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Tour du Grand Chavalard

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Für 18 CHF fährt man mit der Sesselbahn hoch und runter. Wir ...

Exhilarating high loop around the flanks of the Grand Chavalard (2,899 m). Highlights: scenic chairlift ride, crossing of the Col de Fenestral, Fully alpine lakes and spectacular views.

The Grand Chavalard (2,899 m) is the dramatic peak towering over Fully. This hike traces a high loop around the summit, between altitudes of about 1,850 and 2,450 m.

Starting at the top of the Jorasse chairlift, the trail leads through a sequence of magnificent alpine landscapes. The views are spectacular, including from the highest point of the circuit, the Col de Fenestral (2,453 m): over the Fully lakes to the Mont-Blanc massif in the background.    

From here, the trail leads down into the bowl, passing close to the largest lake, the Lac Supérieur de Fully (2,128 m) – part of a pioneering hydroelectric scheme that began operation in 1915. The hydropower station fed by the reservoir lies way down in the Rhône valley, near Fully, and for nearly 20 years boasted the greatest hydraulic head of any such plant in the world (1,643 m). 

Further along the trail hikers get a thrilling impression of this drop. As the path leads across the steep southern flanks of the Grand Chavalard, walkers enjoy breathtaking views all along the Rhône valley – and straight down to Fully.

These slopes are the setting for one of the most dramatic sports events in Valais: the “Kilomètre Vertical de Fully”. This race of exactly 1,000 vertical metres starts at the power station and follows the tracks of a disused funicular railway up to an altitude of 1,500 m.

The route climbs through vineyards, meadows and forests, across a short bridge and even through a 50-metre tunnel. With gradients of 60% and more, this is the world’s steepest – and therefore fastest – vertical kilometre race.

Our trail, meanwhile, is much gentler. After traversing the southern slopes of the Grand Chavalard, it turns north to complete the loop, before a final short climb back to the chairlift summit station.


  • Ever-changing sequence of alpine landscapes with superb views – Mont-Blanc, the 4,000-metre peaks of Valais and the Rhône valley
  • Choice of refreshment stops – 3 mountain refuges en route
  • Thermal spa in Ovronnaz – to soothe sore legs

Author’s recommendation

Fully’s historical hydropower station, framed by vineyards, doubles up as a theatre/music venue called La Belle Usine: catch a show.

Profile picture of Delia Inniger

Track types

Safety information.

Use of the trails and the information on this website is at hikers’ own risk. Local conditions may entail changes to routes. Valais/Wallis Promotion accepts no liability for the accuracy and completeness of information on this website.

For all hikes:

  • Bring a map. Download full description of this route including large-scale map by clicking on “Print” icon, top right of this page.
  • Use marked trails only, and observe all signposting – for your own safety, to safeguard grazing animals and to avoid disturbing wildlife.
  • Close gates after passing through.
  • Please be considerate to other trail users, and to the plants and animals.
  • Do not leave any waste in nature.

For mountain hikes:

  • Take extra care protecting yourself from the sun at altitude. UV radiation can be exceptionally strong, even in cloudy weather.
  • Plan hike carefully: take into consideration fitness level of each participant, weather forecast and season.
  • Weather conditions can change quickly in the mountains, without warning. Appropriate clothing is therefore essential, along with adequate supplies of food and water. In uncertain weather, turn back in good time. 

For high-altitude hikes:

  • Inform others of the route you plan to take. Whenever possible, avoid going alone.
  • Do not venture onto glaciers without a mountain guide.
  • Take note of the warning signs that point out the constant danger in river beds and along watercourses below dams and reservoirs: water levels may rise rapidly without warning.

Tips and suggestions

View this tour on SwitzerlandMobility: 

  • N°220 Tour du Grand Chavalard

More information about the destination: 


Turn-by-turn directions.

Start at the top of the Jorasse chairlift (1,940 m), where the Restaurant de Jorasse has a large panoramic terrace and children’s playground. Climb gently to Petit Pré, where the loop proper begins. Follow the loop anticlockwise, starting with a gentle climb to the pastures of Euloi, which turn into a magnificent lake when the snows melt in spring. The path then climbs more steeply to the Col de Fenestral and the welcoming Cabane du Fenestral.

The trail drops down past the larger of the Fully lakes to the Cabane de Sorniot (2,064 m) before climbing out of the bowl to traverse the southern flanks of the Grand Chavalard. At L’Erié, the trail turns northwards, eventually passing a third mountain refuge – the Gîte de Lui d’Août (1,957 m) – just before completing the loop at Petit Pré. The trail then leads back along the spur to the summit station of the of Jorasse chairlift.

Public transport


A9 motorway, exit 24 (Riddes). Follow signs to Leytron, then Ovronnaz.


Book recommendation by the author, author’s map recommendations.

We recommend: 

  • good footwear
  • clothing suitable for the weather: always carry a waterproof jacket
  • bottle for water
  • binoculars (optional)
  • hiking poles (optional)
  • printout of this hike (click «Print» icon, to download)  

For certain walks:

Similar routes nearby

  • Tour de la Seya
  • Chemin du Vignoble: Saillon to Sion (stage 2)
  • From Saillon to Farinet footbridge
  • La Voie des Erables

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Tour du Grand Chavalard

Vue d’ensemble.

tour de chavalard

  • Distance 15 km
  • Durée 5 h 45 min
  • Montée / ascension 1100 m

Liste des liens menant directement aux points forts sur cette page.


Circuit de randonnée sur les pentes du Grand Chavalard (2899 m). Points forts du tour de ce sommet: le trajet panoramique en télésiège jusqu’au départ, le tronçon sur le col de Fenestral, les lacs de montagne de Fully et bien sûr la vue sur le Mont-Blanc et la vallée du Rhône.


Le Grand Chavalard (2899 m) est l’imposant sommet qui surplombe la commune bas-valaisanne de Fully. Cette randonnée en fait le tour à une altitude oscillant entre 1850 et 2450 mètres. L’itinéraire débute près de la station supérieure du télésiège de Jorasse, que l’on rejoint depuis Ovronnaz. Après le trajet panoramique, on grimpe jusqu’au Petit Pré, où commence véritablement le tour. On s’apprête maintenant à traverser de merveilleux paysages. Le chemin commence sur la droite par une montée en pente douce jusqu’au pâturage du Grand Pré d’Euloi, qui se transforme en lac pendant la fonte des neiges.

La montée devient plus raide: jusqu’au point culminant du tour, plus de 400 mètres de dénivelé sont franchis. La vue depuis le col de Fenestral (2453 m) n’en est que plus spectaculaire: on peut admirer les lacs de Fully avec, en arrière-plan, le massif du Mont-Blanc. La cabane du Fenestral est située juste après le col. Depuis le sommet du col, le chemin se met d’abord à descendre en passant devant le lac supérieur de Fully pour atteindre la cabane de Sorniot (2064 m d’altitude). Le lac sert de réservoir et alimente en eau la centrale hydroélectrique près de Fully mise en service en 1915 – un ouvrage pionnier pour l’époque. Jusqu’en 1934, la centrale hydroélectrique détenait avec 1643 mètres le record mondial de la hauteur de chute brute.

Sur les pentes abruptes du versant sud du Grand Chavalard, la vue s’ouvre sur toute la vallée du Rhône et sur Fully, situé juste en dessous. Au cas où vous ne le sauriez pas encore, les pentes accueillent l’un des événements sportifs les plus spectaculaires du Valais: le «km vertical de Fully». Cette course accuse un dénivelé de 1000 mètres et suit les rails d’un funiculaire désaffecté. Avec des pentes allant jusqu’à 60%, elle compte parmi les courses de ce genre les plus abruptes et rapides au monde. Autant dire que la randonnée est autrement plus agréable. Après avoir traversé les versants sud du Grand Chavalard, on poursuit vers le nord. À l’Erié, on passe la troisième cabane, le gîte de Lui d’Août (1957 m). S’ensuit une courte montée finale vers la station supérieure du télésiège, où prend fin le circuit de randonnée et où le restaurant avec terrasse panoramique et aire de jeux invite à la détente.

tour de chavalard

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Une planification soigneuse contribue à une excursion réussie. Veuillez, au préalable, vous informer au point d’information local sur le parcours et les conditions météorologiques. Selon la saison et les conditions météorologiques, cet itinéraire peut être fermé ou interrompu.

Informations techniques

Ovronnaz Tourisme Route des Muverans 38 1911  Ovronnaz

Téléphone  +41 (0)27 306 42 93 [email protected] ovronnaz.ch

Faits et chiffres

Numéro d’itinéraire.

tour de chavalard

Montée / ascension

Informations de voyage: ovronnaz, destination.

Ovronnaz Tourisme Route des Muverans 38 1911  Ovronnaz +41 (0)27 306 42 93 +41 (0)27 306 81 41 [email protected]

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Tour du Chavalard

From Jorasse, follow the path to the Petit Pré mountain pasture (1,998 m). The path climbs pleasantly to reach Grand Pré d'Euloi, a charming grassy combe. You'll be accompanied by pastures and pebbles as far as Fenestral. At the pass, enjoy a breathtaking view to the south-west of the majestic Mont Blanc massif. To the north-east, the Muverans, the faithful guardians of Ovronnaz, greet you.

The route then takes you to the shores of the upper Fully lake, then to the mountain pasture, the colony and the Sorniot hut. The Chavalard, a limestone citadel and home to the ibex and lammergeier, stands like a sentinel to protect this attractive valley.

After a glance at the lower Lac de Sorniot, the route skirts the southern flank of the Grand Chavalard. This veritable balcony overlooking the Rhône plain carves out a spacious passageway between steep slopes, alpine meadows and rock faces. The final stage takes place on the east face of the Grand Chavalard, overlooking the avalanche-prone Etra couloir. Nestled between the Grand'Garde-La Seya ridge and the Chavalard, this route takes you back to the Lui d'Août and Petit Pré mountain pastures. Follow the Chemin du Tour in the opposite direction back to Jorasse, and finally to Ovronnaz.

Access to the Tour via the Jorasse chairlift.

Car park at the start of the chairlift.

Catering: Jorasse mountain restaurant, Fenestral hut, Sorniot hut, Lui d'Août gîte.

6h00 (no break)

Medium / T2-T3

Height difference

+1127 m / -1127 m

Minimum altitude

Maximum altitude, starting point.

Jorasse arrival of the chairlift

Point of arrival

June to October depending on snow conditions

Did you know ?

Fenestral is a building that began life as a military facility. In 1956, Fully's Chavalard ski club reinvented it to meet its needs. Faced with its dilapidated and cramped condition, a new hut, the 2nd Fenestral, was built in 1980. The evolution continues with the 3rd Fenestral in 2015, the result of a necessary modernisation.

You can also explore the history of Lac Supérieur de Fully, an impressive gravity dam built in 1912 to meet the need for hydropower. Skillfully operated by Forces Motrices de Fully, this lake symbolises human ingenuity and the sustainable use of resources.

tour de chavalard

The spa centre

Rates & timetables, restaurant & accommodation.

Information about Téléovronnaz

tour de chavalard

Summer activities

Trail running

Jorasse mini zoo

Play area at Jorasse

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Randonnées en boucle

Tour du Grand Chavalard

tour de chavalard

Localisation : Rive droite du Rhône, Ovronnaz, en dessus de Fully, Leytron et de Chamoson

Descriptif : Randonnée moyenne pour bons marcheurs. Souliers avec un bon profil et couvrant les chevilles recommandés. Magnifique panorama sur les lacs de Fully et Sorniot.

Longueur totale : environ 15 km

Temps de marche: 6 à 7 heures

Dénivelée : +/- 1’100 mètres

Altitude : entre 1’832 et 2’154 mètres

Carte nationale d’excursion 1:50’000 : 272 St Maurice

Meilleure période : fin juin à octobre

Difficulté : T3

Rejoindre le parking du télésiège de la Jorasse au-dessus d’Ovronnaz pour gagner le restaurant d’altitude de même nom, Jorasse au point 1929. De là, gagner le Petit Pré, altitude 1998 m, pour contourner le Grand Chavalard dans le sens des aiguilles de la montre.

Suivre le sentier escarpé T3 jusqu’au parking de Lérié en suivant le chemin entre les itinéraires du Parc à Modzons et l’Etroit, avant d’attaquer un chemin facile mais vertigineux qui surplombe toute la plaine du Rhône en longeant les contreforts Sud de l’Aiguille et du Grand Chavalard. Parvenu sur la crête sud-ouest du Grand Chavalard, estimer ses forces : c’est le point de non-retour de la balade. Poursuivre à flanc de montagne en surplombant le Lac inférieur de Fully jusqu’à une bifurcation que l’on prend à droite (Nord) située 100 mètres avant le point 2052. Continuer par le sentier qui grimpe en direction de la cabane de Fenestral, juste sous le col à 2454 m d’altitude, point le plus haut de la randonnée. Depuis le col de Fenestral, attaquer la descente et suivre le sentier caillouteux qui rejoint par la moraine Les Grands Prés avant de filer sous le Greppon Blanc au Petit Pré, point de départ de la boucle. Remonter sur 100 m la route qui mène au sommet du télésiège avant de regagner le parking de départ.

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Infos pratiques Se renseigner sur les heures et les dates d’ouverture du télésiège de Jorasse . Ainsi que les disponibilités de la cabane Fenestral (restauration, ouverture, etc.)

tour de chavalard

Cabane du Fenestral

La cabane du Fenestral, un panorama magnifique sur les Alpes

Tour du Grand Chavalard

Le Tour du Grand Chavalard est une magnifique randonnée qui passe par la cabane du Fenestral se faisant sur 1 ou 2 jours au départ de Jorasse (Ovronnaz) ou l’Erié (Fully). Le chemin est accessible à tous et les familles sont les bienvenues. Le temps du parcours est estimé à 6h00 avec les pauses.

tour de chavalard

Pour tous renseignements supplémentaires, Fully tourisme vous propose un descriptif détaillé sur le lien suivant: Tour du Grand Chavalard

Für unsere deutschsprachige Freunde, hier ist die Beschreibung auf Deutsch:  Rundwanderung um den Grand Chavalard

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Mountain hiking

Grand Chavalard 2899 m Mountain hiking

Étonnant massif qui domine son entourage. Sommet le mieux visible de Martigny, il est très attirant pour son inaccessibilité apparente. Sa vaste vue dégagée et impressionnante sur la plaine du Rhône «si loin si bas» est la récompense de l'ascension.

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Further information

Safety when hiking, hike responsibly, from the route archive, huts in the region.

Ski-Club Chavalard

Cabane de Sorniot

3702 CAS Monte Rosa St-Maurice

Cabane de la Tourche

Bourgeoisie de Collonges

Chalet Neuf

Ski Club Chavalard

Cabane du Fenestral

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The Grand Chavalard stands in the south-west of Switzerland above the Rhône Valley, near the town of Martigny and the village of Fully. The Grand Chavalard and the Dent de Morcles are the most western situated summits of the Muverans Group (highest summit is Grand Muveran 3051 m). This Group spreads from the Rhône Valley to the Diablerets. The summit is located between the Lakes of Fully, the Col de Fénestral and the villages of Fully, in the Rhône Valley, and Ovronnaz, near the Grand Muveran. The Grand Chavalard, it is the mountain of Fully... which it overhangs the top of its 2901 meters. For more informations about the country of Fully and the Valais ... take a look at TopRando.ch

  • Getting There

Nearest airports are Sion (20 km) or Geneva (120 km) Easier start point to climb the Grand Chavalard is L'Erié (1850 m), that you can reach by : - the highway A9 Lausanne/Sion, exit Martigny/Fully - at Fully, take the little road of Chiboz - then, the road without practicable coating of Randonne.

  • When To Climb

In summer only

The Hut of Sorniot is between the two lakes, at 2060 meters, with crossroads of Erié, Col de Fénestral, and Demècre. The mountain pasture of Sorniot is right at side. The place is attended enough ! The Hut of Demècre is located on the edge which connects the Dent de Morcles to the Head of the Portail of Fully, at 2360 meters... The Hut of Fénestral is with 2440 meters, on the back of Chavalard, with the Col de Fénestral, which make it possible to join Ovronnaz and Muverans, and the Rambert Hut...

  • The Grand Cor

With the foot of the Dent de Morcles and Tita Sèri, the large rock projecting ledge of Grand Cor dominates the Col de Fénestral and the Lakes Sorniot. At the bottom of the Grand Cor, a small lake... but no more water ! A little sweetness abd freshness in this cluster of rocks would be well appreciated. The place makes the happiness of the spéléos with its "pits" from which the galleries go down until almost 600 meters under ground. For more informations, look at the Groupe spéléo de Lausanne !

  • The Tour of Grand Chavalard

The Tour of Grand Chavalard is an excursion of 13 km which leaves unforgettable memories. The ideal starting point is at Erié. One can make the course in the two directions, but I prefer to start by going up in north towards Petit Pré and Grand Pré, to reach with 2450 meters the Col de Fénestral. It is the climax of the day, that one reaches thus already after 5 km of way. Top of the Col de Fénestral, while being turned over towards Ovronnaz, one can admire Six Armaille and Haut-de-Cry, as well as the area of Muverans... and southern side, Sorniot and the Lakes Fully. At the top of the Col, the Hut of Fénestral and the beginning of the narrow path and badly marked which leads to the Grand Cor.

  • Pedestrian races

The great classic race is Fully-Sorniot !... more than 1600 meters of uneven, and what a uneven! It takes place each year at the end of September. The departure is given to the Belle Usine. Fastest reach the arrival with the Hut of Sorniot in 1 hour ! The Vertical Kilometer skirts the rail installed above the buried pressure pipe of the electric factory. The last section is particularly abrupt ! The race takes place at at the end of October. The best arrives at the top in less than 35 minutes.

  • External Links
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  • Montagne-photos Beautiful photos of the French Alps
  • Skirando Camptocamp Ski-mountaineering in Switzerland
  • SkiTour Ski-mountaineering in France
  • ValaisPano Panoramic photographs of the Swiss Alps
  • Alpes-Photos Photographs of the French Alps
  • Montagne.ch Directory of the Swiss Mountain
  • TopRando My Web site of Swiss Alps

View Grand Chavalard Image Gallery - 38 Images

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Activities in Fully

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Looking for inspiration for your next trip to Valais? Fully offers a wide range of activities in the region, in both summer and winter. There's something for everyone. The hardest part will be choosing.

1 - 11 | 11 results

The Chestnut Forest

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Bikepark Fully

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Across the Follatères nature reserve to Fully

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Les Follatères nature trail

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Portail de Fully

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Valais gastronomy

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Tour du Grand Chavalard

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1,79 km au total

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Randonnée - Incontournable

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With 5 Killer Climbs, Stage 7 of the Tour de France Femmes Will Be Absolutely Diabolical

W atch it in the US: Peacock ($5.99/month or $59.99/year) Watch it in Canada: FloBikes ($29.99/month CDN) Watch it in the UK: Eurosport and Discovery+ (£59.99/year)

In the US, CNBC Sports will also air Stages 7 and 8. CNBC’s race coverage is available on cable and the following platforms: Hulu with Live TV , Fubo , YouTubeTV , and DirecTV .

Start Times: 7:30 a.m.

Estimated Finish Time: 10:00 a.m.

Preview & How to Watch Jersey Contenders Stage-By-Stage Results

Stage 7 finally heads into the mountains in this diabolical Tour de France Femmes course design that lulled riders into a false sense of security with flat and rolling stages, only to be kicked in the teeth in the final two stages for the climbers. The Queen stage runs from Champagnole to Le Grand-Bornand and covers more than 100 miles, including five categorized climbs. And with Kasia Niewiadoma leading the GC with her top competitor Demi Vollering over a minute behind, expect this stage to be packed with breakaway attempts and solo fliers.

Here’s what you need to know before you tune in:

  • Date: Saturday, August 17
  • Distance: 166.4 km
  • Start location: Champagnole
  • Finish location: Le Grand-Bornand

Stage 7: Champagnole > Le Grand Bornand

166.4 km and 2,864 m of elevation, how hard is stage 7 of the tour de france femmes.

At just over 100 miles, Stage 7 marks the race’s longest stage. And the distance isn’t the only tough part; riders will climb a whopping 3,015 meters during the stage, including the Col de la Croix de la Serra, a Cat 1 (very hard) climb that covers 12 kilometers at a 5.1 percent average gradient. That’s the first and hardest climb of the day, but it’s followed by four more climbs, including two Cat 2 climbs and an uphill finish. It’s a day that’s sure to hurt—and will almost certainly end in small groups of two and three riders hitting the finish line rather than any large peloton.

What is the weather like for Stage 7, and how can it affect the race?

Tomorrow’s race from Campagnole to Le Grand Bornand will feature varying weather conditions. In Campagnole, the day will be warm with increasing cloudiness and partly cloudy skies. Temperatures will peak at 79°F, with a real feel of 83°F, and winds from the west at 5 to 10 mph. The humidity level will be around 62 percent.

In contrast, the weather will shift as the race approaches Le Grand Bornand. Expect morning rain showers followed by afternoon thunderstorms, with a high of 74°F. Winds will be light and variable, and there’s a 60% chance of rain. Humidity will rise to 78 percent.

The unpredictable weather could encourage breakaways and affect the overall race strategy, making it harder for teams to control the race. Early hot temperatures may lead to fatigue and hydration challenges, while rain and potential thunderstorms in the mountains could create slippery roads and dangerous descents. These conditions might slow the peloton, favoring audacious descenders and strong climbers (ahem, Kasia Niewiadoma).

Who can win Stage 7?

It’s hard to say that anyone can beat Demi Vollering on a mountain stage, especially if last year’s Col du Tourmalet Queen Stage is any indication. However, after her crash in Stage 5, she just managed to stay in the peloton for Stage 6, which could be an indicator that she’s still hurting from the impact… or it could have been a ‘recovery’ day for her so she could make a move on Stage 7. But this could also be the stage that Kasia Niewiadoma has been waiting all year to try to win, so expect her to do whatever she can to take the win and hold onto the Yellow Jersey.

Other climbers could also consider this a chance for glory and destroy their legs to achieve the stage win. Three women are in a tight battle for the QOM, so this will be a big day for Puck Pieterse (who is also high in the GC), Silvia Persico, and Justine Ghekiere, who wears a Polka Dot jersey.

How can Stage 7 affect the GC?

If this is anything like last year’s Queen stage, expect GC fireworks. This is also where the GC standings will start to stretch out. In the early stages, the time gaps in the overall standings are usually fairly close. (For instance, by the end of Stage 4, 30 riders were within three minutes of the race leader.)

But when the mountain climbs start, it’s easy for gaps to extend—and for riders who were down in the rankings to really move up.

The parcour is set to test riders with five killer climbs and severe weather, including scorching heat and unpredictable thunderstorms.

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Jack Russell, 63, Dies; Singer for Great White and Survivor of Nightclub Fire

At a show in 2003 with his band, a pyrotechnics display ignited a fire that killed 100 people, including the band’s guitarist.

A man holds a microphone while onstage, wearing a bandanna. His arms are tattooed.

By Alexandra E. Petri

Jack Russell, the singer who led the popular 1980s hard rock band Great White as well as a spinoff group, which set off one of the deadliest nightclub fires of all time, died on Aug. 7 at a family member’s home in Southern California. He was 63.

The cause was Lewy body dementia and multiple system atrophy, said K.L. Doty, who collaborated with Mr. Russell on his autobiography.

Mr. Russell’s death was announced in a post on his official Instagram profile on Thursday and confirmed by Ms. Doty. Great White also paid tribute to his death on its Instagram page.

Mr. Russell founded Great White with the guitarist Mark Kendall. The band, originally called Dante Fox, began playing in small clubs in Southern California in the early 1980s. It changed its name to Great White in 1984 and had its first big hit in 1987, when “Rock Me” reached the No. 60 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Great White found success with its third album, which featured its biggest hit, “Once Bitten Twice Shy.” The song climbed to No. 5 in 1989 and earned the band a Grammy nomination.

Mr. Russell briefly left Great White in 1996 to pursue a solo career. He returned in 1999, but by 2001, Great White had disbanded.

In 2002, Mr. Russell and Mr. Kendall hired three new musicians and began playing in small clubs as Jack Russell’s Great White. In February 2003, while the band was performing at the Station nightclub in West Warwick, R.I., its pyrotechnics ignited a deadly fire that killed 100 people, including Great White’s guitarist, Ty Longley, and left 230 injured. It was one of the worst nightclub fires in U.S. history.

The two brothers who owned the club , and who installed the highly flammable soundproofing foam around its stage, were charged in connection with the fire, as was the band’s tour manager, who lit the blaze.

Mr. Russell was not charged, but members of the band agreed to pay a $1 million settlement .

By 2005, Jack Russell’s Great White had disbanded after “the stress from lawsuits, inner band turmoil and Russell’s substance abuse problems had taken its toll,” according to All Music Guide .

In 2013, nearly a decade after the fire, he told The Boston Globe , “It’s been almost 10 years, and no matter what I say it’s never going to make anybody feel any better about it, and sometimes it might make them feel worse, so I really would rather not say too much, you know.”

Great White reunited in 2007, although the reunion was short-lived. Mr. Russell continued making music with Jack Russell’s Great White but announced in an Instagram post in July that he was retiring because of his health problems.

“I am unable to perform at the level I desire and at the level you deserve,” Mr. Russell wrote. “Words cannot express my gratitude for the many years of memories, love, and support.”

Jack Patrick Russell was born on Dec. 5, 1960, in Montebello, Calif. He grew up in Whittier, Calif., and dropped out of high school to pursue music.

He is survived by his wife, Heather Ann Russell, and his son, Matthew Hucko.

An earlier version of this obituary misstated the name of the Billboard singles chart. It is the Hot 100, not the Top 100.

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  1. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    The Grand Chavalard (2,899 m) is the dramatic peak towering over Fully. This hike traces a high loop around the summit, between altitudes of about 1,850 and 2,450 m. Starting at the top of the Jorasse chairlift, the trail leads through a sequence of magnificent alpine landscapes. The views are spectacular, including from the highest point of ...

  2. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    The "Kilomètre Vertical de Fully" is a race run on an unused funicular railway line in which 1000 metres of altitude have to be conquered. With gradients of 60%, the race is considered one of the steepest and fastest in the world. The hike is much more leisurely. After crossing the southern slopes of the Grand Chavalard, the route heads north.

  3. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    The Tour du Grand Chavalard is a beautiful hike in the Ovronnaz region of the Valais, around the summit of the Grand Chavalard (2899m), with beautiful views of Mont Blanc and the Rhône valley. The trail leads to the Col du Fenestral (2453m) and its hut, and then to the Cabane de Sorniot (2064m), open from mid-June to the end of September. There is a possible detour to avoid crossing the upper ...

  4. Tour du Grand Chavalard Hiking in Switzerland

    The "Kilomètre Vertical de Fully" is a race run on an unused funicular railway line in which 1000 metres of altitude have to be conquered. With gradients of 60%, the race is considered one of the steepest and fastest in the world. The hike is much more leisurely. After crossing the southern slopes of the Grand Chavalard, the route heads north.

  5. Tour du Grand Chavalard: Jorasse

    The Tour du Grand Chavalard is a beautiful hike in the Ovronnaz region of the Valais, around the summit of the Grand Chavalard (2899m), with beautiful views of Mont Blanc and the Rhone Valley. The trail leads to the Col du Fenestral (2453m) and its hut, and then to the Cabane de Sorniot (2064m), open from mid-June to the end of September. There is a possible detour to the upper Fully lake.

  6. Tour du Grand Chavalard • Hiking route » outdooractive.com

    The Grand Chavalard (2,899 m) is the dramatic peak towering over Fully. This hike traces a high loop around the summit, between altitudes of about 1,850 and 2,450 m. Starting at the top of the Jorasse chairlift, the trail leads through a sequence of magnificent alpine landscapes. The views are spectacular, including from the highest point of ...

  7. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Le Grand Chavalard (2899 m) est le sommet spectaculaire qui surplombe Fully. Cette randonnée en fait le tour à une altitude oscillant entre 1850 et 2450 m. Le sentier, qui s'ouvre en haut du télésiège de Jorasse, traverse une succession de sublimes paysages alpins.

  8. Tour du Grand Chavalard • Hikes » Experience Valais!

    Highlights: scenic chairlift ride, crossing of the Col de Fenestral, Fully alpine lakes and spectacular views. The Grand Chavalard (2,899 m) is the dramatic peak towering over Fully. This hike traces a high loop around the summit, between altitudes of about 1,850 and 2,450 m. Starting at the top of the Jorasse chairlift, the trail leads through ...

  9. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    The Tour du Grand Chavalard is a beautiful hike in the Ovronnaz region of Valais around the summit of the Grand Chavalard (2899m), with fine views of Mont Blanc and the Rhône Valley. The trail leads to the Col du Fenestral (2453m) and its hut, and then to the Cabane de Sorniot (2064m), open from mid-June to the end of September. There is a possible detour to avoid crossing the upper Fully lake.

  10. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Your Swiss holiday time. Presented by Subnavigation Section

  11. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Description. Le Grand Chavalard (2899 m) est l'imposant sommet qui surplombe la commune bas-valaisanne de Fully. Cette randonnée en fait le tour à une altitude oscillant entre 1850 et 2450 mètres. L'itinéraire débute près de la station supérieure du télésiège de Jorasse, que l'on rejoint depuis Ovronnaz. Après le trajet ...

  12. Tour du Chavalard

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  13. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Tour du Grand Chavalard is an expert Hiking Tour. See this Tour and others like it, or plan your own with komoot! Detailed maps and GPS navigation for the hike: "Tour du Grand Chavalard" 05:24 h 12.5 km

  14. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Tour du Grand Chavalard. Localisation : Rive droite du Rhône, Ovronnaz, en dessus de Fully, Leytron et de Chamoson. Descriptif : Randonnée moyenne pour bons marcheurs. Souliers avec un bon profil et couvrant les chevilles recommandés. Magnifique panorama sur les lacs de Fully et Sorniot. Longueur totale : environ 15 km.

  15. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Le Tour du Grand Chavalard est une magnifique randonnée qui passe par la cabane du Fenestral se faisant sur 1 ou 2 jours au départ de Jorasse (Ovronnaz) ou l'Erié (Fully). Le chemin est accessible à tous et les familles sont les bienvenues. Le temps du parcours est estimé à 6h00 avec les pauses. Pour tous…

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  17. Grand Chavalard : Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering : SummitPost

    The Tour of Grand Chavalard. The Tour of Grand Chavalard is an excursion of 13 km which leaves unforgettable memories. The ideal starting point is at Erié. One can make the course in the two directions, but I prefer to start by going up in north towards Petit Pré and Grand Pré, to reach with 2450 meters the Col de Fénestral.

  18. Tour du Grand Chavalard La Suisse à pied

    Le Grand Chavalard (2899 m) est l'imposant sommet qui surplombe la commune bas-valaisanne de Fully. Cette randonnée en fait le tour à une altitude oscillant entre 1850 et 2450 mètres. L'itinéraire débute près de la station supérieure du télésiège de Jorasse, que l'on rejoint depuis Ovronnaz.

  19. Hikes in Fully: Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Exhilarating high loop around the flanks of the Grand Chavalard (2,899 m). Highlights: scenic chairlift ride, crossing of the Col de Fenestral, Fully...

  20. Tour du Grand Chavalard: Jorasse

    The Tour du Grand Chavalard is a beautiful hike in the Ovronnaz region of Valais around the summit of the Grand Chavalard (2899m), with fine views of Mont Blanc and the Rhône Valley. The trail leads to the Col du Fenestral (2453m) and its hut, and then to the Cabane de Sorniot (2064m), open from mid-June to the end of September. There is a possible detour to the upper Fully lake.

  21. Tour du Grand Chavalard

    Tour du Grand Chavalard. 05:24. 12,5 km. 680 m. 680 m. Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Excellente maîtrise, chaussures résistantes et expérience alpine exigées. Point de départ du Tour est à proximité d'un parking.

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    Jack Russell, the singer who led the popular 1980s hard rock band Great White as well as a spinoff group, which set off one of the deadliest nightclub fires of all time, died on Aug. 7 at a family ...

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