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15 Best Things to Do in Freiburg (Germany)

Wreathed in vineyards in Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg is a Medieval university city on the edge of the Black Forest. The minster has to be the first thing you see in Freiburg, and you’ll want to view this Gothic marvel and its marvellous tower from every angle.

The city is one of Germany’s most liveable, and the green movement was born in the 1970s. Now Freiburg is both a stronghold for the Green party and one of the most sustainable cities on the planet. Freiburg is also a jumping off point for the Black Forest, and you can catch a cable-car from the south of the city to the summit of Schauinsland mountain at 1,284 metres.

Let’s have a look at the best things to do in Frieburg :

1. Freiburg Minster

Freiburg Minster

Begun as a Romanesque church in the 13th century, Freiburg’s awe-inspiring minster would take another 300 years to complete.

Despite the destruction wreaked around Münsterplatz in 1944, the minster came through with only minor damage.

In 1869 the Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt described the 116-metre tower as the most beautiful in the world, and it’s hard to disagree.

For three years after it was completed in 1330 the tower was also the highest in the world and is a hollow, highly ornamented mass of tracery and pinnacles.

The amount of artistry on the facade alone is astounding: The tympanum and archivolts on the portal have 418 stone figured carved at the end of the 1200s.

Inside, see Hans Baldung Grien’s Renaissance altarpiece and scale that tower to reach the viewing platform at 70 metres.

2. Münsterplatz


Surrounding the minster is a cobblestone pedestrian square, ringed by historic monuments and scene of a market that trades every day of the week except Sundays.

The square was almost totally flattened by bombs in 1944, but along with the minster one of the buildings to come through intact was the Wentzingerhaus on the southern margins of the square.

This late Baroque mansion was built in 1761 by painter, sculptor and architect Johann Christian Wentzinger and now holds a small museum about the city.

And as for that market, there are 96 regional produce stalls on the north side, and 65 on the south side selling anything from exotic spices to handicrafts.

At the foot of the minster are snack bars selling freshly cooked food like a long, Freiburg style wurst in a toasted bun.

3. Historical Merchants’ Hall

Historical Merchants' Hall

Also on the south side of Münsterplatz is a magnificent Renaissance building constructed as a market storehouse.

The hall is impossible to miss for its crimson facade and glazed patterned tiles on its bay windows.

In its current format, with crow-stepped gables and arcade on the ground floor, the building dates to the start of the 1530s.

The four statues above the access balcony on the facade depict three Holy Roman Emperors, Maximilian I, Charles V and Ferdinand I, as well as Philip I of Castile, son of Maximilian I who died before his father and so never became emperor.

Under the bay windows check out the coats of arms of the five dominions under the control of the House of Habsburg . These, along with the statues were carved by the Renaissance artist Hans Sixt von Staufen.

4. Freiburg Bächle


You can’t spend any time in Freiburg without dodging one of the little waterways in grooves in the Old Town.

These are fed by the Dreisam river and are called Bächle.

They were first recorded in the 1200s and in Medieval times they had a few uses, like helping to fight fires, providing local trades like tanners with water but were also open sewers.

The system of channels adds up to 15.5 kilometres, 6.4 of which is underground.

Now they’re a quaint fixture in the city and help to cool things down in summer.

The legend also goes that if you accidentally step into one you will end up marrying someone from Freiburg.

5. Augustiner Museum

Augustiner Museum

On Augustinerplatz a former Augustinian monastery has been converted into a stylish gallery for art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque.

In the gallery upstairs are works by German Renaissance masters like Matthias Grünewald, Lucas Cranach the Elder and Hans Baldung Grien, as well as paintings from the Speyer Altarpiece by Master of the Housebook.

Original Medieval stained glass from Freiburg Minster is presented on two levels, and a trove of wooden Medieval sculpture is also shown on the upper floor.

Downstairs, the chancel of the abbey church has been reserved for Baroque sculptures, statuettes, paintings and altars, and has solemn carved figures arranged in rows along the pillars.

6. Schwabentor


The younger of Freiburg’s two Medieval gates went up in the middle of the 13th century and is close to the oldest crossing on the Dreisam River.

The tower is three storeys high and built from red sandstone.

The staircase tower and half-timbered extensions are a little later, from the 16th century.

On the town side you can see a Baroque painting from 1672 of a merchant.

This soon became the subject of a legend about the city about a merchant who tried to buy Freiburg with sacks of what he thought was gold but had been replaced with sand and pebbles by his wife.

Above the keystone on the city side of the arch is a Romanesque carving of Boy with Thorn, a motif that goes back to Ancient Greece.

7. Schlossberg


Protecting Freiburg from the east is a 456-metre hill in the Black Forest.

As a handy strategic position Schlossberg was fortified from as early as the 1000s, and though these structures are now in ruins efforts have been made to bring them to life.

One of the main draws now is the Schlossbergbahn, a funicular railway that opened in 2008 and lifts you from the foot of the hill to the top in three minutes flat.

At the summit is the Schlossbergturm, which was erected in 2002 and grants a panoramic view of the city.

And if you follow the line of defences to the southwest side there’s a scenic terrace at Kanonenplatz where you can gaze across a vineyard to the minster.

8. Rathäuser


Freiburg’s New Town Hall and Old Town Hall are in the same compound on the picturesque Rathausplatz.

The Old Town Hall is on the north side and is in the Renaissance style, dating to the end of the 1550s.

On the curved cable above the clock you can make out the double eagle of the Holy Roman Empire, while Freiburg’s various ruling families down the years are honoured with coats of arms tracing the outline of the gable.

The Old Town Hall now houses Freiburg’s tourist office, so you can go inside.

The New Town Hall, is next door, and rather than being a whole new building, it’s actually two Renaissance burgher houses joined together by an arcade.

Stop by at 12:00 when the glockenspiel chimes in the connecting section.

9. Martinstor


The older of the two city gates is on the southwest side of the Old Town and has stood here in some form since 1202. The first record of the Martinstor is from 1238, but analysis of the timbers has shown they’re a little older.

The gate was an anchor for the Medieval fortifications, but when the French military engineer Vauban redesigned the city’s ramparts in the 1600s it became obsolete.

The lower third of the gate’s tower is all original, while the upper floors date to the turn of the 20th century and were capped with a Late Gothic style roof.

On the city side of the passageway there’s a grim reminder of justice in days gone by, as a plaque commemorates three women burned as witches in the city in 1599.

10. Haus zum Walfisch (Whale House)

Haus Zum Walfisch

This elegant early Renaissance house was ordered by Jakob Villinger von Schönenberg who was the Grand Treasurer to the Holy Roman Emperor.

The house goes back to the 1510s and over the next hundred years accommodated some important personalities.

The Dutch humanist Erasmus visited between 1529 and 1531, while Emperor Ferdinand I used the house around 1562-63. And if you happen to be a fan of art horror director Dario Argento you’ll know the Whale House as the setting for the dance school in Suspiria from 1977.

11. Mundenhof


Baden-Württemberg’s largest animal park is in over 38 hectares on an estate dating back to the 9th century.

In the past the Mundenhof was agricultural land, but over the last 100 years has been bought by the city and turned into a recreation area, and there’s still a peaceful rural ambience in the park.

The zoo opened in 1968, and differs from most as it is a non-profit enterprise that is free to enter and relies on donations.

Most of the animals are native, domestic and working species, kept in open paddocks.

But there are also gibbons, macaques, brown bears, alpacas, llamas, yaks, emus and ostriches.

A former stables has become an aquarium and terrarium, while during the summer the park is nesting ground for storks.

12. Markthalle


Just around the corner from Martinstor is a culinary attraction best described as an international food court.

There are over 20 stalls preparing specialities from all over the world, so you can try Italian, Chinese, Argentine, Japanese, Indian, Brazilian or Middle Eastern cuisine.

Or since you’re in Germany you can go for something a little more local like Frikadellen (pan-fried meatballs) or Freiburg-style wurst.

The champagne bar adds a festive atmosphere on weekend afternoons, and in the evenings the hall books live music and DJ sets.

13. Alter Friedhof (Old Cemetery)

Alter Friedhof

When Johann Christian Wentzinger passed away in 1797 he left estate to the city on the one condition that his grave would be looked after forever in Freiburg’s Alter Friedhof.

And for that reason the cemetery, which was in use from 1683 to 1872 has been more or less untouched.

Coming here is as much a cultural activity as it is a walk in peaceful nature on the north fringe of the Old Town.

All of Freiburg’s wealthy and noble citizens form the period are buried here, and their tombs and gravestones are works of Baroque and Neoclassical art.

Apart from Wentzinger, you’ll come across historical personalities like Mirabeau’s brother, the father of 19th-century painter Anselm Feuerbach and Felix Mendelssohn’s daughter-in-law.

14. Seepark


At this 35-hectare park in the west of Freiburg you’d never guess that until just 35 years ago you’d be standing in the middle of a gravel quarry.

The Seepark grew in stages from the early 1980s and was at the heart of Freiburg’s plans for the 1986 Landesgartenschau (Federal Garden Show). One third of the park’s area is taken up by a lake, which has a jetty where you can rent pedal boats in summer.

In 1990 a 3,600-square-metre Japanese garden was created to symbolise Freiburg’s partnership with the city of Matsuyama.

The Seepark is also equipped with a viewing tower, mini golf course and eco-station.

15. Schauinsland


On Freiburg’s southern horizon is a Black Forest mountain 1,284 metres tall.

Schauinsland is only ten kilometres from the Old Town and is go-to day out for its cable car.

The Schauinslandbahn is the longest cable car in Germany, running for 3.6 kilometres and with a vertical ascent of more than 700 metres.

Normally you won’t have to wait more than a minute for a cabin to arrive, and the journey to the top takes 15 minutes.

The Schauinslandbahn runs in winter and summer, but does close down in adverse weather conditions.

At the mountain summit you can look west to the rounded Vosges and south to the jagged northern peaks of the Alps.

15 Best Things to Do in Freiburg (Germany):

  • Freiburg Minster
  • Münsterplatz
  • Historical Merchants' Hall
  • Freiburg Bächle
  • Augustiner Museum
  • Schwabentor
  • Schlossberg
  • Haus zum Walfisch (Whale House)
  • Alter Friedhof (Old Cemetery)
  • Schauinsland

Germany Footsteps

Germany Footsteps

Top 19 Things To Do In Freiburg Im Breisgau [Don’t Miss Them!]

Going on a trip to Freiburg im Breisgau and want to know all the best things to do in Freiburg im Breisgau? We have you covered! Below you will find our guide to all the best Freiburg tourist attractions to plan your ultimate trip.

Located at the foot of the Black Forest, Freiburg im Breisgau is the perfect place to head to both start your exploration of this area and enjoy the delights of this pretty city. With a long history, a charming Old Town and the Black Forest right there, there is a lot to enjoy about Freiburg.

Top 19 Things To Do In Freiburg Im Breisgau [Don’t Miss Them!]

We loved exploring this city and found it very charming.

Freiburg is also the perfect place to base yourself for a few days (or more) while you explore the surrounding region but make sure you don’t miss out of exploring this city as well. This is where this guide can help!

Below, you will find our full Freiburg travel guide with everything you need to know about the best places to visit in Freiburg im Breisgau as well as the best places to stay for your ultimate vacation in Freiburg. There is also a handy map of all the things to do Freiburg Germany offers.

You’ll also find special sections on things to do in Freiburg Germany in winter and a full itinerary for a Freiburg day trip as well as what works if you are travelling with kids.

Traveling to Germany?  Click here to download your free Germany Trip Planning checklist .  We’ll help you get ready for your trip!  

Don’t miss the best hotel savings in Germany here >>

Table of Contents

A Brief History Of Freiburg Im Breisgau

With a population of around 230,000 people, Freiburg Im Breisgau is located in the southwest of Germany in the state of Baden-Württemberg by the famous Black Forest and the Dreisam River. Known as Germany’s sunniest city, this is a beautiful place to visit.

It also has a long history having been founded just over 900 years ago in 1120 by the Dukes of Zähringen as a free market town. Its name, Freiburg, comes from this with “Freie Burg” meaning Free Castle.

However, the first reference of people living in this location is found in a document in 1008, and trade routes used to pass near here.

In 1091, Berthold II of Zähringen built a castle on what is today Schlossberg to control the trade routes. This resulted in a settlement growing at the foot of the castle in the Old Town area which became Freiburg.

In 1218, the Zähringer’s died out and the Counts of Urach came into power changing their name to the Counts of Freiburg. This was not a popular move and a new council constitution formalised the rights they had under the Zähringen which lead to councillors from 24 of the old ruling houses ruling Freiburg and yearly council changes, although the Counts were still in power.

Freiburg Im Breisgau

There were many feuds between the Counts and the councillors. In fact in 1299, there was a brief battle between the citizens of Freiburg and Count Egino II and his brother-in-law, Conrad of Lichtenberg, the Bishop of Strasbourg after the citizens didn’t like the new demands from the Count.

The citizens won, but the Bishop was killed and the citizens had to pay a yearly reparation for this.

Eventually, the citizens of Freiburg were able to free themselves in 1368 by paying the Counts and choosing to move under the House of Habsburg for protection.

There were ups and downs of this decision. Freiburg had to support the Habsburgers in the wars again the Swiss Confederacy. In 1386 at the Battle of Sempach, their side lost and most the Freiburg nobility were killed. This lead to the guilds taking over the city council.

In 1520, Freiburg became an important Catholic centre after it did not take part in the Reformation.

The German Peasants War came to Freiburg in 1525 when 18,000 peasants captured Freiburg for a short time.

The first witch hunts took place in 1536 and unfortunately continued whenever the city needed scapegoats, like in 1564 when about a quarter of the city’s population died from the Black Death. It reached its peak in 1599 and there is a plaque today on the old city wall where the burnings took place.

There were many changes in the coming years after conflicts and war found Freiburg under the control of many different people including the Austrians, Swedes, Spanish, French and various closer neighbours as well. The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) was particularly devastating for Freiburg. At the start, there were around 10,000 – 14,000 citizens in Freiburg. By the end, there were only 2,000.

From this time until 1805, Freiburg was either occupied by the French or the administrative centre of Further Austria which was a Habsburg territory. At the end of this time, it became part of the ruling house of Baden.

During World War II, Freiburg was badly damaged with the majority of the Old Town destroyed by Allied bombing. A few buildings did survive like the Münster. The Old Town was rebuilt to its Medieval plan.

Today, Freiburg is a popular tourist and conference destination. It’s also a regional business and shopping hub. Technology production also plays a part in the local economy.

Top 16 Things To Do In Freiburg Im Breisgau Germany

Here are the best things to see in Freiburg Germany. Read through and select the ones that fit your interests and timeframe. If you only have one day to visit Freiburg tourist attractions, find our one day Freiburg places to visit itinerary below.

Note that I sort these top things to do in Freiburg Germany based on geographical location starting with the central Old Town and Freiburger Münster and then listing the closest Freiburg things to do while working our way further away. The order isn’t based on what I think are the most important attractions.

Many museums are closed on Mondays.

Altstadt (Old Town)

Münsterplatz Freibug Im Breisgau

Freiburg’s Old Town is a charming place to wander and explore. Make sure you have some time on your list of the best things to do in Freiburg Germany to just wander and enjoy.

The Old Town dates back to before Freiburg’s founding in 1120, although it was largely rebuilt after World War II.

It’s an interesting mix of old and new and architecture styles which somehow works very well together. It didn’t feel as “museum-like” as some other Old Towns we have visited while still having some gorgeous areas and buildings which added to its charm.

The best way to explore the Old Town is on foot. It’s much better for pedestrians than many Old Towns in Germany and I didn’t feel we had to keep dodging vehicles.

You’ll find many of the Freiburg visiting places coming up are in the Old Town, and you can see a lot of worthwhile attractions here.

It’s in a pretty spot as well, bordered on one side by the Dreisam River and another by Schlossberg Mountain. The main train station is also located by the Old Town.

Freiburger Münster (Cathedral)

Freiburger Münster (Cathedral) Freibug Im Breisgau

Located in the central Münsterplatz, you won’t want to miss Freiburg’s 13th century Münster. Even set against the gorgeous Old Town, it has an impressive presence.

It took 300 years to build this Romanesque church which withstood even the battering Freiburg took in World War II. At the time of its completion in 1330, it had the highest tower in the world.

It makes for quite a sight both inside and outside with beautiful stained glass windows once paid for by the Medieval guilds and an amazing Renaissance altarpiece by Hans Baldung Grien.

Inside Münster Freiburg

The outside is elaborate with many carvings, gargoyles and spires. You won’t want to miss the tower which starts off square and becomes octagonal with a 116 metre high spire. It’s possible to see to France from here on clear days.

The church is free with a small fee to climb the tower to the 70 metre viewing platform. The tower has limited opening hours.

The area around the cathedral is a market daily except Sundays.

Museum Für Stadtgeschichte (City History Museum)

Museum Für Stadtgeschichte (City History Museum)

Located on Münsterplatz, if you want to learn more about Freiburg’s past, you’ll want your next stop to be at the Museum Für Stadtgeschichte (City History Museum).

Its home was built by the sculptor, Christian Wentzinger, in 1761. There is a great staircase and ceiling fresco so be sure to look up. I also enjoyed the models of the city from around 1600 and 1700.

There’s also some photos of the city pre World War II that you can compare to after the bombing raid and today. Such a change!

On level 1 are some activities as well as exhibits which were great for keeping the kids interested. They could do a puzzle, stamp a coin and get an idea of how hard it would have been to get all the materials up high to build the church via lifting stone with a pulley. These activities are also good for keeping adults interested 🙂

Some models inside the Museum Für Stadtgeschichte (City History Museum)

The museum is mostly in German apart from some random parts that have been translated. Unfortunately, I didn’t have phone reception on the lower levels that made translating via the Google translate hard.

However, there is enough of interest and the entry price is low enough that I feel this museum is worth the admission even if you don’t speak German. It’s a smaller museum, but it has a good collection to help you understand more about Freiburg’s past.

I recommend you visit this one of the Freiburg im Breisgau things to do at the beginning of your journey to give a great appreciation to everything else as you walk around.

This museum is shut Mondays and has a small fee.

Bächle Freiburg Im Breisgau

As you walk around the Old Town, you won’t be able to miss Bächle, the little waterways that flow through the streets.

These were created in 1170 from the Dreisam River to provide industrial and cleaning water to the town as well as a way to stop fires, although they were also used as open sewers.

These days, there are still 15.5 kilometres of these channels, some of which are underground. They help keep things cool and add to the Medieval atmosphere. Note that if the weather has been dry, they may not contain water though.

Be careful not to step into one unless you want to marry someone from Freiburg! The legend goes that this is what will happen if you do. My six year old did so watch this page to see if it comes true 😀


Augustinermuseum Freiburg

Art lovers will not want to miss the Augustiner Museum particularly if you are looking for things to do in Freiburg on a rainy day as this is a great option.

This museum showcases work from the Middle Ages to the 19th century in a former Augustinian monastery. The building itself has been well renovated making a great home for this collection.

The collections include a great Sculpture Hall with masterpieces by Renaissance artists Hans Baldung Grien and Lucas Cranach the Elder as well as paintings by masters like Matthias Grünewald and the Master of the Housebook.

You can also find original stained glass from Freiburger Münster here.

Entry is by admission and the Augustiner is shut on Mondays.

Rathausplatz (Town Hall Square)

Rathausplatz (Town Hall Square) Freiburg

One of the most charming areas to visit in Freiburg is Rathausplatz or Town Hall Square. It’s a great spot to take a time out from exploring, have a drink and soak in the atmosphere.

Don’t miss the Old Town Hall which dates back to the 16th century and is built in the Renaissance style in red. It’s now home to the tourist office so you can take a look inside. Look for the double eagle of the Holy Roman Empire above the clock as well as the coats of arms along the gable which belong to Freiburg’s ruling families.

The New Town Hall is a pretty step-gabled design dating back to the 19th century. It is actually two Renaissance burgher houses that were joined together.

You can also take a look at the medieval Martinskirche church.

Markthalle (Market Hall)

Markthalle Freiburg

When you start feeling hungry, consider heading to Freiburg’s historic market hall. Here, you can find what amounts to an international food court.

There are over 20 stalls to chose from that pump out some great food from sushi to Argentine to Indian or Middle Eastern. Of course, since you have come all the to Germany, you could also eat something more local with their local wurst (sausage).

Whatever you pick, you can have a great meal here in an historic place. On Friday and Saturday evenings, there can be live music or a DJ as well as a champagne bar, and it opens until late.

It is quite cramped inside with a lot of action.

It’s closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Martinstor (City Gate)

Martinstor (City Gate) Freiburg

There are two city gates you can still visit in Freiburg. This is the older of the two and can be found on the southwest side of the Old Town. A gate was first positioned here in 1202.

This gate was once part of Medieval fortifications but when the fortifications changed in the 1600s, it was no longer required.

The lower third of the gate is original with the upper part added at the start of the 20th century. Look out for the plaque on the Old Town side of the tower. This plaque is in memory of the victims of the witch trials. This site is where three convicted women were burnt in 1599.

However, mostly this gate was used as a prison for debtors.

Schwabentor (City Gate)

Schwabentor (City Gate) Freiburg

The other remaining gate, Schwabentor, dates back to the 13th century. You can see a mural of Freiburg’s patron saint, St George, slaying a dragon on its front.

It’s three storeys high and there are several other pictures as well. You can see a 1672 Baroque painting of a merchant and a painting of the “Boy of Thorn”.

This boy is drawn with a big head, an unhappy expression and no neck. He’s pulling a thorn from his foot and it’s thought that this is a reminder to residents to not stray from the right path.

Today, a tram runs under this tower.

Museum Für Neue Kunst (Museum Of Contemporary Art)

Museum Für Neue Kunst (Museum Of Contemporary Art) Freiburg

Once art lovers have finished at the Augustinermuseum, they’ll want to head three minutes walk south to the other art option .

It takes off where the Augustiner finishes and highlights 20th century expressionist and abstract art with work by painters and sculptors.

It calls a Neo-Baroque building home which was built in 1902. Initially, it was an extension to the Female Educational and Etiquette Institute of the Adelhauser Neukloster.

Today, this museum has a regional focus with many works from artists in the region including Julius Bissier who was born in Freiburg.

This museum has an entry fee and is closed on Mondays.

Colombischlössle/Archäologisches Museum (Archaeological Museum)

Archäologisches Museum (Archaeological Museum) Freiburg

Inside a beautiful 19th century mansion, Colombischlössle, this museum has quite a grand marble entrance and cast-iron staircase. Built for the Countess Maria Antonia Gertrudis von Zea Bermudez y Colombi around 1860, it has a playful Gothic Tudor style. It’s surrounded by beautiful gardens, fountains and sculptures. Even without the museum, it’s worth a visit.

However once you go inside, you’ll be glad you did. You’ll find treasures from the Stone Ages to the Celtics to the Romans and on to the Middle Ages.

This is a great way to learn more about this region of Germany.

Closed on Mondays, there is a small fee to enter.

Schlossberg (Castle Hill)

The nice, easy paths around Kanonenplatz

Schlossberg is right behind the Old Town and the forested peak can’t be missed as you are exploring the city.

At 456 metres high, you can walk up Schlossberg from a path opposite the Schwabentor or take a ride up on the Schlossbergbahn (funicular railway). The railway is a fun way to go and gets you to part way up the peak in three minutes.

There are longer trails from here for serious hikers with some great options, as well as short walks for sightseers who want some great views.

The view from Schlossbergturm

At the top of Schlossberg is the Schlossbergturm (Schlossberg Tower). There are fantastic views from here across the city including of the Münster and the Black Forest.

A strategic position, Schlossberg was fortified by at least the 1000s. These structures are in ruins today.

We had a great couple of hours wandering round here, checking out the views and enjoying nature. It’s the perfect spot for a picnic lunch while you look over the city.

The park area and tower are free. The cable car has a fee.

Click here to read our full guide to visiting Schlossberg.

Alter Friedhof (Old Cemetery)

Alter Friedhof (Old Cemetery) Freiburg

For a different type of attraction, head to Alter Friedhof, just a short walk from the Old Town.

This cemetery was the final resting home for Freiburg’s citizens from 1683 to 1872. Today, it is considered a natural monument.

This cemetery has been left untouched thanks to Johann Christian Wentzinger. When he passed away in 1797, he left his estate to the city on the condition that his grave would be looked after forever. And so it has!

It’s a surprisingly nice place for a stroll. The wealthy citizens have gravestones that are works of Baroque and neoclassic art.

In the middle of the cemetery is St. Michael’s Chapel which was built in 1720. The cemetery itself is enclosed in high walls which help give it a secluded feel well away from the city.

The cemetery is open daily and entry is free.

Seepark (Lake Park)

Seepark Freiburg

When it comes to things to do near Freiburg Germany, this option is just a few kilometres northwest of the Old Town. It’s one of the most popular green areas in Freiburg and the perfect place to head to feel like you’ve escaped the city without going far.

In addition to the park itself, there is a swimming lake, pool, pedal boats, mini golf, playgrounds and restaurants. It’s a great place to give the kids a run around.

This 35 hectare park was once used for agriculture although the gravel soil did not work well for growing grain. In the 1920s, a gravel company moved in to mine sand and gravel. This was shut in the 1970s.

In 1986, the area was converted to host the State Horticultural Show. Since then, parts have been added to build the great park it is today.

Seepark is open daily and entry is free.

Black Forest

Black Forest Germany

If you are looking for day trips from Freiburg, this is sure to be your top pick! Germany’s Black Forest surrounds Freiburg so it’s easy to visit and should be on your must-do list.

The best way to explore the Black Forest is by foot on a hiking trail so I suggest you pick one and get hiking. Some choices near Freiburg are:

  • Schauinsland – This is an easy place to explore from Freiburg being just ten kilometres from the centre of Freiburg. It’s on public transport and you can even take Germany’s longest cable car to the top. It’s covered below for its winter sports but you can also come here in the warmer months and there are many hiking trails. Click here for more details about visiting this destination.
  • Titisee Lake – Not just a fun name, this lake is home to a great trail around the lake which is about 7 kilometres. It’s a beautiful spot. There are also water sports, lake-front pool, kayaks, a wellness centre and more. It’s easy to get to via train or car. Read more here.
  • Oberkirch wine hike – This trail is for people who would like to combine wine tasting with hiking and seeing more of this area. This seven kilometre walk starts and finishes in the Old Town of Oberkirch and takes you through local vineyards. Find more information here.

Europa Park

Iceland Europa Park

For the ultimate answer to which places to visit near Freiburg Germany, consider a day of fun at Europa Park. Just 35 kilometres from Freiburg, this park is like a mini version of Europe all in one huge theme park.

There are rides, shows and great theming with the different areas of the theme park being modelled after different European countries.

It’s quite an experience and a great way to mix up what you are doing on your Germany trip particularly if you have kids.

Read our full review of Europa Park here including lots of tips for a super fun visit.

Fun Things To Do In Freiburg In Winter

While most of the Freiburg Germany things to do listed above are possible in winter time, there are also some fun things to do in Freiburg which are especially for the winter months.

Freiburg Christmas Market

Freiburg Christmas Market

If you are visiting Freiburg at Christmas time, you won’t want to miss the Christmas market.

Taking place at both Münsterplatz and Rathausplatz, make sure you get to both markets. There are over 120 stands with art and crafts, gifts, local food and, of course, mulled wine.

There’s also an antique wooden ferris wheel and activities such as cookie making for kids and candle making.

The market runs for about a month in the lead up to Christmas.

Winter Sports

Schauinsland Freiburg

Freiburg can be used as a great jumping off point for winter sports. An easy place to go to fit in some skiing or other winter sports is 1274 metre high Schauinsland, just ten kilometres from the centre of Freiburg.

On weekends and holidays, there is a dedicated sledding run with a lift that is lots of fun. There is also cross country skiing or you can ski or snowboard. Find more information here .

There are also many other ski areas nearby.

What To Do In Freiburg In One Day 

Freiburg Im Breisgau

Only have one day in Freiburg? What a shame! But it’s ok, it’s still worth going to Freiburg if you only have one day. In fact, you can see most of the things to do around Freiburg Germany in a day.

I recommend you:

  • Start the day at the Old Town at Münsterplatz
  • Explore Freiburger Münster (Cathedral), both inside and out. It generally opens early
  • Learn more about the city’s past at the Museum Für Stadtgeschichte (City History Museum) which opens at 10am
  • Head to Augustiner Museum to enjoy the art collection
  • Have lunch at Markthalle
  • Take some photos at insta-worthy Rathausplatz (Town Hall Square)
  • Walk through the city gates at Martinstor and Schwabentor
  • Take the Schlossbergbahn (funicular railway) up Schlossberg and climb the Schlossbergturm (Schlossberg Tower) for great views over Freiburg
  • Visit the Colombischlössle/Archäologisches Museum (Archaeological Museum)
  • If you have the time and inclination, you can also visit the Museum Für Neue Kunst (Museum Of Contemporary Art) or walk through Alter Friedhof (Old Cemetery)

Note that none of the museums open on Mondays. If you visit on a Monday, still walk around the Old Town past these museums so you see more of this great area. You can also visit Seepark or do part of a hike from Schlossberg.

Freiburg Attractions Map

Things To Do In Freiburg Im Breisgau

Best Place To Stay In Freiburg Im Breisgau

When it comes to where to stay in Freiburg, there is a great range of hotels and other accommodation options. You won’t have any problem finding somewhere to stay.

Below, I’ve listed a few different places to consider depending on what type of accommodation you are looking for.

If you want more options, you can use this map to help you find hotels and home rental accommodation around Freiburg.

BEST – Colombi Hotel Review

freiburg tourist attractions

Located in Freiburg’s Old Town, the Colombi Hotel is just moments from Rathausplatz and close to many of the best Freiburg attractions. It’s opposite Colombi Park and Castle, home to the Archaeological Museum.

There are a range of a room types from singles to doubles and suite options. All are elegant, well furnished, have air conditioning, flat-screen TV and free internet. Toiletries, bathrobes and slippers are provided. Suite options also have living areas in the rooms for extra comfort and class.

There are a range of facilities at the Colombi Hotel including a fine dining restaurant, Zirbelstube, and multiple other dining options. There is also an on-site bar, a great indoor pool, gym, sauna and spa. Parking is available on-site for an extra fee.

This is the best pick in Freiburg for elegance and luxury.

Click here to see the latest prices now.

VALUE –  Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria Review

freiburg tourist attractions

If good value is what you want in your Freiburg accommodation, consider the Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria. Also located opposite Colombi Park, you can explore Freiburg’s Old Town attractions easily from here.

This 4 star hotel has a range of room types which are soundproofed and include flat-screen TV, mini bar and seating area. They range from single size to family options with suite rooms that have a living area with sofa bed for up to two kids. All rooms are modern and comfortable.

Free welcome drinks are also provided with tea and coffee complimentary in the lounge. There is a sauna and massage and beauty treatments are offered at an extra charge. There is an exercise room, and breakfast is available for a fee.

You’ll also find the Hemingway Cocktail Bar on site and a rooftop garden you can enjoy. Parking is available nearby for an extra fee.

You don’t have to feel guilty with a stay at the Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria thanks to it being environmentally friendly with solar panels and sole use of green energy.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT – Hotel Zum Schiff Review

freiburg tourist attractions

For something a little different, you could stay away from the centre of Freiburg at this hotel with its own winery and distillery. You’re a few kilometres from the Old Town but there are bus stops nearby to get you there.

There are single, double and triple rooms on offer here which come with air conditioning, wifi, flat-screen TV, minibar and toiletries. They also have seating and desk areas and have a good amount of space. They are a bit dated, however.

Where this hotel shines is their outdoor space. There is a great garden area. There is also a restaurant on-site and you can dine inside or out. You’ll want to stop by the bar to try the wine and spirits produced here. Breakfast is available as well as a sauna and solarium.

Click here to see all our recommendations for the best hotel in Freiburg.

If you have kids and would prefer to day trip to Freiburg from the Black Forest, read our review here of Feldberger Hof. Or if you are just interested in Europa Park, read our full review of the Europa Park hotel, Castillo Alcazar, here.

How To Get To Freiburg Im Breisgau

We travelled to Freiburg by hire car which made it very easy to get here. It’s simple to find and navigate.

You can hire a car to get you there by clicking here.

Freiburg Hauptbahnhof (Railway Station)

There are regular trains and buses here. You can find timetables and all your options here.

Or you can find all the train timetables here and discount train passes here.

The closest international airport to Freiburg is Basel Mulhouse in France near the Swiss border. It’s about an hour by bus away or faster in a taxi ( which you can book here ). You can find flight prices and options here.

Once in Freiburg, we explored most of the time on foot. Most places listed above are in walking distance of each other. For attractions further away, we used our car but public transport options exist.

Freiburg With Kids

Freiburg is a great place to visit with kids. It’s in a beautiful part of the country with plenty of outdoor activity nearby with the Black Forest.

We visited here with our three kids aged 6 – 12 and they enjoyed running round the Old Town (and following the Bächle), taking the funicular railway up Schlossberg and, of course, visiting Europa Park.

I also have an extra thing to do in Freiburg for families here which my kids enjoyed.

Mundenhof Freiburg

Located just a ten minute drive from the Old Town, Mundenhof is the perfect Old Town timeout for families. This large animal park is located on a 38 hectare estate which dates back to the 9th century. It’s the largest zoo in Baden-Württemberg.

There is a good range of animals from water buffalos to llamas to farm animals. It is more of a big farm than the traditional lion-tiger-elephant zoo.

There are activities like wagon rides and camel rides especially in the school holiday period. We found it a relaxing afternoon with our kids.

A really cool thing about Mundenhof is that entry is free. There is a 5 euro parking fee which helps support the zoo. It’s always open.

Final Words

I hope you have found this guide to Freiburg things to see useful and that you have as good a time exploring Freiburg im Breisgau as we did.

It’s a very charming city with some nice attractions and a great Old Town, and I’m sure you will love it too.

Read more guides to visiting Southern Germany here . You can also find our full guide to accommodation in Freiburg here or read this guide to nearby Heidelberg here , Titisee here or Baden-Baden here. You can also check out our favorite Black Forest places here.

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By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon first fell in love with Germany back in 2000 on her first visit. She loves the long history, the picturesque Old Towns, the castles, the food, everything really! Since then, she has visited many times and loves writing about Germany here so you can enjoy it too. In fact, Sharon loves German culture so much that she sent her kids to a German primary school in Australia. She especially loves Berlin and towns with charming Old Towns like Celle and Quedlinburg. Sharon also has a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and understands the nitty gritty of travel planning. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to Germany whether it's your first or tenth time!

Must-see attractions in Freiburg

Freiburg Minster cathedral night view

Freiburger Münster

With its lacy spires, cheeky gargoyles and intricate entrance portal, Freiburg’s 11th-century minster cuts an impressive figure above the central market…

freiburg tourist attractions


Dip into the past as represented by artists working from the Middle Ages to the 19th century at this superb museum in a sensitively modernised monastery…


The forested Schlossberg dominates Freiburg. Take the footpath opposite the Schwabentor, leading up through sun-dappled woods, or hitch a ride on the…


Join locals relaxing in a cafe by the fountain in chestnut-shaded Rathausplatz, Freiburg's prettiest square. Pull out your camera to snap pictures of the…

Museum für Stadtgeschichte

The sculptor Christian Wentzinger’s baroque townhouse, east of the Historisches Kaufhaus, now shelters this museum, spelling out in artefacts Freiburg’s…

Archäologisches Museum

This archaeology-focused museum is inside the neo-Gothic Colombischlössle. From the skylit marble entrance, a cast-iron staircase ascends to a stash of…


In a sculpture-dotted park sits the neo-Gothic Colombischlössle. Built for the Countess of Colombi in 1859, the whimsical red-sandstone villa now houses…


The 13th-century Schwabentor, on the Schwabenring, is a massive city gate with a mural of St George slaying the dragon, and tram tracks running under its…

Museum für Neue Kunst

Across the Gewerbekanal from the Altstadt, this gallery highlights 20th-century Expressionist and abstract art, including emotive works by Oskar Kokoschka…

Historisches Kaufhaus

Facing the Münster’s south side and embellished with polychrome tiled turrets is the arcaded brick-red Historisches Kaufhaus, an early 16th-century…

Haus zum Walfisch

The marvellously extravagant Haus zum Walfisch sports a late-Gothic oriel garnished with two impish gargoyles.

One of Freiburg's two surviving medieval town gates.

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My Turn To Travel

13 BEST Things To Do In Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

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Unveil the hidden gem of Germany’s Black Forest, where medieval charm meets sustainable innovation. Discover Freiburg, a city known for its sun-soaked squares, vibrant street life, and a green movement that has earned it the title of ‘Germany’s Eco-Capital’. Here are the best things to do in Freiburg, Germany.

Number 13: Freiburg Cathedral (Freiburger Münster)

Freiburg Cathedral is an incredible place to be when you’re in this picturesque city of southwest Germany. Built in the 13th century, it showcases a captivating blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles. Explore the cathedral and prepare to be awestruck by its intricate details and symbolic elements.

The soaring spires, adorned with mythical creatures, add a touch of enchantment. The stained glass windows create a mesmerizing display of colors that will leave you spellbound. And don’t forget to climb the tower! It’s a bit of a workout, but the panoramic views of the old town and beyond are absolutely worth it.

Number 12: Freiburg Minster Square (Münsterplatz)

Freiburg Minster Square is a true gem in the heart of the city. This medieval square offers much more than meets the eye. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and let the historic architecture transport you to another time.

The lively markets are a sensory delight, with over 65 stalls overflowing with fresh flowers, fruits, vegetables, pastries, wines, and sausages. As you explore, you’ll encounter impressive ancient towers and funiculars, showcasing the architectural wonders of the area. It’s not just about the food and drinks here; it’s a cultural experience that reflects the spirit of Freiburg.

Number 11: Augustiner Museum

The Augustiner Museum is an ideal destination for anyone interested in learning about the city’s rich cultural heritage. Inside this historic church building, you’ll find a massive collection of art that spans various historical periods and styles. From intricate altarpieces to engaging sculptures and impressive paintings, the museum showcases the incredible talents of renowned artists throughout history.

As you soak in the beauty of these artworks, you’ll gain valuable insights into Germany’s religious history. Moreover, the museum also hosts temporary exhibitions that showcase contemporary artists who carry on the traditions of their predecessors, blending traditional techniques with modern sensibilities.

Number 10: Schlossberg (Freiburg)

Take in the awe-inspiring vistas of Freiburg from the stunning Schlossberg. This mountain on the outskirts is perfect for jaw-dropping views and memorable snapshots. Explore the well-defined trails, some paved, some rugged, that lead to various viewpoints.

While you make your way up, discover the intriguing castle ruins at the summit, offering a glimpse into its rich past and even more stunning panoramas of Freiburg’s skyline.

Schlossberg has something for everyone, whether you’re an avid hiker or not. So, don’t forget to capture the perfect blend of natural beauty and architectural marvels while delving into gripping tales from different periods and local folklore.

Number 9: Schwabentor

Schwabentor, an iconic landmark in Freiburg, boasts a beautifully preserved 13th-century tower. It’s an amazing piece of history and a must-visit for history buffs. Standing at almost 100 feet (30 m), the tower is one of the last remaining gates into Freiburg’s Old Town.

But it’s not just about the history—the views from the Schwabentor Tower are simply astonishing. You can climb up to the observation deck and soak in panoramic vistas of the charming old town and the magnificent Black Forest beyond. And don’t miss the chance to capture some gripping shots of Freiburg’s Gothic cathedrals.

Number 8: Freiburg Seepark

Discover the beauty and tranquility of Freiburg Seepark, one of the top parks in the city. This lakeside paradise offers a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement. Take a stroll along the peaceful trails, or soak up the sun on the grassy banks that frame the picturesque lake. 

Looking to cool off? Jump into the refreshing waters and join the locals for a refreshing swim. Seepark provides an idyllic escape from the city, where you can embrace nature’s wonders, have a delightful picnic, and create lasting memories.

By the way, check the links in the description for recommended tour operators that will enhance your Freiburg experience, and save you valuable time and effort.

Number 7: Freiburg Historical Merchants’ Hall

When in Freiburg, make sure to visit the Historical Merchants’ Hall. It’s an interesting place with irresistible allure. Picture this: a striking building painted in an enchanting ox-blood color that instantly catches your eye. Built way back in 1250, this architectural gem was initially meant to protect the town from invaders.

Take a moment to admire the vibrant bay windows and the statues of four emperors proudly displayed on the facade. The attention to detail is astounding, with intricate carvings adorning the walls. And don’t forget to spot the coat of arms, a nod to the influential Habsburg family.

Number 6: Freiburg Martin’s Gate (Martinstor)

Got your Freiburg itinerary ready? Don’t forget to include Martin’s Gate, a precious gem of the city! This ancient city gate has been proudly standing since 1202, showcasing Freiburg’s alluring history.

But it’s not just for history buffs! Martin’s Gate offers breathtaking views of the cityscape, perfect for those Insta-worthy moments. So grab your camera and prepare to capture the essence of Freiburg from this iconic spot.

Take a stroll around Martin’s Gate, and you’ll be amazed at how it effortlessly combines old-world charm with modern vibes.

Number 5: Freiburg Market Hall (Markthalle)

Freiburg Market Hall is a food lover’s paradise! Established in 1882, this vibrant market hall has over 50 vendors showcasing a delightful array of fresh produce, delectable cheeses, succulent meats, and tasty pastries. As you step into the hall, your eyes will be entranced by the striking ceiling adorned with colorful frescoes, creating a feast for both your stomach and your senses.

But the appeal of Freiburg Market Hall goes beyond its gastronomic delights. It’s a cultural hub where you can truly enjoy the local scene. Strike up a conversation with the friendly vendors, who are more than willing to share their ingredient knowledge and even recommend their favorite recipes.

Number 4: Schauinsland Cable Car

If you find yourself in Freiburg, make sure to hop on the Schauinsland Cable Car. This cable car holds the title of being the world’s first passenger cable car based on the circulation principle. Pretty cool, right? Once you reach the top, get ready for an incredible experience. 

The Black Forest unfolds before your eyes, with hiking trails begging to be explored. Take your time, savor the picturesque landscapes, and let nature work its magic. And don’t forget to refuel at the mountain café. Treat yourself to some refreshing drinks and tasty snacks before you descend

Number 3: Freiburg Bächle

Dip your toes in the Freiburg Bächle and experience a unique and enjoyable activity. These charming waterways flow through the streets, creating a soothing oasis during hot summer days. 

Besides providing a refreshing cool-down, the mineral-rich Bächle water is said to have healing properties, adding to its allure. Indulge in this therapeutic experience and escape the hustle and bustle of sightseeing. Take a moment to relax and unwind at one of the many Bachle streams scattered throughout Freiburg’s historic center.

For relaxation purposes or simply want a break from sightseeing around town, take a few minutes to unwind at one of many Bächle streams located throughout Freiburg’s historic center.

Number 2: Freiburg’s Rathausplatz

Head to Rathausplatz and be enthralled by the Old and New Town Halls. The Old Town Hall, with its cobblestone entrances from the Middle Ages, and the adjacent New Town Hall, featuring a striking tower and intricate facade, are historical treasures you won’t want to miss.

Wander through Rathausplatz’s bustling public square, take in the spectacular architecture, and absorb the vibrant atmosphere. Join the mix of locals and tourists, grab a cup of coffee, and simply enjoy people-watching. These iconic landmarks offer a unique glimpse into the past while immersing you in the lively spirit of Freiburg.

Number 1: Colmar, France

Cross the border into Colmar, a town in the Grand Est region of northeastern France, near the border with Germany, and discover the perfect blend of French and German cultures. A quick train ride from Freiburg, this charming town will attract you with its fantastic architecture and picturesque streets.

Stroll through narrow cobblestone paths lined with delightful bakeries and authentic French restaurants, which will tempt you with mouthwatering delicacies. Soak in the peaceful atmosphere, providing a refreshing contrast to the bustling city of Freiburg. By exploring both towns, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the diverse facets of these neighboring regions.

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Europe , GERMANY , Western Europe

Top 15 things to do in freiburg, germany.

Top 15 Things to Do In Freiburg, Germany

I’ve got to be honest, at this point, 1 year ago, I had not even heard of Freiburg.

In fact, it was only when I mentioned to a close friend (who studied German at University and knows the country like the back of her hand) that I was planning to travel in the Black Forest area of the country, that the name Freiburg first even entered my lexicon.

But enter it did and, assured by her how brilliant, green and charming this small university city (official known as Freiburg im Breisgau and located in the Baden-Württemberg region) was, Freiburg quickly worked its way into my plans… and boy / girls am I glad it did!

For Freiburg, quite simply, proved to be an absolute treat.

With just about everything you want from a lovely German city, this history-filled, forest-surrounded, beer hall-loaded destination quickly shot its way into my heart and up my top German destinations list.

In fact, I’ve recently named Freiburg as one of the 50 best places to visit in Western Europe – yes it’s that good!

So if you’re planning a trip to this Black Forest beauty, then read on to discover my list of the 15 best things do in Freiburg as well as my top travel tips for the city.

Germany, Freiburg, City & Cathedral Views

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#1 See the City Gates

Germany, Freiburg, Historic Gate

First up on this list of the top things to do in Freiburg is to check out this historic city’s gates.

Yes like many old cities in this part of Germany, Freiburg was once a walled city and large gateways helped protect the population, as well as make clear the entrances, exits and boundaries of the city.

Seeing the City Gates is a good introduction to the historic nature of this town, and strolling the cobbled streets between them is another delightful walk back through time, as some parts date as far back as 1202!

The most famous, and probably impressive gate in my opinion is Martinstor (Martin’s Gate in English), which is clearly marked on Google maps if you’re looking to find it.

#2 Enjoy a Beer Hall or 2!

Germany, Freiburg, Beer

And as you wander along those cobbled streets of Freiburg, there’s no question one of the top things to do is to stop off and enjoy a stein or 2 (that’s a huge German beer for the initiated) in once of the city’s many beer halls.

Not that I like to perpetuate any stereotypes, but this is a student city after all!

My favourite had to be Biergarten Brauerei Feierling for the record – this is the genuine, authentic, local real deal!

#3 Marvel at the Cathedral

Germany, Freiburg, Cathedral Munster

The Freiburg Munster , which is the Cathedral in the heart of this city, is an absolute masterpiece and stopping to marvel at it in the central square is certainly one of the top things to do in Freiburg.

The Gothic religious icon, with its famous square tower, has beautiful Black Forest views from the top, as well as an impressive chiming show seemingly hourly!

The nearby beautiful and historic Merchants Hall is also worth a snap.

You can also enjoy drinking or eating around both these buildings, especially in the summer months, which is very fun and no way as near as expensive as you’d think!

#4 Climb the Observation Tower

Germany, Freiburg, Observation Tower

But if you really want the best views of the Black Forest, then forget the church tower, it’s all about climbing the Observation Tower, which lies just beyond the city gates, on top of a hill located right next to the city.

Known as the Aussichtsturm Schlossberg , which means the Castle Tower, this 35m towering giant sits atop of Castle Hill (unsurprisingly) and offers the most epic of views!

Do not miss it!

Either you can climb the hill and the tower, as I did, stopping at the Kanonenplatz viewing area on the way and perhaps the Kastaniengarten for a stein on the way down!

Otherwise, if you’re not up to the walk, the Schlossbergbahn or funicular can carry you up there.

#5 Take a Dip in the River

Germany, Freiburg, Fountains

This is probably one of the summer, but it looked absolutely idyllic!

Seeing so many locals swimming in this River Dreisam , which runs through Freiburg, definitely convinced me it was safe and around the bridge known as Kronenbrucke , seemed to be the most popular place for it.

If you don’t fancy a river dip, them some fountain fun in the city centre may suffice instead!

Germany, Freiburg, City Views

#6 Relax in the Seepark

Another great outdoors number to enjoy when you’re in this city, and absolutely one of the best things to do in Freiburg, is head to the massive Seepark.

In fact, this is where I spent my first evening after arriving in the city, strolling around, having a pretzel (obvs!) and enjoying a beer with a view of the lake.

Strolling, boating and people watching are the top things to do here as it offers a great slice of local life that you shouldn’t miss, even if it is a little way out of the centre.

That said, Seepark is handily very near the Airbnb I recommend at the end of this article.

Germany, Freiburg, Historic City

#7 Stroll the Japanese Garden

And within the Seepark is also the lovely Japanese Garden.

However this place is so cute, I really thought it warranted its own mention on this list, especially given the story of how it came to be here.

Freiburg is actually twinned with the Japanese town of Matsuyama and this garden was built in the 1990s by the Japanese landscape architect Yoshinori Tokumoto as a gift for Freiburg’s citizens.

How lovely is that!

The park is open from 9am to 5pm, is free to enter and is wonderfully peaceful.

#8 Hike in the Black Forest

Germany, Freiburg, Castle Views

And sticking with the nature theme, but perhaps leaning towards a rather more wild version of it, you simply cannot come to the city of Freiburg and fail to take in the mighty Black Forest that sits all around it.

A day’s hiking is the best way to enjoy this landscape in my opinion, with tons of trails within easy reach of the city.

The 2 free hiking apps – AllTrails and Komoot – both list a ton of great walks to choose from.

Germany, Freiburg, Street

#9 Join the Crowds at Titisee Lake

If you like your nature served in a rather more leisurely fashion however, then instead of heading for a hike, why not head out of Freiburg for a fun day in the Black Forest town of Titisee.

This place is very popular with locals, especially during holidays and weekends, there’s even a fairground here, but the jewel in the crown is the Titisee Lake – the perfect place to cool down in summer.

#10 Eat Trad German Food

Germany, Freiburg, Locals

And while you’re out with the locals, you may as well gorge yourself on delicious German food too!

Pretzels are the go-to snack in this part of Germany and, of course, they are big on the bakeries here as well – with all the amazing breads and cakes you can think of.

I tried some sweet bread thing with raisins and almonds when I was here that was particularly delicious… and I’m not even into sweet things!

You also can’t miss trying some yummy sauerkraut either and, if you’re a meat-eater too, it seems fair to say no trip to Germany is a trip to Germany without eating a lot of sausage.

One Bratwurst to-go please (need to find meat-eating travel companion to review this option for me).

#11 Discover the Epic Veggie / Vegan Restaurants

Germany, Freiburg, Central Square

But fear not fellow plant-eating people, the great news is that Freiburg is a really progressive city (it’s one of the most environmentally-savvy in Germany too) and there are tons of fabulous vegetarian and vegan restaurants too.

Can we thank the students for this?

Actually, I was lucky enough to have a few German friends who live in this part of German and who all – knowing I don’t touch the sausage – recommended Adelhaus to me as a great plant-based option.

#12 Take in the View from Schauinsland

Germany, Freiburg, Green Landscape

We’re back on the day trips now and probably the perfect option for your second day in Freiburg and, the option ALL my German friends recommended to me, was to drive out to Schauinsland and take in the view.

A mountain in the Black Forest, reaching up to 1,284 m above sea level, taking the cable car up to the top is definitely one of the highlight things to do while you are in Freiburg.

#13 See Ravenna Gorge & Bridge

Germany, Freiburg, Ravenna Bridge

Another option, slightly closer to the city is to head out and see the Ravenna Gorge and Bridge in the Black Forest.

There are several trails in this part of the landscape, which means it’s a great hiking and sightseeing combination that can often be paired with nearby Titisee as well.

It’s most likely you will need your own vehicle, or a friend with one, to enjoy this, but if you have either of those then you’re good to go!

#14 Discover the Hochburg Ruins

Germany, Freiburg, Hochburg Ruins

Of all the places I discovered around Freiburg, I have to say this was my favourite.

Yes the Hochburg Ruins, which I actually just stumbled across by chance after driving across the French border, were an utterly delightful find.

The sort that can only be so delightful when you have no idea they exist, no expectations and they turn out to be one of the most memorable places you went!

Despite not being in any of the guidebooks, discovering this spot was a real treat, not only for the views and insta-worthy shots, but also for the history and sense of the unknown.

Germany, Freiburg, Sunset

#15 Experience the Freiburg Christmas Markets

And finally on this list of the top things to do in Freiburg, we come to the Freiburg Christmas Markets.

Having visited the city in the summer, I actually can’t claim to have experienced these myself, but time your visit right, or time it for this very reason, and there’s absolutely no reason you should miss one of Germany’s most amazing festive features.

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When to Visit Freiburg

Germany, Freiburg, Railway

There’s no question, in my mind at least, that there’s 2 crucial times to visit Freiburg.

One, as you may be unsurprised to learn, is in December, when the aforementioned Christmas Markets are in their full splendour.

The other time I recommend visiting is when I did – in the summer months.

At this time, the warm long days offer amazing opportunities for hiking and sightseeing in the daytime, followed by balmy evenings in those wonderful beer gardens.

Because Freiburg is not a hugely popular destination for international tourists, the summer months also shouldn’t be too crowded.

Given Freiburg’s location in the Black Forest area, I also imagine Spring and Autumn here (with the changing of the season in full force) is also pretty spectacular.

How Long to Spend There

Germany, Freiburg, Historic Building

As a small city, a couple of days is plenty of time to explore Freiburg.

In other words, this is a perfect weekend break, or a short stop, enroute to some other bigger destinations like Bavaria or the French Alsace wine region where you’re likely to spend more time.

I spent 3 nights in Freiburg and found it exactly the right amount of time.

Arriving late on day 1, I had enough time left in the day to enjoy a beer in Seepark and get to know the residential area around my cute Airbnb.

Day 2 I spent a full day exploring the city and the Observation Tower.

And then on day 3, I headed out into the forest for some hiking.

Where to Stay in Freiburg

Germany, Freiburg, Cathedral Sunsetk Forest Views

So as I mentioned above, I stayed in a rental apartment in Freiburg, which was ideal for me as a budget traveller and was situated in a residential area with lots of green spaces around.

Quiet and local and near a few good parks, I could also walk into the city from this place, or get the tram on the way home, making it the perfect balance of budget and comfort for me.

For these reasons, I always recommend staying in rental properties when visiting German cities and VRBO is my go-to website for this.

Check out this top-rated apartment , close to the centre of Freiburg as well as a great range of shops, restaurants, cafes and parks if you’re looking to do the same. Sleeping up to 3 people, it’s very well-equipped, has easy access to public transport and is very spacious… an all-round winner!

If you prefer to stay in a hostel however, then the only official hostel in the whole Black Forest area is near Freiburg – how perfect is that!

If you want to spend your time hiking or doing more outdoors stuff in the Black Forest, as opposed to being based in a city, then this hostel could be the option for you.

It gets great reviews and can be booked at an excellent price here .

Finally, if you want to be right in the heart of the action, and experience a bit more comfort and privacy, then I highly recommend The Alex Hotel . I love the modern decor, the fabulous service and the excellent breakfast at this place!

How to Get to Freiburg

Germany, Freiburg, Flixbus

If you’re enjoying a European road trip, Freiburg is easy to navigate your way to by car along the excellent German motorways.

I’d say most travellers head here either from the large German cities of Frankfurt or Stuttgart, the Swiss cities of Basel or Zurich, or the French city of Strasbourg , which is just across the border.

From most of those cities you can also get numerous trains to Freiburg if you’re using public transport, or buses if you’re on a tight budget.

As always, I use Trainline to book my trains across Europe, because they make everything so easy and straightforward and offer excellent prices and easy e-tickets.

When it comes to bus travel in Europe, I love Flixbus, who I’ve used many times and can’t recommend enough given their insanely good prices, free wifi, comfort and safety.

Check out Flixbus for all your European bus travel, including to Freiburg, here .

What to Pack

Germany, Freiburg, Black Forest Views

And finally, here my list of the top 4 packing essentials you shouldn’t head to Freiburg without.

#1 A Good Camera – No doubt you’re going to be snapping like crazy with these amazing forest views and need to ensure you have a good camera to do this city justice. I love my Sony A6000 , which is light, compact and great for travel.

#2 Decent Walking Shoes – No point coming to Freiburg and not being able to enjoy this beautiful historic city on 2 feet. Get prepared therefore and ensure you have a decent pair of walking shoes – these cross trainers from New Balance are ideal (and totally stylish) for the job.

#3 Light Waterproof Jacket – Whatever the time of year, you have to remember this is Germany after all, a country in which the heavens can open at any point! Don’t get caught out there and ensure you have a good lightweight and waterproof jacket with you. This North Face one is perfect.

#4 Compact Hiking Day Pack – I never go on any day trips without a sturdy backpack to ensure I’ve got room to carry everything I need and that the weight is equally distributed across my back and shoulders, This super featherweight Kompressor from Marmot is my go-to, because it folds down to nothing and is water-resistant.


Ultimate Travel Guide to Freiburg, Germany

So there is it, my list of the 15 best things to do in Freiburg.

Have you been to this wonderful German city?

Did you like it as much as me?

What was your favourite thing to do there?

freiburg tourist attractions

Creator of Big World Small Pockets, Stephanie Parker is a travel addict! Originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, Stephanie adventures the world collecting tips, advice and stories, to share with a smile

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6 Fabulous Things To Do in Freiburg, Germany by

6 Fabulous Things To Do in Freiburg, Germany

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We were a bit surprised to find so many fun things to do in Freiburg, Germany. Now we are sharing our list to help fellow travelers discover all the sights, too. 

We were lured here by the beautiful Black Forest but were equally excited about the historic places in Freiburg Old Town. Of course, any trip to Freiburg would not be complete without local fare, so we made room in our itinerary to eat classic German food!

Best Things To Do in Freiburg, Germany

Herz Jesu Kirche at end of Blue Bridge in Freiburg, Germany

The first time we even heard of Freiburg, Germany was when we were housesitting in Basel, Switzerland .

We were looking for an easy and entertaining day trip. One where we could enjoy the beautiful spring weather, see a few historic sights and have an affordable meal. ( Basel is so expensive! ) So, on a warm and sunny day, we set off to discover some of the fabulous Things To Do in Freiburg.

Our list includes top Freiburg activities that can be experienced in one day. At the end of the post, we include a helpful Freiburg, Germany Map of Sights.

Save, Pin or Bookmark this Freiburg Travel Guide to plan your trip to Europe !

#1 Visit the Freiburg Munster

Gothic details on Freiburg Minster Cathedral in Freiburg, Germany

Officially called the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady, it sits at the center of Freiburg Old Town, so you really can’t miss it! The incredibly detailed Gothic cathedral was built from 1200 to 1330. Visiting the Cathedral should be at the top of your Freiburg to-do list. 

Freiburg Cathedral Bell Tower in Freiburg, Germany

The spire reaches 380 feet into the sky and hanging inside are 19 bells (the oldest date to the year 1285). Although Freiburg was heavily bombed in 1944, the structure suffered little damage. The church is one of the free things see in Freiburg!

Cathedral Market

Daily market in Munsterplatz in Freiburg, Germany

The Munstermarkt takes place in the square surrounding the church, Munsterplatz. One of the fun things to do in Freiburg is to peruse the market goods. 

Flowers, produce and hand-crafted toys are sold from stalls on both sides of the Cathedral. On the north side of the church there a long row of vendors selling tasty German sausages.

While shopping – and eating – don’t miss the blazing red Historical Merchant’s Hall. It’s one of the most beautiful buildings in Freiburg and it sits on the south side of the square. The market is open every morning except on Sundays. 

#2 Explore the Freiburg Old Town

Cobblestone street in Old Town, Freiburg, Germany

The city was established as a ‘Fortified Town of Free Citizens’ (a loose translation of the name Freiburg) in the year 1120.

Although various rulers and wars have left their mark here, a preserved (and in some cases re-created) Old Town occupies the center today. Exploring the ancient cobblestone lanes is one of the top Freiburg things to do.

Old Town Freiburg Sights

Crocodile sculpture in stream by Insel in Freiburg, Germany

The historic Old Town is small and walkable, making Freiburg sightseeing simply enjoyable. During our visit we literally stumbled onto many attractions, but we are listing the ones you really shouldn’t miss.

Freiburg Schwabentor

Tram passing under Schwabentor Tower in Freiburg, Germany

The Schwabentor Tower – or the Swabian Gate – has stood in Freiburg since the year 1250 as part of the city’s fortifications. The gate features a striking clock and two interesting paintings.

On the side of the tower that faces towards town, there is a picture of a traveling merchant. This image also comes with a legend.

According to the tale, a man came to Freiburg to buy the town with two barrels of gold. However, when he arrived, he found out his wife had taken the gold and filled the barrels with sand!

On the outside of the tower facing away from the city is a painting of St. George, the Patron Saint of Freiburg. Inside the Schwabentor Tower is a small museum, Zinnfigurenklause, that features small figurines. 

Historic Martinstor Tower in Freiburg, Germany

The Martinstor Tower – or Martin’s Gate – is another one of the remaining Freiburg city gates. It officially dates to 1238, but research proves that the beams are even older, possibly from the year 1202. The tower no longer features a painting (it was removed in 1951), but there is a clock and a plaque commemorating the burning of three witches in 1599.

Freiburg Rathaus

Old Town Hall building on Rathausplatz in Freiburg, Germany

The Old Town Hall and New Town Hall sit next to each other on a pleasant square, Rathausplatz. The New Town Hall was built in the mid-1500s as a duplex house. It was used by the university for 300 years and in 1901 became the New Town Hall.

The bright red Old Town Hall has been owned by the city since the 14th century and features several coats of arms. Part of the famous Freiburg Christmas Market is held on Rathausplatz. In fact, there are several fantastic European Christmas Markets that take place around the region!

Augustiner Museum

Visitors looking for things to do in Freiburg on a rainy day can add the Augustiner Museum to their trip itinerary. The small museum is housed in an old monastery and features art works from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. There is a small fee to enter.

Freiburg Bachle

Boy plays in Bachle on spring day in Freiburg, Germany

One of the unusual things to do in Freiburg, Germany is to look for the Bachle – which are man-made water channels. 

Running along the Old Town lanes, the narrow ditches of streaming water date to the 13th century. The flow was diverted from the Dreisam River as a source of water to battle fires and provide drink for livestock.

When the use for the bachle became obsolete, residents fought to keep the unique system of irrigation. Today, the water is said to keep the town cool in the summer. Kids play with boats and, according to legend, anyone who steps in the water is destined to marry a local!

#3 Hike in the Freiburg Black Forest

Hillside vineyards on Schlossberg in Black Forest Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg is nestled at the base of Schlossberg (or Castle Hill), on the western edge of the German Black Forest. Which means Freiburg hiking is only steps away from the historic Old Town. These trails often lead to scenic viewpoints and castle remains. 

New Observation Tower, Schlossbergturm, in Black Forest Freiburg, Germany

However, one of the best things to do is hike to (and up) the Schlossbergturm. This 114-foot-tall observation tower provides stunning 360-degree views over the region.

Freiburg Old Town Hike to Scholossbergturm

Dirt trail in Schlossberg in Black Forest Freiburg, Germany

We took a break from sightseeing and started our hike near the Schwabentor Tower. Most of the trails were not marked, but there were picture plaques of the Schlossbergturm with arrows to guide our way.

More Things To Do in the Freiburg Black Forest

Schlossbergbahn tram to Black Forest in Freiburg, Germany

Visitors who prefer not to hike, but still want to walk in the Black Forest, can take the Schlossbergbahn, a funicular railway that links the Old Town to the forest.

On the other hand, those who want a deeper Black Forest experience can take the nearby cable car to the top of Schauinsland mountain. From the gondola, there are expansive views across the Rhine Valley. 

Freiburg Attractions for Nature

Springtime at Stadtgarten in Freiburg, Germany

Other places to visit for a dose of nature are Colombipark, Stadtgarten, Seepark and the Freiburg Botanical Garden.

#4 Stroll the Old Freiburg Cemetery

Old Gravestone in Alter Friedhof cemetery in Freiburg, Germany

Although some may think visiting a cemetery is spooky, visiting the Alter Friedhof (Old Cemetery) is definitely one of the top Freiburg, Germany things to do. The cemetery was used for local burials from 1683 until 1872.

The gravestones range from simple and modest to detailed sculptures. Both the history and the art are what makes the cemetery one of the Freiburg tourist attractions today.

Gravestones in overgrown grounds at Alter Friedhof Old Cemetery in Freiburg, Germany

We took our time strolling through the plots and looking for dates on the longstanding headstones. We noted how some were crumbling and covered in moss and other graves were in pristine condition.

While we were at Alter Friedhof, we noticed many locals enjoying the cemetery as a park by walking their dogs and having picnic lunches. 

#5 Drink Beer at a Freiburg Brewery

Beer at Ganter Brauereiausschank on Munsterplatz in Freiburg, Germany

When in Germany, drink beer. When is Freiburg, drink Freiburg beer! It’s even better if you can consume it outdoors in a classic German beer garden. On our quick trip, we managed to sample beers from three breweries. Someone has to do it, right?

Hausbrauerei Feierling

Beers in Biergarten at Hausbrauerei Feierling in Freiburg, Germany

Feierling Brewery first opened in 1877 near the current location on Augustinerplatz – and the brew master is a 4th generation Feierling. The beer is brewed in-house (tours are available), but the main feature of Hausbrauerei Feierling is the spacious and lively Biergarten.  

Ganter Brauereiausschank

Outdoor seating at Ganter Brewery on Munsterplatz in Freiburg, Germany

The Ganter Brewery is a family-run business that was founded in 1865. The brewery, where they also offer tours, is on the outskirts of town and can be easily seen from the top of the Schlossbergturm. However, there is the Ganter Brewery Bar located on Munsterplatz where guests can get a taste in a wonderful setting.

Martin’s Brau

Beers at Martin's Brau in Freiburg, Germany

Martin’s Brew opened in 1989 in the Markthalle. In addition to the standard beers produced at Martin’s Brau, they also make small-batch, seasonal specialties.

#6 Eat German Food

Platter of Farmhouse Sausages at Martin's Brau in Freiburg, Germany

What goes best with German beer? German food, of course! And there are many Freiburg restaurants serving delicious, hearty German meals. Some of the menu items we were searching for were Brezels (soft pretzels), Spatzle (noodle dish), Flammkuchen (thin pizza) and Sausages with Kraut.

What To Eat in Freiburg

Local dish of Spatzel with bacon and sauerkraut in Freiburg, Germany

We coordinated our sightseeing to be at the city center cathedral at lunchtime. We joined both tourists and locals for one of the locally famous ‘Lange Rote’. A foot-long sausage served in a baguette with sautéed onions.

In the early evening, we snacked on brezels while sipping our beers. When we were ready for dinner when we sat down at Martin’s Brau.

Disappointed to see that Flammkuchen was not on the menu, we opted for the local Spatzle (with bacon, onions and beer sauerkraut). We added farmhouse sausages (because when in Germany there is no such thing as too many sausages) and it was delicious! 

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Freiburg Map of Sights

Use this Google Map to find an online version of our Top Things To Do in Freiburg, Germany Map below.

Freiburg, Germany Map by

Tips for your Trip to Freiburg, Germany

Schlossbergturm Views, Freiburg, Germany

We have shared our top tips for what to see in Freiburg – but we have a few more important details for your visit.

Planning a Trip to Freiburg

Using our list, it is fairly easy to sort out what to see and do in the city. However, as you make your travel plans, you will need to keep track of all the trip details. We recommend using our Trip Planning Printables to get (and stay) organized for your vacation to Germany!

Travel Planner Printables by

Tourist Information 

If you want additional ideas of what to do, make the Freiburg Tourist Information Office your first stop. It’s located in the Old Town Hall on Rathausplatz. 

Best Time to Visit Freiburg

There are reasons to visit in every season, but we have some info about what kind of weather you can expect throughout the year. 


Summertime is warm and wonderful! Visitors will be able to enjoy all of the outdoor activities. Such as strolling the old town, hiking in the hills and drinking in outdoor beer gardens. But there is a chance of rain throughout the summer months – so be sure to bring a raincoat and travel umbrella . 

Spring and Autumn

The shoulder seasons are spring and autumn – but we think it’s a great time to travel to Freiburg! The weather is cooler, but not cold – which we think is ideal for exploring (especially hiking). 


While it does get quite cold during the winter months, it can still be a fantastic time to visit. In fact, one of the great things to do in Freiburg in winter is go to the fun Christmas markets!

How To Get to Freiburg, Germany

We took the Basel to Freiburg train and saved money by purchasing a Regional Day Ticket. The train took about one hour. There is a faster ICE train, but it is not included with the Regional Day Ticket. A visit to Freiburg can also be added on to a Trip to Colmar or Strasbourg, France ! 

Freiburg Airport

Looking for an airport near Freiburg, Germany? The EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Freiburg (BSL) is the closest at 29 miles away in Saint-Louis, France. Read our hints for finding the best fares on airline tickets and then hop on SkyScanner .

Freiburg Train Station

The main station is located west of the Old Town, but within easy walking distance. Well-connected to other cities, day trips from Freiburg are easy to organize. 

Where To Stay in Freiburg, Germany

Visitors staying for longer than one day will find many places to stay in Freiburg close to the city center. Use our tips for finding the best hotels and great Airbnb’s before you book your trip!

Freiburg Hotels

Check to see if there are rooms available at these highly-rated properties. Motel One Freiburg , Colombi Hotel , Hotel Oberkirch – or start searching on .

What You Will Need for Your Trip to Freiburg

Whether spending one day in Freiburg or staying for an entire week, there are a few items you will want to have. We share more hacks on our Travel Packing page. For now, grab your FREE Packing Checklist !

The Right Shoes

Flip flops are fine for an Old Town tour. If you are planning on hiking the trails in the Black Forest, be sure to bring a good pair of travel shoes . 

Travel Camera

This area of Germany is gorgeous! For your trip, upgrade to a real camera that takes exceptional photos. We always travel with our trusty Canon Rebel with a 18-135mm lens . 

Whether you travel with a backpack or suitcase , a versatile day bag is always a good idea. We like to use small backpacks to stow all our everyday travel items . Read the reviews in our post on the Best Travel Day Bags .

Start planning your trip to Germany ! Search for the lowest airfares , the best accommodations and fun things to do …then start packing !   Want more travel advice? Head over to our Travel Planning Page for tips on traveling – and for country-specific information, take a look at our Travel Guides Page !

Visiting More Top Cities in Germany?

  • Get our complete Guide to Berlin
  • See the absolute Best of Munich
  • Find all about What To Do in Frankfurt
  • Use our top tips for Things To Do in Dusseldorf
  • Don’t miss the historic sights of Dresden

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    These rankings are informed by Tripadvisor data—we consider traveller reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. 2024. 1. Freiburg Cathedral. 2,619. Historic Sites. Gothic cathedral featuring a 750-year-old bell, 71 gargoyles, and a tower with panoramic views.

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    The incredibly detailed Gothic cathedral was built from 1200 to 1330. Visiting the Cathedral should be at the top of your Freiburg to-do list. The spire reaches 380 feet into the sky and hanging inside are 19 bells (the oldest date to the year 1285). Although Freiburg was heavily bombed in 1944, the structure suffered little damage.

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    Things to Do in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: See Tripadvisor's 65,038 traveller reviews and photos of Freiburg im Breisgau tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Freiburg im Breisgau. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

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    Attractions. Search. Search. Category art gallery bicycle Rental ... Tourist Information am Rathausplatz Tel. +49 (0) 761/3881-880 [email protected]: Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG Neuer Messplatz 3 79108 Freiburg Germany

  19. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Freiburg im Breisgau

    Top Things to Do in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: See Tripadvisor's 65,004 traveller reviews and photos of Freiburg im Breisgau tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Freiburg im Breisgau. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

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  21. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Freiburg im Breisgau

    Top Attractions in Freiburg im Breisgau. See all. These rankings are informed by Tripadvisor data—we consider traveller reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location. 2024. 1. Freiburg Cathedral. 2,619. Historic Sites. Gothic cathedral featuring a 750-year-old bell, 71 gargoyles, and a tower with panoramic views.