74 Fun Things to Do With Friends in Summer

If you are looking for activities that you and your friends can enjoy together to make this summer extra special, then you’re in the right place.

Summer doesn’t last long for a lot of us, so it’s important to make the most of the summer months while we have them.

Whether you’re on a budget or looking to go on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, you’ll find lots of fun ideas on this list.

  • For weekends
  • Summer travel ideas
  • Food-related

Indoor summer activities to do with friends

Even the rainiest summer days can be a lot of fun. Try these things you can do at home when it’s too cold or too hot to venture outdoors.

1. Go shopping for summer outfits

If you’re looking for some rainy day activities, then why not spend the day at the mall shopping for some stylish summer outfits? It’s a great way to hang out with friends and prepare you for when the sun comes out again. If you’re not close to a mall, online shopping will also do.

2. Build a puzzle

Building a puzzle is a great way to spend a peaceful, rainy afternoon with friends. Pick up a challenging piece for you all to work on together, and enjoy the feeling of finally finishing it as a team.

3. Read a book with your best friend

There are few things as nice as spending a rainy afternoon cozy at home reading a book, and there’s no reason you can’t do the same with a friend. Bonus points if the two of you read the same book. If you need some book recommendations, here is a list of some fan favorites.

4. Redecorate your home

When you’re bored at home on a rainy day, why not try a DIY project with friends? Here are some simple home decor ideas for you if you’re not sure where to get started.

5. Make a perfect summer playlist

Looking for something to help make your summer adventures extra special? Spend some time with a friend putting together a playlist of all your favorite summer vibe songs. It’s a cool way to keep that time in your heart for years to come.

6. Learn a new instrument

Learning a new instrument with your friends is a fun way to build a new skill. The ukulele is a great place to start because of how easy it is to learn.

7. Test out your painting skills

If you’re looking for a cheap way to spend a rainy day with friends, pick up some paints and canvases and put your art skills to the test. If you’re not a natural-born artist, there are lots of online paint-along classes like this one with Bob Ross .

8. Plant an indoor herb garden

Not all of us are lucky enough to have big backyards, but that doesn’t mean that gardening is off-limits. If you can’t spend the day outside, spend the day picking out your favorite herbs, seeds, and other supplies with friends, and then head home to plant them together.

9. Host a board game night

If you are looking for a fun way to spend a rainy evening with friends, break out some board game classics. This is also a great idea for any parents looking for ways to spend a day at home with their kids. If you’re looking for some new board games to try out, here is a list of 22 of the best.

10. Have a bake-off with your friends

Have you ever wondered who among you and your friends is the best cook? Now’s your time to find out. A bake-off is a great way for you to be able to test out some unique recipes while also spending quality time with the people you love.

11. Host a movie night

If you’re looking for a free way to spend an evening with friends, then you could try inviting them over for a movie night. Cozy up for an evening spent at home with your favorite snacks and friends.

12. Work out at home

Whether you want to try out yoga or something else, spending a day at home exercising with friends will never be a day wasted! Here is a workout that is great for all levels and doesn’t require any equipment.

13. Learn a new language

Get yourself and your friends ready for your next adventure to another country by learning a new language. Duolingo is a great free resource if you’re not sure where to start.

Outdoor summer activities to do with friends

Make the most of the summer months by indulging in every summer outdoor activity that you can while you can. Here is a list of 16 things that you have to add to your summer to-do list.

1. Run a half-marathon

If you have some crazy friends that are up for a big challenge this summer, why not give a half marathon a try? Start building your endurance now with this guide on how to get yourself ready to run long distances.

2. Camp in your backyard

Want to take a mini-vacation but don’t have the time or money to make it out of the city? Get your friends together and bring the great outdoors to you by camping out in a backyard.

3. Visit an outdoor water park

Outdoor water parks are a great way for you and your friends to get outside and have fun, with or without kids.

4. Go canoeing or stand-up paddleboarding

If you want to expand your horizons, then renting a canoe or stand-up paddleboard can be a unique way to do so. Getting out on the water with friends is one of the best ways to soak up the summer while it’s here.

5. Go skinnydipping

Where you decide to make this suggestion happen is up to you, but skinnydipping, especially in an amazing lake or river in a scenic location is the ultimate feeling of freedom. 6. Set up a kiddie pool

Contrary to popular belief, a kiddie pool is also a great option for adults. If you’re still not sure, check out this article all about why you should test it out this summer. Keep cool with your best friends this summer, even if you don’t live close to a public pool or beach.

7. Outdoor photoshoot

If an outdoor photoshoot isn’t already on your list of to-dos this summer, then it definitely should be. Here is some great photoshoot inspo if you’re not sure where to start. Doing a fun outdoor shoot is a good way to make a day spent in nature with friends extra special.

8. Sketch some beautiful outdoor scenery

It’s possible to combine spending time in nature while also getting your artistic juices flowing. Bring a sketchbook and a pencil next time you and your BFF decide to spend time outside and see what sort of magic you can create.

9. Attend an outdoor sporting event

It’s not every day that we can have the pleasure of watching a sporting event outdoors. Take advantage of the beautiful weather by watching your favorite team play while you soak up some sun with your friends.

10. Read in a hammock

There’s something special about those friends that we can do nothing with. If you’re lucky enough to have a friend like that, why not spend an afternoon with them lounging in a hammock?

12. Go hot air balloon-ing

Going for a ride in a hot air balloon is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you want to know the best spots for you and your friends to enjoy this unique experience, here is a list of the best ten places to check out.

13. Join a beer league sports team

You don’t have to be an all-star athlete to be a part of a beer league sports team. If you’re looking for a fun outdoor activity to keep you and your friends busy this summer, check out any local teams in your area.

14. Go rollerblading or biking

Rollerblading is a super fun way to get in shape and get outside when the weather is nice. If you’re not the most stable on your feet then biking is also a good option. If you’re out with a friend on a bike, you can always hitch a ride on the back.

15. Spend a day at the beach

One of the simplest ways to spend a beautiful summer day is at the beach. To make sure that you make the most of your day at the beach with friends, check out this list of beach must-haves .

16. Camping

Sitting around a campfire with all of your best friends is one of the best ways to make the most of your summer vacation. Leave the distractions of the city behind and spend time with the people you love distraction-free. If you need help figuring out a way to bring this dream to life, here is a great guide that can help.

Low-cost summer activities to do with friends

Summer doesn’t last for long, so it’s important for you to fill up your schedule with fun summer activities while you can. Even if you are on a budget, you can still find fun things to do without spending much. Here is a list of cheap or free summer activities for you to enjoy with your friends.

1. Tie-dye something

Summer is the perfect time to play with some colorful and fun outfits, and tie-dying is a cheap way to give your wardrobe a little extra umph. Here is a guide to help you and your friends bring your creative dreams to life.

2. Make sidewalk chalk art

You may think that making sidewalk art is only for children, but the truth is that getting outside and creating a masterpiece is for anyone, including you and your friends. You can get big boxes of chalk that can last the entire summer for under $10.

3. Paint rocks

If you’re looking for a fun idea that is basically free, you can try going for a walk on a beach or through a river valley with a friend and collecting a few rocks. Afterwards, spend the afternoon decorating the rocks and placing them in your garden or on your balcony. Here is some inspo for you to get your creative juices flowing.

4. Have a water-balloon fight

If you want to cool down while also having fun with your friends, a water balloon fight might be the perfect way for you to combine the two. There are a lot of fun ways for you to make this happen, check out this list if you need some ideas.

5. Have a sandcastle competition

Beach days with your friends never have to be boring. If you have some crazy friends that are game to get a little sandy, challenge them to a sandcastle contest and have fun getting a little bit messy.

6. Do outdoor yoga

Practicing yoga in a park with your friends is fun and absolutely free. If you’re feeling adventurous, then you might want to try partner yoga, otherwise known as acro yoga. Embrace your inner peace with the people you love.

7. Check out some local garage sales or flea markets

If you want to do some shopping with friends on a budget, then look for some garage sales in your area, or take advantage of some of the special markets that only happen when the weather is good.

8. Have a beach bonfire

There are few things that say summer more than gathering around a cozy campfire with some of your best friends. All you need is some firewood and maybe some supplies to make s’mores, making this the perfect low budget summer activity.

9. Outdoor picnic

When the weather is good, it’s important to take advantage of your opportunity to spend time outside. Skip an expensive restaurant and instead pack all the picnic essentials , like a delicious meal and a blanket, and enjoy a romantic meal with someone you love.

10. Look for shapes in the clouds

Relax in the grass with a friend, and let your imagination run wild for a little while. Who knows what sort of beautiful shapes you two will see in the clouds.

11. Go bird watching

We are constantly surrounded by amazing animals that we often know very little about. Take some time to get to know the wildlife that surrounds you by spending some time birdwatching with a friend.

12. Play ultimate frisbee

Ultimate frisbee is a great game to play with friends because all it requires is one simple disc. Figure out who your competitive friends are by heading to a nearby park and challenging them to a friendly game of ultimate frisbee.

13. Do some volunteer work

Spend your spare time giving back to your community by doing some volunteer work. Local animal shelters are always looking for dog-walkers, so teaming up with a friend to do some dog-walking is a great way to give back.

14. Sunbathe

If you have a free afternoon to spend relaxing, then a little afternoon sunbathing might be just the thing to do. You and your friend can listen to an audiobook if you want to feel a little more productive or simply get some vitamin D.

15. Go swimming

Whether you decide to go to an outdoor pool or head to your nearest beach, getting together with your friends to cool off and enjoy a swim is always a great idea.

16. Plant a garden

There are very few things in life that feel as satisfying as watching your plant babies grow up. Planting a garden is a fun summer project that can keep you and your friends busy, and the bonus is getting to feast on healthy food straight from your garden.

17. Go for a walk somewhere beautiful

Going for a walk is always free. Get out of the house while sharing some lively conversation with a close friend or two. It’s a great way to get fresh air while also doing something good for your body.

18. Fly a kite

Not sure how to spend a day that is a little on the windy side? Pick up a kite or two and have fun trying to fly them with friends.

You might also like this list of low-cost things to do with friends that apply for any occasion, not just the Summer.

Summer activities to do with friends on the weekend

Don’t waste a single weekend this summer. Spend your weekends creating summer memories that will last a lifetime with the people you love.

1. Explore a new part of your city

Regardless of how long you’ve been living in your city, chances are there are still a lot of spots that you have yet to explore. If you have some free time, spend a day with friends being a tourist in your own city.

2. Catch a sunrise somewhere beautiful

Waking up early enough to catch a sunrise can be a bit of a commitment. But putting in the extra effort to be able to catch a beautiful sunrise with friends is worth missing out on some sleep. Just make sure that your choice of location faces East!

3. Go to an outdoor concert

One of the great things about summer is all the extra special events, like outdoor concerts and music festivals. Find a friend or two with a similar taste in music, and take advantage of all that your city has to offer during the summer months.

4. Go stargazing

Pick out a spot with a clear view, pack some warm clothing, and head out to revel in a night of stargazing with a friend or two. If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll see a shooting star.

5. Have a stay-cation

If you want a way to make a weekend extra special, book yourself a stay somewhere beautiful. Spend the weekend with some of your best friends, feeling like a tourist without the hassle of traveling to another city.

6. Do a weekend brunch

Whether or not you choose to do this hungover will be up to you. But catching up with your close friends over morning brunch is a great way to make the most of your weekend.

7. Go to a music festival

Out of town, weekend music festivals are one of the things that make summer so special. Make a weekend extra special by dancing the night away with some of your favorite people.

8. Rent an Airbnb with friends

There are so many hidden gems to check out on Airbnb, and spending an entire weekend connecting with friends is a great way to take advantage of summer while it’s here. Complete with a hot tub to help you really soak up your stay.

9. Host a capture the flag tournament with a big group of friends

Throwback to a childhood favorite. Playing capture the flag with friends is something that a lot of us enjoyed doing as children, and there’s still a lot to love as adults. Here is a great article that includes some more adult-friendly versions.

Check out this list for more ideas on fun things to do with your friends .

Summer travel ideas for friends

The summer is a great time to get out and see the best of what your country has to offer. Get outside of your comfort zone by visiting some summer bucket list spots.

1. Go on a hot spring road trip

If you and your friends want to have an epic road trip together, plan a trip around visiting some beautiful hot springs. Here is a list of some of the most iconic hot springs in the states.

2. Find an extra special adventure buddy

To make the adventures you and your friends go on extra memorable, pick up an inanimate friend that you can treat to the trip of a lifetime. This is the tale of a gnome that also went on a similar adventure.

3. Go on a hike

America is home to some of the most amazing natural wonders in the world. If you and your friends are looking to do an extra special trip this summer, why not check out one of the many breathtaking hikes that the country has to offer.

4. Enjoy a wine tasting

If you’re not lucky enough to live in wine country, then planning a trip to a winery is a great way to spend a weekend with friends.

5. Go on an RV adventure

Exploring with an RV or camper van is a great way to explore a new area without the bother of having to find hotels or campgrounds every night. Bring your home with you wherever you go, and have the freedom to explore wherever you and your friend’s hearts desire.

6. Explore a new place

If there are some spots that you’ve always wanted to check out, summer is the best time to finally make the trip. Rally your friends to go and make the most of the summer months while checking a spot off your list of must-sees. If you live in America, here is a list of the best states to visit during the summer.

7. Rent a boat

Boating is one of the simple joys of summer. It’s not every day that we have the opportunity to get out on the water and soak up some sunshine while we do so. Make the most of the summer months by renting a boat with some of your best friends.

8. Book a segway tour

Although segway tours might seem a little dorky, they’re a fun and easy way to explore a new city. If you want to rally your friends for a new adventure, try out a segway tour. If you’re still not sure, check out this list of reasons why people love them.

9. Visit a local farm

It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of living in a city. Soak up some uninterrupted time in nature by taking you and your friends out into the country by visiting a local farm.

If you choose to travel to a place where it’s wintertime, you might like this list of fun things to do in winter with friends .

Food-related summer activities to do with friends

The following are 9 ideas perfect for any foodie. Make the most of the fresh local produce in your area, and connect with the people you love while sharing a delicious meal.

1. Make s’mores on an open fire

Summer isn’t complete without at least one s’more. Pencil in some time to get together with friends and build a fire so you can roast your marshmallows to perfection. Don’t forget your weenie roasting sticks!

2. Go to a u-pick farm

One of the best parts of summer is all of the fresh produce. Take the time to head to a farm near you to stock up on the fruit of your choice for cheap. Bonus points if you and your friends make jam or a delicious pie with your stash.

3. Have a big BBQ

If your barbeque has been collecting dust all winter, what better way to put it to good use than hosting a backyard BBQ with all your best friends? Share a delicious meal with all of the most important people in your life.

4. Go to a farmers’ market

Take advantage of all the fresh produce in your area while supporting local farmers by visiting a farmers’ market with a friend to do your shopping.

5. Try a new cocktail recipe

Enjoying a fresh cocktail with friends while soaking up some sunshine is one of the simple pleasures of summer. Test out a new drink recipe that you’ve always wanted to try, complete with a cocktail umbrella to help you fully embrace the summer vibes.

6. Eat mini donuts

Feel like a kid at a carnival again by treating yourself to delicious mini donuts. Or skip the line altogether and bake your own at home with this recipe .

7. Squeeze fresh lemonade

Staying hydrated during the hot summer months can be a challenge, but luckily there is a delicious way for you to do so. Whip up a batch of homemade lemonade for you and your friends to sip on all summer.

8. Go to a heritage food festival near you

Celebrate multiculturalism while also treating your taste buds by visiting a food festival in your city with your friends.

9. Make your own popsicles

Popsicles are a tasty way to cool down during the summer. If you’re looking for an alternative to a sugary freezie, test out some delicious at-home popsicle recipes and enjoy them with your friends.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more .

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Bucket List Journey

Summer Bucket List Activities: 80 Fun Things to Do this Sunny Season

There is something about summer that just brings the life out of us, isn’t there? Well, those sun-filled, warm-breeze days are here with us yet again (thank goodness) and of course you will be looking for fun summer activities and things to do.

Besides sunbathing, walking around in those cute sun dresses and letting the sand run through your toes (if you are lucky enough to be at the beach), there are several other fun ideas to add to your summer bucket list.

summer trip ideas for friends

1. ✩ Go to an Amusement Park

2. ✧ leap off a rope swing, 3. ✩ pick strawberries, 4. ✩ try a new food.

Have you ever tried raw oysters, escargot or frog’s legs? Maybe you have never had something as simple as sushi. Think of all the things you have yet to taste (for some fun ideas go to an Asian market!), then go out and try something new. You never know, you may stumble upon some delectable delicacies that you may never have heard of had you not been adventurous with your food.

If you are a timid eater then you may want to start with checking off some things from our American Food Bucket List: 60 Foods in the USA to Eat . But, if you’re feeling really adventurous than pick an item from this list: Weird Food Bucket List: 60 Strange Foods From Around the World

summer trip ideas for friends

5. ✩ Attend an Outdoor Concert

In the United States, 40 to 50 million people attend outdoor concerts each year—it’s a top thing to do!. Find the perfect venue in your area, bring a lawn chair and spend a bucket list worthy evening listening to tunes. Unsure of where to see your show? Check out the 10 Outdoor Concert Venues Worth a Summer Road Trip .

6. ✩ Ride a Ferris Wheel

summer trip ideas for friends

7. ✩ Attend a Parade

8. ✩ have a picnic.

Pack a traditional wicker basket with your favorite picnic foods and enjoy the feast as well as the weather. Real Simple magazine can help you out with their Picnic Packing Checklist . If you want to set up an Instagrammable picnic, here’s a cute red checkered picnic basket .

9. ✩ Play on a Slip-n-Slide

10. ✩ take a road trip.

Pick a spot on the map, get in your car and just drive. There are very few activities in this world that are as fun-filled and as exhilarating as going on a road trip either solo or with your best friends.

Make a list of all the things you would like to do along the way and let the other chips fall where they may. Just go with it and have fun. The open road calls to all of us. One of my favorite road trips was Canada’s Cabot Trail !

summer trip ideas for friends

11. ✩ Feed the Ducks

12. ✧ grow an herb garden.

Gardening can be a lot of fun and growing your own herbs is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle and teach the same to your kids. They will definitely have a blast digging in the soil and planting seeds, growing seedlings and watering them. You don’t need a lot of space and the vessel can be anything from a wooden crate to a mason jar to an old tire.

For an easy option, just buy an herb starter kit. Nature Blossom’s Sow & Grow makes it simple by giving you everything you need to grow five organic favorites: Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Sage, Cilantro. Or get creative with these top 30 low-budget garden pots & containers

summer trip ideas for friends

13. ✩ Be a Tourist in Your Own City

Can you confidently say that you know your city in and out? If Frommer’s was to contract you to write a guide to your city, would you do it justice? Take the time to visit more than just your usual hangout places. There is more to life than hanging out at the bowling alley and the mall.

Be a tourist in your own city, go someplace new and you may be surprised by just how wonderful that old town can be. Most cities have free tours too. You could discover streets, shops, and landmarks that you never knew existed. You could also do the tour via segways, making it a little bit more fun.

14. ✩ Go to the Beach

summer trip ideas for friends

15. ✧ Learn to Juggle

16. ✩ ride in a hot air balloon.

Take yourself to new heights and see what the world looks like from a birds-eye view. Better yet, make a champagne toast whilst flying high in the sky. If you are too afraid for the flight, then watch from the ground at a Hot Air Balloon Festival .

summer trip ideas for friends

17. ✩ Nap in a Hammock

18. ✩ make tie-dye t- shirts.

Do you have a bunch of white T’s you would like to breathe some life into? Why not make tye-die T-shirts this summer? Again, this is something that the entire family can get into and enjoy as you all try to outdo each other with your various brands of creativity. This Tie-dye Kit will make it much easier for you!

19. ✩ Run Through Sprinklers

20. ✩ go wine tasting.

summer trip ideas for friends

21. ✧ Learn to Fly Fish

This may be a challenging bucket list goal, but what could be a more serene thing to do than casting a line into the river? Besides, you get to wear really cool pants.

22. ✩ Go Whitewater Rafting

Take a thrilling ride down the river in an inflatable raft, hitting rapids along the way. Whitewater Rafting is considered an extreme sport, so be careful when choosing this as one of you Summer Bucket List ideas.

23. ✩ Do a Cannonball into a Body of Water

24. ✩ go to a baseball game.

summer trip ideas for friends

25. ✩ Go 24 Hours without Internet, Radio or Television

Now, I know, this is a tall order. We use the internet for everything nowadays. But think about it. When was the last time you went for two hours without your phone? Try going 24 hours without internet, radio or TV. Go camping; sit and read a good book; talk to your friends and family or use the time to complete some of the ideas on this summer bucket list.

Soon enough you will wish you had these quiet and peaceful moments more often.

26. ✧ Have a Water Balloon Fight

While we all love to feel the sun in our faces, sometimes the heat of summer can get a little too…toasty! On those days, very few things even come close to feeling as good as having a cold shower, but the next best thing is to have a water balloon fight.

Fill up dozens of these latex fun makers and target your favorite friends, while trying to stay the driest of the bunch. If winning the fight is just as important as having fun, research techniques on How to Survive a Water Balloon Fight .

27. ✩ Ride a Big Water Slide

28. ✩ do a random act of kindness.

Random acts of kindness are some of the most fulfilling and most humane and human things you could ever do. Especially when it is done for a complete stranger.

  • Donate some food
  • Pay the bridge toll for the person behind you
  • Go to an animal orphanage and help out for the day
  • Feed someone’s parking meter.

The possibilities are endless. The best way to approach this is to look at your local community and see what it is they need the most. Or check out my post for ideas: 75 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas: Examples of Kind Things to Do .

summer trip ideas for friends

29. ✧ Play Disc Golf

30. ✧ have the ultimate bbq.

Good food, good company, cold beers and warm outdoor weather, what more could you ask for in this world? Having an Ultimate BBQ is one of the best ways to while away a boring Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Everyone has their own specific style when it comes to BBQ’s so do not let anyone tell you anything about what you like. You go right ahead and grill that meat the best way you know how. Enjoy!

31. ✩ Watch Fireflies

32. ✩ go waterskiing, 33. ✧ run a themed 5k.

Themed 5k marathons are a wonderful way to not only bring the community together for a common course, but to also show off your extreme levels of fitness and fun loving nature. Make sure the theme is something fun, like a mud run (check Active’s 5k Race Finder for ideas). It’d be a bonus if running the 5k was to support a local organization.

Don’t know where to start? Read How to Train, Run & Finish Your First 5k Race

34. ✧ Host a Bonfire

A bonfire can add incredible ambiance to any party, especially on a warm Summer night. So, invite your friends, load up your cooler with beverages, bring lots of wood and a radio to play your favorite tunes.

summer trip ideas for friends

35. ✧ Make Sangria

There is nothing like a refreshing glass of Sangria to quench your thirst on a hot Summer day. One of my favorite recipes is the Plum and Nectarine Sangria from William-Sonoma.

36. ✩ Paddle a Canoe

37. ✧ make a summer playlist, 38. ✩ go to a farmer’s market.

Enjoy strolling through the Summer farmer’s market while gathering fresh and local ingredients for your dinner. Take your bounty home and try making a delicious farmers’ market salad loaded with veggies.

39. ✩ Sleep in a Cabin

summer trip ideas for friends

40. ✩ Read a NYT Best Seller

If you are an avid reader, then those warm summer evenings make for some of the best times to just sit by your porch and read a New York Times Best Seller . This list is considered one of the most reliable when it comes to suggesting excellent books in the United States. Whether you are looking for fiction, non-fiction, auto-biographies or even a children’s book for those bed time stories, you will find it here.

You could give ‘The Thief’ by J.R Ward a try. Although, I must warn you, this is the 16th book in the thrilling Black Dagger Brotherhood series. So if you do not want to be so hooked that you simply must read the other 15, maybe you should try something else. Like ‘Shoot First’ by Stuart Woods or go non-fiction and read ‘Russian Roulette’ by Michael Isikoff and David Corn.

Or…you could check out my book ‘ Bucket List Adventures: 10 Incredible Journeys to Experience Before You Die’ . That should get you bitten by the wanderlust bug real quick.

41. ✩ Ride a Roller Coaster

42. ✩ go to a drive-in movie.

If you are looking for a unique and cheap date night, how about going to a drive-in movie? They may be more difficult to find these days, but they are a whole lot of fun when you do. Look at the Drive-In Movie Website to locate the nearest one.

43. ✩ Watch the Sunset

summer trip ideas for friends

44. ✩ Watch Fireworks

45. ✩ go skinny dipping, 46. ✩ make s’mores.

If you haven’t had these yet, drop everything you are doing and go make some—s’mores are absolutely divine. As the perfect campfire treat, making S’mores is something that the whole family can get into and thoroughly enjoy.

Allow me to elaborate: The best kind of S’more, the ones I like most, go a little something like this – You take a fire-roasted marshmallow, sandwich that with a layer of your favorite chocolate and then cover it all up with two pieces of graham cracker.

This recipe should help to get you started on the right foot. This treat has been a campfire staple long before most of us here were even born. The very first recorded s’mores recipe was published in 1927 in ‘Tramping and Trailing With the Girl Scouts’, a Girl Scouts handbook. So you are in good company. And if the traditional style doesn’t do it for you pick a unique one from the 12 Creative S’mores ideas.

summer trip ideas for friends

47. ✩ Get a Pedicure

48. ✩ sleep under the stars.

If you are lucky enough to travel the world, then try to sleep under the stars in the Northern Hemisphere. The Northern Lights are a spectacle that you will never forget. But if Sweden is too far, then maybe you can make a good go of it right in your backyard? On those warm summer evenings, get a bunch of your friends and just camp outdoors sleeping under the stars.

49. ✩ Fly a Kite

Flying a kite is a relaxing way to spend a Summer day that has a bit of wind kick to it. If you haven’t previously had any luck getting your kite in the air, wikiHow can tell you How to Fly a Kite in 8 Steps . And if you need a kite, this octopus kite is so cute!

50. ✩ Watch the Sunrise

summer trip ideas for friends

51. ✧ Spend the Entire Day Barefoot

This may not be such a great idea if you are walking across hot concrete, but it would be fabulous and freeing if you were spending the day at the beach or in a soft grass field.

52. ✩ Walk Barefoot in the Sand

Sinking your barefoot toes in the warm sand is the perfect way to spend a warm day.

53. ✩ Go Backpacking with a Friend

You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced wilderness and gone backpacking. Grab an adventurous friend or two and take on Mother Nature. You can do something as simple as visit the local park or the neighboring county. Or plan a few day trek, and check “sleep under the stars” off your summer bucket list at the same time.

54. ✩ Make Ice Cream

Instead of going to the grocery store to buy your favorite ice cream flavor, set up shop and make some at home. If ice cream seems too complicated, try making fun flavored popsicles, like Blueberry Vanilla Yogurt . Yum!

Here is the ice cream maker and popsicle molds that I use for my sweet summer treats.

55. ✩ Bake a Fruit Pie from Scratch

summer trip ideas for friends

56. ✧ Brew Your Own Beer

Speaking of mojitos, how about you brew your own beer? Brewing your own beer is not that difficult. You will just need a starter kit and some excellent advice , but once you get it right, you may never set foot in a bar again.

57. ✩ Go Star Gazing

58. ✩ porch sit for the afternoon, 59. ✩ make a sand castle.

You really can’t avoid the beach with that much success during summer. Since you will be headed that way anyway, why not put your creativity to good use while you show off that killer bikini body? Building a sand castle is much tougher than it looks, especially if you are going for the ‘uber-elaborate’ kind. Doing this with your loved ones is a wonderful way to spend some time together, get an enviable tan and maybe even have a mojito while you are at it.

For the more creative bucket lister you can learn How to Build the Perfect Sandcastle .

60. ✧ Get a Tattoo

For travel related tattoo ideas, check out 55 Beautiful Tattoos That Tell Their Own Travel Stories .

summer trip ideas for friends

61. ✩ Go Bowling

62. ✩ learn to surf.

This is a bit more challenging than most of the things to do on this Summer Bucket List Ideas, but you can enjoy the warm weather while also learning how to catch a wave. You can find fun, beginning surfing lessons near just about every surf beach.

summer trip ideas for friends

63. ✩ Skip Stones in a Lake

64. ✩ take a boat ride, 65. ✧ go on a scavenger hunt.

Scavenger hunts can be exhausting if you are playing with strangers or someone you do not know that well. Luckily, I have my husband with me and we enjoy driving each other crazy trying to find new ways to outwit each other. You could do the same with the people you love and have a good old time.

For ideas, see How to Set Up a Scavenger Hunt for Grownups.

66. ✩ Visit a Historical Site

summer trip ideas for friends

67. ✧ Attend Burning Man

Burning Man encapsulates everything fun and exciting about summer. It combines the desert heat, amazing creativity, wonderful musical revelations and a huge group of people who want nothing else but to have a wild, wonderful time out in the middle of nowhere. At Burning Man you can be yourself, have unbridled fun and you can definitely party all night and try to sleep all day. Just like you used to when you were younger.

68. ✧ Stand Under a Waterfall

Standing under a waterfall is a ritual purification practice to some Japanese, but for you it could just be a bit of warm weather fun.

69. ✩ Chase Down the Ice Cream Truck

70. ✩ hike a new trail.

summer trip ideas for friends

71. ✧ Build a Treehouse

72. ✩ learn to shoot a bow & arrow.

Though archery is an easy sport to learn, it’s a hard one to master. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t give a shot at hitting the bulls-eye this Summer.

73. ✧ Compete in a Food Eating Competition

74. ✩ volunteer.

Volunteer your time and effort to make the world a better place. You don’t have to join ‘Greenpeace’, although that’s not such a bad idea, you can volunteer right in your own community.

Help the elderly, give blood , volunteer at the local soup kitchen or just make sure that your neighbor’s yard is well-kept. Give back to the society and you will be the better for it.

summer trip ideas for friends

75. ✩ Go Somewhere You Have Never Been

Accomplishing this bucket list goal doesn’t mean that you have to travel to the ultimate location, just go somewhere you have never been. It could be something as simple as visiting a new park in your city or taking a day trip to a nearby town that you have been meaning to explore.

summer trip ideas for friends

76. ✩ Create a Cocktail

Many foodies are also experimentalists, and becoming your own mixologist will test your skills. The best part about this bucket list goal is that you will have to do a lot of sampling before coming up with your own perfect harmony of flavors. Practice makes perfect!

In the heat of the Arizona Summer, I decided it was the perfect time to create my own refreshing cocktail. The funnest part? Testing all the different concoctions. In the end, my signature drink was a Lemon-Basil Fizz made with prosecco, coconut rum, raspberries, basil and lemon sorbet (see the video below). What will yours be?

Related: 10 Tips on How To Make a Great Cocktail Related: Foodie Bucket List Read: Your House Cocktail is the Most Important Recipe You’ll Ever Invent

YouTube video

77. ✩ Sip a Umbrella Cocktail by the Pool

78. ✧ make fresh squeezed lemonade.

Lemonade and summer go hand in hand like Christmas and Santa! You simply must have some when the sun is out. Squeezing your own lemonade allows you to add a bit of your own flair into the mix. Go wild and let your inner mixologist come out and play!

79. ✩ Get a Summer Hair Cut

80. ✩ go camping.

summer trip ideas for friends

This summer, when the sun comes out, get your backside out there and do something fun as well. That’s a bucket list order!

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Helpful Resources

My Book: Bucket List Adventures

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41 thoughts on “summer bucket list activities: 80 fun things to do this sunny season”.

I love this way of thinking about your summer travel and adventure plans! By activity, not necessarily place.

Hopefully, it will help to make peoples Summer fun filled with activities!

And joy and make them happy

Great list I’m ready to live. My peace of mind is more important than anything right now.

I love these ideas! Especially the drive through movie, I’ve NEVER done that xx

I haven’t been to one since I was a teenager! I need to go as an adult too :)

Great list…I haven’t had a summer bonfire in years! Would be a great way to spend an evening! Of course, the s’more go without saying – they are really just an extension of the bonfire!

S’mores (& any variation of them) are my favorite! I even made S’mores creme brĂ»lĂ©e at my restaurant for a dessert special.

What an awesome list!!!

I will DEFINITELY complete the barefoot all day one! I’ll also be hiking at least once a week, exploring new parks around my hometown, since I’ll be at mom’s for the summer. Great list!!!

Hiking is such a great way to spend the Summer and have a new experience, since every trail is different. Have Fun!

What I love in your list, Annette, is that it’s fun and very accomplish-able. I’ll definitely borrow a few items from it :)

Hi Annette, Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I think I like your bucket list better than mine!:) We are going to do the last one on yours, go somewhere we’ve never been. I can’t wait. I enjoyed looking at your blog very much, and look forward to seeing future posts.

I am going to try #1 on yours, though I live in California now so it may be a bit difficult!

I love this! So many of these remind me of my childhood in rural Virginia. Would love to do them again and recapture those memories!

I agree, I would love to do some again to recapture the memories.

Going ziplining and getting up in the tree’s at a new height is very empowering. Many counties offer ziplining as an adventure and a way to see the sites in a new way. TreeGo has many parks throughout North America that include not only ziplining but aerial challenge course that anyone can do. No special skills are required and its tons of fun.

I understand you are in Toronto this July, we would love to host you and your team at our park to add a new dimension to your bucket list.

Wow! Finally Igot a blog from where I be capable of reeally take useful facts concerning my study and knowledge.

Estoy encantado de haber visto con esta Web y poder disponer de tanta informaciĂłn.

Uh oh…you owe us one more! hahaha

#38 & #77 are both “Go to a Farmer’s Market”

Ha! Good find. Replaced it with another :)

Wow! this list looks fun, have to try out all if possible. Especially learning how to juggle and surfing. Thanks for sharing this awesome bucket list ideas.

I love these!! Perfect for on trips or staying home!! Love it thanks for sharing!!

Aww these are so sweet! Great for solo or with a date or bestie!

An eye-opening. thanks for making me go out of my bed :P

wow, babulous, i love to enjoy nature beauty here, near the lake. :D

Great adventure & pictures are amazing.

Aww! Such an awesome list. I’ll start making my own!

I would still choose the beach aside from making myself cool all the time, I get to bond with the beautiful nature around me…

This list helped me a lot !!!

Happy to hear it!!

Ha! Such a beautiful list. Continue your great work!

I love summer

hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi summer

This is quite the list! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the list, these are great ideas 🙂

Amazing blog, please keep on writing blogs like this.

Wow, that was a very good blog, it was really informative, and I felt very happy to read it, Thank you so much to share it with us. by the way i am doing a plan to travel to the Seychelles resort and this blog is doing help me for that trip.

Thanks for the list. Fireflies was my favourite/one I forget about. Got to use pieces from here for an intro to a Toastmasters meeting today. The topic I used? ‘Summer’!

AS this was published a long time ago, I hope you got most or all of your list done.

Thanks again,

This is what I have done already this year. Hold a summer garden party Do raspberry and strawberry picking Have a nice free picnic in a park Eat ice cream Go on countryside walks Drive to a nature reserve

You did a lot already. Great job!

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Annette White the Owner of Bucket List Journey

Hey Bucket Listers! I'm Annette .

I’m a goal obsessed mid-lifer, traveler, experience collector, fear crusher, digital marketer and author with big bucket list dreams. Let's Connect!

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view of diablo lake in north cascades national park, one of the best places to visit in summer usa

33 Stunning Places to Visit in Summer in the USA (Vacation Spots Not to Miss!)

When it comes to exploring our backyard, there’s no kind of trip that Americans hold nearer and dearer to our hearts than the delights of summer vacations in the USA.

There’s an exhilarating freedom that comes with hitting the open road in the US in June, July, and August, no matter how many years it has been since you were in school and actually had an assigned summer break.

And, if you’re like a lot of us, summer vacation in the US often means heading to your family’s classic spot at least once (for us, that’s Atlantic Beach, NC and the surrounding area).

The call of new destinations, though, can be just as strong–no surprise, considering how many fantastic places there are to go in the United States over the summer!

If you’re hoping to mix it up this summer, whether it’s with a long weekend in a new-to-you city or a road trip to one of America’s best national parks , we have some ideas here for you!

We teamed up with several other travel bloggers to round up some of the best places to visit in summer in the USA.

Here are some unforgettable travel destinations to add to your 2023 summer wish list!

Table of Contents

Cool Cities to Visit During Summer in the USA

Beaches + islands for classic summer vacations in the us, national parks to visit for usa summer vacations, epic usa summer road trip routes, more of the best places to visit in summer in the usa.

kate storm in elfreths alley philadelphia

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As the largest city in New England and the birthplace of the American Revolution, Boston is undoubtedly one of the absolute best places to visit over the summer in the USA.

With its coastal location, gorgeous architecture, a dizzying array of distinct neighborhoods, and world-class museums (not to mention universities), you’ll never run out of incredible  things to do in Boston .

That being said, thanks to the city’s dense historic center and easy-to-access attractions along the Freedom Trail, spending even one day in Boston can be incredibly rewarding.

We’ve been obsessed with Boston since we spent a summer living there, and will forever count it among our favorite cities.

During your trip, be sure to walk the Freedom Trail, relax at the Boston Public Garden and the Common, and enjoy the views from the water on  a whale-watching cruise .

2 Days in Boston Itinerary: Beacon Hill

When it comes to neighborhoods, make sure to visit the picturesque North End, fashionable Back Bay, and grand Beacon Hill–three Boston neighborhoods you absolutely can’t miss.

Summer is also the perfect time of year to enjoy a Red Sox game at historic Fenway Park, one of the best baseball stadiums in America.

And, thanks to Boston’s many connections to the American Revolution, you’d be hard-pressed to find a city that celebrates the 4th of July with more flair!

If you’re planning an early July vacation in the USA, be sure not to miss the reading of the Declaration of Independence from the balcony of the Old State House or the phenomenal fireworks display when visiting Boston.

Where to Stay in Boston

  • Found Hotel Boston Common: This boutique hotel in the Theatre District is perfect for exploring Boston. Rooms are bright and comfortable, and there is access to public transport a short walk from the hotel.
  • Revere Hotel Boston Common: Also in the Theatre District and close to Boston Common is this stylish hotel with a stunning rooftop terrace and bar, perfect for afternoon drinks. Rooms are spacious and have a coffee machine for those of you who need coffee the moment you wake up.

Things to Do in Boston: Boston 4th of July Fireworks

Chicago, Illinois

From Alyssa of An Apple a Plane

From an infamous skyline to countless outdoor activities, Chicago, Illinois, is without a doubt an incredible summer vacation.

Visitors love traveling to Chicago over the summer for its many festivals, from the Chicago Blues Festival in June to Windy City Smokeout in August and beyond.

No trip to Chicago is complete without exploring iconic architecture like “The Bean” at Millenium Park and walking along Lake Michigan at Navy Pier.

Consider riding the famous Ferris wheel, or dining at a rooftop restaurant or viewpoint of your choice to catch Chicago’s city views from up above.

Chicago Skyline with river filled with sailboats in the center, an excellent view to seek out during 3 days in Chicago

Be sure to also stroll along Michigan Avenue for world-famous shopping, and snap a photo at the iconic Chicago Theater sign.

Escape the heat in the evening by enjoying a famous show like Blue Man Group or a musical.

After a few days in Chicago , summer travelers can escape the bustle by chasing waterfalls at Starved Rock State Park and Matthiessen State Park located 2 hours by car in Oglesby, Illinois.

Travelers looking to cross a national park off their list can get their outdoor escape in just over an hour by car at Indiana Dunes National Park.

Where to Stay in Chicago

  • Warwick Allerton: Situated on the Magnificent Mile in Downtown Chicago, the hotel is perfect for shopping and discovering iconic architecture.
  • Staypineapple: This oddly named hotel was designed by a world renowned architect and features stylish details such as mosaic floors and marble ceilings. No detail is spared and rooms are a testament to the thought that has gone into each part of the hotel.

Photo of Chicago train traveling on a bridge over car traffic--using Chicago's public transportation is the best way to get around on a Chicago weekend getaway!

Portland, Maine

From Brittany of Travel By Brit

Portland, Maine, is undoubtedly one of the best places to visit in the United States in the summer.

If you love rocky coastlines, fresh seafood, gorgeous lighthouses, and craft beer, you’ll be especially drawn to this gem in New England!

June, July, and August are ideals time to visit — the balmy temperatures that hover around 75°F and cool breezes are perfect for enjoying all the best things to do in Portland, Maine .

While you’re in Portland, you can’t miss the chance to see the Portland Head Light, the most photographed lighthouse in the United States, and go on a whale-watching cruise or sunset cruise in Casco Bay.

Portland Head Light on a sunny summer day with flowers in the foreground

Portland is home to a slew of craft breweries, so visiting local favorites like Allagash Brewing Company, Foundation Brewing Company, and Oxbow Blending & Bottling is a must.

The Holy Donut, Duckfat, and Eventide Oyster Co. are some of the best places to eat in Portland, offering inventive donuts, gourmet dipping sauces, fries, and delicious lobster rolls, respectively.

Portland is a walkable city, so if you want to stay close to the restaurants, shops, and attractions in Old Port, book a room at the Portland Regency Hotel & Spa .

Where to Stay in Portland

  • Portland Regency Hotel & Spa : This historic hotel offers a hot tub, steam room, full-service spa, and other luxurious amenities that will truly make your summer vacation to Portland one to remember!
  • Portland Harbor Hotel: Located on Portland Waterfront is this luxury and stylish hotel. With beautifully designed rooms and a great restaurant, you are also well located to explore more of Portland.

Portland Bug Light as seen from the side with a sailboat passing by behind it

San Diego, California

From Kristin of Global Travel Escapades

Arguably one of the best places to visit during the summer for a classic American beach vacation is sunny San Diego.

With its gorgeous beaches and plenty of outdoor activities available, San Diego has everything you need to have a great getaway.

San Diego is most known for its many picturesque and inviting beaches.

From Del Mar to Mission Beach, there are plenty of options for those looking to sunbathe, swim in the ocean, or surf along some clean waves .

But for those looking to do something outside of the beaches, consider hitting one of San Diego’s many hiking trails.

San Diego CA harbor with rows of sailboats in the foreground and the skyline in the back right of the photo

For instance, Torrey Pines State Park offers lots of easy-moderate trails for hikers who prefer to appreciate the beaches from above.

Alternatively, those interested in doing longer trails can hike to the famous “Potato Chip Rock”!

And if you just want to relax and take in the sights, there’s no better spot than downtown San Diego.

There, you’ll find the Gaslamp Quarter, Little Italy, Seaport Village, and several other fun neighborhoods!

So if you’re looking for a travel destination with endless activities, great weather, and stunning views, then San Diego is the ideal place for your US summer vacation.

Where to Stay in San Diego

  • Handlery Hotel: This stunning resort style hotel in Downtown San Diego is a perfect summer escape spot. Rooms are spacious and bright and there is a huge pool with a beautiful terrace, perfect for snoozing in the sun.
  • Porto Vista Hotel : In the heart of Little Italy you will find this stylish hotel with views of the harbor and a short walk from the cruise terminal. The rooftop bar also has a pool to cool off over after a busy day exploring.

cityscape of san diego california on a sunny day

New York City

From Sam of Find Love and Travel

One of the best places to enjoy a summer trip in the USA over the summer is easily New York City.

In fact, summer is the city’s most popular time to visit due to the warm weather since it is a great walking destination.

June, July, and August provide the perfect opportunity to really browse the busy streets and embody that city lifestyle.

With a week in New York, you have a plethora of options for things to do beyond the usual first-timer sights, including enjoying a beach day in Coney Island or hanging out in Williamsburg.

If it is your first time in New York, you can’t pass up strolling around Times Square and being engulfed by the chaos of giant billboards and classic yellow cabs on your way to a Broadway show.

kate storm spinning in front of manhattan bridge in brooklyn, a must see duing 4 days in nyc

Additionally, don’t forget to enjoy the summer days walking around the famous Central Park, visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and experiencing Soho’s cobblestone streets and art murals.

Summer nights in NYC are just as amazing. From attending a show to drinking at rooftop bars, or hitting up the club scene, there will be something for everyone! 

An NYC travel tip to keep in mind is to wear comfortable shoes because you will be walking a lot!

Where to Stay in New York

  • The Plaza Hotel : For a memorable place to stay, this is one of the most classic and luxurious hotels in New York. It is located right by Central Park, the Rockefeller Center, and some of NYC’s most popular museums.
  • The Renwick: Offering stylish residential style accommodation, this beautiful hotel is equipped with plenty of amenities and high class comfort. It is also a short walk to the Empire State Building and Bryant Park for exploring.

4 Days in New York Itinerary: Rowboat on Central Park Lake

Los Angeles, California

From Catrina of 24 Hours Layover

Los Angeles is a brilliant place to spend a summer vacation in the United States.

It is an incredible city full of varied things to do and there are so many  Instagrammable places in LA !

You can spend a week exploring as it is a huge metropolis with many attractions spread out across the city.

Summer is the best time to visit Los Angeles as it is warm and dry.

The mornings and evenings feel very comfortable, but the afternoons are warm, which is the perfect time to head to one of the many beaches and cool down in the water!

Skyline of Los Angeles CA with palm trees in the forground, one of the best places to visit in the US

Whether it’s Malibu Beach, Laguna Beach, or Huntington Beach – there’s a beach to suit every taste in Los Angeles.

Make sure to visit the Venice Beach boardwalk and the ‘Venice’ sign, as well as the ‘End of the Route 66’ sign and the amusement park at Santa Monica Beach.

And when you’re feeling cultural, head to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to see the impressive Urban Lights installation!

Don’t miss heading up to the Griffith Observatory and hiking to the ‘Hollywood’ sign where you’ll get a fabulous panoramic view of the LA skyline.

Where to Stay in Los Angeles

  • Hotel Erwin: With views over the Pacific Ocean and Venice Beach Boardwalk, you will be hard pushed to find a hotel with more iconic views. Rooms are stylish and comfortable and most have balconies to take in the views. You can also lounge in the rooftop bar for a dreamy LA afternoon.
  • Palihotel Melrose: For something a little more city based this beautiful hotel in Hollywood spares no expense in charming details, homey comforts and stunning decor. The location is also excellent in the heart of the Melrose Shopping District.

aerial view of santa monica beach near los angeles, one of the best places to vacation in the united states

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

From Lisa of Waves and Cobblestones

For an exciting Midwestern getaway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a terrific choice for summer break in the United States.

There are many  amazing things to do in Milwaukee , whether you like museums, sporting events, or live music!

Summer is the best time to visit Milwaukee, as you can pack a lot of activities into the long summer days.

Take the family out to enjoy America’s favorite pastime and watch the Milwaukee Brewers play baseball at the American Family Field.

If you love live music, you’ll definitely want to attend Summerfest !

Summerfest is the largest music festival in the world, featuring hundreds of bands performing across eleven stages. Summerfest is held in Milwaukee over three weekends in June and July.

milwaukee wisconsin skyline at night

Don’t forget about all of the great museums in Milwaukee, either!

Admire the unique architecture of the Milwaukee Art Museum as well as its massive collection of over 30,000 works of art.

For a one-of-a-kind experience, visit the world’s only Harley-Davidson Museum or the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame.

Where to Stay in Milwaukee

  • The Plaza Hotel : If you’re looking for a memorable place to stay, this is a great choice for your stay in Milwaukee. The Plaza is conveniently located midway between Lake Michigan and the Downtown Riverwalk, so it’s within walking distance of many of Milwaukee’s top attractions. The rooms also have full-sized kitchens to give you more dining options during your vacation.
  • The Pfister Hotel: For stunning old world charm and a Victorian art collection on site this is the hotel to book. The entrance way is spectacular and the charming martini bar on the 23rd floor is historic. Many rooms also have views of Lake Michigan.

riverwalk in downtown milwaukee wisconsin, a fun city to visit in the usa june july and august

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

From Samantha of New England Wanderlust

One of the best summer beach vacation destinations on the East Coast is Cape Cod in Massachusetts.

Not only does it have some of the most beautiful coastline in the United States, but it’s also home to 15 unique and charming  towns   to explore, incredible seafood, and stunning scenery.

The best thing to do in this area in the summer is to explore the Cape Cod National Seashore, which is made up of 40 miles of the most scenic beaches, lots of nature trails, and dramatic sand dunes.

One beach you won’t want to skip at this park is Coast Guard Beach, which is regarded as one of the top beaches in the entire country.

You can often spot seals swimming along the coastline here, too!

Spending a day in Chatham should be on everyone’s itinerary, which is the most charming and picturesque town on Cape Cod.

hydrangeas blooming on cape cod with the ocean visible in the distance

A few things you can’t miss here are the iconic Main Street for shopping, Chatham Lighthouse, and the beautiful hydrangea displays in July. 

For a completely unique experience, you’ll want to head to Provincetown, which is located at the very tip of Cape Cod.

Provincetown is like no other place in the world because it not only has a relaxed, beach town vibe, but also a very lively nightclub and cabaret scene.

It’s something you truly have to experience for yourself!

While strolling through Provincetown, you’ll want to visit the shops along Commercial Street, pop into the art galleries, and grab lunch or dinner at the iconic Lobster Pot restaurant.

Provincetown Massachusetts on Cape Cod as seen from the water

Monterey, California

From Dhara of Roadtripping California

Monterey , on the Central California coast, is an excellent beach town to visit during summer break in the USA, especially in conjunction with nearby Carmel-by-the-Sea and the spectacularly beautiful Big Sur coast.

Monterey Bay is known for its temperate weather.

Expect daytime highs in the high 60s and low 70s, perfect for enjoying outdoor activities, and no rain.

You may run into a little fog in the mornings, but that’s part of the charm of the laid back coast, and it usually burns off by noon.

The long daylight hours and plethora of outdoor adventures in the region make for a great summer break.

path leading to the pacific ocean in monterey california

Go whale watching, or enjoy paddling the calm Monterey Bay.

Stroll the charming village of Carmel-by-the-Sea, known for its boutiques and art galleries, and go wine tasting and enjoy dining at the many fine restaurants in the region.

Do the popular 17-Mile drive, with its ocean views and the chance to soak in the sun at beautiful Spanish Bay Beach.

Explore Big Sur, where you will find no less than six state parks with beautiful hiking trails.

The drive itself, with the many scenic overlooks, is worthy of a full day or more. The trails at Point Lobos State Natural Reserve are particularly scenic.

Where to Stay in Monterey

  • Intercontinental the Clement Monterey : Located on historic Cannery Row and perfectly placed to enjoy the best of what Monterey has to offer.
  • Hotel Abrego: On the Monterey Peninsula this hotel provides access to the beaches and aquarium, just a short distance away.

road along the pacific ocean in monterey, one of the best places  to go during usa summer break

From Marcie of Hawaii Travel Spot

One of the best summer vacation destinations in America is the beautiful island of Oahu.

This is the most popular Hawaiian island and where you’ll find Pearl Harbor and Waikiki Beach.

One of my biggest  Oahu travel tips  is to plan to visit for at least 7 days.

There are so many amazing things to do on Oahu for all interests that you’ll need at least a week to do a few activities, explore Oahu, and have time to relax.

People who love adventure will definitely want to schedule an ATV tour at Kualoa Ranch.

waikiki beach as seen from above, one of the best attractions oahu hawaii

Joining a Hawaii Bucket List Tour is also a great option for Oahu first-timers as a local will take you to any place on your personal bucket list.

Foodies will definitely want to stop by Kahuku Farms in North Shore Oahu for the freshest farm-to-table dining.

Summer is a great time to visit Oahu because the weather is typically perfect.

That means there’s a low chance your scheduled activities will be canceled or postponed due to weather, which happens frequently in winter months.

Where to Stay in Oahu

  • A few top places to stay on Oahu include Disney Aulani Resort (especially for families), Turtle Bay Resort in North Shore Oahu, and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki.

woman in a green tank top standing in front of waimea falls, one of the best places to visit oahu hawaii

Naples and Marco Island, Florida

From Lori of Travlinmad

If you’re looking for a perfect beach destination in the USA for a summer getaway, the Paradise Coast in southwest Florida boasts two great locations just minutes apart: beautiful Naples and Marco Island.

A vacation here is great to just kick back and enjoy the sun and sand as both places have some of the best beaches in Florida.

You can enjoy the warm waters of the Gulf by renting a stand-up paddleboard or kayak, and there are plenty of boat tours for watching a fiery sunset, dolphin or manatee watching, or a day of saltwater fishing on the water.

For nature and outdoor lovers, Naples and Marco Island are the gateways to the   Ten Thousand Islands  and Florida Everglades for abundant hiking, birding, and taking an exciting airboat ride through the Glades.

person in the distance walking down a beach in naples florida, one of the best places to visit in summer in america

For shoppers, high-end boutiques, art galleries, and souvenir shops can be found throughout both cities.

And when it comes to dining, both Naples and Marco are renowned for great restaurant choices.

From pizza shops and food truck parks to specialty fine dining, there’s something for every appetite.

Summer in southwest Florida is sunny and hot, and the Gulf of Mexico is warm and calm. Crowds are also at their lowest so dinner and tour reservations are easy to score.

Where to Stay in Naples and Marco Island

  • The Bellasera Resort : For a charming place to stay in the heart of downtown Naples, this is the perfect choice for couples or families.
  • Marco Island Lakeside Inn: For pretty self contained suites this resort is perfect if you are looking for something you can self cater yourself.

harbor and buildings at sunset in naples florida, one of the best summer vacation destinations in usa

Mackinac Island, Michigan

From Linda of Midwest Explored

If you’re looking for great summer vacation ideas in the USA, then consider beautiful Mackinac Island.

This picturesque island in Lake Huron sits right in between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan and is a Midwestern favorite for summer getaways.

It’s an ideal vacation spot for anyone who enjoys a bit of old-world charm since the island is totally car-free and filled with historic Victorian houses that overlook the lake.

Horse-drawn carriages also fill the streets since people use them to enjoy all of the best things to do on Mackinac Island .

Take time to explore Fort Mackinac, visit two different butterfly conservatories, and experience a bit of culture at the Richard & Jane Manoogian Mackinac Art Museum.

small road on mackinac island with lake huron visible in the distance, one of the best places to visit in usa summer vacation

However, no trip to this amazing island would be complete without a stop at Arch Rock.

Located in Mackinac Island State Park, this incredible natural rock formation is amazing to behold since it sits 146 feet above the lake.

Feel free to use either Arch Rock Bicycle Trail or Arch Rock Road to access this amazing landmark.

Both options are fairly easy to navigate and are only about one mile long each way.

Then, make the most of the idyllic summer weather and book a kayak tour around the island to enjoy views of Mackinac Island from a completely different perspective.

Where to Stay in Mackinac Island

  • Pine Cottage Bed and Breakfast: This charming old world style accommodation has a homey feel and feels like a family home. Enjoy breakfast on the terrace and take in the surroundings.
  • Island House Hotel: A little more modern than many properties on the island this property has a pool and a garden overlooking the streets and passing horse and carriages.

arch rock formation on mackinac island michigan

Outer Banks, North Carolina

From Pamela of The Directionally Challenged Traveler

There really is something for everyone in North Carolina’s Outer Banks, making it one of the best summer vacation ideas in the USA.

From stunning white sand beaches to historic towns, from family-friendly activities to nightlife, there is so much to see and experience.

The Outer Banks region is located along the northern part of North Carolina’s coast.

During the summer, the water offers plenty of activities!

Kayaking, sailing, fishing, swimming and surfing, are among the activities enjoyed by visitors.

Horseback riding, paragliding, hiking, biking, and golfing are also popular.

Beach of Duck North Carolina at sunset with one set of footprints in the sand. The Outer Banks of NC are some of the most beautiful beaches in the US

Visitors can choose between quiet seclusion or bustling activity.

If you’re looking for history, the Outer Banks has plenty of compelling sights, including the Wright Brothers Memorial at Kill Devil Hill where the first flight was taken, and Fort Raleigh National Historic Site.

Toward the southern part of the islands is the beautiful Cape Hatteras Lighthouse!

If you’re traveling with a group or family, head up north on the coast for some fun activities.

There are so many  things to do in Corolla, Outer Banks , where you’ll find wildlife refuges, the famous OBX wild horses, the historic Whalehead Club, and lighthouses to explore.

Pick up some souvenirs at Timbuk II shops while you’re in town!

Whatever you choose to do on your trip to the Outer Banks will be a memorable experience.

Where to Stay in Outer Banks

  • Outer Banks Beach Club: Better book fast because this hotel in Kill Devil Hills sells out fast! The resort is set up as residence style apartments for a homey summer vacation with access to indoor and outdoor pools and views of the ocean.
  • Wild Horse Inn: Situated in Corolla this pretty Inn provides comfortable accommodation with a garden and private parking. It is also walking distance to beaches.

view of black and white cape hatteras lighthouse north carolina

30A, Florida

From Roshni of The Wanderlust Within

Situated on the Panhandle, just off the Gulf of Mexico, the hidden gem of 30A in Florida is one of the best places for a classic US summer beach vacation.

There are 26 miles of pristine beaches lined with white sand derived from quartz crystal, and emerald green waters, that are especially warm in summer! 

30A is split up into 16 neighborhoods, all with their own individual charms.

Watercolor Beach is a favorite amongst families, whereas couples enjoy the serenity of Rosemary Beach, especially if they stay at The Pearl Hotel (voted the most romantic hotel in Florida).

aerial view of beach at 30a florida, one of the best beach vacations in usa summer trip

If diving is more your thing then Santa Rosa Beach is perfect, you can visit the free underwater sculpture park located a mile off the coast.

However, if you prefer kayaking or paddle boarding, then explore the unique coastal dune lakes at Grayton Beach and spot the wildlife. 

30A also has plenty of art galleries, boutique shopping, cycling trails, and distillery tours making it easy to spend a week at this coastal destination, especially as the temperatures in summer are usually in the high 80s!

One of the best places to stay no matter who you are traveling with is Sandestin Golf and Beach resort, it has luxury condos, hotel rooms, and villas so everyone is catered for.

2 white adriondack chairs overlooking the beach at 30a florida summer vacation usa

Glacier National Park, Montana

From Nina of Where in the World is Nina?

For an absolutely epic USA summer vacation, it doesn’t get much better than Glacier National Park!

Unsurprisingly, hiking here is the thing to do if you want the best views and animal sightings. The most recommended hikes in the park include Iceberg Lake, Redrock Falls, and Hidden Lake Trail.

Iceberg Lake, a 9-mile trail, is popular for a reason!

Not only will you be rewarded with the gorgeous azure Iceberg Lake at the end, but your chances of seeing bears along the trail are also pretty high (which is both terrifying and exciting).

glacier national park in the summer, one of the best national parks in america. there are wildflowers in the foreground, a turquoise lake in the center, and mountains in the background

Redrock Falls Trail is a nice easy stroll to some small falls you can dip your feet in, and if you want to extend it, continue along the Swiftcurrent Pass trail for more gorgeous vistas.

Hidden Lake Trail is a popular trail just behind the visitor center, offering beautiful views as well.

There are tons of waterfall stops, a stunning drive along Going-to-The-Sun Road, and more to enjoy during your time in Glacier.

The park is spread across nearly a million acres, and considering hiking is the best thing to do and where some of the most worth-it places to visit are, you’re going to need to spend your 5-7 days here to make your summer trip here worth it. 

One of the best tips is to make sure you’re choosing   where to stay in Glacier National Park   in advance, as places fill up quickly in summer.

If you happen to be visiting later in the year, do keep in mind some campsites, accommodations, and even Going-to-the-Sun Road close up for the season.

Where to Stay in Glacier National Park

  • The Islander Inn: Offering island style bungalows and suites on the edge of Flathead Lake in Bigfork, this is a great option for exploring the park.
  • Grouse Mountain Lodge: For pet friendly accommodation this is a great option in Whitefish. Rooms are spacious and family friendly and the hotel is a short distance from the amenities in Whitefish.

going to the sun road in glacier national park, one of the best places to visit in summer in usa

Yellowstone + Grand Teton National Parks, Wyoming

From Stef of Open Road Odysseys

If you’re looking for an American summer vacation that includes breathtaking scenery, geothermal wonders, lots of wildlife, and remarkable attractions, look no further than a visit to Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park.

These two national parks are located only a short distance apart and are a classic USA summer vacation.

With warm, sunny weather most of the season, as well as lots of hiking trails and outdoor activities, summer is a fantastic time to visit.

In Yellowstone, you can’t miss Grand Prismatic Spring, Old Faithful Geyser, Upper and Lower Falls on the Yellowstone River, and Mammoth Hot Springs.

View of Grand Prism in Yellowstone National Park, one of the best places to visit in USA

There are several geyser basins that are worth walking around and seeing if you can catch an eruption.

You’ll also see lots of wildlife, including bison, antelope, and elk. You may also be lucky enough to see a moose or a bear (from a safe distance, of course–hiking with bear spray is strongly recommended).

When you head to  Grand Teton National Park , make sure you drive around and stop at the dozens of lookouts, including Mormon Row, Schwabacher Landing, and Oxbow Bend.

If you like to hike, a great choice is Jenny Lake Trail to Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point.

And don’t forget to spend a bit of time in the town of Jackson, where you’ll find lots of choices for food and shopping!

Where to Stay in Yellowstone + Grand Teton National Parks

  • Elk Country Inn: Located in Jackson this is a great spot to base yourself for exploring the parks while having access to a great town.
  • Explorer Cabins: Less than a kilometer away from the entrance at West Yellowstone these cabins are perfect for easy access and comfort.

wooden barn along mormon row in grand teton np wyoming

Acadia National Park, Maine

From James of Parks Collecting

Acadia National Park is the perfect place to visit for a summer vacation in the US.

The park is spread over parts of Mount Desert Island (reached by a short bridge from the mainland), the tiny Isle au Haut, and the nearby Schoodic Peninsula, and as a result, it’s surrounded by water.

The park itself is covered in wooded hills, which are perfect for hiking.

The trails are their best in summer, when temperatures are ideal.

There are several iconic ‘iron rung’ hikes in Acadia – for part of the trails, you need to climb up iron rings embedded into the cliffs for part of them, as well as clamber along narrow ledges.

It can be a little scary, but the reward – spectacular views over the hills and surrounding islands – is well worth it. The most famous of these hikes is The Beehive, which is not to be missed.

Summer is also a great time for swimming in Acadia NP.

kate storm overlooking the view from cadillac mountain during sunset, one of the best things to do in acadia national park maine

The only ocean beach, appropriately named Sand Beach, is chilly even in summer, but nearby Echo Lake has perfect temperatures for swimming.

There are also plenty of water sports, including kayaking and sailing, to enjoy.  Plus, summer is when puffins come to nearby islands to nest, and whales are often seen swimming in the surrounding seas.

June, July, and August are also perfect times for outdoor dining.

Don’t miss having popovers at Jordan Pond House! Tables are set up on the lawn, overlooking the beautiful Jordan Pond, and it’s a perfect way to while away a summer afternoon.

The national park is also laced with miles of historic carriage roads. Take a horse drawn carriage ride (only available in the warmer months) or rent a bike in nearby Bar Harbor and spend several hours cycling through the woods, cooling off in tiny streams along the way.

There is  so much to do in Acadia  that it makes the perfect summer vacation destination.

Where to Stay in Acadia National Park

  • Acadia Inn: Located less than 2km from the park, the grounds have a trail that connects to the park for easy access from your doorstep. Rooms are clean and bright and comfortable after a long hike.
  • Bar Harbor Grand Hotel: In the heart of Bar Harbor is, as the name suggests, a grand hotel! With swimming pool and sweeping views this is the perfect luxury spot to base your park explorations.

aerial view of cars driving through acadia national park in maine

Yosemite National Park, California

From Nina and Garrett of California is for Adventure

Spending 5-7 days checking out all the  things to do in Yosemite National Park  is a dream trip for many, and for very good reason!

Yosemite National Park is deserving of at least a few days, but a week is ideal and will offer you a great overview of one of the country’s most popular destinations.

While visiting Yosemite in summer will certainly bring the crowds, this is still a great USA summer vacation spot!

If you come outside of summer, you risk some of the roads being closed and some of the best areas to visit totally inaccessible—most notably, Glacier Point Road.

Glacier Point Road is a highlight of Yosemite National Park and deserving of a day or two during your summer visit.

Yosemite national park as seen from above, one of the top national parks in america. yosemite falls is visible in the background

The road is typically open for the summer season starting in late May, though it can vary based on conditions.

Hike up Sentinel Dome and Taft Point for a great leg stretcher and epic views of Half Dome.

Glacier Point at the end of the road is a stunning area to wander with some of the park’s best views.

In Yosemite Valley, hiking up Vernal Falls is a must, and if you can, continue on to Nevada Falls for a more challenging hike (and thinner crowds).

Wandering The Valley and stopping at the viewpoints and roadside waterfalls are also some nice leisurely activities during your visit.

Other days can be spent expanding into the giant sequoia forests at Merced Grove or taking a relaxing dip in Tenaya Lake!

Where to Stay in Yosemite National Park

  • Tenaya Lodge: Nestled in the mountains of Fish Camp, this beautiful lodge is perfect for a summer base in Yosemite. There is also an on site spa to relax any sore hiking muscles.
  • Alpenhof Lodge: Located at the pretty Mammoth Lakes, this hotel is close to Yosemite as well as the attractions in Mammoth Lakes including the Mammoth Mountain Gondola.

tenaya lake in yosemite national park as seen from above, one of the best national parks for summer vacation in america

Summer Road Trip Through Vermont

From Emily of Emily Embarks

To enjoy one of the best places to visit over summer break in the USA, take to the trails in Vermont!

Known for its picturesque landscapes and rustic charm, Vermont is undoubtedly one of the best USA summer vacation destinations.

Preferably explored over the course of 5-7 days (though you won’t be sorry if you have some more time to spare), you can start your journey in the Green Mountain State with a full day at the Killington Ski Resort.

No, there’s no snow come July and August, but that’s what makes it perfect for day hiking and epic views across the Appalachian Mountains.

Be sure to get a celebratory drink at the mountaintop bar and reward yourself with a stunning gondola ride back down to the valley below!

From Killington, head an hour north to the beautiful capital of Montpelier.

aerial view of curving road in vermont during a summer trip in america

Here, you’ll find an impressive collection of local independent stores and plenty of delicious restaurants and breweries.

If you’re looking for an activity, take a kayaking or canoeing tour down the Winooski River and enjoy being surrounded by untamed nature.

Or, if you prefer to go for a leisurely stroll, don’t miss the city’s vibrant farmers market that takes place on State Street every Saturday in the summer months.

After spending a night or two in Vermont’s iconic capital, head 30 minutes north to Stowe where you’ll find a small town overflowing with antique shops, art galleries, decadent chocolate stores (be sure to check out Laughing Moon Chocolates), and amazing breweries (Von Trapp Brewery & Bierhall is a personal favorite).

From Stowe, you can finish off your itinerary with a drive south towards Woodstock if you’ll be leaving the state, or you can continue your journey north to the beautiful city of Burlington which overlooks Lake Champlain.

To combine your classic American summer trip with an international one, you can also hop across the border to Montreal or Quebec City–just be sure to pick up some currency and  brush up on your French   prior to heading into Canada!

Where to Stay in Vermont

  • Montpelier – The Inn at Montpelier: This cute Vermont inn has cosy rooms and a great on site restaurant. It is in a great location and free parking for your car to rest on your road trip!
  • Burlington: Green Mountain Suites Hotel : This stunning mountain style lodge is packed with amenities as well as luxurious bedrooms. Breakfast is also included in the restaurant overlooking the gardens.

Historic Henry Covered bridge in Bennington Vermont painted with aging red paint

National Parks of Washington State Road Trip

From Kassidy of The Hiking Helper

If you’re looking for one of the most beautiful road trips in the country to take this summer, then look no further than a Washington National Park road trip.

You’ll hit three of the country’s national parks plus the state’s largest city, Seattle .

Summer is the perfect time to pay a visit to these parks because there will be little to no snow on the trails, which doesn’t happen often when you’re tucked away in the mountains.

Starting with Mount Rainier National Park , embark on popular trails such as the Skyline Trail or Naches Peak Loop, search for mountain goats, and see Myrtle Falls.

hiker in a field of wildflowers in mount rainier np with mount rainier visible in the background

Next will be Olympic National Park, on the Pacific coastline.

When planning your Olympic National Park itinerary , make sure to leave room for some time exploring the Hoh Rainforest, one of the country’s few rainforests, time to search for tide pools at Rialto Beach, and time to enjoy the views from Hurricane Hill.

Before heading off to the final national park, make a stop in Seattle for some seafood and explore Pike Place Market and highlights like the Space Needle.

Lastly, North Cascades National Park offers remoteness, jagged mountain peaks, and beautiful hikes such as Maple Pass and Blue Lake.

Combined, these beautiful national parks easily rank among the best places to visit in the USA on a summer vacation.

Where to Stay in Washington State

  • Mount Rainier National Park – Mountain Meadows Inn: Stay in Ashford just 10km away from the park in this quaint inn. Enjoy morning coffee on the sundeck overlooking the expansive gardens.
  • Olympic National Park – Olympic Railway Inn: Turn your road trip into a themed stay and book this unique accommodation. Each ‘room’ is in a renovated train carriage, each with a different theme. No detail has been spared, some rooms even have a roll top bath.
  • North Cascades National Park – Mt Baker Hotel: The rural landscape of North Cascades means there is little to choose from in accommodation, but this hotel in Concrete is a solid option for close proximity to the park.

Rocky Beach in Olympic National Park washington at sunset, a fantastic view along a west coast usa road trip destination

Classic Route 66 Road Trip

From Kylie of Between England & Everywhere

A fantastic USA summer vacation idea is taking a road trip along Historic Route 66.

Route 66 is officially 2448 miles long, stretching from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California.

Popular side trips from the route include Grand Canyon National Park and Las Vegas .

A solid 2-3 weeks is a reasonable amount of time to spend traveling Route 66 but it could be made a little shorter or longer depending on flexibility!

Route 66 in California with Joshua trees on either side. Route 66 is one of the absolute best road trips in USA

When traveling through the 8 states included on Route 66 (Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California), there are hundreds of things to do and attractions to see, ranging from interesting parks to quirky roadside attractions.

Highlights include the Blue Whale in Catoosa, OK, Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX , staying in a wigwam in Holbrook, AZ, and seeing the wild Burros along the Oatman Highway, AZ.

Those traveling with kids (or adults that are big kids at heart!), may enjoy Route 66’s connection to the Disney Pixar Cars movie.

Radiator Springs   doesn’t actually exist as an individual town, however, real-life people and places along the whole of Route 66 inspired many of the characters and businesses in the fictional town.

Where to Stay on Route 66

  • Catoosa – La Quinta: With plenty of amenities such as an on site swimming pool, hot tub and fitness centre this is a great stop off along Route 66.
  • Amarillo – The Big Texan Motel: When passing through Texas you should get as involved in the Texan style as you can, this hotel is a perfect example of that!
  • Holbrook – Starlight Wigwam: A highlight of the trip is staying in a wigwam in Holbrook. These are equipped with comfortable beds and seating to stargaze in the clear skies of Arizona

jeremy storm sitting on top of a car at cadillac ranch in amarillo

Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia and North Carolina

From Victoria of Southern Trippers

One of the best summer vacation ideas in the USA is to enjoy an amazing road trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway . 

This incredible 469-mile drive will take you through the Blue Ridge Mountains and past amazing mountain landscapes as you make your way from Charlottesville, Virginia to Asheville, North Carolina .

And while there are many places to stop along the way, major attractions include Humpback Gap, Natural Bridge State Park, the Blueridge Music Center, and more. 

Just be sure to give yourself plenty of time since the speed limit on this road is often just 45 mph.

view of sunset along the blue ridge parkway with pink flowers in the foreground, one of the best summer vacations in usa

With enough sightseeing along the way, this short road trip could easily take you upwards of a week to complete. 

You also cannot do this trip without making a well-deserved pit stop at Rough Ridge Overlook. Not only are the views incredible but you can enjoy a fun hike to Linville Falls too.

And then when you finally make it to Asheville, don’t forget to visit the Asheville Art Museum and the idyllic Biltmore Estate . 

Then, grab a pint of amazing craft beer at Wicked Weed Brewing Pub before checking out some stellar panoramas of the mountains at the historic Omni Grove Park Inn !

Where to Stay on Blue Ridge Parkway

  • Charlottesville – 200 South Street Inn : For some old world charm stay at this charming inn with a pretty sundeck, cosy rooms and an incredible breakfast served every morning.
  • Asheville – Cedar Crest Inn: This pink 1891 mansion house is a perfect place to base yourself in Asheville. Packed with historical details and stunning architecture you can imagine it as a mini Biltmore.

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm at craggy pinnacle on blue ridge parkway during 3 days in asheville nc

Oregon Coast Road Trip

From Jac of Weekend Path

Road-tripping the Oregon Coast is a quintessential summer vacation in the United States.

With wild beaches, forest-filled hikes, and delicious food and craft beer to sample, you certainly won’t get bored on the Oregon Coast!

Summer is the best time to visit the Oregon Coast if you want to experience good weather; during other seasons, it can be pretty rainy and cold.

There are lots of different routes you can take, but if you have 5-7 days for your trip, one of the best driving loops starts in Portland .

From Portland, you can drive to Astoria, Cannon Beach, Newport, and Florence before looping back to Portland via the inland I-5 freeway.

Cannon Beach Oregon as seen from above, one of the best stops on a west coast usa road trip itinerary

Highlights along an Oregon Coast road trip include Ecola State Park, Short Sand Beach, and Cape Perpetua.

For food stops along your trip, don’t miss Pelican Brewing in Cannon Beach and the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Tillamook.

You’ll find plenty of hotel options in the major towns along the Oregon Coast, but an even better option is to go camping!

In addition to regular campsites, most of the Oregon Coast State Parks have yurts you can rent.

Make sure to book ahead, though, as campsites and yurts are both popular in the summertime.

Where to Stay on Oregon Coast

  • Portland – Hotel Lucia: This luxury hotel is a perfect choice to stay in Portland, rooms are spacious and stylish and the bar area is also well stocked with craft beers. Parking is also available.
  • Cannon Beach – Ecola Creek Lodge: A great mix of motel and self catering, this lodge is close to Ecola State Park and offers free parking. There is a pretty deck to enjoy the summer sun.
  • Tillamook – Tillamook Bay City: This is a great place to book into a yurt and enjoy the outdoors life for your stay. The yurts are cosy and surprisingly spacious, definitely worth trying for something different.

One car driving along the oregon coast as shot from above

South Dakota Road Trip

From Kristin of World on Wheels

South Dakota is one of the best USA summer vacation destinations because it has so much to offer.

You can explore  Badlands National Park and Wind Cave National Park, and enjoy the amazing scenery that South Dakota has to offer.  

Custer State Park is a large and incredible area not to be missed during your trip.

It has mountains, lake views, plenty of hiking opportunities as well as tons of wildlife.

Make sure to look for Bison, Pronghorn, Big Horned Sheep, wild donkeys, and more during your time in the park.

In fact, many people choose to stay in one of the campgrounds or lodges located within the park for convenient access to all the area has to offer.

You can also add Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial to your summer vacation itinerary.

If you are visiting these locations from Custer State Park, make sure to take the scenic tunnel drive to get there.

3 praire dogs in badlands national park, a great stop on a south dakota midwest road trip

This drive will take you through rocky tunnels which perfectly frame Mount Rushmore as you drive through them.

Kids will love visiting Bear USA, and the Mammoth Site, an active archeological site where you can see actual Mammoth bones.

You can also tour an old gold mine and learn more about the Gold Rush era.  

The best part of visiting South Dakota is that all the activities listed above are in the same area and can make for a fabulous weeklong vacation in the USA.

Visiting in the summer will also give you incredible weather for exploring.

Choose to visit in the early or late summer (May-June or late August-early September) for fewer crowds and to avoid the hottest weather.

Where to Stay in South Dakota

  • Badlands National Park – Badlands Frontier Cabins: Staying in a cabin is always a great option on a road trip and these cozy cabins are a great choice. They are the perfect balance of rustic and are located in Wall, right next to the park.
  • Custer State Park – Little Joy Bungalows: Another great cabin option is this bungalow on a cute site in Custer. There is a pretty deck to sit on with a stunning mountain view.

landscape of badlands national park in south dakota, one of the best things to do usa

Florida Springs Road Trip

From Victoria of Florida Trippers

A Florida Springs road trip is an incredible trip for anyone looking for some great USA summer vacation ideas. 

After all, this great state is home to more freshwater springs than any other spot in the country!

So, make the most of this and cool off from the intense summer heat with a fantastic road trip to some of the best natural springs in Florida . 

To start, head north of Tampa and check out the Weeki Wachee Springs.

And while the spring itself is stunning, there’s a cool mermaid show in an underwater theater that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. 

Next, ditch the hordes of tourists and experience Three Sisters Springs in Crystal River Natural Wildlife Refuge before renting a kayak and seeing what Manatee Springs has to offer.

clear waters of three sisters springs in florida with sup board, one of the best places to visit in summer in the united states

Just know that while this is a great place to see manatees, there are typically only seen in the waters here during the winter months. 

However, if you love the great outdoors then be sure to add Ginnie Springs to your itinerary. It features amazing camping spots and is a great place to go tubing on the river.

But, for a truly unique experience head to Devil’s Den in central Florida. This spring is incredibly memorable since it is completely subterranean. 

You’ll have to walk down a long wooden staircase beneath a cavern if you want to access the cool waters here!

Where to Stay in Florida Springs

  • Weeki Wachee Springs – Vintage Waterfront Home: This cozy villa is just 5km from the springs and comes equipped with kayaks to use on the river directly outside the villa. There is also a fabulous fireplace perfect for any chilly evenings or warming up after a day on the water!
  • Ginnie Springs – Santa Fe River Landing: If you prefer not to camp then this is a marvellous alternative. Set as a private holiday home but with shared facilities similar to a hotel, such as a fitness center. Free bikes are also on offer to explore the area and get to the springs just 16km away.

devils den in florida as seen from above with staircase prominent

Grand Circle Road Trip, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona

From Jennifer of Glasses and Boarding Passes

If you’re looking for the best USA summer vacation ideas, nothing is more classic than a road trip around the Grand Circle , which includes Utah’s five national parks and Arizona’s Grand Canyon!

From sprawling canyons to otherworldly red rocks, the landscapes of the southwest can’t be beaten.

Start your trip in Las Vegas and drive the Grand Circle clockwise to Zion National Park, where you can pick from two of the most famous hikes in the world: Angel’s Landing or the Narrows.

Head to Bryce Canyon for an epic sunrise over the hoodoo-filled valley.

Next, stop at Capitol Reef National Park for an off-road adventure to visit the white rocky monoliths of the Temple of the Sun and Moon.

rock formations in capitol reef national park, one of the best places to visit in the us summer break

In Arches National Park, don’t miss a visit to the aptly-named Delicate Arch .

At neighboring Canyonlands, enjoy the sunrise at Mesa Arch and grab that famous sunburst photo.

Finally, round out your trip with a hike around the rim of the Grand Canyon for some truly breathtaking views.

While the long, sunny summer days make it a great time to see these parks, don’t underestimate the heat in the desert.

Always pack plenty of water , wear sunscreen , and hike in the morning where possible!

Where to Stay on a Grand Circle Road Trip

  • Zion National Park – Zion View Camping: This site is a perfect way to experience camping with a touch of luxury. Book into one of the covered wagons with private deck and take in the epic views of Zion.
  • Arches National Park – Big Horn Lodge: For a refreshingly iconic lodge style accommodation this motel is a great option. With delicious on site restaurant as well as a heated outdoor swimming pool, this is perfect for resting after exploring the nearby parks.
  • Grand Canyon – Cabins at Grand Canyon West: It is hard to find somewhere closer to the canyon than these cabins. They are less than 3km from the Skywalk with amazing views from every cabin.

man in a red jacket as seen on one of the best day hikes in the grand canyon, with a tree in the left foreground and the canyon consuming most of the image

Northern California Road Trip

From Anu of Destination Checkoff

Northern California is a treasure trove of incredible places to visit in the USA, and summer is a great time to embark on a Northern California road trip.

The weather is excellent during the late summer (June can be rainy in the Bay Area), and the daylight hours are longer giving you more time to explore.

San Francisco is a great base to start and end your road trip as you can fly from pretty much anywhere to San Francisco. 

Spend a few days in San Francisco and check out the popular San Francisco neighborhoods like Fisherman’s Wharf, Golden Gate Park,  Haight-Ashbury , Sausalito, Ferry Building, and Embarcadero.

Be sure to also see the famous Golden Gate Bridge, and consider a day trip to Muir Woods to be amazed by the redwood trees.

woman in a yellow jacket hiking amongst the redwoods when visiting california usa

Mendocino and Fort Bragg are great coastal cities on the Northern California Pacific Coast.

From there you can drive to Mount Shasta and enjoy some great hiking.

Lassen National Park is a great volcanic park with geothermal activity, and nearby Burney Falls is also worth a visit.

From Lassen make your way to Lake Tahoe, a picturesque lake with lots of recreational activities like hiking, parasailing, canoeing, and swimming at the many beaches. Spend at least a couple of nights in Lake Tahoe.

Finally, drive back to San Francisco from Tahoe to conclude your USA summer vacation.

Plan for at least 10 days for this road trip so that you can spend a couple of days or more at each of these incredible places on the way.

Where to Stay in Northern California

  • San Francisco – Petit Auberge: For an iconic start to your trip this adorable hotel in Nob Hill is the perfect place to begin. Styled like a French Auberge with cozy furnishings and fireplaces in the rooms, opening onto pretty terraces, the hotel also has private parking. Essential in the city.
  • Mendocino – Headlands Inn Bed & Breakfast: Keeping with the cute theme, this Victorian B&B is 5 minutes walk away from the beach and perfectly maintained. Rooms have fabulous feather beds and fluffy duvets, and many of the rooms have wood-burning fireplaces and ocean views. Breakfasts are also stunning.
  • Lake Tahoe – Tahoe Lakeshore Lodge: Located right on the edge of Lake Tahoe this is the perfect summer resort. There are also private beach concerts in the summer. The lodge also has an on site spa and lake views from the rooms.

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco CA shot from above on a clear day

Colorado Rockies Summer Road Trip

From Sierra of Island + Alpine

The stunning Colorado Rocky Mountains are easily one of the best places to to visit in the USA over summer!

Summer is the perfect time to visit as the weather is warm but mild, the roads are clear of the winter snow, and the land is alive with the colors of wildflowers and opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Denver is the gateway to the Rockies in Colorado and its airport makes for a great place to start a trip through the mountains.

The mile high step on the Capitol building, the street art in the RiNo district, a Rockies baseball game, and numerous breweries are all great activities to enjoy before heading out of the city.

Rocky Mountain National Park is located right by Estes Park , just north of Denver, neither should be missed!

The historic downtown is charming, and it is just minutes to the gate into the park.

view of dream lake in rocky mountain national park from above, one of the best places to visit during summer usa june july august

The park offers incredible scenery when driving Trail Ridge Road and picking up a souvenir in the Alpine Visitor’s Center, a beautiful hike to Emerald Lake and Alberta Falls, the easy walk around Bear Lake, as well as the chance to see wildlife at dusk each evening.

Located within a couple hours of Estes Park, several other incredible mountain towns can be enjoyed as day trips or home bases for other legs of the trip.

In Breckenridge, summer provides the opportunity to take the free BreckConnect gondola up to Peak 8, ride the alpine slide down the mountain, mine for gems, hike the many trails from town, discover the Breckenridge Troll, and  many other adventurous activities .

Check out Steamboat Springs for white water rafting, hot springs, and hiking to Fish Creek Falls.

Georgetown is also a great stop with its Georgetown Loop Railroad complete with outlaws, stunning views, and a silver mine tour.

No matter which mountain towns you choose to explore, the options are endless for a summer vacation in the Colorado Rockies!

Where to Stay in Colorado Rockies

  • Denver – The Slate: Located in Denver center this stunning hotel is a great start to your road trip. Rooms are spacious and stylish and you are well situated to explore the city from here.
  • Estes Park – Mountain Shadows Resort: Get into the rustic feel with these incredible cottages in Estes Park. Cottages have private terraces, hot tubs and wooden 4-poster beds.
  • Breckenridge – Longbranch: Accommodation in Breckenridge can get booked quickly and is often wildly expensive, but this apartment is a great option without breaking the bank.

chipmunk in front of bear lake in rocky mountain national park colorado

Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada

From Meg of Fox in the Forest

Easily one of the best USA summer vacation ideas, Lake Tahoe is a stunning alpine lake that straddles the border between Nevada and California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

As a result, there are a ton of incredible things to do in this oasis of natural beauty all summer long.

Highlights include hopping aboard a catamaran and cruising through the lake with Action Water Sports before taking a ride on the Heavenly Mountain Gondola so that you can admire sweeping panoramic views of the area all around you.

Next, make the most of the beautiful weather and enjoy one of the  best Lake Tahoe hikes   since many of these trails become totally impassable in the winter.

Clear water of Lake Tahoe California in summer with snowcapped mountains in the background--one of the best places to visit in the USA bucket list

Amazing hikes in the area include Cave Rock, the Eagle Falls hike, Marlette Lake, Mt. Rose, and the Emerald Bay hike.

For the latter, be sure to bring a bathing suit since there are plenty of places to swim along the way.

And if you still want to do a bit more swimming, then you can always visit amazing local beaches like Sand Harbor, Emerald Bay, and Zephyr Cove.

Whatever you do though, don’t leave without visiting Bonsai Rock, a cool natural rock formation in the lake that is well worth a stop for a photo.

Where to Stay in Lake Tahoe

  • Tahoe Lakeshore Lodge: Located right on the edge of Lake Tahoe this is the perfect summer resort. There are also private beach concerts in the summer. The lodge also has an on site spa and lake views from the rooms.
  • Lodge at Kingsbury Crossing: Close to Zephyr Cove this resort features individual suites with private terraces and fireplaces in each room.

Lake Tahoe from above during the summer, one of the best USA travel destinations

Door County, Wisconsin

From Theresa of The Local Tourist

There are a lot of reasons Door County, Wisconsin, has long been a summer getaway destination for Chicagoans and other Midwesterners.

One of the biggest is its outstanding natural beauty. The peninsula is home to five state parks and nearly thirty county parks.

With three-hundred miles of coastline, it’s a popular spot for boating and fishing.

One of the coolest things to do in Door County is kayak to Cave Point and float into the caves.

It’s also fun to take a guided boat tour and learn the history of the area, and why there were so many shipwrecks. (But don’t worry; it’s safe now.)

If you want a relaxing vacation, there are sandy beaches.

red barn in door county wisconsin, a fun place to visit in july usa

There are no chain stores or restaurants in the quaint harbor towns that line the shores, so you’re sure to find unique shopping and dining.

One of the most well-known restaurants is Al Johnson’s. While the Swedish cuisine is good, the goats on the roof are what really draw attention.

A Door County dining experience you’ll definitely want to experience is an authentic fish boil. It’s dinner and a show rolled into one.

Don’t forget to finish it off with a giant ice cream sundae at Wilson’s.

A unique place to stay on the peninsula is Schoolhouse Inn. It’s an intimate hotel in the former Baileys Harbor Schoolhouse.

Where to Stay in Door County

  • Sister Bay – Country House Resort: Located in one of the pretty towns in Door County this resort has lots of facilities and spacious rooms with balconies and views of the coast.
  • Ephraim – The Lodgings at Pioneer Lane: This pretty Inn is a typical Door County property with cozy rooms, beautiful views and warm hospitality. Free bikes are also on offer, perfect for cycling to the nearby Cana Island Lighthouse.

Lakeshore at golden hour in Door County Wisconsin with evergreen trees on the right side of the photo

Southwest Colorado

From Caitlin of Twin Family Travels

If you’re looking for an unforgettable summer road trip, then southwest Colorado is the perfect destination.

With its dramatic mountain scenery and abundance of outdoor activities, you’ll be able to enjoy a wealth of amazing experiences.

Whether you’re hiking, biking, or simply taking in incredible views, you’re sure to have a memorable time.

Taking a classic USA summer vacation is a great way to explore southwest Colorado.

The weather is warm and the days are long, providing plenty of time to enjoy all that the area has to offer.

Another advantage of summer is that you will not need to worry about poor road conditions caused by the weather.

black canyon of the gunnison, one of the national parks in colorado, as seen from viewpoint

There are plenty of scenic drives to take including the San Juan Skyway Scenic Byway.

Take a train ride in Durango, a mine tour in Silverton, soak in hot springs and hike to waterfalls in Ouray, ride the free gondola and do some shopping in Telluride.

Don’t miss the hiking and biking trails at the amazing national parks! Sled and summit a dune at Great Sand Dunes.

Be sure to tour the ancient cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde . Drive the mesa top loop and stay at the lodge to get sunset views.

Enjoy the sights along the South Rim Scenic Drive and hike the rim of the canyon at the epic Black Canyon of the Gunnison.

If you’re looking for an adventure this summer, be sure to add southwest Colorado to your list!

Where to Stay in Southwest Colorado

  • Durango – General Palmer Hotel : For some old-fashioned elegance this is a great hotel for your trip, there is even a library! The Durango and Silverton Railway is just 130m away.
  • Great Sand Dunes – Sandhill Inn & Suites: With bright and fresh rooms this is the perfect place to rest. There is also a hot tub!
  • South Rim Scenic Drive – Teller House: Another old-timer charming hotel, this is the perfect place for exploring the scenic drive and sights around Silverton. Rooms also have beautiful mountain views to wake up to.

pueblo of mesa verde national park as seen from afar

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Minnesota

From Stephanie of The Unknown Enthusiast

If you’re looking for an offbeat getaway this summer, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota is a fantastic summer destination in the USA.

This wilderness area is wild and pristine and is perfect for anyone who loves an outdoor adventure and spending quality time in nature.

The Boundary Waters area is absolutely chock full of lakes, so visiting the Boundary Waters is a multi-day canoe trip filled with exploring forests, waterfalls, and, of course, beautiful lakes.

Most people spend several hours each day paddling across the lakes to reach their next campsite and portaging to cross between lakes.

person in red sweatshirt at the front of a canoe on minnesota boundary waters

Once you’re done canoeing, go swimming or cliff jumping, go fishing, explore the area (there are hikes and waterfalls you can climb), watch birds and wild animals, or just relax at your campsite.

Permits are required and limited in number, and campsites are very spread out, so you will hardly see another person while in the Boundary Waters.

The water is crystal clear and the views are incredible!

Thanks to its far north location, this trip can really only be done in summer, so put it on your calendar now!

Where to Stay in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

  • South Pier Inn: Settled right on the edge of Lake Superior this is a great waterfront base. Book a suite for lake views from your balcony.
  • Sheraton Duluth Hotel: For a classic modern hotel with all the amenities this is a great option in the area. Every room has either city views or lake views, there is also an on-site fitness centre with a hot tub.

canoe pulled up to the shore in minnesota boundary waters, one of the most underrated vacations in usa

Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

From Jenn of Those Johnson Boys

If you love the outdoors, Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio should definitely be on your radar this summer!

Located about an hour southeast of Columbus, Ohio, you’ll be able to unplug, immerse yourself in nature, and enjoy the warm, Midwest summer weather.

When visiting, you won’t want to miss the  hiking trails . Each trail is unique, with varying length and difficulty.

Some are even handicap accessible and pet friendly, so everyone can enjoy this beautiful area.

When you head out on your hike, you’ll soon feel like you were transported to a different world, as you’ll be surrounded by huge rock formations, towering trees, and lush greenery.

waterfall in hocking hills ohio, a fun usa summer break travel destination

While Hocking Hills is known for the hiking trails, there are plenty of other fun things to do in the area to keep you busy.

You can visit the college campus of Ohio University, do a wine tasting at Hocking Hills Winery, check out a couple of the breweries nearby, enjoy some time at the spa, attend a blown glass workshop, or stargaze at the John Glenn Astronomy Park.

When choosing accommodation, aim to stay in the heart of Hocking Hills to really get the full experience.

Where to Stay in Hocking Hills State Park

  • The Inn at Cedar Falls: This idyllic cottage-style accommodation is hidden in the forest and the perfect location. Set up as individual cottages with spa bathtubs and onsite spa facilities as well as dining facilities, it feels like private accommodation with your own catering and spa!
  • Acorn Cottage: Another cute cottage option is this self-contained cottage with a sweet deck and cozy interior. Easy access to nearby Logan and your own private hot tub!

sun filtering through the forest with a stone bridge of hocking hills ohio

Lake Placid, New York

From Samantha of PA on Pause

Sometimes forgotten about, tucked away in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, Lake Placid is a great destination for a USA summer vacation.

There are nearly endless outdoor activities and things to do in Lake Placid in summer , best experienced when the snow has finally melted from the high peaks.

You can climb to the top of Mount Marcy, the tallest point in the state of New York, or the 45 other 4,000+ footers in the Adirondack Mountains.

If this sounds too adventurous, you can still experience the views from a high peak by driving to the top of Whiteface Mountain.

hiker at the top of whiteface mountain in new york, one of the fun places to go in usa summer trip ideas

Views from the access road are stunning, and there are plenty of pull-offs to stop and enjoy.

Once you reach the end of the road, you can enjoy the views from there or continue on a few hundred yards over uneven, rocky stairs to reach the actual summit.

Spend your days out chasing waterfalls, and evenings enjoying a delicious dinner by the lake on one of the outdoor restaurant patios. Rent a kayak or paddleboard and float the day away on the lake. 

Don’t forget to explore some of the historic Olympic sites from the 1980 games. Travel to the top of the ski jump ramp and see the views that jumpers have just before flying downhill, or try out the bobsled track experience. 

You won’t be bored on your summer vacation in Lake Placid!

Where to Stay in Lake Placid

  • Town House Lodge: Set on acres of private gardens with an outdoor swimming pool, this lodge is a fantastic option for Lake Placid. Rooms are comfortable and have kitchenettes if you like to keep your own snacks on hand!
  • Mirror Lake Inn & Spa: For a luxury stay this is the perfect place to book during your Lake Placid trip. Situated on the banks of Mirror Lake with views of the Adirondack Mountains, this spa resort has plush rooms, incredible beds and views from every room. The onsite restaurant is also first-class if you don’t feel like venturing out to eat at the end of the day.

two adriondack chairs set up on the shore of lake placid, a cool usa summer vacation

Bayfield, Wisconsin

From Jenny of Traveling in Focus

Summertime in Bayfield, Wisconsin, is truly special.

Nestled on the shore of Lake Superior, Bayfield offers a variety of activities to enjoy and makes for a memorable summer vacation in America.

One popular activity is taking an apostle boat tour, which takes you around the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore to see its spectacular sea caves, lighthouses, and cliff formations.

Keep a lookout for bald eagles and snow that still clings to the cliffs even in summer.

Drive the “fruit loop” and visit all the fruit farms in the area.

Whether your preference is cherries, strawberries, or some other berry, you are sure to find it here.

sea caves as seen from the water at apostle islands, one of the best places to visit in the us

One of the best things to do is hop on the ferry to Madeleine Island for the day.

Rent a bike or moped to get around the island and visit Big Bay State Park, the stunning beaches, and wander through the shops in town.

And there is nothing better than grabbing an ice cream cone and sitting along the waterfront.

June is incredibly picturesque when the city celebrates “Bayfield In Bloom.” This annual event sees thousands of vibrant daffodils on display all over town.

Take a self-guided tour through the blooms that add a splash of color and beauty to the streets.

With so much to do in summer, don’t miss your opportunity to visit one of the best small coastal towns in the US.

Where to Stay in Bayfield

  • Woodland Lodging: Set up as private suites this cabin-style accommodation is a lovely place. to stay in Bayfield. With private terraces and well-equipped kitchenettes, you have everything you need to get cozy. Sit on the terrace and enjoy the sounds of the forest in summer.
  • Old Rittenhouse Inn: Perfect for old-world charm and traditional hospitality, this Inn is a step back in time and wonderfully comfortable. Rooms have huge bathtubs and overlook the pretty gardens. Breakfast is served in the charming dining room every morning.

4 photos of places to visit in usa in summer including pacific coast highway, outer banks, cape cod. black and red text reads "33 incredible usa summer vacations"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

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cityscape of mykonos, greece

The 26 Best Places to Travel This Summer

Adventures in Banff? Serenity in Ojai? ChĂąteaux of the Loire? We've got you covered.

So what will it be this year? Will you be spending three months flitting between seaside hotspots along the Mediterranean? Or will it be a European cultural grand tour? Maybe you'll revisit classic American destinations for old time's sake, or journey to the farthest reaches of Earth? From adventures in Jackson Hole and Banff, to wellness in Ojai and on Ischia, to the ultimate geo-tag brags of Fiji and the Galapagos, a T&C -curated guide, below, to 25 of the best destinations to consider for summer 2023.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

mountain, mountainous landforms, natural landscape, nature, sky, mountain range, wilderness, cloud, morning, highland,

Jackson Hole is a year-round playground for the rich and adventurous, but come summer, the list of things to do expands exponentially. Proximity to two national parks—Grand Teton and Yellowstone—means plenty of warm weather activities like hiking, paddle-boarding, kayaking, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, wildlife tours, biking, fishing, camping, you get the idea. Plus, the spectacular mountain scenery and perfect summer temperatures really can't be beat. Stay at the Amangani , whose in-house naturalists will lead private tours through the national parks.

Athens & Mykonos, Greece

view on mykonos island, cyclades, greece

Summer in Greece really needs no further explanation. There are so many places to visit, from the ancient wonders of Athens to the islands dotting the Aegean and Ionian Seas. For plush digs in the country's capital, book a room at the year-old xenodocheio Milos , the city's first-ever luxury boutique hotel, located near upscale Kolonaki. As for seaside havens, the Kalesma Mykonos is a paragon of serenity and zen on an island famous for its thumping party scene. A sleek design aesthetic also differentiates this 27-key hotel (12 suites, 13 villas, two grand villas) from its peers. Think Rick Owens furniture in the lobby, custom artwork in each room, and horsehair sconces in a nod to the Greek god Apollo, who was said to have kept his horses in the area. Oh, and best of all, 360-degree views.

Read Reviews Kalesma Mykonos

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

san miguel de allende mexico

With pleasant spring-like temperatures pretty much all year long, there really is no bad time to visit this charming, historic town. While summer is technically its rainy season, here's the silver lining: arid hills bloom into a rainbow panoply of wildflowers. Make the Rosewood San Miguel de Allende home base from which to explore the colorful UNESCO World Heritage Site. The hotel's 67 rooms and suites are a study in hacienda chic, with wood-beam ceilings, hand-carved artisan furniture, spacious terraces, and a palette of warm tones. With six restaurants, clay tennis courts, a spa, and activities from movie nights to lavender workshops, you'll find plenty to do.

Read Reviews Rosewood San Miguel de Allende

Mallorca, Spain

port de soller mallorca at sunset

Ancient honey-hued stone cottages, fragrant olive trees, the cobalt blue of the Mediterranean. The charms of Mallorca, crown jewel of Spain's Balearic Islands, are innumerable. So are the picturesque villages to discover, from Valldemossa, where composer Frédéric Chopin famously found refuge, to artsy Deià, which helped British author Robert Graves escape the psychological ravages of World War I, to polished Palma, where the Spanish royal family has their summer residence. For your very own Mallorcan idyll, head to La Residencia , a Belmond Hotel snugly nestled between mountain and sea in Deià. In keeping with the town's creative spirit, the property features eccentric design touches throughout, plus more than 800 works by local artists. The activities list is equally inspired: art and sculpture classes are on offer, including the option to paint by the sea under morning's dreamy light.

More: T&C Travel Guide: Mallorca

Read Reviews La Residencia, a Belmond Hotel

Banff National Park, Canada

scenic view of lake and snowcapped mountains against blue sky

Stunning turquoise lakes fed by glaciers. Grand, snow-capped Rocky Mountains. Blankets of emerald-hued pine forests. Canada's oldest national park certain doesn't disappoint—it's a constant feast for the eyes (not to mention for mind, body, and soul). As far as lodging goes, the Fairmont Banff Springs , a 757-room Chñteauesque grande dame that dates back to 1888, is in the center of all the action (and in the charming town of Banff) and near the main attractions, like Lake Moraine and Lake Louise, and the Upper Hot Springs. As for activity and sport, the list is endless: think horseback riding, tons of hiking, canoeing, kayaking, whitewater rafting, a Via Ferrata, ATV tours, and visiting the Columbia Icefield. For those who want to hit the links, the Fairmont has an 18-hole championship golf course—just imagine the views.

Read Reviews Fairmont Banff Springs

Montecito, California

best summer vacations 2021

Maybe leave the kids at home for this one. Arguably the most romantic hotel on the west coast, the 130-year-old San Ysidro Ranch has quite a storied history—Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier were married here, while Jackie and John F. Kennedy honeymooned at the resort. Just 38 standalone cottages—decorated with antiques and appointed with stone fireplaces, outdoor rain showers, deep soaking tubs, and private decks—are sprawled out over 500 acres of lush gardens and hiking trails lined with lavender, jasmine, orange blossoms, and eucalyptus. Need we say more?

Read Reviews San Ysidro Ranch

Watch Hill, Rhode Island

where to travel this summer 2021

It's not hard to see why A-listers from Clark Gable to Taylor Swift have found refuge in Watch Hill. And for a classic New England vacation, the answer is always Ocean House . The grand hotel, constructed after the Civil War, epitomizes a bygone era when "summer" was popularized as a verb by members of the one percent. But that's not to say that this hotel is dated. The 154-year-old Ocean House masterfully toggles the line between respecting history and embracing modern comforts—all the windows are in their original position, for example, but the rooms have been whittled down from 159 to a much more spacious 67. Then add in 13 acres of prime oceanfront landscape, plus a private beach, tennis courts, a croquet lawn, and a shuffleboard court.

Read Reviews Ocean House

Zurich, Switzerland

zurich old town by the limmat river on a sunny summer day in switzerland largest city

Basel may be considered the art mecca of Switzerland but don't sleep on Zurich. After all, this is where the Dada movement was born. The city is brimming with more than 50 museums, more than 1,300 public installations by the likes of Augusto Giacometti and Niki de Saint Phalle, and hundreds of galleries, which annually host tours, events, lectures, and studio visits during the 3-day festival known as Zurich Art Weekend in June. What's more, British architect David Chipperfield recently completed an extension of the Kunsthaus, making it the largest art museum in Switzerland. The city is also the home of Pavillon Le Corbusier, the iconic architect's last finished work and now a museum dedicated to him. Even the hotels have architectural bragging rights: not too long ago La RĂ©serve Eden au Lac underwent a restoration by Philippe Starck.

Read Reviews La RĂ©serve Eden au Lac

Ojai, California

summer vacation ideas ojai valley inn

Ojai is famous for its New Age, woo woo vibes—and what's wrong with a heaping dose of positive energy (delivered via its seven spiritual vortexes)? A few years ago the Ojai Valley Inn completed a renovation of its renowned, award-winning Spa Ojai, upgrading all treatment rooms, public spaces, and even the two 1,500-square-foot penthouse suites. There are ample opportunities to continue the wellness journey elsewhere on the hotel's 200-acre property. The vast activities and classes list includes aromatherapy oil blending, beekeeping, spiritual counseling, crystal healing, and floral design. Or you could just laze about in one of the hotel's four pools all afternoon, then enjoy an alfresco dinner while admiring Ojai's iconic pink sunsets.

Read Reviews Ojai Valley Inn

Ischia, Italy

italy, campania, naples, gulf of naples, ischia island, aragonese castle on rock island

Skip uber-touristy Amalfi Coast for dreamy Ischia, an island that has long attracted a certain set of in-the-know jetsetters in search of peace, healing, and true barefoot luxury—Truman Capote chose the town of Forio for his self-imposed exile in the '50s, while Ischia provided the backdrop for scenes of la dolce vita in The Talented Mr. Ripley . Thanks to an abundance of natural thermal springs, a holiday here can be that perfect blend of wellness and Italian indulgence. Stay at the Mezzatore , a 16th-century terra-cotta jewel perched on the edge of the Gulf of Naples. The historic property began its life as a watchtower before seducing the Italian elite, including the legendary director Luchino Visconti, who owned a villa, La Colombaia, on the grounds. Along with sea views in most of its 56 rooms and restaurants that emphasize the freshest daily catch, its spa pools are fed by its own springs. Be sure to double up your daily soak with a treatment—the spa uses products by Santa Maria Novella and Biologique Recherche.

Read Reviews Mezzatore Hotel & Thermal Spa

Montego Bay, Jamaica

summer vacation ideas 2021

Sure, the Caribbean might be really hot this time of year, but does that really matter when you've got pools, beaches, bottomless rum cocktails, a languorous island pace, and fewer crowds? With 27 villas plus 36 rooms designed by Ralph Lauren, Round Hill makes for a chic and blissfully relaxing getaway. Spend your days swimming in the sea, bobbing in the infinity pool, sipping cocktails on the beach, luxuriating in a spa treatment or two, and indulging in delicious Jamaican cuisine. Want to incorporate a little activity? You can take a kayak out on the water, play tennis, or even partake in pickleball —in keeping with the trends of the one percent, the hotel created two new courts for the sport.

Read Reviews Round Hill Hotel & Villas

Mount Desert Island, Maine

acadia national park iii

Since the Gilded Age, this beautiful coastal region has provided refuge and respite for generations of American gentry. It's not hard to see the appeal: a slow and laidback pace of life, nature all around, heaps of fresh lobster to be enjoyed ad infinitum, and, of course, Acadia National Park, established in 1916 thanks in part to land donated by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (who also financed the construction of an extensive network of carriage roads throughout). For the intrepid, a hike up Cadillac Mountain just before dawn is bucket list-worthy—it's the first place in the U.S. to see the sunrise. And for a taste of how the Rockefellers, Morgans, and Astors used to holiday, book a room at the Claremont in Southwest Harbor. The property dates back to 1884 but worry not: a 2021 gut renovation gave it a modern refresh, complete with Very T&C design touches like Sister Parish wallpaper, Pierre Frey furnishings, and Frette linens.

Read Reviews The Claremont Hotel

Paris, France

buildings at waterfront against sky

Paris is always a good idea, especially in the summer when daylight seems to stretch on forever and temperatures are generally delightful. Plus, this is a city made for alfresco revelry: think picnicking along the Seine, brushing up on your French lit in one of its many pristine parks, people watching from sidewalk cafes, treasure hunting at the MarchĂ© aux Puces fleas. As for where to stay, you'll be spoiled for choice with all the magnificent grande dames in town. One of the latest to join the club: Cheval Blanc Paris , which opened last year in a historic Art Deco palace right on the river. Its location and views are phenomenal, but the biggest draw of the place might be that its parent company LVMH also revived OG department store La Samaritaine, on whose hallowed ground the hotel is located—because shopping in Paris, as everyone knows, is an obligatory sport, no matter the season.

More: The New Cheval Blanc Paris Finally Opens

Read Reviews Cheval Blanc Paris

Loire Valley, France

chateau de chenonceau is a french castle spanning the river cher near chenonceaux village, loire valley, france

France's most popular summertime playground is obviously the CĂŽte d'Azur, but the countryside is just as—if not more—alluring. Take the Loire Valley: under 3 hours from Paris yet seemingly worlds away, sprinkled with more than 300 historic chĂąteaux built as far back as the 9th century and through the Renaissance, when artists, including Da Vinci, were commissioned to design these splendid residences for the French monarchy. Castles can certainly fill up an itinerary—don't miss Chambord, the largest, and Chenonceau (pictured), which was once owned by Catherine de' Medici–but that's not all this UNESCO-listed region has to offer. The valley is also the home of Sancerre, which is as indispensable to a French summer as rosĂ© is to an American one. And where will you stay? In a place with royal roots, naturally. The 55-key Fleur de Loire , which opened last summer, is in a property that was once owned by King Louis XIII's brother. Expect several princely amenities, like a restaurant helmed by 2-Michelin-starred chef Christophe Hay, a Sisley spa, and wonderful gardens.

Read Reviews Fleur de Loire

The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

ecuador, galapagos islands, santa cruz, marine iguana, amblyrhynchus cristatus, and red rock crabs, grapsus grapsus

Galapagos enthusiasts are generally split into two camps when it comes to how best to experience the area's wildlife-strewn marvels—by sea or by land? For those in the former group, there is good news. Last May marked the inaugural expedition of the Aqua Mare , Aqua Expeditions' sleek teak- and mahogany-lined superyacht built specifically for the archipelago. There are just seven spacious suites on board, including an 861-square-foot Owner's Suite, plus a jacuzzi, movie room, library, BBQ area, and two naturalist guides. This may be about as close as you can get to cruising around the Galapagos like Logan Roy.

Hudson Valley, New York

wildflower farms

For New Yorkers who prefer the bucolic charms of country life over the sandy scene of the Hamptons, the Hudson Valley is the perfect destination. Its quaint little towns, antique shops, and farm stands are an easy—and best of all, sans traffic—drive away. The region is upping its luxury game, too, thanks to the new Wildflower Farms , an Auberge Resort. Sixty-five cozy cabins dot the 140-acre property, which, true to its name, brim with orchards, gardens, and wildflower-strewn meadows. And as is an Auberge signature, there is plenty to do, from miles of hiking trails to explore to a cooking school where you can learn the art of pickling, preserving, and even making your own floral focaccia.

Read Reviews Wildflower Farms, an Auberge Resort

Hvar, Croatia

hvar croatia

It’s time to upgrade your thinking about an island vacation. This summer, the Croatian isle of Hvar is poised to be a destination for travelers looking for a bit of culture (the Hvar Summer Festival has been a landmark for art and music for more than 60 years), some gorgeous scenery (the Lavender Festival, based around the 14th-century town of Velo Grablje, takes place in mid-July), or some serious wine (harvest season kicks off in August, and the Viticultural Museum, which charts wine culture on Hvar back to the 4th Century B.C., has been recently renovated). And, of course, there’s also the chance to just unwind. World-class hotels like the Palace Elisabeth —named for everyone’s favorite Austrian Empress —offer spa treatments and seaside dining, and the nearby Pakleni Islands, a destination for sunbathers and history buffs alike, are a short boat ride away.

Read Reviews Palace Elisabeth, Hvar Heritage Hotel

Vancouver Island, Canada

humpback whale tail on the british columbia coastline, canada vancouver island

For glamping with a side of Canadian hospitality, head over to the 25-tent Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge on the edge of Clayoquot Sound, a pristine UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserve nestled in the wilds of Vancouver Island. The Canadian Pacific Coast's "Big 5"—whales, bears, bald eagles, sea lions, and sea otters—are the star sightings here, with summer being especially promising for witnessing orcas, gray whales, and humpbacks. But even if you miss these colossal mammals, there are plenty nature pursuits to keep you entertained: hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, swimming in hidden glacier-fed watering holes, fly fishing in remote spots accessed only by helicopter, the list goes on.

Read Reviews Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge

Sicily, Italy

the greek theatre and mount etna, taormina, sicily

According to Greek mythology, the deadly serpentine giant Typhon is said to be buried under Mount Etna, banished there after losing an epic battle with Zeus. Perhaps this is why Etna is one of the world's most active volcanos. The UNESCO World Heritage Site is also a nourishing presence, its fertile soils making Sicily a verdant oasis for lemons and oranges, olives and honey, grapes and wine. Plus, it sets the tone for an Italian holiday that has it all: amazing food, ancient history, plenty of mountain-to-sea nature. As for where to stay, the Four Seasons's San Domenico Palace is an excellent Hollywood-worthy choice—surely you've seen The White Lotus ? — though the Mediterranean's largest island has many options. Villa Sant’Andrea , a Belmond Hotel set in a secluded bay in Taormina is a good base for activities like catching a show at the ancient Greek theater, or sailing to Aci Trezza to meet members of the Rodolico family, who have been building handcrafted boats since 1908.

More: The White Lotus -Inspired Travel Guide to Sicily

Read Reviews San Domenico Palace, a Four Seasons Hotel

Read Reviews Villa Sant'Andrea, a Belmond Hotel

pristine beach of anguilla

With its silky soft beaches and crystal clear waters, Anguilla, a perennial T&C favorite, is the utmost in barefoot luxury. All this and more can be found at the Belmond Cap Juluca , well-situated in a secluded spot in Maundays Bay with 66 spacious, terrace-equipped rooms, 42 suites, an infinity pool, and much to do, from snorkeling, sailing, scuba diving, and exploring uninhabited islands, to croquet, volleyball, tennis, and golf. And it's all easier to get to: American Airlines now has direct routes to the island from Miami.

Read Reviews Belmond Cap Juluca

Headshot of Leena Kim

Leena Kim is an editor at Town & Country , where she covers travel, jewelry, education, weddings, and culture.

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

27 Best Places To Visit In Summer In The USA (2024 Vacation Ideas For Everyone)

Written By: The Planet D

United States

Updated On: August 15, 2024

The US is a great place to be when summer hits. You’ve got the hiking trails in national parks like Acadia National Park and Rocky Mountains National Park. There are the west coast beaches and major cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego. And that’s all without considering the delicious cuisine of New Orleans and the historic East Coast, with New York and Washington DC. Wherever you go in the US this summer, you will find a slightly different personality in each region.

Table of Contents

Best Summer Vacations in the USA

Best Summer Vacations in the USA

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the best summer vacations in the USA. A summer vacation is often a highlight of your year. It’s the chance to explore a new national park, city, or road trip. Summer is about building memories and making new connections, enjoying the sunshine that has spread across most of the USA. Sure, these places might be busier in summer, but seeing them in their full glory makes the extra crowds worth dealing with.

There’s so much to do in the USA in summer; these top 27 places will help you create memories of a lifetime. With any of these amazing spots, you’ll have the ‘best summer ever.’

1. New York City

Places to visit in Summer in The USA New York city

People rave about visiting New York in the fall and winter when the city comes to life with Christmas markets and festivity. But when it comes to the ‘city that never sleeps’, you best believe it makes full use of all those extra daylight hours. New York is one of the most fun, activity-stuffed summer vacations. As a summer getaway, New York City has so much to offer. It has pop-up events like movie screenings in Bryant Park, and even things like visiting rooftop bars become more pleasant, with longer evenings and later sunsets.

Places to visit in Summer  NYC

New York is one of our favorite cities. We have endless resources you can scroll through, including a guide on the ultimate one-day itinerary and a guide on our all-time-favorite things to do. In summer, you should especially check out the city’s green spaces (Central Park becomes even more sought-after) as well as day-tripping to some of its nearby beaches.

New York is fantastic to visit in the summer months because of its late-night events, proximity to beaches, and spacious green spaces.

Insider Tip: Check out beaches like Coney Island and Brighton Beach.

Where to Stay: Here’s our thorough guide on where to stay in New York City , plus our favorite hotel, Park Hyatt New York.

2. Napa Valley

Places to visit in the Summer Napa Valley

Napa Valley is California’s wine country. And while this beautiful area of more than 475 vineyards and countryside towns is gorgeous all year round, summer is special. The Napa harvest season runs from August to October, meaning if you visit in August to early September you’ll visit at the height of the action. With warmer weather, you’ll have long, hot afternoons to look forward to. It’s a heavenly time to visit and indulge in wine tasting with cheese and olives.

Many vineyards are within walking distance of Napa Valley’s main towns, including Rutherford, Napa, Yountville, and Oakville. You can also enjoy activities like hot air ballooning , more reliable flights in better weather, and romantic excursions like horseback riding.

Insider Tip: If you want to dodge the main crowds, visit at the back end of summer in September or October.

Where to Stay: The Estate Yountville.

3. Las Vegas

Places for summer vacation in the USA Las Vegas

Bizarrely enough, summer is a quiet time for Las Vegas, which contradicts many of the other destinations we have highlighted. Most of the tourism is concentrated on the spring and fall seasons, with tourists avoiding the summer heat. As temperatures can reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in summer months, you can see why it can put some people off.

However, if you’re selective in your sightseeing , there’s no reason you can’t enjoy Las Vegas as one of the best summer vacations in the USA. The lack of crowds is already a great start. Since much of Vegas is seen at night when temperatures are cooler, the city is actually well-suited to a summer vacation. You can enjoy attractions like the Neon Museum and the Mob Museum. And you can still take day trips to Death Valley National Park or Emerald Cave – just do so as early as possible in the morning to beat those crazy midday temperatures.

Places to visit in Summer Death Valley National Park

Las Vegas doesn’t follow a rule book, so why should you? Just shake up the norms around sightseeing times and book accommodation with aircon and a pool; you’ll love Vegas in summer, especially if you are a sun lover. And, if you feel like you can skip flying to Europe, seeing the Eiffel Tower in Vegas is a fabulous compromise.

Insider Tip: Keep outdoor sightseeing to the earliest hours you can manage.

Where to Stay: Here’s our thorough guide on Where to Stay in Las Vegas: Best Places and Areas and our favorite hotel is The Bellagio .

4. Bryce Canyon National Park

Places to visit in the Summer USA Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon is gorgeous in summer. We actually listed the national park as one of the best places to visit in spring with a small caveat: you are an experienced hiker and driver in icy conditions. Bryce Canyon National Park is slow to warm up, so if you’d prefer easy access, waiting until summer is ideal. It has plenty of shaded trails that experience long, crisp mornings even in the height of summer. And there’s even a free shuttle service in the summer season.

If you are looking for somewhere where you can enjoy hiking trails and dramatic Utah rock formations, Bryce Canyon National Park is our top recommendation. You can breeze through the easy Sunset Point Trail or tackle the classic, and more difficult, Navajo Loop.

Best Places for Summer Vacation. in the USA Bryce Canyon

Yes, Bryce Canyon is at its busiest in June, July, and August, but this is for good reason. You won’t be contending with ice and difficult accessibility. And if you are a solo hiker, these crowds can be preferable for safety in numbers. For the inexperienced and freshly solo, this national park wiggled its way onto our list as one of the best summer vacations. If you are in the area make sure to check out our guide to Utah National Parks: How to visit The Mighty 5 .

Insider Tip: Visit in September to October if you’d prefer fewer crowds.

Where to Stay: Brian Head Lodge .

5. Outer Banks

Places to visit in the Summer USA Outer Banks North Carolina

North Carolina’s Outer Banks are a timeless place to spend a summer vacation. The Outer Banks are a collection of barrier islands that start by the North Carolina-Virginia border and stretch all the way down to Ocracoke Island. They extend over 175 miles and are full of gorgeous beaches with deep blue waters.

In summer, you’ll see Cape Hatteras National Seashore at its absolute best, and you can enjoy leisurely strolls to both Cape Hatteras and Bodie Island Lighthouses. The Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge is also a haven for migratory and endangered birds. Keep your eyes peeled for warblers, sparrows, and waxwings if you’re lucky.

The Outer Banks are perfect for anyone who wants to experience beach-style summer vacations. It is also ideal for the more adventurous, especially those passionate about water-related activities and wildlife conservation. The Outer Banks are quiet and not overly developed, with just a few small towns along its length.

Insider Tip: Make sure to see the wild horses on the Outer Banks. You can take a guided tour or go it alone.

Where to Stay: Check out Island Motel OBX .

6. Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains NAtional Park Summer Vacation Destinations in the USA

The Great Smoky Mountains stretch between Tennessee and North Carolina and are a region of legendary wilderness. The mountains clocked their name for their trademark low-lying mist, which typically cloaks the forested ridges in the early morning. The national park is home to over 1,500 black bears and more than 200 varieties of birds. And that’s before you even begin to think about the over 4,000 different types of plant varieties. Regarding conservation and natural beauty, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is in a league of its own.

You can tackle sections of the Appalachian Trail and enjoy warmer temperatures by cooling off in swimming holes like the Wye and Sinks. Summer brings many water-related activities, from white water rafting through dense forests and shaded trails to hidden waterfalls like Laurel Falls. While if wildlife sightseeing is your main draw, driving Cades Cove Loop Road is a great bet, and bears and deer are most active in summer.

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the best summer vacations for nature lovers. The whole 500,000-plus acres spring into life in the summer, with wildlife more active and water activities more enjoyable.

Insider Tip: Drive Cades Cove Loop Road to spot black bears.

Where to Stay: Best Western Plus Apple Valley Lodge Pigeon Force.

Places to visit in Summer in The USA Chicago

Thanks to its scenic location along Lake Michigan, Chicago is a beautiful place to visit for a summer vacation. It has miles of sandy beaches along the lakefront and plentiful green spaces in the city, like Millenium Park. In warm weather, it’s one of the best summer vacation spots.

The city is rammed with things to do and tasty dishes to eat ; it’s famous for its Italian-influenced cuisine and killer pizzas, which you can enjoy al fresco in the sunshine. There’s also no better time to stroll the Chicago Riverwalk or take a boat tour. Chicago has a fast-paced personality, and if you don’t believe us, just check out the festivals coming up this summer.

Chicago Illinois Places to visit in Summer in The USA

Given its location on Lake Michigan, it would be a crime not to day trip to nearby towns and cities when staying in Chicago. Remember that Milwaukee has Summerfest , too. We love summers in Chicago because of its lakeside location and endless festivities.

Insider Tip: Make sure to snag tickets for Milwaukee’s Summerfest.

Where to Stay: Here’s our guide on where to stay . We’d particularly recommend Pendry Hotel.

8. Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Best Places to visit in Summer Colonial Williamsburg Virginia USA

History buffs, this is your time to shine. Colonial Williamsburg is the USA’s largest-ever outdoor living museum and whisks visitors back to the 18th century. The museum spans 301 acres, with two separate art museums, historic taverns, and exhibits. It’s set in a historic district within Williamsburg, and you can walk around for free. Williamsburg was one of America’s first-ever ‘planned cities’ by British colonialists, so it’s a momentous place to visit and comprehend this part of the USA’s history.

In summer, the action at Colonial Williamsburg is in full flow. You’ll see all the actors out engaging with visitors, and you’ll enjoy warmer weather to walk the streets. We’d advise against walking around in the midday heat. Still, you can plan the walking aspects for the early morning and then spend midday to early afternoon in indoor attractions, like the art museums. You can also tour Colonial Williamsburg after dark too, with haunted tours.

Colonial Williamsburg has a unique history to embrace this summer. You’ll love the experience; an outdoor museum is the perfect way to enjoy the sunshine.

Insider Tip: Plan your timings and itinerary around the hottest parts of the day, especially when visiting with children.

Where to Stay: Club Wyndham Kingsgate.

Best Summer Vacation Ideas Boston Mass

Boston is another option for history-loving summer vacation seekers. It is full of beautiful Victorian-style buildings and is brimming with Revolution history. Boston also sits on the East Coast, and it’s another place that gets off to a slow start when it comes to warming up in spring. The Atlantic breeze keeps temperatures reasonably low, meaning waiting until summer to catch Boston in warmer temperatures is best.

Boston is massively walkable if you stay downtown, so much so that it’s been nicknamed ‘America’s Walking City’. Chinatown, Beacon Hill, and Back Bay are all within easy walking distance of the city’s downtown region. And in summer, the warm weather makes Boston’s walkability even more appealing, so grab your comfiest walking shoes.

Best Places to visit in the Summer USA Boston

You can enjoy plenty of outdoor activities in summer , like kayaking the Charles River or strolling James P. Kelleher Rose Garden. There are also scenic trails around the waterfront and history-themed attractions like the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum.

For us, Boston’s walkability is partly what makes it such an entertaining city. And there’s no doubt that summer is the best time to go strolling and experience Boston’s history.

Insider Tip: Don’t forget to walk the Harvard campus.

Where to Stay: The Newbury Boston .

10. Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest

Best Places to Visit in Summer Uinta Wasatch-Cache National Forest

If you want the best summer in the great outdoors, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest is a beautiful choice for a summer vacation. The national forest is just outside of Salt Lake City in Utah and is an accessible choice for a summer trip combined with a city break. While previously the forest was a relatively unsung tourist destination, more and more people have clocked onto its beauty. It is a bit Banff-esque, with jutting peaks that keep their snow caps way into late spring and alpine lakes. And by summer, the wildlife is in full swing.

Little Deer Creek Falls is magnificent, as is the gorgeous Amethyst Lake. You can go horseback riding, cycling, or hiking. Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest has dozens of hidden waterfalls and alpine lakes, with more challenging mountain peaks for the more experienced hikers and climbers. Mount Timpanogos via Timpooneke Trail is particularly stunning in summer.

We’d suggest fully embracing the wilderness with a camping vacation in the forest. It’s a brilliant time to safely access an area of extreme natural beauty.

Insider Tip: Late summer is typically best for dodging inevitable mosquitos.

Where to Stay: The Lodge at Snowbird.

11. Galveston

Best Places to Visit in the Summer USA Galveston Texas

Galveston is beautifully situated on the Gulf Coast of Texas, and if you aren’t sold on Texas as a summer destination, prepare for that to change. Galveston is an island city on a barrier island blessed with miles of beaches and the gorgeous Galveston Island State Park with bird watching and boardwalks. Galveston is where to go for bird watching, fresh seafood, and pristine beaches.

In summer, you can experience Galveston’s beaches at their best. You could even enter the AIA Sandcastle Competition, which has been running for over 35 years. Regarding bird watching, it’s also an excellent time for frigatebirds, scissor-tailed flycatchers, and painted buntings. Head out with some binoculars to Galveston Island State Park and work on your tan while spotting some of the USA’s prettiest summer birds.

Galveston is, without a doubt, a brilliant beach destination for summer vacations, and it has the added bonus of fantastic bird watching. It’s a popular Texas getaway for anyone in the know.

Insider Tip: Bring binoculars and long-lens cameras so you don’t miss out on smaller or distant birds.

Where to Stay: Virginia Point INN.

Best Places to Visit in Summer USa Miami Beach

We cannot have a list of summer vacation spots and not feature Miami. Miami is a little bit ‘love it or hate it,’ but that’s all part of its spunky aesthetic. There’s nothing more classic than Miami’s South Beach, with its art deco beach infrastructure. And in summer, Miami is in full flow . You can enjoy all of its beach culture, surfing, and sunbathing. The weather is perfect for day-tripping to enjoy the nearby Key Biscayne and Biscayne National Park.

summer trip ideas for friends

Now, it is a well-known fact that summer spells hurricane season. However, July is the odd one out here, as the driest month of the year. With heat and record dry days, it’s a popular time to visit Miami, and one we’d also recommend if you want to experience the city in its summertime glory.

Insider Tip: Sign up for hurricane and weather alerts.

Where to Stay: Here’s our guide on where to stay in Miami , plus our favorite Bentley Beach Club .

13. Atlantic City

Best Places to Visit in Summertime Atlantic City

Atlantic City is a fun resort city on the New Jersey shore. It initially sprang up in the 19th century as a health resort – somewhere to head to the coast in summer for fresh air and sea. Now, Atlantic City has hit its rebellious years and instead offers a hotbed of nightclubs and casinos. It’s where to book a summer vacation if you want party culture in a less-trodden spot. Think of a quieter, coastal Vegas.

In summer, you get the most out of Atlantic City’s location, with the gorgeous boardwalk and beach access . And when it gets to midday heat, you can dash into the cooling shade of the Central Pier Arcade or cool off at Island Waterpark.

Atlantic City got our vote for its fun, party atmosphere. Plus, it is less than 2.5 hours away from New York City by car and is pretty accessible.

Insider Tip: Visit the bizarre building, Lucy the Elephant.

Where to Stay: Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City.

14. Lewes, Delaware

Fun Places to Visit in Summer Lewes Delaware

Lewes is tiny, a coastal blip on Delaware’s Atlantic coastline. It has a pretty big story behind it, though, as the site of the first European settlement in Delaware and a once-thriving Dutch trading post. The arrival of colonists was short-lived, though, when all settlers were killed in 1632. Despite its complex early days, the town offers far more than just colonial tales and maritime history. The town is surrounded by nature, including Cape Henlopen State Park and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge.

The history of Lewes is best appreciated by walking the area and its surrounding nature, which is what scored it our vote as one of the best summer vacations. The warm weather helps you to spend more time outdoors and understand Lewes better. There are some cracking beaches nearby, too, like Savannah and Johnnie Walker Beach.

Insider Tip: Check out Lewes’ breweries.

Where to Stay: Home2Suites by Hilton Lewes Rehoboth Beach.

15. Olympic National Park

Best Places for a summer vacation Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park is stunning. Situated right by the Canada border, separated from Vancouver Island only by the Salish Sea, Olympic National Park is famed for its old-growth rainforests. You can walk through the magic Hall of Mosses , which only stretches less than a mile but has drooping ferns and dramatically hanging green moss from gnarled trees. It’s like something out of a fairy tale.

In summer, you can enjoy camping and hiking in Olympic National Park with warmer temperatures and lesser rainfall on your side. And if you still want some element of summer beach vacation, it also has the nearby La Push beaches with the famous Hole-In-The-Wall.

Best summer vacation ideas USA Olympic NP

Summer is the best time to experience Olympic National Park and embrace even more of its usual magic, with leaping salmon if you visit in September and more active wildlife across the season. It’s also warm enough to enjoy its beaches better.

Insider Tip: Take the ferry to Victoria from Port Angeles to sneak in a visit to Canada as well.

Where to Stay: Pacific Inn Motel.

16. Grand Teton National Park

Fun Places to Visit in Summer Grand Teton

Now, we will mention Yellowstone, but it would be totally amiss of us not to mention Grand Teton National Park as well. These two national parks are only a couple of hours apart. Yet, they both offer an entirely different experience and outdoor activities. Grand Teton National Park is glaciated rather than volcanic like Yellowstone.

Grand Teton is a fertile region of glaciated mountains with dramatic crags and sharp ridges from centuries-old ice shaping. Its pastures now feed thousands of moose, elk, and bison. In summer, tourists can drive the park’s scenic 42-mile loop and spot wildlife out their window. You can also easily enjoy water activities like kayaking on Jenny Lake and warm weather hikes.

Much of the park closes between late fall and spring, so summer is the best time to thoroughly access Grand Teton National Park. If you want ‘full access,’ we’d suggest visiting between June and early September.

Insider Tip: Extend your stay to combine both national parks in one visit.

Where to Stay: The Virginian Lodge.

17. Orlando

Best Family Places To visit in summer USA Orlando Florida

Orlando isn’t known for its breathtaking scenery in a natural sense. Instead, the Florida mega city is famous for its theme parks, including Magic Kingdom and its colossal Disney castle. You could easily spend a week exploring the different theme parks and rollercoasters , making it one of the best summer vacation spots for anyone wanting to let their hair down. It’s an ideal city choice if you love theme parks and the thrill of rollercoasters.

Undoubtedly, summers are a busy time for Orlando, especially given the school holidays and kids’ appeal. We’d suggest visiting in June if you want a quieter experience or in early September when most schools have returned.

You can also take some great day trips from Orlando, like to the Kennedy Space Center or Blue Springs State Park, to snorkel with a manatee. It’s an ideal summer vacation for anyone wanting to balance theme park fun with a few cool Florida experiences.

Insider Tip: Research passes and theme park discounts.

Where to Stay: Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort.

18. San Francisco

Places to visit in Summer San Francisco

San Francisco is a golden child of the West Coast. It is mainly known for its foggy conditions, with plenty of – slightly eerie – photos of the Golden Gate Bridge shrouded in mist. It has a bit of a microclimate, with different neighborhoods experiencing different weather simultaneously because of wind patterns from its Pacific Coast location. However, the summer weather transforms the city into one of the US’ best summer vacation spots.

Places to visit in summer USA San Fran

Fisherman’s Wharf becomes even more pleasant to walk around, as does Golden Gate Park. And there are festivals galore, from the Union Street Festival to the 4th of July celebrations. The outdoor Sundown Cinema also pops up in Dolores Park. At the same time, beach lovers can enjoy spectacular beaches like Baker Beach and Mile Rock Beach.

Like New York City, San Fran is a city that shakes itself into action over the summer, utilizing its precious green spaces and beaches. These are all the great things to do in San Francisco .

Insider Tip: Allow a few days in case of the ‘return of the fog’.

Where to Stay: Here’s where to stay in San Fran , plus its best hotel, the Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco.

19. Glacier National Park

Best Places to visit in the summer USa Glacier NAtional Park

Glacier National Park is gorgeous, with sloping mountain spikes cloaked in ice and acres of alpine meadows dotted with wildflowers. If outdoor adventures are your thing, Glacier National Park really comes into its own for summer vacations. There are over 700 miles of trails to hike . With the summer temperatures underway, these are all now accessible without ice and snow underfoot.

You can hike to Grinnell Glacier, complete the Trail of the Cedars, admire multi-colored rocks in Lake McDonald, and see 35-foot Saint Mary Falls.

Glacier National Park is a real gateway into Montana, with mountain goats, grizzlies, and moose. Summer is when all these residents are most active too, so you’ll have a whale of a time choosing this park as your summer vacation.

Insider Tip: Bring bear spray – enough said.

Where to Stay: Moss Mountain Inn.

20. Zion National Park

Best Places to take a summer vacation in the USa Zion Canyon

Zion National Park , we’ll admit that we are obsessed. Like many of the beautiful national parks in southern Utah, Zion National Park is a slow starter for thawing out after winter. Spring is a tricky time as there is still ice on trails (which is a pain for sketchier routes like Angels Landing). You get all the snow melt, which makes trails like the Narrows inadvisable full of all but the most experienced hikers.

All of these factors combine to make Zion perfect for your summer vacation. Summer travelers get an easier version of the park, and if you visit in early summer, like June, you’ll still dodge the worst of the crowds. It’s incredible what waiting those extra couple of months can do regarding trail accessibility in Zion. And that’s what makes it one of the best summer vacation spots.

You can hike Angels Landing with safer footing, wade happily through the now-lower Narrows, and make your way to the Emerald Pools. Zion is all about outdoor adventure, so you want to be able to enjoy it.

Insider Tip: If you want to hike the major trails like Angels Landing, research the lottery permits beforehand.

Where to Stay: Here’s where to stay in Zion National Park . Our top choice is Zion Villa .

21. The CA-1 Section of the Pacific Coast Highway

Best Places to visit in the summer PCH

Road trip, anyone? Some of the best summer vacations are road trips. While Route 66 is officially in its ‘too hot’ territory, the breezy CA-1 section of the Pacific Coast Highway is perfect. The highway stretches from just north of San Francisco to Capistrano Beach, covering roughly three-quarters of the Californian coastline. You pass Santa Cruz, with its die-hard surfer culture, and Monterey , with its sea lion kayaking experiences. There’s also McWay Falls – an 80-foot mammoth of a sight – and gorgeous beaches along Santa Barbara. And that’s all without mentioning the Pacific Coast Highway’s famed bridges.

Places for a summer vacation in the USA Pacific Coast Highway

If you tackle the entire stretch , we would allow around a week. It covers a whopping 600 miles. You want to be able to take your time driving and stop as much as you’d like without rushing to clock up your miles for the day, so lean towards more days.

Insider Tip: Definitely carve out time to go kayaking with sea lions in Monterey.

Where to Stay: Alila Ventana Big Sur.

22. San Diego

Top places to visit in summer San Diego

San Diego is beautiful in summer, with easy access to a long chain of beaches like Silver Strand and Imperial Beach. The city is fast rising in popularity because of its year-round good weather, and summer is no exception. It’s as close to Mexico as you can possibly get in terms of climate and summer sunbathing, located right near the border in Southern California.

You can make the most of the sunshine with beach days , relax shopping around Seaport Village in the San Diego harbor, and go sightseeing around Balboa Park. We love the amount of outdoor space, which makes San Diego one of the best summer vacations.

To seriously dodge the crowds, we suggest visiting San Diego in September, which is quieter. Otherwise, as a second city compared to glitzy LA, San Diego is always pleasant to visit in terms of fewer crowds.

Insider Tip: Make sure you day trip to a few different beaches.

Where to Stay: Here’s where to stay in San Diego and our top recommendation, Pantai Inn.

23. Grand Canyon National Park

Places to visit in Summer Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park is easily one of the most popular summer vacations in the USA and is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. The warmer weather means easier driving conditions – wave goodbye to gritted teeth and icy roads – and in May, the North Rim reopens to tourists after its seasonal closure. The incredible weather is perfect for hiking stunning trails like South Kaibab and South Rim Trail. You should still dodge most crowds if you get there early, in June rather than July or August.

Family Summer Vacation Ideas Grand Canyon

We’d also recommend summer hiking in Grand Canyon National Park because of the extended daylight hours. You have sunsets later, meaning more time to polish off your activities for the day and then head to a scenic lookout.

You’ll be able to enjoy the gorgeous North Rim, more daylight hours, and easier access. If you visit in June, you won’t have to compromise with crowd density and trail traffic.

Insider Tip: Be mindful of exposed trails in the midday heat and always abide by safety advice.

Where to Stay: Here’s where to stay near the Grand Canyon . We’d particularly recommend El Tovar Hotel .

24. Rocky Mountain National Park

Best Places to visit in Summer Rocky Mountains

Who doesn’t love the Rockies? Rocky Mountain National Park is famous for its protected mountain terrain and hiking trails like Bear Lake Trailhead . It is full of glassy lakes that reflect surrounding snow-capped mountains well into late spring, and the Rockies have some fabulous natural attractions like Lake Haiyaha. There’s no denying that it’s one of the best summer vacation spots, either; all of these attractions become suddenly more accessible in the summer season.

Everyone knows that the alpine tundra clings to its snow a little longer, and while experienced hikers and drivers may wish to skip the crowds and visit in early spring, waiting can be better. If you aren’t as confident or don’t have the right vehicle and equipment, Rocky Mountain National Park is easier to visit in summer. Be mindful of timings when embarking on trails – you can dodge most summer crowds just by being time-savvy.

Insider Tip: Pick early start times for hikes, especially on popular routes like Bear Lake.

Where to Stay: Blue Door Inn.

25. Yosemite National Park

Best Places to visit in the Summer USA Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is one of our top recommendations for the best summer vacation spots. As a national park famed for waterfalls, nothing quite suits a summer vacation better than a shaded hike through undergrowth to some of Yosemite’s best falls. While crowds and temperatures rise, you can always find a peaceful spot amongst the park’s dense redwoods.

Carbon Falls is a great place to visit in Yosemite in summer, as it’s swimmer-friendly. Mirror Lake is a pretty trail that is minimal effort in summer at just over 2 miles in length, while Four Mile Trail is a little more challenging with sweeping valley views. And, of course, you have to see the classic Yosemite Falls.

Visiting Yosemite in the Summer

Early summer (think June) is best for waterfalls in Yosemite National Park, as it is when the snowmelt runs off and creates more dramatic falls. You don’t want to wait until the back end of summer, like August and September, as even Yosemite Falls can look slightly pathetic in its fall power by this time of year. Some waterfalls dry completely in mid to late summer, so the early birds get the worm here.

Insider Tip: Visit on a weekday for fewer crowds.

Where to Stay: Here’s where to stay in Yosemite . Our favorite spot is Yosemite Valley Lodge.

26. Yellowstone National Park

Best Places to visit in the USa in Summer Yellowstone National Park a unesco world heritage site

Yellowstone National Park is famously sat on top of a dormant volcano, making it a hive of volcanic activity with exciting attractions like geysers and hot springs. It also has America’s largest herd of buffalo, grizzly bears, and wolves – which are more active in summer months. With the most daylight hours and accessible trails and roads, the summer season is the ideal time to experience all the intensity that Yellowstone National Park has to offer.

Places to visit in the Summer USa Lamar Valley Yellowstone

You can take a summer bus tour, get a permit to go fishing and experience the thrill of white water rafting. One of the best summer activities is horseback riding, heading through remote areas of natural beauty that a car just couldn’t get you to. And, of course, there are classic attractions like Old Faithful, Grand Prismatic Spring , and the Morning Glory Pool.

Yellowstone National Park does get busy in summer, but the increase in activity feels electric. You’ll see more wildlife and just generally enjoy easier road conditions and being outdoors more in warm weather.

Insider Tip: Get organized with trip planning as things sell out quickly.

Where to Stay: Check out our full comprehensive guide on Where to Stay in Yellowstone National Park – Guide to the Best Hotels. Canyon Lodge Yellowstone is one of our favorites.

27. Acadia National Park

Cool places to visit in summer Acadia National Park

We won’t lie; Acadia National Park gets busy from June until early September, so if you are visiting on summer vacation, forget having trails to yourselves. However, despite this, Acadia National Park is still one of the best summer vacation spots in the USA. The mild weather makes hiking the plethora of trails heavenly, and you can enjoy things like kayaking, rock climbing, or mountain biking without the slippery, wet rocks and mud.

You can hike the short but tough Precipice Trail, which involves narrow ledges and metal ladder rungs nailed into rock faces. There’s also Ocean Path for views of the sea and the dramatic sight of Thunder Hole, where waves spray as high as 40 feet in the air.

Acadia National Park has some of the best trails to tackle, and it’s much more fun when they aren’t covered in a layer of slippery mud. We recommend wangling your summer trip for mid to late September, just after the summer rush but before the October fall foliage flurry of tourists.

Insider Tip: Plan ahead with parking reservations to overcome the summer crowds.

Where to Stay: Bar Harbor Manor.

Best Places to Visit in Summer: FAQs

Best Places to visit in the summer FAQ

When you are planning a summer getaway, the USA has tons to offer. In particular, you should make the most of outdoor activities and nature through water sports and hiking trails. Many national parks are inaccessible over winter and early spring if you don’t have expert equipment and 4WD vehicles. So summer is the perfect time to see many national parks in the USA.

Similarly, city breaks are also a great idea in summer, as cities are starting to embrace their outdoor spaces more, like movie nights in New York’s Bryant Park .

Before you go ahead and book your best summer yet, take heed of these quick FAQs. They may sway you if you are currently in between choices.

Which place is best to visit in summer?

The Utah National Parks are much easier to enjoy in June when the trails are more accessible. But if you’d prefer a beach-style vacation, we’d recommend the Outer Banks

Where is the best place for summer vacation?

The best places for a summer vacation in the USA are New York City, Chicago, San Diego, or San Francisco for a city break. Then, for a beach holiday, we’d recommend the Outer Banks.

What is the best country to visit in summer?

The USA is beautiful to visit in summer. The country has impressive nature, and summer is the best time to experience that, be it in the city center’s green spaces or remote national parks.

Where is the cheapest place to go in the summer?

Some of the cheapest states in the USA are West Virginia, Texas, and South Carolina. This means the Great Smoky Mountains and Galveston are some of the cheapest summer vacations on our list.

Why You Should Visit The USA in Summer

Why You should visit USa in Summer

As you can see, the USA is never short of summer vacation ideas. These 27 best summer vacation spots are guaranteed to keep you on your toes this July and August, yet they are just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll find hundreds more amazing destinations across the USA in summer; we just couldn’t quite fit them on the list. The country really comes into its own with the arrival of summer. It’s one of the best lights you can possibly see it in.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our guides on the best road trips to take around the USA in 2024 and the best national parks. We’ve even got a guide on the best beaches in the USA. These 27 destinations are just the beginning; make sure to continue researching, as the USA is overflowing with amazing summer vacation ideas.

Plan Your Next Summer Vacation With These Resources

  • 27 Best Places to Visit in March USA
  • 28 Best Romantic Getaways in the USA
  • 50 Best Places to Visit in the USA
  • 27 Best National Parks in the USA To Visit
  • 28 Best Beaches in the USA
  • 21 Best All-inclusive Resorts in the USA

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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51 Summer Trip Ideas – Plan Your Perfect Family Vacation

Article By: FTFstaff

It’s time for our annual roundup of the 51 best family summer trip ideas! Whether you can’t wait to explore a fantastic summer vacation spot — or you’re concerned about keeping the kids entertained — we are all looking forward to a summer vacation.

Family reunion group watches sunset along the beach. Photo by tyler Nix for unsplash. - summer trip ideas

Factors like inflation, rising airfares and anticipated crowds in many popular destinations should impact where to go, but not discourage us.


1. alaska by land this summer, 2. arkansas is not too hot for hot springs, 3. bali beaches and culture beckon this summer.



7. camping and the rv life for summer, 8. cape cod – your massachusetts summer escape.



11. confederate history is alive in fredericksburg, 12. cruise with small ships on your own family odyssey, 13. drive route 66 – the first 100 miles, 14. europe river cruises where kids under 16 sail free, 15. festivals. summer. excitement., 16. florida’s unspoiled sanctuaries in fort myers, sanibel, captiva.



19. greece – birthplace of olympic games.





24. lgbtq+ travel with kids, 25. london on a budget fit for summer 24, 26. los cabos and pacific mexico, 27. maui tops hawaii wish list for summer, 28. midwest road trips for beginners.



31. museums for kids, fun and games, 32. nassau, best of the bahamas, 33. national parks overtourism alert., 34. new hampshire, history, culture, and outdoor fun, 35. new mexico for nuclear science fans.



38. oklahoma city where the land is grand, 39. river rafting, river games, river fun with oars.



42. seattle’s summer family treats, 43. smoky mountains summer fun, 44. sustainability comes to cruising, 45. shakespeare on stage, 46. texas beaches worth the heat, 47. theme parks news.

  • 48. SKI IN SUMMER   


50. travel with special needs and embrace the challenge, 51. wisconsin, this year’s hidden gem.

Warm Mexican beaches, cool shades and thirst-quenching cocktails are already on Americans’ radar, reveals  Allianz Partners’  Top 10 Summer Travel Destinations surveyfor 2024 .  International travel will be up 15% this summer over last year. Cancun leads the Top 10 international roster of global beaches, as the cities of London (always a family favorite) and Paris (likely because of the upcoming summer Olympics) join in.

Domestic travel is predicted to cool by 5%, but domestic hotspots still take the lion’s share (68%) of Americans summer itinerary bookings. Orlando, Seattle, Boston, New York, and Honolulu are the top five domestic destinations this summer.

Wherever you go, it’s wise to invest in travel insurance, particularly an annual plan. An annual (or multi-trip) travel insurance plan protects all your trips — long or short, international, or domestic, planned, or spontaneous — for 365 days. These plans are a good bet because they typically are cheaper (and definitely easier) than insuring each trip separately, especially when the trips are expensive. The annual AllTrips Premier Plan is the only multi-trip plan that Allianz offers that can protect your entire household.

Whichever plan you choose, the  free Allyz TravelSmart app from Allianz Global Assistance is the perfect travel companion. Allyz Trav elSmart lets you instantly access all the benefits of your AllTrips plan, whether you need help in a hurry or you just want to know what your plan covers. Travel protection provides peace of mind to travelers in moments that matter. Allianz serves as a hub that puts insurance benefits, assistance services, safety features, and added convenience at customers’ fingertips—where and when they need them most.

Whatever your budget and schedule, you will have plenty of options to choose from. Here is our short list of 51 great ideas for Summer Fun, created with our partners at  Taking the Kids and Little Family Adventure .

Alaska port on a quiet day.

Though most summer travelers opt for cruise ships, there are lots of other options to explore Alaska. The state boasts 100,000 glaciers, more bears than people, the world’s largest temperate rainforest, eagles, whales, soaring totem poles, and fascinating gold rush history.

Birdwatch, staying at a remote lodge only accessible by boat at Kenai Fjord National Park. Alaska Wildland Adventures has been offering such opportunities to get into the wilderness since 1977. See the rescued bear cubs and raptors in Sitka. Perhaps the most iconic of Taking the Kids Alaska adventures was a stay deep inside Denali National Park a decade ago at family-owned Camp Denali. It is one of just a few lodges that provide guided hikes in the trailless park because when it was established, they were outside the park boundaries. Today, they are inside the six-million-acre park and their hikes are incredible.

Or tour in an RV or camper. There are more than 400 RV parks and campgrounds. The Tongass National Forest is nearly 17 million acres, encompassing nearly 90% of Southeast Alaska. There are more than 46,000 miles of tidal shoreline, 80% inaccessible by road and longer than the other 48 states’ coastlines combined. Fish for halibut west of Homer in the Cook Inlet, or for salmon on the Kenai River. Just south of downtown Ketchikan, the Herring Cove area is home to a salmon hatchery and is a popular location for fishing and wildlife viewing.

When looking for the perfect family vacation spot in Arkansas, Hot Springs should definitely be at the top of your list. This charming city offers something for everyone, from relaxing hot springs and spas to outdoor adventures and family-friendly attractions. 

Start your day of family activities in Hot Springs by exploring Hot Springs National Park, where you can take a leisurely hike, enjoy a picnic, and even dip your toes in the soothing thermal waters. For some thrills, visit Magic Springs Theme and Water Park, where kids and adults alike can cool off on water slides, ride roller coasters, and enjoy live shows. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about the area’s history at the Gangster Museum of America or take a scenic drive to nearby Lake Ouachita for some boating and fishing fun. With its mix of relaxation and excitement, Hot Springs is sure to be a hit with the whole family!

Other notable Arkansas destinations for families include Little Rock. Take a stroll through the River Market District and enjoy delicious food from local vendors, or head to the Little Rock Zoo for an up-close encounter with exotic animals. And don’t forget about Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville , which offers free admission and features works from renowned artists such as Andy Warhol and Georgia O’Keeffe.

Fishing boats moored offshore Permuteran Beach, northeast Bali, at dawn.

June through August is the winter holiday period Down Under, the time when Australian and Kiwi families flock to Bali, Indonesia. The island that epitomizes ‘paradise’ lured 5.2 million foreigners in 2023 and is the perfect combination of relaxation and culture for families . Bali boasts beautiful beaches, exotic temples, rich traditions, and great eats in a verdant landmass smaller than the state of Connecticut. There are dozens of family resorts along the coast, but slow roads and humid tropical weather make a central base essential. That’s why we like the cooler, central hillside village of Ubud. It is Bali’s cultural heart and the filming location for “Eat, Pray, Love.” While you can find Burberry and Cartier among Ubud’s batik and sculpture galleries, Bali is still a bargain for family jetsetters.

Book an authentic, ornate villa at one of the family-owned  Alam Indah Hotels , oases of calm outside the Monkey Forest. The original  Alam Indah  has a central dining room where families can meet other guests. However, their beautiful cliffside pool has steps better navigated by older kids. Alam Jiwa or Alam Shanti are even more private escapes with pools among gardens and rice paddies. All have modern amenities, great service and staff who arrange cooking classes, batik-making workshops, kid-friendly guides, yoga, fishing, biking, and traditional Balinese massages.

A luxurious, hand-crafted Alam Indah villa for two or three starts is just $99/night in June.  Alam Indah Hotels  rates include a full Balinese, Western, Indonesian, or Australian breakfast delivered to your villa; afternoon tea with Balinese cakes; and free car service into Ubud for shopping and dining.


Whether you have Little Leaguers in your family or just baseball fans, summer is a great time to plan a trip around baseball. Visit historic ball parks like Fenway Park in Boston that opened in 1912 and is home of the Boston Red Sox. The new offices at Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore are built within a historic B&O Railroad warehouse behind the outfield. The Astrodome in Houston was considered a wonder of the world when it opened in 1965 and was the first fully enclosed, air-conditioned sports stadium. Dodger Stadium in LA is the third oldest MLB park in the country.

Of course, bleacher prices have risen just as fast as players’ salaries. If Major League games are beyond your budget, check out minor league baseball games wherever you are traveling this summer. There is the Norfolk Tides, an Orioles AAA team. The Tennessee Smokies is a Cubs AA team, just as the Portland, Maine Sea Dogs feed the Red Sox. In California, we’ve had fun at a San Antonio Missions game, knowing players might soon join the Padres. Summer is a great time to also check out college players. The Cape Cod Baseball League, for example, is one of the country’s premier collegiate summer leagues with more than 1,000 former players  who have gone on to play in the major leagues.


Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama

The richness of Black culture is reversing the Great Migration and encouraging all families to visit the South. You’ll be rewarded for visiting during the hottest and most humid time of year by lower hotel rates and many festivals.

Mississippi’s capital of Jackson welcomes former residents and new visitors to a city where a majority of the population is Black and proud. The city boasts three HBCUs (Jackson State, Alcorn State and Tugaloo College), the hip neighborhood of Fahlgren packed with bars and a bowling alley, terrific Southern cooking, bookshops, and a mid-August Literary Festival that attracts thousands. This summer, spark a conversation at the remarkably candid Mississippi Civil Rights Museum . Follow the state’s Blues Trail, tour Southern writer Eudora Welty’s home, then head to Belhaven Beach for a swim and a picnic in the shade.

Montgomery, Alabama  is another city that has embraced its painful heritage of racism and terror against African Americans. Visit the brand new, 17-acre Freedom Monument Sculpture Park on the Alabama River, the latest project of the city’s Equal Justice Initiative. Nearly 50 sculptures by world-famous artists like Kehinde Wiley, Hank Willis Thomas, Simone Leigh and Rose B. Simpson evoke the history and repercussions of slavery in America. Victims of lynching are honored at the outdoors EJI National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Stories of the enslaved and imprisoned are highlighted at the multimedia Legacy Museum (best for older children.) More sites of significance to Black history in America may be closer to home.

To maximize your family’s summer travel budget, set price alerts on sites such as Hopper, Kayak, and Google Flights when considering flying to your destination. Domestic budget airlines such as Southwest, JetBlue, Spirit, and Frontier often offer competitive prices for domestic flights and can save you significant amounts of money.

For low-cost international flights, Icelandic airline PLAY offers daily convenient flights from the East Coast (Boston, Baltimore/Washington D.C., and New York) to more than  33 popular European destinations . Other budget airlines like Ryanair and EasyJet also offer affordable options for traveling within Europe.

In addition to budget airlines, don’t forget about the perks of flying with credit card points or frequent flyer miles. Many credit cards offer travel rewards that can be redeemed for flights, hotel stays, and more. Keep an eye out for special promotions or bonuses that can help stretch your travel budget even further.

Tarp set up over dining area outside two tents at campsite.

First thing you need for camping with kids is Eileen Ogintz’ latest  Kid’s Guide to Camping . According to the KOA 2024 North American Camping Report, one out of three leisure trips include camping as more travelers seek new and unique ways to explore the outdoors. More than half of campers report they are more likely to continue camping, a 15% increase over 2023. The majority of campers, according to the report, plan to incorporate forest immersion, meditation, yoga and more as an effort to “slow down.” Use our guide to determine your family’s own camping style and needs .

RVing is also very popular. But you can’t just park your RV or pitch a tent anywhere you like. Campgrounds — especially in and around national parks — get booked early. If you can, you will want to reserve campsites either in or near the park you want to visit. KOA, with more than 480 locations in North America, has cabins and RV sites near many national parks.  Under Canvas  provides seasonal glamping tents, activities, and food in a growing number of locales, including Zion and Bryce Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, and Glacier. The  2024 Campspot Awards  for the top campgrounds inspires families to get and stay outdoors (affordably!) this summer.

Those who don’t own an RV can take their pick of RVs with a peer-to-peer RV rental company like  RVShare  or  Outdoorsy . Camping isn’t always roughing it! Autocamp Joshua Tree  has a desert ecologist on staff and sommelier-led wine tastings while you sleep in Airstreams. Check out their eight camps from Asheville to Cape Cod to Zion, Utah, all featuring accommodations in modern Airstream Suites.

Cape Cod, just 75 miles from Boston and 20 miles at its widest point, extends 60 miles into the Atlantic. Take your pick of beaches — there are 115 to choose from including the Coast Guard Beach in Eastham or Marconi Beach in Wellfleet famous for its dune cliffs. Take scenic Route 6A all the way into Provincetown, where a sunset SUV tour through the magnificent rolling dunes of Cape Cod National Seashore awaits. Kayak and paddle board, bike, or whale watch at the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Indulge in homemade ice cream at the Cape Cod Creamery or lobster rolls and fried clams at several “shacks.” Play mini golf, hit the dry and wet rides at the Cape Cod Inflatable Park. On a rainy day, check out the Whydah Pirate Museum, the Cape Cod Maritime Museum or shop until you drop in quaint towns like Wellfleet or Barnstable.

Opt for a rental house or cottage or a posh resort like Chatham Bars Inn or Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club. Don’t have a big budget? Head to Falmouth on Cape Cod, where 24 Hour – Stay MA  has special packages and discounts at hotels. At the Green Harbor Waterfront in East Falmouth, choose any three midweek nights and get a fourth night free, with rates from $179/night including breakfast. Watch boats enter the harbor from your outdoor pool or a chaise by the barbecue. Or camp in an air stream at Autocamp or a cottage at Campers HavenRV Resort.

Fort St. Louis and the coast of Saint Martin/Sint Martin, the half-Dutch, half-French Caribbean isle.


Many say summer in the Caribbean is ‘family season’ because prices are lower — including for flights — and the ocean and pools are just as inviting. It is, however, hurricane season, which is why we recommend you always vacation with  travel insurance .

With budgets tight this year, why not sample some of the region’s new experiences? Taking the Kids recently visited Barbados , famous for its African – British heritage and history (it gained independence from Britain in 1966), white sand beaches, food, and adventures from caving to surfing. St. Barts is making a play for families, highlighting kid-friendly accommodations at Le Sereno and Hotel Manapany touting 25% off for a five-night minimum stay.

Karisma Hotels & Resorts, in collaboration with Paramount, has new offerings at Punta Cana’s Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts, where there’s an expanded Aqua Nick waterpark. The U.S. Virgin Islands offer exclusive deals for travelers looking for breathtaking scenery, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural heritage. U.S. citizens won’t need a passport, for example, to attend the free St. John Carnival (June 30–July 4), a colorful celebration with music, food, and the  J’ouvert parade. The historic Buccaneer Beach & Golf Resort on St. Croix is touting a 5th night free. The Westin Resort and Spa and Magens Hideaway in St. Thomas have special summer discounts. Curacao , one of the Netherlands’ ABC islands, is a gem still largely unknown to Americans but especially popular with Dutch tourists. At Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort Spa and Casino, watch as resort wildlife are fed. Book the  Family Experience package  by June 30 to get a free day at Camp Hyatt for two, $150 market credit, beach arrival amenity, beach rafts and a $150 Spa credit.

Conde Nast Traveler readers have voted Chicago as the best big city in the country for seven years in a row and it’s a great bet for cool breezes in summer. (Just avoid Aug. 19-22, 2024, when the Democratic National Convention will be in town.) We love being out on Navy Pier and riding the 196-foot-tall Ferris Wheel over the shore of Lake Michigan. Chicago is affordable, too, with awesome family-friendly museums , attractions and, of course, the great eats. You can’t leave without eating a deep-dish pizza, Italian beef sandwich (made especially famous on the hit TV show “The Bear”) and a Chicago style hotdog (hope you like onions, tomato, and sweet pickle relish.) Choose Chicago has launched a new show titled “ The 77: A City of Neighborhoods ” that explores the authentic stories, culinary traditions, and preservation efforts that define five communities.

Visit the new Bronzeville Children’s Museum, the first African American children’s museum in the country and the Museum of Ice Cream. In Lincoln Park, home to the zoo, Climb aboard the very first ‘L” elevated train car. Pack a picnic and catch live music at Millennium Park free summer music series. Stand outside one of the world’s tallest buildings at The Ledge, an all-glass balcony at Willis Tower’s Skydeck Chicago. Uncover Chicago hotel deals at the Hyatt Regency Chicago — the city’s biggest hotel and the largest Hyatt in the world has just undergone a major renovation. The Ivy Hotel is offering 25% off for advance bookings, the Hilton, and The Palmer House (home of the famous brownie) have free breakfast included in the rates. The Four Seasons has enhanced the kids’ experience complete with an in-room gamer menu, an Adventure Passport and Friday Check-in activities.

May 2024 marks the 160th anniversary of the Civil War’s Overland Campaign, a 40-day battle of endurance between the Union’s Lt. Gen  Ulysses S. Grant  and the Confederacy’s Gen.  Robert E . Lee . Plan a short road trip to historic Fredericksburg, Virginia where 19th-century highlights include  the  Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park . While the Confederates fought to victory, more than 85,000 men were wounded and 15,000 killed in a battle that raged over four days in Dec. 1862. More Union soldiers are buried at the Fredericksburg National Cemetery than anywhere else the Civil War was fought.

Walkable downtown Fredericksburg has numerous craft and antique shops, plus many restaurants in restored 18th- and 19th-century buildings. Stay overnight and enjoy outdoor cafes and Southern charm. There are many budget options on the highways. The   Courtyard Fredericksburg Historic District  in town has studios with a king bed and sofa bed, free Wi-Fi, breakfast and an indoor pool for $280/night in June. Make time for the  Washington Heritage Museums , four sites related to President George Washington who spent his childhood there. Listen for the stories of former slaves on the Trail to Freedom.

Small is in. As long as you don’t mind that there won’t be water slides, glitzy entertainment, or dozens of eateries, you can have a much more personal experience aboard a small ship. Small means you can kayak past snacking bears in Alaska, snorkel where  and when you choose in the British Virgin Islands or get up close to amazing wildlife in the Galapagos Islands. You likely will find that the costs will be the same or perhaps less than aboard megaships, as everything, including excursions, is included. In some cases, you may be able to book a boat just for your family.

AdventureSmith Explorations can arrange cruises everywhere from Alaska to the Galapagos Islands to Hawaii, the Amazon, Belize, Europe and more. Adventurous families can opt for a crewed sailing trip on a private yacht with The Moorings, everywhere from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean to Thailand. Book houseboat rentals across North America at Houseboating.org. Drive your own barge through canals with LeBoat.com in Europe, the UK  and Canada. Windstar is especially popular with families who have older or grown kids because their sailing yachts can go to less-visited ports, as Taking the Kids discovered in Greece .

Route 66 sign marks the beginning of the Mother Road in Chicago. Photo by Tio Hugo for pexels.

Route 66 celebrates its centennial in 2026, but you don’t have to wait until then to experience the iconic road trip. The first 100 miles of Route 66 found in Illinois, offers a glimpse into America’s past with its charming small towns and roadside attractions.

Start your journey in Chicago with a selfie under the route start sign at Adams Street and Michigan Avenue. Enjoy your time in Chicago , but don’t stay too long because there’s so much more to see on Route 66.

Be sure to also stop in Joliet and make a pit stop at the Route 66 Welcome Center for some free travel information. Park at Joliet Prison, featured in the Blues Brothers movie and other TV shows. Then continue to Wilmington and make a pit stop at the Gemini Giant. This 28-foot-tall statue of an astronaut holding a rocket serves as the perfect photo opportunity and symbolizes America’s fascination with space exploration when Route 66 was popular.

Continue your drive through small towns like Dwight and Odell, where you can still see remnants of old gas stations and motels that once catered to the many travelers on the route. Take a moment to stretch your legs and explore these charming towns before getting back on the road.

Next up is Pontiac, known as the “Mother Road’s Memory Lane” with its Route 66 Hall of Fame and Museum. Don’t miss the chance to take a photo with the Pontiac Oakland Automobile Museum, featuring vintage cars from the heyday of Route 66.

Gondoliers paddle tourists on the canals of Venice. Photo by Efrem Efre for pexels.

Two of this summer’s best offers are the Family Club Cruises and Multigeneration Cruising from the France-based river cruise line  CroisiEurope . They are offering special pricing for kids and multigeneration families traveling together throughout summer 2024. Cabin, all meals, beverages, onboard entertainment, and activities are included in rates which begin at US$1765. The best of the Family Cruise program perks is that children up to 16 years old travel free or at reduced rates. Additionally, they waived the single supplement for parents or grandparents in their own cabin. Adjacent cabins are available on request. Plus, enjoy healthy and delicious menus for all ages.

Many families enjoy CroisiEurope’s Family Club cruises in France , Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany and Croatia. Spend six days in Portugal and Spain on a  Porto, the Douro Valley and Salamanca  itinerary. On a 6-day Timeless Venice adventure, sail from Venice across the lagoon to Burano and Mazzorbo. Start in the Alsace region of France and  cruise the Rhine River  through Germany on a 6-day cruise, among many other options. All the above European river cruises welcome kids ages 16 and under free.

The CroisiEurope Multigeneration Cruising discount offers savings for grandparents, parents and kids travelling together on a European river cruise in summer and beyond, and the discounts can be applied on Family Club cruises.  The second cabin receives a 20% discount and kids under 16 travel free.

We highly recommend these river cruises, by barge or small river boat, because they reduce your workload. Forget about finding affordable hotels, buying museum admissions, or booking transportation during the busy Europe summer season. Cruise experts run daily cultural shore excursions free of charge with local guides fluent in English, French, Spanish or your native language. There’s no excuse not to make a Europe adventure a rich learning experience for all ages. Get more information about CroisiEurope’s Family Cruise program and book your next family vacation at the  CroisiEurope website .  It’s a great opportunity for kids and adults alike  to meet families from around the world.

Wherever you are visiting, see if a local festival, fair or outdoor concert is taking place. Some favorites include Silver Dollar City’s award-winning Bluegrass & BBQ Festival. Discover many of the nation’s top bluegrass artists at the 1880s-themed Branson, Missouri amusement park and succumb to the aroma of smoked barbecue, May 2-27.

In June, Pride Month, look for festivals everywhere from San Diego to Seattle to Miami, with most taking place the last two weeks of June. The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival brings together more than 150 musical performances in Manchester, TN, about an hour’s drive from Nashville and Chattanooga from June 13-16.

July means the National Cherry Festival in Traverse City, Michigan (June 29-July 6) complete with carnival rides, pie eating contests and more. Most of Calgary’s 1.6 million residents celebrate community during Canada’s Calgary Stampede. Turn up July 5-14 for bucking broncos, all varieties of food and the chance to try out your inner cowboy at one of the area’s many ranches. Cowboys also love Frontier Days , celebrating its 108th year in Cheyenne, WY (July 19-28.) It attracts a half million people to see championship bull riding, country music, Western art shows, Native American performances and more.

Bonney Lake’s Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire brings together pirates, elves, fairies and knights just outside of Tacoma the first three weekends in August.

All summer, there are free outdoor concerts in San Francisco’s parks and neighborhoods, including Golden Gate Park’s “Illuminate Live” concert series at the bandshell and the Yerba Buena Gardens Festival. The Philadelphia Chinese Lantern Festival runs June 20–Aug. 18 in Franklin Square, where the Franklin Square Fountain Show dazzles with daily performances every 30 minutes starting at noon.

The  Fort Myers  area is home to more than 100 barrier and offshore islands. This Gulf Coast region is where the entire family can play on the beach, kayak, paddleboard through mangroves and more. (In inclement weather, take the kids to see inventions and antique cars at the winter homes of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.)

Make sure your visit supports  sustainable tourism  at these fragile destinations damaged by Hurricane Ian (September 2022.) On the hard-hit barrier island of Sanibel, some bridges, bike paths and the fishing pier aim to reopen by summer. The  J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge  has seen an incredible amount of wildlife resilience. Join Tarpon Bay Explorers to canoe or kayak past new eagle nests, gopher tortoises and other marine life. Both Sanibel and Captiva Islands are featuring special nightly rates on vacation rentals and condos as they recover fully.

The Wonder Gardens  in Bonita Springs, home to a diverse family of rescued, rehabilitated, and non-releasable animals, is another worthwhile stop. Support their master renovation plan to house animals ranging from Florida alligators and flamingos to beautiful macaws, pythons, turtles, tortoises.


French Legion of Honor Medal awarded to US veteran Vernon Mitchell,  now 102, ahead of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Photo c. Wayne Mitchell

Certainly, Paris will be packed for the Summer Olympics. But there are plenty of other options where you can avoid the crowds — and even take in some of the Olympics action for soccer, sailing, basketball, and surfing. Nine destinations outside the metro region are also hosting events.

Lille is hosting basketball (July 27-Aug. 4). Bordeaux, famous for its wine, is hosting soccer games (July 24-Aug. 2) as is Nantes (until Aug. 8.) Soccer or ‘football’ as the French say, comes to Lyon, the gastronomic capitol of France (July 27-Aug. 9) and to the Riviera in Nice (July 24-31.) Marseille hosts windsurfing and kitesurfing (July 28-Aug. 8).

Don’t forget this June is also the 80 th anniversary of the Normandy invasions and a visit is a great place to help make history come alive for kids and adults alike. Besides all of the history and lessons on the cost of war, you can cycle through the countryside’s small villages, visit a cheese factory, see cider being made, enjoy a sausage at a farmer’s market or oysters right from the ocean. Leave time to ogle the famous 230-foot-long Bayeaux Tapestry that dates back to the 11 th century at the delightful Bayeaux Museum.

Why has golf seen a resurgence among young players? Experts cite three reasons: Golf relieves stress. It’s a safe, non-contact sport. Golf is said to improve mental acuity. All solid reasons why parents and grandparents are planning multigenerational golf vacations together. Before you invest in pint-sized gear and lessons, try the sport locally at a putting green. For a more serious sample, consider enrolling ages 5+ in a day class at a  US Sports Camp  near you.

In good news, rates at several high-end resorts in the hot zones of Florida, Hawaii, and Arizona, actually fall in summer. We found more than a dozen top resorts that transform into  top family golf resorts  with kids’ camps, special academies and family-together clinics. Did you know the Kids Golf-4-Free program at select Marriotts allows kids 15 and under to play for free after 3pm – with free clubs and a lesson — when accompanied by a paying adult? At the Hilton Waikoloa, play nine holes together after 3pm and ages 6-17 pay only $25 and get free club rentals. Follow our tips on how to  teach kids golf  successfully and develop a new sport you’ll all enjoy this summer.

Although the 2024 Olympics occur in Paris, why not journey to where the games began back in 776 BC? Greece offers a unique blend of ancient history and modern charm. 

Athens is a must when planning a family trip to Greece. This ancient city is not only rich in history and culture but also offers a variety of activities for all ages. Visit the Acropolis to marvel at the Parthenon, explore the charming Plaka neighborhood, and don’t miss the interactive exhibits at the Acropolis Museum. From Athens, venture to the lesser-known Greek Islands for a more laid-back and authentic experience. Islands like Milos, Folegandros, or Astypalea offer stunning beaches, traditional villages, and a glimpse into Greek island life away from the crowds. Whether it’s relaxing on pristine beaches, exploring ancient ruins, or enjoying delicious Greek cuisine, a family trip to Athens and the lesser-known Greek Islands promises an unforgettable experience.

When it comes to accommodations in Greece, there are plenty of options to choose from. The  St. George Lycabettus , a boutique family-owned hotel in Athens  goes above and beyond for guests .

 Or for a quieter island stay, opt for a modern apartment or suite at the Iphimedeia Luxury Hotel & Suites in Naxos. This hotel offers stunning views of the Aegean Sea and is just steps away from the nearby village and Laguna Beach.

Top tour operator Alternative Athens has designed self-guided road trips to the Peloponnese, Mainland, Crete and beyond. Families get route maps, activity and restaurant suggestions from a custom app, and hotels with breakfast included. Rates for the three-day  Highlights of the Peloponnese  â€“ good with kids because drive times between sites and beaches are short – starts at 308 Euros per adult. 

Opt to sail away on a  Celestyal Cruise  around the Greek Islands, a  perfect way to explore multiple destinations while enjoying the luxury and comfort of a cruise ship. With stops at popular islands such as Mykonos, Santorini, and Corfu, you can experience the diverse beauty and rich history of Greece in just one trip. Plus, all meals and entertainment are included in the price, making it an affordable and stress-free vacation option.


Just as grade schoolers lead parents and grandparents in unexpected directions on vacation, so do adult children
 maybe to a brewery, a distillery, a local club, or pop-up restaurant. Increasingly, the post-college crowd is traveling with their parents.

Eileen met several mother-daughter duos on the adult-only (18+)  Virgin Voyages cruise . Backroads now has an entire list of trips designed for parents to share with young adults in their lives. Taking The Kids did  a Backroads bike and river cruise trip  with a daughter and son-in-law. If you have the budget, opt for an all-inclusive, adult oriented cruise like on Regent Seven Seas with a decided focus on food . Visit an adult-only all-inclusive resort (Sandals resorts are 18+.) Look for a women-only trip to share with adult daughters like from REI Women’s Adventures, AdventureWomen.com or Intrepid Travel.

Or enjoy bringing younger grandchildren along. Planning a multigenerational trip can be a big headache for whoever is in charge. If your group is a dozen or more, organize a trip just for you whether you want a private yacht in Alaska, a national parks adventure, tours of European cities or more. Companies including Abercrombie & Kent, Backroads, Austin Adventures and OARS are among those that can organize a trip for your family, complete with a kid-friendly itinerary and staff to help entertain the kids.

The key is to have the “kids” of any age involved in the planning — and then be flexible enough to allow them to lead the way.

Guide Becky leads our group in exploring Mission San Jose in south San Antonio.

Take time this summer to celebrate our common ancestors who came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Climbing out of his boat in 1542, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo stepped into history as the first European to set foot on what is now the West Coast of the US. In addition to telling the story of 16th-century exploration,  Cabrillo National Monument  west of San Diego is home to a wealth of cultural and natural resources.

By the 17th century, the Spanish established trading roads called “camino reals” in what is now Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico, laying the foundation for art, architecture, language, and food that define the region today. Visit Texas’ El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail and  San Antonio Missions National Historical Park . At El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail in New Mexico, experience this rich history.

Learn more at the Smithsonian’s new National Museum of the American Latino at the National Museum of American History. The new facility tells the stories of Latinos and Latinas who shaped the culture of the US Presente! in a look at immigrants from Latin American countries.

Be inspired at the CĂ©sar E. ChĂĄvez National Monument in California, by the man who organized farm workers and supporters in the establishment of the United Farm Workers of America. From 1962-1974, Miami’s , the  Freedom Tower , also known as El Refugio, was considered the “Ellis Island of the South.” Explore the National Historic Landmark, now a gallery at Miami Dade College, to understand the Cuban exodus experience.


Going house boating is a super laid-back vacation option for families. A good place to set sail is Lake Shasta in  Redding, California , where you can also tour Shasta Caverns. Exploring this cool cave complex, the site of many weddings, will intrigue the kids. The average houseboat looks like an RV mounted on twin pontoons. Rentals range in length from 44 to 75 feet and sleep up to 12.

Lake Shasta is now about 90% full after the West’s heavy spring rains, ideal for watersports and salmon, trout, bass, crappies, and bluegills fishing. The local Holiday Harbor Marina rents paddleboards, ski boats, inflatables, all the gear you’ll need to explore the lake’s 30,000 acres. Find bargains during the April/October low season or the May and late August value weeks. The smallest houseboat starts at $730 for two nights, double that for mid-summer. Campsites begin at $56.50/night.

For some real heat, catch the volcano action at  Lassen Volcanic National Park . It’s a lesser-known park, with 10% of the visitors that Yosemite gets, but totally spectacular for lava lovers. Drive the 50-mile highway to the north entrance (Volcano Peak Scenic Byway) or enter south from Volcano Legacy Highway for a fun mini-road trip. The dormant and snow-capped Mount Lassen seems to keep the park cool. Drive the park’s 30-miles of scenic vistas amid fields of pumice stone, glacial lakes, fumaroles, and bubbling smoke pots. Watch for signs and occasional the road closings due to the 2021 Dixie Fire, which cleared a million acres. Great all-ability hiking trails abound — note that some, like the famous Bumpus Hell Trail, often remain under snow till June.

Beach and Montego Bay shoreline at Half Moon Beach Resort at sunset.

If the terrific “ Bob Marley – One Love ” film starring Kingsley Ben-Adair makes the family want to learn more about the reggae star, his band the Wailers, and their cherished home – it’s time to go to Jamaica.

Where to stay is no problem with all-inclusive resorts,  private villas  with staff to cater to every need, posh beach resorts and  GoldenEye,  where Ian Fleming famously wrote the James Bond books. Fleming  was inspired by the turquoise water, lush tropical plants, and friendly people, and built a villa not far from Ocho Rios. Today, people rent the Fleming Villa (it sleeps 10), among the 40 villas, cottages, and beach huts at the 52-acre resort. Goldeneye has proved a muse to others as well. Sting wrote the hit “Every Breath You Take” and Bono wrote the theme song to the “GoldenEye” movie here.

Jamaica’s  Half Moon Resort  in Half Moon Bay has been welcoming guests including movie stars, writers, and politicians since the 1950s. JFK famously vacationed here before his inauguration. Today, spread out on 400 manicured acres, there are 210 rooms and suites along two miles of beach. Another 27 1-to-7-bedroom villas come with a butler, cook and housekeeper and a golf cart to tool around the resort. There’s everything from water sports to an equestrian center. Summer offers plenty of deals if you stay more than two nights. Enjoy up to 30% off and get a free golf clinic, yoga session and non-motorized water sports, access to racquet sports (tennis, squash and pickleball), the children’s village and pony park. Children 10 and under dine free at any of the resort’s buffets.

Traveling as an LGBTQ+ family with kids can be a rewarding and enriching experience. We recognize the hesitation LGBTQ+ parents and those with trans children might feel when planning a family vacation without clear guidance. It’s essential for everyone to vacation in places where they feel welcome and at ease. 

The travel industry strives to become more inclusive and welcoming for every guest. Provincetown in Cape Cod, along with cities like Fort Lauderdale, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, and Los Angeles, have long been cherished as popular destinations within the LGBT+ community. Visit a city during a  Gay Pride celebration —there are many throughout the summer.

In recent years, a growing number of travel companies and accommodations have been catering specifically to LGBTQ+ families, providing resources and support for a safe and enjoyable vacation experience. From family-friendly hotels and resorts to LGBTQ+-owned small businesses, there are plenty of options for families to choose from. IGLTA is the world’s leading network of LGBTQ+ welcoming tourism business, offering advice, LGBTQ+ friendly accommodations, destinations, travel agents and more in 80 countries. With that in mind, we present a roundup of  eight terrific same sex couple resorts  that cater to families AND were nominated as the best of the best by the Gay Travel Awards. Even better, they’re affordable.

Father - daughter selfie with the Tower Bridge in the background on a London vacation.

London is often the first overseas city American families visit. There is no language barrier (once you understand British colloquialisms.) The city offers plenty for families, too, from many free museums, cheap theater, fun festivals, and parks to the stellar “Making of Harry Potter” studio tour just outside London.

Visit London touts 25 free don’t miss free sites and attractions . Free museums include the fantastic Imperial War Museum, British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, National Gallery, and the Museum of London. Take a free stroll through Hyde Park. Window shop at markets including Old Spitalfields, Camden Market and Portobello Road for souvenirs. Borough Market is known for terrific but cheap eats. Besides eateries and artisans, Covent Garden Market features a roster of street performers.

Book discount London theater tickets on Londontheatre.co.uk or at TKTS London in Leicester Square. Travel back in time and explore the 1,000-year-old Tower of London where you can also see the crown jewels. Meet local families and more than 750 species of animals at the London Zoo. Fly up the Thames River on the Thames Rockets speedboat past iconic London landmarks and under the Tower Bridge. Take a tour of Buckingham Palace, (only open July-October), with a special coronation exhibit. This summer, in July and August, the East Wing, which includes the famous balcony where royals stand for big events, will be open for guided tours.

Plus, there are many budget places to stay, including American brands like the hotel Indigo (IHG), Canopy by Hilton, Travelodge London City, Holiday Inn London-West and many more. The UK’s first residents club, the Other House South Kensington, has just opened, offering apartment-like accommodations with hotel services and a private members’ club starting at $250/N.

Los Cabos — from the airport at San Jose del Cabo to the Baja Peninsula’s southern point at Cabo San Lucas – is booming. No one seems to mind the dry heat at what’s considered one of Mexico’s safest tourist destinations. Rates are not as cheap as they used to be, although many inexpensive places can be found. Checking Priceline Los Cabos hotel rates for June, we’re seeing the popular Solmar for $106/N including breakfast for two. Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, a waterfront all-inclusive, has junior suites from $459/N.

At the 5-star Grand Velas Los Cabos , families build sandcastles, party with water balloons and foam, enjoy movies under the stars, cultural performances, a daily kids club and more. Pack lightly! The Baby Concierge provides everything from baby bath amenities and cribs, to strollers, childcare and gourmet baby cuisine. Summer all-inclusive rates mean kids stay free, teens pay 50%, you get half off the airport transfers and a $50 spa credit per night for adults. Here are other favorite Cabo family hotels .

This Pacific paradise is known for its marine life, so put a swim with dolphins encounter on your wish list. Cabo Adventures runs them daily for ages 4+. Book online and save 30% off rates or choose two daytrips with them (the zipline and UTV tour is fun) and save 40%.

Staff making leis with guests at teh Wailea Marriott Resort on Maui. Photo c. Marriott Resorts

The current M?lama Maui program, Care for Maui, is helping this Hawaiian gem recover from last summer’s wildfire that killed nearly 100 people. Visit now. Although the historic port of Lahaina remains closed, there is plenty to see and do around the island. Support locals by booking a snorkeling or sailing trip. Viator has several options for luaus and  whale watching  as well. Opt for local restaurants. Take the famously winding road to Hana and stay awhile.

Thoughtful touches such as family lawn games, introductory Scuba lessons, nightly fireside s’mores and Mo’olelo (Hawaiian storytelling) make the Wailea Beach Resort our Maui pick. Four pool complexes and the longest waterslide on Maui are tucked into 22 acres wrapped by two gold sand beaches, Get out of the sun at their unique GameSpace. This family entertainment lounge, all free, features a variety of arcade games, board games, billiards, foosball, and shuffleboard. A family of three can book a junior suite including breakfast from $766/N.

Take the teens to see the Four Seasons Maui, where the first season of the HBO dramedy “White Lotus” was filmed. Try an Amaro Spritz at Ferraro’s while they enjoy the house made pizzas and ocean views. Maui locals and Hawaiian officials know your tourism dollars will rebuild communities. Review the Hawaii Tourism Authority page on how you can help.

Packing the car and hitting the road is a classic American vacation, and the Midwest offers some of the best routes for families looking to explore. Pack some  healthy road trip snacks , fill up the tank, and get ready for an adventure through charming small towns, scenic countryside, and iconic landmarks. Here are some easy road trip planning tips if you need them. 

Why not start with the historic Route 66 which runs from Chicago to LA? This iconic highway is a must-see for any road trip enthusiast. Explore the nostalgia of roadside diners, neon signs, and quirky attractions as you make your way through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

For those looking to escape the city life and get back to nature, consider driving along the Great River Road that follows the Mississippi River from Minnesota all the way down to Louisiana. Along the way, you can stop at charming river towns such as Galena in Illinois or Natchez in Mississippi. You can also enjoy stunning views of the river and its surrounding bluffs while picnicking at one of the many scenic overlooks.

Another popular route is the North Shore Drive in Minnesota which takes you along the shores of Lake Superior. This scenic drive offers breathtaking views of the lake, as well as opportunities for hiking, camping, and fishing in the nearby state parks.

For those who prefer a mix of city and nature, consider taking a trip through Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. You can start in Denver and make your way through scenic mountain towns like Aspen and Telluride before ending at the stunning Rocky Mountain National Park. Along the way, you can take in the beauty of the mountains while also experiencing urban activities such as dining at trendy restaurants or attending cultural events.


Camparino, an exclusive aperitivo spot in Milan where familes are welcome to join in this happy hour ritual.

According to the 2024 Allianz Partners Vacation Confidence Index , Americans are set to spend upwards of $221 billion on summer vacations. Although the Paris Olympics has pushed Italy out of this year’s Top 10 International Destinations, that doesn’t mean our favorite city of Milan has anything less to offer. Even if you only have a few days, your Milan itinerary should include couture fashion design, fresh pasta and Leonardo’s “The Last Supper.” Top it off by celebrating your finds with that Milanese ritual, the aperitivo . Yes, it’s true – even children are welcome to snuggle up to the bar at the city’s famous Camparino aperitivo bar , where light appetizers and beverages are served to stimulate the appetite.

The reserve-ahead Camparino lounge is on the second floor of the colonnaded Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. This must-see, glass-domed arcade was constructed between 1865-77 to making shopping easy for the city’s elite. It still does! Start here for a taste of designers Prada, Gucci, Fendi, Zegna, Etro and more gems from the Milan’s runway mafia. Then explore the area around the Duomo, the city’s central cathedral and Europe’s largest Gothic church. Bet the kids will be impressed with the enormous video billboards covering the facades under restoration. When they’re ready to run around, walk over to Castello Sforzesco, the private estate of the Sforza family, one of the city’s Renaissance rulers. In addition to several small museums and the famous La Pieta Rondanini, Michelangelo’s last sculpture, there are gardens and grounds to run around.  Last minute planners can arrange entry tickets to “The Last Supper” with Tourist Italy by joining their excellent guided tours.

Most Milan attractions are compact enough to explore on foot or on the efficient electric trolley system. One neighborhood we love is Navigli, where you can still see the original grand canal. The Hotel Maison Borella is right on its banks. Since rates drop in the heat of mid-summer, when Italians vacation, you can book a non-refundable Maison Privee with breakfast for four at just 226 euros/N.

Free is always a good bet. Kids up to 18 are free at the Denver Art Museum and the History Colorado Center, a great choice for first time visitors to Colorado with plenty of interactive activities. Denver’s just-reopened Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab offers multimedia presentations that address global security issues and tools to prevent terrorism in our communities. Everyone is encouraged to “Do Colorado Right” and embrace the state’s interpretation of responsible tourism — showing care not only for destinations but for visitors and the people who call Colorado home.

Visit a hot spring like the famous Glenwood Hot Springs Resort between Aspen and Vail. It has the world’s largest hot springs pool with a new expansion expected to be finished this summer. The Colorado Historic Hot Springs Loop showcases 23 of the state’s premier hot springs. Get away from the lights at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, famous for its night skies. Discover archeology at Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. Some of the most sought-after whitewater in North America resides in the Centennial State at Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (Salida.)

Wander the entertaining Pearl Street Mall in Boulder or catch the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. Boulder’s new multi-use trail system “ North Sky Trail ” is part of its push forward as one of America’s most bikeable cities. The city of Colorado Springs (Olympic City USA) is home to the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum and the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Training Center. Don’t just watch the Paris Games, experience them in Olympic City USA at Downtown Summer Fest (July 27).

And while Colorado mountain towns may not be the bargain they once were in summer, there are plenty of free attractions, not counting the amazing hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing and more. Seven  National Wildlife Refuges  are free and open to the public for spotting everything from moose to bald eagles.

There are plenty of options for camping and glamping. Pagosa River Domes is the state’s first geodesic dome destination with 14 modern domes offering an eco-friendly retreat with all the essentials in Pagosa Springs. Campfire Ranch Wash Gulch is a new backcountry lodging option opening for its first summer season in Crested Butte. Rustic Rook Resort near Great Sand Dunes National Park offers fully furnished glamping tents, five upcycled grain bin glampers and five vintage RVs.

There are nearly 500 children’s museums in the country, and many offer a window into their home city as they are aimed at local children. Learn how communities tackle important issues in age-appropriate ways. Did you know New York’s Brooklyn Children’s Museum is the oldest in the country, dating back to 1899? Their unique collection, mostly 19th and early 20th century objects, invites conversations about race, culture, and colonialism.

The National Children’s Museum in Washington, DC has just launched its  Climate Action Heroes  exhibit in partnership with  Nickelodeon Our World.  Through this project, children’s museums and science centers across the globe will be able to receive complimentary access to climate education resources in informal learning settings with beloved Nickelodeon characters such as Spongebob Squarepants  and  Dora the Explorer.  

In Kansas City, the new Rabbit Hole brings to life a century of American children’s literature for visitors of all ages. Visitors become explorers in an immersive, multi-sensory, narrative landscape spanning three floors. Stories include Curious George, Babar the King, Strega Nona, Caps for Sale and many more. There are also book-making workshops, writing labs, professional opportunities for educators, exhibit-related performances, national and local author events, residencies, and a multitude of hands-on, literature-based art making activities.

The massive Children’s Museum of Indianapolis , the world’s largest, is often ranked number one as the best for kids. At the Riley Children’s Health Sports Legends Experience , experience more than a dozen sports from basketball to soccer to football and hockey to a pedal car racetrack. Each miniaturized sport provides age-appropriate equipment and hands-on activities, fostering teamwork and family bonding.

The Chicago Children’s Museum’s Play for All initiative creates a community for visitors of all abilities. Circusville (through Sept. 7) encourages different experiences whether you enter the center ring, backstage and more as kids play dress-up, try juggling or balancing on a tightrope.

The You, Me, We! exhibit at the Boston Children’s Museum encourages families to connect around questions of fairness, stereotyping and discrimination. Explore soil, leaves, veggies, worms and more at the Fenway Farms , a replica of Fenway Park’s rooftop garden at the museum. Kids can learn about local plants and share their own gardening and food stories.

Check the association of children’s museums to find one near where you plan to visit.

Nurse shark at The Sanctuary for marine animals

Nassau, the vibrant capital of the Bahamas, is a perfect summer destination with its crystal-clear turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. Indulge in delicious Bahamian cuisine at local eateries or try fresh conch salad at Arawak Cay. For adventure seekers, snorkeling at the famous Blue Hole or swimming with dolphins at Blue Lagoon Island are must-do activities. And don’t miss out on shopping for unique souvenirs at the Straw Market or luxury goods at the high-end stores in downtown Nassau . 

The OSPREY (new summer 2024) offers beachfront accommodations and 400 feet of direct beach access on Great Harbour Cay, a short flight or ferry ride from Nassau. With on-site dining options, a spa, and various water activities available, this resort is the perfect place to relax and unwind in the Bahamas.

For those wanting to stay closer to the city, The Cove at Atlantis on Paradise Island offers a luxurious escape with its private beach, nearly a dozen pools, and over 235 dining options. For a more budget-friendly option, the Comfort Suites Paradise Island offers spacious accommodations and complimentary access to resort amenities at the nearby Atlantis resort, making it the perfect choice for families.

Be part of the solution to overtourism this summer. If you have a fourth grader with their own  Every Kid Outdoors family pass , please ask them to select a lesser-known national park for your free summer visit. You may be disappointed if you try to plan a last-minute trip to the most popular national parks. Arches and Glacier, Haleakala in Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, and Yosemite National Parks are among those requiring Timed Entry passes costing $2 per vehicle. Others require reservations only for certain scenic roads. (All timed entry permit reservations need to be purchased ahead of time from  Recreation.gov .)

For the first time ever, Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state will implement  a pilot timed-entry reservation system  for vehicles entering through the Paradise Corridor and the Sunrise Corridor. Outside has a  guide to the latest reservation requirements .

Still, there are plenty of ways to avoid the hassles and the crowds. There are 429 national park sites in the U.S., though just 63 have the “National Park” designation in their names. Choose a National Battlefield, National Monument or National Seashore to visit. Consider the less-visited National Parks   including North Cascades National Park in Washington state, Great Basin National Park in Nevada  or Isle Royale National Park in Michigan. 

G rand Canyon West  is a good alternative, a few hours’ drive from the famous hikes at Grand Canyon National Park. Did you realize this million-acre “park” is the tribal land of the Hualapai Nation, and was developed by them for tourism? Check out the thrilling Skywalk, a 15-year-old glass bridge cantilevered out over the Grand Canyon’s west rim. The views are tremendous.

In the Northwest, instead Olympic, head to  Deception Pass State Park  near Seattle, whose high bridge and steep cliffs entrance the locals. There’s even a chance to hike through Kukutali Preserve on Kiket Island, which is co-owned and co-managed by the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community.

New Hampshire is a fantastic destination for family summer vacations, offering a perfect blend of history, culture, and outdoor fun. Families can explore the White Mountains, home to stunning scenery and outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and even zip-lining. 

The state’s rich history can be discovered in places like Portsmouth, a charming city with historical sites, museums, and beautiful architecture. Don’t miss out on exploring the quaint town of Hanover, home to Dartmouth College and a vibrant arts scene.

For a dose of seaside fun, a visit to Hampton Beach is a must, where families can enjoy the sandy shores and various water activities. And no trip to New Hampshire would be complete without a visit to the iconic Mount Washington, the highest peak in the Northeast and a popular spot for hiking and scenic drives.

Bretton Woods touts a  3-hour zipline  with sweeping views of Mount Washington. Nearby, the historic Omni Mount Washington Resort has everything from golf, spa and mountain biking to disc golf and guided hikes. 

But perhaps one of the best things about visiting New Hampshire with your family is being able to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature. With over 70 state parks, families can spend their days exploring waterfalls, swimming in lakes, or relaxing

Also, the Lakes Region with its crystal-clear lakes is perfect for a relaxing family getaway with opportunities for boating, fishing, and lakeside picnics. Or hike in the Chesterfield Gorge Natural Area and enjoy the Monadnock Music Festival. 

Breathe New Hampshire, the state’s tourist offers, features a handy  Summer 24 New Hampshire Fun Pass Discounts  page full of savings for families.

Students compete and learn at the annual Los Alamos Science Fest. Photo c. ScienceFest

Has the Academy Award-winning movie, “Oppenheimer,” piqued your family’s interest in this fateful time in human history? New Mexico’s science and research center at Los Alamos , part of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park , was where the atomic bomb was developed. The park’s rangers and visitor center provide insights into World War II, atomic science, and the people behind the bomb. With school-age and older kids, follow the self-guided walking tour. Go through the History Museum campus and down the legendary Bathtub Row, where Manhattan Project scientists and Nobel Prize winners lived. Nearby, the award-winning Bradbury Science Museum houses replicas of the Little Boy and Fat Man atomic bombs dropped on Japan.

Kids feeling inspired? The  Los Alamos Science Fest  shows off STEAM projects July 12-16. This year’s theme is Creative Energy, spawning several new exhibits. The free Tuesdays at the Square series brings live bands to town each week from June through July. Plan your Los Alamos hotel stay on  Booking.com . To get the most out of New Mexico’s history with the bomb, follow our Nuclear New Mexico guide to the Trinity Test site. There’s a fascinating, free exhibit in Carlsbad about the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), which is celebrating 25 years of operations at the nation’s only deep, underground geological repository for disposal of transuranic (TRU) nuclear waste.


Focus your summer trip idea around the Campains of Courage Pavilion at the stunning National World War II Museum in New Orleans.

Dubbed “The Big Easy” and “The Most Interesting City in America” depending on your viewpoint, New Orleans family attractions will not disappoint. This charming Southern belle boasts a culture that is truly unique. The music is inspiring, the cuisine is to die for. It’s the only place as famous for its Mardi Gras parties and vibrant multi-ethnic culture, as for its jazz and other musical genres. And New Orleans family attractions are as unique as they come.

Come in early June for top summer events and nosh at the annual Wine & Food Experience (June 5- 9), march at the Pride Festival (June 7-9), and buy fresh Creole tomatoes and dance at the French Market Creole Tomato Festival (June 8-9). Juneteenth is celebrated June 19 in Armstrong Park/Congo Square. Gal pals and fans of the hit comedy “Girl Trip” arrive for the 30th Essence Festival, being held in the city July 4-8. Dress in your summer best for White Linen Night (Aug. 3), when Julia Street becomes a block party and Arts District galleries and museums open their doors to showcase the city’s art scene. Satchmo Summerfest promises wonderful classic NOLA jazz and blues performed in tribute to native son Louis Armstrong. By the way, tell your foodies that August is Coolinary time, when the city’s top restaurants serve three-course feasts for just $30.

Hocking Hills State Park, just 50 miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio, draws generations of hikers and Native American history buffs. That’s because easy hikes welcome visitors – even the disabled have some paved paths — to explore the scenic former home of Shawnee, Delaware and Wyandot tribes. From June 14-Sept. 1, treat the kids to “ Tecumseh! ” the dramatic play about a Shawnee chief fighting to defend his homeland during the 1700s.

Families seek out the more unusual, eroded rock formations, wooded trails, river kayaking and ziplines in and around the park. In addition to letting yourselves explore  forest bathing , try night moth lightings, rock climbing, a scenic railroad, hands-on butterfly experiences, visits to artists’ studios, pontoon boats and more. Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Farmers Market is always an impressive outing. The nearby John Glenn Astronomy Park does star-gazing programs on weekends. Have fun selecting a one-of-a-kind lodging. From glamping in geodomes, treehouses, container homes and rustic tipis, there are more than  1,000 wildly diverse quirky choices .

Oklahoma City, also known as OKC, is no longer just a flyover city in the heart of the US. With a booming economy and revitalized downtown area, it has become a must-see destination for families looking to explore along Route 66.

One of the main draws of OKC is its unique blend of modern technology and natural beauty. Families can experience both worlds by visiting attractions like the Science Museum Oklahoma and First Americans Museum , or enjoy one of the many nearby lakes for outdoor adventures.

There are  fun things to do in OKC   for all ages, from the interactive exhibits at the Oklahoma City Zoo to thrill rides at Frontier City Six Flags theme park. And for sports enthusiasts, cheering on the OKC Thunder basketball team or OKC Dodger baseball team are a must.

But what really sets OKC apart is its strong sense of community and rich culture. From the vibrant arts scene in Bricktown to the iconic cowboy culture in Stockyards City, there’s always something new and exciting to discover.

For families looking to save money while still having a blast, OKC offers plenty of affordable options. The OKC Venture Pass   OKC Venture Pass , just $34 when you use the code NICKY, provides discounts on many area attractions and is ideal for both visitors and locals alike.

Kids jumping off rocks into the Green River at the Gates of Lodore, Dinosaur National Monument, Utah on an OARS rafting trip. Photo by John Webber for OARS

OARS  has been a trusted name in river running and adventure travel for 55 years and has many family-friendly guided adventures with guaranteed fun times for those of all ages, including kids as young as four. Maybe it’s rafting the  Green River through the Gates of Lodore  in Utah’s stunning Dinosaur National Monument, running exciting Class III whitewater on the  Rogue River  in Oregon, or playing river games with your teens on the beaches of the  Lower Salmon River  in Idaho.

With so many options for making lifelong family memories – even on adult kids river trips — it’s no wonder more than 1,000 families choose OARS for their family adventure vacation every year. Learn more and request your free guide to planning a multi-day family rafting trip  today!


Packing the back seat with kids is always a great bet wherever you want to venture, as long as you keep their needs (and attention spans) in mind. With young ones, anchor yourself somewhere affordable and take short driving forays rather than a cross-country trip. The best of the Rockies, some say, can be seen right outside Denver.  This Denver to the Rockies itinerary  for example, highlights a day trip at altitude from Colorado’s capital to one of America’s most popular parks.

Or, choose from eight tiny road trips from the San Francisco Bay area. Explore California’s coastline, Sonoma’s vineyards and easy hike and bike trails through the countryside. Plan carefully because during summer, many activities require timed tickets. Engage the kids in planning what you want to see and do. Print out maps so they can plan pit stops and snack breaks every two hours. Speaking of food,  healthy road trip snacks  are an essential no matter how far you drive.

The Catskills Mountains , a vintage resort area a few hours’ north of Manhattan, is another region packed with budget lodging and easy road trips. Stroll through the site of the 1969 Woodstock Festival. Go boating and swimming at White Lake, hike with alpacas, race go-karts and follow the history of the Borscht Belt, when the region was packed with resorts and summer camps catering to Jewish families.

Can’t resist a big road trip? Try one of the super scenic  Top 10 road trip itineraries we’ve designed for America’s greatest roads.

Nine people in workout gear are doing a spin cycling exercise class on stationery bikes parked outside the Del Coronado Hotel in San Diego.

San Diego , a wintertime family favorite destination, is hot again this summer. Local theme parks, SeaWorld San Diego and Legoland California (a Certified Autism Center) always please with new delights. You can build your own LEGO-themed raft at the Water Park. Seaworld’s Arctic Rescue, reputed to be longest and fastest straddle coaster on the West Coast, puts you on a snowmobile racing through the Arctic at 40mph. Don’t miss the Penguin Encounter! Sesame Place San Diego is the city’s newest theme park. Belmont Park is San Diego’s long-time amusement and entertainment center complete with its historic Giant Dipper wooden roller coaster and new Shipwreck Cove, a pirate-themed play area.

In animal news, China has pledged a pair of pandas for the San Diego Zoo, though they may not be here by this summer. Meanwhile, there is a new Wildlife Explorers Basecamp for the youngest zoo visitors. Check out San Diego County Fair, the largest in California and watch pods of blue whales on their way to North Pacific feeding grounds in summer.

Orient yourselves to decide between visiting the Gaslamp District, the beach at Coronado, Del Mar and its shops, the Petco Park stadium, home of the San Diego Padres. The USS Midway Museum offers the chance to relive nearly 59 years of world history on the longest-serving US Navy aircraft carrier of the 20 th century.

Chase the Summer Fun in San Diego with special deals whether you want a luxury resort, historic hotel, vacation rental or a bed and breakfast. Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa completed a property-wide, $26M renovation and added a new pool complex to celebrate its 20th anniversary this year. Or relax in flip-flops at the 235-room Margaritaville Hotel San Diego Gaslamp Quarter and just chill by the pool.

Seattle doesn’t disappoint with its museums, good eats, and outdoor experiences. Maybe you’re taking a cruise or sampling the Amtrak Cascades line service between Seattle and Vancouver, BC. through river and mountain vistas in Washington and Oregon. Whatever the reason for your visit, VisitSeattle  has links to current discounts for summer visitors. Here are some of our favorite Seattle things to do.

Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry highly anticipated Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO Bricks will open just in time for Memorial Day weekend and will be at the museum through Sept. 22. In the interactive Build Zone, construct your own skyscraper, bridge, or cityscape using thousands of LEGO bricks, and see your creations come to life alongside those of other builders. The Museum of Flight opens Home Beyond Earth July 8 that showcases the human experience living in space. Digital tokens allow visitors to make their own journey and personalize their ‘life” in the space station of their choice.

Calder: In Motion, The Shirley Family Collection is the first comprehensive public display of 48 seminal works from every decade of American artist Alexander Calder’s career through Aug. 4 at the Seattle Art Museum. When it opens soon, Seattle Aquarium’s new Ocean Pavilion will focus on tropical species from the Coral Triangle in the Indo-Pacific. It should connect Pike Place Market with the Waterfront promenade via publicly accessible observation decks, stairways, and an oculus window that allows passersby to observe sea life from below.

Chihuly Garden of Glass never fails to amaze. Located next to the Space Needle, the exhibition features eight galleries and a lush garden from glass artist Dale Chihuly. Check out the Bar at Chihuly Garden and Glass with seasonal menus, regional beer, and wine and 25 of Dale Chihuly’s personal collections.

Ride the Seattle Great Wheel on the waterfront.  Hit the waters  of Lake Washington from REI’s two boathouses offering kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, and canoes. Cruise Puget Sound on a Washington State Ferry. (There’s a tidepool right at Golden Gardens Park for free viewing, just don’t disturb the old tires.) Kids and parents alike love the Woodland Park Zoo with its Living Northwest Trail focusing on animals of the Northwest, Western Canada, and Alaska and the Zoomazium, a petting zoo area.

Seattle’s beloved theatrical cirque experience Teatro ZinZanni has a residency at the Lotte Hotel Seattle with one-of-a-kind performances in the hotel’s grand ballroom. Fairmont Olympic H otel in downtown Seattle recently underwent $25 million worth of renovations, just in time to celebrate its 100th year anniversary in 2024 while the historic  Arctic Club Hotel, built in 1916, has been restored with a nod to heritage associated with the Klondike Gold Rush. End the summer at Bumbershoot, the Seattle-celebratory arts & music festival over Labor Day weekend.

Deep Creek Adaptive Hiking program seves teh disabled at Smoky Mountains National Park. Photo c. NPS

Sevierville, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg are three fun Tennessee cities set amongst the backdrop of the nation’s #1 visited National Park —  Great Smoky Mountains National Park . Plan your days around countless hiking trails, river rafting, fishing, wildlife viewing, biking, camping and glamping. In great news for this summer, the very popular Cades Cove Loop Road will be closed to motorists every Wednesday so bicyclists and pedestrians can take over. Additionally, adaptive programs for the disabled have been expanded to include three opportunities for hiking, two for biking, one for kayaking and one overnight camping trip.  

Gatlinburg is an ideal base for families who want lots of attractions mixed in with park visits. Regional adventure parks, a world class aquarium, arts n’ crafts festivals, restaurants, and music venues are surrounded by the great outdoors.

Pigeon Forge is home to Dollywood, the Appalachia themed amusement park founded by Dolly Parton. The local Pink Jeep Tours runs guided expeditions into the Smoky Mountains to understand their history, geology, flora, and fauna. Summer specials at the two Dollywood resorts – DreamMore and Heartsong – include passes to the waterpark and a Timesaver Pass for five expedited entries to any participating attractions or shows, as well as one-hour early admission.

Before you go, check out Eileen Ogintz’s “Kid’s Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains” and be sure to order your NPS parking pass. The Park It Forward program launched last year collects $5 per day to raise revenues for the park, which is admission-free.

Once again, this summer the best value summer cruises are found on Caribbean and Mexico itineraries. One reason travelers are trying or returning to cruises is the advancement the industry has made in becoming  more environmentally friendly . While more than 78% of travelers surveyed have said they would pay more for sustainable travel vacations, with cruises you won’t have to.

The progress made in alternative fuels such as biofuels and liquified natural gas (LNG) and operating efficiency can be seen aboard  MSC cruises , whose ships sail the world. Sleek new hull designs, special frictionless paint and robust waste management systems have been implemented on large parts of Carnival Corporation’s fleet. The Onboard culinary teams have even figured out how to reduce food scraps by 30% which has a big impact on garbage – and some is processed into compost that benefits land communities. Carnival Cruise Line has found great success with Chief Fun Officer Shaquille O’Neal’s videos that encourage guests not to waste food. On the newer ships, most of the water onboard is produced sustainably from seawater. Since many Americans live within 500 miles of a cruise port, your family can reduce its carbon footprint by driving instead of flying to the point of embarkation. Here are  some other ways  your family can travel more sustainably.

Outdoor evening staging of "The Merry Wives of Windsor" at the Allen Elizabethan Theatre, Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Photo c. Travel Southern Oregon (2017)

Take advantage of this extended school holiday to enrich your family’s cultural outlook with some Shakespeare. The famous Bard’s works come to life from March to October at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. The OSF in beautiful Ashland is America’s largest non-profit theater. Their eight annual productions include new, old, and global works; Shakespeare and other classics; musicals and contemporary theater. If you have kids or grandkids interested in drama, music, literature or any performing arts, there’s no better introduction than a visit to  family-friendly Ashland . Make the small and walkable southern Oregon town your base for outdoor adventures along the Rogue River, and day trips to spectacular Crater Lake National Park.

The  Stratford Festival  in Ontario, Canada presents 12 productions in four theaters from early May through the end of December. Catch top quality productions of  Romeo & Juliet, Twelfth Night  and even La CafĂ© aux Folles . Options like kids’ prices and special Pay What You Wish performances — whatever you can above $10 — make it affordable for all. ( Tip:  Stratford offers a round trip express bus from Toronto, making it easy to add a bit of Shakespeare to a city visit. Plus, Toronto has a great live theatre scene.)

Another option that dramatic kids will enjoy is the  Utah Shakespeare Festival , part of Southern Utah University in Cedar City. This festival of Shakespeare, contemporary plays and a variety of dramas takes place in its own replica of England’s classic Globe Theatre to add to the fun. Between June and October, catch any of the eight productions by the Tony Award-winning regional theater company.

To be or not to be with The Bard this fall? They say all the world’s a stage and this roundup of the  top Shakespeare Festivals  proves it.

This summer, families should consider visiting the beautiful Texas beach towns of South Padre Island and Galveston for a fun-filled vacation. South Padre Island offers pristine beaches perfect for sunbathing and water activities like snorkeling and parasailing. Families can also visit the Sea Turtle, Inc. conservation center to learn about marine life conservation efforts. 

In Galveston, families can explore the historic Pleasure Pier amusement park, relax on the beach, and visit Moody Gardens to see exotic wildlife and plants at the Rainforest Pyramid. The island also offers a variety of water sports such as jet skiing, surfing, and fishing. And for those looking for some educational activities, the Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig & Museum provides an interactive experience to learn about the oil industry.

Visiting the best beaches on the Texas Gulf Coast is not just about sunbathing and water activities. These seaside towns also offer a mix of urban experiences that are worth exploring. From trendy restaurants serving up fresh seafood to cultural events showcasing local art and music , there is something for everyone on the Texas Gulf Coast. And if you’re a history buff, be sure to check out the historic Pleasure Pier amusement park, where you can ride classic carnival attractions and take in stunning views of the Gulf of Mexico.

A hybrid wood and steel roller coaster thrills fans at Six Flags Over Georgia. Photo c. Six Flags

Expect crowds! IAAPA, the global association for the attractions industry, forecasts more than 300 million visits this year. Also expect more family attractions including new family coasters like Good Gravy at Holiday World in Indiana and Penguin Trek at SeaWorld Orlando.

They’re also much more inclusive. All of Orlando’s major theme parks –  Universal Orlando ,  Walt Disney World , SeaWorld Orlando , and  LEGOLAND  â€“ have specific programs and services for those with special challenges. Download their guides to learn how they accommodate guests who may struggle with extended wait times or loud surroundings. Peppa Pig theme parks are certified autism centers. A second Peppa Pig Theme Park is set to open in the Dallas-Fort Worth area this year.

Sustainability is a hot topic too. All 27  Six Flags  theme and water parks across the US, Mexico and Canada are open with environmental protocols, like compostable packaging and recycling initiatives. Six Flags Great Adventure and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom have had solar panel arrays installed to help power their attractions. Magic Mountain, home to Wonder Woman flight of Courage , is being transformed by a solar carport energy and storage system.

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay cares for more than 200 species of animals in an accredited zoo setting among exciting thrill rides. Sea World’s Discovery Cove has a new Flamingo Mingle to allow visitors to feed the birds and learn about conservation. SeaWorld Orlando is also home to a state-of-the-art Coral Rescue Center which provides a meaningful way to view living corals up close through interaction with biologists, learn more about conservation and understand the steps everyone can take to make a difference in ocean health.

A budget alternative is Tennessee’s 67-acre Kentucky Kingdom and Hurricane Bay in Louisville. Among more than 70 attractions are six crazy roller coasters, two giant wave pools and an impressive number of just-for-toddler rides. Currently, Season passes start at $79.99. Don’t miss their free  Pre-K season pass for ages 3-5 , being distributed through June 30. Our best advice – look into the heavily discounted season passes at a park near you and see if there’s reciprocity at other parks. You’ll save and enjoy extra benefits right now and can plan weekends to sister parks at no extra cost.


Some diehard skiers and riders like to brag about hitting the slopes in the morning and golfing in the afternoon. That’s certainly possible at several places this summer. Palisades Tahoe, for example, opens through May 27. California’s Mammoth Mountain, plus Mt. Bachelor and Timberline in Oregon also stay open through May. Colorado’s Arapahoe Basin will tentatively stay open until June 4.

You can also head south to world-class  South American mountain resorts  open for skiing and snowboarding in Chile and Argentina. Choose Valle Nevado, easy to get to from the Santiago Airport, for its buzzy apres-ski scene and Andes views. At Bariloche in Argentina, the famed Cerro Catedral is closed for mountain repairs this season. However, at smaller Argentine Patagonia resorts, you can still enjoy a glass of Malbec because children under age 5 have free daycare included with their lift tickets.

Is that too much of a journey?  Woodward , a pioneer at teaching action-adventure sports skills, runs eight overnight adventure camps in America. Each summer, young extreme athletes can hone their skills and bond with other campers they will soon ride pro with. Check out the schedule at Woodward Copper and inquire which of their other destinations will be able to feature snow sports this year.

Family with beach gear aboard Amtrak's Downeaster train going to Maine for summer vacation.

With the emphasis on reducing carbon emissions through sustainable travel, grand journeys by rail are now on many family’s bucket lists. If you’re heading for a  Western train trip , book Amtrak’s overnight  Sunset Limited  in either direction between Louisiana and California. Watch the Bayou Country, Mexican border, arid Southwestern deserts, and California mountains pass by your window. This route runs three times a week and is a great way to appreciate the scenery without confining the kids to car seats or sweltering out in the sun.

Families based in the mid-Atlantic will find several great  Eastern train trips . If you splurge on the high-speed Amtrak Acela , even fidgety kids will love the remarkable views of Chesapeake Bay enroute to DC, expert railfan Ralph Spielman says. Why not take the train to Strasburg, Pennsylvania? This locale boasts The Strasburg Railroad, The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, the National Toy Train Museum and  The Red Caboose Motel , where the family can stay together in one of 38 cabooses. Don’t miss the Casey Jones cafĂ©, too, a major stop for kids both large and small!

The mother of all train trips may be the Alaska Railroad, which turned 100 in 2023. Among Family Travel Forum’s  top Alaska activities , it’s a unique adventure. Expect some fun on the 270 miles of tracks between Seward and Fairbanks. You might even have some huskies climb all aboard. Little cruise-goers can opt for a mini-ride on the White Pass Scenic Railway from Skagway. The 40-mile roundtrip adventure on this historic, narrow-gauge railroad includes jaw-dropping hairpin curves, towering trestles, and glacier views reminiscent of what the Alaska Railroad offers.

Traveling with family members or children with special needs can be both rewarding and challenging. It’s important to plan ahead and consider the specific needs of each family member to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. For assistance in planning vacations for families with special needs,   new resources for assisting those on the spectrum .

Organizations like Special Needs Group and Flying Wheels Travel specialize in providing services and equipment tailored to individuals with disabilities. Travel agencies like Travel Able Vacations and Magical Storybook Travels, both started by moms with children on the Autism Spectrum, specialize in accessible travel.  Autism on the Seas , offers “staffed cruises” on Royal Caribbean and Disney Cruises, plus resort stays catering to families with children, teens and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities.

If you are flying, the TSA Cares helpline assists travelers with disabilities, as long as you call (855-787-2227) 72 hours before your flight. You can also download a  TSA notification card , which can help you get whisked through screening without waiting in long lines. Airlines also have special accessibility teams to assist with boarding and navigating the airport. Some even offer sensory kits for travelers with autism, which include noise-cancelling headphones, fidget toys, and calming cards.

When it comes to accommodations, many hotels now offer accessible rooms equipped with features such as wheelchair-accessible bathrooms and lowered countertops. Be sure to call ahead and request these accommodations when booking your stay. 

Sturgeon Bay Lighthouse on the coast of Door County, Wisconsin. Photo by Dan Schulze for pexels.

Wisconsin is a hidden gem for family summer vacations. The state offers a perfect blend of beautiful natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and welcoming communities. From the stunning shores of Lake Michigan to the picturesque Door County, Wisconsin provides a diverse range of activities for all travelers. 

In Door County , families can explore lighthouses, indulge in delicious cherry picking, and go on scenic hike including the famous Ice Age National Scenic Trail that spans over 1,200 miles. Peninsula State Park is the perfect place for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy camping, fishing, and kayaking. The Dark Sky Park at Newport State Park is also a must-visit for stargazing and experiencing the night sky like never before.

For those looking for a city getaway, Milwaukee offers a vibrant cultural scene with museums, art galleries, and delicious food options. Families can take a tour of the Harley-Davidson Museum or visit the Milwaukee County Zoo to see over 2,000 animals from around the world. The Historic Third Ward is also a great place to explore with its charming boutiques and unique restaurants.

And let’s not forget about Wisconsin Dells, known as the “Waterpark Capital of the World.” Families can spend their days at various indoor waterparks, amusement parks, and even zip lining through treetops. And of course, no trip to Wisconsin would be complete without trying some famous cheese curds or enjoying a bratwurst at a summer festival. 

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35 Replies to “51 Summer Trip Ideas – Plan Your Perfect Family Vacation”

WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for

It’s appropriate time to make some plans for the future and it is time to be happy.

This article is impressive for me as mine east coast of usa

Summer vacations are a canvas for unforgettable family adventures. From exploring Alaska’s glaciers to savoring Parisian cuisine the possibilities are endless.

Summer is a great time to plan a family vacation. There are many options to choose from, such as visiting national parks, theme parks, water parks, cruises, all-inclusive resorts, group trips, or staycations. Happy travels!

Thank you for sharing with us, I think this website truly stands out : D.

Excellent post – thank you – there is a lot to digest. We did the Alsace tour last year, which was fantastic, to tour the Rhine too. It is stunning in summer, which I hadn’t anticipated – I’ve always seen it in photos, beautiful in winter with the snow all around.

Only a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw great design. “Reading well is one of the great pleasures that solitude can afford you.” by Harold Bloom.

Looking for a summer vacation that will keep the whole family entertained? Check out the list of 51 great family summer vacation ideas in this blog. Whether you’re looking for something outdoorsy, historical, or just a relaxing getaway, this blog has covered. From beach trips to amusement park adventures also there’s something for families vacation in Klamath. So whether you’re planning your dream vacation or just dreaming it up, be sure to check out this blog.

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Great post.

I am glad we are able to travel this summer and the COVID thing is somewhat under control. Thanks for the great article, will share it on social.

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Known as “Kidsburgh” thanks to all the family-oriented activities in the area, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is an affordable and fun pick for families. Book tickets to popular attractions, like the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum and the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, on the VisitPittsburgh

A very good article! Thank you

Must say that you have share some really interesting information and the list has many options for one’s family vacation. And the images that you have used in the article are amazing too! US is such an amazing place. Thanks for sharing these ideas with us, it was a good read.

Minneapolis, Minnesota is a great pick for outdoor-loving families thanks to kid-friendly (and free) favorites like the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, home to more than 40 outdoor works of art

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I would definitely go for JURASSIC DINOSAUR DIG. Thanks for suggestions

So many good suggestions! It will be hard to choose but surely through these we will have the most beautiful memories in this summer vacation!

Camping holidays in France are extremely popular and you’ll find some fantastic family friendly campsites with a whole host of activities including some brilliant swimming pools.

For great prices on water rafting, cruise, zip line, and horseback riding activities, you can check out: http://www.mauiticketsforless.com

Indeed Caribbean islands are popular with families in the summer because of less rates than in winter, and the beaches and cultural attractions are just as appealing.

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summer trip ideas for friends

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Lifestyle , Travel · April 4, 2023

35 Best Places to Travel with Friends

As a 30-something year old girl who spent a majority of her adult life single, I think I’m the PERFECT person to advise you on the best places to travel with friends! Over the past 18 years I’ve taken a LOT of trips with friends to some amazing places (and some not so amazing). So today I’m sharing 30+ of the best places to go on a friends trip!

Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

And I know I mentioned that I did a lot of traveling with friends (and family). I didn’t have a significant other to travel with for a period of time. However, even if you’re in a relationship (or have children) I think it’s still really important to take the time to travel and have new experiences with your friends! The moments and memories you share while traveling are great foundations to an even closer friendship!

There are a TON of places in both the United States and abroad that are perfect for friends’ vacations.So, I hope after reading this round up of travel destinations you give your friends a call and start planning your next trip!

Whether you’re looking for a world class resort for a truly relaxing experience, beautiful beaches in a tropical locale, a bustling city with great nightlife or something in between be prepared to start a friend travel bucket list after checking out this list!

San Diego, California, USA

San Diego is a city on the Pacific coast of Southern California just north of the Mexico-United States border! It’s known for it’s extensive beaches, laid back attitude and near perfect year-round weather. I can put it on the top of my best places to travel with friends list.

There are so many unique neighborhoods in the city of San Diego and cities in San Diego County to explore that there’s no chance you’ll run out of things to do no matter how long your trip is! From Balboa Park and the San Diego Zoo to Coronado Island to the seals and sea lions in La Jolla to the amazing restaurant scene in Little Italy to the massive local craft brewing industry and everything in between San Diego has so much to offer!

I recommend spending 4 days in San Diego to truly get a taste of everything this SoCal city has to offer. However, you could easily spend more than that especially during the warmer months so you can take advantage of the beaches in Coronado, La Jolla, Mission Beach or Pacific Beach!

San Diego is truly the perfect place to visit no matter what time of year! Read my entire 4 Day San Diego Itinerary to help plan your trip!

San Diego | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Vero Beach, Florida, USA

Vero Beach is my favorite sleepy beach town in Florida. Actually it’s probably my favorite beach town in Florida PERIOD. This hidden gem is the perfect place to spend a relaxing few days with friends.

It’s located along Florida’s Atlantic Coast just about 60 miles north of Palm Beach. Vero is definitely one of the lesser commercialized places in Florida, but no doubt one of the most beautiful. If a laid back trip spent on uncrowded, beautiful beaches is what you’re looking for this is the place for you.

I suggest staying at one of the resorts on the water like Costa d’Este Beach Resort or Kimpton Vero Beach Hotel . I recommend this for the best trip because you won’t need to rent a car. Everything you need for great trip is walking distance from your hotel! Check out my Best Things to Do in Vero Beach guide to help you plan your trip.

4 days is the optimal amount of time to spend here. However, if you’re flying directly into Vero Beach Airport then you can get away with a long weekend. Breeze Airways is now flying there from many destinations around the US including Westchester Airport.

Savannah, Georgia, USA

Savannah, GA is a charming, coastal Southern city. It is known for its manicured parks, cobblestone squares and parks. Savannah, GA is a Spanish moss-covered trees and antebellum architecture! It’s one of the top ranked travel destinations in the country. Also, definitely deserves a top spot on my list of best places to travel with friends.

You’re most likely to spend a majority of your trip walking around the historic district because the best way to see all that Savannah has to offer is definitely on foot! Also Savannah has an Open Container Policy so you can grab a drink at one of it’s many bars or rooftops and get lost in the streets of this charming, historic city!

3 days is the perfect amount of time to explore Savannah, but you could easily spend a few days in the city and then hop over to Hilton Head Island or Tybee Island to extend your trip!

The best time of year to visit would definitely be Fall, Winter or Spring because it tends to get VERY hot and humid there in the Summer and I don’t think you’d fully be able to take advantage of it during that of year! I visited the last weekend of February and the temperature was perfect for walking around with a light jacket on.

Read my 3 Day Savannah Itinerary to help you plan your trip! It includes the best hotels, places to eat and things to do!

hotel bedroom with two glassess of wine in Savannah Girls Trip

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Charleston is the one city that I could visit over and over again. i never get sick of it. Also, when anyone asks me for a recommendation for where to take a vacation whether it be with friends, family or a significant other the first place I always suggest is Charleston!

It has colorful homes, the amazing food, the people, and the rich history. Also, so much more make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country and I don’t see that changing anytime soon! There are SO many activities and attractions that the Holy City has to offer. It includes historic walking tours, the iconic Rainbow Row and Pineapple Fountain, and shopping on King Street. Also, don’t even get me started on all the amazing restaurants and bars!

I’ve taken a 3 day trip to Charleston. You can absolutely see a lot during that time, but I just love this city so much that I suggest 4+ days to visit!

Like Savannah I suggest visiting in the Fall, Winter or Spring. It’s like most Southeast cities, Charleston tends to get VERY hot, humid and buggy in the Summer which makes it difficult to walk around! I’ve been there in March, September and October and had a great time during all 3 months! I’ve heard that Charleston during the holidays is magical because of how all the historic homes decorate so I’ve added visiting during that time of year to my travel bucket list!

Check out my 10 Things You Must Do in Charleston & First Timer’s Guide to Charleston to help plan your trip!

two best friends walking in the street of Charleston South Carolina

Salem, Massachusetts, USA

Salem is a historic city on the coast of Massachusetts just above Boston made famous for it’s 1692 witch trials where over 200 people were accused of being witches, 19 of which were executed.

If your group of friends are into spooky stuff and all things Halloween like mine are, then definitely add Salem to your bucketlist of best places to travel with friends! While you’re there make sure to stop by the House of the Seven Gables, Salem Witch Museum, the Witch House, Salem Witch Trials Memorial and more! Stay at the Hawthorne Hotel , it’s rumored to be haunted, for the ultimate Salem experience.

If you’re a Hocus Pocus fan you can visit all the iconic filming locations around town like Salem Common, the Ropes Mansion (Alison’s house in the movie), Pioneer Village, Max and Dani’s house and Old Town Hall.

Salem is a great place to visit during anytime of the year, but obviously the best time to go is the Fall – September through November! There is no better time to visit New England than in the Fall when the leaves are changing because it’s truly magical! And obviously the Witch City really comes to life specifically in October and the Halloween season with a packed calendar of events like Salem Haunted Happenings.

You can easily cover all of Salem in a weekend and don’t really need to spend more time than that there. Also worth noting, if you want to visit during October make sure to book your hotel well in advance (I’m talking months) because things book up quickly. My friends and I visited at the end of September to avoid the craziness of Halloween month there and we still had the best time!

Check out my 2 Days in Salem Itinerary to help plan your trip!

two women in Salem Girls Getaway

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that even though I’m a ride or die New Yorker, Boston may be my favorite Northeast city and absolutely deserves a spot on my best places to travel with friends list.

Just in case you’re not familiar Boston is located in Massachusetts and is the largest city in the New England region of the country. It’s just south of Salem like I mentioned above and if your group of friends is up for a multi-stop trip Boston & Salem are 2 great cities to pair together!

There are SO many things to do in this historic city that you could easily spend a week there, but you can also explore a fair amount in a weekend or long weekend! What I like most about Boston is that the city itself isn’t overwhelmingly large so you can cover a lot of ground and see a tons of neighborhoods is a day or two if that’s all you have to explore.

Boston is known for it’s rich American history, beautiful neighborhoods, fresh seafood and much more which makes it’s the perfect place for a friends’ trip! Check out my 2 Days in Boston Travel Guide to see just how much you can actually fit into just 48 hours there!

women in Boston, Massachusetts Friends Trip

North Fork, Long Island, New York, USA

I’ve lived in New York my entire life and I’m ashamed to admit that it took me until I was in my 30s to visit the North Fork of Long Island for the first time and after doing so I’ll never go back to the Hamptons/Montauk again! I was never really a Hamptons girl, I think it’s so overrated, overpacked and overall just not enjoyable, so when I visited the North Fork and saw how relaxed and amazing it is there I immediately fell in love.

If you’re not familiar with the area, the North Fork is a 30-mile long peninsula in the northeast part of Long Island, New York about 75 miles east of Manhattan! It’s known for it’s vineyards, family farms and quant towns like Greenport, Orient, Peconic and more!

48 hours is a great amount of time to spend there, but I think 3 days may be even better! The best time of year to plan a trip to the North Fork is definitely the Summer or Fall so you can take advantage of outdoor wine tastings at some of the many vineyards, the calm beaches and pick your own flower and fruit farms.

Check out my North Fork Guide to help plan your trip!

woman in North Fork, Long Island

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Chicago is a city in Illinois located on Lake Michigan and the third most populated city in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles!

A friend of mine lives in Chicago so I recently took a girls trip there and we had so much fun it quickly got added to my list of best places to travel with friends! We went to the top of the Skydeck at Willis Tower, visited Millennium Park and “the Bean”, ate deep dish pizza and Chicago Dogs, took an Architecture Tour on the Chicago River, visited Wrigley Field and took a dip in Lake Michigan plus much more! And we did all of that in just 3 days!

I highly recommend visiting Chicago during the warmer months to be able to take advantage of everything the city has to offer, but even in the Summer I suggest packing layers just in case it gets chilly!! They tend to get a LOT of snow there in the Winter and the temperatures are low from November to May so keep that in mind when planning your trip!

Check out my First Time in Chicago post to plan your trip!

river cruise in Chicago, Illinois

The Sagamore Resort, Lake George, New York, USA

The Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing, NY on Lake George is quite possibly one of my favorite places to visit in the entire country! It’s a resort I spend many summers visiting with my family and a few years ago I got to visit there with friends and I can confirm it’s the perfect place to escape for a girls trip!

The Sagamore is on the pricier side so keep that in mind when booking, but if you live in the Northeast and want a true resort experience where you don’t have to leave the property and can truly relax this is the place for you! There’s an indoor and outdoor pool, spa, salon, tennis courts, multiple restaurants…even an 18 hole golf course, there is something for everyone!

I don’t think many people realize how beautiful Lake George truly is and the private island the historic hotel is located on is stunning! Check out my full blog post on The Sagamore Resort for even more reasons why I love it there!

Lake George, New York | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport, RI is the perfect place for a quick getaway if you live in the Northeast and definitely one of the best places to travel with friends for a weekend!

The entire city is walkable and 2 days is the perfect amount of time to explore the entire coastal community! If you need help planning your trip check out my 48 Hours in Newport Itinerary!

Don’t miss Thames Street, Bowen’s Wharf, The Red Parrot Restaurant, The Mooring (one of my favorite restaurants of all time!), the Cliff Walk, Ocean Drive and much more! Make sure to leave time for a Mansion Tour! I suggest The Breakers, the Vanderbilt family’s opulent “Summer cottage” from the Gilded Age!

Newport is great to visit in the Spring, Summer or Fall! If you’re there when it’s warm you can add a beach day, Newport Vineyards tour and sunset on the lawn of Castle Hill Inn to your trip! It is a coastal town so while Winter is beautiful there, if you’re planning a cold weather getaway there make sure to bundle up!

Newport Rhode Island Girls Trip | Newport, Rhode Island | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Stowe, Vermont, USA

The optimal time in my opinion to visit Stowe (or really any part of Vermont) is during peak fall foliage (usually end of September/beginning of October, but it changes every year so make sure to check that year’s fall foliage map), BUT if you’re a skier than you may want to plan your trip in the Winter!

Plan to spend a majority of your trip outside other then when you’re eating so pack accordingly! Add the Stowe Recreation Path, Waterbury Center State Park, Thompson Park to your itinerary and obviously you MUST go to Stowe Mountain Resort and take the Gondola Skyride up the mountain if it’s open!

I highly recommend eating and drinking at Edison Hill Restaurant, Butlers Pantry, Idletyme Brewing, Hen of the Wood, Cork, Doc Ponds to name just a few. And of course make time to tour the Ben & Jerry’s factory!

For more Vermont recommendations check out my travel guide (it also includes recommendations for Burlington and Woodstock, VT).

Vermont | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Florida Keys, Florida, USA

If you and your friends are into road trips then I can’t recommend taking a road trip through the Florida Keys enough!!! Spend 5 days traveling through Key Largo, Islamorada, Marathon, Big Pine Key and finally Key West! These tropical islands as known for fishing, boating, snorkeling, scuba diving and of course partying!

I suggest flying into Miami and renting a car then driving south to Key Largo and staying there for a couple days. Hit up Florida Keys Brewing, Marker 88, Key Largo Conch House and John Pennenkamp Coral Reef State Park.

Then head down to Islamorada and go to Robbie’s to eat at Hungry Tarpon and sign up for a tarpon feeding! On your drive to Key West make sure to stop by Isla Bella Beach Resort in Marathon, and if you have time spend a night there!

Then once you get to Key West, the southernmost city of the Keys and southernmost point in the continental US, make sure to check out all the bars on Duval Street, Mallory Square’s nightly Sunset Celebration and Ernest Hemingway’s Home!

You can take advantage of the Florida Keys any time of year, just make sure to be careful during Hurricane season! Check out my Ultimate Road Trip – 5 Days in the Florida Keys Guide to plan your trip!

Florida Keys | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Baha Mar Resort, Nassau, Bahamas

If you’re looking for luxe, look no further than Baha Mar Resort in the Bahamas for your next friends trip! It’s located on Cable Beach in Nassau and was truly the nicest Caribbean resort I’ve ever been to!

There are 3 hotels on the property – the Rosewood, SLS and the Grand Hyatt (where I stayed), along with a casino, stores, lounges, bars, restaurants, a spa, gold course, racquet club, nature sanctuary, white sand beach, 10 pools…the list goes on and on! If that didn’t convince you THIS definitely will!

Baha Mar is one of the best places to travel with friends – especially groups of any size because of the vast amount of bars and restaurants on the property so you won’t have trouble getting reservations for a group. There are also SO many pools and a large beach so finding multiple lounge chairs together was fairly easy!

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

New Orleans is a city on the Mississippi River known for its round the clock nightlife, vibrant jazz music scene and melting pot cuisine!

There are countless types of tours available in NOLA including bike tours, cemetery tours, ghost tours, food tours, plantation tours, riverboat tours and everything in between, so no matter what interests your friends have you’ll find the perfect activity for your group!

New Orleans is know for it’s food so don’t miss out on NOLA delicacies like fried alligator, po boys, shrimp creole, bananas foster, muffuletta sandwiches and of course BEIGNETS! For all my recommendations on exactly where to eat and what to do check out my 48 hours in New Orleans post!

New Orleans can get EXTREMELY hot in the Summer so be prepared if that’s when you’re visiting (I went in July and it was steamy!), so I recommend planning a trip in the Fall, Winter or Spring! Obviously if I go again I would go for their annual Mardi Gras celebration!

New Orleans, Louisiana | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Kauai, Hawaii, USA

Kauai is Hawaii’s fourth largest island and in my opinion the most laid back and chill of the Hawaiian Islands! It’s called the Garden Isle thanks to the tropical rainforest covering a majority of it and is known for its natural beauty including gorgeous mountains and waterfalls, white sand beaches, dramatic cliffs and much more!

You definitely need to rent a car (I suggest a Jeep Wrangler obviously) to get around the island of Kauai so I suggest traveling here with a max of 5 people. For a full list of recommendations check out my Kauai Travel Guide !

Traveling to Hawaii can be expensive so I suggest visiting during off-peak months (September to December and April and June are great times to go) to avoid crowds and enjoy lower prices!

Kauai, Hawaii | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Maui, Hawaii, USA

Maui is the second largest Hawaiian Island and home to Haleakala, a massive shield volcano that forms more than 75% of the island. Also, Maui is my pick of Hawaiian islands to visit if you’re looking for a luxe Hawaiian adventure! It’s one of the most sought after destinations on the planet for a reason and it’s a trip I will talk about and recommend for the rest of my life!

I highly suggest treating yourselves and staying in a resort in Wailea (you won’t regret it), driving the Road to Hana, visiting the waterfalls of O’he’o Gulch, exploring the town of Paia and much more!

Check out my Maui blog post with 5 reasons to visit Maui, which includes the best restaurants, Road to Hana tips and more! Then check out my pick for the best hotel in Maui !

Maui, Hawaii | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Orlando, Florida, USA

Orlando is a city in central Florida and is the theme park capital of the world. It’s home to Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, Seaworld Orlando and LEGOLAND Florida Resort currently and there are new projects to come!

You may consider Orlando a place for families or kids (and it can be), but don’t dismiss it if you’re traveling with friends especially if you’re looking for a fun filled trip! This goes without saying, but a trip to Orlando will obviously be an exhausting one, but it’s definitely one you’ll never forget! Check out my How to do Universal and Disney in Three Days post to help plan your trip!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Disneyworld and Universal Studios is SO much more fun as an adult!

Walt Disney World | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Seville, Spain, Europe

Seville is the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia and my absolute favorite place I’ve ever visited in Europe ! Its a smaller city, but is filled with so much history and has so many things to do!

From stunning palatial houses and Roman ruins to Royal Palaces and breathtaking cathedrals and churches, if you want to experience authentic Spain, Seville is the place to visit! It is one of the most beautiful cities to see in Europe and the perfect place if you’re looking to immerse yourself on Spanish culture on a slower paced trip!

Google says that the best time to visit Seville is April, May, June, September and October, BUT I went in February and we had PERFECT weather in the high 70s and 80s! Worth noting – I felt extremely safe everywhere in Seville during the day and night!

Seville, Spain, Europe | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Barcelona, Spain, Europe

Barcelona is a city on the coast of northeast Spain in the autonomous community of Catalonia. It is a major tourist destination thanks in part to it being home to the architectural works of Gaudi such as the Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Mila and Casa Batllo!

Also, Barcelona is home to one of the best beaches in the world and it’s mild and warm climate make it easy for locals and tourists alike to take advantage of it!

Barcelona’s neighborhoods are compact and easy to walk around and it’s public transportation is simple to understand! My friends and I took the Metro a few times when we visited and we had no problem buying tickets and getting to and from where we needed to go!

Barcelona, Spain, Europe | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Madrid, Spain, Europe

Madrid is the capital and most populated city in Spain! It’s best known for it’s historic buildings, food markets, museums, bustling nightlife and more!

Madrid is a huge city, but still very walkable! Make sure to add all these attractions to your itinerary if you’re visiting: Gran Via, Plaza Mayor, Royal Palace, El Retiro Park and Puerta de Alcala.

On my trip to Spain a few years ago, my friends and I visited Madrid, Seville and Barcelona over 10 days and I can confirm that doing all cities in one trip is doable!

Madrid, Spain, Europe | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Nashville is the capital of Tennessee and most known for the legendary country music venues it’s home to! Between the Grand Old Opry House, Country Music Hall of Fame, Ryman Auditorium, Johnny Cash Museum and more, it’s no surprise Nashville is dubbed “Music City”.

Broadway in Downtown Nashville is filled with multi story lounges, bars and restaurants with live music on every floor! You don’t need to venture far off to find live music you like. Other fun neighborhoods in Nashville to explore include East Nashville, The Gulch, Music Row and 12 South.

Nashville is also home to 16 colleges and universities including Vanderbilt University, Belmont University and Tennessee State University!

Nashville, Tennessee one of the best places to travel with friends

Austin, Texas, USA

From one music loving city to the next, Austin, TX, is considered the live music capital of the world and has no shortage of amazing activities to do with friends which makes it the perfect addition for my best places to travel with friends post!

Austin is known for its eclectic live music scene, but also it’s many parks and lakes! Whether your friends are looking to stand up paddle board, listen to live music, try eclectic restaurants, go vintage shopping or do a little bit of everything Austin is the place for you!

Fall and Spring are the best seasons to visit Austin to experience the best weather! It’s also when most of the festivals that Austin hosts take place! It’s best to avoid the long hot summers unless you plan on spending your entire trip on the water!

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

I couldn’t make a best places to travel with friends list and not include Sin City!! Las Vegas is an internationally renowned resort city know for gambling, fine dining, entertainment and nightlife!

You can usually get inexpensive flights to and hotels in Vegas, especially if you bundle them together in a package so for this reason alone I’ve been a handful of times with friends!

Even if you’re not a huge partier or gambler, neither of which I am, I still have an awesome time exploring all the hotels on the Strip, eating at the best restaurants, seeing shows and just walking around (with a drink in hand of course!)

If you’re looking for things to do just outside of Vegas I highly suggest taking a trip to the Grand Canyon! The National Park is located just 130 miles from the Las Vegas Strip and day trips there are very popular. I suggest doing it on a organized tour that includes bus transportation, a guide and stops like the Hoover Dam along the way.

Orange County, California, USA

Orange County is a region in Southern California halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego! It’s home to Laguna Beach, Anaheim, Newport Beach, Irvine, Corona del Mar, Dana Point, Huntington Beach and many other iconic California destinations.

You can easily spend a week in “The OC” with friends driving up and down the coast exploring and seeing what each of it’s distinct cities has to offer! I actually took this trip with friends and did just that a few years ago and I can’t recommend it enough and am dying to go back so basically by putting it on my best places to travel with friends list I’m manifesting another trip!

I highly recommend visiting Dana Point, Treasure Island and Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna Beach, San Clemente, Lido Marina Village and Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa and much more! And if you love amusement parks don’t miss Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm.

Orange County California one of the best places to travel with friends

Napa Valley, California, USA

Just north of San Francisco, Napa Valley is home to HUNDREDS of vineyards and the perfect place for the ultimate girls trip!

Look into the Napa Valley Wine Train! It’s a vintage locomotive and traveling restaurant that runs through the Napa Valley wine region. It takes you on a 36 mile round trip adventure stopping at celebrated wineries along the way while you enjoy a four course meal onboard with the most beautiful landscape outside your window!

I’m going to assume if Napa is on your radar then you want to visit to go wine tasting, but there are many other things to do in the area like hot air balloon rides, hiking, shopping, bike tours and more!

London, England, United Kingdom

London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom and a great place to visit on your first time to Europe if you’re visiting from America because there isn’t a language barrier!

The best time to visit London without it being too expensive is from March through May, but Summer is a great season to visit just expect it to be a little more expensive and more crowded! I actually visited over New Years one year and it was an awesome time so don’t let Winter in London scare you!

London is huge, with so many places to see and things to do so you could easily spend more than a week there, but you can still have a great trip if you only have a few days to spend there! I highly recommend visiting Big Ben, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey (highly suggest doing an audio tour here it was one of my favorite parts of London) and the London Eye especially if it’s your first time, but there’s LOADS of other things to see and do depending on what type of trips you and your friends are looking for!

Paris, France, Europe

France’s capital, Paris, may be the “city of love”, but it’s also the ultimate city for a girls’ trip and easily nabbed a spot on my best places to travel with friends list! Grab your girlfriends and be prepared to indulge in baguettes, cheese, croissants, macarons and champagne and truly live your best life!

In between eating and drinking make sure to carve time in your Parisian itinerary to see the Eiffel Tower, the Lourve, Arc de Tiomphe, Notre-Dame and Sacre-Coeur de Montmarte just to name a few! And bring some extra money to go shopping!

If you have more than a few days in Paris I highly recommend taking the train to the Palace of Versailles!

Folly Beach, South Carolina, USA

Looking for the most laid back vacation spot? Then Folly Beach is for you! It’s a city on Folly Island in South Carolina just south of Charleston, but could not be more different than it’s neighbor to the north! It’s home to a beautiful beach, surf and souvenir shops and some great restaurants!

I highly recommend staying in an vacation rental within a few blocks of the beach and Center St. and spend a few days at the beach, eating and drinking at the local restaurants and bars and just enjoying each other’s company! Don’t miss Taco Boy, Snapper Jacks, Chico Feo, The Pineapple Hut, Lowlife Bar and Lost Dog Cafe!

You will truly come back from this vacation relaxed and recharged!

Costa Rica is a country in Central America know for its beaches, volcanoes, mountains, rainforests and jungle! If adventure is what you’re looking for Costa Rica is definitely the place to go!

If you’re headed to Costa Rica with friends make sure you add zip lining to your itinerary! Its the best way to see the country’s rainforest, wildlife, mountains and waterbodies in one adventure! Zip lining is offered throughout the country and depending on where you are you will get a completely different experience so don’t be afraid to do it in more than one area!

The best time to visit Costa Rica is from December to April because it’s when the weather is the driest!

Palm Springs, California, USA

Palm Springs is a city in the desert of southern California and known for it’s sunny climate, hot springs, stylish hotels and more! It’s shopping district along Palm Canyon Drive is home to vintage boutiques, interior design shops and restaurants.

It’s no surprise that Palm Springs is always on the list of best destinations to have a bachelorette party (which made it a shoe in for my best places to travel with friends list)! Between the perfect weather, fun shops and restaurants and outdoor activities there’s always something to do there with friends!

Palm Springs is truly a year round destination, but the best time to visit Palm Springs with friends is definitely from February, March, April October and November! During those months the average temperature during the day hovers in the 70s and 80s! The temperature during the summer months can reach over 100 degrees, but if your plan is to spend a majority of your trip in the pool then go for it!

Seattle, Washington, USA

Seattle is a city on the Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest! Thanks to it’s ecological diversity and access to mountains, ocean, evergreen forests, city and islands it easily made it’s way on my list of best places to visit with friends!

Seattle is known for being the coffee capital. Also, the origin of grunge music and is home to famous landmarks like the Space Needle and Pike Place Market.

Seattle is also known for its rain! The rainy season in Seattle extends from October to March. So,, the best time to visit is definitely from mid-May to early October. However, if you want the true Seattle experience plan your trip during the Winter or Spring and don’t forget to pack your raincoat!

Bermuda is a British island territory located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is known for it’s pink sand beaches, warm turquoise waters, rich cultural history, gorgeous reefs and more! Despite being only 21 square miles large, Bermuda is the perfect vacation spot. This is the case especially you live on the East Coast. it’s only an hour and a half flight from New York)!

While you’re there make sure to visit the Crystal and Fantasy Caves, St. David’s Lighthouse, Jobson’s Cove, Elbow Beach, Royal Naval Dockyard and more!

Many people assume Bermuda is in the Caribbean, but that’s actually not true! It’s actually location in the middle of the Atlantic (in line with Charleston, South Carolina to put it in perspective) and because of it’s location the best months to visit Bermuda are from May to October!

New York City, New York, USA

Being a lifetime New York resident I was actually hesitant on including NYC on this list. However, in the end I have to remember that not everyone is lucky enough to have grown up just a few miles outside the “greatest city in the world.” So, I had to include it on this list of best places to travel with friends!

New York City is the largest city in New York State (by far) and among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers! It’s home many of America’s most famous landmark. It includes the Empire State Building, World Trade Center, Central Park, Times Square, Statue of Liberty and many, many more! It’s the city that never sleeps. There is no doubt that you and your friends would have the best time when you’re visiting no matter what your interests are!

best friends in New York City

Ogunquit, Maine, USA

I stopped in Ogunquit. It is a town on Maine’s southern coast during a New England road trip a few summers ago and loved it and vowed to go back! Ogunquit is a four square mile town defined by it’s sandy beaches, cliff walk with coastal views. It also has a lighthouse, vibrant art and theater scene and more!

If you’re looking for a place for a relaxing Summer vacation with friends Ogunquit is it! It’s easily one of the best vacation spots on the Maine Coast. Also, it is absolutely one of the best places with travel with friends.

boats in the dock of Qgunquit, Maine

Montreal, Canada

Montreal, Canada is one city I’ve never been to. However, it’s been on my list of places to visit for a long time. So, naturally it made it on my best places to travel with friends list! It’s the second most populated city in Canada (behind Toronto) and the largest city in Quebec. Montreal is culturally different than other cities in Canada. It’s sole official language is French and actually the second largest French speaking city in the world behind Paris!

Montreal is a great place to visit with friends because it’s easy to get around on foot so you can really explore! While you’re there make sure to visit Old Montreal, Notre-Dame Basilica, St. Joseph’s Oratory, Mont Royal and more.

PIN my Best Places to Travel with Friends post for LATER:

Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

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I would love your itinerary or any info you want to share on the 10 day Spain trip and your Costa Rica trip! These are on my bucket list.

summer trip ideas for friends

June 18, 2024 at 5:02 pm

You can find my entire Spain Itinerary on the Spain IG Story highlight on my Instagram profile =) I still haven’t been to Costa Rica

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22 Unforgettable Summer Activities To Do With Friends (At Home and Outside)

06/21/2023 · In: Bucket List Ideas

* This post may contain affiliate links, As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read full disclosure here .

Are you looking for summer activities to do with friends?

Summer is finally here, which means you are ready to enjoy the season to its fullest. Going out with friends, or hosting a party at home there’s so much you want to do but if you are looking for unique ideas that you can try this summer season you are in the right place.

Today I am going to be sharing 22 summer activities that you can do with your friends.  These activities include both indoor and outdoor activities so you can choose which one (or more) you want to do.

  • Related- 56 Fun And Unique Summer Activities For Adults You Can Do This Summer 2023 .
  • Glow Up Challenge- 51 Ways To Glow Up This Summer.
  • My Daily Routine Schedule: 8 Things I Do Before 8 Am .

12 Summer Activities To Do With Friends At Home

summer activities to do with friends

1) Watch TV Show Together 

Watching a TV show at home or at a friend’s place is a cool idea. You can kick back, grab some snacks, and enjoy the show without having to going out.

Here’s a list of 21 binge worthy Netflix shows That you can watch with your friends.

2) Host A Game Night

Hosting a game night is a fantastic way to bring friends together for an evening of fun and laughter. It creates a lively and interactive environment where everyone can engage in friendly competition and enjoy each other’s company. There are many options to choose from- from classic board games to party games and even video games.

3) Bake Together

Another fun thing to do with your friends if you and your friends like to cook. Baking together allows you to share your creations with others. You can gift baked goods to family, neighbors, or even host a small gathering where everyone can enjoy the treats you made. 

4) Escape Room Challenge

It’s an exciting adventure that tests your problem-solving and teamwork skills. You’ll work together, using your minds and communication to find solutions and reach the goal.

5) Virtual Reality Experience

It’s like stepping into a whole new reality! With Virtual Reality, you can explore fantastical places, play thrilling games, and even interact with virtual characters without even leaving your home. 

6) Indoor Camping 

It’s like having a camping adventure right in the cozy comfort of your own home. Imagine setting up a makeshift tent, snuggling up in sleeping bags, and telling ghost stories with your friends. The best part? No worries about the weather messing up your plans! You can have all the fun inside your home. Plus, there’s no hassle of pitching a tent or cleaning up a campsite. 

7) Have A Great Spa Day

Home spa day is all about catching up, sharing beauty tips, and laughing together while feeling pampered. Whether you’re soaking in a bubble bath, enjoying homemade scrubs, or lounging in cozy robes, a home spa day with friends is a bonding experience that leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed. 

8) Art Jamming 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned artist or a total beginner; art jamming is all about the joy of self-expression. You can share techniques, learn from by each other’s artwork, and encourage one another to try new things.

9) Have A Themed Party

You can set up a colorful tropical decor, play lively music, and have everyone dress up in their favorite summer outfits. Whether it’s a poolside gathering, a beach bonfire, or a backyard BBQ. 

10) Start a YouTube Channel

Do you have something to share with the world? If so you can discuss it with your friends and start a youtube channel. Even if your main motivation isn’t money, it’s still fun to do. 

11) Host A Karaoke Night

Whether you’re a great singer or not, it doesn’t matter! It’s all about having fun and creating memorable moments. So, gather your buddies, pick your favorite songs, and get ready for a super entertaining evening where everyone can shine like a star.

12) DIY Science Experiment

Here are ideas for a diy science experiment for adults .

10 Outdoor Summer Activities To Do With Friends At Home 

So we have already discussed indoor summer activities to do with friends. Now if you are planning to go out, here are some outdoor things that you can do.

1) Take A Road Trip

Road trips are all about freedom and shared experiences. From visiting cool places to trying delicious local food, every moment is filled with fun and laughter. 

2) Organize A Sports Tournament

Organizing a sports tournament has multiple benefits. It promotes physical activity and helps everyone stay active and healthy. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or just want to have a good time, a summer sports tournament with friends is a fantastic way to create lasting memories.

3) Visit A Water Or Amusement Park

This is a perfect way to beat the heat and enjoy a day filled with adventure. You can take advantage of various things such as delicious food and live entertainment. Take pictures with your friends and enjoy your time. 

4) Get A Matching Tattoo

And you can find inspiration on Pinetrest .

5) Try Outdoor Adventure Activities

If you need a break from your daily routine and want to enjoy summer, outdoor adventure activities such as hiking, tracking or swimming can be a great option too. 

6) Have A Picnic In The Park

You can enjoy the sun while relishing delicious food and refreshing drinks. And picnics in the park provide a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere where you can laugh, relax and chat. 

7) Go To The Beach Together

But don’t forget to take care of your skin and hair. 

8) Organize A Barbecue Or Cookout

It’s also a great time to have fun and enjoy grilled burgers, hot dogs, and veggies.

9) Watch Sunset

There are always small and simple moments that make us happiest, right? Watching the sunset reminds us of the beauty of nature. Not to forget the calming colors and the gentle fading light provide an atmosphere that can help you unwind and appreciate the moment. 

10) Take Pictures Together 

Even if you are not a great photographer (like me), it’s still good to take pictures with your friends so you can look back and remember the moments you shared with your family and/or friends.

Those were 22 summer activities to do with friends, and one more thing is before you plan anything, be sure that you talk to your buddies to know more about their likes and dislikes. And I hope you found the post helpful, if you did, please let me know what are you doing this summer 2023 (yes, I would love to know from you).

22 unforgettable summer things to enjoy with friends

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6 Fun Trips to Take With Your Best Friend

Party islands, desert towns, and everything in between: Try one of these hand-picked destinations for your next girls’ getaway.

Party islands, desert towns, and everything in between: Try one of these hand-picked destinations for your next girls’ getaway.

Editor's note: As we continue to practice  social distancing , we encourage our readers to check the  Centers for Disease Control website  for up-to-date information on how to safely travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The beauty of vacationing with your best friend is that you’re effortlessly on the same wavelength; after all, so much of what makes for an easy trip is that baseline of compatibility. And now that more arms are getting shots and travel restrictions are beginning to ease, it’s a perfect time for the two of you to start plotting your next escape.

United Quest credit card Chase

Where to? We’ve rounded up six spots around the country that offer culture, adventure, and spectacular sites or scenery—basically, a foolproof formula for any twosome. (Bonus: If you sign up for the brand-new  United Quest  card from Chase, you can earn up to 100,000 bonus miles. Plus, get a $125 annual United purchase credit and two free checked bags for each of you, saving up to $280 right out of the gate.)

Palm Springs, California

les cactus palm springs california

Why go:  Everywhere you turn in this desert town, there’s something interesting to look at. Charming boutiques and galleries, pastel mid-century modern architecture, palm trees swaying in the breeze—it’s no wonder aesthetes flock to the Coachella Valley for celebrated art and design festivals like  Modernism Week  and  Desert X . And with  Joshua Tree National Park  less than an hour away, you can balance the urban cool with some off-grid adventure.

Where to stay:  Les Cactus , which opened in February, may be a newcomer to Palm Springs, but the Airbnb-hotel hybrid is a total throwback—a revamped 1930s property renamed for a 1960s song by French rocker Jacques Dutronc. There are 27 airy, bungalow-style guest rooms, a hammock garden, an outdoor fire pit, and a cool pink exterior, all of which scream California eclectic.

What to do:  Hit the  Palm Springs Art Museum  to admire works by Louise Bourgeois and Anish Kapoor, and book a  day spa package  at the newly opened  Azure Palm Hot Springs Resort  in Desert Hot Springs, where the geothermal mineral springs are naturally heated to 174 degrees and there’s a Himalayan salt room for relaxing and detoxifying.

Later on, enjoy Hemingway daiquiris at the Cecil Beaton-inspired  Bar Cecil , which opens in mid-April. Sacred  Tahquitz Canyon  has 60 miles of trails; one of the two-mile loops rewards hikers with ancient rock art and a 60-foot seasonal waterfall at its summit. And in 2022, be on the lookout for the opening of  Agua Caliente Cultural Museum  from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. When the 5.8-acre center debuts, it’ll be the largest Native American museum west of the Mississippi.

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Austin, Texas

the carpenter hotel austin texas

The Carpenter Hotel

Why go:  For pals who have cemented their sisterhood through food—tracking the latest restaurant openings, veering off the beaten path to hunt down delicious street eats—Austin is the buffet that just won’t quit. There’s famous  Franklin Barbecue , of course, but also stellar breakfast tacos at  Valentina’s Tex Mex BBQ , matzo ball caldo at  June’s All Day , brisket bentos at Texan izakaya  Kemuri Tatsu-ya , and the sunny wine patio at  LºLº , where the only thing more hip than the bottles are the (masked) servers.

center']For pals who have cemented their friendship through food, Austin is the buffet that just won't quit.

Where to stay:  Even ATX hotels pride themselves on next-level fare.  Carpenter Hotel , a stylish haunt in an old union hall, serves fresh-baked kolaches (pastry) in its café and innovative dishes like Tex Mez, a white bean hummus with pecan baba ganoush, golden beets, and feta, at its restaurant,  Carpenters Hall . The 93-room inn, founded by alums of the  Ace Hotel , hosts creative activities like sound bath meditations and textile marbling—though you and your better half may prefer to just decompress by the pool, Oaxacan Old Fashioneds in hand.

What to do:  Dance up a storm at the tropical-themed  Coconut Club ; go for a splash at  Barton Springs , a spring-fed emerald swimming pool in Zilker Park; catch a drive-in movie at  The Blue Starlite ; or browse the wild collection of rare motorcycles, souped-up hot rods, and movie cars (including one of three original Ghostbusters Ectomobiles!) at the  Austin Rock & Roll Car Museum .

For a cool souvenir, book a portrait session with  Lumiere Tintype , a photo studio pitched in the backyard of  Justine’s Brasserie . Photographer Adrian Whipp is a master of the wet plate collodion process and will capture your grinning mugs in a tintype as timeless as your friendship.

Punta de Mita, Mexico

punta de mita mexico

Punta de Mita

Why go:  Friends who need a good re-centering after the challenges of the past year needn’t look any farther than the Riviera Nayarit. Punta de Mita, in particular, is just 45 minutes from the airport in Puerto Vallarta but feels a world apart with its hidden beaches, consistent surf breaks, and varied wildlife.

Where to stay:  For sunny-good vibes,  W Punta de Mita  is the perfect pick. Its infinity pool has a see-through wall and the “wet deck,” a ‘grammable million-tile mosaic walkway inspired by the artistry of Mexico’s indigenous Huichol people. The spa has five private treatment rooms, plus a therapy pool equipped with hydro jets and a pressure shower. Yoga classes take place in the high season, with private Pilates and meditation sessions available upon request. The guest rooms are spirit-lifting too, splashed in bright colors like turquoise and magenta, some with deep soaking tubs and headboards made of punched tin. Best of all, you don’t have to walk far to sample some of the peninsula’s freshest fish. W’s  Chevycheria , a 1950s Chevrolet truck turned thatched-roof cevicheria and beach bar, specializes in regional varieties. Try the spicy Yucatán version with shrimp, scallops, and octopus.

Just 45 minutes from the airport in Puerta Vallarta, Punta de Mita feels a world apart.

What to do:  Learn how to catch a wave with bilingual instructors from the esteemed  Tranquilo Surf Adventures & Surf School . Their semi-private lessons, with two students per teacher, are ideal for friends. (If you two already know what you’re doing and just want to rent boards or SUPs by the hour,  Mita Surf Club  can help.) Hop a private yacht to  Islas Marietas , a national marine park and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve known for its humpback whales and blue-footed boobies.  Punta Mita Expeditions  will take care of all the details, leaving you to enjoy the snorkeling or diving.

Another day, shop the funky galleries and bohemian boutiques in nearby Sayulita, or hike up Monkey Mountain, a 4.6-mile trail near Bahía de Banderas. It’s rocky and steep with an elevation gain of more than a thousand feet—but the sweeping views of the sparkling Pacific are worth it.

Mykonos, Greece

mykonos greece

Why go:  After a year of Zoom meetings and puttering around in sweatpants, doesn’t it sound fun to dress up real nice and, like, hang out with strangers? Greece’s most glamorous party island siren-calls with beautiful beaches by day and glittery nightlife from dusk till dawn. Notably, it’s just a 40-minute flight or 2.5-hour high-speed ferry ride from Athens, so you can first cram in a little culture (Acropolis, Parthenon, etc.).

Mykonos siren-calls with beautiful beaches by day and glittery nightlife from dusk till dawn.

Where to stay:  This sun-drenched Greek isle has no shortage of dreamy hotel suites, but many are aimed at honeymooners.  Paradise View  is unique because its light-flooded rooms, done up in dazzling white with pops of Aegean blue, include double beds with rainshower baths and terraces overlooking the sea. The helpful front desk staff can assist with bike and car rentals, and while it’s just a five-minute stroll down to buzzy Paradise Beach, you might just find yourself spending most of your time lounging by the hotel's jewel box pool.

What to do:  Tempting as it is to stake out a sunny strip of sand at tranquil  Kapari Beach  or spend every day lounging by your suite’s private plunge pool, this is an island that rewards doers. Ask the Paradise View concierge about chartering a catamaran for a sunset cruise on the brilliant blue Aegean Sea or set off on foot to tour the très chic boutiques and ancestral chapels in labyrinthine Chora. Panagia Paraportiani, a whitewashed church dating back to the Byzantine era, is not to be missed.

When hunger strikes, make the schlep to  Kiki’s Taverna  near buzzy  Agios Sostis Beach . There’s no sign, no phone, not even electricity, but the rustic cooking and utter simplicity of high-quality local ingredients makes it a fan favorite. As the sun sinks on the horizon, bound over to Paradise Beach to see what’s hopping. Some of Mykonos’ most storied EDM clubs ( Cavo Paradiso ,  Paradise Beach Club ) haven’t fully reopened yet, but when they do, look out. Ibiza who?

Santa Fe, New Mexico

shiprock santa fe new mexico

Shiprock Santa Fe

Why go:  With its groovy mix of Native American arts and culture, to-die-for shopping, and striking high-desert vistas, the City Different really delivers. The downtown is walkable, but you’ll need to rent a car if you want to explore the landscapes that gobsmacked Georgia O’Keeffe.

Where to stay:  Plopped on an original stretch of Route 66,  El Rey Court  is a 1930s roadside motel filtered through a modern New Mexican lens. The five-acre campus, rehabbed by the co-owners of the cult-favorite olive oil and skincare brand Wonder Valley, features 86 trendily decorated rooms (some with kitchenettes and fireplaces) and an outdoor heated swimming pool. Conveniently, it’s just a two-minute walk to the best Chimayo-smothered breakfast burrito of your life, courtesy of 1948 diner  The Pantry .

What to do:  Scoop up bundles of dried lavender and jars of green chile sauce at the colorful  Santa Fe Farmers Market , then swing over to the edgy contemporary art museum  SITE Santa Fe . A trippy, choose-your-own-adventure installation awaits at the  House of Eternal Return , created by esoteric art collective Meow Wolf and Games of Thrones author George R.R. Martin.

After ogling the stunning—and stunningly expensive—Native American rugs, jewelry, and ceramics at  Shiprock Santa Fe , shop for artisan-painted molcajete bowls from Michoacán at  Heritage By Hand  or rummage through racks of threadbare rock tees and retro aviators at  Santa Fe Vintage , a by-appointment-only showroom on the outskirts of town. For a sweet memento, grab some small-batch bonbons from  Kakawa Chocolate House , made with New Mexican ingredients like red chili and piñon, or a box of Southwesternized French macarons from  Chainé  in a fun flavor like churro (cinnamon meringue buttercream and dulce de leche).

Nashville, Tennessee

graduate hotel nashville tennessee

Graduate Nashville

Why go:  Maybe the reason they call it Music City is because everyone who visits Nashville sings its praises. Whether you’re challenging your bestie to a Hot Ones-style hot chicken binge (heaven help your fire-breathing hearts if you order the “Shut the Cluck Up!!!” at  Hattie B’s ) or you’re going to see the next big country music star at the  Grand Ole Opry , it’s impossible not to have a grand ole time in the Tennessean capital.

Where to stay:  From the genius duo behind  Urban Cowboy  in Brooklyn comes  Urban Cowboy East Nashville , set in a rambling Victorian mansion. Eight suites, each with their own personalities, sport 14-foot ceilings, copper-leafed bathtubs, hip Pendleton bedding, and eye-popping Printsburgh wallpaper. There’s even a music parlor, should the two of you feel the urge to burst into song on the upright piano.

What to do:  After taking in the rhinestone getups and Elvis Presley’s 1960 “Solid Gold” Cadillac at the  Country Music Hall of Fame , bounce over to the new  National Museum of African American Music , the only such museum devoted to preserving and celebrating the countless genres of music created and influenced by Black Americans. Nightfall begs adventurous types to cut a rug at the honky tonks of South Broadway ( Tootsies Orchid Lounge  and  Robert’s Western World  are always a good time).

Come morning, you can start the day with a little indulgence: by chomping into an East Nasty buttermilk biscuit sandwich with fried chicken thigh at  Biscuit Love  or sipping frozen Aperol Spritzes under fringed magenta umbrellas at  White Limozeen , the rooftop pool bar at  Graduate Nashville . For a one-of-a-kind vacation keepsake, make a field trip to the novelty record booth at Jack White’s  Third Man Records . There you can record an acapella duet on a refurbished Voice-o-Graph machine, cutting a two-minute vinyl single that immortalizes your bad singing for generations to come.

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Fun Summer Activities Checklist

Need inspiration for summer fun? Check out our ultimate summer list and see how many you can cross off before Labor Day hits.

summer trip ideas for friends

Eat and Drink

The great outdoors, just because.

Even if you don't have any vacation plans yet, we've got the perfect list of summer activities that'll help you relax, refresh, and enjoy every single moment of the season. Whether you want to spend more time in the great outdoors , have a little throwback fun, or just savor every bit of summer flavor out there, you'll find something to cross off your summer bucket list.

Greg Pease /Getty Images

Everyone loves a throwback—and doing these summer activities that you may have loved as a kid will definitely bring some joy to your summer.

  • See a movie at the drive-in.
  • Walk on the boardwalk and listen to the boards creak under your feet.
  • Blow bubbles.
  • Play tag, hopscotch, or one of your favorite childhood games.
  • Ride a roller coaster.
  • Play miniature golf.
  • Win a prize at the fair.
  • Catch fireflies at night.
  • Build a sandcastle at the beach .
  • Cruise around town on a bike, roller skates, or a skateboard.
  • Do a cannonball into the pool.
  • Enjoy the view from the Ferris Wheel.
  • Run through the sprinklers.
  • Have a water balloon fight.
  • Help your kids host a lemonade stand.
  • Tie dye a t-shirt.
  • Climb a tree.
  • Build a fort (indoors or out!)
  • Jump in puddles after a rainstorm.
  • Wear cut-off jeans and flip-flops.

Compassionate Eye Foundation/Natasha Alipour Faridani/Getty Images

With all that gorgeous summer produce out there, there's plenty to enjoy and savor (and either grow your own or pick at the farm). But don't forget to indulge in a few more decadent summertime treats—like s'mores or frozen cocktails.

  • Eat a whole lobster with your hands
  • Pick berries and peaches at a farm.
  • Make pesto.
  • Buy a Creamsicle from the neighborhood ice cream truck.
  • Roast marshmallows over a fire and make s'mores.
  • Make lemonade from scratch.
  • Eat corn on the cob.
  • Sip a sweating glass of iced tea.
  • Eat a slice of watermelon.
  • Buy fresh produce at the farmers' market .
  • Mix up a pitcher of sangria .
  • Eat a soft-serve vanilla ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles.
  • Dig your own clams.
  • Make your own iced coffee .
  • Make homemade ice cream .
  • Have a barbecue .
  • Eat cucumber sandwiches.
  • Plant a mini herb garden.
  • Drink a frozen cocktail . (Add a fun umbrella to it, too!)
  • Eat something fried at a carnival or fair.
  • Make your own ice pops .
  • Make a fruit pie.
  • Go to a local food festival.
  • Host an old-fashioned ice cream social.
  • Grill everything (including dessert!).

Anastasiia Krivenok /Getty Images

Those warm summer days are custom made for taking time to chill. Add a few of these relaxing summer activities to your must-do list this summer.

  • Nap in a hammock.
  • Have a picnic in the park.
  • Sit on a porch swing.
  • Stargaze while lying in the grass.
  • Watch the sunset from a beach.
  • Dangle your feet off a dock.
  • Bring a blanket and picnic at an outdoor concert.
  • Watch the clouds go by.
  • Go river tubing.
  • Go to a Renaissance fair or a Shakespeare in the park performance.
  • Paint rocks to decorate your garden.
  • Lounge under a tree and read a book.

massimo colombo /Getty Images

Long days and plenty of sunshine make spending time outdoors even more enticing in the summer. Even if you're not exactly "outdoorsy," you'll probably find something on this list that'll get you out to enjoy some fresh air.

  • Pick wildflowers.
  • Swim in a lake.
  • Rent a bike.
  • Go fishing.
  • Go camping.
  • Play tennis.
  • Go for a hike .
  • Go kayaking or canoeing.
  • Toss a Frisbee.
  • Try bodyboarding or surfing.
  • Seek out birds and butterflies.
  • Plant wildflower seeds.
  • Visit a national park or state park.
  • Try out pickleball.
  • Learn to skip stones.

Elina Manninen/Getty Images

These little mindful, joyful summer activities will definitely add a lot more fun to your life this season—so make sure you set aside time to enjoy them.

  • Collect seashells at the beach.
  • Take a last-minute road trip .
  • See a summer blockbuster.
  • Read a trashy novel .
  • Walk barefoot in the grass.
  • Get caught in a summer rainstorm.
  • Sleep with the windows open.
  • Make a summer playlist.
  • Smell freshly-cut grass.
  • Feel the sun on your back.
  • Roll up your pant legs and go wading.
  • Go to a baseball game.
  • Give yourself a pedicure in the perfect summer shade.
  • Buy a big sun hat.
  • Put out a hummingbird feeder or a bee and butterfly water dish.
  • Create sidewalk chalk art (or share a cheerful message with your neighbors).
  • Wear a pretty sundress.
  • Make a fairy house.
  • Dye your hair a fun, summery shade.
  • Hang wind chimes in the breeze.
  • Look for treasure at a garage sale.
  • Host a lawn game tournament .

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Our Favorite Summer Trips With Family and Kids of All Ages

Some of the best memories and connections are forged when we travel as a family. these are our top picks for places to go when we’re traveling with everyone from tiny tots and teens to a multigenerational group that spans many ages and stages..

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young girl airport window planes parked at gate

The best way to instill a love of travel is to start ‘em young.


For many families, school holidays—most especially the lengthy summer break—present the ideal opportunity to engage in a different type of education: the lessons learned out on the road. Travel is one of the best ways to foster curiosity, inspire awe, and encourage a better understanding of other cultures, languages, cuisine, nature, and the environment. The world is a living, breathing classroom.

It’s also a great way to reconnect with one another, whether we are hitting the road with the people we live with day in and day out, extended or blended family, or are reuniting with our chosen family. When traveling with companions who are at different ages and stages of life, it’s important to make sure that every member of the family, regardless of their age, has a fun and memorable getaway.

Between our own time spent circling the globe with our families, as well as feedback we have collected from readers and family travel experts, we’ve compiled the top destinations for family travel in 2023—places that we have vetted ourselves—to set families up for straight-A success. Let our list inspire you and your crew to get out there and create some meaningful adventures of your own.

North and South America

interior view of stage and seats at the famous and historic Teatro ColĂłn in Buenos Aires

The famous and historic Teatro ColĂłn in Buenos Aires hosts special programming for kids.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Perfect for : Urban adventurers, including families with younger kids.

For families looking to explore South America, Buenos Aires is a great place to start. Argentines are super kid-friendly which translates to playgrounds and carousels throughout the city and children being welcome everywhere (even late-night fancy dinners.) A favorite cultural activity for families is the Teatro Colón, considered a crown jewel for any performer because of its superior acoustics. The venue offers kids programming ( Colón Para Chicos ) in which they do abbreviated performances of their regular shows on weekend mornings. It’s a fun introduction to opera, ballet and symphonic music.

For visual arts, check out the MALBA , the museum of Latin American art. It’s fully stroller accessible and the contemporary collection is engaging for even the youngest visitors. Check the website for kids workshops, especially during Argentine summer holidays, which are mid-December to mid-February. Buenos Aires is also full of street art. Have some fun hunting for the craziest murals the family can find, or try a walking tour . Take a break with some ice cream—there are parlors every few blocks.

For something more low key, head to the Rosedal, reminiscent of Paris’ Bois de Boulogne. Walking around the artificial lake you might catch an open air circus or musical performance. On the weekends, the city offers free classes ranging from zumba to roller blading. You can also rent bikes or a paddle boat if you’ve got some energy to burn.

Where to stay: A vacation rental in Palermo is your best bet if you want extra space for the kids, and to eat dinner before 9 p.m—most restaurants don’t open for dinner before 9 p.m., so having your own kitchen is a must. If you want to have access to a pool and Elena, one of the best restaurants in the city (which also has a generous kids menu), consider the Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires .— recommended by Marianne Perez-Fransius, co-founder of BĂ©bĂ© Voyage , an online resource for traveling families

a river boat floats along the Chicago River with skyscrapers on either side

Kick back, relax, and watch the stunning buildings go by on a Chicago architecture river cruise.

Chicago, Illinois

Perfect for: Culture-curious kids and adults eager to get their museum, architecture, and comedy club fix.

Chicago has a lot of outdoor spaces and museums that will keep children active and engaged while also being home to a plethora of great restaurants for the adults (and their up-and-coming foodie kids). Some wonderful museums for all ages include the Field Museum and the Museum of Science + Industry . An architecture river cruise is ideal for when everyone in your crew is tired—you get to see Chicago’s amazing collection of structures while relaxing on the river. Another solid option for older kids is a kayak tour on the river or Lake Michigan. Millennium Park is a great outdoor space with a climbing wall and concerts in the summer. You can go biking or exploring in the vast Lincoln Park, which has some great beaches for relaxing and a conservatory that houses the tranquil Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool. An evening comedy show at the iconic Second City is fun for everyone.

Where to stay: The younger gens will think you’re the coolest when you book a stay at the cheeky boutique property Virgin Hotels Chicago (which has rooms with two queen beds and suites to accommodate fams). Or book this beautiful Wicker Park home on Airbnb with direct access to one of Chicago’s buzzy neighborhoods (and to the L train, aka Chicago’s public transit network for easy access to the downtown Loop). — recommended by AFAR reader Margo James

A pelican on a dock

Beautiful beaches, ample swimming, and cute coastal towns make Key West a great getaway for families.

Irina Wilhauk/Shutterstock

Key West, Florida

Perfect for: Elementary school kids that are full of energy and love beach time.

Key West is an amazing destination for young kids that happens to also be an incredibly beautiful place. Head to the Turtle Hospital in Marathon for some humbling time with shelled beauties. Go swimming at Bahia Honda State Park and in Islamorada . In Islamorada there is also a great little cluster of independent shops and restaurants—look out for Bad Boy Burrito . Make sure to head to the Hemingway Home and Museum and the Key West Lighthouse , both of which are steeped in history. Some fun off-the-beaten-path restaurants that are great for families include Havana Jacks Oceanside Restaurant in Key Largo (good for live music and cold drinks); Sunset Grille and Raw Bar in Marathon (for sunsets and playing games outside); and Blue Heaven in Key West (true to its name, it’s heaven). Ultimately, Key West has the perfect mix of swimming, eating, play time, and spotting wildlife—a winning formula for a truly memorable family vacation.

Where to stay: Kimptons are known for their classy updates of classic structures and Kimtpon Key West Winslow’s Bungalows are no exception. Located in the heart of Old Town, this historic property dates back to 1856 and now includes three pools and suites and guest rooms that can accommodate larger groups. The resort fee also includes loaner bikes, snorkel gear and continental breakfast. For the full resort experience, book a stay at Casa Marina Key West , which boasts two pools, bikes for guests, ample water sport activities, and a beachfront location. — recommended by AFAR reader Emma Maksimovic

Waimea Valley waterfall with people in the water

Explore Native Hawaiian culture and flora on a history-laden trek through Waimea Valley that ends with a dip in the falls.

Mari Sparacino/Unsplash

North Shore, Oʻahu

Perfect for: Kids (and adults) of all ages. And all the surfing.

No amount of beach and pool time is too much for kids, so that alone sets families up for endless fun when visiting Oʻahu. Despite its reputation for gnarly waves, the North Shore also has plenty of alcove beaches with calmer waters and soft sand like Kawela Bay. Older kids who want to give surfing a try will find plenty of surf schools at their disposal—and what better place to learn than in such an iconic surf destination. For a break from the beach, visit Gunstock Ranch for horseback riding or a rewarding tree-planting experience, and Waimea Valley for a hike along cultural and historic sites that ends at a lovely waterfall (that you can take a dip in). Get coffee (for the adults) at The Country Eatery and massive burgers at Seven Brothers —or try any of the food trucks and stands around the historic Kahuku Sugar Mill, where kids also have fun climbing the mill’s old gears.

Where to stay: The recently overhauled Turtle Bay Resort is the sole resort property at the northernmost tip of Oʻahu and it does not disappoint. In addition to pools with waterslides and calm, sandy beaches (with complimentary sand toys for guests), there’s a seemingly endless menu of family-friendly activities, including kayaking in search of sea turtles, stargazing, and ukulele lessons. The Stables at Turtle Bay are a great place for horseback riding for the entire family; they even have a pony experience for children six and under. — Michelle Baran, senior travel news editor

Punta Mita, Riviera Nayarit, Mexico

Perfect for: Families with younger kids and multigenerational travel.

Located about an hour north of Puerto Vallarta on Mexico’s Pacific Coast, Punta Mita is a resort enclave that offers families a perfect mix of sun and sand, Mexican culture and cuisine, and beautiful jungle flora and fauna. Whether you’re traveling with younger kids or are hosting a multigenerational reunion, Punta Mita allows families to be as busy or relaxed as they need or want to be. Spend the day sprawled out on the beach or by the pool, or get active with rainforest treks, snorkeling adventures, and whale watching outings. World-class resorts offer the highest level of service and amenities (including kids clubs, spas, and restaurants), while the surrounding region provides day trip opportunities to colorful local towns like Sayulita and San Pancho, where travelers can seek out locally made crafts and bustling markets.

Where to stay: There are two options in Punta Mita proper and you can’t go wrong with either. Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita is extremely welcoming to families with its Kids for All Seasons programming (which was recently enhanced with a Kids Well element that focuses on kids’ mental health and wellbeing), specialty kids’ menus, and family-friendly pools and cultural activities. Accommodations range from newly renovated casitas that sleep up to six all the way up to four- and five-bedroom villas, perfect for larger reunions and gatherings. Nearby is the St. Regis Punta Mita Resort , which offers family cooking classes, a children’s club, and a full menu of outdoor adventures (from SUP to surf to snorkeling). Nearby, several new properties with family-friendly accommodations and programming have recently been unveiled, including luxury property Susurros Del Corazón, Auberge Resorts Collection (with one- and two-bedroom suites and sprawling beachfront villas with up to seven bedrooms) and Conrad Punta de Mita (with experiences curated for families like movie night and beach barbecues). —M.B.

two bikes among rows of vineyards at sunset

Biking among the vines is fun whether you drink wine or not.

Sonoma County, California

Perfect for: A multigenerational family trip. Wine for the adults, outdoor adventure for the kids. Everybody wins.

Bring the grandparents or older members of the family together with the youngest ones for some memorable, multi-gen family fun in wine country. You can spend a day cycling up and down rolling hills and among vineyards with Getaway Adventures . The company offers guided tours or rentals and is well stocked with bikes and equipment for any age or weather condition. Well-behaved kids are welcome at many wineries in Sonoma, including Truett Hurst , a rare organic and biodynamic operation just outside town where kids can explore the gardens and creek while adults sip zinfandel. Families will also enjoy meandering among enormous redwoods at Armstrong Redwoods Natural Reserve , followed by a rewarding visit to the well-stocked toy store Toy Chest in downtown Healdsburg. For dinner, opt for kid-friendly but elevated food such as big pizzas at Pizzando .

Where to stay: Splash out for Hotel Healdsburg on the main square or the stunning, recently opened Montage Healdsburg , which has all the luxury amenities you’d expect from the name (plus an included kids club for guests ages 5-12, as well a family pool). Hotel Trio is a great spot to use up some Marriott Bonvoy points , with an outdoor pool, bocce ball court, bike rentals, and a car-free path straight into town. — Tim Chester, deputy editor

buildings along the Vancouver waterfront with boats on the water

Water taxis, ferries, Vancouver offers so much waterfront fun.

Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Perfect for: Babies and toddlers. British Colombia is a great starter international trip (with no or minimal jetlag from the U.S.).

Vancouver and Whistler make for an ideal getaway for younger travelers for several reasons. To start, western Canada offers the option of international travel with minimal (or even no) jetlag, which makes getting there with sleep challenged babies or toddlers much easier. Secondly, British Columbia is all about gorgeous natural landscapes that provide the perfect backdrop for getting outside—during the summer temperatures hover in the 60s and 70s, making it a great time to visit.

In Vancouver, the combination of the city and the sea is perfect for littles. Families can really lean into the numerous opportunities for boats and ferry rides, like water taxis that criss-cross False Creek and deliver passengers to Granville Island for a buzzing food market and shops, and to Science World , a kid-focused learning center. Stanley Park and its Vancouver Aquarium and totem poles are also must-sees. Vancouver is a very bike-friendly town, which makes for another fun way to see the sights. Head to the Shipyards on Vancouver’s North Shore for endless food trucks, music, art, and entertainment (plus another fun ferry ride).

Summer is the off-season in Whistler, a popular ski destination, so it makes for a much more mellow time to visit with kids. In this beautiful, mountainous region, walking and hiking trips are the way to go. Children will especially love the Train Wreck hike, a forested trek to the site of an abandoned train crash with train cars splattered about the forest floor and a hanging bridge mid-hike. On the road between Whistler and Vancouver, head to wildlife sanctuary Grouse Mountain , where a gondola ride will bring you to natural enclosures housing orphaned bears and owls.

Where to stay: For family-friendly lodging in Whistler, try Nita Lake Lodge , where you can borrow kayaks and canoes for paddling on the lake, rent bikes, take a dip in the pool and hot tub, and hike the nearby trails. In the heart of Whistler is the extremely kid-friendly and classic Fairmont Chateau Whistler with its indoor/outdoor pool and miniature bathrobes for little guests. In Vancouver, the Douglas, Autograph Collection offers prime access to the False Creek waterfront, while the Fairmont Pacific Rim places you right on Vancouver Harbor with views of sea planes taking off and landing. — M.B.

FEBO, a Dutch chain where food is served out of vending machine–like Automats

For an entertaining fast food experience in Amsterdam that everyone in the fam will get a kick out of, head to FEBO.

Amsterdam and Schiermonikoog, the Netherlands

Perfect for: Exploring with device- and freedom-loving preteens and teens.

When it comes to traveling with teenagers, any destination where you can get them outdoors for hours at a time with limited cell-phone reception is key in an effort to keep them off screens and engaging with the world. Enter: A trip to Amsterdam and Schiermonikoog, the latter of which is located in the Netherlands’ Friesan Islands. In Amsterdam, families will get a solid dose of culture and history exploring the Anne Frank House and the Van Gogh Museum . The Van Gogh Museum offers family tours designed to engage kids. Be sure to hit up FEBO, a Dutch chain where food is served out of vending machine–like Automats. For active exploration, opt for a bike ride to see windmills and a trip to the sprawling urban recreational space Vondelpark . For some post-city relaxation, head to Schiermonikoog, a mostly carless self-contained island where kids are issued a bike and the independence to ride around, head to the beach, grab lunch, and play and socialize with their peers on their own, without parents having to worry too much.

Where to stay: Reserve a family suite at the Pulitzer Amsterdam and you’ll have accommodations for up to four guests right on two of the city’s main canals, Prinsengracht and Keizersgracht. Alternatively, your wanna-be-adult teens will love the sophistication of Conservatorium Hotel in the city’s museum district. On Schiermonikoog, it’s all about scoring a great vacation rental like this stylish two-bedroom house in the heart of the main village. — Laura Simkins, chief operations officer

the colorful Sintra castle

What kid wouldn’t love a real-life castle that is as colorful as Sintra just outside of Lisbon?

Lisbon, Portugal

Perfect for: Families traveling with babies and younger kids.

Portugal is extremely family-friendly. There are parking spots just for pregnant women and airport security lanes just for families. Toddlers are welcome at wine bars and in trendy restaurants like Prado in Lisbon. Portuguese playgrounds are also next level. Or you can simply let the little ones loose in the centuries-old castles of Sintra and Óbidos and the open square of the Jeronimos Monastery in Lisbon, where history provides more than enough entertainment. Take the tots to the bustling Time Out Market Lisboa , a 50-stall food hall in the old fish-and-meat market, Mercado da Ribeira, where even the pickiest eaters are likely to find something they fancy. Pro tip: Rent an automatic car and bring a baby carrier, because the hilly cobblestone city streets are not friendly to manual transmission or strollers.

Where to stay: Martinhal apartments are famed for their kids club and baby concierge and The Lisboans feature stylish one- and two-bedroom apartments with full kitchens, along with hotel-style services like check-in, room cleanings, and breakfast delivery. —Laura Dannen Redman, digital content director

colorful toy boats float in the fountain at Luxembourg Palace in Paris

Take the kids to the Luxembourg Garden where small boats are often floating along in the fountain.


Paris and Provence, France

Perfect for: Whether you’re traveling with le bĂ©bĂ© , energetic younger kids, or more sophisticated high schoolers, there’s something for everyone in the City of Lights and south of France.

Let the youngest members of the fam scurry up the stairs of Sacre Coeur, marvel at the magnitude of seeing the Mona Lisa firsthand at the Louvre, and climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Or head to Luxembourg Gardens, where kids will delight in a carousel ride and playing with the toy sailboats—Paris is full of fantastic playgrounds and parks. Have a high schooler who is learning French? Let them lead the way and practice their français by helping with ordering meals at bistros and cafĂ©s.

When you’re ready for a break from the city, rent a car and explore southern France’s endlessly charming Provence region. Make the antique streets of UNESCO World Heritage site Avignon your home base while roaming Provence’s lavender fields, wineries, art history (numerous impressionists lived here in the 19th century, including Van Gogh ), and impressive churches and palaces, such as the gothic masterpiece Palais des Papes in Avignon.

Where to stay: When traveling to Paris with kids, a little extra space and access to parks are key. This effortlessly stylish two-bedroom Airbnb right by Luxembourg Gardens offers both. You can also opt for Residence Nell’s full-service apartments in the Ninth arrondissement or go all-out at the eternally elegant Le Bristol Paris , which is as kid-friendly (with its pool and kids club) as it is classy. We’ve also rounded up a selection of chic Paris hotels with rooms big enough for families . In Avignon, babies and younger guests are welcome at Le PrieurĂ© , a small and luxurious property built inside a 14th-century monastery, surrounded by gardens and complete with a pool. For a beautiful guest house with a pool and some family-friendly suites, check out Les Jardins de Baracane . — — recommended by AFAR reader Shira Berger (Provence) and Lyndsey Matthews, senior commerce editor (Paris)

Aerial view of Spetses, Greece

After a busy school year, sometimes you just want to go somewhere where everyone can relax. Enter: Spetses.

Spetses, Greece

Perfect for: A laid-back island vacation the whole family can enjoy.

Spetses is close enough to the mainland to make for an easy ferry ride, yet offers the relaxed vibes of a typical Greek island. Get your culture fix at the Bouboulina Museum and eat fresh seafood at countless waterfront restaurants. Beaches are located right in town, or you can venture a kilometer or two away for something quieter. Let your kids play in the rocky sand for hours while the local beach club brings lunch and a cocktail straight to your lounge chair. The island is mainly car-free, but horse and carriage rides make for a great way to transport the kids to dinner. Should you find yourself with an hour or two sans kids, rent an e-bike and cruise the scenic road that goes around the entire island. Make sure to stop at one of the hidden beaches you’ll encounter along the way. Pro tip: Greek sidewalks are not terribly welcoming for double strollers. If you have two kids in tow that need one, it’s better to pack an umbrella stroller for each of them.

Where to stay: The Poseidonion Grand Hotel is just steps from the ferry terminal, offering stunning waterfront views and kid-friendly amenities, including two outdoor pools. Just a short distance up the road you’ll find Nissia Traditional Residences with suites and residences that can accommodate a large group and serves as absolutely delicious Greek salad. — Anni Cuccinello, director of audience development

Africa and Asia

Introduce the next generation of travelers to the ornate palaces (and large mustaches) of Jaipur.

Introduce the next generation of travelers to the ornate palaces (and large mustaches) of Jaipur.

Aditya Siva/Unsplash

Jaipur, India

Perfect for: Elementary school aged kids and up.

India is a wonderful trip for kids who have graduated from the more challenging younger (ahem, toddler) years and are ready to explore and engage in the rich history and culture of this beautiful South Asian destination. After landing (and adjusting to the time difference) in Delhi, head to Jaipur, also known as the “Pink City,” which is famous for its grand palaces and Rajasthani culture. Kids can run around in the courtyard of the Hawa Mahal, a palace made of red and pink sandstone and will stare in bewilderment at the mustachioed guards at the adjacent City Palace (some of the mustaches are seriously giant). Then, hit the shops in search of shimmering silver jewelry and traditional Rajasthani outfits. At the Chokhi Dhani cultural village , families can ride camels and indulge in a Rajasthani feast.

Where to stay: Book one of the beautiful and spacious suites at the the Johri at Lal Haveli from AFAR’s 2021 Stay List or get lost at the Oberoi Rajvilas , a sprawling and palatial resort where rooms range from over-the-top villas with private pools to luxury tents inspired by royal caravans of yore. —Sarika Bansal, editorial director

a giraffe alongside Giraffe Manor hotel in Nairobi

Even the most “over it” teens are bound to think Giraffe Manor in Nairobi is pretty darn cool.


Nairobi and Masai Mara, Kenya

Perfect for: Even jaded teens who will be totally awed by the nature and beauty of a safari experience.

Start by splurging on a night at Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, because who doesn’t love feeding giraffes during breakfast? Then it’s off for a safari adventure. Take the group to Elewana Elsa’s Kopje in Meru, which is the site of the original camp of Kenyan wildlife conservationist George Adamson. Follow that up with Mahali Mzuri in Masai Mara. The entire family will be captivated when they spot lions, elephants, wildebeest, and zebras in the wild. Consider using a luxury Africa travel specialist such as Mahlatini , which handles everything including airport transfers, bush flights, tours and all the little details. A bucket-list trip for sure and something teens will be excited to do even if they are over being excited to travel with family.

Where to stay: If you feel inspired by the idea of doing an African safari with the family, we’ve rounded up some additional family-friendly safaris —including lodgings—that will make planning an epic safari trip much easier. — recommended by AFAR reader Jenn Thomas

Head to Robot Restaurant in Tokyo for a memorable evening.

Head to Robot Restaurant in Tokyo for a memorable evening.

Alex Waltner Photography/Shutterstock

Tokyo, Japan

Perfect for: Kids of all ages, but you’d be surprised how much Tokyo will surprise and delight even young toddlers (just make sure to build in some buffer for jetlag).

This beautiful, bustling capital city is a feast for the senses that will thrill the younger gens to no end. Just walking around and taking in all the sights is fun for kids, with countless stores to pop into and fun snacks to try. Head to a robot-themed show at the Robot Restaurant , visit the city’s owl and hedgehog cafĂ©s, and explore Sakurazaka Park in Roppongi (also known as “robot park”) and Ueno Zoo . The Tokyo Disney Resort , which features both a Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea theme park, is easy to get using the Tokyo subway system. Another great stop for kids is the Tokyo Skytree —head to the top terrace, 1,500 feet above the city, and walk around, and then down below to the mall that has tons of restaurants. Get your noodle knowledge fix at the ramen museum in Yokohama , which has a nearby giant Ferris wheel called the Cosmo Clock.

Where to stay: Splurge on a room at the Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi , with a pool, playroom, and discounted breakfasts for younger guests. Another luxury option is the iconic Grand Hyatt Tokyo in the lively Roppongi nabe. Or book a kid-friendly vacation rental through Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy , like this sleek apartment downtown . — recommended by AFAR reader Lauren Ide

A ship ship passing through the Wachau Valley on the Danube river

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24 Bucket List Activities To Make The Last Days Of Summer Feel Extra Sweet

The PSL is here which means fall is around the corner.

Michele Bird

BuzzFeed Contributor

As another summer gets ready to come to a close, it's not *too* late to sneak in some items that are lingering on your bucket list.

Meredith Hagner, Yvonne Orji, Lil Rel Howery, and John Cena smile for a selfie on a beach, with waves visible in the background in "Vacation Friends"

And if you need some inspo, we've got you covered! Here are all the must-do activities worth adding to your list before warm weather turns into sweater weather:

1. to start, go on a spontaneous road trip with your best friends ..

A group of friends, including two men and two women, happily take a selfie next to a car. They are enjoying a sunny day on a travel adventure

2. Buy a ticket to see a band you love in concert.

People enjoying a lively outdoor concert at night with vibrant lights illuminating the stage

3. Learn to make your own pasta.

Close-up shot of uncooked ravioli scattered on a flat surface, covered in flour

4. Enjoy the great outdoors and breathe in all the fresh air during a camping trip.

View from inside a tent looking out at mountains during sunrise with a sleeping bag in the middle

5. Cure your wanderlust and explore a new country.

The Colosseum in Rome at sunset

6. Throw an end-of-summer BBQ to spend quality time with loved ones.

People having a barbecue outside, with a close-up of meat and vegetables on the grill

7. Finish that book you've been putting off all summer long.

Person reading a book on a lounge chair with a waterfront view

8. Start your backyard garden so you have all the veggies you could ever want.

A person tends to a garden bed, wearing a short-sleeve shirt and gardening gloves. A wooden fence and green plants are visible in the background

9. Wake up early to catch the sunrise or stay out later to watch the sunset.

A person walking over the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset while it's empty

10. Hit the waves and take a surf lesson.

Three surfers, carrying their surfboards, run into the ocean waves

11. Pack a picnic for a day at the beach or park.

A beach picnic at sunset featuring wine glasses, cheese, fruit, nuts, and bread laid out on a white blanket by the shore

12. Plan a surprise date for your S.O.

A couple holding hands near a body of water at sunset

13. Hit the lake for a weekend on the water.

A paddleboard with an oar rests on the shore of a calm lake during sunset, surrounded by hills

14. Book a room for a relaxing staycation.

A black suitcase with a sun hat rests on top, placed in a modern living room with house plants and a woven chair

15. Have a bonfire with friends and family.

People roast marshmallows over a campfire

16. See a movie (or two!) at the drive-in theater.

Cars gathered at a drive-in theater with a bright movie screen in the background under a night sky

17. Spend the day at your favorite amusement park.

People on a roller coaster with their hands in the air, enjoying the ride

18. Be adventurous and go ziplining.

Person ziplining through a lush tropical landscape with mountains and ocean in view during sunset

19. Take a hot air balloon ride.

Hot air balloons of various patterns and designs preparing for takeoff at dusk in an open field

20. Have a "bring your own snack board" night with your besties.

A diverse charcuterie board featuring fruits, cheeses, meats, jams, and olives, arranged on a wooden surface

21. Learn how to make your own cocktails or mocktails .

Two women celebrate with cocktails outdoors at a summer gathering, smiling and toasting with glasses garnished with lemon. Other guests are in the background

22. Go to a baseball game to grub on all the ballpark food.

A large crowd of people waiting outside Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs, with many wearing baseball caps and team jerseys

23. Have a summerween party because you're already counting down the days to Halloween.

An array of Halloween-themed treats, including candy corn, popcorn, pretzels, gummies, licorice, and festive decorations

24. And finally, start planning your bucket list for next summer!

Three people enjoy the beach, splashing in the shallow water at sunset. One person kicks water into the air while the others frolic nearby

What was on your summer bucket list? Tell us in the comments!

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11 Dream International Vacations That Are Surprisingly Affordable

From Portugal to Panama, here’s where you can get the most bang for your buck.

summer trip ideas for friends

As the world becomes more connected by air travel, international vacations are increasingly affordable — but you have to know where to look and when to book. Typically, if you're hoping to save money, you should plan your trip around a destination's off-season. As a bonus, you're bound to have a better travel experience when you don't have to jostle your way through crowds to get to the top attractions.

Whether you're dreaming of a vacation as far from the U.S. as Australia or as close as Toronto, the actual cost could surprise you (in a good way). Using data from the booking platform Kayak , we've compiled a list of 11 international destinations where your dollar will go the furthest, plus when to book for the cheapest airfare and accommodation.

Toronto, Canada

Just north of the U.S. border is a growing city bursting with culture, a diverse culinary scene, and activities catering to a range of age groups and interests. Often mistaken for the Canadian capital, Toronto is sometimes known as "Hollywood North" for its wealth of celebrity residents. Foodies will want to make stops in Little Italy, one of several Chinatowns, and Little Portugal for a gastronomic jaunt around the world. Tourists may also be inclined to catch a hockey game, sample craft beer, and take a trip to the famous CN Tower to get unmatched views of the city.

Kayak data indicates that Toronto's low season runs from October to March, with the exception of December because of holiday travel. The cheapest flights can be found for about $180 from New York's JFK Airport in October. A direct flight from JFK to Toronto takes less than two hours.

Hotels downtown seem to be cheapest in January and February, when you can expect to pay as little as $33 per night for three-star accommodation. They're most expensive in September, going for an average of $371 per night.

Grand Est, France

The area formerly known as Alsace (now officially part of the larger Grand Est region) is beloved by French travelers. It doesn't attract nearly as many visitors as Paris or the Cote d'Azur, so you'll get a quieter experience. Kaysersberg, once featured on the TV program Le Village Préféré des Français as the French's favorite village, exemplifies many of the characteristics that have endeared Alsace to locals. It's got architecture that dates back to the 13th century, world-renowned wine cellars, and hearty Alsatian cuisine.

Fly to Strasbourg, the capital of Grand Est, in February or March for the best price. From New York City, round-trip flights can be found for less than $700, and you can stay in a three-star hotel for as low as $89 per night in the off-season. Kayak says the cheapest months for accommodation in Grand Est are August (an anomaly) and October.

Armenia attracts tourists with its rich arts scene, upscale shopping, and history museums packed with treasures. Though the capital, Yerevan, is a popular destination, no trip to this Asian country is complete without stepping into the gorgeous and rugged countryside. Head out to Khor Virap, a monastery first established during the 600s, for mountainside views and ancient architecture about 45 minutes away from Yerevan. It's worth the additional hour it takes to drive out to Garni Gorge, topped by a Roman temple, along the way.

Winter is Armenia's low season. The cheapest month to fly from NYC to Yerevan is November ($838 for a round trip, on average), though flights from January through March aren't much more expensive. Three-star hotels average $90 per night in January, the cheapest month for accommodation.

Brisbane, Australia

The capital of Queensland on Australia 's east coast is arguably the country's design capital. Drop by the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (colloquially called QAGOMA , one entity) or the Institute of Modern Art ( IMA ) to get a sense of Asian-Pacific art. Go shopping in the Fortitude Valley district, where you'll be able to pick up pieces from local and international designers. And, of course, because it's Australia, it's easy to get in touch with the local wildlife. Visit the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary , just about 20 minutes from the city, to hang out with more than 100 critters (not just koalas, either).

In general, Australia doesn't exactly fit the bill of "budget travel" for Americans, considering the absolute cheapest round-trip flight from NYC to Brisbane on Kayak costs almost $1,000. However, relative to other Australian destinations, this waterfront city is one of the more affordable entry points. The cheapest month to book a flight to Brisbane is September, the first month of spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Three-star hotel stays average in the $150 range from April through July, then spike in August.

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Madeira, portugal.

It's been 600 years since the Portuguese colonized Madeira , and the archipelago continues to astound visitors with its natural beauty. Trek along miles of rugged coast to see the Atlantic at its most paradisiacal. The capital of Funchal is home to a number of hotels offering glamour, glitz, and stiff cocktails. Speaking of drinks — be sure to check out the famous fortified wine named after the island where it was made.

Typically, a round-trip flight from NYC to Funchal will set you back anywhere from $650 to $1,100, with the lowest prices offered November and January to May. Hotel prices fluctuate on a similar schedule and range from about $150 to $330 per night for a three-star property.

If you're looking for a cheaper Mediterranean vacation , hop to the sea's southern side and try out Tunisia. The country has history (with a Roman colosseum — the Amphitheatre of El Jem — some say is even better than Rome's), miles of beautiful, sandy beaches, and bazaars with carpets, ceramics, and metalwork.

Kayak data indicates that the cheapest time to fly from NYC to Tunis , Tunisia's capital, is November (about $560), then September to October and January to May ($608 to $768). Prices for a night in a three-star Tunis hotel range from around $100 to $200, with the cheapest months on Kayak being September and December through March.

Etyek, Hungary

Budapest gets the majority of Hungary's visitors, but if you want to delve deeper into the country's culture, drive 18 miles west of the capital to Etyek, often called the "vineyards of Budapest." This area has been producing grapes since the 18th century and has been likened to Champagne for its excellence of crisp wines like chardonnay and sauvignon blanc. The town is also a pilgrimage for film buffs, with huge movies like "Blade Runner 2049" and "The Martian" having been shot there.

Etyek is about a 30-minute drive from Budapest. September through November and January through April are the cheapest times to fly to the Hungarian capital from NYC, according to Kayak data . Outside of the busy summer season, round-trip flights can be found for $524 to $620.

While September is a cheap time to fly to Hungary, it happens to be the most expensive month for accommodation. Book your trip in January, February, or March to snag a three-star hotel for $160 a night or less.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

That St. Vincent and the Grenadines were the last of the British colonies in the Caribbean to gain their independence (only in 1979) could be a reason why the islands have lagged behind other big players in drawing tourists. The upside of that, however, is the lack of crowds at beaches and on trails leading through lush rainforest to dormant volcanoes.

Visitors will fly into St. Vincent's Argyle International Airport, open only since 2017, and ferry over to the smaller islands of the Grenadines. The route is run several times a day from Kingstown.

Round-trip flights from NYC can be found for under $600 in March, May, and November. Hotels on St. Vincent remain surprisingly cheap throughout the year, showing the same sporadicity as flight prices. Go in January, May, June, August, or December for average nightly prices under $200 for three-star properties. The cheapest month for accommodation is December, when you can find a good hotel for about $50 a night.

Panama City, Panama

Meander through Panama City's old quarter where Spanish-style houses line cobblestone streets. Eat your way through Panamanian cuisine — yuca, plantains, empanadas, sancocho de gallina (chicken stew), and fish soup are among the most-loved dishes — and then top it all off with a tour of the city's thriving cocktail scene. The rainforest is easily accessible from Panama City if you're eager to swap the urban jungle for real jungle scenery.

Even though Panama is located in the Northern Hemisphere, its seasons — of which there are only two — are opposite of the U.S.'s. "Winter" (aka the wet season) lasts from around May to December and "summer" (the dry season) lasts from December to May. It's cheaper to go during the wet season, when the climate is least comfortable.

Prices for a round-trip flight from NYC to Panama City's Tocumen International Airport range from $339 to $659, with the cheapest times being April to June and September to October. The most expensive flights are in December. You can often stay in a three-star property for under $130 per night if you go between June and September.

Nicholas Schmidt/Travel + Leisure

Guatemala is consistently ranked a Travel + Leisure reader favorite for its combination of natural beauty and historic wonders. Visitors can wander through ancient Mayan ruins, hike the mountains and jungles, or explore the historic streets of the UNESCO World Heritage site, Antigua. Guatemala also boasts a thriving arts scene, perfectly preserved Spanish architecture, and unique cuisine like chuchitos (Guatemala-style tamales).

Book a trip for May or September for the cheapest flights ($269 to $344) on Kayak . Three-star hotels during that time should cost in the $120- to $140-per night range, while stays during August — the cheapest month for accommodation — cost, on average, $108 nightly.

Hanoi, Vietnam

You get a little bit of everything from a trip to Hanoi: vibrant culture, thousand-year-old history, a food scene that spans world-famous street carts to Michelin-starred restaurants, and a touch of jungle evidently seeping from the outskirts into the city. With $1 USD converting to about 25,000 Vietnamese dong, roughly the cost of a delicious banh mi , you should find it easy to stick to your budget and still live indulgently in this bustling capital.

Round-trip flights from NYC to Hanoi cost about $870 at their cheapest, from September through November, which is Vietnam's transitional period from the hot and humid wet season to the dry (and touristy) season. During this time, three-star properties go for about $125 to $150 a night.

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Staycation ideas for families, couples: A vacation without going anywhere

Sometimes, the best family vacations are actually staycations. Far from being a consolation prize for those who can't afford an exotic getaway , the best staycations can be exactly what you need to relax, rejuvenate, and rediscover the things you love about your hometown—or even your own backyard. Here are some fresh ideas to help you make even a budget-friendly backyard staycation feel special.

The key to success is choosing fun staycation ideas that take you outside of your usual routine and into something that looks and feels different than the day-to-day.

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1. Start by hitting pause on chores and distractions

Everyone’s idea of a perfect staycation is different, but most people can agree on what it doesn’t look like: the same old, same old. One of the best staycation tips you can follow is to avoid your work email—remove it from your phone altogether for the duration of your staycation if you can—and get rid of other real-life distractions as well. Something as simple as turning off work reminders and notifications that might pop up on your phone or smartwatch can go a long way. 

The same goes for the kind of routine chores that make daily life feel so mundane (we’re looking at you, dirty laundry; you too, un-mowed lawn). Only when you make arrangements to remove yourself from the ordinary can your staycation really begin. 

2. Treat your staycation like a real vacation

There’s a pretty good chance you haven’t gotten around to doing everything a visitor to your home state would want to do. One idea for a staycation is to make plans as if you were a tourist. Heading to a popular museum, zoo, aquarium , ballpark, amusement park , or other attraction near your home are all great staycation ideas that can elevate your minibreak into something that feels more like a vacation than just another day at home.

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If you’ve already been to all the popular tourist spots in your home state or neighboring areas, take advantage of your staycation time to visit during off-peak hours. You’re bound to enjoy a day at the zoo or aquarium a lot more if you’re visiting on a Tuesday afternoon when everyone else is still at work, giving you time to wander and take everything in without bumping into a large weekend crowd. 

3. Make it a spa day

Pamper yourself with a full spa experience. Incorporating a luxurious manicure, pedicure, haircut, massage, or other treatment — or all of them! — into your hometown getaway are all fun things to do on a staycation. One good staycation tip to make it feel extra special: Look for an upscale hotel or family resort near you that offers spa treatments to non-guests.

You can still feel like a VIP even if you aren’t spending the night, and often you’ll get access to the full spa facilities with your treatment — so look for a hotel and spa that comes with a hot tub, sauna, relaxation room, or other special ways to pamper yourself. If you’ve planned a weekday staycation, you may find midweek discounts and off-peak availability working in your favor, too. 

4. Spend the night away from home 

Then again, if you can spend the night at an upscale hotel or resort on your staycation, go for it. Few things are more rejuvenating than sleeping in a fancy hotel bed that someone else has to make in the morning or enjoying room service or a late-night cocktail at the hotel bar. 

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Maybe you live near the coast and there’s a charming little inn on the water you’ve been meaning to visit. Maybe there’s a hotel and casino within a day’s drive. Maybe you’d enjoy a rustic lodge , campground , or glamping resort near one of your state parks. The idea is to get outside your everyday life, and whether that’s for a night or a long weekend , it’s one of the top things to do on your staycation.  

5. Combine your staycation with a special event 

One of the most helpful staycation tips is to plan your time at home around a special event you want to attend, like a concert, film festival, or new movie premiere you’ve been dying to see. Pairing a highly anticipated event with your staycation at home is a fantastic way to make your time off feel even more special. 

If there aren’t any live performances or special movie events near you, consider making your own event by holding a backyard movie night ( portable projectors and screens are surprisingly affordable ) or heading to a drive-in movie theater.  

6. Take a cooking class, shop for ingredients, or dine at a fancy restaurant

Food is an important part of almost every memorable getaway , and one of the best staycation ideas is to build your minibreak around a delicious food experience. Adult cooking classes are offered in many communities, for example. These can make for a great low-key date night activity after a day of staycationing at home, and they’re often BYOB as well. You can find family cooking classes that let the kids get involved, too, if your staycation includes the whole family.

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Another staycation idea: Shop for local ingredients at a farmer’s market or indoor market and then cook a fresh meal at home. Of course, if your idea of a perfect staycation involves having someone else cook for you, try making reservations ahead of time at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try or wouldn’t normally splurge on. Cultivating special vacation-like experiences is a great way to make any staycation memorable.

7. Get outdoors

Enjoy a picnic at a state park, stroll a shaded walking trail, or take on a more challenging mountain hike on your staycation. Other outdoor staycation ideas include canoe or kayak rentals, a scenic bike ride, or even an overnight camping trip . (Camping out in your backyard counts, too!)

8. Shop local

If you love shopping at local boutiques and finding unique keepsakes on vacation, why not do the same in and around your own community on your staycation? Head to local shops you don’t usually visit — like an independent bookstore, a boutique jeweler, or an art gallery — to truly see your hometown through new eyes.

9. Above all, make time for the fun stuff

The most enjoyable things to do on a staycation are the ones that resonate with your interests and mood. Use your staycation as an opportunity to change your routine and make time for the fun stuff you’ve wanted to do but haven’t necessarily had time to focus on yet.

How to save money on local weekend getaways

By their nature, staycations are generally cheaper than typical vacations. Shorter stays and no flights mean you can skip out on some of the more painful costs associated with travel, like airport transfers and parking, bag fees, and expensive multi-day resort fees .

But that doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the fun or the great memories to enjoy a budget travel experience. Here are some great time-tested staycation ideas guaranteed to save you money on a close-to-home vacation. 

10. Make your own weekend

Because it’s peak travel time for most people, weekend getaways tend to be expensive. But if you can make your own weekend by traveling midweek, you’ll save money and find wider availability wherever you’re headed because hotels and other accommodations typically have lower occupancy on these days.

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Even if you can’t find time for a Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday getaway, look for an opportunity to overlap your stay a day before (Thursday) or a day after (Monday) most other people travel. You’ll get a lot more bang for your staycation buck. 

11. Plan your staycation for the shoulder season

If you’re not familiar with the term "shoulder season," let me introduce you to the best-of-both-worlds time when the tourists have all gone home but the weather’s still nice at popular destinations. Think New England after Labor Day but before foliage season , for example.

One of the great joys of a cheap weekend getaway is wandering the streets and dining in the restaurants of a prime tourist spot while feeling like you have it all to yourself — and knowing you’re saving a ton on accommodations, too. 

12. Look for last-minute deals

If you know you want a cheap weekend trip but don’t know exactly where you want to go, last-minute deals are for you. Sometimes rooms don’t fill even in the high tourist season. Sometimes there’s a sudden cancellation and vacancy. Whatever the reason, you can find deeply discounted accommodations for your staycation by keeping tabs on last-minute deals. It helps to have some staycation ideas in mind and call or look online a day or two before you want to go. Stay flexible and let the savings come to you. 

13. Take advantage of travel rewards credit cards and hotel loyalty programs

Membership, as the saying goes, has its privileges. And among the privileges afforded by a good travel credit card are flexible rewards points that can be redeemed for travel , lucrative bonus offers, and built-in benefits like complimentary room upgrades.

Even if you don’t want to carry a travel-centric rewards card, you can still join the free loyalty programs of major hotel chains to earn points and special offers for discounted staycations close to home. 

14. Use coupons, discounts, and multi-attraction passes

Coupon books for major U.S. cities like those offered by CityPASS are a great way to save money on your staycation ideas. Contact local tourism offices or convention and visitors bureaus to see what kinds of discounts are being offered to tourists and take advantage of those on your local getaway, too. 

Many popular destinations also offer savings on multi-attraction passes, so if you’re already planning to visit the science museum and the aquarium on the same staycation, you might save money by looking for a discounted pass that covers both attractions. 

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For hotels and other accommodations, look for discounts that come from your other affiliations, such as AAA or AARP travel discounts . Buying a nonrefundable rate will also bring the cost of your staycation down. And, when in doubt, call or check the hotel’s website directly to see if they can offer you a better price than what’s available from major online travel agencies. 

15. Get a room with a kitchen and shop for your own food

One of the major expenses on any vacation or weekend trip is the food. The cost of dining out adds up fast. If you book a room with a full kitchen or even a smaller kitchenette, you can save money by preparing some meals in your hotel. On romantic weekend getaways , cooking and shopping for the ingredients together can be a great way to start a staycation date night. 

16. Never say no to a free breakfast

It’s hard to beat free when it comes to saving money on a local getaway. Fill up on the pastries, granola, and scrambled eggs served at every major hotel chains’ continental breakfasts and consider the money you’re saving by eliminating one meal a day from your budget. Don’t forget to grab a to-go coffee on your way out.

17. Make lunch the fanciest meal of the day

Sometimes, the restaurant you can’t afford for dinner is right within your budget for lunch. Enjoy a nice meal at an upscale restaurant during this off-peak time for a taste of the high life on your staycation without the accompanying price tag. 

18. Don’t over-schedule your staycation

Staycations go wrong when you try to cram too much into a weekend getaway or midweek trip. Plan to do some fun activities, but don’t overschedule it. The idea is to return to everyday life relaxed and refreshed, not feeling like you need another vacation. Bring a good book and take a break now and then. Maybe even take a nap. (You know you want to.) And, bonus: Taking it easy is a great way to save money, too. 

 19. Arrange a house swap

Take your staycation ideas to the next level with a house swap through a reputable service like Home Exchange . You can also trade homes with friends or family to cut costs even further. Sometimes, all it takes to have a great staycation is getting outside of your ordinary life for a day or two. 

How to save money on staycations at home

If your staycation doesn’t involve a getaway to a nearby destination, whether for time or budget reasons, don’t give up hope. You can still enjoy a cheap break at home. Here are some staycation ideas for trimming the costs even further while keeping your vacation hyper-local. 

20. Go to a matinee instead of an evening film

There’s something indulgent about heading to an air-conditioned movie theater in the middle of a summer heatwave when everyone else is at work or baking in the sun. It also feels good to pay about half the price of a regular movie ticket. 

21. Get a free museum pass from your local library

Many local libraries have memberships at the major local museums, aquariums, zoos, and other organizations. Make a true budget travel power move by reserving a free pass ahead of time for your staycation. It requires a little planning, but it’s a smart way to save on entry fees. Some museums offer free days once a week or once a month, too; others take a pay-what-you-can approach.

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22. Take a hop-on, hop-off bus tour of your city

Convenient and economical, hop-on, hop-off tours are a smart way to cover a lot of ground in major cities without having to worry much about mass transit schedules or budget. You can easily spend a day sightseeing like a tourist and still sleep in your own bed when night falls. 

23. Enjoy free outdoor activities

For truly budget-friendly staycation ideas, nothing beats getting out into nature with a mountain hike or woodsy stroll, kayaking at a local lake or river, or taking a long bike ride on your local backroads. Don’t own a bike or kayak? No problem, many places offer inexpensive day rentals, and—in the case of kayaks and canoes—offer lessons if you need them, too. 

24. Pack a picnic lunch

One tried-and-true budget staycation idea is to pack a picnic lunch (or buy to-go sandwiches from a local restaurant or deli) and spend a leisurely afternoon in the park, by the lake, or at another quiet spot. Pair it with a long drive to make a full day of it. Picnics aren’t just inexpensive, either—they’re also an essential component of any great romantic getaway on a budget.  

25. Go for an ice cream

It’s your staycation, so why not eat dessert first? Head to a local ice cream parlor for a cone or frappe and luxuriate with one of the greatest (and most affordable) outdoor dining experiences ever invented? 

26. Plan a day at the beach or public pool

Hit the beach on your local staycation for a fun (and basically free) way to spend a day. If you’re not near an ocean, lake, or pond, chances are there’s a community pool near you that will do the trick. Get there early for a prime lounge chair. 

27. Rediscover board games

Whether you're playing as a family, a couple, or with friends, planning a game night is one of the best staycation ideas because a) it's basically free, b) it's probably not something you do very often, c) it's a great way to connect with each other minus the daily distractions or technology.

Staycation ideas for families and couples originally appeared on FamilyVacationist.com . 

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The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY. FamilyVacationist.com and TourScoop.com are owned and operated by Vacationist Media LLC. Using the FamilyVacationist travel recommendation methodology , we review and select family vacation ideas , family vacation spots , all-inclusive family resorts , and classic family vacations for all ages. TourScoop covers guided group tours and tour operators , tour operator reviews , tour itinerary reviews and travel gear recommendations .

summer trip ideas for friends

15 Unforgettable 50th Birthday Trip Ideas to Take with Friends

A re you looking for a memorable and fun way to celebrate your 50th birthday? A girls’ trip is the perfect way to ring in this significant milestone. Whether you’re a homebody or a seasoned jet setter, your birthday is the perfect opportunity to see new places, escape with your close friends, and enjoy a fantastic getaway. We’re rounding up our favorite 50th birthday trip ideas that are worthy of this momentous occasion. So come along and discover the best places to celebrate and unwind!

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15 Birthday Trip Ideas That Are Perfect for Celebrating with Friends

1. newport, rhode island.

Newport is the perfect place for a relaxed, coastal getaway. Enjoy classic New England charm while soaking up the salt air and beautiful scenery. 

Start your holiday with a stroll on the Cliff Walk, a 3.5-mile coastal trail that highlights the best of Newport’s beauty. Then head to its quaint downtown area, where you can peruse art galleries, dine in local restaurants, and stroll the scenic streets. 

But the best way to see Newport is from the water. Consider booking a sightseeing cruise on a vintage lobster boat or classic sailboat. A summertime visit offers the chance to enjoy a sun-soaked beach day. Head over to Easton’s Beach, or rent bikes to visit Gooseberry Beach.

One of our favorite Newport activities (especially for a girl’s trip!) is a mansion tour . The Breakers is the most popular and stately mansion to tour, but we also love The Elms for its gorgeous gardens. 

2. Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville has a little bit of everything: serene mountains, fun local culture, unique shopping and dining, and unforgettable attractions. That’s why it’s a great place to celebrate a special occasion – especially a 50th birthday!

We recommend booking a stay in one of its historic downtown hotels, but for a true escape, you could instead reserve a mountain cabin. Either way, you’ll want to make sure you enjoy both the city and its scenic surroundings. 

Of course, you can’t miss touring the Biltmore Mansion (the town’s most popular attraction), complete with time at their wine bar. The estate also offers guided hikes, bike rentals, croquet games, and falconry experiences. 

Back in town, be sure to save up for a full day of shopping and dining. When the weather is good, you could easily spend multiple days simply strolling through its charming streets. 

Nature lovers will want to head into the Blue Ridge Mountains, where there are many hiking trails with breathtaking views. And anyone will appreciate Asheville’s great spas, like Shoji Spa and Lodge , which offers professional treatments in a serene setting. 

3. Savannah, Georgia

Enjoy southern charm, coastal beauty, and unique culture in Savannah . If you’ve never visited this gorgeous Georgia city, your 50th birthday is the perfect excuse. 

Mild winters mean you can enjoy downtown strolls throughout the year, but we still prefer fall and spring for their picture-perfect conditions. Immerse yourself in the historic architecture, delicious food, quaint courtyards, and lively culture of Savannah. 

You need to book a ghost tour of downtown Savannah – the city’s unique history and peculiar hauntings are fascinating. Another option is to stay up late in one of its fun jazz bars or at the Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos bar . 

If you want to dip your toes in the ocean, take the short drive to Tybee Island. You can dine on local seafood and maybe even see dolphins and sea turtles in their natural habitat. 

4. Charleston, South Carolina

The colorful, cobbled streets are enough to lure most girl groups to Charleston. But there’s more to this vibrant city than what meets the eye. 

Your 50th birthday getaway to Charleston will be full of beautiful sights, amazing food, great music, and plenty of relaxation. 

See the city from a horse-drawn carriage , or rent bikes to explore at your own pace. Consider taking a historical tour of one of its unique homes or neighborhoods, or simply unwind at one of Charleston’s excellent spas. To soak in the sun, take the 20-minute drive to Folly Beach, where you could easily spend an entire day enjoying its unique beach-town vibe. 

For brunch, eat at Park & Grove , which has an unbeatable farm-to-table menu. Seafood dinner is best at Chubby Fish – just get there early to minimize your wait time. 

5. Quebec City and Montreal, Canada

Quebec City and Montreal are great places to celebrate the big 5-0. These Canadian towns are perfect for sightseers who love unique architecture and walkable streets. 

Begin in Quebec City, where you can see Montmorency Falls, a natural wonder that’s larger than Niagara Falls. Also check out Place Royale, a historic square with old-world European architecture and quaint shops. 

Take the 3.5-hour train ride from Quebec City to Montreal. It’s a scenic route, and the business-class service is excellent. 

Once in Montreal, marvel at the Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal, walk through the Parc Du Mont-Royal, and explore the Montreal Botanical Garden. 

There’s a lot of walking to do in both Quebec City and Montreal, so consider speeding things up by renting a moped – it’s a fun way to see the sights. Montreal is also a great place to take a cooking class . Or, leave the cooking to the pros and enjoy fine dining at L’Express , an incredible French bistro that you must visit while in town.

6. Sedona, Arizona

If you’re looking for a balance between relaxation and adventure, Sedona could be the perfect destination for your 50th birthday vacation. 

Sedona is hailed as a place of healing and sacred energy, so your trip here should definitely include one-of-a-kind spa treatments. Book a treatment (or an entire stay) at The Wilde Resort and Spa to enjoy the hotel’s peaceful atmosphere and luxurious service. 

Join a wine tour to sip and see even more of the area’s natural beauty (without the hassle of driving!). 

And when you’re ready for outdoor adventures, Sedona won’t disappoint. Go horseback riding through the desert or fly high in a hot air balloon. There is also great hiking throughout the area. Sugar Loaf Loop is an easy trail that’s located near town, or consider booking a guided hike to see some of Sedona’s hidden gems. 

7. Cape Cod, Massachusetts 

Cape Cod is quintessentially New England, and you’ll be immersed in its movie-worthy aesthetic and coastal charm. 

Plan your trip here around the best restaurants. Seafood reigns supreme, but you can also find excellent delis and bakeries throughout town. Also, keep your itinerary light – you’ll want plenty of time to relax on its many beautiful beaches. 

Don’t forget to head to one of the area’s downtown districts, where colorful streets, unique shops, and local art galleries can keep you busy for multiple days. 

For a unique stay, book rooms in a local bed and breakfast. Or, book a luxurious stay at Chatham Bars Inn , which features an onsite spa, tennis courts, and an oceanfront heated pool. 

8. Park City, Utah

Park City is best known for its winter sports – and it’s our go-to recommendation for a girls’ ski trip. But even in warm months, you can have a fun-filled 50th birthday getaway in this scenic city. 

Of course, the best things to do in Park City are skiing and snowboarding, but its winter aprĂšs-ski options can keep everyone in your group entertained. Enjoy great restaurants, live music, and the many adventures at Olympic Park. 

In the warmer months, you can fly fish, horseback ride, hike, or take a scenic yoga class. Plus, there are great spas throughout Park City that will help you unwind, whether you’re taking a break from non-stop skiing or lounging by a fire. 

9. Palm Springs

For a stylish SoCal getaway, head to Palm Springs. This sun-drenched city offers incredible shopping, spas, and adventure, all set in the unique landscape of the California desert. 

Our favorite 50th birthday trip ideas in Palm Springs include visiting Joshua Tree National Park and a day shopping and dining along Palm Canyon Drive. 

For a world-class spa day, you must go to The Spa at SĂ©c-he . It’s a glistening property located in the heart of Downtown Palm Springs, and it’s home to the city’s only natural hot spring. Services include mineral baths, quartz beds, salt caves, and cryotherapy. It’s certainly a rejuvenating way to ring in a new decade of life!

10. Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas is a popular choice for any big occasion, and your 50th birthday celebration here will be unforgettable. Book a luxurious stay at a world-class hotel and be within walking distance of some of the most lively activities. 

You’ll want to check out some live entertainment while in Sin City. Cirque du Soleil , U2 at The Sphere , Shania Twain, David Copperfield , and Absinthe are popular choices for girls trips. 

Hit the slot machines or go big at a table game. If gambling is not for you, there’s still plenty to do, like shopping, dining, and sightseeing. 

Outside of the city, you can take a day trip to the Grand Canyon , take an ATV tour of the nearby desert , or hike through Red Rock Canyon. 

11. Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale is famous for its luxurious spa resorts and golf clubs, which is reason enough to make it your 50th birthday destination. A girls’ trip here can include wine tasting, massages, and sightseeing. 

There’s a Four Seasons and a Fairmont here, so you can treat yourself to a luxurious stay. 

You can also thoroughly enjoy the great outdoors while in Scottsdale. Take a hot air balloon ride , or white water raft , go hiking, or join a guided mountain bike tour . For a more relaxed way to take in Scottsdale’s unique scenery, you can book a chauffeured driving tour or take a leisurely hike near town. 

12. Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth is a great place for a weekend girls’ getaway in Texas . There are endless amounts of great shopping, dining, and nightlife – perfect for groups that want an easy and fun escape. Plus, getting here is a breeze with so many flights coming into DFW airport. 

Fill your days with distillery tours, downtown restaurants, and unique museums. Kimbell Art Museum is incredible, and the National Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame is perfect for a girl’s trip. 

The Fort Worth Stockyards has twice-daily cattle drives that you have to check out. There are also regular rodeos and old-fashioned salons in this historic neighborhood. Book a stay at Hotel Drover to be close to all the action.

13. St. Augustine, Florida

Looking for 50th birthday trip ideas that include plenty of sand and sea? St. Augustine offers the classic beach trip your entire group will love, plus a lot of history that will make the vacation even more memorable. 

Your first stop will be the coastline, where crystal clear waters and unique lighthouses await. Crescent Beach is perfect for a beach day, and you can even go horseback riding on this scenic stretch of sand. 

When you’re ready to explore the historic city, consider getting a day pass for the hop-on, hop-off old town trolley, allowing you to see more of town (and its many distilleries and shops) with less walking. 

And when the sunsets, you’re ready to enjoy live music at one of the historic district’s great bars. Or, book a ghost tour for a unique insight into America’s oldest town. 

14. Lake Tahoe, California

Lake Tahoe is a great destination for any group, especially for celebratory girls’ trips. Adventurous travelers will love exploring on a kayak or stand-up paddleboard. Meanwhile, a relaxed getaway could include a scenic gondola ride or a wine cruise on the lake. 

In the winter, Lake Tahoe is a fun skiing destination with unforgettable scenery. It’s a great location for beginners, so you and your friends can take a group class and hit the easy slopes for a fun day on the mountain. 

Desolation Hotel is a top choice for a girls’ getaway, and you’ll have the best time eating and drinking throughout town. It’s a top place for bonding, adventure, and relaxation. 

15. Banff, Canada

Have you ever been to Banff, Canada? This resort town is located within a national park pleasing luxe travelers and adventure seekers alike. 

In the winter, you can hit the slopes at one of Banff’s three world-class ski resorts. But we prefer summer trips when the weather is great and endless exploration awaits. 

You’ll love relaxing in Banff Upper Hot Springs and dining in one of the town’s scenic restaurants. But be sure to get out and about, either on a driving tour or a hike. Banff is a great place for spotting wildlife, and each corner of the park is filled with stunning views. 

So hit the trails, unwind, and dine in style in Banff – one of our top 50th birthday trip ideas.

Looking for more destinations? Don’t miss the best 40th birthday trip ideas and where to go for a 10th anniversary trip !

The post 15 Unforgettable 50th Birthday Trip Ideas to Take with Friends appeared first on Groups Are A Trip .

If you want an unforgettable trip to celebrate the big 5-0 with friends, head to one of these destinations! They offer fabulous activities and tons of fun!

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20-ish Things You Still Want to Do This Summer

Taking beach trips, finishing a novel, shifting careers and falling in love are some of the things on readers’ summer bucket lists that they are still getting around to.

A person walking in the water, close to the shore.

By Melissa Guerrero

While the benchmark for a summer well-spent may vary from person to person, something that’s fairly universal is a rush to get certain things done. A Summerween party, for example, is on Tyler Roberts’s radar. Ear piercings? Golda Grais is still mustering up the courage. And a once-a-year plum is the exclamation point to Kathy O’Neill​’s summer.

Hundreds of readers responded to this Style-section question: What’s left on your summer bucket list? Some of them are relishing old traditions and opportunities to play, while others (OK, one responder) can’t wait for the season to end.

Here’s an edited selection of what readers told us. Tell us in the comments how you make the most of what remains in the summer season.

The classics

Jumping off the pier for my 61st year in a row.

— Gretchen LeBuhn, Corte Madera, Calif.

Driving away from the city to see the meteor showers!

— Jennifer Roe, Prairie Village, Kan.

Read (or just finish) a novel. I had an ambitious summer reading list, but my choices fell flat and I’ve failed to finish one book this season!

— Courtney Tudor, Ewa Beach, Hawaii

Swim in a river. Make out with someone. Bake a peach pie.

— Sarah Nealon, Portland, Ore.

Few more beach trips. Visit the Detroit Institute of Arts. Chappell Roan dance party! Host a Summerween party. Go stargazing.

— Tyler Roberts, Lansing, Mich.

Trying something new

There’s a roller coaster at a local amusement park that I haven’t been able to ride yet. At age 72, I don’t want to wait much longer! This weekend I will take my three grandsons on it and see which one of us can scream the loudest.

— Jeanne Neidenbach, Green Bay, Wis.

Becoming American. I’m a Canadian, and after 20 years of living in the United States I submitted my application for citizenship. They said it would take seven months, but after only four months, and in the middle of my summer vacation in Canada, I got notice that my interview is scheduled for later this August. What remains on my summer bucket list is to study for the American civics exam and return from Canada to take it. Fingers crossed I can vote as an American for the first time this fall.

— Gary Fowlie, New York, N.Y.

I swore up and down to several friends that I’d get my earlobes pierced this summer. At 22, I’m getting around to it a lot later than most. My older sister got her ears pierced at 13. Many of my friends at school have been sporting fun accessories on their ears for years: large silver hoops that nearly brush their shoulders, twinkling gems on their rook or tragus, or dangling charms in the shape of everything from turtles to bubble tea.

In May, I was determined to return to campus with cool earrings of my own, but every time the opportunity has risen, I just haven’t felt ready. Maybe I’ll end up bummed come September that I wasn’t able to follow through on the commitment, but then I remember that my mom walked into a Claire’s at age 45. It’s never too late to make my life a little more fabulous.

— Golda Grais, Chicago

Summer eats

Enjoying Glidden Point (Maine) oysters, preferably shucked by someone else!

— Carmen Duarte, Boston

Eating my way through a box of emerald beaut plums. They come in season once a year in late August and are one of the best fruits I’ve ever had — a quantum leap better than any fruit I can buy in the supermarket. I look forward to them every year as a capstone to summer.

— Kathy O’Neill​, Chevy Chase, Md.

Get sunburned while eating an entire watermelon by the pool.

— Emma Cooper, Boulder, Colo.

For the kids

Sleeping in the garden shed. My children are so much looking forward to it, but I am afraid of raccoons or mice that might come visiting.

— Sabine Hauke, Berlin

1) Prep for a new curriculum for my sixth-grade social studies class (I’m a teacher and am procrastinating).

2) I want to get my dining room chairs recovered.

— Leslie Kornsgold, East Windsor, N.J.

Taking our toddler on one of those boats you paddle with your feet at Green Lake.

A few more open-faced tomato sandwiches with extra mayo.

Continuing once-a-day ice cream.

— Andreea Niculescu, Seattle

Free lemonade stand with my almost 7-year-old — a family tradition.

— Jennifer Rodriguez Pippins, Silver Spring, Md.

Ambitions and long-term plans

I’d still like to fall in love.

— Amanda Yen, New York, N.Y.

My friend Jelly and I have two weeks between when summer jobs end and our colleges start back up. We’re going to meet up most days and develop some skills before we are separated. We’ve got a list.

Free mount Jelly’s six-foot unicycle, do a handstand, whistle with two fingers, juggle four balls at once, chug a water bottle in two seconds, do a back flip, moonwalk, learn origami with napkins, memorize a book of the Bible and only text each other in Morse code.

It’s a bit ambitious. We’ll see how the two weeks goes.

— Hayes Brown, Greenville, S.C.

I am 73 years old and part of my summer bucket list is to determine how I want to continue my career. I typically change my career work every 10 to 15 years and this is the time for a new revision. From clinical psychologist to small business health care owner to corporate health care executive to organizational consultant psychologist to author. I am ready for a change and hope to have it figured out before Labor Day.

— Richard Citrin, Pittsburgh

Out of season

Our summer here in San Diego starts when the tourists go home. September and October are what we call “locals summer.” That’s when we locals start our bucket list.

— Sara Joseph, Encinitas, Calif.

Going to burst the “good news” bubble: I can’t wait for summer to end. I dread the summer heat and insects and noise — and I find clear blue, cloud-free skies utterly oppressive. Practically speaking, I hope to not collapse from heat stroke and/or poor air quality. Hope to see you soon, autumn!

— Evyan Horton, Seattle

Melissa Guerrero writes about culture, communities and the arts in New York City. She joined The Times in 2018. More about Melissa Guerrero

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summer trip ideas for friends

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Life-size dinosaurs, a candy store tour and more to do this weekend

Take a road tip to Wiscasset for art, food, car racing and a gargantuan amount of candy.

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summer trip ideas for friends

One of many dinosaurs that will be at Cross Insurance Arena in Portland. Photo courtesy of Jurassic Quest

Make no bones about it, it’s going to be a great weekend, starting with  Jurassic Quest at Cross Insurance Arena . Animatronic dinosaurs will delight the kids, who will also get a kick out of digging for fossils and riding on a baby dino. Another option in our weekly roundup is “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical” at the Maine State Music Theatre in Brunswick.

‘Beautiful’ at Maine State Music Theatre, Pet Rock in the Park and Jurassic Quest

summer trip ideas for friends

Some of the candy available at the Granite Hall Store in Round Pond. Photo by Aimsel Ponti

For an even sweeter experience, we’re sending you candy shopping. We’ve shined a light on five shops  with something extra to offer and created a nifty guide of 18 to look you can find  all around southern Maine and the Midcoast. From giant shops like Sweetz & More in Wiscasset to charming places like the Granite Hall Store in Round Pond, there’s a candy shop out there calling your name.

These 5 unique Maine candy stores are a real treat

summer trip ideas for friends

The Brackett’s Market 4-Cylinder Pros compete Saturday at Wiscasset Speedway. Anna Chadwick/Morning Sentinel

Should your sweets-seeking adventure bring you to Wiscasset, we clue you into  several other things to do  in town, including car races at the Wiscasset Speedway.

A trip to pretty Wiscasset can also include art, history, speed

summer trip ideas for friends

Bagel sandwich with eggs, cheese and pork roll from Dutchman’s Wood-Fired Bagels in Brunswick. Photo by Aimsel Ponti

Want to hit breakfast right out of the park? Make your way to Brunswick for an egg and cheese sandwich from Dutchman’s Wood-Fired Bagels . We’re particularly partial to the one with pork roll and bodega sauce. Your taste buds can thank us later.

Pork roll and bodega sauce on a breakfast sandwich? We’re not in Brunswick anymore

summer trip ideas for friends

Ling-Wen Tsai, “Rising/Sinking Study Chair,” wood and milk paint, 12 x 12 x 5 inches. Photo courtesy of Corey Daniels Gallery

Farther south in Wells, check out “Life Forms,” a women’s sculpture collective at the Corey Daniels Gallery. You’ll see works by about a dozen artists as you make your way through the exhibit.

Women’s sculpture collective debuts work in Wells

summer trip ideas for friends

U.S. Navy Band Country Current performing in Tennessee. Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class April Enos

For some Sunday afternoon live tunes, head to Memorial Park in Freeport at 3 p.m. for a free performance by Country Current . The band is the only U.S. Navy country/bluegrass ensemble, and the show should be a foot-stomping good time.

See U.S. Navy band Country Current for free in Freeport

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  29. Life-size dinosaurs, a candy store tour and more to do this weekend

    A trip to pretty Wiscasset can also include art, history, speed. Bagel sandwich with eggs, cheese and pork roll from Dutchman's Wood-Fired Bagels in Brunswick. Photo by Aimsel Ponti.