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flow track travel

flow track travel

Reviews voor Flowtrack

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Top vakantie, matige crew

Top vakantie gehad en volop genoten van de surf- en yogalessen! De sfeer op het kamp was ongedwongen, gezellig en laid-back. De groep was eveneens heel plezierig! Verbetering kan zeker op het gebied van communicatie en administratie. Zoals het niet vermelden dat je een eigen wc-bril bij je zou moeten hebben of berichten over lestijden en locatie die niet werden verstuurd.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Flowtrack, a way of life ...

Onze Familie werd ondergedompeld in een vrije, natuurlijke en opwindende ervaring. Een paradijs op aarde ! In stand gehouden door een top team in Biscarosse ! Dank jullie wel ! Fam. uit België

Goed georganiseerde organisatie

Feelgood vakantie in het zonnige spanje.

Hartelijk dank aan Jafna om, ondank de verkeerde inschrijving die ik deed voor mijn dochter, alles onmiddellijk in goede banen te leiden en in orde te maken. Iedereen heeft een Jafna nodig in zijn organisatie!

We waarderen heel erg de klantgerichtheid en de flexibele service.

We hadden een zorgeloze vakantie, waarbij alles in orde was. De communicatie iets proactiever maken, en over de gehele lijn iets meer info verschaffen, zou het helemaal afmaken. Één duidelijk beschikbaar aanspreekpunt/-plek wie je terecht kan op elk moment, zou ook een meerwaarde betekenen. Als Flowtrack invloed kan hebben op de Franse campinganimatie, mogen ze die invloed We hadden een zorgeloze vakantie, waarbij alles in orde was.

Hele leuke week gehad! Helaas was de communicatie aan het begin al vervelend en werden wij om 07:00 gedropt op een stille en donkere camping. Niemand die wist wat er moest gebeuren. Geen welkomsspel of kennismakingsspel om je kampgenoten te leren kennen. Jammer. Vaak niemand te vinden achter de bar, waardoor selfservice, onaardige crewleden die vooral met zichzelf bezig waren en geen goedemorgen terug konden zeggen. We werden vaak niet geholpen, crew in eigen wereldje die jij inkomt lopen qua gevoel. Het dorp was best verweg, wat uitleg over fietsverhuur is welkom. Het wakeboarden combineren met bordeaux is zonde. Om 4 uur pas aangekomen in bordeaux, echt zonde van de dag. Bordeaux moet gewoon een dagvullend programma zijn. Het wakeboarden op een andere vrije ochtend. Mijn week was leuk door mijn kampgenoten en hun inzet om het gezellig te maken, maar dit was ook gelukt zonder de hulp van flowtrack aangezien de service slecht was.

Goede organisatie

Goede info op voorhand, betaalbaar, éénouderkorting is pluspunt

Leuk… alleen wat rust gemist

Camping zelf was veel te luidruchtig en dit tot in de late uren en in de ochtend alweer altijd auto of vuilnis ophaling. Kan flowtrack mss weinig aan doen. Verder was de tent ook heel vuil en niet de term luxe waardig. Tip voor flowtrack: waarom brengen jullie in de ochtend niet alle planken naar het verzamel punt op het strand? Zou een super service zijn

het was een leuk maar vaak onoverzichtelijk kamp

Ja heel leuk, alleen veel ziek, helaas werd ik ook ziek en betekende dit dat ik niet mee kon canyoningen, het weer zat ook niet mee dus de evening surf was niet speciaal :(, geen kampvuur, geen beachball en ook geen uitkijk punt voor de sunset. Daarom gaf ik de extra activiteiten een 3, de crew was heel leuk, vooral jayjay en lies en de camera crew. Mijn surfinstructeur joeri (yuri?) was echt de beste ooit ever. De planning was echter niet overzichtelijk voor de crew en dat was heel erg te merken de eerste twee dagen, ook hou ik niet van clubben enzo dus die activiteiten vond ik niet leuk, ik was ook niet mee gegaan. De eerste bus reis was echt verschrikkelijk, slechte stops, heel langzaam, toen we eenmaal stopte bij een restaurant was het dicht want we waren en 2.5 uur later dan werd gezegd. Geen leuke chauffeurs. De tweede busreis was heel leuk, gezellige en grappige chauffeurs, goede stops en heel snel en ik kon lekker lang slapen. Toen we eenmaal moesten overstappen op de bus naar Nederland verliep dat ook heel goed zelfs zonder crew, die bus was ook heel veel fijner dan die ervoor. Dat zijn al mijn positieve en negatieve ervaringen bij elkaar, waar het kamp zelf iets aan kan doen.

Leuke activiteiten en leuke crew en altijd goed georganiseerd

beter dan kazou.

De activiteiten zijn leuk en goed gepland, tijdens de vrije tijd hadden we veel keuze uit verschillende activiteiten. Daan Van Herle is de beste moni, een wijze en verstandige leider die heel goed een groep kan leiden en enthousiast is (meestal).

alle kampen zijn echt geweldig ook het evenwicht van genoeg vrijheid en de activiteiten is echt perfect

Beste kamp van mijn leven!

De community was goed, het waren heel goede moni’s en heb er echt van genoten!

Uitstekende afsluiter van de vakantie

Heel leuke activiteiten, lekker eten, goede en leuke monies.

Geven je veel vrijheid

Het was et was plezant

Eten was soms iets minder maar voor de rest was alles zeer goed.

Leuke crew en zeer toffe sfeer

Kon niet leuker

Het was een super leuk kamp!!!

leuke groep en crew

Kei leuke week!

Nieuwe mensen leren kennen en goed kunnen genieten.

Lijpste kamp ooit.

Ik heb me echt heel hard geamuseerd.

Het was super leuk

Het was heel tof


Stationsplein 41

9160 Lokeren

+32 15 21 73 03

[email protected]

Over Flowtrack

Flowtrack, Destination Feelgood Bij Flowtrack draait alles om positieve vibes. Onze vakanties staan voor pure momenten waarin je goed in je vel zit en bruist van energie. Je kan er terecht voor zomer- en surfkampen voor jongeren (13+, 16+, 23+) en voor ski- en surfreizen voor families, telkens in het buitenland. We staan voor unieke bestemmingen, enthousiaste begeleiding en avontuurlijke activiteiten.

Kiyoh Reviews

• Iedereen mag een review schrijven zolang er wordt voldaan aan de gebruikersvoorwaarden en het privacybeleid • We voeren geautomatiseerde en handmatige controles uit om valse reviews zoveel mogelijk tegen te gaan • Reviews die op eigen initiatief zijn geschreven worden direct online getoond en binnen 72 uur geverifieerd • Meer weten hoe deze reviewpagina tot stand komt? Lees dan hier meer.


Helping people, manage what’s important..

We equip organizations with barcoding and inventory software to manage their inventory, assets, and work-in-process.

Made in USA

Clients are priority one., we have the privilege to serve small to large organizations across the world..

flow track travel

Join Us in the Future.

Discover how you can track, control, and improve your business with Flowtrac.

Track It. Scan It.

Fast. accurate., still excel tracking pen and paper.

Flowtrac uses barcode guns, smartphones, or tablets to scan barcode information right into our cloud database. No importing, exporting, or hoping the spreadsheet does not get lost or damaged.

We also support RFID mobile, fixed mount, doorway, indoor, and outdoor readers. Collect data offline or online. Flowtrac stores data locally on the device when offline and then updates the cloud when back online.

In your location, out in the field, anywhere in between.

flow track travel

Manage the Movement.

flow track travel

easy search

Wildcard search helps you find products easy and fast. You only need one character of any part of the product, description, or category name.

All information displayed offers single click links to drill down to another window with more detail of the item and again for more.

detail logs

All transactions are logged by date/time, user, and function. All the in/outs of your inventory are in data tables that are easy to search, export, or print.

Integrations, Translations

A robust API is baked into the core of the Flowtrac framework. This allows us to connect and integrate with most modern cloud-based systems.

A few of our more commonly requested integrations are shown in the image. We would enjoy learning about your current software and discuss how we can take our solution and integrate it seamlessly.

Integration is more than just a connection. The data to be pushed/pulled could require special mapping or functionality. While other software companies outsource their technical support, we have integration development teams in house.

Stop time consuming double entry.

flow track travel

What our Clients say


Overall Flowtrac delivered everything it promised and a little more. The best thing this tool offered us was the ability for the users to search the database of 270,000 part numbers and return any part number with that specific sequence of numbers. It met our criteria and they were familiar with inventory management processes.

Project Lead Manufacturing, SIEMENS

flow track travel

From our first meeting with [Flowtrac] to our final interactions with the programmers and project manager helping us “go-live”. They were patient & understanding of the technical challenges of our system and provided creative solutions to help resolve those challenges. They take customer service to higher standard.

Operations lead, SYnGENTA

What I like most is how easily and how quickly the information from Flowtrac is updated from the webpage to the scanner. There is almost no delay and that makes for optimal use of time and completion of tasks. Our previous software was not meeting the needs of our company as a whole.

Francisco T.

Procurement, INNOFLIGHT

This software is capable of being self taught, but the training is excellent. They know their product and can help with anything. Customer Service is like no other! If they don’t have it, they can create it. Implementation was as easy as it could be without having anyone come do it for us.

Warehouse Manager, Vision SOlar

We are honored to share our success with others.

flow track travel

we can end human trafficking

One life at a time.

FloTrac system

Minimally-invasive hemodynamic monitoring

Flotrac sensor

The minimally-invasive FloTrac system is a proven solution for advanced hemodynamic monitoring that automatically calculates key flow parameters every 20 seconds. Continuous clarity provided by the FloTrac system offers proactive decision support to manage hemodynamic instability and help you ensure adequate patient perfusion.

The FloTrac sensor parameters displayed on the HemoSphere monitor show patient status at a glance, for visual clinical support and increased clarity in volume administration.

flotrac system

Proactive decision support offered by the FloTrac system helps guide individualized treatment decisions for your moderate- to high-risk surgery patients, and can be utilized perioperatively to proactively manage your patient’s physiological status in rapidly changing clinical situations in acute care settings.

Advanced hemodynamic parameters that update every 20 seconds

  • Stroke Volume (SV)
  • Stroke Volume Variation (SVV)
  • Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
  • Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR)
  • Cardiac Output (CO)

The proven solution for individualized hemodynamic optimization

Chosen to monitor over 5.2 million patients *

73 Countries. * Used by clinicians worldwide for minimally-invasive volume management.

Referenced in over 300+ clinical studies *  spanning the OR and ICU

FloTrac system algorithm

Provides a clear hemodynamic picture  across various patient conditions and surgical procedures

*Data on File

FloTrac system algorithm provides clarity in various patient conditions and procedures

Flotrac system validated algorithm.

Offers specific monitoring of a broad range of changing patient conditions

The FloTrac system algorithm is based on the principle that aortic pulse pressure (PP) is proportional to stroke volume (SV) and inversely related to aortic compliance. The algorithm compensates for the effects of compliance on PP based on age, gender, and body surface area (BSA).

stroke volume variation

Through continuous beat detection and analysis, the FloTrac system algorithm allows for the ongoing use of  Stroke Volume Variation . The FloTrac system algorithm enables the display and use of SVV in patients with multiple premature atrial or ventricular contractions and allows you to guide volume resuscitation despite most arrhythmias. 5,6,7

The SVVxtra algorithm restores the respiratory component of the arterial pressure curve so that SVV continues to reflect the physiological effects of mechanical ventilation on the heart. 5

Model Numbers 

Clinical application, proactively manage pressure and flow components of perfusion.

The minimally-invasive FloTrac system offers continuous clinical decision support to enable proactive clinical decisions.

The FloTrac system provides access to advanced hemodynamic parameters allowing you to evaluate hemodynamic instability and guide appropriate treatment.

Studies show associations between intraoperative hypotension and increased risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) and myocardial injury - the leading cause of post-operative mortality within 30 days after surgery.

Advanced hemodynamic monitoring parameters CO, SV, SVV, SVR, and MAP provided by the FloTrac system can help you determine the cause of instability.

If the underlying cause of hemodynamic instability is related to flow generation, continuous parameters provided by the FloTrac system can help you determine appropriate fluid therapy.

Continuous assessment of pressure and flow parameters offers decision support to help manage the duration and severity of intraoperative hypotension episodes.

Edwards clinical education

Hemodynamic education empowering clinical advancement.

With a long-term commitment to improving the quality of care for surgical and critical care patients through education, Edwards clinical education meets you no matter where you are in the learning process — with a continuum of resources and tools that continuously support you as you solve the clinical challenges facing you today, and in the future.

Watch videos, explore the Fluid Response Simulator, sign up for eLearnings, and download the Normal Hemodynamic Parameters pocket card.

Physiologic implications of appropriate volume administration video

Physiologic implications of appropriate volume administration

Cardiovascular physiology thumbnail

Cardiovascular physiology

Product implementation

Product setup.

FloTrac sesnor setup video

FloTrac sensor setup video on HemoSphere advanced monitor

This setup video details the process of setting up the FloTrac sensor to the HemoSphere advanced monitor.

flotrac system setup guide

FloTrac system setup guide

Related products.

Acumen IQ cuff

Acumen IQ cuff

Acumen IQ sensor

Acumen IQ sensor unlocks the Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software

Image of HemoSphere monitor

HemoSphere advanced monitoring platform

Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software

Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software

The edwards advantage.

We are committed to providing your institution, clinicians and staff with the highest levels of customer service and support to ensure seamless product implementation and ongoing use, including:

24/7 Technical support

For product information and orders

Form image

Let us help you

If you would like further information about our privacy policy, please  click here .

Would you like to opt-in to receive future email communications from  Edwards Lifesciences?

This includes notification of future symposia, forums, conference activities, product updates, and educational events.

  • Cannesson, M. (2010). Arterial pressure variation and goal-directed fluid therapy. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 24(3), 487-97.
  • Benes, et al. (2014). Effects of GDFT based on dynamic parameters on post surgical outcome. Critical Care, 18:584.
  • McGee, WT. (2009). A simple physiologic algorithm for managing hemodymanics using stroke volume and and stroke volume variation. Physiologic optimization program. J Intensive Care Med. 24(6):352-60.
  • McGee, WT., et al. (2013). Physiologic Goal- Directed therapy in the perioperative period. J Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 27(6):1079-1086.
  • Patent WO 2011/094487 A2, Elimination of the Effects of Irregular Cardiac Cycles in the Determination of Cardiovascular Parameters
  • Biais M, Ouattara A, Janvier G, Sztark F. Case scenario: respiratory variations in arterial pressure for guiding fluid management in mechanically ventilated patients. Anesthesiology. 2012;116(6):1354-61
  • Monnet X, Marik PE, Teboul JL. Prediction of fluid responsiveness: an update. Ann Intensive Care. 2016;6:111.

Important safety information

CAUTION: Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. See Instructions For Use (IFU) / Directions For Use (DFU) for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events.

  • English (UK)
  • Español (Latinoamérica)
  • Español (España)

An easier trip, each time

Imagine checking one place for your travel details and getting a heads up as things happen throughout your trip. See why life without TripIt is a distant memory for millions of travelers.

mobile phone in hand

You handle the booking, we'll take it from there

Unlike other travel apps, TripIt can organize your travel plans no matter where you book. Simply forward your confirmation emails to [email protected] and in a matter of seconds, TripIt will create a comprehensive itinerary for every trip.

“I’m on the road 100 days a year and TripIt is my go-to-app. It’s such a powerful tool in the hands of a traveler. There’s simply nothing like it on the planet.”

Helpful reminders and alerts so you don't miss a beat

Packed with features that give you a leg up on changes and help you make the most of all your trips, TripIt Pro is where the magic happens.

“I love knowing exactly when my flights are, when they are delayed, what gate to leave from, and all the other amazing TripIt Pro features.”

person using mobile app

Know where to be and when

Need a reminder when it's time to leave for the airport? Not sure where to eat in the airport or near your hotel? TripIt has you covered.

“My favorite business travel app so far is TripIt. Carrying all of my itineraries, it saves me during my ‘Where am I, what do I do next?’ panic attacks.”

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Try the travel app that keeps up with you.

So many trips, so little time. Let TripIt worry about the details, so you don't have to.

Flow: Trip & Travel Tracker 4+

Diary, journal, planner, notes, boris bugor, designed for ipad.

  • Offers In-App Purchases



Plan trips, capture memories, track on scratch map. Pin visited spots, express mood, jot notes, embrace gratitude. Stay organized with Flow: Trip & Travel Tracker Flow: Trip & Travel Tracker - Your Ultimate Travel Companion Plan, Capture, Track - Unleash the Essence of Your Travels Embark on unforgettable journeys with Flow: Trip & Travel Tracker - your ultimate travel companion. Seamlessly plan trips, capture photo memories, and track your adventures on an interactive scratch map. Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or an enthusiastic explorer, Flow enhances every aspect of your travel experience. - Plan Your Trips: Effortlessly organize travel itineraries with Flow's intuitive planner. Create detailed schedules, set reminders, and never miss a beat during your journeys. - Capture Photo Memories: Relive adventures through photo memories. Create events for cherished moments, from scenic landscapes to local culture immersion. - Track Your Adventures: Plot routes and drop pins on the interactive scratch map to visualize your journey. Mark visited destinations and watch the map come to life with your travel conquests. - Express Your Mood: Share emotions and travel experiences with the mood feature. Capture the essence of your trips with personalized emoticons and reflections. - Jot Down Daily & Private Notes: Keep a digital travel journal with daily notes. Document thoughts, reflections, and memorable encounters to cherish for years. - Travel Pins: Mark significant places you've been and create a personal map of your travel milestones. Pinpoint favorite spots and revisit them anytime with ease. - Embrace Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude during journeys with the gratitude feature. Reflect on the positive aspects of travel experiences and keep a thankful mindset. - Stay Organized: Flow offers a user-friendly calendar for seamless planning. Keep track of upcoming trips, events, and activities, and stay organized on the go. - Schedule Your Escapades: Create a comprehensive travel schedule with Flow's scheduler. Prioritize activities, allocate time, and optimize adventures for maximum enjoyment. - Your Personal Travel Diary: Use Flow as your digital travel diary to preserve precious memories. Capture spontaneous moments and document the stories behind your travels. Download now and embark on the journey of a lifetime. Whether a solo traveler or a jet-setting family, Flow enhances every travel experience with seamless planning, photo memories, mood tracking, and more. Mark visited destinations on the interactive scratch map, express emotions through personalized emoticons, and jot down daily reflections in your digital journal. Embrace gratitude during journeys with the gratitude feature and stay organized with Flow's user-friendly calendar and scheduler. Plan your trips, keep track of events, and create a comprehensive travel schedule for maximum enjoyment. With Flow, capturing the essence of your travels has never been easier. Create events for every cherished moment, whether it's exploring scenic landscapes or immersing in local culture. Relive your adventures through photo memories, capturing every sight, taste, and emotion along the way. Use Flow as your digital travel diary, jotting down daily reflections and documenting the stories behind your journeys. Plot your routes on the interactive scratch map, dropping pins on visited destinations, and watch your map come to life with each travel conquest. Stay organized and never miss a beat with Flow's intuitive planner. Create detailed schedules, set reminders, and optimize your trips for maximum enjoyment. Keep track of upcoming events, activities, and travel plans with Flow's user-friendly calendar. Prioritize your escapades and allocate time effectively using the scheduler feature. Whether planning a solo adventure or a family vacation, Flow caters to every type of traveler, making every journey a captivating tale. Join the global community of adventurers and make every travel experience truly memorable with Flow: Trip & Travel Tracker. Download now and embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Version 2.2.2

- Bug fixes and improvements

App Privacy

The developer, Boris Bugor , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More


English, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

  • Pro-access ₹ 299
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VideoEditor: Reels & Stories

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Flight status, ai assistant, route optimization, offline access, reservations, packing checklists, travel guides.

Route optimization feature

Let us auto-arrange the best route for a smooth and efficient trip!

flow track travel

Download your trip plan and access it anytime, even without an internet connection.

flow track travel

See your trip details—dates, destinations, reservations, and activities—all in one place.

flow track travel

Keep all your hotel, flight, and other reservations in one place.

flow track travel

Book a place to stay: we gather all suggestions in one spot and compare prices for you!

flow track travel

Track live flight status for real-time updates on delays and gate changes.

flow track travel

Invite your trip mates and plan your upcoming trip together in real-time!

flow track travel

Ask the AI Assistant to help plan your travel or answer any questions!

flow track travel

Packing checklist

Create and manage a checklist of items to pack to ensure you don’t forget anything important.

flow track travel

Get inspired by global guides with expert tips and recommendations.

flow track travel

Set and manage your budget, track expenses, and split costs for group trips.

flow track travel

Add a place, and it’ll pop up on your map. Track your route and easily export it to Google Maps!

flow track travel

Create a trip itinerary to see everything in one place

Add the attractions you want to visit and see how to go between them on a map. Check distances and travel times between locations and attractions, schedule specific times for your visits, and optimize your route so you can make the most of your trip. See your flights and hotels for the day to keep track of what’s coming up.

flow track travel

See top attractions and restaurants from the entire web

Get recommended the top places to visit and the best restaurants. Get ratings for top attractions, check their opening hours, and access links to official websites. We’ve gathered the top attractions from across the web in one place so you can see what are the consensus picks.

flow track travel

Hit the road

Create a detailed itinerary for your road trip. Add all your stops, check distances and time between each location. See lists of best stops on your route between cities. We optimize your route to save gas and ensure a smooth journey.

flow track travel

Manage your reservations with ease

See your reservations, attachments, and confirmation emails in one place without having to search for them. Forward your reservation emails directly to Wanderlog. Prefer it automatic? Connect your Gmail to automatically scan and import your hotel, flight, and other reservation details. We organize all your bookings in one place.

flow track travel

Pack and budget efficiently

Keep track of your budget and split costs with your trip mates. View expense breakdowns. Use our preset packing lists or create your own. Customize to-do lists, shopping lists, and more to ensure you bring everything you need on your trip.

Find your next adventure

Browse through itineraries and guides crafted by fellow travelers. Get inspired by real experiences and detailed plans for your next adventure.

flow track travel

Explore hundreds of places to visit for every corner of the world

flow track travel

Spotlight on Wanderlog

Leading companies and media outlets are talking about Wanderlog. Discover why we're their top choice for travel planning.

flow track travel

Maximize your trip planning with Pro

Experience the full potential of Wanderlog with a Pro subscription. Enjoy enhanced features and streamlined planning.

What travelers are raving about

Over 1 million people have already tried Wanderlog and loved its easy trip planning features.

flow track travel

Planning your trip by having all the attractions already plugged into a map makes trip planning so much easier.

flow track travel

I have used several trip planning apps. This one by far is the best. The interaction between goggle maps makes the planning so much easier. Adding an adventure not in the app is also easy. Love the connection to Trip Advisor also. Everything is connected including booking a stay. Easy to use on phone, tablets and computer! Well thought through development.

flow track travel

I'm a rather extensive planner when I take trips so this was great. I liked how it auto-filled all of my travel information from my email account.

flow track travel

This is everything I needed in a trip-planning app. Everything is in one place - lodging, restaurants, destinations. I can put notes to write out little schedule details like when I plan to put my son down for a nap. Each destination you set up automatically puts in a link to that place's website, their hours of operation, travel distance from you place of lodging and more. The app is easy to use and so so helpful.

flow track travel

So much easier to visualize and plan a road trip to my favourite rock climbing destinations and explore the area around.

flow track travel

I absolutely love this app!!! I would recommend to anyone who is seriously planning a trip. It will take you through there entire process with ease and all the features you would ever need. The pro version has some features that would be nice to have, especially during the trip itself, but none of it is absolutely necessary. My only criticism is of the pro payment options. You can only buy an annual subscription, and no monthly options exist. Even a 3 month/semi annual sub would be nice.

flow track travel

It left me speechless that I can add places to my trip and they get automatically populated with a featured pic and description from the web.

flow track travel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do

flow track travel

I really like how user friendly it is and the auto-save. I also enjoy being able to look at trips that others have planned for inspiration.

flow track travel

Absolutely love this app! It is so helpful when planning my trips. I especially love The optimize route option. When I have all my information in place like my starting point and my ending point it is fabulous! I found it was worth it for me to buy the subscription to the app to use this feature. I especially love how it will suggest things to do if you don't have any plans. I do wish it had a biking option for travel between points of interest. But other than that I love the app!

flow track travel

Very intuitive and simple while still providing a bunch of features, like photos on the destinations, descriptions and suggestions for nearby places to visit.

flow track travel

Yesterday I walked my kids through the vacation timeline that I've built so far and their excitement levels went way up!

Create your ultimate travel itinerary

flow track travel

Join Wanderlog

Plan your itinerary, find lodging, and import reservations—all in one app.

a smartphone displaying a trip plan on the Wanderlog app

Plan your itinerary, find lodging, and import reservations — all in one app.

Top 20 vacation destinations

New York City

Rio de Janeiro

Buenos Aires

San Francisco

Top 20 parks & nature

Banff National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Yosemite National Park

Arenal Volcano National Park

Jasper National Park

Table Mountain National Park

Parque Nacional del Este

Zion National Park

Peak District National Park

Death Valley National Park

Snowdonia National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

New Forest National Park Hampshire

Bryce Canyon National Park

Plitvice Lakes National Park

Dartmoor National Park

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

Haleakala National Park

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Top 20 attractions

Tower of London

Anne Frank House

Saint Mark's Basilica

Fenway Park

Belle Meade Historic Site & Winery

Gardens by the Bay

Osaka Castle

Space Needle

The National WWII Museum

Edinburgh Castle

Little Havana

Barton Springs Municipal Pool

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FlowTrack benefits both organisations and their employees

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Analytics Has the Answers

FlowTrack’s modern data analytics tools help you uncover insights into how your teams work and interact so you can answer questions like...

FlowTrack’s analytics tools enable you to measure the productivity of your employees by tracking factors such as attendance, task completion rates, and the time it takes to complete tasks. This can help you identify areas where productivity may be lagging and take steps to improve it.

With FlowTrack’s Workplace Efficiency solution, you can track resource utilization rates, such as equipment usage or employee workload. This can help you identify areas where resources may be under or over-utilized, and take action to optimize resource allocation.

FlowTrack’s Workforce Productivity Monitoring solution can help you identify the root causes of delays in projects, such as bottlenecks in the workflow or inefficient processes. By identifying these issues, you can take steps to address them and improve project efficiency.

Our analytics tools can also help you identify your most productive employees, which in turn enable you to make informed decisions about promotions, bonuses, or employee development opportunities.

Employee Satisfaction and Well-being Solution helps you measure employee engagement levels by analyzing factors such as employee feedback, burnout, absenteeism rates, and turnover rates. This way, you can identify areas where you may need to make improvements to increase employee engagement levels.

With the Workforce Productivity Monitoring solution, you can now track employee work habits, such as time spent on specific tasks or work-related communication patterns. This helps you identify areas where employees may be spending too much time on non-essential tasks, or not collaborating effectively.

With Workforce and Asset Optimization solution, you can identify opportunities to optimize workflow, such as automating manual processes or redesigning the production line. By optimizing workflow, you can increase productivity and reduce costs.

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Try FlowTrack free for 14 days. And you’ll never go back, we bet.


Flowtrack organiseert actieve zomervakanties voor jongeren, gezinnen en volwassenen. Leer surfen , ga op avontuur , geniet van een premium glamping beleving of gooi je dansbenen los tijdens onze party . Met ons uitgebreid activiteitenprogramma is er voor elk wat wils!

Kies voor glamping en surfen met het hele gezin in Biscarrosse of ga voor een totale Family Experience met watersport, avontuur en cultuur in Empuriabrava.

Volledig begeleide zomervakanties voor jongeren.

Vakanties met een uitgebreid activiteitenprogramma.

Single reis

Een premium glamping surfkamp voor singles tussen 23-35 jaar.

Inside TomTom's Traffic products: TomTom Traffic Flow

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The first step to steering clear of congestion? Understanding how traffic is moving at all times. TomTom Traffic Flow draws on data from millions of connected vehicles to deliver the authoritative view of traffic movements — for better navigation, richer traffic visualization and safer driving.

Every day, all over the world, hundreds of millions of vehicles travel through the streets of our cities. As these cars, trucks, buses and more make their way, their movements are tracked, analyzed and amalgamated, forming an eye-opening picture of how traffic moves. Welcome to the world as seen by TomTom Traffic Flow.

TomTom’s solution tracks traffic movements and supports a range of applications, from helping navigation apps plan optimal routes to visualizing traffic movements in rich detail for city planners.

Get to know TomTom Traffic Flow

TomTom Traffic Flow delivers a comprehensive view of how traffic is moving on any road, at any given time. The solution provides detailed information on current observed speeds and travel times, along with additional information characterizing the traffic, thanks to millions of data points from real-world, real-time sources (more on this shortly).

A map of downtown Houston, Texas, showing traffic flow, intensity and direction

Traffic Flow captures various speed values, including the current speed on a particular stretch of road and free-flow speed — the latter refers to the speed measured (in meters per second) on a roadway when no traffic is present. It can also calculate relative speed, which compares average speed to free-flowing speed, and displays this as a percentage value. As an example, at rush hour, the relative speed on a highway might be 50% – meaning it’s moving twice as slowly, or at half the speed, as it does when there is no traffic present.

This speed information is incredibly useful for a whole range of navigation and routing use cases. By analyzing real-road speeds, Traffic Flow enables routing engines to calculate highly accurate journey times and provide optimal time-dependent route recommendations. And because it works with near-real-time data, the service can detect if there’s an unforeseen interruption to typical road conditions (like a one-off road accident) allowing routing and navigation systems to make updates on the fly and guide drivers onto faster routes.

As Monika Pepikj, TomTom Traffic Product Manager, notes: “Traffic Flow is a very flexible solution. It’s used in all of TomTom’s sat navs [ PNDs ], in-dash navigation systems and apps like TomTom AmiGO and GO Navigation. It also makes up an important part of the Traffic map layer on Orbis Maps, allowing users to visualize current traffic flows on top of their base map.”

Predicting future speeds

Not only does Traffic Flow provide a comprehensive view of current traffic movements, it can also calculate future traffic speeds — giving users a heads-up about what the traffic situation might look like in the minutes and hours ahead. The solution’s predictive flow features provide predictive speeds for 15, 30 and 45 minutes into the future, as well as longer-range predictive speeds for up to 24 hours into the future.

These capabilities are especially useful when planning long journeys. By taking future traffic speeds into consideration, Traffic Flow helps routing and navigation systems calculate more accurate estimated times of arrival (ETAs) and estimated travel times (ETTs). Imagine, for instance, that a family is making a weekend trip from Manhattan to New Haven. With Traffic Flow looking ahead to anticipated speeds in an hours’ time, when the family is closer to their destination, it can work with the car’s navigation system to provide a much more accurate ETA.

Putting it all on the map

On top of compiling and analyzing speed data, Traffic Flow offers visualization features to bring this raw information to life and make it easier to digest. Visualization converts speed data into different colors (usually green, yellow and red) to indicate either the speed of traffic on different road segments or the difference between that speed and the free-flow speed on the road segment in question.

Traffic Flow also shares additional information about traffic conditions, displayed on a map view as text. Based on the observed traffic speed, the solution can indicate whether there is stationary, slow or heavy traffic. It can also indicate if a particular segment of road is closed to traffic because of road works for example. This data adds an extra layer of context about current traffic conditions, so users are better informed about what’s happening on the road.

Traffic Flow shown in a birds eye view, displaying speed, travel time.

Built on the best traffic data in the business

How does Traffic Flow bring together such a comprehensive picture of traffic speeds and movements? It draws on the same data used in all of TomTom’s Traffic solutions — a wealth of information that the company has been building and enhancing for more than 30 years.

Every day, TomTom gathers more than 60 billion anonymous data points from its network of over 660 million connected GPS devices. The company uses this real-time data to update products like Traffic Flow every 30 seconds, providing users with the freshest information about travel speeds on pretty much any route.

“TomTom has built up a very rigorous process for capturing, processing and integrating data,” explains Pepikj. “This allows us to deliver traffic information as it happens, with the lowest possible latency, so we can equip drivers and navigation systems with reliable views of what’s happening on the road.”

Traffic Flow is delivered as a RESTful API , making it easy for customers to integrate it into their own systems and applications. TomTom also offers access to Traffic Flow as part of its End-User Traffic and Intermediate Traffic products, where it combines with another real-time traffic service: TomTom Traffic Incidents (which you can read all about in an upcoming blog).

No matter how organizations choose to use Traffic Flow, the service is made to empower people and businesses with reliable, real-time information about how traffic is moving — so they can make better-informed decisions, plan smoother travels and stay one step ahead of congestion.

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  23. TomTom Traffic Flow explained

    TomTom Traffic Flow delivers a comprehensive view of how traffic is moving on any road, at any given time. The solution provides detailed information on current observed speeds and travel times, along with additional information characterizing the traffic, thanks to millions of data points from real-world, real-time sources (more on this shortly).