vanucci tour fun

Motorrad und Touren

vanucci tour fun

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Testbericht


  • 2  erster Eindruck
  • 3  Tagebuch
  • 4.1  Materialien und Normen
  • 4.2  Protektoren
  • 4.3  Reflexmaterial
  • 5.1  Einstellmöglichkeiten
  • 5.2  Belüftung
  • 6.1  Reissverschlüsse / Knöpfe
  • 6.2  Taschen
  • 6.3  Abschlüsse
  • 6.4  Verbindung zur Jacke
  • 7  Innenfutter
  • 8  Tragekomfort
  • 9  Bedienung / Benutzerfreundlichkeit
  • 10  Verhalten beim Fahren
  • 11.1  Partnerlook
  • 12  Ersatzteile / Zubehör
  • 13  was ich mir wünschte
  • 14  was mir gefällt
  • 15  was mir weniger gefällt
  • 18  Reinigung / Pflege
  • 19.1  Sicherheit / geprüft
  • 19.2  Materialien
  • 19.3  Gewicht / Masse
  • 19.4  erhältliche Grössen
  • 19.5  Herstellungsland
  • 20  Garantie
  • 22  Testberichte
  • 23  Motorrad Testberichte
  • 24  weitere interessante Beiträge

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Vorwort

Ende März 2022 stellte Louis eine komplette Schutzausrüstung für eine interessante Testreihe zur Verfügung. Mit dabei war da die Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – eine leichte Tourenhose, passend zur Motorradjacke Vanucci VAJ-1 Textil .

Die Motorradhose ist für die Übergangszeit oder den Sommer in den Bergen gedacht, denn sie ist leicht und hat kein Innenfutter.

Ich freue mich darauf, zu erfahren, wie es sein wird, mit dieser Hose auf langen Motorradtouren unterwegs zu sein.

Diese Testreihe bestand, neben der Motorradhose, aus:

  • Membranjacke Vanucci VXR-1
  • Motorradhandschuhe Vanucci VAG-1
  • Motorradhandschuhe Vanucci VCT-1
  • Motorradhelm Nishua Enduro Carbon
  • Motorradjacke Vanucci VAJ-1 Textil
  • Motorradstiefel Vanucci VTB 16
  • Thermojacke Vanucci VXU-3

erster Eindruck

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – erster Eindruck

Die Tour Fun II von Vanucci ist eine Motorradhose ohne Schnickschnack, wie Cargotaschen oder Innenfutter. Das Design der Hose ist schlicht und zeitlos, wodurch sie so gut wie zu allen Motorradjacken und Motorradmodellen passt.

Der erste Eindruck fällt durchwegs positiv aus.

Der Stoff fühlt sich angenehm an, die Hose ist sauber verarbeitet und alle wichtigen Nähte sind doppelt genäht.

  • Die Motorradhose ist sehr leicht und bequem
  • Alle Reissverschlüsse lassen sich gut bedienen – auch mit Handschuhe.
  • Trotz eher tiefen Temperaturen war mir nicht kalt.
  • Kurzer Verbindungsreissverschluss lässt sich lohne Verrenkungen schliessen
  • Knieprotektoren, beim Stehen und Gehen unterhalb der Kniescheibe – was ich aber nicht als störend empfinde.
  • Knieprotektoren passen sich wunderbar an die Knie an und drücken nicht.
  • Auf nackter Haut beginnt das Innenfutter, nach einer gewissen Zeit, auf der Kniescheibe zu reiben
  • Normaler Gurt geht nicht durch hintere Gurtschlaufe.
  • Bei mir ist die Tour Fun II eine Hüfthose – da ist es schwierig, dass die Hose mit den Einstellern oder einem Gurt hält.
  • Rundumreissverschluss bei grossem Grössenunterschied zur Jacke nicht zu gebrauchen.
  • Sitzt auch bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten gut – nichts flattert im Fahrtwind.
  • Bei schweissfeuchter Haut neigt die Hose zum ‚an der Haut kleben‘.
  • Kein Wind durch die Hose, auch nicht bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten.
  • Selbst in sportlicher Sitzposition bilden sich keine Falten die unangenehm drücken können.
  • Protektoren passen sich bei spitzem Kniewinkel ebenfalls gut an und drücken nicht.
  • Selbst nach zehn Stunden ist die Hose sehr bequem zu tragen.
  • Die Motorradhose lässt auch bei 160 km/h, auf der Autobahn, kein Wasser durch.
  • Egal ob 20 Grad oder nur 10 Grad, ich hatte nie zu warm oder zu kalt.

Materialien / Sicherheit

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Materialien

Materialien und Normen

Zertifiziert ist die Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II nach EN 17092:2020 / Klasse A, mit Sicherheitsnähten an den Sturzpositionen, nach ISO 4916.

Die Hose besteht aus Cordura 500D Oberstoff mit einer schmutzabweisender Teflon-Ausrüstung und einem atmungsaktiven, wind- und wasserdichtem Futterlaminat (SympaTex Z-Liner).

Zusätzlich verfügt die Hose über Materialdoppelungen an den Knien und der Hüfte.


Ausgestattet ist die Motorradhose Tour Fun II von Vanucci mit Knieprotektoren, die in der Höhe verstellbar sind.

  • Knie: Supershield HTP 4/06 Typ B – EN 1621-1:2012, Level 1

Zusätzlich kannst Du die Hose mit Hüftprotektoren aufrüsten.

  • Hüfte: Supershield HTP-3/07 Typ B – EN 1621-1:2012, Level 1 Louis – Supershield Hüftprotektoren HTP 3/07 Typ B

Supershield Protektoren

Diese Protektoren wurden durch Studien, Tests und aufwendige Entwicklungsphasen den Bedürfnissen und Anforderungen des Motorradfahrers angepasst.

Sie bestehen aus einem viskoelastischem Polyurethan, welches sehr flexibel und leicht ist. Ausserdem bietet dieses eine hervorragende Schlagdämpfung.

Die Wabenstruktur an der Innenseite bietet eine gute Atmungsaktivität, welche durch die Belüftungskanäle noch unterstützt wird. Die Aussenhaut ist geschlossenzellig, der Kern besteht aus einer offenen Zellstruktur.

Diese Zusammensetzung macht den Protektor stabiler gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen und erschwert das Eindringen von Wasser in den Kern.


  • Wabenstruktur und Belüftungskanäle für eine möglichst gute Atmungsaktivität plus grosszügige Belüftungslöcher
  • optimale Passform durch anatomische Vorformung
  • diverse Falzen und Einkerbungen für mehr Bewegungsfreiheit
  • das flexible Aussenmaterial bietet einen perfekten Tragekomfort
  • erhöhte Materialstärke für eine verbesserte Schlagabsorption in den Zentralzonen
  • Klettverschluss für eine stufenlose Höhenverstellung


Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Reflexmaterial

Zur besseren Sichtbarkeit bei Nacht, wurde jeweils am Beinende, neben dem Reissverschluss, reflektierendes Material von 3M ScotchliteTM eingelassen.

Mehr reflektierendes Material schadet nie, doch hier wird schon ganz ordentlich Licht reflektiert.

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Komfort

Elastische Einsätze, am Bund, oberhalb vom Gesäss und der Knien, so wie in den Kniekehlen, sorgen an der Motorradhose Tour Fun II für uneingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit. Um den Komfort zu steigern, sind die Stretcheinsätze in den Kniekehlen, zur Belüftung, perforiert.

Für einen guten Halt auf dem Motorrad sorgt das Anti-Rutsch-Material am Gesäss.

Damit die Hosenbeine gut zu den Stiefeln abschliessen und nicht hoch rutschen, sind die Innensäume mit einem Anti-Rutsch-Band versehen.

Das hitzebeständige Material an der Unterschenkel-Innenseite weiss jeder zu schätzen, der schon mal Textilhosen am Auspuff versengt hat.

Die Knieprotektoren kannst Du in der Höhe verstellen und so an Deine Bedürfnisse anpassen.


Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Einstellmöglichkeiten

Die beiden Weitenverstellungen am Bund, sind etwas schmal ausgefallen und befinden sich in den Gurtschlaufen. Dafür sind sie sehr flach und drücken auch nicht, wenn Du zusätzlich noch einen Gurt trägst.

Neben der Taille kannst Du an der Motorradhose noch den Saum am Beinende, mit einem grosszügig dimensionierten Klettverschluss, in der Weite einstellen.

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Bedienung

An der Motorradhose Tour Fun II befinden sich auf jedem Oberschenkel eine 14 Zentimeter lange Lüftungsöffnung.

Der 25 Zentimeter lange Reissverschluss am Beinabschluss ist mit einem Netzstoff hinterlegt, der ebenfalls als Belüftung funktioniert.

Die Belüftungsöffnung an den Oberschenkeln dürfte, aus meiner Sicht, gerne etwas länger ausfallen.


Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Ausstattung

Reissverschlüsse / Knöpfe

Alle Reissverschlüsse an der Motorradhose Tour Fun II von Vanucci haben einen Bändel am Reissverschluss, was das Öffnen und Schliessen mit Handschuhen einfach macht.

Beim Hosenknopf solltest Du vorsichtig sein. Der wird nicht einfach aufgezogen und zugedrückt – sondern, zum Öffnen, seitlich verschoben.

Nicht, dass Du den Knopf abreisst. 😉

Der Hauptreissverschluss ist mit Stoff hinterlegt, wodurch die Motorradhose auch hier atmungsaktiv, so wie wind- und wasserdicht ist.

Die Motorradhose hat vorne zwei grosse, nicht wasserdichte, Hosentaschen mit den Massen 17 cm x 25 cm.

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Abschlüsse

Die Beinenden lassen sich mit den langen Reissverschlüssen und den langen Klettverschlüsse individuell einstellen.

Zusätzlich sind an den Beinenden jeweils ein Gummiband angebracht, damit sie gut zu den Stiefeln abdichten und nicht hoch rutschen.

Verbindung zur Jacke

Du Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II hat einen Rundumreissverschluss und einen Kurzreissverschluss um sie mit der Motorradjacke zu verbinden. Der Rundumreissverschluss ist fest am Obermaterial der Motorradhose vernäht, während zwischen dem Kurzreissverschluss und der Hose ein Stretchband eingenäht ist.

Grundsätzlich ist es immer besser, die Motorradjacke und die Motorradhose mit dem Rundumreissverschluss zu verbinden – nur so wird sichergestellt, dass im Falle eines Sturzes, die Jacke nicht hochgezogen wird.

Rundumreissverschlüsse funktionieren allerdings ab einem gewissen Grössenunterschiede, von Motorradjacke zu Motorradhose, nicht mehr.

Ich habe bei der Motorradjacke VAJ-1 die Grösse 58 und bei der Motorradhose Tour Fun II die Grösse 52. Diese kann ich nicht mit einem Rundumreissverschluss verbinden, da die Jacke nun mal mehr Umfang hat, wie die Hose.

Zu betonen ist dabei, dass es nicht an Vanucci liegt, sondern schlicht am Grössenunterschied. 😉


Die Motorradhose Tour Fun II von Vanucci verfügt über ein permanentes Netzfutter.

Sie hat kein Thermo-Innenfutter und kann auch nicht zusätzlich mit einem ausgestattet werden.

Was bei einer Motorradhose für die Übergangszeit auch nicht notwendig ist.


Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Tragekomfort

Zumindest bei mir ist die Motorradhose Tour Fun II eine Hüfthose, was es fast unmöglich macht, dass die Hose nur mit den angebrachte Bundeinstellern an Ort und Stelle bleibt. Allerdings bleibt die Hose beim Fahren da wo sie sein soll und beim Gehen muss ich sie auch nicht öfter hochziehen, wie ich das von anderen Hosen bereits kenne.

Die Hose ist aus leichtem Stoff, mit vielen Stretcheinsätzen, was dafür sorgt, dass sie die Bewegungsfreiheit nie einschränkt.

Bedienung / Benutzerfreundlichkeit

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Bedienung

Durch die Bändel an den Zipper sind alle Reissverschlüsse mit Handschuhen leicht zu öffnen und zu schliessen. Die beiden Lüftungsöffnungen sind während der Fahrt leicht zu erreichen und zu bedienen.

Sowohl der kurze Verbindungsreissverschluss, wie auch der Rundumreissverschluss kann ohne Verrenkungen geschlossen und wieder geöffnet werden.

Leider ist die hintere lange Gurtschlaufe sehr schmal ausgefallen, so dass ich keine meiner Gurte durchbekomme. So bleiben mir nur noch die vier restlichen Gurtschlaufen übrig, was zu keinem befriedigendem Ergebnis führt, da es den Gurt so über den Bund ziehen kann.

Dasselbe gilt auch für vorne. Neben der langen Gurtschlaufe hinten, die ich nicht nutzen kann, gibt es noch jeweils zwei seitliche Gurtschlaufen.

Aus meiner Sicht fehlen Gurtschlaufen vorne nahe am Reissverschluss, die verhindern würden, dass der Gurt auch vorne über den Bund gezogen werden kann.

Verhalten beim Fahren

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Verhalten beim Fahren

Die Motorradhose Tour Fun II liegt satt an und hat keine Cargotaschen – so wird der Fahrtwind perfekt um die Hose geleitet und das auch bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten auf der Autobahn.

Der Hose ist es gleichgültig, ob Du aufrecht sitzend oder in sportlicher Position unterwegs bist. Sie ist immer angenehm zu tragen, es bilden sich keine Falten die kneifen oder drücken und die Knieprotektoren passen sich Deinem Körper an.

Nur das Innenfutter beginnt, bei schweissfeuchter Haut, nach einigen Stunden, auf der Kniescheibe zu reiben.

Allerdings sollte man unter Kleidung mit einer Membrane sowieso Funktionsunterwäsche tragen, dann hat sich auch das mit dem Reiben auf der Kniescheibe erledigt – und auch mit der schweissfeuchter Haut. 😉

Ausführungen und Farben

Die Motorradhose Tour Fun II von Vanucci gibt es nur in schwarz


Die Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II gibt es im Damen- und im Herrenschnitt.

Ersatzteile / Zubehör

Die Knieprotektoren können paarweise ersetzt werden.

Zusätzlich kannst Du die Motorradhose Tour Fun II mit Hüftprotektoren aufrüsten. Louis – Supershield Hüftprotektoren HTP 3/07 Typ B

was ich mir wünschte

Ich wünschte mir an der Motorradhose Tour Fun II mehr Gurtschlaufen und dass die hintere Schlaufe in der Mitte breiter ist. Sie sollte auf jeden Fall so breit sein, wie die anderen vier Gurtschlaufen.

Zusätzliche Gurtschlaufen, ganz vorne, würden den Tragekomfort mit einem Gurt erheblich steigern.

Etwas mehr Farben wären sicherlich toll – vielleicht sogar passend zu der Motorradjacke Vanucci VAJ-1 Textil . 😉

was mir gefällt

  • sehr leichte Motorradhose
  • äusserst bequem zu tragen und das bei jedem Wetter
  • zu allen Motorradjacken und Motorradtypen passende Motorradhose
  • absolut wind- und wasserdicht
  • einfach zu bedienende Reissverschlüsse
  • dank Teflonbeschichtung schmutzabweisend

was mir weniger gefällt

  • nur in schwarz erhältlich
  • zu wenige Gurtschlaufen und die hintere zu schmal
  • eher kurze Belüftungsöffnungen an den Oberschenkeln

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Fazit

Die Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II ist eine unkomplizierte Tourenhose für die Übergangszeit und den Sommer in den Bergen.

Du kannst die Hose genau so gut zu einer Lederjacke tragen, wie zu einer Textiljacke. Durch ihr zeitloses Design passt sie zu allen Motorradjacken und eigentlich auch zu jedem Motorradtyp.

Ob Du nur einen kurzen Ausflug machst oder auf lange Motorradtouren gehst – die Tour Fun II ist eine treue und bequeme Begleiterin, die Dich auch bei langem Regen schön trocken hält.

Kurz – mit Tour Fun II machst Du bestimmt nichts falsch, denn für den Preis bekommst Du hier ganz schön viel geboten.

Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II – Testbericht 01

Reinigung / Pflege

Vor dem Waschen:

  • Protektoren vor dem Waschen entfernen.
  • Alle Reissverschlüsse, Klappen und Gurte vor dem Waschen schliessen.

Um das Material, insbesondere die reflektierende Aufdrucke zu schonen, empfehle ich Dir, die Hose in einem Wäschenetz oder -sack und alleine zu waschen. Wenn Du keines hast, dann drehe die Hose zumindest auf links und wasche sie ebenfalls einzeln.

Keine Pulverwaschmittel, Weichspüler, Fleckenentferner oder Bleichmittel verwenden. Dass alles kann die Materialien mit der Zeit angreifen und/oder aufweichen.

Am besten verwendest Du ein spezielles flüssiges Waschmittel für Funktionswäsche.

Technische Daten

Sicherheit / geprüft 3, materialien, gewicht / masse.

Die von mir getestete Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II hat die Grösse 52 und wurde mit meiner Küchenwaage gewogen.

  • Gesamtgewicht Grösse 52 mit Knieprotektoren 1’460 g

Alle Angaben verstehen sich ±.

erhältliche Grössen

Die Motorradhose Tour Fun II von Vanucci ist in folgenden Grössen erhältlich:


Die Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II wird in Vietnam hergestellt.

Auf die Motorradhose Vanucci Tour Fun II gibt Louis eine Garantie von zwei Jahren.

Louis – Serviceangebote

Euro 249.99.- (Stand Juni 2022)

Louis – Tour Fun II – Herren

Louis Tour Fun II – Damen


  • Funktionsbekleidung
  • Motorradbekleidung
  • Motorradhandschuhe
  • Motorradhelme
  • Motorradstiefel

Motorrad Testberichte

  • CB1000R (2021)
  • CL500 – erste Testfahrt (2023)
  • CRF300 Rally (2021)
  • CRF1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports (2021)
  • NT1100 – erste Testfahrt (2021)
  • X-ADV (2021)
  • XL750 Transalp – erste Testfahrt (2023)
  • Tiger Sport 660 (2022)
  • Tiger 900 GT Pro (2022)

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  • Warum Du Deine Motorradtouren planen solltest
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  • Mach den Motorrad-Check zu Deiner Routine . . .
  • Worauf Du bei Motorradtouren über die Berge achten solltest
  • Motorradfahren in der Gruppe
  • Motorrad fahren zu zweit – 14 nützliche Tipps
  • Gebrauchte Motorradteile und Zubehör
  • Hebel und Fussrasten am Motorrad einstellen
  • Federbein richtig einstellen
  • Motorradkette reinigen und schmieren
  • Motorradgabel richtig einstellen

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Ähnliche beiträge, 7 antworten auf “motorradhose vanucci tour fun ii – testbericht”.

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19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris’s Pick for Vice President

Mr. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, worked as a high school social studies teacher and football coach, served in the Army National Guard and chooses Diet Mountain Dew over alcohol.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, in a gray T-shirt and baseball cap, speaks at a Kamala Harris event in St. Paul, Minn., last month.

By Simon J. Levien and Maggie Astor

  • Published Aug. 6, 2024 Updated Aug. 9, 2024, 8:04 a.m. ET

Until recently, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a virtual unknown outside of the Midwest, even among Democrats. But his stock rose fast in the days after President Biden withdrew from the race, clearing a path for Ms. Harris to replace him and pick Mr. Walz as her No. 2.

Here’s a closer look at the Democrats’ new choice for vice president.

1. He is a (very recent) social media darling . Mr. Walz has enjoyed a groundswell of support online from users commenting on his Midwestern “dad vibes” and appealing ordinariness.

2. He started the whole “weird” thing. It was Mr. Walz who labeled former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, “weird” on cable television just a couple of weeks ago. The description soon became a Democratic talking point.

3. He named a highway after Prince and signed the bill in purple ink. “I think we can lay to rest that this is the coolest bill signing we’ll ever do,” he said as he put his name on legislation declaring a stretch of Highway 5 the “Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway” after the musician who had lived in Minnesota.

4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before entering politics.

5. He taught in China in 1989 and speaks some Mandarin. He went to China for a year after graduating from college and taught English there through a program affiliated with Harvard University.

6. He is a veteran . Mr. Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard as a teenager and retired 24 years later in 2005. He deployed to Italy from 2003 to 2004 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service and two Army Achievement Medals.

7. He was a rare breed in Congress: a Democrat from the rural Midwest. For more than a decade, Mr. Walz represented Minnesota’s First District, in the southern part of the state. He was the top Democrat on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, supported funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, voted for the Affordable Care Act and voted against restricting federal funding for abortion.

8. He is a Nebraskan by birth. He was born in West Point, Neb., grew up in Valentine, Neb., attended high school in Butte, Neb., and graduated from Chadron State College before moving to earn a master’s degree in experiential education from Minnesota State University, Mankato.

9. He got involved in politics after being barred from a George W. Bush rally. In 2004, when he was still a teacher, he accompanied students to the rally and objected when, in his telling , they were denied entrance for having volunteered for Democrats.

10. The woman who trained him to run for office is now his lieutenant governor. Mr. Walz attended Camp Wellstone, a Democratic political training camp named after former Senator Paul Wellstone, before ousting a Republican incumbent to win his House seat in 2006. Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan was a trainer there .

11. He was an early supporter of gay rights. At Mankato West High School in Minnesota in the 1990s, he sponsored a gay-straight alliance and has said it was important at that time for the sponsor to be “the football coach, who was the soldier and was straight and was married.” When he won his House seat in 2006 in a conservative district, he ran on support for same-sex marriage.

12. He has shifted politically on other issues. He was more moderate than many Democrats during his time in the House, voting for stricter vetting of refugees and receiving endorsements from the National Rifle Association. He shifted significantly to the left on guns and on other subjects when he ran for governor in 2018, and he and Minnesota’s Democratic legislature have enacted a sweeping progressive agenda.

13. He is a gun owner and hunts pheasants and turkeys. He introduced a “Governor’s Turkey Hunting Opener” to kick off the turkey-hunting season in Minnesota and runs a similar event for the pheasant-hunting season. “I guarantee you he can’t shoot pheasants like I can,” he said on CNN of Mr. Vance.

14. He would be the third vice president from Minnesota. Hubert Humphrey (who served under President Lyndon B. Johnson) and Walter Mondale (who served under President Jimmy Carter) were the first two.

15. He and his wife had their two children through in vitro fertilization. It took seven years of fertility treatments for them to have their daughter, whom they named Hope. Mr. Walz spoke about the experience publicly after an Alabama Supreme Court ruling this year upended I.V.F. treatment there.

16. He coached the 1999 football state champions. It was the first state championship title for Mankato West High School.

17. He is a Lutheran. More specifically, he sometimes describes himself as a “Minnesota Lutheran.” “Because we’re good Minnesota Lutherans, we have a rule: if you do something good and talk about it, it no longer counts,” Walz joked during a speech last spring. “So what you have to do is to get someone else to talk about you.”

18. He doesn’t drink after a D.W.I. in 1995. Mr. Walz has said he stopped drinking alcohol after he was pulled over for speeding in 1995 and failed a sobriety test . His wife told him at the time: “You have obligations to people. You can’t make dumb choices.”

19. He also does not drink coffee . He prefers Diet Mountain Dew. As does his Republican counterpart.

John Ismay contributed reporting.

Simon J. Levien is a Times political reporter covering the 2024 elections and a member of the 2024-25 Times Fellowship class, a program for journalists early in their careers. More about Simon J. Levien

Maggie Astor covers politics for The New York Times, focusing on breaking news, policies, campaigns and how underrepresented or marginalized groups are affected by political systems. More about Maggie Astor

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Introducing the Vanucci+ modular motorcycle clothing system

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The idea behind the new Vanucci+ range is to giver bikers flexibility with their riding gear, and thus the most versatility.

Each piece is designed and built as an individual garment, so they can all be worn by themselves or combined to provide the right protection according to weather and road conditions.

This also means you only have to buy the layers you want. For example, you can purchase a waterproof layer to wear with your new jacket, but you can choose not to include a thermal layer if you don’t want one.

And since the layers function as individual jackets, you’ll have good-looking clothes to wear around town, saving previous space in your panniers on tour.

All-season flexibility

vanucci tour fun

Let’s take a closer look at one of the adventure jackets in the the Vanucci+ range, called the VAJ-4. It’s a stylish and comfortable motorcycle jacket that’s ideal for summer touring, with its ample ventilation, mesh inner liner, waterproof outer pockets, and built-in protectors in the shoulders and elbows.

When the weather takes a turn and you’re facing a downpour, adding the VXR-1 laminated waterproof jacket underneath the textile outer allows it to function as a classic three-layer waterproof ensemble.

But unlike traditional three-layer jackets that have a removable waterproof liner, the Vanucci waterproof layer is designed to be worn as an individual jacket.

This means that when you’re on tour, you don’t need to take a separate jacket for when you’re off the bike. The same principle applies to the VXU-3 thermal jacket, which adds an extra layer of  insulation on cold days, as well as plenty of Italian style to make it look great worn around town.

vanucci tour fun

This system is fantastic for adventure riders because you can choose which items to purchase and wear depending on the conditions you’ll face, making the Vanucci modular gear excellent value while still being able to stand up to all the challenges that adventure riders expect of their gear.

To find out more about Vanucci’s modular system and Louis Moto, head over to their website HERE to find out more.

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Your guide to travel and experience Florence, Italy

About me, Claudia

claudia vannucci tour guide in florence

Hi, and welcome on The Florence Insider! My name is Claudia Vannucci , I am a native Tuscan and a licensed Florence tour guide with more than 10 years of experience, living and loving Florence as much as I can.

Tour guide is my full time job since 2013. I took my tour guide license here in Florence: that mean that I attended a special school and gave a final exam about the art and history of Florence.

I have a masters degree in architecture, and my studies were focused on history of architecture and history of gardens . I always loved history, art and travels, so seemed natural to me to become a qualified tour guide of my city and put together all those elements in my job.

I am a cemetery lover, and I am giving guided tours of the historic cemeteries of Florence .

I also love traveling and I think it’s great being able to experience both sides of tourism, as a tour guide and as a traveller! I am naturally curious and nerdy so I learn new things all the time both from my job and travels.

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  • As a licensed and experienced tour guide I can give guided tours of the museums of the city, as well as walking tours (and cemeteries of course). Here you can find a list of my private guided tours in Florence .
  • I can help you with the reservations of museums, transportation, accommodation, restaurants, etc.

About the Florence Insider

I created the Florence Insider as an authentic and personal window on Florence. I am here to share with you my best tips and my knowledge about Florence , to show you the very best of my city and to help you planning the best tuscan trip ever .

On the Florence Insider you will find posts about food, places, museums, hotels, touristic services and much more in town, plus a bit of stuff about the surroundings as well (yes, Chianti is always a good idea). And you can book me as a Florence tour guide too!

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Young girls flock to stadiums for Taylor Swift concerts. But experts say a stadium tour is inevitably an appealing terror target

A young girl holds a number of charm bracelets wearing a sequin skirt.

Authorities cancelled multiple Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna after uncovering an alleged terror plot and arrested two suspected extremists.

Experts said the nature of mass gatherings like a concert venue made them an appealing target for political extremism.

A survivor of the 2017 Manchester bombing of an Ariana Grande concert reminded fans they were "incredibly lucky to have been spared".

For young girls, a Taylor Swift concert has everything they want — a night of fun, dancing and enjoying their favourite pop star alongside thousands of their peers.

But after an alleged terror plot led to multiple concerts in Vienna being cancelled, experts have said some of those same factors are what make a stadium concert an appealing terror target.

Concert organisers called them off on Wednesday local time after officials announced they had arrested two suspected extremists .

Swift was scheduled to play to an audience of at least 65,000 people per night at the Austrian capital's Ernst Happel Stadium on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the latest leg of her Eras tour.

The main suspect, a 19-year-old, was arrested in Ternitz, south of Vienna, and had pledged allegiance to Islamic State, according to authorities.

He was believed to have become radicalised over the internet.

The Austrian Interior Ministry's public security director, Franz Ruf, said authorities had noted he had a "particular focus on the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna".

Australian National University counterterrorism researcher Dr Michael Zekulin told the ABC it was a matter of opportunity.

"Basically [these are] individuals who are looking to create as much loss, injuries, deaths, unfortunately but especially publicity, attention, they want large crowds," he said.

"The second aspect of it is that in larger crowds, arguably because it doesn't necessarily work in practice, but in theory you're one of how many thousand walking around.

"So perhaps it's a little easier to get lost in the crowd.

'And the logistics of securing [a venue] like that, they believe … they will have a little more luck."

Dr Zekulin said a concert venue represented a "soft target".

"[That's] as opposed to a hardened target, such as government buildings and police stations and things like that, where you're obviously running into much more security, much more scrutiny," he said.

Professor Debra Smith, an expert in violent political extremism with Victoria University's Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, said "ultimately" anywhere that attracted mass gatherings could be susceptible.

"[That's] largely because terrorism is just a political tactic designed to spread fear and coerce people into changing their behaviour and their policies," she said.

"So it uses violence to send a message that's meant to say no one is safe … it's not just violence for violence's sake even though it appears that way."

She noted she was not aware of any specific messaging calling for attacks on young women or children specifically, but there was messaging "to attack easy [and] civilian targets before military ones".

"If you think about it, mass gatherings like concerts, that attract young people, are particularly horrific," she said.

"Young people are symbolic of freedom and fun and our futures.

"An attack on a young person or an event that is meant to attract young people has a particular sense of horror about it that is likely to attract global publicity. It amplifies the message."

Do violent attackers focus on concerts attended by young girls?

Following a suicide bomb attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester in 2017 that killed 22 people and injured 59, questions about whether young girls were a target at these concerts featured heavily in media coverage.

However, Dr Zekulin said there was "no evidence" attackers were targeting young women and girls specifically attending concerts.

"It's kind of difficult to gauge these questions because the perpetrator is dead, you can't ask him," he said.

'But I don't think [the young crowd] is necessarily going to be a consideration.

"It's the opportunity to conduct a large attack. There's a lot of eyes on this, there's a lot of people there and that's about it."

Girls hug each other as they sit next to a memorial for the Manchester Arena bombing.

Dr Kristy Campion is a senior lecturer in Terrorism Studies at Charles Sturt University.

She said the two main factors driving any terrorist or extremist were "operational and ideological".

"When it comes to ideological factors for reactionary ideologies, so Islamic State [or] the far right … these organisations hold ideologies which reject a lot of the forces of modernity," she said.

"Particularly with the likes of the Islamic state, what we typically see is talking about Western decadence … A violent rejection to these forces is a way they believe they can show their loyalty to Allah, within their unique interpretation of Islam. 

"The strategic reason or the operational reasons are quite simple.

"It's basically target density. It's a target-rich environment … whenever you have the gathering of large crowds.

"These concerts and these venues [are] quite a challenge to entirely secure.

"Organisations and individuals might have made the strategic [decision] that they're more likely to achieve a mass casualty outcome based on target density, but also based on target demographic, where someone is less likely to interrupt their plan."

There were 146 terrorist attacks on concerts and festivals between 1970 and 2019, killing at least 802 people across 37 countries, according to a 2023 peer-reviewed report.

The study, published in Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, labelled concerts "vulnerable soft targets".

"Concerts and festivals cause an influx of people at a specific time into a specific space, resulting in three target groups," the report said.

"[These three are] attendees and emergency first responders, being soft targets, and governmental/security personnel.

'A concert is not worth your life'

Amy McMahon was 14 years old when she attended Ariana Grande's Manchester concert in 2017.

It was the first time she'd been to a concert with friends instead of her mum.

"That night changed the way I see them [concerts] forever," she said.

Close up of girl with long brown hair

That was until she attended Taylor Swift's Era's tour in Edinburgh earlier this year, which she says helped her to make peace with trauma from the bombings seven years on.

"The Eras tour truly helped heal something in me that was so broken after Manchester," the now-21-year-old said.

"I felt like I'd finally experience the true meaning of girlhood."

The Manchester local said seeing that place she had finally deemed her "safe place" had been threatened with a similar situation was devastating, but authorities had made the right call — the call she wished had come seven years ago.

"Take it from someone who has been through this and had their life ruined from a concert attack — a concert is not worth your life.

"It's since come out that there were a lot of missed opportunities to catch the attacker before he was able to carry out the attack," she said.

An official inquiry reported last year that Britain's domestic intelligence agency, MI5, didn't act swiftly enough on key information and missed a significant opportunity to prevent the bombing.

"The people who were going to the [Vienna] shows don't realise how incredibly lucky they are to have been spared an experience like mine and thousands [of] others," Ms McMahon said.

"I'll never forget the noise and the silence that came immediately after it."

photo of ariana grande performing on stage to a large stadium crowd

Ms McMahon has since been diagnosed with PTSD and undergone years of therapy.

"I still struggle with survivor's guilt and managing to hold down a job," she said.

"Some days I can't face going outside or will have been awake all night because I'm scared to go to sleep with the nightmares that are so vivid it feels like I'm back there."

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It’s a Gutschewski family affair in Omaha, where father and 2 sons are grouped in Korn Ferry tourney


Scott Gutschewski is flanked by his sons, Luke, left, and Trevor ahead of the Korn Ferry Tour’s Pinnacle Bank Championship golf tournament, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, in Omaha, Neb. (AP Photo/Eric Olson)

Trevor Gutschewski hoists the U.S. Junior Amateur Golf Championship trophy at Oakland Hills, Saturday, July 27, 2024, in Bloomfield Township, Mich. (AP Photo/Larry Lage)

Trevor Gutschewski, left, hugs his father, PGA Tour player Scott Gutschewski, after winning the U.S. Junior Amateur Golf Championship at Oakland Hills, Saturday, July 27, 2024, in Bloomfield Township, Mich. (AP Photo/Larry Lage)

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OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — PGA Tour journeyman Scott Gutschewski always wanted his kids to have fun while they played golf, so when they were little he’d strap fishing poles to the top of the cart and stop at course ponds so they could drop a line.

“If they were biting, we’d stay,” he said. “If not, we’d go back to golf.”

Luke and Trevor Gutschewski grew up to be like their dad —now more passionate about chasing birdies than bass.

The three are golfing royalty in Nebraska and, in a fortuitous turn of events, all three will play in their hometown of Omaha in the Korn Ferry Tour’s Pinnacle Bank Championship starting Thursday. Officials of the tournament, which is on the tour one step below the PGA, put the Gutschewskis together as a threesome for the first and second rounds at the Club at Indian Creek.

Now that’s fun.

Scott, 47, said he figured if his health allowed him to keep playing a few more years and Luke continued to develop, the two might play in the same pro tournament someday. Having Trevor qualify for a Korn Ferry event before his senior year of high school was a huge, and pleasant, surprise.

“Not based on his ability, but just the timing,” Scott said. “You don’t expect this, the timing, right?”


Scott has played in 17 PGA Tour events this season but was bumped from the field for this week’s Wyndham Championship. His win on the Korn Ferry’s Sun Coast Classic last year made him eligible for this week’s Omaha event.

Luke, who plays for Iowa State and will be a senior this fall, won a local qualifying event on July 1 to earn his spot.

For Trevor, who will play his college golf at Florida, this week is the continuation of his sensational summer. He qualified by winning the Indian Creek Invitational on July 14. That was two weeks before he won the U.S. Junior Amateur at Oakland Hills. Next week, he’ll play in the U.S. Amateur at Hazeltine.

“It’s rare to have three people from the same family make a tournament of this caliber,” PBC tournament director Jessica Brabec said. “We know how much this moment means to the Gutschewski family and we want to make sure they have the opportunity to play together. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and we’re so excited to have them all playing at the Pinnacle Bank Championship.”

Scott has played in 154 PGA Tour events since 2005, making 66 cuts. He’s played in 255 Korn Ferry events and won three.

He and his wife, Amy, also have a daughter, Isabelle, who’s in her second year in the University of Nebraska’s PGA Golf Management program, and 8-year-old son Isaiah, who’s just getting started in the sport.

Luke and Trevor are very different players. Luke’s strength is his short game and course management; Trevor is long off the tee and aggressive.

Trevor said his run to the U.S. Junior Amateur title — he was seeded No. 33 after qualifying — prepared him well for what awaits this week.

“Definitely got me ready physically and mentally,” he said. “Everyone out there is good, and everyone out here is really good.”

Luke said the most important lesson he and his brother learned from their dad had nothing to do with chipping or putting.

“He’s taught us how to be a professional in how we carry ourselves, handle our practice, dealing with people,” Luke said. “That, probably more than anything, is what has stuck with me the most.”

The Gutschewskis said they have only one goal for this week. Naturally, it’s to have fun.

“I kind of have an understanding how hard it is to be out here,” Scott said. “It’s a privilege to play on the Korn Ferry or PGA Tour, and sometimes we lose a little sight of that, so kind of having that perspective is pretty important.”

AP golf:


Plan your weekend: 10 best fun things to do in Brevard for Aug. 9 - 15, 2024

Mark your calendar: honey bees, tequila and rupert the space armadillo top our list of fun things to do in brevard this weekend..

Portrait of Christina LaFortune

Due to potential changes and cancellations, we encourage you to check with presenting organizations about the status of their events.  

1. Honey Bee Day Festival in Cocoa

The Brevard Backyard Beekeepers will host a National Honey Bee Day Festival at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension Center, 3695 Lake Drive, Cocoa, on Saturday, Aug. 10 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The free event will educate people about honey bees and their critical role in global environmental health and food security. Lectures from UF Researchers, UF/IFAS extension agents, citizen-scientists and honey bee enthusiasts will be ongoing throughout the day and generally begin at 9:30 a.m. in the air conditioned lecture hall. There will be a children's program presentation for ages 3 to 12 in the classroom at 11:15 a.m. with make and take activities. Child friendly honey bee games, activities, education and face painting will take place throughout the day under the tent canopies in shaded areas. Stop by the honey sales canopies to taste and purchase local raw honey, hive products and local crafts. Ask a beekeeper, see a self-contained live bee hive, watch a live honey extraction and receive a free sample of honey to take home. Admission is free. Email [email protected] or visit or . 

'Bee' part of the fun: Free Honey Bee Festival in Cocoa on Aug. 10

2. UB40 ‘Red Red Wine’ Tour at the King Center

Iconic reggae band UB40 comes to the King Center, 3865 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, on Sunday, Aug. 11 at 8 p.m. The concert features hits like “Kingston Town” and “Red, Red Wine,” showcasing the band’s enduring popularity and musical legacy. Tickets start at $49.50. Visit or call 321-242-2219.

Need a break? Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle.

3. Space collectibles show in Cape Canaveral

The U.S. Space Force Historical Foundation hosts a space collectibles show and sale at the Sands Space History Center, 100 Spaceport Way, Cape Canaveral, on Saturday, Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event features space related memorabilia including unique and historic pins, patches, models, toys, postal covers, artwork and more. Rupert the Space Armadillo will be there with stickers, pins, and a selfie photo opportunity. Admission is free. Visit .

4. Tequila dinner in Cocoa Village

Café Margaux, 220 Brevard Ave., Cocoa Village, will host a tequila dinner at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 15. The cost is $125 per guest for the five-course menu, which features a variety of unique tequilas from Don Nacho distillery, paired with a menu of charred sweet corn soup; curly endive and bitter greens salad; grilled flounder with La Macho sauce, yucca-crusted chicken breast and chocolate sponge cake filled with chocolate hazelnut cream. Reservations are requested. Call 321-639-8343 or visit . 

5. Back 2 School Bash at Melbourne Square Mall

The Back 2 School Bash returns to Melbourne Square Mall, 1700 W. New Haven Ave., on Saturday, Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The indoor event will feature information about family-friendly resources and after-school programs. Activities for kids include temporary tattoos, balloon animals, fairy hair, obstacle course, crafts and games. Admission is free. RSVP at or email [email protected] .

6. Kool champagne tasting at Urban Prime

Rock and Roll Star Hall of Famer Robert Kool Bell of Kool & The Gang fame will visit Urban Prime, 2435 Metfield Drive, Viera, with a selection of his champagnes. Meet the legend from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 10. The champagne tasting is $10, and Kool will sign any bottles purchased at the event. Visit or call 321-499-1188.

7. Art gallery reception in Cocoa Beach

Studios of Cocoa Beach, 165 Minutemen Causeway, opens its special exhibition, “Before the School Bell Rings,” with a reception from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, Aug. 9. The show runs through September 1. The show is actually three exhibits in one as guest artists Christine Velez Stone, Raquel Brown and Christopher Sweeney share their creations. Admission is free. Call 321-613-3480 or visit .

8. Third Thursday at The Avenue Viera

This free, family-and-pet friendly night will be outdoors in the Central Park area of The Avenue Viera, 2261 Town Center Ave., on the third Thursday of every month. This month’s event will be Thursday, Aug. 15 from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy live music, vendors, complimentary snacks and a free drink or ice cream. Admission is free, but you must register to receive an event ticket. Visit .

9. Catch some live theater

  • ‘The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife’: The play “The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife” is at Melbourne Civic Theatre , 817 E. Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne, through Sept. 8. Plunged into a mid-life crisis, Marjorie Taub is shaken out of her lethargy by the reappearance of a fascinating and mysterious childhood friend. Tickets are $35. Call 321-723-6935 or visit .
  • ‘Tootsie’: The musical “Tootsie” is at Titusville Playhouse , 301 Julia Street, through Aug. 18. Based on the hit comedy film, desperate and out-of-work actor Michael Dorsey makes a last-ditch effort at making his dreams come true by disguising himself as actress Dorothy Michaels. Tickets start at $31. Call 321-268-1125 or visit . 

'The Tale of the Allergist's Wife': Melbourne Civic Theatre spices things up

Classic movie to modern musical: 'Tootsie' opens Titusville Playhouse's 60th season

10. Coin, stamp and collectible show in Melbourne

The South Brevard Coin Club hosts a free coin, stamp and collectible show at the Azan Shrine Center, 1591 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Melbourne, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month. Participants can buy, sell, receive appraisals and learn about coins and stamps. Admission is free. Call 321-704-3070 or visit . 

Do you have a community event?  Email  [email protected]  at least three weeks in advance for consideration for the Things to Do roundup.

Whether you're interested in music, theater, festivals or other local entertainment, FLORIDA TODAY has got you covered. Support local journalism by subscribing at  Special Offers - USAToday Network .

Christina LaFortune is the Entertainment and TGIF Editor at FLORIDA TODAY. Follow her on Facebook at  or send her an email at  [email protected] .

Five fun things to do this weekend in Oklahoma: Hot air balloons, Childish Gambino, music

The Firelake FireFlight Balloon Fest starts at 7 a.m. Friday at 1702 S Gordon Cooper Dr. in Shawnee.


The Firelake FireFlight Balloon Fest starts at 7 a.m. Friday at 1702 S Gordon Cooper Dr. in Shawnee and continues through Saturday evening. The weekend includes balloon launches and rides, balloon glows, food vendors and live music, including Cam Allen. Festival admission is free, and patrons are encouraged to bring cash for vendors and rides. For a complete schedule and other details, visit

Shock rocker Alice Cooper will be in concert at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Cove at River Spirit Casino, 8330 Riverside Pkwy in Tulsa. The “Freaks on Parade Tour” tickets feature VIP upgrade options, some including photo opportunities and autographed merchandise. To purchase, visit


Actor, producer and rapper Donald Glover, performing as Childish Gambino, brings his farewell tour will be in Oklahoma City at 8 p.m. Sunday at the Paycom Center, 100 W Reno Ave. The evening is the opening date on the artist’s “New World Tour,” in reference to his latest album “Bando Stone & the New World,” reportedly his last under the Childish Gambino moniker. Willow opens. For tickets, visit


The Oklahoma City Museum of Art (415 Couch Dr.) will screen a 4K presentation of Akira Kurosawa’s classic “Seven Samurai” at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. The epic film is set in sixteenth-century Japan and follows a group of farmers who recruit seven samurai to defend their land. Tickets can be purchased online at, or call 405-236-3100.


Albert Lee (Joe Cocker, Eric Clapton, Everly Brothers) and Jeremy Clyde (Chad & Jeremy) will perform two duo shows at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Thursday at the Blue Door, 2805 N McKinley Ave. Clyde, as half of Chad & Jeremy, found early success in the U.S. during the British Invasion and later acted in television’s “Batman” and “The Dick Van Dyke Show.” Lee is a two-time Grammy winner shows collaborators include Roseanne Cash, Vince Gill and many more. Tickets are $40 in advance and $45 at the door for the all-ages shows. Find out more at

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The 10 Best Family-Friendly Activities in Santa Clara, California

By Sayan Ghosh

Welcome to sunny Santa Clara, California, where family fun is just around the corner! This vibrant city in the heart of Silicon Valley offers a delightful mix of technology, culture, and outdoor adventures. So, pack your sunscreen and get ready to explore the ten best family-friendly activities Santa Clara has to offer.

1. California’s Great America

Start your Santa Clara adventure with a visit to California’s Great America . This thrilling amusement park features a wide range of rides and attractions suitable for all ages. From roller coasters to water slides, there’s excitement for everyone in the family.

2. Santa Clara University

Take a leisurely stroll through the picturesque campus of Santa Clara University . It’s not just for students; the beautiful gardens and historic buildings make for a tranquil and educational outing.

3. Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose

While not technically in Santa Clara, the Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose is just a stone’s throw away and offers a world of interactive exhibits and hands-on learning experiences for kids of all ages.

4. Levi’s Stadium

Sports enthusiasts will appreciate a tour of Levi’s Stadium, home to the San Francisco 49ers. Even if it’s not game day, you can explore the stadium, visit the team’s museum, and even walk on the field.

5. Central Park

Central Park in Santa Clara is a family favorite. It boasts playgrounds, a serene lake, and picnic areas. Bring a blanket and enjoy a relaxing day in the California sunshine.

6. Intel Museum

For a dose of tech history, head to the Intel Museum. It’s an engaging experience that teaches visitors about the history of computing and the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley.

7. Santa Clara Central Library

vanucci tour fun

The Santa Clara Central Library offers more than just books. It hosts family-friendly events, storytelling sessions, and a vibrant children’s area. It’s a great place to encourage a love for reading in your little ones.

8. Historic Murphy Avenue

Explore the charming Historic Murphy Avenue in nearby Sunnyvale. It’s a bustling street filled with shops, cafes, and restaurants. Perfect for a family stroll and a taste of local cuisine.

9. Baylands Park

For outdoor enthusiasts, Baylands Park is a must-visit. It offers hiking trails, playgrounds, and fantastic views of the bay. It’s an ideal spot for a family picnic and birdwatching.

10. K1 Speed Indoor Karting

Get your adrenaline pumping at K1 Speed Indoor Karting. It’s a safe and thrilling experience for the whole family. Race against each other and see who the speed demon in the family is.

The 10 Best Family-Friendly Activities in Santa Clara, California – Summary

Santa Clara, California, is a fantastic destination for families with a diverse range of activities to enjoy. From the excitement of California’s Great America to the educational experience at the Intel Museum, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss the tranquil beauty of Santa Clara University’s campus, and venture to the Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose for interactive learning. Central Park provides a peaceful retreat, while Levi’s Stadium offers sports enthusiasts a behind-the-scenes look. The Santa Clara Central Library promotes reading and storytelling, and Historic Murphy Avenue offers charming shopping and dining. Nature lovers will appreciate Baylands Park, and thrill-seekers can race at K1 Speed Indoor Karting. Santa Clara promises a sun-soaked, fun-filled adventure for the whole family!

Sayan Ghosh

almost there

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Tim Walz’s journey from high school football coach to VP candidate

Walz, formerly a little-known Midwestern governor, faces the urgent task of introducing himself to the country with only about three months until Election Day.

Some 20 years ago, a lawyer named Kamala Harris won her first political race, becoming the first Black and South Asian woman elected district attorney of San Francisco in 2003 after campaigning on criminal justice policy changes, including opposition to the death penalty.

Halfway across the country, in Mankato, Minn., a high school teacher named Tim Walz had a lower-profile but no less fraught daily mandate: overseeing his social studies classes, coaching the football team and occasionally wrangling the lunchroom .

The unlikely convergence of Harris’s and Walz’s paths would take place more than two decades later, with the news Tuesday that Harris had selected Walz , now the governor of Minnesota, to be her running mate.

The much-anticipated decision creates a ticket with two candidates from strikingly different backgrounds: Harris, 59, is Black and Indian American and spent much of her career as an attorney and prosecutor in deep-blue California. Meanwhile, Walz, 60, is a White veteran and hunter who has spent most of his life in rural Nebraska and Minnesota — and is the first Democratic vice-presidential pick since 1964 who did not go to law school.

2024 presidential election

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Walz’s foray into politics came later in life: Born and raised in rural Nebraska, after high school he enlisted in the Army National Guard, where he would serve for the next 24 years. After losing his father to lung cancer at age 19 — which he would later say shaped his views on health care — Walz enrolled in Chadron State College in Nebraska and graduated with a teaching degree in 1989.

Walz met his future wife, Gwen, while teaching after college, and they moved in 1996 to her home state of Minnesota. He would stay at Mankato West High School as a teacher and football coach for the next decade or so, until he decided to run for public office — reportedly motivated to do so after he and some students were denied entry to a 2004 George W. Bush campaign event because organizers found out they were Democrats.

In 2006, Walz won the race to represent Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District, flipping a Republican seat in a rural part of the state.

In Congress, Walz positioned himself as a rare moderate Democrat who was a strong supporter of gun rights, earning him an A rating from the National Rifle Association. In his freshman year, he praised then-President George W. Bush for proposing to expand the Army National Guard forces but also criticized Bush for his lack of a clear mission in the Iraq War and opposed his plan to send additional U.S. troops to Iraq.

“As the mission in Iraq has evolved from [finding] weapons of mass destruction to forming a democratic government to now just stabilizing to the point where the Iraqis can take over, the president has consistently been wrong on the plan on this and … I have deep concerns in that because the devil is in the details,” Walz said in 2007. “Giving us what the end may look like is one thing but actually delivering those — we need some accountability on that.”

Walz would win reelection to his seat five more times before leaving the House to run for governor. In the 2018 gubernatorial race, Walz defeated his Republican opponent by more than 10 percentage points.

By then, Walz had shifted to the left on several key issues, including on guns. After the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., Walz said his then-17-year-old daughter, Hope, urged him to do more to prevent gun violence. On the campaign trail as he ran for governor that year, Walz said he in turn donated all the money he had ever taken from the NRA to charity and publicly pushed for background checks and eliminating reciprocal-carry agreements between states.

“I know basic gun safety isn’t a threat to my rights. It’s about keeping our kids safe,” Walz said last month about his evolution on the issue. “I had an A rating from the NRA. Now I get straight F’s. And I sleep just fine.”

Hope, now 23, has since made frequent appearances in videos posted to Walz’s social media accounts. In a recent MSNBC interview on Harris’s ascent, Walz said his daughter had told him it was “a brat summer” and he joked he didn’t know what she meant “but I’m sure it’s a good thing” — a reference to pop singer Charli XCX’s album that Democrats have embraced as they boost Harris to young voters.

In 2022, Walz handily won reelection to his second term while Democrats also flipped the state Senate, securing a trifecta for Democrats in St. Paul that has allowed them to pass liberal priorities. Democrats under Walz’s governorship have enshrined the right to abortion , allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license, expanded background checks for gun transfers, legalized recreational marijuana and offered protections for people seeking or providing gender-affirming health care.

Walz also signed an executive order that removes the college degree requirement for 75 percent of Minnesota’s state jobs, a move that garnered bipartisan support and several states have also adopted. Democrats have also offered funding for free meals at schools and free college tuition for students from low-income families in Minnesota.

Asked in a July 28 interview with CNN if such policies would be fodder for conservative attacks, Walz responded sarcastically: “What a monster. Kids are eating and having full bellies, so they can go learn, and women are making their own health-care decisions.”

He later added: “So, if that’s where they want to label me, I’m more than happy to take the [liberal] label.”

In the days after President Biden announced he would no longer seek reelection , Walz made numerous appearances on television, and his folksy demeanor and willingness to use plain language to criticize former president Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) helped catapult him onto Harris’s vice-presidential shortlist. In interviews, Walz cast Trump and Vance as not just a threat to democracy but, simply, “weird,” an attack that quickly caught on for Democrats and that struck a nerve for Republicans.

“Who’s asking for this crazy stuff? Who’s asking to raise the price of insulin? Who’s asking to get rid of birth control? … Who’s sitting in a bar in Racine, Wisconsin, saying, ‘You know what we really need? We need to ban “Animal Farm.”’ Nobody is!” Walz told MSNBC last month , later adding: “Yes, they’re weird. They prove that every day. It’s an observation.”

Walz, formerly a little-known Midwestern governor, now faces the urgent task of introducing himself to the country with only about three months until Election Day. Harris and Walz held their first rally together on Tuesday in Philadelphia, the first stop in a four-day tour of battleground states.

For Walz, the timing will coincide with the “excitement in the air” that the start of a new school year brings, he said in a video posted last week .

“As a football coach, we’re back on offense,” Walz said, referring to Democratic optimism. “Vice President Harris is bringing the energy, making sure she’s going to be there to protect the democracy and get folks fired up, making sure we’re protecting reproductive rights, working for the middle class and bringing back some joy to our politics — so get out there, feel the excitement, get engaged.”

Election 2024

Follow live updates on the 2024 election and candidates Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump from our reporters on the campaign trail and in Washington.

VP picks: Harris has officially secured the Democratic presidential nomination and chose Walz, a Midwestern Democrat and former high school teacher , to be her running mate. GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump chose Sen. JD Vance (Ohio) , a rising star in the Republican Party. Here’s where JD Vance and Tim Walz stand on key policies .

Presidential polls: Check out how Harris and Trump stack up, according to The Washington Post’s presidential polling averages of seven battleground states.

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The Tourist Checklist

23 Best & Fun Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

In search of the best and fun things to do in Santa Clara, CA?

Santa Clara is a city in Santa Clara County, California, with a population of nearly one hundred and twenty-five according to the last census.

For over two hundred years, the city has existed as a Spanish Mission. Santa Clara is famous for its flourishing tech industry, known as Silicon Valley worldwide.

There is a touch of everything here for a fun vacation, these cuts across places to visit, events, fun adventures, and more.

Planning an exploration of Santa Clara? Here are the top things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Things to Do in Santa Clara, CA

1. mission santa clara.

Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara is currently located on the campus of Santa Clara University, it was founded by Franciscans in the 1770s.

Fire, earthquakes, and floods eradicated the original building, so the location was changed, and a new one was established in 1822.

Mission Santa Clara was built to convert the Ohlone people, and the Franciscans were doing just fine until measles and smallpox attacked Ohlone.

The mission is one of the historic sites in the city, and it was gifted to the Jesuits in 1857, who built California’s first institute of higher education, Santa Clara University.

Mission Santa Clara is open seven days a week. Although it is no longer carrying out the function it was built for, it now serves as a museum and Chapel.

It is open to everyone, and visitors can take self-guided tours with the help of brochures found close to the entrance.

Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053, United States.

2. The Central Park Library

Central Park Library

The Central Park Library is one of the three libraries in Santa Clara under the Santa Clara City Library. The other two include the Northside Branch Library and the Mission Branch Library.

This library is the largest library facility in Santa Clara, with more than 80, 000 Square feet of floor space packed with a massive library collection.

The Central Park Library consists of large community rooms, group study rooms, public art, and many more.

The library has more than one hundred public computers, a computer training facility with a high-speed internet connection for personal laptops.

Central Park Library features a children’s garden, fireplaces, and a large collection of educational and innovative programs materials.

There is a fully packed bookstore with a contemporary collection of books, a nice cafe, and lovely park views.

Address: 2635 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

3. California’s Great America

California's Great America

For an exceptional outdoor experience in Santa Clara, spend a day at California’s Great America with your friends and family.

California’s Great America is a massive and exhilarating fun park with many eye-catching attractions and activities.

The park features various kinds of roller coasters, including a twenty-story drop tower and the Xtreme Skyflyer that serves as hang gliding and skydiving found high above the park.

California’s Great America features rides for the family, such as a carousel, bumper cars, a flume ride, and more.

There is an amazing playground with lots of play equipment for the little ones to explore and have a great time.

California’s Great America features numerous water slides, cabana rentals, a wave pool, and a lazy river where visitors can relax and cool off.

Address: 4710 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

4. Beat The Lock Escape Rooms

Lock Escape Rooms

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms will be one of the highlights of your visit to Santa Clara with your friends and family.

Don’t forget to add a visit to Beat The Lock Escape Rooms to your checklist of things to do in Santa Clara.

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms offer visitors a unique sixty minutes of wonderful experience with their loved ones.

Each escape room requires a group of at least two to fourteen people who would be locked up in a themed room and made to find ideas, clues, crack codes, and solve puzzles to help them escape before the time elapses.

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms is an excellent place for nice team-building events by law enforcement, churches, companies, youth groups, sports teams, military, and others.

It is open for different special events and offers catering services for engagements parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthday parties, reunions, anniversaries, and more.

Address: 1171 Homestead Rd University Plaza, Suite 280, Santa Clara, CA 95050-5478 United States

5. 49ers Museum

49ers Museum

 The 49ers Museum is a favorite location for football fans, especially 49ers fans, and it is open every day of the week throughout the year.

The museum is located in Levi’s Stadium, which is the home of the San Francisco 49ers consisting of a whopping eleven fantastic galleries and spaces for exhibitions.

The 49ers Museum is exciting and interactive; it features an education center that uses football as a case study to enlighten about math & art, technology, engineering, field trips, and science.

You will find a twenty-minute introductory movie close to the museum’s entrance with a vast exhibit of 49ers memorabilia such as helmets, Jerseys, super bowl rings, balls, and cleats.

There is an interactive area where visitors could try on helmets and Jerseys, learn 49ers cheers and throw a football.

49ers Museum features lifelike statues of players, including past and present, with a site of the 49er’s history.

Address: Levi’s Stadium, 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

6. The South Bay Historical Railroad Society

South Bay Historical Railroad Society

The volunteers who operate this museum staff the Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History, buildings, and the society’s library.

The South Bay Historical Railroad Society displays a wide collection of historical artifacts such as a velocipede, locomotive headlights, signals, and more.

The Museum contains two nice operational model train tracks, one in N gauge and the other in OH, including maintaining a business class car from the Oregon-Washington Railroad exemplifying the different periods in railway history.

The South Bay Historical Railroad Society comprises a library filled with railroad-related books and materials.

Address: 1005 Railroad Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

7. Anderson Lake County Park

Anderson Lake County Park

Visiting Anderson Lake County Park is one of the best things to do in Santa Clara for a spectacular experience.

Anderson Lake County Park stretches to a landscape of four thousand, two hundred and seventy-five acres.

The park is home to the Coyote Creek parkway with numerous trails, the Burnett Park area, the Jackson Ranch historic park site, and the Moses L. Rosendin Park.

Anderson Lake County Park is a fantastic location for picnickers, powerboat enthusiasts, equestrians, nature lovers, and bicyclists.

It is a great spot for fishing, jet skis, and swimming; the park is filled with beautiful wildflowers, cottonwood trees, sycamore, and more.

Anderson Lake County Park is a must-visit if you truly want to explore the outdoor pursuits offering exciting recreational activities.

Address: 19245 Malaguerra Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, United States

8. Harris-Lass House Museum

Harris-Lass House Museum

The museum was built in a symmetrical Italianate style in 1865, and it was expanded and renovated in the 1890s.

The Harris-Lass House Museum is the last farm property in Santa Clara, consisting of a nice farmhouse.

The Museum contains a summer kitchen, a classic California barn, a Heritage Orchard, a tank house, and a landscaped garden.

Harris-Lass House Museum is remarkably furnished with Lass Family belongings, and it is open for occasional docent-led tours and school and group tours.

A ddress: 1889 Market Street, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

Also, check out our guide on things to do in San Juan Capistrano , things to do in Indio and fun things to do in Visalia for a memorable vacation

9. K1 Speed Santa Clara

K1 Speed Santa Clara

K1 Speed Santa Clara is an exciting destination for families, friends, and co-workers to experience incredibly fun.

This family-friendly fun center features fast indoor electric go-karts, state-of-the-art safety barriers, and a professionally-designed track.

K1 Speed Santa Clara consists of many meeting rooms and an arcade room that features different varieties of games.

There is a snack bar that offers delicious meals and chilled drinks for reasonable costs; this is the best place for motorsports lovers.

K1 Speed Santa Clara is a wonderful venue for corporate events, social outings, fun date night ideas, company parties, bachelor or bachelorette parties, birthday parties, and much more.

 The fun offered here will give you a feel of adrenaline rush, K1 Speed Santa Clara guarantees you a fun experience, and it is open for all skill levels.

Address: 2925 Mead Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

10. Headen-Inman House

Headen-Inman House

Headen-Inman House was originally built in 1913, but the recent building was in 1985, and its location was changed.

The beautiful bungalow was established in Arts and crafts style; it was transformed into a lovely museum containing several items.

Headen-Inman House features a collection of furniture owned by the Inam family, as well as dining room furniture, an old pump organ, and a bedroom suite.

There is a reserved room specifically for photographs and artifacts that demonstrates the history of Santa Clara.

The Santa Clara founders and pioneers room consists of credible information about the early settlers in the region.

Address: 1509 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States .

11. The de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

The de Saisset Museum was established in 1955, and it is located adjacent to Mission Santa Clara at the Santa Clara University.

The museum started as an art gallery showcasing more than one hundred works made by the Painter Ernest de Saisset.

It combines both art and history with diverse and easily accessible exhibits, with great emphasis on art from the San Francisco Bay Area and the Santa Clara Valley.

The de Saisset Museum also houses European and American artworks from the Renaissance. In addition, the museum has an impressive collection of Mission-era Liturgical vestments and an exhibit on California history.

Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053, United States

12. Henry Schmidt Park

Henry Schmidt Park

Henry Schmidt Park should certainly be on your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA. It is home to the “Henry Schmidt Park Walls of Fame.”

This eight-acre park showcases sports memories of Henry Schmidt, a forty years old who dedicated himself to training athletes.

Henry Schmit coached Santa Clara University Bronco athletic teams and the San Francisco 49ers; the sports display is in the large neighborhood building.

Henry Schmidt Park features basketball courts, four tennis courts, the Tom Barrett softball field, a large play area, and an exercise course.

Picnic facilities are available in the picnic area with bbq grills and restrooms, including a playground.

Address: 555 Los Padres Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

13. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival is one event you shouldn’t miss in Santa Clara.

The Festival is open to both tourists and residents alike for free, and it is an extremely exciting family event in Santa Clara.

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival is held in the city’s central park and usually features numerous talented local and regional artists.

The festival features about two hundred vendors selling different merchandise like a wide variety of California’s best wines, fine arts & crafts, and gourmet food.

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival features twenty-five community groups serving International foods, micro-brewed beer, and fine wines, with live entertainment on three stages.

The festival also features the ever-popular kids’ kingdom and a new shaded Craft Beer Garden.

Address: Location is Central Park, 969 Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara, California United States

14. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

If you haven’t visited Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, you’re missing out; add dining at this lovely restaurant to your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar offers the best sevice when serving amazing prime steak, handcrafted cocktails, and wines.

This restaurant offers an extensive food menu which includes French onion soup, Miso Glazed Chilean Sea Bass, fleming’s salad, sweet chilli calamari, lobster bisque, Crème Brûlée, key lime pie, caesar salad, Filet Mignon Sandwiches, and more.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar comprises a full-service bar that offers wines like loosen bros, maso canali, Kim Crawford, duck horn, Francis coppola, goldeneye, and more.

If you’re planning a special occasion, hosting a business date, or you just want to enjoy a delicious meal with great services, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar is the best option.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar also offers online delivery if you can’t come yourself or simply want to enjoy the meal in the comfort of your home or wherever you are.

Address: 2762 Augustine Dr Suite 110, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

15. Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

If you’re searching for a place to shop, add shopping at Santa Clara Farmers’ Market to your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market offers a wide variety of commodities, starting from seasonal produce & freshly baked goods, prepared food items to health & body products.

The market is open all year-round on Saturdays only from 9am-1pm, offering goods for affordable prices you can’t get elsewhere.

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market offers fresh and healthy produce to encourage the public to always choose the best products.

The market offers you an opportunity to meet and interact with locals and ask them questions about the town.

Address: 950 Jackson St, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

Are you planning an exploration of California and wondering what to do? here is a guide on things to do in Chula Vista ,  things to do in San Marcos , and  fun things to do in Redlands for a memorable time.

16. Levi’s Stadium

Levi's Stadium

 A day at Levi’s Stadium is one of the top things to do in Santa Clara, CA. It has a sixty-eight thousand seating capacity.

Levi’s Stadium is home to the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers, and it is one of the country’s premier professional football stadiums.

The stadium is the venue for the 49ers season; the pre-season begins from August to its final season-ending in early January.

Levi’s Stadium is a host of world-class entertainment and concerts that are always held daily.

The stadium is available for public tours, which may be booked through Ticketmaster; the public tour includes a 90-minute tour of the stadium and admission to the 49ers Museum.

A group of more than twenty people can organize a private tour, and the stadium features a restaurant, Bourbon Steak, that offers delicious American fares.

Address: 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

17. Voyager Coffee

Voyager Coffee

The best way to start your day is by drinking a flavorful cup of coffee, and Voyager Coffee serves the most delightful coffee in Santa Clara.

Voyager Coffee was founded in 2016 and has continually served the public with world-class coffee they can’t get anywhere else.

The owners and staff ensure the customers are happy by providing a comfortable environment to feel free and interact with other guests and form new friendships.

They offer fresh and delicious pastry and baked foods, tea, coffee, and other non-coffee drinks, served however you want it.

Voyager Coffee offers drinks like Chai latte, drip coffee, Americana, mocha, cold brew, drinking chocolate, London fog, cappuccino, macchiato, and more.

Aside from drinks, they also offer meals like Avocado toast, almond butter toast, nut & honey, cinnamon rolls, Chocolate Almond Croissant, Pesto Ricotta Toast, chocolate cake, and so on.

Many of their coffees sport internationally influenced flavors, and they’re often infused with things like orange essence and cherry blossom water.

Address: 3985 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

18. Triton Museum of Art

Triton Museum of Art

 Whether you’re an art lover or not, add a visit to the Triton Museum of Art to your list of fun things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Triton Museum of Art’s primary mission is to promote local, regional, and national art by showcasing the various artworks.

The Museum collects and displays historical and contemporary California artworks with a duty to motivate cultural and gender inclusiveness.

Triton Museum of Art enlightens the public on art and the creative process; the building itself is a piece of art with a curved glass wall.

The Museum is home to the historic 1866 Jamison-Brown house and a seven-acre sculpture garden.

Address: 1505 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

19. Central Park

Central Park

Are you ready for a terrific fun moment with your dear friends and family? Then, visiting Central Park should be on your Santa Clara to-do list.

Central Park is a center for recreational activities, and it houses the George F. Haines International Swim Center and a 30, 000 square foot Community Recreation Center.

The park consists of two softball fields, two lighted tennis courts, basketball courts, a green bowling lawn, an exercise course, and more.

Central Park also consists of a fantastic amphitheater and a beautiful children’s playground with lots of fun equipment.

This park is a perfect venue for group and family picnics at designated areas with barbecue pits and public restrooms.

Address: 969 Kiely Blvd., Santa Clara, California 95051, United States.

20. Montague Park

Montague Park

Montague Park is a wonderful 5.5-acre park with several facilities suitable for both adults and children.

The park is home to a neighborhood recreation facility that features two tennis courts, a large multi-purpose room, and restrooms.

Montague Park features a children’s play area with several play apparatus for them to explore and have a memorable experience.

There is a picnic area with picnic tables and bbq grills perfect for a small family outing or friends gathering to grab a meal together.

Montague Park is adjacent to the Montague Swim Center, which offers recreational swim and swimming lessons during the summer months.

Address: 3595 MacGregor Ln, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States

21. Santa Clara Fire Museum

Santa Clara Fire Museum

The Santa Clara Fire Museum is housed in an old training center behind the Santa Clara Fire House in Santa Clara.

 The museum contains numerous memorabilia from 1855 when the Santa Clara Fire Department was established.

The Santa Clara Fire Museum showcases photographs, documents, and fire equipment like fire extinguishers, nozzles, and hoses.

The museum features an excellently refurbished Model T Ford truck purchased by the Santa Clara Fire Department. It was used as a she truck from 1921-1945, and it has been well refurbished by volunteers.

The Santa Clara Fire Museum is open to everyone as well as school groups with educational programs relating to fire safety.

Address: 1900 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

22. Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area is a forty-one acre open space that brings you close and helps you communicate with nature.

The area is committed to preserving the native Californian vegetation and wildlife with a variety of natural habitats.

Ulistac Natural Area consists of riparian woodland, grassland, savannah, wetlands, coastal scrub, and other natural habitats.

This nature preserve features a bird and butterfly garden with nectar plants, including monkeyflower and fuchsia, that attract hummingbirds and a wide range of butterflies.

Ulistac Natural Area consists of natural trails featuring interpretative signs, and it was once a seasonal camp for the Ohlone Indians.

This preserve was used as a golf course in the mid-20th century, as grazing land for sheep and cattle during the Spanish and Mexican conquest era, and as agricultural land for 19th-century Chinese settlers.

Address: 4910 Lick Mill Road, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

23. War Memorial Playground

War Memorial Playground

 For your next family outing, add a visit to War Memorial Playground to your list of fun things to do in Santa Clara.

War Memorial Playground is a one-acre park perfect for families with children who want to share an intimate moment.

The playground is small but unique, with large sculpted ants and an anthill for climbing. They were designed and made by Francine Agapoff, California artists.

War Memorial Playground is ideal for preschoolers and toddlers with their guidance; for their utmost safety, dogs are prohibited from the park.

There are sandboxes for kids to play in and a flagpole with memorial plaques underneath it to commemorate those that died during the war.

War Memorial Playground provides benches for the adults to sit on while the little ones play around with picnic areas.

Address: 295 Monroe Street, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

Check out more cities in California, here is  a guide on things to do in San Pedro ,  things to do in Merced , and  fun things to do Sonora  in for a fun time

Plan your trip to Santa Clara

Santa Clara offers something for everyone, making this city an exciting place to visit for the entire family.

Santa Clara should be your next vacation destination as there are several fun options to pick from. Whether you’re in the mood to go out and have great fun or simply want to relax, enjoy a delicious meal, read a novel, or discover new things.

Start planning a trip to Santa Clara, CA.

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The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » United States » California (CA) » 15 Best Day Trips from San Jose (CA)

15 Best Day Trips from San Jose (CA)

One of the most significant technological and cultural hubs in the country, San Jose, California, is a hotbed of urban prowess, entertainment and of course, has its stunning Mediterranean-like climate and topography, delivering warm, dry and sunny weather all year round.

One of the best things about San Jose is its convenient location, within arm’s reach of a number of beautiful places that are ideal for day trips.

Thanks to Northern California’s diverse landscape, you can go from surfing the waves under the hot sun to standing on a mountain peak above the clouds within the same day.

Check out this handy guide outlining some of the best day trip destinations from Silicon Valley’s San Jose.

1. Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, California

The epitome of a Californian beach town and still one of the nation’s favourite destinations because of the perpetual summer vibe that can be found here, Santa Cruz is best known for its sun, beach and famous Boardwalk.

The majority of visitors will spend most of their time on the buzzing promenade enjoying the rides and games, however, Santa Cruz also has a wealth of cultural and natural attractions to offer.

The historic mission church is a fascinating and spectacular sight to behold, while destinations like Wilder Ranch State Park offer enchanting and unspoiled hiking spots, perfect for soaking up some truly unmissable views.

Alameda, California

The town of Alameda can be found close to downtown San Jose and has strong historical and cultural roots that are apparent when wandering its charming streets full of mid-century architecture and signage.

There’s also a huge antiquing culture here, which gives the streets and shops a vintage feel that is enchanting to be immersed in, the hub of this being Park Avenue.

Here you’ll find everything from vintage clothing and apparel to fascinating trinkets from all over the world.

For a real treat, head down to the old naval base on the first Sunday of each month to visit the Alameda Antiques Faire in search of something truly unique to take home.

Napa Valley

The true epitome of wine country and a nationwide favourite destination, Napa can be reached in less than two hours from San Jose.

It is home to some of the finest wining and dining in California.

With a vast number of tours operating in the area, it has never been easier to learn about Napa’s rich history in winemaking and sample some of the delicious end products.

Napa also offers some truly breath-taking hiking destinations due to its gently rolling foothills and orchards, and offers endless great spots for a stroll and a picnic.

4. Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay

Another immediately recognisable and iconic Californian coastal destination is the town of Half Moon Bay; charming and quaint in equal measure, and a popular alternative to raucous Santa Cruz.

Only an hour northwest of San Jose, you’ll find this water sport haven, where kayaking in the bay and surfing in the Pacific are two of the most popular pastimes.

With many surf schools offering lessons, it’s a great place to learn during the summer, though beginners may want to take a back seat in winter as the waves grow to monstrous sizes exceeding 50-feet in height.

5. San Francisco

San Francisco - View From Twin Peaks

The iconic and classic “Golden Gate City” should be on the bucket-list of anyone visiting the states, let alone California.

Easily reachable from San Jose even without a car, thanks to the world-class public transport connecting the two, San Francisco can be the perfect day trip if you know what you want to do when you arrive.

Popular favourites are the Golden Gate Bridge, Mission Dolores and Lombard Street, but if you want to head off the beaten track, head over to Haight-Ashbury and wander the colourful streets covered in murals and exuding a heavy dose of flower-power.

Gilroy, California

A world-class destination when it comes to indulgence, Gilroy is a self-proclaimed foodie and retail haven, only half an hour to the south of San Jose.

The aptly named garlic capital of the world plays host to the Annual Gilroy Garlic Festival, where you can enjoy every garlic-based dish and snack imaginable, including their world-famous garlic fries and even garlic ice cream.

You’ll also find one of the country’s premium shopping malls in Gilroy, housing over 140 stores and boasting the accolade of having the largest collection of designer stores in Northern California.

7. Livermore

Livermore, California

Perfect for wine lovers who are looking for an alternative to the popular Napa Valley, Livermore is a thriving community of wineries that comprise an up-and-coming wine industry.

Many have been producing critically acclaimed wines since the time of the San Francisco Mission.

A mere 30 minutes from San Jose in Alameda, the town has a long history of ranching and agriculture as well as the grape farming, and is a wonderful place to explore on foot.

8. Sausalito


At the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge you’ll find the enchanting beachside community known as Sausalito that has visitors falling in love with it within minutes of arriving.

The small town is a former shipbuilding hub that has transformed into a wealthy and picturesque artist’s hideaway with a wealth of hidden gems to discover.

Home to a great number of pop-up restaurants serving progressive seasonal menus, garnished with gorgeous views across the bay, Sausalito is an ideal day trip to grab a bite to eat and explore one of San Francisco’s numerous attractive suburbs.

9. Silicon Valley

San Jose, Silicon Valley

An eye-opening and insightful day trip that can actually be within the city limits, depending on where you go, a day out in Silicon Valley will leave you curious and hungry for more.

Of the many technological landmarks found here, some of the most popular are the Apple Headquarters in Cupertino or the famed HP garage in Palo Alto.

Visitors can experience the pioneering force behind many of the world’s social media and online powerhouses like Google and Facebook, and marvel at the quirky and sometimes bizarre office spaces they operate from.

10. Carmel by the Sea


A great number of San Joseans regularly make the trip to this romantic coastal resort with its spectacularly sandy beach and irresistible small-town ambience.

You’ll find the gorgeous beach in the long cove curling around Carmel Bay, where secluded spots and picturesque sunsets are plentiful.

Heading further into town, you’ll quickly become accustomed to the lack of numbered street addresses and find that meandering around is the norm here, and discovering hidden gems around every corner is commonplace.

Expect to stumble across art galleries, charming artisan boutiques and some truly world-class dining options.

11. Muir Woods

Muir Woods National Monument

One of the last remaining redwood forests in the San Francisco Bay area, the Muir Woods are only a couple of hours from San Jose and will transport you to another world.

The trip itself by car is wonderfully picturesque, taking you across the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headland, but once you arrive at the Muir Woods, the scenery will take your breath away.

Monumentally large trees tower above visitors on all sides and you can hike towards the ocean or up into the mountains.

Be sure to pack plenty of water and a lunch, as shops are few and far between in the forest.

12. West Cliff Drive

West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz, CA

A six-mile path that hugs the coast, West Cliff Drive is a favourite amongst walkers and cyclists who want to leisurely explore this beautiful stretch of rocky coastline and headlands.

Part of Monterey Bay, the route is also popular with surfers chasing the perfect Pacific breaks.

You can even find the world’s first surf museum here, commemorating one of the nation’s most celebrated sports and resulting cultures.

Appropriately located in the Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse, you can learn about the surfers braving the crashing waves while enjoying excellent views of them doing just that.

13. Monterey

Monterey, California

The perfect day trip for those looking to learn about California’s colonial past whilst enjoying spectacular coastal and mountain views, Monterey has a little something for everyone.

The gorgeous “Monterey’s 17-Mile Drive” is a scenic route featuring beaches, cliffs, headlands, and the world-famous Pebble Beach Golf Course.

Seal Rock Picnic Area is also a popular stop-off on the coast where you can see wild birds, seals and sea lions in their natural habitat.

For a dose of culture, head over to the Monterey Museum of Art, and for a foodie experience, try one of the many mouthwatering downtown eateries.

14. Berkeley

Berkeley, California

This famous university town north of San Francisco is as rich in history and culture as it is in academic knowledge.

Art lovers, foodies and shoppers all regularly take a trip here to make the most of the diverse range of activities and entertainment on offer.

A visit to the famed university itself is worthwhile, if only to see the beautiful grounds.

Downtown is a great place to try new things, whether it’s window shopping at quirky stores or browsing through the fresh produce at the absolutely enormous market, the Berkeley Bowl.

15. Pescadero

Piegon Point Lighthouse in Pescadero, California

Another charmingly quaint seaside town that offers both entertainment and exceptionally beautiful natural reserves is the area known as Pescadero.

About an hour away from San Jose, it is home to sandy beaches and blustery, rocky headlands where wild birds seasonally come and nest.

Home to endless hiking trails around the coast and further inland past coastal scrub and eucalyptus groves, Pescadero is exceedingly popular with hikers.

End your day at one of the many cafes or restaurants in town while you watch the sun set over the ocean.

15 Best Day Trips from San Jose (CA):

  • Half Moon Bay
  • San Francisco
  • Silicon Valley
  • Carmel by the Sea
  • West Cliff Drive
  • Santa Clara
  • Kid-Friendly Activities

Things to Do with Kids in Santa Clara, CA

  • TripBuzz found 441 things to do with kids in or near Santa Clara, California, including 423 fun activities for kids in nearby cities within 25 miles like Los Altos , Cupertino , Mountain View and San Jose .
  • From Sky High Sports to Levi's Stadium, the Santa Clara area offers 126 different types of family activities, including: History Museums, Amusement Parks (All Ages), Specialty Museums and Walking Trails.
  • Named after the Mission that was founded in the area in 1777, the city of Santa Clara offers rich Spanish history. The city is a popular college town and business area, home to Santa Clara University and many corporations. Those visiting the area enjoy strolling the Mission's scenic gardens, as well as experiencing the thrills and family-friendly attractions at California's Great America Theme Park.

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    7. Anderson Lake County Park. Credits: Sundry Photography / Shutterstock. Anderson Lake County Park. Visiting Anderson Lake County Park is one of the best things to do in Santa Clara for a spectacular experience. Anderson Lake County Park stretches to a landscape of four thousand, two hundred and seventy-five acres.

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    Mit dem Vanucci Touring IV hat Louis einen wasserdichten Handschuh für kühle Tage im Programm. Das weiche Innenfutter bewahrt die Finger im Frühjahr und im Herbst vor der Kälte. Bei einstelligen Temperaturen kommt der Handschuh trotz Griffheizung an seine Grenzen. Wird es wärmer als 15, maximal 20° C, ist der winddichte Handschuh hingegen ...

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  28. 15 Best Day Trips from San Jose (CA)

    11. Muir Woods. Source: Mariusz S. Jurgielewicz / shutterstock. Muir Woods National Monument. One of the last remaining redwood forests in the San Francisco Bay area, the Muir Woods are only a couple of hours from San Jose and will transport you to another world.

  29. 441 Things to Do with Kids in Santa Clara, CA

    TripBuzz found 441 things to do with kids in or near Santa Clara, California, including 423 fun activities for kids in nearby cities within 25 miles like Los Altos, Cupertino, Mountain View and San Jose.; From Sky High Sports to Levi's Stadium, the Santa Clara area offers 126 different types of family activities, including: History Museums, Amusement Parks (All Ages), Specialty Museums and ...