15 minutes ride on the Bernina Express)

Visit St Moritz

Catch the train from St Moritz to Tirano (2 hours and 15 minutes journey on the Bernina Express) You can buy them online  www.rhb.ch (approx. €28 second class or €50 first class ONE WAY)

Get off the Bernina Express and catch the regional train to Varenna (1h28min € 7,30pp)

Catch the ferry to Bellagio (Check the ferry schedules: click here )



View the live webcam in St Moritz, click here

2 - bernina express from lake como - tailor made tour.

If you want to forget about the stress of the schedules, the worry of losing yourself or getting stuck somewhere, this tailor-made tour of the Bernina Express is definitely the right one for you!

The only thing you need to worry about is taking the ferry around 8:00 from Bellagio to Varenna.

Check the ferry schedules: click here )

The local guide, with his authorised minivan, will take you on a breathtaking tour of the lake and the mountains: you will cross the Valtellina area surrounded by vineyards and apple trees in bloom, you can taste the typical products of this area from cheese to wine.

Once you arrive in Tirano our guide will help you in buying the Bernina Express ticket (approx. € 28 second class or € 50 first class ONE WAY) and come with you to Bernina Express departure train station.

The magical journey between glaciers and mountains on the highest and most scenic railway in Europe (2253 m.s.l.m.) begins!

The guide will wait for you at the St Moritz station, together you will visit one of the most famous cities for its boutiques and (in winter) for its exclusive ski slopes. This type of tour will allow you to choose, on the advice of your companion, what to visit, where to stop for lunch and will enrich you with cultural information of these wonderful places.

Back again on the minivan to cross the Maloja pass to slowly return to Varenna. You can choose with your guide to stop in other interesting places: the beautiful village of Chiavenna or the Abbey of Piona.

The return is scheduled at around 19:00 in Varenna.

We do not want to reveal too many details, the knowledge of this area by our guide will leave you surprised in the discovery of a wonderful culture, rich in history, traditions and good food!

Here below in the box the details of the tours click on each box to view more details of the tours.

bernina express day trip

Let our expert guide provide you with exclusive attention as you traverse the captivating Valtellina region, delving deep into the majestic Engadin Alps. Immerse yourself in the charm of St. Moritz with an intimate walking tour, allowing you to truly connect with this remarkable destination. And as you journey back, venture behind the scenes of a local winery. This remarkable itinerary unveile awe-inspiring vistas of Alpine valleys, majestic peaks, and picturesque villages. Benefit from the dedicated service of your private guide, ensuring an exceptional and personalized experience. Additionally, our comprehensive package includes an air-conditioned vehicle, private transportation, onboard WiFi, and a guided visit. If desired, we can arrange a visit to a winery, where you have the opportunity to purchase some exceptional wines. For your convenience, we offer pickup and drop-off from various locations such as Como, Milan, or any other locality along the route. Please note that if your chosen location is not directly on the route, an additional fee may apply. Moreover, if you happen to find another small group (such as a couple or a family) to share the tour with, we will provide you with complimentary Bernina train tickets.

Have a look at these other tours from Lake Como to St Moritz, including the Bernina Express train

Day trip from varenna to st moritz.

bernina express day trip

Experience the stunning views from atop the Swiss Alps and soak in the beauty of Lake Como on this full-day tour. Begin by exploring the picturesque lakeshore village of Varenna. Take a leisurely stroll  (approximately 30 minutes).

Next, venture into the Valtellina Valley, where you’ll have the opportunity to make a quick stop in a quaint town or visit a local winery, experiencing the authentic flavors of the region (approximately 30 minutes).

Continue your journey and arrive in Tirano, where you’ll have free time to enjoy a delightful lunch at your own leisure (approximately 1 hour).

The highlight of the tour awaits as you board the Bernina train, an extraordinary ride that takes you through glaciers and into the heart of the Swiss Alps. Marvel at the breathtaking summit views as you disembark at Ospizio Bernina, the highest point of the ride. In the winter season, the stop is at Diavolezza (approximately 10 minutes).

Conclude your adventure with a visit to the renowned mountain resort of St. Moritz. Enjoy a quick highlights driving tour, providing you with an overview of this illustrious town, followed by free time to explore and discover its unique attractions (approximately 1 hour).

Your comprehensive package includes an English-speaking tour guide, transportation throughout the tour, and a Bernina train ticket that allows you to experience the awe-inspiring journey. 

Next, venture into the Valtellina Valley, where you'll have the opportunity to make a quick stop in a quaint town or visit a local winery, experiencing the authentic flavors of the region (approximately 30 minutes).

Continue your journey and arrive in Tirano, where you'll have free time to enjoy a delightful lunch at your own leisure (approximately 1 hour).

Private tour from Lake Como to St Moritz

This is a private tour with private transportation from your accommodation. Please note that this tour does not include a guided presence.

Join us on an incredible adventure as you step aboard the Bernina Red Train. Prepare to be captivated by the awe-inspiring spectacle of nature as you traverse steep slopes, passing through charming villages, hamlets, rivers, lakes, and glaciers. This remarkable journey from Tirano to St. Moritz showcases the breathtaking beauty of the region.

Upon reaching St. Moritz, take the time to relax and soak in the ambiance. You can leisurely explore the historic center of this renowned village, enjoying its unique atmosphere and attractions. Afterward, our driver will accompany you to the stunning Lake Silvaplana, where, on windy days, you can witness thrilling kitesurfing stunts that will leave you in awe.

As we make our return journey, we’ll cross the scenic Maloja Pass, a picturesque road nestled amidst the enchanting woods, offering panoramic vistas of the Italian and Swiss Alps.

Included in this experience is private roundtrip transportation for your convenience. You’ll also receive one-way 2nd class tickets for the Bernina Red Train, granting you a front-row seat to the breathtaking landscapes. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to visit Lake Silvaplana and witness the magnificent Acquafraggia Falls (excluding August and weekends). Lunch is included.

As we make our return journey, we'll cross the scenic Maloja Pass, a picturesque road nestled amidst the enchanting woods, offering panoramic vistas of the Italian and Swiss Alps.

Included in this experience is private roundtrip transportation for your convenience. You'll also receive one-way 2nd class tickets for the Bernina Red Train, granting you a front-row seat to the breathtaking landscapes. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to visit Lake Silvaplana and witness the magnificent Acquafraggia Falls (excluding August and weekends). Lunch is included.

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29 thoughts on “bernina express and st moritz tour from lake como”.

Hello, we are interested in Bernina express tour on the 3d or 4ths of October. Is it possible and what is the price for two?

Buongiorno Andrew, come stai? To get more info about the Bernina Express tailor made tour, you can visit this link and contact directly the guide for more info about availability and prices (on this page you find the direct contacts). This is the link: https://www.bellagiotravelguide.com/listing/bernina/ Ciao

Hello, I am very interested in the Bernina Express tour from Lake Como. I will be staying in Bellagio May 11 to 14. Please provide details and cost for 4 adults. Thank you, Pat Anastasio

We are looking to travel to St Moritz with option 2 on October 7, 2022. There will be five – six adults. We would like to stop in Chiavenna on the way back. We would like 1st class accommodations on the train. Would you please give me a price and timing for this excursion. Thank you! Lynn

Ciao Lynn, thank you for your kind request.

I’ve sent you an e-mail with the information required.

Have a nice day!

Kind regards from Bellagio

I am interested in one day trip to St. Moritz from Bellagio on Aug 31, 2022. This is for 6 adults. I will prefer Ferry+Van+Bernina Express. Please send me information and price at following email address. Thanks

Ciao Vijay, thank you for your request. We’ve replied to you by e-mail.

Have a nice day! Ciao from Bellagio

We are looking to do a Bernina Express tour to St Moritz and also a tour of Como/Varena/Bellagio. We are staying in Milan and would like to tie these two tours into 2 days to avoid having to return to Milan between the tours. Is this possible (could stay overnight in Como or St Moritz or somewhere else you can recommend

Ciao Silvana, thank you for your kind request.

We’ve replied to you by e-mail. Hope you could find a solution with our local guide.

Hi there, please could you email me so I can get details of a tour for 2023. Thank you, Jacob.

Ciao Jacob, come stai? We’ve replied to you by e-mail 🙂 Ciao from Bellagio

Hi, could you please send me more info about BERNINA EXPRESS FROM LAKE COMO – TAILOR MADE TOUR, we ( 2 ) are booked in Como July 2 – 7 we are still open for rent something in Bellagio if you have some suggestions.

Ciao Wojciech, thank you for your kind request. We’ve replied to you by e-mail 🙂 Ciao from Bellagio

I am very interested in booking this tour for 7/9 for 4 adults. We are staying in Bellagio.

Hi, We are visiting Como for 1 week in September and would like to do the Bernina Express tour ourselves from Como. Does option 1 still work above? Please confirm, thanks

Buongiorno Gary, come stai?

The do-it-yourself itinerary works, the only thing is the public transport: you always need to check the timetable because they can always vary. You can check online in the website of the ferry timetables and the train timetables.

Feel free to ask more information 🙂

Buongiorno We are travelling to Bellagio in April 2023. We are 3 adults. Please could you provide further information, including costings? thank you

Buongiorno Mona, how are you? You can send an e-mail to [email protected] and we forward your request to our guide. Grazie mille, have a nice day!

I am looking at transport from La Locanda del Cantiere to tirano and back. I intend to take the Bernina express and back. Please email me asap if possible.

Much appreciated

Buongiorno Vinod, thank you for your kind request. Regretfully we don’t offer intermediate service. You can book the tour online and then get in touch with the guide. He offers the tour from Lake Como, he’s based in Como, you can con contact him to organise the pickup. Here the tour we normally recommend: https://www.viator.com/it-IT/Lake-Como/d26113-ttd/p-120889P2?pid=P00091233&mcid=42383&medium=link&campaign=Bernina-with-Guide

We are wanting to take the Bellagio Express Train from Verena to St. Moritz and back. Both ways on the train only. How should we go about this? I’m a little confused about the tours and when there is a driving tour or multiple stops. We are fine with another stop along the way, but don’t necessarily want a driving tour. Also, is the train ride winding or is it straight with some curves as needed? I get sick on roads if it gets too winding and so never do mountains. However, I’m thinking maybe a train wouldn’t be so winding. Thank you.

Ciao Marcia, also Lake Como roads are a litle windy but if you go with a good driver who drives slow you just enjoy the views and that’s it (I suffer the car too so I know what you mean). The good thing of having a driver is that you can talk directly to him about your feelings and you can help you feeling better. That’s the good thing of a private tour with a small group. The guide/driver takes care of you.

The train is smooth and when I did it I had no problem. Anyway some coke helps me (I never drink it, just on emergencies when I travel together with a slice of lemon ☺️) The good thing of the private tour is that you don’t do the train rain twice.

All Lombardy region has windy roads but driving slowly helps you a lot!

I book like to book option 2 for a party of four adults, making sure that we get first class/panoramic car reservations. We would like to travel from Tirano to St. Moritz on the Bernina Express on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Is there a guide service you can recommend for the ground transportation? Thank you.

Ciao Caron, thank you for your kind request. I can highly recommend this tour https://www.viator.com/en-GB/tours/Lake-Como/Bernina-Express-and-Sankt-Moritz-Private-Guided-Tour/d26113-120889P2?pid=%20P00091233&mcid=42383&medium=link&campaign=bernina organized by a local English speaking guide. His tour is complete because he has it’s own minivan and he drives you directly from Lake Como. This is great because you do the Bernina Express only once, on the way back the guide drives you back from the Maloja pass. I hope this can be helpful!

Ciao Have a nice day

Buongiorno We will be staying in Varenna and would like to book your escorted tour of St Moritz on the Bernier Express on any day for the week beginning Mon 29th April 2024 please. This will be for two adults. Thank you

Ciao, the tour I recommend is this one: https://www.viator.com/it-IT/tours/Lake-Como/Bernina-Express-and-Sankt-Moritz-Private-Guided-Tour/d26113-120889P2?pid=P00091233&mcid=42383&medium=link&campaign=Bernina-with-Guide

By clicking on the link you can check the availability. He’s a local English speaking guide.

Hello, We are interested in doing the Bernier Express tour to St Moritz on Tuesday 30th April24. Can you help us with this please. Thank you

By clicking on the link you can check the availability. He’s a local English speaking guide.

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Happy to Wander

The Bernina Express Train in Switzerland: Everything You Must Know

Last Updated: September 2, 2020

*FYI - this post may contain affiliate links, which means we earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase from them. Also, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Check out our Privacy Policy and Disclosure. for more info.

bernina express day trip

Whether you’re an avid lover of train travel or simply a frequent snooper on Instagram , odds are you’ve heard of the world-famous Bernina Express train in Switzerland, frequently hailed as one of the most scenic train rides in the entire country.

And guys, let me tell you…

This. ride. is. the. bomb. diggity.

I have a jar of happy tears and full SD cards to prove it!

What’s so special about the mystical Bernina Express?

Well, if timed properly, this one single train ride brings you on a whirlwind journey through the most incredible variety of landscapes that Switzerland has to offer, from snowy mountains, adorable villages and hilltop castles to bright blue lakes and the rustic charm of northern Italy.

I recently got to check this ride off my bucket list not just once, but twice in March: once from Chur to Tirano on board the official “Bernina Express”, and then back again from Tirano to Chur in a DIY fashion, using regional trains which travelled the same route.

While the experience was fantastic, prior to my trip, I found it comically difficult to find all the right information consolidated in one place, so here’s a guide on all the important must-knows before you ride the world-famous Bernina Express, including the route, the cost, whether or not it’s right for you, how to buy tickets, and a secret trick for doing the trip cheaper/with better photography opportunities!

Choo choo! Let’s go.

Save this post for later on Pinterest:

bernina express day trip

First – A Quick Intro to the Bernina Express

So, as I mentioned earlier, the Bernina Express is a legendary train ride that is often hailed as one of the most scenic in the world.

Having done it, I can assure you that it’s akin to getting throatpunched with natural beauty.

bernina express day trip

With a relatively short 4 hour  journey time from start to finish, it takes half the time of the much lengthier Glacier Express , and covers just as many scenic landscapes, from fairytale castles and mystical viaducts to mountain-top lakes and and quaint Italian towns.

Along the way, you traverse 55 tunnels and 196 bridges/viaducts, which means plenty of action to keep your eyeballs busy. Taken end to end, you’ll get from Switzerland to Italy (or vice versa) in style, making it one of the most badass ways to country hop, certainly if you indulge in some on-board vino.

… All in all, the Bernina Express is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and well worth a try on your next Swiss adventure!

bernina express day trip

The Bernina Express Route

So, if you’re curious about where the Bernina Express goes, here’s a detailed breakdown of the route:

The Bernina Express route runs between Chur and Tirano. You can start at either end, but I did it from Chur to Tirano.

If you leave from Chur as I did, you pass through Thusis and Tiefencastel, going through the Domleschg valley which is dotted with countless mountain-top castles and pretty ruins.

The journey continues for an hour until one of the key moments of the trip: crossing the Landwasser Viaduct, about 5 minutes before you arrive at Filisur.

The train crosses the viaduct extremely quickly though, so blink and you might miss it. Have those cameras at the ready!

bernina express day trip

After Filisur, you go through the Albula tunnel and head onwards to the Upper Engadine valley, passing Pontresina along the way.

Then, upwards you go!

In March, this meant we were soon face to face with snowy mountains and and an endless snowy landscape.

Seeing the Lago Bianco was a highlight, because even though it was frozen over, part had began to melt which meant we got a glimpse at the intense colour of the lake. I’d love to see it again in the summer!

bernina express day trip

Soon, you reach the Ospizio Bernina, the route’s highest point (2253m above the sea).

From here, you begin a descent and the landscapes quickly begin to change. After a 20 minute photo stop at the Alp Grüm stop, the Bernina Express curves into the Poschiavo valley, and you’ll soon see how quickly those snowy mountains have been replaced by picturesque villages and a distinctly Mediterranean vibe.

You then pass the beautifully blue Lago di Poschiavo before taking on the Brusio spiral viaduct, which is a real treat to ride. Your journey wraps up in Tirano, but along the way you weave through tiny towns, at times occupying the entire road and being so close to houses you could probably knock on their doors if you tried. Such a cool experience!

bernina express day trip

Once in Tirano, you can disembark and check out the city, take the Bernina Express bus onwards to Lugano (summer only) or take it the way back to enjoy a nice roundtrip.

If you are looking for a Bernina Express route map, here’s one.

bernina express day trip

How Much Is It? An Explanation of Bernina Express Costs

First-time customers might have a little trouble understanding how much the Bernina Express actually costs.

I know I stumbled around for this info much longer than I’d like to admit, so here’s a simple explanation.

Buying a ticket to the Bernina Express comes in two parts: first you need to buy a base ticket which covers your fare from Point A to Point B, then you need to pay a mandatory reservation fee of 14CHF to hold your seat.

As such, the cost of the Bernina Express depends on where you’re starting, where you’re getting off, and of course, what class you pick.

Here’s a table summarizing the costs for 2020.

bernina express day trip

A Quick Review: Is the Bernina Express Worth It?

There are a lot of amazing things you can do in Switzerland, so you might be wondering, as a full-day activity that costs quite a bit of money, is the Bernina Express worth it?

My annoying answer: it depends!

If you love train travel and are looking for a relaxing way to enjoy some stunning landscapes, then the Bernina Express is 100% worth the money.

If you don’t love organized “touristy” things, and feel restless being trapped on a train for 4 hours (8 hours roundtrip), then you might be better off exploring other Swiss activities.

I’ll be honest: my preferred way of doing the Bernina Express is actually the DIY route that utilizes regional trains instead of the panoramic Bernina Express tourist train.

I’ll explain how to use this method below, but overall, doing it by regional train was only minorly less convenient, with amazing perks like windows you could open, substantially less crowds and of course, all the same landscapes as you would get on the regular Bernina Express.

I would recommend this route if you are more of an independent traveler.

Regardless though, the Bernina Express is a wonderful bucket list activity, and definitely one that I’m glad I did. Below, you’ll find detailed instructions on how to book tickets, along with important tips to keep in mind.

bernina express day trip

How to Buy Bernina Express Tickets: Step by Step

Buying tickets for the Bernina Express can be a bit confusing, so here’s a foolproof guide to help you through the process.

OPTION A: From the official website

Step One: Go onto the official Bernina Express website here .

Step Two: Enter your Departure Point, Arrival Point and date of travel, bearing in mind you can only buy actual tickets 2 months in advance, but you can make a reservation (the most important part!) earlier than that, up to 6 months before (based on my own tests, as I’m able to make reservations for October at the time of writing this article, which was April).

bernina express day trip

Step Three: Choose your desired journey time and scroll down to choose your reserved seat, which will be highlighted in green. When you’re happy with your choice, press ‘Next’.

bernina express day trip

Step Four: Enter your details, press Next and pay up! Then you’re all done 🙂

bernina express day trip

OPTION B: Book a tour

If you’re looking for someone to take care of everything for you, or perhaps if you want to do the Bernina Express trip starting from another city you’re travelling in, then maybe booking a tour is a good idea.

There are many companies that offer tour packages which include transport from main cities (e.g. Zurich, Bern, Basel) to a Glacier Express stop, and also take care of your reservations and tickets. Of course, this will be more expensive than organizing everything yourself, but you do get a lot more ease of mind.

Booking a tour is ALSO a great trick for ensuring you get tickets, even more than 3 months in advance. This is important if you’re travelling from far away to do this ride!

So, if you’re interested in booking a tour, here are a few options:

How to Make a Bernina Express Seat Reservation

If you are travelling with a pass that covers the cost of your base ticket (e.g. Eurail, Interrail, Swiss Travel Pass ), then you won’t need to purchase a ticket, only a seat reservation.

Step by step, here’s how you do that.

bernina express day trip

Step Three: Click on your desired journey/departure time, then scroll down to the seating chart to select your seat. Your selected seat will be in green.

bernina express day trip

Step Four: Enter your information (first/last name and birthdate), then click on the Reduction menu and find your specific discount. If you’re using a Eurail pass for instance, select that. After you do so, the ticket price should be taken away from your cart and you’ll only need to pay the reservation fee. After that’s done, press Next, pay, and you’re all set! The details will be sent to you by email.

bernina express day trip

How to Get the Best Deal on Bernina Express Tickets

Bernina Express train tickets are a lot more affordable than the Glacier Express, but they’re still on the pricey side (you are travelling in Switzerland after all!).

That said, there are still a variety of ways that you can scheme your way into cheaper fares.

Here are some of those methods!

1. Use a rail pass

Listen up: this is how I managed to scheme my way into only paying 30 euros for my 1st class ticket!

Here’s how: When you use a Eurail/Interrail pass, that covers your base ticket fee which means you only need to pay for a reservation.

As such, I paid 306 euros for a Eurail global 10 day pass, (I got a free 1st class upgrade thanks to a sale they were running). I

then used 1 travel day on the Bernina Express, which evens out to only about 30 euros spent for this gorgeous ride (plus the 14 CHF reservation fee). Still an incredible deal, and by far the cheapest way to do it.

If you are travelling around Europe, getting a Eurail pass might be a good idea, because Switzerland is certainly where you get the best bang for your buck! Click here to browse the different passes and deals.

2. Consider a Swiss Travel Pass

This would be perfect for you if you plan to travel extensively around Switzerland.

A Swiss Travel Pass is similar to the Eurail/Interrail passes except it gives you unlimited transportation on trains, buses, boats and free public transport + museums).

I know that sounds like a total dream, but the obvious caveat is that it is still very expensive, so make sure to do the math and see if getting one would really be worth it. Click here for more info.

bernina express day trip

3. Consider getting a discount card

The Half Fare Travelcard is a very popular card that you can buy which (true to its name) gets you half price tickets.

In 2020, this card is 120 CHF for one month.

This sounds like a lot, but it could be worth it if you are spending an extended amount of time in Switzerland and plan to take multiple trains.

Click here for more details on pricing.

4. Do the “DIY” Bernina Express using regional trains

Last but not least, you can take regional trains instead of the official “Bernina Express”, which can work out to be cheaper as you don’t need to pay a reservation fee.

On my way back to Chur from Tirano, I decided to experiment and take regional trains along the Bernina Express route, just to compare the experience.

And honestly? I LOVED IT!

Having just endured four hours on a crowded train across from a judgey older couple, it was such a joy to hop on a regional train and have the first class car all to myself.

Best of all? You could open the windows on the leg from Tirano to Pontresina, and there is a special photography carriage available on many trains from Samedan to Chur, so if you’re a shutterbug like me, using regional trains is a perfect way to take excellent photos without ugly window reflections.

The main downside to this DIY route is you have to transfer a few times. I didn’t find this to be a problem. Basically this is the route:

  • Tirano to Pontresina
  • Pontresina to Samedan (only a quick 6 minute ride)
  • Samedan to Chur

Because I didn’t have tons of heavy bags, I could easily hop onto these transfers, and the peace/quiet along with the excellent photo opportunities made it worth it.

NOTE: The Man in Seat 61 has an excellent hack for securing this trip for as low as 29.90! This involves booking the trip to depart from a German city and taking advantage of Deutsche Bahn’s super cheap Sparpreis ticket deals. Click here for more information on that special trick.

bernina express day trip

Last-Minute Bernina Express Tickets

Oftentimes, the Bernina Express sells out in peak season. If you find yourself in a situation where seats are completely sold out for your travel dates, don’t despair! Here are some solutions:

OPTION A: Check travel agencies/websites for organized tours

There are many companies that offer tour packages which include transport from main cities (e.g. Zurich, Bern, Basel) to a Bernina Express stop, and also take care of your reservations, tickets, lunch all for one package price.

Again, this will be more expensive than organizing everything yourself, but booking one these might help you score a spot even on a “sold out” train.

OPTION B: Do a DIY route with regional trains

Again, don’t panic if Bernina Express tickets are sold out.

Regional trains operate on the same railways as the Bernina Express, which means you can get the same views if you just take regional trains instead. The main inconvenience is you’d have to stop/transfer multiple times, but if you only want to do a portion of the ride, or don’t mind the switching, then this is a great way to still “do” the Bernina Express even when tickets are sold out.

And honestly, you know what? I actually preferred the DIY route! It was so much quieter, I had an entire carriage pretty much to myself, I could open the windows for two of the main rides and the few changes were super easy and non-disruptive.

This is the route you would have to take. More info on this later!

bernina express day trip

What to Pack for Your Bernina Express Trip

Passport: Don’t forget, if you start in Tirano, you WILL be taking the train from Italy to Switzerland (or the train from Switzerland to Italy if you start in Chur), so make sure you valid travel documents with you.

Headphones: The Infotrainment includes free audio stories that you can listen to, but you would need to bring your own headphones to listen to them (and not awkwardly press play at full volume in a full carriage like I did).

Sunglasses: Even in the wintertime, the sun gets blindingly bright, certainly when it reflects off the snow. Make sure you have sunglasses!

Polarizing filters: If you’re a keen photographer, know that reflections will probably get in the way of your shot. One way to get around this is to buy some polarizing filters. While they won’t get rid of the reflection 100%, it will be much better than not using a filter of any kind.

Layers: When the sun is out, the panorama cars get super hot. I would advise dressing in layers so you can adjust to the changing temperatures.

Drinks/snacks: The food/drink selection is super limited on board and honestly, not the best quality. I would bring your own if possible.

bernina express day trip

How to DIY the Bernina Express on Regional Trains

Alright, now let’s dig into the really juicy stuff: how to do your own DIY Bernina Express.

I mentioned this a few times throughout the article, but basically, there are two ways you can see the landscapes of the Bernina Express:

  • You can take the official ‘Bernina Express’ train that is marketed to tourists as a sightseeing experience
  • You can take regional trains that go along the same route, which gives you the same landscapes but without touristy add-ons like the panoramic sightseeing car, souvenirs, Infotrainment, etc.

Having tested both methods, I actually preferred recreating the route by myself on regional trains for a few different reasons: less crowds, windows you could open and an overall more “independent” experience away from the giant tourist mobs you would encounter on the Bernina Express.

So, in my opinion, doing it this DIY way is perfect if…

  • Tickets for the regular Bernina Express are sold out, and you still want to see all the pretty landscapes
  • You are an avid photographer and would like the ability to roll the window down partway for photos
  • You are more of an independent explorer and want to get away from the “packaged tour” feeling of the Bernina Express

To do the Bernina Express is a DIY way, you will need to split your journey into the following three rides (assuming you are leaving from Tirano).

And that’s it! The exact same landscapes as the actual Bernina Express, without being on it ; )

I personally used my Eurail pass for all these rides, but  if you want the easiest way to check prices/times of point to point tickets, check out the official SBB website .

See the “how to get the best deals” section above for ideas on how to get these tickets the cheapest possible way.

bernina express day trip

11 Final Tips for Riding the Bernina Express

Alright, so now that I’ve talked your ear off about the many ways to get tickets and make the most of your experience, I have some final words of wisdom to chuck at you. In no particular order, they are…

1. Sit on the right side!

Hands down, the right side of the train (from Chur to Tirano) or the left side (from Tirano to Chur) is the far superior side.

Unlike the Glacier Express , which I would argue had pretty equal views on both sides, the Bernina Express definitely has a “better side” especially if you want a nice view of the Landwasser Viaduct.

While reserving is tricky because you don’t actually know which way the carriage will end up facing, just remember this for photos and if you see a free spot!

bernina express day trip

2. Reserve your seat ASAP

The Bernina Express is an incredibly popular train.

Even when I looked again in April, many of the window seats for 1st class in mid-June were mostly taken. I would recommend you get your seat reserved as soon as you know you’ll be doing the Bernina Express because ideally you’re going to want a window seat, and if travelling with others, you’ll want to sit together!

While they don’t have an official policy on how far in advance you can reserve seats, my tests with the online system seem to indicate the limit is about 6 months in advance.

bernina express day trip

3. If you’re not sitting on the right side, loiter by the luggage racks during key landscapes

If you have the unfortunate luck of being sat on the wrong side (in my opinion, the left side from Chur to Tirano, or the right side from Tirano to Chur), don’t despair.

First of all – the windows are huge so you’ll be able to see the landscapes no matter what.

BUT, secondly, if you are interested in capturing key moments of the journey with a photo (e.g. going over the Landwasser Viaduct), prepare yourself well and nab a spot on the right side of the train near the luggage rack!

This way you can have a good view of the right side, without disturbing anybody. You can also go to the middle connecting area between carriages.

I’ve heard the windows there can open halfway for good photos.

bernina express day trip

4. Remember your passport

Again, you’ll be crossing the border if you are taking the Bernina Express the entire way, so remember to bring some valid travel documents with you.

bernina express day trip

5. Get to the train early

Assuming you are boarding the Bernina Express on the first stop, I would advise getting to the train about 20-30 minutes before departure time.

This extra buffer time will make a world of difference in terms of keeping stress levels down, and at least based on my own experience, there’s always awkward seating misunderstandings when the train gets close to departure (e.g. one person sits in the wrong seat, displaces the next person, etc) and it all gets very confusing.

If you fear confrontation like me, getting there early is an easy way to ensure you get in your seat without having to fight with anybody!

Additionally, if you have luggage, getting on board early will mean you have first pick at the limited spots for storing luggage.

bernina express day trip

6. Know where to put your luggage

The Bernina Express has some luggage racks, but there are also slots in between the backs of seats (you’ll see what I mean) where you can slide in smaller suitcases.

If you can’t find a place, the staff are more than willing to help you out.

7. Take advantage of the free Infotrainment

The Infotrainment available on board the Bernina Express is actually a really fun and interesting addition to the ride – one that I noticed nobody was using!

So, take this tip now and run with it: if you have a smartphone during your Bernina Express ride, you can log onto a special WiFi network on board that connects you to the Bernina Express Infotrainment system, which shows you a moving map of where you are, along with a feed of fun facts/historical tidbits as you pass through different stops on the Bernina Express route.

If you bring headphones (see the tip below), you can even listen to narration, commentary and stories related to each stop. Details on how to access this network should be available on a pamphlet on the table.

bernina express day trip

8. Bring headphones

Again, if you want to make the most of the Infotrainment experience described above, make sure you have headphones so you can plug in and listen!

9. Bring sun protection

Oh my gosh, some of the landscapes along the Bernina Express route are so bright, you’ll feel your eyeballs burning ever so slightly.

To avoid this tingly sensation, be sure to bring sunglasses and sun protection if you have sensitive skin.

10. Don’t forget water and snacks for your Bernina Express trip!

To my permanently hungry hungry hippos, you need to know that there is no Dining Car available on the Bernina Express.

Instead, there is a staff member that comes around with a little trolly selling a limited selection of drinks and snacks. 

To be honest with you, the food/drink options are kind of overpriced and underwhelming. With coffee for instance, you can only order black coffee or cafe au lait (not even a cappuccino! my diva self was shocked).

Experience-wise, it pales in comparison to the Glacier Express , where you are served hot meals at your seat with proper cutlery and glasses. So, to avoid disappointment, be sure to bring your own refreshments.

bernina express day trip

11. Be mindful that the Bernina Express is not a super baby-friendly experience

Last but not least, I have to add this because I sat next to a young couple with a baby, and saw their struggle first-hand.

Sadly, the Bernina Express isn’t an ideal ride for a little baby, here’s why: the train can make some very random and sudden noises that startle babies, and there aren’t any change tables available in the train bathrooms.

All of this makes bringing your newborn spawn onto the train a bit more difficult.

So, in case you are considering doing this journey with a baby, keep those limitations in mind.

Do you have any more questions about the Bernina Express?

Phew! That was a long post, but I hope you found this guide helpful in planning your Bernina Express trip. Safe travels, and have an amazing time!

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💳 Wise: For FREE travel friendly credit cards

🍯 Airalo: My go-to eSIM

🏨 Booking.com: For searching hotels

📷 Sony A7IV: My (amazing) camera

✈️ Google Flights : For finding flight deals

🌎 WorldNomads: For travel insurance

🎉 GetYourGuide: For booking activities

4 thoughts on “The Bernina Express Train in Switzerland: Everything You Must Know”

Thank you so much for this comprehensive post! It has made my planning for my solo trip to Switzerland a lot less stressful. Cheers 🙂

Fantastic report!!!

THIS IS SO HELPFUL! thank you!

You’re welcome!!!

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  • Day Trips & Excursions

Full Day Tour to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan

Full Day Tour to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan

The train ride was awesome and we had a great tour guide

Excursion to St.Moritz with Bernina Express from Milan

You're staying in Milan and you would like to spend your day in a different way? Then the tour of St. Moritz is the best choice for you. Departing from Milan , you will visit  the lovely St. Moritz  and you will take a ride on the panoramic Bernina Express .

Day Trip to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan highlights: 

  • Travel on the characteristic Bernina Express train
  • Live the eXPerience of taking a ride on the steepest rail route in the world
  • Visit the renowned St. Moritz, one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland
  • Be enchanted by the breathtaking panoramic views of Alpine landscape
  • Enjoy some pleasant shopping in the most exclusive streets of St. Moritz

bernina express day trip

Day Trip to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan

Through this exciting day trip from Milan you will have the opportunity to visit two beautiful towns, such as Tirano and St. Moritz , also taking a ride on a characteristic train that will allow you to admire the splendid mountains and take terrific photographs.

Enjoy a walk in the beautiful city of St. Moritz

You will depart from Milan by bus, to reach St. Moritz , world-known as a ski resort in winter and leisure tourist destination in the summer, you will have free time to stroll through the picturesque narrow streets with boutiques and stores of all kinds. Also, do not miss the chance to visit the famous chocolate shops or cozy cake shops where you can sample and purchase products of local tradition. You will have some free time for lunch (NOT included) and, after that, you will take the characteristic Bernina Express to reach the beautiful city of Tirano.

Enjoy the breathtaking views of the Alps

Once at the station (423 meters above sea level) you will go aboard the characteristic Bernina Express , a comfortable red train that will allow you to admire the breathtaking scenery. You will eXPerience a journey surrounded by crevasses, green valleys and glaciers, passing across high bridges and dark tunnels on the highest railway in Europe. You will pass through the heart of the Engadine Valley , with the opportunity to take terrific photos, including viaducts sinuous spiral and narrow curves up to the Bernina Pass (2253 meters above sea level), to finally arrive in Tirano

A great experience from Milan

The Bernina Express journeyh will end in the lively city of Tirano, It is famous for the beautiful Sanctuary of the Madonna di Tirano , the Oratory of St. Peter and the majestic Palazzo Salis with its imposing door of the late 16th century. From here, you will return to  Milan by bus, after this incredible experience of  full day tour on Bernina Express.  

Other eXPeriences from Milan

Join also the  Full day tour to Lake Como and Bellagio, departing from Milan and the  Day tour to the Cinque Terre and minicruise, from Milan .

  • Departure from Milan by bus
  • Train ride on the Bernina Express
  • Return to Milan by bus
  • Transfer by bus from Milan
  • Bernina Train ticket (2nd class), NO panoramic coach
  • Professional English speaking tour leader
  • Tips (optional)
  • Pick-up and drop-off at the hotel
  • Meals and beverages

Meeting point information and local telephone numbers at your destination are included on your Confirmation Voucher.

  We recommend comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing.   This tour requires a valid identity card or a passport (for some nationalities a visa might be necessary - check it with the Swiss consulate).   Please note that times are subjected to organization and/or traffic problem and train itinerary could be change from/to St.Moritz.   Be informed that panoramic coaches are NOT guaranteed.  

Reviews of Full Day Tour to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan

A remarkable and enjoyable trip for all six of us., the awesome scenery and natural beauty, it was a fantastic day, loved the scenery.

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Bernina Express from Milan

Bernina Express from Milan

Top things to do in Milan

Duomo Milan

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Millions love heading out with us, bernina express from milan guide, milan to switzerland - in a nutshell, switzerland: home to the matterhorn & swiss fondue, day trip from milan to switzerland on the bernina express.

  • Seamless transportation :  The locations across the Waterland region are easily accessed by road and not too far from each other. Instead of waiting for public transport you can hop on to the luxury coach and get places quickly, spending more time exploring the attractions.
  • Cover multiple locations :  The guided tours are designed to ensure you explore maximum attractions in the region. You can cover places like Zaanse Schaans, Edam, Volendam and Maarken all in one day without the strain of figuring out your itinerary or arranging transport!
  • Authentic experiences :  A tour will also offer unique experiences like cheese making and tasting, authentic dining, and visit to wooden clog workshop.

Reasons To Visit Switzerland

Go hiking in the idyllic mountain ranges, stumble upon enchanting medieval architecture, take one of the continent’s iconic train rides, experience diverse cultures, get your adrenaline pumping with adventure sports, best day trips from milan to switzerland, guided tour from milan to switzerland, day trip to the swiss alps by bernina express from milan, full-day tour of st. moritz from milan with round-trip bernina express tickets.

  • Enjoy a day-out of Milan with your family and friends and visit the Alps, one of the greatest natural features the Earth has to offer
  • Rail tour from Milan aboard the Bernina Express, one-of-the world’s most picturesque train routes which wind through the Swiss Alps and mountain passes
  • Explore the Alps on a thrilling adventure that takes you the fascinating town of St. Moritz, ‘The Top of the World’
  • A professional guide will be with you through the journey providing commentary on the sites you see and the region in general.
  • Return to Milan by an air-conditioned coach. Take in the breathtaking scenery all around you as you make your way back. Book now
  • Soak up the stunning landscape of the Swiss Alps aboard buses and trains.
  • Commence your journey with a short guided tour through Tirano, a historic town in Italy.
  • Learn all about the fascinating Swiss territory from your expert tour guide.
  • Enjoy unmatched views of the Switzerland-Italy border here.
  • Board the amazing Bernina Express Train next and zoom along the UNESCO Bernina Pass.
  • At the resort of St. Moritz, enjoy the view of the Swiss Alps with a cup of hot chocolate in hand.
  • This ticket offers guided tours in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Book Now

St. Moritz Switzerland - Things to do

Corviglia funicular, lake st. moritz, cafe hanselmann, piz corvatsch, guided vs self-guided: how to decide, best time to visit switzerland from milan, best way to get from milan to switzerland: all transport options, milan to switzerland by bus, milan to switzerland by train, milan to switzerland by car, organized tour.

  • Milan - Lugano in 1.5 hours (stay for an hour)
  • Lugano - Goschenen in 1 hour (stay for an hour)
  • Goschenen - Zug in 45 minutes (stay for an hour)
  • Zug - Zurich in 40 min (stay for as long as you please)

Grab a bite on your day trip

Where can i stay in switzerland, hotel gletscherblick, hotel dakota, crowne plaza zurich, buying souvenirs from switzerland.

  • Teuscher : A charming shop situated in Zurich’s Old Town, Teuscher features an extraordinary range of Swiss chocolates and confectionaries. The famous ‘Lake of Zurich’ box comes with all your favorite sugary treats including truffles, marzipan, and pralines.
  • Schweizer Heimatwerk : You can get gorgeous hand-painted ceramic pots specifically for making Swiss fondue here. If you are willing to go all the way, you can even purchase an entire set of these pots.
  • Les Ambassadeurs : Looking for a new Chopard or Rolex to complement your personality? Les Ambassadeurs gives you the full watch-shopping experience and sells only the finest products in the Swiss market.

Tips for your day trip from Milan

  • Always purchase chocolate from local outlets. Larger international chains package their products better, but the chocolate from local chocolatiers is generally cheaper and has its own unique flavor. Avoid buying chocolates at the airport.
  • You do not need to buy bottled water. Carry a few empty bottles instead. Switzerland is known to have the most robust water processing system, and hence, the cleanest tap water in the world.
  • If you are planning on trekking in the Alps, make sure you have all the right medication for altitude sickness (AMS). Keep yourself hydrated and try to stay with your group while trekking.
  • Don’t be afraid to go off the grid and explore the countryside. Switzerland is a very safe place to wander around.
  • Buying a travel pass is one of the best ways to travel around Switzerland. Cabs can be exorbitantly expensive.
  • People in Switzerland generally speak one of four official languages: French, Italian, German, or Romansh. This might be daunting for a newcomer, but English will work in most scenarios.
  • Stores and restaurants can have surprisingly early closing times. Ensure that you are aware of the closing time of your intended destination at all times.
  • Swiss culture does not favor boisterous partying or being unnecessarily loud. Although this is not always the case, it is usually better to be respectful of local traditions.
  • Switzerland uses the Swiss Franc instead of the Euro as its local currency. Although you do not need too much, it’s a good idea to keep a few Swiss Francs in hard cash while traveling.

Is it worth going to Switzerland from Milan?

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20 Fun Day Trips From San Jose, California (Under 2 hours)

April 20, 2024 February 6, 2022 | Paroma

If you’re looking for some fun day trips from San Jose, California to spice up your weekend plans, then this is the post for you! I am here to give you all the deets on 20 amazing destinations (towns, landmarks and attractions) that are under 2 hours drive from San Jose for a full day of fun and enjoyment! Continue reading to find the best places to visit for epic San Jose day trips!

Day trips from San Jose, san Jose day trips, 20 day trips from San Jose under 2 hours

Disclaimer: This post may contain some affiliate links. Clicking on them may earn me a small commission at no extra cost to you for the product. Thank you for supporting free content on this site! All photos are my own unless credited from Unsplash which allows usage of their copyright free images.

San Jose, California (not to be confused with San Jose in Costa Rica) is not only the largest city in the Bay Area but also synonymous with the famous (or infamous) Silicon valley, i.e. the seat of modern tech. San Jose lies about 55 miles south of downtown San Francisco, cradled around the southernmost boundary of the San Francisco Bay. It is served by its very own airport, i.e. the San Jose International Airport (SJC) which is a mere 10 minute drive from downtown.

This southern location of San Jose pretty much guarantees lots of options for day trips extending all the way to the Central Coast of California. Much like my post on Bay Area day trips from San Francisco, here too I am going to talk about 20 amazing destinations that you can drive to from San Jose and all under 2 hours one way (traffic permitting). No one likes to spend a majority of their day trips driving and so this cut-off of two hours is where I draw the line for places conducive for making day trips from San Jose with plenty of time to enjoy your chosen destination.

I have arranged this list of places, i.e. day trip ideas from San Jose geographically from north to south for your convenience. One final tip before we get started on the list: maximize your day trip experience, please get an early start as much as possible since the Bay Area has notoriously bad traffic! 


Distance: 68 miles

Muir woods is one of the best destinations for a day trip from San Jose

This famous grove of coastal Redwoods named after environmentalist John Muir is one of the most popular draws of Marin county and one of the best ideas for a day trip from San Jose. Protected as a National Monument since 1908, this serene grove of old growth Redwoods has plenty of hikes with over 6 miles of trails to keep you busy. Download the Muir Woods map here and see the hiking trails here .

Please be aware that you need to make advanced reservations to access Muir Woods and entry is timed, based on your parking or shuttle reservation. Here is everything you need to know to plan your visit.   Dogs are not allowed in Muir woods.


Distance: 53 miles

bernina express day trip

This is one of the northernmost destinations that I’d recommend on going on a day trip from San Jose with  about an hour and half of driving through San Francisco and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Marin Headlands ( see map here ) is the part of Marin county that lies right north off the bridge and is one of the best places in the Bay Area from where you can get stellar views of our beloved Golden Gate Bridge . I recommend stopping by Battery Spencer or Hawk Hill for breathtaking views.

Apart from the panoramic views of our azure blue waters, the coastline and the bridge the one thing that Marin Headlands is famous for is its beaches and coastal hikes as well as Point Bonita Lighthouse , one of the few remaining functioning lighthouses on the California Coast.

A short walk along the Point Bonita Lighthouse trail from the parking lot will lead you to the lighthouse that is open only on Sunday and Monday from 12:30-3:30 PM (as of Feb 2022, PB Lighthouse is unfortunately closed till further notice due to an electrical safety issue).

Beside Point Bonita, the other attractions of the Marin Headlands is undoubtedly the coastal hikes that connect its many beaches. The closest beaches are Rodeo and Tennessee Beaches with Muir Beach and Stinson Beach being further north. If you love to hike, then the scenic Rodeo Beach Coastal Trail or the Tennessee Valley Trail (starting from the beach’s parking lot) are good options. See all the Marin Headlands Trails here.

If you’re not into hiking, then a day at the beach or even better a visit to Muir Beach Overlook is another excellent option when at the Marin Headlands. Muir Beach Overlook provides a panoramic view of the coast and also has a nice trail (Owl Trail) that leads to Slide Ranch. This spot is one of my favorite places in Marin Headlands!


Distance: 66 miles

Visit Mill Valley as a day trip from San Jose, California

Mill Valley is that cute as a button town in Marin County where we often find ourselves when we’re in the mood to either explore a gurgling waterfall (yes, Mill Valley is home to Cascade Falls that is a short drive from downtown), hiking the DipSea Trail , admiring the Redwoods at Old Mill Park or simply noshing some yum food in downtown Mill Valley (home to boutique stores and art galleries along Throckmorton Avenue).

When in Mill Valley, I recommend getting a bite to eat at either Avatar’s Punjabi Burritos or Boo Koo and grabbing baked goods from Flour Craft Bakery at Mill Valley Lumber Yard now refashioned into a beautiful outdoor mall with lots of local stores and restaurants. Also, please stop by Poet and the Bench , my favorite store in Mill Valley selling jewelry, artwork and ceramics by my favorite local ceramicist Judith Lemmens .

Distance: 62 miles

Day trips from San Jose: Visit Sausalito

Sausalito is the very first town in Marin county that you’ll find yourselves in once you cross the Golden Gate Bridge. This charming artsy town can also be reached by ferry from San Francisco’s Ferry building.

A day out in Sausalito can mean hanging out at the beaches with plenty to choose from, such as Rodeo Beach, this secret Black Sands Beach and Kirby Cove Beach with fantastic views of Bridge. Downtown Sausalito is bustling with restaurants, cafes and many art galleries (Galerie Elektra is my favorite) with fabulous views from the harborfront that is home to a Sea Lion sculpture by Al Sybrian.

My favorite places to eat out in Sausalito are Sushi Ran , The Spinnaker (on the very edge with marvellous views of the coast), Bar Bocce and Scoma’s (they have the freshest seafood). Fans of Herge’s Tintin comics can stop by Sausalito Ferry Co. Novelty Toy and Gift Store to pick up some Tintin merchandise.


Distance: 55-62 miles + Ferry

Where to go on a day trip from San Jose: visit Angel island

Angel Island State Park is the largest natural island in the San Francisco Bay and is located right off the shores of Tiburon , another coastal town next to Mill Valley. Angel Island is also known as the “Ellis Island of the West” because this is where immigrants coming into California (and west coast in general) made landfall prior to being allowed inland.

You will need to board the ferry from San Francisco or Tiburon to get here (the ferry from Tiburon plies on weekdays as a charter service during winter). The ferry ride from Tiburon is shorter than the one from San Francisco in case you are worried about getting motion sickness. Once you get to the island at Ayala Cove, grab a bite at the restaurant/cafe for a picnic by the Bay and also because there are no other food options inside the island.

Angel Island has a fascinating history and was only commissioned to be a state park starting from 1954. The once home to Coast Miwok, Angel Island was a seasonal hunting and gathering location for the local native tribes. With the arrival of the Europeans, this island acted as a safe refuge and supply stop for Spanish explorers like Juan Manuel de Ayala who was one of the first to map the San Francisco Bay.

From 1910 to 1940, Angel Island acted as the base for the U.S. Immigration Station which processed hundreds of thousands of immigrants, the majority being Chinese who had braved the long journey to California in search of opportunities, especially in the aftermath of the Gold Rush. During World War II, this station served as a detention center for Japanese and German POWs before they were sent to facilities farther inland.

With the outbreaks of World Wars I and II, thousands of troops both returning and going to war all around the world were processed through this Island. In the ’50s and ’60s, the Island saw its last military service as a home to a Nike missile base, and the transition to a State Park became complete after the departure of the last military troops in the 60s.

Angel island is a great place for hiking and coastal views. However, the most important visiting point in Angel island is the Angel Island Immigration Station which is now a museum that is free to the public. Nearby is the Detention Barracks museum and the Fog Bell which are also must visits.

My visit to Angel Island several years ago was a poignant affair where the sight of the detention cells and the discrimination towards the Asian immigrants (something that continues to this day) made me teary eyed. There is also a memorial facing the Bay with plaques of thousands of immigrants whose descendents live all over the Bay Area today.


Distance: 55 miles

San Francisco is one of the best day trips from San Jose

The famous “City by the Bay” or “Fog City” lies only 55 miles north of San Jose and is perfect for a day trip to get a taste of all the mind boggling possibilities that it packs within its tiny 49 square miles (much smaller than San Jose which is 180 square miles in area). I have been living in San Francisco for the last 12 years and let me tell you one thing: a day trip to San Francisco is definitely not enough to see everything! 

However, if you only have a day to spare in the city, I recommend two things: a) treat this day trip as a layover of 6-8 hours and read my San Francisco layover post to maximize your limited time in the city by seeing the major attractions (if this is your very first time) and b) try not to drive into the city if you can help it (because our parking is crazy expensive and difficult to find) and take the Caltrain from San Jose Diridon station. 

If this is not your first rodeo in the city, then boy do I have a ton of posts for you to explore my home a bit more! Find out where to find the best hidden gems in San Francisco , the best San Francisco neighborhoods , best photo spots in SF , free things to do in San Francisco (your wallet/purse will thank you), where to eat for cheap in the city , foodie experiences in San Francisco -including vegetarian and vegan restaurants , best dessert spots , artisan chocolate stores and fancy afternoon tearooms .

San Francisco is one of those cities where urban hiking is a thing, with lots of tranquil and coastal hikes revealing panoramic views of the rugged California coast and the Bridge. You can read my guide to the best hiking trails in San Francisco , hidden beaches in San Francisco , the best viewpoints in San Francisco and the best things to do in Golden Gate Park if you love to explore the outdoors.

Visiting San Francisco with your pup? I have you covered with all my dog friendly San Francisco guides – dog friendly parks , dog friendly beaches and the best dog friendly hikes in the city for a fun day trip to SF with your best friend.

Resident’s tip: San Francisco is almost always cold and chilly, even in summer! Read my what to wear in San Francisco guide or find this handy packing list to dress appropriately for our crazy microclimates.

Distance: 41 miles

Oakland is another great San jose Day trip destination

Oakland is the third largest city in the Bay Area and is one of the most diverse, historically and culturally rich cities in USA. Although it does not get nearly as much touristy love as its sister San Francisco, you can easily spend a week in Oakland exploring its vibrant neighborhoods and outdoor space. 

Oakland is a big city, so you are best advised to pick one or two neighborhoods or attractions when visiting on a day trip from San Jose. I recommend exploring either Jack London Square (Oakland’s bustling waterfront), strolling around Lake Merritt, checking out the beautiful murals in Downtown, eating out at Rockridge and Temescal neighborhoods or going on a hike amidst the Redwoods at Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park. 

PS: Read my guide to 25 terrific day trip ideas from Oakland right here

Distance: 33 miles

Day trips from San Jose, Where to go to on a day trip from San Jose, Livermore wineries

Napa and Sonoma, the two gems of California wine country may be bit much of a stretch when it comes to day trips from San Jose but why go all the way north when you have Livermore wine country on the East Bay that under an hour’s drive from SJ? 

If you’re a wine enthusiast looking to taste some refreshing, crisp Chardonnay-then head to Livermore Valley wineries which produce this grape in abundance. Livermore valley AVA is one of the best wine regions in California and has been growing wine grapes since the 19th century (the first grapes were planted in 1840s). Cresta Blanca Winery   (founded in 1882) was one of the earliest wineries in this region with its first vintage (1884) winning Grand Prix at the 1889 Paris Exposition , becoming the first California wine to win a competition in France much before the 1976 Judgement of Paris. 

Livermore has over 50 spectacular wineries, of which the the biggest and most famous wineries are Concannon and Wente , the only two that were in operation during the infamous Prohibition . The other notable wineries to visit are Murrieta’s Well , McGrail Vineyards , Rodrigue Molyneaux and Wood Family.

Distance: 47 miles

Mori Point hike, Pacifica

This charming coastal town with pristine beaches and gorgeous hikes is one of the must visit stops along Highway 1 if you’re driving from San Francisco to Carmel and makes for an excellent day trip from San Jose. When in Pacifica stop by the popular Mazzetti’s bakery or get yourself a “wellness latte” at Saltwater Bakery in Downtown Pacifica (which is so cute!). 

A day out in Pacifica means getting your fill of the sun and sand at one of its many beaches such as Esplanade beach, Pacifica State Beach, Pacifica Beach View Park, Rockaway Beach, San Pedro beach and Gray Whale Cove Beach (between Pacifica and Montara), to name a few. I highly recommend either Pacifica State Beach (say hi to the surfers and playful pups on the sand) or Gray Whale Cove Beach.

Pacifica has tons of amazing coastal hikes revealing dramatic views of the ocean. Since you cannot get to all of them on a day trip, just take my word for it and get on the Mori Point Loop Trail for its ease and views. The other easy hike is on the Devil’s Slide trail (paved trail which used to be a part of Highway 1) or the Pedro Point Headlands trail. See all the Pacifica hiking trails right here.


Half Moon Bay Surfer, visit half moon Bay asa day trip from San Jose

Half Moon Bay is the oldest town in San Mateo County and saddled right along Highway 1. A day out to Half Moon Bay means chilling on one of its many popular beaches and gulping down some of the best chowder that you can find in Northern California!

Home to the world famous Mavericks beach (where surfers compete annually at the Big Wave competition) is here but it is a bit off route from Highway 1, Half Moon Bay also boasts of several beaches right off Highway 1 such as Redondo Beach, Pillar Point Beach, Poplar Beach, Mirada Surf Beach, Dunes beach, Roosevelt beach, Surfer’s Beach and Miramar Beach. My favorite? Pillar Point Beach – it is right next to the harbor and Sam’s Chowder House.

I’d be remiss if I did not include the many beautiful coastal trails that Half Moon Bay is blessed with. The most scenic one is undoubtedly the California Coastal Trail, a 1200 mile trail stretching from Oregon to Mexico along the coast that passes through Half Moon Bay, revealing spectacular views. Get on this dog friendly trail from the Poplar Beach parking lot and walk towards Pillar Point Beach in the north.

If you love seafood, check out the offerings at Sam’s Chowder House or Miramar Beach Restaurant which are famous for their fresh catches and chowder. Downtown Half Moon Bay is super nice with lots of restaurants and cute stores to keep you busy.


Distance: 31 miles

Filoli Gardens

Photo credit

If you’re a nature or plant lover, then a visit to the Filoli Historic House and Gardens is one of those day trips from San Jose that you should not miss at any cost! Located in Woodside in the Peninsula and open daily from 10AM-5PM, this 20th century estate property hosts a spectacular garden that comes alive with a riot of floral colors and fragrant fruits in Spring and Summer.

The estate is home to the grand, opulent resident of William Bourn (owner of Empire Mine and San Francisco Gas Company) and his wife Agnes. Designed by architect Willis Polk, the house spans over a whopping 54000 square foot with 56 rooms! Even more impressive is the 16 acre garden with over 75,000 spring bulbs planted and 250 fruit trees, all of which are tended to by 14 horticulturists! The estate itself is a sprawling 654 acres with 577 fruit trees in its orchards.

Filoli Gardens is a treat for the botanical lover in you and a perfect way to get lost in the nurturing beauty of nature amongst the urban sprawl of the Bay Area. Currently, visits are by reservation only and you can book your tickets here .


Big basin redwoods state park.

Distance: 28 miles

Big Basin Redwoods State park

Photo Credit

Big Basin Redwoods State Park is California’s oldest state park and is home to the largest continuous stand of ancient redwoods, with 18,000 acres of old growth and recovering Redwood forests to be found south of San Francisco . Elevations in the park vary quite a bit from the sea level to over 2,000 feet. Beside a day of hiking and relaxing at Waddell beach, a visit to the fascinating Rancho del Oso Nature and History Center should be on your list.

Like the Giant Coastal Redwoods in Humboldt County that you’ll encounter on a Northern California road trip , some of the trees here are more than 300 feet tall and 50 feet in circumference, with some as ancient as 1,000 to 2,500 years. The park is partially open in  2022 as it continues to recover from the devastating California wildfires of 2020. 


Natural Bridges beach and state park in Santa Cruz

Visiting the charming beach town of Santa Cruz is hands down one of the easiest and best day trips from San Jose . In just about 40 minutes, you will end up on the Central Coast in this vibrant town boasting of world famous beaches, lots of surfing action, whale watching activities from the harbor, scenic hikes, lighthouses perched on the coast, a bustling downtown, tons of good restaurants and cafes and a mind blowing wine region in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

The geographical diversity of Santa Cruz is mind-boggling to say the least. From beaches to misty mountains to Coastal Redwood groves (Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park), Santa Cruz has something for everyone. The year round mild weather makes it a fantastic winter getaway in California and one that you can visit with family members of all ages.

Santa Cruz is also a great dog friendly getaway in Northern California , thanks to its dog friendly hikes, beaches and restaurants. You can read my Santa Cruz guide (dog friendly) and where to eat in Santa Cruz for your trip inspiration.

I personally recommend visiting Santa Cruz in winter (Nov-Feb) to catch the Monarch butterflies flock to the Eucalyptus grove next to Natural bridges State Beach for their wintering ritual. Also, Winter and Spring are (Dec-April) are perfect to see the migratory whales from boats and trailers departing the Santa Cruz harbor.

For a day of fun, hop onto the Roaring Camp train for the time of your life! The train has two routes-one that takes you through the Henry Cowell Redwoods up to Bear mountain and the other being a coastal route from the Santa Cruz mountains to the beach boardwalk. 


Venetian houses at Capitola

This tiny beach town in Santa Cruz county lies just outside the city of Santa Cruz and is famous for the row of colorful homes, aptly titled “The Venetians” that line one end of Monterey Bay and form a pretty sight when viewed from the Capitola State Beach or the boardwalk. 

Capitola Wharf is a lively place with restaurants and stores showcasing local artists. I highly recommend checking two stores on Capitola Avenue: Lumen art gallery featuring eclectic, local California art and home decor as well the Ethos Santa Cruz shop dedicated to helping people move towards a zero waste lifestyle and less plastic usage.

Soquel and Aptos are two other nearby towns in Santa Cruz county that have some really good restaurants and wineries. In fact, Soquel is home to Bargetto winery which is the oldest one in Santa Cruz county while Aptos has some splendid beaches such as Seacliff State Beach.


Distance: 72 miles

Monterey Harbor, Monterey is an excellent day trip idea from San Jose

Monterey County is ideal for day trips from San Jose since there is so much to see and do here, especially on the Peninsula. The largest and most popular spot here is undoubtedly the erstwhile fish canning town of Monterey, made famous in the novel “ Cannery Row ” of John Steinbeck ( the author was born and raised in nearby Salinas which is home to a museum dedicated to him).

A day out at Monterey means a quick photo-op at the Cannery Row (it is very touristy so please come in early to park), strolling the historic Old Fisherman’s Wharf, visiting the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium, dipping your feet in the sand at its many beaches (Monterey state beach, Del Monte Beach or San Carlos Beach at Monterey harbor) and doing some serious whale watching throughout the year via Monterey Bay Whale Watch that departs from the Wharf! 

Monterey has a thriving dining scene replete with the freshest seafood, bakeries and even a vegan Mexican restaurant on the waterfront! My favorites are Parker Lusseau pastries , Alta Bakery and Cafe , Old Fisherman’s Grotto and Monterey’s Fish House . 


Pacific Grove

Pacific Grove is right next to Monterey and is another coastal town on the Peninsula that deserves a day trip of its own to explore. My number one recommendation would be to visit Pacific Grove in late spring (aka April-May) when the coast gets covered by a purple blanket of blooming ice plant flowers. This sea of purple is a sight to behold as you walk along the coast. You can read details on my Pacific Grove post here .

My other favorites things to do in Pacific Grove are walking down Ocean View Boulevard starting from Lover’s Point Park, visiting Point Pinos Lighthouse (the oldest continuously operated lighthouse in California), visiting Asilomar State Beach, checking out the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary (Dec-Feb) and enjoying some tasty seafood at Passion Fish. If you’re a nature lover, stop by the Natural history museum in downtown to learn more about the flora and fauna of the central coast, especially the migratory Monarch butterflies.


Distance: 75 miles

Carmel by the Sea, Carmel Mission

Carmel by the Sea is a mere 10 minute drive from Monterey but feels like a totally different world! This coastal town feels like a fairy tale European village with Tudor style homes and cottages all around, not to mention the cute as heck downtown where you can easily get lost in the flower ladled cobbled bylanes. For those of you couples coming in from San Jose, Carmel also doubles up as an excellent Northern California romantic getaway.

A San Jose day trip to Carmel is actually very doable if you start in early so that you can have ample time to park and explore downtown. Since I have visited Carmel at least a dozen times over my 12 years of living in San Francisco, you can read my crazy detailed guide to Carmel to plan your trip.

The short version is that explore downtown, walk down Ocean Avenue to Carmel Beach, discover the whimsical fairytale cottages, explore the art galleries and enjoy the food and wine in one of the many cafes, restaurants and tasting rooms in downtown. I recommend my favorite La Bicyclette, Stationery (great for brunch), La Balena and Cultura Comida y Bebida as must visits. 

When in Carmel (or Monterey or Pacific Grove), try to squeeze in a few hours to explore the iconic 17 mile drive looping between these towns. This drive takes you through several scenic stops, viewpoints and beaches-the most famous being the Lone Cypress and Pebble Beach.

Right outside of Carmel lies the magical Point Lobos State Natural Reserve which deserves a day trip of its own, thanks to its pristine beauty, beaches and hikes. You could spend a few hours in downtown Carmel, stop by the famous Carmel Mission and then enter the Reserve ($10/vehicle) for hiking and scenic views.

Pro tip: Fireworks are prohibited in Carmel over the July 4 weekend. So if you’re wondering where to take your dog on 4th July , escape to this seaside town.


Distance: 78 miles

Carmel Valley is an excellent day trip from San Jose for wine tasting

Carmel by the Sea is super popular as a Bay Area day trip for many, but diehard wine lovers make it to Carmel valley in Monterey Peninsula.With dozens of wineries and tasting rooms, Carmel Valley village will make your day trip from San Jose a fantastic mini wine vacation! Carve out your day at Carmel Valley with this my detailed guide on where to go wine tasting, dining and having a good time!


Distance: 76 miles

Pinnacles National Park is an excellent day trip from San Jose

Pinnacles National Park is the smallest (and also the one most recently designated) National Park in California and is located inland in Monterey county. Pinnacles is known for its unique Geologic Landscape born out of tectonic plate activity and volcanic action-leading to the formation of the unique spires or “Pinnacles” towering solemnly over the earth. Besides these obvious geologic structures, this park is also famous for its talus caves and condor sightings and is popular with rock climbers, much like Joshua Tree National Park . 

A day trip from San Jose to Pinnacles means leaving early and arriving either at the Pinnacles Visitor Center on the East entrance or driving further south to Soledad to access the park from the West Entrance. Trails from both entrances lead to Talus caves and more strenuous hikes into the High Peaks for condor spotting. Read my complete guide to Pinnacles National Park to plan your trip today!

Distance: 110 miles

Bixby Bridge at Big Sur

Big Sur is that 90 miles of California’s central coast that has been immortalized in prose and poetry and is one of the most scenic drives in the world. However covering Big Sur as a day trip from San Jose is definitely stretching things a little bit where you are going WAY over the 2 hour driving time.

A complete Big Sur road trip from San Jose is something I would 100% advise against, but that does not mean that you shouldn’t venture out on Highway 1 and cover a few major stops.

The only issue is that once you get onto Pacific Coast Highway (Highway 1/Cabrillo Highway) after Carmel, then you cannot get onto any other freeway till you hit San Simeon, 90 miles south! So pick a few stops beyond Carmel judiciously so that you have a relaxing time on your day trip from San Jose.

My recommendation to experience Big Sur as a day trip from San Jose would be to make a hard stop at Partington Cove Trailhead and turning back. Upto this point, you will get to spend time at Point Lobos State Natural Reserve (one of the many romantic stops at Big Sur ), Garrapata State Park and Beach (with the Calla Lilies blooming in spring in the adjacent valley), Bixby Bridge, Andrew Molera State Park, Pfeiffer Beach (with purple sand), Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park and Henry Miller Memorial Library. Big Sur Bakery and Nepenthe are two excellent places to stop by for lunch.

And that brings me to the end of this post on some of the best day trips from San Jose that you can explore on weekends! I hope you liked this list of destinations to check out as San Jose day trips and have made some fantastic weekend plans already! Thanks a lot for stopping by and safe travels.


Looking for fun day trips from San Jose, California? Then read this post on 20 such day trip ideas from Silicon Valley with driving time under 2 hours with recommendations on what to see, do and eat! Pin this to your USA board now! #bayarea #California #Sanjose #Siliconvalley #daytrips #USA #NorthAmerica #Sanjosecalifornia

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15 Best Day Trips from San Jose (CA)

One of the most significant technological and cultural hubs in the country, San Jose, California, is a hotbed of urban prowess, entertainment and of course, has its stunning Mediterranean-like climate and topography, delivering warm, dry and sunny weather all year round.

One of the best things about San Jose is its convenient location, within arm’s reach of a number of beautiful places that are ideal for day trips.

Thanks to Northern California’s diverse landscape, you can go from surfing the waves under the hot sun to standing on a mountain peak above the clouds within the same day.

Check out this handy guide outlining some of the best day trip destinations from Silicon Valley’s San Jose.

1. Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, California

The epitome of a Californian beach town and still one of the nation’s favourite destinations because of the perpetual summer vibe that can be found here, Santa Cruz is best known for its sun, beach and famous Boardwalk.

The majority of visitors will spend most of their time on the buzzing promenade enjoying the rides and games, however, Santa Cruz also has a wealth of cultural and natural attractions to offer.

The historic mission church is a fascinating and spectacular sight to behold, while destinations like Wilder Ranch State Park offer enchanting and unspoiled hiking spots, perfect for soaking up some truly unmissable views.

Alameda, California

The town of Alameda can be found close to downtown San Jose and has strong historical and cultural roots that are apparent when wandering its charming streets full of mid-century architecture and signage.

There’s also a huge antiquing culture here, which gives the streets and shops a vintage feel that is enchanting to be immersed in, the hub of this being Park Avenue.

Here you’ll find everything from vintage clothing and apparel to fascinating trinkets from all over the world.

For a real treat, head down to the old naval base on the first Sunday of each month to visit the Alameda Antiques Faire in search of something truly unique to take home.

Napa Valley

The true epitome of wine country and a nationwide favourite destination, Napa can be reached in less than two hours from San Jose.

It is home to some of the finest wining and dining in California.

With a vast number of tours operating in the area, it has never been easier to learn about Napa’s rich history in winemaking and sample some of the delicious end products.

Napa also offers some truly breath-taking hiking destinations due to its gently rolling foothills and orchards, and offers endless great spots for a stroll and a picnic.

4. Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay

Another immediately recognisable and iconic Californian coastal destination is the town of Half Moon Bay; charming and quaint in equal measure, and a popular alternative to raucous Santa Cruz.

Only an hour northwest of San Jose, you’ll find this water sport haven, where kayaking in the bay and surfing in the Pacific are two of the most popular pastimes.

With many surf schools offering lessons, it’s a great place to learn during the summer, though beginners may want to take a back seat in winter as the waves grow to monstrous sizes exceeding 50-feet in height.

5. San Francisco

San Francisco - View From Twin Peaks

The iconic and classic “Golden Gate City” should be on the bucket-list of anyone visiting the states, let alone California.

Easily reachable from San Jose even without a car, thanks to the world-class public transport connecting the two, San Francisco can be the perfect day trip if you know what you want to do when you arrive.

Popular favourites are the Golden Gate Bridge, Mission Dolores and Lombard Street, but if you want to head off the beaten track, head over to Haight-Ashbury and wander the colourful streets covered in murals and exuding a heavy dose of flower-power.

Gilroy, California

A world-class destination when it comes to indulgence, Gilroy is a self-proclaimed foodie and retail haven, only half an hour to the south of San Jose.

The aptly named garlic capital of the world plays host to the Annual Gilroy Garlic Festival, where you can enjoy every garlic-based dish and snack imaginable, including their world-famous garlic fries and even garlic ice cream.

You’ll also find one of the country’s premium shopping malls in Gilroy, housing over 140 stores and boasting the accolade of having the largest collection of designer stores in Northern California.

7. Livermore

Livermore, California

Perfect for wine lovers who are looking for an alternative to the popular Napa Valley, Livermore is a thriving community of wineries that comprise an up-and-coming wine industry.

Many have been producing critically acclaimed wines since the time of the San Francisco Mission.

A mere 30 minutes from San Jose in Alameda, the town has a long history of ranching and agriculture as well as the grape farming, and is a wonderful place to explore on foot.

8. Sausalito


At the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge you’ll find the enchanting beachside community known as Sausalito that has visitors falling in love with it within minutes of arriving.

The small town is a former shipbuilding hub that has transformed into a wealthy and picturesque artist’s hideaway with a wealth of hidden gems to discover.

Home to a great number of pop-up restaurants serving progressive seasonal menus, garnished with gorgeous views across the bay, Sausalito is an ideal day trip to grab a bite to eat and explore one of San Francisco’s numerous attractive suburbs.

9. Silicon Valley

San Jose, Silicon Valley

An eye-opening and insightful day trip that can actually be within the city limits, depending on where you go, a day out in Silicon Valley will leave you curious and hungry for more.

Of the many technological landmarks found here, some of the most popular are the Apple Headquarters in Cupertino or the famed HP garage in Palo Alto.

Visitors can experience the pioneering force behind many of the world’s social media and online powerhouses like Google and Facebook, and marvel at the quirky and sometimes bizarre office spaces they operate from.

10. Carmel by the Sea


A great number of San Joseans regularly make the trip to this romantic coastal resort with its spectacularly sandy beach and irresistible small-town ambience.

You’ll find the gorgeous beach in the long cove curling around Carmel Bay, where secluded spots and picturesque sunsets are plentiful.

Heading further into town, you’ll quickly become accustomed to the lack of numbered street addresses and find that meandering around is the norm here, and discovering hidden gems around every corner is commonplace.

Expect to stumble across art galleries, charming artisan boutiques and some truly world-class dining options.

11. Muir Woods

Muir Woods National Monument

One of the last remaining redwood forests in the San Francisco Bay area, the Muir Woods are only a couple of hours from San Jose and will transport you to another world.

The trip itself by car is wonderfully picturesque, taking you across the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headland, but once you arrive at the Muir Woods, the scenery will take your breath away.

Monumentally large trees tower above visitors on all sides and you can hike towards the ocean or up into the mountains.

Be sure to pack plenty of water and a lunch, as shops are few and far between in the forest.

12. West Cliff Drive

West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz, CA

A six-mile path that hugs the coast, West Cliff Drive is a favourite amongst walkers and cyclists who want to leisurely explore this beautiful stretch of rocky coastline and headlands.

Part of Monterey Bay, the route is also popular with surfers chasing the perfect Pacific breaks.

You can even find the world’s first surf museum here, commemorating one of the nation’s most celebrated sports and resulting cultures.

Appropriately located in the Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse, you can learn about the surfers braving the crashing waves while enjoying excellent views of them doing just that.

13. Monterey

Monterey, California

The perfect day trip for those looking to learn about California’s colonial past whilst enjoying spectacular coastal and mountain views, Monterey has a little something for everyone.

The gorgeous “Monterey’s 17-Mile Drive” is a scenic route featuring beaches, cliffs, headlands, and the world-famous Pebble Beach Golf Course.

Seal Rock Picnic Area is also a popular stop-off on the coast where you can see wild birds, seals and sea lions in their natural habitat.

For a dose of culture, head over to the Monterey Museum of Art, and for a foodie experience, try one of the many mouthwatering downtown eateries.

14. Berkeley

Berkeley, California

This famous university town north of San Francisco is as rich in history and culture as it is in academic knowledge.

Art lovers, foodies and shoppers all regularly take a trip here to make the most of the diverse range of activities and entertainment on offer.

A visit to the famed university itself is worthwhile, if only to see the beautiful grounds.

Downtown is a great place to try new things, whether it’s window shopping at quirky stores or browsing through the fresh produce at the absolutely enormous market, the Berkeley Bowl.

15. Pescadero

Piegon Point Lighthouse in Pescadero, California

Another charmingly quaint seaside town that offers both entertainment and exceptionally beautiful natural reserves is the area known as Pescadero.

About an hour away from San Jose, it is home to sandy beaches and blustery, rocky headlands where wild birds seasonally come and nest.

Home to endless hiking trails around the coast and further inland past coastal scrub and eucalyptus groves, Pescadero is exceedingly popular with hikers.

End your day at one of the many cafes or restaurants in town while you watch the sun set over the ocean.

15 Best Day Trips from San Jose (CA):

  • Half Moon Bay
  • San Francisco
  • Silicon Valley
  • Carmel by the Sea
  • West Cliff Drive


Your Trip Starts Here

Explore San Francisco: Bay Area Day Trips and Hidden Attractions

April 3, 2024 by DayTrippen

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If you plan a day trip from San Francisco, here are some attractions you can easily reach by car. Whether you’re looking for popular tourist spots or hidden gems, we’ve got you covered. All the destinations we suggest are within a two-hour drive (or less) from the Bay Area, depending on your starting point.

Sausalito San Francisco Day Trip

Sausalito:  Quick Day Trip From San Francisco

The travel time to Sausalito is about 45 minutes from downtown San Francisco. Despite being home to only 7,000 residents, Sausalito has maintained its coastal charm while still being close to downtown San Francisco. The town’s name is in Spanish and means “place of abundance.” This promise of abundance has led many to visit the city for inspiration and relaxation.

Muir Woods National Monument

Muir Woods National Monument Old-Growth Redwood Forest

Muir Woods National Monument is a beautiful old-growth coastal redwood forest located 17 miles from San Francisco. Due to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean, the forest is often shrouded in a coastal marine layer of fog. Muir Woods is a popular day trip destination in San Francisco, so it’s best to visit during the week or arrive early on weekends to avoid the crowds. Visit the Muir Woods Website .

Mount Tamalpais State Park San Francisco Day Trip

Go Hiking at Mount Tamalpais State Park

The distance to travel is 23 miles from San Francisco, and it will take approximately 1 hour to reach the destination. Situated north of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. Mount Tam is a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts from Northern California, including hikers, bikers, equestrians, and trail runners. The area features deep canyons filled with redwood groves and sunny slopes with springtime wildflowers. Mount Tam Website .

Day Trip Berkeley California

Day Trip Berkeley, California

During a one-day trip, visitors can explore the numerous unique shops along Fourth Street and enjoy a variety of American and ethnic cuisines. They can stroll through a stunning botanical garden or attend an award-winning theater production, symphony performance, or tribal music concert. Visitors can enjoy a steam train ride, an antique Herschell-Spillman Merry-Go-Round, and The Tilden Botanical Gardens at Tilden Regional Park .

Anthony Chabot Regional Park

Explore 70 miles of  Trails at Anthony Chabot Regional Park. 

If you’re looking for a fun day trip that offers a variety of outdoor activities, you should consider visiting Anthony Chabot Regional Park. This park offers everything from golfing, hiking, horseback riding, camping, fishing, kayaking, cycling, and shooting to golfing. In addition, the park provides panoramic views of Oakland and the San Francisco Bay, making it an ideal location for a day trip or an overnight camping adventure—Park  website .

China Camp State Park San Francisco Day Trip

Visit Historic China Camp State Park – San Rafael

The distance from San Francisco to China Camp State Park is 23 miles, which will take approximately one hour to travel. This park caters to all nature enthusiasts, including mountain bikers, hikers, kayakers, and casual campers. History enthusiasts will enjoy exploring the historic China Camp Village. Friends of China Camp celebrates Chinese-American heritage and the park’s natural history every August with Heritage Day. China Camp SP Website .

Stinson Beach California

Stinson Beach – Bolinas Day Trip: Hidden Gems Along Highway 1

The distance between Stinson Beach Park and Golden Gate Bridge is 24 miles, and it takes about an hour to travel there. Stinson Beach Park is a part of the Golden Gate Recreation Area and is easily accessible via California’s Highway 1. During the summer, thousands flock to Stinson Beach to soak up the sun and enjoy a day away from San Francisco.

Filoli Estate & Gardens San Francisco Day Trip

Filoli Estate & Gardens:  700 Acres of Parkland

Filoli was constructed ten years after the devastating 1906 San Francisco earthquake, symbolizing hope during the destruction period. Its English Renaissance gardens are one of the best recreated antique English gardens in North America. Fioli offers various events and programs throughout the year, including a Mother’s Day flower show, a yearly Jazz at Fioli concert, special Christmas programs, and once-a-month afternoon teas—admission  Reservations .

California's Great America

California’s Great America Northern California’s Largest Theme Park

California’s Great America Theme Park, located in Santa Clara, is the largest amusement park in Northern California. Its thrilling rides are on par with or even better than those of Southern California’s Six Flags. The park is approximately an hour from San Francisco and a little over two hours from Sacramento. South Bay Water Park is only open during the summer season. It is a great place for families to have fun and cool off.

Half Moon Bay California

Half Moon Bay, Home of the Mavericks Big Waves

Half Moon Bay is a picturesque area on the California coast, approximately an hour’s drive from San Francisco. It is a sought-after destination for a day trip or weekend getaway, offering visitors a chance to explore art galleries, small restaurants, and shops in its quaint downtown. While visiting, there are plenty of activities to indulge in, ranging from relaxing on the beach to shopping on historic Main Street.

Benicia California San Francisco Day Trip

Explore Historic Benicia, California

Benicia’s charming and historic town is a comfortable San Francisco day trip. The combination of a vibrant art scene, historical landmarks, and excellent dining choices make this a place that can be enjoyed by one and all. Benicia has a long and fascinating past and has, over the years, played an essential role in California’s history. For a short period in the mid-19th century, the town became California’s capital. City Website .

Sonoma County Day Trips

Sonoma County Wine Tasting & Fine Dining

Sonoma County, situated northwest of San Francisco, is well-known for its vineyards and wineries, which makes it California’s largest wine producer. The history of winemaking in California can be traced back 200 years to Sonoma, where adventurers, good restaurants, and state-of-the-art spas can be found. Although not as well-known or touristy as Napa Valley, Sonoma has a laid-back atmosphere that is just as infectious and offers much more than wine tasting. Sonoma.com

Point Reyes San Francisco day trip

Point Reyes California Sightseeing and Watersports

Point Reyes is 54 miles north of San Francisco, California, on a cape around 30 miles northwest of San Francisco. The surrounding area is part of the Point Reyes National Seashore Reserve. Once hunted nearly to extinction, the northern elephant seal and the Tule Elk thrive there. Point Reyes is popular with water sports enthusiasts. Kayak along the shores of Tomales Bay or explore the submarine world with a scuba dive guide.

Mount Diablo State Park San Francisco Day Trip

Enjoy The View At Mount Diablo State Park

Many visitors to Mount Diablo head straight for the summit to enjoy the public view. There is much more to see and explore how the 11-mile loop leads to the park’s top. Mount Diablo State Park features hiking, biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, and camping opportunities. Summers are generally hot and dry; winter can be cold and rainy from November through mid-March. Visitors in the winter may occasionally experience snowfall on the mountain peak, so the best time to visit is in the spring. Park Website .

USS Hornet Museum Alameda Naval Station

USS Hornet Museum

Travel time 1 hour – 18 miles. A national treasure known as the USS Hornet is in Alameda, California, near Oakland. This floating city allows visitors to experience life as if they were out to sea for months. Tours of the ship are self-guided, the place is massive, and you have three decks to wander around.

Pescadero San Francisco Day Trip

Pescadero California

Travel time 1 hour – 47 miles. Long before Pacific Coast Highway meandered its way along California’s coast, the small town of Pescadero served as a stagecoach stop for weary travelers. Pescadero and the surrounding area are abundant with day-trippers’ activities, quaint charm, and hints of old days.

Napa Valley Wine Train San Francisco Day Trip

Napa Valley Wine Train

Travel time 1.5 hours—50 miles. The Napa Valley Wine Train travels along Highway 29 on its 3-hour trip. For first-time Napa Valley visitors, the train is an excellent way to start their trip.

Glen Ellen San Francisco Day Trip

Glen Ellen California

Travel Time 1.5  hours – 54 miles. This peaceful Sonoma town offers those who want off the beaten track plenty of opportunities to eat, drink, and de-stress. And you couldn’t ask for a more picturesque place for a San Francisco day trip. Glen Ellen is located in the northeastern corner of Sonoma County. Drive time from the Bay Area is slightly over an hour, depending on traffic.

Winchester Mystery House

Winchester Mystery House

Travel time is 1 hour—50 miles. It is a fascinating house owned by the eccentric, wealthy Sarah Winchester. Sarah believed in spiritualism and added strange features to the house because of her odd beliefs and interests. The “Mystery” part implies you might find a “Haunted Mansion.”

Livermore Bay Area Day Trip

Livermore Bay Area Day Trip

Travel time: 1 hour—50 miles. Pack up the car and head to picturesque and peaceful Livermore. Just a short drive southeast of San Francisco, the area is a wine lover’s dream come true. Even non-wine drinkers will have plenty to see and do on this day trip.

Napa Valley Day Trip

Napa Valley Wine Country

Travel time is 1 hour 30 minutes—55 miles. In addition to world-class wines, Napa Valley offers a variety of fun things for visitors to do. It is a great day trip or weekend getaway northeast of San Francisco. Visitors come worldwide to see the beautiful valley, taste the world-famous wines, enjoy fine dining, and get pampered in the spas.

San Jose Day Trip

San Jose Day Trip

Travel time 1.5 hours—55 miles. San Jose is California’s third-largest city and home to high-tech computer firms. These firms sit alongside farms, ranches, and open spaces between the San Francisco Bay and the surrounding hillsides. San Jose is an old, culturally diverse city with historic buildings, brilliant museums, and many excellent restaurants.

Jelly Belly Factory San Francisco Day Trip

Jelly Belly Factory Fairfield, CA

Travel Time 1.5 hours – 58 miles. Jelly Belly Factory uses state-of-the-art equipment and even has robots to help with production. After the tour, you will get a free sample of this popular candy. Two things are inevitable when you visit Jelly Belly: one, you will have fun, and two, you will buy some delicious candy to take home.

Santa Rosa San Francisco Day Trip

Santa Rosa California

Travel time 1.5 hours – 55 miles. Santa Rosa is the perfect destination for farm-fresh food, handcrafted beer, wine, and artisan. Just 55 miles north of San Francisco, the city hosts several farmer’s markets, a thriving music scene, various museums, and plenty of outdoor activities.

Tomales Bay San Francisco Day trip

Tomales Bay Marin County

Travel time 1.5 hours – 56 miles. One of the Tomales Bay area’s main attractions is the Tomales Bay State Park, which is over 2000 acres large. It is one of the few state parks split by a bay; the larger side is on the west side of Tomales Bay, and the smaller portion is on the east side. When ready to rest from Tomales Bay State Park, you can travel to the Tomales Bay Oyster Company for an oyster picnic.

Sonoma Coast State Park Day Trip

Sonoma Coast State Park

Travel time 1.5 miles—68 miles. California has created an expansive and exquisite park along the stunning Sonoma coastline. The Sonoma Coast Park offers various activities dedicated to preserving this unique environment.

Bodega Bay San Francisco day trip

Bodega Bay California

Travel time 2 hours – 70 miles. With its seemingly endless miles of pristine beaches to explore, fresh seafood, and beautiful coastal scenery, Bodega Bay is less than a 70-mile drive north of San Francisco on Highway 101, yet it feels a world away. The little town of Bodega Bay has three art galleries, one antique store, five gift stores, two kite stores, a surf shop, and two grocery stores to stock on provisions for your return trip.

Guerneville San Francisco day trip

Guerneville Russian River Valley

Travel time 2 hours – 74 miles. Decades ago, the town was built on the back of the timber industry. Now, much of the majestic, ancient redwoods are protected. As the Lumberjacks left, the hippies headed to Guerneville and then members of the LGBT community. While the town may have a reputation for being especially popular with the LGBT community, there is plenty for everyone to see and do.

Calistoga Day Trip

Calistoga Weekend Getaway

Famous for its hot springs, mineral pools, mud baths, and massages, Calistoga is the best place for spas in Napa. The Wappo Indians, the area’s original inhabitants, recognized the healing properties of the local waters.

Safari West Wildlife Tours San Francisco day trip

Safari West Wildlife Tours

Guests visiting Safari West African Wildlife Tours can take a three-hour tour guided by an experienced professional. During the tour, guests climb aboard a Safari truck and explore the bumpy roads of the preserve. This adventure allows visitors to experience an African safari without the risk of encountering wild animals.

Natural Bridges State Beach San Francisco day trip

Natural Bridges State Beach

Located in breathtaking Santa Cruz, California, this 65-acre state park is named after the naturally formed mudstone bridges that run along the Pacific Ocean. Wave erosion created these bridges, which carved three arches on the beach after a combination of silt, clay, and diatoms solidified into a stone mixture.

Santa Cruz San Francisco day trip

Santa Cruz, California: Ride The Giant Dipper

Santa Cruz is popular for its stunning natural surroundings, sunny beaches, and redwood forests. In addition to being a hub for surfers, the city is also home to a vibrant artist community with over 2,000 artists. One of the must-visit attractions is the historic Boardwalk, which houses the Giant Dipper, one of the oldest roller coasters in the United States.

Moss Landing Day Trip

Moss Landing Day Trip: Guided Kayak Tours

Moss Landing is located between these two places, and it’s a popular destination among day-trippers who love kayaking in the Slough. Several guided kayak tours explore this area. If you’re in Moss Landing, you must visit Phil’s Fish Market and Eatery to relish some fresh seafood before you leave town.

Carmel Valley Wine Tasting

Carmel Valley Wine Tasting

The travel time from San Francisco to Carmel Valley is approximately two hours, covering 120 miles. Located on the Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Valley is a popular wine destination in California and is less crowded than Napa Valley. To reach this wine-tasting heaven, take a trip down the coast to Carmel-by-the-Sea, then turn left onto Carmel Valley Road.

California Roadside Attractions

How To Have A Safe Visit to Downtown San Francisco

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May 20, 2018 at

Do you have any trips to San Francisco, like to Chinatown Or, other historical areas?

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May 21, 2018 at

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  1. Bernina Express Milan

    Ready for Breathtaking Views? Book the Bernina Express to the Alps from Milan on Viator. Book 5-star Rated Bernina Express Milan To the Alps from Milan on Viator.

  2. Bernina Express

    Find the best tours, tickets, trips & more. Compare prices and book online on Tripadvisor. Full refund available up to 24 hours before your tour date. Quick & easy purchase process.

  3. Riding the Bernina Express Train as a Day Trip from Milan

    In our experience, one of the best day trips from Milan is a ride on the Bernina Express train to St. Moritz, Switzerland. The Bernina Express route, complete with panoramic windows and several stops, is absolutely stunning. This entire European train ride is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its stunning beauty, ingenuity, and history.

  4. Bernina Express 2024: train, route and tickets explained

    The scenic Bernina Express train ride is a beautiful, varied journey between south-east Switzerland and northern Italy. Learn about tickets, reservations, the route and the train.

  5. Milan to Bernina Express Day Trip: Everything You Need to Know

    I travelled on a Milan to Bernina Express day trip to experience the epic train ride in person. This guide will help you do the same!

  6. Saint Moritz and Bernina Express day tour from Milan or Lake Como

    Saint Moritz & Bernina Express day tour from Lake Como or Milan. Pick up transfer from your Lake Como Hotel or your Lake Como Villa or Milan to Tirano train station (travel time from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on departure town) We book in advance your Bernina Express tickets, first class panoramic train (with glass roof) is highly recommended.

  7. Bernina Express Day Trip by Train from Milan 2024

    Day Trips in Milan: Check out 598 reviews and photos of Viator's Milan Bernina Scenic Train ride on the Swiss Alps. Small-Group

  8. Bernina Express: 14 Things You Need To Know Before Riding

    The Bernina Express is a 4 hour trip between Switzerland and Italy that covers 90 miles. On this thrilling journey you'll be exposed to 196 bridges and 55 tunnels including the world famous Landwasser Viaduct and the exciting Bruso Viaduct that turns the train 360 degrees.

  9. Bernina Express Day Trip By Train From Milan

    The price for the Bernina Express Day Trip starts from $180.49 and varies based on the group size. The tour offers stunning views of the Swiss Alps and Lake Como, with a stop in the charming lakeshore village of Varenna and lunch in Italy through Valtellina. Travelers can expect to meet their guide at Milan Central Station and enjoy a train ...

  10. Swiss Alps Bernina Express Rail Tour from Milan 2024

    Book 48h in advance to Take an unforgettable rail tour through the majestic Swiss Alps on this day trip from Milan. Ride the rails along the spectacular Bernina Pass to the famous resort town of St Moritz. Admire the UNESCO-listed scenery along the railway route. Explore the picturesque town on your own before the return trip to Milan.

  11. From Milan: Bernina and St. Moritz Day Tour by Scenic Train

    The Bernina red train is one of Switzerland's most scenic railways, climbing more than 1,800 meters, making it the steepest railway journey in the world. Round-trip transfer from Milan is included in the tour. Your rail journey can start from Choir, St Moritz or Tirano, depending on avialability, and takes you all the way to the world-renowned ...

  12. St. Moritz With Bernina Express Tour From Milan 2024

    Travel to the highest point reachable by train in Europe on this full-day tour of the Swiss Alps and Saint Moritz, a luxury alpine resort town in Switzerland's Engadin Valley. After some free time in Saint Moritz for shopping or pastry tastings (own expense), hop aboard the Bernina Express Red Train for a cliff-hanging 2.5-hour ride through the Alps—on a route with UNESCO World Heritage ...

  13. Riding the Bernina Express Train in Switzerland

    The Bernina Express makes a great day trip from Milan or a day trip from Lake Como. If you're starting in Milan Italy, you can hop on a regional Trenord train from Milano Centrale Station to Tirano Station.

  14. Bernina Express and St Moritz tour from Lake Como

    A day trip to explore the Alps, along the highest railway in Europe (2253 m.s.l.m), Unesco heritage. The Bernina Express tour offers panoramic views of spectacular landscapes along the route from Tirano to St Moritz, between the glaciers and the peaks of the Alps.

  15. Bernina Express

    Top ways to experience Bernina Express and nearby attractions Full Day Tour in Bernina Express and St Moritz from Milan Rail Tours from $313.40 per adult Jungfraujoch Day Trip from Zurich: Swiss Alps & Bernese Oberland 300 Recommended Rail Tours from $345.07 per adult SPECIAL OFFER Explore Chur in 60 minutes with a Local 1 City Tours from $95. ...

  16. The Bernina Express Train in Switzerland: Everything You Must Know

    Whether you're an avid lover of train travel or simply a frequent snooper on Instagram, odds are you've heard of the world-famous Bernina Express train in Switzerland, frequently hailed as one of the most scenic train rides in the entire country.

  17. Day Trip to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan

    Day Trip to St. Moritz with Bernina Express ride, departing from Milan highlights: Travel on the characteristic Bernina Express train. Live the eXPerience of taking a ride on the steepest rail route in the world. Visit the renowned St. Moritz, one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland. Be enchanted by the breathtaking panoramic views of ...

  18. Bernina Express route on local trains

    Bernina Express train line from Zurich (on local trains) Highlights. On this day tour you will cross the Alps, travel from glaciers to palms on the spectacularly scenic Albula and Bernina line, have lunch in Italy, and visit St. Moritz (optional). Please note that we use for this tour local trains which run on the same route as the Bernina Express.

  19. Milan to Swiss Alps Tours

    Book Milan to Swiss Alps tours. Enjoy day trips by Bernina Express & witness the Alps and the town of St. Moritz. Find guided tours with transfers included.

  20. Bernina Express day trip from Varenna

    Hi, We want to do a day trip on the Bernina Express from Varenna. I need help with buying tickets to travel from Varenna to catch the Bernina Express. We want to take this Bernina Express day trip on June 21, 22 or 23. How far in advance can you buy the tickets?

  21. Milan Full-Day St. Mortiz and Bernina Express Tour 2024

    Escape to the city and head to the beautiful Alps on this full-day tour from Milan to St. Moritz, Switzerland. Take a guided tour of the alpine town and enjoy time to sample delicious desserts or do a bit of shopping. End your day with a ride on the Bernina Express, also known as the highest train in Europe, to the town of Tirano.

  22. Hi, Is 2nd class on Bernina express a panaromic...

    Bernina Express, Chur: "Hi, Is 2nd class on Bernina express a panaromic..." | Check out 6 answers, plus see 5,366 reviews, articles, and 6,918 photos of Bernina Express, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 73 attractions in Chur.

  23. MSN


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    Thanks to Northern California's diverse landscape, you can go from surfing the waves under the hot sun to standing on a mountain peak above the clouds within the same day. Check out this handy guide outlining some of the best day trip destinations from Silicon Valley's San Jose.

  26. Explore San Francisco: Bay Area Day Trips and Hidden Attractions

    Popular Bay Area day trips within two hours or less from downtown San Francisco.Family activities, hidden gems, weekend road trip ideas.