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10. Star Trek Online Reputation

Reputation and PVE Queues represent the endgame content to Star Trek Online. While there are no achievements directly tied to reputation, PVE queues are the best ways to actively gain specialization points towards the Specialist achievement. Similar to the Agents of Yesterday update that included progression related achievements, it's possible for Cryptic to release further DLC achievements involving reputation. Reputation, as well as Fleet items, are where one finds some of the better items in the game. Reputation is unlocked at level 50, and can be found via the 'Endgame' tab on the main menu. There are currently 11 different reputations, each with five tiers.

Competitive Wargames - Competitive Marks

Task Force Omega -Omega Marks

Nukara Strikeforce - Nukara Marks

New Romulus -Romulan Marks

Dyson Joint Command - Dyson Sphere Marks

8472 Counter-Command - Undine Marks

Delta Alliance - Delta Marks

Iconian Resistance - Iconian Marks

Terran Task Force - Terran Marks

Temporarl Defense Initiative - Temporal Marks

Lukari Restoration Initiative - Lukari Marks

Each reputation has its own unique mark currency, which are required to complete projects within the reputation. Marks are acquired through a variety of ways, however primarily they come from package rewards at the end of a successful PVE queue. They can also be obtained via participation in Battlezone areas, and by completing certain quests. Each reputation has at minimum an hourly project, and a daily project, as a means of gaining reputation points. The hourly project requires 15 marks, 1,000 expertise, and 7,500 energy credits to begin, and rewards 200 reputation points, 140 dilithium ore, and a single requisition tiered box. This project can be completed in one hour. The daily project requires 30 marks, 2,000 expertise, and 15,000 energy credits, and rewards 2,500 reputation points, 340 dilithium ore, and a single tiered requisition box. This project completes in twenty hours. The requisition box will contain a random item related both to the reputation it was acquired from, and the tier at which that reputation is currently at.

A single reputation is split up into five tiers. When unlocked, each tier provides two new traits, new store items for that reputation, and new equipment projects. These equipment projects are where you find the better equipment and set bonuses in the game, but also require a significant amount of marks to complete, as well as dilithium and typically advanced crafting components. Each time a new reputation tier can be unlocked, a quick 5 mark upgrade project must be completed, which will unlock the new rewards. Tier 5 unlocks at 100,000 reputation, so the most efficient path would be to just focus on the daily 2,500 experience projects for 30 marks each. This will take 40 daily projects completed, for a total of 1,225 marks including the projects and the unlocks, assuming no additional marks are spent on requisitions or hourly projects.

Gaining Marks

PVE queues are five player missions of varying length, that reward experience, marks, and crafting materials on completion. Whenever you complete a mission, you can't play that mission again until 30 minutes have passed. If you quit the mission early, you'll be locked out of all queues for 1 hour. Missions come in three difficulties: Normal, Advanced, and Elite. There is a significant difference in rewards between normal and advanced, but no difference between advanced and elite, so most people only ever go as high as advanced. The primary difficulty increase between normal and advanced relates to when you die. On normal, death doesn't have any penalty, but on advanced, every time you die you receive an injury to your ship or person that lowers some aspect of your ship. It might make you more vulnerable to damage, or hamper your speed, or make you weaker. These injuries aren't permanent, and can be fixed for free at either Earth Spacedock, or the Klingon Shipyard, or many other locations within the galaxy. Even with the increase in difficulty, it is always better to try advanced instead of normal.

Crystalline Catastrophe (Advanced)

Mark Reward Options: Fleet, Nukara

Crystalline Catastrophe is a 10 person mission, where two teams of five attempt to kill the Crystalline Entity. When you enter, you'll see the main figure and a significant amount of smaller enemies around it. This queue isn't entirely challenging even on advanced, as almost always the other people within the queue will be able to carry the damage and kill the entity without putting too much burden on you. At 65% and 35% health, the entity will start absorbing energy, and your attacks become useless for a period of time. At the end of the absorption, it will release a large damaging energy pulse. The only way to avoid this would be to fly farther than 10 meters away from the entity, or just brace for impact and hope for the best. Because this mission is completed in four to five minutes, there is usually always people queuing for it. Usually, people are doing this one for the easy fleet marks, which aren't tied to Reputation, but more information can be found on the Fleets page.

The Breach (Advanced)

Mark Reward Options: Fleet, Omega, Nukara, Romulan, Dyson, Undine, Delta, Iconian, Terran, Temporal, Lukari

This is probably the best queue that can be done, as it can grants every mark package except for competitive, so you'll usually not have to wait long to find a team. You'll be in a team of five, and while you might have some surviving issues depending on your setup, you should still do fine. The mission is split up into 4 sections.

The first section you'll be flying quickly on the outside of the ship. Your goal is to destroy hard points and nodes until the team reaches 100%, as shown on the objectives. Avoid the green plasma vents and just keep shooting. When you've destroyed enough, the game will give you the option to "Rally at the Breach site". You'll need to destroy several other hard points before flying into the ship and into a hangar. This is where the first real optional objective starts. There will be three ships in this first hanger, two on the back left and one on the back right upon entering. It's important to complete the optional objectives for additional marks, so you'll want to do your best to ensure these ships are saved first. You will also want to close all hangar doors to prevent additional ships from entering. You can both send rescue teams and close the hangar doors while in combat, so do them as soon as possible, then just clear out the rest of the ships.

The second section involves an area with a Dreadnought. There are three more ships in this area, two are on the right and one is on the left. Save these ships and destroy the extras before fighting the boss, bringing your saved ships count up to 6. Once the room is clear of additional ships, confront the dreadnought. Let someone else initiate the fight, and watch for an orange shield to surround him. Give the shield a few seconds before it dissipates, then begin firing. The shield not only makes him immune to damage, but can also reflect your damage back to you, which is a quick way to die if you run in guns blazing. After, it's a simple matter of finishing him off.

The third section involves three large power relays, and includes the final three optional ships to save. Upon entering this area, one ship will be directly to the left, another ship will be directly to the right, and the third ship will be forward and to the right, on the other wall. Once more ensure these ships are saved, then clear out the room of the enemies. Don't open any power relays until after the room is clear. After, just follow with the team, open the relay, find which one has the subpower core, and shoot it. Make sure that you don't fly too close, as you'll only have so long to damage it before the relay begins to close, and getting caught inside is an instant death.

The last section is the easiest. You'll see the main power core with lightning coming off of it and a partial barrier rotating around it. The barriers block your attack, so you want to position your ship as best as you can to shoot through the openings. If the lightning hits you, you'll find your health dropping rapidly, so be careful. Don't feel you need to go as fast as you can, trying to keep up with shooting, you should have plenty of time left and it's easier to avoid death if you don't rush yourself. When the power core is around ten percent, try to position yourself at the 9 o'clock position (left side) of the minimap within the room. When the core is destroyed, it's a race to get out of the ship in time, and the opening is on the left side of the minimap. Fly out of the ship, and the mission is completed.

Core Assault

Mark Reward Options: Fleet, Competitive

This queue is a mix of PVE and PVP. Two teams of five race against each other to complete three randomly chosen tasks, then destroy the opposing team's regulator. This isn't PVP so much as competitive PVE, with the final room being where you may optionally fight other players. The mark reward at the end doesn't require winning the full event, so there isn't a large amount of stress if your team isn't succeeding, as you'll still receive a reward at the end. Each room has a door with a Breaching progress bar that shows you how close it is to being unlocked. As the three initial tasks are chosen randomly from a pool, there can't be an outlined walkthrough for the mission, just a summary of the various tasks that might be chosen.


At the end, both teams will be put in a large open area with two regulators. Your final task is to destroy the opposing team's regulator, while the other team attempts to destroy yours. The regulators are placed on opposing sides of the room. This is the only room where the actual PVP might happen, as opponents may attempt to defend their regulator.

New Romulus Missions

Mark Reward Options: Romulan

This isn't a PVE queue, more a point of order. If you are collecting datachips on Romulus, you'll be receiving enough Romulun marks that this reputation should be completed easily. The missions work similar to the PVE queues, in that you get a bonus marks reward at the end of it. It's likely that you will have all the Romulan marks you need before you've gotten the datachip related achievement.

Borg Disconnected (Normal):

Mark Reward Options: Fleet, Omega, Dyson, Undine, Delta

This queue is relatively popular on normal, and provides a decent variety of rewards for me to mention it here. This would be one you may do while The Breach is on cooldown, as you typically don't have to wait very long. You will have to face several Borg ships, but also Undine and Voth ships as well. As explained earlier in the walkthrough, Borg ships have a debuff they place on you that completely removes your shield. The only counter to this would be an ability that removes debuffs, such as Hazard Emitters. As well, Voth ships have a shield that gives them immunity and reflects damage that typically is used when you begin fighting their ship. This mission comes with two sections.

The first section has three zones. Ideally, the team will split into two groups, with one group of three in one zone, one group of two in another, and the third empty. If your team splits up when it shouldn't, join one person to make it 2-2-1. There will be allied Borg ships, and your goal is to restore control to them so they can escape before they reach the green highlighted area, where they will be assimilated again. Enemy ships will also attack them and attempt to destroy them. You need to free 15 within the time limit, and two groups can kill and rescue fast enough to make that easy. After the time runs out, you'll be required to free 15 more, only now there will be Undine rifts you also need to close, and additional Undine ships will appear. Finally, once the time has run out again, you'll be required to free 15 more, and Voth ships will appear in addition to other Borg and Undine ships to stop you.

Once these three phases are complete, the second section begins. The Borg Queen, a Voth dreadnought, and an Undine ship will spawn in the middle of the map and attack each other. The team must defeat all three of them. Your team may differ, but ideally you want to destroy the Borg ship first, then the Voth Dreadnought, then the Undine ship. When all three have been destroyed within the time limit, the mission is successful.

star trek online omega reputation

Star Trek Online

star trek online omega reputation

Originally posted by Inzano : well, that makes sense. Curious why they'd tell you all this stuff at 44, and point you at things that dont exist for you till 50.... thx all

star trek online omega reputation

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  • Ship Deflector Dishes
  • Very Rare items
  • Vice Admiral items
  • Items that Bind on Pickup
  • Impulse Engines
  • Ship Shields
  • Omega Force
  • Reputation System Item
  • Accuracy Rating
  • Improves Exotic Damage
  • Improves Control Effects
  • Improves Energy & Shield Drains
  • Detection Of Cloaked Ships
  • Inertia Rating
  • Flight Speed
  • Flight Turn Rate
  • Offensive Clicky
  • Shield Drain

Omega Force (Space)

  • VisualEditor

The Omega Force space set is a three-piece space equipment set , comprised of a unique Deflector Array, Impulse Engine, and Shield Array, released with Season Five: Call to Arms . This set is obtained from the Task Force Omega branch of the Reputation System .

  • 1.1 Game Description
  • 1.2 Upgrades
  • 2.1 Game Description
  • 2.2 Upgrades
  • 3.1 Game Description
  • 3.2 Upgrades
  • 4 Set powers

Omega Force Tachyon Deflector Array [ | ]

Energy credit icon

Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Task Force Omega branch to Tier 2.

Game Description [ | ]

Omega Force deflector arrays provide modest sensor capabilities, but include advanced tactical analysis sensors that improves your Starship Targeting Systems skill.

Upgrades [ | ]

Deflectors can be upgraded using the Science Tech Upgrades or assorted Universal Tech Upgrades. This item will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement:

Omega Force Hyper-Impulse Engines [ | ]

Omega Force Hyper-Impulse Engines icon

Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Task Force Omega branch to Tier 3.

Omega Force hyper-impulse engines are designed for one thing only: speed. As an added bonus, they improve the tactical maneuverability of any ship significantly.

Impulse Engines can be upgraded using the Engineering Tech Upgrades or assorted Universal Tech Upgrades. This item will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement:

Omega Force Shield Array [ | ]

  • +5 Defense Rating for 5 sec
  • +1 Inertia Rating for 5 sec
  • +5 Flight Speed for 5 sec
  • +30% Flight Turn Rate for 5 sec

Omega Force Shield Array icon

Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Task Force Omega branch to Tier 5.

Omega Force Shields are made for quick hit-and-run operations. They regenerate their strength quickly, and include a special channeling wake that transfers incoming energy into additional speed.

Note: This item applies a cosmetic effect to the hull of your ship.

Shields can be upgraded using the Shields Tech Upgrades or Universal Tech Upgrades. This item will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement:

Set powers [ | ]

For each item added after the first, an additional power is available.

Set 2: Tetryon Glider

Tetryon Glider adds additional shield drain to all energy weapon attacks

Set 3: Gravitic Anchor

Gallery [ | ]

Full Omega Force Space set on a Federation Sovereign-class Assault Cruiser

Full Omega Force Space set on a Federation Sovereign-class Assault Cruiser

Full Omega Force Space set on a Caitian Atrox Carrier

Full Omega Force Space set on a Caitian Atrox Carrier

Full Omega Force Space set on a Vo'Quv Carrier

Full Omega Force Space set on a Vo'Quv Carrier

Scryer Intel Science Vessel Launches Gravitic Anchor

Scryer Intel Science Vessel Launches Gravitic Anchor

Gravitic Anchor in flight

Gravitic Anchor in flight

Front shot of a Nandi with Omega Shields. This is a more detailed shot to show texture

Front shot of a Nandi with Omega Shields. This is a more detailed shot to show texture

Side view of Omega Shields

Side view of Omega Shields

Bottom shot of Nandi Omega shields

Bottom shot of Nandi Omega shields

  • 2 Playable starship


  1. Star Trek Online

    star trek online omega reputation

  2. Reputation: Task Force Omega

    star trek online omega reputation

  3. Star Trek Online

    star trek online omega reputation

  4. Star Trek Online Update

    star trek online omega reputation

  5. Console Reputations

    star trek online omega reputation

  6. Star Trek Online

    star trek online omega reputation


  1. Reputation: Task Force Omega

    Task Force Omega is a joint Starfleet-KDF operation dedicated to stopping the advance of the Borg Collective. The Task Force Omega Reputation System was released with Season Seven: New Romulus. It focuses on adapting to the Borg threat. Task Force Omega contains several sets. Set Items can be acquired for Omega Marks, Dilithium, Energy Credits, and [Borg Neural Processor]s. The following sets ...

  2. Reputation System

    The Reputation System allows characters to progress their reputation with in-game factions such as Task Force Omega or Iconian Resistance. Each reputation includes various Sets, Traits, and other assorted gear among its tiers. It becomes available at level 50. The system was introduced in Season Seven: New Romulus and was expanded to include a sixth tier to all reputations with Season Fifteen ...

  3. Is there really no faster way to gain Omega rep? : r/sto

    Then I hit T5 on both Romulan and Omega[1] reputation. Now I have about 6k refined and about 78k unrefined. [1] Nukara, too, but I haven't spent anything there yet. ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game ...

  4. Star Trek Online

    #StarTrekOnline #STO #StarTrekTask Force Omega is Anti-Borg and one of the oldest reputations in game with many rewards that were once earnable through playi...

  5. Console Reputations

    The 1.2 Console Update will introduce two additional reputations which require player assistance in the face of two looming threats: the Borg, and the Iconians and their Herald servitors. Captains who choose to assist in fighting the Borg can progress their standing with the Task Force Omega, while captains who repel the Iconian threat can ...

  6. Reputation: Task Force Omega/Info

    Reputation: Task Force Omega/Info < Reputation: Task Force OmegaReputation: Task Force Omega. Edit

  7. Reputation System FAQ

    You will need to click on one of the Add Project tabs listed on the left side of the reputation window. You will then select one of the available projects listed on the right side of the window. Once a project has been selected it will become active and ready for contribution. Bear in mind that once work has started on a project you will not be ...

  8. Star Trek Online: Reputation system explained

    A little gameplay/ commentary explanation of the new Task Force Omega reputation system.. and a little of finding my own way around the system too! Enjoy!Twi...

  9. Season 9 Dev Blog #3

    In Season 8, we introduced the Dyson Joint Command Reputation and along with it some changes to how this reputation flowed when compared to older ones like Task Force Omega, New Romulus or Nukara Strikeforce. Most of these changes were universal improvements, like the introduction of reward packs upon initialization of a reputation XP project.

  10. Guide for Star Trek Online

    There are currently 11 different reputations, each with five tiers. Competitive Wargames - Competitive Marks. Hide ads. Task Force Omega -Omega Marks. Nukara Strikeforce - Nukara Marks. New ...

  11. Ascend to a New Level of Reputation!

    Ascend to a New Level of Reputation! With the release of Age of Discovery, you can extend your reputations to Tier 6, with brand new rewards, including new energy types, vanity shields, and powerful traits! By Ambassador Kael September 03, 2018, 09:00 AM. Introducing Tier VI Reputations!

  12. Reputations, what and why? : r/sto

    Comp rep: Prevailing Innvervated impulse engine (meta) Terran rep: for phaser or disruptor builds, Terran Task Force beam array is the best BA in the game. Omega rep: Kinetic Cutting Beam and Assimilated Module 2pc are nice... especially for BO builds. Romulan rep: Zero-point console can fit well into a lot of builds.

  13. Which reputation should I start with? :: Star Trek Online General

    The iconian space set (sheilds engines warpcore deflector) is currently the best in slot so you wanna get that. Wrong lol. The iconian rep is good if you want a defensive build, thats all. Other reputations are far better depending on your build or what you want to achieve.

  14. Omega Task Force Reputation Space Sets : r/stobuilds

    Omega Task Force Reputation Space Sets . ... This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. ...

  15. About Task Force Omega :: Star Trek Online General Discussions

    The project for turning in either processors or dilithium are just for that: making dil. You need to look for one in the special projects list that says "Claim Tier 2 Omega Reputation" or something among the lines of that. It takes only 5 omega marks and 5 seconds to complete. I figured it out, thanks for the help! #6.

  16. Reputation System/Info

    Star Trek Online Wiki. Reputation System/Info. < Reputation System. The allows characters to progress their reputation with in-game factions such as Task Force Omega. Each reputation includes various Sets, Traits, and other assorted gear among its tiers. Categories. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Fantasy.

  17. Best rep to grind for space gear : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. ... Gon'cra for Lukari, Defera for Omega, Ocampan convoy for Delta, and the Solonae Dyson Sphere for Dyson and Counter-Command. Reply reply ... Dyson is incredibly easy to get reputation marks for, as long as you ...

  18. Omega Adapted Borg Technology Set

    The Omega Adapted Borg Technology space set is a three-piece space equipment set, composed of a unique Universal Console, Kinetic Cutting Beam, and Torpedo Launcher, released with Season Five: Call to Arms. This set is obtained from the Task Force Omega branch of the Reputation System. Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Task Force Omega branch to Tier 1. This console uses ...

  19. Efficient way for acquiring Omega marks. : r/sto

    Efficient way for acquiring Omega marks. My alt toons have a need for 600 Omega marks. I find that the Red Alerts, which are appropriate level for their gear, are too infrequent, and too often bug out. While the advanced STFs would certainly give the quantities I would like, these alts would need to be carried given their gear so that is not a ...

  20. Omega Force

    Omega Force, also known as Task Force Omega, is a joint operation between the Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Republic, formed to combat the Borg threat. While Omega Force is comprised of officers from all three factions, it is not controlled by any of them. Omega Force is led by Admiral D'Vak, who reports directly to the Klingon Chancellor and the President of the Federation. Omega ...

  21. I dont understand these marks/reputation...... :: Star Trek Online

    Their are 4 different reputation Dyson, Romulan, Nukara, and Omega which have their own gear and abilities/trait at different tiers (5 tier in each reputation). out of the four the omega and nukara are the easiest, the romulan takes awhile do to pve matchs, and the dyson is not hard but takes a very long time to complete. #1.

  22. Omega Reputation not implemented on Consoles... : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. ... Omega Reputation not implemented on ...

  23. Omega Force (Space)

    The Omega Force space set is a three-piece space equipment set, comprised of a unique Deflector Array, Impulse Engine, and Shield Array, released with Season Five: Call to Arms. This set is obtained from the Task Force Omega branch of the Reputation System. Available through the Reputation system by advancing the Task Force Omega branch to Tier 2. Omega Force deflector arrays provide modest ...