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Gavin & Stacey fishing trip: what REALLY happened on Uncle Bryn and Jason’s boat?

This should help solve the truth behind that gavin & stacey fishing trip.

Gavin and Stacey

Its been 17 years since BBC's Gavin and Stacey first graced our TV screens which means for more than 10 years we've been wondering what happened on the fishing trip.

It’s hard to believe that the final episode of the series aired in January 2010 isn't it?

Yup, it was New Year’s Day 2010 when we watched Neil "Smithy" Smith (James Corden) talk Vanessa Shanessa "Nessa" Jenkins (Ruth Jones) out of marrying Dave "Coaches"' Gooch (Steffan Rhodri), and Stacey Shipman (née West) (Joanna Page) announce that she was pregnant with Gavin Shipman's (Mathew Horne) baby.

And plenty of other loose ends were tied up along the way, too.

All barring ONE, that is.

Oh yes, we’re talking about Uncle Bryn West (Rob Brydon) and Jason West's (Robert Wilfort) mysterious fishing trip.

Gavin and Stacey

For years we've all been wondering what actually happened between the pair and our hopes were raised when the actors all reunited for a Christmas Day special in 2019.

The shocking reunion came shortly after Ruth Jones - the show’s co-creator - said that there were "no plans" for a Gavin & Stacey reunion but then she backtracked with James Corden confirming it was returning for a festive special.

Unfortunately we're still none the wiser as to what happened so while we hope that they come together AGAIN so we can figure out what happened, let's recap what we DO know about that fishing trip, shall we?

  • They did it because they were cold
  • It involves soup
  • It potentially involves nudity
  • It 'defies the laws of gravity'
  • It’s legal in Wales

And, for those of you who assumed that it involved a sexual liaison between the pair of them, we’re here to tell you that you’re wrong.

WATCH: Brynn FINALLY explains what happened on that fishing trip and WHY

How do we know?

Well, Bryn and Jason are uncle and nephew - making it incest if they were to hop into bed together.

And incest is ILLEGAL in the UK, which is completely at odds with that ‘it’s legal in Wales’ comment.


Gavin and Stacey

Well, the internet has plenty of theories.

One viewer wrote, "More than likely, Bryn and Jason went out fishing. Jason fell in and Bryn jumped in after him.

"After pulling him put, Bryn knew that getting warm was essential and, being Bryn, didn't think before he got them both stripped to get out of their soaking wet clothes and to cuddle to get warm.

"Upon realising, after a while, that they were two men, not to mention uncle and nephew, and both gay, they both have a sickening feeling of guilt about the situation."

We like it… but it lacks any soupy substance, doesn’t it?

gavin stacey cast now

Another suggested, "They fell in the water, and ate warm soup by a fire in a bid to get warm.

"When that didn’t work, they ditched their clothes (to increase body heat) and clambered into a tree / hammock to sleep.

"I assume spooning was involved and perhaps someone woke up with morning glory wood and they decided to try keep it secret for the sake of their reputations."

And one VERY loyal fan penned a whole piece of fan fiction about that fishing trip - with a slightly different twist.

Rob Brydon (Bryn) Gavin & Stacey

It suggested that the duo had been intent on camping out during their fishing trip, but it soon became too cold to remain in their tents.

Instead, they checked into a hotel - and the proprietor, worried about their exposure to the rain and winds, made up a special vat of leek and potato soup for the pair to enjoy in their rooms.

While Jason was in the bathroom, Bryn made use of the television set in their room to find an “adult program" that would keep them entertained throughout the night.

He settled back in the bed to watch the admittedly frisky show, resting the mug of soup on his stomach to keep himself warm.

However, when Jason came in, Bryn jumped, spilling the soup all over his trousers - and even causing some to splash upwards onto the ceiling.

With the adult program still playing in the background, things obviously looked a little confusing to Jason - and the entire situation remained VERY awkward between the pair of them forever more.

We quite like this theory ( you can read the whole thing here ) because it checks off a lot of the crucial points.

gavin and stacey cast in 2020

There’s soup, there’s gravity-defying antics (it hit the ceiling), there’s a healthy dose of awkwardness, and it remains legal in this country.

Then again, we doubt we’ll ever know what really happened.

After all, both James Corden and Ruth Jones have admitted they didn’t have an actual event in mind when they wrote it into the script; they wanted it to remain a mystery for viewers forever.

Mission achieved, guys.

Now we're just desperate to know if Smithy accepted Nessa's proposal. Seriously, BBC, how could you leave us hanging like that?

Thankfully, just when we thought we'd never get an answer, BBC seemingly CONFIRMED that the show will return .

Yep, this is not a drill. They may not have given us a filming date or any solid time scales as to when we can expect this shiny new series BUT, they did tell us that it might happen "one day."

That's good enough for us.

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bryn and the fishing trip

Gavin and Stacey: What happened on the fishing trip?

"That bloody fishing trip, Bryn! When's it going to end, eh?"

bryn and the fishing trip

  • David Craig
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Much to the delight of fans, Gavin & Stacey returned to screens last Christmas and referenced a mystery that has puzzled audiences for over a decade.

What happened on the fishing trip? Sadly, the special didn't confirm what actually happened on Jason and Bryn's now-legendary outing - but the comedy did tease a few more details.

With the sitcom's hit 2019 special returning to our screens for a primetime Christmas Eve repeat at 8:40pm on BBC One, here's a recap of everything we know so far - as well as a few of the weird and wonderful theories the internet has produced.

There's every chance we'll never find out, with some speculating that even series creators Ruth Jones and James Corden don't know, but we've investigated and put together several clues...

The original theory

The fishing trip became harder to decode as the series progressed, with the information from series one alone suggesting a fairly simple explanation.

More like this

At Gavin and Stacey's wedding reception, Jason met Bryn outside the venue and attempted to clear the air.

He said: "I never told anyone, you know. And besides, it wasn't a big deal. Lots of people do it , it's not against the law."

Bryn replies: "Jason please, how can I ever forget that look on your face ?"

This short interaction suggests that perhaps Jason simply walked in on Bryn at a private moment, more than enough to cause serious awkwardness between an uncle and his nephew.

However, the information in series two complicates matters a lot ...

"It defies gravity"

Dave Coaches

Towards the end of the second series, Bryn revealed to Jason that he told Dave Coaches what happened six months after the incident when he was feeling particularly low.

"Oh, why did I tell him every damn thing?" he asked.

To which Jason replied: "Even about--"

Bryn interrupted and shouted: "Yes, everything!

While Dave was "sickened by the whole thing," Jason reassured Bryn by pointing out that what happened is "perfectly legal in this country."

In the final episode of the series, Dave and Bryn have a moment alone as Nessa prepares to give birth.

The following interaction is arguably the most perplexing part of this entire case, as Dave has two lines that throw the original theory into disarray.

"You know what? I wish I didn't know either but I do," he said. "But it's difficult for me as well, seeing you standing there with a soup. It sets my mind racing, you know?

"Even if I wanted to tell anyone, I wouldn't know where to start because in my mind it's a physical impossibility. It defies gravity."

This clue seems to suggest that soup was involved in whatever happened on the trip. As for gravity-defying phenomena, for simplicity's sake it could be assumed that this is an exaggeration on Dave's part...

Jason was actively involved

The final nail for the original theory comes in the 2008 Christmas special, where a reconciled Bryn and Jason discuss Dave's knowledge of the incident.

Bryn said: "There's the occasional comment. The odd look. Times when I know that he's wondering how a man and his nephew could..."

Jason cut him off saying: "Yeah, yeah, I know."

When Dave walked in on the pair of them talking, Jason dressed only in his underwear, he looked visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

Bryn went on the defensive: "David, it is not what you think."

Dave replied: "Listen, it's none of my... you can do whatever you like."

These two exchanges suggest that whatever happened was something that both Bryn and Jason were actively involved in, rather than a mere accidental encounter.

"What happened was..."

Gavin and Stacey Christmas special

It seems series creators Ruth Jones and James Corden know just how much viewers want full details of the fishing trip, and teased the entire nation with the 2019 Christmas special. When the topic of the troubling trip came up, it seems Bryn and Jason were finally ready to tell the whole family what really happened - only to be interrupted when the kids run in.

However, we did get a few more details - Bryn said: "It was very dark, in every sense of the word."

Jason replied: "And can I just point out that we knew nothing about camping."

When Jason begins to take responsibility for the incident, Bryn steps in claiming the blame belongs to him - again suggesting both were actively involved in the mysterious encounter.

So, what happened on the fishing trip?

Gavin and Stacey, Bryn and Jason, fishing trip

It seems likely that somewhere between the end of the first series and the beginning of the second, Corden and Jones changed the fishing trip incident to confuse fans trying to figure out what happened.

Where the first series discusses it like an unfortunate mistake, later episodes allude to something that seems altogether more complex and disturbing.

Several fan theories present elaborate stories about Bryn and Jason stripping off and getting close to stay warm, but the incident could actually be something far less extreme.

Think about it: Bryn has lived a very sheltered life in Barry, often being amazed by the simplest of things ("is that what you would call a power shower?"), so conversely he could well be horrified by something that most people would find fairly innocuous.

Of course, that wouldn't explain why Dave and Jason are so traumatised as well, but it's a strong possibility nonetheless.

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After all, Gavin & Stacey is a series that devotes so much time to mundane scenes - eating fish and chips, ordering a curry and talking about oven gloves - that it would be in-keeping with the show's sense of humour if its one huge mystery is revealed to be something quite ordinary.

It's so easy to imagine the disappointing truth finally being revealed, only for Pam to shout: "IS THAT IT?"

The Gavin and Stacey 2019 special is repeated on BBC One on Christmas Eve. Looking for something else to watch? Check out our TV Guide or our guide to the best Christmas TV for 2020

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What happened on the fishing trip? Mystery of Uncle Bryn and Jason at the heart of Gavin and Stacey, explained

Something occurred between uncle bryn and his nephew jason on a fishing trip in gavin and stacey - but we may never know exactly what it was.

Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special

As soon as the  Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special   was announced, one question rose to the forefront of fans’ minds.

It wasn’t a concern for how the eponymous couple themselves have fared in marriage and parenthood, or where Smithy, Nessa and Neil the not-a-baby-anymore now find themselves .

No, the central issue for the  Christmas Special  remains the show’s enduring and intricate mystery: what happened between Uncle Bryn (Rob Brydon) and his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort) on that  fishing trip ?

Speaking on ITV’s  This Morning  promoting the special, Stacey actress Joanna Page dropped a tantalising hint to fans: “Tune in because there might just be a conversation about the fishing trip.”

But what have we found out about the incident so far, and will we ever really know what occurred?

Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special

The fishing trip incident: the evidence so far

The mystery of the fishing trip has been elaborately drip-fed through the three series of Gavin and Stacey , with James Corden and Ruth Jones dropping hints into the script with palpable glee .

At first, the clues were vague, with Stacey’s mother Gwen gently remarking to Bryn when Jason arrives for Stacey’s wedding : “You two got on as good as gold until that fishing trip…”

She is cut off by her agitated brother-in-law, and when she asks what happened he says desperately: “I can’t say! You know I can’t!”

More clues come when we see Bryn and Jason discussing the incident at Gavin and Stacey’s wedding. In an attempt to reassure his uncle, Jason says: “I never told anyone, you know. And besides, it wasn’t a big deal. Lots of people do it, it’s not against the law.”

But Bryn, again anguished, replies: “Jason please, how can I ever forget that look on your face?!”

The plot thickens when we find out that Bryn caved at a vulnerable moment six months after the incident, and told Nessa’s dubious on-off beau Dave Coaches.

Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special

He tells his nephew that, after playing a round of crazy golf alone on Barry Island in the rain (to hide his tears), he revealed “every damn thing” to Dave, who was working in the kiosk.

“Even about…” Jason replies, before Bryn interjects, shouting: “Yes, everything!”

Bryn says that Dave couldn’t have told anyone because “he was sickened by the whole thing,” before Jason again re-iterates that whatever happened is “perfectly legal in this country”.

Although sworn to secrecy, a conversation Dave Coaches later has with Bryn then reveals perhaps the weirdest hint as to the nature of the mystery.

“You know what? I wish I didn’t know either but I do,” he says. “But it’s difficult for me as well, seeing you standing there with a soup. It sets my mind racing, you know?

“Even if I wanted to tell anyone, I wouldn’t know where to start because in my mind it’s a physical impossibility. It defies gravity.”

We come closest to discovering the nature of the incident during a chance encounter between Bryn and James in the Shipmans’ kitchen during the last Christmas special.

“I’m glad we’re friends again Uncle Bryn,” says Jason, stood in his pants in the Shipman’s kitchen as they share a glass of milk, to which Bryn earnestly replies: “Me too.”

Discussion then turns to Dave’s knowledge of the incident, with Bryn explaining: “There’s the occasional comment, the odd look… times when I know how a man and his nephew could…” before being cut off by his nephew.

They eventually hug, just as Dave Coaches enters the kitchen (also seeking milk). Finding them embracing in comparative undress, he says: “Listen, it’s none of my… you can do whatever you like.”

However, a riled Bryn insists: “It’s time for the truth, we are going to talk about what happened on that fishing trip right here, right now. It was freezing cold, and when you’re that cold…”

At that moment, Gavin enters the kitchen too, and the precise nature of the incident remains a tantalising secret.

Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special

So… what happened?

The obvious insinuation, of course, with the repeated assertions of its legality (at least in Wales), Dave’s evident discomfort and the claim that “it was freezing cold”, is of some sort of tryst between Uncle Bryn and his nephew.

However, one alternative theory dictates that something entirely innocent occurred, at least from most people’s perspective – and that’s the whole point of the joke.

Bryn, after all, is hardly a worldly man: he takes ecstatic joy from a power shower or a sat nav, and makes his own “my niece went to Greece and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” t-shirts.

He also displays an unabashed and seemingly oblivious penchant for slapstick homo-eroticism at various moments in the show.

One might perhaps expect him to temper this slightly if the fishing trip incident, which clearly had such a profound effect on Bryn’s usually affable, innocent demeanour, involved a liaison with his nephew.

Obviously, this theory that something innocent lies at the heart of it appears to be contradicted by Dave’s apparent disgust at the “gravity-defying” incident (although… where does the soup come in?).

There is also Jason’s concern at his uncle disclosing the details of the incident to the coach entrepreneur – but this could all be part of the joke.

Sadly for some, but perhaps fittingly, the most likely outcome is that we will never know.

Think the drawer in Alan Partridge’s hotel room, to contents of which provoked a mixture of horror, revulsion and amusement from anyone who opened it, and intense embarrassment from Alan.

Gavin and Stacey is a series riddled with often entirely impenetrable recurring in-jokes , from Gavin’s family and Smithy twiddling pretend moustaches as they chorus “don’t mind if I don’t!” to  that Owain Hughes gag (“does he?!”).

It would therefore be entirely in keeping with the show’s style that the whole fishing incident will remain a gloriously baffling mystery forever – and maybe that’s the way it should be.

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Gavin And Stacey May Have Revealed What Happened On That Fishing Trip In Unaired Scene

Gavin And Stacey May Have Revealed What Happened On That Fishing Trip In Unaired Scene

We must know..

Joanna Freedman

The secret behind the infamous Gavin and Stacey fishing trip is one that die hard fans of the show have been desperate to find out forever.

In case you need a recap, it all started after Uncle Bryn (Rob Brydon) and his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort) returned scarred from something disturbing which happened on a fishing trip together - though they never revealed exactly what.

There have been many times, over the years, that it has looked as if the pair are about to divulge what went down on the BBC comedy, but they've always fallen short.

But now it has emerged that the incident from the trip could well have been revealed in season two, however Ruth Jones and James Corden cut the episode at the last minute.


The fishing trip has caused tension between Bryn and Jason for years (

Lisa Edwards, who owned the house the show used as uncle Bryn's home, says that the big reveal may actually have been penned into the script many years ago, before the episode was dropped.

Speaking to Wales Online, Lisa, who still has the script in question, said: "We have a script for an episode which was never aired.

"It was supposed to be Uncle Bryn and his nephew watching this VHS.

"They both watch it together to see what happened on the fishing trip. But they decided to not show the episode."

While the script didn't actually reveal what went down on the VHS, the knowledge that their antics may well have been unveiled on the screen is sure to frustrate lovers of the show, who are still no closer to getting an answer.

Viewers were last teased on Christmas Day 2019, when Bryn was faced with photograph of himself and Jason on the trip.

"Put down the remote... for the time has come," Bryn said. "You want to know what happened?"

Dramatically, Rob Brydon's character then stood up and set the scene, explaining: "It was very dark, in every sense of the word."

The truth about the trip almost came out (

"Can I just point out that we knew nothing about camping," Jason intervened.

"It was my bad. It was all my bad," Bryn went on. "You see everyone it was supposed to be... what happened was I..."

And then, BOOM. The kids ran in.

We have a very bad feeling the fishing trip is going to be one of those mysteries we all take to the grave...

Topics:  TV News , James Corden , gavin and stacey , TV Entertainment ,

Joanna is a journalist at Tyla with a particular interest in highlighting women's issues and telling inspiring first person stories. She's also their resident foodie, and loves covering exciting new beauty launches, too. Contact her at [email protected] .

@ joannafreedman

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Gavin And Stacey: What Happened On The Fishing Trip? Christmas Special Could Reveal What Went Down Between Uncle Bryn And Jason

23 December 2019, 15:12 | Updated: 23 December 2019, 16:35

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The Gavin and Stacey Christmas special could reveal more information about what happened on THAT fishing trip.

Uncle Bryn and Stacey’s brother Jason left fans puzzled about the tension between them in Gavin and Stacey , which came to an end in 2010, after referring to “the fishing trip” that changed their relationship.

And we might finally discover what went on, in the Christmas special this year, as the show makes a one-off return ten years after it came to an end.

Gavin And Stacey Christmas Special 2019: Trailer, Cast And Storyline

Teasing the news as the stars joined Rob Howard for Christmas Lunch with James Corden & Ruth Jones on Capital, they hinted we might soon discover the secret.

Christmas Lunch with James Corden and Ruth Jones

“Do you actually want to know?” James – who stars as Smithy – quizzed, before adding: “Well, there’s a chance it gets discussed on the show.”

As Rob pushed for more information, Ruth Jones switched into Nessa to intervene: “Oh, love, listen to what the man’s saying. He said there’s a chance it might get discussed, alright? Now back off!”

In a 2008 episode, Bryn hides in the kitchen at Gwen’s house after Jason’s arrival, with his sister-in-law saying: “You two got on as good as gold before that fishing trip” before Bryn snaps: “I don’t want to talk about it…. I can’t say, you know I can’t.”

And in the 2010 Christmas special, we see the men chatting in Pam and Mick’s kitchen in their underwear as they fetch a drink in the middle of the night, saying they’re “glad their friends again” after Bryn confessed to Dave (coaches) about what happened.

bryn and the fishing trip

The Fishing Trip Explained! | Gavin & Stacey | BBC Comedy Greats

But when they hug it out to clear the air, the uncle-nephew duo are interrupted by Dave who tells the red-faced men: “It’s none of my - you can do whatever you like.”

Bryn then tries to explain the situation, adding he wants to “have it out, man to man.”

He says: “It’s time for the truth, we are going to talk about what happened on that fishing trip right here, right now. It was freezing cold, and when you’re that cold…” However the men halt the conversation as soon as Gavin walks in, meaning viewers never learnt what really went down.

Christmas Lunch with James Corden & Ruth Jones airs on Capital at 2pm from 4pm on Christmas Day.

The trio will talk all things Christmas and of course they'll be having a chinwag about the eagerly awaited Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special.

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The Fishing Trip

  • Edit source

The Fishing Trip is a running joke in Gavin & Stacey. It refers to something that happened involving Bryn and Jason on a fishing trip some time before the series began (the Gavin & Stacey book indicates that it occurred late on Saturday 13 August or the early hours of Sunday 14 August, which would make it 2005). Other characters (apart from Dave Coaches , to whom Bryn "confessed") do not know the details although they do know that whatever happened caused extreme and long-lasting embarrassment to both men.

What We Know [ ]

  • They were on their knees
  • They did it because it was cold.
  • It is legal in the United Kingdom (though it is probably illegal elsewhere)
  • According to Dave , it defies the laws of gravity
  • It may have something to do with soup, as Dave approaches Bryn while he is drinking soup and says "seeing you standing there there with the soup sets my mind racing" .

Participants [ ]

In Series 2, Dave Coaches is back romantically involved with Nessa therefore back accepted into the West Household. Bryn finds out that this is happenning and starts panicking, so he goes up to Jason and confesses that he has told someone about the Fishing Trip. Bryn told Jason, that Six months after the Fishing Trip, Bryn still remained crying so he went over to the Island to play a game of Crazy Golf. Afterwards he met Dave at the kiosk (where he worked) and he asked how he was and that is when all that was revealed and since then Bryn and Dave have really never gotten on. It is very awkward when Dave takes the West's to Bingo and he says.

So everything is alright now, you know, between you two because I wasn't really expecting you to be here, together. In addition in the Christmas special (2008) Bryn, Jason and Dave have a late night meeting in the kitchen all getting some milk. Dave walks in on the both of them hugging shirtless. Bryn says they are going to talk it out but Gavin walks in a few moments later breaking up the meeting.

  • 1 Nessa Jenkins
  • 2 Stacey Shipman
  • 3 Bryn West

Gavin & Stacey did explain what happened on fishing trip - but the scene was deleted

The Christmas special came very close to explaining the mystery

  • 16:32, 29 DEC 2019

bryn and the fishing trip

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The mystery behind the Gavin and Stacey fishing trip was explained, but the scene was deleted before it aired.

The comedy set in Barry returned for a one-off Christmas special with more than 11 million people tuning in.

In the episode, Uncle Bryn and his nephew Jason came very close to revealing exactly what happened on their fishing trip.

Throughout the series it's been hinted at but it's always remained one of the show's biggest mysteries.

bryn and the fishing trip

During the Christmas special, fans thought they were about to hear what really took place that day, but just as Bryn was finally about to tell the cast what happened, he was interrupted by the children.

It's now been revealed the show's writers Ruth Jones and James Corden - who star as Nessa and Smithy - had originally planned to explain the fishing trip in series two, but ended up changing their minds about the idea.

bryn and the fishing trip

Lisa Edwards, who owned the house the show used as uncle Bryn's home, still has a script of the episode that millions of fans want to watch the most.

Speaking previously she said: "We have a script for an episode which was never aired.

"It was supposed to be Uncle Bryn and his nephew watching this VHS."

She added: "They both watch it together to see what happened on the fishing trip. But they decided to not show the episode."

Fans were once again left without an answer on what happened during the trip as the mystery continues to intrigue millions of viewers.

The special did appear to answer one of the show's other mysteries - revealing how old Nessa is.

James and Ruth's heartwarming creation became the most-watched Christmas special since 2008, and secured a 49.2% audience share, according to the BBC.

bryn and the fishing trip

The Christmas special faced criticism for including the uncensored Fairytale of New York and for ' pushing the idea that cannabis is okay'.

Viewers criticised it for including the use of the homophobic term 'f****t' during a scene where Nessa and Bryn sing the classic Christmas song.

Then a peer whose son killed himself after becoming hooked on high-strength cannabis has criticised the one-off special for trivialising the dangers posed cannabis.

Lord Nicholas Monson's son Rupert committed suicide aged 21 in January 2017 after developing drug-induced psychosis.

In a scene from the show, one of the characters, Dawn – played by Julia Davis – is teased by friends for worrying about her husband smoking cannabis after finding a joint in his car and branding him a "junkie".

She told Pam and Mick, played by Alison Steadman and Larry Lamb, that Pete was, "a drug addict, addicted to drugs".

When she shows them the joint she found in the glove box they laugh: "Is that it?" and tell her they used to smoke it all the time.

Lord Monson accused the programme of pushing a "strong subliminal message".

He told the Daily Mail: "With much justification, the BBC prides itself as a beacon of truth but here it has a blind spot.

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bryn and the fishing trip

What Happened on the Fishing Trip on Gavin and Stacey? 4 Possible Theories

bryn and the fishing trip

It is one of life’s unanswered questions – what did happen on that fishing trip? For viewers of the popular show Gavin and Stacey , it is a question that confuses, intrigues, and angers us – all at the same time.

It is an event that is the deep dark secret of the West family. It is a question that only three people seem to know the answer to – Bryn, Jason and Dave.

But the rest of us just want to know the truth – it is something we only know snippets of, with every time the conversation coming up, an awkward silence or interruption quickly follows. This leaves us fans wanting answers, of which we have had few.

Whether even writers James Corden or Ruth Jones have a true idea of what happened isn’t known. We hope that one day we get a definitive answer. But until then, we can speculate, and that’s what we’ve done in this article – coming up with four potential theories of what might’ve happened on that fateful trip.

What we know:

Firstly, we know a bit of information to base our theories on. Bryn and Jason were known to have “got on as good as gold” before the fishing trip, but ever since then, they have endured a strained relationship.

As a reminder, here is the scene when we first realised something was amiss. From then on, Bryn and Jason remained at odds – a relationship that had thankfully seemed to repair by the end of the show.

We know some information about what happened. With Jason attempting clear the air talks with Bryn at Gavin and Stacey’s wedding, he mentions that “it wasn’t a big deal. Lots of people do it, it’s not against the law”.

Bryn replies by saying “Jason please, how can I ever forget that look on your face”. At this point, we have very little information to form a theory on.

We see Bryn’s deeply troubled mindset regarding the fishing trip during the barn dance – when Jason’s surprise appearance leads to Bryn hearing the term “fishing trip” muttered four times.

But this changes in season two, when Bryn tells Jason that he told Dave Coaches about what had happened, at a time when Bryn had reached a significant low.

Jason asked if Bryn had said “even about-“, which Bryn interrupted by saying “yes, everything”. Bryn said that Dave was “sickened by the whole thing”. Jason said that what happened was “perfectly legal in this country.”

Bryn asks Jason if he “ever thinks about it”, to which Jason nods, before exiting the room.

The Barry contingent head to bingo, which Dave drives the group to. At one point, the bingo caller calls out “down on your knees”, which results in Bryn, Jason and Dave making awkward eye contact.

Fast-forward to Nessa being in labour, and Dave and Bryn are in the hospital, where Bryn is getting a soup from a vending machine. Dave asks if Bryn is indeed getting a soup, which garners Bryn’s response of fear – where he questions if there is a deeper meaning to that question.

Dave then states “I wish I didn’t know either, but I do. But it’s difficult for me as well, seeing you standing there with a soup like (sic). It sets my mind racing, you know?” Dave confirms that he hasn’t told anyone – stating that “even if I wanted to tell anyone, I wouldn’t know where to start because in my mind it’s a physical impossibility, it defies gravity”.

The next time that the fishing trip is mentioned is in the Christmas special, when Bryn and Jason attempt to bury the hatchet over a glass of Nesquik milkshake.

The fishing trip soon comes up, with Jason asking Bryn about whether or not Dave mentions it. Bryn says “there’s the occasional comment, the odd look. Times when I know that he’s wondering how a man and his nephew could…”, before Jason cuts him off.

Dave walks in on the two of them hugging. When Bryn starts to attempt to discuss “why” the events of the fishing trip happened, he said “it was freezing cold, it was, and when you are that cold…” – Gavin soon interrupts.

By Season 3, there is very limited talk of the fishing trip, with Bryn and Jason seemingly on better terms. Mick does awkwardly mention about the fishing trip during a barbecue, but Bryn shrugs that off.

After the 2019 Christmas special, we were left without answers. The topic did come up, and it seemed that Bryn was going to finally answer our questions. But the children interrupted the story.

The only additional details we got were “it was very dark, in every sense of the word”. Jason added “And can I just point out that we knew nothing about camping”. Once again, we were left with more questions than answers.

With these different quotes in mind, we now move on to our various theories. We invite you to vote at the end of this article as to which your favourite is!

Theory One: Bryn and Jason Had Some Form of Sexual Interaction

The most likely and popular theory is that Bryn and Jason had some sort of sexual encounter on the fishing trip. Jason is of course homosexual, and Bryn is rather “camp” to say the least.

When Bryn mentioned how it was freezing cold, it is possible that the two men huddled in tightly to keep warm, and one thing led to another… It may have ended in a tryst that at the time seemed normal, but in retrospect, is something both parties would like to forget.

These suggestions are in keeping with the clues revealed to us so far. Dave would rightfully be horrified by a man and his nephew engaging in sexual relations, while it would also explain why Bryn and Jason are initially horrified when reminded of the event.

Finally, lots of people engage in such actions, and it may have led to a damaged look on the face of Jason – two further areas that are spoken of. This theory is an intriguing one.

However, an uncle and nephew engaging in such acts would be considered incest – which is illegal in Wales. This may discount this theory.

Theory Two: It is something very, very undramatic

On a more family-friendly note, it is possible that the fishing trip malarkey is blown up entirely out of proportion. Bryn isn’t particularly well travelled, and seems to find significant pleasure in doing activities that for many are commonplace – such as visiting the McDonald’s drive-thru or the golf driving range.

With that in mind, something might have happened that to most would seem fairly ordinary, but in Bryn’s mind, would be something that left him disgusted. It could have involved soup

As Gavin and Stacey is a family-friendly show, there is every chance that this theory will go on to be true in some way – that it was just one big exaggeration that fools viewers.

Theory Three: Bryn and Jason Killed Someone… And Covered it Up

This is one of the more outlandish theories, but it is a possibility. It is possible that Bryn found Jason in a spot of bother, and had to act quickly to save his nephew.

Bryn may have had to take drastic measures to try and help Jason, which may feasibly have resulted in a person’s death. Bryn and Jason may have then covered up the death in an elaborate way.

But we should point out that it isn’t technically legal to kill someone! But it could be argued it was an act of self-defence. Perhaps Bryn’s actions caused Jason to look shocked in a way that Bryn always remembers. It is possible that Bryn was disgusted by his own actions. Dave doesn’t appear to be the type of person that would turn Bryn in. Moreover, Bryn’s actions might have been something that “defies gravity”.

While certainly a far-fetched scenario, it is possible, and Gavin and Stacey can throw a curveball now and then, so never say never.

Theory Four: Jason discovers Bryn is gay

This theory was submitted on a fan fiction site, and takes into account every various clue that has been given, and may as a result be as close as we ever get. The person who wrote this is clearly an avid fan, and went to great lengths to come up with a feasible story.

Firstly, this theory proposes that Bryn and Jason had intended on camping out on the fishing trip, but when it became too cold, they checked into a hotel. They might have had some soup when they got there in an effort to get warmed up.

While Jason headed to the bathroom, Bryn might have stumbled onto an “adult programme” on TV, which was homosexual in nature. When Jason returned, it caused Bryn to jump, resulting in soup flying everywhere, and Jason seeing that Bryn was enjoying an adult programme.

It is possible that Jason found out that Bryn actually is homosexual, and that Bryn as a result was horrified, and determined not to let anyone else know. Whether or not this chain of events preceded this discovery, it is an interesting theory that is potentially accurate. You can see the author’s full article below, it is a great read!

Full article: Stacey’s Pregnancy Chapter 18: What really happened on the Fishing Trip, a gavin & stacey fanfic | FanFiction

Here’s your chance to vote on this poll – what do you think happened?

What Happened on the Fishing Trip?

  • Some form of sexual activity between Bryn and Jason
  • Something innocuous and blown out of proportion
  • Bryn and Jason Covered up a Murder
  • Jason discovered that Bryn was homosexual
  • Something else

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The Takeaway

Gavin and Stacey is one of the most iconic shows in history – and the fishing trip is one of the most intriguing elements of the show. We desperately want answers, but it looks like we’ll never get them.

Hopefully a further Christmas special or two will arise, though we aren’t expecting this question to ever be answered – as it could be argued that sometimes these questions are best left to the imagination of viewers.

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Rob Brydon ‘haunted’ by Gavin And Stacey fishing trip mystery

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Gavin And Stacey's Uncle Bryn and Jason

Gavin And Stacey fans have spent years wondering what on earth happened between Uncle Bryn and Jason on *that* fishing trip and Rob Brydon has shared his take on what occurred.

The mysterious expedition has had viewers racking their brains since the BBC comedy premiered in 2007 and comedian Rob revealed that he is just as clueless as the rest of us.

‘That bloody fishing trip, it haunts me,’ he told a packed audience at a recent Q&A at Carfest at Laverstoke Park Farm in Hampshire.

‘Look I don’t know, all I know are the clues that are in the show: It was very cold, it defied gravity, and it’s legal in some countries.’

Yep, this is not exactly the news we wanted to hear. Someone give us answers, for the love of Nessa!

@rhiannonedge123 What happened on fishing trip…. #carfest #fyp #gavinandstacey ♬ original sound – Rhiannon

For those who have forgotten  or who may still be playing catch-up on Gavin And Stacey , there’s a long-running joke that suggests Bryn West and his nephew Jason have a dark secret.

The only people who know what really happened are the pair involved and Dave ‘Coaches’ Gooch.

Gavin And Stacey

All that the viewers know is that they were on their knees when it happened, they did it because it was freezing cold, it defies the laws of gravity and it’s legal in the UK.

Oh, and whatever happened also involved soup, as in the series two finale Dave told Bryn that seeing him standing there with soup ‘sets my mind racing’.

The rest remains a mystery.

We’ve never found out why this particular part of Gavin And Stacey folklore was left without a definitive conclusion, and it’s been reported that even James Corden and Ruth Jones are also unaware of what went down.

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Gavin And Stacey is available to stream on BBC iPlayer.

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bryn and the fishing trip

What happened on the fishing trip on Gavin and Stacey? Theories explained

  • Joanne Kavanagh
  • Published : 5:34 ET, Jan 30 2023
  • Updated : 10:29 ET, Sep 13 2023

GAVIN and Stacey fans have long since wondered what REALLY happened on Uncle Bryn and his nephew Jason's fishing trip.

The story has been teased ever since the first series, but it has never actually been revealed what happened.

Gavin and Stacey fans want to know what happened on Uncle Bryn and his nephew Jason's fishing trip

What happened on the fishing trip?

Many Gavin and Stacey fans were still left wondering what on earth happened on Uncle Bryn's (Rob Brydon) fishing trip with his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort).

It was brought up again in the 2019 Christmas special, but was still not explained.

We know that what ever happened between Bryn and Jason happened because they "were very cold", and that it was "legal in Wales ", and somehow involved "soup".

With only snippets of information to go, fans have cone up with their own theories of what happened on the now famous fishing trip.

Things got heated

From what we know happened, it is suggested it was highly embarrassing, hence the need for secrecy.

It could also be potentially sexual due to the taboo way it’s talked about.

That could lead many people to believe that Jason and Bryn had some sort of sexual contact in order to keep warm.

However, this fan theory can be easily squashed, due to the fact Bryn also states at one point that what happened is "legal in Wales".

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As the pair are nephew and uncle, any sexual relationship they would’ve had would’ve been illegal.

They fell into the river

As we know, what happened, happened, because they "were very cold".

One fan tweeted: "More than likely, Bryn and Jason went out fishing. Jason fell in and Bryn jumped in after him.

"After pulling him put, Bryn knew that getting warm was essential and, being Bryn, didn't think before he got them both stripped to get out of their soaking wet clothes and to cuddle to get warm.

"Upon realising, after a while, that they were two men, not to mention uncle and nephew, and both gay, they both have a sickening feeling of guilt about the situation."

They went to a hotel

It suggested that the duo had been intent on camping out during their fishing trip, but it soon became too cold to remain in their tents.

Instead, they checked into a hotel - and the proprietor, worried about their exposure to the rain and winds, made up a special vat of leek and potato soup for the pair to enjoy in their rooms.

While Jason was in the bathroom, Bryn made use of the television set in their room to find an “adult program".

He settled back in the bed to watch the admittedly frisky show, resting the mug of soup on his stomach to keep himself warm.

However, when Jason came in, Bryn jumped, spilling the soup all over his trousers - and even causing some to splash upwards onto the ceiling.

With the adult program still playing in the background, things obviously looked a little confusing to Jaso.

The entire situation remained awkward between the pair of them forever more.

What is said about the fishing trip on Gavin and Stacey?

The mystery was never solved during Gavin and Stacey's original run.

Just as Uncle Bryn was finally about to tell his friends and family what actually happened during the Christmas Special, he was interrupted by the children.

But it turns out show writers Ruth Jones and James Corden had originally planned to explain the fishing trip mystery way back in series two, before changing their minds.

Lisa Edwards - who owned the house the show used as Bryn's home - previously revealed how she still has a script of a never-aired episode.

The script had been left in their home on Trinity Street in Barry and promised to solve the show's biggest mystery.

Speaking to Wales Online , Lisa said: "We have a script for an episode which was never aired.

"It was supposed to be Uncle Bryn and his nephew watching this VHS.

"They both watch it together to see what happened on the fishing trip. But they decided to not show the episode."

Unfortunately the script didn't even reveal what happened on the fishing trip, and as the episode never aired, fans remain in the dark after all these years.

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The mystery began in series one at Gavin and Stacey's wedding reception with Jason attempting to clear the air with Bryn outside the venue.

He said: "I never told anyone, you know. And besides, it wasn’t a big deal. Lots of people do it, it’s not against the law.”

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What happened on that fishing trip? Everything we found out in the Gavin & Stacey Christmas special

25 December 2019, 22:02 | Updated: 25 December 2019, 23:04

What happened on that fishing trip?

The fishing trip is the stuff of Gavin and Stacey legend - and we finally know more details.

The Gavin & Stacey Christmas special aired tonight, and viewers couldn't get enough .

It told the story of where the beloved characters are now - one decade on from the last episode - and Smithy and Nessa were co-parenting Neil the baby, while Gavin and Stacey were parents to three children.

But what most fans had been hoping for were answers to what happened on that fishing trip, and - although we didn't find out the full story - the episode did offer a more details.

The Gavin & Stacey special aired on Christmas Day

The fishing trip has been the stuff of Gavin & Stacey legend - and concerns an ongoing storyline that alludes to something having happened between Uncle Bryn and Jason on on a trip together prior to the events of the series.

And, in the latest episode, we learnt that it involved camping - and that it was seemingly Bryn's fault.

While the two families were exchanging gifts, Gwen gave Jason a photo, which turned out to be from the fishing trip.

We finally found out more about the fishing trip in tonight's episode

After things got awkward, the pair started to reveal more about what went on, with Bryn saying: "Gwen, put down the remote. For the time has come."

He then added: "It was very dark. In every sense of the word", and Jason added that they 'knew nothing' about camping.

Jason received a photo from the fishing trip as a gift

Bryn then said: "It was my bad, it was all my bad. You see everyone it was supposed to be… what happened was, I…"

The group were then interrupted by the kids, and that was, sadly, all we learnt.

Prior to the show airing, James Corden spoke to Heart Breakfast about viewers potentially being 'disappointed' if they were to find out what went down.

The fishing trip has been an ongoing storyline on Gavin & Stacey

When asked by JK about what happened, he replied: "That's a crazy question to ask. You don't want us to answer that question. If we'd answered it, you'd be really disappointed. And I will say to you what I say to anybody who asks me on the street.

He then added: "People say 'tell me what happened on the fishing trip'.

"Sometimes I'll be doing my show from America and people from the audience will shout out 'tell me what happened on the fishing trip', and I say to them - you need to ask yourself whether you actually want to know.

Read more: Gavin & Stacey Christmas special almost ended with shock cheat scandal for the couple

"And if you do want to know, you might find out on Christmas Day at half past eight."

James recently told The Sun that the Christmas Special script was 'dead' before being saved by one scene.

He said: "In a 24-hour period the show was dead — then brought back to life.

“It was deeply depressing. It was the second time Ruth had flown out. That’s a long way to go. I was working on my days off, so that is essentially time you’re not with your children.

The Gavin & Stacey Christmas special aired at 8:30PM

He added: “There was a very real moment where we had written maybe 40 pages. We recorded it just to see how long it was and we both knew probably halfway through, but we soldiered on.

“And we both finished, and Ruth went, ‘What do you think?’ And I said, ‘We haven’t got it. It just doesn’t feel like Gavin & Stacey’.

Read more: Gavin and Stacey character still grieves for mum as Christmas special returns to screens

“We decided, ‘OK, well, thank goodness we didn’t tell anyone. Thank the Lord we didn’t. We’ve scratched this itch that we thought was there, and it isn’t, so no harm done. No one will ever know’.”

He went on to claim that an idea 'landed in the room' and saved the show.

“It’s probably the quickest scene we’ve ever written. And I think it’s the best scene Gavin & Stacey has ever had," he added.

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AI gives most likely explanation of what happened on the Gavin & Stacey fishing trip

AI gives most likely explanation of what happened on the Gavin & Stacey fishing trip

Will we finally discover what happened on that fishing trip.

Kit Roberts

It's one of those television mysteries which has echoed down the years... what happened on the infamous fishing trip in Gavin and Stacey ?

Anyone who has seen the show will be familiar with the mysterious incident between Uncle Bryn and Jason which left the pair barely on speaking terms. Any interaction between the pair becomes muted, and suffice to say the precise nature of the fishing trip is never revealed.

Uncle Bryn and Jason.

Naturally, there has been a plethora of theories about the mysterious incident over the years. However, among the most widely acknowledged is that it has something to do with Uncle Bryn very clearly being a closeted gay man.

While the infamous fishing trip is resolved later in the series and Bryn and Jason do reconcile, it is never revealed exactly what happened.

In the absence of a revealed source, we asked AI what it thought had actually happened on the fishing trip. It certainly came up with some interesting ideas.

Here's what it had to say:

We asked AI what it thought happened.

"There are many theories about what happened on the Gavin & Stacey boat trip, but the truth is that we will never know for sure.

"The show's creators have said that they will never reveal what happened, and they have even written a script for an episode that would have shown what happened, but it was never filmed.

"Some of the most popular theories include:

The AI had some interesting ideas.

  • Bryn and Jason fell into the water and had to strip down to their underwear to warm up.
  • Bryn and Jason kissed, but then realized that they were both gay and felt guilty.
  • Bryn and Jason had a fight and ended up hitting each other.
  • Bryn and Jason did something else that is so embarrassing that they can't talk about it.

"Ultimately, it's up to each individual fan to decide what they think happened on the boat trip. The mystery is part of what makes it so funny and memorable."

Well, there you have it. Even the colossal brain power of artificial intelligence admits that we will never know for certain what happened on the infamous fishing trip.

My personal favourite has to be the final option that there is something unrelated which is simply too embarrassing to even contemplate. We've all been there.

Surely the most important part of the whole thing is that Bryn and Jason were ultimately able to put it behind them.

Of course, Bryn himself would be fascinated by AI.

"I tell you what Gavin, they have artificial intelligence these days, and you can ask it anything you like. Whatever will they think of next!"

Topics:  News , UK News , TV and Film , Gavin And Stacey

Kit joined LADbible Group in 2023 as a community journalist. They previously worked for StokeonTrentLive, the Daily Mirror, and the Daily Star.

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While there’s no shortage of fun things to do in Columbus , a day trip from the state capital of Ohio might be just the ticket when you’re ready for a break from the big city. Its Midwest location makes Columbus a fantastic base for exploring the region, especially as summer arrives and good weather beckons day trippers to nearby destinations.

Whether you're interested in history, nature, or simply a change of scenery, there are plenty of fantastic spots within an easy (and often scenic) drive from downtown Columbus. Between them, these destinations offer a mix of outdoor adventures, historical landmarks, and unique attractions guaranteed to keep the curious traveler occupied throughout the summer months.

Take a Hike in Hocking Hills State Park

Ash Cave, Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Hocking Hills State Park is a must-visit summer destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Located about an hour southeast of downtown Columbus, it’s popular for its stunning landscapes and features towering cliffs, deep gorges , waterfalls, and lush forests. Must-see attractions within the park include Old Man’s Cave, Ash Cave, and Cedar Falls, each offering excellent scenic views.

Other popular summer activities include rock climbing, zip-lining, and hiking. The park's extensive trail system caters to all skill levels and is as accessible for families with younger hikers as it is for seasoned hikers. Other fun stuff to do here includes canoeing, kayaking, and fishing in the Hocking River. Be sure to also pop into the Visitor Center with its educational exhibits and information on the area's natural history.

Visit the Village of Granville

Broadway Avenue in Granville, Ohio.

Located 30 minutes east of Columbus, the village-like ambience of Granville makes for a wonderful summer day trip. Head first to the Historic Village of Granville district, a lovely area to stroll featuring picturesque streets lined with numerous fine examples of heritage architecture. Top attractions here are the Granville Historical Society Museum which provides a glimpse into the village's rich past; and the Robbins Hunter Museum, a Greek Revival mansion built in 1842 that features original décor and furnishings. It’s especially nice to visit in the summer months for its gardens and attractive grounds.

The Bryn Du Mansion, a historic estate, is also worth visiting and hosts various events and art exhibits throughout the year, while nearby Denison University features a campus that’s pleasant to walk around. The Granville Art Affair and Wine Festival is a popular summer event that attracts visitors from across the region, while the scenic Licking County bike path runs through Granville and also makes for a fun family outing.

Dig Up the Past at Newark Earthworks

View along the large main wall and the moat from the outside of the Great Circle

The Newark Earthworks is a fascinating historical site that offers a unique glimpse into the ancient past of North America . Just under an hour's drive due east of Columbus, this impressive site features a complex of prehistoric mounds built by the Hopewell culture around 2,000 years ago and is considered one of the most impressive examples of ancient engineering on the continent.

Highlights of a visit include exploring the Great Circle Earthworks, the Octagon Earthworks, and the Wright Earthworks, each showcasing different aspects of the Hopewell culture's astronomical alignments and construction techniques. Over 1,200-feet in diameter, the Great Circle is particularly awe-inspiring and is believed to have been used for ceremonial purposes. Educational programs and guided tours are provided throughout the summer, while the grounds are perfect for a walk or picnic.

Explore Delaware State Park

Entrance to Delaware State Park, Ohio. The Park opened in 1952 following the completion of the Delaware Dam in 1951.

Head straight north from downtown Columbus for an hour and you’ll find yourself in Delaware State Park. This 2,016-acre attraction is centered around scenic Delaware Lake, a great spot for a summer hike or bike ride, or even a swim at its well-maintained beach. Boating and fishing are also major draws with the lake being home to a variety of fish species including channel catfish and largemouth bass. There’s also a handy marina providing boat rentals and supplies.

Bring some good walking shoes as there are plenty of trails leading through diverse habitats including woodlands, meadows, and even wetlands. Binoculars are another must as the park’s a good spot to get in some birdwatching and wildlife spotting. Camping is also available, and programs such as nature walks, and educational talks are available all summer long.

Wander the Grounds at Dawes Arboretum

All Seasons Garden in Dawes Arboretum

As it’s also just shy of an hour east of Columbus, Dawes Arboretum is an easy attraction to combine with a visit to Newark Earthworks. If that sounds like something you’d do, be sure to allow at least a few hours here as there are over 2,000 acres to explore. In addition to its large collections of plants, trees, and shrubs, themed areas to explore include the Japanese Garden with its koi pond and traditional lanterns. A more natural setting can be enjoyed at the Cypress Swamp, a wetland environment with a diversity of plant and animal life to see.

Other highlights include the arboretum’s Observation Tower with its panoramic views of the grounds, and Daweswood House Museum. Former home of the Dawes family, this impressive estate home was built in 1867 and offers guided tours that focus on the history of the property and its founders. A summer day trip here also offers the chance to enjoy guided nature walks and workshops.

Go Underground at the Olentangy Indian Caverns

Here’s an easy day trip for those not wanting to go too far from downtown Columbus: the Olentangy Indian Caverns. Located just a 30-minute drive away in Delaware and easy to combine with a trip to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, these limestone caverns were formed millions of years ago by an underground river and were known to have been used by the Wyandotte Indians as a refuge from hostile tribes… and extreme summer weather.

Visitors can embark on fascinating guided tours through a series of underground passages and chambers that offer an up-close look at unique geological formations, all while saying cool as the caverns remain a constant cool 54 degrees year-round, making them a refreshing escape during the summer months. Other fun things to do here include mini-golf, gem mining, a petting zoo, picnic areas, and nature trails.

The Final Word

The area surrounding Columbus offers no end of exciting day trips and excursions. From exploring the natural beauty of Hocking Hills State Park and the historic village-like charm of Granville to seeing the ancient manmade structures at the Newark Earthworks, there’s something for everyone. Whatever you enjoy doing while traveling, these best day trips from Columbus to take this summer are ready to be enjoyed.

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Summer flounder are biting and now we know why they don't float | Fishing Roundup

bryn and the fishing trip

How's your bladder?

If you've blown out enough birthday candles, you might have an issue. You're up two or three times a night, minimum. You schedule long road trips based on the cleanest restrooms at, say, 150-mile intervals.

Yeah, I know, make it 125.

But, to feel better about things, consider where you'd be without that bladder, even in its hyperactive form.

Where's this going? To the flounder, naturally.

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Color me a slow learner, but all this time, I just figured the flounder was a tad lazy, given how he sprawls along the sandy bottom and awaits a passing morsel. Nope, as it turns out, the poor SOB wasn't just built in odd form, but someone forgot to include a swim bladder.

If he ain't swimming, he's sinking, because the swim bladder is a fish's pool noodle of sorts, keeping him suspended in the water column like damn near every fish in the sea. The poor flounder goes down like a rock, but bless his heart, he's adapted quite well. Made the most of it, in fact.

He's not alone. Cobia and Atlantic mackerel are also without swim bladders. Sharks, too, but those sots have fatty livers to help with buoyancy.

And finally, how'd we end up here in urology class?

Because the summer flounder are in summertime bloom these days. Everywhere you turn, someone is holding a flounder and smiling for the camera. With its eyeball-like spots, the summer flounder is probably the least-ugly of the flounders, which is the nicest thing you can say about its physical traits.

Not much to look at, but boy oh boy what taste. If you find him on ice at the market, you can't go wrong.

Various cooking methods all work well with flounder, but go ahead and treat yourself to some flounder dressed in milk, egg and cornmeal. Give it a couple minutes in the hot oil and it'll be obvious when it's done cooking.

How? Because after all those years as a bladder-deficient bottom-dweller, that's when Mr. Flounder finally floats to the top.

Halifax/Indian River

Tarpon are growing thicker in number, if not size, in and around Ponce Inlet. It’s that time of year, you know.

Target them if you want, but don’t be surprised if you end up broken-hearted when you see that hook spit out like a sunflower seed. One longtime captain says he decided to target tarpon one summer, hooked more than 100, and got ONE to the boat.

Mangroves are a different story. You almost can’t help but catch a mangrove snapper in our summertime waters, usually around docks and, you guessed it, strands of mangroves.

They’re coming to the planks of Ike Leary’s Granada fishing pier so eagerly, folks are practically hiding behind a tree to bait their hook. 

“BIG black drum, too,” Ike says.

Offshore, Nearshore

Along with flounder, Capt. Jeff Patterson ( Pole Dancer ) says recent nearshore trips have also produced catches of sand trout and weakfish. He’s seen plenty of bonito chasing bait along the surface but hasn’t gone after them. Yet.

“I also had a couple charters wanting to target sharks, and there’s no shortage, to say the least,” he adds. “It’s just about a guarantee this time of year outside of the inlet using good-sized chunk baits.”

The area’s lone remaining “head boat,” the Sea Spirit , has been on a recent roll, practically producing a photo album of quality catches on every trip. Along with a variety of snapper, they’ve brought aboard amberjack and cobia.

“We’ve had good luck on both our half-day trips this week,” Haley Stephens said midweek.

Busy week so far for those in the Ponce Fish Network . Among the highlights for Capt. Tim Russell ( Capt. Daddy’s ) was seeing one young client boat an African pompano (“something most anglers never get a chance to do,” Capt. Tim says) and another, on her first trip out of the inlet, catch a multi-spotted redfish.

Capt. Chris Endicott ( Finn Addict) put a recent client on a healthy sailfish that was boated, photographed, and released at 180 feet — "14 grueling minutes," Capt. Chris says of the short but intense battle.

While the pompano lower their profile during the hotter months, this is a good time to stumble upon the pomp’s popular cousin, the permit. 

“I’ve caught three this week,” Marco Pompano said Wednesday. A smattering of pompano, too, he says, along with too many bonnet-head sharks, which Marco likes to call by their less-friendly nickname: Shovel-head.

Chris Mansfield ( Reel Healin’ Outdoors ) says shrimp-flavored Fishbites, tipped with sandfleas, were working for sand perch, sand trout and some whiting, pompano and, frankly, the rest of the normal July fare.

The panfish bite was good, is good, and should remain good until further notice. Bluegill, speckled perch (crappie, if you prefer) and shellcracker are being found in the normal places.

“Most people are pitching live crickets or worms against the banks and tree tops for shellcracker,” says Capt. Bryn Adams ( Highland Park ).

“You can easily catch 40 to 50 bream and shellcrackers near the pad lines,” says Don McCormick.

The boundaries are blurring these days, but many still consider it a “Southern thing” to refer to bluegill as bream, which is pronounced brim for some fishy reason.

Membership drive at HSFC

If you're new to the area and want to speed up your learning curve, or you've been pitching bait for years to no avail, you might want to broaden your fishing relationships.

Here's a good place to start. The Halifax Sport Fishing Club is preparing for its annual membership drive, July 18 at the Port Orange HQ (3431 S. Ridgewood Ave.). The Thursday night gathering starts at 6:30 and the club will provide dinner games and as much fish talk as you want.

Go to the website for more info.

Hook, line and clicker: Send us your fish pics

We want to see your most recent catch. Email your fish photos to [email protected].

Please include first and last name of angler(s), as well as type of fish (we're occasionally stumped).

Do I need a fishing license?

You can find all the license info, including exemptions, on Florida's Fish and Wildlife Commission website: MyFWC.com. But the basics are: No: If you're 65 or older, 15 or younger, you don't need a license. “ Probably” Not: If you're fishing with a licensed guide or charter boat, both of which often purchase commercial licenses that cover their customers. Yes: Most everyone else, including visitors from other states. Yes: Even if you're a shore-based angler (shoreline, dock, pier, bridge, etc.), and even if fishing with a shore-based guide.  However: The shore-based license is free . . . But: You still need to register for that free license.

Where do I get a license and what does it cost?

Many bait shops sell licenses, as do the bigger retailers (Bass, Dick's, Walmart, etc.).  Florida's FWC uses a third-party site for buying or renewing fishing licenses:  GoOutdoorsFlorida.com. The cost : $17 for an annual license. Don't forget: Whether you're fishing fresh or saltwater, you need the specific license. Freshwater and saltwater licenses are both $17 annually.

I’m here on vacation, do I need a license?

Yes you do, and they're also available at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com or certain bait shops and big retailers. Cost: $17 for three days, $30 for seven days, $47 for a year. Also: Non-residents need to purchase that license even if they're just fishing from shoreline or shore-based structures. (Florida residents need that license, too, but they're free.)


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bryn and the fishing trip

What happened on the fishing trip on Gavin and Stacey? Theories explained

  • Joanne Kavanagh
  • Published : 10:34, 30 Jan 2023
  • Updated : 15:24, 13 Sep 2023

GAVIN and Stacey fans have long since wondered what REALLY happened on Uncle Bryn and his nephew Jason's fishing trip.

The story has been teased ever since the first series , but it has never actually been revealed what happened.

Gavin and Stacey fans want to know what happened on Uncle Bryn and his nephew Jason's fishing trip

What happened on the fishing trip?

Many Gavin and Stacey fans were still left wondering what on earth happened on Uncle Bryn's ( Rob Brydon ) fishing trip with his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort).

It was brought up again in the 2019 Christmas special , but was still not explained.

We know that what ever happened between Bryn and Jason happened because they "were very cold", and that it was "legal in Wales ", and somehow involved "soup".

With only snippets of information to go, fans have cone up with their own theories of what happened on the now famous fishing trip.

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Things got heated.

From what we know happened, it is suggested it was highly embarrassing, hence the need for secrecy.

It could also be potentially sexual due to the taboo way it’s talked about.

That could lead many people to believe that Jason and Bryn had some sort of sexual contact in order to keep warm.

However, this fan theory can be easily squashed, due to the fact Bryn also states at one point that what happened is "legal in Wales".

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As the pair are nephew and uncle, any sexual relationship they would’ve had would’ve been illegal.

They fell into the river

As we know, what happened, happened, because they "were very cold".

One fan tweeted: "More than likely, Bryn and Jason went out fishing. Jason fell in and Bryn jumped in after him.

"After pulling him put, Bryn knew that getting warm was essential and, being Bryn, didn't think before he got them both stripped to get out of their soaking wet clothes and to cuddle to get warm.

"Upon realising, after a while, that they were two men, not to mention uncle and nephew, and both gay, they both have a sickening feeling of guilt about the situation."

They went to a hotel

It suggested that the duo had been intent on camping out during their fishing trip, but it soon became too cold to remain in their tents.

Instead, they checked into a hotel - and the proprietor, worried about their exposure to the rain and winds, made up a special vat of leek and potato soup for the pair to enjoy in their rooms.

While Jason was in the bathroom, Bryn made use of the television set in their room to find an “adult program".

He settled back in the bed to watch the admittedly frisky show, resting the mug of soup on his stomach to keep himself warm.

However, when Jason came in, Bryn jumped, spilling the soup all over his trousers - and even causing some to splash upwards onto the ceiling.

With the adult program still playing in the background, things obviously looked a little confusing to Jaso.

The entire situation remained awkward between the pair of them forever more.

What is said about the fishing trip on Gavin and Stacey?

The mystery was never solved during Gavin and Stacey's original run.

Just as Uncle Bryn was finally about to tell his friends and family what actually happened during the Christmas Special, he was interrupted by the children.

But it turns out show writers Ruth Jones and James Corden had originally planned to explain the fishing trip mystery way back in series two, before changing their minds.

Lisa Edwards - who owned the house the show used as Bryn's home - previously revealed how she still has a script of a never-aired episode.

The script had been left in their home on Trinity Street in Barry and promised to solve the show's biggest mystery.

Speaking to Wales Online , Lisa said: "We have a script for an episode which was never aired.

"It was supposed to be Uncle Bryn and his nephew watching this VHS.

"They both watch it together to see what happened on the fishing trip. But they decided to not show the episode."

Unfortunately the script didn't even reveal what happened on the fishing trip, and as the episode never aired, fans remain in the dark after all these years.


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The mystery began in series one at Gavin and Stacey's wedding reception with Jason attempting to clear the air with Bryn outside the venue.

He said: "I never told anyone, you know. And besides, it wasn’t a big deal. Lots of people do it, it’s not against the law.”

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bryn and the fishing trip

Fishing for the First Time? Here’s How and Where to Start

While most industries struggled during the pandemic, the socially distanced endeavor of angling thrived. According to the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation , of the millions who dropped a line in 2020, more than half were brand-new to the sport. Interest hasn’t dipped since folks returned to work and other social engagements, either. Around 54.5 million Americans went fishing in 2022, a number up 4% from the previous year. And the contemporary angler doesn’t necessarily look like your bucket-hatted grandpa. For instance, over the past decade, women's participation ballooned by 4 million.

“The draw for new anglers is not only getting out, but having something to do outside,” says Lindsay Kocka, owner of Wade Well , through which she offers hybrid instruction blending angling with mindfulness and functional movement techniques. Kocka describes fishing as forest-bathing ’s opposite. “It’s for people who want to engage and focus and explore something new,” she says. “For people who want to connect with nature and feel alive.”

Here’s everything you need to know about how to get started.

Figure out what you want to catch—and how

"She’d seen some pictures of me fishing as a kid, and she didn’t ask my husband; she asked me," says Talan. “So I said, 'heck, yeah' and a few days later we took some live bait and a spin rod down to the river and had a great day catching fish.” When they got back to the car, however, Talan realized she’d left a good portion of the live bait (including chicken gizzards) in the car—in 102-degree humidity. The debacle required a full car detailing and left Talan resolute to never again fish with live bait, nor attempt to bring a live fish home.

Later, she and her daughter accepted an invitation to try fly fishing, in which the angler attempts to mimic Mother Nature’s food supply by casting a tiny fake bug—you can craft your own, or buy them at fishing shops—onto the surface of water, in hopes of giving it the appearance of an edible insect.

“Once I learned how to handle the fish I caught that way, I fell in love with the meditative, participative vibe of fly fishing, and landed on the best way to bond with my kids,” says Talan, who now serves as the DEI Liaison for United Women on the Fly , an organization aimed toward building inclusive communities for anglers.

Broadly speaking, angling can be broken down into two categories: conventional fishing (Talan’s initial pursuit, which is also commonly referred to as “gear fishing” or “spin casting”) and fly fishing. The former’s umbrella is vast—conventional fishing includes spear fishing (using spears or harpoons to impale fish), hand fishing (a super physical modality that involves simply holding a line, sans rod, with some sort of bait on the end), ice fishing, and various netting-based endeavors , many of which are specific to Indigenous groups.

In conventional fishing, you may or may not be using live bait. While the type of angling you pursue will likely depend on the waterways and culture of where you live, you can target pretty much any species using either a traditional spin pole or fly rod. But there’s one distinction you must remember: Bait in the conventional fishing world means lures whereas in fly fishing, bait means flies . “Hopefully you’re hanging with people who aren’t judging you, but there’s a big difference,” Kocka says.

The biggest barrier to people getting into any type of fishing is the fear of looking stupid, adds Paul Von Gontard, a guide based out of Missoula, Montana. He recommends heading to a local fishing shop while keeping in mind that everyone who's ever started fishing knew zero at one point. “The easiest way to overcome that boundary is to talk into a local fishing shop that’s not a big commercial retailer and just say ‘I don’t know that much about this and I wanna get into it,’ because it’s one of those sports where, if people are in it for the right reasons and truly love it, they’re psyched to share their passion.”

What you’ll need

“As an angler, you may be out there alone, casting a line, but so many people have been out before you, making sure there are fish to catch,” she says.

You can spin fish from anywhere you can sit or stand (think: docks, piers, shorelines, and boats), and all you’ll need is a fishing pole with a reel, lures, a pair of needle nose pliers to safely remove hooks from fish mouths, and sunglasses (a polarized pair will help you see through water’s surface, sans glare). Takemefishing.org offers all manner of species-specific how-to fishing videos (in Spanish, too), but essentially, you’ll want to attach your lure to the end of your line, cast out, and start reeling in. The goal is to create “action” or “jigging” of the lure, which is what typically triggers a fish to bite.

Flies are small hooks layered with string, feathers, or other material to imitate the appearance of an insect or other favored fish food. Tying them by hand is a revered art among many fly anglers; the flies themselves can be exquisite. They’re also widely available commercially and, with natural and synthetic varieties available in every color of the rainbow, fun to shop for—they’ll run you a dollar or three a pop, so pick up a variety and enjoy figuring out what works. Basic types include the “dry fly,” which floats on top of the water to simulate a bug landing on the surface; a “nymph fly” that floats underneath the surface, mimicking a larva; and a “streamer fly,” which gives the illusion of a smaller fish or other prey. At the local fly shop, staff always stay up-to-date on which options are proving effective in nearby rivers and ponds.

A guided drift boat excursion down a storied river, in my opinion, offers the most stunning and fruitful fly fishing experience for beginners. But most fly anglers wade into the water, using neoprene waders and wading boots ( Simms , whose founder invented waders, is widely believed to offer the most durable varieties.) The experience of crossing a river in waders, emerging snug and bone dry, is truly a sensation to behold, but both pieces of gear are a significant investment. If the water’s warm enough, just don shorts and water shoes.

Additionally, Talan advises bringing barbless hooks—“so you don’t hurt the fish or rip their lips, which reduces the chance of hurting them to a point where you do have to remove and dispose of them”—as well as a fishing net, SPF protection, a hat and neck gaiter, plenty of water, a first aid kit, and eye protection. (Aside from their obvious purpose, shades will protect your peepers in the event someone hooks you.)

Seek a physical guide. Or app. Or both.

Born into a family of fly fishers in Montana, Von Gontard grew up fishing in Australia, Latin America, Europe, and the Rocky Mountain West. “Anytime I fish somewhere new, I hire a guide, at least for half a day, because they all have intimate knowledge of the place. You can spend up to 200 days per year out on the water here in Missoula if you’re a guide–there’s intimate knowledge to be sourced. The good ones like to do it because they’re stewards of the water; they like to teach people about ethical angling techniques and about conservation and watershed quality.”

Takemefishing.org offers a free interactive map designed to help anyone find good nearby spots to fish and boat in the US. This handy tool also accounts for the best times to fish given waterways, and lets users drop ins on lucky spots. Meanwhike, a brand-new app named  ILLA  leverages a straightforward profile and swipe mechanism, a la dating apps, to help female anglers connect—whether to explore new waters, seek out a fishing buddy, or find safety in numbers. “Many anglers I know were introduced to angling by parents or partners who already possessed all the necessary gear and knowledge, and could therefore provide an accessible learning environment,” says Tana Hoffman, ILLA’s founder. “When you don’t have that foundation, finding mentors and resources becomes more challenging and pricey and intimidating. This is about creating a supportive network where women can share experiences, learn together, and overcome obstacles."

Where to go

Kocka adds that modern fly fishing was born on the East Coast and ticks off Vermont, Connecticut, and upstate New York as fishing havens. “The Pacific Northwest is huge for steelhead, which fight hard and are fun for adrenaline-driven anglers, and Arkansas has really epic brown trout fishing on the White River," she says. Even the desert has good fishing to offer—Kocka loves high-elevation spots like Lee’s Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area .

From DC, Talan heads an hour east to fish the Shenandoah Valley, but she holds a special place in her heart for Yellow Breeches, in South-Central Pennsylvania, which is where her family had their first casting lessons, and her kids caught their first fish. She names a few other somewhat unexpected places East of the Mississippi: “There’s a great place called Waynesboro in the South River in Virginia. Cleveland, Ohio—the Rocky River area in particular—has some of the biggest steelhead fish in the nation. She also loves Destin, Florida, for both its saltwater and freshwater fly and conventional fishing opportunities, and cites the Outer Banks of North Carolina as another favorite destination. Talan’s current bucket list? “Belize; Christmas Island near Australia; and on the Kenai River in Alaska.”

Remember, it’s called fishing, not catching

Kocka describes such goals as akin to “giving a dog a big bone he’s gonna be chewing on for months,” explaining that fishing always offers new ways to engage. After eight years focused on trout fishing—"and I still have a lot to learn in the land of trout fishing”—she says pursuing her next endeavor, warm water fishing, feels like “learning a new language.”

To keep from getting discouraged, Talan encourages new anglers to manage expectations—and to head out on the water with an intention to learn, connect, and grow. “I believe fish feel vibes—I try to go in with the mindset of being humble in the fish’s ecosystem and grateful for the experience and thinking in terms of building connection—with the fish, yes, but also with the people you’re fishing with. It creates this beautiful flow of energy.” Want more Thrillist? Follow us on  Instagram ,  TikTok ,  Twitter ,  Facebook ,  Pinterest , and  YouTube .

Katie O'Reilly is a contributor for Thrillist and a freelance journalist covering outdoor adventure, sustainable travel, environmental ethics, green lifestyle, and assisted reproduction. Her work appears in the Atlantic, Outside, Sierra, Runner's World, Alpinist, Bitch, Buzzfeed, and several other publications. Katie holds a BS in journalism from Northwestern University and an MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. A Chicago native, she now lives in a patch of woods outside Missoula, Montana, with her husband, toddler daughter, and two rambunctious mutts.

Fishing for the First Time? Here’s How and Where to Start


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  4. What happened on the fishing trip? The mystery of Uncle Bryn and Jason

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    Oh yes, we're talking about Uncle Bryn West (Rob Brydon) and Jason West's (Robert Wilfort) mysterious fishing trip. For years we've all been wondering what actually happened between the pair and our hopes were raised when the actors all reunited for a Christmas Day special in 2019. The shocking reunion came shortly after Ruth Jones - the show ...

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    The Gavin and Stacey cast (BBC) It seems series creators Ruth Jones and James Corden know just how much viewers want full details of the fishing trip, and teased the entire nation with the 2019 ...

  4. The Fishing Trip Explained!

    #ComedyAtChristmas Watch more BBC Christmas Comedy Greats: http://bit.ly/ChristmasComedyGreatsJason and Bryn have a heart-to-heart about 'that' fishing trip ...

  5. What happened on the fishing trip? The mystery of Uncle Bryn and Jason

    At first, the clues were vague, with Stacey's mother Gwen gently remarking to Bryn when Jason arrives for Stacey's wedding: "You two got on as good as gold until that fishing trip…"

  6. What Happened on that Fishing Trip?

    Stacey's brother Jason pays a surprise visit - but there's huge tension between him and Uncle Bryn. What happened on that fishing trip?! Subscribe to Baby Co...

  7. The Unsolved Mystery of Bryn and Jason's Fishing Trip

    It's been the biggest mystery in British Television for over a decade, but what REALLY happened between Bryn and Jason on that fateful fishing trip? New vide...

  8. Gavin and Stacey: What happened on the fishing trip?

    To recap, there's a long-running gag that Bryn West and his nephew Jason have a dark secret. Something happened on a fishing trip they took, and the only people who know are the pair involved ...

  9. Gavin And Stacey May Have Revealed What Happened On That Fishing Trip

    The secret behind the infamous Gavin and Stacey fishing trip is one that die hard fans of the show have been desperate to find out forever.. In case you need a recap, it all started after Uncle Bryn (Rob Brydon) and his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort) returned scarred from something disturbing which happened on a fishing trip together - though they never revealed exactly what.

  10. Gavin And Stacey: What Happened On The Fishing Trip ...

    Uncle Bryn and Stacey's brother Jason left fans puzzled about the tension between them in Gavin and Stacey, which came to an end in 2010, after referring to "the fishing trip" that changed ...

  11. The Fishing Trip

    The Fishing Trip is a running joke in Gavin & Stacey. It refers to something that happened involving Bryn and Jason on a fishing trip some time before the series began (the Gavin & Stacey book indicates that it occurred late on Saturday 13 August or the early hours of Sunday 14 August, which would make it 2005). Other characters (apart from Dave Coaches, to whom Bryn "confessed") do not know ...

  12. Everything We Know About What Happened on the Fishing Trip on Gavin and

    That is the last we hear about the fishing trip for over a decade. 2019 Christmas Special. It seemed inevitable that the 2019 reunion special would breach the topic of the fishing trip, and indeed, it came up in conversation, with Gwen inadvertently giving Jason and Bryn a framed picture of the duo on the infamous fishing trip.

  13. Gavin & Stacey did explain what happened on fishing trip

    Laura Aikman shares behind-the-scenes clip from Gavin and Stacey. The mystery behind the Gavin and Stacey fishing trip was explained, but the scene was deleted before it aired. The comedy set in ...

  14. Gavin & Stacey writers did reveal what happened on Uncle Bryn's fishing

    Gavin & Stacey writers did reveal what happened on Uncle Bryn's fishing trip - but then axed the scene. 30 December 2019, 10:32. Gavin and Stacey almost revealed what happened on the fishing trip.

  15. What Happened on the Fishing Trip on Gavin and Stacey? 4 Possible

    The next time that the fishing trip is mentioned is in the Christmas special, when Bryn and Jason attempt to bury the hatchet over a glass of Nesquik milkshake. The fishing trip soon comes up, with Jason asking Bryn about whether or not Dave mentions it. Bryn says "there's the occasional comment, the odd look.

  16. Rob Brydon 'haunted' by Gavin And Stacey fishing trip mystery

    Gavin And Stacey fans have spent years wondering what on earth happened between Uncle Bryn and Jason on *that* fishing trip and Rob Brydon has shared his take on what occurred. The mysterious ...

  17. What happened on the fishing trip on Gavin and Stacey? Theories

    What happened on the fishing trip? Many Gavin and Stacey fans were still left wondering what on earth happened on Uncle Bryn's (Rob Brydon) fishing trip with his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort). It was brought up again in the 2019 Christmas special, but was still not explained. We know that what ever happened between Bryn and Jason happened ...

  18. What happened on that fishing trip? Everything we found out in the

    Picture: BBC. The fishing trip has been the stuff of Gavin & Stacey legend - and concerns an ongoing storyline that alludes to something having happened between Uncle Bryn and Jason on on a trip ...

  19. AI gives most likely explanation of what happened on the ...

    While the infamous fishing trip is resolved later in the series and Bryn and Jason do reconcile, it is never revealed exactly what happened. In the absence of a revealed source, we asked AI what ...

  20. Gavin & Stacey explained gay character's fishing trip ...

    Bryn and Jason shared an awkward relationship throughout Gavin & Stacey's original run because of their fishing trip horror. With Jason serving as the show's only openly gay main character, and Bryn's sexuality left open to interpretation, some (straight) viewers jumped to the conclusion that something sexual happened on the trip, despite ...

  21. Great trip with the Pattersons with slot fish and oversized stripers

    Great trip with the Pattersons with slot fish and oversized stripers!. ...

  22. Best Day Trips From Columbus To Take This Summer

    Best Day Trips From Columbus To Take This Summer. While there's no shortage of fun things to do in Columbus, a day trip from the state capital of Ohio might be just the ticket when you're ready for a break from the big city. Its Midwest location makes Columbus a fantastic base for exploring the region, especially as summer arrives and good weather beckons day trippers to nearby destinations.

  23. There's one time when a flounder will float

    Florida's FWC uses a third-party site for buying or renewing fishing licenses: GoOutdoorsFlorida.com. The cost : $17 for an annual license. Don't forget: Whether you're fishing fresh or saltwater ...

  24. What happened on the fishing trip on Gavin and Stacey? Theories

    Many Gavin and Stacey fans were still left wondering what on earth happened on Uncle Bryn's ( Rob Brydon) fishing trip with his nephew Jason (Robert Wilfort). It was brought up again in the 2019 ...

  25. Fishing for the First Time? Here's How and Where to Start

    Photo courtesy of the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation Many anglers daydream about the Zen-like rhythm, meditation, and technique of fly casting. For others, it's about the thrill of ...