Two Little Pandas

23 Tips for Flying with a Toddler

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Travelling with toddlers can be intimidating to say the least. No one wants to be the parent of the screaming child on the plane. And if you live with a toddler, you know that tantrums do happen, despite your best efforts. Fl ying with toddlers is no vacation (ba dum tss). But with these tips, you’ll be ready for whatever comes at you on your flight with a toddler!

And, if you are traveling with TWIN toddlers, we’ve got you covered. Click here to go to the section on twin-specific tips.

travelling with 2 toddlers

After struggling through travel with our toddlers, I was curious if we were the only ones for whom the early toddler phase was the TOUGHEST. So I did a little survey, and found that NOPE- it’s tough for everyone!

Don’t get me wrong, actually traveling with toddlers can be pretty amazing.

Toddlers are amazing creatures, and excellent travel companions because everything is so new to them. No one can get excited about seeing a pineapple plant, a pile of rocks, or riding on a bus like a toddler can.

Plus the toddler years are an excellent time for them to be traveling. Their brains are developing unbelievably fast in their toddler years. Travel during that period gives them a huge opportunity to learn flexibility, tolerance, and an appreciation for culture and cultural differences.

travelling with 2 toddlers

But the actual GETTING THERE part? It’s rough. For us, peak flight difficulty was right at 18 months, and flying with two 18-month-old toddlers was a true test of patience for me.

At around 18 months of age, babies have officially moved on from little (mostly still) bundles of joy to noisy, walking little people with strong opinions and desires and absolutely NO impulse control.

1. Avoid Super Early Flights

There is no reason to make flying with toddlers any tougher than it needs to be. If you have to get your toddler up at 4 am to make the flight, they are likely not going to be able to fall back asleep. So you’ll have a child that is sleep deprived, and cranky for a day that wasn’t going to be super fun anyway.

Now maybe your toddler is a star-sleeper, and can nap anywhere, anytime. And that is wonderful BUT the airplane can be such a stimulating place that sleep can be tough for even the best sleepers.

Both of my toddlers were once awake at midnight on a flight (and we aren’t a late bedtime family, this was FIVE HOURS after their bedtime). The flight attendant laughed and told us EVERY toddler or baby on the flight was actually still awake. It’s not uncommon for little guys to have trouble sleeping on a plane.

Avoiding early flights might just mean your toddler does end up staying up way past his/her bedtime. But that means he’s only cranky for the last couple of hours, not the entire day. We find this works out better.

2. Make sure your tickets allow seat selection

Seems like a no brainer, but as airlines change their policies and rates, it can be confusing. Some airlines now offer a cheaper ticket class that doesn’t allow seat selection, and your assignment is given after check in, even for small children. Most airlines say they will do their best to seat children with their parents, BUT we don’t think it’s worth the risk, the stress, and the hassle.

Avoid ‘basic economy’ and just stick with ‘main cabin’ economy, or better, so you can choose your seats in advance.

3. Buy your Toddler a Seat

Toddlers under the age of 2 can fly free on domestic flights, if you hold them as a lap baby. And while it is super tempting to save some money on their tickets while you can, we do not recommend it once your baby hits about a year old.

Those airplane seats are small, with almost no leg room as it is. Put a wiggly, bored toddler in your lap, and neither you or the toddler is going to be happy. Just putting the tray table down as a play surface is TIGHT, or even impossible, and reaching down to grab a toy from your backpack is painful.

Spring for the seat for your toddler. You definitely won’t regret it!

travelling with 2 toddlers

4. Give your Toddler the Window Seat

Speaking of seat selection, make sure you’ve got the window seat for your toddler. Your toddler may just LOVE looking out the window and talking through the process of taxiing, taking off, and then watching the cars and houses get smaller and smaller. The window seat can be a HUGE boredom buster for toddlers.

And, if you DON’T pick the window seat, and a stranger ends up there, your toddler might just decide that they need that seat anyway and attempt to climb into the lap of said stranger. No one wants that battle.

If you pick the window seat, and your family is not taking up the whole row, you may end up needing to ask a stranger to get up so you can get out more often than they’d like. But it’s better than having to battle a toddler who is SURE that window seat is his.

5. Bring your Stroller

As active toddlers start walking more, and maybe even showing a preference of walking over riding, it’s tempting to skip the stroller at the airport.

But there are a million reasons why you’ll definitely want it even for toddlers who love to walk. Here a a few examples:

  • Naps: Your toddler may end up falling asleep at some point (and it might not be on schedule), and you are not going to want to lug a sleeping child around while navigating the airport and collecting suitcases.
  • Speed: If you end up having a delayed flight and need to run to the next one, or just need to sprint across the airport for any reason, it is SO MUCH easier with your toddler strapped into a stroller than in your arms (or trying to run with you).
  • Distance: The airport can be a LOT of walking. Even if your child walks all the time at home, the airport can be MILES of walking and might exhaust your toddler.
  • Toddler mental overload: The sights, the smells, the sounds, the new faces at the airport can be a lot of mental stimulation for a young child. It can be really difficult to focus on the job at hand- making progress walking through the airport, and can become overwhelming to the point that your toddler will just sit down on the floor and refuse to move.
  • Airport transfers dangers: After a long day of travel, while leaving the airport, you might end up waiting on the curb for a bus, or crossing busy streets or parking lots while also dragging suitcases, car seats, etc. Having your child safely strapped into a stroller means your toddler can’t escape your grip and dart into traffic (because impulse control is sure to be LOW even for a toddler at the end of a travel day).

travelling with 2 toddlers

6. Check anything you can!

Pre-kids, I always traveled with a carry-on only. Pulling a suitcase or wearing a backpack was nothing compared to the hassle of going to baggage claim.

But when you are traveling with a toddler, everything is different.

First, you probably have WAY MORE stuff. A car seat, just a few favorite toys, diapers, clothing for the 15 wardrobe changes your toddler needs every day, etc. really adds up to a LOT of luggage. So avoiding baggage claim really isn’t going to be an option anymore.

Secondly, you are working MUCH harder when flying with a toddler compared to pre-kids. You will want your hands free to push the stroller, retrieve snacks and dropped toys, and generally be available to keep your toddler happy (and quiet) both at the airport and on the plane. Give yourself a break and ditch the luggage ASAP (at the counter) so you will have hands free ready for anything.

travelling with 2 toddlers

7. Have a plan for carrying a car seat (IF you are taking it on the plane)

Bringing a car seat on the plane for your toddler can be a really great option for some families. Experts agree that a car seat is the safest place for your child on a plane. And for many kids, its a familiar and comfortable place to sit for the flight.

(Note that bringing your car seat on the plane is DEFINITELY optional, and lots of families opt to skip it).

But now that your toddler is out of the infant stage, the days of car seats easily snapping into a stroller are gone. Carrying a big convertible car seat can be tricky.

But you do have a few options:

  • You can buy a car seat travel cart, like this one for Britax models, or this one that works with many car seats. Your child can actually ride in the car seat, while you wheel it around, so it can replace your stroller. BUT these things are fairly cheaply made, and won’t compare to your stroller for ease of use.
  • If you don’t plan to have your child ride in the car seat, you can buy a cheap luggage cart, like this one , to wheel your car seat around the airport
  • If your car seat is lightweight, and you aren’t planning to have a backpack already, try one of these backpack carriers . I’ll warn you, even lightweight car seats are NOT a ton of fun to carry.

8. Protect Your Gear

When traveling with a toddler, you end up with a LOT of precious gear. And there is no heartbreak like the heartbreak when you find your favorite stroller torn, smashed, or damaged right before your dream Disney vacation. So keep it protected with protective gear.

Traveling with a toddler means you ALWAYS have to have a car seat. And when you check them, you can count on them getting tossed around by luggage handlers, which could cause damage you can’t even see.

Though nothing will give you 100% protection, we love these padded car seat backpacks . We love the backpack straps that make it easier to carry, and the wide zipper so the car seat easily fits inside.

For extra protection (and to save a little suitcase space), we sneak in our toddlers’ favorite blanket, pillow, lovey, or whatever. We’ve even put a pack n ‘ Play mattress topper in there- it fits perfectly behind the car seat, and works great for kids who don’t sleep well on the hard pack n ‘play surface. I’m not sure you are technically allowed to put things in the car seat bag, besides the car seat, but we’ve never been stopped.


For electronics you are bringing on the plane with you, make sure you have a protective case. Toddlers, under any circumstance, are prone to breaking things. On the plane, you can expect lower than normal focus and higher than normal frustration, so make sure anything they’ll touch has a great, toddler-proof case.

This inexpensive case has protected our kids’ iPads from TONS of damage due to dropping, even THROWING (not that I recommend that), banging, etc.

For electronics that you are leaving in your checked bag, just pack it carefully in the middle of the suitcase, next to soft clothing, so it won’t move around even if your bag is tossed around.

9. Burn off Energy at the Airport

Take advantage of all the time you’ll spend waiting around at the airport, and let your toddler burn off some of their energy before boarding.

Because walking through the airport might be TOO mentally and physically exhausting for toddler to handle, you’ll want to set aside a little bit of time for them to move around at their own pace.

We like to find a quiet corner of the airport, give our toddlers a couple of cars or monster trucks, and let them drive, or crash, or whatever active play they are interested in. Or we might have them walk from window to window to check out the views of airplanes taxiing or taking off. We’ll even use the patterns in the carpet to make up a jumping around game. Anything to get them moving around, and get a little energy out.

travelling with 2 toddlers

10. Have a Great Pre-boarding Routine

Before you board the plane, make sure you are as prepared as you possibly can be.

Change diapers one last time so your toddler will be clean and dry, at least to start. AND if you’re lucky (and your flight is short-ish) you MIGHT get to avoid changing your toddler in the teeny tiny airplane bathroom.

Or if toddler is potty-trained, make sure they get one last potty before boarding. And make sure the parents get to go one last time as well!

Fill up water bottles. And make sure you have all the snacks you’ll need for the flight.

Take advantage of the space in the airport to take one last look at your carry-on and make sure it’s well organized so you’ll be able to grab anything you need on the plane quickly.

And SKIP eating, at least for your child! For most toddlers, food is entertainment. Save it for the plane. Every bit of entertainment counts on the plane!

11. Dress in Layers

When traveling, comfort is important, both for your child, and yourself. Make sure you dress in comfortable layers. Temperatures can vary widely throughout your journey. Airplanes can be hot and sweaty, or quite chilly. You may be traveling to a beachy-hot vacation, but coming from a wintery wonderland. Somehow, your outfit has to work for all these temperature swings.

Toddlers are particularly intolerant of not having the right clothing for the weather.

We live in the Pacific Northwest, so for most of the year, it’s chilly at home. And because of that, we often pick warmer weather destinations. So here is an example of how I’d dress my toddlers for a flight:

  • Lightweight shoes, like crocs with socks. Then I can remove the socks before landing at our destination to keep feet cool. Otherwise, I might toss in a pair of flip flops for the destination.
  • We love simple colorful designs, so every top goes with every bottom AND the kids still love their clothes.

And don’t forget to keep yourself comfortably dressed in layers as well. I can do without shorts, but I HATE when my feet are hot. So if I can’t wear flip flops on the plane, I’ll always bring them with me.

12. Bring a Carry on that fits under the seat

When traveling with a toddler, your carry on bag is EVERYTHING. You will be reaching in to that carry on constantly for boredom busters, food, emergency supplies, etc.

You’ll want it easily accessible at all times (even when the seat belt sign is on or during turbulence).

We have an older version of this backpack and love it for flying with kids. It has a million pockets for keeping all the little things we need organized and easy to find, a chest strap for comfort, TONS of space for gear, AND it easily fits under the seat. It’s absolutely perfect for travel with kids.

13. Pack a Quick Change Kit

Diaper changes, or clothing changes on the airplane are bound to happen. And they are NOT fun. The bathrooms on airplanes are roughly the size of a postage stamp, with a changing table that MIGHT work for a Barbie Doll.

Make things a little easier by packing a quick change kit for your toddler. You will not want to have to haul a whole diaper bag or backpack into the tiny bathroom with you.

I LOVE this changing pod because it actually has space for more than one diaper, and maybe even a change of clothes. This one on Amazon is another great choice.

Keep a change of clothes with your changing kit just in case there is leakage. I like to keep the spare clothes sealed inside a ziploc bag OR, even better, in these reusable wetbags that can be strapped to a travel changing pad. That way, you can remove the clean clothing from the ziploc or wetbag, then use the bag to store any soiled clothing for the rest of your flight.

14. Bring Snacks!

For many toddlers, eating is entertainment! Heck- snacking can be a great distraction tool for lots of adults as well!

So even if you really prefer to have real meals every time when you are at home, travel is a perfect excuse to loosen up, and let your child live on snacks just for one day.

Bring your child onto the plane hungry (if you can without getting to HANGRY levels), so they are ready to eat.

We bring some that are fun, some that are healthy, and some that are kind of emergency distraction tools, like mini M&Ms, lollipops, or fruit snacks.

  • Peanut Butter Bites
  • dried mango
  • Little boxes of Raisins
  • Crunchy Dried Peas
  • Fruit and vegetable squeezes

15. Bring New Small Toys

Keeping a toddler happy and occupied in a tiny space on the airplane is no small feat. But the excitement of NEW toys, even tiny ones can really help out. We shoot for one small new toy per 1-2 hours of flight time. This might seem excessive but you’ll be surprised by how quickly they’ll go through things while bored on the plane.

And you’ll want to carefully select the toys you bring as well. We look for toys that take some concentration, and that don’t require their entire body to move as a part of play. For messy toddlers, I also try to minimize the number of loose pieces, or at least have a plan for the loose pieces. For example, something like this is perfect keeping any small pieces contained, and can be left open on the tray for playing IN.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Here are a few of our favorite toddler airplane toys.

  • Squigz : They stick to any smooth surface, and to themselves, and are tons of fun for all ages
  • Finger Puppets : perfect for songs, animal sounds, or just silly imaginative play.
  • Little figurines- pick your toddler’s favorite, such as Daniel Tiger , dinosaurs , or Frozen Little People .
  • Flip-up or Slide Open board books, like Dear Zoo or What’s In My Truck are EXTRA fun for toddlers because they’ll have something to touch and manipulate in the book.
  • Hot Wheels cars or little monster trucks are great for driving at the airport, and on the tray table, just as long as your toddler can resist the urge for BIG jumps!
  • Sticker Books- we love the National Geographic ones because they are a bargain, and with over 1000 stickers, they last FOREVER.
  • Wikki Stix kits are super fun to stick together and build with. The kits are great to help your toddler get started.
  • A coloring book , coloring sheets, or just some paper with triangular crayons, so they won’t roll off the tray
  • WaterWow books are a BIG hit for all ages, and just require a little water.
  • A tablet loaded up with toddler-friendly games and shows. We know many families aim to avoid screens, but they are SUCH a great distraction for travel. For toddlers, we love the Daniel Tiger Explore app , basically all Sago Mini apps (but especially Sago Mini Farm , and episodes of Daniel Tiger , Dinosaur Train , Little Baby Bum , Octonauts , and Dave and Ava .

travelling with 2 toddlers

16. Try EarPlanes

17. skip the line at car rental agencies.

After you’ve tested your toddlers patience on a flight, you know what you DON’T want to do? Ask them to wait in line for an hour to rent a car.

Car rental lines (even when you have a reservation) are notoriously long. The whole process can be super frustrating for everyone.

Luckily, you can skip the counter and go directly to your rental car with services like Avis Preferred , National Emerald Club , and Dollar Express . The services vary by airport, and company, but the basics are you either go through a shorter, express line, or skip the counter all together and go directly to the lot. These services can literally save HOURS and are a total lifesaver for families with kids.

A few things to remember:

  • Make sure you review and understand the specifics of the service you’ve chosen. Not all services are the same.
  • Call ahead, especially if you are new to the program. Make sure your membership was correctly applied to your rental, and check on the rules for your first time using the program. You MAY have to wait in line to show your credit card the first time.
  • Remember that not all airports have express services. Smaller airports are much less likely to have skip-the-counter services.

18. Be Mentally Prepared

It’s no secret- flying with toddlers is hard work. Do whatever you can to get some decent sleep the night before, and grab a coffee on the way.

Here’s what you can expect when flying with toddlers:

Expect to spend the whole flight singing, playing silly cheerful games, engaging with your child and all of the fun little things you’ve brought along, and generally staying upbeat even when your child gets frustrated, or overtired and unable to sleep. I love my kids more than anything in the world, but 3, 6, 8 hours of 100% attention can be exhausting! But it can also be a great bonding time. And if you go in with the right mindset, you might enjoy .. well.. PARTS of it.

Sleep for toddlers on a plane can be surprisingly tough. My toddlers VERY RARELY sleep on airplanes. And it’s not JUST my toddlers. Many toddlers struggle to sleep on planes. The excitement and unfamiliarity can easily make napping impossible for some toddlers, even those who ALWAYS fall asleep in the car.

Other toddlers sleep great on the plane. They take extra naps, and sleep from the moment the plane takes off until after it lands. This is SO VERY much not my kids, but probably that will be your kiddos. However, I think it’s better to be prepared for the worse- cranky toddlers who will not nap, and then be pleasantly surprised if things are easier.

travelling with 2 toddlers

19. Don't worry about judgement

When traveling with toddlers, there are bound to be a few people out there that give you the look. You know the one- where they are clearly annoyed that you exist and somehow you and your children are entitled to purchase tickets on the same flight as them. Don’t even worry about them. Seriously. Don’t give it one moment’s thought. I bet you are a good parent, and I bet you’ll do your best to care for your children during the flight, and there is nothing more anyone could ask of you.

And after traveling quite a bit with my kids as babies, toddlers, and older, we find that the vast majority of people we encounter are kind and understanding. If you are stressing before you even leave, don’t. I’m pretty good at worrying, but after having so many positive interactions with people telling us we are doing a great job, or noticing how hard we work during the flight, I feel pretty confident while traveling. And you should too! You’ve got it.

Specifics On TWINS

If you have TWIN toddlers, flying with them can be just THAT much more intimidating. But we’ve done it many times, made mistakes, and figured out all the little tricks so you’ll be successful on your FIRST try.

While ALL the tips above apply to twins as well as singleton toddlers, there are a few twin specific tips we wanted to point out just for the twin families!

20. Bring a lightweight double stroller

When traveling with twin toddlers, the stroller is an absolute necessity. Even if your toddlers prefer to walk, you’ll want it for the airport. If both happen to fall asleep, or become to tired to walk through the airport, the stroller is a lifesaver.

But, many double strollers are SO huge, they will be too big for a protective bag at gate check, too big to fit in the back of a rental car (unless you pay for the upgrade), and difficult to fold up in a rush when gate checking.

Travel double strollers just make the whole process SO much smoother and easier. And we definitely recommend purchasing one if you plan to travel very often with your twins. Check our recommendations for lightweight double strollers here (including some that be your ONLY stroller, budget options, and more).

21. Rent or Buy at your Destination

Twin toddlers require SO much stuff, it’s almost impossible to actually bring it all with you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t travel with your twins. There are tons of great options to make traveling with twin toddlers easier!

Diapers and snacks

If at all possible, buy diapers at your destination. Even if traveling internationally, you’ll likely be able to find something that will work for your twins.

Even though it may seem expensive to pay vacation-area inflated prices for your diapers, consider that diapers for twins is likely to take a BIG portion of your checked suitcase. And you’re likely paying upwards of $50 each way for that checked suitcase. So purchasing diapers there actually saves you money.

And since you are going to make a Target run anyway, don’t worry about packing too many snacks for your toddlers. Go ahead and pick up the necessities at the same time you pick up their diapers. And grab some milk, if you have somewhere to store it.

Somewhere to sleep

Bringing two Pack ‘n Plays was not something we ever seriously considered. They are huge, heavy, and just 100% not worth the hassle. And there are tons of great options for easy sleep solutions for your twins:

  • Most hotels, and many vacation rentals, have pack ‘n plays or cribs. However, vacation homes will almost always just have one. Hotels often will not let you reserve pack ‘n plays- they are first-come-first-served. But, if you call ahead, you may be able to secure two.
  • For many destinations, you can rent quality baby gear from companies like Babys Away . For a totally reasonable price, you can rent cribs or pack ‘n plays (plus any other toddler gear you might need), and have them delivered straight to your hotel.
  • Our preference, especially for older toddlers, is to just get them a bed at our hotel. We love these inflatable bumpers because they fold up small, and really work for keeping our crazy-sleeping toddlers on the bed! Just tuck them under the sheet, and make sure everything is tucked in tight!

For more twin toddler packing tips and tips for once you reach your destination, click here .

travelling with 2 toddlers

22. One Backpack of Supplies for Each Child

In my family, we almost always travel with my husband and I, and our twins. So we have one parent per child. So we make sure that each parent has a backpack with everything needed for ONE child.

With this system, we never have to bother each other for a snack/toy/diaper, or worry if the other is in the bathroom or otherwise occupied. Everything is there, and organized exactly how we want it.

You can switch as needed, but make sure each adult has everything needed to care for one child, including extra clothes, diapers, toys, snacks, etc. That way, you won’t be constantly interrupting the other caregiver to ask for something, frustrating the twin with that caregiver.

Of course, we can and do frequently switch children, but the basic supplies are all the same, so the system works well for us.

If you are traveling with your twins alone (only one caregiver), you obviously won’t have that option. In that case, we’d recommend a very well organized, and carefully packed backpack so that you can quickly find everything for both children. And, you might even be able to pack a LITTLE bit lighter by sharing some things between the twins (i.e. if they don’t often spill or have diaper leaks, you might be able to get by with just one spare outfit for both).

23. Choose window seats, or 3 seats in a row

When traveling with  twin toddlers under the age of 2,    we don’t recommend keeping both toddlers as lap babies.  This is an issue for a number of reasons- both you and the toddlers will be squished, uncomfortable, and miserable, and you can only have one lap baby per row, so you’ll be separated from your travel partner. 

However, you  MIGHT be able to get by with just buying a seat for one of the toddlers.   Because you will have the seat for one of your twins, you’ll have the flexibility to switch out who sits in it, and have a bit of extra space in your toddler’s seat.  

We loved purchasing 3 seats for the 4 of us (my husband, myself and our twins) when my twins were younger. For most planes, that’ll give you the whole section of seats, so no one else is sitting RIGHT next to you, and allows you to easily pass your twins between you.  

window seat is best

Once you start buying seats for both your twins, the configuration that works best for us is having a parent with each twin seated in the middle (parent) and window seat (toddler). One parent and toddler will be the row in front of the other parent and toddler. This allows us to pass kids or gear back and forth, if needed, or just easily talk. And it means both kids get the coveted window seat, so no fighting.

Flying with twin toddlers is not easy. But it’s not impossible either. With a bit of preparation, and a lot of patience, you’ll be just fine.

Let us know- what works for you? What doesn’t?

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Travel + Leisure / Brian Kopinski

Traveling with children can add an extra layer of complexity to a trip, but planning ahead will help things go as smoothly as possible. With limited space and hours to fill, flying can be particularly tricky. That's why I (a mother of two little ones) always make sure to pack something fun to do, watch, and eat. I'll also bring options to optimize naps, which doesn't always happen, but a mom can dream.

After gathering pointers from a parenting expert and a seasoned flight attendant, I rounded up all the essentials and nice-to-haves when flying with kids. From screen time, snack time, and sit-still activities to just-in-case items and products to make parents' lives easier, here's what to pack for the flight.


"Airplanes have very little for kids' entertainment," says Jessica Hoffman, a flight attendant of 18 years. For the sake of convenience, she recommends at least some screen time and other activities that'll capture children's attention. Here's what we recommend for portable tech, games, and other things to keep them busy, still, and (mostly) quiet.

Best Tablet

Amazon fire hd 10 kids pro tablet.

"Downloading movies and shows to be watched on a screen with headphones is usually the easiest," says Hoffman. "Flying is a treat, and screen time falls into that." If you don't already have a designated tablet for your child, we suggest the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro. It's got a 13-hour battery life, 32 gigs of storage space, and comes with a one-year subscription to Amazon Kids+, which includes digital books, games, and videos.

Best Media Stand

Honsky thumbs-up phone stand.

You'll want to have some headphones at the ready. This lightweight, cordless set from JBL is fit for a child's head, with plush ear cushions and a soft headband. It's easy to pair with a phone or tablet through Bluetooth, too. "Plan ahead — practice with headphones if your kids aren't used to wearing them," Hoffman recommends.

Travofun Magnetic Checkers & Tic-Tac-Toe

I like small magnetic board games because they take up minimal space and can be played anywhere, even without a flat surface, since the pieces stick to the board. This one is two games in one. You'll get tic-tac-toe, which younger kiddos can get the hang of pretty quickly, and checkers, which is great for slightly older kids and parents who want to play, too.

Best Coloring Books

Melissa & doug on the go water wow reusable color with water pad.

Parenting expert Megan Winokur is a fan of coloring books when flying with kids. I suggest this one from the tried-and-true toy brand Melissa & Doug. Each mini pad has four reusable pages and a refillable water pen. When the wet brush swipes onto the pages, colors appear. When it dries, the colors "erase" so the pictures can be "painted" again. Most importantly, it's a totally mess-free activity.

Best Activity Book

Skillmatics dot it animals art activity.

Winokur says sticker books are always a hit when flying with her kids. "Dot It sticker art is one of our favorites," she says. "It comes with over 500 easy-peel stickers and eight pictures to create." There are different themes, too, like space, dinosaurs, princesses, and dress-up.

Boxgear LED Telescopic Suction Cup Giraffe Toy

The best toys to bring on an airplane are small and simple yet entertaining and interactive. For instance, these bendy giraffes are under six inches tall, and the set of four weighs less than half a pound. They itch the sensory scratch and fidget urge with telescopic arms, stretchable necks, and suction feet that attach to any flat surface.

Aside from small bags of peanuts, pretzels, and sometimes cookies, airlines don't usually have kid-friendly snacks. You'll definitely want to pack something for your children to eat and drink (or drink out of) on the plane while keeping mess prevention in mind. "​​Less mess is always best!" says Hoffman.

Best Water Bottle

Simple modern summit kids water bottle with straw lid.

For flights, Winokur recommends bringing a reusable water bottle like this one from Simple Modern. The kid-size design holds 12 to 14 ounces of liquid and fits in most cup holders. It's also lightweight, durable, dishwasher safe, BPA-free, and (crucially) leakproof when the straw-nozzle is in the closed position.

Best Snack Holder

Gobe kids large snack spinner.

"There are tons of fun 'snackle box' or snack spinner options out there that you can fill with your favorite snacks," offers Winokur. "This will keep [kids] entertained and stocked up for the flight while also saving some space in your bag." The GoBe Kids Original Snack Spinner comes in two sizes, each with five little compartments that can hold mini portions of things like nuts, Goldfish crackers, cheese cubes, or apple slices. After suctioning it to a tray table, your child can press the middle button to spin the wheel and choose a new snack.

Annie's Homegrown Organic Snack Variety Pack

The best kids' snacks for plane rides depend on the child. But to keep children happy, full, and satisfied, snacks might be a cross between health food and junk food — or “healthy junk food,” if you will. For example, these little bags of crackers and grahams from Annie’s are organic, free of corn syrup, and made with (some) whole grains. And besides the inevitable crumbs, they're not terribly messy.

YumEarth Organic Lollipops

You're wise to also bring a treat to prevent meltdowns and reward good behavior — sitting still for multiple hours is a challenge for many children. I often go with lollipops because they last longer than most other candy and take up negligible space. YumEarth Organic Pops are naturally flavored and colored, and they're flat, so you can stash them in any pocket.

Every parent knows that when kids don't get the rest they need, family outings can quickly go off the rails. Long flights and changing time zones can throw a wrench in things, but with some planning — and, let's be honest, a bit of luck — you might manage to get a nap or at least quiet time in.

"I also let my kids each bring a small stuffed animal to help them feel more at home," adds Winokur.

Best Blanket and Pillow Set

Giapow travel blanket and pillow.

Airplanes can be chilly and generally don't have a soft space to lay one's head. You might consider bringing a travel pillow and blanket to make your child's seat as plush, cozy, and warm as possible. This set comes with a kid-size throw that stuffs into the pillow, which is just 16 x 14 inches. It can fit in a carry-on or be a kid's personal item .

Best Kids' Neck Pillow

Infanzia kids travel neck pillow.

Another option is to get your child a neck pillow (which may or may not count as a personal item, depending on the airline ). This highly rated option has lots of support around the sides and chin to prevent kids' necks from falling forward and keep them comfy if they doze off while sitting upright. The removable cover is also conveniently machine-washable.

Best Sound Machine

Snooz go travel white noise sound machine.

"We never leave home without our white noise machine," says Winokur. "It helps everyone sleep better, especially when you may be sharing a hotel room as a family." The cordless, rechargeable Snooz Go is great for flights. It's less than four inches in diameter and can connect to headphones via Bluetooth.

There are also a few wellness and hygiene products you'll want to add to your carry-on packing list. These will help keep surfaces, hands, and faces clean while covering you in the event of owies and popping ears from cabin pressure.

Best Sanitizing Wipes

The honest company sanitizing alcohol wipes.

These sanitizing wipes can be used to disinfect tray tables, clean armrests, and de-germ kids' hands when a proper sink and soap aren't available. But since they're made with alcohol, they shouldn't be used to clean faces or for diaper changes.

Best Wet Wipes

Nolla flushable wipes travel packs.

These skin-friendly wet wipes are fragrance free and super gentle, so you can use them not only to clean kids' hands but also their faces in a pinch. They're made from biodegradable materials, meaning you can flush them without worrying about polluting the water or clogging the drain.

Best Disposable Storage Bags

Hefty slider storage bags.

From used wet wipes to paper napkins and snack wrappers, you're bound to have many little bits of trash when flying with kids. I like to bring at least a couple of gallon-sized food storage bags on flights so I have somewhere other than my backpack or the plane seat pocket to shove garbage until I reach a trash receptacle at the airport.

Best First Aid Kit

Preparakit small compact first aid kit for kids.

This mini, TSA-approved first aid kit has everything you may need to tend to knicks, cuts, or splinters. (As is often the case with my kids, Band-Aids aren't just small wound dressings but also placebos for various blood-free boo-boos.) It's roughly the size of a wallet and contains 50 items, including adhesive bandages, antibiotic ointment, tweezers, medical tape, and thermometer strips — to name just a few.

Best Ear Pressure Relief

Cirrus earplanes for kids.

EarPlanes are clever earplugs that help alleviate the discomfort of cabin pressure, especially during takeoff and landing. The kids' version are small and designed to fit children's ears. They also reduce noise by 20 decibels, which might help sleepy kiddos get some in-flight shut-eye.

Wrigley Chewing Gum Variety Pack of 10

If your kids are old enough to chew gum, it might help prevent their ears from popping during takeoff and landing. And, like lollipops, it's a long-lasting treat that might feel special on a flight. This classic variety pack has flavors both chewing gum-aged children and adults will enjoy.

Depending on your kids' ages and travel experience, they might be able to (or want to) carry their own cargo, like a backpack or carry-on suitcase. Other options include ride-on luggage and parents' personal item bags to tote all the must-haves mentioned above.

Best Kids' Suitcase

Rockland jr. kids' my first hardside spinner.

After testing some of the best kids' luggage on the market, the Rockland Jr. Hardside Spinner is our favorite for younger children. Even those ages 7 or younger should be able to push and pull the compact, lightweight suitcase. And the cute designs will get your mini traveler in training excited about the trip ahead.

Best Kids' Backpack

State kane kid's backpack.

Of all the kids' backpacks we tested, the State Kane Backpack is arguably the best for air travel. It has one spacious compartment with plenty of room for a small blanket, travel pillow, or change of clothes, plus a padded tablet sleeve, an easy-access front pocket for snacks or a charger, and side slots for water bottles. The designs cater to kids ages 4 through 8 and are versatile enough to grow with your child.

Best Diaper Bag

Bugaboo changing backpack.

We don't need to tell you to bring a diaper bag when flying with a baby . But even if you have slightly older kids, a diaper backpack that stashes the essentials while keeping your hands free isn't a bad idea. This one from Bugaboo is sophisticated enough for any adult to carry. We tested it firsthand and loved the light, comfy design, intuitive pockets, and handy laptop sleeve.

Best Ride-on Suitcase

​​stokke jetkids bedbox.

The JetKids BedBox is a ride-on suitcase , which, if you're not familiar, allows a small child to sit on top and be tugged around through an airport. It boasts a spacious main compartment and reliable rotating wheels that make it easy to maneuver over carpet and hard floors. Parents can also reattach the pull strap and carry it over their shoulder.

Prioritize entertainment

Some flights may have age-appropriate movies, but generally speaking, airplanes don't offer much in terms of kids' entertainment. Hoffman recommends bringing a tablet with downloaded shows or movies. "[I] hate to suggest more screen time, but tray tables are not toys," she notes. "I see this too often and just experienced a 10-hour flight where the tray table was the only entertainment."

It's good to have other portable activities in your bag of tricks, too, such as mini travel games , books, or fidget toys. "Stickers and coloring books are always a hit with my two kids (ages four and seven)," says Winokur. Something your child has never seen or used before might pique their interest best. "The magic of a new set of sparkle crayons or gel pens can really make the activity even more exciting," the parenting expert adds.

Hoffman also recommends asking to see the flight deck when deplaning, which can give children something to look forward to. "Pilots love to show kids buttons and a few fun things up there that can be interactive for kids."

Have everything charged and ready to go

Yes, airports and airplanes have outlets, USB ports, and WiFi — but they're not always reliable or accessible. With that in mind, make sure all electronics (both kids' and parents') are fully charged and ready to go, including tablets, phones, headphones, noise machines, etc.

Download shows or movies ahead of time so they can be streamed offline. (Most streaming services, like Disney+, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video, allow you to do this.) "I use a splitter for the headphones so both my kids can watch or listen to music together on the same tablet or phone," says Winokur. A portable power bank might be a good idea, too, just in case.

Consolidate your kids' most-needed items

This is easier said than done when flying with kids, but it's smart to try to pack light. Consider what your child needs on the plane, what they'll actually use, and what will make your life easier. Make a list of these items, then consolidate them into one carry-on bag so everything is easily accessible.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on a few factors, like your kids' ages, how many nights you'll be away, and whether you're checking bags. For some children, having their own luggage might get them excited about a family trip . In other cases, it may just be easiest for parents to consolidate everything into one suitcase.

"Anything goes as long as it's not a liquid or over 3.4 ounces," says Hoffman. She notes that there's an exception for larger containers of breastmilk, and warm water is always available for powdered formula, but it's best to stick with smaller portions whenever possible. "Yogurt packs and veggie purees seem to be the most popular and fall under TSA's 3.4-ounce rule," she notes. "I see a lot of cheese and crackers, mixed nuts, and PB&Js, too."

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Theresa Holland is a freelance commerce writer and mother of two children under age six. With multiple family trips each year, including many flights, she's learned a few tricks to keep the littles happy when flying while also making parents' lives easier. As a travel writer and shopping expert, she knows how to find the best luggage, consumer tech, and accessories that make trips go as smoothly as possible. For this story, Theresa consulted lifestyle and parenting expert Megan Winokur and Jessica Hoffman, a flight attendant of 18 years.

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travelling with 2 toddlers

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Travel Mad Mum

Top Tips For Flying With A Toddler 2024

Travelling with toddlers on a plane who are so energetic, not to mention emotionally charged pint-sized little people can be exhausting.

Two children, 80+ countries across six continents, including two years of full-time travel, I feel I have the flying with a toddler tips nailed!

I mean, I’m over here just trying to survive the day without any epic meltdowns about toast being cut the wrong way, never mind bundling into a closed space with hundreds of strangers for hours on end.

I cannot tell you how many people email me DAILY asking for tips on flying with a toddler! For some reason, it makes us parents so nervous, almost to the point of putting fun travel and adventures on hold for a few years. I’m here to tell you, don’t worry, I have lots of tips!


I’ve taken my kids everywhere and the thought of giving up travelling for the sake of a long flight with a very energetic toddler is not an option. The end reward of a new destination is what it’s all about!

As a family, we have so many fond memories of our little ones experiencing new sights, smells and sounds in a foreign country, making it totally worth every minute on a flight. So with all the positive vibes in the world, I’ve tackled the best way to execute the task head on!


With plenty of preparation, it’s totally possible to execute my flying with a toddler tips successfully. Of course, they may be a little tired or grouchy at times and that’s where my tried and tested tips come to play.

I must point out flying with a baby or flying with older kids is a lot different than flying with a toddler, dare I say a little easier, but like I mentioned preparation is everything.

You can also check out our full toddler carry on travel essentials post here or our favourite travel toys for toddlers here !

Don’t forget to get travel insurance! This is so important when you travel, especially with kids! We like World Nomads .

Table of Contents

  • Bring Lots Of Airplane Snacks
  • Be Prepared With New Travel Toys

Pre Made Activity Packs

  • Best Tablet For Toddlers
  • Pack In Flight Airplane Bed
  • Navigating The Airport
  • Travel Car Seats
  • Choosing Seats On Board
  • Boarding The Flight WIth A Toddler
  • Disembarking
  • Handling Delays

Tips For Flying With A Toddler

I love the acronym S.A.S , it stands for snacks, activities and sleep aids . These are the three things that are going to save your ass with keeping your flying toddler entertained and contained to the best of your ability. I will go into this in detail below but keep this little easy reminder in the back of your mind!

Airplane Snacks

Out of all the fights we have taken with our kids, the most successful ones have been when we bring tonnes of their favourite snacks and meals with us!

Yes, it can be annoying bringing an entire extra bag of food, but if their tummies are satisfied and they’re chewing, they are quiet! This has to be one of the best tips for traveling with a toddler I was ever given.


I try to be as realistic as possible with what I bring in terms of mess. Small dry foods are obviously best, but may not sustain an entire flight. I tend to make sandwiches wrapped in reusable food wrap rather than lunch boxes for space.

Flying with a toddler - Snacks Checklist

I always bring bananas as it’s such a good filling food. Equally cut up grapes, dried raisins and compressed fruit bars are an amazing snack. I always bring their stainless water sippy cup to keep it cool and it is super easy to fill up in the airport to reduce waste.

Cabin crew are always helpful when it comes to assisting with warming drinks if needed, providing additional snacks and so on. And don’t forget to order a ‘toddler meal’ in advance! It’s a requirement for almost every airline and they will not have a toddler specific meal unless it is ordered beforehand.

Check out prices on reusable food grade cloth , compressed fruit bars , and stainless water sippy cups.

Be Prepared with New Travel Toys for Toddlers On Airplanes

Having new and engaging activities are key for 2-year-olds that find it hard to sit still. Every child is different when it comes to their interests but throwing just about everything at the situation to ensure success is the best way forward.

I am a big fan of the Keep em Quiet bags , produced in the UK. They are specifically designed to keep little ones of all ages entertained on a flight.

Flying with a toddler - navigating the  airport

They come in different age groups, gender (also gender-neutral available), as well as the length of trip. If you are going away for a weekend they can be smaller and obviously a little cheaper in price.

They are stuffed full of activities such as mess-free painting, 3D puzzles, snacks, special colouring in and so on. This is definitely one of my top tips for flying with toddlers.


Find out more about Keep em Quiet bags here!

There are some similar travel-specific activity packs in Australia called Busy Bags worth checking out. They are ideal for travelling with toddlers on long haul flights. Likewise in the US, there is one made by Penguin Travel.

You can check out the US version here ! My only criticism with these packs is related to the waste, although many things are reusable such as the re-stickable stickers etc, the Keep Em Quiet bags do produce a lot of plastic waste.

We have also recently discovered these great little globe packs which are designed with your destination in mind. They contain a passport with the country’s flag, and activities designed to introduce your child to the country you will be visiting!

Flying with a Toddler - Activities

Making your Own Activity Packs

If you don’t have access to one of the travel-specific activity bags, a simple trip to your local pound/ dollar /euro shop to buy a few low-cost items to make up your own activity bag is always an option.

Playdough is a great and cheap toy to bring along and it is easy to make your own. It is extremely versatile and toddlers could spend hours playing with it. A favourite game to pass the time onboard is to bring smaller toys along and hide them inside.

Siblings can play this together which gives you a few minutes of breathing room.

You can also hit up Amazon for some amazing toddler plane toys. Only give them to the kids when they are on board so they will be a novelty. We’ve rounded up a list of our favourite travel toys for toddlers here.

Don’t be afraid to be creative either. There is sure to be something around you to use for entertainment. A blanket can be used for a peek a boo or even letting a toddler button and unbutton a cardigan can keep them busy for a while or used as a distraction.


The whole idea is to reduce screen time which I love. However, we do bring an Amazon Fire tablet with us as a last resort, it can be quite handy to get our little ones to snuggle down to sleep, especially on a long haul flight with toddlers.

Flying with a toddler - Plane activities

The reason I specifically love the Amazon Fire tablet is because it can be controlled by parents, with very specific child-friendly and educative apps.

We can also download movies before our trip which has saved the day a few times. If your toddler can’t sit through a whole film then download a few episodes from their favourite series.

You can check out prices on Amazon Fire tablets here .

Don’t forget to bring headphones along so you don’t disturb the other passengers. Bluetooth headphones are great as they can move around without the fear of the wire coming out.

Make Sure to Pack In Flight Sleep Aids

So now that we’ve dealt with snacks and activities, let’s move on to sleeping aids. Getting a toddler asleep on a plane can be a challenge at the best of times.

We all know comfort and minimal stimulation is key when it comes to getting our little ones to have sweet dreams. For most of us, if it’s ‘sleepy sleepy’ time on a flight, it can often be the most agonising time for us as parents.

I’ve often paced up and down, stroked my little ones head to no avail. From the bright lights, people chatting and just being in a new environment can be so tough. Having a sleeping aid is key and really helpful if your little one has their own seat.


Check out this post for some of the best travel bassinets for newborns and toddlers.

Additionally, if you are taking a long flight, it may be better to opt for an overnight flight. Not only is there more chance your little one will drift off, but the lights on the plane are usually dimmed. This encourages other passengers to speak in hushed voices and creates a better sleep environment.

If it is a short flight then it may not matter as much, however, if your toddler sticks to their nap schedule consider a flight around nap time. However, don’t stress if they don’t go down as we all know how hard it is to sleep on a plane.

A few other tricks you could try are having little one dressed in pyjamas or putting them on while you are on the plane. If you read a book before sleep time, then bring their favourite book along. The trick is trying to keep to the same routine. It may not always work, but anything is worth a shot.

Plane Pal For Flying with a Toddler

I have tried out both the Plane Pal and the JetKids BedBox . They are both fantastic options to create a first-class bed for your toddler on a long haul flight. Many airlines accept them, however, there are a handful that do not allow it, so it’s worth checking before investing.

best toys for toddler on plane

Plane Pal is a toddler travel pillow for the airplane that fills the legroom space in front of the seat and creates a flat surface for your little one to stretch out. It packs away nicely and is not too big to carry around.

Jet Kid BedBox For Flying with a Toddler

The JetKids BedBox is quite a different product!! It is a mini wheelie suitcase that also acts as a scooter and is an amazing way of getting through the airport if your little one has the stability to sit on it.

There is space inside that can be used to store an activity bag, some snacks and a change of clothing.

Flying with a toddler - jet kids bedbox

When on board the suitcase has a third function, again, filling the legroom space in front of the seat  and creating a flat surface for little ones to stretch out.

This product is quite expensive, however, if you travel often I think it’s worth every penny. Here is my full review of the Jet Kids Bed Box .

Jet Kids BedBox - Flying with a Toddler

 Bassinet Shade For Travelling with a Toddler on a Plane

If your toddler is under two, you may be lucky enough to bag a bassinet seat. Priority is generally given to younger babies. Likewise, if your kids are anything like my tall kids they may not fit in the bassinet.

The best airline for a toddler bassinet solution is British Airways. They have a reclined seat option as opposed to the box and is literally perfect for kids ages around one to 18 months roughly.

Flying with a toddler - bassinet cover

Another great product is the Cozigo which has a double function! It can cover a stroller as a sun and light protection but can also pop up over a bassinet on a flight.

Keeping those hideously bright lights on a flight is the hardest part and Cozigo is a great option to shade your toddler or baby. I have a full review of the product here .

Is Booking An Extra Seat worth it When Flying with a Toddler?

Any flight with a toddler is going to be made easier if they sleep. If your toddler is under two years old you may be tempted to have them in your lap. This is great at cutting costs for short-haul flights.  

However, for long haul flights, the extra space is worth the money. In fact, children still get a discount on most seat prices.

Domestic flights can sometimes have a 50% discount so it is worth checking before you make a hasty decision.

Having an extra seat onboard not only gives you additional space, you will also need it if you are using a JetKids BedBox or toddler travel pillow . As well as setting up a bed on board, they can also prevent toys and other items from falling on the floor and having to be sanitised again.

Post-pandemic there are many other reasons to purchase an extra seat. In your row of three seats, you only want to be sitting beside family.

If you are travelling as a family of three and your toddler is on your lap, there may be another passenger in the empty seat. 

You may get lucky and have an extra seat free of charge, however, this is not guaranteed. Paying for the extra seat gives you and your family a little extra privacy.

As soon as you board, disinfect the trays and armrests to give you some peace of mind. If you have the row to yourselves you won’t have to keep reaching for the hand sanitiser. 

Passengers are only permitted to walk up and down the aisle to use the toilets. No more walking the aisle to keep your toddler entertained. This extra space is also ideal for your toddler to stretch their legs and provide a little more breathing space. 

Familiar Toys and Blankets

Don’t forget the all-important familiar cuddly toys and a lightweight but warm blanket. Those familiar smells and comforts from home are always a winner. I find a fleece toddler blanket really good at compacting down into my hand luggage without taking up too much space.

Travel pillows are a great choice if you are unable to purchase a JetKids BedBox or inflatable bed. We all know how uncomfortable it can be to sleep on an airplane. 

A little extra chin and neck support can go a long way. They are also easy to hook on to your hand luggage and incredibly light. Choose one that is breathable and designed for toddlers to use. 

 How To Navigate The Airport with a Toddler

So now that you’ve made the all-important preparations at home for the flight, there are quite a few things you can do once you arrive at the airport.

Navigating the Airport with a toddler

From scoring an extra seat at check-in, to making the most of free time before the flight, I have you covered! Make sure to arrive with plenty of time to clear security, have something to eat and play before boarding.


Most airlines provide a seat belt for lap infants babies and toddlers under 2. All flying toddlers over 2 must be in their own seats.

Many of the Northern American Airlines do not provide the seat belt , however, they are available online and could be an alternate option to flying with toddler car seats. You can buy a seat belt here .

Some parents choose to take a car seat when flying with a toddler on board. They purchase a seat and install them just like a car seat. The idea is it gives the child the same protection as a car journey. However, this is not a requirement (at the time of writing this).


Having recently flown to London from Abu Dhabi with four kids, as you can imagine, we were laden down with a lot of luggage. The majority of it being child travel accessories that always seem to be the bulkiest and most difficult of items to travel with.  

This journey we had the chance to test out the new RyRy Scallop portable car seat . It is a very compact child car seat suitable for children up to 105cm in height and 18kg in weight. This cleverly designed car seat actually folds up nicely and can be converted into a backpack to keep your hands free which is always a bonus when travelling with children.  

Weighing 9kg, the backpack is comfortable to wear and comes with a cover to keep it clean on the journey. The straps connect/disconnect with a turn and clip action, and can be packed away neatly inside the cover ready to be checked in as were doing an international flight.  


Our little boy found the seat very comfortable to sit in and fell asleep on the journey to and from the airport. We also found the seat easy to fix into the car as it can be fitted with the isofix connections and also the standard seatbelt harness.  

Overall, we found the seat to be really compact, comfortable to sit in and transport on your back when on the move with children.  

We have taken our car seats away if we happen to be renting a car for example, but we haven’t installed them onboard. Every airline I have ever been on, allowed us to check our car seats in for free. If you are not sure whether you want to bring your car seat on holiday, check out this post.

Flying with a toddler - at the airport

I prefer to hold my toddler on my lap with the seat belt, especially useful when I need to breastfeed on take-off and landing for his ears to relieve the pressure.

I do understand those parents that prefer to bring the car seat on board for flying with a toddler. Car seats can offer that extra protection, and, well, I guess being in their own seat contains them somewhat.

If you are checking your car seat in, be sure to place it in a protective travel bag . We have all seen how our suitcases are thrown around. The last thing any parent needs is a broken car seat.

A protective travel bag can help soften some of the blows your car seat is sure to face when it is being loaded and off loaded on the plane.


We tend to always bring a travel stroller with us. Depending on our mood, and if our toddler is sleeping or not, we make a call at the check-in desk whether we will take it with us to the gate.

I find it quite handy, especially if I am travelling solo . I throw my hand luggage in there whilst my toddler is walking. If you are flying with twins, having a double stroller will make things much easier.

the best travel puschairs - Britax Holiday Double

I check it in if I don’t have too much hand luggage. If I have a tonne of stuff, it’s just handy to have wheels to help. The less I have with me, and the more hands-free I’m going to be, the more likely I am to check it in at the desk.

It is wise to remember it may not be returned to you when you disembark. It depends on the airport. If you feel you will need it when you get off the plane right away, ask at the check-in desk. 

Sometimes they can put in a special request. Otherwise, you often have to collect it with the rest of your luggage or even from the oversized luggage station.

Some airports used to provide rentals, however, due to the pandemic, this is no longer possible. 

One of my favourite things on the market right now is the GB Pocket Stroller . It folds up so small and can be taken onboard. I find that feature really handy, especially if you’ll have a connecting flight and a potentially long walk through a terminal to your next gate. It really is tiny when folded up!

For more information on the GB Pocket Stroller, click here .

If this is a little out of your price range take a look at the Baby Joy lightweight travel stroller . It doesn’t fold down as small as the GB Pocket Stroller however it is light and compact. 

It meets the airline requirements for carry on luggage so it can be taken on board. Most importantly it reclines for sleeping toddlers.

For more information on the Baby Joy lightweight travel stroller click here .

Dream on Me has released a new innovative stroller which has won a few awards. It is a budget stroller and has a host of features. In fact, it is a stroller, scooter, and rider all in one. 

It is compact and easy to fold down and can be attached to another stroller or even a shopping cart. 

Check out the Dream on Me Stroller here .


Like I mentioned about the sleeping aids, the ideal scenario when flying with a toddler is to have their own seat. Airplane travel with toddlers can be stifling at the best of times.

You know how it is with them clambering all over you.  I never bought a seat for my kids when they were under 2. However, I always asked if they had a spare seat at check in.

Flying with a toddler - check in

When flying with a toddler, most of the time we were lucky enough to score the spare seat on board and so we could make sure our little one was comfortable and had space.

For the few times, we were not so lucky, I had my baby carrier to hand to help get little one to sleep. Obviously, an entire night flight is not so comfortable with a toddler on your front but the baby carrier definitely made it easier.

When it comes to bulk head seats you may be able to reserve them before you arrive at the airport. If you haven’t then the seats in the front row usually have a little extra legroom. If they are not available then consider asking for the seats at the back of the plane. 

They are closer to the toilets and could be great if you need to make a run for it. Other than that, request a window seat for your toddler. You may not need to as most airlines try to keep families together. However, it doesn’t do any harm to confirm at check-in.

Window seats can offer a few minutes of distraction, especially when taking off and landing when you are trying to keep them in their seats.


You may also be allowed to check-in any extra hand luggage. You are going to want to keep your backpack, however, if your partner has a bag then that can be checked in for no additional charge. 

This is not true for every airline, however, if the flight is full then there may not be enough room in the overhead lockers for passengers bags. Even if it is not, many airline staff understand the need for parents to be as hands-free as possible.

Getting Through Airport Security with a Toddler

Family security lines can be amazing. I recently travelled through Barcelona Airport where they had a playpen right at the security line.

In Barcelona airport, they also had a low-level machine to push everything, from our buggy and suitcase through for scanning. It made it so easy for us.

Services offered at airport for family travel

However, in some airports, the family security lines are not always the quickest. Have a look around to see which line is moving and head there. 

If there is no family security line, there may be a fast queue. Most passengers have to pay an additional charge. Airport security can be very helpful. Many times they allow families to use the fast queue.

If your toddler is being a little impatient or you are running late, there is no harm in asking. The worst they can say is no.

Gatwick Airport can be hit and miss, sometimes the line is so busy with families it ends up taking longer. The best thing to do is assess each time and see if the better option is to take the regular queue.


Try to avoid extra hassle at security and get the long flight with a toddler off to the best start! Liquids will be tested if they are your little one’s food and drink for the journey. I always forget at least one thing at the bottom of the bag!

Electronics have to be removed and put in their own tray. If you have a tablet in each bag, this is going to be a hassle. Try to have them altogether so they can be easily taken out and easily put back in.

Don’t forget to consider your outfit carefully.

Wear things you are not going to have to take off, this is not fun whilst chasing a toddler.

For example, I try not to wear boots and a belt because I know I have to take them off! I keep my passport hanging around my neck in one of those special zip pouches. Again having everything to hand is really helpful.

Being organised before you hit security is key to a smooth transfer. Along with liquids in clear plastic bags, all electronics must go through separately too. Having your tablets and laptops together makes it easier to put them all in the tray and repack them after they have been scanned.

If your toddler still drinks formula or you are carrying breast milk then there is no limit for children under the age of two. This also applies to food and water. 

They may ask to test the formula or breastmilk before letting you go through with it. Some airports may allow water to be taken through for children over two. It is not guaranteed though. 

There may be a place to fill up bottles on the other side.


Most airports have an area for kids to play. Look at the information screens to find them when traveling with toddlers. Some are better than others, Dubai Airport is a favourite of ours as well as the soft play at Heathrow Terminal 2 .

I find so many of the western airports go the extra mile during school breaks. For example in Heathrow in some restaurants, kids eat free at some restaurants in the terminal.

I prefer to eat a good meal before boarding the plane. As strict vegans, the food options are not always that good so we always have our big bag of snacks to fall back on.

If there are no play areas available then simply walking around the airport can keep your little one entertained and help burn off some energy.

Navigating the Airport with a Toddler

Airports are busy places. There is a lot going on and they can be a difficult place to navigate with a toddler. Parents can have a difficult time with toddlers who don’t want to sit in a stroller. Toddlers are not great at keeping up and are very easily distracted. 

The gates can also be far away. Sometimes you can even expect to walk around twenty minutes to arrive at the gate. If your toddler is one who refuses a carrier or stroller there are a few things on the market which may help those little legs.

A case with wheels allows kids to sit on it and is a great way to keep things light hearted when you are in a rush at the airport. The case allows enough space for kids to pack some of their favourite toys and activities as well as room for a spare change of clothes. 


Toddlers can sit on it and use their legs to push it along. However, as parents, we know this won’t last. The case has another feature where kids can put their feet up and parents can pull them along. For safety, there is also a strap which goes around the back to prevent falling. 

There are two different sizes available. The smaller size, 20 inches, is accepted on many airlines. However, always check their regulations before flying.

Check out this ride along suitcase with wheels here.

If your toddler loves scooters then they may enjoy taking one along to the airport. This ride-on suitcase looks like any other carry on from the front. At the back, there is a fold-down wheel which transforms this luggage into a scooter. 

There are many different designs to choose from and there are some led lights on the wheels. The telescoping handle means it can be adjusted to suit toddlers of all heights. 

The case doesn’t hold a lot. However, there would be enough room for a few toys and a change of clothes. 

Click here to see the Ride-On Suitcase Scooter.


Airlines always prioritise young families to board, however that’s not always helpful! I find letting our kids run around the terminal and burn their energy off is a better starting point to get them to sit down and put their belt on.

Flying with a toddler - Long Flight with a Toddler

Having that extra time whilst everyone else boards can be tricky in my opinion, so this is always our default approach. In some cases, if our toddler is on the verge of falling asleep, we board early and make the most of settling in peacefully.

Some families split up at the gate. One parent takes all the luggage on while the other plays with the toddler at the gate. This is a great idea if you are planning to wipe down the armrests and trays with cleaning and disinfectant wipes .

Use this time to take your toddler to the toilet as well. The toilets are out of use until the plane has taken off and the seat belt signs are off. This means there may be a long wait if they have to go as soon as they board.


Don’t be afraid to ask the crew for help if you are flying with kids! If they see you are flying with a toddler, they will normally give you a kiddie pack, if they forget just ask because it can usually kill at least half an hour.

I try to prepare my little ones for wearing their seat belt and provide all the distractions possible during that time. In reality, it’s only during take-off, landing and turbulence that we really need our toddler to conform so distraction is key.

Flying with a toddler - on board the plane

If my kids want to walk up and down I let them. Trying to contain them is really challenging and can be harder doing that than simply letting them stretch their legs.

It’s nicer for everyone involved, people prefer to see a happy child zooming past as opposed to a contained upset toddler in the seat behind. Drip feed snacks and activities throughout the flight, one by one.

Likewise, keep everyone hydrated with water and make sure to have enough diapers and change of clothes for any accidents. don’t forget to include a change of clothes for yourself either.

Leaving the Plane with a Toddler

Before kids, you may have been that person who stood up first and tried to get off the airplane as quickly as possible. However, after kids, you are more than likely going to want to wait until most of the passengers have disembarked. 

This is because it can be quite stressful trying to get all your luggage from the overhead lockers with a toddler while impatient passengers stand behind you. 

You are also going to want to keep your distance as well, so take a break while everyone else gets off the plane. 

Depending on where you are going and the airport, you may have to get a bus to the terminal. If you were able to carry on your stroller then this can be a great help. If not, a carrier is perfect to pop your toddler in while you hold the luggage on the bus. 

Family-Friendly Airlines when Flying with a Toddler

Some airlines are more family-friendly than others. This is due not just for the facilities onboard the plane, but also luggage allowance.

This may surprise you however, some airlines charge for parents to take a stroller or even a car seat with them. Some allow you to take both free of charge and there are a few which allow a travel cot to also be included. 

Most major airlines give parents the choice of two extra pieces of luggage at check-in. 

If you have opted to have your toddler on your lap, then check if they are allowed their own luggage allowance. It should be easy to find this information from the airline’s website. However, if you are at all unsure give them a quick call to ask. 

Additionally, some airlines provide some activities for children, while others don’t. You are probably going to be loaded with activities and this may not be an important factor, however, airlines which provide them are more likely to have other perks for families. 

Paperwork you Need When Flying with a Toddler

Many parents are unsure whether their toddler needs to have a passport when they fly. If you are flying internationally then all passengers need to have their own passport. 

If you are from the US and flying domestically, a birth certificate may be enough for all children under the age of 18. Be aware though some airlines may still ask for a passport. 

It is always a good idea to carry your child’s birth certificate when flying. This is especially important if you and your toddler have a different surname. 

Parents who are flying solo may also need a notarized permission to fly documents from the other partner. These are very common in South America, Europe and South Africa.

Flying nowadays requires more documents than ever. Before it was just passports and tickets. Now there are PCR tests, proof of vaccinations and even locator forms. 

You may also need to show your travel insurance at the check-in desk. Many countries will only allow entry to foreign citizens if they have adequate travel insurance COVID cover.

If you are not sure what documents you require, be sure to call the airline at least a week before you fly. This should give you enough time to get everything together. 

Having these documents all in one place can make check in and passport control go smoothly.


As stated above, preparation is key for any flight with a toddler. As parents we have to prepare for every scenario while trying to fit it all into our hand luggage and staying under that 100ml limit.

A backpack is most parents preferred choice as it allows them to keep their hands free. Having one with lots of storage compartments is perfect for keeping yourself organized.

Use your backpack to store all of your essential items. The items which you may need to get to right away. Any other non-essential items can be stored in another carry on if needed.

Carry a few wet bags with you in case of any accidents. These are also great if you are cloth diapering and don’t want to switch to disposables on your trips.

The trays on an airplane can be a little too high for toddlers. This can make activities a little difficult and may even lead to tantrums. A great item to carry on is a kids travel tray .

The tray has tons of pockets and colouring pencils and books can be stored there too. Along with cup holders, and there is a place for a tablet. In fact, there is more than enough room for all the activities you brought with you. 

It is easy to fold down, easy to carry and most importantly waterproof. They are great for airplanes and can also be used on long car trips too.

For toddlers new to potty training this may be their first experience using public restrooms. It can be a daunting experience for them as the toilets are considerably larger than the small potty they use at home. 

Some parents opt to use nappies or diapers for the journey, while others carry a folding potty seat with them. It is best to try it out at home for a few weeks for toddlers to get comfortable with it.

If your child takes any medication make sure to carry it in your hand luggage and have the prescriptions with you, just in case. The last thing you need is your luggage not making it to the other side and having to try and find the right medication in a foreign country.

A small first aid kit is a great item to have. There are limits to what you can pack. Scissors and liquids over 100ml have to go in hold luggage. However, a few plasters and a small bottle of kids paracetamol could come in handy.

These are great for your trip as well. Landing in a foreign country and trying to find the nearest pharmacy can be daunting. Throwing in a foreign language and trying to make sense of instructions can turn into a headache. 

Having a few essential medicines can prevent this and leave you with one less thing to worry about.


There is nothing worse than arriving at the airport and discovering your flight is delayed. Twenty or thirty minutes is tolerable, however, a few hours delay with a toddler can feel like your whole world is crashing down.

You are worried you will run out of snacks or worse yet activities for the journey.

This can be difficult to navigate, however, there are a few tricks to help you get through it. The first thing you want to do is eat at the airport and keep the snacks for the plane. Many airlines offer a free food and drink voucher for delays so make the most of it.

Try and use the facilities at the airport as much as you can. You want the activities to be used on the airplane. However, if this is not possible try and stretch them out. Don’t forget about the simple things either. Some toddlers might enjoy watching the planes on the runway, while others might want to look at the toys in the toy shop.

All the sights and sounds found in the airport are new and exciting for many toddlers, so take advantage of your surroundings and let them explore.

Flying with a Toddler During the Covid Pandemic

The COVID pandemic has made travelling with little ones more stressful for parents. It is a perfectly natural reaction as we want to keep our children safe.

Whether your toddler has to wear a mask onboard is dependent on age. The WHO recommends all children under the age of two should not wear a mask at any time. 

There are many reasons for this including the size of the airways and the risk of suffocation. If your toddler is over two they may not have to wear a mask on board. Some airlines recommend children over six wear them, while others prefer children over two to wear a mask while they are on board. 


As the rules are at the airline’s discretion then it is best to check with them at the check-in desk or in their terms and conditions. 

The best thing parents can do is to keep their hands and their children’s hands clean. This is simple to do with soap and water, however, it is not always convenient to find handwashing facilities. 

Carrying some hand sanitiser is great for using after security and check-in. To always make sure it is on hand, have one which attaches to your bag so it is easy to use. 

Cleaning and disinfectant wipes can be used to disinfect the seating area and trays. The airline has more than likely done this before you boarded, however, there is no harm in doing it again. 

Have the wipes to hand when visiting the toilets to give the area a quick wipe down or when using the changing facilities.

There is also a great technique to use to ensure you are wiping the area correctly.  The trick is to start at the furthest corner and wipe in an S pattern. The reason for this is to ensure you never wipe over the same spot. 

You may want to also sanitise your toddler’s toys and dummies before boarding. In fact, it is best to keep them separate and to carry a few extra dummies or pacifiers as they are sure to fall on the ground. 

The window seat is considered to be the safest seat on a plane so it may be an idea to have your toddler sitting there. Sitting in the window seat limits your toddler’s exposure to others.  If they were sitting in the aisle seat they would be across from a stranger and the crew coming by with snacks.

Even though your toddler is not vaccinated, there is usually no need for PCR tests or even quarantine if they are travelling with vaccinated parents or parents with a negative PCR test. 

Check the entry requirements for the country you are visiting before setting off.


Make sure you don’t forget about yourself when travelling with a toddler on a plane.

Stay well hydrated, take time for lots of leg movements to prevent blood clots and try to get your head down for a sleep while your little one is. Or, if not a sleep, then have a glass of wine, relax and watch a movie.

travelling with a toddler

If you are flying with someone else, take turns. This is the best advice I can give to you having taken my two kids around the world a number of times.

I find that the most draining part about flying with a toddler is the amount of energy you have to put into the entertainment. We rarely have too many tears or tantrums onboard if we make the necessary effort.

If things don’t run as smoothly as you would like, try not to worry about everyone else on board. The most stressful thing about flying with a toddler is trying to make sure they don’t disturb others. However, this is not always possible. 

We can only do our best, hopefully with the tips above your flight is a little less stressful and you feel a little more prepared.

Do you need tips about breastfeeding or flying with formula or dealing with jet lag ?


Here is a  Flying With A Toddler Checklist  that you can print off!!

Would you add anything else to our flying with a toddler checklist? Let me know in the comments.

Ready to book? Find great deals on flights, travel insurance , hotels , reliable internet , and rental cars !

You may also like:

Car seat flying with toddler tips 

Flying with a baby

Toddler hand luggage essentials

Dealing with Jet Lag in Babies, Toddlers and Kids

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. By using them it will not cost you any extra, we will receive a small percentage of the sale. 

Saturday 24th of August 2019

This is a great post. I am flying to Pennyslvania on Sept 1 with two small toddlers. I have booked two flights since it is a longhaul destination. For both the airport and the flight, I will be armed with flight activity packs and books plus 1-2 toys for both kids. I will call on Monday to find out about the entertainment system onboard the aircraft as well. Can anyone suggest films that are appropriate for toddlers to watch? Is the food onboard the flight nice or not? Do flight crew still provide coloring sheets or should I bring my own aboard the plane? I love your tips.

Thursday 12th of September 2019

Hi, I hope the flight went well. Sorry I didn't catch this in time!

Tuesday 26th of March 2019

Thank you so much for all the tips! I am flying with my husband and our two kids to France. (One 2 months old and one 20 months old) We didn’t buy a seat for them so we will have them on our lap. I’m nervous about the trip but it’s an overnight direct flight, hopefully we can get that bassinet and may be an extra seat if the plane is not full but I know it will be unlikely. Can I contact you with some questions before we leave if some come up? Thank you!

Travel Mad Mum

Sunday 31st of March 2019

I'm happy to try to answer any questions you have. You might want to check out our Flying With A Baby post as well if you haven't already. Good luck with the flight!

Monday 15th of October 2018

This is a great blog and I hope to put many of your tips in to practice. What would you advise for getting a 2.5 year old comfy on a 8hr then 17hr flight as we can’t take on a fly legs up or similar - emirates have said no.

Monday 1st of October 2018

Thank you - really helpful post :-)

Thursday 6th of September 2018

I know this is an old post but just wanted to say thanks for the tips! I am flying with my 18 month old later this month - I am panicking already because he can't sit still for more than a minute. This makes me feel like we will be ok!

Lucky Andi Flower Detail.

flying with two children: tips, tricks, and learnings

May 16, 2021, adventures , traveling with kids.

travelling with 2 toddlers

A couple weeks ago, I went on my first flight since the pandemic! This was the first time Lucy and I  have been on an airplane since November 2019 (so almost 18 months later!) and Winnie’s first ever flight. Because I  apparently like a good challenge, our first flight during ‘these times’  was just me + the girls. NOT something I  would recommend, but totally doable! A few years ago, I did several flights with Lucy and Jack alone (one of them while 5 months pregnant…) but juggling a young toddler + ‘regular’ toddler + masks was… a lot. I’m actually doing another flight with just me and the girls in June for my sister’s birthday, and we have a long flight (with E, thankfully!) later this summer, so I  guess it’s good we got our practice in.

Anyway, I’m SO EXCITED to be sharing travel-related posts again! Traveling is something that I’m so passionate about and something I’ve loved sharing and connecting with others about. Especially about traveling with kids. We used to travel allll the time with Lucy (she was on 30+ flights before she turned 2) but obviously, haven’t been on an airplane with Winnie until she turned 14 months! Here’s a

I’ve shared before in my initial traveling with babies blog post , but there are a few mindset reminders that I  have found helpful before travel. Especially when traveling with two kids, and even more so if traveling solo with kid(s), these mindset reminders helped me just as much as all the preparation and organization.

STAY CALM: kids feed off of our emotions and attitudes and can tell when we are stressed. Take a deep breath, remember the travel day/experience is temporary, and you will get through this. For me, when traveling with two kids, this means trying to not get anxious about someone crying or whining, not beating myself up for forgetting to pack something, not letting a bad 10 minutes ruin the whole day. On my solo trip with both girls, at the precise moment in the airport that I realized the shows didn’t download to the iPad, Winnie projectile puked on me. WOW! It was a bad moment. I did my best to stay calm — to get on wifi and re-download the shows, calmly walked to bathroom with the girls to clean up, and kept going.

HAVE LOW EXPECTATIONS:  It’s best to go into the flight with low expectations — assume that your child will be fussy, cranky, annoyed, etc. I’m usually a glass half full kind of gal, but in the case, it really helps when I have realistic and LOW expectations for the day. The flight isn’t going to be the most joyful day of your life as a parent. Some days are pure survival mode and when you come to terms with the fact that babies will be babies/toddlers will be toddlers/the day isn’t going to be rainbows and butterflies, you will feel a lot more content with however the travel day turns out.

BE FLEXIBLE: travel days are not the days to be rigid about schedules and routines. Our last flight was smack dab in the middle of Winnie’s nap-time and it was a bit stressful, but she eventually napped (1.5 hours later than usual) and THAT IS OKAY. You can and should pack strategically and prepare, but even the best plans sometimes don’t work out. Things are OUT OF YOUR CONTROL and it’s best to just go with the flow.


Stroller: we’ve had the Mountain Buggy Nano stroller for three years now and it’s been great! It’s traveled all over the country and world with us and is still in great shape. It’s super lightweight, folds up to be small and compact, and comfortable. The basket underneath surprisingly holds a lot of stuff, too. We don’t have a double travel stroller, but if we decided to get one down the road (if we were doing an extended trip or something), I’ve heard amazing things about the Zoe Twin+ double stroller .

Carseats: we’ve also had the  Cosco Scenera Next carseat for three years. Lucy used it for a long time and now, Winnie will use it. The carseat is only 7 lbs (!!) so is perfect for travel. Our regular carseats are just too large and bulky for travel. The Cosco Scenera Next is a convertible carseat so can be used as an infant seat if needed and can be forward or front facing. This carseats for children up to 40 lbs. We just ordered the  Cosco Finale DX 2 in 1 for Lucy; we needed a second one and wanted one that could grow with her. The Finale DX is also super lightweight (8 lbs!) and holds children up to 65 lbs and eventually be used as a booster seat. Carseats for Littles is a great resource to learn more about carseats; here’s their review of the Cosco Scenera Next and here’s their review of the Cosco Finale DX. Both carseats are affordable, have great safety reviews and ratings, and are lightweight – all important to us, especially for traveling.

Carseat Bag : when traveling with carseats, you’ll need a bag to put them in at airport when checking them at the counter or gate.

Baby Carrier: I always bring a baby carrier, especially for babies but even for toddlers! I  prefer a ring sling  for easy in/out, although you will need to take it off at security because the rings will set off the alarm. I  love Solly wraps for babies under 6-8 months and they are great for traveling, especially through the airport!

Diaper Bag/Backpacks:  this is where I  keep the essentials – diapers, masks, Pull-ups, wipes, hand sanitizer, SO MANY SNACKS, water bottles, small toys/books/stickers, iPad + headphones, etc.

Pack n Play:  I try to avoid flying with a pack n play at all costs, but I  have had to bring it once! I  just checked it at the ticket counter with the rest of our bags. Typically, our destination will have a crib or pack n play we can use.


I believe organization and planning is super important for ALL travel with kids, but even more so when traveling with multiple kids and definitely when traveling as the solo adult. I started setting out our bags and making a packing game-plan several days before the flight. Doing so early allowed me to feel more in control and provided me time to tweak what I  packed as needed leading up to the trip.

I  find it helpful if you can to have diapers/wipes at your destination – or get them right when you arrive. This saves a LOT of room in your suitcase! I  will still pack a few diapers (in suitcase and backpack) but not the usual amount.

For this trip, the three of us shared one large check-on bag and also brought my diaper bag backpack, Lucy’s small backpack , and our travel stroller . I use these packing cubes to help maximize space in the suitcase! The travel stroller we have folds into a little bag so you can check in or put in the overhead compartment. When I  traveled with just Lucy as a baby/toddler, sometimes I  would skip the stroller and just use the baby carrier, but for traveling (especially alone) with two kids — the stroller was a MUST, especially for navigating the airport. I  also made sure to download movies/shows from Netflix/Disney+ on the iPad so they were available off of WiFi during the trip.

For future trips where we’ll need a carseat at our destination, we’ll also bring our two travel carseats , plus a carseat bag for gate checking the carseats.

Here’s what I  packed in each backpack!

travelling with 2 toddlers

This blog post shares more about traveling with breastmilk/formula!


I used to HATE checking bags and waiting for my luggage to arrive after a flight. I always was a carry-on only traveler….even the majority of the time when traveling alone with just Lucy. We did a three week trip to Europe with 8-month-old Lucy with two carry-on suitcases and two backpacks (plus travel carseat and stroller). While it’s amazing to travel so light, for me – now with two kids (and even if I  didn’t) – IT’S OKAY TO CHECK LUGGAGE! The travel day is going to be different than traveling sans kids, and it’s okay to wait a little bit longer for your checked suitcase afterwards, especially if it’s going to be less stressful to not be worried about everything fitting in a carry-on.

So, at the airport right away, we went to ticket counter and dropped off our big suitcase. You can always rent a luggage cart thing if you need, or have someone come into the airport with you to help get you through this part of the trip (where you have a lot of bags!). I then pushed Winnie in stroller and walked holding Lucy’s hand to security.  Security was fairly easy, although it was a bit chaotic folding up the stroller quickly with one hand while holding Winnie at same time. But we did it!

If you’re traveling with carseat, you’ll need to decide if you check it at the ticket counter, gate check it, or bring it on the plane. I’ve done all three! Personally, Lucy never did well when we brought the carseat onto the plane, so don’t do that anymore. Remember, if traveling with a lap child under 2, you need to have paid for your own seat for the seat OR ask them at the gate if there’s an extra seat you can use – just don’t COUNT on it beforehand unless you pay for an extra seat). If I’m already checking a bag, I’ll usually just check the car seat then and there, but some people prefer to gate check it so it’s not being tossed around with the luggage and perhaps handled more gently. Gate checking might be your best bet and then you can snag it (with your stroller, likely!) right when you get off the plane.

I also attached Winnie’s pacifier/lovey to the stroller so I  didn’t have to worry about losing that or it falling on the ground. Easy!

If you’re traveling alone with kids, I would try to have someone meet you at the destination airport. My dad met us by baggage claim and it was SUCH a relief to be able to have him sit with the girls while I  waited for our bag and to also be able to (finally!) go to the bathroom alone. One time (at 5 months months pregnant), I flew alone with our dog Jack and 18-month-old Lucy from SF to Nashville (almost five hours). I  DON’T RECOMMEND THIS lol. I had to haul our suitcase, stroller, carseat, Jack’s travel bag, backpack, plus the dog and toddler by myself to get a Lyft home. I  wish I  would have asked someone to pick us up instead!

travelling with 2 toddlers


For babies and young toddlers, sometimes the air pressure change can be sensitive on their ears so I always try to have baby suck on something (whether breastfeeding, taking a bottle, pacifier) at takeoff and landing. If you do have your baby in a baby carrier (like I  did), they will usually ask you to take him/her out at takeoff/landing. Winnie was sleeping so I  just loosened the rings so she was more like sitting on my lap vs. tightly on my chest.

Here’s a few in-flight entertainment ideas: window clings, sticker books, mini puzzles, small bag of coloring supplies, WaterWow markers, small + lightweight books and magazines, iPad (don’t forget headphones + case!). I often will go to dollar store or hit up Target’s dollar section and pick out a few toys as “surprises” during travel days. Don’t offer all the entertainment things all at once! Spread them out over the flight to break things up.

And obviously you can’t forget snacks, snacks, snacks! This is a must (at least for my kids). Here’s a few ideas: pouches, goldfish, pretzels, crackers, fruit (bananas, apples), single serve peanut butter cups (I  packed two small spoons!), fruit snacks (given individually as a reward/incentive lol), mints/gum. I  kept snacks in two collapsible Eizzy Baby snack cups .

For long flights, we pack t his inflatable foot rest pillow and it was SO helpful. We only use this when we have the window seat (so it doesn’t block anyone’s ability to leave their seat) but it allows Lucy (and now Winnie) to spread out a little bit more and even fall asleep more comfortably. I bring this on cross-country / international flights; probably not worth the effort for a shorter flight.


Of course, right now, you have to wear a mask at the airport and on the plane. I  wasn’t super worried about Lucy wearing her mask because she’s been doing it for a year and we’ve practiced a lot. Here’s a blog post with 8 tips for helping kids wear face masks ! We’ve tried A LOT of kids masks and the ones she likes best and can wear the most comfortably for the longest are the Mamask masks . She also likes having a mask necklace which attaches to the mask so even when/if she takes it off, it doesn’t fall on floor. We have this customizable one and it’s so cute and works great! I wore a Kitsch mask (that link gets you 20% off anything on their site!).

All kids over the age of two have to wear a mask on the plane. I  found the airport to be a little more flexible mask wise (like not all kids wearing them in airport, people weren’t wearing one when eating/drinking, some took theirs off when in a seat at airport, etc) . The plane itself felt a bit more strict about masks – they need to be on unless actively eating and drinking. No one yelled at us (but we were also wearing mask entire time) but there were many announcements being made about masks being required at all times.

Socially distance wise, once through the ticket counter line I  felt like we could pretty easily social distance. Security and boarding the plane itself weren’t super crowded for us (everyone spaced out and respectful for the most part). Once you’re past security and in the airport, I  found it pretty easy to maintain your distance and just stay in a little area to yourself. Overall, I  felt that people were pretty self-aware and doing the best they could to be respectful and safe (at least around us!)

travelling with 2 toddlers

Alright I  think that covers everything! I linked a few other travel-related blog posts below, plus have saved a lot of tips and tricks and Q+As in this Instagram story highlight . Let me know if you have any questions!


Packing Cubes

Travel Stroller (Mountain Buggy Nano)

Travel Stroller (Zoe Twin+ Double)

Travel Convertible Carseat (Cosco Scenera Next)

Travel Carseat (Cosco Finale DX 2 in 1)

Carseat Bag

Kids Backpack (Fjallraven)

Kids Mask Necklace


Flight Tips for Traveling with Babies & Young Toddlers

Traveling with Toddlers: Long Flight Tips

Roadtrips with Infants & Toddlers: Tips and Tricks

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3 thoughts on “ flying with two children: tips, tricks, and learnings ”

can you push a baby in a stroller from the gate to the plane? or do you have to carry them and hold the stroller?

We fold the stroller up either at the gate OR at the end of the jet bridge before boarding. Depending on the stroller, we will fold it and put in the overhead compartment or gate check it (bottom of jet bridge). Hope this helps!

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Packing Lists , Travel Advice

20+ toddler travel essentials for 2024 – with packing list.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Items that helped us through the challenging toddler travel years

We’ve never denied that one of the most difficult phases we went through with our children was the toddler years. At home and travelling. The memories are still very fresh!

It never stopped us from travelling, but it certainly added to the amount of gear we needed to lug around the world with us (it’s kind of the same as babies, only it feels bigger and heavier, AND you’re chasing a little one around too!)

Essential Gear for Moving Around With Toddlers

Sleeping away from home, toddler meals on the move  , toddler essentials for flying, toddler entertainment on the move, other essential toddler items not to forget, this post is part of our best toddler travel advice series.

I bet if you’ve picked up this article, you already know toddlers have a mind of their own!  Not all tactics for keeping toddlers nearby when you’re in busy places will work the same. 

We’re going to suggest a few travel accessories for toddlers here that have variously worked with our three children – but we know they won’t suit all!

Toddler harness / reins

Some will love ’em, some will despise them!  Having a cute little character will definitely help your kids grow an attachment to this essential piece of toddler kit for a family trip. Perfect for crowded places, we haven’t left home without one of these for years.

Accmor Toddler Harness Leash + Anti Lost Wrist Link, Kids Butterfly Harnesses With Children Leashes, Cute Baby Leash Walking Assistant Wristband Strap Tether for Girls Outdoor (Purple)

Accmor Toddler Harness Leash

3 in 1 Toddler Harness Leash + Baby Anti Lost Wrist Link, Accmor Cute Dinosaur Child Safety Harness Tether, Kids Walking Wristband Assistant Strap Belt for Parent Boys Outdoor Activity (Black)

3 in 1 Toddler Harness Leash

Accmor Toddler Backpack Leash, Cute Kid Backpacks with Anti Lost Wrist Link, Mini Child Backpack Harness Leashes Walking Wristband Rope Travel Bag Rein for 1-3 Years Baby Boys Girls (Blue Whale)

Accmor Toddler Backpack Leash

You can see our complete guide to buying toddler reins and harnesses here

Collapsible Stroller

Once you have outgrown a full-sized baby buggy that carries basically your whole life in, it’s time to downgrade to something more sensible, practical, and lightweight for your family vacation.

We love the brands that collapse small enough we can take them right up the plane door and onto the plane with us, fitting into the overhead bin with your carry-on bag.

The Babyzen Yoyo was the first brand to achieve this and is still a great option, but there are many brands that have now followed suit.

We have used our trusty Mountian Buggy Nano for years, but you can also try brands such as the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 or the immensely popular microsized GB Pockit that comes in several variations.

Evenflo GOLD Otto Self-Folding Stroller, Baby Carriage, Lightweight Compact, Gravity Fold, Automatic, Fits Infant Car Seat, Carriages, Light Travel Strollers

Evenflo GOLD Otto Self-Folding Stroller

Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller (Black)

Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller

gb Pockit+ All-Terrain, Ultra Compact Lightweight Travel Stroller with Canopy and Reclining Seat in Velvet Black

gb Pockit+ All-Terrain

You can see our full guide on how to select the best plane stroller here.

Just be conscious of your child’s height and weight;  hopefully, this investment can last you all the way through to the preschool years. Try not to compromise too much when it comes to your tot still being able to comfortably recline and having a decent-sized shade covering and storage basket, features we would still look for even in a travel stroller. 

We also review the best lightweight double strollers for twins and baby/toddler combinations here.

TIP : If you are still looking to travel with a larger stroller, we suggest you protect your gear when flying or stowing on transport by placing it inside a stroller gate check bag – our full review of your different stroller travel bag options here . 

Toddler Carrier

By now, I am guessing most of you freuent travelers have discovered the joys that a baby carrier brings.  Many brands now see a child all the way through to their toddler years. 

We have used our Ergo across the continents for many years – but with our youngest now 4 (and, to be fair, a happy walker/runner – unlike the first two!!) we are finally ready to say goodbye – one of our best pricier bits of toddler kit we’ve never regretted investing in.

Ergobaby Omni 360 All-Position Baby Carrier for Newborn to Toddler with Lumbar Support (7-45 Pounds), Pearl Grey, One Size (Pack of 1)

Ergobaby Omni 360 All-Position Baby Carrier

Beco Toddler Carrier with Extra Wide Seat - Toddler Carrying Backpack Style and Front-Carry - Lightweight & Breathable Child Carrier - Toddler Sling Carrier 20-60 lbs (Cool Dark Grey)

Beco Toddler Carrier with Extra Wide Seat

Infantino Carry On Multi-Pocket Carrier - All-Positions, Black, Ergonomic Design for Newborns and Toddlers, 8-40 lbs. with Forward-Facing, in-Facing and Backpack Positions Plus 6 Storage Pockets

Infantino Carry On Multi-Pocket Carrier

You can find our comprehensive toddler carrier comparison guide here. 

Hiking Toddler Carrier

For those who do more heavy-duty walking and hiking, you can’t look past the Deuter Kid Comfort Pro . It is one of the most expensive on the market, so you could also look at the Deuter Kid Comfort II which is slightly lighter, but doesn’t include the built-in sunshade.

Deuter Kid Comfort Pro Child Carrier 2021 - Midnight

Deuter Kid Comfort Pro Child Carrier

ClevrPlus Deluxe Adjustable Baby Carrier Outdoor Hiking Child Backpack Camping

ClevrPlus Deluxe Adjustable Baby Carrier Outdoor

Luvdbaby Premium Baby Backpack Carrier for Hiking - Baby Carrier Backpack for Toddlers - Ergonomic Hiking Child Carrier Backpack

Luvdbaby Premium Baby Backpack Carrier

See our complete comparison of hiking carrier backpacks here

Car Seats for Toddlers

Outgrown their baby capsule that conveniently fits with their travel system but not ready yet for a simple collapsible booster ?  Yep, this is one phase of travelling with kids that I’m afraid will be with you for a long time, even well beyond the toddler years!

Depending on your child’s age and stage, there are a few options, but inevitably, accept it’s a continual upgrade process (and one of the bulkiest and most inconvenient parts of toddler travel – sorry!)

Where possible, we try to arrange for pick-up services that include a seat or hire cars at a destination – but we know all too well, that travelling home to Australia (where car seat laws are IMMENSELY STRICT) hiring is not financially viable after more than a few days x 3 children, so for years, we’ve kept a complete set of extra toddler seats at the grandparents.  

Safety 1st Grand 2-in-1 Booster Car Seat, Forward-Facing with Harness, 30-65 pounds and Belt-Positioning Booster, 40-120 pounds, Black Sparrow

Safety 1st Grand 2-in-1 Booster Car Seat

Evenflo Chase Harnessed Booster, Jubilee , 18x18.5x29.5 Inch (Pack of 1)

Evenflo Chase Harnessed Booster

Britax Emblem 3 Stage Convertible Car Seat, Dash

Britax Emblem 3 Stage Convertible Car Seat

Tip: If you have any intention of travelling with your car seat on the plane, too (you need to buy a separate seat for the infant) then the car seat must be compliant for whichever airline you are flying with. FAA rules are a pretty good for international guidance – but note they apply specifically to US-based carriers, you need to check the rules for the country your carrier falls under.

Find our complete guide on how to travel with car seats on planes here

Don’t forget if you are checking your car seats rather than using them on the plane, you will need to make sure they are adequately protected to prevent handling damage in the hold.

This is our detailed review of the best car seat travel bags .

Toddler Neck Pillow

Another thing we noticed once our kids were out of their snug little capsules and into proper car seats is how much their heads seemed to wobble around when they were drowsy! We’ve researched and tried many a brand of head cushion to get the right fit:

Kids Travel Pillow,Unicorn Toddler Neck Pillow for Kids Traveling with Eye Mask,U-Shaped Airplane Flight Car Head Neck Support Memory Foam Pillow for Adults,Gifts for Children,Boys,Girls (Pink)

Unicorn Toddler Neck Pillow for Kids

BCOZZY Kids Bundle- 2 Travel Neck Pillows for Toddlers- Super Soft Head, Neck, and Chin Support, for Comfortable Sleep in Car Seat Booster and Plane- Washable, Pink, Navy

BCOZZY Kids Travel Neck Pillows for Toddlers

INFANZIA Kids Chin Supporting Travel Neck Pillow, Prevent Head from Falling Forward, Comfortably Supports Head, Neck and Chin - Gifts for Toddler/Child/Kids, Blue

INFANZIA Kids Chin Supporting Travel Neck Pillow

You can see our extensive head toddler cushion review here .

Do note, if you want to use them in their car seat, as supposed to say on a train or plane, many of the cute toddler brand ones are too bulky. Microbead products like the BCozzyKids Travel Pillow we have found to be the most adaptable to different positions and modes of transport, even if they look thinner they still do the job well.

Just when you thought you had your nice little routine – then you up sticks and change time zone….. I won’t deny that some of the worst jet lag we have experienced actually happened during the toddler years. 

We have a full guide to jet lag survival with kids you can read here , but the primary things I would worry about packing to conquer this are:

This has been my go-to bedtime tool for years (still IS!). OK, it works a charm for 2/3 kids at least!  No matter where we are in the world, once you have a strict bedtime routine happening, the clock is a great first indicator to them whether they should be getting out of bed or not

Just be conscious of wattage if you are taking any electronic devices with you.  We have lugged many an item halfway around the world to discover it doesn’t work at our destination.  Particularly if you are flying US to a lot of other countries and vice versa, you will need to take not only international plugs but a wattage adaptor, like one of these:

Tommee Tippee Groclock Sleep Trainer Clock |Alarm Clock and Nightlight for Young Children, USB-Powered

Tommee Tippee Groclock Sleep Trainer Clock

Kids Ok to Wake Clock for Kids - Toddler Sleep Training Clock, Night Light & Alarm Clock

Kids Ok to Wake Clock for Kids  

Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine, Night Light | 1st Gen | Sleep Trainer, Time-to-Rise Alarm Clock, White Noise Soother for Nursery, Toddler & Kids Bedroom (Bluetooth only)

Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine

Black Out Curtains

Another thing that helps with sleep patterns and time zone adjustment is having a dark room.  If there’s no guarantee the hotel room at your destination will have blackouts, so this is a great BYO solution if you can afford the space in your luggage, as they are a little bit bulky.

Most portable blackouts stick up with suction cups.

Gro Company Gro-Anywhere Blind Stars & Moons

Gro Company Gro-Anywhere Blind

travelling with 2 toddlers

RUseeN Portable Blackout Shades 

travelling with 2 toddlers

Amazon Basics Portable Travel Window Blackout Curtain

Portable Toddler Cot

There’s also no guarantee your destination will have the best sleeping arrangements for your child either.  During these toddler years, we did intentionally look for hotels or apartments that COULD provide us with a cot, but many times especially staying with friends and family this wasn’t an option. We invested early on in a good, lightweight, portable cot (don’t get confused into thinking a bulky pack-n-play pen is the same thing!). 

Phil & Teds Traveller Travel Crib 2021+

Phil & Teds Traveller Travel Crib

Milliard Folding Floor Sleeper Cot + Fitted Sheet for Toddlers and Kids,Travel,Washable

Milliard Folding Floor Sleeper Cot

Regalo My Cot Pals Portable Toddler Bed - Polar Bear, Teal, Includes Animal Design Fitted Sheet with Pillow

Regalo My Cot Pals Portable Toddler Bed

You can see our full range of toddler bed options reviewed here.

We tested the Phil & Teds Traveller a while ago and haven’t looked back since. We still think its one of the lightest and best-priced models on the market, but does take little construction skills.

Portable high chair

You can’t always rely upon every restaurant or hotel having a high chair, so it’s great if you can BYO an easily portable option.  They come in all sorts of designs, from clamp-ons to boosters or cloth wraparounds for restaurant chairs – each with its pros and cons.

Summer Pop ‘n Dine SE Highchair, Sweet Life Edition, Aqua Sugar Color - Portable High Chair for Indoor/Outdoor Dining - Space Saver High Chair with Fast, Easy, Compact Fold, for 6 Months - 45 Pounds

Summer Pop ‘n Dine SE Highchair

Baby Delight Go with Me Uplift Deluxe Portable High Chair | Indoor and Outdoor | Teal and Grey

Baby Delight Go with Me Uplift Deluxe Portable High Chair

Regalo My Chair 2-in-1 Portable Travel Booster Seat & Activity Chair, Bonus Kit Includes, Oversized Removable Tray with Cup Holder, Grey

Regalo My Chair 2-in-1 Portable Travel Booster Seat

You can see our full review of travelling high chairs (and whether we think they’re worth the luggage space) here.

Spill-proof sippy

You’ve no doubt moved on from purely boob and bottle to a sippy by the toddler stage.  It’s perhaps not until you’re on the move you realise that these things leak so darn much! Or that your toddler terror will do anything to deliberately make them spill! 

We have been through many different brands of leaf-proof sippy cups – just accept no matter which you try, they’re not fail-proof!

Contigo Kids Spill-Proof 14oz Tumbler with Straw and BPA-Free Plastic, Fits Most Cup Holders and Dishwasher Safe, Gummy

Contigo Kids Spill-Proof 14oz Tumbler

The First Years Dinosaur Kids Insulated Sippy Cups - Dishwasher Safe Spill Proof Toddler Cups - Ages 12 Months and Up - 9 Ounces - 2 Count

First Years Dinosaur Kids Insulated Sippy Cups

Elk and Friends Kids & Toddler Cups | The Original Glass Mason jars 8 oz with Silicone Sleeves & Silicone Straws with Stoppers | Smoothie Cups | Spill Proof Sippy Cups for Toddlers

Elk and Friends Kids & Toddler Cups

(Note if you are taking any sort of water bottle on a plane, they can pressurise. We have had many a bottle explode water everywhere over the plane when opened… you have been warned!)

Easy clean bibs

Neoprene-style bibs were by far one of our greatest baby-to toddler year discoveries! (Sorry to all our family and friends who received these as gifts from us!) But we truly love them!

They dry so quickly and can be strapped high on your toddler’s neck without choking them so there’s no seep through.  We normally get several wears before they need to go in the wash, and they don’t take up much space, both of which are a good idea for travel.

PandaEar Set of 3 Cute Silicone Baby Bibs for Babies & Toddlers (10-72 Months) Waterproof, Soft, Unisex, Non Messy (Brown/Blue/Green)

PandaEar Set of 3 Cute Silicone Baby Bibs for Babies & Toddlers

Nuby 2 Pack Adjustable Easy Clean Soft Silicone Bibs with Scoop, Pink Dinosaurs & Flowers

Nuby 2 Pack Adjustable Easy Clean Soft Silicone Bibs

green sprouts Snap and Go Easy-wear Bibs for Baby & Toddler (3 pk) | Protection for Messy Eaters | Flipped Pocket, Easy Clean

Snap and Go Easy-wear Bibs for Baby & Toddler

No-spill snack cups

These spill-proof cups might seem like one of the easiest to pack, logical items, but seriously took us years to discover! Do yourself a favour and get one of these for your diaper bag as soon as your kids are onto finger foods. 

They don’t necessarily stop all the crumbs but prevent major spillages and should come everywhere with you, ready to tackle those hangry moments.

Dilovely Snack Cups for Toddlers, Baby Snack Containers, Silicone Toddler Snack Cups No Spill, Food Catcher with Lid & Bucket-like Handle, BPA Free & Dishwasher Safe, 9 Ounce Lilac

Silicone Toddler Snack Cups No Spill

Ubbi Tweat No Spill Snack Container for Kids, BPA-Free, Toddler Snack Container, Sage & Blue

Ubbi Tweat No Spill Snack Container for Kids

BraveJusticeKidsCo | Snack Attack II Snack Cup | Collapsible Silicone Snack Container | Toddler and Baby Snack Catcher Lid (Blue Steel)

Collapsible Silicone Snack Container

Reusable food clips

For when they’re claiming they’re dying of hunger, take two mouthfuls then leave the rest.  Yep, a handful of these cheap but essential clips are a lifesaver in your backpack diaper bag too.

Reusable Food Storage Bags 17 Packs Silicone Storage Bags Set with 5 PCS Eco-Friendly Leakproof Silicone Food Storage Bags +6PCS Silicone Stretch Lids Cover for Meat Fruit Veggies Nuts+ 5 PCS Bag Clips and Silicon Sponge for Washing Dishes

Silicone Food Storage Bags

Otylzto 4 Size Assorted 40 PCS Food Bag Clips Bag Sealing Clips,Kitchen Clips for Bags

Otylzto 4 Size Assorted 40 PCS Food Bag Clips

Chip Clips, 8 Pack Stainless Steel Chip Clips, Chip Clips Bag Clips Food Clips, Bag Clips for Food, Clips for Food Packages, Chip Bag Clips - Air Tight Seal, Heavy Duty Snack Clips Kitchen Clips

8 Pack Stainless Steel Chip Clips

Snacks, snacks, and more snacks

This is my overriding toddler years memory! OK, there were some classic meltdowns too… But the constant, I’m hungry, minutes after they just declared they were to full for lunch. 

Keeping a good supply of things like rice cakes, carrot sticks, sultanas, cereal bars, and food pouches kept us going on countless day outings and long-haul flights – we have a great list of healthy toddler snack suggestions here.   

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, Chocolate Chip, 58 Count - Packaging May Vary

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars

GoGo squeeZ Fruit on the Go Variety Pack, Apple, Peach & Gimme Five!, 3.2 oz (Pack of 20), Unsweetened Fruit Snacks for Kids, Gluten Free, Nut Free and Dairy Free, Recloseable Cap, BPA Free Pouches

Unsweetened Fruit Snacks for Kids

Quaker Large Rice Cakes, Lightly Salted, Pack of 6

Quaker Large Rice Cakes

Got a little one on the fussy end of the spectrum (aren’t they all?) You’ll want to check out our tips for travelling with picky eaters

Before you read any further, make sure you’ve checked out flying with a toddler section!

Leg cushions for the plane

Guessing you’ve heard these are the latest craze, right? But are they even allowed on planes?  Are they worth the investment? Will my kids actually sleep better on a long flight? What age are they designed for? 

We have tested many of these products on behalf of the manufacturers and have a detailed review, including which airlines allow them here.

BleuWhisk Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed - Airplane Bed for Kids, Airplane Seat Extender for Kids - Plane Bed for Toddler Baby Air Mattress, Toddler Blow Up Bed with Sides Pump and Belt, Kids Aero Bed

BleuWhisk Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed

Aestoria Inflatable Foot Rest Air Travel - Inflatable Travel Pillow Airplane Footrest Flight Pillow Toddler Travel Bed Toddler Airplane Bed Airplane Travel Essentials Kids Travel Bed Leg Rest Desk

Inflatable Travel Pillow Airplane Footrest Flight Pillow Toddler

ALOKA Pack 2 Inflatable Foot Rest for Air Travel, Portable Foot Pillow for Toddler Kids & Adults, Adjustable Inflating Airplane Bed for Toddlers, Travel Foot Rest for Airplane Car Office Home (Blue)

Portable Foot Pillow for Toddler Kids & Adults

So, are these really toddler flight essentials?

My verdict : With one child, set up in the correct position, on a plane that will allow them, yes, they make for a more comfortable flight. But I recommend you read the above article with all the factors to consider before deciding if it’s the right thing for you.  There might be other ways you can get your toddler comfortable without the need for yet more gear (I can see your eyes boggling already how much you have to pack!)

CARES Restraint

As an alternative to taking a full car seat on a plane, but once your tot is simply too big and heavy to take as a lap child, try the FAA-approved CARES Harness.  Ideal for 22-44lbs children – note you do need to have booked the seat to use this.

Cares Airplane Harness for Kids - Toddler Travel Restraint - Provides Extra Safety for Children on Flights - Light Weight, Easy to Store and Installs in Minutes.

Cares Airplane Harness for Kids

LEPE Child Airplane Safety Travel Harness Airplane Kid Travel Accessories Cares Safety Restraint System for Aviation Travel Use

Airplane Kid Travel Accessories Cares Safety Restraint System

Child Airplane Safety Travel Harness, Safety Restraint System Helps Keep Your Child Safe, Child Aviation Flight Seat Device/Seat Belt Accessories for Child Travel

Child Airplane Safety Travel Harness, Safety Restraint

Toddler Plane Bags

You can also see what items we are packing in our toddlers plane bag  here, and read below about toddler entertainment throughout your travels.

Just remember, don’t go over the top when it comes to packing toys for young kids – here are 5 things we definitely recommend do NOT make it into your toddlers plane bag ! 

Wildkin Kids Insulated Lunch Bag for Boys & Girls, Reusable Lunch Bag is Perfect for Daycare & Preschool, Ideal for Packing Hot or Cold Snacks for School & Travel Lunch Bags(Trains, Planes and Trucks)

Wildkin Kids Insulated Lunch Bag

Solar System Planets Kids Backpack Toddler Girls Boys Preschool School Bag Casual Travel Daypack Bookbag Schoolbag for Junior Primary Nursery kindergarten Children Students

Solar System Planets Kids Backpack Toddler

YUPING Toddler kids Dinosaur Backpack Book Bags with Safety Leash for Boys Girls (Style:6 Dark blue)

YUPING Toddler kids Dinosaur Backpack

Tip: Until they are old enough to carry their own bag for the entire journey, do your self a favour and skip the cute novelty rolling bag until they are really ready or you are simply making additional luggage for yourself.  Fine with one kid, but when you have multiple children to consider ….  

Small tablet

We recommend these only for your older toddlers verging on preschool age.  I don’t recommend them for younger toddlers because I know how frustrated mine got when they couldn’t raise the sound, and I’m a strict headphones-only mamma when it comes to electronic devices being used in public places. 

And you reckon you can make a small toddler keep headphones on?

We have snapped our way through too many pairs (yes, even those claiming to be best ‘unbreakable’ on the market) through to your cheapest Walmart ones. NOTHING works on a wiggly toddler, so tablets are a no-go until they can sit still or survive on mute. 

When your toddler is ready to try, here are the best toddler headphone brands we recommend you start with.

For years we gave our kids our hand-me-down ipads but as they are starting to get outdated, we have discovered Amazon Kindle Fire , with its super sturdy case and ability to connect via Google Play and the Android system, as well as subscribe to FreeTime Unlimited for kids. 

Amazon Fire 7 tablet, 7” display, 16 GB, 10 hours battery life, light and portable for entertainment at home or on-the-go, (2022 release), Black

Amazon Fire 7 tablet

IWEGGO Tablet 8 inch Tablet with Case, Android 11 Tablet, 2GB RAM+32GB ROM, Quad-Core 1.5GHz Processor, 4300mAh Battery, Tableta 1280*800 IPS FHD Display, 2MP+5MP Dual Camera, FM, Type-C, incloud case

IWEGGO Tablet 8 inch Tablet with Case

Tibuta 7" Android Tablet, Android 11.0 Tablet, 2GB RAM 32GB ROM, Quad Core Processor, IPS HD Display, 2MP Front + 5MP Rear Camera, 2023-T100 Tablet with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

Tibuta Android Tablet

We talk more about Amazon Prime and why it can be a traveller’s best friend here.

Other favourite portable toddler toys:

  • WaterWow books by Melissa & Doug
  • Quiet Books
  • Gel Stickers
  • Triangle crayons

20 PCS Jungle Animals Thick Gel Clings Winter Safari Window Gel Clings Decals Stickers for Kids Toddlers and Adults Home Airplane Classroom Nursery Winter Zoo Animals Party Supplies Decorations

Jungle Animals Thick Gel Clings Winter Safari Window Gel


Triangular Crayons

My Busy Book Baby Soft Toy, Montessori Quiet Book for Church,Jollybaby Bunny 3D Stroy Cloth Book Touch and Feel Fabric Sensory Toy for Toddlers, Educational Toy with 9 Activities for Travel

My Busy Book Baby Soft Toy

For more travel toy ideas, pop on over to these detailed buying guides:

  • Best travel toys for one-year-olds
  • Best travel toys for two-year-olds
  • Terrific toys to pack for a 3-year-old
  • More toddler plane bag ideas
  • Engaging road trip toys for toddlers
  • Is it worth getting a travel tray for your toddler to play?
  • A spare change of clothes
  • Beach and water safety wear
  • Wet bags for spares or dirty items
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Small detergent bottle for washing bottles and cups at your accommodation – don’t forget to check out our complete guide to travelling with bottles & sterilising here.
  • A good first aid kit/medicine bag – you can see our complete family first aid packing guide here.

Germ-X Original Hand Sanitizer, Non-Drying Moisturizing Gel with Vitamin E, Instant and No Rinse Formula, Back to School Supplies College, 8 Fl Oz Pump Bottle (Pack of 12)

Germ-X Original Hand Sanitizer

ALVABABY 2pcs Cloth Diaper Wet Dry Bags Waterproof Reusable with Two Zippered Pockets Travel Beach Pool Daycare Soiled Baby Items Yoga Gym Bag for Swimsuits or Wet Clothes L2933

ALVABABY 2pcs Cloth Diaper Wet Dry Bags Waterproof

First Aid Only 298 Piece All-Purpose First Aid Emergency Kit (FAO-442)

First Aid Only 298 Piece All-Purpose First Aid Emergency Kit

Potty training stage?

We talk about potty training on the move in a lot more detail here , but for anything around toileting don’t forget:

  • Wet Wipes! Not just for clean bums, you’ll want these little gems with you for YEARS! 
  • Pull-ups, even if they are relatively newly trained, you will want to consider this fall back for long journeys
  • Piddle pads for the seat , a great back up to prevent leakage

Wet Ones Hand Wipes, Sensitive Skin Wipes | Travel Wipes Case, Hand and Face Wipes | 20 ct. Travel Size Wipes (10 pack)

Wet Ones Travel Wipes

Pull-Ups New Leaf Girls' Disney Frozen Potty Training Pants, 2T-3T (16-34 lbs), 18 Ct

Toddler Pull Ups

Piddle Pad Car Seat Protector, BicycleStore Waterproof Liner Potty Training Pads Machine Washable Toddlers Car Seat Infants Saver Cover Mat for Child Safety Car Seat, Stroller and Dinner Chair

Piddle Pad Car Seat Protector

Never forget a thing next time you’re packing by downloading our Family Travel Checklist   

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Now we never said travelling with toddlers was light, right?  But it is still rewarding. With the right gear and right frame of mind, it really is a magical age to start opening children up to the world around them and creating wonderful happy memories.  

Further reading on the toddler years:

  • That time we took 3 under 5 on a 16-hour flight
  • Taking your toddler hiking; how to make it fun!
  • Surviving a road trip with a toddler
  • 5 travelling lessons my 3-year-old has taught me
  • Our Best Toddler Travel Advice Home Page

Bookmark this page, share it with your friends or save it to Pinterest for later

Over 20 essential items you will want to pack when travelling with your toddler from planes to snack time and sleeping, what will make your life on the move easier.

Are your kids a little older?  See what gadgets we recommended for older families on the go , or pop back here if you’re still at the baby age and need our Ultimate Baby Travel Checklist

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links.  Purchasing any items listed on this page through an affiliate link will not affect how much you pay for the item but may earn us a small commission. Our  full disclosure policy  can be found here.

© Our Globetrotters | Feature images CanvaPro

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2 thoughts on “ 20+ Toddler Travel Essentials for 2024 – With Packing List ”

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Based on this guide, I need to carry the entire house with me on the plane or train. We travel a lot and each of us has only one backpack. Our toddler’s backpack goes in the stroller and has a bag of nappies, wipes, baby food, baby water, a toy or two, his clothes, home shoes, and essential meds and swimming gear if we plan to. That’s all and never had any trouble. Most taxis and car hires have toddler seats. Sometimes we take baby carrier. That said, our kid is a bit of adventurer. He wont use anything special if we don’t use it

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That’s great you’ve learnt to travel light with your tot. It really depends on your style of travel and destination. Certainly, our needs have changed between kidsand we hope that by presenting a number of options, we can prepare first-time travelling parents with the information they need for different travel scenarios with toddlers – all these items we’ve needed at some point in our travels. Thanks for taking the time to stop by the blog and comment, happy travels 🙂

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16 Tips for Flying With Kids

Traveling with children can be hard. Here, experienced flight attendants and parents share their secrets for flying with kids.

With long security lines, cramped airplane seating, and crowded waiting areas, flying isn't the most pleasant experience for anyone. But for families with young children, it can be downright stressful. As air travel gets more complicated with increased delays, tips for flying with kids are needed now more than ever.

Young children, especially, can have a tough time flying. They have yet to master self-regulation skills that allow them to be patient during delays. They are also more prone to ear discomfort and motion sickness accompanying air travel.

Thankfully, you can reduce family travel stress with proper preparation and planning. Whether you're jetting off to your relative's house or Disney World , check out these flight-attendant-approved strategies for flying with kids.

Fly View Productions / Getty Images

1. Book an Early Morning Departure

If traveling with toddlers or young children, consider booking an early morning departure. These early flights give you the best chance of avoiding delays at takeoff and landing, says Patrick, one of the flight attendants interviewed.

Airports tend to be less crowded first thing in the morning. Once you get on the plane, "everyone is tired and just wants to nap—kids especially," says Patrick.

2. Save Your Upgrades for Toddler-Free Travel

Traveling in first class with kids can be more stressful than it's worth. A parent named Joanna recounts a travel day with her loud, lively toddler and getting berated by first-class seatmates for the entirety of the flight.

"It's not fair, but you're just going to get more empathy and support with kids in economy," adds another flight attendant.

3. Talk to Your Kids About What To Expect

"My experience is kids do so much better when they know what to expect," says Shireen, a mother of three from Australia who's traveled to the United States several times with her kids. She recommends watching kid-oriented videos on YouTube that go over the entire flight experience, from baggage check-in and ticketing to onboard etiquette and safety.

4. Dress in Layers and Skip Shoes With Laces

Whether you are changing climates or simply dealing with in-flight heat or air conditioning, you can and should be ready for drastically changing temperatures when traveling with kids. Wendy, a flight attendant and mom, suggests you dress your kids in comfortable layers—preferably without buttons, zippers, or anything that could prevent them from getting to the bathroom in time.

The same principle applies to shoes: Avoid laces and opt for slip-ons. "There's the added benefit of getting through airport screening that much faster," says Wendy.

5. Bring Surprises

When flying with a young child, bringing along a new toy that's wrapped to keep the surprise (and add to the experience!) has a few advantages:

  • You can use the toy as an incentive to be a good listener and have patience during your journey.
  • Promising the toy midway through the flight builds anticipation and helps distract anxious kids.
  • Unwrapping a toy can be a fun activity in itself for children.
  • The new plaything can create a novel activity to preoccupy a child during the flight.

6. Consider Using a Smaller Stroller

Getting through an airport without a stroller is unthinkable for some parents, so consider switching out your regular-size stroller for a small, compact umbrella stroller or travel stroller . Also, check your stroller at the gate before boarding—the crew will have it waiting for you when you get off the plane.

If you've got more than one little traveler with you, consider a kid harness that can connect you to your child, Wendy suggests. "I was so against them until I saw a woman with three young boys using them in baggage claim. It made so much sense," she says. "Flying is stressful enough. Do what you need to do to protect your kids and your sanity."

7. Pack Just Enough

Flight attendants urge parents to pack essentials for the flight . "Unfortunately, you can expect there to be zero food on a plane that would interest a kid," says flight attendant Lynn. "And we are so limited in what we can offer in terms of comfort items as well."

On the flip side, parents will struggle if they zealously overpack. "Usually, when it's one parent traveling with one or more kids, they'll bring way too much stuff in an attempt to keep their kids happy," Wendy says. "They forget they have to carry all that stuff off the plane with them, along with their kids."

8. Plan Your Packing List

To guard against overpacking while ensuring you don't forget anything critical, consider writing out a full packing list. Star or highlight those items that will need to be packed last minute (like the lovey your kiddo sleeps with or the tablet that's currently charging) so you have a checklist to consult one last time before heading out the door with your luggage.

Sample Airplane Packing List for Young Children

When packing your carry-on for the plane ride, use this list as a starting point:

  • Comfort item : Pack one of your child's favorite comfort items in your carry-on for mid-flight snuggles.
  • Sanitizer, wipes, pull-ups, and diapers (if needed) : You'll want these critical items within reach at all times during your travels. Consider packing at least one diaper per hour of travel.
  • Electronic devices : Make sure that whatever device you're bringing is fully charged and ready to go—and don't forget the chargers for the flight back. Consider pre-loading the tablet or phone with your kids' favorite movies or shows for offline viewing.
  • Kid-size headphones : Be sure to follow the basic rules of travel etiquette and pack comfy headphones your little one can wear while enjoying their favorite games or shows. Have more than one kid in tow? Consider investing in a splitter so both can enjoy the show with their own set of headphones.
  • Art supplies : A small box of crayons and blank paper can go a long way when it comes to entertaining your toddler on a plane. Mix things up and pack some fun stickers to add to the excitement.
  • Plastic bags : You never know when you'll need an extra bag for wet clothes, a dirty diaper, trash, or sick bellies.
  • Travel sickness lollipops : There are many brands of lollipops that are specially formulated with tummy-soothing ingredients for kids who get motion sickness.
  • Water bottle : Toss an empty clean water bottle into your bag to fill after you get through security. Just make sure that it's leakproof!
  • Mess-free healthy snacks : Cheerios, pretzels, crackers, string cheese, and granola bars are good options for keeping little hands busy and bellies full.

9. Be Prepared for Security

When you pack, make sure items that need to be removed during security are easily reached. Keep in mind that traveling with snacks may mean extra scrutiny during the screening process.

10. Prepare for Air Pressure Changes

If your child has recently had an ear infection or a cold, get your health care provider's approval before flying. The change in cabin air pressure may cause ear pain for your toddler.

After passing through security, stock up on enough water for everyone to get through a possible delay and have enough left for the descent, which is often the most bothersome time for ear pressure discomfort. Have your kids drink some water during the last 30 to 45 minutes of your ride. Swallowing helps relieve pressure-change discomfort and hydrates, too.

11. By All Means, Use Pull-Ups

Your little one may have moved beyond pull-ups into big kid underwear, but pull-up diapers are a great resource when flying with a recently potty-trained toddler or young child. "I even use them on my 6-year-old," says Wendy, who adds that it's much less stressful than having to race to the bathroom or deal with an in-seat accident.

12. Show Some Appreciation

Flight attendants love to receive a small gratuity for dealing with toddlers. "Any kind of chocolate found in an airport handed over at boarding, does wonders," says Patrick. Of course, it will have zero effect on the random bad-tempered cabin crew member. But it's a nice gesture nonetheless, particularly when flying during the holidays when most flight attendants will be working and away from their own families.

"It will be so appreciated," he says. "And we will remember you and look out for you. And not only that, you'll probably score a free drink out of it."

13. Seat Kids Away From the Aisle

Aisle seats can be dangerous for toddlers and potentially give them a little too much freedom of movement. For example, little hands and feet can be bumped as people walk by and hot coffee and water may be just within reach as the food and beverage cart passes by.

If you can, seat your child in a window seat, which offers the benefit of a view and puts you between your toddler and any other passengers in your row.

14. Beware of Germs

Children tend to get sick a lot, but you can try to avoid any travel-related illness with some sanitary measures:

  • Wipe everything from hands to tray tables with sanitizing wipes when you're getting settled in your seats.
  • Don't send your kids to the bathroom without shoes. "The floor is a Petri dish," a flight attendant confides. "You're in the air, things jostle. That's not just water on the bathroom floor."
  • Pack hand sanitizer and use it on your child's hands when they can't get to a bathroom to wash with soap and water.

15. Keep Your Composure

There's not much you can do to assuage that passenger who complains the moment your child sneezes or giggles. Just remember: As long as you're trying (and what parent isn't?), you've got almost everyone on your side.

"An adult having an issue with a screaming child is acting like a child as well," offers a flight attendant and mom named Patience. "Don't engage. Just worry about your own child."

16. Choose an Airline With Kid-Friendly Perks

There's nothing a family-friendly airline wants more than happy, occupied kiddos. As such, many leading carriers have all kinds of kid perks to offer their littlest travelers from a wide array of their favorite TV shows and movies to kid-approved headphones and snacks.

Before boarding, be sure to check in with the gate agent about whether the airline offers priority boarding for families with young children. Often airlines call special boarding for families so they can board a little early so you'll have time to settle in. Other great perks to look for are family lounges or airports with areas for kids to burn off some steam during layovers or before boarding.

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11 Tips to Make Flying With a Toddler Go More Smoothly

Fact-checking standards, time your flight plans wisely, book a nonstop flight when you can, read this next, choose your seats carefully, get to the airport early, plan for the security line, think twice before boarding early, consider the flight attendants your allies, pack plenty of toys and snacks to keep your toddler occupied, pack extra supplies in your carry-on, ease ear pain, childproof your bags.

Keep in mind that traveling to and from your destination is a small portion of your trip. Soon enough, you’ll be spending time together as a family making memories, and it’ll all be worth it. 

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Traveling with toddlers: 6 best places to go (and how to survive).

Lowering your expectations is key when traveling with toddlers.

Traveling With Toddlers

A toddler looks out the window of a plane.

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Traveling with a toddler might not always be smooth sailing, but it can be more enjoyable when utilizing these top tips.

There's no sugarcoating it: Traveling with toddlers is a challenge. But there are ways to make it easier, as well as places that cater to – or are naturally convenient for – the kiddie set and their families. Read on for destination recommendations and travel tips from U.S. News editors who frequently travel with toddlers as well as other experts.

The Best Places to Travel With Toddlers

A toddler smiles as she run down a beach.

When deciding where to go, keep it simple. "Choose relaxing destinations that don't involve a lot of moving around or heavy itineraries," says Elizabeth Von Tersch, a mom of two toddlers and a senior editor of travel at U.S. News. "If you don't have a long list of places to see or things to check off, you'll be more content with just one or two activities per day." It's also ideal to choose a destination that's reachable via a short road trip, train ride or direct flight – especially if this is your first time traveling with toddlers.

Beach destinations

Beaches with tide pools and/or shallow waters are especially fun for toddlers, plus many beach towns offer vacation rentals with fully equipped kitchens, washing machines and other comforts of home near the sand and surf. Load up the beach wagon with all of your essentials (including plenty of snacks, drinks and a picnic lunch) and spend a few hours on the beach; then head back to your rental for nap time before an evening on the boardwalk.

U.S. News editors agree Isle of Palms, South Carolina, is especially perfect for toddlers. The boardwalk is lined with shops, restaurants and ice cream shops, and it sits close enough to Charleston for easy daytrips into the city. Other editor picks and highly rated options include the Outer Banks in North Carolina with its variety of beaches, vacation rentals and overall laid-back vibe; Seaside, Florida, an idyllic, walkable community; Michigan City, Indiana, where you can stay at the family-friendly Beachwalk Resort, close to Indiana Dunes National Park; and Coronado Beach, California , with plenty of space to spread out, places to eat and nearby accommodations – including the famous Hotel del Coronado .

Read: The Best Beaches in the U.S.

Lakefront locales

If you have a toddler who doesn't care for the sand, consider a lake and/or mountain destination where you can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and biking (and maybe some sand-less water fun), as well as vacation rental accommodations. On Lake Champlain in Vermont, you also have the option to stay at a classic summer resort like Basin Harbor or Tyler Place (the latter of which is all-inclusive) and enjoy animal visits and tractor rides at local farms such as Shelburne Farms, a nonprofit educational organization. In Washington state, Lake Chelan offers clean, crystal-clear waters perfect for (supervised) swimming, and in Okoboji, Iowa, you'll find boat rides on Lake Okoboji and carnival-style rides at Arnolds Park Amusement Park.

Small theme parks

While theme parks like Disney World might come to mind, it's unlikely you'll get to a lot of rides with your toddler, who will probably be happier at the hotel pool. Instead, opt for smaller theme parks geared toward young kids. Megan Johnson, a mom and editor at SmarterTravel Media , says her toddlers loved Sesame Place, which has locations near Philadelphia and San Diego . "The rides are short so the lines go fast too," she points out. Another ideal theme park for toddlers is Legoland, with parks in Goshen, New York (an easy weekend getaway from New York City ); Winter Haven, Florida; and Carlsbad, California. You'll also want to consider Peppa Pig Theme Park – also located in Winter Haven – and Story Land in Glen, New Hampshire.

Read: The Best Amusement Parks in the U.S.

City vacations

City vacations offer a variety of things to do with the option to go at your own pace – and some of them are practically made for young kids. For instance, did you know Indianapolis is home to the largest children's museum in the U.S. , or that Pittsburgh is often called Kidsburgh for its wide variety of attractions for youngsters?

Of course, this is your vacation too, so think about some things you might like to do when planning your city trip. In Rochester, for example, you can combine a trip to The Strong National Museum of Play with a visit to some family-friendly Finger Lakes wineries . On a trip to Denver , you can show the children real dinosaur tracks at Dinosaur Ridge before exploring Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre or one of the Mile High City's famous (and kid-friendly) breweries.

Family visits

Visiting family in another state or country is a great opportunity to experience local attractions and restaurants with loved ones you don't see often. If your relatives are willing to babysit for a few hours, you might even be able to squeeze in a date night or an afternoon at the spa .

All-inclusive resorts

All-inclusive family resorts with pools, water parks , shows and other on-site entertainment can be a lot of fun for toddlers and their families. They also make dining easy, eliminating the stress of meal preparation on vacation, and some even offer free nightly rates for kids . Just keep in mind that toddlers may not be old enough to enjoy the kids clubs, as minimum age requirements vary at each property. You'll also need to get your child a passport (unless you opt for an all-inclusive resort in the U.S. ). Much of the same can be said for cruising with toddlers .

Read: Cruise Lines That Let Kids Cruise Free

Survival Tips for Traveling With Toddlers

A toddler naps in a car seat of a van.

Lower your expectations.

… and then lower them a little more. Naps will be skipped, meltdowns will be had and potty-training setbacks are inevitable. Stay on schedule when you can, but don't feel guilty when you can't.

Book toddler-friendly accommodations.

If you're planning to stay at a vacation rental, Von Tersch recommends looking for one with kids amenities such as a swing set and toys, and/or one that sits near a local park. If you prefer to stay at a hotel , choose one with a pool or special treats for kids, such as in-room games. It's also a good idea to book a family suite with a separate bedroom or two; this way, you don't have to go to bed when your toddler does.

Hide new toys in your carry-on bag.

They don't have to be expensive; in fact, your local dollar or thrift store can be an invaluable resource when preparing to travel with toddlers. Stock up on cheap knick-knacks that you can easily pack and surprise your child with throughout the journey (and that you won't worry about when they inevitably disappear). You might also consider ordering a few inexpensive options on Amazon – Wikki Stix , Melissa & Doug Water Wow! activity pads, Squigz , lift-and-look board books , and packable busy boards like this one are fun, mess-free favorites among families with both toddlers and older children.

Bring the tablet.

While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting daily screen time for young children, "the rules go out the window when traveling," says Dr. Danielle Wiese (reassuringly), a pediatrician for Carmel Pediatrics in Carmel, Indiana. "Do what you need to do to get there – it will all be fine." 

If you're bringing a kids tablet and/or if you'll be on a long flight with seat-back screens, be sure to pack a pair of kids headphones like CozyPhones , which are especially comfortable (and adorable) for little ears.

Read: Guide: Carry-on Luggage Sizes by Airline

Pack a "snackle" box.

Most everyone – but especially toddlers – thrives on snacks when traveling. Pack a variety of options, including both nutritional and not-so-nutritional items (because sometimes, only candy will do). "It's okay to give those less healthy snacks while traveling," Wiese says, though she also recommends sneaking in some fiber so your toddler's tummy has some regulation. "Easy to-go snacks with fiber are applesauce pouches, raisins and some bar snacks (check the label)."

When packing snacks, organize them in a "snackle" box to save space and add excitement to the trip. This portable storage case with a handle from Harbor Freight works perfectly, though any small organizational box will do. You can also try a snack spinner like this one by GoBe , which only allows kiddos to access one snack at a time. Bonus: The snackle box is also useful for local outings and daytrips closer to home.

Johnson also recommends packing some larger-portion snacks or meals so you don't have to worry in the event you can only find fast-food stops and want to avoid them, or if you go to a restaurant that doesn't serve anything your toddler will eat.

Prepare for messes.

It's amazing how fast a clean car can reach tornado-level status on a family road trip, or how your toddler's bodily functions seem to synchronize with the exact time of takeoff. Ann Henson , a toddler mom and assistant managing editor of travel at U.S. News, recommends packing an extra outfit for your toddler (and maybe yourself), sanitizing wipes and/or spray, and trash bags, adding that dog waste bags work well.

Don't plan stops.

Your toddler(s) will inevitably plan them for you when they get cranky, need a diaper change or need to use the bathroom. When you stop, be sure to use the bathroom yourself, fuel up the car and do anything else you have to do so you can avoid stopping when your little one takes a snooze.

Bring the essentials, and rent or ship the rest.

Bring the gear that's most important to you, such as the travel stroller and car seat – you can check them at the gate – and be sure to store them in a travel bag when not in use. Not only will the bag protect your gear, but you might be able to store some extra items inside. "I put diapers in the stroller bag, both for extra padding and for the convenience of freeing up suitcase space," says Nicola Wood , a mom and senior editor of travel at U.S. News.

For bulky items like portable cribs , beach wagons and hiking baby carriers, consider a baby gear rental service like BabyQuip or rents4baby , or search for local vendors in your destination. In addition, you may want to consider sending smaller essentials – diapers, wipes and the like – to your destination. If you're an Amazon Prime member , your free shipping perk is especially useful here.

Read: The Top Diaper Bag Backpacks

Consider TSA Precheck or Global Entry.

Having TSA Precheck means you'll (typically) spend less time at airport security – a godsend when traveling with toddlers. Children younger than 12 can go through the TSA Precheck lane when traveling with a guardian who has it, and are not required to have their own membership. You can apply for either TSA Precheck or Global Entry, which includes TSA Precheck benefits. However, if you're traveling internationally and looking for Global Entry benefits for the entire family, each family member (regardless of age) will need to apply for it. Compare TSA Precheck vs. Global Entry and decide which one is best for you.

Start special vacation-only traditions.

It's the little things that count – even on vacation. "As kids, my mom would buy a variety pack of miniature boxes of cereal on each vacation for quick (and cheap) breakfasts during our trip. We only ever got them on vacation, and for some reason the novelty of this made them taste way better than the cereal we had every day at home," Von Tersch says. "To this day, when I see those cute little boxes, I still associate them with good memories and carefree trips."

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Amanda Norcross is a family travel expert, with many years of experience writing about the challenges and joys of traveling with children. She regularly travels with her toddler, and used her own experiences with him – including multiple plane rides and 12-hour road trips – along with advice from other parents to put together this guide to traveling with toddlers.

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15 Tips to (Actually) Enjoy Flying With Toddlers

Profile photo of Lee Huffman

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Traveling with my toddlers has been one of the biggest sources of joy (and frustration) in my life. As much as I love traveling on my own, there's something special about experiencing destinations, attractions, food and more through their eyes.

To encourage more families to travel with their children, we created this guide on how to fly with toddlers. The goal is to make travel easier so you'll go on more trips and create more lifelong memories.

1. Get passports for everyone

If you're traveling internationally, remember that everyone needs a passport — even toddlers and babies. Getting a passport can take a while , so be sure to apply for your child's passport right away. Currently, posted passport processing times are as follows:

Routine processing: Six to eight weeks.

Expedited processing: Two to three weeks.

In extreme situations, you may be able to receive a same-day passport within three to five days of travel.

The U.S. Department of State has a handy tool that shows where you can apply in person for a passport based on your ZIP code. Both parents or guardians must be present when applying for a passport for children under 16 years.

Because kids grow and change quickly, children's passports are good for only five years and can't be renewed. This time frame is much shorter than the 10 years that adults enjoy with their passports.

» Learn more: How to get a passport

2. Consider TSA PreCheck or Global Entry

TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are two examples of Trusted Traveler programs that allow flyers to move through airport security more quickly.

Children 12 and under can use the TSA PreCheck lanes when traveling with an eligible parent or guardian. Children 13-17 can as well but must have the TSA PreCheck icon on their boarding pass.

Global Entry, however, requires that every traveler be signed up, even young children. This nuance tripped us up when we were traveling home from Mexico when our daughter was 6 months old. Although it was an innocent mistake, the customs agent wasn't too forgiving.

TSA PreCheck is $78 and Global Entry is $100, and both memberships are good for five years. Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck and is highly recommended if it's possible that you'll travel internationally in the next five years. The time savings at customs is well worth the $22 price difference. Numerous travel credit cards reimburse cardholders for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry application fees. If you have multiple cards with this benefit, you can use a different card to pay for each of your family member's application fees.

Aeroplan® Credit Card .

Bank of America® Premium Rewards® credit card

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card .

Chase Sapphire Reserve® .

Citi® / AAdvantage® Executive World Elite Mastercard® .

Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card .

Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card .

IHG One Rewards Premier Business Credit Card .

IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card .

Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant® American Express® Card .

The Platinum Card® from American Express .

Southwest® Rapid Rewards® Performance Business Credit Card .

United Club℠ Infinite Card .

United℠ Explorer Card .

United Quest℠ Card .

U.S. Bank Altitude™ Reserve Visa Infinite® Card .

Terms apply.

» Learn more: A guide to TSA PreCheck with family

3. Have a notarized letter for solo-parent travel

If one parent is traveling with your toddler while the other is staying home, it's important to get a notarized letter that confirms the non-traveling parent's permission. I travel frequently with my kids while my wife is at her 9-to-5 job, and this document has come up frequently on international trips.

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

4. Download apps and shows, charge devices

Before your trip, charge all of your electronic devices, including tablets, portable chargers and cameras. Many streaming services, like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+, allow you to download movies and TV shows to watch when you're away from Wi-Fi.

Having a charged-up device and multiple hours of entertainment is a sure way to keep your toddler happy while flying.

Many airlines offer hundreds of movies, TV shows and songs free of charge. However, some airlines have removed seatback devices and rely on personal devices instead to provide this entertainment. Be aware that you may need to download the airline's app ahead of time to use these features.

If onboard entertainment is a key differentiator when flying with toddlers, consider booking tickets with JetBlue Airways, Delta Air Lines or Southwest Airlines — our top three picks in our analysis of the best airlines for in-flight entertainment .

» Learn more: The NerdWallet guide to in-flight entertainment, broken down by airline

5. Pack smart

Packing for adults and children can be complicated. Toddlers often need multiple changes of clothes every day due to spills, accidents and changes in weather. Packing cubes help to compress clothing to save space, and it may help to have a dedicated suitcase for each child.

When choosing where to stay, consider options that have on-site laundry facilities. This way, you can reduce how much you need to pack, as you can wash clothes midway through the trip.

» Learn more: Tips for planning family travel with points and miles

6. Bring a car seat — or rent one

Many parents have car seats that they know and love, so they're inclined to bring them along. Car seats offer a safer in-flight seat for the child and one that they're familiar with, which can help reduce the stress of flying. However, car seats are bulky, so it may not be worth the effort of bringing them on board.

If you want to check your car seat instead, get a car-seat bag. It will protect your car seat from dirt, moisture and damage. Plus, you can often fit additional diapers, clothing or toys in the space where your child sits.

For parents who are renting a car at their destination, consider renting a car seat from the rental car company. If you're a AAA member, you get one free car seat or booster from Hertz, Dollar or Thrifty with each rental. Once your child graduates to a booster seat, compact, adjustable car seats from companies like Mifold can also be a good option.

7. Consider shipping items to your destination

While it can be an added expense, shipping some items makes life easier while traveling — especially if you're going to be away for a few weeks. Items that are disposable and bulky but lightweight make the most sense to ship, but any effort to lighten your airport load can be useful. Ideas include diapers, wipes and snacks, or heavy coats and shoes.

Before shipping, contact your hotel, vacation rental or other accommodation to make sure it can hold items until your arrival.

8. Seek out playgrounds inside the airport terminal

As parents, we know that our toddlers have tons of energy, which can spell trouble when they're sitting in a metal tube at 30,000 feet for hours at a time. Many airports have kids' play areas so your toddlers can burn some energy and be ready for a nice nap during the flight.

If there aren't any playgrounds at your airport, take your toddler for a long walk. My kids loved the moving sidewalks when they were younger (and sometimes even now). Just be respectful of others who are using the area to get to their flight or leave the airport.

9. Head to airport lounges for snacks

Airport lounges are a great way to spend time before your flight when flying with toddlers. There are several credit cards with complimentary or discounted lounge access . And many include complimentary admission for up to two or more guests or family members.

Inside the lounge, there are usually free drinks, snacks, Wi-Fi and other perks. Some lounges even have dedicated kids' areas. Keep in mind that many travelers are there on business or just want to relax, so make sure your children are on their best behavior.

10. Hit the bathroom before boarding

It seems like Murphy's law that as soon as the plane starts to taxi, one of my kids announces (often, loudly) that they need to use the potty. This creates the uncomfortable choice between a glaring flight attendant and a possible accident on the seat.

To avoid this scenario, find out what time your flight starts boarding and use the restroom 15 minutes before then.

11. Keep their favorites handy in a small carry-on

Even when we check luggage, we bring backpacks for each of our kids that are stuffed with their favorite toys, games, books and snacks. It's a good way to keep them occupied — and their bellies full.

Having a strategically packed, lightweight carry-on also helps us avoid paying sky-high prices (literally and figuratively) on snacks when flying with toddlers.

12. Have a plan for ear pressure

Often, babies and toddlers have problems with ear pressure on takeoff and landing. This is partly because they don't realize the need to swallow to relieve this pressure. Breastfeeding, drinking from a bottle or sucking on a pacifier can help them with this process. I've also found EarPlanes to be an effective tool for regulating ear pressure for our family.

13. Indulge them

While parents often have rules about "TV time" and food for their children, when in the air, it's OK to bend those rules. The last thing you — or your fellow passengers — want is a screaming or crying toddler who isn't getting to watch yet another episode of "Team Umizoomi" or "Bubble Guppies."

At your destination

14. be prepared to carry them off the plane.

Traveling takes a lot out of everyone. Some toddlers are energized and ready to go the moment they reach the terminal, but most are tired from the process. As such, there's a strong possibility that your kid will need to be carried off the plane.

To keep your hands free(r) when traveling with a toddler, consider checking all bags beyond any strategically packed, small carry-ons. That way, you'll have one less thing to carry — or forget — when deplaning.

Many airline credit cards waive checked bag fees for the first bag of each passenger.

15. Involve them in the planning

Although most toddlers can't read, they can still be involved in planning your family's daily activities. Give them some options and let them select what your family does. Or plan some free time in your schedule and let them take the lead.

They'll love "being in charge" — and you never know where they'll take you. How's that for adventure?

How to travel with a toddler, recapped

Flying with a 2-year-old or other toddler-aged kiddos can be challenging, but also highly rewarding. It takes extra time to pack and plan your trip, but you'll get to experience both new destinations and some of your old favorites through the eyes of a child.

Don't wait to travel until they get old enough to remember the trip. While your toddler may not remember anything, they'll still enjoy being in the moment. You'll have memories that last a lifetime, and you can always take pictures and videos to share as they get older.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels, vacation rentals and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options

75,000 Enjoy $250 to use on Capital One Travel in your first cardholder year, plus earn 75,000 bonus miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within the first 3 months from account opening - that’s equal to $1,000 in travel.

travelling with 2 toddlers

The Traveling Twin Mama

The Traveling Twin Mama

25+ Toddler Travel Essentials: Traveling with a Toddler Checklist (2024)

travelling with 2 toddlers

Planning a family trip, but unsure what you need in terms of toddler travel essentials? Subscribe and receive an interactive PDF checklist for Free.

From ensuring you’ve packed the essentials, to anticipating toddler needs on the go, the mere thought of organizing a trip with toddlers in tow can be overwhelming.

As a mom of twin boys who started traveling at four months and have now been on over 50+ trips, I understand the joys and challenges that come with traveling alongside your little ones. But rest assured mama, you got this!

My all-inclusive toddler travel essentials list draws from my personal experiences and takeaways from traveling with my twin boys. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a long-haul international trip, these toddler travel essentials will help alleviate the stress that often accompanies toddler travel prep.

You’ll find, not only the toddler travel essentials that have worked best for my kids but also items that my fellow traveling moms swear by. Please remember that every kid is different – so what works for one may not work for the other (even with twins!) It’s likely that you won’t need all the items listed (that’s where your mama intuition will come in). Also please be aware that toddler travel needs change as your little one grows from 12 months to three years and so on.

Think of this blog post as your roadmap to smoother, more enjoyable travel with your toddler! The focus will shift from worrying about forgotten items to creating cherished memories with your little adventurer. It’s broken down into two simple sections: the day of travel (i.e. what needs to be in your diaper bag or toddler’s backpack) and carry-on/checked luggage (i.e. what you may need at the hotel/vacation rental or during the trip).

Disney Wish character review- family meeting Donald Duck

Day of Travel: Toddler Travel Essentials

When flying with a toddler, what you include in your diaper bag travel checklist can make a significant impact on your flying experience. Simply because most airports don’t offer items that cater to kids. The toddler travel essentials listed below will help you fly with your little one with ease.

Toddler Travel Essentials: Transport Checklist

As a mom of twins, my biggest concern before traveling with my infant twins was how I would transport them during the trip, especially at the airport. As they got older and more accustomed to traveling to different regions and climates, I realized that what’s required for one trip may not be required for the next. As you prepare the toddler travel essentials you will need to take into consideration where you are traveling to and what activities you’ll be participating in.

Travel Strollers

A good travel stroller definitely makes the list of toddler travel essentials for your next family trip.

For my boys’ first and second trips to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Puerto Rico (respectively), we used this double stroller travel system which easily connected both car seats. To be fair, however, it was a bit cumbersome gate-checking a double stroller. You have to, not only detach the car seats, but also remove a seat and fold the stroller. All the while somehow holding or containing two kids.

After our travels in Europe and taking the train from Amsterdam to Paris, I realized a double stroller was not conducive to travel. I noticed European parents using small travel strollers – some of which folded compactly and could fit in the overhead rack. That’s the exact moment that I became obsessed with the GB Pockit Stroller . I absolutely love how I can roll the stroller on the plane with the baby in tow. Once the baby is settled, I simply fold it up and place it overhead.

There are several good options for compact travel strollers and many of those can fit overhead on a plane. Depending on the climate you’re traveling to, you may want to consider getting a mosquito net cover , rain cover , and/or fan for the stroller. Another great stroller accessory when carrying a lot of things is a stroller organizer . Being able to keep your hands as free as possible when traveling with kids makes the journey a lot easier and less stressful.

A wagon is a great alternative to a travel stroller on my list of toddler travel essentials.

As my boys got older, they became more resistant to using a stroller. That’s when our handy beach wagon came to the rescue. It was perfect for fitting both kids or their luggage. Our personal rules to the kids were “either pull the wagon or ride in it.”

If you prefer a wagon specifically designed for kids, there are several options including Wonderfold , Evenflo , and Gladly Family . These wagons come with seat belts and seats specifically designed for kiddos.

Lightweight or Travel Car Seat

The WAYB Pico Car Seat in the hand of mom at the airport. It's definitely a toddler travel essential!

Another toddler travel essential that I stressed about when first traveling with my twins was car seats. I couldn’t imagine carrying two standard-sized car seats along with all of the other kid travel needs. Luckily, some genius out there with kids designed lightweight and portable travel car seats for parents on the go.

We started with the Cosco Car Seats which are relatively lightweight at about 12 pounds. We didn’t have any issues with it. However, when we discovered the WAYB Pico was foldable, only 8 pounds, and could be used with kids up to 50 lbs (we were nearing the weight limit of our Cosco Car Seats), we knew it was time to switch.

It’s extremely easy to travel with the WAYB Pico Car Seat. I personally love how spacious the car seat bag is. It’s roomy enough to fit additional items, like life jackets.

Ride Safer Travel Vest

Another great option is the Ride Safe Travel Vest for car travel only. It is available in three sizes and fits kids from 22 to 110 pounds. The best part is that the travel vest only weighs a bit over two pounds.

CARES Kid’s Fly Safe Harness

The CARES Kid's Fly Safe Harness is a toddler travel essential.

Due to the amount of stuff you have to bring, traveling with twin babies and toddlers is no easy feat. Once I started buying my kiddos their own seats on the plane, I was happy to find the CARES Kid’s Fly Safe Harness to use on the plane instead of a car seat. It quickly became one of our toddler travel essentials.

This harness is designed for kids that weigh 22–44 pounds and is very compact. So compact, that each boy would carry theirs in their backpack! Plus, the setup was super easy and only took a minute or so.

Toddler Luggage and Travel Backpack Essentials

As your little one gets older, they’re going to want more independence. A great way to satiate that need is to add toddler luggage and/or a toddler backpack to your toddler travel checklist. Keep reading for my favorites.

Toddler Luggage

At two years old, my boys were over the moon when they got their own toddler-sized luggage . We found it was best to give them two-wheel luggage since it seemed easier for them to know which direction to roll it. Initially, they carried just lightly packed luggage or backpacks to limit the weight. As they got older, they started to carry both, which has made traveling with kids so much easier.

My boys with their toddler backpacks and luggage about to board the plane to Peru.

Toddler Travel Backpack and Harness Backpack with Leash

Once your little one gets old enough and is a relatively good walker, a toddler travel backpack is a must-have. These backpacks can be relatively light and easy for your little one to carry. As they grow, they can begin to carry some of their needs, like entertainment, snacks, and/or diapers.

If you have a kid who likes to wander or have multiples (like myself), consider investing in a harness backpack with a leash .

Toddler Luggage Accessories Checklist

Packing for yourself can be a challenge. Throw in packing for a toddler, and you may end up with more things than you can physically carry. Luggage straps, compression packing cubes, and vacuum storage bags have been the key for my family to travel as lightly as possible and have even allowed us to fly with only carry-ons.

Luggage Strap

Believe it or not, I have traveled with my twin toddlers solo several times. One of the biggest hurdles I initially faced was how to carry everything by myself. A luggage strap is a quick and effective solution. Simply attach your kids’ luggage to yours, and pull all of it together.

Cincha Travel Belt

The Cincha Travel Belt is a great way to ensure that any bag set on the handles of your luggage stays put. The worst thing is walking through the airport and having your bag slip or fall off the handles. You won’t have to worry about that with this travel belt.

It especially comes in handy as a toddler travel essential, since you can easily attach the diaper bag or even a car seat bag onto the handles of your luggage. Honestly, it’s been a game-changer! The fewer things I have to carry in my hand or back, the better.

Toddler Travel Essential: Feeding Checklist

Feeding toddlers can be a challenge all on its own. Add in travel and an airport full of germs, and no wonder people are intimidated by traveling with their kids. This “feeding toddlers while traveling” checklist will make the feeding on-the-go process easier and less of a headache.

Snack Catcher OR Snack Spinner

If your toddlers are anything like my twins, snacks are a travel must-have . Unfortunately, that normally equates to a mess. That’s where the snack catcher and snack spinner come in handy.

The snack catcher is a great option if you’re packing a single snack. It’s very small and can easily fit into your toddler’s backpack. On the other hand, the snack spin ner is a travel essential for those toddlers who require a variety of snacks. They come with five snack compartments and an interactive button. It’s a bit larger, around 6.5 inches, so it may or may not fit in your toddler’s backpack, depending on its size.

My boys enjoying a snack from their snack spinners – a toddler travel essential.

Of course, if you have a snack catcher or spinner, you must have snacks. Honestly, they count as a form of entertainment. Below are some of my kids’ favorite travel snacks:

  • Applesauce or other pouches
  • Graham crackers
  • Veggie straws
  • Dried fruit
  • Cheese crackers

Spill-proof water bottles are high on the list of toddler travel essentials.

Spill-proof Water Bottle

A spill-proof water bottle is hands-down one of the most important toddler travel essentials since, for some unknown reason, toddlers are always thirsty. I recommend getting a bottle that can easily fit in your toddler’s backpack because they seem to be the easiest things to lose and/or forget when traveling.

Additionally, don’t fret about carrying your own drink pass airport security in a kid’s water bottle. It’s allowed, but it has to be screened . This simply means the officer will ask you to remove the top of the water bottle so they can place a paper above the opening. This ensures there are no foreign or illegal substances.

Personally, I think it’s worth it!

travelling with 2 toddlers

Easy Clean Bibs

Toddlers are notorious for smearing food all over the table and themselves while they eat. Using a long-sleeved, easy-to-clean, waterproof bib will minimize the amount of clothing you have to change after mealtime. You’ll love them so much that they’ll become a part of your everyday diaper bag essentials.

Foldable Placemats

As toddlers, my boys LOVED to eat. I couldn’t expect us to go anywhere to eat without them wanting to share in the meal. These foldable placemats ensured my boys had something clean to eat on, that they couldn’t pick up and throw on the floor. They became so handy that they quickly became a diaper bag essential, even when we weren’t traveling. Plus, they are simple to clean. (I would use bottle and pacifier wipes. )

Portable High Chair

My son in his portable high chair, perfect for travel.

The portable high chair is another toddler travel essential that quickly became an everyday diaper bag essential. How many times have you been out to a restaurant and either there wasn’t a high chair available (especially with twins, this happens more than you would think) or the high chair was dirty?

This is also important when trying to feed your kiddo at a vacation rental or a family member’s house. Where does your kid sit? Portable high chairs ensure you have a clean place for your little one to safely sit around the table. The high chairs that we used easily adapted to almost any type of chair and folded small enough to fit two inside of our diaper bag.

Toddler Utensils

Toddler utensils are more of perk than a toddler traveling essential. Can your toddler use regular or plastic silverware? Most likely – yes. But since toddler utensils are made for your little one’s little hands, and help them master their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, why not add them to your toddler packing list?

As a bonus, they can easily fit in your diaper bag.

Toddler Travel Checklists: Diapering Essentials

On the first few flights with my twins, at least one of them had a blowout. If there’s one area I want to be over-prepared for when traveling with kids, it’s diapering essentials.

Changing Pad Liner

Believe it or not, some airplanes don’t have changing tables. Most have at least one bathroom with a changing table, but when there’s an emergency (because toddlers love to wait until the last minute to tell you they have to go), how would you know which one to go to?

A changing pad liner ensures you have a clean and ample space to change your toddler while traveling. It also has space for you to store diapers, wipes, and other diapering essentials. Sometimes I would bring a dog training pad so that I wouldn’t have to worry about soiling my liner. I could easily wrap all the soiled items in it and dispose.

Toddler Travel Potty

Once my twins started potty training, I wanted to ensure they were comfortable going to the potty while traveling. Therefore, I purchased a toddler travel potty before our travels so they could get comfortable using it (hopefully eliminating the possibility of them not wanting to use it while traveling).

For reference, there are (3) different toddler travel potty options : 1) Toddler travel potty that includes a bowl 2) Toddler travel potty that does NOT include a bowl 3) Toddler potty seat

There is no wrong or right option – just whatever works best for you and your toddler. We personally liked the style that included the bowl.

A toddler travel potty is high on the list of toddler travel essentials for a family vacation.

Adding a wet bag to your toddler travel checklist will ensure you have a place to store any potentially soiled clothing. The last thing you want to do is put soiled clothes into your clean diaper bag!

Diapers, Training Pants, and Wipes

I’d be remiss if I didn’t add the basic necessities when it comes to diapering a toddler.

A quick suggestion to the potty training mama- don’t be afraid to use training pants while traveling, even for the kiddos who are pretty advanced. It takes the pressure off of everyone. I can’t tell you how many times my kids “suddenly” had to go potty during landing.

Toddler Plane Sleep Essentials

The best thing that could happen when flying with kids is they fall asleep during the flight. Making your toddler as comfortable as possible will help them sleep on the plane , especially on long-haul flights.

JetKids BedBox or Inflatable Travel Bed

My toddlers sleep on plane with the JetKids Bed Box.

One item that’s guaranteed to make my toddler travel checklist when I want my kiddos to sleep on the plane is a comfortable toddler travel bed .

We love the JetKids BedBox . It turns their seat into a lay-flat bed. Each time we use it, it basically guarantees they’ll get comfy enough to drift asleep. Plus, the compartment is large enough to use as a carry-on to fit your kiddo’s clothing and belongings. Another more affordable, option is the inflatable travel bed , which wedges between your child’s seat and the seat in front of them. This way, they can stretch their legs out and fall asleep.

Planes are notorious for being cold. Be sure your toddler is as comfy as possible by adding a blanket or jacket to the travel packing list. A blanket that folds into the bag easily fits in most toddler backpacks and attaches to luggage.

Also consider adding a hat to your toddler travel checklist, especially if your kid tends to get cold easily. This could even become a diaper bag essential, as many restaurants and stores tend to be chilly.

Portable Sound Machine

Some children have a hard time falling asleep without a sound machine. If this is your kid, be sure to add a portable sound machine to your toddler travel packing list. It’s lightweight and small enough to easily fit in your diaper bag.

Toddler Travel Essential: Entertainment

When preparing for a flight, it’s common to bring some type of entertainment to pass the time in the air. Toddlers aren’t any different.

Most toddlers need multiple forms of entertainment on their travel checklist. I recommended bringing at least one new or rarely used toy/entertainment so that they are excited about playing with it, and hopefully play with it longer.

Below are some of our favorite toddler entertainment travel essentials:

  • Window Clings
  • Felt Friends Craft Activity
  • Mess-Free Coloring
  • Suction Toys
  • Magnetic Tiles
  • Busy Board Backpack or busy board
  • Small Construction Vehicles or dolls
  • Fidget Toys
  • Reusable Sticker Pads
  • Squishy Toys
  • Foldable headphones

Other Toddler Travel Day Essentials

My twin boys distracted by their tablets and foldable headphones at the airport. Entertainment is a toddler travel essential!

Extra Set of Clothing

An extra set of clothing is a must for both toddlers and babies, especially when checking luggage. Just remember when you’re on the plane and somehow you and/or your little one get dirty (it happens more than you can imagine), you only have what’s in your diaper bag.

Teething Toys

If your toddler is teething, it’s important to have teething toys on the travel checklist. While on the plane, your little one’s ears may pop, which may magnify their gum irritation. The sucking and chewing motion will help minimize the irritability of both the gums and ears.

Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes

It seems as if one of toddlers’ favorite activities is to drop something on the floor and put said item in their mouth. It’s one thing when they do it at home, but it’s an entirely different game when done at the germy airport. Keeping hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in your diaper bag will allow your baby to play happily while giving you peace of mind.

Toddler Travel Essentials: Required Documentation

What a bummer would it be to pack all of your toddler travel essentials, only to forget the correct documentation?

  • Copy of birth certificate OR 
  • Letter from the hospital indicating age
  • A signed and notarized letter stating permission for travel to X destination
  • Passports and/or visas (if required)

​ ​ ​ ​ Traveling with toddlers checklist

Subscribe and receive my Traveling with Toddlers interactive checklist for FREE!

Toddler Carry-on/Checked Luggage Packing Lis

The toddler travel essentials listed below can vary depending on the age of your toddler, their propensity to get dirty or soil their clothes, and the type of destination you’re traveling to. For example, beach vacations require their own set of travel essentials.

Toddler Travel Packing List: Clothing

These are the general packing guidelines that I use when traveling with my kids. If possible, stay at a vacation rental or hotel with a washing machine. Or come prepared with sink laundry detergent .

  • Underwear: 1 per day, plus 2 additional
  • 1 outfit per child, per day
  • 1+ additional outfits per child (especially more tops if your toddler drools a lot)
  • Socks: 1 pair per day, plus 1 additional pair because socks disappear
  • Shoes: 1-2 pairs, depending on activities
  • Pajamas: 1 per every 2 days (you may need to increase if the toddler soaks through overnight training pants)
  • Weather-specific clothes: i.e. coats, hats, or beach clothing

Toddler Travel Packing List: Toiletries

Packing as light as possible is key for traveling with kids. It’s recommended to get travel-size toiletries or use leak-proof pouches or travel containers .

  • Tear-free bath soap and shampoo
  • Baby lotion
  • Hairbrush/supplies (headbands/hair barrettes/products)
  • First aid kit , including Infant medicine (ibuprofen or acetaminophen), bandaids, thermometer, etc.
  • Sink laundry detergent
  • Baby Sunscreen
  • Natural mosquito repellent 
  • Inflatable travel bath  
  • Kid flossers

Toddler Travel Checklist: Sleeping Essentials

Toddler travel beds are a toddler travel essential for your next trip.

It can be a challenge for some people to fall asleep in a new place, and toddlers aren’t any different. Therefore, recreating their home environment as closely as possible increases the chances of your little one sleeping through the night. Be sure to add these toddler travel sleeping essentials to your checklist!

Pack and Play , Portable Baby Travel Crib , or Baby Travel Tent

There are a variety of toddler travel bed options . There is no right or wrong option, it’s more what works best for your family’s needs and price point. Whichever one you decide to go with, try it out at home for a few nights just to make sure your little one enjoys sleeping in it.

Portable Black-out Curtains

In order to get some children to sleep, the room needs to be pitch black. If this is your toddler, be sure to add portable black-out curtains to the essential packing list. They are relatively small to carry and the setup is pretty simple since the attached suction cups stick to the window. It’s worth bringing them if a good night’s sleep is on the line.

Portable White Noise Machine

Similar to black-out curtains, some kids have a hard time falling asleep without a white noise machine. If this is your toddler, a portable white noise machine is indeed a travel essential. This one is compact and can attach to most things. It offers three different sounds to help your little one drown out any disruption and drift off to sleep.

Smartphone Baby Monitor  

If you’re planning to stay in a vacation rental or somewhere where your toddler will be sleeping in a different room, you may want to add a smartphone baby monitor to your packing list. The camera itself is relatively small and you use your phone as the monitor. It’s a great way to check in on your toddler without having to physically go into the room or take up a lot of space in your luggage.

Toddler Travel Essentials: Packing Light

Packing light is key when traveling with kids, especially if you’re like me and get overwhelmed when you have a lot to carry. Now you may be saying, “traveling with toddlers and packing light, that’s an oxymoron!”

Yes and no.

Yes, toddlers have more things to bring than the average person. But no, it doesn’t have to mean you overpack or bring more than you can carry. Try the tips below out for size!

Toddler Sleep on Plane_ Toddler in arms

Compression Packing Cubes

Compression packing cubes , which are different from regular packing cubes, help clear out extra air – allowing you to pack more in a small space. In fact, when using compression cubes, we’re able to pack all of the boys’ belongings either in their toddler luggage or JetKids BedBox .

Vacuum Storage Bags

Another great option for fitting your toddler’s travel essentials into a carry-on or toddler luggage is vacuum storage bags . They normally come in two options: foldable and vacuum. I personally like the vacuum storage version since they get the most air out. They’re also the easiest to use, in my opinion. Be aware that you have to carry the manual pump to get the air out of the bag while traveling. Luckily, the pump doesn’t take up much space.

Similar to the compression packing cubes, we’ve used vacuum storage bags with JetKids BedBox and toddler luggage .

Other Toddler Travel Essentials


If you know your toddler will be spending a significant amount of time at your vacation rental, you may want to add babyproofing items like outlet covers or corner protectors to your packing list. This isn’t necessarily a travel essential, but they’re nice to have to keep your toddler safe while exploring the new space.

Toddler Travel Checklist Essentials

Having a detailed toddler travel packing list can give you the confidence you need to travel with your little one with ease. It gives you a great feeling of preparedness and leaves you ready to conquer whatever may come.

In addition to having a checklist of items you need to pack, I would recommend also having a checklist that mentally walks you through each step of the flying with kids process . Think about how you can most effectively get the kids and luggage to the check-in counter. What if there’s a delay? Is there any special toy or treat you can use to pass the time? This gives you a plan and helps you feel prepared for your trip.

Of course, these are lists you can create yourself. But if you’re a parent, I’m sure your time is limited. That’s why I’ve created detailed, interactive checklists that include all of the above toddler travel essentials and allow you to track what you’ve packed, add your personal items, and browse links to my favorite products.

Family enjoying their Brazil itinerary in front of the flag and Sugarloaf Mountain

Using these checklists will not only save you time and energy, but they’re also reusable – eliminating the need to recreate the packing list for each trip.

There are three checklists available including a traveling with babies checklist, a traveling with toddlers checklist, and a traveling with kids mental preparation checklist.

✔️ Get This Checklist as an Interactive PDF ✔️

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The Ultimate List of Toddler Travel Essentials (+Toddler Packing List!)

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Traveling with a toddler is not the easiest of feats, but it can be made a lot easier by bringing a few toddler travel essentials. These are items that make traveling with a toddler go much more smoothly for everyone in your travel group.

On our many trips with our toddlers, we’ve come to learn that there are some items that we just can’t do without when traveling with young kids. And others that we can ditch to save the luggage space…

In this article, we’ve included detailed descriptions of the toddler travel essentials that you won’t want to forget on your trip. We’ve also provided a toddler travel packing list to make packing for your child that much easier! Read on for everything you need to bring for a successful trip with a toddler.

If you’re planning on visiting the beach, check out our article on the beach essential for toddlers .

Toddler Travel Essentials

Getting around

These are a few essential items that make getting around with your toddler a lot easier during travel.

Toddler in an Ergobaby Omni 360 Carrier

  • Toddler carrier

When traveling with a toddler, a carrier is at the top of my list of toddler travel essentials. 

Toddler carriers can make life so much easier when traveling. They allow you to easily take your child places that are less stroller friendly and provide a perfect place for nursing (if your child is breastfeeding) and napping on the go. They’re also great for containing toddlers in places that might not be safe for them to roam free (say at the top of a bell tower or the edge of the grand canyon).

We’ve carried our toddlers in carriers all over the world and find it to be one of the easiest ways to travel with a toddler.

To find the best carrier for your child, see this article on the best toddler carriers for travel .

A stroller may or may not be a necessity for your trip, depending on what kind of trip you’re taking. We’ve taken trips with just a toddler carrier and others with both a carrier and a stroller (I always bring a carrier, even if I’m bringing a stroller). 

Strollers can be very useful for navigating the airport with a toddler and for trips where you’ll be visiting stroller-accessible locations. They’re nice to have along to give you a break from having to carry your child all the time (or chase them down constantly).

We love our gb Pockit for travel. It’s the most compact strollers out there and folds down small enough to fit into the overhead bit or under your seat on the airplane. Be sure to see our full gb Pockit stroller review .

Travel car seat

A car seat is typically going to be one of your toddler travel essentials, barring a few locations where you can get by just using public transportation. But if you’re planning on getting around by car, you’ll want a car seat to keep your little one safe. Strapped in their car seat is also the safest way for toddlers to fly on a plane. 

Younger toddlers might still fit within the safety requirements for an infant car seat, which are great for travel. Infant car seats are lightweight and easy to transport. 

If your child has outgrown their infant seat, it’s worth it to invest in a lightweight travel car seat. Trust me, after you’ve spent your whole trip hauling that thing around you’ll be glad to have left your heavy, bulky regular seat at home. Our favorite travel car seat for toddlers is the Cosco Scenera next.

Car seat bag

If you’re bringing a car seat, you’ll want to bring a car seat travel bag. These bags make transporting your car seat much easier and more manageable. 

There are a lot of different options out there so check out our review of the best car seat travel bags to find the best one for your trip.


These food relate toddler travel essentials will make mealtimes and snacks with your toddler go a lot more smoothly while on your trip. 

travelling with 2 toddlers

A bib is a helpful way to keep your child cleaner while eating. As an added bonus, it keeps their clothes clean as well, which makes it more likely that you can pack light and reuse outfits. 

These waterproof bibs are lightweight and pack down to practically nothing. We also love these silicone bibs which take a bit more space but are easier to clean and dry more quickly.

Snack catcher 

Snacks are a great way to entertain a toddler while traveling. And a snack catcher allows them to feed themselves independently without making a huge mess. This can be a helpful tool for distracting and redirecting a child who is getting bored or on the verge of a meltdown.

Our favorite snack catcher for travel folds down compactly, making it easy to store when not in use. The material it’s made out of does tend to collect lint and crumbs, so I recommend bringing a baggie to store it in when you’re not using it.

  • Travel high chair

A travel high chair can be a useful item for traveling with a toddler. It ensures that your child always has their own seat at the table and helps keep them contained so that they’re not climbing all over you or running around. This can make for a much more relaxing meal for yourself and your toddler. 

Travel high chairs are not always necessary if you’re going someplace where you know high chairs will be available. However if there aren’t high chairs, or if you’re not sure if there will be, bringing your own can be a nice way to ensure that mealtimes go smoothly.

  • Water bottle

You’ll want to make sure your child is drinking a lot while traveling, so be sure to bring a water bottle and offer it to them frequently throughout the day.

We prefer the straw kind because they are easier for our toddler to use and less likely to spill.

  • Disposable place mats

Feeding a toddler when you’re eating out can be tricky. The places you eat might not have toddler-safe dishes andd it can be a pain to have to feed your toddler bite by bite (plus in my experience toddlers often insist on feeding themselves!). 

That’s where these disposable place mats come in so handy. They have adhesive on all four sides to secure it to the table, providing a clean and stable surface for your toddler to eat on. Once they’re done eating, you can easily pull the place mat off of the table and throw it away. This helps to minimize mess and allows your child to have an independent eating experience without you having to stress about them breaking the dishes. 

Sleep Items

Toddler sleeping in a Kidco Peapod

Some of the most important toddler travel essentials are those related to sleep. Whether or not your toddler sleeps well can make a huge difference to the success of your trip. A tired and grumpy toddler makes for a very long day while traveling. 

These sleep items are ones that can be hugely helpful in getting your toddler the sleep that they need. For everyone’s sake!

  • White noise

We always bring white noise for our children while traveling. It helps block any ambient sounds that they might not be used to and also means that we don’t have to be quite so quiet as we’re moving around our hotel room or Airbnb. 

Oftentimes we’ll just use a white noise app on our phone, but if you want to be able to use your phone for other things, you can bring a travel white noise machine . 

While you’re away from home, you’ll want to make sure your toddler has a cozy and comfortable place to sleep. There are a couple of different ways you can do this. 

First, if your child sleeps in a crib you can see if your accommodations have a crib or pack ‘n play available for you to use while you’re there.

If you have a bed for your toddler, consider getting portable bed rails to keep your child from rolling off the bed in the night. These bed rails are placed underneath the bottom sheet to form a barrier at the edge of the bed. They provide a lot of peace of mind for when your toddler is sleeping in a full-sized bed. We’ve compiled a list of the best portable bed rails for travel with a toddlers to help you out. 

You can also choose to bring a portable toddler bed for your child so you can set up a cozy spot for them to sleep wherever you are. These can come in several different forms, from toddler cots to inflatable beds to pop-up tents. You can see our reviews of the best options for portable toddler beds if you need help picking a good one.

Whichever option you pick, make sure that your child knows what to expect and do your best to make sure it feels as safe and familiar as possible. 

Favorite stuffed animal

If your child has a special stuffed animal or blanket, make sure to bring it along to help them feel comfortable and safe during their sleep time. 

You could also bring along a favorite story or two as part of their bedtime routine. The key is to help it feel as much like the environment they’re used to as possible. 

A monitor may or may not be necessary, depending on your accommodations. If you’re all sleeping in the same room this may not be helpful as you’ll be able to easily hear if your child needs you. 

However, if you have a suite, an apartment, or a balcony, a monitor can give you a lot of peace of mind knowing that you can keep a close eye on your baby while in an unfamiliar place. 

You can see our recommendations for the best portable baby monitors to help your decision.

Blackout options

Toddler sleeping in a SlumberPod

For many young children, keeping a dark sleep environment is necessary for a good night’s sleep. This can be especially true if you’re changing time zones and trying to adjust their sleep schedule. 

Many hotels will have blackout curtains in their rooms, however rentals or Airbnb’s often do not. We had a couple of really bad experiences with our children waking up extremely early in a new place due to light and since then I always bring a black out option for our toddlers. 

One way to create a dark environment is to bring travel blackout curtains . These curtains have suction cups that you can use to attach them to the window, darkening the whole room for sleep. 

Another great sleep aid is a SlumberPod (see our full SlumberPod review ) or SlumberPod alternative to create a dark sleep environment for your child. These products go around your child’s bed to block out light to help them sleep better and longer. The nice thing about this option is that it creates a private sleep area for you child, meaning you don’t have to be quite so quiet and careful about light if you’re sharing a room with your child. 

  • Toddler airplane bed

If you’re flying with your toddler, another helpful sleep tool is a toddler airplane bed. These are products that can be used to extend the length of the seat and provide a comfortable place for your toddler to sleep on the plane. These can make a huge difference for international or long-haul flights where you’re traveling through your child’s normal bedtime.

There are few different kinds of airplane beds, and you can learn about the best options in our article on the best airplane beds for toddlers .

Toddler smelling flowers- toddler travel essentials

When you’re traveling with a toddler, there are a few health items that you want to make sure to always have on hand. 


If your child has any medications, be sure to bring enough for your trip plus a bit extra to account for unexpected delays. 

Also remember to pack your child’s medication in your carryon luggage so that you aren’t caught without it in case anything happens to your checked luggage.

  • Thermometer

Traveling with a thermometer ensures that you can monitor a fever if your child happens to get sick. I never travel without one and have actually had to use it a surprising number of times while on trips. It provides a little extra peace of mind knowing that you have a way to assess the severity of a sickness.

You never know when a child might get sick and bringing along some pain medication can make any unexpected sickness a lot less miserable for your child. This is another one I’ve had to use several times when traveling and I’m always so glad that I have it on hand. 

Hand sanitizer/sanitizing wipes

Traveling with kids means exposing them to lots of germs, which can often lead to them getting sick. And toddlers are the worst at this, as they tend to touch everything and then stick their hands in their mouths. Bring along hand sanitizer so that you can sanitize their hands frequently, especially before they eat. 

Sanitizing wipes are also very helpful for wiping down surfaces such as the tray tables and arm rests on the airplane and tables at restaurants. 

No one wants a sick kid, especially when you’re far from home. While you can’t always prevent sickness, sanitizing often definitely increases your chances of keeping everyone healthy.

Toddler travel essential basics

Toddler playing with truck toys on the plane

Having awesome travel activities is an absolute necessity when traveling with a toddler. That doesn’t mean that you need a lot of activities, but you do want a few great options that can capture your child’s attention and that they will return to over and over. 

Over our years of traveling with toddlers we’ve found some great activities that our toddlers always love. You can get some ideas from our list of our favorite toddler activities for planes and our favorite toddler activities for road trips . 

Consider not only activities for the flight or drive, but also for your hotel room and when you’re out and about. 

When you’re traveling with a toddler, you’ll want a great diaper bag to carry all of your essential items. I highly recommend a backpack diaper bag for travel. They are typically much more comfortable, secure against theft, and easier to carry over long periods of time. 

Diapers and wipes

If your toddler isn’t potty trained, don’t forget to bring along diapers and wipes. You can choose to bring along enough for your whole trip or, if you want to pack lighter, you can pack enough for the first few days and plan on picking some up at your destination (make sure it’s a place where they’re easy to find).

When possible, I try to just bring along all the diapers and wipes I will need for my trip to save myself the hassle of needing to pick some up during the trip. However, I know people who would prefer to pack less up front, so do what makes the most sense to you. 

Be sure to bring more diapers than you think you will need in your diaper bag if you’re traveling by plane. The middle of a long flight is not the place where you want to realize that your child is going through more diapers than you anticipated. 

  • Travel potty

For toddlers who are potty trained or in the process of potty training, a portable potty can be a lifesaver when traveling. 

There are a few different kinds, but one of the most useful for travel is a foldable seat that can be placed over a larger toilet to make a secure and smaller seat for your toddler. This allows toddlers to feel safer on a toilet and helps to prevent any potty training regressions while traveling. They’re also compact and can easily be folded up and carried in your diaper bag.

See our list of the best travel potties for toddlers for the best options out there. 

Clothes are obviously going to be a travel essential. We’ll highlight a few items in this section and you can find a more detailed list of clothes down in the packing list.

If you’re trying to pack light, bring outfits that can be mixed and matched.

Make sure that you’re packing weather appropriate clothes for your toddler (eg. sun hat, swimsuit, sunglasses vs winter coat, gloves, warm hat). 

Plan on bringing an extra pair of pajamas or two in case of nighttime accidents. It’s also a good idea to bring an extra pair of shoes in case you lose one or they get wet. 

Toddler travel packing list

This is our tried and tested toddler packing list that I use for every trip. I love being able to pack for a trip and know I’m not missing anything important as long as I double check my trusty list!

Packing tip: Spend a few minutes thinking about your toddler to determine if there are any toddler travel essentials that you should include that are specific to your child. For example, our oldest went through a phase where he couldn’t handle the smell of the toilet, so there was a period where we always carried a travel sized Poo-Pourri around with us. Our other two never had the same issue, so that wasn’t included in their packing lists. There might be items that your child needs that other people wouldn’t think to include.

  • Car seat travel bag


  • Snack catcher

Sleep items

  • Stuffed animal
  • Monitor 
  • Blackout option
  • Hand sanitizer/wipes
  • Travel activities
  • Diapers/wipes or undies
  • Toothbrush/paste
  • Pants/shorts
  • Jacket/Coat

Warm weather gear

  • Swim diapers
  • Floatie/life jacket

Cold weather gear

Final Thoughts

With a little preparation, traveling with a toddler can actually be a lot of fun. We’ve had great experiences traveling with our toddlers over the years (along with the occasional meltdown of course).

These toddler travel essentials will help your trip go a lot more smoothly. And you can rest assured knowing that you’ve done everything you can to set yourself up for success!

Other posts you might be interested in:

How to Get a Toddler to Sleep on the Plane (Tips that work!)

The Best Airplane Snacks for Toddlers

How to Have a Successful Road Trip with a Toddler

How to Fight Jet Lag in Babies and Toddlers

11 Helpful Tips for Hiking with a Toddler

Related Posts:

The Best Portable Toddler Beds for Travel!

travelling with 2 toddlers

Traveling with kids to Europe? Why including a cruise might be better than just staying on land

Summer Hull

You may associate the word "cruising" with short jaunts to the Bahamas or Mexico. On those cruises, a lot of the experience is about the onboard fun, and some passengers never even leave the boat.

But if those typical short cruises out of Florida aren't necessarily your kind of thing and you are planning a trip with kids, there's a very different type of experience available in Europe that is worth considering.

I've been traveling to Europe with kids from when they were crawling to now, with one on the cusp of high school. On those trips, we've stayed in traditional hotels, apartments and even in a dome above the Arctic Circle . While all of the trips were magical in their own ways, our most recent almost-two-week European trip included five nights on a cruise, and this may now be my favorite way to experience Europe with kids.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Here's why cruising to Europe with kids during your European vacation might be an even better trip than staying in hotels on dry land.

Related: Best European cruises: Ships that stand out across the pond

Occupancy limits

First and perhaps most importantly, booking traditional hotels might frustrate you quite quickly when you're in Europe with a family.

Most of the time, you'll find that standard hotel rooms have an occupancy limit of two people per room — three if you're really lucky. Outside of some airport hotels and pricier family-specific rooms, you'll almost never be able to sleep four to a room in Europe due to occupancy limits.

So, for example, if you have a family of four, you'll often have to book two rooms — and whether you're paying with cash or points, that adds up quickly. (You can inquire about family plan rooms where the second room is at a discount, but even that can be hit and miss.)

If you choose the apartment or home rental route, there are other issues to consider, such as evolving laws and sentiments related to using vacation rental companies such as Airbnb, which residents often feel contribute to local housing crises.

However, if you opt instead to sleep aboard a cruise ship in Europe, you can easily find rooms built for four or even five. For example, we recently sailed in Europe on Disney Dream and it has standard cabins bookable for up to five people.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Related: Beware occupancy limits: How to save money when booking hotels for a family trip to Europe and beyond

Familiar foods when you want them

While eating and experiencing different kinds of cuisine is a big, fun part of exploring Europe for adults, that may not be the case for children. Not every kid is ready to scour a new menu, in potentially another language, for each and every meal.

When we travel, it can be tough to keep one of my kids fed since she struggles with eating unfamiliar food (though not for lack of trying). So, a cruise is a great option for our family. We can go ashore for a local lunch and then return to the ship at night for some easy comfort food.

For example, a few culinary highlights (for me) on our trip included lunch on a Tuscan farm featuring cheese, truffle honey and oil-dipped bread, and a paella in Barcelona.

travelling with 2 toddlers

As excited as I was about those dishes, my 8-year-old was equally thrilled to see some familiar favorites back on board. In other words, it was a win for all involved.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Related: The best European destinations for families

See a lot without working hard for it

Traveling through Europe with kids is amazing, but it's also work. There's packing up, dealing with checking in and out, making sure you didn't forget that charger or stuffed animal, hauling everyone's bags to the train station or airport, unpacking, restocking the fridge, and on and on — all of that can get old quickly.

Conversely, if you are cruising Europe with kids (at least for a portion of your trip), there will be no packing or unpacking to deal with during that part of your journey. Simply drift away to sleep at night after sailing out of, say, Barcelona and wake up in Livorno, Italy, just a short drive from Pisa, while leaving the "work" of getting there to the ship. You get somewhere new to explore virtually every day without worrying about the logistics of getting there.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Not only do you have the option of some of the larger ships on lines such as Royal Caribbean and Disney available in Europe, but there are even some river cruises that are family-friendly, such as the Adventures by Disney river cruises, which opens up all kinds of additional ports and destinations.

By sailing from port to port, you can get a taste of an area without committing to multiple days there. The worst-case scenario with less time in each destination means that you may fall in love with a place and want more time. But then, you can always plan another trip there in the future.

All that said, it is worth noting that when you cruise in the Mediterranean, some of the frequently used ports are quite a distance from the major cities you'll likely want to experience. For example, the port used to visit Rome, Civitavecchia, is about an 80-minute bus ride from the Eternal City itself. The considerable distance between the port and Rome can lead to early mornings, long days and tired kids. In our case, we used our time on the bus to take some power naps and keep everyone happy.

Something for everyone

In my opinion, if you're going to Europe, you should do things that you can only do in Europe. That might mean walking through the Roman Forum, seeing the Leaning Tower of Pisa or dancing under the Eiffel Tower in Paris. And often, if you are traveling as a family, you will be doing those things as a family.

travelling with 2 toddlers

However, there may be times when some family members don't want to do things at the same time as everyone else for days on end.

Maybe you want to enjoy some jazzy piano tunes and a quiet drink at a bar while your tween wants to play basketball with their friends and your partner wants to go for a swim. After returning from a day out and about onshore, everyone can return to the ship in the evening to do exactly what they want to do when they want to.

travelling with 2 toddlers

A little time (slightly) apart can be a fantastic way to reset so you're ready to enjoy more experiences together the next day.

Related: How Disney makes cruising Europe easy for families

Cool off easily

A lot of Europe is quite warm in the summer — hot, actually. When we visited Rome in mid-July, temperatures clocked in at 100 degrees, and it felt even hotter than that.

In much of Europe, widespread air conditioning and swimming pools are few and far between, so it can be tough to cool off between adventures. However, if you stay on a large cruise ship, you will have access to not only some pretty great air conditioning (which means a whole lot, especially in southern Europe) but also pools, waterslides and plenty of ways to cool off.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Readily available 'easy button'

Just before boarding our most recent cruise, the kids needed something familiar for dinner on our fourth night in Barcelona. So, since I had spotted a global pizza chain across the road from our hotel that night, I fired up Google Translate, went online and ordered some pizza. It wasn't fancy, but I hoped it would be easy and affordable.

When I walked across the street to pick the order up, there was no pizza. There was no record of the order despite my email confirmation number. My Spanish and their English weren't meeting in the middle enough for anyone to understand the problem — or solve it. Magically, after an hour or so of confusion and two trips into the store, my order eventually appeared, but it's a good example of how sometimes the "easy button" can be hard to find abroad when you're doing it yourself.

On the ship, when we wanted a pizza after a long day exploring Rome, we simply walked up to the top deck and got it.

While each ship is different, some other amenities of a large ship that may make your life easier include a way to do laundry, really good air conditioning waiting for you, onboard medical assistance if someone in the group is unwell, and easily accessible staff members that speak your language in case you have questions or are in need of recommendations.

You may not need those conveniences, but knowing they are there can take away some of those stresses you may have in the back of your mind.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Related: I just flew these 2 kid-friendly international airlines — here's what US airlines could learn from them

Combine time at sea with time on land

Of course, if you do head to Europe for a family cruise, then you might as well go a little deeper and at least explore the city you're departing from. If you have time, you can even tack on more time in the city that your cruise will end in, too. That means you can get the best of all worlds: You can enjoy all the conveniences and made-for-kids entertainment available on the ship and have time to really explore Europe on your own, too.

For us, that meant spending more time in Barcelona at the beginning of our cruise. We had plenty of time to walk the Gothic streets; shop; feast on Iberian ham, paella and gelato; enjoy an evening stroll in Park Guell; and, of course, visit the Sagrada Familia, among other things.

travelling with 2 toddlers

After the cruise disembarked in Barcelona, we took a train to Paris and spent several nights exploring there, too.

travelling with 2 toddlers

In both of those locations, we were often shelling out for multiple rooms each night, grateful for the easy days in the middle of the trip that we'd spent on the ship and — every now and then — really missing the familiar food waiting on the ship and the fun (and friends) readily available in the kids and teens clubs.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Pro tip: Some European cruises start in one port and end in another, which is an even easier way to make the most of your time in two different cities.

Bottom line

If you're nervous about navigating Europe with kids , first know that it is absolutely doable. But having tried multiple methods, I would highly recommend considering a cruise as an easy introduction to Europe.

You can visit various cities, see impressive sights and do it all with the familiar home base of your cruise ship waiting for you each night. Or, do what we did and combine some days on your own, exploring by land, and some days aboard a cruise with a captain at the wheel. That way, you can see more places than you otherwise would, and everyone can take a bit of a break and wake up in a new port to have as busy or lazy of a day as their heart desires.

As for my family, I now have my eye on a Northern Europe cruise, where we could perhaps experience places like Ireland, Norway, Iceland or even Greenland — it's an experience that would be tough to replicate solely traveling by land and air.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • 8 cabin locations on cruise ships you should definitely avoid
  • Cruise packing list: The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • Which cruise brand is best for you? A guide to the most popular lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • 15 ways that cruising newbies waste money on their first cruise
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

A mom who's been traveling with her kids for 19 years shares the biggest mistakes she's made since they were babies

  • Tara Cannon shared the biggest mistakes she's made when traveling with her kids.
  • Cannon has traveled to about 30 countries with her children.
  • When they were babies, she traveled too fast. When they were school-aged, she planned too much.

Insider Today

Tara Cannon and her husband Rann began traveling with kids when their firstborn was just 4 months old.

Now, their two children are 19 and 17 years old, and she's taken them to about 30 countries — many of which they've traveled back to multiple times.

Cannon blogs about family travel on her sites, Pint Size Pilot and the Better Beyond.

In a conversation with Business Insider, Cannon revealed the biggest travel mistakes she's made with her kids, from when they were babies and toddlers to teenagers.

Traveling too fast with babies was a mistake, Cannon said.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Cannon said she regrets traveling to too many places in a short time when her kids were babies.

"Prior to having kids, we were used to trying to pack in as many places as possible," Cannon said. "So if we went to Brazil, maybe for 11 days, we'd move four times just to make sure we could see a bunch of different places."

But with babies, it's not so easy to explore several places that require travel days.

"The buses, taxis, and planes are hard on babies and parents," she said. "As much as I hated keeping to a schedule, messing with a schedule makes things messy. So what we learned in that period was to have fewer transitions."

Instead, Cannon recommends spending at least a week in each destination and renting a car to explore at your own pace.

With toddlers, Cannon regrets planning more than one activity per day.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Cannon told BI that taking the kids out for multiple activities in one day was a mistake when they were toddlers.

"You can typically do one thing successfully before things start to unravel and tantrums erupt," she said.

With school-aged kids, it's a mistake to pack your itinerary, she said.

travelling with 2 toddlers

She said that as her kids reached school age, planning more than one activity per day was easier, but it was still a mistake to pack the entire day.

"A nonstop itinerary without breaks 100% sucks the fun out of travel, and I am very good at accomplishing this," she told BI. "Kids, like adults, need downtime to just be."

Cannon also added that long tours with school-aged kids are hard.

"But if I can find a short tour with an engaging guide, they are worth their weight in gold," she added.

With teenagers, Cannon has forgotten to consider her kids' personal interests.

travelling with 2 toddlers

Cannon said traveling with teens can be more challenging than with younger kids "because they have different interests and keeping them off their phones and engaged becomes a little harder."

For example, Cannon said she eventually realized that her son loves hiking and isn't into exploring cities.

"I would sometimes get frustrated because he seemed so indifferent in Paris, for example. He would take maybe five photos in three days," she said. "It took me ages to notice that he would take 50 photos on a hike."

Now, Cannon lets her kids plan a day of exploring during the trip.

"It's interesting how differently they plan it," she said.

Cannon said her daughter likes to find hot spots on social media.

For example, in Florence, her daughter Ella planned a day full of photo ops, from a vintage photo booth to a perfume store with an extravagant entrance for portraits.

"We do totally different things than I would've planned because she's looking at things through a different lens," she said. "But if I engage them, it's less boring for them."

Don't forget to consider your kids' personalities at any age.

travelling with 2 toddlers

From selecting destinations to activities, Cannon said it's not just about taking her kids' interests into account but also their personality traits.

For example, she said that while her son loves hiking, he's not comfortable in all natural environments.

"Unlike the rest of us in the family, Lucas has zero interest in ever visiting a tropical forest or jungle again," Cannon told BI. "I can trace this back to a guided Cloud Forest hike in Ecuador in 2017."

Cannon said that Lucas grew up watching nature documentaries, so he is acutely aware of how dangerous certain types of wildlife can be.

"During the hike, the guide encouraged us to touch the top of a leaf. Lucas, however, decided to also touch the underside and narrowly avoided a poisonous caterpillar," she said. "From that moment, he made it clear that he didn't consider these environments 'safe,' though we assumed he'd eventually get over it."

After the tour in Ecuador, the family of four took trips to the Peruvian Amazon and the Costa Rican rainforest.

In these destinations, "he carefully avoided swarms of army ants on forest floors and bullet ants on handrails," she said. "His feelings never changed."

These days, Lucas doesn't accompany the family on jungle or rainforest excursions.

"Lucas still travels a lot, but to places with fewer creatures that can harm you," she said. "Ella, by contrast, can't get enough of the jungle!"

travelling with 2 toddlers

  • Main content

travelling with 2 toddlers

Traveling With Kids? 24 Tips and Tricks To Make Family Travel a Little Easier

Traveling With Kids? 24 Tips and Tricks To Make Family Travel a Little Easier

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  • About Vaccines for Your Children
  • Reasons to Vaccinate
  • Vaccine Schedules
  • Diseases that Vaccines Prevent
  • Before, During, and After Shots
  • Keeping Track of Records
  • Travel Vaccines
  • Talking with Parents

Related Topics:

  • View All Home
  • Vaccines & Immunizations
  • Vaccine Information for Adults
  • Pregnancy and Vaccination

Get Vaccinated Before You Travel

What to know.

It’s important to plan ahead to get the shots required for all countries you and your family plan to visit.

Before you travel

Protect your child and family when traveling in the United States or abroad by:

family in airport ready to travel

  • Getting the shots required for all countries you and your family plan to visit during your trip
  • Making sure you and your family are up-to-date on all routine U.S. vaccines
  • Staying informed about travel notices and alerts and how they can affect your family's travel plans

Avoid getting sick or coming back home and spreading the disease to others.

Vaccinate at least a month before you travel

See your doctor when you start to plan your trip abroad. It's important to do this well in advance.

  • Your body needs time to build up immunity.
  • You may need several weeks to get all the doses of the vaccine.
  • Your primary doctor may not stock travel vaccines. Visit a travel medical clinic .
  • You'll need time to prepare for your pre-travel appointment .
  • If the country you visit requires a yellow fever vaccine , only a limited number of clinics have the vaccine and will probably be some distance from where you live. You must get it at least 10 days before travel.

Find out which vaccines are recommended or required for the countries you plan to visit .

Time-saving Tip‎

Last-minute travelers.

When traveling to another country be aware your doctor may not carry a travel vaccine and you may have to visit a medical clinic.

Many travel vaccines require multiple shots or take time to become fully effective. But some multiple-dose vaccines (like hepatitis A) can still give you partial protection after just one dose. Some can also be given on an "accelerated schedule," meaning doses are given in a shorter period of time.

Specific diseases that can affect you while traveling

What to do if you get sick after traveling

Childhood Vaccines

Vaccines can help protect babies and children from serious, even deadly, diseases. It’s important to stay up to date on recommended vaccines.

For Everyone

Health care providers.

The Best Travel Accessory: Your Kids

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24 countries in 24 months, over 200 flights, all with a baby! Sounds dreadful, right? Keeping an airborne baby calm, packing extra stuff, and lugging around a car seat doesn’t exactly spell “ideal vacation.” But Mona Hovaizi has shattered this idea by taking her 24-month-old baby to 24 countries! Remarkably, Hovaizi isn’t a full-time traveler; she’s a working dentist and business owner who has managed to turn what many describe as trying into some of the best experiences of her life. Through Little Feet Big Journey (LFBJ), Hovaizi demystifies travel for young families, showing that you don’t have to choose between your passions and parenthood. 


Hovaizi's dual life as a dedicated dentist and passionate traveler reflects her fascination with global cultures from a young age. 

“Since childhood, I have been obsessed with seeing the world., I spent countless hours researching and reading about cultures, religions, and societies, and the more I learned, the more I realized how small my world was. As far away as these places seemed, it blew me away that a flight could make them suddenly real and tangible. The more I traveled, the more I realized that people are inherently the same deep down. My mother’s phrase, ‘we are all citizens of Earth,’ became a guiding principle. This drove my passion for travel and motivated me to introduce my son to the world.” 

As of this article’s publishing, her passion for travel has taken Hovaizi to all 7 continents and 49 countries. 

Birth of Little Feet Big Journey  

The idea for LFBJ sparked when Hovaizi’s friends frequently sought her out for advice on traveling with their own babies. She decided to create a platform to share her hard-won cache of travel knowledge. 

“I understand not everyone shares the same passion, but for those who do—or even those planning their first trip or road trip with a baby—I’ve gathered valuable tips and tricks to make family adventures, big or small, enjoyable.” 

Despite the cautionary tales about life changing forever after having a baby, Hovaizi was determined to keep doing what she loved. She discovered that with the right mindset, it’s entirely possible and can, at times, be easy. 

“Our realities are in our own hands, and many of our limitations are self-made,” says Hovaizi, crediting her dad for ingraining this concept in her. 

She encourages parents to live the life they want and watch how children adapt, rather than adapting to the supposed constraints of parenthood. 

The Power of Mindset  

 Hovaizi repeatedly hears the same reasons for avoiding travel from parents with young kids: “They’re too young to remember,” “My baby can only handle a short flight,” “There’s so much extra stuff to take,” “I can’t do what I want when on vacation with a baby,” “It’s overwhelming.” 

Hovaizi assuages these fears by sharing her own experiences. She’s proof that traveling with little ones can be not just feasible, but also enriching. Her advice: plan a vacation you will enjoy, and remember that children adapt, especially when exposed to new environments early. 

“I believe in simplicity, open-mindedness, and positive thinking. The mind is a powerful tool, and we can train it. Every problem has a solution, and by avoiding over-complicating situations, we prevent fears from controlling us. I’m not a full-time traveler, but I’ve taken my son all around the world, and this was made possible entirely due to my mindset—embracing calmness and flexibility. Your thoughts become your reality.” 

Balancing Travel with Work  

Hovaizi’s ability to travel extensively while working full-time is a testament to both her mental approach and a supportive work environment. 

“When you see families posting travel content on social media, it’s easy to think their lives are different from ‘normal’ families. That’s not true for us. My husband and I both have full-time jobs, so balancing travel, parenting, and work has been challenging. I’m fortunate to have always worked at dental practices that allow me to create my own schedule, Lumiere Dental Spa in Quincy, MA, and Advanced Dental Care in Quincy, IL. As cliché as it sounds, when I tell myself something is possible, it somehow always comes together. By believing it’s our truth, we find ways to make it happen despite obstacles.” 

Future Aspirations  

Hovaizi hopes LFBJ will inspire parents to set out on journeys big or small with their little ones, equipped with the mindset and resources to liberate themselves from the confines of home. Whether it’s a local grocery run or a spice market on a different continent, she wants parents to feel confident about traveling with kids. 

Soon, Hovaizi will unveil a new product aimed at solving the biggest challenges parents face when traveling with children, ensuring that whether exploring a nearby restaurant or an entirely new continent, families can enjoy their adventures to the fullest. 

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Hanna andersson launches first-ever crayola color-in pajamas.

A collage of a girl and a boy

If you’ve met a troublesome toddler, you know just how much they’d love to take a crayon to just about anything of value and scribble all over it.

Walls, couches, their parents… of course, clothing is no exception.

Hanna Andersson has decided to do things a bit differently — designing a new line of clothing meant to be colored all over.

The posh children’s fashion brand has partnered with Crayola to curate a first-ever, Color-In pajamas collection that lets kids bring their imagination to bedtime. Each sleep set comes with a pack of permanent, non-toxic Crayola Fabric Markers so these creations stay vibrant and bright wash-after-wash.

But this collection isn’t just for little ones. Both kids and adults can shop from the brand-new “Box of Crayons” silhouettes, so each member of the family can express their true hue from the iconic brand’s most popular colors. There are even styles for babies , dogs , and of course, some creative, sensory-friendly long johns for budding artists as they head back to school.

These color-popping matching sets are perfect for year-round wear, but with Halloween just a few months away, you could have your next costume all ready to go, and there shouldn’t be any issue spotting each other while tricker-treating. Or, perhaps, you’ll decide to save them for the Christmas card.

To learn more about the vision behind the trailblazing new pajama collection, The Post spoke exclusively with Hanna Andersson’s Chief Product Officer, Kara Carter.

Jump below, to find the full interview with Carter and browse some of the exciting Crayola collection styles from the Hanna Andersson store.

Crayola Color Your Dreams Short John Pajama Set

A girl in a white shirt

Ideal for warm summer nights — the classic Color-in set features a slip-on tee shirt and mid-thigh shorts with an encased elastic waistband for extra room to grow. This breathable set comes with a 10-pack of Crayola Fabric Markers and is available in sizes 4 through 12.

Crayola Color Your Dreams Long John Pajama Set

A child in pajamas

Fall is ahead, and we’re all looking forward to wrapping ourselves up in a pair of Long Johns. This Color-In matching set offers slim-fitting long-sleeve with foldable cuffs, and full-length pants that are sure to keep little ones cozy all night long.

Crayola Crayon Long John Pajama Set

A group of girls in matching pajamas

Maybe you’re hunting for an iconic look to snap some family picture or perhaps, the perfect Halloween costume. These classic Crayola Long Johns have all the details of the original beloved crayons and are available in three shades: macaroni and cheese, sky blue, and cotton candy.

Baby Crayola Crayon 2-Way Zip Sleeper

A woman and child lovingly looking up at each other

The best things come in the smallest packages — including the Baby Crayola Crayon 2-Way Zip Sleeper, which is designed with a handy dual zipper for easier changes and sensory-friendly scratch-free seams that lay flat on the skin.

Adult Crayola® Crayon Long John Pajama Set

A woman in red pajamas leaning against a wall

Parents can tap into their inner child and dress to match the whole family with the full-sized version of the Crayola classic. Two sets are available in brick red and midnight blue.

Crayola Crayon Dog Pajamas

A dog wearing a yellow shirt

Pups are a part of the family, and Hanna Andersson hasn’t forgotten that. Reviewers say that Hanna dog pajamas retain their color for years and are as comfortable as they come. This pair is in the bright Goldenrod color and features an easy pull-over style to stay in place, even if your pup gets the zoomies.

Exclusive interview with Kara Carter, Hanna Andersson’s CPO:

“Crayola brings the colors, we bring the comfort!” exclaimed Carter.

This Color-In collection marks the first time Hanna Andersson has collaborated with Crayola.

It’s not often that you find a children’s apparel company teaming up with an art supply store, but the two brands share plenty of values when it comes to fostering creativity and empowering children.

“Crayola encourages kids to think outside the box, and we wanted to bring that same playful spirit to bedtime with PJs that are as fun to wear as they are to create,” she elaborated.

Carter also emphasized the importance of “letting kids be kids,” and added that she likes to think of this new collection as a canvas for your kid’s imagination.

“The Color-In Pajamas feature outlines of beloved Hanna characters alongside classic crayon graphics, allowing little artists to create wearable works of art,” she explained.

Since each set comes with ten different colorful fabric markets, kids can make their pajamas one-of-a-kind. The options are endless, and the final product is something they can be proud of — or if they’re not finished — they can keep drawing on it, time and time again.

The material also matters. Staying true to Hanna Andersson’s values , the Crayola Collection is made from 100% organic cotton rib knit, which is known to be softer and stronger than typical cotton.

“For over 40 years, we’ve been crafting clothing that kids love to wear and parents trust to last. Created with organic and harm-free materials, our commitment to quality is stitched into every pair of pajamas we make, said Carter. “Hannas look great and feel even better.”

But, the Crayola collection is not just beautiful, and comfortable.

Hanna Andersson and Crayola created something that teaches children that art isn’t always about the result — it’s about the experience.

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Why Trust Post Wanted by the New York Post

This article was written by  Miska Salemann , New York Post Commerce Journalist. As a Gen Z first-time mother of one, Miska tests baby, maternity and postpartum products ranging from  stylish new kids clothes  to long-trusted  diaper brands  with her daughter. She evaluates  baby- and mom-approved products  for practicality and quality, and consults medical and parenting experts to weigh in on safe ingredients, usage and more. Before arriving at the Post, she covered the lifestyle and consumer verticals for the U.S. Sun.


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