One of the very first time travel stories recorded in history appears in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata, speculated to be written as early as 400BC. The story follows a king, his daughter, and their search for a perfect suitor. Revati was the only daughter of King Kakudmi, a powerful monarch who ruled Kusasthali, a prosperous and advanced kingdom under the sea. Thinking no one could prove to be good enough to marry his beautiful daughter, Kakudmi took Revati with him to Brahmaloka, the home of Brahma, to ask the god's advice about finding a suitable husband for her. Brahma was listening to a musical performance when they arrived, and so they waited patiently until the performance was finished. Finally, King Kakudmi humbly bowed and made his request: "O Brahm! To whom shall I betroth this daughter? I have come to you to ask on this point I have searched for many princes and seen also a good many of them and none of them is to my liking and so my mind is not at rest."
"O King! The princes that you thought would become the bridegroom of your daughter, all died; their sons and grandsons and their friends even have all passed away."


Time travel: meeting yourself, the bootstrap paradox, the mobius strip, analogies in time and place, the butterfly effect personified, siddhis: supernormal perceptual states.

time travel stories from india

As to the subject of donations, for those of you who may be interested in doing so as it applies to the gratefulness of my works, I invariably suggest any funds be directed toward THE WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT and/or THE AMERICAN RED CROSS .

Footnote [1]

"It is widely believed that spacetime must be both orientable and time-orientable. Arguments are that there is no evidence of a lack of orientability and that a nonorientable spacetime would be incompatible with the observed violations of P (parity) and T (time reversal invariance)."


The spiritual elder and the santa fe chief.

time travel stories from india

Past, Present, Paradox: Writing About Time Travel

Crafting a believable time travel story requires careful consideration of the logic at play. let's crack the temporal code on traveling through time in fiction.

Graphic depicting time in three-dimensional space.

Table of Contents

time travel stories from india

Time travel in fiction can open your story to infinite possibilities. Ever wondered what it would be like if somebody taught the Romans how to make a nuclear bomb? Do you need to retcon an event in your story? Time travel!

It may seem simple for your time-traveling characters to hop in Tony’s Terrific Temporal Transport and whiz through time, but there are many hurdles to overcome when writing about time travel.

Chief among these is dealing with time travel paradoxes, so let’s look at those, discuss how you can write convincing time travel stories, and explore how some popular stories handle it.

The Problem With Time Travel

Consider an ordinary day in your life. It follows a sequence of events where one thing leads to another. This is called causality , the concept that everything that happens results from events that happened before it. The problem with time travel in fiction, especially travel to the past, is that it often breaks the rules of causality.

Triumphant swan with fractal rippling effect.

This can lead to time travel paradoxes and unforeseen results , including:

  • Continuity paradoxes: The act of time travel renders itself impossible.
  • Closed causal loop paradoxes: Traveling to the past creates a condition where an idea, object, or person has no identifiable origin and exists in a closed loop in time that repeats infinitely.
  • The butterfly effect: Even the smallest action can have massive consequences.

With all that in mind, let’s embark on a journey through time and explore these further!

Grandfather Paradox

This thought experiment posits the idea of somebody traveling back in time and killing their grandfather before their parents were born. Because the grandfather never has children, the time traveler—his grandchild—cannot exist.

However, if the time traveler never existed, they couldn’t kill their grandfather, so he would go on to have children and grandchildren. One of those grandchildren is the time traveler, though, who might go back in time and kill their grandfather. If that seems confusing, it’s okay—it’s supposed to be.

The bottom line is that if somebody travels to the past and changes something that prevents them from ever traveling to the past, they have broken the timeline's continuity.

Polchinski’s Paradox

American theoretical physicist Joseph Polchinski removed human intervention from the time travel equation.

Imagine a billiard ball travels into a wormhole, tunnels through time in a closed loop, and emerges from the same wormhole just in time to knock its past self away.

Doing so prevents it from ever entering the wormhole and traveling through time, to begin with. However, if it does not travel back in time, it cannot emerge to knock itself out of the way, giving it a clear path to travel back in time.

Bootstrap Paradox

The Bootstrap Paradox is the first closed causal loop paradox we will explore. This presents a situation where an object, idea, or person traveling to the past creates the conditions for their existence, leading to it having no identifiable origin in the timeline.

Imagine sending the schematics for your time machine to your past self, from which you create a time machine. Where did the knowledge of how to create the time machine begin?

Predestination Paradox

The most nihilistic of paradoxes explores the idea that nothing we do matters, no matter what. Events are predetermined to still occur regardless of when and where you travel in time.

Suppose you time travel to the past to talk Alexander the Great out of invading Persia, but he hadn’t even considered this until you mentioned it. By traveling to the past to prevent Alexander’s conquest, you caused it.

Butterfly Effec t

Less of a paradox and more an exploration of unintended consequences, the butterfly effect explores the idea that any action can have sweeping repercussions, no matter how small.

In the 1960s, meteorologist Edward Lorenz discovered that adding tiny changes to computer-based meteorological models resulted in unpredictable changes far from the origin point. In traveling back in time, we don’t know what effect even minor changes might have on the timeline.

How to Write Convincing Time Travel Stories

Time travel can be pretty complex at the best of times, but that doesn't mean writing about it has to be a challenge. Here are a few practical tips to craft narratives that crack the temporal code.

Miniature woman looks amazed at life-sized pocket watch.

Ask Yourself, "Why Time Travel?"

If your story has time travel, to begin with, it likely plays a pretty significant role in the narrative. Define the purpose that time travel has in your story by asking yourself questions like:

  • How and why is time travel possible in your setting?
  • What does it mean for your story and your characters?
  • What are your characters meant to use time travel for?
  • Is the actual practice of time travel different from its intent?

If you can't be clear about time travel's purpose in your story, how can you convincingly write about it? To get crafty with time, you first need to master its relevant mechanics.

Keep a Record of Everything

You're asking your reader to potentially make several mental leaps when time travel is involved in a story, so it's imperative to have all of your details sorted. Do the work of planning out dates and events ahead of time by creating a time map for yourself—like a mindmap, but for a timeline.

time travel stories from india

You'll be able to keep a birds-eye view of the narrative at all times, be more strategic about moving the order of events around, and ensure that you never miss a detail. You may even want to have multiple versions—a strictly linear timeline and a more loosely structured time map where you draw connections between events and in the order they appear in the narrative.

In Campfire, you can do both with the Timeline Module —create as many Timelines as you want by using the Page feature in the element. You can also connect your Timeline(s) to a custom calendar from the Calendar Module for extra fun with time wonkiness in your world.

If a new idea pops up while writing, don't stress! You'll have your handy time map already laid out so you can easily see if a new scene or chapter makes sense, as well as where it will best fit into the narrative.

Never Forget Causality

I mentioned this concept earlier in the article, but it should be reiterated: The most important rule of time travel is that every action results in a consequence. Remember cause and effect : an action is taken (your character time travels to the past), and causes an effect, the consequence (the timeline is forever changed).

"Consequence" doesn't have to be a negative thing, either, even though the word has that connotation. The resulting consequence of a given action could be a positive effect, too.

Regardless, seek to maintain causality so you don't confuse your readers (or yourself, for that matter). Establishing clear rules for how time travel works in your setting and sticking to them will help you keep your time logic consistent and avoid running into narrative dead ends or plot holes.

Tips & Tricks For the Time-Traveling Author

Now that we’ve examined several obstacles you can encounter when writing about time travel, let’s see how you can either avoid them or exploit them. That’s right! Even time travel paradoxes present opportunities for superb storytelling.

Man in surreal scene with wooden sign post pointing in three directions: past, present, and future.

Focus on the Future

Fortunately, all the named paradoxes here involve the past, so the easy way to avoid them is to not go there! Thanks to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, you don’t even have to invent a clever way to travel instead to the future.

An aspect of Einstein's theory is time dilation , in which the faster an object moves through space, the slower it moves through time. With this, you need only zip around at near the speed of light for a few weeks or months, and when you come back to Earth, years or centuries will have gone by.

Create a Multiverse

A popular trope in science fiction today, and a theory gaining popularity among theoretical quantum physicists, is the multiverse concept. According to multiverse theory, whenever an event occurs, every possible outcome of the event happens simultaneously, splitting the universe into parallels that each contain differing outcomes.

Since all these realities exist, perhaps changing the past is simply a way for time travelers to travel between realities, shifting their perspective to a timeline where things occurred differently than in their original reality.

Get Creative With Consequences

Instead of avoiding paradoxes, maybe you want them to occur. Leading to some fascinating stories, this can be approached in a variety of ways. Perhaps you want to examine the unintended consequences of the butterfly effect, create a time-traveling police force that enforces the laws of time travel, or simply break time itself and revel in the chaos that ensues.

Just be sure to remember the action-consequence rule and keep your timeline handy for easy reference—especially if you're toying around with multiple timelines!

Best Time Travel Stories

What follows are what I think are some of the best time travel stories. As you will see, the first two fall victim to time travel paradoxes, while the other two do a great job of exploring various elements we’ve discussed.

time travel stories from india

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The corporation Cyberdyne Systems has remnants of the Terminator from the first movie, which they use to create an artificial intelligence system called Skynet. Skynet then actually creates the terminators and sends one back in time. Thus, it gives humanity the technology to create itself in a classic example of a bootstrap paradox.

time travel stories from india

Back to the Future

In this film, Marty McFly travels to the past and inadvertently interrupts the event where his parents first meet. This causes a chain of events where Marty’s parents never get married and have children, threatening to erase Marty and his siblings from the timeline.

Some argue that the McFly offspring ceasing to exist is a great exploration of the consequences of time travel. However, they would never have been at risk had Marty not been in the past to impede their parents’ romance. And if he ceases to exist, he’ll never go back and get in the way, thus creating a grandfather paradox.

time travel stories from india

War of the Twins

In this second volume of the Dragonlance Legends trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, the mage Raistlin Majere travels into the past, kills a wizard named Fistandantilus in a battle for power, and assumes his identity. Throughout the book, Raistlin unwittingly follows the historical fate of Fistandantilus, in a wonderful exploration of the predestination paradox.

time travel stories from india

It’s hard to talk about time travel in fiction these days without mentioning Loki. The show explores two suggestions from my list above: the multiverse and policing the timeline. In this series, varying outcomes of events lead to branching timelines, creating a multiverse of possibilities. However, an agency called the Time Variance Authority exists to prevent this from happening, and they set out to eliminate any branches separate from what they consider the Sacred Timeline.

Bon Voyage!

I hope this exploration of time travel leaves you prepared to tackle these obstacles and opportunities that naturally present themselves when playing around with time.

Just knowing about the complexities of time travel and the paradoxes it can bring about is the best way to avoid trouble and create innovative storytelling moments. So, dust off your DeLorean, polish your paradox-proof plot, and get ready to write your adventure through the ages!

Learn more about making a timeline with Campfire in the dedicated Timeline Module tutorial . And be sure to check out the other plotting and planning articles and videos here on Learn, for advice on how to plan your very own time travel adventures!

time travel stories from india

List of Indian movies featuring "Time Travel"

Nandamuri Balakrishna, Brahmanandam, Chandramohan, Gollapudi Maruthi Rao, Amrish Puri, Sri Lakshmi, Tarun, Suthi Velu, and Mohini in Aditya 369 (1991)

1. Aditya 369

24 (2016)

3. Indru Netru Naalai

Action Replayy (2010)

4. Action Replayy

Katrina Kaif and Sidharth Malhotra in Baar Baar Dekho (2016)

5. Baar Baar Dekho

Love Story 2050 (2008)

6. Love Story 2050

Dudes in the 10th Century (2003)

7. Dudes in the 10th Century

Hussain Kuwajerwala in Shree (2013)

More to explore

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8 Best Indian time travel movies: Katrina Kaif, Sidharth Malhotra's Baar Baar Dekho to Taapsee Pannu's Dobaaraa

Time travel is an interesting science fiction concept that has been explored by a number of films internationally. In India, we have had some well made films in this space.

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Time travel is a phenomenon that involves someone traveling in time, generally in the past. This science fiction tool has been explored in several Indian films in different ways as it leads to interesting situations.

So here is a carefully curated comprehensive list of eight such Indian time travel movies in different languages. These are from different genres and tones but have the concept of time travel at its core.

List of best Indian time travel movies

1. dobaaraa (2022).

  • Running Time:  2 hours 12 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  4.8/10
  • Movie Genre:  Drama/Fantasy/Sci-Fi
  • Movie Star Cast:  Taapsee Pannu, Pavail Gulati, Rahul Bhat
  • Director:  Anurag Kashyap
  • Writer:  Nihit Bhave
  • Year of release:  2022
  • Where to watch/OTT platform : Netflix

Anurag Kashyap directed Dobaaraa is an official remake of the 2018 Spanish language film Mirage. It follows the story of a woman who tries to save a 12-year-old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm 25 years ago. The film stars Taapsee Pannu, Pavail Gulati, and Rahul Bhat and perfectly blends the elements of time travel, mystery, and drama. Upon its release, the film met with mostly positive critical response. It is the first attempt by Kashyap into the sci-fi world.

2. Oke Oka Jeevitham (2022)

  • Running Time:  2 hours 40 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  7.8/10
  • Movie Genre:  Drama/Sci-Fi
  • Movie Star Cast:  Sharwanand, Amala Akkineni, Ritu Varma
  • Director:  Shree Karthick
  • Writer:   Shree Karthick
  • Where to watch/OTT platform : SonyLIV

Oke Oka Jeevitham, a sci-fi drama film, is the brainchild of Shree Karthick. This intriguing movie was shot in both Tamil and Telugu languages. It revolves around a bunch of pals who embark on a journey to the past, guided by a scientist, in order to rectify their present. Starring Sharwanand, Amala Akkineni, and Ritu Varma, this film has garnered both critical acclaim and commercial triumph. If you're a fan of science fiction and time travel, make sure to catch it on SonyLIV. 

3. Loop Lapeta (2022) 

  • Running Time:  2 hours 11 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  5.2/10
  • Movie Genre:  Crime/Sci-Fi/Comedy
  • Movie Star Cast:  Taapsee Pannu, Tahir Raj Bhasin
  • Director:  Aakash Bhatia
  • Writer:   Aakash Bhatia

Another film starring Taapsee Pannu in this list, Loop Lapeta is a remake of the popular Award-winning film Run Lola Run. The film also stars Tahir Raj Bhasin, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Shreya Dhanwanthary, and Rajendra Chawla. An honest remake of the original, Loop Lapeta is a fun film with a perfect mix of crime, comedy, and science fiction. It's available on Netflix and can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home.

4. Maanaadu (2021)

  • Running Time:  2 hours 27 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  8.3/10
  • Movie Genre:  Action/Sci-Fi/Adventure
  • Movie Star Cast:  Silambarasan, S. J. Suryah, Kalyani Priyadarshan 
  • Director:  Venkat Prabhu
  • Writer:  Venkat Prabhu
  • Year of release:  2021

Venkat Prabhu, the writer and director of Maanaadu, takes us on a thrilling journey with an NRI and a police officer. They find themselves trapped in a time loop, reliving the same day repeatedly. This unique twist on time travel adds an exciting element to the story. Maanaadu has received both critical acclaim and commercial success, thanks to its seamless blend of science fiction and masala elements. If you haven't seen it yet, we highly recommend giving it a watch. You won't be let down!

5. Game Over (2019)

  • Running Time:  1 hour 42 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  6.9/10
  • Movie Genre:  Mystery/Sci-Fi/Thriller
  • Movie Star Cast:  Taapsee Pannu, Vinodhini Vaidyanathan, Anish Kuruvilla 
  • Director: Ashwin Saravanan
  • Writer:  Ashwin Saravanan, Kaavya Ramkumar
  • Year of release:  2019

Game Over is the story of a game designer who is going through PTSD and tries to defend her house from strange and mysterious intruders. Directed by Ashwin Saravanan, the film was shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu language. Game Over was well received by critics upon release; Taapsee's performance as a girl who is fighting her own demons also met with positive response.

6. Baar Baar Dekho (2016)

  • Running Time:  2 hour 21 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  5.4/10
  • Movie Genre:  Sci-Fi/Romance
  • Movie Star Cast:  Sidharth Malhotra, Katrina Kaif 
  • Director: Nitya Mehra
  • Writer:  Nitya Mehra, Anuvab Pal, Sri Rao
  • Year of release:  2016
  • Where to watch/OTT platform : Amazon Prime Video

Baar Baar Dekho stars Sidharth Malhotra and Katrina Kaif as a couple whose trials and tribulations are shown through a series of flashbacks and flash-forwards. Technically a science fiction film, it is essentially the story of a couple. The film is directed by Nitya Mehra and remains an underrated Bollywood gem. It can be enjoyed on Amazon Prime Video.

7. Indra Netru Naalai (2015)

  • Running Time:  2 hour 26 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  8.0/10
  • Movie Genre:  Sci-Fi/Comedy/Thriller
  • Movie Star Cast:  Vishnu Vishal, Miya, Karunakaran, T. M. Karthik, P. Ravi Shankar, Jayaprakash
  • Director: R. Ravikumar
  • Writer:  R. Ravikumar
  • Year of release:  2015
  • Where to watch/OTT platform : Disney + Hotstar

Indru Netru Naalai is a Tamil language sci-fi comedy film written and directed by R. Ravikumar. It follows the story of two people who start profiting from a time machine. However, things change after it prevents the demise of a gangster. The film is a beautiful and right combination of comedy and science fiction. Upon its release in 2015, it met with positive critical feedback and was a success.

8. Action Replayy (2010)

  • Running Time:  2 hour 9 mins
  • IMDb Rating:  4.3/10
  • Movie Genre:  Sci-Fi/Comedy/Romance
  • Movie Star Cast:  Akshay Kumar, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Aditya Roy Kapur
  • Director: Vipul Amrutlal Shah
  • Writer:  Suresh Nair, Aatish Kapadia
  • Year of release:  2010

Action Replayy is helmed by Vipul Amrutlal Shah and stars  Akshay Kumar , Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and Aditya Roy Kapur in the lead. It is a remake of the popular 1985 Hollywood film Back to the Future. The film has a cool soundtrack, and several funny scenes accompanied by good performances from its leads. It remains one of the most interesting yet least talked about sci-fi Bollywood films from the past decades.

ALSO READ:   10 Hindi romantic movies on Amazon Prime that celebrate love: Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani to Veer-Zaara

time travel stories from india

With over two years of experience in entertainment journalism, Yash Singh is a film geek who lives and breathes

With over two years of experience in entertainment journalism, Yash Singh is a film geek who lives and breathes cinema. He did his bachelors in filmmaking and has since never looked back. He is an avid consumer of films and shows. In his free time, you will see him binging on true crime documentaries and fiction-nonfiction books.

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Independence Day 2024: Full list of traffic restrictions, alternative routes, parking spaces in Delhi

The delhi traffic police has issued an advisory outlining all the restrictions to follow on independence day in the national capital..

The Delhi traffic police has issued an advisory in preparation for Independence Day and its full dress rehearsal on August 13, announcing road closures and alternative routes.

Delhi Traffic Police has issued an advisory in preparation for Independence day and its full dress rehearsal(Sunil Ghosh/HT Photo)

The advisory also mentioned certain public safety and decorum-related rules.

Also Read: Har Ghar Tiranga 2024 kicks off today. How to download certificate: Step-by-step process

The flying of sub-conventional aerial platforms like paragliders, para-motors, hang gliders, UAVs, micro-light aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft, hot air balloons, quadcopters or para-jumping from aircraft etc are not permitted in Delhi until after Independence Day.

Also Read : Independence Day 2024: Decor ideas to try with your kids

Further, people attending the Independence Day function, should make sure not to bring cameras, binoculars, remote control car keys, umbrellas, handbags, briefcases, transistors, cigarette lighters, tiffin boxes, water bottles, and lunch boxes.

Also Read : Blooming Bengaluru: Lalbagh Flower Show back for 78th Independence Day

Here are some of the key points about vehicular traffic to keep in mind on Independence Day.

  • Major road closures - Netaji Subhash Marg, Lothian Road, SP Mukherjee Marg, Chandni Chowk Road, Nishad Raj Marg, Esplanade Road and its Link Road, Ring Road from Rajghat to ISBT, and Outer Ring Road from ISBT to IP Flyover, will be closed from 4 am to 11 am on Tuesday.
  • Alternative routes - Those who have a commute between north and south Delhi should take the following routes to get to their destination - Aurobindo Marg, Safdarjung Road, Kamal Ataturk Marg, Kautilya Marg, SPM Marg, 11 Murti, Mother Teresa Crescent, Park Street, Mandir Marg, Panchkuian Road, and Rani Jhansi Road.
  • In the east-west corridor, vehicles must use alternative routes of NH-24, Nizamuddin Khatta, Barapula Road — under AIIMS Flyover on the Ring Road, Nizamuddin Khatta, Ring Road, Mathura Road, Subramania Bharti Marg, Rajesh Pilot Marg, Prithviraj Road and Safdarjung Road, etc
  • Bridges - Old Iron Bridge and Geeta Colony Bridge will be closed, while DND, NH-24 (NH-9), Yudhister Setu, Signature Bridge, and Wazirabad Bridge to reach Ring Road.
  • Goods vehicles - The movement of goods vehicles between Nizamuddin and Wazirabad bridges will not be allowed from midnight of August 12 to 11 am on August 13. Interstate buses between Maharana Pratap ISBT and Sarai Kale Khan ISBT will not be permitted at the same time.
  • Buses - City buses, including the ones operated by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), will not ply on Ring Road from August 12 midnight to 11 am on August 13.
  • Buses from the east, north, central, west, and south intending to use Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Tilak Marg, Subash Marg, Ring Road between Akhara Chandgi Ram and Hazrat Nizamuddin Bridge are supposed to avoid these roads and take alternative routes.
  • Parking - Vehicles without parking labels for the rehearsal should avoid the following roads - C-Hexagon, India Gate, Copernicus Marg, Mandi House, Sikandra Road, W Point, A point Tilak Marg, Mathura Road, BSZ Marg, Netaji Subhash Marg, JL Nehru Marg, Ring Road between Nizamuddin Khatta and ISBT Kashmere Gate, and Outer Ring Road from Nizamuddin Khatta to ISBT Kashmere Gate via Salimgarh bypass.
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Sheikh Hasina's India stay may be extended, preparations made: Sources

Sheikh hasina, who fled to india following deadly protests in bangladesh, may have to stay here for some time as her travel plan to a european country has hit a roadblock over some 'uncertainties'..

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Sheikh Hasina

  • Agencies prepare for Sheikh Hasina's extended stay in India
  • Indian government seeks asylum for Hasina in Europe, faces delays
  • Hasina currently at Hindon airbase, to be relocated soon

Security agencies are gearing up for both the short and long-term stay of former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in India amid the ongoing violent protests and unrest in the neighbouring country, sources told India Today TV. Officials have indicated that India is preparing for the possibility of hosting her for an extended period , given the international opposition she faces.

The Indian government is working on securing asylum for the 77-year-old Awami League chief in a European country, but her travel plan has hit a roadblock over some 'uncertainties' and she is unlikely to move out of India for the next few days , sources added.

The security agencies' drills also included preparations for Hasina's possible meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, detailing where and how such an encounter would take place.

National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval is closely monitoring the situation and giving regular updates to PM Modi about Sheikh Hasina's stay plans and over her possible asylum in a European country.

Hasina, who landed at the Hindon airbase on August 5 in a C-130J military transport aircraft, is currently residing in a facility nearby, but will be relocated to a more spacious and secure location, sources added.

The Indian government is extending all the protocols befitting a Prime Minister or Head of State to Sheikh Hasina.

"The Air Force and security agencies have conducted special drills from Hindon Air Base to Safdarjung and Palam airports in Delhi, considering potential long-term arrangements for Sheikh Hasina's stay," sources said.

Meanwhile, sources also informed that National Security Guard (NSG) commandos have been deployed for Sheikh Hasina's internal security , while Garud commandos of the Air Force are managing external security at Hindon airbase.

It is speculated that London is the most-preferred final destination for Sheikh Hasina. This speculation is strengthened by the presence of her niece, Tulip Siddiq, who resides in north London. Siddiq, the daughter of UK passport holder Sheikh Rehana, serves as a Labour Party Member of Parliament representing Hampstead and Highgate and holds the position of junior minister in the Treasury department.

However, it is also noteworthy that as per asylum procedures, those who need international protection should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach as the fastest route to safety, indicating Sheikh Hasina's extended stay in India.

How the Indian Diaspora Is Supporting India’s Inbound Travel Growth – India Report

Bulbul Dhawan

Bulbul Dhawan , Skift

August 13th, 2024 at 11:00 PM EDT

Trevolution Group's data on international travel to India highlights the country's growing popularity as a tourist destination.

Bulbul Dhawan

The Skift India Newsletter is your go-to platform for all news related to travel, tourism, airlines, and hospitality in India.

India’s travel landscape is evolving rapidly, reflecting the country’s growing economic clout and the increasing confidence of its travelers. The first half of 2024 saw a significant surge in both outbound and inbound tourism, with Trevolution Group reporting 46% market growth compared to the same period last year. This uptick is not just a rebound from the pandemic but an indicator of the deeper shifts in Indian travel habits.

Trevolution reported that trans-Pacific flights, in particular, have soared well above pre-pandemic levels, driven by a combination of increased flight connectivity, a robust economic outlook, and a burgeoning middle class eager to explore the world.

The traditional leisure tourism sector remains strong, but what’s particularly noteworthy is the sharp growth in the visiting friends and relatives (VFR) segment. This reflects the deep ties of the Indian diaspora, particularly the 4.4 million Indian Americans, who are increasingly making frequent trips back home.

For Trevolution Group, which sold over 54,000 airline tickets to and from India in the first half of 2024, these trends are highly encouraging. The company’s 68% increase in outbound tourism sales and 37% growth in inbound tourism highlight India as a pivotal market.

While India’s travel demand continues to rise, the country’s travelers are also becoming more discerning, seeking out both value and flexibility. This bodes well for companies like Trevolution.

The travel habits of Indian passengers reveal a marked shift towards greater flexibility. The demand for round-trip tickets has risen, yet there’s also a significant increase in one-way tickets, pointing to a desire for more adaptable travel plans. This is further evidenced by the growing number of last-minute bookings, as Indian travelers take advantage of more affordable and accessible international flights.

As airfares stabilize and even decrease — in the first half of 2024, airfares to India were 27% cheaper in Economy and 8.5% in Business class, with the average Economy ticket price being $894.32. — international travel is becoming increasingly accessible to a wider segment of the population.

This affordability, combined with the push to boost tourism, signals a robust outlook for the travel industry in India. The next phase of growth will likely see more Indians venturing abroad.

“India remains a key market for Trevolution Group, consistently demonstrating strong growth in air travel year after year. It was also one of the first markets to rebound to pre-pandemic levels by 2021,” said Alex Weinstein, the founder of Dyninno Group, which restructured and rebranded as the Trevolution Group in 2022. 

Oyo Raises $175 Million in Latest Funding Round

Hospitality company Oyo has raised INR 14.5 billion (approximately $175 million) in its latest funding round. However, in this round, it has also seen its valuation drop from a peak of $10 billion in 2019 to $2.4 billion in its latest funding round, Skift’s Asia Editor Peden Doma Bhutia has explained . 

With this, Oyo’s valuation has now fallen below the total capital raised, estimated to be around $3.3 billion.

Oyo will use the capital to support its continued growth and global expansion plans, according to filings.

Earlier this year, Oyo withdrew its application for an IPO , which it had filed in March 2023. A source familiar with Oyo’s plans had told Skift that the company is close to completing a refinancing and expects to pursue an IPO after that.

Air India Express Adds 6 New Routes to Domestic Network

Budget airline Air India Express has launched six new daily domestic flights in a day. The new flights are set to operate on the Chennai-Bhubaneswar, Chennai-Bagdogra, Chennai-Thiruvananthapuram, Kolkata-Varanasi, Kolkata-Guwahati, and Guwahati-Jaipur sectors.

The airline said that the Guwahati-Jaipur route is exclusive to Air India Express, with no other carrier directly connecting these two cities. 

The airline connects more than 30 domestic destinations, along with 15 international ones. It operates over 380 flights daily with a fleet of 82 aircraft. Over a span of the last 10 months, the airline has inducted 26 new Boeing 737-8 aircraft to its fleet in an effort to expand its operations. 

Radisson Signs 100-Key Park Inn by Radisson Hotel in Chennai

Radisson Hotel Group has signed a 100-room hotel under its Park Inn by Radisson brand in Tamil Nadu’s Chennai city. The hotel marks the brand’s debut in the city and is set to open in 2028. 

The hotel chain currently operates seven properties in the state of Tamil Nadu. 

Radisson is one of India’s largest international hotel operators with more than 180 hotels in operation and development.

In an earlier interview with Skift , Elie Younes, executive vice president and global chief development officer at Radisson Hotel Group said, “Our expansion plans for 2024 are ambitious, focusing not only on major metropolitan cities but also targeting Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns to cater to the growing demand in these markets.”

Goa Tourism Minister Calls for Enhanced International Connectivity

Goa tourism minister Rohan Khaunte has called for an enhancement of international connectivity to the coastal state in a meeting with Indian tourism minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. 

He said that increasing direct international flights and improving connections between Goa and major global cities would help the state attract more tourists. 

Khaunte earlier told Skift that he wants to expand Goa’s image beyond nightlife, beaches, and parties. The state is seeking to attract remote workers or digital nomads, for which it plans to roll out high-speed internet across its rural areas and create coworking spaces along its iconic beaches.

The two ministers also discussed Goa’s plan to adopt regenerative tourism, as well as rejuvenation of the Basilica of Bom Jesus heritage site in the state. 

Corporate Travel Startup Ziptrrip Raises $238,000 in Funding

AI-powered corporate travel and expense management startup Ziptrrip has raised INR 20 million ($238,000) in pre-seed funding. The inaugural funding has come from angel investors and industry leaders, the company said in a statement. 

Ziptrrip offers end-to-end solutions integrating travel bookings and expense management for corporates. The startup is planning to use the funding for market expansion, hiring, and product innovation. 

The startup has more than 250 corporate clients. It achieved break-even in January this year, and has been maintaining profitability since then, Ziptrrip has said.

Skift India Report

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Tags: air india express , coronavirus recovery , corporate travel , funding , goa , india , india outbound , indian airlines , oyo , radisson

Photo credit: In the April to June quarter of 2024, the international passenger traffic for Indian carriers stood at a little over 8 million. Darshak Pandya / Pexels

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7 'Real' Accounts Of Time-Travel That'll Leave You Questioning Everything

Time Travel

Of all things unknown in this world, time travel has to be the one that fascinates me the most. Sure, one needs to be a believer of some kind to take any of this seriously, but some of the stories you're about to read in the article will really get you thinking, and ask questions nobody has the answers to. Is time travel for real? These people definitely seem to believe so.

P.S- All this makes for a fascinating read, but before believing any of it, do know that until the time it is proven by science, all this remains nothing more than conjecture.

1. When Air-Marshal Sir Victor Goddard accidentally entered a parallel universe.

Time Travel


In his book on the subject, Time Travel: A New Perspective , J. H. Brennan talks about an 'accidental' time travel story that'll definitely stay with you for some time to come. According to the writer, Air-Marshal Sir Victor Goddard flew into a parallel universe by mistake. Back in 1935, when he was still a Wing Commander, Sir Goddard was instructed to inspect an inactive airbase located in Drem, near Edinburg in Scotland. While flying over it, Sir Goddard found the airbase to be in a poor state with cattle grazing on the wild grass that had now forced its way through the tarmac. It was in complete shambles. Later on, while flying his biplane, he got into a bit of trouble thanks to the harsh weather conditions. To avoid an accident, Sir Goddard decided to fly back to the airbase till the weather cleared out a bit. As he approached the airbase, the torrential rain oddly and very abruptly gave way to bright sunshine. If that wasn't odd enough, he also noticed that the airbase was in mint condition and in use! He even spotted mechanics wearing blue overalls working on the yellow planes parked on the runway. The planes weren't the ones in use by the air force back then. In fact, Sir Goddard even failed to recognise one of them. Funny because instant renovation of the place couldn't have been possible, and more importantly, these guys weren't even wearing the khaki coloured uniforms that were a norm then. Also, the Air Force painted all their planes in silver, not yellow.

Completely baffled by what the hell was going on, Goddard got the shock of his life four years after. Europe was war torn and he happened to visit Drem again. But this time, he saw everything he saw four years back in 1935. Same, people in blue overalls servicing yellow planes. Full deja-vu moment. He even found the plane he couldn't recognise before - a Miles Magister. Did Sir Goddard fly four years into the future? Sceptics say that Goddard might have simply been confused about his location. But that's too simple an explanation. Also, could an acclaimed officer like him make such an elementary mistake? Sir Goddard passed away in 1987 so I guess we'll never have an answer.

2. L.C's drive back in the past

Time Travel

Back in 1988, Strange Magazine 2 published an article written by Ken Meaux titled "Time Traveler". The article was about the shocking account of a man who would go by the name L.C. Back in 1969, L.C and his business associate, Bob (fake name) were driving along highway 167 towards the Oil Center city of Lafayette after finishing lunch in the Southwest Louisiana town of Abbeville, United States. It was the 20th of October around 1:30 PM in the afternoon. The day was perfect with a blue sky and cool breeze. Up ahead, they spotted an old turtle back auto going really slow. They were intrigued by the vehicle - it wasn't something either of them had seen before. Very unique, and definitely antique. But here's the thing. Even though the vehicle looked like a blast from the past, it was in mint condition. The two overtook the vehicle, but not before slowing down right next it to check it out in detail. The car had a very distinct large, bright orange license plate with the year "1940" clearly printed on it, which was quite odd because antique cars like the one in question weren't allowed to be driven on the road unless it was being used for a ceremonial parade. Things just got weirder from there. The person driving the car was a young woman dressed in what appeared to be a "vintage" dress from the 40s complete with a hat and a fur coat. There was a small child as well, dressed in a heavy coat and a cap. As they pulled up next to the car, the lady started panicking. One could make out her face going pale with fear. She frantically started looking back and forth as if she was in the middle of somewhere unknown. As if she really needed some help, she was almost about to cry. L.C asked her if she needed any help, to which she responded in the affirmative. But at no point did she roll down the window or even look him in the eye. After requesting her several times to halt the vehicle, they finally saw her pull over on the side of the road. L.C and Bob passed her and pulled over in front of her. But as soon as they looked behind, the vehicle was gone. Poof! Vanished into thin air. This was a highway without any traffic so disappearing like this was quite impossible.

Shocked and not knowing how to describe what had just happened, L.C and Bob decided to keep driving on. A little while later, while they were still on Highway 167, they saw another new car pass a very old car at a really slow speed. It was apparently so slow that it looked like the cars had come to a halt. As soon as the new car pulled over in front of the car, the same thing happened. It stopped and then suddenly disappeared. They couldn't believe their eyes. Even the guy in the other car was completely shocked. The three started describing what each had seen. They started walking around the area. The third guy insisted they should be reporting this to the police, as this, according to him, was a missing person case. L.C and Bob refused, more so because they had no idea where the woman and the child along with the car, had vanished. The third man couldn't go to the cops without these two, everyone would think this guy was mad. But he exchanged phone numbers and addresses and kept talking about the incident with them just to make sure he didn't lose his mind. Could she have been a time traveller from the past who went forward in time? Or could she have been a person from the past who could never go back, stuck in limbo? One can never tell with certainty.

3. The news broke 11 years before it actually happened.


News agencies would kill for a story eleven years ahead of its time. But honestly, if this were to happen with me, I'd totally lose my marbles. This spine-chilling story was a part of the book The Little Giant Book of Eerie Thrills and Unspeakable Chills written by Ron Edwards, C. B. Colby, John Macklin. According to the authors, back in 1932, newspaper reporter J.Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt were sent to do a feature story on the Hamburg shipyard in Germany. After completing their assignment, just as they were about to leave the premises, they heard the sound of aircraft engines only to look up and see the sky full of fighter planes. The anti-aircraft batteries opened fire and bombs started going off. All of a sudden, this place had become a war zone. Things were exploding, buildings were collapsing, there was death and chaos everywhere. Before rushing out to save their lives, Hutton even asked a security guard if there was something they could do to help out, but was asked to immediately leave the area instead. As the two drove into Hamburg, things changed. The sky cleared up and everything was back to being normal. There was no blood or violence, buildings were fine. No one seemed to panic. It was as if nothing had happened. When Hutton and Brandt looked behind towards the shipyard, they couldn't spot anything wrong with it. No damage, no smoke come from the buildings. Shocking. The newspaper office obviously did not believe the two. Even the pictures that Brandt had been taking during the attack showed everything to be normal. The shipyard looked as good as new. Their colleagues dismissed their claim by deciding that they must've stopped on their way for a drink and it was the alcohol making them see things.

Bernard Hutton later moved to London just before the second World War began. In 1943, what he read in a newspaper one morning almost made his heart stop. It was a story about a successful raid by a Roy Air Force squadron on the Hamburg shipyard. The resemblance was uncanny. This was an exact representation of what he and Brandt witnessed 11 years back. How?

4. The man who met himself

On the 30th of August in 2006, 36-year-old Håkan Nordkvist came back home to find his kitchen flooded with water. Thinking it's nothing more than a leak, he crawled under the sink to fix the problem. But when he crawled inside the cabinet, he noticed that it just continued. So he kept crawling further until he stopped right at the end of the tunnel. When he got out, Nordkvist realised that he had landed up in the future, in 2042 in fact. And oddly enough, he even met himself in the future, an old 72-year-old self. Future Noirdkvist wasn't very surprised to meet this guy. Over and above, he even told him things that only he could've known. They even had the same tattoo. Of course, the future guy's tattoo was a little more faded. They even took a selfie together. Hmm, interesting. Although honestly, this one sounds more like an acid trip, but who are we to judge, right?

5. The time travelling hipster


Look at this photograph very carefully. Find something wrong with it? This picture was found on the Virtual Museum of Canada website and dates all the way back to 1941. The picture is said to be the reopening of the South Fork Bridge in the early 40s in Gold Bridge, B.C, Canada. While it is a completely normal photograph, one cannot help but notice this gentleman in hipster clothes. He doesn't really look like a 'part of the crew' here, does he? Could he have been travelling back in time?

6. The man who travelled back in time to become a Wall Street scam artist.

On 28th of January, 2003, a certain Andrew Carlssin was arrested and detained by the police for insider trading at the Wall Street. It's insane really. Over a two-week period in the stock market, Andrew went from having $800 to making, wait for this, $350 million. It's like whatever he invested in turned into gold. It is nearly impossible to make the kind of profits he did. He was arrested by the cops on the allegation that he must have had illegal insider information. But when asked why and how he did this, the cops weren't really expecting what Andrew had to say. He claimed to be a man from the year 2256. Since he was from the future, he knew exactly how the stocks were going to perform. Obviously, the cops thought this guy was chatting utter rubbish. But get this, soon after he was released on bail, the man disappeared from the face of this Earth and even after repeated attempts, he couldn't be found. Was he telling the truth? Who knows, but get this - Carlssin predicted the exact date of the US invasion of Iraq.

7. The man from Taured.

This one is a really strange account which remains unanswered. The story goes like this -

On a hot afternoon in July 1954, a man arrived at the Haneda airport, also known as the Tokyo International Airport. Described to be a Caucasian man with a beard, this man is known to have been French but he was pretty fluent in other languages as well, including Japanese. Now, there are a couple of versions to the story. Some say that the man handed over his passport to be stamped by the Japanese immigration officials when the officers realised that while the passport seemed perfectly fine, the country where it was issued - "Taured" - did not exist in real life!

In another version, the man mentioned that he was from Taured, and when the officers didn't believe him, he showed his passport. Either way, the man tried his best to convince the officers that Taured, does, in fact, exist in real life. He claimed that it was located in between France and Spain. He claimed that his hometown wasn't new either and said it had been around for the last 1000 years! Eventually, when the man was shown a world map, he pointed to the area which is currently the principality of Andorra. He genuinely seemed confused as to why the authorities were hell bent on calling this place Andorra. Eventually, the immigration officers arrested the man on suspicions of being a criminal. To interrogate him further and figure what in god's name was going on, he was shifted to a hotel nearby. Two guards were positioned outside his room. But guess what happened when they went to check on the man the next day? Poof! Vanished. There were no signs of his escape. Even the documents he was carrying with him which could've been used as evidence of this man's existence, disappeared as well. Could he have been a man from the future? Or more interestingly, could he be living in a parallel universe where Andorra is known as Taured? More logically, all this could also be the work of a talented story teller. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell.

Rishabh Banerji

Football, films and food are the three words to describe Rishabh. A complete movie and sitcom buff, he can spend days in front of the television watching his favourite films, TV shows and the greatest football team in the world - Chelsea. He doesn't believe in getting out of bed unless he absolutely has to. Much like his face, he likes to write on everything funny, obscure, and nonsensical the world has to offer. He believes travelling is the best way to learn anything, and can happily play FIFA all night long. 
A creature of the night, Rishabh is also a firm believer that the solution to all life’s problems is Batman

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Mysterious Time Travelers With Convincing Stories

Jen Lennon

Nearly everyone has heard a completely ludicrous time travel story at least once in their life, like the internet-famous Backwoods Home magazine ad which read, " Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O. Box 322, Oakview, CA 93022. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before." It was, of course, a hoax, as many similar stories are. But what about real time travelers? Do they exist?

That's something you have to decide for yourself, as no time travel stories can be conclusively proven. But there are some convincing stories of people who may have actually traveled through time and other mysterious figures . So strap in, because this list is going to take you through some of the most credible time travel stories.

Two Professors See Marie Antoinette At Versailles - In 1901

Two Professors See Marie Antoinette At Versailles - In 1901

  • Adolf Ulrich Wertmüller
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Public Domain

In 1901, two professors from St. Hugh's College in Oxford, England, went to visit the Palace of Versailles. Versailles was, of course, the French royal home until the monarchy was abolished in 1792. Marie Antoinette, one of the last royals to live there, was executed in 1793.

So on that day in 1901, when professors Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain were walking the grounds of the palace, it's pretty safe to say they did not expect to see Marie Antoinette in the flesh just chillin' on a stool outside the Petit Trianon - a private retreat built for Antoinette by her hubby Louis XVI. And yet, there she was, sitting and sketching and completely oblivious to the fact that two women were gaping at her and all the other people in 1780s period attire who had appeared just as suddenly as Antoinette.

Antoinette and everyone else disappeared when a tour guide approached Moberly and Jourdain. Together, they wrote a book, An Adventure , about their experience, and the story gained notoriety because of how grounded it seemed. These were two highly educated and well-respected women; they wouldn't just make up a story like that. So what was it, then? Did they actually travel through time? It's one of the most thoroughly reported, compelling, and famous time travel stories that can't be explained.

Pilot Sees A Futuristic Plane

Pilot Sees A Futuristic Plane

  • Gaius Cornelius

Air Marshall Sir Robert Victor Goddard was sent to inspect an abandoned airfield in Edinburgh in 1935. It was dilapidated, of which he made note. He got back in his plane and took off, but heavy rain and low visibility prevented him from going too far. So, he turned around and headed back to the airfield to wait out the storm.

As he approached the landing strip, though, something very strange happened. The clouds cleared, the sun shone brightly, and he saw that the previously abandoned land was now bustling with mechanics in blue jumpsuits. There were four yellow planes on the tarmac, and one of them was a kind he had never seen before. Keep in mind, this guy was a military pilot. He was pretty familiar with all the different plane models available at the time.

Goddard was totally confused. Had he imagined it? Was he hallucinating? Was it a dream? It couldn't be real, certainly. But four years later, he was sent back to the airfield. Far from being abandoned, it was now in full use, complete with blue-jumpsuit-wearing mechanics and yellow planes. And sitting on the runway was the plane he couldn't identify in 1935: a Miles Magister. The Magister was first manufactured in 1938, three years after Goddard initially saw it.

Goddard's story is convincing because he wasn't even trying to travel through time - something unexplainable just happened to him. 

Journalist Experiences Air Raid 11 Years Before It Occurs

Journalist Experiences Air Raid 11 Years Before It Occurs

  • Royal Air Force/Dowd J

Journalist J. Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt were sent by a German newspaper to do a story on the Hamburg shipyard in 1932 . It was an uneventful visit - until the bombs began raining down on them.

Hutton and Brandt realized they were caught in the middle of an air raid and high-tailed it out of there, but not before snapping some photographs. When they got back to the center of Hamburg, no one believed their story. They developed the photos they took, intending to prove to everyone that they weren't crazy. In fact, they proved the opposite: the photos showed no signs of an air raid.

Eleven years later, Hutton was living in London when he opened up a newspaper and probably nearly spit his coffee across his desk. There was a story about Operation Gomorrah , an air raid on Hamburg. The accompanying photos looked exactly like what he experienced in 1932.

The Green Children Of Woolpit

The Green Children Of Woolpit

  • CC BY-SA 2.0

In the 12th Century, a young boy and girl were found alone in Woolpit, England . They didn't speak English (or any other identifiable language, for that matter) and their skin was green. That's right, green.

They were taken in by a local villager, and though the boy died soon after, the girl survived and eventually learned to speak English. Finally, she was able to tell someone where she came from. She said she had come from a twilight-covered place called St. Martin's Land and that she and her brother were taking care of their father's sheep one day when they found a cave. They went into the cave, and after walking for what felt like a very long time, they emerged in Woolpit. 

Maybe it's just a folk tale. Or maybe they came from the future. After all, their story does sound suspiciously like a time slip. Unfortunately for them, they were never able to get back to where - or when - they came from.

Charlotte Warburton Travels Through Time Without Even Realizing It

Charlotte Warburton Travels Through Time Without Even Realizing It

  • via Pixabay

In 1968, Charlotte Warburton entered a cafe she had never seen before. Nothing seemed amiss, but when she tried to go back a few days later, it had vanished. Charlotte later learned that there was, in fact, a cafe in that spot - many years ago.

It had been replaced by a supermarket long before Charlotte claims to have walked in and visited it.

A Police Officer Travels To The 1950s From 1996

A Police Officer Travels To The 1950s From 1996

  • G.Th. Delemarre/Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
  • CC BY-SA 4.0

In 1996, a police officer and his wife were shopping in Liverpool . His wife went into a bookshop while he took off for a CD store down the street. As he walked away from the bookstore, he noticed that everything was suddenly quiet. Then, a van that looked like it was from the 1950s honked and swerved around him. Somehow, he was standing in the middle of the street, and stranger than that, everyone around him was dressed in '50s-style clothing.

Confused, he tried to go back to the bookstore, but it wasn't there. In its place was a women's clothing shop named Cripps. So he went into the clothing shop, but as soon as he did, it was a bookstore again. He was back in 1996, but couldn't figure out what happened to him - until he learned that Cripps hadn't existed since the 1950s.

The Man From Taured

The Man From Taured

  • Directorate of Intelligence, CIA

In 1954, a man trying to get through customs at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan, had a bit of trouble with the customs agents. It wasn't because he "forgot" to declare something on his customs form, but because he claimed to be from a country that didn't exist - and he had a passport and stamps to prove it.

His passport was from a country named Taured , which he claimed was in between Spain and France. When customs officials pulled out a map and asked him if he meant Andorra, he became angry. He said that yes, the location was right, but Taured had existed for at least 1,000 years. He had never heard of Andorra.  

He was given a hotel room for the night while the police tried to figure out what was happening. Even though there were armed guards posted outside his room, the man had vanished by the next morning. His passport, which had been stored in the security office at the airport, was also gone. Officials never figured out the mystery of the man from Taured.

Jophar Vorin Claimed To Be From Laxaria

Jophar Vorin Claimed To Be From Laxaria

In 1850, a man named  Jophar Vorin was found in  Frankfort-on-the-Oder, Germany, and questioned. He spoke very broken German, which made his claims even more difficult to understand. He said he was from Laxaria, and spoke the languages Laxarian and Abramian. He said he was in search of his long-lost brother, but he was shipwrecked on the way to his destination.

Vorin didn't recognize any of the maps or globes that were presented to him. He claimed that the world as he knew it had five sections:  Sakria, Aflar, Aslar, Auslar, and Euplar. In the Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art ,  John Timbs reports Vorin was taken to Berlin to be questioned and studied. There's no doubt that Vorin existed; the question is, was he crazy? Or was he from a very distant future?

Four Friends Travel From 1979 To 1905

Four Friends Travel From 1979 To 1905

  • Charles Delort

In 1979,  Geoff and Pauline Simpson and Len and Cynthia Gisby were traveling through France. When it became late, they decided to find a hotel for the night. They found a place not too far down the road they were traveling. It was an odd place; the doors to the rooms only had wooden latches, no locks. And the windows only had thick shutters, no glass. 

In the morning, they had breakfast at the hotel and encountered two gendarmes (armed French policemen) that were wearing old-looking uniforms, complete with capes. The whole experience at the hotel seemed strange, not least because their stay only cost 19 francs - other hotels in the area cost over 200 francs. Still, they happily went on their way, and on their return journey, tried to stop and stay at the hotel again. Except it had seemingly vanished into thin air. And the uniforms those gendarmes were wearing? They were from around 1905 .

A 20th Century Doctor Finds Himself In The 1800s

A 20th Century Doctor Finds Himself In The 1800s

  • PublicDomainPictures

In 1935, Dr. EG Moon was leaving the residence of one of his patients in Kent, England when he realized his car was not where he had left it. Both the driveway and the road seemed a lot rougher than he remembered. Dr. Moon spotted a man walking by the house, and he realized that the man was wearing several capes and a top hat and carrying a long-barreled gun. He looked to Moon like he was from the 19th century, not the 20th.

Dr. Moon turned to go back to the house, but as he did, he saw that the driveway was paved again, and his car was once again parked in it. He turned back towards the road to look for the man, but he had vanished.

In 2000, A Mysterious Man Named John Titor Claimed To Come From The Year 2036

In 2000, A Mysterious Man Named John Titor Claimed To Come From The Year 2036

  • CC BY-SA 3.0

In November 2000, the Time Travel Institute forums saw a spike in unusual activity. Nestled among the usual conspiracy theories and far-fetched UFO sightings were a string of posts from a man who called himself John Titor . He claimed to be from the year 2036, saying the government sent him back in time to 1975 to retrieve an IBM computer, which they needed in order to debug some computer programs. He hopped off his time machine in 2000 for personal reasons, and since he was already there, he decided to warn everyone about how crappy the future was going to get.

He claimed that civil unrest would begin in the United States in 2004 and there would be a full-blown civil war by 2012. By 2015, he said, a quick World War III would have come and gone. Of course, none of these things have happened, so you're probably wondering: why did people believe this wingnut?

It's because his posts about time travel were so detailed, the description of its mechanics and his machine so thorough, that it seemed almost impossible that he wasn't telling the truth. 

Two Men From 1969 Drive Straight To The 1940s

Two Men From 1969 Drive Straight To The 1940s

  • catchesthelight
  • CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

In 1969, two men were having lunch in a Southwestern Louisiana town. Afterward, they got in their car and headed back to work along US Route 167, a highway that spans much of the state. In the distance, they saw an old car . As they got closer to it, they realized it was moving very slowly and they could see the year "1940" printed on its license plate. The two men pulled up alongside the car and peered in to see if everything was okay; they were greeted by the sight of a woman, done up in full 1940s regalia, and a small child, both of whom looked very confused and even, they thought, frightened.

They gestured to the woman, indicating that she should pull over and they would help her. As she began to pull onto the side of the road, the two men stopped a few yards in front of her. When they turned around to make sure she had parked safely, the whole car had vanished into thin air.

Preston Nichols And Al Bielek Claim They Were Part Of The Alleged 'Montauk Project'

Preston Nichols And Al Bielek Claim They Were Part Of The Alleged 'Montauk Project'

At an Air Force base in Montauk, NY, at the eastern tip of Long Island,  Preston Nichols claims  some top-secret government time travel experiments took place. Nichols writes in The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time that, in the 1980s, he recovered repressed memories of working on the project. And his claims seem outlandish: they experimented on children; one child had psychic abilities; they created a time portal to 1943. But not just any moment in 1943: the portal opened up onto the USS Eldridge , the subject of another famous alleged government project, the Philadelphia Experiment. 

Proponents of the Philadelphia Experiment conspiracy theory purport that, at the height of World War II, the US conducted a series of tests to try and cloak its warships. They wanted their ships to be invisible and undetectable. In October 1943, they reportedly succeeded, but there was a side effect: the Eldridge traveled back ten minutes in time and the experience drove the crew mad. They were brainwashed afterward, their memories wiped of the whole incident. A film about these alleged events, The Philadelphia Experiment , was released in 1984. And wouldn't you know it, that film triggered some repressed memories in one Al Bielek.

Bielek began discussing these memories with the press, which brought him to the attention of Nichols. The two got in touch and together told a story that linked the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment. Bielek had traveled through the time portal from the USS Eldridge to Montauk. The scientists at Montauk pushed him back through to the Eldridge . 

It's easy to dismiss Nichols's and Bielek's claims as pure science fiction, but the tale is so compelling, so detailed and unbelievable, don't you almost want it to be true? 

  • Graveyard Shift
  • Time Travel

As they say in well-written scripts, "You mean... like time travel?" + also a few bizarre stories about real people who have claimed, despite every law of physics, they have traveled through time.

Underrated Time-Travel Horr...

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Independence Day 2024: A complete guide to booking tickets online for Red Fort

Independence Day 2024: A complete guide to booking tickets online for Red Fort

Independence Day 2024: Red Fort parade ticket booking process

  • Category 1: Rs 20 per person
  • Category 2: Rs 100 per person
  • Category 3: Rs 500 per person

Steps to book tickets online for Red Fort parade and PM Modi speech

  • Go to aamantran.mod.gov.in
  • On the homepage, find and click on the link titled ‘Online Ticket Booking for Independence Day 2024.’
  • Enter your name, phone number, and the number of tickets you wish to purchase.
  • Provide the required documents for verification, which may include identification proofs such as Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, or Passport.
  • Choose the number of tickets and select your preferred category (Rs 20, Rs 100, or Rs 500).
  • Use the available payment options to finalize your ticket purchase.
  • After successful payment, print your ticket or save the digital version on your phone for easy access during entry.

Independence Day 2024: Travel and security measures for Red Fort

Travel arrangements.

  • Delhi Metro:

Security measures

  • Enhanced security :
  • Advanced surveillance :

Independence Day 2024 ticket booking details

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By Catherine Pearson

Sex researchers and therapists have long known that women in heterosexual relationships tend to have fewer orgasms than men do. A large new study suggests that this “orgasm gap” persists — and does not improve with age.

The Numbers

The research, published recently in the journal Sexual Medicine, found that across all ages, men of all sexual orientations reported higher orgasm rates during sex — from 70 to 85 percent — compared with 46 to 58 percent for women. Lesbian and bisexual women between ages 35 and 49 reported higher orgasm rates than their heterosexual counterparts.

The analysis included data from eight Singles in America surveys, which are funded and conducted by Match.com annually in collaboration with The Kinsey Institute, the sexuality and relationships research program at Indiana University. The sample included more than 24,000 single Americans between the ages of 18 and 100.

Researchers were especially interested in the question of whether orgasm rates vary by age. Amanda Gesselman, a research scientist with the Kinsey Institute and lead author on the study, said she thought the team might find evidence that the orgasm gap narrows as women develop confidence and learn what they like (and, perhaps, their partners develop skills to help pleasure them).

However, while older gay and bisexual men and lesbian women did have higher orgasm rates, “we really didn’t see evidence of closing the orgasm gap overall,” she said, adding that she hopes future studies will explore the age-orgasm connection further.

“We really, as a society, sort of prioritize men’s pleasure and undervalue women’s sexual pleasure,” Dr. Gesselman said. “And I think that contributes to consistent disparities.”

The Limitations

Emily Nagoski, a sex educator and author of the book “Come Together” — who did not work on the new study — said a limitation of the study was that the survey asked: “When having sexual intercourse in general, what percentage of the time do you usually have an orgasm?” But it did not provide a more specific definition of what “sexual intercourse” means.

Research shows the majority of women require some form of clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm. So if straight women defined “sexual intercourse” as vaginal penetration alone, it makes sense that there was a significant gap in orgasm rates, she said.

A more revealing question might be, “What percentage of the sex you have do you like?” Dr. Nagoski said. “Orgasm is not the measure of a sexual encounter. Pleasure is the measure of a sexual encounter.”

Ultimately, what matters is that people spend time figuring out what makes a satisfying sexual encounter for them — which often includes things like connection, trust and comfort, said Kristen Mark, professor at the Eli Coleman Institute for Sexual and Gender Health at the University of Minnesota.

“There are so many ways to experience sexual pleasure, so it’s important not to equate the orgasm gap to a pleasure gap,” she added.

Dr. Mark said that may be especially true later in life, when factors like the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, a partner’s erectile problems or other health challenges can make it difficult for women to reliably orgasm during sex — but they might still be enjoying the sex they are having.

What Progress Looks Like

At the same time that sex researchers and experts are calling for a more nuanced understanding of what makes sex “successful,” they express frustration at the fact that heterosexual women of all ages are still not having as many orgasms as their partners.

Laurie Mintz, a professor of psychology at the University of Florida and author of “Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters — and How to Get It,” said the study’s findings underscore the need for comprehensive sex education. But that’s not enough.

Women need to figure out what they find pleasurable, and then feel confident and comfortable communicating that to their partners, Dr. Mintz said. That requires an attitude that conveys “I deserve pleasure as much as my partner,” she added — and it also requires a partner who is receptive and open. Dr. Mintz acknowledged that both are easier said than done, calling the orgasm gap an “insidious” byproduct of patriarchal attitudes toward sex.

Women who are unable to orgasm, or who are simply not having sex that feels good, can talk to their general practitioner, Dr. Mark added — though she lamented that it tends to fall on patients, not medical professionals, to initiate conversations about sexual health. And she acknowledged that most doctors get little if any training in sexual health. Still, “it’s their job to meet you where you are and find you the resources you need,” Dr. Mark said. For instance, issues like dryness and pain during sex after menopause — which can make orgasms elusive — are treatable.

But she and other sexual health experts emphasized that there are larger issues at play. Among them, the lingering idea that women’s sexual pleasure is somehow secondary.

“It can be fixed,” Dr. Mintz said. “It’s going to take education, and empowerment, and acceptance of vibrators and lubricants, and using the word ‘clitoris’ — and all of that.”

Catherine Pearson is a Times reporter who writes about families and relationships. More about Catherine Pearson

What to Know About Your Sexual Health

Sexual health can be an important part of personal well-being. the information below can help you demystify this often misunderstood topic..

A new study suggests women in heterosexual relationships still have fewer orgasms  during sex than men do, even with age and experience, creating an “orgasm gap.”

A common antibiotic, doxycycline, greatly reduced cases of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia when taken every day , a study found.

More than half of men over 40 will experience some kind of erectile problem, and the prevalence increases with age (though men in their 20s and 30s can be affected, too). Here’s what to do about it .

Older daters are not getting adequate screening and protection from S.T.I.s. Here’s how to be a safer sexually active senior .

Any physical activity can improve your sexual health. But these five exercises  are especially beneficial.

New regimens in development, including once-weekly pills and semiannual shots , could help control H.I.V. in hard-to-reach populations.

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Discover India: a country rich in ancient traditions and culture

Discover India: a country rich in ancient traditions and culture

Time-travel Stories

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Proofs That Ancient Indians Did Time Travel!


TIRUMUKEECHWARAM TEMPLE This temple is also known as KOZHI or Panchavarnaswamy temple was constructed during the 7 th century. It is located in Woraiyur, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India.Worayuir used to be the capital of Chola Kings. It also has several inscriptions dating back to the Chola period.

time travel stories from india

The architecture of this temple makes it really a unique one. It constructed in such a way that people who just visit normally just will just see normal carvings like any other temples. But when dug deep, there are many hidden carvings in the dark. Many fascinating carvings are present in the dark corners of the temple.

A FLYING HUMAN CARVING On one of the dark corners, there is a carving which is a human with the head of an elephant. Many might think that it is Lord Ganesha. But it is not! It is a female one with no clothes to cover. The interesting part is that it has they do have wings and has long, slender, cylindrical feet.

time travel stories from india

Until now, there is no technology available to create a species like this using genetic engineering. But it is said that within a century from now, using genetic engineering scientist can make an elephant or even a human being fly with wings on either side of them.

TIME TRAVEL TO PAST Another carving in the temple is a carving of a sabretooth tiger. They are commonly known as thylacosmilus. Its appearance is similar to Tiger, but the only difference is that it has a very long tooth and tail.

time travel stories from india

The trickiest part is that this animal came to extinct 2.5 million years ago and archeology says that this temple was completely constructed 2000 years ago. How did the sculptures carve the thylacosmilus exactly, 2000 years ago even though thyacosmilus was extinct 2.5 million years back?

THE BHAGAVATA PURANA This book explains not only time travel but also time dilation. According to this book, a King and her daughter made an interstellar journey to see Lord Brahma who lives on another planet. After reaching the planet, the King and her daughter waited for some time, to meet Lord Brahma.

As they see Brahma, the King explains about the problem that he faces through his enemies as a King in the earth to which the Lord Brahma laughs out loud and explained that the time they were waiting in that planet to meet him was equal to 160 million years on earth. Brahma also told the king that there won’t be any enemies for the king anymore and no one will even recognize him when he returns back to earth. Sounds like Nolan’s Interstellar movies, isn’t it?

time travel stories from india

This was treated as a fiction and a fantasy story until Einstein explained to human beings about time travel and time dilation in the 1900s. Now, Scientist agrees that this story strongly and accurately indicates time dilation.

time travel stories from india


Panchavarnaswamy temple also has a carving of Lord Brahma in humanoid form with a very long beard, holding a tree. It doesn’t resemble like an actual tree. The top of the tree resembles like a brain and the trunk of the tree resembles the brain stem whose root is connected to a Linga.

time travel stories from india

This carving represents a deep meaning and spirituality. Linga has always been known as a source of unlimited power. So, the brain is being powered through the stem and Brahma holding the top of the tree indicates the control that he has over the thoughts and actions of human beings.

It is impossible for a temple to have a carving which is both from the past as well as from the future unless or until the ancient Indians or at least ancient sculptures of India knew how to travel time!


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