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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage Review

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's fourth and final DLC, Claptastic Voyage, takes Vault Hunters to a world of pure imagination. Yes, it's time to dive straight into Claptrap's head and see what messy memories you can dredge up. How much therapy will we need after playing this mini-campaign? Our review.

The Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is reaching its inevitable conclusion, and where better to spend it than within the depths of Claptrap's mind? Actually, there are probably several better places to spend it, but regardless, you that's where you end up in Claptastic Voyage the fourth and final DLC release for The Pre-Sequel.

Claptastic Voyage tells a side story that takes place shortly after the events of The Pre-Sequel's main campaign. Handsome Jack is well on his way to becoming Pandora's greatest villain, but first he must retrieve a ludicrously powerful weapon that's locked away deep within the robot's psyche. The team of Vault Hunters agree to be digistructed and thrust inside Claptrap to retrieve the information because, despite Jack's sociopathic disposition, a mercenary still has to eat.

The narrative really falls apart if you're playing as Claptrap, despite a few tweaks to the NPC dialogue, but that doesn't really matter at this point. Suspension of belief already gets stretched to the limit once you realize that Claptrap can't climb stairs in Borderlands 2, but can climb ladders in the Pre-Sequel. You're there inside the robot's mind, and that's all that matters. As you might expect, the place is a total mess. We're talking fragmented memories, glitches, viruses, and malware all over the place, but that's not the worst of them. Claptrap's defenses don't recognize you as a valid user, so they try to eliminate you along with everything else.

Claptrap's Voyage is designed for level 30 characters, so be sure to level up before plunging into the depths of the robot's neurotic mind. The experience itself is kind of trippy, and a very creative departure from the "normal" environments of Pandora and its moon, Elpis. In the sky above the Nexus level, you'll see Jack's gigantic silhouette as he peers through Claptrap's eye.

But this is  Claptrap's head we're talking about, so there's bound to be some annoyances. Mostly, they come in the form of computer-related in jokes. Pop-up signs often shoot up from the ground to impede your movement. Flying spam bots project advertisements onto your view to obscure your vision. Another big downside is that there are a lot of floating islands in Claptrap's head. While this makes great use out of the Pre-Sequel's jumping and butt-slamming mechanics, it also means that slipping off the edge of a cliff (or being knocked off it) is a regular occurrence.

claptastic voyage missions

There's also a very diverse collection of enemies to be found in Claptrap's mind. You'll end up in a really messed up version of Fyrestone (where you first meet Claptrap in Borderlands), populated by high-jumping digital super-bandits that, thankfully, only exist in Claptrap's head. Not to mention the robot's shockingly powerful sense of despair and self-loathing.

The problem with some of these digital enemies is that they don't follow any sort of rules. You have to watch yourself in oxygen-free environments, but enemies don't have to. They don't even wear helmets as part of the simulation. It's also tough to figure out what enemies are vulnerable to, since almost everything looks robotic. Do you have stay exclusive to electrical and corrosive weapons, or is there virtual flesh to light on fire?

Claptrap's Voyage turns out to be pretty lengthy for a mini-campaign. Perhaps a bit too lengthy in some parts, including a segment where you have to chase down a foe you know will betray you as soon as you meet him. However, most players will appreciate the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 content that comes with the add-on, which raises the level cap from 60 to 70. That's ten more skill points to run with.

A voyage through Claptrap's messy, neurotic, brain probably wouldn't be my choice for a DLC destination, much less The Pre-Sequel's last one. I would have preferred one that laid a stronger bridge between The Pre-Sequel and Borderlands 2. Perhaps one that shows how Nisha became sheriff, or when Wilhelm decided to turn into a giant civilian slaughtering robot. Still, I had fun leaping around inside Claptrap's noggin, even though the experience might have left me a little traumatized.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage is available as a stand-alone DLC or part of the season pass. It is also included in the Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.

This review is based on a PC code provided by the publisher. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage is available will be available digitally on March 24 for $9.99, as part of the season pass, or as part of the Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. The game is rated M.

  • Gearbox Software
  • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

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  • Borderlands the Pre-Sequel
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  • Legendary Gear
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BLTPS – Claptastic Voyage Loot

Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Claptastic Voyage Loot

UPDATE: Added an overview of all legendary items that can be found in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel

With Claptastic Voyage , the new downloadable content for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, 2K Aus adds a  lot of new loot to the game.  New Unique, Rare, and Legendaries weapons. There is also a new weapon rarity called Glitched weapons .  This results in even more variety than with the Holodome Onslaught Loot .

  • 14 Legendary  Gear
  • 1  Rare  Gear
  • 10  Unique Gear
  • 1 Uncommon  Gear

Do you want to know more about the   Glitched Gear , I also wrote a whole article about that subject. For this post, I’m sticking to the  Gear that’s listed in the overview. I got weapon charts, legendary drop locations, and even some legendary guides. Some details are still missing but I’m updating this page when I find new details.

Got confirmation that the Grinder is spitting out these new legendaries and if you are lucky you can stumble upon them in the shops.

Legendary Skins

With the May 19, 2015 Patch of Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Loot Bugs inside the Claptastic Voyage have a new drop assigned to them. These are the Rare and Legendary Skins for all Vault Hunters.

Claptastic Voyage Legendaries

Absolute zero.

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Absolute Zero

Elements:  Cryo Red Text:   In this universe there is only one absolute. Special Effect:   High elemental proc chance How to get the Absolute Zero ?  The Absolute Zero drops from the Final Boss, EOS.

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Cheat Code

Elements:   None,  Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock Red Text:   Play unfair. Special Effect:   Acts like the Borderlands 2 ‘Bitch’ only gets random glitches. How to get the Cheat Code  ?  Cheat Code is guaranteed collectable from finishing last main mission. (Thx: Samhmcq)

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Flayer

Elements:   None Red Text:   OMG. what’s it doing to Sanchez?! Special Effect:  Killing an enemy with the Flayer creates extra Gore Effects. (Seems like just a coach gun with a higher clip and that’s a good thing) How to get the Flayer  ?  The Flayer drops from ANY virus, good farming location is the Motherlessboard.

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Fusillade

Elements:    None,  Fire, Cryo, Corrosive & Shock Red Text:   Dakka dakka dakka! Special Effect:   (Seems to reload faster) How to get the Fusillade  ?  The Fusillade seems to be a World Drop. Reported dropping from several different enemies. Insecure ultimate badass bot,  very insecure turbo bots & mini clap wolf.

 Kaneda’s Laser

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Kaneda's Laser

Elements:    Explosive Red Text:   If somebody’s gonna kill  him, it should be us! Special Effect:   Shoots a laser rocket that explodes in a small radius. Reloads fly unpredictably. How to get the Kaneda’s Laser?  Kaneda’s Laser drops from EOS, the final boss of Claptastic voyage.

Laser Disker

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Laser Disker

Elements:   Explosive Red Text:   Shazbot! Special Effect:  Shoots explosive disks that blow up on contact. How to get the Laser Disker? The Laser Disker drops from  SHADOW-TP (thx:  Trollstien Griffin)

Luck Cannon

BLTPS - Claptastic Voyage Loot - Lock Cannon

Elements:  None Red Text:   Better lucky than good! Special Effect:   Luck Cannon shoots one accurate high damage bullet that has a chance to inflict massive damage (Money shot kind of effect of + ~300%). How to get the Luck Cannon? The Luck Connon drops from Ultimate badass glitches. An easy way to farm for this is at the final boss when he is in his second form. (thx: Re1easedabeast)

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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Claptastic Voyage Review

  • First Released Oct 13, 2014 released

Journey to the center of the Claptrap.

By Cameron Woolsey on March 20, 2015 at 5:00AM PDT

In Claptastic Voyage, you learn that there is more inside Claptrap's rusted head than bugs, dubstep remixes, and horrible loneliness. Nestled deep in his chrome dome lies a particular MacGuffin desired by Jack above all: the H-Source, a powerful code, used to unlock Hyperion's greatest assets, such as badass weapons. Without other options, Jack digitizes his chosen vault hunters, sending them into Claptrap's mind. They do battle against vicious bugs and viruses, all the while exorcising some of Claptrap's inner demons. The story occurs after the events of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, and at last explains how the plucky robot goes from accomplished vault hunter to fending off bullymongs in the frozen wastelands of Borderlands 2. But where Claptastic Voyage excels, such as in its new enemies and awesome glitched weapons, it stumbles in mission design, leading you along one dull fetch quest after another, even though a surprising change of scenery helps alleviate the mounting boredom.

Nevertheless, the first few hours of the pack are a bit of a chore, as you travel through Claptrap's consciousness and memories hunting down needed objects. One of your earliest tasks is to scavenge for broken pieces of a bridge so you can continue. The stereotypical obstacles cause the quest to march on at a sluggish pace, and during the moments when a lack of real progress causes Jack to sigh in frustration over the intercom, I began to understand how he felt. After all, what is less exciting than a fetch quest within what is technically one large fetch quest?

Claptrap looks much nicer on the inside.

The environments in which you tackle these early bits are a bit of a drag as well. Sure, there is that warm swelling of nostalgia when you first enter Claptrap's memories of Pandora's rustic Fyrestone, complete with cameos of broken holographic characters such as Dr. Zed who offer guidance. However, it is merely a brief distraction, as if to inquire, "Hey, remember this?" before ushering you onward with your dreary item hunt. I understand that this is merely a broken memory and little else. But as the quest inched onward, I longed for those old Borderlands days when Fyrestone was like an "Old Western" town in which to stock up on supplies, chat up the locals, and grab new missions (accompanied by that lovely acoustic soundtrack), instead of being just a brief distraction.

Thankfully, the game does loosen up some as you move along. As you venture deeper into Claptrap's consciousness, the broken memories of former Pandora, the structures made of neon lights and steel, and even the black hexagonal skies are brushed away. They are replaced with bright pink-orange hues, clouds, and floating islands, not unlike anything out of BioShock Infinite. Go deeper still, and you stumble into something akin to M.C. Escher, with waterfalls flowing from floor to ceiling and staircases on the walls leading to nowhere. It's a striking visual contrast with the cold interiors that first greet you. Claptastic Voyage deserves some credit in refusing to stick to one type of aesthetic, adding an appreciated splash of whimsy to the mind of our dubstep-loving robot. The main story itself revolves around running about searching for keys or other precious objects, but at least the landscape becomes fascinating enough to serve as a nice distraction from the tedium.

You can't escape Claptrap, even when you're in his head.

The electric combat that I loved so much about the gravity-defying Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel also helps to put a charge into this short digital adventure. New enemies come in the form of glowing bugs and glitches, sharp-angled foes that attack in swarms and phase in and out of existence. Worse, however, are computer viruses, able to adapt to the elemental effects of your weapons. These foreign invaders are tough, but they provide some engrossing confrontations, with flying bolts of energy turning every battle into an industrious light show. It's doubtful you'll soon grow weary of blasting these nasty baddies, and you have plenty of opportunities to fight enemies from high in the air or butt-slam them into sparkly digital bits. You must also tackle Claptrap's own immune system, manifested as insecurity bots, robotic guard dogs, turrets, and more.

You won't always find yourself against one group of enemy types at a time. Scenes become chaotic as bugs and viruses clash with Claptrap's defense troops. If you find yourself being overwhelmed, you can look to the skies for volatile bits, floating lazily while switching colors between pink and green. Shooting one while it's green sends a barrage of corrosive missiles at nearby enemies, while pink gives you a welcome health boost. You find yourself caught in many encounters where these bits make a huge difference in whether you go down for the count or continue the fight.

Welcome back to Fyrestone! Well, parts of it.

Claptastic Voyage features a new peculiar weapon type, one that is about as mixed up as Claptrap himself. Glitched weapons, typically recognizable by their sheen of flowing ones and zeros, flicker wildly, randomly changing their behavior. For example, by default a glitched weapon glows with a soft blue and doesn't act out of the norm, but with a flash to green, it's suddenly imbued with a scatter shot. When yellow, it fires nonstop until you reload or switch weapons, and when red, it shaves colossal chunks of health off enemies. I must admit: glitched weapons are easily my favorite component of this pack. They add a flare of unpredictability to every battle, allowing you to change tactics at any moment. One of my favorite weapons was a glitched laser gun, which performed admirably against single enemies, but not so well against multiple targets, forcing me to turn heel or leap away before getting overpowered. But in some of those fights, with a sudden shudder the gun turns green--once a rifle, now a rapid-fire shotgun--and allows me to turn back to lay waste to the pursuing army of hapless bugs and viruses. It is just so satisfying.

But not everything about Claptastic Voyage is equally as rewarding--and here I'm referring to the pack's extra content. Finishing the main quest opens up the mutator arena, offering loot if you survive three waves of enemies. Before starting, you can choose a game mode, such as half gravity, a difficulty--the higher you go the better chance for rarer loot--and a game modifier, which includes increasing butt-slam damage or increasing reload speed and likelihood of ammo drops for the rocket launcher while also decreasing its damage. The arena fights are not all that engaging, however, and I quickly decided that the chance of rare loot wasn't worth the effort.

Travel through Claptrap on streams of data.

It also doesn't help that the arena's two hosts, a racially insensitive hot dog and a bored cat with a perpetual birthday, are incessantly annoying. Now, you would perhaps believe this has the makings of comedy gold, but in reality, no--it does not. The scripts for these two could have used some brushing up, as the unlikely duo often try too hard to be edgy and funny all at once. And hearing the hot dog shout "Treat 'em like Truxicans crossin' the border!" is not only aggravating after the tenth time, but also strays too close to being actually offensive. That, mixed with lousy hot dog puns and the cat's bored phrases interspersed with "meow," meant I found myself looking forward to the end of the third wave just so I didn't have to hear them anymore. I just…I just really miss Mr. Torgue.

Not all of the extras are bad, but they also aren't particularly thrilling, either. Some of the side missions that appear following the story are, again, more fetch quests whose prizes aren’t worthy of the time spent going back and forth to complete them. There are some standouts, though, such as helping Claptrap live out his hidden fantasy as a caped superhero or getting him in touch with his, ahem, more feminine side. Claptastic Voyage also comes equipped with the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2--this increases the level cap from 60 to 70, which means 10 more skill points for your chosen vault hunter.

New enemies include glitches and computer viruses.

Claptastic Voyage, much like our dear Claptrap himself, is an imperfect little thing. But it's still decent thanks to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's outstanding combat formula and some superb environments revealed as you delve further into the story. The adventure is a lengthy one, coming in at around 10 hours with the main quest and side missions complete--though that time should vary depending on your vault hunter's level. Yes, this is the end of Claptrap the mighty vault hunter, and though Claptastic Voyage could have been a better sendoff for his implausible profession, at least we know that his story will continue onward for some time to come. So long as there aren't any stairs in the way.

  • Leave Blank
  • Glitched weapons are fantastic
  • The new enemy types provide a great challenge
  • Later environments are a sight to behold
  • Too many fetch quests!
  • Extra content doesn’t satisfy
  • Nothing interesting is done with returning environments

About the Author


Cameron Woolsey

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Summary Within this campaign add-on, Jack digitizes the vault hunters and launches them inside Claptrap’s mind to find an enigmatic code and get out of Claptrap’s consciousness without going crazy. Our anti-heroes must deal with Claptrap’s malware and digital representations of his crushing loneliness. This pack also features a bonus 10 level ca ... Read More

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File Search

File Search is a main storyline mission in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 's DLC Claptastic Voyage .

  • 1.1 Objectives
  • 1.2 Strategy
  • 1.3 Completion

Walkthrough [ ]

Objectives [ ].

  • Follow Claptrap's Consciousness
  • Get scanned
  • Figure something out
  • Destroy power nodes
  • Shut off Recycle Bin
  • Go to Memory Bank 2
  • Reopen data stream
  • Load Memory Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4
  • Collect first bridge piece
  • Destroy bad memories
  • Find second bridge piece
  • Start digger
  • Find battery for digger
  • Plug in battery
  • Collect second bridge piece
  • Find final bridge piece
  • Pick up final bridge piece
  • Exit B4D S3CT0R
  • Repair bridge
  • Cross Bridge
  • Kill all enemies
  • Download H-Source
  • Turn Tassiter off
  • Retreive H-Source (never completed)
  • Return to Nexus
  • Open Quarantine
  • Defeat insecurity
  • Go to junk pile
  • Pick up disabled bug
  • Spawn Jailbreaker
  • Defend Jailbreaker
  • Recover H-Source from Quarantine

Strategy [ ]

This mission starts with the Vault Hunters following Claptrap's Consciousness towards Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4 , stored in Memory Bank 2, where the H-Source can be found. To reach the Memory Bank, the Vault Hunters must pass through a security area and be scanned. Unfortunately, the system doesn't recognize the Vault Hunters as being legitimate users, and dumps them into the Recycle Bin.

Once there, the system activates Deletion Fields which sweep the room in predefined patterns, destroying any debris they encounter and dealing massive amounts of shock damage to any Vault Hunter touched by the fields. The Vault Hunters eventually discover that they can disable the fields by destroying power nodes around the room, and Handsome Jack helps by uncovering more until the fields are completely shut down. Once clear, the way to Motherlessboard is open.

Once in Motherlessboard, the Vault Hunters start taking a Data Stream over to Memory Bank 2 but are locked out upon reaching a security checkpoint. They fight their way through various Insecurity forces, aided by Clapdogs , and eventually re-enable the Data Streams. Further in the level, they encounter a new kind of enemy, viruses . Fighting past those, and further Insecurity forces, the Vault Hunters finally make their way to Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4.

Once there, they dial up Claptrap's memories of Pandora (after a few false starts), and encounter more new enemies, digitized and glitched versions of bandits such as B4nD1Ts and P5YCH0s . They arrive at a bridge which is supposed to take them to the H-Source but find it broken. Digitized versions of Dr. Zed , Patricia Tannis , and Lilith appear to guide the Vault Hunters to the broken pieces, which must be picked up to reassemble the bridge.

In each case, the broken bridge components are encrusted with Bad Memories which must be destroyed by simple gunfire before collecting the part. The first bridge part is out in the open and easily accessible. The second is suspended in midair, stuck in a patch of corrupted memory. Jack edits Claptrap's code to move a digging machine close to the bridge, and the Vault Hunters have to track down a spare battery to get the machine to free the bridge. The final bridge piece is in an area called "B4D S3CT0R" which is airless and torn-apart.

Upon returning back to the main area of the map, the bridge reassembles itself and the Vault Hunters make their way to a recreation of the Destroyer dig site, with a Hyperion crane extracting the eye for future use. Tassiter has managed to weaponize Claptrap's memories in the area, though, and Tassitron Units engage the Vault Hunters in combat. After dispatching them, the H-Source is finally revealed, but as it's downloading, a Tassiter Proxy program intervenes and sends the H-Source into Quarantine.

The Vault Hunters head back to The Nexus and attempt to open Quarantine with Claptrap's Consciousness's help, which triggers a wave of Insecurity forces. Jack instructs the Vault Hunters to retrieve a disabled Bug from the trash heap, and reprograms it to be a Jailbreak bug, which then must be defended from further Insecurity forces while it attempts to break Quarantine open. A Badass WH33L-TP unit will be encountered during this battle. When the first version of Jailbreak fails, Jack upgrades it to Jailbreak 2.0, which triggers yet more Insecurity forces, including Fire/Wall units.

Once the final forces are defeated, 5H4D0W-TP makes an appearance and says that the only way to break Quarantine open is with an Override key. The Vault Hunters turn in the mission to 5H4D0W-TP, striking up an uneasy bargain.

Completion [ ]

Turn In: 5H4D0W-TP

  • Bridge Piece - "A fragment of code representing part of the broken bridge. Collect all three!"
  • Battery - "Battery for the digger."
  • Latent Bug - "Stamped on the side: "WNF""

See also [ ]

  • Mission Transcript

File Search - Part 1

  • Borderlands
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    claptastic voyage missions


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  2. Category:Claptastic Voyage missions

    Claptastic Voyage missions. Category page. 1D-TP (mission) 3G0-TP (mission) 5UP4-3G0-TP (mission) A Deadlier Game. Byte Club. Chip's Data Mining Adventure. Corrosion of Dignity.

  3. Claptastic Voyage

    Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Claptastic Voyage is a downloadable content pack for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It adds a new story campaign, new locations, a new weapon rarity and a customizable, repeatable slaughterdome arena. As a final addition, the level cap is increased by 10. Claptastic Voyage was released on the 24th of March 2015, is included within Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel ...

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    END OF LINE is a main storyline mission in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 's DLC Claptastic Voyage. Chase 5H4D0W-TP Rescue Hope and Self Esteem Defeat Despair Defeat Self-Loathing Return Hope and Self Esteem Follow Claptrap's Consciousness Watch memory Chase 5H4D0W-TP Defeat 5H4D0W-TP's minions Chase 5H4D0W-TP Defeat 5H4D0W-TP's minions Kill 5H4D0W-TP Retrieve H-Source Just as the Vault Hunters ...

  15. BLTPS

    With Claptastic Voyage, the new downloadable content for Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, 2K Aus adds a lot of new loot to the game. New Unique, Rare, and Legendaries weapons. There is also a new weapon rarity called Glitched weapons. This results in even more variety than with the Holodome Onslaught Loot.

  16. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

    Claptastic Voyage tries to shine with awesome new weapons, enemy types, and some incredible environments, but lackluster missions tarnish the luster.

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    The Temple of Boom is an optional mission in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 's DLC Claptastic Voyage. Find Eye of Seeing Place Eye of Seeing Follow beam of light Answer Sponx riddle Kill The Sponx Pick up original design code Escape temple Outrun wheel (optional) Return to Think Tank Give the original design code to Tannis -OR- Give the original design code to Gladstone This mission is picked up ...

  19. What was everyone's opinion on the Claptastic Voyage?

    Claptastic Voyage was insanely depressing, from Claptrap in denial over destroying Overlook, to choosing vicious bloodthirsty treasure hunters he considers friends over infinite power and respect when Shadowtrap attempts to get Claptrap to trust him and betray the other vault hunters. ... The Sum of Some Fears was a great side mission, and The ...

  20. Borderlands

    This video guide of Borderlands - The Pre-Sequel - Claptastic Voyage shows you the mission: File SearchIn this video: Mission - File SearchPowerwiki Website:...

  21. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

    Claptastic Voyage doesn't bring much new table and it's a bit light on side content. However, its ability to have fun with its setting keeps it feeling fresh even if you're starting to wear out on the Borderlands formula. ... It exists as a vehicle to get players between gunfights or to the more entertaining optional missions. This won't ...

  22. The Psychology of a Claptrap

    The Psychology of a Claptrap is a main storyline mission in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 's DLC Claptastic Voyage. Travel to Motherlessboard Get to data stream Open access hatch Get to power generator Disable anti-virus nodes (2) Lure viruses near deletion field (3) Use Power Generator Re-activate Data Streams Reach Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K Reconstitute memory: Remove false memories (6) Talk to ...

  23. File Search

    File Search is a main storyline mission in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 's DLC Claptastic Voyage. Follow Claptrap's Consciousness Get scanned Figure something out Destroy power nodes Shut off Recycle Bin Go to Memory Bank 2 Reopen data stream Go to Memory Bank 2 Load Memory Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4 Collect first bridge piece Destroy bad memories Collect first bridge piece Find second bridge piece ...