A tachyon is a type of subatomic particle that exists only at faster-than-light velocities. A tachyon cannot travel slower than light, just as many other particles cannot normally exceed the speed of light. Tachyon radiation is the radiation of energy created by these particles. Tachyons occur naturally in some star systems, such as the Bajoran system. (DS9: "Explorers") Tachyons can be detected by many types of sensors, and are emitted by certain cloaking devices. Tachyons are also sometimes indicators of time travel, and can be used to disperse certain temporal anomalies. (VOY: "Coda")

According to Silik, 22nd century Starfleet vessels had no technology which could produce tachyons on board. (ENT: "Cold Front")

In 2374, Seven of Nine attempted to modify USS Voyager's main deflector to open a transwarp conduit using tachyon bursts. However, fluctuations in Voyager's warp power caused the tachyons to build to a resonant frequency. The tachyons then flooded the warp core, threatening to cause a breach and forcing B'Elanna Torres to eject the core. (VOY: "Day of Honor")

Tachyon radiation can be associated with fluctuations in the spacetime continuum. One such incident was noted when Admiral Janeway traveled from an alternate timeline. The chrono deflector used by Janeway produced too much radiation – the admiral was protected with a dose of chronexaline. However, the device burnt itself out after one trip through time. (VOY: "Endgame")

Captain Picard used tachyon pulses at three points in time and wound up rupturing the subspace barrier and let in anti-time. However this episode is a bit of a paradox, so it is unclear as to whether or not this actually happened. (TNG: "All Good Things...") Tachyon bursts can disrupt a deflector shield, necessitating a shield harmonics reset and creating a brief window for transporter use. In 2375, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander Worf attempted this tactic unsuccessfully to beam out Lieutenant Commander Data, who had malfunctioned and commandeered a Federation mission scout. Data later used tachyon bursts to disrupt the shields of Ru'afo's flagship, enabling its crew to be beamed unawares to the holoship. (Star Trek: Insurrection)

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Review: Q’s Deadly Game Ends In The Final Issues Of ‘Star Trek: The Q Conflict’

tachyons in star trek

| August 26, 2019 | By: Joe Andosca 16 comments so far

Publisher: IDW Publishing

Written by: Scott Tipton and David Tipton

Art by: Silvia Califano (Issue #4), David Messina (Issues #5 and #6)

The Q Conflict recently released its sixth and final issue, ending one of the most ambitious premises in Trek comic history. The entire universe was at stake with the heroes facing one of the most notorious villains in all of Star Trek . The Tipton brothers were writing. David Messina was doing the art. They even brought in J.K. Woodward to do the first cover. It had all the makings of a classic and the first three issues were really enjoyable , but did it last? Find out below as TrekMovie reviews the final three issues. Tally-ho!

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The Prophets of Rage (Issue #4)

tachyons in star trek

After staring down the belly of the beast in issue 3, Picard’s team destroyed the “planet killer” from the classic TOS episode, “The Doomsday Machine.” Before they could even reflect on their victory, it was on to the next challenge. Apparently the Bajoran Prophets did not accept Q’s invitation to the games, so he’s instructed the teams to, essentially, annoy them.

The four captains huddle with their respective teams to formulate a plan of action. Picard, under the suggestion of Spock, floods the wormhole with anti-tachyons, essentially “knocking” on the Prophets’ front door. The Emissary attempts to contact them directly, alone, while Kira gazes into an orb. Kirk takes a different approach and takes the Enterprise directly into the wormhole, upon Dax’s recommendation.

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Unfortunately, this is where things take a downturn for me. The ever so brash Kirk makes contact, angering the Prophets who turn their rage towards Q. The entire premise of this particular challenge is that Q is intentionally antagonizing the Prophets because he’s upset they didn’t participate in his little game. I get why they’re here – the Tiptons are trying to introduce something from every series as a new challenge but this fell a bit short for me. The irritated, extra-dimensional entities battle Q in a brief space-time bending melee, resulting in the omnipotent one literally balled up in the fetal position. To the rescue are two more characters joining the fray, Q(2) and Q(Amanda Rogers).

tachyons in star trek

Despite my thoughts on the story, the art, however, is excellent. David Messina took one issue off and tagged in Silvia Califano, whose style I love. For the most part, she gets the likenesses spot-on. It’s not always perfect, but her art is so gorgeous, it doesn’t matter. The level of detail is outstanding, even in wide shots. If her Twitter  feed is any indication, we’re going to be seeing a lot more Trek from her and that’s a very good thing.

Queen For a Day (Issue #5)

With the arrival of Q2 and Amanda Rogers, the story gets back on track. Amanda smooths everything over with the Prophets while Q2 scolds Q over his recklessness. As we’ve heard so many times before, the Continuum has just about had it with Q’s shenanigans. They tell Q he can continue his game, but he’s on an extremely short leash.

tachyons in star trek

For the next challenge, Q has upped the danger factor to 11 and once again, Trelane is to become the benefactor. The man-child not only has a menagerie full of intergalactic animals, but he’s also a huge fan of the Borg and wants one more trophy – a Queen. Apparently it’s something he’s been wanting for a long time, even against the wishes of his parents. Clearly, he’s learned nothing since Kirk’s last encounter with him on Gothos. Which begs the question – where are his parents? Those oddly pulsating, translucent green blobs probably should’ve brought him home the minute the Q Conflict started.

tachyons in star trek

Their mission (they have no choice but to accept it) is to capture a Borg Queen and deliver her to Trelane for his amusement. No big deal. As one can imagine, all of this doesn’t sit well with Guinan, who has a very bad feeling about all of this. That’s why she enlists even more characters to join this story because why the heck not?

tachyons in star trek

On the plus side, as we wait for  Star Trek: Picard , we do get a chance to see Jean-Luc and Seven team up. On the downside, capturing a Borg Queen was way too easy, even with all of the help they have. It took an entire movie to take down the first queen and at least two episodes in subsequent meetings. It would have been interesting to see the Borg put up more of a fight – perhaps disrupting Q’s game by, say assimilating the Iconian technology or even one of the Q’s. But alas, the Tiptons played it straight, so it didn’t happen. Instead, Wesley and the Traveler come and save the day, because, again, the more the merrier.

tachyons in star trek

Speaking of the Iconians, one of the coolest things in this issue is Janeway’s use of the captured gateway from issue #2 as a discreet way of communicating with the other captains. “Contagion” is one of my favorite TNG season 2 episodes and I always wanted them to revisit that storyline and technology. How it was incorporated into the story was done really well and I especially enjoyed the callback.

tachyons in star trek

After a one-issue hiatus, David Messina is back on pencil duty. While he may not have actor likenesses down, he more than makes up for in terms of visual storytelling. His framing and overall visual choices are excellent which really help complement the epic nature of the story. Plus, anyone that can organically fit the Picard facepalm gif into a comic panel is my hero.

tachyons in star trek

War (What is it Good For?) (Issue #6)

In the last few issues, Q has made the teams jump through galactic hoops by having them capture an ancient piece of Iconian technology, defeat the “planet killer,” anger the Prophets, and capture a Borg Queen. All in a day’s work for the best of the best Starfleet has to offer. They’ve all reluctantly gone along with Q’s childish game thus far, all the while secretly planning for a way out. I would’ve thought that the Borg Queen would’ve been the last straw, but, instead, Q reveals the next challenge – capturing an Omega Molecule.

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As we found out on Star Trek: Voyager , an Omega Particle is one of the most destructive force in the galaxy. Knowing that, finally, it’s determined that the game must end now. What’s the best way to tell a godlike being you’ve had enough? Well, Q has appeared over a dozen times across multiple series and as we’ve seen repeatedly, the only way to defeat him is to face him in battle with Q weapons. Wait, what?

tachyons in star trek

Janeway is no stranger to Q weapons as we saw in the VOY episode, “The Q and the Grey” in which the Continuum were involved in a Civil War. Amanda Rogers equips the teams with the weapons, which their primitive human minds comprehend as phaser rifles, hand phasers, and the occasional 20th-century automatic weapon.

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What ensues next is an all-out war with Q, complete with tree monsters ( Rock Man  gets cut again!), salt vampires, Borg drones, and Mugatos. I won’t spoil the ending but inevitably when it comes to Q, things have a way of working out just fine.

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Final Verdict:

The Q Conflict is definitely entertaining and it’s really fun to see all of the crews interact with each other. I love the ambition IDW and the Tiptons had in the beginning. It’s no easy task to include essentially every major Star Trek character into a story so I applaud them for that. For the most part, it works.

tachyons in star trek

But the central issue I have is with Q himself. He was usually played by John de Lance as a mischievous, master manipulator with a soft spot for humanity. Sure, he always manages to cause trouble at the expense of each crew, but some of the time, he’s there to help or teach a lesson. While it may have seemed reckless for him to introduce the Borg, it gave the Federation a chance to prepare for an attack against an enemy they otherwise would never have seen coming. Whether or not that worked is beside the point. He also gave Picard a second chance at life and the ability to save humanity from its own annihilation. He may be a pest, but he certainly isn’t evil.

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The Q Conflict , however, portrays Q as an aggressive, overbearing bully with a thirst for power. At times, he’s absolutely out of control and not very fun to watch. Whenever there was a new Q episode, for better or worse, they were usually entertaining. While ultimately he explains to Picard that there was no other way for the war among the godlike beings to end, his actions throughout the series don’t reflect that. In fact, the only reason he doesn’t annihilate everything in his path is because Q2 talks him off the ledge.

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While overall The Q Conflict was enjoyable, I’m not totally sold on the execution. Just because you can cram a bunch characters into one story doesn’t always mean it’s going to come out like The Avengers . For me, it felt more like The Avengers: Age of Ultron . And just like Age of Ultron , it’s not the best, but still worth checking out.

Keep up with all the latest inked Star Trek in  TrekMovie’s Comics Category .

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It bothers me to see Odo with a phaser rifle since he often refused weapons when offered.

I mistyped…. he ALWAYS refused weapons.

He might have made an exception here, since his shapeshifting wouldn’t be enough to take on Q.

Where is Captain Archer?

It really irks me, the lack of Archer et al in comic form.

From Memory Beta: Enterprise is the only Star Trek series not to have any comics based on it. The most Enterprise has so far achieved in comics are a handful of references in IDW publications: A shuttlepod appeared in TNG comic: “Captain’s Pleasure” and flashback to the ENT episode: “Divergence” was included in TOS comic: “Against Their Nature”, making Phlox the first, and so far only, Enterprise character to appear in a comic. The NX-01 features as a hologram in young Kirk’s bedroom in the comic Operation: Annihilate, Part 1 .

I know it had a bit of a stigma attached to it at the time it aired but I’d say ENT fandom is at least on par with YOY fandom these days. Feels like merchandising/publishers still see any ENT based comic as a massive gamble in terms of sales. It’s a shame especially when you consider IDW is happy to put out a mirror universe Voyager comic in 2019, albeit a one shot, but the point still stands.

Then Memory Beta is wrong, as IDW has published Enterprise stories in WAYPOINT.

Logically there must be licensing issues with ENT, rather than any great conspiracy…

Rumor is Baukla doesn’t want his likeness used for comics…but who knows if this is true or an excuse.

That doesn’t explain why T’Pol and the others couldn’t show up.

This was kind of fun, but I think there were too many characters for such a short story. Most of them didn’t get to do anything. There are a lot of interesting ways that these unusual character pairings could have been explored. We got one line about Worf feeling uncomfortable seeing Jadzia, but we never saw the two characters interact, and Worf’s feelings weren’t really explored. Picard and Seven interacted a bit, but they didn’t discuss their common experiences with the Borg. Tuvok recognized Sulu, but the two characters didn’t interact at all. They brought all of the characters in, but the story wasn’t at all about the characters. It was just about Q’s war, which wasn’t very interesting. Plus, the NX-01 and Discovery were conspicuously missing.

I read all 6 issues and liked it, but had a few problems. Trelane was great, but I didn’t buy the other 2 beings accepting playing a game with Q. The colors are quite pretty, but I’m not sure everything needed to be pretty. Some characters looked good, others like Janeway never looked right. And the bodies of the characters often looked spindly or crooked to me. Like the ambition of this, wish it was a little better.

It seemed like Ayelborne and the Metron didn’t really have a choice. Q attacked them, and he was more powerful. Playing his game was preferable to war.

Worf is wearing a First Contact uniform with security division colors, so when is this taking place for the TNG crew? The DS9ers look like they’re from season 4 bc Sisko is captain but still in the DS9 uniform. Having written that, Dax is a Lt. for some reason. On screen, we’ve never seen Worf in a security colored Starfleet uniform in the DS9 or FC design, which have only shown him sporting command red.

And Odo with a weapon in hand?! WTF is Quark doing there at all.

Sisko mentioned that he had been on DS9 for about three years.

This may be the Tiptons’ weakest work–which is unfortunate, as they are usually great. The main problem is that they don’t write Q well. Other writers have done far better with him in the comics.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

A tachyon is a type of subatomic particle that can only exist at velocities faster than light . The term tachyon radiation is used to refer to concentrations of these particles.

  • 2.1 References
  • 2.2 External links

See also [ ]

  • antitachyon
  • beta-tachyon
  • tachyon beam
  • tachyon burst
  • tachyon eddy
  • tachyon pulse
  • tachyon wave
  • tachyon nebula
  • tachyon detection grid
  • long-range tachyon scanner
  • tachyon pulse inverter
  • tachyon core
  • tachyon scan
  • tachyon weapon

Appendices [ ]

References [ ].

  • TOS novel : Spock Must Die!
  • Star Trek Adventures RPG module : The Sciences Division

External links [ ]

  • Tachyon article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Tachyon article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.

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What is a Tachyon particle anyway?

If you’ve ever seen a single episode of Star Trek, you’ve heard Captain Picard talk to his crew about Tachyon particles. So as not to disrupt the storyline, you continue watching, nodding along as if you know what he’s talking about. You don’t know, though. “Tachyon” sounds like technical space jargon. And, well, it is. Allow me to introduce you to the tachyon particle in some ways that are easier to digest.

What are tachyons? The basics:

  • Tachyons are hypothetical and they move faster than the speed of light. Discovered in 1962 by Arnold Sommerfeld, they were given the name tachyon from the Greek word “tachus” which means “speedy”.
  • Gerald Feinberg is credited with the accepted concept of a tachyon. Feinberg theorized that tachyons held the key to precognition and psychokinesis, though, no scientific evidence has proven his ideas.
  • Some reasons they stay hypothetical are because: In physics, quantum particles such as tachyons have unknown limits (Heisenberg’s uncertainty principal) because a tachyon’s speed can’t be quantified. They also violate causality since they could theoretically be sent into the past. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa. Tachyons as hypotheticals, retain many unknowns. This makes it a challenging particle to predict or manipulate.
  • Tachyons and time travel are often linked since nothing else has ever been believed to move faster than the speed of light.  In the quantum world, however, it is a possibility. Because it can’t be proven or disproven, it remains in limbo. This example provided by Dr. Sten Odenwald sheds a bit of light on time travel and tachyons.  His diagram shows that because of a tachyon’s speed, it is possible to send them into the past.

Let’s imagine for a moment that tachyons are real.

What could we do with them if we harnessed their observable powers? Some scientists theorize that Tachyon hold the key to space communication. If a tachyon could be sent throughout all points in space, a reply could be retrieved, even if the responders were light-years away. We could finally get an answer to the question we’ve been asking the entire time we’ve been alive: Are we alone in the universe? If we expanded upon Feinberg’s ideas of psychokinesis (communicating via brain waves), could we yoke the tachyon’s muscle to bridge the gap to potential other lifeforms?  

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What Are Tachyons? & Their Connection to Ancient, "Electronic" Circuitry

And the driving "force" behi - wait, in front of it....

tachyons in star trek

C oordination of

A nalytically-based

A ngular thought &

R edirection


For those seldom-immersed, or rather, “barely into” the physics aspects of such concepts within the truth-seeking, meditative, (potentially) gnostic-oriented community, it is understandable as to why topics such as pure, condensed-matter physics - let alone quantum physics, can be quite intimidating. Many attribute such intimidation to confusing verbiage, esoterically-oriented labels in which are quite often debated amongst peers within the ‘formal’, ‘surface-level’ field of academia of which can barely even be defined themselves due to varying interpretations amongst ‘formal’ peers - and, of course, numbers and symbols that most do not have the time in their day to learn and interpret. To be intimidated by the above-mentioned is extremely understandable, given the circumstances of the state of our world: extremely short attention spans, and arguably, a fair chunk of our civil and national leaders deliberately trying to birth a generation of non-thinkers, rather than encourage simplification of scholastic concepts and implement various forms of interpretive education so as to assist in expanding ones own base of knowledge.

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

So let this article be a translation mechanism of sorts: to reduce and deduct much of one’s confusion. If you are not confused or intimated by such concepts and topics, however, then I am still very glad nonetheless that you are here for the ride!

Let us consider our Patreon content and topics of discussion pertaining to gravitational energy being the “birth child” of electromagnetism when certain conditions are met and satisfied electromagnetically on a physical apparatus - not unlike that of a male and female giving birth to a child via intercourse - there may be much more in common with these seemingly unrelated topics than one may initially surmise.

tachyons in star trek

We notice that, if we move a magnet very quickly through a copper wire, the electrons will move and of consequence, produce electricity.

The question we musk as ourselves is this: Is there a more fundamental, ‘base’ force other than electricity and magnetism, that “piles” on top of itself (stacked books example as per Patreon content & discussions) to then split or break up for the direct purposes of manifesting itself as what we know to be EM in this reality? If gravity is the birth child of EM, then who are EM’s parents and cousins?

As per the words of Richard Feynman, a highly-respected QED (quantum electrodynamic physicist) who’s work birthed eloquent path-integral formulations for reciprocal super positioning, as well as inspiring much of what we now know and lovingly refer to as ‘potentials’, “ there is not an adequate definition of force …”. We note this point as significant due to substantial reinforcement and support of this claim by many influential figures in the field such as Lt. Col. Tom Bearden, Professor Carlo Rovelli to name a few; all of whom succeeded Feynman.

Could such “force” be right in front of us? If so, what do I mean by this?

What if this “force”, ergo, “parent” of EM, is simply the “reverse” version of such? But not in the way one may think relative to classical linearized forms of thought. Let me provide a simple example:

If one takes the square root of epsilon (electric permittivity within the aether), and the square root of mu (magnetic permeability within the aether), multiplies the two together and then inverts the multiplied result, one obtains the speed of light! Now, “tachyons” are supposed to be able to move much faster than the speed of light - in theory at least, right? Whether you’ve heard that tachyons move faster than light in Star Trek or in actual theoretical physics lectures, does not matter at this point. What matters, is that the concept is grasped. And please , I encourage all of you to use your imagination whilst reading this!

Some of you reading this far at this point may say “Dave, are you referring to phase conjugation?” And to that I answer: yes, to a degree - however I am of the view there is a more eloquent way to grasp this concept.

First, let us assume that the speed of light is not infinite, but rather, finite . If this were the case, such finite behaviour within the aether of this reality would speak to that of a fractal-based form of entropy, giving birth to “ripples” of which energy can only move to the next “ripple” by returning back to its zero point - because if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be able to get out of its own “ripple” loop - of which would need to be finite by definition of its structure, parameters, and probability distribution. An image below attempts to provide an adequate visual:

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Note that the only way one can leave its own finite loop is to make its way back to the zero point of the entire system, respectively.

Such concepts can also be attributed to that of Fischer Information; in which ones external environment is defined by the very thing (or device/aperture) one is using to view the environment with . Such notions of thought support that of ‘internal’ explorations of the self as opposed to ‘external’ explorations in a metaphysical regard.

Now that you have much more of a grasp on such concepts, are you beginning to see why I penned this particular article’s sub-heading with the notion of implying that tachyons come before electromagnetism, and that we simply do not see or feel it…?

What if Tachyons are gravity waves, and that such a foundational structure of tachyons is its ability to manifest itself as being able to be both the parent and the child of EM? How? Because tachyons could very well be the set of extremely thick and strong pillars that holds this “building” of a reality up, but we are simply not allowed to discover - through our ‘formal’ institutions' at least - that these pillars area real and all around us.

Such is akin to stating that you, for example, are looking to purchase a nice condo for yourself, but all of a sudden your real estate agent calls you and says that you cannot purchase the condominium apartment due to the fact that you would not be allowed to use or ever enter the parking garage, let alone drive in it. This is essentially what is happening within the ‘formal’ community of scientific research, and I’m sure I’d get a swath of supportive evidence from others having eerily similar experiences within their own fields.

So, with this in mind, what if our hearts (yes, human hearts in particular), and their beating rhythms, form the pillars of said “condo” (reality) we are currently living within, and tachyons ride these pillars because these pillars are:

a.) existing outside of “time” as we know it,

and these pillars are also

b.) remnants of us; our existence as sovereign souls, our ancestors , etc.

And, what if someone, or rather, a set of groups within this reality, has built a set of underground subway systems that can come and go to various amounts of these “condos”? But the people living within these condos can never know of this subway system - as a matter of fact, they’re told subways are crazy and ‘could never’ exist!!!

Let us now make yet another potential correlation:

tachyons in star trek

There has been this notion of electronic circuitry being the basis of many ancient mysteries and designs, such as some of the following examples:

tachyons in star trek

One may, however, state that such similarities are simply coincidental. This postulation becomes more and more less likely when one begins to see, interpret, and understand the significance of papers such as the following:

tachyons in star trek

Notice the words “Superluminal Particles” in the above paper…You mean, faster than light particles?

Huh, interesting, isn’t it…

We then must wonder, were our ancestors building their cities as giant, electronic circuits? Could these electrically-based methods of building induce a force that is not electromagnetic, but rather, gravitational? Is it this the same force that gives rise to healing, propulsion, communication, star-gates, and more in which are tachyonic/gravitational in nature but come from EM-induced methods? Could it then be the case that this is how our ancestors understood such complex topics with such simplistic interpretations? And what if we have given multiple names for the same underlying force all this time?

Let us finish with one more interesting takeaway from wikipedia:

tachyons in star trek

We note that because tachyons move faster than light, one would see two images of such after it has passed a nearby observer, as quoted directly from the above Wikipedia screenshot.

Is the above no different that when a fish is placed inside of a fish bowl filled with water, and a laser beam is shot through the bowl from the outside of it by a human ? The fish, inside the bowl, would see multiple refractive forms of this beam, just as when the sun’s rays hit water in a swimming pool while you yourself are in a pool for instance, and you immediately see the rays start to scatter after they hit the water.

Perhaps, this fish observing such an event would get together with other fishes interested in figuring out the nature and inherent causality of this strange “phenomena”. Maybe, just maybe, realizing that building a town in the form of an electrical circuit would help tap some of this energy for the benefit of all the fishes in the bowl! And perhaps even get out of it…

Maybe they’ll call it “tachyons”.

tachyons in star trek

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