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Travel Vaccines and Advice for Uganda

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travelers throughout the world.

The east African country of Uganda was called the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill. That title is unsurprising if one looks at the sheer beauty of the country.

In Uganda is the world’s longest river, the Nile, snowy mountains, and wildlife reserves. The country has a diverse culture, comprised of more than 50 local tribes, each with their own traditions and history. There’s also a lively night life, particularly in Kampala, with tons of parties, bars, and dance floors around.

On This Page: Do I Need Vaccines for Uganda? Other Ways to Stay Healthy in Uganda Do I Need a Visa or Passport for Uganda? What Is the Climate Like in Uganda? Is It Safe to Travel to Uganda? Queen Elizabeth National Park What Should I Take to Uganda? U.S. Embassy in Uganda

Do I Need Vaccines for Uganda?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Uganda. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Uganda: typhoid , hepatitis A , polio , yellow fever , chikungunya , rabies , hepatitis B , meningitis , influenza , COVID-19 , pneumonia , chickenpox , shingles , Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations:

  • Typhoid – Food & Water – Shot lasts 2 years. Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator.
  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travelers.
  • Polio – Food & Water – Due to an increase in cases globally, an additional adult booster is recommended for most travelers to any destination.
  • Yellow Fever – Mosquito – Required for all travelers over 1 year of age.
  • Chikungunya – Mosquito – Infection is believed to be widespread in Uganda. Vaccination is recommended.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-term travelers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travelers to most regions.
  • Meningitis – Airborne & Direct Contact – Located in the meningitis belt, vaccination is recommended during the dry season (Dec. – June)
  • Influenza – Airborne – Vaccine components change annually.
  • COVID-19 – Airborne – Recommended for travel to all regions, both foreign and domestic.
  • Pneumonia – Airborne – Two vaccines given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
  • Chickenpox – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
  • Shingles – Direct Contact – Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
  • Polio – Food & Water – Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.
  • TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) – Wounds & Airborne – Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
  • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – Various Vectors – Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.

See the table below for more information:

Specific Vaccine Information

  • Typhoid – Typhoid, a potentially life-threatening illness caused by Salmonella Typhi, spreads through contaminated food and water in areas with poor sanitation. To prevent it, practice good hygiene and safe food and water precautions.
  • Hepatitis A – Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus, typically spreading through contaminated food or water. Symptoms include jaundice, fatigue, and abdominal pain. The hepatitis A vaccine is an effective prevention method, administered in two shots over six months. The vaccine is recommended for travelers to areas with high hepatitis A rates and certain high-risk groups.
  • Yellow Fever – Yellow fever, a virus transmitted by mosquitoes, can cause serious illness. Protection is essential, and the yellow fever vaccine is the key. This highly effective vaccine, administered before travel to at-risk areas, grants long-lasting immunity, helping to halt the virus’s spread and safeguard travelers from infection.
  • Rabies – The rabies virus is a deadly threat that spreads through bites and scratches from infected animals. Preventing rabies involves timely vaccination, avoiding contact with wildlife and seeking immediate medical attention if bitten. The rabies vaccine is instrumental in developing immunity and safeguarding against this fatal disease.
  • Hepatitis B – Hepatitis B, a liver infection transmitted through infected fluids, can be prevented through safe practices and the hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine prompts the immune system to produce antibodies, offering robust and long-lasting protection against the virus.
  • Meningitis – Meningitis is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes, often caused by viral or bacterial infections. The meningitis vaccine, administered through injection, protects against various types of meningitis, including bacterial forms. It’s recommended for high-risk groups, including certain age groups, travelers, and those with specific medical conditions.
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – Measles, mumps, and rubella are contagious diseases transmitted via respiratory droplets and touch. Preventing these illnesses is primarily achieved through vaccination, using the MMR vaccine. It’s administered in two doses and provides immunity against all three viruses.

Yellow Fever in Uganda

Proof of yellow fever vaccination is required for entry to Uganda. Travelers are advised to receive the vaccine at least 10 days before arrival in the country. Vaccination is also recommended by the CDC and WHO to protect travelers from the virus.

Malaria in Uganda

Antimalarials are recommended for travelers to all regions of Uganda. Chloroquine resistance is present in the country. Atovaquone, doxycycline, mefloquine and tafenoquine are suggested as antimalarials if traveling to the region. Consult with a travel health specialist on which antimalarial will best fit your needs.

Malaria spreads through infected mosquitoes. Travelers should also take steps to avoid mosquito bites and take antimalarials.

There is a risk of yellow fever in Uganda. All travelers over the age of one year must be vaccinated for entry.

The CDC recommends travelers planning on visiting certain parts of Uganda during the dry season (December – June) receive a meningitis vaccine .

Visit our vaccinations page to learn more. Travel safely with Passport Health and schedule your appointment today by calling or book online now .

Other Ways to Stay Healthy in Uganda

Prevent bug bites in uganda.

Protect yourself from bug bites by wearing long clothing and using CDC-recommended repellents like DEET or picaridin. Avoid bug-prone areas during peak hours to reduce the risk.

Food and Water Safety in Uganda

Safeguard your health while abroad by researching local cuisine, avoiding tap water, and practicing hand hygiene. Choose reputable eateries, be cautious with ice, and drink in moderation.

Altitude Sickness in Uganda

Altitude sickness, characterized by symptoms like headache and nausea stemming from oxygen deprivation at high elevations, can be prevented through gradual ascent, hydration, and medication like acetazolamide. Should AMS symptoms arise, immediate descent to lower altitudes, rest and seek medical attention.

Infections To Be Aware of in Uganda

  • African Sleeping Sickness – Protective clothing and insect repellent use, plays a vital role in preventing African Sleeping Sickness, a disease transmitted by tsetse flies in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • African Tick-Bite Fever – African Tick-Bite Fever (ATBF) is transmitted through tick bites. Prevention involves proper clothing, tick repellents, and regular tick inspections. If visiting endemic regions, consult healthcare professionals to further safeguard against ATBF.
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever – Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, caused by tick bites and person-to-person contact, requires preventive actions like tick protection and strict healthcare precautions.
  • Dengue – Dengue fever is a significant global health concern. Symptoms can escalate from mild fever to life-threatening conditions. Preventing mosquito bites is key to avoidance, with recommendations including repellent and netting use.
  • Ebola – Ebola, a deadly virus, can be prevented through rigorous hand hygiene and avoiding infected individuals, both are crucial in halting its transmission.
  • Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever – As the development of a Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever vaccine progresses, it remains vital to prevent the virus’s spread through vigilant measures. Infections stem from contact with infected animals or people, stressing the importance of protective gear.
  • Rift Valley Fever – Rift Valley Fever, transmitted by mosquitoes and infected animal contact, can be prevented through livestock vaccination, mosquito control, and safe animal handling practices.
  • Schistosomiasis – Schistosomiasis, caused by parasitic flatworms, is prevalent in areas with contaminated freshwater sources. Prevention involves staying out of potentially infected waters and using protective clothing. Recognizing symptoms such as fever and seeking medical help promptly is crucial for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Zika – Zika, transmitted by infected mosquitoes and through sexual contact, can lead to birth defects. Preventing Zika involves using insect repellent, safe sexual practices, and eliminating mosquito breeding sites.

Do I Need a Visa or Passport for Uganda?

American travelers to Uganda must have a valid passport and visa for entry. Proof of yellow fever vaccination is also required.

Sources: Embassy of Uganda and U.S. State Department

What Is the Climate Like in Uganda?

Uganda is a country with many popular tourist destinations, each with its own unique weather patterns.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is in the southwest and is known for mountain gorillas. The weather there is generally cool and wet throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 45 to 70 degrees. It is wettest from March to May and September to November, and driest from June to August and December to February.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is in the west and has a lot of wildlife like elephants, lions and hippos. The weather is generally warm and dry, with temperatures ranging from 70 to 85. It is wettest from March to May and September to November, and driest from June to August and December to February.

Murchison Falls National Park is in the north and has a waterfall and wildlife like elephants, giraffes, and crocodiles. The weather is generally hot and dry, with temperatures ranging from 80 to 90. It is wettest from March to May and September to November, and driest from June to August and December to February.

Kibale National Park is in the west and is known for chimpanzees and tropical forests. The weather is generally warm and wet, with temperatures ranging from 60 to 80. It is wettest from March to May and September to November, and driest from June to August and December to February.

Uganda has a tropical climate, and it’s a good idea to check the weather forecast before visiting any of these destinations.

Is It Safe to Travel to Uganda?

Before traveling, it is a good idea to research the places you plan to visit to get an idea of the safety situation in those areas. Use reliable tour operators and transportation providers. Be cautious of strangers who approach you.

Keep your valuables such as cash, passport, and electronics in a safe place like a hotel safe or a money belt. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry and electronics. Always wear a seatbelt and drive carefully.

These tips can help you stay safe while traveling in Uganda.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Avoid an embarrassing stop, over 70% of travelers will have diarrhea., get protected with passport health’s travelers’ diarrhea kit .

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a popular tourist destination in Uganda because of its diverse wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Tourists can see many different kinds of animals on a safari, like elephants, lions and chimpanzees.

They can also take a boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel to see hippos, crocodiles, and many types of birds. Birdwatchers will be especially happy in the park, as there are over 600 species of birds. There are cultural tours where tourists can visit local communities and learn about the different tribes that live there.

Tourists can go on hikes and explore the different trails in the park, such as the Kyambura Gorge and Maramagambo Forest.

Queen Elizabeth National Park offers many fun activities for tourists interested in nature, wildlife, and culture, and is a must-visit destination in Uganda.

What Should I Take to Uganda?

If you’re planning a trip to Uganda, you should pack light, comfortable clothes because it’s warm and humid there. Don’t forget to bring a rain jacket or umbrella for occasional rain showers. You should also bring insect repellent to protect against mosquitoes and other biting insects. Sunscreen with a high SPF and sunglasses will protect your skin and eyes from the intense equatorial sun.

It’s also a good idea to pack a small first-aid kit with basic supplies like bandages, antiseptic, and pain relievers. A camera and binoculars will allow you to capture the beauty of Uganda’s wildlife and landscapes. Bring enough cash or a credit card to cover expenses, and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

You’ll need your passport and any necessary visas, as well as proof of yellow fever vaccination. Other recommended vaccinations include hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and rabies. Uganda uses Type G electrical outlets, bring a travel adapter if you plan to bring electronic devices.

U.S. Embassy in Uganda

When traveling it is very helpful to find out exactly where the U.S. embassy or consulates are located. Keep the address written down in case you have a legal problem, you lose your passport, or you want to report a crime. Be sure to keep a copy of your passport with you in case you lose the original.

U.S. Embassy Kampala Plot 1577 Ggaba Road Kampala, Uganda Telephone: +(256)(0) 414-306-001 and +(256)(0)312-306-001 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(256)(0) 414-306-001 and +(256)(0)312-306-001 Fax: +(256)(0) 414-259-794 Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions about traveling to Uganda or are wondering what shots you may need for your trip, schedule an appointment by calling or book online today .

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Travel Vaccines and Advice for Uganda

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travellers throughout the world.

The east African country of Uganda was called the “Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill. That title is unsurprising if one looks at the sheer beauty of the country.

In Uganda is the world’s longest river, the Nile, snowy mountains, and wildlife reserves. The country has a diverse culture, comprised of more than 50 local tribes, each with their own traditions and history. There’s also a lively night life, particularly in Kampala, with tons of parties, bars, and dance floors around.

On This Page: Do I Need Vaccines for Uganda? Do I Need a Visa or Passport for Uganda? What is the Climate Like in Uganda? How Safe is Uganda? Nile Rafting What Should I Take To Uganda? Canadian Embassy in Uganda

Do I Need Vaccines for Uganda?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Uganda. The PHAC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Uganda: COVID-19 , hepatitis A , hepatitis B , typhoid , cholera , yellow fever , rabies , meningitis , polio , measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) , Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) , chickenpox , shingles , pneumonia and influenza .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations:

  • COVID-19 – Airborne – Recommended for all travellers
  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travellers
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travellers to most regions.
  • Typhoid – Food & Water – Recommended for travellers to most regions.
  • Cholera – Food & Water – Areas of active cholera transmission include the districts of Amudat, Hoima, Kagadi, Kasese, Kisoro and Kyegegwa.
  • Yellow Fever – Mosquito – Required if travelling from a region with yellow fever. Recommended for all travellers over 9 months of age.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-term travellers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Meningitis – Airborne & Direct Contact – Located in the meningitis belt, vaccination is recommended during the dry season (Dec. – June)
  • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – Various Vectors – Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.
  • TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) – Wounds & Airborne – Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
  • Chickenpox – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
  • Shingles – Direct Contact – Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
  • Pneumonia – Airborne – Two vaccines given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
  • Influenza – Airborne – Vaccine components change annually.
  • Polio – Food & Water – Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.

See the tables below for more information:

Malaria spreads through infected mosquitoes. Travellers should also take steps to avoid mosquito bites and take antimalarials.

Chikungunya and dengue , two other mosquito-borne diseases are also present in the region.

There is a risk of yellow fever in Uganda. All travellers over the age of nine months must be vaccinated for entry.

The PHAC recommends travellers planning on visiting certain parts of Uganda during the dry season (December – June) receive a meningitis vaccine .

Visit our vaccinations page to learn more. Travel safely with Passport Health and schedule your appointment today by calling or book online now .

Do I Need a Visa or Passport for Uganda?

A passport with validity of at least 6 months past the expected departure date from the country is required to enter Uganda. You also must have a visa for all tourist and business purposes; it is recommended you obtain a visa before you arrive.

Sources: Embassy of Uganda and Canadian Travel and Tourism

Visit the Canadian Travel and Tourism website for more information on entry and exit requirements.

What is the Climate Like in Uganda?

The equator runs through Uganda making the climate is very warm. The average annual temperature around 25 degrees. Nights can get chilly with temperatures reaching around 15 degrees.

There is a rainy season from March to May and from October to November. In November and December there is light rain.

How Safe is Uganda?

The Canadian Government rates Uganda as a medium threat for terrorism. Travellers are advised to stay away from large public gatherings.

Uganda has a large amount of crime. Petty crime, such as pick-pocketing and theft are common. Travelling alone after dark is not recommended. Food and drink should also not be left unattended as there have been cases of drinks being drugged. Travellers should maintain awareness and caution when travelling.

Nile Rafting

Both experienced and novice white water rafters can come and explore the Nile River on a floating raft. There a large number of experienced companies and individuals who serve as guides on these trips. There are waterfalls and gorgeous white rapids to experience. There’s also tandem kayaking or river boarding available.

What Should I Take To Uganda?

Here are some essential items to consider for your trip to Uganda:

  • Money Belt – Due to pick-pocketing, a money belt will help keep your money and passport safe.
  • Bug Spray – The climate in Uganda is hot and humid. There are plenty of bugs, including mosquitoes, which can carry malaria.
  • Sweater – While it’s generally very warm in Uganda, it can get chilly at night.
  • Sunscreen – Uganda is on the equator and has lots of direct sunlight.

Canadian Embassy in Uganda

When travelling it is very helpful to find out exactly where the Canadian Embassy or consulates are located. Keep the address written down in case you have a legal problem, you lose your passport, or you want to report a crime. Be sure to keep a copy of your passport with you in case you lose the original.

Canadian Consulate in Uganda Jubilee Insurance Centre, 14 Parliament Avenue, Kampala, Uganda Telephone: 256 (414) 258-141 / 256 (414) 348-141 / 256 (312) 260-511

If you have any questions about travelling to Uganda or are wondering what shots you may need for your trip, schedule an appointment by calling or book online today .

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Uganda Travel Restrictions

Traveler's COVID-19 vaccination status

Traveling from the United States to Uganda

Open for vaccinated visitors

COVID-19 testing

Not required

Not required for vaccinated visitors


Not required in public spaces, enclosed environments and public transportation.

Uganda entry details and exceptions

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Can I travel to Uganda from the United States?

Most visitors from the United States, regardless of vaccination status, can enter Uganda.

Can I travel to Uganda if I am vaccinated?

Fully vaccinated visitors from the United States can enter Uganda without restrictions.

Can I travel to Uganda without being vaccinated?

Unvaccinated visitors from the United States can enter Uganda without restrictions.

Do I need a COVID test to enter Uganda?

Visitors from the United States are not required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test or antigen result upon entering Uganda.

Can I travel to Uganda without quarantine?

Travelers from the United States are not required to quarantine.

Do I need to wear a mask in Uganda?

Mask usage in Uganda is not required in public spaces, enclosed environments and public transportation.

Are the restaurants and bars open in Uganda?

Restaurants in Uganda are open. Bars in Uganda are .

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Uganda travel advice

Latest updates: Health – Travel health notice for mpox updated

Last updated: August 28, 2024 13:58 ET

On this page

Safety and security, entry and exit requirements, laws and culture, natural disasters and climate, uganda - exercise a high degree of caution.

Exercise a high degree of caution in Uganda due to the threat of terrorism and a high crime rate.

Border with South Sudan - Avoid all travel

Avoid all travel to areas within 50 km of the border with South Sudan due to banditry and cross-border attacks by rebel groups. This advisory excludes visits to national parks when accompanied by a reputable guide and using well-travelled roads.

Border with the Democratic Republic of Congo - Avoid non-essential travel

Avoid non-essential travel to areas within 50 km of the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo due to joint military operations. This advisory excludes visits to national parks when accompanied by a reputable guide and using well-travelled roads.

Karamoja Province - Avoid non-essential travel

Avoid non-essential travel to Karamoja Province due to inter-communal violence and banditry. This advisory excludes visits to national parks when accompanied by a reputable guide and using well-travelled roads.

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Demonstrations in Kampala

Since July 24, 2024, anti-corruption demonstrations are occurring in Kampala. More protests are likely in the coming days.

Local authorities have warned against “illegal demonstrations and inconsiderate processions.” There are reports of security forces arresting protesters.

Demonstrations can turn violent at any time. Clashes between protesters and security forces could result in arrests and casualties. Demonstrations can also lead to disruption to:

  • public transportation
  • telecommunications, including Internet access

Authorities may impose curfews and restrict movement without notice.

If you are in Uganda:

  • avoid areas around government buildings, especially the parliament and its surroundings
  • avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • avoid areas where security forces are present
  • expect heavy security measures and increased security presence
  • follow local media to stay informed on the evolving situation
  • follow the instructions of local authorities

Border with the Democratic Republic of Congo

The volatile security situation in the eastern part of neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could lead to possible incursions into western Uganda by armed rebel groups from the DRC.

At the end of November 2021, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo started a joint military operation against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in North Kivu and Ituri provinces of the DRC, near Virunga National Park.

Ugandan military troops are present on both sides of the border. There is also a risk of banditry in this area.

Border with South Sudan

The border with South Sudan is porous and banditry and criminality are a concern. Inter-communal tensions and clashes are common in this area. Given the security situation in South Sudan, we recommend that you avoid travelling to areas within 50 km from the border.

Karamoja Province

Clashes between tribal groups occur, especially in districts north of Kate Kyoga. There is also a risk of banditry.

Western Uganda

Western Uganda has a history of inter-ethnic violence.

Due to political tensions between Uganda and Rwanda, the land border may be closed without notice. Be sure to check that it’s open before trying to cross.

There is a threat of terrorism in Uganda. On October 17, 2023, an attack occurred near the Queen Elizabeth National Park in south-west Uganda and resulted in three casualties. On October 15, 2023, the Ugandan police foiled a bomb attack on churches in the central Butambala district, west of Kampala. The Ugandan police also located and disabled improvised explosive devices (IED) in three locations in Kampala and on its outskirts in September 2023.

Terrorists have previously carried out attacks, including in June 2023 on a school in Mpondwe, near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, resulting in several casualties.

Further attacks cannot be ruled out. While the attacks do not appear to have targeted foreigners, exercise increased caution in and around Kampala.

Targets could include:

  • public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners
  • government buildings, including schools
  • places of worship
  • airports and other transportation hubs and networks

Always be aware of your surroundings when in public places. Expect a heightened presence of security forces in Kampala. They may conduct increased security checks in public areas.

National Parks

There are several national parks in Uganda, including near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. Local authorities have enhanced security measures in these areas; however, tourists have been involved in security incidents in the past.

If you are visiting a national park:

  • only use reputable and professional guides or tour operators
  • don’t take any tours that will bring you into the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • closely follow park regulations and rangers’ advice
  • stay informed of recent developments in the security situation in the area before travelling as it can change quickly

Uganda’s National Parks and Reserves - Ugandan Wildlife Authority

Armed banditry, car thefts, muggings and kidnappings occur throughout Uganda and foreigners have been targeted.

Petty crime, including pickpocketing, purse and jewellery snatching and theft from hotel rooms and vehicles, occurs regularly.

If attacked, don’t resist, as offering resistance may result in violence.

  • Maintain a high level of personal security awareness at all times and in all places
  • Take appropriate security measures, particularly on roads linking a city centre to residential areas
  • Refrain from travelling at night
  • Never leave your bags unsupervised at a ticket office or a registration desk
  • Ensure that your personal belongings, including passports and other travel documents, are secure at all times, and that your credit and debit cards, cash and any other financial resources are not all kept in the same place
  • Don’t show signs of affluence
  • Don’t carry large sums of money
  • Travel in groups if possible

Armed robberies

Armed robberies are perpetrated against pedestrians, even during day time.

Armed robberies also occur along roadways, particularly at night.

Keep your vehicle doors locked at all times, windows closed and personal belongings, including handbags, safely stored.

  • Don’t leave items such as laptops and briefcases in unattended vehicles
  • Don’t display jewellery or electronics when walking
  • Remain vigilant when using public transportation or walking along deserted streets
  • Avoid walking and driving at night

Taxi and matatu (minibus) operators have robbed their passengers and stranded them far from their destination. Avoid taking taxis or matatus that have only one or two passengers, and ensure that your personal belongings are secure at all times when using public transportation.


Demonstrations may occur. Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time. They can also lead to disruptions to traffic and public transportation.

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities
  • Monitor local media for information on ongoing demonstrations

Mass gatherings (large-scale events)

2SLGBTQI+ persons

2SLGBTQI+ persons have been attacked and harassed based on their identity and sexual orientation. Violent incidents have increased since the Parliament passed an “anti-homosexuality” bill in March 2023.

2SLGBTQI+ travellers should carefully consider the risks of travelling to Uganda.

Travel and your sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

Women’s safety

Women travelling alone may be subject to some forms of harassment and verbal abuse.

Advice for women travellers

Spiked food and drinks

Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.


Carry a photocopy of your passport’s identification page and the page containing your visa, and keep the original in a secure place.

Tourist facilities and infrastructure are adequate in Kampala, Jinja and larger national parks, but limited elsewhere in the country.

Wildlife viewing

Wildlife viewing poses risks, particularly on foot or at close range.

  • Only visit game parks and reserves with a reputable tour company
  • Always maintain a safe distance when observing wildlife
  • Only exit a vehicle when a professional guide or warden says it’s safe to do so
  • Only use reputable and professional guides or tour operators
  • Closely follow park regulations and wardens’ advice

Park information  - Uganda Wildlife Authority

Road safety

A lack of traffic signs, reckless driving habits, wandering animals, pedestrians and poor road conditions pose risks. Pedestrians should exercise caution when crossing roads. There are many fatal road accidents in Uganda. The Jinja–Kampala and Maska–Kampala roads are of particular concern. Alcohol is often a contributing factor to accidents, particularly at night. Highway travel is dangerous, especially after dark, because of banditry and poor visibility. Avoid driving outside major cities after dark.

If travelling to Uganda by road, you should get information from the appropriate border police station regarding the security situation at your next destination.

Public transportation

Avoid intercity buses (especially overnight long-distance buses) and vans. Fatal accidents caused by reckless driving, excessive speed and poor vehicle maintenance have occurred in the past.

Exercise caution when using other forms of public transportation, such as matatus and boda-bodas (moped taxis), and ensure that the vehicle is in good condition before departure. If you opt to travel by boda-boda, wear a helmet at all times.

Ferry accidents are not uncommon, due to overloading and poor maintenance of some vessels. Do not board vessels that appear overloaded or unseaworthy.

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

Information about foreign domestic airlines

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from the Ugandan authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the  Foreign Representatives in Canada .

Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel.

Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the country’s entry rules.

Regular Canadian passport

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the date you expect to leave Uganda.

Passport for official travel

Different entry rules may apply.

Official travel

Passport with “X” gender identifier

While the Government of Canada issues passports with an “X” gender identifier, it cannot guarantee your entry or transit through other countries. You might face entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize the “X” gender identifier. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Other travel documents

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Useful links

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Canadian passports

Tourist visa: required Business visa: required Work permit: required Transit visa: required

While you can obtain a visa on arrival, you should first attempt to get a visa online. Apply as far in advance of your trip as possible, as delays could occur. You may need proof that you first attempted to apply online, before being granted a visa on arrival.

Some travellers without an e-visa have been refused entry, even though they technically qualified for visa on arrival.

Canadians intending to work in Uganda should insist that the employer ascertain what type of permit will be required from Uganda’s Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control.

Apply for an electronic visa - Uganda’s e-immigration system

  • Children and travel

Learn more about travelling with children .

Yellow fever

Learn about potential entry requirements related to yellow fever (vaccines section).

Relevant Travel Health Notices

  • Global Measles Notice - 13 March, 2024
  • Zika virus: Advice for travellers - 31 August, 2023
  • COVID-19 and International Travel - 13 March, 2024
  • Polio: Advice for travellers - 20 August, 2024
  • Mpox: Advice for travellers - 28 August, 2024

This section contains information on possible health risks and restrictions regularly found or ongoing in the destination. Follow this advice to lower your risk of becoming ill while travelling. Not all risks are listed below.

Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to get personalized health advice and recommendations.

Routine vaccines

Be sure that your  routine vaccinations , as per your province or territory , are up-to-date before travelling, regardless of your destination.

Some of these vaccinations include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chickenpox), influenza and others.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. 

There is a risk of hepatitis A in this destination. It is a disease of the liver. People can get hepatitis A if they ingest contaminated food or water, eat foods prepared by an infectious person, or if they have close physical contact (such as oral-anal sex) with an infectious person, although casual contact among people does not spread the virus.

Practise  safe food and water precautions and wash your hands often. Vaccination is recommended for all travellers to areas where hepatitis A is present.

Yellow fever   is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.

  • There is a risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of yellow fever vaccination for travellers from all countries.


  • Vaccination is recommended.
  • Contact a designated  Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre  well in advance of their trip to arrange for vaccination.
  • Discuss travel plans, activities, and destinations with a health care professional.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites .

About Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada * It is important to note that  country entry requirements  may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest  diplomatic or consular office  of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. It can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of being infected with it when travelling internationally.

Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are fully protected against measles.

This destination is in the African Meningitis Belt, an area which has the highest rates of meningococcal disease in the world. Meningococcal disease is a serious and sometimes fatal infection. 

Travellers who are at higher risk should discuss vaccination with a health care provider. High-risk travellers include those living or working with the local population (e.g., health care workers) or those travelling to crowded areas or taking part in large gatherings.

  Hepatitis B is a risk in every destination. It is a viral liver disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another through exposure to blood and body fluids containing the hepatitis B virus.  Travellers who may be exposed to blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all travellers. Prevent hepatitis B infection by practicing safe sex, only using new and sterile drug equipment, and only getting tattoos and piercings in settings that follow public health regulations and standards.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease. It can spread from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

It is recommended that all eligible travellers complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada before travelling. Evidence shows that vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. While vaccination provides better protection against serious illness, you may still be at risk of infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Anyone who has not completed a vaccine series is at increased risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and is at greater risk for severe disease when travelling internationally.

Before travelling, verify your destination’s COVID-19 vaccination entry/exit requirements. Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are adequately protected against COVID-19.

 The best way to protect yourself from seasonal influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated every year. Get the flu shot at least 2 weeks before travelling.  

 The flu occurs worldwide. 

  •  In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs from November to   April.
  •  In the Southern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs between April and   October.
  •  In the tropics, there is flu activity year round. 

The flu vaccine available in one hemisphere may only offer partial protection against the flu in the other hemisphere.

The flu virus spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Clean your hands often and wear a mask if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease that is caused by parasites spread through the bites of mosquitoes.

Malaria is a risk to travellers to this destination.   Antimalarial medication is recommended for most travellers to this destination and should be taken as recommended. Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic before travelling to discuss your options. It is recommended to do this 6 weeks before travel, however, it is still a good idea any time before leaving.    Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times: 

  • Cover your skin and use an approved insect repellent on uncovered skin.
  • Exclude mosquitoes from your living area with screening and/or closed, well-sealed doors and windows.
  • Use insecticide-treated bed nets if mosquitoes cannot be excluded from your living area.
  • Wear permethrin-treated clothing. 

 If you develop symptoms similar to malaria when you are travelling or up to a year after you return home, see a health care professional immediately. Tell them where you have been travelling or living. 

In this destination, rabies is commonly carried by dogs and some wildlife, including bats. Rabies is a deadly disease that spreads to humans primarily through bites or scratches from an infected animal. While travelling, take precautions , including keeping your distance from animals (including free-roaming dogs), and closely supervising children.

If you are bitten or scratched by a dog or other animal while travelling, immediately wash the wound with soap and clean water and see a health care professional. In this destination, rabies treatment may be limited or may not be available, therefore you may need to return to Canada for treatment.  

Before travel, discuss rabies vaccination with a health care professional. It may be recommended for travellers who are at high risk of exposure (e.g., occupational risk such as veterinarians and wildlife workers, children, adventure travellers and spelunkers, and others in close contact with animals). 

Polio (poliomyelitis) is an infectious disease that can be prevented by vaccination. It is caused by poliovirus type 1, 2 or 3. Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus 2 (cVDPV2) is present in this country.

Polio is spread from person to person and through contaminated food and water. Infection with the polio virus can cause paralysis and death in individuals of any age who are not immune.


  • Be sure that your polio vaccinations are up to date before travelling. Polio is part of the routine vaccine schedule for children in Canada.
  • One booster dose of the polio vaccine is recommended as an adult .

Safe food and water precautions

Many illnesses can be caused by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated by bacteria, parasites, toxins, or viruses, or by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

  • Learn more about food and water precautions to take to avoid getting sick by visiting our eat and drink safely abroad page. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes, mouth or nose when swimming or participating in activities in freshwater (streams, canals, lakes), particularly after flooding or heavy rain. Water may look clean but could still be polluted or contaminated.
  • Avoid inhaling or swallowing water while bathing, showering, or swimming in pools or hot tubs. 

Cholera is a risk in parts of this country. Most travellers are at very low risk.

To protect against cholera, all travellers should practise safe food and water precautions .

Travellers at higher risk of getting cholera include those:

  • visiting, working or living in areas with limited access to safe food, water and proper sanitation
  • visiting areas where outbreaks are occurring

Vaccination may be recommended for high-risk travellers, and should be discussed with a health care professional.

Travellers' diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travellers. It is spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Risk of developing travellers' diarrhea increases when travelling in regions with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. Practise safe food and water precautions.

The most important treatment for travellers' diarrhea is rehydration (drinking lots of fluids). Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Typhoid   is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Risk is higher among children, travellers going to rural areas, travellers visiting friends and relatives or those travelling for a long period of time.

Travellers visiting regions with a risk of typhoid, especially those exposed to places with poor sanitation, should speak to a health care professional about vaccination.  

There is a risk of schistosomiasis in this destination. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by tiny worms (blood flukes) which can be found in freshwater (lakes, rivers, ponds, and wetlands). The worms can break the skin, and their eggs can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, or urinary problems. Schistosomiasis mostly affects underdeveloped and r ural communities, particularly agricultural and fishing communities.

Most travellers are at low risk. Travellers should avoid contact with untreated freshwater such as lakes, rivers, and ponds (e.g., swimming, bathing, wading, ingesting). There is no vaccine or medication available to prevent infection.

Insect bite prevention

Many diseases are spread by the bites of infected insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas or flies. When travelling to areas where infected insects may be present:

  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) on exposed skin
  • Cover up with light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • Minimize exposure to insects
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk of infection and disease caused by bites, both at home and abroad, visit our insect bite prevention page.

Find out what types of insects are present where you’re travelling, when they’re most active, and the symptoms of the diseases they spread.

There is a risk of chikungunya in this country. The level of risk may vary by:

The virus that causes chikungunya is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can cause fever and pain in the joints. In some cases, the joint pain can be severe and last for months or years.

Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times.

Learn more:

Insect bite and pest prevention Chikungunya

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever is a viral disease that can cause fever, pain and bleeding under the skin.  In some cases, it can be fatal.  It spreads to humans through contact with infected animal blood or tissues, or from the bite of an infected tick.  Risk is generally low for most travellers. Celebrations which include the slaughtering of animals and contact with their blood and/ or tissues may increase the risk of exposure to the virus.  

Protect yourself from tick bites and wear gloves or other protective clothing if you are in contact with the blood and tissues of  animals, particularly livestock. There is no vaccine available for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever.

  • In this country, risk of  dengue  is sporadic. It is a viral disease spread to humans by mosquito bites.
  • Dengue can cause flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can lead to severe dengue, which can be fatal.
  • The level of risk of dengue changes seasonally, and varies from year to year. The level of risk also varies between regions in a country and can depend on the elevation in the region.
  • Mosquitoes carrying dengue typically bite during the daytime, particularly around sunrise and sunset.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites . There is no vaccine or medication that protects against dengue fever.

Rift Valley fever is a viral disease that can cause severe flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can be fatal. It is spread to humans through contact with infected animal blood or tissues, from the bite of an infected mosquito, or eating or drinking unpasteurized dairy. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from insect bites and avoid animals, particularly livestock, and unpasteurized dairy. There is no vaccine available for Rift Valley fever.

Onchocerciasis (river blindness)   is an eye and skin disease caused by a parasite spread through the bite of an infected female blackfly.  Onchocerciasis often leads to blindness if left untreated. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from blackfly bites, which are most common close to fast-flowing rivers and streams. There is no vaccine available for onchocerciasis although drug treatments exist.

Zika virus is a risk in this country. 

Zika virus is primarily spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can also be sexually transmitted. Zika virus can cause serious birth defects.

During your trip:

  • Prevent mosquito bites at all times.
  • Use condoms correctly or avoid sexual contact, particularly if you are pregnant.

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you should discuss the potential risks of travelling to this destination with your health care provider. You may choose to avoid or postpone travel. 

For more information, see Zika virus: Pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)  is caused by a parasite spread through the bite of a tsetse fly. Tsetse flies usually bite during the day and the bites are usually painful. If untreated, the disease is eventually fatal. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from bites especially in game parks and rural areas. Avoid wearing bright or dark-coloured clothing as these colours attract tsetse flies. There is no vaccine available for this disease.

Animal precautions

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. Certain types of activities may increase your chance of contact with animals, such as travelling in rural or forested areas, camping, hiking, and visiting wet markets (places where live animals are slaughtered and sold) or caves.

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats, and to avoid eating undercooked wild game.

Closely supervise children, as they are more likely to come in contact with animals.

There is a risk of   plague   in this country. Plague is a bacterial disease that can cause serious illness, and if left untreated, death.

The occurrence of cases in areas where the plague bacteria are known to circulate can be influenced by weather and environmental conditions. In some countries, this results in seasonal outbreaks. Travellers to areas where plague routinely occurs may be at risk if they are camping, hunting, or in contact with rodents.

Plague is spread by:

  • bites from fleas infected with the plague
  • direct contact with body fluids or tissues from an animal or person who is sick with or has died from plague

Overall risk to travellers is low.   Protect yourself   by   reducing contact with fleas  and potentially infected rodents and other wildlife.

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by bacteria. People can get sick with anthrax if they come into contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. Anthrax can cause severe illness in both humans and animals. Travellers to areas where anthrax is common or where an outbreak is occurring in animals can get sick with anthrax if:

  • they have contact with infected animal carcasses or eat meat from animals that were sick when slaughtered
  • they handle animal parts, such as hides, wool or hair, or products made from those animal parts, such as animal hide drums.

If you are visiting these areas, do not eat raw or undercooked meat and avoid contact with livestock, wildlife, animal products, and animal carcasses.

Person-to-person infections

Stay home if you’re sick and practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette , which includes coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand. Reduce your risk of colds, the flu and other illnesses by:

  •   washing your hands often
  • avoiding or limiting the amount of time spent in closed spaces, crowded places, or at large-scale events (concerts, sporting events, rallies)
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who may be showing symptoms of illness 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , HIV , and mpox are spread through blood and bodily fluids; use condoms, practise safe sex, and limit your number of sexual partners. Check with your local public health authority pre-travel to determine your eligibility for mpox vaccine.  

Tuberculosis is an infection caused by bacteria and usually affects the lungs.

For most travellers the risk of tuberculosis is low.

Travellers who may be at high risk while travelling in regions with risk of tuberculosis should discuss pre- and post-travel options with a health care professional.

High-risk travellers include those visiting or working in prisons, refugee camps, homeless shelters, or hospitals, or travellers visiting friends and relatives.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)   is a virus that attacks and impairs the immune system, resulting in a chronic, progressive illness known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). 

High risk activities include anything which puts you in contact with blood or body fluids, such as unprotected sex and exposure to unsterilized needles for medications or other substances (for example, steroids and drugs), tattooing, body-piercing or acupuncture.

Sporadic outbreaks of Ebola disease occur in this country.

Ebola disease can be caused by 6 different viruses, including Sudan virus and Ebola virus, which spread through contact with infected bodily fluids (from people or animals). It is very serious and often fatal.

Practise good hygiene (frequent and proper hand washing) and avoid contact with the body fluids of people with Ebola disease or unknown illnesses. Avoid contact with wild animals.

Of the different viruses that cause Ebola disease, there is only a vaccine to prevent disease caused by Ebola virus. It is available under certain circumstances; however, it is not authorized for sale in Canada. There are currently no approved vaccines or effective treatments for Ebola disease caused by the other viruses, including Sudan virus.

Medical services and facilities

Medical facilities are extremely limited outside Kampala. Serious illness or emergencies may require evacuation by air ambulance at the patient’s expense. 

Make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.

Health and safety outside Canada


Ensure you have sufficient prescription medicine and medical supplies for the duration of your trip.

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a   travel health kit , especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

You must abide by local laws.

Learn about what you should do and how we can help if you are arrested or detained abroad .

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are strict. Convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and heavy fines.

Drugs, alcohol and travel


Photography of security forces, diplomatic sites, government installations, airports and the Owen Falls Dam (at the source of the Nile River, near Jinja) is prohibited. Always ask for permission before photographing individuals.

Camouflage clothing

Wearing military-style or camouflage clothing is prohibited and may result in a jail sentence.

The laws of Uganda prohibit sexual acts between individuals of the same sex. In May 2023, the President of Uganda approved the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Bill. If enforced, it would increase penalties for convicted offenders up to the death penalty for certain cases. It would also impose:

  • up to 20 years’ imprisonment for recruitment, promotion and funding of same-sex activities
  • 14 years’ imprisonment for those convicted of “attempted aggravated homosexuality”

Societal discrimination based on identity and sexual orientation is widespread. 2SLGBTQI+ persons are routinely harassed by the police. Incidences of blackmail and extortion directed against 2SLGBTQI+ persons and their families are common.

2SLGBTQI+ persons should carefully consider the risks of travelling to Uganda.

Dual citizenship

Dual citizenship is legally recognized in Uganda.

If you are a Canadian citizen, but also a citizen of Uganda, our ability to offer you consular services may be limited while you're there. You may also be subject to different entry/exit requirements .

Dual citizens

International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty. It can help parents with the return of children who have been removed to or retained in certain countries in violation of custody rights. It does not apply between Canada and Uganda.

If your child was wrongfully taken to, or is being held in Uganda by an abducting parent:

  • act as quickly as you can
  • consult a lawyer in Canada and in Uganda to explore all the legal options for the return of your child
  • report the situation to the nearest Canadian government office abroad or to the Vulnerable Children's Consular Unit at Global Affairs Canada by calling the Emergency Watch and Response Centre

If your child was removed from a country other than Canada, consult a lawyer to determine if The Hague Convention applies.

Be aware that Canadian consular officials cannot interfere in private legal matters or in another country's judicial affairs.

  • International Child Abductions: A guide for affected parents
  • Canadian embassies and consulates by destination
  • Request emergency assistance

Traffic drives on the left.

An International Driving Permit is recommended.

Drivers must always carry:

  • a valid driver’s license in English or with a certified translation
  • vehicle registration documents
  • proof of valid insurance
  • a valid vehicle inspection certificate

These documents must be produced on demand by a police officer.

You must be at least 18 years old to drive a private motor vehicle in Uganda.

If you are over 18, you may drive using a Canadian driver’s licence for up to 90 days from the date of entry into Uganda.

In the event of an accident, Ugandan law requires drivers to stop and exchange information and assistance. There is a possibility of mob anger if the accident has caused serious injury. In such cases, remain in your vehicle and drive to the nearest police station to report the accident.

Penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol include immediate imprisonment.

International Driving Permit

Traffic violations

If you are stopped for a traffic violation, the police officer may ask you to pay an on-the spot fine. Police, however, are not permitted to accept cash on the spot without issuing an official receipt. If you disagree with the traffic ticket, you have the right to ask for due process. The officer should provide you with information on when and where you can go to be properly charged, and then you may pursue that process.

The currency is the Uganda shilling (UGX).

Credit cards are accepted only by major hotels, airlines and some car rental agencies. You will find a foreign exchange (forex) bureau at most border posts and in all major cities. Most shops, banks and forex bureaus do not accept or exchange U.S. dollars printed before 2007.

Seismic activity

Uganda is located in a seismic zone.

Monsoon seasons

The rainy (or monsoon) seasons extend from March to May and from October to November. Weather-related events such as floods and landslides occur throughout the country during these months. Stay informed of regional weather forecasts and pay careful attention to all warnings issued.

Local services

Dial 999 for emergency assistance.

Consular assistance

Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda

For emergency consular assistance, call the High Commission of Canada in Kenya, in Nairobi, and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.

The content on this page is provided for information only. While we make every effort to give you correct information, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Government of Canada does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided.

If you need consular assistance while abroad, we will make every effort to help you. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

Learn more about consular services .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

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Exercise a high degree of caution in Uganda overall due to the threat of terrorism and violent crime, and the risk of civil unrest.

Higher levels apply in some areas.


Uganda (PDF 750.8 KB)

Africa (PDF 1.76 MB)

Local emergency contacts

Fire and rescue services, medical emergencies.

Call 999 or go to the hospital.

Advice levels

Exercise a high degree of caution in Uganda overall.

See  Safety .

Do not travel within 50 kilometres of the border with South Sudan.

Do not travel  within 50 kilometres of the border with South Sudan due to the serious risk of armed bandits and cross-border attacks by rebel groups.

Reconsider your need to travel  within 50 kilometres of the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (excluding the  Eastern shores of Lake Albert). 

Reconsider your need to travel within 50 kilometres of the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo due to the risk of banditry and attacks by armed groups. This includes  areas North and South of Lake Albert. We advise exercise a high degree of caution to the Eastern shores of Lake Albert. 

See Safety .

  • Terrorism is a threat in Uganda. There have been recent attacks that caused many deaths and serious injuries. Foreigners may be targeted.  Avoid large gatherings, including large-scale worship, and music and cultural festivals. Terrorists may also target hotels, bars, restaurants and other tourist areas. Uganda has increased security arrangements in public places due to terrorist attacks. Expect body, car and luggage checks when travelling. Take official warnings seriously and follow the advice of authorities.
  • Violent political protests can occur quickly, and there's potential for tension or politically motivated incidents across Uganda.
  • Security is usually required when gorilla trekking due to the risk of armed attack. For your safety, don't take gorilla trekking tours that cross into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
  • Petty crime and violent crime can happen. Always be alert. Don't walk in isolated areas or along dark streets at night.
  • The security situation in the neighbouring DRC is very unstable and volatile. You may be kidnapped or caught up in violence.  Reconsider your need to travel within 50 kilometres of the border with DRC (excluding the Eastern shores of Lake Albert). If you're travelling near the border, seek professional security advice.

Full travel advice:  Safety

  • There's currently an outbreak of Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) in parts of Africa. Maintain strict hygiene standards and avoid physical contact with anyone who has Mpox (see ‘Health risks’).
  • Many medications are in short supply or not available in Uganda. Take enough legal medicine for your trip.
  • Yellow fever and malaria are common. Other insect-borne diseases can occur. Make sure your accommodation is insect proof. Use insect repellent.
  • HIV/AIDS is a risk. Take steps to reduce your risk of exposure to the virus.
  • Foodborne, waterborne and other infectious diseases in Uganda include cholera, typhoid, hepatitis and mpox. Drink only boiled or bottled water. Avoid raw or undercooked food. Avoid physical contact with anyone who has mpox.
  • Medical facilities are very limited outside Kampala. If you become seriously ill or injured, you may need to be evacuated to another country. Make sure your travel insurance covers this.

Full travel advice:  Health

  • Uganda adopted a new Anti-Homosexuality Act on 30 May 2023. The Act prohibits same-sex relationships, and convictions may result in severe sentences. Same-sex public displays of affection, like kissing in public places, could lead to arrest and imprisonment. Members of the LGBTQI+ community may face discrimination, potential violence and abuse. LGBTQI+ travellers should carefully consider the risks of travelling to Uganda. 
  • There are severe penalties for the possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs. If you're convicted, you'll face a long jail sentence and heavy fines.
  • Serious crimes can attract the death penalty or corporal punishment.
  • It's illegal to take photos of certain buildings and areas or wear military-style or camouflage clothing.

Full travel advice:  Local laws

  • The East African Community's EAC Tourist Visa allows travellers multiple entries to Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda for 90 days. You can also apply for a visa from the Government of Uganda. Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the nearest high commission or consulate of Uganda for the latest details.

You need a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to enter Uganda. Some airlines may want to see a certificate when you leave.

  • It may be difficult to access money. Traveller's cheques aren't widely accepted.

Full travel advice:  Travel

Local contacts

  • The  Consular Services Charter  details what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.
  • The Australian Consulate in Kampala can provide limited consular help.
  • You can get full consular help from the  Australian High Commission in Kenya .
  • To stay up to date with local information, follow the High Commission’s social media accounts.

Full travel advice:  Local contacts

Full advice

Terrorism is a threat in Uganda. Foreigners may be targeted in attacks.

Uganda has increased security arrangements in public places.

This includes borders and at the international airport.

Recent terrorist attacks have resulted in fatalities and injuries, including:

  • 17 October 2023 - terrorist militants killed two foreign tourists and their guide in Queen Elizabeth National Park in western Uganda
  • 16 June 2023 - terrorist militants attacked a school in Mpondwe in western Uganda
  • 16 November 2021 - two explosions in the central business district and near Parliament in Kampala
  • 25 October 2021 - explosion occurred on a passenger bus travelling on the Kampala-Masaka highway
  • 23 October 2021 - when an explosion occurred in a restaurant in Kampala

Expect body, car and luggage checks when travelling, especially in Kampala.

Possible targets for terror attacks include:

  • large gatherings, including large-scale worship services, and music and cultural festivals
  • tourist areas, hotels, resorts restaurants, bars, clubs, marketplaces, markets and shopping centres
  • schools, places of worship, outdoor and political events
  • airports, bus terminals, public transport and government buildings

To protect yourself from terrorism:

  • avoid visiting locations that are possible terrorist targets
  • consider the level of security at venues you're visiting
  • be alert in crowded places and monitor local media
  • pay close attention to your personal security 
  • take official warnings seriously and follow instructions

Report any suspicious items or activities to police.

If there's a terrorist attack, leave the affected area immediately if it's safe to do so.

Avoid the affected area afterwards as there may be further attacks.

Terrorism is a threat worldwide.

More information:

To protect yourself if you travel to an area where there's a threat of kidnapping:

  • seek professional security advice
  • arrange effective security measures for yourself, vehicle and accommodation

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it doesn't make payments or concessions to kidnappers.

Civil unrest and political tension

Demonstrations and protests.

Political and other demonstrations can become violent without warning, causing loss of life and injury. Police have used tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition to disperse demonstrators. You should take great care and avoid all demonstrations and rallies where possible.

To protect yourself during periods of unrest:

  • avoid large gatherings, political rallies and demonstrations
  • monitor the media
  • avoid affected areas
  • follow advice from local authorities
  • Demonstrations and civil unrest

Border violence

It's extremely unstable in the neighbouring DRC. Cross-border attacks by rebel groups can happen without notice, and it's volatile. You may be at risk of attack by armed bandits in border areas North and South of Lake Albert.

Tourist areas, including Rwenzori Mountains and national parks, are near the border.

An attack on 17 October 2023, attributed to the Allied Democratic Forces terrorist group (linked to the Islamic State group), resulted in the death of two foreign tourists and their guide in Queen Elizabeth National Park, close to the border with DRC.

An attack on 16 June 2023, also attributed to the Allied Democratic Forces terrorist group, resulted in the death of more than 40 people, mainly pupils, at a school in Mpondwe in western Uganda, close to the border with DRC.

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) is no longer active in Uganda but remains active in the DRC and Central African Republic.

Clashes between tribal groups can occur without warning in the Karamoja region of north-eastern Uganda. Hotspots include districts north of Kate Kyoga:

  • Nakapiripirit

There's a risk of inter-tribal violence and armed bandits.

Uncleared landmines are still a danger.

Gorilla trekking

Security is usually required when gorilla trekking in:

  • Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Mgahinga Gorilla Park
  • other parts of western Uganda

You're at risk of armed attacks in those regions.

Travellers have been subject to violence. The security situation can change with little warning.

For your safety, don't take gorilla trekking tours that cross into the DRC.

Fly rather than drive if you travel to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla Park.

  • Ugandan Wildlife Authority

Pickpocketing, bag snatching and other petty crime happens, especially on public transport.

Theft from vehicles stuck in heavy traffic or stopped at traffic lights is common.

Armed robbery  and carjacking is a risk, especially outside Kampala.

Home burglaries can turn violent.

To protect yourself from crime:

  • exercise a high degree of caution throughout Uganda
  • keep car windows up and doors locked when moving
  • lock doors and windows at your accommodation
  • don't walk in isolated areas or along dark streets at night

Financial  scams  exist in Uganda.

If you fall victim to a scam, it could be dangerous to go to Uganda to try to get your money back.

Fake internet friendship, dating and marriage scams operate globally, including from some African countries.

Once an online friendship develops, you'll probably be asked by your 'friend' or planned marriage partner to send money. This is so the 'friend' can travel to Australia or make something else possible.

Sometimes the relationship ends with very little chance of getting your money back.

Other times your 'friend' or planned partner will ask you travel to Africa to meet them. If you do this, you could be kidnapped ,  assaulted  or robbed .

Credit card fraud is also a risk.

To avoid becoming a victim of a scam:

  • check all online offers from people in Uganda, or people you don't know
  • take legal advice before agreeing to anything
  • don't send money to anyone in Uganda until proper checks are made
  • get legal advice if you're the victim of a scam
  • keep your credit card in sight when making transactions

Don't travel to Uganda to try to get your money back.

Cyber security

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you’re connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or to Bluetooth.

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions, or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events on your social media.

Cyber security when travelling overseas

Tours and adventure activities

Transport and tour operators don't always follow safety and maintenance standards. This includes adventure activities, such as white-water rafting.

If you plan to do a tour or  adventure activity :

  • check if your travel insurance policy covers it
  • only use respected and registered tour operators
  • ask about and insist on minimum safety requirements
  • always use available safety gear, such as life jackets or seatbelts

If proper safety equipment isn't available, use another provider.

National parks

Some of Uganda's national parks have security risks. Many parks in western Uganda are situated within 50 kilometres of the border with DRC, where you should reconsider your need to travel.

For advice on security risks, park fees and other conditions in national parks, contact the  Uganda Wildlife Authority .

If you plan to visit a national park:

  • think about the security risks
  • obey all park rules
  • follow the advice of local authorities and park wardens
  • use a registered tour operator

Swimming safety

Don't swim in lakes and rivers. Hippos and crocodiles inhabit many lakes and rivers and are extremely dangerous.

Climate and natural disasters

Uganda can experience  natural disasters  and  severe weather , including:

  • earthquakes

The rainy seasons are from March to May, and October to November.

Flooding can cause landslides, leaving people without homes and blocking roads.

To protect yourself if a natural disaster occurs:

  • keep your passport in a safe, waterproof location
  • closely monitor local media
  • follow the advice of local authorities
  • keep in touch with friends and family
  • Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

Travel insurance

Get comprehensive  travel insurance  before you leave.

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won't pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are.

If you're not insured, you may have to pay many thousands of dollars up-front for medical care.

  • what activities and care your policy covers
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you'll be away

Physical and mental health

Consider your physical and mental health before you travel, especially if you have an existing medical condition.

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave.

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare, or the welfare of another Australian, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location.

  • General health advice
  • Healthy holiday tips  (Healthdirect Australia)


Not all medication available over the counter or by prescription in Australia is available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

If you plan to bring medication, check if it's legal in Uganda. Take enough legal medicine for your trip.

Many pharmaceutical products are in short supply or not available in Uganda.

Carry a copy of your prescription and a dated letter from your doctor stating:

  • what the medication is
  • your required dosage
  • that it's for personal use

Health risks

Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox).

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the current Mpox outbreak in parts of Africa as a global public health emergency. It has now spread across a number of countries in Africa, including Uganda.

Mpox can be transmitted to humans through physical contact with an infectious person, infected animals or contaminated materials.

Symptoms include:

  • sore throat
  • muscle aches
  • swollen lymph nodes

Seek professional medical advice on Mpox vaccines.

Maintain strict hygiene standards. Avoid physical contact with anyone who has Mpox.

See a doctor if you feel unwell and isolate from others if you develop any Mpox symptoms.

  • Mpox (Australian Government)
  • Infectious diseases

Ebola virus disease (EVD)

You should monitor guidance issued by the Government of Uganda and local media to ensure you have the latest information.

Further information and updates on Ebola can also be found on the  World Health Organization (WHO) website .

  • Uganda WHO Office

Insect-borne diseases

Yellow fever  is widespread in Uganda. Yellow fever is a potentially fatal virus spread by mosquitoes. It's prevented by vaccination. Get vaccinated before you travel. Carry your vaccination card with you.

Malaria  is common throughout the year.

Other insect-borne diseases found in Uganda include:

  • chikungunya

To protect yourself from disease:

  • make sure your accommodation is insect proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing
  • consider taking medication to prevent malaria

Get medical advice if you have a fever, muscle pain, rash or severe headache.

Bird flu (avian influenza)

Avian influenza  is a risk. Avoid contact with dead and living birds.

HIV/AIDS  is a risk. Take precautions if you engage in activities that expose you to the virus.

Other health risks

Waterborne, foodborne and other  infectious diseases  are common. These include:

  • tuberculosis
  • meningococcal disease
  • viral haemorrhagic fevers
  • mpox (formerly known as 'monkeypox')

Serious outbreaks sometimes occur.

To protect yourself from illness:

  • drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids
  • avoid ice cubes
  • don't eat raw or undercooked food, such as salads
  • don't swim in fresh water
  • avoid physical contact with anyone who has mpox

Check with your doctor about typhoid vaccinations.

Get medical advice if you have a fever or diarrhoea.

Medical care

Medical facilities.

There are very limited medical facilities outside of Kampala.

If you become seriously ill or injured, you'll need to be evacuated to Nairobi, Kenya, or another place with better facilities. Medical evacuation can be very expensive.

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that may appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed, the Australian Government will do what it can to help you under our  Consular Services Charter . But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail. 

LGBTQI+ travellers

Homosexual activity is illegal and not tolerated in Uganda's conservative society.

LGBTQI+ travellers should carefully consider the risks of travelling to Uganda.

Uganda adopted a new Anti-Homosexuality Act on 29 May 2023. The Act prohibits same-sex relationships, and convictions under these laws may result in severe sentences, up to the death penalty for certain cases. Same-sex public displays of affection, like kissing in public places, could lead to arrest and imprisonment. Groups, individuals, or legal entities advocating for LGBTQI+ rights or promoting homosexuality could lead to arrest and long-term imprisonment. Members of the LGBTQI+ community may face discrimination, potential violence and abuse. 

  • Advice for LGBTQIA+ travellers

There are heavy penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs.

If you're convicted of a drug offence, you'll face a long jail sentence and heavy fines.

  • Carrying or using drugs

Treason and murder carry the death penalty.

Rape and robbery attract corporal punishment.

In Uganda, it's illegal to:

  • take photos of military, government and diplomatic buildings and areas
  • wear military-style or camouflage civilian clothing

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you're overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

  • Staying within the law and respecting customs

Dual citizenship

Uganda recognises dual nationality.

  • Dual nationals

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

You need a visa to visit Uganda.

The East African Community's EAC Tourist Visa allows travellers multiple entries to Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda for 90 days. Another option is to apply for a visa from the Government of Uganda. Apply for the EAC Tourist Visa or a Ugandan visa by using Uganda's  online visa application .

Border measures

Check the entry requirements of the destinations you're travelling to or transiting.

Ensure you review and comply with testing and health screening requirements for any transit and destination countries. Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice.

Yellow fever vaccination

Find out about returning to Australia  after exposure to yellow fever .

Some countries won't let you enter unless your passport is valid for 6 months after you plan to leave that country. This can apply even if you're just transiting or stopping over.

Some foreign governments and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. Travellers can receive conflicting advice from different sources.

You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than 6 months.

The Australian Government does not set these rules. Check your passport's expiry date before you travel. If you're not sure it'll be valid for long enough, consider getting  a new passport .

Lost or stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the  Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest  Australian embassy or consulate .

Passport with ‘X’ gender identifier 

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can’t guarantee that a passport showing 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination  before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers.

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers

The local currency is the Ugandan Shilling (UGX).

You must declare all foreign currency on arrival. This covers all forms of currency, not only cash. If you don't, you may have trouble taking it when you leave.

Only exchange money at commercial banks and exchange bureaus.

US dollars are widely accepted. You may not be able to change US banknotes printed before 2006.

Traveller's cheques, credit cards and debit cards aren't widely accepted in Uganda.

Bring enough cash with you.

Local travel

Local restrictions.

For the latest information on the Ebola outbreak, follow the advice issued by the  Government of Uganda  and monitor the local media. 

When in public, anyone aged 6 or above must wear masks and maintain social distancing.

Driving permit

To drive in Uganda, you need both:

  • a valid Australian driver's licence
  • an International Driving Permit (IDP)

You must get your IDP before leaving Australia.

Road travel

Traffic accidents are common and there's a high risk at night.

Hazards include:

  • poor road and vehicle conditions
  • bad driving habits
  • high speeds
  • poor lighting

The Ugandan Government sometimes closes tourist areas if there's a risk of rebel activity.

If you plan to drive in Uganda:

  • check local traffic laws and practices
  • be alert to possible hazards, especially at night
  • check security risks and road closures before you travel outside major centres
  • don't travel between towns after dusk, except between Kampala and Entebbe

The border between Uganda and Rwanda regularly closes for extended periods.

  • Driving or riding


Check with your travel insurer whether your policy covers you when using a motorbike, quad bike or similar vehicle.

Always wear a helmet.

Only use registered taxis and limousines due to the high risk of crime. It's best to arrange this through your hotel.

Don't use unofficial taxis or hail taxis on the street. You could be robbed.

Public transport

Long-distance bus travel can be dangerous. Accidents are common.

Some buses travelling overnight have been robbed. They have been forced to stop by roadblocks or by criminals acting as passengers.

Minibuses ('matatus') and scooter taxis (boda-boda) are usually in poor condition and badly driven.

If you need to take public transport, don't use matatus and boda-bodas. If you do take a boda-boda,  always wear a helmet.

  • Transport and getting around safely

Boat travel

There have been a number of passenger ferry accidents because of overcrowding. Use a trusted operator. 

Wear a life jacket at all times, even if others don't.

  • Travelling by boat

DFAT doesn't provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check  Uganda's air safety profile  with the Aviation Safety Network.


Depending on what you need, you should contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Always get a police report when you report a crime.

Your insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Consular contacts

Read the  Consular Services Charter  for what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.

The Australian Consulate in Kampala provides limited consular help to Australians in Uganda. The consulate doesn't issue passports.

Full consular help is available from the Australian High Commission in Kenya.

Australian Consulate, Kampala

Protea Hotel by Marriott Kampala Skyz 1 Water Lane Naguru Kampala, Uganda

Phone: (+256) 31 2515865 or (+256) 77 2202285 

Email:  [email protected]

By appointment only.

Australian High Commission, Nairobi

Limuru Road, Rosslyn  Nairobi, Kenya  Phone: +254 20 4277 100  Fax: +254 20 4277 139  Website: Facebook:  Australian High Commission, Kenya Twitter:  @AusHCKenya

Check the High Commission website for details about opening hours and any temporary closures.

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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Uganda Travel Advisory

Travel advisory december 28, 2023, uganda - level 3: reconsider travel.

Uganda Level 3 – Reconsider Travel C T O

Reissued with updates to terrorism information.

Reconsider travel to Uganda due to  crime, terrorism , and  anti-LGBTQI+ legislation . Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Country summary:  There remains a threat of  terrorist attacks  in Uganda and throughout the region. Numerous terrorist attacks have occurred in Uganda, to include religious venues, schools, and areas frequented by tourists, resulting in the deaths of Ugandans as well as foreign visitors.  U.S. citizens should remain alert and avoid large public gatherings. In October 2023, ISIS-Central Africa claimed responsibility for killing two international tourists and a Ugandan driver within Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Violent crime , such as armed robbery, home invasion, and sexual assault, presents a serious threat to those visiting and residing in Uganda and can occur at any time, especially in larger cities, including Kampala, Jinja and Entebbe, in the Karamoja region, and along Uganda’s western and northern borders. Local police may lack appropriate resources to respond effectively to serious crime in most areas.

The May 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act raises the  risk that LGBTQI+ persons, and those perceived to be LGBTQI+, could be prosecuted and subjected to life imprisonment or death based on provisions in the law , and may be subject to mandatory reporting to the police if they are suspected of committing or intending to commit acts in violation of the law, and could face harassment or attacks by vigilantes. Those perceived to support the dignity and human rights of LGBTQI+ persons (including those of youth under the age of 18) could be prosecuted and imprisoned for multi-year sentences.   Even an unsubstantiated accusation of supporting the LGBTQI+ community can create risks from police and vigilantes.  Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Uganda.

If you decide to travel to Uganda:

  • Remain alert and avoid large public gatherings.
  • Keep a low profile.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Use caution when walking or driving at night.
  • Remain with a group of friends in public.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not open your door for people at your hotel/residence unless you know who it is.
  • Do not leave food and drinks unattended in public, especially in local clubs.
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by foreign tourists.
  • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Carry a copy of your passport and visa (if applicable) and secure originals in your hotel safe.
  • Provide your itinerary to a family member or friend.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Be mindful that any public identification with the LGBTQI+ community, as either a member or supporter, could be grounds for prosecution, and that even private consensual same-sex relations are illegal.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Uganda.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations.  Review the Traveler’s Checklist.
  • Visit the  CDC page  for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

Travel Advisory Levels

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The covid-19 situation update and adjustments on travel restrictions in uganda april, 2022.

To date the country has registered 164,118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 3,596 deaths. Furthermore, there is a massive drop in the number of admissions at the health facilities. Currently there are two severely ill COVID-19 patients on admission at Mulago National referral Hospital and St Mary's Hospital Lacor. The country has sustained  low transmission of COVID-19 with a positivity rate of less than 2% since February, 2022. This is attributed to the early decisive and sustained measures put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 and the cooperations of all Ugandans to adhere to these measures, including taking up COVID-19 vaccination.

Publication History

Related documents, weekly epidemiological surveillance brief, week 18, 1 -7 may, 2022, grievance redress mechanism for uganda covid-19 response and emergency preparedness project -additional financing april 2022, environmental and social management framework for additional financing to uganda covid-19 response and emergency preparedness project (p177273), march, 2022, development partners.

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Warnings and insurance

uganda travel immunizations

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel

Western uganda.

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:

  • Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • the area immediately south-west of Kasese town – from the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC ) at Kyabikere extending eastwards up to and including the A109 road and southwards to Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Semuliki National Park

Find out more about why FCDO advises against travel .

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide. You may also find it helpful to: 

  • see  general advice for women travellers
  • read our guide on disability and travel abroad
  • see  general advice for LGBT+ travellers
  • read about  safety for solo and independent travel
  • see advice on volunteering and adventure travel abroad

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

About FCDO travel advice

FCDO provides advice about risks of travel to help you make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.

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Vaccinations for uganda.

uganda travel immunizations

All Travellers

Poliomyelitis is a viral disease transmitted through oral/faecal contamination and the respiratory route. The vaccine is combined with cover against Tetanus and Diphtheria. Most travellers who have completed their primary course of childhood vaccines will only require a single booster dose to provide cover . Once completed it is expected that cover should last for 10 years.

Find out more about Poliomyelitis

Tetanus is contracted through contaminated cuts, bites and breaks in the skin. The vaccination provides cover for approximately 10 years in the majority of patients. It is frequently combined with cover against other diseases such as Poliomyelitis , Diphtheria and/or Pertussis .

Find out more about Tetanus

Hepatitis A is a common disease in many of the hotter regions of the world and usually contracted through contaminated food and water. Cover against Hepatitis A can be given alone or combined with protection against Hepatitis B. Once completed, the Hepatitis A vaccination ( given on two occasions 6 to 12 months apart ) provides cover for approximately 25 years in the majority of patients.

Find out more about Hepatitis A

Typhoid is a bacterial disease contracted through contaminated food and water. Once completed, the Typhoid vaccination given on one occasion provides cover for between 2 to 3 years in the majority of patients

Find out more about Typhoid


Yellow Fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. This live vaccine is given on one occasion at least 10 days before travel (if at all possible) and provides life long cover in the majority of patients.

Find out more about Yellow Fever

Hepatitis B is a viral disease which is usually transmitted in a very similar fashion to HIV/AIDS through contact with infected body fluids (eg blood exposure and sexually). This vaccine can be combined with cover against Hepatitis A. The standard schedule for Hepatitis B is to administer the vaccine on days 0, 28 and 180. A more rapid schedule can be used in cases where cover is needed more urgently and this is administered on days 0, 7, 21 to 28 and also 365. Following either course (and not before completion) a blood test can be taken to confirm sufficient antibody protection. Where the correct level of antibodies are showing (>10iu) the vaccination is recognised to provide  cover for life .

Find out more about Hepatitis B

Rabies is a viral disease which is usually transmitted through the bite, the lick or the scratch of any infected warm blooded animal. As per the current WHO guidance, the vaccine is usually administered on days 0 and between 7 and 28 . Once a course is completed, the vaccination provides life long ‘immune memory’ in the majority of patients BUT after any possible exposure the individual always needs further vaccination to boost antibody production

Find out more about Rabies

Meningococcal Meningitis is a bacterial disease which is usually transmitted through the respiratory route. The vaccine is given on one occasion and provides cover against four of the main forms of this disease. Once a course is completed the vaccination provides for over 10 years in the majority of patients.

Find out more about Meningococcal Meningitis

Cholera / E coli are both food / water borne diseases. This oral vaccine is given on two occasions between 1 to 6 weeks apart before travel. The second dose (frequently given one week after the initial one) should be administered 7 days before potential exposure . Once completed the cover against Cholera is expected to be for about 2 years . The cover against E coli is shorter and thought to be effective for between 3 to 4 months . In travellers who have completed an initial primary course within the past 2 years a single further dose is sufficient to maintain this cover.

Find out more about Cholera

What to Know About Mpox in 2024

A nurse in an mpox ward in DRC.

F or the second time in two years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern . Mpox didn’t disappear in between the two outbreaks, but the WHO’s new announcement signals that it is again becoming a significant concern for global health.

Right now, the mpox outbreak is concentrated in Africa, where the virus has long been endemic in certain areas. The illness is particularly prevalent in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), but countries including Burundi, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, and the Central African Republic also have cases. Sweden and Thailand have each reported a travel-associated case linked to the outbreak.

Currently, the WHO says risk to people in other parts of the world is “moderate.” Here’s what to know about mpox in 2024.

How is this outbreak different from 2022?

The current outbreak is more complicated than what the world experienced two years ago, says Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, an infectious disease physician who worked on the WHO’s mpox response during the 2022 outbreak. 

That outbreak was linked to one clade (or strain) of the virus: clade 2b. That clade never went away completely, but many countries were able to contain its spread. Now, cases linked to clade 2b continue to be diagnosed in many places, while countries in Central and Eastern Africa are also reporting cases related to another strain, known as clade 1. Some countries, including the DRC, have also seen cases resulting from a recently identified subvariant of clade 1, labeled clade 1b. “We’re still learning about this new variant,” Kuppalli says.

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Health authorities including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say clade 1 tends to be more severe than clade 2b, and some estimates have placed the new clade 1b’s case fatality rate as high as 6%. But research findings released in August suggests clade 1 has a lower mortality rate than experts initially thought—around 1.7%—when patients receive adequate medical care. A small study published in Nature Medicine in June also found that about 1.4% of patients infected with the new variant died. Kuppalli says emerging reports from the region suggest the rate may be even lower, around 0.7%, which is encouraging.

How is mpox spreading? 

When someone has mpox, they often have flu-like symptoms before developing a blister-like rash. They are considered contagious until the rash has fully healed, according to the CDC.

Mpox is often transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact with someone who is infected. But it can also spread via exposure to infected animals, contact with a sick person’s bodily fluids, or from a pregnant person to their fetus, the CDC says.

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During the 2022 outbreak, sexual contact among men who have sex with men was a major driver of spread worldwide. Sexual contact is still contributing to a high percentage of cases, according to the WHO . But during the current outbreak in Africa, the virus also seems to be spreading through non-sexual forms of person-to-person contact, the agency says. Children have been disproportionately affected in the DRC—predominantly with the original clade 1 strain, which is known to affect kids, Kuppalli says.

Reasons for shifting transmission patterns are “probably multifactorial,” she says. Possible reasons include decreased population-wide immunity since people are no longer routinely vaccinated against smallpox (which is similar to mpox), changes to the virus itself, increasing spillover from animals, or the prevalence of compounding health problems—like other infections or malnutrition—that make people more vulnerable. There also seems to be some animal-related transmission occurring in the DRC, according to CDC research .

Are mpox rates going up in the U.S.?

As of Aug. 22, the U.S. had not identified any cases linked to clade 1 mpox. But cases related to the strain that caused the 2022 outbreak continue to be diagnosed. “People forgot mpox was still here,” says Dr. Jason Zucker, an infectious disease physician at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center. “Even though mpox left the news and we thought about it a lot less, that doesn’t mean it actually went away.”

More than 1,700 mpox cases have been reported in the U.S. so far this year, according to preliminary CDC data . That's far lower than during the initial outbreak, when more than 30,000 cases were diagnosed from 2022 into the first half of 2023.

Even with clade 2b continuing to spread, Zucker says he’s optimistic that cases will not rise anywhere close to as high as they previously did. Mpox’s spread in 2022 was unexpected, leaving laboratories, physicians, and public-health systems scrambling to catch up . Now, Zucker says, people with symptoms are more seamlessly diagnosed, tested, and treated, and vaccines are available for those who need them.

Should I get vaccinated?

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends mpox vaccination only for people with certain risk factors, such as men who have or expect to have multiple male sexual partners. With risk of transmission currently low for the general U.S. public, “there’s no reason right now for anyone who’s not in vulnerable populations to be running out to get a vaccine,” Zucker says.

Read More : What to Know About the KP.3.1.1 Variant of COVID-19

Researchers are still determining whether existing mpox vaccines will work against the new clade. There’s not much real-world data available yet, but there’s good reason to think they will, says Alessandro Sette, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Innovation at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. The currently used shots work against both smallpox and mpox, which suggests they have fairly broad efficacy, Sette says. Pox viruses also tend to mutate less dramatically than viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, he says.

To help contain the outbreak, the U.S. has agreed to donate 50,000 mpox vaccine doses to the DRC, along with money to support rollout. Countries including Germany and Japan are also donating shots.

Kuppalli says it’s also important to scale up surveillance, testing, and high-quality medical treatment on the ground. “The focus really needs to be on where the outbreak is happening right now, which is in Africa,” she says. “In some cases, that [fact] has been lost a little bit.”

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Write to Jamie Ducharme at [email protected]

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Guest Essay

Another Pandemic Looms. Guess What? We’re Still Not Ready.

A photograph of a person examining the body of another person.

By Lawrence Gostin Sam Halabi and Alexandra Finch

The authors are experts at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University.

Just one day after the World Health Organization declared the deadly mpox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency, Sweden reported its first case of a dangerous strain of the disease (and there may be more cases ). The threat of a pandemic of mpox is here yet again. To curb this crisis, the affected countries in Africa need tests, vaccines and people to respond. Now.

Cases of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox), a viral illness spread primarily through close physical contact, are up 160 percent in Africa compared to the first seven months of 2023. So far this year , over 15,600 cases have been reported and 537 people have died, a majority of them children.

The bulk of the spread, which is fueled by a subtype of mpox believed to cause more severe illness and death, is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo and a dozen other African countries. This includes countries that hadn’t reported mpox cases previously, such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the reported cases are most likely just the “ tip of the iceberg .” Thousands of cases may remain undetected because of cavernous gaps in surveillance, testing and contact tracing.

Sweden’s case is the first of this kind of mpox outside Africa. The person had traveled to an area affected by the disease. While the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control says that the risk of severe disease among the general public remains low, it’s highly likely there could be more imported cases.

We shouldn’t discount the pandemic potential of mpox. If mpox cases were to seed in Europe, there could be rapid and sustained spread. Routine smallpox vaccinations were discontinued after the W.H.O. declared the disease eradicated in 1980. (The United States stopped routine vaccinations in 1972.) This means the world’s population, including in the United States, is relatively naïve to orthopoxviruses — the group of viruses that include mpox and smallpox. Given how effectively mpox can spread through sex and other kinds of close contact, for instance, in homes and hospitals where there’s insufficient protective gear, mpox could become a major threat.

This is the second time the W.H.O. has declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern. The last time was in 2022, when there was an outbreak of a different type of mpox centered on Europe and the United States, especially among men who have sex with men. It affected nearly 100,000 people and was largely quelled thanks to vaccines and behavior changes.

This dangerous subtype of mpox in countries that haven’t dealt with it before is cause for grave alarm. That is not only because of the risk to people’s health, but also because of what could happen to the world’s limited supply of vaccines.

A case in Sweden means there could be a temptation for rich countries to start hoarding mpox vaccine stocks for their own populations. This must be avoided at all costs.

Africa C.D.C. has estimated that it needs 10 million doses to stop the current outbreak. But as was the case with the Covid vaccines, mpox vaccines are in the hands of the world’s richest countries and companies. Denmark’s Bavarian Nordic is one of a few companies in the world with an approved mpox vaccine. An agreement between Africa C.D.C., the European Union and Bavarian Nordic has already been reached for the procurement and rapid distribution of about 200,000 doses, but many more are needed. The United States has said it will donate 50,000 doses to Congo from its stockpile. But this still leaves Africa nowhere near the 10 million doses needed.

Bavarian Nordic says that by the end of this year it could manufacture two million more doses, and then eight million doses next year, if purchase orders are made. But there is no clear commitment to make these doses affordable for African countries.

After the deeply inequitable global response to Covid-19, in June the W.H.O. adopted fundamental revisions to its International Health Regulations (which define countries’ legal obligations to prevent and control the international spread of disease). It also extended the deadline to complete a new comprehensive Pandemic Agreement until next May at the latest. These international legal measures are supposed to deliver the kind of emergency response the world failed to provide for Covid-19 — equity between rich and poor states and populations, rapid deployment of vaccines and true cooperation among countries facing a common threat.

Organizations of wealthy countries including the Group of 7 and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development should immediately convene with international development partners such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank to support financing for vaccines, as well as tests and laboratory support. Groups including Gavi, the global vaccine alliance, and UNICEF should draw on available financing mechanisms to procure and distribute vaccines to affected areas and provide operational help. Data about the outbreak must also be shared instantly.

The threat of mpox needs to be communicated to communities without stigmatization. This includes clear messages about protecting against transmission within people’s homes, delivered by trusted community members as messengers. Criminalization of same-sex sexual activity in some African countries could make access to vaccination or treatment more difficult.

Urgent, coordinated action is needed now — especially the equitable sharing of vaccines. Covid-19 and too many health emergencies before that have taught us that complacency and delayed action pose a threat to all of us.

Lawrence Gostin is a professor at Georgetown Law, where he directs the World Health Organization Center on Global Health Law. Sam Halabi is a professor at Georgetown’s School of Health and the director of the Center for Transformational Health Law at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown. Alexandra Finch is a senior associate at the O’Neill Institute.

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  • Section 2 - Interactions Between Travel Vaccines & Drugs
  • Section 2 - Travelers’ Diarrhea

Yellow Fever Vaccine & Malaria Prevention Information, by Country

Cdc yellow book 2024.

Author(s): Mark Gershman, Rhett Stoney (Yellow Fever) Holly Biggs, Kathrine Tan (Malaria)

The following pages present country-specific information on yellow fever (YF) vaccine requirements and recommendations, and malaria transmission information and prevention recommendations. Country-specific maps are included to aid in interpreting the information. The information in this chapter was accurate at the time of publication; however, it is subject to change at any time due to changes in disease transmission or, in the case of YF, changing entry requirements for travelers. Updated information reflecting changes since publication can be found in the online version of this book and on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers’ Health website. Recommendations for prevention of other travel-associated illnesses can also be found on the CDC Travelers’ Health website .

Yellow Fever Vaccine

Entry requirements.

Entry requirements for proof of YF vaccination under the International Health Regulations (IHR) differ from CDC’s YF vaccination recommendations. Under the IHR, countries are permitted to establish YF vaccine entry requirements to prevent the importation and transmission of YF virus within their boundaries. Certain countries require proof of vaccination from travelers arriving from all countries ( Table 5-25 ); some countries require proof of vaccination only for travelers above a certain age coming from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines areas with risk for YF virus transmission as countries or areas where YF virus activity has been reported currently or in the past, and where vectors and animal reservoirs exist.

Unless issued a medical waiver by a yellow fever vaccine provider, travelers must comply with entry requirements for proof of vaccination against YF.

WHO publishes a list of YF vaccine country entry requirements and recommendations for international travelers approximately annually. But because entry requirements are subject to change at any time, health care professionals and travelers should refer to the online version of this book and the CDC Travelers’ Health website for any updates before departure.

CDC Recommendations

CDC’s YF vaccine recommendations are guidance intended to protect travelers from acquiring YF virus infections during international travel. These recommendations are based on a classification system for destination-specific risk for YF virus transmission: endemic, transitional, low potential for exposure, and no risk ( Table 2-08 ). CDC recommends YF vaccination for travel to areas classified as having endemic or transitional risk (Maps 5-10 and 5-11 ). Because of changes in YF virus circulation, however, recommendations can change; therefore, before departure, travelers and clinicians should check CDC’s destination pages for up-to-date YF vaccine information.

Duration of Protection

In 2015, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices published a recommendation that 1 dose of YF vaccine provides long-lasting protection and is adequate for most travelers. The recommendation also identifies specific groups of travelers who should receive additional doses, and others for whom additional doses should be considered (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 26, Yellow Fever ). In July 2016, WHO officially amended the IHR to stipulate that a completed International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is valid for the lifetime of the vaccinee, and YF vaccine booster doses are not necessary. Moreover, countries cannot require proof of revaccination (booster) against YF as a condition of entry, even if the traveler’s last vaccination was >10 years ago.

Ultimately, when deciding whether to vaccinate travelers, clinicians should take into account destination-specific risks for YF virus infection, and individual risk factors (e.g., age, immune status) for serious YF vaccine–associated adverse events, in the context of the entry requirements. See Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 26, Yellow Fever , for a full discussion of YF disease and vaccination guidance.

Table 2-08 Yellow fever (YF) vaccine recommendation categories 1

Malaria prevention.

The following recommendations to protect travelers from malaria were developed using the best available data from multiple sources. Countries are not required to submit malaria surveillance data to CDC. On an ongoing basis, CDC actively solicits data from multiple sources, including WHO (main and regional offices); national malaria control programs; international organizations; CDC overseas offices; US military; academic, research, and aid organizations; and the published scientific literature. The reliability and accuracy of those data are also assessed.

If the information is available, trends in malaria incidence and other data are considered in the context of malaria control activities within a given country or other mitigating factors (e.g., natural disasters, wars, the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic) that can affect the ability to control malaria or accurately count and report it. Factors such as the volume of travel to that country and the number of acquired cases reported in the US surveillance system are also examined. In developing its recommendations, CDC considers areas within countries where malaria transmission occurs, substantial occurrences of antimalarial drug resistance, the proportions of species present, and the available malaria prophylaxis options.

Clinicians should use these recommendations in conjunction with an individual risk assessment and consider not only the destination but also the detailed itinerary, including specific cities, types of accommodations, season, and style of travel, as well as special health conditions (e.g., pregnancy). Several medications are available for malaria prophylaxis. When deciding which drug to use, consider the itinerary and length of trip, travelers’ previous adverse reactions to antimalarials, drug allergies, medical history, and drug costs. For a thorough discussion of malaria and guidance for prophylaxis, see Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 16, Malaria .


Entry requirements : None

CDC recommendations : Not recommended

  • All areas <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation (April–December)
  • Chloroquine
  • P. vivax  (primarily)
  • P. falciparum (less commonly)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

Other Vaccines to Consider

See Health Information for Travelers to Afghanistan

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission 1

No malaria transmission

See Health Information for Travelers to Albania

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

See Health Information for Travelers to Algeria

American Samoa (US)

See Health Information for Travelers to American Samoa

See Health Information for Travelers to Andorra

Entry requirements : Required for arriving travelers  ≥9 months old

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old

  • P. falciparum (primarily)
  • P. malariae , P. ovale , and P. vivax (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Angola

Anguilla (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Anguilla (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Antarctica

Antigua and Barbuda

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

See Health Information for Travelers to Antigua and Barbuda

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to Corrientes and Misiones Provinces. Generally not recommended for travel to Formosa Province or to designated areas of Chaco, Jujuy, and Salta Provinces. Not recommended for travel limited to provinces and areas not listed above.

Related Maps

Map 2-01 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Argentina & neighboring countries

See Health Information for Travelers to Argentina

See Health Information for Travelers to Armenia

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 Entry will be denied if a valid vaccination certificate cannot be provided.

See Health Information for Travelers to Aruba

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 Travelers arriving from the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador are exempt from this requirement.

See Health Information for Travelers to Australia

See Health Information for Travelers to Austria

See Health Information for Travelers to Azerbaijan

Azores (Portugal)

See Health Information for Travelers to Azores

Bahamas, The

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

See Health Information for Travelers to The Bahamas

See Health Information for Travelers to Bahrain

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

  • Districts of Chittagong Hill Tract (Bandarban, Khagrachari, and Rangamati); and the following districts: Chattogram (Chittagong) and Cox’s Bazar (in Chattogram [Chittagong] Division); Mymensingh, Netrakona, and Sherpur (in Mymensingh Division); Kurigram (in Rangpur Division); Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj, and Sylhet (in Sylhet Division)
  • No malaria transmission in Dhaka (the capital)
  • P. falciparum (90%)
  • P. vivax (10%)
  • P. malariae  (rare)

See Health Information for Travelers to Bangladesh

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 Travelers arriving from Guyana or Trinidad & Tobago are exempt from this requirement, unless an outbreak is occurring.

See Health Information for Travelers to Barbados

See Health Information for Travelers to Belarus

See Health Information for Travelers to Belgium

  • Rare transmission
  • No malaria transmission in Belize City or on islands frequented by tourists (e.g., Ambergris Caye)
  • P. vivax (primarily)
  • None (insect bite precautions / mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Belize

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers ≥9 months old

  • P. falciparum  (primarily)
  • P. malariae ,  P. ovale,  and  P. vivax  (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Benin

Bermuda (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Bermuda (U.K.)

  • Rare cases in rural areas <1,700 m (≈5,500 ft) elevation in districts along the southern border shared with India
  • P. falciparum  (less commonly)
  • None (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Bhutan

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to areas <2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation, east of the Andes Mountains: the entire departments of Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz, and designated areas in the departments of Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, and Tarija. Not recommended for travel limited to areas >2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation and any areas not listed above, including the cities of La Paz (administrative capital) and Sucre (constitutional [legislative and judicial] capital).

  • All areas <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation
  • No malaria transmission in La Paz (administrative capital)
  • P. vivax  (99%)
  • P. falciparum  (1%)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , tafenoquine 3

Map 2-02. Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Bolivia & neighboring countries

See Health Information for Travelers to Bolivia

See Health Information for Travelers to Bonaire

Bosnia and Herzegovina

See Health Information for Travelers to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes transits through countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

  • Districts/ subdistricts of Bobirwa, Boteti, Chobe (including Chobe National Park), Ghanzi, Mahalapye, Ngamiland (Ngami), North East (including its capital, Francistown), Okavango, Serowe/ Palapye, and Tutume
  • Rare cases or sporadic foci of transmission in districts/ subdistricts of Kgalagadi North, Kgatleng, Kweneng, and Southern
  • No malaria transmission in Gaborone (the capital)
  • P. malariae ,  P. ovale , and  P. vivax  (less commonly)
  • Districts/subdistricts of Bobirwa, Boteti, Chobe (including Chobe National Park), Ghanzi, Mahalapye, Ngamiland (Ngami), North-East (including its capital, Francistown), Okavango, Serowe/Palapye, and Tutume: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • Areas with rare cases or sporadic foci of transmission: no chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Botswana

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Distrito Federal (including the capital city, Brasília), Espírito Santo,* Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná,* Piauí, Rio de Janeiro (including the city of Rio de Janeiro and all coastal islands),* Rio Grande do Sul,* Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina,* São Paulo (including the city of São Paulo and all coastal islands),* Tocantins, and designated areas of Bahia*. Vaccination is also recommended for travelers going to Iguaçu Falls. Not recommended for travel limited to any areas not listed above, including the cities of Fortaleza and Recife *In 2017, in response to a large YF outbreak in multiple eastern states, CDC expanded its vaccination recommendations for travelers going to Brazil. The expanded YF vaccination recommendations for these states are preliminary. For updates, refer to the CDC Travelers’ Health website.

  • All areas in the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Rondônia, and Roraima
  • Present in the states of Maranhão, Mato Grosso, and Pará, but rare cases in their capital cities (São Luis [capital of Maranhão], Cuiabá [capital of Mato Grosso], Belém [capital of Pará])
  • Rural and forested areas in the states of Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, São Paolo, and Tocantins
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of Brasília (the capital), Rio de Janeiro, or São Paolo
  • No malaria transmission at Iguaçu Falls
  • P. vivax  (90%)
  • P. falciparum  (10%)
  • Areas with rare cases: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4
  • Map 2-03 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Brazil & neighboring countries
  • Map 2-04 Malaria prevention in Brazil

See Health Information for Travelers to Brazil

British Indian Ocean Territory; includes Diego Garcia (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to British Indian Ocean Territory (U.K.)

  • No human malaria
  • Rare transmission of P. knowlesi 6 in primarily forested or forest-fringe areas
  • P. knowlesi 6 (100%)
  • None (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Brunei

See Health Information for Travelers to Bulgaria

Burkina Faso

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers ≥9 months old

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old.

  • P. malariae ,  P. ovale , and  P. vivax (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Burkina Faso

Burma (Myanmar)

  • All areas <1,000 m (≈3,300 ft) elevation, including Bagan
  • Rare transmission in areas >1,000 m (≈3,300 ft) elevation
  • Chloroquine and mefloquine
  • P. vivax (60%)
  • P. falciparum (40%)
  • P. knowlesi 6 , P. malariae , and P. ovale (rare)
  • Areas <1,000 m (≈3,300 ft) elevation in the regions of Bago and Tanintharyi, and in the states of Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, and Shan: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, tafenoquine 3
  • Areas <1,000 m (≈3,300 ft) elevation in all other areas: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine  3
  • Areas >1,000 m (≈3,300 ft) elevation: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only)  4

See Health Information for Travelers to Burma (Myanmar)

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers ≥9 months old.

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old.

See Health Information for Travelers to Burundi

  • Present throughout the country
  • No (or negligible) malaria transmission in the cities of Phnom Penh (the capital) and Siem Reap
  • No (or negligible) malaria transmission at the main temple complex at Angkor Wat
  • P. vivax (80%)
  • P. falciparum (20%)
  • P. knowlesi 6 (rare)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Cambodia

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers ≥1 year old.

See Health Information for Travelers to Cameroon

See Health Information for Travelers to Canada

Canary Islands ( Spain )

See Health Information for Travelers to Canary Islands (Spain)

  • No indigenous cases reported since 2018
  • Previously, rare cases on Santiago (São Tiago) Island and Boa Vista Island
  • Previously, chloroquine
  • Previously, P. falciparum (primarily)

See Health Information for Travelers to Cape Verde

Cayman Islands (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Cayman Islands (U.K.)

Central African Republic

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers ≥9 months old .

See Health Information for Travelers to Central African Republic

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to areas south of the Sahara Desert. Not recommended for travel limited to areas in the Sahara Desert.

See Health Information for Travelers to Chad

See Health Information for Travelers to Chile

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 Travelers with itineraries limited to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) or Macao SAR are exempt from this requirement.

See Health Information for Travelers to China

Christmas Island (Australia)

See Health Information for Travelers to Christmas Island (Australia)

Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia)

See Health Information for Travelers to Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia)

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from Angola, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Uganda; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in any of these countries.

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old except as follows. Generally not recommended for travel limited to the cities of Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena, or Medellín. Not recommended for travel limited to areas >2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation, the archipelago department of San Andrés and Providencia, or the city of Bogotá (the capital).

  • All areas <1,700 m (≈5,600 ft) elevation
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of Bogotá (the capital), Cartagena, or Medellín
  • P. falciparum  (50%)
  • P. vivax  (50%)

Map 2-05 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Colombia & neighboring countries

See Health Information for Travelers to Colombia

  • P. malariae and P. vivax (rare)

See Health Information for Travelers to Comoros

Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville)

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers ≥9 months old.

See Health Information for Travelers to Congo, Republic of the

Cook Islands (New Zealand)

See Health Information for Travelers to Cook Islands (New Zealand)

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 Included in this requirement are travelers arriving from Tanzania and Zambia, and designated areas of: Colombia (the entire country, except the cities of Barranquilla, Bogotá, Cali, Cartagena, and Medellín, and the archipelago department, San Andrés and Providencia); Ecuador (the provinces of Morona-Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Sucumbíos, and Zamora-Chinchipe, and excluding the rest of the country); Paraguay (the entire country, except the city of Asunción); Peru (the entire country, except the cities of Cusco and Lima, the regions of Cajamarca, Lambayeque, Piura, and Tumbes, and the highland tourist areas of Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail); Trinidad & Tobago (the entire country, except the urban areas of Port of Spain; travelers with itineraries limited to the island of Tobago, and travelers with airport transits or layovers are also exempt from this requirement). Travelers arriving from Argentina and Panama are exempt from this requirement.

  • Present in the provinces of Alajuela and Limón
  • Rare to no transmission in other parts of the country
  • P. falciparum (86%)
  • P. vivax (14%)
  • Alajuela and Limón Provinces: Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas: None (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Costa Rica

Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

See Health Information for Travelers to Côte d'Ivoire

See Health Information for Travelers to Croatia

See Health Information for Travelers to Cuba

Curaçao, Netherlands

See other recommended vaccines and medicines for travelers to Curaçao

See Health Information for Travelers to Cyprus

See Health Information for Travelers to Czech Republic

Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old

See Health Information for Travelers to Democratic Republic of the Congo

See Health Information for Travelers to Denmark

  • P. falciparum (60–70%)
  • P. vivax (30–40%)
  • P. ovale (rare)

See Health Information for Travelers to Djibouti

See Health Information for Travelers to Dominica

Dominican Republic

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from the following states in Brazil: Espírito Santo, Mina Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in any of these states

  • Primarily in the provinces near the border with Haiti, and the provinces (including resort areas) of La Altagracia, San Cristóbal, San Juan, and Santo Domingo
  • In the Distrito Nacional, city of Santo Domingo (the capital), primarily in the La Ciénaga and Los Tres Brazos areas
  • Rare transmission in other provinces
  • P. falciparum  (100%)
  • Provinces near the border with Haiti, and the provinces (including resort areas) of La Altagracia, San Cristóbal, San Juan, and Santo Domingo: Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Dominican Republic

Easter Island (Chile)

Entry requirements : Easter Island has not stated its YF vaccination certificate requirements

See Health Information for Travelers to Easter Island (Chile) .

Ecuador, including the Galápagos Islands

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Uganda; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in any of these countries .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to areas <2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation, east of the Andes Mountains, in the provinces of Morona-Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Sucumbíos, Tungurahua,* and Zamora-Chinchipe. Generally not recommended for travel limited to areas <2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation, west of the Andes Mountains, in the provinces of Esmeraldas,* Guayas, Los Ríos, Manabí, Santa Elena, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, and designated areas in the provinces of Azuay, Bolívar, Cañar, Carchi, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Imbabura, Loja, and Pichincha. Not recommended for travel limited to areas >2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation, the cities of Guayaquil or Quito (the capital), or the Galápagos Islands *CDC recommendations differ from those published by WHO .

  • Areas <1,500 m (≈5,000 ft) elevation in the provinces of Carchi, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Morona-Santiago, Orellana, Pastaza, and Sucumbíos
  • Rare cases <1,500 m (≈5,000 ft) in all other provinces
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of Guayaquil or Quito (the capital)
  • No malaria transmission on the Galápagos Islands
  • P. vivax  (85%)
  • P. falciparum  (15%)
  • Transmission areas in the provinces of Carchi, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Morona-Santiago, Orellana, Pastaza, and Sucumbíos: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with reported malaria transmission: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

Map 2-06 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Ecuador & neighboring countries

See Health Information for Travelers to Ecuador .

See Health Information for Travelers to Egypt .

El Salvador

See Health Information for Travelers to El Salvador .

Equatorial Guinea

  • P. malariae, P. ovale , and P. vivax  (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Equatorial Guinea .

CDC recommendations : Generally not recommended for travel to the regions of: Anseba, Debub (also known as South or Southern Region), Gash Barka, Ma’ekel (also known as Ma’akel or Central Region), or Semenawi K’eyih Bahri (also known as Northern Red Sea Region). Not recommended for travel to any areas not listed above, including the Dahlak Archipelago.

  • All areas <2,200 m (≈7,200 ft) elevation
  • No malaria transmission in Asmara (the capital)
  • P. falciparum  (80–85%)
  • P. vivax (15–20%)
  • P. malariae and P. ovale (rare)

Map 5-10 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Africa

See Health Information for Travelers to Eritrea .

See Health Information for Travelers to Estonia .

Eswatini (Swaziland)

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

  • Eastern areas bordering Mozambique and South Africa, including the entire region of Lubombo and the eastern half of Hhohho, Manzini, and Shiselweni Regions
  • P. malariae , P. ovale , and  P. vivax  (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Swaziland .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old except as follows. Generally not recommended for travel limited to the regions of Afar or Somali.

  • All areas <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation, except none in Addis Ababa (the capital)
  • P. falciparum  (80%)
  • P. vivax  (20%)
  • P. malariae and P. ovale  (rare)

Map 2-07 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Ethiopia & neighboring countries

See Health Information for Travelers to Ethiopia .

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), UK Overseas Territory (also claimed by Argentina)

See Health Information for Travelers to Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) .

Faroe Islands (Denmark)

See Health Information for Travelers to Faroe Islands (Denmark) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Fiji .

See Health Information for Travelers to Finland .

See Health Information for Travelers to France .

French Guiana

  • Areas associated with gold mining, primarily the communes near the border with Brazil and Suriname, especially Régina and Saint-Georges-de-l’Oyapock; also, the communes of Kourou, Matoury, and Saint-Élie
  • No malaria transmission in coastal areas west of Kourou
  • No malaria transmission in Cayenne City (the capital)
  • P. falciparum (15%)

See Health Information for Travelers to French Guiana (France) .

French Polynesia, including the Society Islands [Bora-Bora, Moorea & Tahiti]; Marquesas Islands [Hiva Oa & Ua Huka]; and Austral Islands (Tubuai & Rurutu), France

See Health Information for Travelers to French Polynesia (France) .

  • P. malariae , P. ovale , and P. vivax  (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Gabon .

Gambia, The

See Health Information for Travelers to The Gambia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Georgia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Germany .

  • P. malariae,   P. ovale, and   P. vivax (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Ghana .

Gibraltar (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Gibraltar (U.K.) .

  • Rare, local transmission in agricultural areas, associated with imported malaria (May–November)
  • No malaria transmission in tourist areas
  • Not applicable
  • P. vivax  (100%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Greece .

Greenland (Denmark)

See Health Information for Travelers to Greenland (Denmark) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Grenada .

Guadeloupe (including Marie-Galante, La Désirade & Îles des Saintes)

See Health Information for Travelers to Guadeloupe .

Guam (U.S.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Guam (U.S.) .

  • Primarily in the departments of Alta Verapaz, Escuintla, Izabal, Petén, and Suchitapéquez
  • Few cases reported in other departments
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of Antigua or Guatemala City (the capital)
  • No malaria transmission at Lake Atitlán
  • P. vivax (99%)
  • P. falciparum  (1%)
  • Departments of Alta Verapaz, Escuintla, Izabal, Petén, and Suchitapéquez: Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , tafenoquine 3
  • Other areas with reported malaria transmission: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Guatemala .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 Required for all arriving travelers from all countries if traveler is ≥9 months of age and arriving at Ahmed Sékou Touré International Airport in Conakry.

See Health Information for Travelers to Guinea .


See Health Information for Travelers to Guinea-Bissau .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >4-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

  • Rare cases in the cities of Georgetown (the capital) and New Amsterdam
  • All areas (except the cities of Georgetown and New Amsterdam): Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • Cities of Georgetown and Amsterdam: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Guyana .

  • All (including Labadee, also known as Port Labadee)
  • P. falciparum (99%)
  • P. malariae  (rare)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Haiti .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers 1-60 years old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

  • Throughout the country and on the island of Roat á n and other Bay Islands
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of San Pedro Sula or Tegucigalpa (the capital)
  • P. vivax (93%)
  • P. falciparum  (7%)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Honduras .

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China

See Health Information for Travelers to Hong Kong SAR (China) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Hungary .

See Health Information for Travelers to Iceland .

  • Arrive within 6 days of leaving an area with risk for YF virus transmission, or
  • Have been in such an area in transit (exception: passengers and members of flight crews who, while in transit through an airport in an area with risk for YF virus transmission, remained in the airport during their entire stay and the health officer agrees to such an exemption), or
  • Arrive on a ship that started from or touched at any port in an area with risk for YF virus transmission ≤30 days before its arrival in India, unless such a ship has been disinsected in accordance with the procedure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), or
  • Arrive on an aircraft that has been in an area with risk for YF virus transmission and has not been disinsected in accordance with the Indian Aircraft Public Health Rules, 1954, or as recommended by WHO.
  • Africa: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Uganda
  • Americas: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad only), Venezuela
  • Throughout the country, including the cities of Bombay (Mumbai) and New Delhi (the capital)
  • No malaria transmission in areas >2,000 m (≈6,500 ft) elevation in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, or Sikkim
  • P. vivax (50%)
  • P. falciparum (>40%)

See Health Information for Travelers to India .

  • All areas of eastern Indonesia (the provinces of Maluku, North Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, and West Papua), including the town of Labuan Bajo and the Komodo Islands in the Nusa Tenggara region
  • Rural areas of Kalimantan (Borneo), West Nusa Tenggara (includes the island of Lombok), Sulawesi, and Sumatra
  • Low transmission in rural areas of Java, including Pangandaran, Sukabumi, and Ujung Kulon
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of Jakarta (the capital) or Ubud
  • No malaria transmission in the resort areas of Bali or Java, the Gili Islands, or the Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu)
  • Chloroquine ( P. falciparum and P. vivax )
  • P. falciparum (60%)
  • P. vivax (40%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Indonesia .

  • Previously, March-November in rural areas of Fars Province, Sistan-Baluchestan Province, and southern, tropical parts of Hormozgan and Kerman Provinces.
  • Recent outbreaks in Sistan-Baluchestan Province near the border with Pakistan.
  • P. vivax (90%)
  • Sistan-Baluchestan Province along the border with Pakistan: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 2
  • All other areas with previous transmission: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Iran .

See Health Information for Travelers to Iraq .

See Health Information for Travelers to Ireland .

See Health Information for Travelers to Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza .

Italy (including Holy See [Vatican City])

See Health Information for Travelers to Italy .

See Health Information for Travelers to Jamaica .

See Health Information for Travelers to Japan .

See Health Information for Travelers to Jordan .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

See Health Information for Travelers to Kazakhstan .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old except as follows. Generally not recommended for travel limited to: the city of Nairobi (the capital); the counties of the former North Eastern Province (Mandera, Wajir, and Garissa); or the counties (except Taita-Taveta) of the former Coast Province (Kilifi, including the city of Malindi; Kwale; Lamu; Mombasa, including the city of Mombasa; Tana River) .

  • All areas (including game parks) <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation, including the city of Nairobi (the capital)
  • Map 2-08 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Kenya & neighboring countries
  • Map 2-09 Malaria prevention in Kenya

See Health Information for Travelers to Kenya .

Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Islands), includes Tarawa, Tabuaeran (Fanning Island), and Banaba (Ocean Island)

See Health Information for Travelers to Kiribati .

See Health Information for Travelers to Kosovo .

See Health Information for Travelers to Kuwait .

See Health Information for Travelers to Kyrgyzstan .

  • All, except in Vientiane (the capital) where there is no transmission
  • P. vivax (55%)
  • P. falciparum (45%)
  • P. knowlesi 6 , P. malariae, and P. ovale (rare)
  • Areas bordering Burma (the provinces of Bokeo and Luang Namtha), Cambodia; Thailand (the provinces of Champasak and Salavan); and Vietnam: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with malaria transmission: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Laos .

See Health Information for Travelers to Latvia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Lebanon .

See Health Information for Travelers to Lesotho .

See Health Information for Travelers to Liberia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Libya .


See Health Information for Travelers to Liechtenstein .

See Health Information for Travelers to Lithuania .

See Health Information for Travelers to Luxembourg .

Macau Special Administrative Region, China

See Health Information for Travelers to Macau SAR (China) .

  • All; except in Antananarivo (the capital) where malaria transmission is rare
  • P. ovale and P. vivax (less commonly)
  • All areas (except the city of Antananarivo): Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • Antananarivo: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Madagascar .

Madeira Islands (Portugal)

See Health Information for Travelers to Madeira Islands (Portugal) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Malawi .

  • No indigenous cases of human malaria since 2017
  • Zoonotic transmission of simian malaria occurs in rural, forested areas
  • No malaria transmission in other areas, including Kuala Lumpur (the capital), in Penang State, on Penang Island, or in George Town (capital of Penang State)
  • P. knowlesi 6 (primarily)
  • Previously, P. falciparum , P. malariae , P. ovale , and P. vivax
  • In rural, forested areas: atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Malaysia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Maldives .

See Health Information for Travelers to Mali .

See Health Information for Travelers to Malta .

Marshall Islands

See Health Information for Travelers to Marshall Islands .

See Health Information for Travelers to Martinique (France) .

  • All; except in the regions of Dakhlet Nouadhibou and Tiris Zemmour where there is no transmission

See Health Information for Travelers to Mauritania .

See Health Information for Travelers to Mauritius .

Mayotte (France)

See Health Information for Travelers to Mayotte (France) .

  • Chiapas and southern part of Chihuahua state
  • Rare in the states of Campeche, Durango, Nayarit, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Tabasco
  • No malaria transmission along the U.S.–Mexico border
  • Chiapas and southern part of Chihuahua state: Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with malaria transmission: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

Map 2-10 Malaria prevention in Mexico

See Health Information for Travelers to Mexico .

Micronesia, Federated States of (including Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei & Yap)

See Health Information for Travelers to Micronesia, Federated States of .

See Health Information for Travelers to Moldova .

See Health Information for Travelers to Monaco .

See Health Information for Travelers to Mongolia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Montenegro .

Montserrat, United Kingdom

See Health Information for Travelers to Montserrat (U.K.) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Morocco .

See Health Information for Travelers to Mozambique .

  • In the regions of Kavango (East and West), Kunene, Ohangwena, Omaheke, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, Otjozondjupa, and Zambezi
  • Rare in other parts of the country
  • No malaria transmission in Windhoek (the capital)
  • Kavango (East and West), Kunene, Ohangwena, Omaheke, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, Otjozondjupa, and Zambezi: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Namibia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Nauru .

  • Throughout the country in areas <2,000 m (≈6,500 ft) elevation
  • No malaria transmission in Kathmandu (the capital) or on typical Himalayan treks
  • P. falciparum (<10%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Nepal .


See Health Information for Travelers to The Netherlands .

Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustasius, and St. Maarten)

Entry requirements : See Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustasius, and St. Maarten for yellow fever information.

  • See Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustasius, and St. Maarten for malaria information.

New Caledonia (France)

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 In the event of an epidemic threat to the territory, a specific vaccination certificate may be required.

See Health Information for Travelers to New Caledonia (France) .

New Zealand

See Health Information for Travelers to New Zealand .

  • Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte (RAAN) and Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur (RAAS)
  • Rare cases in the departments of Boaco, Chinandega, Estelí, Jinotega, León, Matagalpa, and Nueva Segovia
  • No malaria transmission in Managua (the capital)
  • P. falciparum  (20%)
  • Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte (RAAN) and Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur (RAAS): Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to Nicaragua .

See Health Information for Travelers to Niger .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old.  

See Health Information for Travelers to Nigeria .

Niue (New Zealand)

See Health Information for Travelers to Niue (New Zealand) .

Norfolk Island (Australia)

See Health Information for Travelers to Norfolk Island (Australia) .

North Korea

  • Southern provinces
  • P. vivax (100%)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to North Korea .

North Macedonia

See Health Information for Travelers to North Macedonia .

Northern Mariana Islands (U.S.), includes Saipan, Tinian, and Rota Island

See Health Information for Travelers to Northern Mariana Islands (U.S.) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Norway .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission, with the addition of Rwanda and Tanzania; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

  • Rare sporadic transmission after importation only
  • Previously, P. falciparum and P. vivax

See Health Information for Travelers to Oman .

  • All areas (including all cities) <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation

See Health Information for Travelers to Pakistan .

See Health Information for Travelers to Palau .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to all mainland areas east of the Canal Zone including Darién Province, the indigenous provinces (comarcas indígena) of Emberá and Kuna Yala (also spelled Guna Yala), and areas of the provinces of Colón and Panamá, east of the Canal Zone. Not recommended for travel limited to the Canal Zone; areas west of the Canal Zone; Panama City (the capital); Balboa district (Pearl Islands) of Panamá Province; or the San Blas Islands of Kuna Yala Province.

  • The provinces of Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, Colón, Darién, Panamá, and Veraguas
  • The indigenous provinces (comarcas indígena) of Emberá, Kuna Yala (also spelled Guna Yala) and Ngäbe-Buglé
  • No malaria transmission in the province of Panamá Oeste, in the Canal Zone, or in Panama City (the capital)
  • Chloroquine (east of the Panama Canal)
  • P. vivax (97%)
  • P. falciparum  (3%)
  • Darién, Emberá, Kuna Yala, and eastern Panamá Provinces : Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , tafenoquine 3
  • Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, Colón, Veraguas, and Ngäbe-Buglé Provinces : Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , tafenoquine 3
  • Map 2-11 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Panama & neighboring countries
  • Map 2-12 Malaria prevention in Panama

See Health Information for Travelers to Panama .

Papua New Guinea

  • Chloroquine (both P. falciparum and P. vivax )
  • P. falciparum (75%)
  • P. vivax (25%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Papua New Guinea .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, or Venezuela; this includes this includes >24-hour transits or layovers in those countries 1

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old except as follows. Generally not recommended for travel limited to the city of Asunción (the capital).

See Health Information for Travelers to Paraguay .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to areas <2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation in the regions of Amazonas, Cusco, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco, Puno, San Martín, and Ucayali, and designated areas of Ancash (far northeast), Apurímac (far north), Ayacucho (north and northeast), Cajamarca (north and east), Huancavelica (far north), La Libertad (east), and Piura (east). Generally not recommended for travel limited to the following areas west of the Andes: the regions of Lambayeque and Tumbes, and designated areas of Cajamarca (west-central), and Piura (west). Not recommended for travel limited to areas >2,300 m (≈7,550 ft) elevation, areas west of the Andes not listed above, the city of Lima (the capital), and the highland tourist areas (the city of Cusco, the Inca Trail, and Machu Picchu).

  • All areas of the country <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation, including the cities of Iquitos and Puerto Maldonado, and only the remote eastern areas in the regions of La Libertad and Lambayeque
  • No malaria transmission in the following areas: Lima Province; the cities of Arequipa, Ica, Moquegua, Nazca, Puno, or Tacna; the highland tourist areas (the city of Cusco, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca); along the Pacific Coast
  • Map 2-13 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Peru & neighboring countries
  • Map 2-14 Malaria prevention in Peru

See Health Information for Travelers to Peru .


  • Palawan and Mindanao Islands
  • No malaria transmission in metropolitan Manila (the capital) or other urban areas
  • P. falciparum (85%)
  • P. vivax (15%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Philippines .

Pitcairn Islands (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Pitcairn Islands (U.K.) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Poland .

See Health Information for Travelers to Portugal .

Puerto Rico (U.S.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Puerto Rico (U.S.) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Qatar .

Réunion (France)

See Health Information for Travelers to Réunion (France) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Romania .

See Health Information for Travelers to Russia .

CDC recommendations : Generally not recommended for travel to Rwanda.

See Health Information for Travelers to Rwanda .

Saba, Netherlands

See Health Information for Travelers to Saba .

Saint Barthelemy, France

Saint helena, united kingdom.

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1 *For YF vaccine entry requirements and recommendations and malaria prevention information for Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha archipelago, see: UNITED KINGDOM (including CHANNEL ISLANDS, ISLE OF MAN, ASCENSION ISLAND & TRISTAN DA CUNHA ARCHIPELAGO)

See Health Information for Travelers to Saint Helena (U.K.) .

Saint Kitts (Saint Christopher) & Nevis

See Health Information for Travelers to Saint Kitts and Nevis .

Saint Lucia

See Health Information for Travelers to Saint Lucia .

Saint Martin, France

Saint pierre and miquelon (france).

See Health Information for Travelers to Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) .

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

See Health Information for Travelers to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .

Samoa (formerly Western Somoa)

See Health Information for Travelers to Samoa (formerly Western Samoa) .

See Health Information for Travelers to San Marino .

São Tomé and Príncipe

CDC recommendations : Generally not recommended for travel to São Tomé and Príncipe.

See Health Information for Travelers to São Tomé and Príncipe.

Saudi Arabia

  • Asir and Jazan (also spelled Jizan) Regions near the Yemen border only
  • No malaria transmission in the cities of Jeddah, Mecca, Medina, Riyadh (the capital), or Ta’if
  • P. vivax (rare)

See Health Information for Travelers to Saudi Arabia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Senegal .

See Health Information for Travelers to Serbia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Seychelles .

Sierra Leone

Entry requirements : Required for all arriving travelers.

See Health Information for Travelers to Sierra Leone .

See Health Information for Travelers to Singapore .

Sint Eustatius, Netherlands

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥6 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

See Health Information for Travelers to Sint Eustatius .

Sint Maarten, Netherlands

See Health Information for Travelers to Sint Maarten .

See Health Information for Travelers to Slovakia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Slovenia .

Solomon Islands

  • P. vivax (70%)
  • P. falciparum (30%)
  • P. ovale (<1%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Solomon Islands .

CDC recommendations : Generally not recommended for travel to the regions of Bakool, Banaadir, Bay, Galguduud, Gedo, Hiiraan (also spelled Hiran), Lower Juba (also known as Jubbada Hoose), Middle Juba (also known as Jubbada Dhexe), Lower Shabelle (also known as Shabeellaha Hoose), or Middle Shabelle (also known as Shabeellaha Dhexe). Not recommended for travel to areas not listed above.

  • P. vivax (5–10%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Somalia .

South Africa

  • Along the border with Mozambique and Zimbabwe
  • KwaZulu-Natal Province: uMkhanyakude District; the districts of King Cetshwayo and Zululand (few cases) Limpopo Province: the districts of Mopani and Vhembe; the districts of Capricorn, Greater Sekhukhune, and Waterberg (few cases)
  • Mpumalanga Province: Ehlanzeni District
  • Kruger National Park
  • KwaZulu-Natal Province (uMkhanyakude District); Limpopo Province (the districts of Mopani and Vhembe); Mpumalanga Province (Ehlanzeni District); and Kruger National Park: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with malaria transmission (including the districts of King Cetshwayo and Zululand in KwaZulu-Natal Province, and the districts of Capricorn, Greater Sekhukhune, and Waterberg in Limpopo Province): No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

Map 2-15 Malaria prevention in South Africa

See Health Information for Travelers to South Africa .

South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands, UK Overseas Territory (also claimed by Argentina)

Entry requirements : South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands has not stated its YF vaccination certificate requirements.

See Health Information for Travelers to South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (U.K.) .

South Korea

Entry requirements : Required if traveling from a country with risk of YF virus transmission and ≥1 year of age. 1

  • Limited to the months of March– December in rural areas in the northern parts of the provinces of Inch’ŏn (also spelled Incheon), Kangwŏn (also spelled Gangwon), and Kyŏnggi (also spelled Gyeonggi), including the demilitarized zone (DMZ)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, chloroquine, doxycycline, mefloquine, primaquine 5 , or tafenoquine 3

See Health Information for Travelers to South Korea .

South Sudan

See Health Information for Travelers to South Sudan .

See Health Information for Travelers to Spain .

See Health Information for Travelers to Sri Lanka .

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to areas south of the Sahara Desert. Not recommended for travel limited to areas in the Sahara Desert or the city of Khartoum (the capital).

See Health Information for Travelers to Sudan .

  • Primarily in Sipaliwini District, near the border with French Guiana
  • Limited transmission in Brokopondo, Marowijne, and Para (near the border with French Guiana)
  • No malaria transmission in the districts along the Atlantic Coast or in Paramaribo (the capital)
  • Sipaliwini District near the border with French Guiana: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with malaria transmission: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions / mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Suriname .

See Health Information for Travelers to Sweden .


See Health Information for Travelers to Switzerland .

See Health Information for Travelers to Syria .

See Health Information for Travelers to Taiwan .

  • No indigenous cases reported since 2014
  • Previously, P. vivax (90%)
  • Previously, P. falciparum  (10%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Tajikistan .

CDC recommendations : Generally not recommended for travel to Tanzania.

  • All areas below 1,800 m (≈5,900 ft) elevation
  • P. malariae and P. ovale (less commonly)

See Health Information for Travelers to Tanzania .

  • Primarily the provinces that border Burma, Cambodia (few cases in Buri Ram Province), and Malaysia (few cases in Satun Province) Also, the provinces of Phitsanulok and Ubon Ratchathani (bordering Laos), and Surat Thani (especially in the rural forest and forest-fringe areas of these provinces)
  • Rare to few cases in other parts of Thailand, including the cities of Bangkok (the capital), Chiang Mai, and Chiang Rai, or on the islands of Koh Pha Ngan, Koh Samui, or Phuket
  • No malaria transmission on the islands of Krabi Province (Ko Lanta, Koh Phi, Koh Yao Noi, Koh Yao Yai) or in Pattaya City
  • P. falciparum (<20%)
  • Provinces that border Burma, Cambodia (except Buri Ram Province), and Malaysia (except Satun Province); the provinces of Phitsanulok, Ubon Ratchathani, and Surat Thani: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with malaria transmission (including the provinces of Buri Ram and Satun): No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions and mosquito avoidance only) 4

Map 2-16 Malaria prevention in Thailand

See Health Information for Travelers to Thailand .


  • Rare cases; outbreak in Indonesia border area in mid-2020
  • Previously, P. falciparum (50%)
  • Previously, P. vivax (50%)
  • Previously, P. malariae  and  P. ovale  (each <1%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Timor-Leste (East Timor) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Togo .

Tokelau (New Zealand)

See Health Information for Travelers to Tokelau (New Zealand) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Tonga .

Trinidad and Tobago

CDC recommendations : Recommended for travelers ≥9 months old going to densely forested areas on Trinidad. Not recommended for cruise ship passengers, airplane passengers in transit, or travel limited to Tobago.

See Health Information for Travelers to Trinidad and Tobago .

See Health Information for Travelers to Tunisia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Turkey .


See Health Information for Travelers to Turkmenistan .

Turks and Caicos Islands (U.K.)

See Health Information for Travelers to Turks and Caicos Islands (U.K.) .

See Health Information for Travelers to Tuvalu .

See Health Information for Travelers to Uganda .

See Health Information for Travelers to Ukraine .

United Arab Emirates

See Health Information for Travelers to United Arab Emirates .

United Kingdom (including Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Ascension Island & Tristan Da Cunha Archipelago)

See Health Information for Travelers to United Kingdom .

United States of America

See Health Information for Travelers to United States .

See Health Information for Travelers to Uruguay .

See Health Information for Travelers to Uzbekistan .

  • P. vivax (75%–90%)
  • P. falciparum (10-25%)

See Health Information for Travelers to Vanuatu .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from Brazil; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in Brazil

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old except as follows. Generally not recommended for travel limited to the Distrito Capital or the states of Aragua, Carabobo, Miranda, Vargas, or Yaracuy. Not recommended for travel limited to areas >2,300m (≈7,550 ft) elevation in the states of Mérida, Táchira, or Trujillo; the states of Falcón or Lara; Margarita Island; or the cities of Caracas (the capital) or Valencia .

  • All areas <1,700 m (≈5,600 ft) elevation and Angel Falls
  • P. vivax (75%)
  • P. falciparum  (25%)

Map 2-17 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Venezuela & neighboring countries

See Health Information for Travelers to Venezuela .

  • Rural areas only. Rare cases in the Mekong and Red River Deltas
  • None in the cities of Da Nang, Hai Phong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Nha Trang, and Quy Nhon.
  • P. falciparum (65%)
  • P. vivax (35%)
  • Provinces of Bình Dương, Bình Phước, Đắk Lắk, Đắk Nông, Gia Lai, Khánh Hòa, Kon Tum, Lâm Đồng, Ninh Thuận, Tây Ninh: Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, tafenoquine 3
  • All other areas with malaria transmission (except Mekong and Red River Deltas): Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3
  • Mekong and Red River Deltas: No chemoprophylaxis recommended (insect bite precautions / mosquito avoidance only) 4

See Health Information for Travelers to Vietnam .

Virgin Islands, British

See Health Information for Travelers to Virgin Islands, British .

Virgin Islands, U.S.

See Health Information for Travelers to Virgin Islands, U.S. .

Wake Island, U.S.

See Health Information for Travelers to Wake Island .

  • All areas <2,000 m (≈6,500 ft) elevation
  • No malaria transmission in Sana’a (the capital)

See Health Information for Travelers to Yemen .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥1 year of age arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

CDC recommendations : Generally not recommended for travel to North-Western Province or Western Province. Not recommended for travel to any areas not listed above.

See Health Information for Travelers to Zambia .

See Health Information for Travelers to Zimbabwe .

1 Current as of November 2022. This is an update of the 2010 map created by the Informal WHO Working Group on the Geographic Risk of Yellow Fever.

2 Refers to Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unless otherwise noted.

3 Tafenoquine can cause potentially life-threatening hemolysis in people with glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Rule out G6PD deficiency with a quantitative laboratory test before prescribing tafenoquine to patients.

4 Mosquito avoidance includes applying topical mosquito repellant, sleeping under an insecticide-treated mosquito net, and wearing protective clothing (e.g., long pants and socks, long-sleeve shirt). For additional details on insect bite precautions, see Sec. 4, Ch. 6, Mosquitoes, Ticks & Other Arthropods.

5 Primaquine can cause potentially life-threatening hemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency. Rule out G6PD deficiency with a quantitative laboratory test before prescribing primaquine to patients.

6 P. knowlesi is a malaria species with a simian (macaque) host. Human cases have been reported from most countries in Southwest Asia and are associated with activities in forest or forest-fringe areas. P. knowlesi has no known resistance to antimalarials.

Yellow Fever Maps

2 In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expanded its YF vaccination recommendations for travelers going to Brazil because of a large YF outbreak in multiple states in that country. Please refer to the CDC  Travelers’ Health website for more information and updated recommendations.

3 YF vaccination is generally not recommended for travel to areas where the potential for YF virus exposure is low. Vaccination might be considered, however, for a small subset of travelers going to these areas who are at increased risk for exposure to YF virus due to prolonged travel, heavy exposure to mosquitoes, or inability to avoid mosquito bites. Factors to consider when deciding whether to vaccinate a traveler include destination-specific and travel-associated risks for YF virus infection; individual, underlying risk factors for having a serious YF vaccine–associated adverse event; and destination entry requirements.

The following authors contributed to the previous version of this chapter: Mark D. Gershman, Emily S. Jentes, Rhett J. Stoney (Yellow Fever) Kathrine R. Tan, Paul M. Arguin (Malaria)

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  1. Uganda's progress on immunization commitments

    uganda travel immunizations

  2. Improving Immunization Under COVID-19 in Northern Uganda

    uganda travel immunizations

  3. Uganda

    uganda travel immunizations

  4. World Immunization Week: Fighting Childhood Diseases During Lockdown

    uganda travel immunizations

  5. Uganda improves access to immunization services

    uganda travel immunizations

  6. Refugees included in Uganda’s COVID-19 vaccine drive

    uganda travel immunizations


  1. Where to Go in Uganda

  2. Ministry of Health unveils new features on COVID-19 result slips

  3. Uganda Travel Vlog🇺🇬|TB Conference pt1 #southafricanyoutuber


  1. Uganda

    If rabies exposures occur while in Uganda, rabies vaccines may only be available in larger suburban/urban medical facilities. Rabies pre-exposure vaccination considerations include whether travelers 1) will be performing occupational or recreational activities that increase risk for exposure to potentially rabid animals and 2) might have ...

  2. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Uganda

    is required for entry to Uganda. Travelers are advised to receive the vaccine at least 10 days before arrival in the country. Vaccination is also recommended by the CDC and WHO to protect travelers from the virus. are recommended for travelers to all regions of Uganda. Chloroquine resistance is present in the country.

  3. Uganda International Travel Information

    All travelers to Uganda must have a valid yellow fever immunization card. For the most up-to-date visa information, including fees, contact the Embassy of the Republic of Uganda at 5911 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011; telephone (202) 726-7100 or visit their website .

  4. Uganda

    Check our Traveler Information Center for more information if you are a traveler with specific health needs, such as travelers who are pregnant, immune compromised, or traveling for a specific purpose like humanitarian aid work. Remember to pack extras of important health supplies in case of travel delays. Prescription medicines. Your prescriptions

  5. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Uganda

    in Uganda. All travellers over the age of nine months must be vaccinated for entry. The NaTHNaC recommends travellers planning on visiting certain parts of Uganda during the dry season (December - June) receive a. to learn more. Travel safely with Passport Health and schedule your appointment today by calling.

  6. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Uganda

    Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Uganda. The. Areas of active cholera transmission include the districts of Amudat, Hoima, Kagadi, Kasese, Kisoro and Kyegegwa. Required if travelling from a region with yellow fever. Recommended for all travellers over 9 months of age. High risk country.

  7. Can I travel to Uganda? Travel Restrictions & Entry ...

    Uganda entry details and exceptions. All travelers whose body temperature is NOT above 37.5° C (99.5°F), do not have a persistent cough, difficulty in breathing or other flu-like symptoms shall be allowed to enter or depart Uganda, following the testing procedures.

  8. Travel advice and advisories for Uganda

    Pre-travel vaccines and medications. You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. Hepatitis A. There is a risk of hepatitis A in this destination. It is a disease of the liver.

  9. Health

    Health risks. Go to TravelHealthPro to see what health risks you'll face in Uganda including: malaria. yellow fever. mpox. There are occasional outbreaks of Ebola in Uganda. The authorities and ...

  10. Entry requirements

    FCDO travel advice for Uganda. Includes safety and security, insurance, entry requirements and legal differences. ... For full details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations ...

  11. PDF Press Statement

    A total of 44,734,030 doses of various COVID-19 vaccines have been received in the country through donations, and direct procurements by the Government of Uganda. To-date, 15,268,403 people have received the Istdose of the COVID-19 vaccine accounting for 71% of the target population of 22 million people. While

  12. Think Travel Vaccine Guide

    Prevention modalities: vaccination, medication, consultation. Hepatitis A. Contaminated food & water. Vaccination (2-dose vaccine): Recommended for most travelers. --Administer 2 doses, at least 6 months apart. --At least 1 dose should be given before travel. Consultation: Advise patient to wash hands frequently and avoid unsafe food and water.

  13. NaTHNaC

    The information on these pages should be used to research health risks and to inform the pre-travel consultation. Due to COVID-19, travel advice is subject to rapid change. ... These vaccinations include for example measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) ... There is a high risk of malaria in Uganda: atovaquone/proguanil OR doxycycline OR mefloquine ...

  14. Uganda Travel Advice & Safety

    Safety. Terrorism is a threat in Uganda. There have been recent attacks that caused many deaths and serious injuries. Foreigners may be targeted. Avoid large gatherings, including large-scale worship, and music and cultural festivals. Terrorists may also target hotels, bars, restaurants and other tourist areas.

  15. Uganda Travel Advisory

    Uganda Level 3 - Reconsider Travel C T O. Reissued with updates to terrorism information. Reconsider travel to Uganda due to crime, terrorism, and anti-LGBTQI+ legislation. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Country summary: There remains a threat of terrorist attacks in Uganda and throughout the region. Numerous ...

  16. Uganda Travel Facts

    Cultural Practices. Uganda culture and etiquette accept people of the same sex to talk while lightly touching. It is common to see people on the street talking while touching their hands, arms, and shoulders. When two people of the opposite sex talk, there is very little to no touching. The only appropriate touch is usually a handshake.

  17. What Vaccinations Do I Need for Africa in 2024?

    Share with a Friend. [email protected]. Go2Africa House, 12A Portswood Road. V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa. We provide a comprehensive breakdown about COVID-19, yellow fever & malaria vaccinations plus other medical information when travelling to Africa.

  18. Uganda

    Vaccinations and malaria risk. Review both the Vaccination and Malaria sections on this page to find out if you may need vaccines and/or a malaria risk assessment before you travel to this country. If you think you require vaccines and/or malaria risk assessment, you should make an appointment with a travel health professional:

  19. The COVID-19 Situation Update and Adjustments on Travel Restrictions in

    The COVID-19 Situation Update and Adjustments on Travel Restrictions in Uganda April, 2022 Summary. To date the country has registered 164,118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 3,596 deaths. Furthermore, there is a massive drop in the number of admissions at the health facilities. Currently there are two severely ill COVID-19 patients on ...

  20. Uganda travel advice

    Western Uganda. FCDO advises against all but essential travel to: Queen Elizabeth National Park. the area immediately south-west of Kasese town - from the border with the Democratic Republic of ...

  21. Yellow Fever Vaccine & Malaria Prevention Information, by Country

    CDC Yellow Book 2024. Preparing International Travelers. Author (s): Mark Gershman, Rhett Stoney (Yellow Fever) Holly Biggs, Kathrine Tan (Malaria) The following pages present country-specific information on yellow fever (YF) vaccine requirements and recommendations, and malaria transmission information and prevention recommendations.

  22. Vaccinations for Uganda

    Vaccinations Travel Vaccines Travel Vaccines Flu Vaccine Flu Vaccine Occupational Vaccines Occupational Vaccines Other - no trip at this time Other - no trip at this time. Health Screening ... Vaccinations for Uganda 03:03 Tue 27th Aug, 2024. All Travellers. Poliomyelitis.

  23. Nigeria gets 10,000 mpox jabs as other African nations wait for vaccines

    The US has said it will also donate mpox vaccines to the Democratic Republic of Congo Nigeria has received 10,000 doses of a vaccine to combat mpox, making it the first African country to receive ...

  24. What to Know About Mpox in 2024

    The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends mpox vaccination only for people with certain risk factors, such as men who have or expect to have multiple male sexual partners ...

  25. Travelers' Health

    More. Learn about CDC's Traveler Genomic Surveillance Program that detects new COVID-19 variants entering the country. Sign up to get travel notices, clinical updates, & healthy travel tips. CDC Travelers' Health Branch provides updated travel information, notices, and vaccine requirements to inform international travelers and provide ...

  26. Deadline Set for Mpox Vaccine Arrival in Congo, Africa CDC Says

    Mpox vaccines are expected to arrive in central Africa from Sept. 1 as a lethal outbreak of the disease that's become a global health emergency spreads. While it still depends "on a number of ...

  27. Opinion

    It affected nearly 100,000 people and was largely quelled thanks to vaccines and behavior changes. This dangerous subtype of mpox in countries that haven't dealt with it before is cause for ...

  28. Yellow Fever Vaccine & Malaria Prevention Information, by Country

    See other recommended vaccines and medicines for travelers to Curaçao. Cyprus Yellow Fever Vaccine. Entry requirements: None. CDC recommendations: Not ... Required for travelers ≥1 year old arriving from Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, or Uganda; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in any of these countries ...