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Statement from White   House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the Official State Visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of   India

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will host Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India for an Official State Visit to the United States, which will include a state dinner, on June 22, 2023. The upcoming visit will affirm the deep and close partnership between the United States and India and the warm bonds of family and friendship that link Americans and Indians together. The visit will strengthen our two countries’ shared commitment to a free, open, prosperous, and secure Indo-Pacific and our shared resolve to elevate our strategic technology partnership, including in defense, clean energy, and space. The leaders will discuss ways to further expand our educational exchanges and people-to-people ties, as well as our work together to confront common challenges from climate change, to workforce development and health security.

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What to Know About Modi’s Visit and U.S.-India Relations

The visit has big implications for U.S.-India relations as President Biden seeks to shore up an alliance against Russia’s aggression and China’s economic influence.

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modi us visit june 2023

By Victoria Kim

Follow live updates as President Biden hosts Prime Minister Narendra Modi for meetings and a state dinner.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India will receive a lavish welcome on Thursday in Washington, where he will address a joint session of Congress and be feted by President Biden and the first lady in a state dinner at the White House — only the third state leader to be hosted by the current administration.

Swirling around the pageantry of a momentous visit for U.S.-India relations, seen as an affirmation of India’s rise as an economic and diplomatic power, will be weighty questions of geopolitical alignments with regard to China’s economic influence and Russia’s military aggression, as well as the erosion of India’s secular democracy under Mr. Modi. How much if any of that will be publicly addressed by the two leaders is unclear.

The visit is a significant diplomatic prize for Mr. Modi , who was once denied a visa to the United States for his role in religious riots in his home state, and as prime minister has increasingly consolidated power and edged his country closer to one-party rule.

Still, the Biden administration has painstakingly sought to draw India closer, economically and militarily, at the cost of muddling his oft-stated worldview of a pitched battle between autocracies and democracies .

Here is what to know about Mr. Modi’s state visit.

The U.S. is trying to draw India closer.

Announcing Mr. Modi’s state visit, the White House press secretary said the occasion would celebrate “the warm bonds of family and friendship that link Americans and Indians together.” Like his predecessors, Mr. Biden has leaned into the hope that India, the world’s most populous democracy and the fifth-largest economy, will serve as a counterweight to China’s growing global economic heft. Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen last year visited India as part of the administration’s push to shift global supply chains away from its political and economic adversaries.

“New Delhi has a pivotal role to play in checkmating China — if politically nudged, militarily helped and geopolitically encouraged by the U.S. and its allies,” said Happymon Jacob, who teaches Indian foreign policy at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

The urgency for improved relations has intensified with Russia’s war on Ukraine, a geopolitical crisis that has placed India at the center of jostling between the United States and its allies and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. India, while fostering closer ties with the United States, has maintained military and economic relations with Russia, buying up Russian oil at a discount and staying away from backing United Nations resolutions that have condemned Russia’s aggression.

Defense cooperation is high on the agenda.

The United States wants to help India bolster its domestic defense industry and increase military cooperation between the two countries in an attempt to wean India off its long dependence on Russia for its weaponry. Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, each traveled to New Delhi this month ahead of the state visit to lay the groundwork for closer defense partnerships.

A substantial majority of India’s arsenal is estimated to be of Russian origin , the result of a decades-long defense relationship between the two countries at a time when the United States was instead supplying weapons to India’s rival, Pakistan. While the proportion of Russian arms in India’s defense imports has decreased in recent years, the country still remains dependent on Russia for parts and maintenance.

Highlighting increased technological cooperation, military coordination and intelligence sharing between the two countries, Mr. Austin said during his New Delhi visit: “This all matters because we face a rapidly changing world. We see bullying and coercion from the People’s Republic of China, Russian aggression against Ukraine that seeks to redraw borders by force and threatens national sovereignty.”

Modi is accused of undermining democracy.

In hosting Mr. Modi, Mr. Biden will be standing shoulder to shoulder with a leader who is immensely popular in his country but has sidelined challengers , co-opted judicial systems and consolidated power to a degree that has concerned observers and critics about the democratic erosion in the nation that recently surpassed China to become the world’s most populous.

This week, more than 70 Democratic lawmakers urged the president in a letter to raise upholding democratic values and human rights with the Indian prime minister, citing “troubling signs in India toward the shrinking of political space, the rise of religious intolerance, the targeting of civil society organizations and journalists, and growing restrictions on press freedoms and internet access.”

Mr. Modi’s India has become particularly perilous for the nation’s more than 200 million religious minorities, as his right-wing vigilante supporters have fomented religious tensions with the aim of imposing Hindu supremacy on India’s constitutionally secular democracy. That’s led to a perpetual sense of combustibility on the ground, particularly for India’s Muslims.

In March, Rahul Gandhi, India’s best-known opposition leader and Mr. Modi’s chief rival, was convicted on a charge of defamation and sentenced to two years in prison. He filed an appeal and remains free, but the conviction allowed Mr. Modi’s allies to oust him from the country’s Parliament.

Mujib Mashal contributed reporting.

Victoria Kim is a correspondent based in Seoul, focused on international breaking news coverage. More about Victoria Kim

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Joint Statement from India and the United States


Joint Statement from India and the United States

Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed United States President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to India today, reaffirming the close and enduring partnership between India and the United States. The leaders expressed their appreciation for the substantial progress underway to implement the ground breaking achievements of Prime Minister Modi’s historic, June 2023, visit to Washington.

The leaders called on their governments to continue the work of transforming the India-U.S. Strategic Partnership across all dimensions of our multifaceted global agenda, based on trust and mutual understanding. The leaders re-emphasized that the shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, inclusion, pluralism, and equal opportunities for all citizens are critical to the success our countries enjoy and that these values strengthen our relationship.

President Biden lauded India’s G20 Presidency for further demonstrating how the G20 as a forum is delivering important outcomes. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the G20 and expressed confidence that the outcomes of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi will advance the shared goals of accelerating sustainable development, bolstering multilateral cooperation, and building global consensus around inclusive economic policies to address our greatest common challenges, including fundamentally reshaping and scaling up multilateral development banks.

Prime Minister Modi and President Biden reaffirmed the importance of the Quad in supporting a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific. Prime Minister Modi looked forward to welcoming President Biden to the next Quad Leaders’ Summit to be hosted by India in 2024. India welcomed the U.S. decision to co-lead the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Pillar on Trade Connectivity and Maritime Transport, further to the U.S. decision to join IPOI in June 2023.

Continuing to share the view that global governance must be more inclusive and representative, President Biden reaffirmed his support for a reformed UN Security Council with India as a permanent member, and, in this context, welcomed once again India’s candidature for the UNSC non-permanent seat in 2028-29. The leaders once again underscored the need to strengthen and reform the multilateral system so it may better reflect contemporary realities and remain committed to a comprehensive UN reform agenda, including through expansion in permanent and non-permanent categories of membership of the UN Security Council.

Prime Minister Modi and President Biden reaffirmed technology’s defining role in deepening our strategic partnership and lauded ongoing efforts through the India-U.S. Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) to build open, accessible, secure, and resilient technology ecosystems and value chains, based on mutual confidence and trust, which reinforce our shared values and democratic institutions. The United States and India intend to undertake a midterm review of iCET in September 2023 to continue to drive momentum toward the next annual iCET review, co-led by the National Security Advisors of both countries, in early 2024.

President Biden congratulated Prime Minister Modi and the scientists and engineers of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Chandrayaan-3’s historic landing at the south polar region of the Moon, as well as the successful launch of India’s first solar mission, Aditya-L1. Having set a course to reach new frontiers across all sectors of space cooperation, the leaders welcomed efforts towards establishment of a Working Group for commercial space collaboration under the existing India-U.S. Civil Space Joint Working Group. Determined to deepen our partnership in outer space exploration, ISRO and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have commenced discussions on modalities, capacity building, and training for mounting a joint effort to the International Space Station in 2024, and are continuing efforts to finalise a strategic framework for human space flight cooperation by the end of 2023. India and the United States also intend to increase coordination on planetary defence to protect planet Earth and space assets from the impact of asteroids and near-Earth objects, including U.S. support for India’s participation in asteroid detection and tracking via the Minor Planet Center.

The leaders reiterated their support for building resilient global semiconductor supply chains, noting in this respect a multi-year initiative of Microchip Technology, Inc., to invest approximately US$300 million in expanding its research and development presence in India and Advanced Micro Device’s announcement to invest US$400 million in India over the next five years to expand research, development, and engineering operations in India. The leaders expressed satisfaction at the ongoing implementation of announcements made in June 2023 by U.S. companies, Micron, LAM Research, and Applied Materials.

Sharing a vision of secure and trusted telecommunications, resilient supply chains, and global digital inclusion, Prime Minister Modi and President Biden welcomed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Bharat 6G Alliance and Next G Alliance, operated by Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, as a first step towards deepening public-private cooperation between vendors and operators. They further acknowledged the setting-up of two Joint Task Forces focused on collaboration in the field of Open RAN and research and development in 5G/6G technologies. A 5G Open RAN pilot in a leading Indian telecom operator will be undertaken by a U.S. Open RAN manufacturer before field deployment. The leaders continue to look forward to the participation of Indian companies in the U.S. Rip and Replace Program; President Biden also welcomed India’s support for a Rip and Replace pilot in the United States.

The United States reiterated its commitment to working together with India in the quantum domain, both bilaterally and through the Quantum Entanglement Exchange, a platform to facilitate international quantum exchange opportunities; and welcomed the participation of India’s S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, as a member of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium. It was also recognized that the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange as an international partner.

The leaders hailed the signing of an Implementation Arrangement between the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and India’s Department of Biotechnology to enable scientific and technological research collaborations in biotechnology and biomanufacturing innovations. They welcomed the call for proposals released by NSF and India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology to foster academic and industrial collaboration in semiconductor research, next generation communication systems, cyber-security, sustainability and green technologies, and intelligent transportation systems.

Reaffirming their commitment to building resilient technology value chains and linking defence industrial ecosystems, the leaders recommitted their administrations to promoting policies and adapting regulations that facilitate greater technology sharing, co-development, and co-production opportunities between Indian and U.S. industry, government and academic institutions. They also welcomed continued engagement through an inter-agency monitoring mechanism under the auspices of the bilateral Strategic Trade Dialogue, launched in June 2023.

The leaders welcomed the signing of an MoU between Indian universities, represented by the Council of Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Council), and the Association of American Universities (AAU) to establish the India-U.S. Global Challenges Institute, with a combined initial commitment of at least US$10 million. The Global Challenges Institute will bring together leading research and higher-education institutions from across our two nations, including beyond AAU and IIT membership, to advance new frontiers in science and technology, spanning collaboration in sustainable energy and agriculture, health and pandemic preparedness, semiconductor technology and manufacturing, advanced materials, telecommunications, artificial intelligence, and quantum science.

The leaders also welcomed the growing number of multi-institutional collaborative education partnerships, such as those between New York University-Tandon and IIT Kanpur Advanced Research Center, and the Joint Research Centers of the State University of New York at Buffalo and IIT Delhi, Kanpur, Jodhpur, and BHU, in the areas of critical and emerging technologies.

The leaders affirmed the importance of efforts to close the gender digital divide in the digital economy, noting a G20 commitment to halve the digital gender gap by 2030 and expressed support for the Women in the Digital Economy Initiative, which brings together governments, private sector companies, foundations, civil society and multilateral organizations to accelerate progress toward the closure of the digital gender divide.

Prime Minister Modi and President Biden reaffirmed their commitment to deepen and diversify the India-U.S. Major Defence Partnership through expanded cooperation in new and emerging domains such as space and AI, and accelerated defence industrial collaboration.

The leaders welcomed completion of the Congressional Notification process on 29 August 2023 and the commencement of negotiations for a commercial agreement between GE Aerospace and Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL) to manufacture GE F-414 jet engines in India, and recommitted to work collaboratively and expeditiously to support the advancement of this unprecedented co-production and technology transfer proposal.

The leaders applauded the conclusion of a second Master Ship Repair Agreement, with the most recent agreement signed by the U.S. Navy and Mazgaon Dock Shipbuilders, Ltd., in August 2023. Both sides recommitted to advancing India’s emergence as a hub for the maintenance and repair of forward-deployed U.S. Navy assets and other aircraft and vessels. The leaders also welcomed further commitments from U.S. industry to invest more in India’s maintenance, repair, and overhaul capabilities and facilities for aircraft.

The leaders commended the India-U.S. Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) team for establishing a robust collaboration agenda to harness the innovative work of the U.S. and Indian defence sectors to address shared security challenges. INDUS-X convened the inaugural Academia Start-up Partnership at IIT Kanpur, with the participation of Penn State University, and initiated the Joint Accelerator Program for Indian Startups, through a workshop led by U.S. accelerator M/s Hacking 4 Allies (H4x) and IIT Hyderabad in August 2023. Both sides also welcomed the announcement by the Indian Ministry of Defence’s Innovations for Defence Excellence and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit to launch two joint challenges, which will invite start-ups to develop solutions to shared defence technology challenges.

President Biden welcomed the issuance of a Letter of Request from the Ministry of Defence of India to procure 31 General Atomics MQ-9B (16 Sky Guardian and 15 Sea Guardian) remotely piloted aircraft and their associated equipment, which will enhance the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities of India’s armed forces across all domains.

Reiterating the importance of nuclear energy as a necessary resource to meet our nations’ climate, energy transition, and energy security needs, Prime Minister Modi and President Biden welcomed intensified consultations between the relevant entities on both sides to expand opportunities for facilitating India-U.S. collaboration in nuclear energy, including in development of next generation small modular reactor technologies in a collaborative mode. The United States reaffirmed its support for India’s membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group and committed to continue engagement with like-minded partners to advance this goal.

The leaders welcomed the inaugural meeting of the India-U.S. Renewable Energy Technologies Action Platform [RE-TAP], in August 2023, under which the two countries will engage in lab-to-lab collaboration, piloting, and testing of innovative technologies; collaboration on policy and planning to advance renewable energy and enabling technologies; investment, incubation and outreach programmes; and training and skill development to accelerate the uptake and adoption of new and emerging renewable technologies and energy systems.

Reiterating the importance of decarbonizing the transport sector, the leaders welcomed progress to expand electric mobility in India, including joint support for a payment security mechanism financed through both public and private funds. This will accelerate the procurement of 10,000 made-in India electric buses including those for the Indian PM e-Bus Sewa program that will include the associated charging infrastructure. The two countries are committed to working together to help diversify the global supply chain for e-mobility.

India and the United States are also advancing the creation of investment platforms to lower the cost of capital and accelerate the deployment of greenfield renewable energy, battery storage and emerging green technology projects in India. Towards this end, India’s National Investment and Infrastructure Fund and the U.S. Development Finance Corporation exchanged letters of intent to each provide up to US$500 million to anchor a renewable infrastructure investment fund.

The leaders lauded the settlement of the seventh and last outstanding World Trade Organisation (WTO) dispute between India and the United States. This follows the unprecedented settlement of six outstanding bilateral trade disputes in the WTO in June 2023.

The leaders welcomed efforts to develop an ambitious “Innovation Handshake” agenda under the India-U.S. Commercial Dialogue, to include two anchor events in the fall (one in India and one in the United States), in which our two sides will collaborate to bring together start-ups, private equity and venture capital firms, corporate investment departments, and government officials to forge connections between the two countries’ innovation ecosystems.

The leaders welcomed our growing bilateral cooperation in cancer research, prevention, control, and management, and looked forward to the launch of the India-U.S. Cancer Dialogue in November 2023. This dialogue will focus on advancing knowledge in cancer genomics, developing new diagnostics and therapeutics to enhance and strengthen cancer care including for underserved urban and rural communities. The leaders also highlighted the upcoming U.S.-India Health Dialogue, taking place in October 2023 in Washington, D.C., underscoring their joint commitment to strengthening and facilitating scientific, regulatory, and health cooperation between our two nations.

The leaders welcomed the renewal of a Memorandum of Arrangement between the U.S. Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency and the Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) to facilitate recovery from India of the remains of fallen U.S. service members who served in World War II.

Prime Minister Modi and President Biden pledged to sustain the high-level of engagement between our governments, industries, and academic institutions and realize their ambitious vision for an enduring India-U.S. partnership that advances the aspirations of our people for a bright and prosperous future, serves the global good, and contributes to a free, open, inclusive, and resilient Indo-Pacific.

Prime Minister @narendramodi and @POTUS @JoeBiden are holding talks at 7, Lok Kalyan Marg in Delhi. Their discussions include a wide range of issues and will further deepen the bond between India and USA. — PMO India (@PMOIndia) September 8, 2023
Happy to have welcomed @POTUS @JoeBiden to 7, Lok Kalyan Marg. Our meeting was very productive. We were able to discuss numerous topics which will further economic and people-to-people linkages between India and USA. The friendship between our nations will continue to play a… — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 8, 2023

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What Modi’s Visit to Washington Tells Us About Indian American Voters

N arendra Modi was once shunned by the U.S. In 2005, the then-chief minister of the Indian state of Gujarat was denied a diplomatic visa amid accusations he tacitly supported Hindu mobs during communal violence three years earlier that left more than a thousand people, most of them Muslim, dead.

But he is shunned no more. On June 22, Washington will roll out the red carpet for Modi, who will become just the third world leader (after France’s Emmanuel Macron and South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeol) to be invited by President Joe Biden for a state visit and dinner, the highest of diplomatic receptions typically reserved for only the closest of allies. That Biden has chosen to fete Modi in this way is indicative of the “deep and close partnership” between their two countries, the White House said in a statement , especially on matters of foreign policy. But it is perhaps also emblematic of the growing visibility and electoral heft of the Indian American community.

“Indian Americans are a key constituency and a key vote in a number of swing states,” says Sara Sadhwani, an assistant professor of politics at Pomona College and a senior researcher at AAPI Data, which publishes demographic data and policy research on Asian Americans.

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With a population of nearly 5 million, Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group and fastest-growing voting bloc in the U.S. today. Their impact is evident at the ballot box, where Indian Americans voted in record numbers during the 2020 presidential election. It is also becoming increasingly apparent in the halls of power, from Congress (where there are five Indian American lawmakers currently serving, up from just one a decade ago) to the White House (where Kamala Harris, who is biracial, made history as the first Vice President of Indian heritage). While every presidential contest since 2016 has featured at least one Indian American candidate, 2024 is poised to be the first race to feature at least two: Nikki Hayley, the daughter of Sikh immigrants from Punjab, and Vivek Ramaswamy, whose parents hail from Kerala.

Modi’s enduring popularity among the diaspora

modi us visit june 2023

The Indian American community’s political weight has not been lost on Modi, who has leveraged its influence time and again. When the Prime Minister first came to power in 2014, he was received by 20,000 spectators at a sold-out event in New York’s Madison Square Garden during a five-day visit to the U.S. It was the largest reception any foreign leader has received in the country after the Pope. “This is India’s century,” Modi declared, sending the wildly enthusiastic crowd into a frenzy.

In 2019, Modi once again received a jubilant reception with nearly 50,000 spectators at a “Howdy Modi” rally in Houston.

A survey on Indian American attitudes conducted by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and YouGov in 2020 found that Indian Americans held broadly favorable views of Modi, with nearly half approving of his performance as Prime Minister. Milan Vaishnav, director of the South Asia Program at Carnegie, says that this might be because the Indian diaspora sees Modi as “reclaiming India’s rightful status on the global scene.”

“India is now perceived to be both big and vital to geopolitics,” Vaishnav adds. Whether it’s hosting the G-20, being feted at the state dinner by President Biden, or even maintaining cordial relations with Vladimir Putin, he says that “many Indian diaspora members view this as a sign that India is back and experiencing a period of resurgence.”

The support for Modi comes despite the fact that while Indian Americans are hardly a monolith, they tend to vote for Democrats, rather than Republicans who more closely align with Modi’s right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party. As many as 74% of Indian American voters are thought to have backed Biden in 2020, according to a 2022 survey by AAPI Data , compared to just 15% supporting Donald Trump.

While Biden’s welcoming of Modi is widely seen in the context of Washington hoping to strike defense deals with New Delhi (most analysts tell TIME the reason for the visit can be distilled to one word—China—owing to the indispensable role of India in U.S. efforts to deter Chinese aggression), it’s also recognizing Modi’s popularity among a key American voting bloc. “In a time when the country has elections decided by four states and a margin of a few percent or less, every community really matters,” says Neil Makhija, the president of Indian American Impact advocacy group. “Ours really showed up in a significant way for [Biden] in Georgia, in Pennsylvania, in Arizona.”

Still, the Republican Party sees Indian Americans as a “natural constituency,” Vaishnav says. “They are well-off, and they’re business oriented. They care about low taxes, low regulation, and entrepreneurship, and they’re socially conservative. So I don’t think it’s a group that the Democratic Party is going to take for granted.”

A “very awkward” dilemma

modi us visit june 2023

Modi’s state visit also poses a strategic challenge to Biden. As a candidate, the U.S. President made defending human rights and democracy a cornerstone of his foreign policy agenda. Critics argue that his embrace of Modi, who over his two terms as Prime Minister has overseen significant democratic backsliding in India, is doing just the opposite.

The controversial Indian leader—who is poised to win his third term next year—has been accused of aggressively championing a Hindu-nationalist agenda that critics say reinvents the very idea of India as a pluralist, secular democracy to a religious, nationalist autocracy. Under Modi’s leadership, India has passed discriminatory laws that have alienated nearly 200 million Muslims; squashed dissent by jailing journalists, activists, and civil society organizations; and exercised judicial influence against his political opponents (notably, Rahul Gandhi , the de facto leader and scion of the Gandhi-Nehru family at the helm of the opposition Congress Party).

The U.S. has taken note. The State Department’s annual Religious Freedom Report, a survey of religious freedoms around the world, has expressed a number of concerns over India in recent years. It was notable that unlike last year, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made no mention of India in his speech this year, which analysts saw as a move to keep U.S.-India relations friendly ahead of Modi’s visit.

But according to Audrey Truschke, an associate professor of South Asian history at Rutgers University and a vocal critic of Modi’s Hindu nationalist base, the decision to host Modi shows that the “Biden administration does not care about human rights in India. If they did, there is absolutely no way that they would be hosting Modi right now.”

“It’s very awkward for the administration,” adds Michael Kugelman, the director of the South Asia Institute at the Wilson Center think-tank in Washington, D.C. “The strategic imperatives of partnership limit the options for the administration to bring attention to this issue—especially publicly, given that this Indian government does not take kindly to any type of external criticism of its internal policies.” The top priority for the administration, he says, will be to “avoid any drama.”

While the White House may want to keep the visit as anodyne as possible, the same doesn’t appear to be the case for the Indian American community at large. In the run up to Modi’s visit, pro-Modi groups have organized “Unity” marches in nearly 20 American cities on June 18, while those opposed to Modi’s presence plan to stage a rally near the White House to coincide with his arrival on June 22.

In an open letter drafted by Hindus for Human Rights, a Washington D.C.-based advocacy group, several Indian Americans, human rights advocates, and concerned allies have also urged Biden to “push back” against the Indian government’s “escalating attacks on human rights and democracy.”

By honoring Modi, Truschke warns that the White House could inadvertently encourage communal violence within the Indian American community. “This will make Hindu nationalist groups feel even more emboldened in the U.S.,” says Truschke, who herself has been on the receiving end of threats from far-right Hindu nationalists.

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Two men, US President Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi standing with the arms stretched outward to wave

What to expect from Modi’s historic visit to the US

Modi will hold bilateral talks with Biden and address a joint session of Congress, followed by a lavish dinner reception at the White House. The US and India have long enjoyed warm relations, but this visit is particularly momentous.   

  • By Sushmita Pathak

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden wave from the Blue Room Balcony during a State Arrival Ceremony at the White House in Washington, June 22, 2023. 

The lawns of the United Nations headquarters in New York were dotted with yellow yoga mats as hundreds of people gathered on Wednesday morning to stretch together. Among them was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi — leading International Yoga Day celebrations as part of his three-day trip to the United States. 

The Indian leader has visited the US several times since taking office in 2014. But this trip is a rare state visit — the highest diplomatic honor for a foreign leader. President Joe Biden has only invited two other leaders — French and South Korean — for such visits, and Modi is only the third Indian leader to receive such an invitation.

On Thursday, Modi will hold bilateral talks with Biden and address a joint session of Congress, followed by a lavish dinner reception at the White House. The US and India have long enjoyed warm relations, but this visit is particularly momentous.   

“Every once a decade or thereabouts, you have a visit that really moves the ball forward,” said Richard Rossow, chair of the US-India Policy Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “And it feels like both governments are talking about this visit as kind of along those lines.”

Despite Delhi and Washington not seeing eye to eye on some key issues, the Biden administration has bestowed Modi with the honor, even as human rights groups raise concerns about Modi’s allegedly anti-Muslim policies back home.

In India, Modi supporters see the visit as a moment of pride. One pro-government news channel used the hashtag #ModiMagicInAmerica with its anchor Arnab Goswami saying that the US had more at stake than India. 

A crowd of people looking onward

“It is just one more telling statement, ladies and gentlemen, of how India’s place in the world has risen in the Modi years,” Goswami declared during his news segment. 

The US and India have had strong people-to-people ties for years, with a large and influential Indian-American diaspora. Trade between the two countries has also been flourishing for decades. But Modi’s visit this week could see the two nations join hands to strengthen another pillar of their partnership. 

“There will be a great deal of focus on defense and security cooperation, as well as technology cooperation,” said Lisa Curtis, director of the Indo-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security. “The US is setting the stage for an announcement that it will co-produce jet-engine technology with India, which is a huge deal. Only a handful of countries have this kind of technology capabilities.”

India is also close to signing a deal to buy MQ-9B armed surveillance drones from the US. Earlier this month, the US defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, met India’s defense minister, Rajnath Singh, in Delhi to set up a road map for defense industry cooperation.

While the US wants to help India enhance its military capabilities, Curtis said, “Part of the goal here is to wean India away from its dependence on Russian military technology.”

About half of India’s weapons imports come from Russia. This defense partnership is the cornerstone of the close ties between Delhi and Moscow, which date back to the Cold War. It’s also why India has not condemned Russia for invading Ukraine. While the US isn’t particularly happy about this, Curtis said it has largely accepted it.

“India is too important for the United States over the longer term, and so, there is a willingness to set aside the US-India differences over Russia,” Curtis said.

On the Indian side, there has been a “sea change” in the outlook towards the US, said Rajan Menon, director of the Grand Strategy Program at the Washington-based think tank Defense Priorities. 

In the 1970s, relations between the two were “frosty,” Curtis said. During the India-Pakistan war of 1971, Washington sided with Islamabad as Delhi turned to Moscow. But over the past two decades, and under Republican and Democratic administrations, the US has warmed up to India. In recent years, the two nations have also been pushed toward each other by another Asian giant. 

“China is playing matchmaker here,” Rossow said.

Tensions between the US and China have been at a historic low. Meanwhile, India and China are engaged in a standoff over their disputed border in the Himalayas, where fighting breaks out sporadically. Besides security concerns, Rossow said, Biden and Modi will also discuss cooperation in strategic commercial sectors to keep China’s rise in check.

“Areas that are important for global growth and technology evolution, and those areas where China has a market moving position, so critical minerals and rare earth, 5G and 6G, undersea cables, artificial intelligence, quantum, even commercial space exploration,” Rossow said. “Can we break China’s stranglehold and their ability to use these things as commercial threats against other countries?”

Menon said that this is a “new chapter” in US-India relations and one that is “largely China-driven.” And while India is welcoming deeper ties with the US, it is also careful not to upset other nations.

Biden and Modi hugging each other on stage

“India’s government will have to balance how it handles the relationship with the US with its long-standing relationship with Russia,” Menon said. “It doesn’t want to alienate both China and Russia simultaneously. So, there’s a kind of a delicate dance going on.”

In India, Modi’s visit is being seen as proof that Delhi has played its balancing act between Washington and Moscow well.

As the White House prepares to welcome Modi for a state banquet, human rights groups are protesting against his visit, saying his policies back home target religious minorities. Modi was once denied a US visa for his alleged role in anti-Muslim riots in 2002.

“[The US] talks a good game on the human rights front, and sometimes, we’re sincere, but when it comes to concrete interests, we’re perfectly willing to put them to the side,” Menon said. 

Rossow said that the Biden administration will raise human rights concerns with Modi, but in private. 

“They’re not going to want to tip over the applecart by pushing too hard,” he said, because the broader relationship with India is too important.

In 2006, then-Sen. Biden laid out a grand vision for US-India relations. 

“My dream is that in 2020, the two closest nations in the world will be India and the United States. If that occurs, the world will be safer,” he  said then . 

“I don’t think we’re quite there; it is more aspirational right now,” Curtis said. 

India and the US are not allies and probably never will be, she said. But they are strategic partners with mutual interests that span several areas. Related:   Amid war in Ukraine, India maintains ‘strategic partnership’ with Russia

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PM Modi's power-packed U.S. visit: Yoga, state dinner & a mega event

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Updated Jun 19, 2023 20:02 IST

President Joe Biden and FLOTUS Jill Biden to host PM Narendra Modi at the White House  PM Narendra Modi Us visit

President Joe Biden and FLOTUS Jill Biden to host PM Narendra Modi at the White House | PM Narendra Modi Us visit (File Photo: Tweeted by MEA)

Key events to watch out for during PM Narendra Modi's US visit | PM Modi US visit schedule

PM Narendra Modi to visit the United States this week 🇺🇸 What's on the agenda? Take a look👇 @narendramodi @POTUS #NarendraModi — ET NOW (@ETNOWlive) June 19, 2023

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  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to the US, June 21–23, 2023

At a Glance Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, wrapped up his three-day state visit to the United States on Friday, June 23, 2023. The visit was marked by announcements to expand economic engagement and resolve on both sides to elevate the bilateral relationship to a global strategic partnership. During the visit, Modi held a one-on-one conversation with US President Joe Biden ahead of the delegation-level talks. Both leaders affirmed that technology would play the defining role in deepening the partnership between India and the United States. The two leaders also highlighted the significance of the US-India Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership and the Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) to demonstrate their commitment to climate action and clean energy. Here are some of the major highlights of the visit:

The Indo-US Joint Statement

A joint India-US statement was issued after the visit to announce deals on semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI), telecoms, jet engine manufacturing, drones purchasing, and investments in energy and mobility sectors. The two leaders also affirmed to extend digital partnership and collaboration on sustainable development and global health. During his visit, Modi also met American CEOs from top companies including Google, Boeing, and Amazon and addressed a joint session of the US Congress.

Key takeaways from the joint statement:

  • Deals were announced that will strengthen semiconductor supply chains: India to receive investments from Micron Technology and Applied Materials. Lam Research to train Indian workforce.
  • Joint research: Both countries signed an implanting arrangement to further support joint research on quantum, artificial intelligence, and advanced wireless technologies.
  • Energy collaboration and investment platform on green technology: A New and Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies Action Platform to accelerate cooperation in green hydrogen, offshore and onshore wind, and other emerging technologies launched.
  • Decarbonizing transportation sector: USAID signed an MOU with the Ministry of Railways to work together on Indian Railways’ target to become a “net-zero” carbon emitter by 2030. The United States and India also announced plans to create a payment security mechanism that will facilitate the deployment of 10,000 made-in-India electric buses in India.
  • Biofuels initiative: The Global Biofuels Alliance, established by India with the United States as a founding member, will facilitate cooperation in accelerating the use of biofuels.
  • Accelerating the fight against cancer and diabetes: The US National Cancer Institute will foster collaboration between US and Indian scientists through two new grants to develop an AI-enabled digital pathology platform.
  • Jet engine co-production: GE and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited signed an MoU to jointly produce fighter jet engines in India.
  • Predator drone procurement: India to procure armed drones from General Atomics.
  • Resilient supply chain: The United States and India finalized a Defense Industrial Cooperation Roadmap that provides policy direction to defense industries and enables co-production of advanced defense systems.

Meeting with top American CEOs and business leaders

Prime Minister Modi interacted with CEOs and business of top American companies during a roundtable at the White House. The meeting was marked by pledges of deeper US-India cooperation on areas including space, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. After the meeting, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced that the tech giant is investing US$10 billion in India’s digitization fund and announced the opening of its global fintech operation center in GIFT City, Gujarat. Amazon CEO Andy Jassy took to Twitter to announce that the e-commerce giant will invest a total of $26 billion in India by 2030. In a statement, tech giant Microsoft said that its CEO, Satya Nadella, held discussion with PM Modi around the power of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, to help improve the lives of Indians.

Other CEOs present during the roundtable included Sam Altman (OpenAI), Tim Cook (Apple), and Lisa Su (AMD). Earlier, Tesla CEO Elon Musk had also met the Indian Prime Minister soon after he landed in the US.

PM Modi’s address to joint session of the Congress

Prime Minister Modi addressed a joint session of the US Congress. During his speech, PM Modi mentioned the growing Indo-US trade and economic relations and spoke on the rapid steps both countries are taking to boost strategic partnership. Here are some of the quotes from PM Modi’s speech:

Indo-US partnership

“Today, India and the US are working together in space and in the seas, in science and in semiconductors, in startups and sustainability, in tech and in trade, in farming and finance, in art and artificial intelligence.”

Climate actions

“We became the only G20 country to meet its Paris commitment. We made renewables account for over 40% of our energy sources, nine years ahead of the target of 2030. But we did not stop there. At the Glasgow Summit, I proposed Mission LiFE—Lifestyle for Environment. This is a way to make sustainability a true people’s movement.”

Women empowerment

“Today, in modern India, women are leading us to a better future. India’s vision is not just of development which benefits women, it’s of women-led development where women lead the journey of progress.”

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PM Narendra Modi's US Visit: Dates & Full Schedule

Prime minister narendra modi will embark on an official state visit to the usa from june 21-24..

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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Narendra Modi, Joe Biden Meet In The U.S. (Source: PMO Twitter Handle)</p></div>

Following an invitation from United States President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on an official state visit to the country on June 21.

The visit will commence in New York, where the Prime Minister will lead the International Day of Yoga celebrations at the United Nations Headquarters on June 21.

In December 2014, the UN General Assembly had adopted a resolution proclaiming June 21 as the International Day of Yoga.

This will be PM Modi's first State visit to the US in 9 years. Before him, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited the US in November 2009.

He will then travel to Washington D.C. for meetings, address a Joint Sitting of the U.S. Congress, and engage with the Indian diaspora.

After that, PM Modi will travel to Egypt on June 24 to meet President Sisi and some prominent Egyptian personalities as well as the Indian Communities in Egypt. 

Before his arrival to the U.S., many prominent leaders from the country have shared welcome messages for Narendra Modi.

U.S. Congressman Mike Lawler posted a video message on Twitter highlighting the importance of Modi's visit and what he holds for the US-India partnership.

Also see: PM Modi Ranking In World

I am delighted that Honorable Prime Minister of India @narendramodi will be paying a historic State Visit to the United States next week. The US-India partnership is one of the most defining and consequential partnerships of the 21st century. Jai Hind! And God Bless America! — Congressman Mike Lawler (@RepMikeLawler) June 15, 2023

Missouri Governor Mike Parson also shared a video message on Twitter welcoming PM Narendra Modi -

He wrote, "On behalf of all #Missourians, I want to welcome Prime Minister @narendramodi to our great country."

‘On behalf of all #Missourians , I want to welcome Prime Minister @narendramodi to our great country’. Thank you, Governor @GovParsonMO for highlighting our shared interests in promoting security, stability & economic prosperity. #USWelcomesModi #IndiaUSAPartnership … — India in USA (@IndianEmbassyUS) June 15, 2023

Gina Riamondo, US Secretary of Commerce met Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India Dr. P.K. Mishra and discussed US-India partnerships ahead of PM's visit.

On Monday, I met with Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India Dr. P.K. Mishra. We had a productive discussion on 🇺🇸 – 🇮🇳 partnerships and Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming visit to the United States. — Secretary Gina Raimondo (@SecRaimondo) May 24, 2023

Here Is The Full Schedule Of PM Modi's Visit To US 

On June 21:

PM Modi is visiting the US at the invitation of US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. The visit will commence in New York where the Prime Minister will lead the International Day of Yoga celebrations at the United Nations Headquarters on June 21.

Looking forward to seeing you at the International Day of Yoga celebrations at the UNHQ. Your participation makes the programme even more special. Yoga brings the world together towards furthering good health and wellness. May it keep getting more popular globally. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 16, 2023

Award-winning International Singer Mary Millben will perform during the official state visit of PM Narendra Modi to the US. On June 18, she took to Twitter to announce her performance after being formally invited by Her Excellency Ruchira Kamobj, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations. She will also attend the 9th International Day of Yoga at the UN Headquarters (UNHQ) on June 21 with Prime Minister Modi on the UNHQ North Lawn.  

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Award-winning International Singer @MaryMillben will make appearances in New York and in Washington, D.C. for the Official State Visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India to the United States June 21-23, 2023. Formally invited by Her… — Mary Millben (@MaryMillben) June 18, 2023

PM Modi U.S. Visit Day 1 Highlights: Meeting With Elon Musk, International Yoga Day Message & More

On June 22:

PM Narendra Modi will visit Washington D.C. for a ceremonial welcome at the White House and will meet President Biden to continue their high-level dialogue.

As per the Ministry of External Affairs, India (MEA) - President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will host a State Dinner in honour of PM Modi on evening of June 22.

President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will host a state dinner in honour of PM Modi on evening of June 22: MEA — Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) June 16, 2023

Prime Minister Modi will then address joint sitting of the US Congress. He has been invited by Congressional Leaders, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer

PM Modi to address joint sitting of US Congress on June 22: MEA — Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) June 16, 2023

On June 23:

On June 23, Prime Minister Modi will be jointly hosted at a luncheon by United States Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Bilnken.

In addition to the official engagements, Prime Minister is scheduled to have several curated interactions with leading CEOs, professionals, and other stakeholders. He will also meet members of the Indian Diaspora, according to a MEA statement.

On June 23, PM Modi will be hosted at luncheon by US Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Bilnken: MEA — Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) June 16, 2023

On June 24 - 25:

PM Modi will depart from the United States on June 24 and will be visiting Cairo on June 24-25 for a state visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt. This invitation was extended by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during India's Republic Day celebrations in January 2023, where he was the Chief Guest.

Indians living in United States are thrilled by the news of PM Modi's visit. Vikas Khanna, renowned Indian chef who resides in the US shared his sentiments around Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US.

So proud of India’s impact in the World. From Yoga to cuisine to technology to education to science to arts to entertainment…..and beyond🇮🇳 🇺🇸 @IndianEmbassyUS @Yoshita_Singh @ANI @IndiainNewYork #HistoricStateVisit2023 #PMStateVisit2023 #PMStateVisitUSA #IndiaUSAPartnership … — Vikas Khanna (@TheVikasKhanna) June 16, 2023





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PM Modi's two-hour-long event for Indian diaspora in US on June 23. Top points

Modi us visit 2023 schedule: narendra modi will visit the us from june 21-24 at the invitation of us president joe biden and first lady jill biden..

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting the US from June 21-24 at the invitation of US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. They will host Modi at a state dinner on June 22. The visit also includes an address to the Joint Session of the Congress on June 22.

On June 23, PM Narendra Modi will address an invitation-only gathering of diaspora leaders from across the country at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington.

On June 23, Modi will address an invitation-only gathering of diaspora leaders from across the country at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC. Modi's event with the Indian diaspora will focus on their role in “India’s growth story”.

Top points on PM Modi's address to Indian diaspora in US

1. Modi's event will be for two hours from 7pm to 9pm (local time) on June 23.

2. Award-winning international singer Mary Millben will perform for Modi and other guests at a diaspora reception hosted by the United States Indian Community Foundation (USICF) at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

3. Millben will on the invitation of India's Permanent Representative to the UN, attend the 9th International Day of Yoga at the UN Headquarters (UNHQ) on June 21 with Modi.

4. Dr Bharat Barai, a popular community leader and organiser of Modi's Ronald Reagan Center event in the US, said the prime minister is the most popular public figure, leader in the world, not just in India.

5. Modi's address to the Indian diaspora will be at a relatively modest gathering in Washington DC because of his tight schedule, dashing the hopes of community leaders who had hoped to organise a gala event, news agency PTI reported.

6. With the Indian diaspora numbering nearly 4.5 million and spread across the country, its members expect Modi to connect with them in major cities, and he has been speaking to them in different US cities during his visits.

7. "Narendra Modi is the most popular Indian prime minister for the global Indian diaspora. Now he is the most popular world leader," said Barai, chairman of the Indian American Community Foundation, which had initially planned a mega carnival-like event in Chicago to rival the welcome the prime minister received at Madison Square Garden in 2014 and in Houston in 2019.

8. "The PM was gracious enough to delay his departure from DC by a few hours, and granted a slot for the diaspora meeting," Barai told PTI.

9. Only a select gathering of nearly 1,000 people will be able to attend.

10. Indian Americans are expected to travel to the US capital in large numbers to witness the official welcome ceremony for Modi on June 22, a day after he leads a Yoga Day event at the UN headquarters in New York, soon after he lands in the United States.

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US President Biden to host PM Narendra Modi for state visit in June

Prime minister modi's visit will strengthen two countries' shared commitment to a free, open, prosperous, and secure indo-pacific, said white house press secretary karine jean-pierre.

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FOR THE first time in nine years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to the US for an official state visit from June 21 to 24, where he will be hosted by US President Joe Biden at the White House.

Modi, who will travel to Australia, Japan and Papua New Guinea this month, is likely to meet Biden at least four times within a month, between May 19 and June 22. He will go to Hiroshima (Japan) for the G-7 summit (May 19-21), then to Papua New Guinea for the Pacific Islands’ leaders summit, and Australia for the Quad leaders’ summit. Biden will also visit these three countries at the same time.

modi us visit june 2023

This is Modi’s first state visit to the US since he assumed office in 2014. His previous visits to the US to meet then Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump at the White House were not classified as state visits. The last official state visit by an Indian Prime Minister to the US was undertaken by then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in November 2009.

State visits are considered to be the highest expression of friendly bilateral relations and are replete with official public ceremonies. In the US, these ceremonies include a flight line ceremony (where the visiting head of state is greeted at the tarmac after landing), a 21-gun salute White House arrival ceremony, a White House dinner, exchange of diplomatic gifts, an invitation to stay at the Blair House (US President’s guesthouse across the Pennsylvania Avenue), and flag street-lining.

Modi, according to sources, will start his visit from New York, where he will lead the International Yoga Day celebrations — with the UN building as the backdrop — on June 21. From there, he will head to Washington DC for the state visit. He is also expected to address the Indian diaspora in Chicago.

Festive offer

A coordinated official announcement about the visit was made by the Ministry of External Affairs and the White House almost simultaneously on Wednesday.

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on an official state visit to the United States of America, which will include a state dinner on June 22, 2023, following an invitation from President Joseph Biden and First Lady Jill Biden ,” the MEA said.

It said the visit will “underscore the growing importance of the strategic partnership between India and the United States as the two nations collaborate across numerous sectors”.

“The leaders will have the opportunity to review strong bilateral cooperation in various areas of mutual interest, including technology, trade, industry, education, research, clean energy, defence, security, healthcare, and deepening people-to-people connections,” it said.

Modi and Biden “will also explore ways to strengthen India-US collaboration in pluri-lateral and multilateral fora, including in the G20. They would reflect on their shared vision for a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific and discuss opportunities to expand and consolidate the Quad engagement,” it said.

Stating that President Biden and the First Lady would host Modi for a state visit, the White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said: “The upcoming visit will affirm the deep and close partnership between the United States and India and the warm bonds of family and friendship that link Americans and Indians together.”

“The visit will strengthen our two countries’ shared commitment to a free, open, prosperous, and secure Indo-Pacific and our shared resolve to elevate our strategic technology partnership, including in defence, clean energy and space. The leaders will discuss ways to further expand our educational exchanges and people-to-people ties, as well as our work together to confront common challenges from climate change, to workforce development and health security,” the spokesperson said.

This visit is significant at a time when India has maintained a diplomatic tightrope walk on the Russia- Ukraine war, where it has chosen not to take sides explicitly, either with the US-led West or the Russian side.

However, China’s aggressive behaviour at the India-China border as well as the Indo-Pacific region has brought the two countries closer.

Modi is the third world leader to be invited for a state visit by Biden, following French President Emmanuel Macron late last year and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol in April.

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PM Modi in US Highlights: 900+ Indian-Americans rally in unity march to honour visit

Prime minister narendra modi is visiting the united states from june 21-24 at the invitation of us president joe biden and first lady jill biden. ahead of modi's expected departure today, foreign secretary vinay kwatra shared details on the prime minister's itinerary during a special briefing. his agenda includes a series of high-level meetings on defence cooperation and critical and emerging technologies. catch live updates on prime minister modi's visit to the us with cnbc-tv18 here:.

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India's Modi to visit Ukraine on Aug. 23, weeks after rebuking Putin

By YP Rajesh

NEW DELHI (Reuters) -Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine on Friday to boost ties with Kyiv, weeks after a trip to Moscow in which he rebuked Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war with its neighbour.

Announcing the Aug. 23 trip, India's foreign ministry said it would be a "landmark and historic" visit, the first by an Indian prime minister to Ukraine since diplomatic relations were established over 30 years ago.

Indian analysts said the visit would aim to control damage from Modi's trip last month to Moscow, which coincided with a lethal strike on a children's hospital in Kyiv, embarrassing Modi and drawing criticism from President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

New Delhi, however, said it has substantive and independent ties with both Russia and Ukraine and that the visit builds on continuing interactions between India and Ukraine.

"This is not a zero-sum game ... these are independent, broad ties," Tanmaya Lal, Secretary (West) in the Indian foreign ministry, told reporters.

"This is an important visit that is expected to catalyze our ties in a whole range of sectors," Lal said, listing economic and business links, agriculture, infrastructure, health and education, pharmaceuticals, defence and culture.

Lal said the conflict in Ukraine would also be discussed, and reiterated that New Delhi was willing to provide any support it can in pursuit of peace.

"Lasting peace can only be achieved through options that are acceptable to both parties. And it can only be a negotiated settlement," he said.

Zelenskiy's office said he and Modi would discuss bilateral and multilateral cooperation and that a "number of documents" were expected to be signed.


During Modi's trip to Moscow on July 8-9, old friends India and Russia sought to boost bilateral trade and cooperation in areas ranging from nuclear energy to medicine.

But the visit coincided with the strike on the hospital in Ukraine's capital, prompting Modi to use emotive language to deliver an implicit rebuke to Putin at their summit.

Modi told Putin the death of innocent children was painful and terrifying, and that Moscow and Kyiv should resolve their conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.

Modi's visit also coincided with the July 9-10 NATO summit in Washington at which the allies sought to bolster Ukraine and counter Russia.

The United States said it raised concerns with India about its ties with Russia but also said the relationship gives New Delhi an ability to urge Putin to end the war.

Top Indian diplomats have since held regular talks with their Ukrainian counterparts, and Modi met Zelenskiy on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit in Italy in June. They have also spoken several times by phone since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Ukraine has pitched for New Delhi to help rebuild its economy, inviting investment from Indian companies at a January business summit in India.

India has traditionally had close economic and defence ties with Moscow and refrained from criticising Russia over its invasion. It has increased purchases of Russian oil to record levels, saying it must protect its own national interest first.

The prospect of India mediating to help end the war in Ukraine has been raised in diplomatic circles from time to time but New Delhi has appeared cagey, saying only that it is willing to offer any support to resolve the conflict peacefully.

(Reporting by YP Rajesh; Additional reporting by Shivam Patel and Tanvi Mehta in New Delhi and Yuliia Dysa in Gdansk; editing by Giles Elgood and Timothy Heritage)

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Independence Day

PM Modi To Visit Ukraine On August 23, First Visit By Indian PM In 30 Years

Pm modi will visit ukraine on august 23, becoming the first indian pm to do so in over 30 years. modi had earlier met president putin in russia in july..

Narendra Modi To Visit Ukraine On August 23 poland PM Modi To Visit Ukraine On August 23, First Visit By Indian PM In 30 Years

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine on August 23 on the invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Monday. 

The visit will be the first time an Indian Prime Minister will be visiting Ukraine in more than 30 years and comes a month after PM Modi's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Modi visited Moscow for a two-day visit beginning on July 8, 2024, at the invitation of Putin, for the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit. 

ALSO READ | 'India Believes In Buddh, Not Yuddh…': PM Modi In Independence Day Speech Ahead Of Ukraine Visit

During his visit, both countries agreed to increase cooperation in various sectors, including nuclear power and shipbuilding. They also discussed ways to solve payment problems as their leaders met in Moscow on Tuesday. 

Speaking on PM Modi's trip to Kyiv, Tanmaya Lal, Secretary West, said India has always been advocating diplomacy and dialogue to resolve conflict in Ukraine.

"India has maintained a very clear and consistent position that diplomacy and dialogue can resolve this conflict (between Russia and Ukraine) and which can lead to enduring peace, so dialogue is absolutely essential. Lasting peace can only be achieved through options that are acceptable to both parties and it can only be a negotiated settlement," Tanmaya Lal said during a media briefing. 

"On our part, India continues to engage with all stakeholders. Prime Minister Modi has had conversations with leaders of both Russia and Ukraine as you know and the PM also visited Russia, recently. India is willing to provide all possible support and contribution required to help find peaceful solutions to this complex issue," he added.

The Office of the Ukrainian President said PM Modi will hold talks with Volodymyr Zelenskyy on bilateral and multilateral cooperation. 

"During the visit, in particular, the talks with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be held to discuss issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. It is also expected that a number of documents between Ukraine and India will be signed," Zelenskyy's office said in a statement.

PM Modi will also be undertaking an official visit to Poland on August 21 and 22 on the invitation of PM Donald Tusk. 

"This is a landmark visit as the PM of Indian is visiting Poland after 45 years. This visit takes place as we also mark the 70th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations," Tanmaya Lal said.

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India PM Modi to visit Ukraine, foreign ministry says

N EW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine, the Indian foreign ministry said on Monday, his first trip to the war-torn country since its conflict with Russia and about a month after he met President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Details of the trip will be shared later in the day, the foreign ministry said. Indian media have reported that Modi is likely to visit Kyiv this month.

Western capitals have imposed sanctions on Moscow following its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, but friendly nations such as India and China have continued to trade with it.

India has refrained from directly blaming Russia - for what Moscow calls a special military operation - while urging the neighbours to resolve the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.

The U.S. has raised concerns over India's relationship with Russia, especially at a time when Washington has been seeking to strengthen ties with New Delhi as a potential counterweight to an ascendant China.

New Delhi is seeking to deepen its relationship with the West while keeping ties intact with old friend Russia.

(Reporting by YP Rajesh; Writing by Shivam Patel)

FILE PHOTO: India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi attends a meeting with Russia's President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia July 9, 2024. Sputnik/Sergey Bobylev/Kremlin via REUTERS/File Photo

India's Modi will visit Ukraine after Zelenskyy's criticism for meeting Putin

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine this week and meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

NEW DELHI -- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ukraine this week and meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the two countries announced Monday, weeks after he met President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Modi will visit Ukraine on Zelenskyy's invitation on Friday, Tanmaya Lal, a senior official at the Ministry of External Affairs, said at a briefing in New Delhi. He said the visit will provide an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss cooperation in defense, economic and business ties, science and technology and other sectors.

Ukraine’s Presidential Office also announced Modi's trip, saying it's his first visit during which two leaders will sign multiple cooperation documents and discuss “matters of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.”

Modi’s trip to Ukraine comes a month after Zelenskyy criticized his two-day visit to Moscow in July, when he met with Putin on the day Russian missiles struck across Ukraine, killing scores of people.

Zelenskyy had described the meeting as a “huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts to see the leader of the world’s largest democracy hug the world’s most bloody criminal in Moscow on such a day.” He also chided Modi for hugging Putin during their meeting.

Modi did not address the strikes directly during his trip, but alluded to the bloodshed while speaking about his meeting with Putin.

“Be it war, a struggle or a terrorist attack, every person who believes in humanity, when there is loss of life, he is pained,” Modi said then. “When innocent children are killed, when we see innocent children dying, then the heart pains. And that pain is very horrible."

India has avoided condemning Russia’s invasion and instead has urged Russia and Ukraine to resolve the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.

"The conflict is ongoing and we believe that the resolution to this conflict can only come through dialogue and diplomacy," Lal said on Monday. He said “India has consistently advocated for diplomacy and dialogue to reach a negotiated settlement."

Under Modi, New Delhi is seeking to deepen its relationship with the West while also keeping ties with Moscow, a major defense supplier for India. He has carefully avoided rubbing Moscow the wrong way given the countries’ partnership dating back to the Cold War.

India has also become a key buyer of Russian oil following sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies that shut most Western markets off to Russian exports. India now gets more than 40% of its oil imports from Russia, according to analysts.

The U.S. has also raised concerns over India’s relationship with Russia, especially at a time when Washington has been seeking to strengthen ties with New Delhi as a counterweight to China.

At the time of Modi’s Moscow visit, U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan had cautioned New Delhi that “a bet on Russia as a long-term, reliable partner is not a good bet.” The U.S. was also concerned with the timing of Modi’s visit as it came in the middle of the NATO Summit being held in Washington, where the West moved to bolster Ukraine.

Modi and Zelenskyy last met in June on the sidelines of the Group of Seven meeting in Italy. The two leaders have also spoken several times by phone since the start of the war.

Ukraine is interested in strengthening trade and economic ties with India, particularly agricultural exports, aviation cooperation, and pharmaceutical and industrial product trade, the Ukrainian president said earlier this year.

Bilateral trade between India and Ukraine countries has grown significantly in the last 25 years, reaching $3.3 billion in 2021-2022 financial year, according to India's foreign ministry.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, India has also provided almost 100 tons of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and neighboring countries.

Associated Press writer Illia Novikov in Kyiv, Ukraine contributed to this report.

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