Travel Mad Mum

The Ultimate Guide To Visiting Sri Lanka With Kids

Visiting Sri Lanka with kids was on our bucket list for ages, but, it never transpired. Then, a sudden chance to relocate somewhere completely different came up! We could work remotely and be wherever we wanted to be.

In our true adventurous spirit, we moved our family of 6 to Sri Lanka at the end of 2022. Having never been to Sri Lanka, we had no idea what to expect.

We chose Galle as our home which is on the South West Coast. It’s known for its beautiful Dutch fortress and coastline towns. We play ‘tourist’ every weekend and school holiday’s since our arrival in Sri Lanka with kids and have loved exploring this incredible country.

sri lanka with kids

If you are thinking about visiting Sri Lanka with kids we are so excited to share our wealth of experience on what to expect, ideas on things to do, itineraries and when to visit.

In this post, we also cover the finer information like what is the food like in Sri Lanka for kids? what to pack and how to get around.

You can always jump over to my Instagram to watch any of my reels or saved Sri Lanka highlights to put this post into context.

Wondering what to pack? Check out our Sri Lanka packing list .

Sri Lanka For Kids

Sri Lanka is a teardrop-shaped island in the Indian Ocean. It has a rugged coastline with sloping palm trees, a dense jungle with all kinds of wildlife, soaring mountains covered in tea plantations, sacred temples with centuries of history and the warmest people you will ever meet!

sri lanka holidays with kids

Sri Lankans absolutely love children and travelling around the country with little ones is likely to open up so many friendly conversations with locals who will want to greet you! They are ever so friendly.

Table of Contents

Safety In Sri Lanka

There is no doubt there have been tough times for Sri Lankans in recent years with its economy in turmoil. 2018 was one of the best years for Sri Lanka, it was the absolute peak of tourism.

I certainly remember my Instagram feed being full of people on the famous train ride over the nine arch bridge.

More recently, this has not been the case in Sri Lanka. Tourism took a huge hit following a trail of issues and subsequently the economy was in dismay.

facts about sri lanka for kids

Having lived here for a number of months, I get asked regularly on my Instagram and Facebook accounts if I feel safe here. The honest answer is yes, we feel safe, and we have not witnessed anything to worry about in terms of political unrest.

We exercise the same caution as every other country. We don’t leave belongings lying around and we don’t travel around late at night.

My biggest issue when it comes to safety in Sri Lanka is the roads. The bus drivers are crazy, to say the least. However, this is no different from many neighbouring countries.

When To Visit Sri Lanka With Kids

In theory, Sri Lanka is an all-year-round destination. However, your itinerary will be very much dictated by the month you choose to visit.

The southwest of Sri Lanka experiences warmer temperatures and monsoons from late April onwards. Tourists tend to travel around the southwest between December and April.

Whereas the East coast of Sri Lanka is best from May through to October.

sri lanka holiday with kids

Central parts of the country such as Sigirya, Kandy and Ella which are loved by tourists can be incorporated into an itinerary any time of year.

I was wondering what monsoon would be like on the southwest coast and essentially the beaches become more wild and are not as beautiful.

It’s possible to visit Sri Lanka any time of year with the right itinerary, however, the most popular and easily accessible spots are between December and April. There is a fantastic highway which runs from Colombo through the southwest which makes exploring a lot easier.

Sri Lankan Bank Holidays

It is worth noting, Sri Lanka has some different holidays in their calendar. Full moon day also known as Poya is a holiday once a month. Liquor stores are closed and alcohol is not served in any hotels restaurants, shops or bars.

There is also the Sri Lankan New Year (Avurudu) which is one of the most significant cultural celebrations in Sri Lanka, usually occurring in mid-April .

It marks the beginning of the new year according to the Sinhala and Tamil calendars. Families come together and play traditional games, prepare special meals and go to the temple.

about sri lanka for kids

Vesak, also known as Buddha Purnima, commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Lord Buddha.

It is a major Buddhist festival celebrated with vibrant decorations, lanterns, and religious observances. Vesak usually takes place in May and includes activities such as visiting the temple, engaging in acts of charity, and lighting oil lamps.

The streets are filled with businesses giving out complimentary food to the people of Sri Lanka. Many businesses close and under no circumstances is liquor sold anywhere during the holiday.

Getting to Sri Lanka With Kids

Sri Lankan Airlines fly direct from a number of different countries worldwide. We have found them to be ok on short haul travel, however my only criticisim is they are not great with dietary requirements and kids meals.

If you use SL Airlines, it may be worth bringing some snacks just in case.

Sri Lanka 8 day itinerary

For those travelling from Europe, there are a number of carriers which may offer a stopover in the Middle East. This may make flights more affordable.

Examples of such are Etihad with an Abu Dhabi stopover , Emirates with a Dubai stopover and Qatar with a Doha stopover.

Make sure to checkout the following tips for flying with kids of all ages:

  • Flying with a baby
  • Flying with a toddler
  • Flying with kids

Things To Remember Before Visiting Sri Lanka With Kids

  • Airolo E Sim is ideal , you can just download the app before visiting and top up data for Sri Lanka and stay connected from the moment you land. It’s one less physical item for your Sri Lanka packing list.
  • Having travel insurance when visiting any country is important. Make sure to buy a policy in advance of travelling and ensure there is good medical cover with repatriation.
  • Most large resorts, hotels and some restaurants accept credit and debit cards. However, for the most part, it is best to have cash in Sri Lanka .
  • The local currency is Sri Lankan Rupee . It is best to carry a variety of 500rps and 1000 rps notes. 5000 rps notes are available, however, they are quite big notes, especially when paying in local outlets.
  • We’ve always withdrawn money from our overseas bank accounts at Bank Of Ceylon ATMs without any issues. Remember to always withdraw in local currency when asked to avoid high bank charges.
  • Most Sri Lankan plugs are the same as the UK ( type G) with 3 rectangular pins. Some places have the type ( type D ) which is 3 round pins. In this case, it is best to bring a travel adapter .

How To Get Around Sri Lanka With Kids

Hire a driver.

There are a variety of ways to get around Sri Lanka with kids. However, the most comfortable and easy is hiring a driver.

We are happy to share recommendations of drivers we have used during our time here that drive safely and have a nice cars with working AC. Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram .

Make sure to get a trusted driver who can also act as a tour guide if you so wish. From our experience, cars don’t always have good AC, some are very small and not so comfortable for long journeys.

A driver doesn’t necessarily have to stay with you for the entire trip. They do the long legs of the journey and you could use a tuk-tuk in the local areas during stationary periods.

It is probably best to bring a car seat for younger children. Some high-end tour operators will have car seats for families travelling to Sri Lanka with kids but that is certainly not the case for all.

sri lanka information for kids

Another (less reliable) but very affordable way of getting around is by using the Pick Me App. It is essentially the same as Uber.

Drivers can be a little painful and may haggle once they realise you are a tourist for a few extra rupees. However, if you are happy with the hustle, the prices on Pick Me are very good.

The driver generally calls once they’ve picked up the job on the app to clarify the details of the journey and this is a good time to check if they have good working AC.

There are lots of vehicles available on Pick Me in general. From tuk-tuks to large vans and everything in between.

Public Transport

Ride the trains & tuk tuks.

Trains are fantastic when travelling around Sri Lanka with kids on a budget. It is very affordable and there are many routes across the country. Generally speaking, there are options for first, second and third classes.

For example, a first-class trip between Colombo and Galle costs 1000 rps which is approximately £2.50 or 3 USD.

information about sri lanka for kids

To secure a first-class seat, it is best to book at least 48 hours in advance on the train website . It’s an easy website to use.

Certain routes are notoriously late whilst others are generally on time. One of the most famous train routes is through tea country from Kandy to Ella.

This train ride takes 9 hours but is one of the most stunning journeys on a train in the world. The views are incredible. Unfortunately, though, this train is always late!

This may not work for younger kids on a routine but it is probably fine when travelling around Sri Lanka with kids that are a little older with plenty of snacks!

Upon arrival at your destination, it is always easy to pick up a tuk-tuk to take you to your hotel or nearby attractions.

sri lanka travel with kids

Prices for tourists are always inflated so it is worth getting an idea of what the ‘local’ rate is on the Pick Me App as a bartering tool if you are trying to watch your budget.

Using tuk-tuks to get around is easy for shorter journeys. However, for anything over 30 minutes, we’ve found it a little uncomfortable.

Avoid The Buses !!

There are tonnes of bus routes across the island and many are run by private buses. It causes competition amongst the buses to get the next customer, hence the crazy driving.

Personally, I would not travel on the local buses in Sri Lanka with kids. They are reckless drivers and frankly dangerous.

Hire A Car Or Tuk Tuk

Many tourists choose to rent a car or tuk-tuk to explore the island when visiting Sri Lanka with kids. I would say anyone who wants to self-drive will need to be a fairly confident driver.

We rent a car here nowadays but we have become accustomed to the ways of the road. It took us ages to commit to renting! Believe me, we have driven in countries all over the world but Sri Lanka is ‘special’ shall we say.

sri lanka itinerary with kids

We have met a few young adventurous families who have rented out a tuk-tuk and were exploring the entire island in it with their kids!

They were travelling for quite a while so had the luxury of shorter trips and pit stops. It is totally possible to travel around much of Sri Lanka with kids in a tuk tuk but it rules out using the highway which makes the journey a lot quicker in the southwest.

Best Things To Do In Sri Lanka With Kids

There is such a variety of activities to enjoy in Sri Lanka with kids. The land is so diverse and with that comes a wide range of experiences.

Since I have got to know Sri Lanka so well, I offer travel consultations to take you through your trip and point you in the right direction.

This is not a travel agent service, it is a consultation service to guide you on booking and planning your trip. Feel free to check out my Calendly below and book a suitable time to chat.

Safari Trip

No trip to Sri Lanka with kids is complete without a safari drive. As safari goes, it is some of the easiest drives we’ve ever done with kids.

We’ve been on safari in Tanzania as well as South Africa and Kenya . They were all amazing but it is a huge trip before seeing the animals in some cases.

There are tonnes of national parks dotted across the island which are home to a variety of wildlife. Close to Sigiriya, there are three parks. Namely, Minneriya National Park, Kaudulla National Park and Hurulu Eco Park which are ideal to enjoy safari when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

sri lanka holiday kids

Whilst in the south, Udawalawe and Yala National Parks are two of the most popular. This is because they have a wider variety of wildlife.

In Udawalawe, there are crocodiles, elephants, water buffalo, wild boar, with lots of birds and deer.

Whereas Yala has all of that plus leopards. Inevitably, Yala is the busiest park as everyone wants to see a leopard!

Going to the less busy parks is just as good as any other when visiting Sri Lanka with kids as they are generally mostly in awe of the elephants.

Eastern Sri Lanka also has Kumana National Park which is more untouched than others. For this reason, it is probably one of the most authentic safari experiences in Sri Lanka.

sri lanka with kids

Visit Sigiriya & Damballa

My personal favourite place in all of Sri Lanka with kids has to be the Sigiriya and Damballa region. We created core memories of climbing the Sigiriya Rock at sunrise.

My kids were 5 and 8 at the time. We had a little pep talk first to ensure they were up for the challenge and they smashed it. It’s such a great achievement, not to mention an adventure.

what to do in sri lanka with kids

The kids absolutely loved a lake tour in a local traditional boat in Sigiriya. The tour guide made hats and necklaces out of the lily pads in the water. We were blown away by the creations and it was just so unique.

The weather in Sigiriya is best in February, it’s in a dry zone of Sri Lanka so it doesn’t experience a monsoon, however, it is more cloudy from April onwards.

Another top attraction in the area is the Damballa Rock Temple. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is situated on top of a majestic rock which is a wee bit of a walk to the top.

The temple complex consists of five fascinating caves adorned with colourful murals and many statues of the Buddha.

Our kids loved checking out each cave and were mesmerised by the different practices going on around them.

places to visit in sri lanka with kids

From the intricate artwork to the panoramic views, the Dambulla Rock Temple is one of my most favourite places to visit in Sri Lanka with kids.

Check out this lovely tour which incorporates the Sigiriya Rock and Damballa Rock Temple .

Wander Through Beautiful Temples

Damballa Rock Temple is not the only temple to explore, there are hundreds to discover. No matter what area you visit, the chances of passing by a beautiful temple are pretty high.

There are certainly more pretty and well-maintained temples which are very much on the tourist track. Especially if the temple has a significance in Buddhism.

For example, the Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy is one of the most significant Buddhist religious sites in the world. It is very busy, especially as the day goes on.

best place to stay in sri lanka with kids

We’ve had some wonderful experiences exploring random temples. For example at the temple in Hikkaduwa, the resident monk spent ages with our family showing us every inch of the the building and explaining everything to us.

history of sri lanka for kids

When we visited another less well-known rock temple close to Tangalle, it felt truly ancient and dilapidated, but, it added to the experience.

We watched monkeys jumping and bathing in the temple ponds. It was quite a unique experience as there was no one else around. Wherever you visit in Sri Lanka with kids, make sure to put a nice temple on your itinerary.

The locals and resident monks are so lovely and welcoming even when they are practising. If you happen to be in Sri Lanka with kids on a full moon known locally as Poya Day, the temples are busy but so interesting to see it in full swing with worshippers.

Explore The Tea Country Region

Since Ella or Nuwara Eliya can be pretty much visited any time of year, it is a stunning place to add to any itinerary in Sri Lanka with kids.

Seeing the tea plantations on the side of the soaring hills is absolutely incredible. The area is much cooler than other parts of Sri Lanka and can be a welcome relief for those coming from cooler destinations.

fun facts about sri lanka for kids

There are many different factories to explore and understand the process of tea production, it is super interesting for families visiting Sri Lanka with kids. Not to mention, a number of lovely hikes, one easy one for families is Little Adams Peak.

There are also waterfalls, the famous Nine Arch Bridge, cute villages and so much more to explore in this area of Sri Lanka with kids.

Read more about Nuwara Eliya here .

Enjoy The Beaches

Sri Lanka has no shortage of amazing coastlines. Off the south coast, there is nothing in the vast Indian Ocean until Antarctica, so, needless to say, the beaches can be pretty wild!

Many people visit Sri Lanka to enjoy surfing and some areas are known as surf towns and certainly attract those who love to chase the waves.

When it comes to family-friendly beaches that are safe for children, there are a few that we love.

sri lanka travel with family

Nonetheless, it’s important to note even beaches considered ‘safe’ can look quite calm one minute and very different the next, so, it’s really important to keep this in mind when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

There are lots of opportunities for children to learn how to surf in Sri Lanka which is a lot of fun. Surfing is one of the top things to do with kids in Sri Lanka.

Hirikiteya Beach ( the tip of the southwest ) – this beach is in a horseshoe bay and is quite sheltered. Sometimes it has perfect little waves and it’s shallow on the edge.

However, this can very much change so it’s important to be vigilant and speak to locals if you are unsure. There are some spots to see turtles on this beach too.

You can read all about Hirikiteya Beach here .

interesting facts about sri lanka for kids

Dickwella Beach (also on the tip of the Southwest) at the end closest to Smoke N Bitters Restaurant and Bar is quite calm, it gets steeper at it wraps around. There is a section called Turtle Point where you can reliably swim with many huge turtles – don’t forget your snorkel !

kids club sri lanka

Mirissa Beach is another well-known place on the southwest coast which attracts many tourists in peak season. Whilst it can be quite busy, the beach is pretty nice for families visiting Sri Lanka with kids. Make sure to check out the famous coconut hill nearby.

sri lanka with kids

Weligama Beach is another popular spot with tourists, digital nomads and families visiting Sri Lanka with kids. Its a huge bay and features an incredible hotel on a tiny island that can be reached when the tide is out.

sri lanka travel with family

Both Mirissa and Weligama have tonnes of nice cafes and restaurants to enjoy when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

Sahana Beach is our local beach and is quite steep at the further end and a little shallower at the more northerly part. Our kids learned to surf on this beach. It is not a particularly sandy beach but it is pretty nice in season to surf some baby waves.

sri lanka kids

The beach is lined with surf shops and cafes. They are not necessarily our favourite cafes to hang out in but Palm Leaf is one of the nicer places to station for a surf and drink a coconut.

Bentota Beach is a lot closer to Colombo so many tourists coming from the Middle East and neighbouring countries choose to hang out in Bentota when visiting Sri Lanka with kids. The beach is lovely and is nice for families with lots of water sports.

Pasikuda Beach is one of our picks for those visiting the East Coast of Sri Lanka with kids. I have not personally been however one of my very reliable friends assures me she felt it was very safe with her little boy.

Whale Watching

Whale watching is a seasonal activity and there are two distinct spots where all the tours depart from.

On the southwest coast, all of the tours depart from Mirissa. Whilst on the east coast they depart from Trincomalee.

Blue whales, sperm whales and dolphins can be seen on the tours off the coast of Trincomalee from May to October. Check out this incredible whale-watching tour in Trincomalee which is ideal for families visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

sri lanka travel with family

The season for whales off the coast of Mirissa is from November to April. Blue whales are the most common whilst fin whales and sperm whales are also common. Occasionally, killer whales, Bryde whales, short-finned whales, dolphins and turtles can be seen.

If you or any of your family tend to get sea sick, consider giving this activity a miss or make sure to take anti-sickness tablets or wear sea sickness bands before going out on a Whale watching expedition as the seas can get quite rough.

Check out the whale-watching tour in Mirissa here .

In fact, it’s possible to go snorkelling with blue whales in Mirissa which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Visit A Turtle Hatchery

There are tens of turtle hatcheries across Sri Lanka. However, it’s important to be mindful that not all turtle hatcheries may be considered ethical.

Some establishments may prioritize commercial interests over the well-being of the turtles. It is crucial to choose a reputable and responsible turtle hatchery that focuses on conservation efforts and the welfare of these incredible creatures.

A visit to a well-managed turtle hatchery allows children to witness firsthand the conservation work being done to protect endangered turtle species.

sri lanka travel with family

They can learn about the life cycle of turtles and witness the hatching of baby turtles.

Some hatcheries nurse injured and unwell turtles back to good health. It can be quite upsetting to see turtles damaged from eating plastics in the ocean. Or some get injured from fishing nets and boats!

The hatchery which is considered ethical in Sri Lanka is the Kosgoda Turtle Conservation Project. This renowned hatchery focuses on the protection and rehabilitation of sea turtles, making it an ideal destination for an educational experience when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

The project is committed to conservation efforts, ensuring the well-being of the turtles. Children can witness the hatching of baby turtles, learn about the different turtle species, and participate in the heartwarming experience of releasing them into the ocean.

Sri Lanka With Kids Itinerary

There is so much to see and do in Sri Lanka with kids. It may seem overwhelming when it comes to creating an itinerary for your trip.

We have two itineraries for the different seasons. If you are travelling between November and April, check out this Sri Lanka itinerary

sri lanka travel with family

Alternatively, if you intend to visit Sri Lanka between May and October, check this east coast itinerary which incorporates some of the central regions.

If you are travelling to Sri Lanka long haul a minimum of two weeks would be ideal. However, 3 weeks would be amazing to fit everything in with some relaxation at the end.

You may prefer to relax at the beach first and do the adventurous parts of the trip at the end. Personally, we always do adventure bits first. However, if you prefer to chill first, just look at the suggested itineraries in reverse.

Nonetheless here are some ideas!

Negombo is the perfect starting point for any trip to Sri Lanka. It is a town just north of Colombo and is actually very close to Colombo Airport. There is lots going on, from Negombo beach to the lagoon with beautiful boats.

Not to mention, the Muthurajawela Marsh which is ideal for bird watching. Pay a visit to the Angurukaramulla Temple, known for its magnificent Buddhist sculptures, colourful murals, and giant Buddha statue.

Sri Lanka 8 day itinerary

A couple of days in Negombo is perfect. However, if you are on a tighter schedule, a day to rest up is fine.

Best place to stay : The Wallawwa ( only 25 minutes from the airport) is the perfect starting point for a trip. They have family interconnecting rooms and unlimited sorbet which kids love!

The journey from Negombo to Sigiriya is around 3 hours.

Sigiriya and Damballa deserve a few days to enjoy the wonders of this area of Sri Lanka with kids. Make sure to visit the Sigiriya Rock Fortress for an early morning sunrise hike.

You will need to get the tickets the day before as the ticket office is not open early enough.

sri lanka with kids

If you miss out on tickets, Pidurangala Rock is right next to Sigiriya Rock. The entry fee is a lot less, however, there is a little bit of rock scaling required to reach the summit.

Babies and toddlers will need to be in a carrier and smaller kids will probably need a little help. There are plenty of willing locals who can give a hand for a small fee.

Climbing Sigiriya is tough but it is worth every minute. The views from atop are stunning and exploring the fortress is mind-blowing.

Don’t forget the Dambulla Rock Temple as mentioned earlier. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with five intricate caves. It is an incredible insight into the practices, customs and traditions of Buddhism.

sri lanka with kids

To avoid some of the southern Sri Lanka crowds in the safari parks, enjoy a safari at one of the Sigiriya parks.

The tour guides of Minneriya National Park, Kaudulla National Park and Hurulu Eco Park are aware of the location of animals and will advise which park is easiest to visit on the day.

If you are not travelling with a tour guide, arriving outside the park gates, you’ll find tonnes of safari tour guides.

You may need to haggle for the right price. Be aware, there is an entry fee which has to be covered. This is different for locals, SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) countries citizens and other foreigners.

Best place to stay : Water Garden Sigiriya has lovely family-style villas with 2 bedrooms.

The journey to Kandy from Sigiriya is approximately 2.5 hours by car which is manageable for most families visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

Kandy is a mountainous town rich in culture and history. Driving through the centre of the city, it is easy to see the colonial influences.

There is lots to do in Kandy. One of the must-visits is the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. As the name says, the Buddhist temple houses the sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha. Explore the temple complex, witness religious rituals, and admire the stunning architecture.

sri lanka with kids

The temple is on the banks of Kandy Lake which is nice to stroll around, watch the birds and take in the surrounding landscape.

Peradeniya Royal Botanic Gardens has a diverse collection of plants, trees, and orchids. Our kids loved seeing all the weird and wonderful plants and trees. Not to mention the many birds and monkeys which live in the gardens.

sri lanka with kids

Kids will absolutely love the renowned Kandy Cultural Dance Show. The traditional dance showcases the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. It usually takes place in the evening and features various dance forms, music, and elaborate costumes.

Head to the Kandy Viewpoint, located near Arthur’s Seat, for breathtaking views of the cityscape and the scenic valley below. It’s a great spot to take photos!

Rosyth Estate

Rosyth Estate is in the foothills of Kandy, approximately 1hr 20 from the centre. Rosyth Estate is a super special place. It is almost a 100-year-old property surrounded by rubber, tea and spice plantations, which are all part of the estate.

Sri Lanka with Kids

We stayed in a family interconnecting room with twin beds, two toddler beds upon request, and a king for parents. It is one of the few hotels I have encountered that can cater to larger families.

Rosyth Estate

Our kids loved all the special touches, such as ice lollies on arrival, the scavenger hunt around the grounds, finding all the interesting produce growing, and, of course, the walk with the naturalist.

sri lanka travel with family

A standout moment was making rubber bouncy balls with a string taken directly from the tree on our walk. The naturalist was amazing with children. He explained everything so well, and I feel this is one of the most educational and fun experiences we’ve had with the kids to date.

Sri Lanka with Kids

There are tonnes of games and a handful of toys, which are particularly helpful for a lazy afternoon after exploring.

sri lanka travel with family

Rosyth Estate is well known for its incredible food . The service is fantastic, and they are extremely flexible with meal alterations for dietary requirements. This hotel is on the pricey side, but they do have some sales from time to time.

sri lanka travel with family

Check out Rosyth Estate here.

The journey to Demadora from Kandy is either a train ride which takes 9 hours or a car journey which is a lot shorter. If you choose to take the train, make sure to book tickets a few months in advance.

If you decide to do the journey in a car, the roads are incredibly windy, and the views are stunning but it is not ideal for those who get car sick. Sat Nav says 4 hours but it felt like a lot more, probably around 5.5 hours.

sri lanka with kids

In terms of things to do, make sure to do the very easy hike up Little Adams Peak. It has stunning panoramic views of the surrounding lush green landscapes, tea plantations, and valleys.

Visit the iconic Nine Arch Bridge, a marvel of engineering set amidst scenic tea fields. Try to visit when a train is due to pass by! This is a very popular spot for drone enthusiasts.

sri lanka with kids

Ravana Falls is a beautiful cascading waterfall located a short distance from Ella. If you are driving south, make a pitstop on the way.

No trip to the region is complete without exploring the tea plantations such as Halpe Tea Factory. Learn about the tea production process, take a guided tour and enjoy a cup of freshly brewed tea!

sri lanka with kids

Best place to stay : Nine Skies is a stunning old tea planter home come small boutique hotel. There is a family wing with interconnecting rooms.

November To April

Whilst the first few stops on the suggested itinerary above are fine no matter the season. The final part will change depending on the month you visit. Here is our suggestion if you are visiting between November to April.

Dickwella or Bentota

Our two favourite areas in southwest Sri Lanka for relaxing beach vibes are Dickwella and Bentota. Bentota is a lot closer to Colombo which may be preferred for those who don’t want a prolonged journey back to the airport.

Dickwella on the other hand is around 3 hours from Colombo. It has several nice bays, some nice cafes, and restaurants. As mentioned above, it’s a reliable location to swim with turtles in their natural habitat.

sri lanka with kids

Where to stay in Dickwella : Ginger Palm Villa . It is incredibly family-friendly and rents rooms out individually or the villa as a whole.

Bentota on the other hand doesn’t have tonnes of cafes like you and I may be accustomed to for brunches, lunches and all things coffee.

Bentota does have a lovely beach, a number of nice resorts and a lagoon offering a tonne of watersports.

It’s also got an incredible giant Buddha temple and the home of Geoffrey Bawa, an influential architect in the mid-1900s. His home is now a hotel, however, visitors can pay an entry fee to explore the grounds.

The trip back to the airport may dictate your choice.

Where to stay in Bentota : Cinamon Bentota Beach is one of the most family-friendly resorts. It is one of the few hotels in Sri Lanka with a kids club and it’s a really nice one too!

Galle is another really popular area with families visiting Sri Lanka with kids and is the place we call home!

I am going out on a limb here and possibly an unpopular opinion, I am not crazy about some of the beaches in the area which are some of the most popular tourist spots.

sri lanka travel with family

They are often steep and not safe for kids. Unawatuna is somewhere mentioned in many posts and I personally find it over-touristy and tacky.

Some building work took place to the natural reef structure on the point at the end of the beach and it caused the topography of the whole area to change.

It is quite frankly an unsafe beach with a terrible undercurrent. Jungle Beach is another place often mentioned in guidebooks we are not keen on!

That’s not to say there is nothing nice about Unawatuna, there are certainly some nice cafes and restaurants which we visit in the area often.

sri lanka with kids

There are some beaches further away from the centre of Galle which are still part of the suburb that are nice. Namely, Ahangama and Weligama beach.

Galle is most well-known for its ancient and charming Dutch fortress . Wander the cobbled streets and visit the many small boutique shops to pick up souvenirs or enjoy some amazing food.

Sri Lanka with Kids

You can walk along the wall of the fortress, best enjoyed close to sunset to avoid the heat. The lighthouse is also super beautiful!

In and around Galle there are many food markets, we love pit-stopping at the fruit market for fresh goods!

The international cricket stadium for Sri Lanka is actually right on the edge of the fortress so it is not uncommon to see a game from the perimeter. The best view is from the top of the fortress wall as often at street level it is boarded up.

Best place to stay : Fort Bazaar

May To October

If you happen to be visiting Sri Lanka with kids between May and October and want some beach action, Arugum Bay is a popular spot. It attracts lots of surfers, digital nomads and families.

However it is a little more difficult to get back to Colombo.

A lot of tourists stay north and cut across from Sigiriya to Trincomalee on the east coast as its only around a 2.5 hour trip. You”ll need to decide if you’d prefer beach over the mountains realistically.

The journey from Ella to Arugam Bay takes around 3 hours by road. The area boasts pristine sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters and is perfect for families visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

Main Beach is the central hub with a lively atmosphere, while other nearby beaches like Peanut Farm and Whiskey Point offer a more relaxed and secluded option.

Arugam Bay was traditionally a fishing village and over recent years has become a holiday paradise for many visiting Sri Lanka with kids. There is plenty to do around the area aside from the beach.

sri lanka travel with family

Don’t miss the iconic Elephant Rock. It’s a distinctive rock formation located just off the coast of Arugam Bay.

Visit the ancient Hindu temple at Kudumbigala, or, take a safari drive in nearby Kumana National Park.

Arugum Bay is quite a distance from Colombo so an additional pitstop on route back will be required.

Head further up the East Coast to Batticaloa where an internal flight back to Colombo is possible. It may be the easiest option. when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

Best place to stay: Aprota Villas

Sri Lankan Food

Sri Lanka food is simply delicious. I had expected it to be similar to Indian food but it is actually quite different. In general, I find the cuisine to be much lighter.

Don’t worry if you have fussy kids who may not like to experiment. Many cafes, restaurants and hotels have more familiar foods for those visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

It’s easy to find pasta dishes, avo toast, burgers and chips, salads and so on. However, if your little ones are feeling adventurous and would like to try the local food, there is plenty to discover!

Some of the dishes which kids may love are Sri Lankan rotis which are popular street food. These flatbreads can be stuffed with a variety of fillings such as vegetables.

sri lanka with kids

I don’t advise buying street food from street vendors. However many street foods can be found in clean reputable restaurants.

Hoppers are bowl-shaped pancakes made from fermented rice flour and coconut milk. They can be a fun and tasty option, typically they are served at breakfast but can be enjoyed as a snack.

Kottu roti is one of my personal favourite dishes. It is a popular street food made by stir-frying chopped roti with vegetables. It’s delicious, particularly when it is drenched in dahl.

For parents, rice and curry is one of the most popular dishes. It is mind-blowing how many little bowls full of flavour arrive at the table! If you are vegan like us, this is probably the easiest most reliable dish.

Some of the most common curries served are string beans, beetroot, potato and pumpkin. It’s always served with dahl and poppadums. You can ask for mild but it seems Sri Lankans tend not to understand ‘mild’ when it comes to curry so prepare to have your taste buds fired up.

All jokes aside, the food is incredible.

Eating Out In Sri Lanka

When ordering any local dish for kids just specify you want it non-spicy. It is worth noting many restaurants take a really long time between ordering and the food reaching the table . This is because everything is made fresh. We find this even in some of the nicest restaurants.

This can be particularly tricky at dinner time when little ones are tired. If you are staying at a hotel, it may be worth ordering ahead to navigate long waits for younger kids.

sri lanka travel with family

As we have twin toddlers and two older children, we have our firm favourites locally that know us well. We often call ahead to order which is a huge help.

If you are visiting Sri Lanka with a baby or toddler, it is worth noting high chairs are few and far between.

Even in lovely hotels, the high chairs can be precariously high with no belt. I highly recommend bringing a travel high chair to Sri Lanka to ensure meal times are not too stressful .

Make sure to stick to clean reputable restaurants to avoid becoming unwell. The standards of cleanliness are not the same everywhere.

If you feel this post has been helpful so far & you’d like to  buy me a virtual coffee, you can do so here  – thank you!

Packing List For Visiting Sri Lanka With Kids

When visiting Sri Lanka with kids you are going to want all the summer wear. If you decide to visit Ella or Kandy you may want a light layer for the evening.

Rock shoes are pretty handy for some beaches in Sri Lanka.

Don’t forget to bring a really good snorkel to see the amazing marine life which is in abundance.

snorkelling in sri lanka

Bring a few pairs of swim wear , once you hit the beach you’ll be spending plenty of time in the water. Not to mention, most hotels have pools across the country.

Do not forget the mosquito repellent you will need to apply several times a day in some areas.

Sri Lanka is very much an outdoor destination. Make sure to bring plenty of suncream with a high factor.

Sandals are the most comfortable footwear.

Don’t forget a sunhat and sunglasses for the kids.

Entertainment for the kids on the journey

A few familiar snacks from home for travel days

It is worth investing in a Travel high Chair for eating out at Cafes and Restaurants in Sri Lanka.

Travel Health In Sri Lanka

Before visiting Sri Lanka with kids you will need to visit a travel health clinic or healthcare professional to advise on any potential vaccines or precautions.

Please be aware the below is not intended as medical advice. Make sure to check with the necessary professionals.

Sri Lanka is a tropical destination and with that comes some unwanted nastys that has the potential to ruin a trip.

sri lanka with kids

I use the Fit For Trave l website for up-to-date information. As it stands, there is no malaria in Sri Lanka. However, there is dengue and a risk of Japanese encephalitis for selected individuals. Both of which come from mosquito bites .

A tetanus booster, typhoid vaccine, hep A, hep B and rabies vaccine may be required depending on the advice you receive from a professional.

We are meticulous every day with repellent and go through bottles of it on a weekly basis.

It is best to be very well prepared when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

  • Make sure to research restaurants and ensure it is clean and reputable.
  • Only drink bottled water and drink plenty of it to keep well hydrated whilst in Sri Lanka.
  • Ensure to have mosquito repellent on day and night and apply regularly. There are a lot of mosquitos in certain areas of Sri Lanka and those with dengue bite during the day.
  • Stay in clean reputable hotels with a good rating especially when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

Sri Lanka Facts For Kids

  • Sri Lanka is shaped like a teardrop and looks like a tiny dot in the Indian Ocean. It sits just below India and is a similar size to Ireland .
  • Sri Lanka is home to a wide variety of animals, including elephants, leopards, sloth bears, and many colourful bird species.
  • Sr Lanka was home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations and ancient cities like Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  • The country is famous for its tea production. In fact, it is one of the largest tea exporters in the world. The lush hill country is covered in tea plantations.
  • Adam’s Peaks is a mountain in Sri Lanka considered a sacred site by multiple religions. It has a distinctive footprint-shaped impression at the top, believed to be the footprint of Buddha, Adam, or the Hindu god Shiva, depending on different religious beliefs.
  • Sri Lanka celebrates many of its own festivals throughout the year. The most famous one is the Sri Lankan New Year, where families and friends celebrate together by playing traditional games and enjoying delicious food.
  • Cricket is the most popular sport in Sri Lanka and the country won the Cricket World Cup in 1996.
  • Kandy is home to the Temple of the Tooth, which houses a sacred relic believed to be a tooth of the Buddha.

Sri Lankan Souvenirs

  • There are so many clever craftsmen and women in Sri Lanka. You will certainly find many locally crafted toys. We’ve seen some cute wooden tuk tuks.
  • Consider getting colourful batik clothing like dresses, shirts, or sarongs for kids. They are comfortable, vibrant, and widely available in all of the tourist hot spots. The colours very much reflect the local culture.
  • Sri Lankan masks are intricately carved and painted, often representing mythological or cultural characters. Masks can be a decorative item for older kids. They may be a little scary for younger children.
  • Handwoven items like baskets, mats, or coasters made from natural materials such as reed or palm leaves make eco-friendly and practical souvenirs. Kids can use them for picnics or as decorative items.
  • Consider purchasing small musical instruments like a rabana (a traditional hand drum) or a small wooden flute.
  • Elephants hold cultural significance in Sri Lanka. Look for elephant-themed souvenirs like stuffed animals, keychains, or decorative ornaments. It could be the perfect keepsake for kids who loved a safari trip.
  • Introduce kids to the flavours of Sri Lanka by gifting them small packets of aromatic spices or locally produced tea. It can be a sensory experience and a way to involve them in culinary exploration back home.

sri lanka with kids

Remember to prioritize sustainable and ethically made souvenirs, supporting local businesses. Exploring markets and craft shops are the best places to pick up some souvenirs when visiting Sri Lanka with kids.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the wonders of visiting Sri Lanka with kids. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email or social media @travelmadmum.

Disclaime r: This post about visiting Sri Lanka with kids contains affiliate links. By using them, it will not cost you any extra, we may receive a small commission to keep us writing.

The best things to do in Sri Lanka with kids

Yashy Murphy

Nov 1, 2023 • 7 min read

sri lanka travel with family

Wildlife watching on a national park safari in Sr Lanka is one of those family adventures you'll always remember © Shutterstock

No matter your child’s age or interests, they'll find their ideal adventure on Sri Lanka 's shores. From the hills of tea country and the bustling streets of Colombo , family is central to Sri Lankan culture, and warm smiles welcome children everywhere. And if your family relishes nature, Sri Lanka is a haven for kid-friendly activities. 

The true charm of Sri Lanka lies in its ability to seamlessly blend cultural exploration, wildlife adventures, and sun-soaked beaches , giving visitors a diverse experience no matter where they venture.

View of Lion Rock, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

Is Sri Lanka good for kids?

Whether your older kids delight in learning about history or your younger ones squeal with joy at animal encounters, the "pearl of the Indian Ocean" has something for everyone. Sri Lanka is also an ideal family destination for its range of accommodations and transportation options that cater to every budget (and under-12s usually stay for free).

From intimate homestays that immerse guests in local life to lush hotels with attentive butlers, accommodation in Sri Lanka usually provides hassle-free dining – with full- or half-board options, where your meals are included in your stay.

High chairs are scarce, however, so bring a travel version with you if your child requires one. It’s also worth noting that changing tables are a rarity, but changing diapers in public areas isn't frowned upon in Sri Lanka.

Train travel – especially the Kandy to Ella route – is a popular choice for families.

Despite winding roads and lengthy travel days, strategic stops on your Sri Lankan road trip will create lasting family memories. Traditional playgrounds may be scarce, but gardens and public spaces offer opportunities for little ones to stretch their legs during your travels. 

If car sickness isn't a concern, hiring a private driver is best for a comfortable and flexible journey. It allows you to take breaks at your leisure, with roadside vendors offering everything from fresh coconut water to kothu roti (a popular street food item). Your driver will also know the best toilet and rest stops on route – a godsend when traveling with little ones in Sri Lanka!

While not obligatory, it's advisable to travel with your own baby or child-booster seats (even though some tour agencies may provide them). Also, call ahead to confirm that your vehicle has properly fitted seat belts – these aren’t always a given.

People riding waves at surf beach in Hiriketiya, Dikwella, Sri Lanka.

Where is best in Sri Lanka with kids?

While Colombo offers a dose of dynamic city life and varied urban experiences, you can enjoy a slower pace and a serene change in scenery by heading towards the beach towns or hillside.

Explore the southern reaches of the country – popular with locals too – by visiting Bentota for water sports  and whale-watching excursions. 

For kids who enjoy a dose of history and culture, don't miss out on a visit to Galle to see the Galle Fort. 

If you’ve got younger kids, venture towards Kandy and Dambulla in the central province, for a taste of ancient Sri Lanka – you’ll find the temperatures here are much cooler, and a refreshing change to the beach towns of the south.

When planning your list of things to do in Sri Lanka with kids, also be sure to consider the varying monsoon seasons on each coast and time your visit accordingly.

Best things to do in Sri Lanka with children

Immerse yourself in the world of wildlife.

For an island its size, Sri Lanka offers an unmatched diversity in wildlife – which makes it a great place for kids to learn about ecology. Sunny days at Turtle Beach, Hikkaduwa offer numerous turtle sightings. Hatcheries in Galle and Hikkaduwa play a crucial role in relocating sea turtle eggs to safer environments, providing an immersive educational experience that may involve releasing hatchlings into the wild. 

Joining a whale-watching trip in Mirissa or the Dondra Harbour is a must – humpback, sperm or blue whales enchant both kids and adults, not to mention dolphins are seen here too. Be mindful of varying sea conditions and stay in close contact with your tour operator as they often share weather updates to help plan your excursion seamlessly. 

Don't miss the chance to safari in one of Sri Lanka’s many national parks . You’ll create lasting family memories as you watch elephants, leopards, monkeys, water buffalos (and more) in the wild. 


Embark on a culinary adventure and savor unfamiliar flavors

Sri Lankan cuisine is genuinely distinctive and diverse. Amid the array of spicy curries found in every restaurant, there are also kid-friendly options like string hoppers, coconut rotis, and pittu . There’s always the reliable choice of fries, fresh fruit, or locally made plain, creamy curd (similar to yogurt) for pickier eaters. 

You can elevate your family’s culinary experience by joining a cooking class, where you can have fun learning skills like opening and scraping a coconut or preparing a traditional Sri Lankan breakfast together.

Embrace adventure and explore the unknown

Of course the pearlescent beaches are an attraction on their own, but Sri Lanka’s coastlines offer a plethora of exciting activities.  You can surf in Arugam Bay and Hikkaduwa , master the art of kiteboarding in Kalpitiya or Vella Island, navigate exhilarating rapids whitewater rafting in Kitugala, or soar through Ella ’s treetops on a zipline. 

Most tour companies provide a range of options catering to various skill levels, ensuring that even young children can actively participate and make the most of these exhilarating experiences.

Best things to do in Sri Lanka with tweens and teens

For older kids, make sure to include activities such as climbing Sigiriya , the iconic rock fortress, snorkeling around Pigeon Island at Nilaveli Beach , and cycling through the ancient city of Anuradhapura to your itinerary. In places like Weligama , well-established surf camps are affordable for kids eager to learn to “hang ten” and vibrant coral reefs make for excellent snorkeling. Many tours provide guidance and gear to make this a stress-free experience.

If your teenagers prefer city vibes, the Port City development in Colombo has everything from horse riding and ATV-ing to boogie boarding. 

On the off-chance your kids are cricket enthusiasts, take in a match at the Colombo Cricket Club Ground or the R. Premadasa Stadium.

Family in Sri Lanka

Best things to do in Sri Lanka with babies and toddlers

Children are warmly welcomed everywhere, so you can take them to restaurants, embark on hikes such as Adam’s Peak (don't forget the baby carrier!) and explore temples. Visiting the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic  or Kataragama will certainly entertain young ones with their colorful flowers and soothing prayer chants. 

If you’re traveling to Sri Lanka with babies and toddlers, it's best to stay at resorts instead of homestays if your budget allows. Apart from the bliss of unwinding poolside, you’re guaranteed access to cribs (a convenience not always available at homestays).

And if you have all your supplies, consider heading north to Jaffna — a great option for those looking for a smaller city with easy access to beaches, temples and historical sites. The area is still off-the-beaten-path and you will find tranquility at Manar Island and the picturesque Casuarina Beach.

Planning tips

As welcoming as Sri Lanka is to families, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure a seamless trip. When it comes to accommodation, it’s a good idea to confirm the presence of an air conditioning unit in your room, as many guest houses may not offer this amenity. Even though Sri Lanka is malaria-free, it’s best to be vigilant about mosquitoes and carry mosquito patches and bug bite cream.

For parents of young children traveling in South Asia, aside from obtaining recommended vaccinations, maintaining a steady supply of diapers and bottled water is crucial, especially when exploring smaller towns and villages. Note that larger-sized diapers (size 4 and above) are challenging to find across Sri Lanka, so be sure to travel with a sufficient stock. You’ll also want to swap the stroller for a baby carrier for better mobility.

If you’re looking to stay within a budget, remember that most hotels and sightseeing tours in Sri Lanka are free – or discounted – for children under the age of 12. Contact tours ahead of your trip to confirm.

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TraveLynn Family

Sri Lanka itinerary with young kids

Posted on Last updated: 20 June 2024

Sri Lanka itinerary with young kids

We absolutely loved our time in Sri Lanka with kids and it was easily one of our best family trips when the boys were young. So we thought we’d share with you our Sri Lanka itinerary with kids. If you’re planning a family holiday in Sri Lanka, feel free to copy it exactly for your own travels, tweak it to fit your own time or interests, or just simply use it for inspiration.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click to purchase, it is at no additional cost to you, and I receive a small commission.

Read here why we think Sri Lanka is fantastic for young kids.

We focused on a Southern loop to take in pristine beaches, colonial architecture, a safari to meet elephants and some time in the Hill Country; a perfect mix of highlights of Sri Lanka for families. It was only about 2 to 4 hours generally between destinations which is very doable with young kids.

Our preferred mode of transport was train, but if the tracks didn’t go to where we wanted we would opt for a tuk-tuk and time the drive with our 12pm nap/downtime. A car would have been faster, we just prefer to travel in tuk-tuks as they’re open and offer that sense of freedom as you watch the world breeze by.

We did miss out some classic tourist spots such as Sigiriya and Dambulla , but the former particularly requires a lot of climbing for little legs (our boys were aged 2 and 3 at the time) and we figured we’d leave that for another trip. Because Sri Lanka is definitely a place we’ll return to one day!

TraveLynn Family in Sri Lanka

So here is our day by day Sri Lanka itinerary with young kids. As I said before, it remains one of our best adventures to date, and we travel A LOT with our boys.

If you’re wondering  how we afford to travel so much as a family, read this post .

Sri Lanka kids travel journal

Check out this gorgeous kids travel journal if you’re planning a family trip to Sri Lanka, beautifully illustrated with interesting nuggets of information, puzzles, games, maps, memory spaces and journal prompts. It’s so much more than a journal and will be a lovely keepsake of your Sri Lanka adventures. Aimed at kids aged 6-12.

My Sri Lanka Adventure Journal

  • Edwards, Ms Karen T (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 48 Pages – 06/11/2024 (Publication Date) – Independently published (Publisher)

Day 1-2 Colombo

Where to stay: Anugaa in the City READ: Visiting Colombo with kids

Arrive in Colombo. Head to the train station first thing to book your train tickets (if you haven’t already done this online ).

Wander around the historic Fort area and old town quarter of Slave Island, visit Gangaramara Temple, let the kids enjoy all that Viharamahadevi Park has to offer – a playground, water fountains to run in, a small train, horse-riding, an aquarium – and head to to Galle Face Green around sunset for dinner from a street vendor and watch the kites and snake charmers. 

Getting around Colombo is very easy as all tuk-tuks use the meter. Just ensure you have Google Maps downloaded offline to direct them, if necessary.

Sri Lanka with kids Colombo

Day 3 Galle

Where to stay: Mount Mari na Villas Read more about Galle here

Catch the train to Galle, just a 2.5 hour journey along the coast. Take a walk along the fort walls and explore the Dutch Colonial buildings. Try to time this later in the day to escape the heat and package tourist day-trippers. The full circuit along the top of the wall can be done in under 2 hours. However, for little explorers that like to climb the walls, look for dragons and generally walk a little slower, we suggest splitting the walk in two and saving a section for an early morning stroll on Day 4.

Sri Lanka Itinerary with kids - Galle

Day 4-5 Mirissa

Where to stay: Ashiyana Hotel

After your early morning stroll exploring more of Galle Fort, take a tuk-tuk to Mirissa (LKR1800, 1 hour), via a turtle hatchery, to enjoy some beach time.

The main beach at Mirissa offers a long shady stretch of sandy beach, perfect for building sandcastles. The waves and current are strong, so join the kids in jumping over the waves. You can also visit Secret Beach and walk back to the main beach through the jungle. Ensure you receive clear directions. We got very lost. The walk should take around 40 mins with little legs.

If your visiting between September and April, you may like to go on a whale watching cruise in Mirissa  (tours are also running in July and August, but the water may be a bit choppy for little ones). It’s one of the best places in the world to see the blur whale!

Sri Lanka Itinerary with kids - Mirissa

Day 6-7 Udawalawe National Park

We stayed at:  Kottawatta Village READ: Visiting Udawalawe National Park

It’s time to meet some elephants! Take a tuk-tuk to Udawalawe (3hrs, LKR5000, would be 2hrs in a car). We stayed in glamping tents at Kottawatta Village just outside the National Park.

Book your 3 hour safari with the resort for 5:30am. Kids under 5 are free and so the total price for entrance fee, jeep hire and safari guide was LKR7500 for our family of 4. The resort provides snacks for the safari and breakfast on your return. You are pretty much guaranteed to see elephants!

When not on safari, enjoy your time at the resort. It has an onsite restaurant, swimming pool with kids’ area, hammocks for napping and you’ll meet monkeys on your veranda.

Read: tips for a safari with kids under the age of 5

Udawalawe with kids - elephants

Day 8-10 Arugam Bay

We stayed at: Lazy Bay Surf Camp READ: Visiting Arugam Bay with kids

Another tuk-tuk ride (4.5hrs or 3hrs by car) brings you to Arugam Bay, the surf mecca of Sri Lanka. But there’s more to this surfer town than barrels and boards (that’s as far as my surfing lingo goes!)

This is the place to chill out. Our favourite spots were Elephant Rock Beach, Peanut Farm Beach and watching the sun set from Crocodile Rock.

Arugam Bay with kids

Day 11-12 Ella

Where to stay: Ridge View Guest

It’s time to say farewell to the beaches and head inland to explore the tea plantations and jungle-clad hills of the Central Hill Country. A tuk-tuk will take 4 hours to get to Ella. Again, you can do the journey quicker by car (3hrs), but be weary that there are many hairpin bends as you approach Ella and the open sides of a tuk-tuk may help with kids who are prone to travel sickness.

Whilst in Ella, visit a tea plantation (the kids will love seeing all the big machinery in operation), visit the Nine Arches Bridge and climb Little Adam’s Peak (ask a tuk-tuk to take you as far as possible to save those little legs for the steep stairs they need to navigate at the top).


It’s a lovely place to chill out for longer if you do have the time. Perhaps check out these things to do in Ella for further inspiration.

Day 12-14 Living Heritage Koslanda

We stayed at Living Heritage Kosland a READ: Living Heritage Koslanda REVIEW

After all that travelling, it’s time to treat yourselves indulge and in some luxury. Take the 1hr train from to Haputale; this stretch of track is perhaps the most stunning in all of Sri Lanka. A tuk-tuk will then drive you down into the valley to the tranquility of  Living Heritage Koslanda .

The smiling Mr Carrim awaits to escort you to your stylish villa with plunge pool and outdoor shower. Enjoy the incredible infinity pool, take a hike to the private waterfall, or just enjoy the space, freedom and peace that the 80 acres of pristine land offers.

We only stayed 2 nights, but we really wished we’d stayed 3!

Check out our list of best family resorts in Sri Lanka for more ideas of indulgence on your Sri Lanka adventures.

Living Heritage Koslanda, Waterfall

Day 15 Kandy

Where to stay: Ceylon Boutique Homestay Kandy

Today is your longest travel day. 5.5 hours on a train to Kandy.

We found the bustle of Kandy to be quite a shock to the system after the serenity of Living Heritage Koslanda . However, there is a good playground, which the boys certainly appreciated, and a visit to the Temple of the Tooth is a must.

Sri Lanka Itinerary with kids - Kandy

Day 16 Back to Colombo

A 2 hour fast train completes the loop and returns you to Colombo . We spent our last day catching up with old friends who live in Colombo, enjoying a swim in their pool and eating pizza.

FAQ about travelling Sri Lanka with kids

I receive a lot of questions from parents about travel in Sri Lanka with kids, and particularly travelling Sri Lanka with toddlers. I hope the below answers any questions you may have, but if you do have a question that isn’t answered here, please comment below and I’ll get back to you asap.

Is Sri Lanka safe for travelling families? Yes. We never felt unsafe or threatened in Sri Lanka. We didn’t meet a single grumpy person in our whole two weeks. Not one! Everyone had such a happy, chilled outlook and it’s infectious (except when train travel is concerned, the locals become strangely forceful there!) More importantly, everyone we met was so open and fun with our kids. Please refer to the UK Government Foreign Travel Advice page for Sri Lanka for up to date information.

What’s the best time of year to go to Sri Lanka with kids? Check out this Lonely Planet page for When to go and Weather in Sri Lanka.

What time of year did we go? August. This is supposedly not the best time to visit the South West, but we had no rain whatsoever.

How did we get around Sri Lanka with kids? Mostly by train and tuk-tuk. We booked our train tickets at Colombo train station as soon as we arrived. If you want to book in advance, you can do so through a tour agency ( click here ). Tuk-tuks can be arranged the night before travelling to the next destination through your accommodation. You do not need a driver and car in Sri Lanka, although some parents prefer this for ease of travel.

Did we take car seats to Sri Lanka? No. They are unnecessary for trains, and there’s no way to attach them in tuk-tuk (we put one child in between us, and one our lap; it would have been a bit of a squeeze if we had a third child). There are no legal requirements in Sri Lanka for car seats, but if you are hire a driver and car for your entire trip, you may consider bringing one from home. If you’re child is aged 4 and over (or weighs more that 15kg), I suggest taking a Bubblebum Inflatable Booster Car Seat ).

Bubblebum Inflatable Booster Car Seat - Travel Booster Seat...

  • Bubblebum Inflatable Booster Car Seat Travel Booster Seat Portable Car Booster Seat Booster Seat for…
  • Brand : BubbleBum

Did we take a buggy or stroller to Sri Lanka? Our boys were 2 and 3 years old at the time, but we didn’t take a buggy or stroller. In fact we never travel with one as we find them cumbersome and would always head back to the accommodation for naps (and much-needed downtime for parents). We didn’t even take a child carrier, but encouraged both boys to walk as much as possible. When little legs got tired, there was always a tuk-tuk to flag down, or even Dad’s shoulders. We had two large backpacks to carry and a carrier would have been cumbersome.

If you are looking for a back carrier, this is what we recommend:  LittleLife Ranger Child Carrier

sri lanka travel with family

What luggage did we take? We took two large backpacks ( like these ones ) for each parent to carry. Backpacks for us parents meant we each had two hands free to cajole children.

The boys were too young to have their own bags to carry for this trip. But from the age of 6, the boys have been carrying their own backpacks. Check out our guide to the best travel backpacks for kids .

If we had to cut down this itinerary what bits would we miss? If you really had to cut out something, I would cut out Arugam Bay . It was one of our favourite places, but it is a little out of the way and adds to your travel time.

What was our favourite beach in Sri Lanka for kids? Arugam Bay ! Well not the actual beach at Arugam Bay, hop in a tuk-tuk to nearby Elephant Rock or Peanut Farm Beach. Check out this post – Favourite family beaches in Sri Lanka .

What toys did we take to Sri Lanka to entertain the boys? The boys had with them an Amazon Fire tablet loaded with all their favourite games and TV shows, and I packed some colouring pens and CBeebies magazines. And that’s it. Don’t be tempted to pack anymore as they’ll find sticks and stones along the way, and a couple of the places we stayed at even had toys.

What budget do we recommend for travelling Sri Lanka with kids? If you follow this itinerary and stay in all budget accommodation, then allow for £100 per day. However, allow for more if your kids are older, or you have more than two children. 

What vaccinations did the kids need for Sri Lanka? As we were living in India at the time, we were all up to date with vaccinations required. However, please consult a travel clinic for advice as every family is different.

Are antimalarials required for Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is currently a low risk malaria country. Please refer to the NHS Fit for Travel website .

Were we worried about dengue in Sri Lanka with kids? This is indeed a concern, but don’t let it stop you from visiting the country. We took the necessary precautions of using strong mosquito repellent  (roll on seems to last longer than the spray), wearing long sleeves and trousers from dusk every day, and sleeping under mosquito nets (which were always provided in accommodations we stayed). Click here for further information.

Were mosquitoes a nuisance? No worse or better than we have experienced in other Asian countries. Take the necessary precautions as mentioned in the previous question. Sand flies were more of a problem on the beach from dusk.

I hope this helps you work out your own Sri Lanka itinerary with young kids. Although feel free to copy ours exactly!

BUY: Sri Lanka Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet Sri Lanka: Perfect for exploring top sights...

  • Bindloss, Joe (Author)
  • 352 Pages – 10/08/2021 (Publication Date) – Lonely Planet (Publisher)

You may also wish to read: Why Sri Lanka is fantastic for young kids Ten day Thailand itinerary with kids How we afford to travel with kids

Flashpacking Family

Family Travel in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has been voted best country in the world to visit in 2019 by Lonely Planet – quite an accolade, but it’s easy to see why.

Sri Lanka has fantastic beaches , historic ruins, wildlife-filled jungles,   quaint tea plantations and so many more things to do in Sri Lanka with kids .

Sri Lankan food is also some of the best in the world and the people are so welcoming and friendly, especially with children.

Sri Lanka really does have the lot, and all in one small, easily navigable island. Due to its size, you can easily get from place to place and see and do so much (be sure to check out our Sri Lanka itinerary for visiting Sri Lanka with kids .

Pool area at the Royal Reach Family Restort in Udawalawe.

The 11 Best Hotels For Families In Udawalawe For Any Budget

Kids in Sri Lanka on a Spice Tour

The Best Things To Do In Sri Lanka With Kids In 2023

Ella station

The Best Things to do in Ella Sri Lanka with Kids In 2023

Elephants at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Sri Lanka with Kids: Everything You Need to Know Before You Go

Camps Bay Cape Town

The Best Family Holiday Destinations for 2023

Nine Arch Bridge Ella

The Best Family-Friendly Sri Lanka Accommodation for Every Budget

aerial view of Galle Fort

10 Best Family-Friendly Things To Do In Galle With Kids

The Perfect 14-Day Sri Lanka Family Friendly Itinerary 1

The Perfect 14-Day Sri Lanka Family Friendly Itinerary

The Lowdown on Tea Plantations in Sri Lanka 2

The Lowdown on Tea Plantations in Sri Lanka

A Complete Udawalawe National Park Safari Guide For 2023 3

A Complete Udawalawe National Park Safari Guide For 2023

Yala National Park | Your Complete Yala Safari Guide 4

Yala National Park | Your Complete Yala Safari Guide

The Best Sri Lanka Beaches for Families 5

The Best Sri Lanka Beaches for Families

Our Family-Friendly Guide to Sri Lankan Food - With Recipes 6

Our Family-Friendly Guide to Sri Lankan Food – With Recipes

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  1. Sri Lanka With Kids 2024- The Best Guide For Families

    If you are planning on visiting Sri Lanka with kids, check out this detailed information on things to do, how to get around, packing list & places to stay.

  2. The best things to do in Sri Lanka with kids - Lonely Planet

    Best things to do in Sri Lanka with babies and toddlers. Children are warmly welcomed everywhere, so you can take them to restaurants, embark on hikes such as Adam’s Peak (don't forget the baby carrier!) and explore temples.

  3. Sri Lanka itinerary with young kids | TraveLynn Family

    2 week Sri Lanka itinerary with young kids, taking in a Southern loop. Also, including a FAQ section on Sri Lanka for families.

  4. The Perfect 14-Day Sri Lanka Family Friendly Itinerary

    Our 14-day Sri Lanka family friendly Itinerary includes where to stay, the best beaches, hill country and safaris to help you plan your Sri Lanka holidays.

  5. Sri Lanka Family Travel: A Guide To Sri Lanka With Kids

    Sri Lanka has fantastic beaches, historic ruins, wildlife-filled jungles, quaint tea plantations and so many more things to do in Sri Lanka with kids. Sri Lankan food is also some of the best in the world and the people are so welcoming and friendly, especially with children.

  6. 1 Week in Sri Lanka - 4 Family-Friendly Itinerary Ideas

    Spend a week with your family discovering Sri Lanka's Cultural Triangle, looking for elephants, monkeys, and Abundant wildlife, breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and delicious food—Sri Lanka has them all, making this tropical island nation a welcoming destination for families.