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humanitarian xp trips


Best Humanitarian Trips Abroad

Explore these recommended humanitarian trips abroad

Humanitarian trips are an opportunity to promote human welfare and improve outcomes for some of the world’s most in-need people. You’ll get out of your comfort zone and use your travel to positively build capacity within the community and culture you’re immersed in while increasing access to vital services, education, and healthcare.

Humanitarian aid is often thought of within the context of an immediate response to a crisis, such as a natural disaster; however, there’s a long-term approach to humanitarian work that plays a powerful role in building stronger communities. By choosing to support humanitarian projects that put the spotlight on long-term change, you can help address the root issues that impact human welfare and improve outcomes for marginalized people, creating happier, healthier communities abroad.

Don’t pay thousands for humanitarian trips. See the world and support community-driven projects on affordable and unique service opportunities for solo travelers, families, friends, and groups. Expect authentic experiences, real adventure and to take part in meaningful humanitarian service.

Explore your options below, or jump straight to what you’re looking for:

  • Why is humanitarian work is important for you?
  • How do I become a humanitarian volunteer ?
  • What humanitarian projects can I support? You can choose from: Medical and Healthcare projects NGO Support volunteer opportunities Refugee and Migrant Support projects Women’s Education projects Childcare volunteer projects Community Development opportunities Teaching project Special Needs Care projects

The benefits of humanitarian trips

Why Humanitarian Work Is Important

Humanitarian volunteer work for college students, youth, and families is a powerful way to instill the importance of giving, experience a culture to its fullest, gain a new perspective and positively impact a community in-need. What will amaze you about service trips is not only the positive impact your actions can have on others, but the impact the experience will have on you. It’s an experience that will stand you in good stead with everything from college applications to applying for future NGO jobs abroad, as it shows a compelling insight into the type of person you are - someone that lives by humanitarian values and acts on those ideals.

How To Become A Humanitarian Volunteer

By becoming an IVHQ volunteer, you’re joining a network of 142,000+ volunteers dedicated to supporting local, community-driven projects that create long-term positive change. Our humanitarian projects put the focus on outcomes that directly impact the quality of life within marginalized communities.

As the world’s leading volunteer abroad organization, IVHQ provides affordable volunteer opportunities so that travelers who want to make a positive difference don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on humanitarian trips. This allows you the opportunity to support communities in 40+ countries around the world and make your dreams to travel with meaning a reality. Learn how the IVHQ application process works here or organize to speak directly to a Volunteer Travel Consultant to discuss your options.

How do I get involved in Humanitarian work

What Humanitarian Projects Can I Support?

Focus on humanitarian expeditions that improve access to education, healthcare, basic human needs and physiological development. Consider giving-back as a medical volunteer, supporting an NGO Support project, or focusing your efforts on Community Development - either way, you’ll be working on projects that have the wellbeing of people and their communities at the core.

Whether you’re looking for humanitarian trips for families or solo female travelers, International Volunteer HQ has volunteer service trips to suit everyone, no matter your age or skills. You can expect authentic experiences, real adventure and to take part in meaningful humanitarian service in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, Central America, the Caribbean or the Pacific.

Humanitarian work in Italy

NGO Support Projects

By volunteering on an NGO project, you’ll be helping to build capacity and support the long-term goals of not-for-profit organizations that are driving positive change within their local community. The outcomes of these of these NGOs are often limited by financial and staffing resources, making the support international volunteers provide invaluable in strengthening the impact and extending the reach of NGOs’ efforts within the community. Depending on the organization, and the needs of the community, you can expect to take on a range of tasks, which can include general administration, grant writing, research, marketing, fundraising, IT support, website development and teaching English. Your connection to the community will be a lasting one, as you contribute to projects with a focus on long-term positive change. NGO Support projects are ideal for volunteers looking to gain international work experience, while sharing and developing their own skills.

Spotlight On NGO Support In Italy

Set in the Italian city of Rome, you’ll assist a local NGO in either community development, child and youth welfare, immigration and migrant support, or human rights. You can list your preferred NGO field when you apply; however, keep in mind that you will be assigned to the NGO that has the most need for assistance at the time. Regardless of the NGO you work with in Naples, it will be a humbling and heartwarming experience. You will quickly learn that when volunteers combine their small efforts, it can actually make a big difference to a community. During your free time, you’ll be able to explore Rome\ - imagine wandering through the beautiful alleys, sipping espresso, eating authentic pizza and taking in the history and captivating culture of Italy.

Volunteers who have relevant experience may also have the opportunity to become involved in counseling and providing legal support to migrants seeking humanitarian asylum. The NGO Support project in Italy has a minimum duration requirement of 4 weeks and you will need to bring your own laptop to support your volunteer work.

Medical and healthcare humanitarian trips

Medical And Healthcare Projects

Whether you are a dentist, doctor, nurse, or physiotherapist, there are healthcare volunteer opportunities abroad that need you and your skills. You can set off knowing that regardless of your specialty, healthcare volunteers play a significant role in working alongside medical professionals at the frontline of promoting better health and wellbeing outcomes within communities abroad.

You can contact a Volunteer Program Consultant at IVHQ to help select a medical volunteer project that aligns with your area of medical expertise but there are opportunities for:

  • Pre med, pre health and pre nursing students
  • The areas of speciality available include physiotherapy, pharmacy, dentistry, paramedics, clinical laboratory science, emergency medicine (EMTs), speech therapy, optometry, nutrition, public health, orthopedics, radiology, HIV/AIDS support, midwifery and pediatrics.
  • Medical mission trips that provide medical care and healthcare education to communities where healthcare is limited or difficult to obtain.

Spotlight On Medical Volunteering In Peru - Cusco

Prepare to enhance your global perspective of medicine, to make a worthwhile impact and to learn from experienced Peruvian healthcare practitioners. Clinics and hospitals for low-income families in Cusco tend to be underfunded and understaffed. As a result, volunteers play an important role in assisting local nurses and doctors, dentists and specialists while also learning about the healthcare system. It’s important to set realistic expectations around your volunteer work, which will be dependent on your qualifications and level of Spanish. Being a medical volunteer in Peru will also expose you to an authentic insight into the culture and you’ll be fully immersed in the Cusco way of life. Be prepared to expand your understanding of home, make new friends and explore during your free time.

Volunteering in Kenya

Community Development Projects

If you’re looking for grassroots humanitarian work abroad, Community Development projects are worthwhile opportunities to get behind. These projects put creating and fostering communities where people flourish at the heart of the volunteer work. Think Community Development in Madagascar, or Food Outreach in Vietnam, or what about Rural Community Development in Sri Lanka or HIV/AIDS Support in Tanzania. The work is usually quite varied and requires initiative to get projects off the ground, but the opportunities are unique and you’ll be driven by the shared purpose to improve the circumstances of the community you are immersed in.

HIV/AIDS Support In Tanzania As a volunteer on our HIV/AIDS Support project, you will have the opportunity to provide assistance to women living with​ ​HIV/AIDS, supporting them in becoming more self-sufficient. Many people who are known to be suffering from HIV/AIDS in Tanzania can​ find it difficult to gain employment and ultimately provide for their households. You need to be adaptable and willing to take on the tasks that need your time most. You’ll be immersed in the Tanzanian culture, working with passionate locals and creating authentic connections. In your weekends, you can expect real adventures as you embark on safaris, get to know the real Maasai culture, or explore Zanzibar.

Humanitarian work with refugees in Belgium

Refugee And Migrant Support Projects

On World Refugee Day 2018, a record 68.5 million people were forcibly displaced last year. As a refugee support volunteer , you can support projects that have been established to directly address the European refugee crisis. You can expect to work alongside local NGOs and volunteers at the frontline of promoting better health and wellbeing outcomes for refugee communities, as they rebuild their lives and move towards self-sufficiency and social integration.

Spotlight Projects In Belgium:

A number of our volunteer projects in Belgium work with the refugee community and focus on showing kindness in practical ways. For example, as a volunteer on the Educational Support project, you’ll be working within community centers, which provide shelter to refugees, teaching youth English and Math. You can also join the Food Outreach project. In your free time, you can explore the city of Brussels and wider Belgium.

Volunteer work in in India

Women’s Education Projects

Many women and girls living in the communities we support face a wide range of social inequalities and often do not have the chance to complete their education or gain financial independence. Our Women’s Empowerment projects in Kenya, Morocco, India, and Nepal focus on empowering women and girls through education and/or teaching women a trade that promotes independence and the ability to earn a living - all to support stronger, happier communities around the world. These volunteer opportunities have a strong focus on educating women and girls because of the potential it has to enable people to improve their lives.

Spotlight On Women’s Education In Kenya

Volunteers working on this project in Kenya empower women through income-generating projects, education and skills training. You’ll work closely with centers which support women affected by HIV/AIDS. At many of the centers, women are able to learn sewing, tailoring, candle-making, and jewelry-making through subsidized courses. The women also have access to finance and small business management courses, enabling them to start their own craft-making or tailoring businesses to generate an income and provide for their families. Not all of the women suffer from HIV/AIDS and some have joined the centers to help improve their overall living situation and learn vital skills to help become self-sufficient. You’ll be living in a homestay with a local family and can expect to share a room with two to four other volunteers. This immersive experience allows you the unique opportunity to learn firsthand about the​ ​Kenyan way of life - you’ll meet local people, try local food, speak the local language and​ ​engage in local customs and traditions. Weekends provide you with time to explore the stunning and varied landscape of Kenya. You can take a trip to Mombasa to relax on the white sand beaches, eat too much seafood and watch the sunset, or you can embark on an iconic African adventure and take a safari!

Volunteering in Ghana Teaching English

Teaching Projects

Over the course of a year, IVHQ volunteers spend more than 200,000 hours supporting education and literacy projects abroad. By volunteering on a Teaching project , you’re supporting this movement to increase access to education in communities around the world. You’ll work alongside local teachers with the objective of promoting greater literacy, supporting opportunities for higher education, building vocational skills and enhancing career prospects among students. The influence that international teaching volunteers have on the communities goes beyond the classroom. Crossing boundaries to work side-by-side with students and teachers from different cultures fosters a two-way exchange, building cross-cultural understanding and global awareness. With 50+ volunteer Teaching opportunities around the globe, you have the option to give back in a destination with a culture you want to authentically experience and a country you want to explore during your free time.

Spotlight On Teaching English In Ghana

The focus of the Teaching project in Ghana is to spark the interest of school children in studying and speaking English, while also offering you the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the Ghanaian culture and education system. Although Ghana is an English-speaking country, many school children cannot communicate effectively in the English language. This is common in both rural and urban areas of Ghana and there is a real need for volunteers to assist in communities with a shortage of teaching staff. If you’re genuinely interested in education or aspiring to become a teacher, this is a great project option for you. As a volunteer on the Teaching project in Ghana, you will be working in both rural and urban communities in Accra, where you will teach solo or assist one of the few local teachers. During your free time, you can explore Ghana. Be sure to add Kakum National Park to your must-do list, you can make your way across the Canopy Walkway, suspended 98ft over the forest floor!

Support special needs care abroad on your humanitarian trip

Support Special Needs Care Abroad

Special Needs Care volunteers work closely alongside local staff to promote better health and wellbeing outcomes for people living with mental and physical disabilities, while engaging in a cross-cultural learning exchange with the people you are working with and caring for. Special Needs Care projects are best suited to volunteers of a caring and compassionate nature who are patient, hardworking and willing to help with a range of duties. Medical students or healthcare professionals who are seeking physiotherapy volunteer opportunities are also able to support physical therapy while volunteering at the centers.

Spotlight On Special Needs Care In Sri Lanka

Children and adults with physical and mental disabilities are often marginalized within Sri Lankan society, due to a lack of knowledge and cultural acceptance within the community. Volunteers are placed in special needs schools, homes and care centers within Kandy, a major city and spiritual hub of Sri Lanka. These facilities are under-resourced and benefit from the skills, time and involvement of volunteers. On this project , you will assist local staff in classroom-based activities, general care, play time, and meal breaks. You can be accommodated in a volunteer house with other volunteers, or experience homestay living. The lakeside setting of Kandy makes for a serene backdrop for your volunteer experience. During your free time, you can explore the colorful markets of Kandy, take one of the most scenic train journeys in the world to the lush tea-plantations of Ella, or jump aboard a local bus to one of the chilled out coastal beach towns. When it comes time to leave Sri Lanka, you’ll have a camera roll packed with unforgettable highlights and your memories will speak of the impact your actions have had on the community you’ve become part of.

Support positive outcomes for young people - humanitarian trips

Support Positive Outcomes For Young People Abroad

Every child should have access to essential care and support and as a volunteer on a Childcare project , you’ll be volunteering your time to help local people and organizations make that a reality. You’ll work to increase access to care and youth development opportunities for young people within under-resourced communities. With Childcare opportunities in more than 40 countries, volunteers should expect to help provide personalized attention, mentoring, positive educational outcomes, inspire and develop the talents and abilities of the children and assist with daily operations, such as cooking and cleaning. You can set off feeling confident that you will have a meaningful impact while developing your global awareness and opening the minds of the children to new cultures and possibilities.

Spotlight On Childcare Support In Ecuador

For many of the children you will be working with on this project, attending pre-school isn’t an option, as they come from families that work full-time in the local markets and streets selling goods. The purpose of this project is to support the early childhood development of these young Ecuadorians with increased accessibility to educational activities and expose them to new cultures and possibilities through international volunteers. You need to come with initiative and an approach that makes learning fun! You’ll volunteer from Tuesday to Friday, meaning you have long weekends to explore the amazing national parks of Ecuador or venture to the Galapagos Islands.

Whether you decide to support positive outcomes for young people in Ecuador or expand access to healthcare in Peru, you can set off knowing that by taking a humanitarian vacation, you are supporting improved outcomes for people and traveling with meaning. For more information, see our full range of volunteer abroad programs .

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Where do you want to go?

What do you want to do?

Everywhere Select all

  • Galapagos Islands
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • Puerto Rico
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Victoria Falls
  • Arts & Music
  • Sea Turtle & Marine Conservation
  • Wildlife & Animal Care
  • Environment & Conservation
  • Climate Action
  • Medical & Health
  • Special Needs Care
  • Elderly Care
  • Construction & Renovation
  • Community Development
  • Christmas Volunteering
  • Teen Summer Camps
  • Women's Empowerment
  • NGO Support
  • Refugee Support

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Ixtapa, Mexico

Ixtapa, Mexico


Savannah, Georgia


HXP Main Site Beta


Payment schedule, nov/december.

humanitarian xp trips

$500 / $1500

Due Jan 19th Domestic $500, International $1,500.

Full Balance

Due Mar 1st. Pay the remaining trip cost.

Make A Payment

Regular payments are made within your builder account. Follow the link below to login and make payments after being booked on a trip.

Contributions from others (besides you or your parents) for HXP trips are tax dedubctable provided that specific requirements are met.


Thousands of Builders have helped pay for their humanitarian efforts through their own ventures. We’ve collected ideas from past Builders who have funded their humanitarian projects through creativity and hard work. Many others have raised the necessary funds by inviting their extended family, friends, work, and community to partner with them in their efforts to serve.

Payment Policies



HEFY nonprofit rebrands to Humanitarian XP

By Alexa Larson

The well-known non-profit organization HEFY, short for humanitarian experience for youth, underwent a rebranding to now be named Humanitarian XP. The rebranding is being well-received.

'We found out that XP is an old symbol of Christ and we thought wow that would be perfect for us. So we changed the name to Humanitarian XP, just to align a little bit better with our desire to follow Christ,' Humanitarian XP CEO Amy Antonelli said.

The organization hopes the name change will help to increase the number of volunteers who may not be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

'Our name has always been humanitarian experience, it still is. But you know years ago, people just kind of adopted the nickname of HEFY and I think it's kind of caused some confusion with the EFY program at BYU because we're not in any way associated with them,' Antonelli said.

'I think our re-brand is helping us really focus even more so on our mission of changing lives through sustainable service,' Caribbean and Central America program manager Kim Gonzalez said.

'Now with their focus on HXP, Humanitarian Experience, I think that'll just be a little more obvious and will draw people in more and be like 'wait what is this, I haven't even heard of this before,'' trip leader Kenny Ahlstrom said.

The name change isn't the only exciting thing happening at the organization. Due to COVID-19, Humanitarian XP decided to open up trip locations stateside.

'There is just as much of a need in some places that we go in America as there is in international locations,' Antonelli said.

This year, they will continue to send volunteers to those locations as well as open up new locations both nationally and internationally, bringing their total number of global trip locations to 57.

'It's just amazing to see, you know, the impact that these kids can make all over the world. Particularly when they sort of align their desire to serve with their understanding of who they are in the light of the restored gospel,' Antonelli said.

With all of the changes, the organization is expecting an immense growth in the number of applicants this year for all positions including youth volunteers, trip leaders and parent builders.

Registration for youth volunteers is Nov. 8-12. More information on Humanitarian XP is on their website .

humanitarian xp trips

Humanitarian XP

About humanitarian xp.

Humanitarian XP is a multi-million dollar global nonprofit humanitarian organization that facilitates sustainable humanitarian trips for over 4000 youth volunteers in 40+ worldwide locations. The mission of HXP is to change the lives through service - both the lives being served and those doing the serving. Our trips are led by high caliber college-age volunteers who are responsible for conducting a safe and life changing trip for 19 youth. Trip Leaders gain both significant leadership experience and a strong network of highly accomplished individuals that often influences their career ambitions. Their responsibilities include developing the physical, spiritual, and emotional health of the youth; daily accounting and logistical management; working with and maintaining great relationships with locals; maintaining worksite safety and project planning; and developing creative ideas for collective impact. Trip Leaders often obtain college credit for their service over the summer through their schools. Acceptance as a Trip Leader also qualifies the individual for the Fellowship Program, which provides opportunities to assist in the operations of a large international non-profit. Projects include Builder experience, Program planning, Brand Impact.

Program Director

Trip leader, related employers.

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ArtPrize Grand Rapids

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Mackinac Center for Public Policy

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humanitarian xp trips

Blue Water Safe Horizons


Parents at Home

Parents at home, my son/daughter is going on a trip. what should i know.

Over the years, we’re heard it all—every Builder comes from a different background, but every parent/guardian has the same question: will my Builder be safe?

At Humanitarian XP, safety of our Builders is our number one priority, and there’s a lot of things you can do to help facilitate that.

Check out our comprehensive list of all the things you need to know as a Parent at Home.

humanitarian xp trips


Questions from parents at home

humanitarian xp trips

What does Humanitarian XP do to keep my Builder safe while they're gone? >>

humanitarian xp trips

How can I help my child prepare? >>

humanitarian xp trips

How do Builders pay for their trip? >>


Trip Leaders

Be a trip leader, what were you born to do​.

You’ve probably come here because a lot of people you respect have talked to you about being an HXP Trip Leader. But what are you even signing up for? Let us tell you: you are signing up to love kids who will change your life. You’ll get to know these Builders, have fun, cry, laugh, work hard, serve, be stretched beyond what you thought you could—and that’s just the first day. Are you ready for it?

People that have already been Trip Leaders do not need to apply again. They will return by invite only.

humanitarian xp trips

Being an HXP Trip Leader is...

Common Questions

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humanitarian xp trips


humanitarian xp trips


What do we look for.

  • A strong testimony of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a life that consistently reflects that belief
  • Proven ability to inspire and help youth develop greater faith in Jesus Christ
  • Confidence in who you are and your ability to impact lives for good
  • Previous international experience (beyond a mission)
  • Experience working with youth (14-19)
  • A successful academic and/or professional history
  • 21 to 30 years of age by May 31, 2025 (majority of our Trip Leaders are 22+)
  • Commitment to attend a three-day-long Trip Leader Training, May 8-10 2025
  • Able to commit to 45 hours of preparation during the year leading up to your trip
  • Able to commit to 3-5 weeks to HXP during Summer 2025
  • A current temple recommend

What happens after you apply?

For those of you applying for your second or third time, welcome back! Our application process for 2025 has three rounds:

  • Online application with resume
  • A one-way recorded interview AND personal intro video
  • In-person interview at HXP headquarters or on Zoom

Here’s a tip…the sooner you apply, the better chance you have of getting a spot.

Early Admissions will close August 18, 2024 with interviews to follow in October. There are five waves of applications (August 18, October 14,  November 10, December 29, and January 22nd).

All decisions will then be communicated by February 28, 2025 and trip assignments will be announced at “Sorting Day” on March 7, 2025.


  1. Humanitarian XP: Day in the Life

    humanitarian xp trips

  2. Humanitarian XP Registration 2021

    humanitarian xp trips

  3. Home

    humanitarian xp trips

  4. 3 Touchpoints of a Humanitarian XP Trip

    humanitarian xp trips

  5. Humanitarian XP: Day in the Life

    humanitarian xp trips

  6. First Look at 2024 Registration

    humanitarian xp trips


  1. Busy Summer for NAAOP and O&P Priorities

  2. 🇸🇾 Idlib offensive: Russia and Turkey stall fighting

  3. Osprey Packs

  4. Stanford University


  6. Bosnia


  1. Home

    DON, 16 BUILDER | BRAZIL | UTAH. "There is something extraordinary that happens when you go on an Humanitarian XP trip. It's a once in a lifetime chance to put behind a world of chaos and self-centered living for fourteen days of true connection and selfless service.


    Each Domestic Trip will include the three major elements of the Humanitarian XP methodology: the chance for youth to bond with nineteen peers in service and faith. a digital detox that allows youth the spiritual space to consider the person they are becoming. a male and female Trip Leader who can inspire and connect with youth.

  3. Preparing For Your Trip

    The most anticipated part of a Humanitarian XP trip is stepping out of your cultural comfort zone and experiencing a new place. This is a great opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the culture. When you try new foods, learn frequently used phrases in the local language, pick up traditional dance moves, and commit to embracing everything ...

  4. Trips Availability

    Trips Availability. Legend Spaces Available for: Female Teen: Male Teen: Female Parent: Male Parent: Please Note: Each Parent Builder opening includes a spot for a Youth and Parent Builder. Trips Availability ...

  5. Preparing For Your Trip

    Humanitarian Experience trips are designed to be exhilarating, exhausting, and unforgettable. You will be pushing full-speed ahead from the beginning to the end of your trip, so get ready to roll up your sleeves! ... or to a job far from home, so signing up solo for your Humanitarian XP trip is a great way to try it out and see what you're ...

  6. Refuge

    what is refuge? humanitarian experience presents...

  7. Inside Humanitarian XP

    See Our Story. 801-900-4111. [email protected]. 307 W 200 S #5002. Salt Lake City, UT. 84101. In 1999, Glenn and Elisabeth Bingham wanted their son David to have a humanitarian experience with members of their faith.

  8. Humanitarian Trips 2024 & 2025

    Don't pay thousands for humanitarian trips. See the world and support community-driven projects on affordable and unique service opportunities for solo travelers, families, friends, and groups. Expect authentic experiences, real adventure and to take part in meaningful humanitarian service.

  9. Trip Costs

    Humanitarian XP Refund Policy. I loved being able to make a small difference in the life of a participant. This girl would not have been able to go on an Humanitarian XP trip without donors so I was grateful to be able to contribute to her experience. I truly was able to see the difference the trip made in her life since she came home.

  10. Login

    Click here to create a new account and plan your next trip! Ixtapa, Mexico. Guatemala. Costa Rica. Peru. Ixtapa, Mexico. Belize. Savannah, Georgia. Malawi. Previous Next Good News! We have a brand new portal! Click here to create a new account and plan your next trip! ...

  11. Paying for your Trip

    Thousands of Builders have helped pay for their humanitarian efforts through their own ventures. We've collected ideas from past Builders who have funded their humanitarian projects through creativity and hard work. Many others have raised the necessary funds by inviting their extended family, friends, work, and community to partner with them ...

  12. HEFY nonprofit rebrands to Humanitarian XP

    Due to COVID-19, Humanitarian XP decided to open up trip locations stateside. 'There is just as much of a need in some places that we go in America as there is in international locations ...

  13. HXP Trip Search Portal

    All Destinations. Here are all the Destinations for the year

  14. How You Can Change the World

    At Humanitarian XP, we know that volunteers can be miracles for people who struggle in poverty when the service is done correctly. We have seen that happen over and over for the last 20 years. In hundreds of global locations, our volunteers provide people with access to health care, education, and social services critical to their well-being.

  15. Mark Your Calendar!

    Leading up to Registration Week the portal will only allow you to browse trip options, so before registration you can only complete steps 1 and 2: 1. Create a HumanitarianXP Account ... Humanitarian Experience (HXP) is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization aligned with the principles, vision, and values of The Church of Jesus Christ ...

  16. Preparing For Your Trip

    Humanitarian XP trips are designed to be exhilarating, exhausting, and unforgettable. ... Humanitarian Experience trips are designed to be exhilarating, exhausting, and unforgettable. ... You will be pushing full-speed ahead from the beginning to the end of your trip, so get ready to roll up your sleeves! This summer, you'll be strengthening ...

  17. Frequently Asked Questions

    In 2021, we updated our nickname from "HEFY" to HXP. This update did not affect our methodology in any way. Our key elements (the positive peer groups, the digital detox, the incredible Trip Leaders, and the grueling hard work) remain the same. Additionally, prayer, scripture study, and church attendance will continue to be a central part ...

  18. HEFY (Humanitarian XP) Question? : r/latterdaysaints

    The full excerpt was not posted by the commenter. This is the full exerpt: Humanitarian Experience (Humanitarian XP) is an independent 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization aligned with the principles, vision, and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, Humanitarian XP is not sponsored or endorsed by The Church of Jesus ...

  19. Humanitarian XP: Read reviews and ask questions

    Humanitarian XP is a multi-million dollar global nonprofit humanitarian organization that facilitates sustainable humanitarian trips for over 4000 youth volunteers in 40+ worldwide locations. The mission of HXP is to change the lives through service - both the lives being served and those doing the serving.

  20. Humanitarian Experience

    Humanitarian Experience, Salt Lake City, Utah. 5,832 likes · 18 talking about this · 69 were here. Humanitarian Experience (formerly HEFY) provides service trips around the world. Experience the...

  21. Parents at home

    KIRA PARENT OF A BUILDER. "Humanitarian XP was a once in a lifetime experience for our son to see Christ's gospel in action.". Steve Young Parent of a Builder. "I just wanted to ... let you know how much I appreciate the experience that my son had these past 17 days in Ecuador. He came home more grown-up and more aware of what really ...

  22. The Trip Leader Experience

    The biggest role a Trip Leader faces is to be a logistical wizard, a confidant, a homie, a leader, a hype artist, a spiritual giant and their best friend--all at the same time. Simple as that. ... Humanitarian Experience (HXP) is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization aligned with the principles, vision, and values of The Church of ...